





品牌与标准化2021年第丨期BRAND & STANDARDIZATION^气相色谱质谱联用法测定化妆品中的二甘醇程红新,袁月,郭春梅(辽宁省药品检验检测院,辽宁沈阳110036)【摘要】建立化妆品中二甘醇的气相色谱-质谱联用分析方法,采用DB-WAXETR毛细管柱,样品经无水乙醇超声提取,外标 法进行定量。

结果表明,二甘醇在卜50mg/L浓度范围内线性关系良好(P=0.9993),方法的检出限为0.03mg/kg,回收率为 104%~112%,相对标准偏差(RSD)为2.1%~4.2%。


【关键词】化妆品;二甘醇;气相色谱-质谱联用法【DOI编码】10.3969/j.issn.1674-4977.2021.0丨.040Determination of Diethylene Glycol in Cosmetics by GasChromatography/Mass SpectrometryCheng Hong-xirt,Yuan Yue,Guo Chun-mei(Liaoning Institute for Drug Control,Shenyang,Shenyang110036,China)Abstract:The method o f Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry was established for diethylene glycol in cosmetics, and adopting the DB-WAXETR capillary column. The sample was ultrasonic extracted with ethanol. It was quantitatived by the external standard method. The results showed that a good linear relationship (^=0.9993)111 the concentration range o f 1〜50 mg/L. The limit o f detection was 0.03 mg/kg. The recovery was between 104% and 112%, the relative standard deviation (RSD) was 2.1%~4.2 %. The method is accurate and reliable, which was suitable for the determination o f diethylene glycol in cosmetics.Key words:cosm etic;Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry(GC-MS);diethylene glycol二甘醇,别名二乙二醇或2, 2’-氧代二乙醇(英文名 Diethylene glycol,化学式 C4H m〇3,分子量 106.12),是一种无 色、无臭、透明,具有吸湿性的黏稠液体。

GMW 14138_2006翻译版

GMW 14138_2006翻译版

冷却液压力盖1 介绍本规范是对冷却液压力盖质量、可靠性、耐久性和性能等方面的规定,是对GM授权的图纸的补充。









2 参考注:除非另有规定,只有最新批准的标准是适用的。

2.1 外部标准/规格ISO 11469 SAE J1739SAE J13442.2 GM 标准/规格GM4298P GMW3001GM6241M GMW3059GM6277M GMW3116GM7469M2.3 补充参考GM1738P/N 13502352P/N 13502353P/N 13502354P/N 13502509SOR验证交叉参考指标3 规定3.1 通用规定.GM一般压力盖.见表13.1.1 失效模式及影响分析(SAE J1739).详细设计和过程失效模式与影响分析(FMEA) 应按规定提交给发行工程师并作为的设计和产品的验证的纪录的一部分.表1:GM 一般压力盖零件号零件名及描述压力等级Warren数据库里的数据103.5~131KPa AKM3718713502354冷却器盖子(与Warren数据库里的15042975相似)140~150KPa AKM3719613502353 缓冲箱盖子(与Warren数据库里的10305080和Opel的9202799相似)140~150KPa AKN0050413502509 冷却器盖子(与13502353相似)26.7~41.5KPa AKM3720113502352 缓冲箱盖子(与Warren数据库里的15076936相似)此FMEA需要在发生变化的每个时间更新.3.1.2 完成.。

NFD Composite Material (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd Hepla

NFD Composite Material (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd Hepla

