DN-5002C, 规格书,Datasheet 资料



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接触电阻7ຫໍສະໝຸດ 绝缘电阻(引脚之间以及引脚与外壳间)
5、 信赖性试验方法



资料来源:整理:Tansuozg·cn512C中文说明书单相控制器512C型产品型号HA389196目录目录 (1)概述 (2)机械安装尺寸…………………………………………………………………………电气规格 (3)环境条件 (4)基本接线 (5)接线端说明 (5)系统框图………………………………………………………………………………安装须知 (8)基本设定程序 (9)故障处理 (11)概述SSD512控制器适用于永磁和并磁直流电机的转速和力矩控制。

装置有四种型号:512C/04 4A DC512C/08 8A DC512C/16 16A DC512C/32 32A DC控制器计设在110-415VAC 50/60Hg 单相电流上运行,简单改变控制器上的变换抽头即可使装置使用于供电电压。






警告不先断开系统的所有电流决不能在控制器上工作电气规格环境条件外壳:框架安装运行温度:0 - 40℃(40℃以上每度降低%额定值)温度:40℃时相对温度85%(无结露)海拔温度:1000mm以上,每增加100m额定值降低1% 重量:1.5Kg — 512C/041.5Kg — 512C/081.6Kg — 512C/162.9Kg — 512C/32转速控制转矩控制基本接线①用于非标电压②信号接地,推荐接保护接地。




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◆安规标准:UL224 VW-1 C-UL CSA

C 22.2 OFT
◆工作温度-55℃~125 ℃;开始收缩温度70 ℃,超薄型完全收缩温度110 ℃,普

通型完全收缩温度120 ℃。

◆纵向收缩率≤ 8%;柔软、阻燃;










