



1.基于语料库的中国高级英语学习者程度副词使用情况调查 [J], 宋亚军;贺红艳
2.英语学习者连接副词使用的语料库考察——以对比/让步连接副词为例 [J], 施建刚;邵斌
3.非英语专业学习者笔语中连接副词使用的语料库研究 [J], 陈爱兵
4.中国英语学习者写作中连接词使用情况的语料库分析 [J], 李慧
5.母语、二语学习者学术写作中连接副词使用特征研究——基于同质同源语料库的调查 [J], 汪琴;



语 学习者与 中国学习者 的对 比,语 义透 明的短语动词与语义模糊 的短语动词使 用情 况的对 比以及短语 动词在 中国学习者 书面语和 口语 中使 用情 况的对比,研 究结 果显示短语 动词 自身的语 义特点 以及 习得 顺序 对 中国 学习者的使 用影 响较 大。 此 ,本研究还发现短语动词在 中国学习者的 书面语 中使 用 更为频繁 ,这 与本族语 者恰恰相反 。根 据 以上 特征 ,文章 最 外
ma e d ) k o
采用语料库研 究 的基 本技 术手 段和 方法 ,依 据参 照语 料 库 和学 习者语 料库 在一 系列维 度上 的相 关数 据 ,概括 中 介语 与本 族语 之 间的差 异 、中介语 的模 式 和学 习者行 为
取 向 ,发 掘 中 间 语 的 非 本 族 语 特 征 , 并 探 讨 导 致 这 些 特 征 的 背 后 原 因 ( 乃 兴 ,2 0 ) 卫 06 ,L ue 与 Ei sn (9 3 a fr l so 1 9 )将短语 动 a
词 分 为 以 下 类 : ( )语 义 透 明型 :动 词 和 小 品 词 ( 词 或 副 词 ) 都 保 1 介
国学习者在使用短语动词时所呈现 的特点 。
收稿 日期 : 0 1 4— 9 2 1 —0 0
— —
基 于 学 习者语 料 库 对 比研 究
袁 薇
( 上海交通大学 外 国语学 院,中国 上 海 20 4 ) 0 2 0

要 :本研 究 旨在利 用 L C S ,C E C S C对 中国英语 学 习者短 语动词 的使 用情 况进行探 究。通过本 族 O NE S L C, OL E
词可分为 四类 ,分别为 :
()动词 + 副 词 小 品词 (. .pc p ar u) 1 eg i u ,cryo t k ()动 词 + 介 词 ( .1o t o ku 2 eg o ka,l p o ()动 词 + 小 品词 + 介 词 ( .g t w yw t) 3 eg e a a i h ()其 他 类 (. .tk ok a,tk no acu t 4 eg aeal t a eit co n , o


No. 5
Serial No.54
大学生英语写作中连接词用法的 语料库对比分析
李萍 (广州大学外国语学院, 广东 广州 510405)
摘 要:对连接词的研究是英语写作教学研究中的一个热门话题。本文通过基于语料库的研究方法调查分析学习者英 语写作中连接词的使用现况以及与英语母语者之间存在的差异,目的在于了解目前大学生在英语写作中运用连接词时存 在的问题,并提出可行的解决方法。用于研究的小型学习者写作语料库 (Learner corpus of English Writing, LCEW )为作者自 建,作为对比分析的母语写作语料库为 LOCNESS 语料库,由英美学生的作文语料构成,其中美国大学生的写作语料被用作 本研究的对比语料。研究发现与母语者相比,学习者在写作中过分依赖连接词的使用,部分常用连接词的使用频率远远高 于母语者。除此之外,学习者倾向于把连接词用在句首,进一步的句例分析还发现学习者误用和错用连接词的现象。研究结 果显示现有的相关教材和教学方法对学习者过多使用、错用和误用连接词有一定的关联。作者认为合适的英语语料库可以 成为教师和学习者改进目前状况的教学资源,充分了解连接词在真实语境中的运用能够有效帮助学习者选择恰当的连接 词来表示语篇的连贯,最终达到改进英语写作教学的目的。
2.2 两个语料库的确立 用于本研究的学习者语料库是笔者自建的用于特殊目 的小型写作语料库,自建语料库的目的在于研究者能够根 据研究目的、有针对性地分析学习者在使用连接词方面存 在的问题。目前国内能供研究者使用的学习者语料库主要 有桂诗春、杨惠中等建立的中国学习者语料库(CLEC,2003) 和文秋芳等建立的中国学生英语口笔语语料库(SWECCL, 2008)。这些大型的语料库对于了解中国学习者普遍存在的 问题有一定的帮助,但由于建库语料只能限制在某段时间, 某个学习群体,对于特定的研究目的,不同群体学习者存在 的问题也是不同的。非英语专业的学生在中国是大学英语 教学中最大的一个群体,他们在英语学习上存在的问题往 往反映了学习者目前存在的主要问题。为了更客观地了解 非英语专业大学生这个群体使用连接词的现状,笔者选择 了任教的某大学本科二年级学生和研究生一年级学生的作 文作为研究语料,自建了学习者写作语料库(Learner Corpus of English Writing, LCEW)。笔者作为既是建库者又是研究 者的身份能够更为客观有效地调查分析学习者使用连接词 的现状。 学习者写作语料库(LCEW)由两个子库组成,:本科生 写 作 语 料 库 (Undergraduate Corpus of English Writing, UCEW) 和 研 究 生 写 作 语 料 库 (Postgraduate Corpus of English Writing, PCEW)。UCEW 语料库由 236 篇本科大学 生的英语议论文构成,词量为 38327 词次;PCEW 语料库由 258 篇研究生的英语议论文构成,词量为 54749 词次。学习 者写作语料库总词量为 93076 词次,符合现有研究的需要。 由于目前国际通用的一些大型语料库都没有专门设立大学



Re l al v Ex r mey te l Do tn r wn o e s Rah r te
tt oa l
12 24
93 9
过 对 比 , 察 L B 英 语 本 族 语 者 通 用 语 料 库 ) HP ( 高校 英 语 专 业 观 O( 和 S某
研 究 生 论 文) , 度 副 词 出 现 的频 率 、 频 搭 配 、 配频 数 、 配词 的 者 在使 用 程 度 副 词 时 的 独 有 特点 : 中 程 高 搭 搭 3 1 率 方 面 .频 语 义色 彩 等 , 体 分 析 程 度 副词 使 用 特 点 以及 倾 向于 搭 配何 种 语 义 色 具 从 整 体 上 来 说 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 族 语 者 使用 程 度 副词 的频 数 要 高 于这 些 中 国高 本 彩 的词 ; 同时 试 图 找 出 中 国 高级 英 语 学 习 者 和英 语 本 族 语 者 在 程度 副 级 英 语 学 习 者 , 说 明本 族 语 者 使 用 这 些 副词 的 总 体 能 力 较 强 , 有 这 但 词使 用 方 面 的差 异 。 三 个 程 度 副 词 我 们 要 注 意 , tl,x e l t ayet mey和 rte , 三 个 程 度 副词 ol r ahr这
大 都呈 现 出积 极 意 义 的 词 汇 并 呈 现积 极 的语 义特 点 , 么该 词 就具 有 那
积 极语 义韵 。 反 , 果 某 一 词 的 搭 配 词 项 大 都具 有 消极 的语 义 特 点 , 相 如 该 词 就 具 有 消 极 语 义 韵 , 性语 意韵 就 是 该 词 的搭 配 词 项 既 反 映积 极 中
Amp i e l r i f