Hepla® H1130GBMaterial Description:Hepla® H1130GB is a Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) product filled with 30% glass bead.Characteristics include:Electrical Insulation.Material Status•Commercial: ActiveAvailability •Asia Pacific•North America •Europe•Latin America •Middle East•AfricaFiller/Reinforcement •Glass Bead, 30% Filler by WeightFeatures •Good Dimensional Stability•Electrical InsulationRoHS Compliance •RoHS CompliantProcessing Method•Injection MoldingTypical Value Unit Test Method Density/Specific Gravity 1.27g/cm3ASTM D792 Moisture Content0.1%Molding Shrinkage - Flow (3.20 mm)0.3 to 0.6%ASTM D955Typical Value Unit Test Method Tensile Modulus3580MPa ASTM D638 Tensile Strength32MPa ASTM D638 Tensile Elongation (Yield)> 10%ASTM D638 Flexural Modulus3250MPa ASTM D790 Flexural Strength60MPa ASTM D790Typical Value Unit Test Method Notched Izod Impact(3.2mm) 60J/m ASTM D256 Unnotched Izod Impact(3.2mm)320J/m ASTM D4812Typical Value Unit Test Method Flame Rating(1.5mm)HB UL 94Typical Value UnitInjection Pressure68.9 to 103MPaProcessing (Melt) Temp204 to 238℃Mold Temperature63 to 85℃Drying Temperature 82℃Drying Time2hrDew Point-18℃CAUTION/警告!Before using, read the Molding Guide, Material Safety Data Sheets, and Bulletins available from NFD Advanced Composites Sales offices and Distributors supplied to your company. Caution! During drying, purging and molding, small amounts of hazardous gases and/or particulate matter may be released. These may irritate eyes, nose and throat. Use adequate local exhaust ventilation during thermal processing. To prevent resin decomposition, do not contaminate the resin or exceed the recommended melt temperature or hold-up time. Avoid inhalation or skin and eyes contact. Sweep up and dispose of spilled resin to eliminate slipping hazard.在使用之前,请阅读NFD公司销售办事处和经销商提供给贵公司的材料成型指南、材料安全数据表和公告。

Bibliography (Reference)

Bibliography (Reference)
E.引用标准 标准代号标准顺序号-发布年,标准名称 [S]. QJ 3074-98, 碳纤维及其复合材料电阻率 测试方法[S].
• F.引用科技报告 • 格式:作者.题名[R].出版地:出版者,出版年. 起止页码(任选)。 • 1 Phillips T H. A common aerovehicle model, description and employment guide[R].New York, USA: Schafer Corporation for AFRL and AFSPC,2003. • 2 Timothy R S , Erich M M , Mark K, et al. Ballute and parachute decelerators for fasm/quicklook UAV [R]. Monterey, USA: AIAA 2003-2142, 2003.
H.引用电子文献 格式:作者.题名 [EB/OL] .电子文献地址, 发表或更新日期/引用日期(任选)。 1 中国互联网络信息中心 .2004 年中国互联网 络信息资源数量调查报告[EB/OL].http://www. /download/ 2005/2005041401/pdf,200602-16. 2 Hilima D. Using dublicncore [EB/OL]. /documents/2003/08/26/us ageguide/ 2003-06-02/2005-03-21.
C.引用论文集 著录格式:作者.题名 [A] .论文集名 [C] .出版地: 出版者,出版年.起止页码. 1 Zou Yun, Liu Xinjin. A new model of the Harmonic control based on Hadamard product [A]. Proceedings of ICCSE[C]. Kaifeng, China: China Computer Education Research Association, 2008: 468-473. 2 Estrera J P, Saldana M R. Gated power supply technologies for advanced image intensifiers[A].LowLight-Level and Real-Time Imaging Systems, Components, and Applications[C]. Bellingham, USA: SPIE Press,2003:60-70.



2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
耐压 刚度 强度 闷晒 空晒
外热冲击 内热冲击
序 号
技术要求 a、平板集热器的瞬时效率截距η0α应不低于0.72; 平板集热器的瞬时效率截距η 应不低于0.72; 平板型太阳能集热器的总热损U应不大于6.0W/( 平板型太阳能集热器的总热损U应不大于6.0W/(m2. ℃); 为集热器基于采光面积、进口温度的瞬时效率截距; 注: η0α为集热器基于采光面积、进口温度的瞬时效率截距; U为以Ti※为参考的集热器总热损系数; 为以T 为参考的集热器总热损系数; b、应作出(te-ta)随时间的变化曲线,并给出平板型太阳能集热器 随时间的变化曲线, 的时间常数τ 的时间常数τc; c、应给出平板型太阳能集热器的入射角修正系数Kθ随入射角θ的变 应给出平板型太阳能集热器的入射角修正系数K 随入射角θ 化曲线和θ=50°时的K 化曲线和θ=50°时的Kθ值; 应作出平板型太阳能集热器压力降落特性曲线△ 应作出平板型太阳能集热器压力降落特性曲线△p~ 应无划痕、翘曲、裂纹、断裂或穿孔 应无划痕、翘曲、裂纹、 吸热体和壳体的涂层应无剥落、反光或发白现象,应给出吸热体的 吸热体和壳体的涂层应无剥落、反光或发白现象, 红外发射,吸热体涂层的吸收比应不低于0.92 红外发射,吸热体涂层的吸收比应不低于0.92 应给出透明盖板的透射比
透明盖板 采光面积(A) 采光面积( 辐照量( 辐照量(H) 吸收率 (α) 发射率(ε) 时间常数 τc
符 号 H G ta te ti Ti※ u U Kθ ηo.α τc θ △p 日太阳辐照量 总太阳辐照度 环境或周围空气温度 太阳能集热器工质出口温度 太阳能集热器工质进口温度 归一化温差= 归一化温差=(ti-ta)/G 周围空气速度或风速 以Ti※为参考的太阳能集热器总热损系数 入射角修正系数 基于采光面积、进口温度的集热器瞬时效率截距 基于采光面积、 集热器时间常数 入射角 压力降落 通过集热器的流量 意 义 W/㎡ W/㎡ ℃ ℃ ℃ (㎡· ℃)/W m/s W/ (㎡· ℃) (㎡ 1 1 s