AVPro ® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchOctober 2000DESCRIPTIONThe AVPro ®5002C device is an audio/video switching IC that supports an input/output port, an input only port, and an output only port. The device includes multiplexers that allow the inputs to be routed to the outputs in various configurations.Additional outputs are provided to drive an external RF modulator. The video outputs of the multiplexers are buffered to drive 137-ohm loads. The audio outputs are buffered to provide 2 Vrms output into 600 ohms. The 5002C has features optimized for Canal+ satellite receiver applications, but it can also be used in other applications that require control of multiple audio and video sources.FEATURES• Two SCART connections (Auxiliary, TV)• Video section- Integrated output drivers- RGB, SVHS, composite outputs - Programmable RGB gain • Audio section- Dual mode volume control0 or 6 dB gains, plus 0 to -31 dB attenuations - Programmable gain on DAC input channels - Ground based outputs (no AC coupling caps)• Serial port control of switching I 2C bus • 64-lead LQFP packageBLOCK DIAGRAMAux_Lin Rin Lin Aux_RinAux_Rout Aux_Lout SCLK SDATA Enc_B Enc_G Enc_R Aux_YCout Aux_B Aux_G Aux_YC TV_BTV_G TV_R TV_YCoutEBLANK ABLANK BLANK N DEnc_YC DO_1DO_0Aux_Cout Mod_mono Aux_R Mod_YC+5V D CRbias VrefTgen-5V D C Enc_C Enc_Y TV_Fnc -5V D C+12V D CRout Lout TV_Rout TV_Lout Aux_Mono+5V D C +5V D C +5V D C -5V D C -5V D C N DN D N D Aux_Cin Aux_FncTV_Rin TV_Lin TV_YCin Enc2_C Enc2_Y TDK SEMICONDUCTOR CORP.®AVPro ® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONThe 5002C is an audio/video switching device. The device integrates both audio and video drivers so that it can directly drive the SCART interface. The use of a -5 volt supply eliminates the need for AC coupling capacitors on the audio outputs and the SCART audio inputs. All programmable functions ofthe device are controlled through a standard I 2C serial interface and a set of internal registers.The device will interface to an external video encoder that provides six video outputs. In addition,the 5002C includes two programmable digital outputs and provides inputs for the TV SCART audio/video.SCART VIDEO SWITCHINGThe device is designed to accept video signals from an auxiliary SCART connector, TV SCART connector, and an external video encoder/DAC device. The devices include a set of analog multiplexers that receive video signals from these sources and allow routing of the signals to the various video outputs. The video output drivers have a nominal gain of 2.0 V/V to allow for a series resistance of 62 ohms prior to the 75 ohm termination. A block diagram of the video switching function is provided in Figure 1. Details of the register settings are provided in the section titled “Serial Port Register Tables”.Figure 1: 5002C Video switching block diagramEnc_B Enc_G Enc_R Aux_YCoutAux_B Aux_G Aux_YC TV_BTV_G TV_RTV_YCoutEBLANK ABLANK BLANKEnc_YCAux_Cout Aux_R Mod_YCEnc_C Enc_Y TV_FncAux_FncAux_Cin TV_YCin Enc2_Y Enc2_CAVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchTV RGB OUTPUTSThe device accepts RGB video signals from twosources. The Aux_R, Aux_G, Aux_B input pins aretypically connected to the auxiliary SCARTconnector. The Enc_R, Enc_G, Enc_B input pins areconnected to the RGB outputs of an external videoencoder device. These outputs are used as a videosource for the TV SCART pins TV_R, TV_G, andTV_B. The RGB video source is selected by settingthe lower three (3) bits of serial port Register 1.When these bits are set to xxxxxx00, the RGBsource will be the encoder. When these bits are setto xxxxxx01, the source will be the auxiliary port. TheTV RGB outputs can be muted independently fromthe TV composite outputs. Setting Bit 6 of Register 1low (0) will allow normal operation. Setting Bit 6 high(1) will set the TV RGB outputs to the blank level.RGB Gain: The gain of the RGB outputs can beadjusted to one of four different levels. Bits 4 and 5in Register 2 set the gain of the RGB outputamplifiers according to the following table:Bit 5Bit 4RGB Amplifier Gain0 0 1 1011Gain = 2.0 V/V = A0Gain = A0 - 10%Gain = A0 - 20%Gain = A0 - 30%DC Restore: The device will generate a DC restore level on each video output based on timing referenced to a horizontal sync pulse. When the sync pulse is detected, the DC restore circuit will act to position the blank level to 0.6 V at the respective video output load. The device can be programmed to look for the horizontal sync pulse on all of the RGB input pins or on the associated composite video input pin (Aux_YC for the auxiliary port or Enc_YC for the external encoder). Bit 7 of Register 1 determines the horizontal sync source.At power-up, this bit defaults to a low (0) state which programs the device to look for a sync detect on the RGB input signals. In this mode, the device can detect a horizontal sync on any of the three RGB input signals. When Bit 7 is set to a high (1) state, the device will look for a sync detect from the signal on either the Aux_YC or Enc_YC pin depending on which source is selected.Blanking: The signal on the Blank output pin is determined by the state of two MSBs in Register 2 according to the following table:Bit 7Bit 6Blank source1111BLANK = ABLANKBLANK = EBLANKBLANK = 0VBLANK = 4V @ IC output pinThe user must insure that the source of the Blank output is the same as the source for the RGB outputs, i.e.ABLANK is selected when the auxiliary RGB is active and EBLANK is selected when the encoder RGB is active.TV COMPOSITE OUTPUTThe device provides inputs for two composite video sources that can be switched to the TV SCART composite video pin, TV_YCout. The AUX_YC input pin is typically connected to the “Video In” pin on the auxiliary SCART connector. The Enc_YC input pin is typically connected to the “YC” or “CVBS” output from the external video encoder device. Selection of the video source for the TV composite output is accomplished when the RGB video source is selected (see the register tables).TV SVHS OUTPUT MODEThe device supports SVHS video format. The SVHS mode is selected for the TV SCART using the lower three (3) bits of Register 1. When the SVHS mode is selected, the TV_YCout pin will provide the luminance signal output from the selected source. The chroma output will be provided on the TV_R pin. The video source for SVHS mode can be either the auxiliary port or the encoder port. When the auxiliary port is selected as the video source, the video on Aux_R will be provided at the TV_R output pin and the Aux_YC video will be provided at the TV_YCout pin.The device will support SVHS mode for three encoder interface formats. The first encoder interface format accepts chroma signals on the Enc_C pin and luma signals on the Enc_Y pin. This is designated "SVHS, Enc 1" mode. The second format will receive chroma information on the Enc_B pin and luma information on Enc_G. This format is designated "SVHS, Enc 2". The third format will receive chroma information from the Enc_R pin and luma information from the Enc_G pin. This mode is designated “SVHS, Enc 3”.When the SVHS mode is selected, the DC restore on the TV_R pin will average to approximately 1.8 VDC at the output pin. The DC restore circuit will act to position the blank level to 0.6 V at the TV_YCoutAVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V Switchvideo output load. The TV_G and TV_B outputs will be set to 0 VDC when the SVHS mode is active.RF MODULATOR OUTPUTThe device provides an output, Mod_YC, to drive an external RF modulator. The Mod_YC output is a unity gain amplifier designed to drive a 1k load or higher. When the device is operating in the RGB mode, the signal on the Mod_YC output will follow the same source as the RGB and TV_YCout outputs.When the device is in the SVHS mode, the Mod_YC output can be driven by several sources depending on the SVHS video source. These various options are detailed in the serial port register table.One case that requires additional detail is the auxiliary SVHS mode. In the SVHS mode, the Aux_YC video input will only provide luma information. Composite video for the modulator output must be generated by summing this luma information with chroma information from the auxiliary port. The input pin labeled Aux_Cin is used for this purpose. The Aux_Cin input pin is AC coupled to the same source that provides the input signal to Aux_R. An internal summing node combines the video signal on Aux_Cin (chroma) with the video signal on Aux_YC (luma) to generate a composite video signal. In the auxiliary SVHS mode, this signal is provided at the Mod_YC pin.TV COMPOSITE VIDEO MUTEThe TV composite video outputs can be muted by programming the lower three (3) bits in Register 1. The power-up default condition is xxxxx111, which sets the TV composite video outputs to 0 VDC and switches the TV audio outputs to Aux_Lin/Aux_Rin. Setting these bits to xxxxx110 will also mute the TV composite video outputs and switch the TV audio outputs to Lin/Rin.AUXILIARY COMPOSITE OUTPUTThe auxiliary port includes a composite video output pin (AUX_YCout) that is typically connected to the “Video Out” pin on an auxiliary SCART connector. Bits 3-5 in Register 1 determine the source for the AUX_YCout pin. When these bits are set to xx000xxx, the video source will be the Enc_B input. When these bits are set to xx001xxx, the video source will be the Enc_YC input. When these bits are set to xx010xxx, the video source will be the TV_YCin input.AUXILIARY SVHS OUTPUT MODEIn the SVHS mode, Pin 15 on the auxiliary SCART connector provides chroma information. To support this, the auxiliary port on the 5002C includes a chroma input pin (Aux_Cin) that is externally AC coupled to Pin 15 on the auxiliary SCART connector. The device also includes an output pin (A ux_Cout) that provides a chroma output to Pin 15 (RED) on the auxiliary SCART connector. When connected with the Aux_R and Aux_Cin pins, this forms a bi-directional port as shown in the following diagram:Bi-Directional Pin CircuitUsing this configuration, the device will support SVHS mode for four encoder interface formats. The first encoder interface format will receive chroma information from the Enc_C pin and luma information from the Enc_Y pin. This format is designated “SVHS, Enc 1”. The second format will receive chroma information on the Enc_B input and luma information on Enc_G. This format is designated "SVHS, Enc 2". The third format will receive chroma information from the Enc_R pin and luma information from the Enc_G pin. This mode is designated “SVHS, Enc 3” on the serial port register table. For these three modes, audio will come from the Lin/Rin inputs. The fourth format is designated "SVHS Enc 4". Chroma information is received on the Enc2_C input pin and the luma is received on the Enc2_Y input pin. For this mode only, audio will come from the TV_Lin/TV_Rin inputs.When the SVHS mode is selected, the DC restore on the Aux_Cout pin will average to approximately 0.9 VDC at the video output load. The DC restore on the Aux_YCout pin will set the blank level to 1.2 V at the IC pin or approximately 0.6 V across the video output load.AVPro ® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchAUXILIARY VIDEO MUTEAll auxiliary video outputs can be simultaneously disabled by programming Bits 3-5 in Register 1. The power-up default condition is xx111xxx, which sets all auxiliary video outputs to 0 VDC and switches the auxiliary audio outputs to Lin/Rin .FUNCTION SWITCHINGThe device provides functions switching pins for both the Auxiliary (Aux_Fnc ) and TV (TV_Fnc ) SCART ports.Both of these pins are bi-directional. The direction of the pins is determined by setting bits in Register 2 according to the following table:Bits Aux_Fnc TV_Fnc xxxx 00xx output output xxxx01xx output input xxxx10xx input output xxxx11xxPassthru I/OPassthru O/IFor the case where Register 2 is set to xxxx11xx, the input signal on the Aux_Fnc pin is passed directly through to the TV_Fnc pin as an output, or vice versa.This mode is useful when the rest of the system powers down and all signals from the auxiliary port are passed directly through to the TV port, or vice versa.When a function pin is set as an input, the voltage on that pin is applied to an internal comparitor. The comparitor senses the voltage on the input pin and sets the two (2)LSBs in the read register according to the following table:Input voltage Bits Function < 4.0 V xxxxxx00Normal TV 4.0 to 8.0V xxxxxx0116:9 aspect >8.0 Vxxxxxx10PeritelevisionWhen a function pin is set as an output, the output level for the pin is determined by the state of the two LSBs Register 2, according to the following table:Bits Output voltageFunction xxxxxx 00~0 V Normal TV xxxxxx01~6 V 16:9 aspect xxxxxx10~ 11 V Peritelevision xxxxxx11~ 11 VPeritelevisionNote that both the Aux_Fnc pin and the TV_Fnc pin can be set as outputs simultaneously, however they will have the same output voltage.The function output circuit includes short circuit protection. When a function pin is in the 6V or 11V output mode, if the SCART connection is shorted to ground, then the output is disabled. Likewise, when a function pin is in the 0V output mode, if the SCART connection is connected to a voltage source, then the output is disabled. The load for the function outputs is designed to be 10k or higher.Figure 2: 5002C Audio Switching Block DiagramAux_RinAux_LoutAux_RoutAux_MonoAux_LinA: DAC Input Gain (0, 6, 9 or 11.6 dB) B: Volume Control Gain (0 or 6 dB)C: Volume Control Attentuation (0 to -31 dB in -1 dB steps)Lin Rin TV_RinTV_LinLoutTV_Lout TV_RoutRoutMod_monoAVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchSCART AUDIO SWITCHINGThe audio inputs are considered to be associated with the respective video inputs. As a