The Oscilloscope: Operation andApplications1.The OscilloscopeOscilloscope Operation (X vs Y mode)An oscilloscope can be used to measure voltage. It does this by measuring the voltage dropacross a resistor and in the process draws a small current. The voltage drop is amplified andused to deflect an electron beam in either the X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) axis using anelectric field. The electron beam creates a bright dot on the face of the Cathode Ray Tube(CRT) where it hits the phosphorous. The deflection, due to an applied voltage, can bemeasured with the aid of the calibrated lines on the graticule.First we will consider the circuitry that amplifies and conditions the voltage to be measured (the “Amp” block in figure 1).Figure 1. X vs. Y Deflection Block Diagram of the CRT The deflection of the oscilloscope beam is proportional to the input voltage (after ac or dccoupling). The amount of deflection (Volts/Division) depends upon the setting of theAMPL/DIV control for that channel (see figure 2).The input signal can be ac or dc coupled. Ac coupling involves adding a series capacitor. This has the effect of blocking (removing) the dc bias and low frequency components of a signal.Dc coupling does not have this problem and therefore allows you to measure voltages rightdown to 0 Hz. Ac coupling is useful when you are trying to measure a small ac voltage that is “on-top” of a large dc voltage. A typical example is trying to measure the noise of a dc power supply.Figure 2. Amplifier Block DiagramAmplifier FeaturesAMPL/DIV - This abbreviated name varies but it is generally some short form of amplitude per division. The control is a simple voltage divider (attenuator) which is used to change the sensitivity of the oscilloscope. At a 1 volt/DIV setting, a deflection of one major division on the graticule represents a one volt change at the oscilloscope input.Calibrated voltage measurementsThe small knob within the AMPL/DIV control must be rotated clockwise into its detente position for the amplifiers to be calibrated. Otherwise the voltage/division will be some unknown value greater than what the dial indicates.INV - There is almost always a control which lets you invert one channel. This can be used along with the ADD function to subtract two voltages. This is necessary because the common input (black lead of the oscilloscope cable) can only be connected to a 0V node. If channel A has V1 + V2 and channel B has voltage V1 then the reading of channel A + (-channel B) = (V1 + V2) + (-V1) = V2Position - For each axis there is a control which lets you shift the electron beam. With this you can set the zero voltage point to anywhere that is convenient for you.Oscilloscope InputsThe input of the oscilloscope can usually be modelled as a resistance and a parallel capacitance (see figure 3). The resistance is usually 1M S but it and the capacitance can vary greatly. The total or effective capacitance includes the oscilloscope circuitry (approx. 30 pF), cables (approx. 30 pF/m) and stray capacitance. The resistance will draw current from the circuit while the capacitance will add an RC time constant with its associated time delay, frequency response and distortion of some waveforms.The common connection (black lead or shield) at the input of the oscilloscope goes to the metal case as the symbol by the input connector shows. Because of this, the common input can only be connected to a 0V point in the circuit. Since the common inputs for both the A and B channels are connected to the case, they are effectively shorted together.Figure 3. DC-coupled Oscilloscope Input Circuitand Frequency ResponseFigure 4. AC-coupled Oscilloscope Input Circuit andFrequency ResponseFrequency response is calculated or measured by applying a pure sinusoidal waveform to a circuit. The circuit response is the output voltage divided by the input voltage. This is a complex number that can also be expressed as a magnitude (gain) and phase.Due to limitations in the amplifiers, the oscilloscope's frequency response is limited. Themanufacturer simply lists the half-power point for the oscilloscope without any external effects.Half power is also called the -3dB point. At this point, the voltage has decreased to 70.7% of its maximum. This means that only one-half of the maximum power would be dissipated in aresistive load. Keep in mind that an oscilloscope that is rated at 20 MHz is usually only accurate to 4 MHz for non-sinusoidal waveforms before distortion becomes a problem.With ac coupling (figure 4), an oscilloscope has another series RC circuit. It acts like a high pass filter (HPF). If you are viewing low frequency signals when ac coupled, not only will you not be able to measure any dc offset, but you will also be removing some low frequency information.Oscilloscope Operation (Voltage vs Time)The main function of an oscilloscope is to show voltage vs time. This is done by applying a ramp (or sawtooth) waveform into the X-axis amplifier as shown in figure 5. During the rising edge of the ramp, the electron beam scans across the screen. When the voltage drops back to 0V, the beam is turned off and quickly goes back to its starting point. This is signified by a thick line when the beam is on and a thin one when it is off (blanked).To obtain a stable picture on the CRT screen, the ramp waveform has to be in phase with the signal that you want to observe. This is done with a triggering circuit. The triggering circuit allows the oscilloscope to draw repeatedly the same waveform over and over by identifying the same point on a repetitive waveform.Figure 5.A Ramp-driven X-axis inputFigure 6. A Triggering ExampleFigure 7. Several Triggering CyclesThe triggering circuit allows you to select a voltage (an analog value) and an edge or slope (positive or negative) for the triggering circuit to compare to the input waveform. When the two are equal, the circuit puts out a pulse. This pulse triggers the ramp waveform generator to do one cycle of its rising and falling edges. Once the ramp has started a cycle of increasing voltage, it can not be retriggered until it has completed the full ramp and returned to 0V. This is illustrated in figure 6 for a single cycle and in figure 7 for multiple cycles.Not only do you have control over the starting point of the ramp, but the amount of time that the ramp takes to reach its maximum voltage (the right hand side of the CRT screen) can be adjusted with the timebase control. In essence, you have a “window”. You can move the window to any point on a waveform with the triggering circuit and you can change the size of the window with the timebase.The time-base control allows you to set the time / division that the beams takes to scan acrossthe screen. Just like the voltage selector, there is a calibration knob in the middle of the control. Unless the vernier (calibration knob) is 'clicked' in to its most clockwise position, the time per division is unknown.When set to AUTO (automatic) triggering, the oscilloscope will always show a trace. However, when you use a manual triggering mode (DC, AC), many strange things can happen. For example, if the triggering voltage or level is set to +10V and the waveform never exceeds +5V, the triggering circuit will never trigger and the screen will stay blank.You may think that in a condition of no triggering, you would still have a bright dot on the screen because the electron beam would go to its 'home' or undeflected position. Since the oscilloscope is designed to work with a moving electron beam, a stationary beam can very quickly 'burn' a hole in the phosphorous coating of the screen. To prevent this, there is a ' blanking' circuit which turns off the electron beam. Blanking occurs when there is no triggering or when the electron beam is sweeping from the right edge back to the left side of the screen. Time measurements are done the same way as voltage measurements. As long as the timebase is calibrated you multiply the number of divisions by the number of seconds per