【摘要】采用基于语料库的"中介语对比分析法",分别以中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)和由Mark Davies 开发的BYU-BNC①语料库为基础,利用WordSmith Tools,以节点词rather和quite为例,将两个语料库中显著形容词搭配词的语义特征进行对比分析,调查中国英语学习者在书面语中程度副词与形容词搭配时所呈现出的语义韵特征.研究结果表明,中国大学生在程度副词搭配方面所呈现出的语义韵特征与本族语者的使用惯例之间有显著差异,可归纳为三个特征:1.典型搭配使用频率较低,且随意性较大;2. 语义韵冲突,不和谐;3. 词语搭配类型偏少,语义范围狭窄.【总页数】5页(P98-102)
1.基于语料库的程度副词类联接和语义韵对比研究 [J], 秦建华
2.程度副词TOTALLY和FULLY的语义韵对比分析——一项基于BNC和CLEC语料库的研究 [J], 韩亚华
3.基于语料库的英语中程度副词语义韵对比研究 [J], 孙磊
4.基于语料库的英语中程度副词语义韵对比研究 [J], 孙磊
5.《基于语料库的汉英语义基元的语义韵对比研究》简介 [J],


习 者 在 书 面语 中程 度 副词 与 形 容 词 搭 配 时 所 呈 现 出 的语 义 韵特征 。
浓重的语义搭配氛 围——语 义韵 (e ni poo y 。 sma t rsd ) c 语义韵是指其 典型搭配词具有某种语义特点, 并非关键
词 本 身有 多 少 明 显 的积 极 意 义 或 消 极 意 义 ( 乃 兴 ,0 2 ) 卫 20 b 。 同时, 具有 相 同 语 义 特 点 的 搭 配词 项 常 常 因词 的 内 涵 或 所 含
构成搭 配。由于这些具 有相同或相 似语义特点 的单词反 复
地在语 境 中与 节 点 词 在 文 本 中高 频 共 现, 点 词 ( o e 节 n d
w r) od 也就 具 有 了 相关 的语 义 特 点 , 个 语 境 就 弥 漫 了某 种 整
Wod m t o l, rS i T os将两个语 料 库 中所 出现 的节点 词 rte h ah r 和 q i 搭配词的语义特征进行 对 比分析 , ut e 调查 中 国英语 学
范 围狭 窄。 关键 词 : 度 副 词 ; 义 韵 ; 义韵 冲 突 ; 义 范围 狭 窄 程 语 语 语
中图 分 类 号 : 1. H3 9 9
文 献标 志码 : A

有些英语词汇的搭 配行为存在着特殊的语义趋 向, 它们
用 目的 或 功 能 。 因此 , 语 义 韵 视 角 观 察 和 研究 学 生 的 中介 从
唐 丽 玲
( 甘肃 政 法 学 院 人 文 学 院 , 甘肃 兰 州 70 7 ) 30 0

要: 采用基 于语料库的“ 中介语对 比分析 法” 分别 以中国学习者 英语 语料 库( L C 和 由 MakD ve , CE ) r a i s开发的


2 0 1 5年3月 第4 7卷 第2期
外语教学与研究 ( 外国语文双月刊 ) ) F o r e i n L a n u a e T e a c h i n a n d R e s e a r c h( b i m o n t h l g g g g y
M a r . 2 0 1 5 V o l . 4 7N o . 2
基于语料库的英汉文学作品 衔接性副词对比研究
同济大学/上海外国语大学 许文胜

不 仅 可 以 使 言 辞 更 加 婉 转、 幽 默、 细 提要 :副词在语言表述上有 不 可 替 代 的 作 用 , 致和透僻 , 还可以使语篇连贯 , 语义表达更准确 、 精当 。 其 中 , 衔接性副词对于句子间逻 各种 想 法 和 观 点 藉 以 有 效 地 组 织 起 来 , 或 表 达 条 件、 假设和因 辑关系的安排尤为重要 , 果, 或强调 、 铺陈乃至转 折 , 使 得 行 文 更 具 逻 辑 表 达 的 流 畅 性。本 文 在 “ 英汉名著语料 ( 库” 的基础上 , 从副词的语法类属视角 , 分析英汉语语篇连接中衔接 性 副 词 使 用 E C C C) 的异同 , 对关乎语篇内在逻辑连贯的衔接性副词语际转换进行定量考察和描述 。 语料库 、 对比研究 关键词 :衔接性副词 、 ( ) 中 图分类号 ]H 文 献标识码 ] 文 章编号 ] 0 3 A [ 1 0 0 0 0 4 2 9 2 0 1 5 0 2 0 2 1 4 1 1 [ [ - - -
( 基于语科库的英汉文学译本描写理想模型研究 ” 和中国博 1 3 B YY 0 2 2) * 本文系国家社科基金项目 “ ) 士后科学基金资助项目 ( 的阶段性成果 。 2 0 1 3 M 5 4 1 5 3 6















该语料库运用语料库语言学和计算机科学技术建成一个包括我国中学生、大学英语4级和6级、英语专业低年级和高年级学生在内的共五个子库一百多万词的书面英语语料库(ChineseLearner English Corpus,简称CLEC),并对所有的语料进行语法标注和言语失误标注,是世界上第一部正式向外公布的含有言语失误标注的英语学习者语料库。







本研究以英国国家语料库(BNC)的笔语子语料库为参照语料库,使用AntConc 3.2.1w、BFSU Collocator1.0, PatternBuilder等工具,对中国学生英语口笔语语料库(SWECCL 2.0)的子语料库WECCL中的中国英语学习者使用副词的频率、超用、使用不足现象和搭配特征进行了研究,从而发现中国大学英语学习者副词的使用行为特征,并对形成该使用特征的原因进行了讨论和分析。