result, the video selection determines which audio signals will be switched to a given SCART output. Refer to the serial port register table for more information. Also see the audio switching block diagram shown in Figure 2.The 5002C provides inputs for the auxiliary audio source (Aux_Lin/Aux_Rin), a stereo DAC associated with the video encoder inputs (L in/Rin), and inputs from the TV SCART (TV_Lin/TV_Rin).TV AUDIO OPERATIONThe audio source for the TV port is selected in concert with the video source using the three (3) LSBs of Register 1. The selected audio signals are input to internal multiplexers that allow the user to select between mono and stereo output options. Bits 4 and 5 of Register 3 control the stereo/mono selection according to the following table:Bit 1Bit 0TV left source TV right source 00left input right input01left + right left + right10left input left input11right input right inputAt power-up, these bits default to 00 putting the device in the stereo mode.Volume Control: The left and right TV audio channels can be selected to pass through volume control circuits. Each volume control circuit is formed by a serially connected amplifier and attenuator pair. The amplifier is programmed by register 4, bit 2( “0”for 0 dB and “1” for 6 dB gains ). The attenuator is programmed by the lower 6 bits of register 0(“xx000000” for 0 dB and “xx111111” for –63 dB attenuations, in –1 dB steps ). Only the lower 5 bits are guaranteed for accuracy( 0 to –31 dB ).DAC Input Gain (Lin/Rin): To support audio DACs that have a limited output range, the 5002C provides programmable gain amplifiers on the Lin and Rin inputs. The gain is set by Bits 2 and 3 of Register 3, according to the following table:Bit 3Bit 2Gain1111Gain = 0 dBGain = 6 dBGain = 9 dBGain = 11.6 dBTV SCART Audio Outputs: The first pair of signals is labeled TV_Lout and TV_Rout on the block diagram. TV_Lout and TV_Rout are typically used to drive the TV SCART audio pins. These outputs also have an internal multiplexer that allows the user to select TV audio either before or after the internal volume control function. When Bit 0 in Register 4 is set low (0), the volume control is used. When this bit is set high (1), the volume control is bypassed. The power-up default state is volume control active.TV Audio Line Outputs: The second pair of signals is labeled Lout and Rout on the block diagram. Lout and Rout are standard line outputs. The Lout/Rout outputs have an internal multiplexer that allows the user to select TV audio either before or after the internal volume control function. When Bit 1 in Register 4 is set low (0), the volume control is used. When this bit is set high (1), the volume control is bypassed. The power-up default state is volume control active. In addition, the audio inputs from the TV SCART connector (TV_Lin/TV_Rin) can be switched to the line outputs. This is controlled by bit-3 of Register 4. Setting this bit low (0) is the normal operation where the line outputs follow the TV SCART outputs. Setting this bit high (1) will switch the line outputs to the audio source on the TV_Lin/TV_Rin inputs.RF Mono Output: The TV_Lout and TV_Rout signals are also summed internally to generate a mono audio signal for an external RF modulator. This output is labeled Mod_mono. The internal summing circuit is after the volume control mux so the audio control on this output will be the same as that selected for the TV_Lout and TV_Rout outputs. TV Audio Mute: A mute function is provided for all TV audio outputs. The mute function is controlled by setting Bit 6 in Register 0. When this bit is set to a high state (1), all TV audio outputs are muted. This will be the default condition at power-up. When the bit is set to a low state (0), the audio path will be in normal operating mode. This bit can be set independent of the volume control such that the outputs can be muted before any change in volume, or any switching of audio sources.AVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchAUXILIARY AUDIO OPERATIONThe auxiliary port includes stereo audio outputs for aSCART connector (Aux_Lout, Aux_Rout) and amono audio output (Aux_mono). These outputs canchoose between the Lin/Rin input pins or theTV_Lin/TV_Rin input pins. The audio inputs areswitched in concert with the associated video inputsaccording to Bits 3-5 in Register 1.Internal multiplexers allow the Aux_Lout andAux_Rout outputs to be configured into either stereoor mono audio outputs. The two MSBs of Register 3control the stereo/mono selection according to thefollowing table:Bit 1Bit 0Aux_Loutsource Aux_Rout source00Lin Rin01Lin+Rin Lin+Rin10Lin Lin11Rin RinAt power-up, these bits default to 00 putting the device in the stereo mode.The Aux_mono output is generated through an internal summing node that combines the signals of the Aux_Lout and Aux_Rout outputs. All three auxiliary audio outputs can be muted by setting the MSB in Register 0. This bit is set high (1) at power-up causing the outputs to be muted. Setting this bit low (0) enables all auxiliary audio outputs.DIGITAL OUTPUTSThe 5002C provides two programmable digital outputs, DO_0 and DO_1. These pins are general purpose outputs programmed by setting Bit 0 and 1 in Register 3. Setting the register bits to 0 puts these outputs in the logic low state. Setting the register bits to 1 puts the outputs in the logic high state. Internal pull-up resistors (approximately 30k) are included on these pins.SERIAL PORT DEFINITIONInternal functions of the device are monitored and controlled by a standard inter-IC (I2C)bus. The serial port operates in a slave mode only and can be written to or read from. The device uses 7-bit addressing, and does not support 10-bit addressing mode. The write register data is sent sequentially, such that if register 4 is to be programmed, then register 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 need to be sent. If only register 2 needs to be programmed, then only register 0, 1 and 2 data needs to be sent. It will support standard and fast bus speed. The default address of the device is 1001000x.The 5002C includes a read register in which the upper four bits identify the specific chip within the AVPro® family. This allows a single application platform and software to work with a wide variety of AVPro® chips. The ID code for the 5002C is 0001. DATA TRANSFERSA data transfer starts when the SDATA pin is driven from HIGH to LOW by the bus master while the SCLK pin is HIGH. On the following eight clock cycles, the device receives the data on the SDATA pin and decodes that data to determine if a valid address has been received. The first seven bits of information are the address with the eighth bit indicating whether the cycle is a read (bit is HIGH) or a write (bit is LOW). If the address is valid for this device, on the falling SCLK edge of the eighth bit of data, the device will drive the SDATA pin low and hold it LOW until the next rising edge of the SCLK pin to acknowledge the address transfer. The device will continue to transmit or receive data until the bus master has issued a stop by driving the SDATA pin from LOW to HIGH while the SCLK pin is held HIGH Write Operation: When the read/write bit (LSB) is LOW and a valid address is decoded, the device will receive data from the SDATA pin. The device will continue to latch data into the registers until a stop condition is detected. The device generates an acknowledge after each byte of data written.Read Operation: When the read/write bit (LSB) is HIGH and a valid address is decoded, the device will transmit the data from the internal register on the following eight SCLK cycles. Following the transfer of the register data and the acknowledge from the master, the device will release the data bus. Reset: At power-up the serial port defaults to the states indicated in boldface type. The device also responds to the system level reset that is transmitted through the serial port. When the master sends the address 00000000 followed by the data 00000110, the device resets to the default condition. The device also generates an acknowledge.AVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchSerial Port Register TablesRead register Device Address = 10010001 FUNCTION BITS DESCRIPTIONFunction Control Input xxxxxx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10TV_Fnc or AUX_Fnc pin level =Level 0 .~0V TV_Fnc or AUX_Fnc pin level =Level 1A ~6.0V TV_Fnc or AUX_Fnc pin level = Level 1B ~12VTV_YCout video sync xxxxx0xxxxxxx1xx TV ycout: no sync pulse present TV ycout: sync pulse presentAUX_YCout video sync xxxx0xxxxxxx1xxx AUX ycout: no sync pulse present AUX ycout: sync pulse presentDevice ID code0001xxxx This code identifies the device type as the 5002CWrite Registers: Device Address = 10010000 (Bold indicates default setting) Register 0: Audio Control Register AFUNCTION BITS DESCRIPTIONVolume Control Attenuation for TV, Line or Mod_mono audio xx000000xx011111xx100000xx111111Audio volume = maximum (0 dB)Audio volume = minimum (-31 dB attenuation)Extended TV audio volume control range. Range is approximately -32dB to -63 dB. Extended range is not guaranteed linear.TV audio mute x0xxxxxxx1xxxxxx TV audio (TV_Lout/TV_Rout, Lout/Rout, Mod_mono) output = normal audio outputTV audio (TV_Lout/TV_Rout, Lout/Rout, Mod_mono) output = MutedAUX audio mute0xxxxxxx1xxxxxxx AUX audio (AUX_Lout/AUX_Rout) output = normal audio output AUX audio (AUX_Lout/AUX_Rout) output = MutedAVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V SwitchRegister 1: Audio/Video Control Register; audio/video source select bitsTV A/V source Bits TV_R TV_G TV_B TV_YC Mod_YC L,RoutRGB/YC, Encoder RGB/YC, Auxiliary SVHS, Enc 1 SVHS, Enc 2 SVHS, Enc 3 SVHS, Aux 1TV muteTV mute xxxxx000xxxxx001xxxxx010xxxxx011xxxxx100xxxxx101xxxxx110xxxxx111Enc_RAux_REnc_CEnc_BEnc_RAux_REnc_RAux_REnc_GAux_G0V0V0V0VEnc_GAux_GEnc_BAux_B0V0V0V0VEnc_BAux_BEnc_YCAux_YCEnc_YEnc_GEnc_GAux_YC0V0VEnc_YCAux_YCEnc_YCEnc_YCEnc_BAuxYC+AuxCin0V0VLin, RinAuxLin,RinLin, RinLin, RinLin, RinAuxL,RinLin, RinAuxL,RinAux A/V source Bits Aux_Cout Aux_YCout Aux_Lout, RoutComposite, Enc 1 Composite, Enc 2 Composite, TV SVHS, Enc 1 SVHS, Enc 2 SVHS, Enc 3 SVHS, Enc 4 Aux mute xx000xxxxx001xxxxx010xxxxx011xxxxx100xxxxx101xxxxx110xxxxx111xxx0V0V0VEnc_CEnc_BEnc_REnc2_C0VEnc_BEnc_YCTV_YCinEnc_YEnc_GEnc_GEnc2_Y0VLin, RinLin, RinTV_Lin, TV_RinLin, RinLin, RinLin, RinTV_Lin, TV_RinLin, RinFunction Bits DescriptionTV RGB Mute x0xxxxxxx1xxxxxx TV RGB outputs are activeTV RGB outputs are mute (Blank level)RGB Sync Source0xxxxxxx1xxxxxxx RGB sync /DC restore source = RGB RGB sync /DC restore source = TV_YCRegister 2: Video Control Register; video function bits Function Bits DescriptionFunction Control Output Voltage xxxxxx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11Level 0; normal TV output (Function Voltage = 0V)Level 1A; 16:9 aspect ratio (Function Voltage = 6V)Level 1B; Peritelevision output mode (Function Voltage = 11V)Level 1B; Peritelevision output mode (Function Voltage = 11V)Function Pin Control*xxxx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xx Aux_Fnc pin = output, TV_Fnc pin = outputAux_Fnc pin = output, TV_Fnc pin = inputAux_Fnc pin = input, TV_Fnc pin = outputSignals will pass through from Aux_Fnc to TV_Fnc or vice versa.Aux Function Pin Control*xxxx0xxxxxxx1xxx Aux_Fnc pin = output pin. Output is defined by LSBs of this register Aux_Fnc pin = input pin. The voltage applied to this pin sets the state of the two LSBs of the read register. See the note below*RGB Gain Control xx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xxxx RGB output amplifier gain = normal RGB output amplifiers attenuated by 10% RGB output amplifiers attenuated by 20% RGB output amplifiers attenuated by 30%BLANK output selection00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xxxxxx BLANK = ABLANKBLANK = EBLANKBLANK = 0VBLANK = 4V @ IC output pinAVPro® 5002CDual SCART A/V Switch* Function pin voltages: (I) in output mode, are defined by the two LSB of register 2, (II) in input mode, set the state of the two LSB of the read register.Digital read is not meaningful in the pass-through mode( xxxx11xx ).Register 3: Audio and general purpose control register BFunction Bits DescriptionDO_0 output control xxxxxxx0xxxxxxx1DO_0 output = 0 (low) DO_0 output = 1 (high)DO_1 output control xxxxxx0xxxxxxx1x DO_1 output = 0 (low) DO_1 output = 1 (high)Lin/Rin Gain control xxxx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xx Input amplifier gain set at 0 dB Input amplifier gain set at 6 dB Input amplifier gain set at 9 dB Input amplifier gain set at 11.6 dBTV Stereo/mono control xx00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xxxx TV audio mode: stereoTV audio mode: mono (sum L+R) on both TV_Lout and TV_Rout TV audio mode: L channel on both TV_Lout and TV_RoutTV audio mode: R channel on both TV_Lout and TV_RoutAux Stereo/mono control00xxxxxx01xxxxxx10xxxxxx11xxxxxx Aux audio mode: stereoAux audio mode: mono (sum L+R) on both Aux_Lout and Aux_Rout Aux audio mode: L channel on both Aux_Lout and Aux_RoutAux audio mode: R channel on both Aux_Lout and Aux_RoutRegister 4: Audio control register CFunction Bits DescriptionTV volume control select 1xxxxxxx0xxxxxxx1Volume control active on TV_Lout, TV_Rout; Mod_mono TV_Lout, TV_Rout; Mod_mono bypass the volume controlTV volume control select 2xxxxxx0xxxxxxx1x Volume control active on Lout, Rout Lout, Rout bypass the volume controlEnable 6dB gain xxxxx0xxxxxxx1xx 0 dB of additional gain added to volume control 6 dB additional gain added to volume controlLine Out Source xxxx0xxxxxxx1xxx Audio on Lout/Rout will be the same as the TV_Lout/TV_Rout Audio on Lout/Rout will be from the TV_Lin/TV_Rin inputsNot used0000xxxx Reserved, set to 0 for normal operation。