division to get the total time difference. Phase measurements are done by comparing the measured time to the period of the waveform.Oscilloscope Two Channel OperationYou can view two voltage waveforms at once by using two Y-axis (vertical) input channels. The individual channels are sometimes labelled as '1' and '2' or as 'A' and 'B'. Since there is only one electron beam, you have to share its drawing time between both waveforms. This may be accomplished using either the chop or alternate modes.When in the chop mode (figure 8), the oscilloscope displays a little bit of channel A, then a little bit of B, then A, then B ....during a single sweep of the electron beam. If you increase the timebase to about 1:s/division, you can start to see the individual pieces as it chops between one channel and the other channel.Figure 8. Chop ModeIn the alternate mode (figure 9), the oscilloscope will sweep the electron beam twice across the screen. The first time it will draw the signal from channel A and the next time from channel B. At very low timebase settings, you can see it draw one channel and then the other in successive passes.Note: When you use the alternate function, the two waveforms that you see are from different points in time and the triggering circuit has to trigger twice.Figure 9.Alternate ModeFigure 10. A Simple Oscilloscope Block DiagramThe reason that you can see a non-flickering image on the screen is because the phosphorous coating on the CRT has persistence. In essence, the phosphorous acts like a low pass filter and averages several images that are drawn on the screen.By viewing two signals at a time, you can measure relative time differences. By combining a voltage and phase measurement (relative to the appropriate reference), you can measure a phasor value.With a two channel oscilloscope, you have the ability to trigger on each waveform andelectronically switch (chop or alt) between them as well. A block diagram of a oscilloscope has now become as shown in figure 10.Some oscilloscopes offer a way to alternately trigger as depicted in figure 11. When combined with alternate displaying, you can stably display two waveforms of any frequency by alternately showing each channel and triggering on the channel that is being drawn. This way, the oscilloscope is acting like a two beam scope with both waveforms triggering at the same voltage and slope. However, there is no way to know what the relationship is between one waveform and the other when using alternate triggering.Figure 11. Stable Triggering of Two Different FrequenciesIf you have two waveforms that do not have the same frequency, it is still possible to show them as two stable waveforms on a normal oscilloscope. In figure 11, you will notice that if the triggering occurs at the 'X', both waveforms are in phase (ie. at the same phase each time the timebase triggers). The condition for a stable display is not that two waveforms have to be of exactly the same frequency, but that when they are triggered, they have to be in phase.Or n A f1 = m A f2 where n, m are integers. That is not necessary, but it is sufficient. There are many other ways to achieve a stable trace when you consider that the trigger circuit will wait for the next triggering point. There is also a control on some oscilloscopes, called 'hold off', which allows you to add a delay between the end of the trace being drawn and the time when the triggering circuit starts to look for the next triggering point. That can be used to stabilize the display under some circumstances.Remember that all of this applies only for repetitive waveforms that are properly triggered. If the triggering is not stable, or the waveform is not repetitive, you will see a constantly moving image or several images offset and superimposed.A slightly more complicated block diagram of an oscilloscope, with the typical functions found in the laboratory, is illustrated in figure 12.AccuracyThere are many factors affecting the accuracy of oscilloscope measurements.There are errors due to the input channel voltage divider, timebase control, the use of magnifiers, the accuracy to which the CRT deflection can be read, beam thickness, temperature etc. The voltage divider error will be the same for all readings that are done on the same timebase and voltage range, but may be different each time the range is changed. Measurements over only two divisions can incur two to three times the error of those made over the centre eight divisions.If the phase angle is used in a trigonometric function, this error can be multiplied by the slope of the function. Consider that the tangent of a 1% phase error entered at 85 degrees is much worse (20%) than the same 1% error on a sine function (0.2%) at the same angle. To get a feel for this look at the Taylor expansion of the trigonometric functions.It is wise to consult the user manual for a particular instrument’s accuracy specifications.Figure 12. Oscilloscope Block Diagram2.Iwatsu Model SS-5702 OscilloscopeAccuracyThe Iwatsu SS-5702 oscilloscope is used in this laboratory. All measurements on the graticule should be made over as many divisions as possible. For simplicity, assume the Iwatsu SS-5702 oscilloscope’s error is ±5% for a measurement on either the vertical or horizontal scales over eight divisions.Front Panel ControlsThe front panel controls, shown in figure 13, will be described in the remainder of this section.Figure 13. The Iwastu SS-5702 OscilloscopeFront Panel ControlsThe power, trace rotation, intensity, focus, and scale illumination controls are located at the bottom centre.The vertical controls and input selection are on the left side.The horizontal controls and horizontal input selection are on the right side.The triggering selection section is at the bottom right.The power on/off, trace rotation, intensity, focus and scale illuminationTrace rotation has to be checked with just a straight line across the screen of the oscilloscope. The intensity should be adjusted to a mid point (or more clockwise).The focus of the beam can be done while observing the straight line display.The scale illumination can be adjusted to the operator’s preference.Vertical InputsVertical channels are used for measuring voltage.The beam is deflected vertically as a result of the signal being applied to the vertical input of the channel (CH).CH-1 and CH-2 are the labels for the two vertical inputs.Each channel has a position control, a range selection switch, a pull “x5” knob, a coupling selector switch (AC/GND/DC), and an input connector.Each channel Range switch (VOLTS/DIV) has a smaller knob in the middle of the Range Selector Switch. And there is an arrow showing that the Range Selector Switch is in the “CAL” position when rotated fully clockwise.In the centre of the two channel sections is the channel selection switch. You can choose to have CH-1, CH-2, both (DUAL), or ADD.In addition, CH-2 has a “Polarity” switch. You push the polarity switch in to “INVERT” the polarity of the signal being displayed. The “NORM” or out position is the normal position of the polarity switch.Horizontal InputsThe “EXT” (HORIZONTAL IN) can be supplied a voltage directly via the connector at the bottom right of the panel, or the Horizontal can be driven by an internal timebase circuit which generates the voltage.TimebaseIn the timebase mode, the horizontal signal is from an internal source which changes linearly with respect to time. Hence, the beam is deflected to give us a calibration of time for the horizontal scale.The position control, the pull “x5” magnifier switch, the time range selection switch, and the range “CAL” knob all affect the X-axis of the display.Trigger SourcesThe TRIGGER SOURCE may be selected from one of three sources, CH-1, CH-2, or EXT. Look at the bottom right of the control panel.Calibration SourceThe Calibration Source is an internal source, available on the oscilloscope.Look at the bottom right side of the front panel. The output is labelled 0.3 V.This is a 1000 Hz, square-wave ( the 50 % duty cycle is not accurate ).Figure 14.Differential Measurement Example3.Oscilloscope ApplicationsVoltage and Time MeasurementsNote:The oscilloscope measures divisions of deflection not voltage or time. From the divisions of deflection you can calculate the time or voltage.Differential MeasurementsAn important application of the oscilloscope is differential measurements. Such measurements are necessary because both vertical channels have one terminal connected to the chassis common (ie single ended). To measure a floating (off ground) voltage you have to use the “invert and add” feature of the oscilloscope. For example, in figure 14, to measure V1:Channel A measures (V1 + V2) relative to ground while channel B measures V2 relative to ground. By pushing the invert button you negate the voltage displayed on channel B. Then you can add the channels together with the “ADD” display mode. The waveform now displayed is (V1 + V2) + (- V2) = V1.Bandwidth (-3 dB) MeasurementThis measurement is easily done by first finding the maximum gain (max. VOUT / VIN atfrequency To) and adjusting the oscilloscope so that the sinewave fills seven divisions peak to peak. A -3dB point can be found by increasing and/or decreasing the frequency until the gain is reduced to /2 . If the input voltage has remained constant this will occur when the output voltage is five divisions peak to peak.The frequency is then simply read with a frequency counter or the oscilloscope. Not by reading the dial of the signal generator.RisetimeThe risetime indicates how quickly a circuit responds. The risetime is the time it takes a waveform to go from 10% of the voltage range to 90% of the voltage range. This is in response to a square wave and the output voltage must settle to a steady-state voltage (0% and 100%). Most oscilloscopes have dotted lines on the graticule marking the 10% and 90% points to aid in this measurement. Usually these dotted lines assume that 0% is the lowest line of the graticule and 100% is the highest line. The measurement, as shown in figure 15, also includes the risetime of the oscilloscope and the squarewave source.Figure.15 A Risetime and Phase MeasurementPhasePhase is most accurately measured when the waveform is as large as possible and the difference is measured at the zero crossings. Typically the timebase is uncalibrated so that a 180 degree section of the waveform is expanded to the full 10 divisions of the graticule. Then the sign of the phase can be determined by observing more than one period of both waveforms. Both waveforms must be symmetrical about the centre line of the graticule. The angle is determined by: phase = # of divisions * 180 degrees / 10 divisions.。
消防报警中文图形系统(Windows 9x/ Windows XP)2004年6月目录一、系统概述 (3)二、系统的特点 (3)三、系统配置 (5)四、软件安装及运行说明 (5)五、软件使用说明 (6)六、消防报警平面图制作 (24)七、编制探点对照表说明 (25)八、编制图层号对照表说明 (27)九、探点布置使用说明 (28)一、系统概述Notifier消防中文图形系统是以中文Windows98/中文Windows/XP 环境为基础的图形显示系统,该系统可自动显示报警点的中文信息及建筑物的消防平面图,可实时打印报警信息及报警平面图。
该系统与Notifier 系列消防报警系统主机相配接,即解决了中文显示问题又解决了文字描述不如图形描述直观等问题,因而是消防及保安自动报警系统的最佳辅助设备。
消防控制室图形显示系统使用手册目录一、安装配置 (3)1、软件环境 (3)2、硬件环境 (3)3、安装 (3)二、登陆软件 (3)三、接警处警 (4)四、查询统计 (7)五、模拟报警 (11)六、操作员管理 (11)七、用户管理 (13)八、权限管理 (14)九、查看平面图 (15)十、系统设置 (16)十一、系统服务 (17)一、安装配置1、软件环境●操作系统:windows XP、win7●数据库:Access 2003及以上2、硬件环境●显示器:16:10宽屏●光驱:DVD光驱●接口:232串口●内存:512M及以上●硬盘:250G及以上3、安装●安装时直接点击安装包内的“setup.exe”文件,根据提示直接点击“下一步”按钮直至安装完成。
SecureCRT工具使用说明1.背景及相关概念SecureCRT是一款支持SSH(SSH1和SSH2)的终端仿真程序,同时支持Telnet 和rlogin协议。
SSH的英文全称是Secure Shell。
传统的网络服务程序,如:ftp和telnet 在本质上都是不安全的,因为它们在网络上用明文传送口令和数据别有用心的人非常容易就可以截获这些口令和数据。
SSH是由客户端和服务端的软件组成的,有两个不兼容的版本分别是:1.x 和 2.x。
2.基本设置为了SecureCRT用起来更方便,需要做一些设置,需要修改的有如下几处:A.退出主机自动关闭窗口Options => Global ptions => General => Default Session => Edit Default Settings...Terminal中将Close on disconnect 选上,当用户从主机中退出后可以自动关闭当前连接的窗口。
三、膜厚仪开机顺序1.开机顺序:开启电脑——开启X——RAY电源开头(POWER)——开X——RAY V3专业测试软件。
2.关机顺序:退出X一RAY V3专业测试软件,点击主窗口的关闭键,等电压降至OK,软件界面会随即关闭→关测试仪→关电脑。
4.预热时间满足后,点选出System Adjust窗口,用定位片放在镜头下,按下START.每天需做此动作,且在一定的时间段后软件会自动弹出System Adjust窗口,这时,必须重复定位的动作,在测试产品之前,必先保证测试的准确性,这就需要先测量膜厚标准块,测试数据在允许误差范围内(Sn 5% Ni5% Au5%)方可进行产品的测量。
CRT彩色监视器 说明书
22英寸 15英寸 14英寸
CRT尺寸: 55厘米(22英寸)(对角线)。 有效图像尺寸: 51厘米(20英寸)(对角线)。 水平清晰度: 500线。 BNC插座视频输入 / 输出环通功能。 RCA插座音频输入 / 输出环通功能。 最大扬声器输出:0.7W。
有效图像尺寸(约) 34厘米(13英寸)对角线
19型(英寸)机柜安装 否
-10˚C ~ +50˚C
366(W) × 346(H) × 365(D)mm
低Hale Waihona Puke 5%扫描几何度低于2%
有效图像尺寸(约) 51厘米(20英寸)对角线
19型(英寸)机柜安装 否
-10˚C ~ +50˚C
509(W) × 467(H) × 480(D)mm
17 inch CRT MonitorCommercial Specifications Product HighlightsTrademarks owned by Royal Philips Electronics2004 © Royal Philips Electronics - All rights reserved As an Energy Star partner, Philips has determined that this product meets the Energy Star guidelines for energy efficiency.Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.All data subject to change without notice Release date: October 2004, LightFrame™An intelligent and revolutionary technology for enhancing monitor'sbrightness, sharpness, contrast, and color. Images enhanced by LightFrame™ are lively, realistic, clear, attractive and colorful.SXGA, 1280 x 1024 resolutionFor graphics monitors, the screen resolution signifies the number of dots (pixels) on the entire screen. For example, a 1280-by-1024 pixel screen is capable of displaying 1280 distinct dots on each of 1024 lines, or about 1.3 million pixels.High-bright, high-contrast tubeA CRT tube designed to increase display brightness and contrast by increasing the CRT ray gun's beam current.Real flat CRT displayPhilips advanced flat CRT technology that minimizes glare while reducing reflection and distortion, providing display quality superior to that of conventional CRTs.sRGB readyCalibrated RGB that is optimized for the vast majority of computer peripherals, monitors, operating systems and browsers, allowing accurate color mapping with very little data overhead.Two platform compatibilityThe ability to work with a variety of platforms; Philips monitors are compatible to connect with PC by employing a VGA connection and connect with Macintosh.OSD (On-Screen-Display control)An on-screen panel for adjusting a monitor. The OSD is used for contrast, brightness, horizontal and vertical positioning and other monitor adjustments.Easy plug and playThe ability of display device to plug in a PC and operate withoutrequiring user intervention to adjust complicated settings.Lead freeLead-free display products are designed and produced in compliance with strict European Community Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) standards that restrict lead and other toxic substances that can harm health and the environment.Energy efficiencyReduction of the electrical power required to operate a device to achieve real savings.TCO complianceA TCO (Swedish confederation of Professional Employees) standard even more stringent than MPR-II for safety and ergonomics, especially concerning alternating electric fields (AEF).Energy Star PartnerPower conservation requirements set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency of the U.S. government.Flame retardant caseA system of limiting accidental fires by engineering flame retardants into the monitor's case.Picture/Display• Display Screen Type Real Flat Picture Tube • Panel Size 17"/ 41 cm • Phosphor P22• Recommended Display Area 306 x 230 mm (12.0" x 9.0")• Dot Pitch 0.25 mm• Horizontal Dot Pitch0.21 mm • White Chromaticity, 5500º K x = 0.332 / y = 0.347• White Chromaticity, 6500º K x = 0.313 / y = 0.329• White Chromaticity, 9300º K x = 0.283 / y = 0.297• Maximum Resolution 1600 x 1200 @ 65 Hz• Recommended Resolution1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz • Factory Preset Modes8 modes: 640 x 480 @ 75 Hz, 640 x 480 @ 85 Hz, 720 x 400 @ 70 Hz, 800 x 600 @ 75 Hz, 800 x 600 @ 85 Hz, 1024 x 768 @ 75 Hz 1024 x 768 @ 85 Hz, 1280 x 1024 @ 75 Hz • Factory Preload Modes 21 modes • Video Dot Rate 185 MHz • Horizontal Scanning Frequency 30 - 86 KHz • Vertical Scanning Frequency 50 - 160 Hz • Recommended Refresh Rate 85 Hz• Screen EnhancementsAnti-glare Polarizer, Anti-reflection, Anti-static, High