【英文摘要】In the twentieth century, the corpus has been widely used to analyze interlanguage. Because adverbs play an important role in daily communications, especially in expressing speakers’attitudes, the thesis chooses adverbs as its studying subject. With the help of tools such as AntConc3.2.1w, BFSU Collocator1.0, PatternBuilder, etc, the study has employed the written English sub-corpus of British National Corpus (BNC) as a reference corpus, and thoroughly examined the frequency, overusing, underusing and collocations of adverbs in the Written English sub-corpus of Chinese Learners (WECCL 2.0) of Spoken and Written Corpus of Chinese Learners (SWECCL 2.0). The researcher has also made discussion and analyzed the causes of the adverbial using features of Chinese college English learners.The adverbial using features of Chinese college English learners include the following aspects:First, Chinese college English learners have the tendency to use degree adverbs, wh-general adverbs and general adverbs in their writing. Those three types of adverbs make up 70% of the total top-20 most-frequently used adverbs.Second, comparing with native speakers’ speaking and writing in BNC,80% of Chinese most-frequently used adverbs areunder-used.85% of the top-20 least-frequently used adverbs of Chinese college English learners are also underused compared with the native speakers. With regard to the common collocations of top-5 frequently used adverbs of Chinese college English learners, like not, but, some, what, first, and same, the word variety and proficiency of their adverbial collocations with verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, their word variety and proficiency are much poorer and more tedious than native speakers.It was partly influenced by the native language negative transfer and incompetent mastery of adverbs, and partly affected by the sole argumentative type of writing of College English Test Band 4 and Band 6 and inadequate language input. The present research is valuable to provide some constructive suggestions for the lexical teaching, particularly adverbial teaching in China’s college education.【关键词】基于语料库的研究方法对比分析中介语分析副词【英文关键词】Corpus-based approach contrastive analysis interlanguage analysis adverb【目录】基于语料库的中国大学英语学习者副词使用行为特征研究Acknowledgements4-5Abstract5摘要7-8Contents8-11List of Figures11-13List of Abbreviations13-14Chapter OneIntroduction14-18 1.1 Origin of the study14-15 1.2 Necessity and significance of the study15-16 1.3 Objectives of the study16 1.4 Organization of the thesis16-17 1.5 Summary17-18Chapter Two Literature Review18-31 2.1 Studies on corpus linguistics and adverbial usage abroad18-24 2.1.1 Studies on corpus linguistics18-21 Theoretical corpus study18-20 Practical corpus study20-21 2.1.2 Studies on English adverb21-23 Definitions of adverbs21-22 Classifications and functions of adverbs22-23 2.1.3 Corpus-based studies on adverbs23-24 2.2 Studies on corpus linguistics and adverbial usage at home24-30 2.2.1 Chinese studies on corpus linguistics24-27 Theoretical corpus studies25-26 Practical corpus studies26-27 2.2.2 Chinese Studies on adverbs27-29 Definitions and classifications of adverbs27-28 Functions and locations of adverbs28-29 2.2.3 Chinese corpus-based studies on adverbs29-30 2.3 Summary30-31Chapter ThreeMethodology31-42 3.1 Research questions31 3.2 Research materials31-36 3.2.1 Adverbial data from WECCL31-34 3.2.2 Adverbial data from BNC34-36 3.3 Method and tools36-37 3.4 Data collections and analysis procedures37-41 3.5 Summary41-42Chapter Four Results and Discussion42-63 4.1 The overall adverbial using features of Chinese college English learners42-54 4.2 The different adverbial using features between Chinese college English learners and native speakers of English54-62 4.2.1 The overused adverbs of Chinese college English learners55-56 4.2.2 The underused adverbs of Chinese college English learners56-57 4.2.3 The unusual adverbial collocations of top-5 overused adverbs of Chinese college English learners57-62 4.3 Summary62-63Chapter Five Conclusion63-67 5.1 Major findings of the study63-64 5.2 Pedagogical implications of the study64-65 5.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further researches65 5.4 Summary65-67Works Cited67-72Appendice72-100Appendix A The top-100 most-frequently used adverbs by Chinese collegeEnglish learners72-75Appendix B The top-100 least-frequentlyused adverbs by Chinese collegeEnglish learners75-78Appendix C The top-100 most-frequently used adverbs by native speakers ofEnglish78-81Appendix D The rank of the top-100 most-frequently used adverbs of Chinesecollege English learners in WECCL compared with BNC81-84Appendix E The chi-square calculating test of the top-100 most-frequently usedadverbs of Chinese college English learners84-88Appendix F The rank of the top-100 least-frequently used adverbs of Chinesecollege English learners in WECCL compared with BNC88-92Appendix G The chi-square calculating test of the top-100 least-frequently usedadverbs of Chinese college English learners92-96Appendix H CLAWS 4 tag set96-100Publications100。








英语写作中,实现篇章连贯的方法之一是使用副词性衔接语,例如:in addition、besides、for example、to sum up等。


二、文献回顾(一)副词性衔接语的分类Halliday & Hasan (1976)将体现连接成分的关系分为四大类,即增补、转折、原因和时间。

Biber (2000)则将其分为六大类:列举、总结、同位、结果/推论、对比/让步和过渡。



Narita & Sugiura(2006)针对日语学生在其英语写作中所使用的25个副词性衔接语的使用与分布情况做了研究,发现存在过多使用和过少使用副词性衔接语的情况,同时日本学生倾向于把副词性衔接语放在句首。







如下面两个例句:(1)彼力空入E彳一?始G-时点、契机)(2)彼?入—EF—H始GIJ k。




其中,前田-1994( 2009)指出「是表示逆接条件的接续助词,可以表示假说条件和事实条件,然而并没有详细论述关于「c:;<>」的意义分类。



如例(3):(3)K<頼人怎引吉受QAH L S$(『日本語文型辞典』1998:334)即使你再怎么他,他大概也不会答应你的。



2252020年19期总第511期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS连接副词therefore 的用法:基于语料库的研究文/萧昕桐 张丹霞分为三种:句首、句中和句末。










【关键词】语料库;学习者;连接副词;therefore【Abstract】Connectives play an important role in discourse cohesion. Based on corpus, this article uses causalconnective therefore as the research object. It comparatively analyzes differences in Chinese-English learners’ and native speakers’ use of this word to explore the use position and use form of therefore from a micro perspective. The study finds that Chinese-English learners use the word therefore more rigidly regardless of the use position and use form, compared with native speakers. Based on this, the study further analyzes the causes and puts forwards practicalsuggestions to improve the written ability of Chinese-English learners.【Key words】corpus; learners; connectives; therefore【作者简介】萧昕桐(1998.08.11-),女,广州人,华南师范大学外国语言文化学院,全日制本科生;张丹霞(1998.03.23-),女,汕头人,华南师范大学外国语言文化学院,全日制本科生;张丹霞(1998.03.23-),女,汕头人,华南师范大学外国语言文化学院,全日制本科生。









单个转折连接副词:中国学习者在however、instead和in/by contrast的使用上均多于法国和阿拉伯学习者;中国学习者在on the other hand的使用上均少于法国和阿拉伯学习者。