Motor Timer H2C DIN-sized(48x48,45x75mm)MotorTimer with Variable Time RangesFive time ranges are selectable per timer unit.Easy-to-monitor neon lamp for timing operationindication(for110,120,220,240VAC types only).Conforms to VDE0110Group C for creepagedistance.Easy-to-set large transparent knob and easy-to-read single pattern scale facilitate time setting.Equipped with timing operation indicator andmoving pointer.RC Ordering InformationOperation/resettingt InternaltiTerminal Time-limitt tInstantaneoust tModelp/gsystem connection contact contact Surfacemounting/track mountingFlush mountingTime-limit operation/ self-resetting Separate motorand clutchi8-pin roundsocketSPDT SPDT H2C-8H2C-8(withY92F-30adapter)se esett g a d c utcconnection11-pin roundsocket H2C H2C(withY92F-30adapter)Front screw H2C-F---Time-limit operation/ electric resetting 8-pin roundsocketSPDT---H2C-8R H2C-8R(withY92F-30adapter)e ect c esett g11-pin round socket SPDT H2C-R H2C-R(withY92F-30adapter)Front screw H2C-FR---Note:Specify both the model number and supply voltage when ordering.Accessories(Order Separately)Timer Track mounted socket(Back connecting socket(see note1)Solder terminal Screw terminal H2C-8,H2C-8R P2CF-08,PF085A PL08P3G-08H2C,H2C-R PF113A PL11P3GA-11Note:Track mounted socket can be used as a front connecting socket.SpecificationsTime RangesFive time ranges are available for each timer by turning the time range selector every 60degrees.Note:Rated time is displayed on the window.Time range codePosition of time range selectorA 1.25to 30s 7.5s to 3min 1.25to 30min 7.5min to 3hrs 1.25to 30hrsB 0.2to 6s 2to 60s 0.2to 6min 2to 60min 0.2to 6hrs C0.5to 12s5to 120s0.5to 12min5to 120min0.5to 12hrsRatingsItemH2CRated supply voltage 100,110,115,120,200,220,or 240VAC (50/60Hz)(see note 1)Operating voltage range 85%to 110%of rated supply voltage (see note 2)Power consumption Approx.3.5VAControl outputs 6A at 250VAC,resistive load (cos !=1)(see note 3)Note:1.The front panel of the timer is color coded to identify the following supply voltage classifications:100to 120V:Blue 200to 240V:Red Other classes:Black2.If the voltage continues to be applied after the set time has elapsed,the operating voltage range will change to between 90%and 110%of the rated voltage.3.The switching capacity of the control output is 6A at 250VAC (cos "=1).Refer to “Engineering Data”since the electrical service life of the built-in switch will change in such a case.CharacteristicsAccuracy of operating time #0.5%max.$#1%max.at 0.2to 6s for the time range code B or at 0.5to 12s for the time range code C)Setting error #2%max.Reset time0.5s max.Influence of voltage #1%max.Influence of temperature #2%max.Insulation resistance 100M %min.(at 500VDC)Dielectric strength2,500VAC,50/60Hz for 1min (between current-carrying and non-current-carrying parts)2,000VAC,50/60Hz for 1min (between contact and control circuit and between contacts of different polarities)1,000VAC,50/60Hz for 1min (between non-continuous contacts)Vibration resistance Destruction:10to 55Hz with 0.75-mm double amplitude Malfunction:10to 55Hz with 0.5-mm double amplitude Shock resistance Destruction:1,000m/s 2(approx.100G)Malfunction:150m/s 2(approx.15G)Ambient temperature Operating:--10&C to 50&C Storage:--25&C to 65&C Ambient humidity Operating:45%to 85%Life expectancyMechanical:10,000,000operations min.500,000operations min.(3A at 250VAC,resistive load at 1,800operations/h)Electrical:See “Engineering Data”Motor life expectancy 20,000hrsApproved standards UL (File No.E52800)WeightH2C series:approx.180g H2C-F series:approx.270gEngineering DataS w i t c h i n g o p e r a t i o ns(x 10)3Load current (A)S w i t c h i n g o p e r a t i o n s (x 10)3Load current (A)NomenclatureTime range selectorTiming operation indicatorRated voltage color codeOperationTiming ChartH2C-8ON-delay 8-pin Round SocketH2C(-F)H2C-(F)RRt:Resetting time H2C-8ROFF-delay 8-pin Round SocketRt:Resetting timeNote:For the types rated at 24and 48VAC,the timing operation indicator is not equipped.RtPower failureRt:Resetting time(see note)Rt:Resetting time(see note)Power failureDimensionsNote:All units are in millimeters unless otherwise indicated.H2C/H2C-R/H2C-8/H2C-8RFor Flush MountingFor a load current of 3A max.,dimension L becomes 3mm min.with an interval of 0mm between timers.For a load current of 6A max.,dimension L becomes 8mmmin.with an interval of 5mm between timers.H2C-F/H2C-FRMounting HolesMounting Height of TimerFor a load current of 1A max.,dimension L becomes 10mm min.with an interval of 0mm between timers.For a load current of 3A max.,dimension L becomes 15mm min.with an interval of 5mm between timers.For a load current of 6A max.,dimension L becomes 20mmmin.with an interval of 10mm between timers.Two,M4or 4.5dia.holes44.8x 44.8Accessories (Order Separately)Track Mounted/FrontConnecting Socket P2CF-08Two,4.5dia.holesTwo,4.5dia.or Two,M4Eight,M3.5x 7.5semMounting HolesTerminal Arrangement (Top View)Mounting Height of Timer with SocketPF085AMounting HolesTerminal Arrangement (Top View)Mounting Height of Timer with SocketFor a load current of 3A max.,dimen-sion L becomes 14mm min.with an in-terval of 0mm between timers.For a load current of 6A max.,dimen-sion L becomes 19mm min.withan in-terval of 5mm between timers.Eight,M3.5'7semsTwo,4.5dia.holesTwo,M4or 4.5dia.holesTop ViewPF113AMounting HolesTerminal Arrangement (Top View)Mounting Height of Timer with SocketFor a load current of 3A max.,dimension L becomes 14mm min.with an interval of 0mm between timers.For a load current of 6A max.,dimension L becomes 19mm min.withan interval of 5mm between timers.Two,M4or 4.5dia.holesEleven,M3.5'7semsP3GA-11Terminal Arrangement (Bottom View)Terminal Arrangement(Bottom View)Mounting Height of Timer with SocketP3G-08Mounting HolesTerminal Arrangement (Bottom View)MountingHeight of Timer with SocketPL11(Solder Terminals)Approx.20.5Two,3.5dia.or M3socket mounting holesTwo,2dia.holes35max.Back Connecting Socket PL08(Solder Terminals)Two,2dia.holesMounting HolesTerminal Arrangement (Bottom View)Mounting Height of Timer withSocketTwo,3.5dia.or 3M socket mountingholesBottom View27dia.Mounting Track(Meets DIN EN50022)PFP-100N/PFP-50N PFP-100N2Twelve,25'4.5elliptic holes(see note)(see note)Note:This dimension applied to PFP-50N.Note:A total of twelve,25x4.5elliptic holes are provided with6holes cut from each rail end at a pitch of10mm betweenholes.End PlatePFP-M PFP-SAdapter for Flush MountingY92F-30Note:The adapter can be mounted to the timer form any side ofthe timer housing since the adapter security notches areprovided on all four sides of the housing.H2C(with PF113A)H2C-FNote:For a load current of3A max.,a spacer and an endplate are not required.For a load current of6A,onespacer or an end plate is required.Note:For a load current of1A max.,a spacer and an endplate are not required.For a load current of3A max.,one spacer or an end plate is required.For a load cur-rent of6A max.two spacers or two end plates are re-quired.Timer Hold-down ClipsY92H-2(for PF085A/PF113AConnecting Socket)Y92H-1(for PL08/PL11ConnectingSocket)(Seenote)(Seenote)(See note)Time Setting RingY92A-Y1The time setting ring locks the time setting knob to store the set time to facilitate its resetting.A maximum of two time setting rings are connectable per timer.Protective CoverY92A-48BThe protective cover shields the front panel,particular-ly the time setting section,from dust,dirt,and water, as well as prevents the set value from beingaltereddue to accidental contact with the time setting knob.InstallationTerminal ArrangementH2C-8ON-delay8-pinRoundSocketH2C(-F)H2C-(F)RH2C-8ROFF-delay8-pin Round SocketPrecautionsHow to Change the Time RangeChange the positions of the time range selector with a flat-bladescrewdriver or an Allen wrench.CautionBe sure to turn the power off before changing the time specifi-cation.Changing the time range while the timer is in operation may cause a malfunction.How to Select Power FrequencyNoticePower frequencyBefore using the timer,set the frequency selector located at the rear panel to the proper power frequency (50or 60Hz).Note that if the frequency selector is set incorrectly,time mea-surement may not be performed accurately against the set time.How to Mount the Timer on Mounting TrackMountingFirst hook portion A of the timer to the mounting track,then depress the timer in direction B.DismountingPull out portion C with a round-blade screwdriver and remove the timer from the mounting track.BACElectrical SetThe motor and clutch do not need to be reset e the voltage applied to the clutch for resetting with the H2C-R.Do not allow power to be continuously applied to the motor and clutch for extended periods of time.OthersDo not turn the operation time setting knob beyond the range of the scale.To achieve higher accuracy in setting,measure the operation time while turning the operation time setting knob.The deviation and setting error for the operation time shows the per-cent of FS.The absolute value of the deviation and setting error will not change even if the set time is changed.The time specifications should therefore be selected to use the operation time as close to FS as possible.At high temperatures,the operation voltage will be 90%or less if voltage is applied continuously after timeout.Be sure to keep the voltage within the allowable voltage fluctuation range.ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS.To convert millimeters into inches,multiply by 0.03937.To convert grams into ounces,multiply by 0.03527.Cat.No.L007-E1-8!!。