汽车环境周期1. 范围这个程序文件可能在试验或全部测试前执行不同的环境周期和老化条件.这个规格在测试前不包括试验的标准条件或预处理.那些规格可能不是被发现在材料规格中就是在GMW3221规定中.这个程序文件用于材料规格书中的几个周期已经得到了普遍认同.仅那些已经被挑选的周期用于创建GMW材料规格中的需求.普遍认同的用于材料规格中的周期同如下的:周期M,Q,R,S和T.备注:规格中没有任何东西可以取代现有法律法规,除其他明确豁免的除外.备注:如果在英语和本地语言中发生争论,英语优先.备注1.QC测试:没有定义领域性能的相关性。





2.1外部标准/规格ISO92272.2通用标准/规格GM4465P GMW 3221GM9511P GMW3280GM9511P3.测试仪器3.1机械对流烘箱能维持材料规格书中所需要的温度,公差在+/-3%。






3.6.蒸汽高压锅能维持所要的温度在+/-2摄氏度并且能忍受压力如上气压(例如:绝对2.5栅)高达1 .5栅(150kpa)。




2016国家计量检定规程规范目录【P29-42】2016-06-09 09:15 | 计控信息P29JJF1014-1989罐内液体石油产品JJF1015-2014 计量器具型式评价通用规范JJF1016-2014 计量器具型式评价大纲编写导则JJF1017-1990使用硫酸铈-亚铈剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法JJF1019-1990 60Co远距离治疗束吸收剂量的邮寄监测方法JJF1020-1990 γ射线辐射加工剂量保证监测方法JJF1021-1990产品质量检验机构计量认证技术考核规范JJF1022-2014 计量标准命名与分类编码JJF1023-1991常用电学计量名词术语(试行)JJF1024-2006测量仪器可靠性分析JJF1025-1991机械秤改装JJF1026-1991光子和高能电子束吸收剂量测定方法JJF1027-1991测量误差及数据处理技术规范(试行)JJF1028-1991使用重铬酸银剂量计测量γ射线水吸收剂量标准方法JJF1029-1991电子探针定量分析用标准物质研制规范JJF1030-2010 恒温槽技术性能测试规范JJF1031-1992依法管理的物理化学计量器具分类规范JJF1032-2005光学辐射计量名词及定义JJF1033-2008计量标准考核规范JJF1034-2005声学计量名词术语及定义JJF1035-2006电离辐射计量术语及定义JJF1036-1993交流电能表检定装置试验规范JJF1037-1993线列固体图像传感器特性参数测试JJF1038-1993直流电阻计量保证方案技术规范JJF1039-1993同轴功率计量保证方案技术规范JJF1040-1993射频衰减计量保证方案技术规范JJF1041-1993磁性材料磁参数计量保证方案技术规范JJF1042-1993直流电动势计量保证方案JJF1043-1993维氏硬度计量保护保证方案JJF1044-1993放射性核素活度计量保证方案(试行) JJF1045-1993长度(量块)计量保证方案技术规范JJF1046-1994金属电阻应变计的工作特性JJF1047-1994磁耦合直流电流测量变换器JJF1048-1995数据采集系统JJF1049-1995温度传感器动态响应校准JJF1050-1996工作用热传导真空计JJF1051-2009计量器具命名与分类编码JJF1052-1996气流式纤维细度测定仪的校准JJF1053-1996负荷传感器动态特性JJF1054-1996人血清无机成分分析结果评定规范JJF1055-1997 交流电能表现场校准技术规范JJF1056-1998燃油加油机税控装置P30JJF1057-1998数字存储示波器测量不确定度评定与表示技术规范用蒙特卡洛法评定测量不确定度技术规范JJF1060-1999税控燃油加油机定型鉴定大纲JJF1061-1999税控燃油加油机制造许可证考核JJF1062-1999电离真空计JJF1063-2000石油螺纹单项参数检查仪JJF1064-2010 坐标测量机校准规范JJF1065-2000射频通信测试仪校准规范JJF1066-2000测长机校准规范JJF1067-2014 工频电压比例标准装置校准规范JJF1068-2000工频电流比例标准装置JJF1069-2012法定计量检定机构考核规范JJF1070-2005定量包装商品净含量计量检验定量包装商品净含量检验规则(肥皂)定量包装商品净含量计量检验规则 - 小麦粉JJF1071-2010 国家计量校准规范编写规则JJF1072-2000齿厚卡尺校JJF1073-2000高频Q表JJF1074-2001酒精密度-浓度测量用表JJF1075-2001钳形电流表校准规范JJF1075-2015钳形电流表校准规范JJF1076-2001湿度传感器校准规范JJF1077-2002测微准直望远镜校准规范JJF1078-2002光学测角比较仪校准规范JJF1079-2002阴极射线管彩色分析仪JJF1080-2002 -50~+90℃黑体辐射源JJF1081-2002垂准仪校准规范JJF1082-2002平板仪校准规范JJF1083-2002光学倾斜仪校准规范JJF1084-2002框式水平仪和条式水平仪校准规范JJF1085-2002水平尺校准规范JJF1086-2002膜式煤气表定型鉴定大纲JJG1087-2013 矿用氧气检测报警器检定规程JJF1088-2002外径千分尺(测量范围500mm~3000mm)校准规范JJF1089-2002滚动轴承径向游隙测量仪JJF1090-2002非金属建材塑限测定仪校准规范JJF1091-2001测量内尺寸千分尺校准规范JJF1092-2002光切显微镜JJF1093-2002投影仪P31JJF1093-2015投影仪校准规范JJF1094-2002测量仪器特性评定JJF1095-2002电容器介质损耗测量仪JJF1096-2002引申计标定器JJF1097-2003平尺校准规范JJF1098-2003热电偶热电阻自动测量系统校准规范JJF1099-2003表面粗糙度比较样块校准规范JJF1100-2003平面等厚干涉仪校准规范JJF1101-2003环境试验设备温度、湿度校准规范JJF1102-2003内径表校准规范JJF1103-2003万能试验机计算机数据采集系统评定JJF1104-2003国家计量检定系统表编写规则JJF1105-2003触针式表面粗糙度测量仪校准规范JJF1106-2003眼镜产品透射比测量装置校准规范JJG1107-2015 自动标准压力发生器检定规程JJG1108-2015 铁路支距尺检定规程JJG1109-2015 铁路支距尺检定器检定规程JJG1110-2015 铁道车辆轮对轮位差、盘位差测量器检定规程JJG1111-2015 铁道车辆轮重测定仪检定规程JJF1112-2003计量检测体系确认规范JJF1113-2004轴承套圈角度标准件测量仪校准规范JJF1114-2004光学数显分度台校准规范JJF1115-2004光电轴角编码器校准规范JJF1116-2004线加速度计的精密离心机校准规范JJF1117-2010计量比对化学量测量比对技术规范JJF1118-2004全球定位系统(GPS)接收机(测地型和导航型)校准规范JJF1119-2004电子水平尺校准规范JJF1120-2004热电离同位素质谱计校准规范JJF1121-2004手持式齿距比较仪校准规范JJF1122-2004齿轮螺旋线测量仪器校准规范JJF1123-2004基圆齿距比较仪校准规范JJF1124-2004齿轮渐开线测量仪器校准规范JJF1126-2004超声波测厚仪校准规范JJF1127-2004射频阻抗材料分析仪校准规范JJF1128-2004矢量信号分析仪校准规范JJF1129-2005 尿液分析仪校准规范JJF1130-2005几何量测量设备校准中的不确定度评定指南JJF1131-2005 TDMA—GSM数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规JJF1132-2005组台式角度尺校准规范JJF1133-2005X射线荧光光谱法黄金含量分析仪校准规范JJF1134-2005专用工作测力机校准规范P32JJF1135-2005化学分析测量不确定度评定JJF1136-2005音准仪校准规范JJF1137-2005传声器前置放大器校准规范JJF1138-2005铣刀磨后检查仪JJF1139-2005检定周期确定原则和方法JJF1140-2006直角式检查仪JJF1141-2006 