关键词:转折连接副词;书面语语料库;中介语对比分析CONTENTSABSTRACT (i)摘要 (ii)List of Figures (vi)List of Tables (vii)List of Abbreviations (viii)Chapter One Introduction (1)1.1Background (1)1.2Objectives and Significance (2)1.3Organization of the Paper (3)Chapter Two Literature Review (4)2.1Linking Adverbials (4)2.1.1Definition and Function of Linking Adverbials (4)2.1.2Classification of Linking Adverbials (5) Adverbials Classified by Halliday and Hasan (6) Adverbials Classified by Biber et al (8) Adverbials Classified by Liu (9)2.1.3Adversative Linking Adverbials (11) of Adversative Linking Adverbials (11) Linking Adverbials in the Present Study (11)2.2Previous Studies on Linking Adverbials (12)2.2.1Research Object (12)2.2.2Corpus Selection (14)2.2.3Research Content (15)2.2.4Frequency Calculation (16)2.2.5Evaluation on the Previous Studies (17)2.3Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (18)Chapter Three Methodology (20)3.1Research Questions (20)3.2ETS Corpus as Research Instrument (20)3.3Software Tools (22)3.4Research Procedures (25)3.4.1Selection and Identification of Adversative Linking Adverbials (26)3.4.2Data Collection and Analysis (28)Chapter Four Results and Discussion (32)4.1Adversative Linking Adverbials in Different L1Corpora (32)4.1.1Frequency of Adversative Linking Adverbials (32) Frequency of Adversative Linking Adverbials (32) Used and10Least Used Adversative LinkingAdverbials (34) Specific Adversative Linking Adverbials of Significant Difference364.1.2Richness of Adversative Linking Adverbials (39)4.1.3Position of Adversative Linking Adverbials (41)4.2A Case Study of However (44)4.2.1Frequency of However (44)4.2.2Position of However (45)4.2.3Semantic Meaning and Function of However (46)4.2.4Misuse of However (50)4.3Adversative Linking Adverbials in ZHO With Different Grade Groups (53)4.3.1Frequency of Adversative Linking Adverbials in High,Medium and LowGrade (53)4.3.2Position of Adversative Linking Adverbials in High,Medium and Low Grade584.4Summary (62)Chapter Five Conclusion (64)5.1Major Findings of the Study (64)5.2Pedagogical Implications (66)5.3Limitations and Further Suggestions (69)Bibliography (70)Appendix1 (74)Appendix2 (76)Acknowledgements (78)List of FiguresFigure2.1Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis (18)Figure3.1Language Families Distribution of ETS (21)Figure3.2Research Procedures (25)Figure3.3Concordance of However in ZHO(1) (30)Figure3.4Concordance of However in ZHO(2) (30)Figure3.5Concordance of However in ZHO(3) (30)Figure3.6Frequency of29Adversative Linking Adverbials in SPSS (31)Figure3.7Log-likelihood Ratio of Adversative Linking Adverbials (31)Figure4.1Top10Frequently Used Adversative Linking Adverbials in ZHO (34)Figure4.2Top10Frequently Used Adversative Linking Adverbials in FRA (34)Figure4.3Top10Frequently Used Adversative Linking Adverbials in ARA (35)Figure4.4Article Written by Chinese FEL Learner (41)Figure4.5Position Distribution of Adversative Linking Adverbials (44)Figure4.6Frequency of Adversative Linking Adverbials in High,Medium and Low Grade54 Figure4.7Likelihood Ratio Test and Cramer’s V Test of the Overall Frequency in High, Medium and Low Grade (55)Figure4.8Scree Plot of Correspondence Analysis(1) (55)Figure4.9Contribution of Columns to Dim-1(1) (56)Figure4.10Contribution of Columns to Dim-2(1) (56)Figure4.11CA-Biplot of the Frequency Distribution in High,Medium and Low Grade..57 Figure4.12Likelihood Ratio Test and Cramer’s V Test of the Positional Distribution in High,Medium and Low Grade (59)Figure4.13Scree Plot of Correspondence Analysis(2) (60)Figure4.14Contribution of Columns to Dim-1(2) (60)Figure4.15Contribution of Columns to Dim-2(2) (60)Figure4.16CA-Biplot of the Position Distribution in High,Medium and Low Grade (61)List of TablesTable2.1Classification of Linking Adverbials by Halliday and Hasan(1976) (6)Table2.2Classification of Linking Adverbials by Halliday and Hasan(1985) (7)Table2.3Classification of Linking Adverbials by Biber et al (9)Table2.4Classification of Linking Adverbials by Liu (9)Table2.5Adversative Linking Adverbials Selected in the Present Research (12)Table2.6Functions of Different Contrasts in CIA (19)Table3.1General Information of ZHO,FRA and ARA (22)Table3.2Liu’s Classification of Adversative Linking Adverbials (26)Table4.1Overall Frequency Distribution of Adversative Linking Adverbials (33)Table4.2Cramer’s V Test of the Overall Frequency in ZHO,FRA and ARA (33)Table4.310Least Used Adversative Linking Adverbials in ZHO,FRA and ARA (36)Table4.4Log-likelihood Ratio of the Frequency of Individual Adversative Linking Adverbial in ZHO and FRA (36)Table4.5Log-likelihood Ratio of the Frequency of Individual Adversative Linking Adverbial in ZHO and ARA (37)Table4.6Log-likelihood Ratio of the Frequency of Individual Adversative Linking Adverbial in FRA and ARA (38)Table4.7Adversative Linking Adverbials Used More by Chinese EFL Learners (39)Table4.8Adversative Linking Adverbials Used Less by Chinese EFL Learners (39)Table4.9Richness of Adversative Linking Adverbials in ZHO,FRA and ARA (40)Table4.10Position of Adversative Linking Adverbials in ZHO,FRA and ARA (42)Table4.11Overall Frequency Distribution of However (45)Table4.12Position of However in ZHO,FRA and ARA (46)Table4.13Overall Frequency of Adversative Linking Adverbials in High,Medium and Low Grade (54)Table4.14Position of Adversative Linking Adverbials in High,Medium and Low Grade58List of AbbreviationsARA Sub-corpus of Arabic EFL learnersCA Correspondence AnalysisCIA Contrastive Interlanguage AnalysisEFL English as a Foreign LanguageESL English as a Second LanguageETS ETS Corpus of Non-native Written English FRA Sub-corpus of French EFL learnersL1First languageLL Log-likelihood RatioZHO Sub-corpus of Chinese EFL learnersChapter OneIntroductionThis chapter offers a general introduction to the current study with regard to its background,theoretical construct,and objectives as well as significance.“Linking adverbials,as important cohesive devices,connect two stretches of discourse”(Conrad, 1999:3).And here“stretches of discourse”can be of different size including“phrases, sentence,paragraphs or longer”(Biber et al.,1999:549).They play an instrumental role in making a text logically cohesive.Therefore,the study of linking adverbials is very important for providing discourse cohesion,and it is also conducive to the second language acquisition.1.1BackgroundIn the book Cohesion in English which is published in1976,Halliday and Hasan argue that coherence and cohesion,which can be reached with the successful application of cohesive devices,are two important factors for the quality of a text.Linking adverbials, as devices to achieve text coherence and cohesion,play a critical role in the text,and thus received considerable attention.It is crucial for language learners to have a good knowledge of linking adverbials in the language learning and application.However,it is problematic for EFL learners as not being able to appropriately use linking adverbials (Crewe,1990;Altenberg&Tapper,1998;Liu,2008;Chen,2014).Thus,the use of linking adverbials warrants more intense attention.The category of contrast/concession[adversative]is broader than many other categories of liking adverbials,containing items that in some way mark incompatibility between information in different discourse units,or that signal concessive relationships.(Biber et al.,1999:878)With such consideration on mind,this study focuses on the adversative linking adverbials for close observation and analysis.In the study of linking adverbials,researchers mainly compare English learners(ESLlearners or EFL learners)with native speakers,and invariably reach some findings as overuse,underuse and misuse.In this way,it is impossible to explain whether the using tendency is influenced by their L1background or the universality of learners.However, distinguishing L1-related features from the universal is critical to second language acquisition and teaching practice,because it enables us to better understand the L1-related difference in order to solve the difficulties faced by learners with different L1backgrounds. Therefore,based on ETS corpus,this paper takes adversative linking adverbials as research focus adopting the Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis(CIA)approach.Through the contrast between learners of different L1backgrounds,this paper attempts to find out the using features of Chinese EFL learners.1.2Objectives and SignificanceThe present study is a corpus-based study on linking adverbials in ETS.In addition to corpus-based analysis,this study also adopts CIA as a theoretical basis,which focuses more on the revealing of the language features of EFL learners.The present study tends to explore the usage of linking adverbials in EFL