(9 0%)。








四、耐磨损的SCCV关闭方式:SCCV姜.闭系统是自动定心,自动关闭系统(SelfClosing and Cente ring Valve System)的英文缩写.下同。




720 600 60 15 10 4.8 600 500 36.0 10
1200 1000
95 24 16 7.6 1000 800 60.0 10
根据 DIN 2501
Qmax m3/h
m 3/ h
Q0.5%*) m3/h
+ 20℃到 +150℃(水平) (3.5m3/h 只到 130℃)
+ 20℃到 +120℃(垂直)
Danfoss A87F399.12.10.02
公称直径 DN
螺纹连接 额定流量 qp(Qn)m3/h 输出信号,脉冲 / 升
- G 11/4 B G 11/4 B -
60 60 60 100 100 150 250 400
12 12 12 20 20 30 50 80
9 9 20 20 30 50 80
0.04 0.04 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.10
140 140 240 240 240 400 400 600 1000 1600
区域供热 / 锅炉应用
SONOCAL 2000 / 3000
Danfoss A87F383.10.10.02
DKIN.PK.022.C3.41 C Danfoss 06/2006
DANF OSS A87F388.10.10.02

Parker 工业水泥管产品简介与拉出图说明书

Parker 工业水泥管产品简介与拉出图说明书

HOSE PRODUCTS DIVISION The market leader andyour supplier of choiceParker offers the most comprehensive line of hoses, fittings, equipment and accessories you’ll need. And if there’s something you need that’s not a standard product, we’re able to design and manufacture it for you with ease. You’ll also benefit from our ultimate competitive advantage – our network of distribution outlets that can provide our products nearly anytime and anywhere. We strive to provide customers with local engineering, local products and local service. Parker offers the largest selection of hoses plus more fitting sizes than any other manufacturer. You’ll find a wide variety of hoses including braided, spiral and multi-purpose, and more than 4,500 fittings. Parker products have been designed, tested and approved to meet and exceed global standards.The right product is available for your application, including hose that features a variety of abrasion-resistant cover choices, flexibility, a wide range of media compatibility and more – characteristics that make Parker the hose supplier of choice for customers that demand the most from their equipment.SAFETY GUIDE FOR SELECTING HOSE, TUBING, FITTING AND RELATED ACCESSORIESFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF HOSE, TUBING, FITTINGS, ASSEMBLIES OR RELATED ACCESSORIES (“PRODUCTS”) CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES OF FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTIONOR IMPROPER USE OF THESE PRODUCTS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO:n Fittings thrown off at high speedn High velocity fluid dischargen Explosion or burning of the conveyed fluidn Electrocution from high voltage electric power linesn Contact with suddenly moving or falling objects that are controlled by the conveyed fluidn Injections by high-pressure fluid dischargen Dangerously whipping hosen Contact with conveyed fluids that may be hot, cold, toxic or otherwise injuriousn Sparking or explosion caused by static electricity buildup or other sources of electricityn Sparking or explosion while spraying paint or flammable liquidsBefore selecting or using any of these products, it is important that you read and follow the instructions. Only hose from Parker’s Stratoflex Products Division is approved for in flight aerospace applications, and no other hose can be used for such in flight applications (Parker Publication No. 4400-B1).OFFER OF SALEThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the “Offer of Sale.”/offerofsaleANY PRESSURE. ANY PROJECT. ONESOLUTIONGlobalCore Specifying GlobalCore, a unified system that delivers hoses built on the ISO 18752 specification, provides oppor-tunities for OEMs and end users to improve efficiency in operations, increase uptime with a streamlined selection process and longer service life for 1,000to 6,000 psi applications.HydraulicIndustryStandardIndustry standardsset specific require-ments concerningconstruction type,size, tolerances,burst pressure, andimpulse cycles.Available in eitherbraided or spiralconstructions. Foruse with petroleum-based fluids, dieselfuel, hot lubricatingoil, air, ethyleneglycol anti-freeze,and water.TransportationFor marine fuellines, L.P.G. andC.N.G. hose, andtruck applicationssuch as powersteering, cab tilt,air intake, dieselfuel, air brake, andlube line systems.SpecialtyHosesDesigned to offerthe widest rangeof low, mediumand high pressurespecialty hydraulic,pneumatic, industrialand hybrid hosesin the industry.They are resistantto heat, fire, ozone,weather, chemicals,oil, flames, UVand abrasion anddeliver engineeredsolutions to all yourspecialty hoseproduct needsand applications.SteamParker's steamhoses transfersteam as part ofhigh temperaturecleaning systemsfor in-plant/ refineryservice – suchas railcars, tanksand vessels – andto keep processequipment operat-ing efficiently. Thehoses providea selection ofseveral inner tubeand outer covermaterials to handlea wide range ofservice conditions.Oil & GasParker providesthe knowledgeneeded to producehoses fit for severeconditions intoday’s oil and gasindustry. Parker'shoses are made forreliable, continuoususe in offshore/onshore upstreamapplications, aswell as midstream/downstream transferapplications.WaterParker's waterhoses are offeredin multiple pressuresand sizes for clean-ing, irrigation, spray,wash down andlarge diametersuction and dis-charge applications.Our water hosesare abrasion andweather resistantfor robust service inharsh environmentsand applications FuelParker fuel hosehandles a wide varietyof petroleum basedfuels in depot,dispenser, dock,engine fuel line, in-planttransfer, transport andtank truck suctionand discharge servicesafely and efficiently.The hoses are compat-ible with numerousfuels such as avgas,biodiesel, diesel,gasoline and jet fuel,and are available in adiverse range of pres-sures, sizes and tem-perature capabilities.PetroleumIn the petroleumindustry, a faulty orbroken hose can haveextremely seriousconsequences. That’swhy the inner tubesand covers on Parker’sindustrial hoses arespecifically chosen andengineered to providemaximum life even inthe most demandingpetroleum applicationssuch as transfer,suction and dischargeand blending.PVCFlexible PVC tubingalso offers a broadrange of chemical andcorrosion resistance,excellent abrasionand wear resistance,rubber-like flexibilitywith outstanding flowcharacteristics. Thesefeatures, along withvarious constructionoptions offered and thedifferent formulationsavailable, makes PVChose suitable for somany applications.Air &MultipurposeParker air hoseprovides robust servicein air tool, compressor,manufacturing/processequipment and generalindustrial applications.Serving a broad rangeof markets, the hosesare offered in flexiblerubber constructionsand lightweight,abrasion resistantthermoplasticconstructions, eachin multiple colors,pressures and sizes.MaterialHandlingOur vast assortmentof hoses includesspecifically engineeredmaterial handling hosesthat are constructedto withstand the mostabrasive materialsneeding transfer, andto required standards.ChemicalParker chemicalhoses safely handle awide variety of acidsand chemicals fordepot, dock, in-planttransfer, tank truck andtransport suction anddischarge service. Thehoses feature severaldifferent inner tubematerials to cover awide of range of media,pressures, sizesand temperaturecapabilities. OUR HOSES ARE EASILY IDENTIFIED BY APPLICATION, MARKET OR BRAND To meet our customers’ specific application requirements, we offer a broad range of innovative products designed to enhance performance, productivity, and safety for both the industrial and hydraulic hose markets.QUALITY SERVICES FOR A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEAsset Management SystemParker Tracking System (PTS) is an innovative component-tagging and asset management solution. In addition to labelingcomponents, users can document, replace, track, inspect,plan and analyze key equipment data with PTS.Hose Cleaning ServicesParker offers hose cleaning services to protect the life of hoseassemblies from dirt and debris, which can cause unwanted hosefailures. A pellet flushing system is used after hoses are cut andcrimped to remove debris from inside the assembly. To ensurecleanliness, we recommend utilizing Parker Clean Seal Caps.Both the pellets and the caps are an easy and quick way to ensureyou have a contamination-free hose assembly.Custom Tube Assemblies & Hose Tube CombinationsParker’s tube assemblies or hose and tube combinations provide analternative to rubber hose. Tube assemblies are a viable alternativein some applications where the port to port mounting is consistentand where the vibration and movement is limited. All assembliesare custom made to your specifications. Parker is ideally suitedto supply high volume assemblies for equipment manufacturersbut can also supply for quantities as small as five.For more information, please call:ParkerStoreParkerStores are a global network of independently-ownedindustrial retail operations with more than 3,500 service pointsaround the world. Whether it’s through a brick-and-mortar locationor from one of our mobile Hose Doctor operators, Parker isyour best bet for on-the-job help.HOSE ACCESSORIES Spring Guard & Armor Guard: Constructedfrom steel and designed to prolong the life of your hose lines that are exposed to rugged operating conditions.PolyGuard & Parkoil: Protect and bundle your hoses with these spiral guards that minimize kinking and cannot rust. Both the PolyGuard and Parkoil install without removing the hose. Partek Sleeve: Nylon woven protective sleeving gives you tough hose abrasion resistance with two versions of coverage – standard “AS” and a lighter “PS” – both providing protection and bundling capability.Firesleeve: A flame-resistant sheaththat protects your hose from extremehigh temperature conditions.NEXWRAP™ Polyethylene SpiralChafe Guard: A polyethylene spiral chafe guard designed as a conduit/harness to protect and bundle cable, hose, tubingand wiring.Strain Relievers: Helps prevent the hose from bending too close to the fitting and remove stress from the end of the crimp.Partek Defense: A nylon woven hose sleeve designed to provide reliable, long-lasting, protection to personnel and equipment in the event of a hose burst by containing the energy of the burst.Partek Wrap:A lightweight, highly flexible nylon sleeve designed for added abrasion resistanceand bundling multiple hoses orcables after assembly.EXTREME HOSE FLEXIBILITY WHERE TIGHT ROUTING IS A CHALLENGE Designed to handle extreme bends while allowing full-flow, kink-free performance, E-Z Form hose effectively replaces preformed hoses and hose bent metal tube assemblies in many applications – eliminating special design, tooling and fabrication costs and associated long lead times. E-Z Form is crush resistant and kink resistant for unimpeded flow, offers superior flexibility for easy handling and installer/operator convenience, and is resistant to abrasion and weathering for maximum performance.E-Z FORMParker Hannifin Corporation Fluid Connectors Group Wickliffe, Ohio9In addition to our Parkrimp crimpers, we offer a complete line of adjustable and production crimpers. Many are also available with programmable touchscreen controllers, ensuring that the assembly process is as easy as possible.and crimper decals available for immediate printing.For complete product information on all of Parker’s crimpers, please visit: /crimpsourceTH8-380Production CrimperPARKER'S EXTENSIVE EQUIPMENT LINEalso includes hose saws, push-on stands, power units as well as cleaning and capping systems to help you every step of the way while fabricating hose assemblies.Cut-Off Machines: Fast cutting and relatively low initial investment in equipment.Hose Insertion Depth Blocks and Fitting Push-on Stands: Boost productivity and quality of hose assemblies. Portable Crimper Power Units: Increase productivity and versatility for smaller hose assembly needs. Hose Cleaning and Capping Systems:Rid the assembly of any possible contaminationand extend hose life.MULTIPLE FITTING CONFIGURATIONS FOR BOTH HYDRAULIC ANDINDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONSFLANGESAvailable in SAE Code 61, SAE Code 62, DIN, ISO and Caterpillar ® specification. Flanges come in an array of configurations and sizes.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ..........................1/2" through 2-1/2"Pressure ...........................Up to 6000 psiJIC 37° and SAE 45°Flared fittings come in many shapes and sizes to meet your connectionrequirements.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ................................1/4" through 2"Pressure ...........................Up to 6000 psiPIPE FITTINGSFittings create a metal-to-metal seal. Threads of the fitting mate with the threads of the connecting port or coupling.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ................................1/8" through 2"Pressure .........................Up to 12000 psiSEAL-LOK ®Designed with a flat face and O-ring to create the optimal seal for leak-free hydraulic applications.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ................................1/4" through 2"Pressure ...........................Up to 6000 psiSAE 100R5Fittings available in shapes and sizes that meet most SAE 100R5 hose and air conditioning hoseapplications.Material ............................Steel and brass Sizes .....................3/16" through 1-13/16"Pressure ...........................Up to 3000 psiMETRICFittings are available in DIN, BSP , BSPP , ISO, French and JIS standards.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ......1/8" / 3 mm through 2" / 38 mm Pressure ...........................Up to 6000 psiSAE STRAIGHT THREADFittings provide leak-free port connections. The threads hold the fitting in place while the O-ring creates the seal.Material ...............Steel and stainless steel Sizes ................................1/4" through 2"Pressure ...........................Up to 6000 psiENHANCED SUPPORT FOROUR HOSE SOLUTIONSCircle of Safety: Many industrial hose manufacturers will suggest hose and fitting configurations for a given application, but they won't guarantee the combination will perform to the rated burst pressure of the hose. However, one of the benefits of working with Parker is that we assure the promise of quality industrial hose assemblies. Our Circle of Safety program establishes Parker's Hose Products Division as a single, accountable source with a specific performance guarantee to protect distributors and end users from accidents, unplanned downtime and increased liability./safehoseIndustrial Hose Selector: Need a hose or fitting? Our hose selector application allows you to search the entire catalog of products from Parker's Hose Products quickly and efficiently. Narrow down precisely what you need with the STAMP process, or browse thousands of products by category./safehoseCADs: Parker has CAD models available for more than 4,000 of its hydraulic and industrial adapters and fittings. Models are accessible with all major CAD applications at:/HPD_CADInstructional Videos: Hose Products Division offers a series of videos to help you better understand our products, services and capabilities in quick, easy-to-digest segments. Subjects include GlobalCore™, the Parkrimp™ crimping system, the basic elements of hoses, and more./HPD_VideosPARKER DELIVERS EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY AND RELIABILITY WHEN IT COMES TO EQUIPMENT AND TOOLING. FACTORY-QUALITY HOSE ASSEMBLIES CAN BE QUICKLY, EASILY, AND COST EFFECTIVELY MANUFACTURED WITH PARKER’S INDUSTRY LEADING EQUIPMENT.Parker's Parkrimp family of crimping machines enable any user to makefactory-quality hose assemblies quickly, easily and cost-effectively.The Parkrimp-style crimpers are designed to crimp fittings to theproper diameter every time. Parker’s Parkrimp system provides severalkey advantages such as:INDUSTRY LEADING EQUIPMENTParkrimp 2Transportation Material HandlingPetroleumInd. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96Ind. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96-128GlobalCore ™Hydraulic HoseMAXIMUM HOSE PRESSURE RATIWARNING: T he products described in this brochure can expose you to chemicals including Carbon Black, DEHP , Ethylene Thiourea, and Lead, which are known to the State of California to cause cancer, andDBP , DEHP , Ethylene Thiourea, and Lead which are known to the State of California to cause birth defect or other reproductive harm. For more information go to .Air & MultipurposeFor specific temperature range per size, please reference catalog or .Engine CoolantAir & MultipurposeEngine Fuel Ind. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96Ind. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96-128TING CHART (PSI) /HPDHydraulic Industry StandardSpecialty HosesSpecialty HosesInd. Std.ISOENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96Ind. Std.ISOENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96* Pressure varies with fittings used.PVCHeaterSteamChemical Ind. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96Oil & GasInd. Std.ISO ENTemp Range-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-20-24-32-40-48-56-64-80-96Water** Also available as factory assemblies.© 2018 Parker Hannifin Corporation BUL. 4400-B13 06/18Your complete source for quality tube fittings, hose & hose fittings, brass & composite fittings, quick-disconnect couplings, valves, and assembly tools, locally available from a worldwide network of authorized distributors.Fittings:Available in inch and metric sizes covering SAE, BSP ,DIN, GAZ, JIS, and ISO thread configurations, manufactured from steel, stainless steel, brass, aluminum, nylon, and thermoplastic.Hose, Tubing, and Bundles:Available in a wide variety of sizes and materials including rubber, wire-reinforced, thermoplastic, hybrid and custom compounds.Worldwide Availability:Parker operates FluidConnectors manufacturing locations and sales offices throughout North America, South America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.For information, call toll-free:1-800-C-PARKER (1-800-272-7537)Parker Fluid Connectors GroupNorth American Divisions & Distribution Service CentersNorth American DivisionsFluid System Connectors Division Otsego, MIphone 269 694 9411fax 269 694 4614Hose Products Division Wickliffe, OHphone 440 943 5700fax 440 943 3129Parflex Division Ravenna, OHphone 330 296 2871fax 330 296 8433Quick Coupling Division Minneapolis, MNphone 763 544 7781fax 763 544 3418Tube Fittings Division Columbus, OHphone 614 279 7070fax 614 279 7685Distribution Service CentersBuena Park, CAphone 714 522 8840fax 714 994 1183Conyers, GAphone 770 929 0330fax 770 929 0230Louisville, KYphone 502 937 1322fax 502 937 4180Portland, ORphone 503 283 1020fax 503 283 2201Toledo, OHphone 419 878 7000fax 419 878 7001fax 419 878 7420 (FCG Kit Operations)Canada Milton, ONTphone 905 693 3000fax 905 876 1958(Contact Milton for other Service Center locations.)MexicoToluca, MEXphone (52) 722 2754 200fax (52) 722 2722 168Parker Hannifin CorporationHose Products Division 30240 Lakeland Blvd.Wickliffe, OH 44092phone 440 943 5700fax 440 943 3129。
