Brightness, High Contrast • LightFrame™ Yes • sRGB Yes • GTF YesConnectivity• Cables D-sub Video Cable, Power Cord • Sync Input Impedance (ohm) 4.7 k • Video Input Impedance (ohm) 75• Video Input Signal Levels 0.7 Vpp • Video Sync Input Signal Separate Sync • Video Sync Polarities Positive and Negative • Cable Connection AC Power inConvenience• Convenience Enhancements Menu Languages,On-screen Display• Monitor Controls Brightness Direct Access, Contrast Direct Access, LightFrame Hotkey, Menu,Power On/Off• OSD Languages English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese,Korean, Simplified Chinese • Plug & Play Compatibility DDC 2BWindows 98/ME/2000/XP • Regulatory Approvals CE Mark, FCC-B, UL, CSA, NUTEK, Energy Star,SEMKO, TÜV/GS, TÜV Ergo, FDA, EZU, GOST, MEEI, PCBC, CCC, BSMI, E2000, TCO'03• Swivel +/- 90°• Tilt-5° to 13°Accessories• Included Accessories AC Power Cord• Optional Accessories Multi-media Base• User Manual Yes Dimensions • Depth (with base) 424 mm• Height (with base) 383 mm• Width (with base) 397 mm• Temperature Range (Operation) 0°C to 40°C• Temperature Range (Storage) -25°C to 65°C• Weight 15 kgPower • Complies With Energy Star, NUTEK, E2000• Consumption 68 W (Typical)• Off Mode 1 W • Power LED Indicator Off, Flashing Green;Operation, Green• Power Supply Built-in。
JIUYUANCRT999消防控制室图形显示装置使用说明书四川久远智能监控有限责任公司目录第一章产品功能 (1)第二章外形及安装尺寸 (2)第三章技术指标 (3)第四章如何使用 (4)第五章消防控制室图形显示装置功能 (5)5.1 主界面 (5)5.2 消防控制室图形显示装置正常工作 (6)5.2.1 消防控制室图形显示装置火警监控 (7)5.2.2 消防控制室图形显示装置联动监控 (7)5.2.3 消防控制室图形显示装置监管监控 (8)5.2.4 消防控制室图形显示装置故障监控 (8)5.2.5 消防控制室图形显示装置反馈功能 (9)5.2.6 消防控制室图形显示装置屏蔽功能 (9)第六章操作员管理 (10)第七章信息编辑 (12)第八章系统设置 (17)第九章模拟报警 (19)第十章统计查询 (20)第十一章信息查询 (23)第十二章故障现象与排除 (26)第十三章保养维修 (27)读者须知:(1)本说明书涉及到的部分插图,仅仅是为了说明相关功能所需,具体以实际项目为准。
(2)用户所有待导入消防控制室图形显示装置的数据(包括excel 表格、word文档、PDF文件等),请确保数据为非保护或非只读模式,以免操作失败。
Leader CRT 4.0X使用说明书
第一章关于Leader CRT 4.0X一、产品简介●完全符合GB16806-2006《消防联动控制系统》4.9条款消防控制室图形显示装置标准,满足其各项功能,达到其规定的具体要求。
二、使用环境要求本系统要求运行在台式计算机上,对计算机设备配置要求如下:1、硬件:INTER Celeron500 处理器;500M硬盘自由空间;64M内存;8M显示卡;PCI声卡及15英寸(推荐17英寸)显示器,及以上配置。
2、操作系统及软件:Microsoft Windows 98、Windows Me 、Windows NT 4.0及Windows 2000操作系统,Microsoft Office 2000办公集成软件。
HJ-1901图文演示系统使用手册软件使用简明手册1 软件概述消防控制室图形显示装置 figure display equipment in fire control center安装于消防控制室中,主要完成接收并显示各类消防设施的报警信号、显示各类消防设备的实时工作状态、将建筑物内各类消防信息集中显示并传输到城市消防远程监控中心等功能的装置。
2 技术指标执行标准:GB 16806—2006《消防联动控制系统》(4.9消防控制室图形显示装置)供电方式:交流电源 AC220V (+10% ~ -15%)50±1Hz。
功率:监控功率: 50W,最大功率: 200W。
使用环境:温度0~45 ,相对湿度:85%(400C ± 20C)。
3 运行环境操作系统:Windows XP或更高版本4 安装说明在安装程序的指导下完成安装。
运行安装软件“Setup1.*”,按所提示进行操作;1,将安装盘中的Database全目录考入到C:\Program Files\消防控制室图形显示装置\Database;2,将安装盘中的picture全目录考入到C:\Program Files\消防控制室图形显示装置\picture;3,设置控制器的COM1的波特率为19200;启动主程序“消防控制室图形显示装置”后,首先要登陆;ADMIN 123 ,操作员A 123 ,值班员B 123 , sj 12345678前三位登陆后,退出主程序运行后,会关闭计算机电源;用sj登陆,退出主程序运行后,进入xp操作系统状态。
消防报警中文图形系统消防报警中文图形系统(W indows 9x/ Windows XP)操作手册2004 年 6 月目录一、系概述⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3 二、系的特点⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 3 三、系配置⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 5 四、件安装及运行明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 5 五、件使用明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ..⋯6 六、消防警平面制作⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ .⋯.24 七、制探点照表明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ..25 八、制号照表明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 27 九、探点布置使用明⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ 28一、系统概述Notifier 消防中文图形系统是以中文Windows98/中文Windows/XP 环境为基础的图形显示系统,该系统可自动显示报警点的中文信息及建筑物的消防平面图,可实时打印报警信息及报警平面图。
该系统与 Notifier 系列消防报警系统主机相配接,即解决了中文显示问题又解决了文字描述不如图形描述直观等问题,因而是消防及保安自动报警系统的最佳辅助设备。
Living with Yourif you or someone you love has beendiagnosed with heart failure, this booklet willhelp to understand the heart conditions andtreatment. it is designed to provide you withbasic information about heart failure and cardiacresynchronization therapy (CRT) devices,including what you can expect before and afteryou have a CRT device implanted.ask your doctor about your unique medicalcondition and therapy management.This information is not medical advice and shouldnot be used as an alternative to speaking with fuller lifeyour doctor.Walls may thicken to handle the increased strainChart of typiCal ef rangeS 2:People with a low EF − 35% or below − are at an increased risk for SCA.3 A healthy heart has an EF between 50% and 75%. This indicates the heart is pumping well and able to deliver enough blood to the body and brain. Even a healthy heart does not pump 100% of blood out of the heart during each beat, some blood always remains in the iS ef meaSureD?The most common way to measure eF is with an echocardiogram. This test is usually performed in a doctor’s office or hospital’s diagnostic area.treating heart failureHeart failure is a progressive condition. your doctor may prescribe a variety of treatment options that may slow the progression of the disease, strengthen your heart, and improve your quality of life. Some of these treatments may include medications, lifestyle changes, exercise, and device therapy, or a combination of these. only your doctor can determine which option is right for you.a weakened heart muscle must work harder to pump blood to the body. This may cause the heart to beat faster , which can lead to dangerously fast or irregular heart rhythms. These abnormal heart rhythms can lead to a condition called Sudden Cardiac arrest (SCa).risks of apoorL Y pumping heartwhat iS SCa?SCa typically occurs when an electrical problem with the heart triggers a dangerously fast heart rhythm that causes the heart to quiver rather than contract or pump. When the heart stops pumping blood, oxygen cannot reach the body and brain. if not treated immediately, SCa can be fatal. The most effective way to treat SCA is through defibrillation.1 Defibrillation involves delivering an electrical shock to your heart to restore a normal heartbeat. T o survive an SCa event, you must receive defibrillation within ten minutes.2 Only about 5% of people survive SCA, because defibrillation was not delivered within this critical time frame.2who iS at riSk of SuDDen CarDiaC arreSt?generally, sudden cardiac arrest strikes without warning. people who are at a higher risk for SCa include 2:T hose who have had a heart attack H eart failure patientsS urvivors of a previous SCa or those who have a family member who has had an SCa event p eople with a low ejection fractionef number:a number you ShoulD know eF stands for “ejection fraction.” it is the percentage of blood that is pumped out of the heart with each heartbeat. your doctor determines how well your heart is pumping based on your eF number.your eF number can change over time. it is important for you and your doctor to check your eF regularly.50-75%heart’S pumping ability iS normal36–49%heart’S pumping ability iS b elow normal35%& below heart’S pumpingability iS lowwhen peopLe refer to an impLantabLe cardiac resynchronization therapy (crt) DeviCe, they are aCtuall y DiSCuSSingthe system – the CRt deviCe and the leadsa Crt device is a device implanted under the skin, typically just below the collarbone. The device delivers therapies to coordinate the heart’s pumping action and treats fast, irregular, or slow heart rhythms depending on the type of CRT device. This device may also be referred to as a heart failure device, biventricular device, three-lead CRT device, CRT-P (pacemaker), or a CRT-D (defibrillator).l eads are thin, soft insulated wires about the size of a spaghetti noodle. The leads carry the electrical impulse from the CRT device to your heart and relay information about the heart’s activity back to the CRT DoeS a CarDiaCresynchronizationtherapy DeviCe work?a cardiac resynchronization therapy device isdesigned to monitor your heart rhythm24 hours a day. it sends electrical pulses topace the lower chambers of your heart to helpthem beat in a more coordinated rhythm. Thiscoordinating or “resynchronization” therapyimproves the heart’s ability to pump bloodand oxygen more efficiently to the