learners’writings.This paper has certain research significance in theory and practice.On the theoretical level,based on CIA,previous studies have focused more on the contrast between native speakers and non-native speakers,and less on the contrastive analysis between non-native speakers.This study helps to apply CIA into practice,enriching the theoretical connotation and expanding the scope of interlanguage theory.At the practical level,the significance of learner language research for language learning and language teaching is self-evident.Teaching materials and teaching activities tailored to learners must be based on an in-depth understanding of learners,and this study can provide a reference for English teaching.Through this research,we can better understand the relationship between the L1background and the using tendency of linking adverbials.And EFL learners can improve their use strategies by reflecting on their own use.Teachers need to develop targeted guidance programs to solve specific usage problems and provide more specific and effective methods for teaching practice.1.3Organization of the PaperThe present thesis is partitioned into five chapters as follows.Chapter one is an introduction,which firstly introduces the background of this study. Next,objectives and significance of the study are expounded.The last part is the organization of the paper.Chapter two is the literature review.This chapter starts with the introduction of linking adverbials in detail,and then reviews the related domestic and foreign researches on linking adverbials from the aspects of research object,corpus selection,content and calculation.It ends up with some relevant theories of this study.Chapter three deals with the methodology.First of all,the research questions are stated.Secondly,the corpus and instruments used in the study are described.The last is the research procedures,including the selection and identification of adversative linking adverbials,data collection and analysis.Chapter four makes a statistical analysis of frequency distribution,richness distribution and positional distribution of adversative linking adverbials in the three corpora,and the contrastive analysis is made between Chinese EFL learners,French EFL learners and Arabic EFL learners.Chapter five is the conclusion of the study.This chapter summarizes the main findings,gives pedagogical enlightenment,expounds the limitations of the study and puts forward some suggestions for the future study.Chapter TwoLiterature ReviewThis chapter consists of three parts.It begins with the introduction of linking adverbials,including the definition,function and classification of linking adverbials.This study focuses on adversative linking adverbials,so adversative linking adverbials are introduced in detail.Then it reviews the domestic and foreign researches on linking adverbials from the aspects of research object,corpus selection,content and calculation.In addition,the theory of CIA is introduced,which lays a theoretical foundation for the study.2.1Linking AdverbialsIn the following parts,the definition,function and classification of linking adverbials will be discussed.First of all,12items referring to the same or similar meaning of linking adverbials will be presented.Then the classification of linking adverbials by Halliday and Hasan(1976),Biber et al.(1999)and Liu(2008)will be compared.Finally,adversative linking adverbials,one kind of the linking adverbials,will be introduced in detail,and the 29adversative linking adverbials selected in this study will be given in a table.2.1.1Definition and Function of Linking AdverbialsLinking adverbials“serve to make semantic connections between spans of discourse of varying length,thus contributing to the cohesion of discourse”(Biber et al.,1999:558). Linking adverbials are vital to textual cohesion,as well as to the logicality of discourse.Linking adverbials are defined differently by different linguists.There are also about 12items that have the same or similar meaning as linking adverbials,such as conjunctions (Halliday&Hasan,1976:227),rhetorical organizers(Brown&Yule,1983:87),discourse markers(Schiffrin,1987:49),adverbial connectors(Alterberg&Tapper,1998:80), conjunctive adverbials(Bussmann,1996:95;Celce-Murcia&Larsen-Freeman,1999:522; Kaplan,1995:160),logical connectors(Celce-Murcia&Larsen-Freeman,1999:519), connectives(Finch,2000:91),conjuncts(Finch,2000:91;Wales,2001:77),connectiveadverbs(Huddleston&Pullum,2002:1319),connective adjuncts(Huddleston&Pullum, 2002:775),linking adverbs(Sinclair,2005:533),linking adjuncts(Carter&McCarthy, 2006:539).Halliday and Hasan(1976:227)adopted the term of“conjunctions”in Cohesion in English.They pointed out that“it is a kind of semantic relation which functions as a specification of the way in which what is to follow is systematically connected to what has gone before”.In addition,Quirk et al.(1985:631)regarded linking adverbials as implicature of“how the speaker views the connection between two linguistic units”. Furthermore,“linking adverbials”this term is firstly put forward by Biber,Johansson, Leech,Conrad and Finegan in the book Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English in the year of1999.Biber et al.(1999:875)held thatthe primary function of linking adverbials is to state the speaker/writers’perception of the relationship between two units of discourse.Because they explicitly signal the connections between passages of text,linking adverbials are important devices for creating textual cohesion,alongside coordinators and subordinators.The present study selects“linking adverbials”(Biber et al.,1999:875)as the working term,for this term can clearly show both the linking function and logical semantic relation in a discourse.On one hand,the word“linking”literally tells us that it is used to link different elements into a whole,which is clearer and much more familiar to the general public than the word“conjunctive”.On the other hand,“the word‘adverbial’is more inclusive than the word‘adverb’because the latter excludes linking adverbials composed of two or more words,such as in contrast and on the contrary”(Liu,2008:493).2.1.2Classifications of Linking AdverbialsResearchers at home and abroad made a detailed classification on Linking Adverbials in different ways,such as Halliday and Hasan(1976),Biber et al.(1999)and some other linguists.Considering the research questions of the present study,the classifications based on semantics are adopted and mainly analyzed in this section. Adverbials Classified by Halliday and HasanHalliday and Hason(1976)firstly adopted a scheme of four categories:additive, adversative,causal and temporal in the book of Cohesion in English.Additive means a succeeding sentence supplies some additional information to the preceding sentence(e.g. and,or,furthermore,in other words,etc.).Adversative means the second sentence conveys the opposite or contrastive information with the first one(e.g.yet,but,however,otherwise, on the contrary,etc.).Causal refer to the cause-effect relations(e.g.so,then,therefore, consequently,as a result,etc.).Temporal means that between the two successive sentences: the one is subsequent to the other(e.g.then,first,meanwhile,finally,in conclusion,etc.). The detailed classification is presented in the following Table2.1.Table2.1Classification of Linking Adverbials by Halliday and Hasan(1976) Category ItemAdditive and,and also,nor,and...not,or,or else,furthermore,in addition,besides,alternatively, incidentally,by the way,that is,I mean,in other words,for instance,thus,likewise,similarly,in the same way,on the other hand,by contrary,etc.Adversative yet,though,only,but,however,nevertheless,despite this,in fact,actually,as a matter of fact,but,however,on the other hand,at the same time,instead,rather,on the contrary,at least,rather,I mean,in any case,whichever way it is,in either case,anyhow,at anyrate,however it is,etc.Causal so,then,hence,therefore,consequently,accordingly,because of this,for this reason,on account of this,as a result,in consequence,for this purpose,for,because,it follows,onthis basis,arising out of this,to this end,in that case,in such an event,that being so,under the circumstances,in this respect,in this regard,etc.Temporal after that,just then,at the same time,previously,before that,finally,at least,first...then, at first...in the end,at once,thereupon,soon,after a time,next time,meanwhile,untilthen,at this moment,then,next,up to now,from now on,henceforward,etc.Later,Halliday(1985)modified the earlier classification and divided linking adverbials into three categories:elaboration,extension and enhancement in his book An Introduction to Functional Grammar.Elaboration means one sentence elaborates the meaning of the other sentence.Elaboration