目录DM500-C (1)1. 主要特点 (4)2. 遥控器 (5)3. 前面板和后面板 (6)4. 系统的连接 (7)5. 主菜单 (8)5.1. 频道管理 (8)5.2. 频道搜索 (9)5.3. 系统设置 (11)5.4. CA(条件接收系统) (28)5.5. 界面指南 (29)6. 常见故障解决方法 (31)7. 技术指标 (32)1. 主要特点支援接收免费/付费数位电视节目采用功能强大的NEC芯片处理器符合DVB-C/MPEG-2标准存储多达1000套的数位电视节目和广播节目支持多家主流条件接收系统支持电子节目指南(EPG)支持多种搜索方式友好的用户操作界面支持节目编辑(删除/加锁/移动/重命名)、排序、喜爱分组功能附件◇使用说明书一本◇遥控器一个◇电源线一个◇A V连接线一条2. 遥控器1.静音键2.机顶盒待机开关3.~ 0~9数位键,输入所需菜单项目数字或输入所需观看的频道号码4.显示当前频道信息5.在菜单状态下回到播放节目状态,在无功能表时进入主功能表6.回看功能选择7.在有功能表时返回上级功能表,在播放节目时回到主菜单8.上下移动键,正常播放节目时也是频道+、-键9.左右移动键,正常播放节目时也是音量+、-键10.确定键11.广播节目及电视节目切换12.电子节目编辑13.执行喜爱、邮件、预定、音频等功能3. 前面板和后面板前面板④③②①1.STANDBY:按此键可使机顶盒处于待机状态。

CDS-500 用户手册说明书

CDS-500 用户手册说明书

CDS-500用户手册目录1. CDS-500介绍 (1)1.1 CDS-500 控制器 (1)1.1.1 描述 (1)1.2 测头和光缆 (2)1.3 光源 (2)1.4 可选择配件 (2)2. 安全 (3)2.1 电气危险 (3)2.2 用光危险 (3)2.3 一般建议 (3)3. 安装和启动 (4)3.1 电气连接 (4)3.1.1 电源 (4)3.1.2 以太网连接 (4)3.1.3 同步信号(IO触发) (4)3.2 光纤连接 (4)3.3 设置以太网IP (5)3.4 传感器启动 (5)3.5 注意问题 (6)4. 软件安装使用说明 (7)4.1 软件安装 (7)4.2 CDS-500_Navigator调试软件使用说明 (7)4.2.1 打开传感器/关闭传感器 (7)4.3 读光谱数据 (8)4.3.1 DARK (8)4.3.2 Signal Type (9)4.3.3 Rate (9)i4.3.4 Sensitive (10)4.3.5 保存本屏数据 (10)4.3.6光强调整说明 (10)4.4 CDS-500_Navigator参数设置 (11)4.4.1 基本设置 (11)4.4.2 高级设置 (12)4.4.3触发设置 (13)4.4.4倾斜校正 (15)4.4.5固件升级 (15)4.5 测量 (16)4.5.1 清零 (16)4.5.2 左右数字输出下拉框 (16)4.5.3 开始/暂停按钮 (16)4.5.4 清除 (16)4.5.5 记录数据 (17)4.5.6 数据1、数据2选框 (17)5. 触发信号使用 (18)外部触发信号 (18)附录1:传感器、测头规格 (19)附录2:IP设置 (21)ii1. CDS-500介绍CDS-500传感器是基于色散共聚焦原理来测量位移或厚度的仪器,控制器通过一根专用光纤和测量头连接。

接入电源为24V DC,通过以太网接口进行数据输出。

C45002 产品手册说明书

C45002 产品手册说明书

浙江航芯源集成电路科技有限公司浙江航芯源集成电路科技有限公司Zhejiang HangXinYuan IC Technology Co.,LtdC45002 产品手册4通道逻辑门1.产品特性➢额定驱动电流:50mA ➢单芯片集成4通道➢具有输入反相逻辑配置位➢可实现双输入与门、与非门➢每个通道具备2个同相输出2.功能描述C45002是一款采用硅工艺制造的通用逻辑门芯片。



输入引脚支持2.5V/3.3V/5V 逻辑电平,单个输出最大50mA 电流的驱动能力。


3.典型应用➢缓冲器➢反相器➢电平位移4.裸芯片/封装简介➢本产品为裸芯片,尺寸为840μm*1590μm (含划片槽)有限公司5. 绝对最大额定值使用中超过这些绝对最大值可能对芯片造成永久损坏.6. 主要电参数无特别说明T A = -55℃~125℃,V DD =5V表 1 主要电参数浙江航路科公司7. 功能框图及引脚介绍7.1 功能框图IN1_1IN1_2CH1IN4_1IN4_2CH4IN3_1IN3_2CH3IN2_1IN2_2CH2OUT2_1OUT2_2OUT3_1OUT3_2OUT4_1OUT4_2GND图 1 功能框图268403606图 2 C45002引脚分布➢ 芯片尺寸:840μm×1590 μm (包含划片槽) ➢ PAD 尺寸:100μm×100μm表 2 C45002引脚说明科技有限公司8. 芯片应用说明0V0V 5V图 3 C45002典型应用图1) 4个通道相互独立,共电源共地,每个通道的两个输出为同相,且各个通道功能一致;2) 功率走线如电源、地、输出等,应简短并且具有一定的宽度;3) 多个VDD 和GND 内部已连接,但考虑到性能建议同时使用。




















阀门应满足或超过API 6D的要求并应适合指定的现场条件。



第 3 页
参考资料: [1].实用阀门设计手册.陆培文 主编.机械工业出版社 [2].阀门设计手册.杨源泉 主编.机械工业出版社 [3].世界钢号手册.林慧国、林钢、马跃华 主编.机械工业出版社 [4].中国机械工业标准汇编 中国标准出版社 [5].JB/T 93-2008 阀门零部件 扳手、手柄和手轮
第 4 页
B-B断面强度校 核 B-B断面弯曲应力 σWB=MB/WB MB=0.113PD23 WB=2JB/b MB=21928787.4N· mm WB=656589.5mm3 [σW]=102Mpa σWB<[σ
第 2 页
四、阀杆强度 验算
此项见[1]P1182 表5-171, MD=MM+MC+MT+Mj+Md MM=4qMRbMfM(h2+R2)1/2 MC=FCfCdF/2 MT=FTdF/2 Mj=0 Md=2× 10-4gλαHD2/ζα-ζ0+2gH/V02 =344974N· mm MT=93888N· mm MM=19227951.57N· mm MD=1966 6813.57 N·mm
2.密封面计算比 压 q=FMZ/[sinα(DMW+DMN)πbM]
第 1 页
=30.8Mpa [q]=45Mpa qMF<q<[q]
三、蝶板的厚度 及强度验算 1.蝶板的厚度计 算 此项查[1]P1182表5-172蝶板的厚度计算式 b=0.054DH1/3 H=100(PN+Δp) Δp=400qV/At qV—设计选定 A—阀座通道截面积208849mm2 t—设计确定60s b=118.5mm 2.蝶板强度验算 此项查[1]P1183、1184表5-175、5-176 A-A断面强度校 核 A-A断面弯曲应力 σWA=MA/WA MA=PD23/12 WA=2JA/b MA=16171650N· mm WA=366584mm3 σWA=44.1Mpa [σW]=102Mpa σWA<[σ