body. Yourdoctor will program the CRT device to deliverthe most effective therapies for your specificheart reSponSe to abnormalheart rhythmS, a Crt heartDeviCe may alSo proviDe thefollowing therapieS:p acing therapy for slow heart rhythms –electrical impulses are delivered to the heartwhen the heart’s own rhythm is too slow orirregularD efibrillation therapies for fast or irregularheart rhythms – a shock therapy is deliveredto the heart to interrupt fast heart rhythmsand restore a normal heart rateThere are two types of CRT devices:a CRT pacemaker (CRT-P) and a CRTdefibrillator (CRT-D). CRT-D devices,like alldefibrillators, have a pacemaker function inthem. Both devices help to coordinate theheart’s pumping action and deliver pacingtherapy for a slow heart rate. However, theCRT-D can also treat fast heart rhythms.all cardiac resynchronization devices aredesigned to use three leads. one lead isplaced inside the right atrium, another lead isplaced inside the right ventricle, and the thirdlead is placed inside a vein on the outside ofthe left ventricle.what is aCardiaC resYnChronization therapY deviCe?therapYCRT Pacing (CRT-P) and Leadsthe general StepS of animplant proCeDure inCluDe:a small incision, approximately two to four inches long, will be made in the upper chest area, just below your collarboneT hree leads will be guided through avein into your heart, and the leads will be connected to the CRT deviceThe CRT device settings will be programmed, and the device will be tested to ensure it is working properly to meet your medical needsThe CRT device will be inserted beneath your skin, and the incision in your chest will be closed Follow-up care and monitoringFollow-up appointments allow the implantedCRT device to be thoroughly checked.During these check-ups, your doctor may:Monitor the battery status of the CRTdeviceCheck the leads to determine how they areworking with the CRT device and your heartReview your CRT device settings to ensurethey are programmed appropriately to yourmedical needsMake programming adjustments to yourCRT deviceIn addition to these check-ups with yourdoctor, your clinic or practice may chooseto have your CRT device checked throughremote monitoring.This remote monitoring can replace somevisits, but not all. your doctor may stillneed to perform a physical examinationor to adjust your CRT device settings ormedications.mri-conditional technologyCurrently, most CRT are not consideredsafe in an MRi environment because theMRi could change the settings, temporarilyaffect the normal operation of, or potentiallydamage the heart device.Medtronic has a CRT Systems which is CeMarked for use in the MRi environment. ThisCRT system has a unique design, developedso that under specific conditions, patientsmay safely undergo MRI scans (3T and 1.5T)This information is designed to help youlearn more about CRT options. it is intendedto provide you with helpful information,but is for information purposes only, is notmedical advice and should not be used asan alternative to speaking with your doctor.Speak to your doctor for more informationand any questions specific to your health andtreatment options appropriate for you.remote monitoring via themeDtroniC Carelink® networkThe Carelink® network allows you to sendinformation stored in your implanted CRTdevice to your clinic, as instructed by yourdoctor, using a portable monitor. your CRTdevice information is then transmitted to asecure internet website where your clinic canaccess and review information about howyour heart and CRT device are working. TheCarelink network provides the same CRTdevice information to your doctor that anin-clinic office visit provides.information in your CRT device may be sentautomatically, using wireless communication.This process will be silent and usuallyhappens during the night while you’reasleep. CRT devices with automatic, wirelessmonitoring can also notify your clinic ofirregular heart activity or conditions with yourCRT device, such as a low battery. your clinicmay program your CRT device to send suchnotifications to help manage your care.the proCedureto impLant aCrt deviCedoes notrequireopen heartsurgeryand mostpeopLe go homewiThin 24 hoursbefore thesurgerYmeDiCation maybe given to makeyou Sleepy anDComfortablegenerall y, thepRoCeduRe ispeRfoRmed undeRloCal anesthesiagetting aCrt deviCe impLantedthe CardiaCresynchro-nizationTherapy (crT)eduCationaL serviCes for patientsThe Medtronic website includes in-depth information on heart conditions and treatment options for patients and their caregivers. our interactive website allows you to take assessments, view video, read patient stories, and link to other resources. Visit us online at www.medtronic.eumeDtroniCpatient ServiCeSif you have a Medtronic cardiac device and want to learn more or have questions about living with an implanted CRT device, please contact your clinics andphysicians.a Smartphone ConneCteD CarDiaCresynchronization therapy device (crt) option The most advanced CRT device can communicate directly and securely with an app on your smartphone or tablet. This app allows you to stay connected to your clinic, providing peace of mind and freedom, so you can continue living your life – uninterrupted. freeDomContinue with your daily life – wherever you go – knowing your CRT device can connect to your clinic through your smartphone or tablet via the app.peaCe of minDFeel confident that your clinic receives your CRT device data because you can see the status of your transmission in the app.access information about your CRT device – including battery life, implant date, device name, model number, serial number, and clinic information – so you are comfortable answering questions when asked. Motivate yourself to engage in health behaviorsT rack your physical activity level with data the app gets from your CRT device.Record your weight, blood pressure, and heart rate – and track these measurements over time to help you better understand your health status.Keep a record of your symptoms to share with your doctor at in office visit.easily access answers to frequently asked questions about living with a CRT device.Learn more about the benefits of remote monitoring via an app on your smartphone or tablet on: living with a Crt DeviCedevelop a plan that works best for you.Can i uSe a mobile phone?yes. When talking on a cell phone keep the phone’s antenna six inches away from your CRT device, and use the phone on the ear opposite your CRT device. We also recommend you avoid placing the cell phone in a pocket near your CRT device.are houSeholD applianCeS Safe to uSe?yes. Most household appliances are safe to use as long as they are properly maintained and in good working order . This includes microwave ovens, major appliances, electric blankets, and heating pads.will magnetS affeCt my DeviCe?items that contain magnets, such as magnetic therapy products, stereo speakers, and hand-held massagers can temporarily affect the operation of your CRT device. Therefore, it is recommended you keep items containing magnets at least six inches away from your implanted CRT device. We do not recommend the use of magnetic mattress pads and pillows because it is difficult to maintain a six-inch distance when using these items. will i be able to travel?given the short duration of security screening, it is unlikely that your Medtronic CRT devicewill be affected by metal detectors (walk-through archways and hand-held wands) or full body imaging scanners (also called millimeter wave scanners and 3D imaging scanners) such as those found in airports, courthouses, and jails.T o minimize the risk of temporary interference with your CRT device while going through the security screening process, avoid touching metal surfaces around any screening equipment. Do not stop or linger in a walk-through archway; simply walk through the archway at a normal pace. If a hand-held wand is used, ask the security operator not to hold it over your CRT device and not to wave it back and forth over your CRT device. you may also request a hand search as an alternative. if you have concerns about these security screening methods, show your device id card, request alternative screening, and then follow the instructions of the security personnel. are crt -ds and crt-ps mri-compatible?Currently, the latest CRT devices are 1.5T and 3T MRI Conditional. Present yourdevice identification card to your physician to determine if your heart device is MRI-conditional, which may allow you access to MRi scan.frequentL Yasked questions。