includes apposition and clarification. Apposition can be divided into expository and exemplifying linking adverbials,such as that is,for instance.Clarification also can be further divided into corrective,distractive, dismissive,particularizing,resumptive,summative and verifactive linking adverbials.Extension means one sentence adds some new information to the other sentence,thus extends the meaning of the preceding sentence.Extension includes addition,adversative and variation:addition covers positive and negative linking adverbials;variation incorporates replasive,substractive and alternative linking adverbials.Enhancement means one sentence enhances the meaning of the other sentence.Enhancement includes spatio-temporal,manner,causal,conditional and matter:spatio-temporal can be divided into simple,complex,simple internal linking adverbials;manner covers comparison and means linking adverbials;causal covers general and specific linking adverbials; conditional covers positive,negative and concessive linking adverbials.The revised classification of linking adverbials is listed in Table2.2.Table2.2Classification of Linking Adverbials by Halliday and Hasan(1985) Category ItemElaboration Apposition Expository in other words,that is(to say),to put it anotherway,etc.Exemplifying for example,for instance,thus,to illustrate,etc.Clarification Corrective or rather,at least,be more precise,etc.Distractive by the way,incidentally,etc.Dismissive in any case,anyway,leaving that aside,etc.Particularizing in particular,more especially,etc.Resumptive as I was saying,to resume,to get back to thepoint,etc.Summative in short,to sum up,in conclusion,briefly,etc.Verifactive actually,as a matter of fact,in fact,etc. Extension Addition Positive and,also,moreover,in addition,etc.Negative nor,neither…nor,etc.Adversative but,yet,on the other hand,however,etc.Variation Replasive instead,on the contrary,etc.Substractive apart from that,except for that,etc.Alternative alternatively,etc.Enhancement Spatio-temporal Simple then,next,at the same time,before that,in theend,etc.Complex at once,thereupon,soon,meanwhile,all thattime,until then,at this moment,etc.Simple internal now,at this point,up to now,lastly,etc.Manner Comparison likewise,similarly,in a different way,etc.Continued on the next pageTo be continuedMeans thus,thereby,etc.Causal General so,therefore,consequently,hence,for,becauseof that,etc.Specific in consequence,as a result,on account of this,for that purpose,with this in view,etc.Conditional Positive in that case,in that event,under thecircumstances,etc.Negative if not,otherwise,etc.Concessive though,yet,still,despite this,however,even so,all the same,nevertheless,etc.Matter here,as to that,in other respect,elsewhere,etc. Adverbials Classified by Biber et al.Biber et al.(1999:875-880)proposed another list for classification in his Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English.They argued that a variety of different relationships can be marked by linking adverbials and they distinguished six general semantic categories:enumeration and addition,summation,apposition,result/inference, contrast/concession and transition.Enumerative linking adverbials can be used to show the order of pieces of information.Enumerative linking adverbials can follow logical or time sequences,or they can simply be used to move on to the next piece of information. Similar to enumerative linking adverbials,additive linking adverbials link items together. They state explicitly that two items are similar to each other.Summative linking adverbials explicitly state that the text is concluding.They often signal that the author will summarize the information he or she has already presented.Appositive linking adverbials can show that the following piece of information is a restatement of the previous information by expressing it in slightly different manner to make it more explicit.In addition,appositive linking adverbials are used to introduce an example that is the equivalent of the first piece of information.Resultive/inferential linking adverbials demonstrate to readers that the following textual element is the result or consequence of the previous information.Contrastive/concessive linking adverbials signal differences or alternatives between two pieces of information.Transitional linking adverbials signals that the following item will not directly follow the previous item.However,this does not meanthat the information is not related at all,just that is not directly related.The detailed classification is presented in following Table2.3.Table2.3Classification of Linking Adverbials by Biber et al.(1999) Category ItemEnumeration and Addition first(ly),second(y),third(ly),in the first/second place,first of all,to beginwith,for another thing,for one thing,next,finally,lastly,in addition,further,furthermore,similarly,also,by the same,likewise,moreover,additionally,etc.Summation overall,to conclude,altogether,in conclusion,in sum,all in all,tosummarize,etc.Apposition namely,which to say,that is,in other words,for instance,for example,specially,etc.Result/Inference therefore,thus,consequently,so,etc.Contrast/Concession though,alternatively,however,on the other hand,in contrast,anyway,yet,conversely,instead,on the contrary,in contrast,by comparison,anyhow,besides,nevertheless,still,in any case,at any rate,in spite ofthat,after all,etc.Transition incidentally,by the way,now,etc. Adverbials Classified by LiuLiu(2008)continued to discuss linking adverbials in the paper An across-register corpus study and its implications.In his research,Liu has selected110linking adverbials and has also given a new classification in his research.He classified linking adverbials into four categories with thirteen subcategories.Four categories are additive,adversative, causal/resultative and sequential.Each category includes subcategories.Additive includes emphatic,apposition/reformulation,similarity comparative.Adversative includes proper adversative/concessive,contrastive,correction,dismissal.Causal/resultative includes general causal,conditional causal.Sequential includes enumerative/listing,simultaneous, summative,transitional to another topic,etc.The detailed classification is presented in following Table2.4.Table2.4Classification of Linking Adverbials by Liu(2008)Category ItemAdditive Emphatic above all,additionally,again,also,as I/they/you say,as well,as amatter of fact,besides,in addition(to),further,furthermore,moreover,not to mention,of course,to crown it all,to cap it all,Continued on the next page9Apposition/ Reformulation i.e.,that is,that is to say,in other words,for example,for instance,for one thing,namely,to put it another way,to put it bluntly/mildly,what I’m saying is,what I mean is,which is to saySimilarity comparative alternatively,by the same token,correspondingly,likewise, similarlyAdversative Proper at the same time,however,nevertheless,nonetheless,of course, Adversative/Concessivethen again,though,yetContrastive actually,as a matter of fact,conversely,in/by comparison,in/bycontrast,in fact,in reality,on the other handCorrection instead,on the contrary,ratherDismissal admittedly,after all,all the same,anyhow,anyway,at any rate,despite n./this/that,in any case,in spite of this/that/etc.,stillCausal/ Resultative General causal Accordingly,as a consequence(of),as a result(of),because of it/this/that,consequently,in consequence,hence,naturally,so,therefore,thusConditionalcausalall things considered,in such a case/cases,in that case,otherwise,then(often used with“if”)Sequential Enumerative/Listing afterwards,eventually,first/firstly,first and foremost,first of all, in the first place,to begin with,second/secondly,third/thirdly, fourth/fourthly,finally,last/lastly,last of all,next,thenSimultaneous at the same time,in the meantime,meanwhileSummative all in all,in a word,in conclusion,in short,in summary/sum,toconclude,to sum up,to summarizeTransitional toanother topic,etc.by the by,by the way,incidentallyIt is a tough problem to choose which type of semantic classification in this paper.In order to simplify the data analysis procedures,this study decides to adopt Liu’s(2008) classification(see Table2.4).The reasons are as follows:First of all,in order to make the list of linking adverbials as comprehensive as possible,Liu consulted the main English grammar books and referred to the list of linking adverbials compiled by Quirk et al. (1985),sorting out110linking adverbials,so Liu’s list is considered to be one of the most comprehensive classifications.Secondly,Liu’s list has been examined systematically in the British National Corpus across genres(Liu,2008)and used later on by Lei(2012)and Wang(2014).These successful prior uses have verified its validity.Thus,Liu’s list of110。