激光二极管43■激光二极管◆主要阵容 <可见光激光二极管>特点廉价型紧凑型标准型宽广的工作温度范围封装尺寸 ④ t1.8 mm Frame② φ3.8 mm Can① φ5.6 mm Can横向振荡模式单一模式工作温度 (°C) –10~+60–40~+85波长R: 638 nmGH1631AA8C 100 mW (CW)GH0631IA5G 150 mW (CW)GH0631IA2GC 180 mW (CW)★GH0632BA2G 200 mW (CW)G: 520 nm –☆GH05280E5G 80 mW (CW)☆GH05280E2K 80 mW (CW)– *1B: 450 nm–☆GH04580A5G 80 mW (CW) GH04580A2G 80 mW (CW)– *1 *1 计划今后将提供工作温度范围更广的产品系列。

<红外发光二极管>特点高光束级高输出脉冲30W 级脉冲90W 级封装尺寸① φ5.6 mm Can横向振荡模式单一模式复合模式工作温度 (°C) –10 ~ +70–40 ~ +85波长IR: 830 nm ★GH0832FA2G250 mW (CW)–––IR: 850 nm–★GH0852WA2G700 mW (CW)––IR: 905 nm ––★GH09W30A2G30 W (Pulse)★GH09W90A2G90 W (Pulse)IR: 940 nm★GH0942FA2G250 mW (CW)★GH0942WA2G700 mW (CW)––<红外护眼激光二极管 *2>特点可靠性高,护眼封装尺寸 ⑥ φ5.6 mm eye-safe横向振荡模式复合模式工作温度 (°C) –10 ~ +70波长IR: 850 nm☆GH4854B3TG 410 mW(CW)IR: 940 nm★GH4944D3TG 430 mW (CW)*2 对眼睛更加安全的激光<凡例> GHxxxxxxxx xx mW (CW)上段:型号名称下段:25°C 时的额定光输出值44◆规格<激光二极管>(Tc = 25°C)封装尺寸型号波长(带域)λp(nm)绝对最大额定值*1特性内置监视器PD端子连接用途Po(mW)Top(°C)Po(mW)Ith(mA)Iop(mA)Vop(V)ηd(mW/mA)λp(nm)θ// *2(°)θ⊥*2(°)①φ5.6 mm Can☆GH0401FA2K405155–10 ~ +75150401305 1.7405919○4传感器等GH04W10A2GC3500 ~ +50300140325 4.5 1.840614*341*3–9GH04580A2G45085–10 ~ +70802284 5.1 1.34501024–8显示器等☆GH05030D2L50535–10 ~ +6030307560.65505823–12☆GH05130G2K51535–10 ~ +60303085 6.50.555157.522○4☆GH05280E2K52085–10 ~ +608065180 6.50.7520723○4☆GH0521DA2G135130100300 6.80.6522.5–8☆GH06330A2G63830–10 ~ +60303050 2.3 1.4638716–8GH0631IA2GC185–20 ~ +6018070215 2.55 1.158139★GH0632BA2G210–40 ~ +852******* 2.65–15GH0637AA2G700–10 ~ +40700110810 2.461635★GH0652CA2G650220–40 ~ +9020055220 2.6–650812.5–9GH06P25A1C660100–10 ~ +709540122 2.4 1.1661–––3GH0832BA1K830210–10 ~ +7020035215 2.1 1.1830918○4传感器等★GH0832FA2G26025045255 2.2 1.15815–8★GH0852WA2G850700–10 ~ +70700275975 1.8185017458★GH09W30A2G905Pulse40W–40 ~ +85Pulse30W70030A11 1.149051520–8激光雷达等★GH09W90A2GPulse120WPulse90W(tbd)(tbd)(tbd)(tbd)(tbd)★GH0942FA2G940260–10 ~ +70250(tbd)(tbd)(tbd)(tbd)940(tbd)(tbd)–8传感器等★GH0942WA2G700700315800 1.811035②φ3.8 mm Can☆GH04580A5G45085–10 ~ +70802284 5.1 1.34501024–8显示器等☆GH05280E5G52085–10 ~ +608065180 6.50.7520723–8☆GH0521DA5G135–10 ~ +50130100300 6.80.6522.5–8GH0631CA5G638125–10 ~ +60120701952.5–638915–8GH0631IA5G185******** 1.157.5③φ3.3 mm CanGH06510F4A66010–10 ~ +7071726 2.20.856601328○1传感器等GH07P28F4C785150–10 ~ +7010035135 2.41784816–3④t1.8 mm FrameGH1631AA8C638100–10 ~ +6010050130 2.45 1.2638815–6显示器等GH16P32B8C660100–10 ~ +709042120 2.3 1.166619.315–6⑤t1.2 mm Frame GH16320AUL63820–10 ~ +40201850 2.50.6635836–11显示器等<护眼的激光二极管*4>(Tc = 25°C)封装尺寸型号波长(带域)λp(nm)绝对最大额定值*1特性内置监视器PD端子连接用途Iop(A)Top (°C) Iop(mA)Ith(mA)φe(mW)Vop(V)ηd(mW/mA)λp(nm)θ// *2(°)θ⊥*2(°)⑥φ5.6 mm eye-safe☆GH4854B3TG8501–10 ~ +7080025041020.75850100100–8传感器等★GH4944D3TG9401–10 ~ +70800160430 1.750.679408585*1 绝对最大额定值是在任何情况下都不能超过的极限,不管是在测试还是实际使用中。



550C中文资料关键信息项:1、资料名称:550C 中文资料2、资料用途:____________________________3、资料提供方:____________________________4、资料接收方:____________________________5、资料使用期限:____________________________6、资料保密要求:____________________________7、违约责任:____________________________8、争议解决方式:____________________________11 协议背景本协议旨在规范550C 中文资料的相关事宜,确保资料的合理使用、保护和传播。