CRT99 终端说明书
CRT99终端用户使用手册目录第一章欢迎使用 (3)1.1产品介绍 (3)1.2安全注意事项 (3)1.2.1存放注意事项 (3)1.2.2 使用电池注意事项 (3)1.2.3 使用整机注意事项 (3)1.2.4使用充电器注意事项 (4)1.2.5 维修注意事项 (4)1.2.6 网络服务 (4)1.3 GPS常识 (4)1.3.1 GPS定义 (4)1.3.2 关于信号 (4)1.3.3 关于搜星 (4)1.4保养和维护 (4)第二章概述 (6)2.1 外观 (6)2.2 功能介绍 (6)2.3 硬件介绍 (7)2.4外观介绍 (7)2.5 主要功能总结与解释 (7)第三章产品配件 (9)3.1 座充充电器 (9)3.2 车充充电器 (9)3.3 配套耳机 (9)第四章产品定义 (10)4.1 指示灯定义 (10)4.2 按键定义 (10)第五章使用前 (12)5.1充电 (12)5.2 购买SIM卡 (12)5.3 插入SIM卡 (12)第六章具体使用方法 (13)6.1按键和插口介绍 (13)6.2具体操作方法 (13)6.2.1 开机 (13)6.2.2 关机 (13)6.2.3 通话 (14)6.2.4 紧急报警 (14)第一章欢迎使用1.1产品介绍欢迎使用CRT99 GPS定位跟踪设备。
它体积小巧,便于携带和安装,同时拥有GPS/GPRS 功能,具有 GSM/SMS/GPRS的通讯功能、信号接收速度快、可用手机传简讯或计算机软件来作为追踪方式、支持定时连续跟踪功能、SOS报警功能、远程监听功能和通话功能和里程查询功能等。
Leader CRT 4.0X使用说明书
第一章关于Leader CRT 4.0X一、产品简介●完全符合GB16806-2006《消防联动控制系统》4.9条款消防控制室图形显示装置标准,满足其各项功能,达到其规定的具体要求。
二、使用环境要求本系统要求运行在台式计算机上,对计算机设备配置要求如下:1、硬件:INTER Celeron500 处理器;500M硬盘自由空间;64M内存;8M显示卡;PCI声卡及15英寸(推荐17英寸)显示器,及以上配置。
2、操作系统及软件:Microsoft Windows 98、Windows Me 、Windows NT 4.0及Windows 2000操作系统,Microsoft Office 2000办公集成软件。
索尼1270Q CRT 投影仪设置和操作手册说明书
1981Sony 1270Q Setup and Operation ManualWes HillFebruary, 2002Sony 1270Q CRT Projector Setup Manual. Table of Contents:1.Thoughts and Experiences with the Sony 1270Q1.1.Scan Lines and Resolving Power1.2.Refresh Rate1.3.Screen Size2.Projector Setup2.1.Mechanical Setup2.1.1. Throw Distance2.1.2. Mount Setup2.1.3. CRT Mechanical Setup2.2.Electrical Setup2.2.1. 2/4 Pole Adjustment2.3.Focus (by Wes Hill)2.4.Convergence2.4.1. Convergence for all Inputs2.4.2. Individual Convergence Settings2.5. Setting the G2 Adjustments3.The Sony 12xx FAQ that (separate doc)3.1.Focus (by Guy Kuo)3.2.Cleaning Lenses3.3.DIY Screen1.Thoughts and ExperiencesI’ve been playing with this projector for some time now and have come to a few conclusions. First, this is a great projector for the price. Second, electron beam focus is paramount to the quality of the image. And third, the lower the video bandwidth that you put through the PJ, the better the picture will be, relatively speaking.1.1.Scan Lines and Resolving PowerThere has been some discussion about the maximum resolution that the Sony 1270Q, or the entire 12xx series, can resolve. The resolving power of a CRT PJ is controlled by a lot of factors, but the principal factor on the Sony 1270Q is the electron beam focus. The electron beam is focused by 2 sets of magnets, a 2 pole set and 4 pole set. This isn’t the most accurate way to control the electron beam, higher end projectors use a combination of magnets and Electromagnetic beam focusing, which allows for a much smaller beam, allowing for much higher resoluti ons. This is the reason that some PJ’s with the same Sony 07MP tubes that the 1270Q uses can resolve more scan lines.The projector has a limited amount of phosphor in which to draw the image. The number of lines which can be resolved is, in theory, the phosphor height divided by the beam diameter. This number is the number of lines that the projector can resolve without overlapping scan lines. Anything above this number of scan lines will not be resolved and the picture will begin to appear soft.Some people prefer this “soft” picture, but I have found that 600P -666Plooks very sharp and 3 dimensional. Keep in mind that when displaying 16:9 material, you are using a smaller phosphor area than a 4:3 image and therefore can resolve 25% less scan lines.With my projector setup the best that I have been able to do, it can resolve 666 scan lines or 666P. I can see scan lines if I am less than about 6 feet away from the screen and the picture is very sharp. I have run at 540P, 600P, 666P, 720P and 768P, with 666P being the highest resolution I can make it resolve. There has been some discussion on the AVS Forum which gives a mathematical solution to this exact topic with the verdict being about 600 to 700 scan lines being the maximum(in 16:9 mode). This depends on a lot of things, one being how close the projector is to the screen (this is covered later).Ideal Situation (0 overlap, 0 gaps)Excessive Scan lines(overlap)Scan LineOverlap1.2.Refresh RateMost of the video material which I watch, and that most people watch, is DVD. This video material has a native refresh rate of 23.997 frames per second, or fps. The logical, and best way to display such material is at some multiple of the native refresh rate. This refresh rate is the equivalent of a computer monitor refresh rate. Naturally, one would think that a higher refresh rate would be better. Most people run their HTPC refresh rates at 72 Hz, or 3 times the video fps. What some people, including me, are doing now is running the refresh rate at 48 Hz, or 2 times video refresh rate. If you are familiar with computers you know that 48 Hz looks terrible on a computer monitor, very flickery. I believe this is due largely due to the properties of the phosphor of the computer CRT monitor. The computer monitor phosphor returns to it’s non-excited state very quickly and therefore goes from light to dark very quickly and hence the appearance of flicker. Movie theatres (also 48 Hz, I believe) are different than this as they are passing light through a translucent media and therefore doesn’t appear to flicker very badly. A CRT projector (well, Sony 12xx anyway) seems to be somewhere in the middle, as 48 Hz refresh does not flicker, with the exception of a bright static windows desktop. We all know that a bright static image on a CRT projector is a very bad thing to do, so in my opinion is a moot point.The result of running a lower refresh rate is a lower video bandwidth going to the projector. With all of the electronics being taxed so much less (1/3rd less), they operate in a more predictable and stabl e fashion, resulting in a more stable, higher quality image. When I first ran my Sony 1270Q at 48Hz, it was the first time I had really seen the 3D effect that I hear people with higher end projectors speak of. The improvement was drastic and my opinion of my projector increased drastically also. Any of the problems I had before with drifting convergence and a flickering Red tube disappeared completely.1.3Screen SizeThe output of the Sony 1270Q is noted to be 650 lumens, or about 200 ANSI lumens. ANSI refers to a measurement standard, eliminating the bogus values you sometimes see in literature. I’ve read that a screen brightness of 10-12 foot lamberts is a good value to shoot for, giving good brightness in a light controlled environment. The calculation of this is quite simple:Ft – Lamberts = (ANSI lumens * Screen Gain) / Screen Square FeetExample: My Setup (200 * 1.3) / (45/12 * 80/12) = 10.4 ft-lambertsAs you can see, my screen/PJ is on the low end of the brightness spectrum, so to speak. I would really like to go to a 54 x 96 screen, with a 1.5 gain screen material. I’ve been looking at screen materials and have seen absolutely no hot spotting and a very wide field of view with a Stewart 1.5 gain. This will be my screen of choice with my new projector, which will be a 9” with at least an output of 275 ANSI lumens to reach 11.5 or so ft-lamberts.2.Projector SetupThere are at least five major/separate general setup procedures. They are as follows:•Mechanical Setup•Electron Beam Focus (astigmatism)•Mechanical and Electrical Focus•Geometry adjustments / Convergence•Grey Scale (I won’t touch this one)Optimizing each of these in the order stated will result in the easiest, and I believe the best setup (with my limited knowledge and skill).2.1.Mechanical SetupSetting up the projector physically is likely the most important step in setting up a CRT PJ as the quality of all subsequent setup hinges on this.2.1.1. Throw DistanceFirst, the proper distance must be determined. PJCalc (use version 1.8) will give you the throw distance for your PJ for whatever screen width you desire. The consensus with most Sony 12xx owners, the people who set them up and me is that 80” wide is about as big as you should go, without sacrificing brightness and sharpness. This results in a throw distance of approximately 109” from the screen to the green tube.I’ve moved my projector closer to the screen to use more of the phosphor area. This gives a brighter image and allows for a larger number of scan lines to be resolved. The following is the method I used to maximize my phosphor use:•Set the projector on a table•Center the image on the green (see later notes)•Project an image with the projector•Set it up roughly (focus)•Cut off the red and blue tube (as you move the PJ they’ll need to reconverged anyway)•Look into the lenses and set the width of the image so it’s close to the edge of the phosphor area. Ensure you have at least 1/4” of unusedphosphor on each side.