[中图分类号]:H041 [文献标识码]:A [文章编号]:1002-2139(2011)-16-0138-021. 引言语篇保持意义连贯的衔接手段之一是使用连接词,而连接词中的主要衔接形式是使用连接副词来实现。

英语中常用的连接副词有:however,and,also,for example,therefore以及yet 等等。

连接词和连接副词主要具有以下四个功能:增补( additive)、转折( adversative)、原因( causal) 和时间( temporal)(Halliday & Hasan, 1976)。

近年来,一些国外学者基于已经建立的学习者语料对学习者英语连接副词的使用进行了中介语对比分析 (CIA — Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis) (Granger 1998),如Granger & Tyson(1996),Altenberg & Tapper (1998)等。

正是由于连接成分如此重要,国内学界在近年来也开始对连接词和连接副词的研究产生浓厚的兴趣,如罗一(2003)、Zhang Xuemei (2007) 和邓飞(2010)。



究方法 。 它 对 比分析学 习者语料库 和本族语 者语
E n g l i s h中指 出 v e y、 r S O 和t o o 是本族语 者在 t - I 语 和
收稿 日期:2 0 1 2 - 1 1 - 0 6 基金项 目:2 0 1 1 年全 国教育科学十二五规划教育部重点课题 “ 大学英语思辨能 力培养模 式探 索:基于
P a r t i n g t o n研 究 了 a b s o l u t e l y 、p e f r e c t l y 、u t t e Fra bibliotek l y 、
少针对具体 的某些程度副词的深入分析 。 本研究选 择较为基础 的两个程度副词 p e f r e c t l y和 t e r r i b l y进 行个案分析 , 探 讨中国英语学习者在使用这两个程
是关 于句 法结构 和范畴的陈述 。 语 义韵 的概念是
由S i n c l a i r 提 出的 ,指节点词与其典型搭配在其语 境 中营造 出的语义氛围 。 S t u b b s将语义韵分为积
极语义韵 、消极语 义韵 和中性语义韵 三种。 卫乃 兴在 中性语义韵概念基础上提 出错综语义韵概念 , 即节点词既 吸引消极的词项 , 也吸引积极或 中性 的
第2 2 卷
第2 期
M u d a n j i a n g O n i V e r s i t y
V01 . 22 N o .2 F e b. 2 0 1 3
2 O 1 3年 2月
文章编号 :1 0 0 8 — 8 7 1 7( 2 0 1 3 )0 2 . 0 0 7 3 . 0 5
语 义韵与本 族语 者的异 同。研 究表 明 :中国英语 学* - 7者使 用 p e r f e c t l y 时多用 了 v + a d v 类联接 而 少用了



第29卷 第2期2010年4月兰州交通大学学报J ou rnal of Lanzh ou Jiaotong UniversityV ol.29N o.2Apr.2010 文章编号:1001-4373(2010)02-0098-05基于语料库的英语中程度副词语义韵对比研究*唐丽玲(甘肃政法学院人文学院,甘肃兰州 730070)摘 要:采用基于语料库的“中介语对比分析法”,分别以中国学习者英语语料库(C LEC)和由M ar k Davies开发的BY U-BN C①语料库为基础,利用Wo rdSmith T oo ls,以节点词rather和quite为例,将两个语料库中显著形容词搭配词的语义特征进行对比分析,调查中国英语学习者在书面语中程度副词与形容词搭配时所呈现出的语义韵特征。


关键词:程度副词;语义韵;语义韵冲突;语义范围狭窄中图分类号:H319.9 文献标志码:A一、引言有些英语词汇的搭配行为存在着特殊的语义趋向,它们习惯性地吸引某一类具有相同或相似语义特点的词项与之构成搭配。

由于这些具有相同或相似语义特点的单词反复地在语境中与节点词在文本中高频共现,节点词(no de wo rd)也就具有了相关的语义特点,整个语境就弥漫了某种浓重的语义搭配氛围———语义韵(semantic pro so dy)。


同时,具有相同语义特点的搭配词项常常因词的内涵或所含信息量、感情色彩、文体风格等不同而出现语义程度上的差别,即“语义强度”(semantic intensity)(汪榕培,2002)。