111 资料的定义和范围本协议中所提及的550C 中文资料包括但不限于文字、图表、图像、音频、视频等与 550C 相关的各类中文形式的信息。

112 资料的用途资料接收方应仅将 550C 中文资料用于具体合法且明确的用途,不得用于其他任何未经授权的目的。

12 资料提供方的权利和义务121 提供方应确保所提供的 550C 中文资料的真实性、准确性和完整性。

122 提供方有权对资料接收方的使用情况进行监督和检查。

13 资料接收方的权利和义务131 接收方应按照协议约定的用途使用 550C 中文资料。

132 接收方有义务对资料进行妥善保管,采取合理的安全措施防止资料泄露、丢失或损坏。

133 未经提供方书面同意,接收方不得将资料转让、出售、出租或提供给任何第三方。

14 资料使用期限141 双方约定 550C 中文资料的使用期限为具体时间段。

142 在使用期限届满后,接收方应立即停止使用并按照提供方的要求归还或销毁资料。

15 资料保密要求151 接收方应对 550C 中文资料予以保密,不得向任何无关人员透露资料的内容。

152 接收方应采取必要的保密措施,如限制访问、加密存储等,以确保资料的保密性。



Microstructure Pressure SensorsPrecision Compensated0 in H2O to 4 in H2O and 0 in H2O to 10 in H2OSCXL Series FEATURES•Very Low PressureResolution• Precision Temperature Compensation• Small Size• Low Noise •Calibrated Zero & Span •High Impedance for Low Power Applications TYPICAL APPLICATIONS • Air Flow• Respirators• H VAC• Medical Equipment • Computer Peripherals • Pneumatic ControlsWARNING PERSONAL INJURYDO NOT USE these products as safety or emergency stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury. The SCXL series sensors provide a very cost-effective solution for pressure applications that require high accuracy over very low operating pressure ranges. These internally calibrated and temperature compensated sensors were specifically designed to provide an accurate and stable output over a0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] temperature range. This series is intended for use with non-corrosive, non-ionic working fluids such as air, dry gases and the like.The output of the bridge is ratiometric to the supply voltage. Operation from any dc supply voltage up to 18 Vdc [Model SCXL004DN] or 20 Vdc[SCXL010DN] is acceptable.Contact your local honeywell representative or go to Honeywell’s website at /sensing for additional details.WARNINGMISUSE OF DOCUMENTATION•The information presented in this product sheet is for reference only. Do not use this document as a product installation guide.•Complete installation, operation, and maintenance information is provided in the instructions supplied with each product.Failure to comply with these instructions could result in death or serious injury.Microstructure Pressure Sensors Precision Compensated0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O and 0 in H 2O to 10 in H 2OSCXL Series2 Honeywell • Sensing and ControlGENERAL SPECIFICATIONSCharacteristicDescription (Maximum Ratings) SCXL004DN Description (Maximum Ratings)SCXL010DNSupply Voltage (V S)18 Vdc 20 VdcCommon Mode Pressure 150 in H 2O 50 psig Lead Soldering Temperature (2 seconds to 4 seconds)250 °C [482 °F] 250 °C [482 °F] Proof Pressure (12)10 in H 2O 10 psi Burst Pressure5 psi 200 in H 2OENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSCharacteristicDescription (Maximum Ratings)SCXL004DNDescription (Maximum Ratings)SCXL010DNCompensated Operating Temperature 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] Operating Temperature 0 °C to 70 °C [32 °F to 158 °F] -40 °C to 85 °C [-40 °F to 185 °F] Storage Temperature 0 °C to 70 °C [32 °F to 158 °F] -40 °C to 125 °C [-40 °F to 257 °F] Humidity Limits0 % to 100 % RH0 % to 100 % RHPRESSURE RANGE SPECIFICATIONSFull-Scale Span (1)ListingOperating Pressure Proof Pressure (2)Min. Typ. Max. SCXL004DN 0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O 10 in H 2O 38.0 mV 40.0 mV 42.0 mV SCXL010DN0 in H 2O to10 in H 2O10 psi 19.5 mV 20.0 mV 20.5 mVSCXL004DN PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (3)Characteristic Min. Typ. Max. UnitZero Pressure Offset (4)-1.5 0 1.5 mVSensitivity – 10 – mV/in H 2O Combined Pressure Non-Linearity and Pressure Hysteresis (5)– ±0.5 ±1.0 % FSSTemperature Effect on Span 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] (6)– ±0.2 ±1.0 % FSSTemperature Effect on Offset 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] (6)– ±0.5 ±2.0 mVRepeatability (7)– ±0.2 – % FSSInput Resistance (8)– 4.0 – kOhmOutput Resistance (9)– 4.0 – kOhmCommon Mode Voltage (10)5.76.0 6.3 VdcResponse Time (11)– 500 – Microsec.Long Term Stability of Offset and Span (12)– ±0.5 – % FSS Position Sensitivity – 0.25 – mV/gMicrostructure Pressure Sensors Precision Compensated0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O and 0 in H 2O to 10 in H 2OSCXL SeriesHoneywell • Sensing and Control 3SCXL010DN PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS (3)Characteristic Min. Typ. Max. UnitZero Pressure Offset (4) -0.3 0.0 0.3 mVSensitivity – 2 – mV/in H 2O Combined Pressure Non-Linearity and Pressure Hysteresis (5)– ±0.2 ±0.5 % FSSTemperature Effect on Span 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] (6)– ±0.2 ±1.0 % FSSTemperature Effect on Offset 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] (6)– ±300 ±500 MicrovoltsRepeatability (7)– ±0.2 ±0.5 % FSSInput Resistance (8)– 4.0 – kOhmOutput Resistance (9)– 4.0 –kOhmCommon Mode Voltage (10)5.86.0 6.2 VdcResponse Time (11)– 100 – Microsec.Long Term Stability of Offset and Span (12)– 100 – MicrovoltsSPECIFICATION NOTESNote 1: Full-Scale Span is the algebraic difference between the output voltage at full-scale pressure and the output at zero pressure. Full-Scale Span is ratiometric to the supply voltage.Note 2: Proof pressure is the pressure above which devices will not return to guaranteed specifications. Note 3:Reference Conditions: (Unless otherwise noted)T A = 25 °C, Supply V S = 12 Vdc, Common Mode Line pressure = 0 psig, Pressure applied toPort B. For absolute devices only, pressure is applied to Port A, and the output polarity is reversed.Note 4: Zero pressure effect is measured with pins pointed towards the ground. Offset can be position sensitive.Note 5: Pressure Hysteresis – the maximum output difference at any point within the operating pressure range for increasing and decreasing pressure.Note 6: Maximum error band of the offset voltage and the error band of the span, relative to the 25 °C [77 °F] reading.Note 7: Maximum difference in output at any pressure within the operating pressure range and the temperature within 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] after:004DN: a) 100 temperature cycles, 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F] b) 1 million pressure cycles, 0 psi to Full-Scale Span.010DN: a) 1,000 temperature cycles, 0 °C to 50 °C [32 °F to 122 °F]b) 1.5 million pressure cycles, 0 psi to Full-Scale Span. Note 8: Input resistance is the resistance between pins 2 and 4. Note 9: Output resistance is the resistance between pins 3 and 5.Note 10: Common Mode voltage of the output arms (Pins 3 and 5) for V S =12 Vdc.Note 11: Response time for a 0 psi to Full-Scale Span pressure step change, 10 % to 90 % rise time. Note 12:Long term stability over a one-year period.ORDERING INFORMATIONDescription Part Number 0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O SCXL 004DN 0 in H 2O to 10 in H 2O SCXL 010DN Special Options: Pins with N-90 = 90° Lead BendELECTRICAL CONNECTION PinoutSCXL004DN [0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O] SCXL004DN [0 in H 2O to 10 in H 2O]PIN 1) Temperature output (+) PIN 2) V sPIN 3) + Output PIN 4) Ground PIN 5) - OutputPIN 6) Temperature output (-)PIN 1) No Connection PIN 2) V sPIN 3) + Output PIN 4) Ground PIN 5) - OutputPIN 6) No ConnectionMicrostructure Pressure Sensors Precision Compensated0 in H 2O to 4 in H 2O and 0 in H 2O to 10 in H 2OSCXL SeriesSensing and Control/sensing Honeywell11 West Spring Street Freeport, Illinois 61032008102-3-EN IL50 GLO 504 Printed in USACopyright 2004 Honeywell International Inc. All Rights ReservedPHYSICAL DIMENSIONS for Reference Only-(mm/in)WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship.Contact your local sales office for warranty information. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace without charge those items it finds defective. Theforegoing is Buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.Specifications may change without notice. Theinformation we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.While we provide application assistance personally,through our literature and the Honeywell web site, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.For application assistance, current specifications, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact a nearby sales office. Or call: 1-800-537-6945 USA/Canada 1-815-235-6847 International FAX1-815-235-6545 USA INTERNET/sensing info.sc@分销商库存信息: HONEYWELL SCXL004DN。


300 15
Al, 金属型铸造
(涂料 50~200?m)
同上 (容易产生空隙时)
600 1200 1800
表 9 合金的密度、潜热
s(20?C) (kg/m3)
s(Ts) (kg/m3)
1%Cr 钢
%Mn 钢
0 200 400 800 1200
200 碳素结构钢
(S35C) 400
中碳钢 %)
共析钢 %)
工具钢 %)
0 200 400 800 1200
0 200 400 800 1200
0 200
=(15?C) =(15?C) =(15?C)
400 800 1200
续表 1 各种金属的热物性值
=(15?C) 比热相对于 普通铸铁
20 200 400 800 1000
导热系数 密度(g/cm3)液相线、固
cal/(g·C) cal/(cm·s·C)
20 纯铜
5 10 20
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
T1=TC(铸片) T2=TM(结晶器) 铸造速度=1.08m/min 弯曲型扁板连铸机


本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March
部 品 规 格 书
部品品名: TP2M 紫铜铜管 部品编号:
审核 2
部品名称 型号规格
强度极限 σb(MPa)
截面面收 缩率 ψ
硬度 HB Kg/mm2
剪切强度 σc (MPa)
硬态 Y 280~300 340~350 370~420
35~45 110~130 210
软态 M 20~50
50~70 220~240 40~50
65~75 35~45
8.96g/cm3 (20℃)
10500~13700 公斤 3800~4800 公斤力/ 力/毫米 2(20℃) 毫米 2(20℃)
0.33~0.35 (20℃)
弹性极限 σe(MPa)
屈服点 σs (MPa)
3.铜管表面内外表面不应有油污,并且不能有划伤、碰伤、压伤,管口无变形及毛刺; 4.有扩口的铜管须检查扩口处是否破裂,并查看扩口处是否有毛刺;
编制 日期
审核 日期
会签 日期
批准 日期
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00110101001001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001 00100100001111000101010010110110101110100110100100110101 01001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001001101010 10000111100010101001011011010111010011010010011010100100
This user guide is applied to the 8 ports 10/100M N-Way Mini Switch . The 8-Port 10/100M N-Way Mini Switch is designed for easy installation and high performance in an environment where traffic on the network and the number of users increase continuously. Small businesses and corporate branch offices can now take full advantage of 100Mbps Fast Ethernet performance and preserve existing desktop investment with no changes required to PCs, NICs, cabling, drivers, or PC configurations.
Performance Highlights
• • • • • • •
Provide one Uplink port for uplink to another switch, hub or repeater Store-and-forward switching scheme capability to support rate adaptation and ensures data integrity Auto-negotiation on each port. Auto-polarity detection for correction of incorrect polarity on the received twisted pair on each port Data forwarding rate 148,800 pps per port at 100% of wirespeed Data filtering rate eliminates all error packets, runts, etc. at 148,800 pps per port at 100% of wire-speed The shortest forwarding latency time
Number of LED 1
8 ( 1-8 )
Full-Duplex status of connected port
8 ( 1-8 )
00110101001001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001 00100100001111000101010010110110101110100110100100110101 01001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001001101010 10000111100010101001011011010111010011010010011010100100
Key Features
• • • • • • • • • •
Conforms to IEEE 802.3 10BASE-T and IEEE 802. 3u 100BASE-TX standards Eight 100/10Mbps RJ-45 ports Support store-and-forward mode switching Full and Half-Duplex mode operation IEEE802.3x flow control for Full-Duplex operation Back pressure for Half-Duplex flow control Support one Uplink port for expansion Auto-negotiation capability Source address learning and aging function LEDs to indicate : TEST, Speed/ACT.,FDX/COL., and Power status
RJ-45 Uplink Port
00110101001001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001 00100100001111000101010010110110101110100110100100110101 01001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001001101010 10000111100010101001011011010111010011010010011010100100
00110101001001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001 00100100001111000101010010110110101110100110100100110101 01001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001001101010 10000111100010101001011011010111010011010010011010100100
Switch to Hub A hub (10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX) can be connected to the N-Way Switch via a two-pair Category 3/4/5 UTP/STP straight cable. The connection is accomplished from any normal port of the N-Way Mini Switch to the uplink port of the connected hub.
Package Contents
• • • • •
One 8-Port 10/100M N-Way Mini Switch One External Power Adapter Two Screws Two Anchors This User Guide
The following describes the front panel, rear panel and LED indicators of the 8-Port 10/100M N-Way Mini Switch . Frቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnt Panel
Network Connection
The following figures illustrate the connections of the 8Port N-Way Mini Switch. PC to Switch A PC can be connected to the 8-Port N-Way Mini Switch via a two-pair Category 3/4/5 UTP/STP straight cable. The PC (equipped with a RJ-45 100/10Mbps jack) should be connected to any of the eight ports.
8-Port 10/100M N-Way Mini Switch
User Guide
00110101001001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001 00100100001111000101010010110110101110100110100100110101 01001000011110001010100101101101011101001101001001101010 10000111100010101001011011010111010011010010011010100100
LED Indicators
LED Power Test Color Green Y ellow Status On On On Green Flashing Speed/Act. On Y ellow Flashing On FDX/Col. Green Flashing Collision occurs of 10M or 100M 10Mbps for data receiving 10Mbps of connected port 100Mbps for data receiving Description Power on Loop test error occurs 100Mbps of connected port
Rear Panel
1. Uplink The Uplink port is used to connect to other switches or hubs. The Uplink port is shared with the port #1. 2. RJ-45 Ports Eight shielded RJ-45 ports, all come with auto-negotiation and operate at 10/100Mbps for connection to servers and hubs. All ports can be configurated for Full/HalfDuplex mode. 3. Power Connector For the external 7.5V DC power adapter that connects to the power outlet.