•Move the projector so that the image fills the screen with a slight amount of over scan; say 1” on edge side of the screen.•Measure the distance from the green tube to the screen or wall, this is your projection distance.2.1.2.M ount SetupThis second order of business is to get the projector pointing in the right direction. There are a few parameters which need to be addressed. The PJ needs to be pointing perpendicular to the screen horizontally and vertically, if a standard setup is being used. Using the focus techniques described later, you can point at different angles, if you like. I use a 4’ level on top of the projector (hanging from the ceiling) to ensure that the PJ is level. This, of course assumes that your screen is vertical. Next, you need to ensure the green tube is projecting and image perpendicular to the screen. The way I do this is to measure from the wall to the center hole in the bottom of the projector. Next I mark the front and rear of the projector along the center line. I ensure that both of these marks are the same distance from the side wall. I also mark this same distance on the screen or screen wall. With the cross hair test screen projected from the green tube only, (ensure you center it on the phosphor with the lens removed prior to all of this, this is incl uded later) ensure that it hits the wall on this mark. Fine tune as needed. The projector should now be set up reasonably well. The success of this all hinges on whether your walls are straight and square. I don’t know of a better way to do this.2.1.3. CRT Mechanical SetupAn important part of the setup process is getting the CRT’s all centered at the same point on the screen. My method of doing this is to pull all of the lenses off of the PJ. Next, place some scotch tape on the CRT face along the center of the face in both directions. Mark the center of the CRT face on the tape.Now project the cross hair pattern and center it to these marks (you may have to use the zone control as it gives a greater range of adjustment). Turn the brightness and contrast down so you don’t go blind in the process. Save this as data for all inputs (hold the MEMORY key down for about 10 seconds). Remove the tape from the CRT faces, clean the faces and re-install the lenses. Now, bring the brightness and contrast back up (50 contrast, 80 brightness) and project the cross hairs onto the screen. You’lllikely see that the tubes do not line up at all. The green tube is your point of reference and should not be moved at any time.The red and blue tubes need to be pointed so that the centers of the cross hairs line up as closely as possible. This is where things start to get difficult. Skip ahead to the focus section for more info on this.2.2Electrical Adjustments2.2.12/4 Pole AdjustmentThe magnet adjustments are done by moving the plastic tabs on the following picture. If they’ve never been adjusted before, there will be white paint holding them from moving. Grab a razor blade and cut the paint.Very Important Note: there is lethal voltage in here, be very careful.The 2 – Pole Magnet Adjustment•select an input with nothing attached•get in service man mode•press RESET and set contrast to max and brightness to 50•press test and get to the crosshair pattern•cut off the CRT’s that you aren’t adjusting•rotate the focus slightly counter clock wise from perfect focus•adjust the 2 – pole magnet (rear) so that the luminance point lies in the center of the flareThe 4 – Pole Magnet adjustment•Output the dot pattern•Rotate the focus to just clockwise of perfect focus•Adjust the 4 – pole magnet (front magnet) so the dot becomes round2.3 CRT PJ Focus by Me, Wes HillI’ve focused my PJ as best as I can…well for a while anyway. I’ve gotten it so that I can distinguish the individual dots of the internal focus test pattern (little H’s) on all tubes and in all corners. This has translated into seeing scan lines at 1184 x 666, even in the corners. I’m very impressed with the picture this PJ puts out now. I’m going to give what I believe to be a simple description of my focus technique. Keep in mind that any terminology I use isn’t any kind of standard, it’s just what I use for myself.5To get the mechanical focus perfect there are a few things that need to be adjusted accurately. First, the actual CRTs must be pointed at the correct spot. This correct spot is a point at which all 3 tubes, with the crosshairs centered on the phosphor, come together. The Red and Blue CRTs come equipped with grey cast metal spacers which come in 3 sizes, S, M and L.The idea is to more accurately point the Red and Blue CRT’s (CRT Angle) so that these crosshairs line up without any electrical adjustments.Second, the optical assembly must be placed at such an angle (Lens Angle) that the light travels equidistant to the screen from left to right. Top to bottom adjustment is handled within the optical assembly but we can improve on that too.So, essentially, we must adjust the Lens Angle (by adjusting the Lens Space) and the CRT Angle (by adjusting the CRT Spacer). These are not adjustments for the timid so please be prepared to open a very large can of worms if you start this. I really can’t stress this enough.The problem with the factory system is that it is designed for a range of screen sizes. If you want perfect focus, as most of us do, this is unacceptable. The thin plastic spacers (blue arrow) are designed put the CRT face at certain distance from the lens to provide the proper focal length for the optical system for the screen size/throw distance.I’ve come up with a simple fix that will allow for very fine adjustment of lens flapping, but will take significant amount of time to set up as installation will be difficult and adjustment much more difficult. A second person is definitely a good idea.What I have done is replace the spacer with bolts and nuts at each corner. The drawing above should give a good graphical description of this. Essentially, by turning these bolts in and out you can adjust each corner of the lens individually. There are inherent problems to this design though: you must make sure you don’t adjust 1 corner too much or the lens case tabs can be strained or even broken. Also, the spacers must be removed as they are now useless. Further more, you must adjust the large spacers (green arrows) in concert with the goggle flappers in order to keep the image centered. This is no easy task and will take many hours. It has for me butas time goes by I’m getting better.The following is a drawing of the “Goggle Flappers”.Sony 1270Q Lens Flapping Adjusters (Scheimpflug)"Goggle Flappers"The thickness of the nut must be somewhat less than the spacer you removed. This will ensure that the proper amount of adjustment is possible.Material List:12 – M5 x 25 mm allen head bolts12 – 5 mm Lock Nuts nuts1 – Very long 5 mm allen key, some ingenuity will be needed here,you likely wont find a 11” long