基于语料库的英语同义词对比研究——以influence 和impact 为例

基于语料库的英语同义词对比研究——以influence 和impact 为例

基于语料库的英语同义词对比研究——以influence 和impact 为例一、引言同义词是指一组含有相同或几乎相同的本质概念意义的词。





所以,本研究基于国内外语料库,采用定量与定性分析的研究方法,从类联接、搭配和语义韵三个角度来对比分析同义词influence 和impact 的使用特征,借以考察中国英语学习者对该组同义词的掌握程度与存在问题,帮助中国学习者更准确掌握同义词间的差异,在表达上更地道。

二、文献综述词语搭配是词汇研究的重点,Firth 曾说词的意义表现在与它结伴出现的搭配词中[1]。

Jones 和Sinclair 确立了一系列词汇搭配的基本测量方法,例如搭配力的确定和显著性搭配的统计等[2],词语搭配因而得到了更为详尽的探究。


Mitchell 指出类联接是比词语搭配更高一等的抽象[3]。



20 世纪90 年代左右,Sinclair[5]和卫乃兴[6]对语义韵的研究为词语搭配研究贡献了一个全新的方向。




例如Sinclair[5]等发现set in 具有消极的语义韵,搭配的名词大多是消极的,如disillusion,infection 和decay 等。

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[文献标识码] A
一、引言 连接副词(Linking adverbial)是指说话者或写 作者对语篇中两个单位之间语义关系的理解,在实 现英语口语和书面语的连贯中起着重要的作用。 根据不同的语义及语境效果,连接副词可归纳为七 类:结果/推论关系、过渡关系、对比/让步关系、同位 关系、总结关系、转折关系和列举关系。大量研究 表明,连接副词的使用有助于语篇的衔接和连贯, 从而帮助读者和听者更好地进行理解。所以在语 言学习和运用中,正确使用连接副词对于英语二语 学习者来说是非常重要的。然而,英语连接副词数 量大、种类多、用法复杂,对学习者来说是一大难 点。很多研究表明:对二语学习者来说,正确且恰 当地使用连接副词是十分困难的。因此,刘国兵、 罗一、王雅磊和张乐等人都通过语料库调查证实。 在对连接副词进行宏观研究的基础之上,有必要从 微观角度对某种特定连接副词进行研究,且在七类 连接副词中,表示对比/让步关系的连接副词是使用 最多且出错率较高的;在写作中恰当地使用对比/让 步连接副词,清晰地呈现文章的逻辑关系,在一定 程度上决定了作文的质量。故本文以表示对比与
第 33 卷 第 2 期 Vol.33 No.2
延安职业技术学院学报 Journal of Yan 'an Vocational & Technical College
2019 年 4 月 Apr.2019
张梅 (浙江工商大学外国语学院,浙江 杭州 310018)
三、研究设计 (一)研究问题 本研究试图探讨的问题如下: 1. 母语背景相同,不同英语水平组在对比/让步
连接副词使用上存在哪些差异? 2. 英语水平相同,不同母语背景组在对比/让步
连接副词使用上存在哪些差异? (二)研究语料 本研究采用的是语料库的方法。学习者语料
库为 ETS 非英语本族语书面语料。ETS 语料库由美 国教育考试服务开发,收集了 2006-2007 年间的 11 个非英语母语国家的针对 8 个主题的托福作文,共 12100 个文本(3855959 词次),其中每种母语分别收 集 1100 篇,并包含高/中/低三个英语水平。11 种母 语分别是中文,阿拉伯语,法语,德语,印地语,意大 利 语 ,日 语 ,韩 语 ,西 班 牙 语 ,泰 卢 固 语 和 土 耳 其 语。本文选取母语背景为中文(359286 词次)、日语 (307162 词次)、法语(355570 词次)的文本对其进行 分析。
[收稿日期] 2019-03-26 [作者简介] 张梅(1995—),女,浙江嘉兴人,浙江工商大学外国语学院硕士研究生,研究方向:语料库语言学。
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第 33 卷 第 2 期
库,运用对比分析的方法来描述中国学习者连接副 词的整体使用特征。比如,基于研究生学习者语料 库 的 连 接 副 词 使 用 情 况 ;基 于 大 学 生 学 习 者 语 料 库。基于高中生学习者语料库;其研究发现趋于一 致,即与本族语者相比,中国英语学习者在书而语 和口语中过多使用连接副词,但使用连接副词的种 类偏少。我们不难发现国内的研究绝大多数聚焦 中国英语学习者,很少关注母语为非中文的非本族 语英语学习者。而且,对连接副词的整体研究较 多,聚焦某类连接副词的个案研究也不够充分。
[关键词] 对比/让步连接副词;书面语语料库;中介语对比分析
[中图分类号] H319
(三)确定连接副词的分类标准 首先要确定一个合理精确的连接副词的分类 标准。本文选取了 Biber 等人的分类标准,原因有 以下几点:1)Biber 等人吸取了很多学者的研究精 华,对 Quirk[18]等人的研究进行了修改。2)分类标 准是基于语料库和大量真实的语料。3)研究结果 在 ELWE 语料库中得以验证。在 Biber 等人连接副 词语义分类的基础上确定的 22 个表示对比/让步 (contrast/concession)关系的连接副词如下表所示。
纵观国内外研究现状,以往的研究多聚焦于对 连接副词的整体进行研究,而对于某类连接副词的 研究相对匮乏,对比/让步连接副词使用特征的个案 研究还鲜有发现。只有施建刚和邵斌曾以对比/让 步连接副词为例,对比中国学习者与本族语者口语 语料。此外,以往研究对不同母语的非本族语学习 者之间的对比研究也较为少见,国内尤甚。故本文 基于 ETS 语料,考察不同母语背景下不同水平英语 学习者写作中表示对比与让步意义的连接副词的 使用特征。
[摘要] 对比/让步连接副词作为一种ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ篇标记,是实现篇章语义连贯的重要手段之一,如使用得当,文章质
量将会大大提高。基于 ETS 语料库(ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English),采用基于语料库的中
让步意义的连接副词为例,以 ETS 非英语本族语书 面语料库为基础,运用语料库统计方法,根据不同 母语背景下不同水平英语学习者使用对比/让步连 接副词的差异,试图发现母语以及英语水平对对比/ 让步连接副词使用的影响。并借助语言差异和标 记程度差异理论,从母语迁移的角度分析其原因。
二、文献综述 在过去十几年里,对于英语学习者写作中连接 副词的使用情况,国内外学者已有不少研究。在西 方,很多研究都是基于不同母语背景下,非本族语 学习者与本族语学习者在连接副词使用上的差异 分析。比如对比法语母语背景英语学习者与英语 本族语者连接副词使用上的差异。对比瑞典语母 语背景英语学习者和英语本族语者。对比母语为 法语、挪威语和英语的英语学习者。对比日语母语 背景英语学习者和英语本族语者。对母语为中文 的英语学习者进行研究的也不在少数。这些研究 虽然对比分析了不同母语背景的英语二语学习者, 但对连接副词的整体研究较多,聚焦某类连接副词 的个案研究还不够充分。 在 国 内 ,研 究 多 数 是 基 于 不 同 的 学 习 者 语 料