allen key at Home Depot.Installation:1. Measure the spacer between the lens base and the lens case tab (redarrow below, Lens Space in drawi ng above).2.With all of the lenses removed, install the nuts and bolts. Install themon the lens, leaving the tiniest bit of play so that the lens case tabscan move slightly without having to flex.3.Start with the installation of the green tube. Have someone help youinstall these as you’ll only be able to thread each bolt in a few turns ata time. Thread each in until you are approximately the distance youmeasured before (spacer thickness). It’s likely easiest to go aheadand fire up the PJ and focus the green tube now.Prior to adjusting the lens flapping, I place the front most lens adjustment in the neutral position and focus the center of the screen. Then I begin moving the lens slightly in one direction and refocus, noting how the focus has reacted. After a few tries you’ll get a feeling of which way you need to move it relative to your focus problem. It took me about an hour to get the focusequal across the entire screen. Once you get it equal across the entire screen, you can continue with electrical focus refinements as well as further astig adjustments. Follow this with astig and electrical focus and you will be able to see every dot of each H on the focus pattern across the entire screen. The resulting picture will amaze you!Here’s a picture of the completed install:2.4ConvergenceThere are at least 2 convergences you must do when setting up your PJ. The first applies to all inputs and must be done when there is no input attachedto the PJ. The second is for a particular input/bandwidth. The memory structure of the Sony PJ’s is such that it automatically saves the convergence for a range of bandwidths, for example 21 – 31 kHz. Any image refresh /resolution combination that results in a bandwidth in this range will have that convergence information applied to it.It is very important to get as good of an initial convergence as possible without using the zone controls. This will lead to a more stable convergence in the long run. With a bit of practice and after getting used to your PJ’s particular idiosyncrasies, convergence becomes a relatively easy process. Trust me; you’ll do it so many times that it’ll become second nature. For instance, my PJ has a problem with the blue in the lower left and red is poor in the upper and lower right. I have to use the zone controls fairly extensively to get these areas acceptable. Anytime you mess with electronic focus or astig, you’ll need a total re-convergence. Don’t worry, it gets easier. Even though sometimes it feels like you’ve taken 1 step forward and 2 steps back, sooner or later you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel. Really, you will ;-)2.4.1Initial ConvergenceMake sure you have no input attached to the PJ.•Press and hold the test key until the PJ asks if you want to enter MAN mode.•Press the up arrow to agree.•Press the test key until you get the crosshairsThere is a particular order you must adhere to when converging. The first adjustments you must do apply to only the center axis (the horizontal and vertical lines on the crosshairs). These adjustments are SIZE, LIN (linearity), BOW and SKEW.The first thing you have to do is get some of that low tack blue masking tape. What I do is mask 5 lines vertically and 3 horizontally as in the figure below.Make about 6 or 8 marks with a sharpy on each of the lines, measured a constant distance from the edge of the screen. It’s really hard to see your blue test pattern on blue tape, hence the marks ;-)Since you have the crosshairs test pattern up, hit the cut off for red and blue. Make sure you hit the ADJ key for the green. This will allow you to see the green only; the red and blue will be referenced to this later. Center the green, although this should be done already. Now go to work on the SIZE and LIN adjustments, you’ll find you’ll adjust them both at the same time. You’ll likely want to bump the BOW and SKEW adjustments, feel free, all of these adjustments can be done in any order. Keep in mind that these settings are for the horizontal and vertical lines of the crosshairs only so only display this test pattern.Hit the TEST key and display the cross hatch pattern. Now you can move onto the PIN and KEY adjustments. Have fun, by now your eyes are probably getting pretty buggy. The key is trying to get geometry as good as possible. Keep in mind that you should do any ZONE adjustments which are needed now for the green in order to get the best geometry possible.Once you’ve got the green to a point where you’re happy, move onto the red. To do this hit the ADJ key for the red tube. Now ensure that the green andred tube are on, cutoff the blue. Now adjust the red in the same order you did the green. You want to have a yellow grid. If you find that you can’t get a corner, try to balance that with another corner, you know, try to split up the problem over two areas, this way you require less ZONE convergence. Finish up with zone convergence.Do the blue and you’re done, for now…Press and hold the MEMORY key until the PJ asks if you want to save this data for all memories, hit the up arrow to agree.2.4.2Individual Input Convergence.Now, with the proper input selected and being displayed, go into the MAN mode and repeat the above adjustments until the convergence is perfect. I seem to find that I have about 3 areas on the screen that are a problem. As I get used to my PJ’s problems they seem to get better.2.5Setting the G2 AdjustmentsI’ve taken these notes from 2 threads b/w Eric van Ballegoie and Chuck Williams. With this set up properly my picture got a lot better. It’ amazing how black the blacks can be with the screen still being bright. Sure makes DLP’s look funny ;-)Keep in mind that your grey scale will be messed up after you do this so continue knowing that it’ll have to be reset. This is impossible to do accurately yourself and expensive to get done professionally.NOTE: This is slightly different on other 12xx series PJ’s1.Set brightness and contrast•Brightness: 50•Contrast: 802. Disable the AKB (Auto Cathode Bias)•On the CF2 board there is a connector with only 2 pins•Short these pins3. Call up the pluge pattern (-5 IRE, 0 IRE and +5 IRE)4. Set the Bias and Gain to factory defaults if possible•Press the right and left arrow at the same time•Else, set Bias to 140 and Gain to 180•Adjust the bias to make the +5 IRE barely visible in each color5. Enable AKB6. Reset Gain and Bias controls for proper grey scale. (such a short sentence to describe such a major procedure J)Note: be sure to turn the status display off while making these adjustments.。
C R T消防控制室图形显示装置图形显示装置_使用说明书_V1.0(总30页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--JIUYUANCRT999消防控制室图形显示装置使用说明书四川久远智能监控有限责任公司目录第一章产品功能 ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
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制作矢量地图的原则: 我们推荐尽量把火灾报警的整个监视区域划分为多个小显示分区, 每个小显示分区制作一个矢量地图.且使每个矢量地图在CRT软件中以1:1的比例,能显示在一屏之内,而且能分清各个细节, 那么在正常监视时, 不必为了看清地图细节而大量进行放大缩小平移操作.
注意: 本软件目前仅支持 Line(直线),PLine(多线段),Arc(圆弧),Circle(园),Rectangle(矩形),MText(多行文字)这几个对象,请不要使用其它对象.
每个矢量地图制作完毕后 ,取一个文件名存盘, 然后在"文件"菜单中选中"另存为"菜单,出现一个对话框, 在"文件类型"下拉选单中选择"AutoCAD 2000 DXF.(*.dxf)"选项,再选择要保存的路径,输入文件名后,鼠标点击"保存"按钮即可.此时生产一个新的扩展名为*.DXF的文件.
注意:调入的位图文件大小不能调整,请选择合适大小的位图文件,此位图文件调入后不能删除和改变路径,否则CR T系统就找不到此文件,不能正常显示.作图时不宜在桌面上制作;位图文件尽量保存在“D盘”。
当所有的矢量地图和部件都放置完毕后, 把所有的矢量地图文件都打开,即点击操作面板"分区"标签后,在矢量地图列表中,所有需要的矢量地图名称都应出现,此时点击绘图工具条的"保存所有图形"按钮,当关闭CRT软件后,再重新启动本软件,所需的矢量地图将自动调入.
1.图形放大, 缩小
点击工具条上"提示"按钮使其处于按下状态,将鼠标光标停在矢量地图上的一个部件上, 会自动弹出一个提示框.提示框内包含部件类型, 部件所在的控制器号, 回路号, 地址号, 和位置信息.鼠标光标移开后, 提示框自动消失.
在操作面板下面有一个"分区"标签, 点击此标签, 矢量地图
称在作图工具条的"矢量地图设置"中输入的. 然后点击欲观察
例如:显示所有的1号控制器3回路的感烟探测器,在"机器:"输入框中输入1,并点击其左边的复选框,使其选中,再在"回路:"输入框中输入3,并点击其左边的复选框,使其选中,在"部件类型"下拉选择条中选择感烟探测器或直接输入"感烟探测器"汉字, 并点击其左边的复选框,使其选中,最好点击"显示统计结果"按钮,将显示所有符合上述条件的部件列表.
点击操作面板上的"历史记录"按钮, 则可查看以前的火警,故障,联动等信息.
系统在报火警, 故障, 联动时, 如果想停止音响, 可以点
击屏幕左边的消音按钮, 音响将会停止.
系统想恢复到正常监视状态, 点击屏幕左边的复位按钮,系统恢复正常,部件的火警,故障, 联动状态指示被取消.