汽车转向角检验台校准规范JJF1142-2006建筑声学分析仪JJF1143-2006混响室声学特性JJF1144-2006电磁骚扰测量接收机JJF1145-2006驻极体传声器测试仪JJF1146-2006消声水池声学特性JJF1147-2006消声室和半消声室声学特性JJF1148-2006角膜接触镜检测仪JJF1149-2014心脏除颤器校准规范JJF1150-2006光电探测器相对光谱响应度JJF1151-2006 车轮动平衡机JJF1152-2006任意波发生器JJF1153-2006冲击加速度计(绝对法)JJF1154- 2006 四轮定位仪校准规范JJF1154-2014 四轮定位仪校准规范JJF1155-2006 30MHz~功率吸收钳JJF1156-2006振动冲击转速计量术语及定义JJF1157-2006测量放大器JJF1158-2006稳定同位素气体质谱仪JJF1159-2006四极杆电感耦合等离子体质谱仪JJF1160-2006中小规模数字集成电路测试设备JJF1161-2006催化燃烧式甲烷测定器型式评价大纲JJF1162-2006粉尘采样器型式评价大纲JJF1163-2006光干涉式甲烷测定器型式评价大纲JJF1164-2006 台式气相色谱-质谱联用仪JJF1165-2007信纳表JJF1167-2007杂音计校准规范JJF1168-2007 便携式制动性能测试仪JJF1169-2007 汽车制动操纵力计JJF1170-2007负温度系数低温电阻温度计校准规范JJF1171-2007温度巡回检测仪校准规范JJF1172-2007挥发性有机化合物光离子化检测仪校准规范JJF1173-2007测量接收机校准规范JJF1174-2007数字信号发生器JJF1175-2007试验筛JJF1176-2007(0~1500)℃钨铼热电偶P33JJF1178-2007用于标准铂电阻温度计的固定点装置JJF1179-2007集成电路高温动态老化系统JJF1195-2008轮胎耐久性及轮胎高速性能转鼓试验机JJF1196-2008机动车方向盘转向力转向角检测仪JJF1198-2008通信用可调谐激光源JJF1203-2008 电声产品(扬声器类) 功率寿命试验仪校准规范JJF1204-2008 TD-SCDMA数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规范JJF1205-2008 谐波和闪烁分析仪校准规范JJF1207-2008针规、三针JJF1208-2008沥青针入度仪校准规范JJF1209-2008齿轮齿距测量仪校准规范JJF1210-2008低速转台JJF1211-2008 激光粒度分析仪校准规范JJF1212-2008便携式动态轴重仪校准规范JJF1213-2008肺功能仪校准规范JJF1214-2008 长度基线场校准规范JJF1215-2009 整体式内径千分尺(6000mm 10000mm)校准规范JJF1216-2009音波式皮带张力计JJF1217-2009 高频电刀校准规范JJF1218-2009标准物质研制报告编写规则JJF1219-2009 激光测振仪校准规范JJF1221-2009汽车排气污染物监测用底盘测功机JJF1222-2009月饼销售包装计量检验规则JJF1225-2009汽车用透光率计JJF1227-2009汽油车稳态加载污染物排放检测系统JJF1228-2009声功率计JJF1229-2009质量密度计量名词术语及定义JJF1230-2009汽车正面碰撞试验用人形试验装置JJF1231-2009 汽车侧面碰撞试验用人形试验装置校准规范JJF1234-2010 呼吸机校准规范JJF1235-2010 电视频率信号发生器校准规范JJF1236-2010 半导体管特性图示仪校准规范JJF1237-2010 SDH/PDH传输分析仪校准规范P34JJF1238-2010 集成电路静电放电敏感度测试设备校准规范JJF1239-2010 稀土永磁体磁性温度系数测量技术规范JJF1240-2010 临界流文丘里喷嘴法气体流量标准装置校准规范JJF1241-2010 声级记录仪校准规范JJF1242-2010 激光跟踪三维坐标测量系统校准规范JJF1243-2010 高声压传声器校准器校准规范JJF1244-2010 食品和化妆品包装计量检验规则安装式电能表型式评价大纲通用要求安装式电能表型式评价大纲特殊要求机电式有功电能表,1和2级) 安装式电能表型式评价大纲特殊要求静止式有功电能表和2级)安装式电能表型式评价大纲特殊要求机电式无功电能表(2和3级) 安装式电能表型式评价大纲特殊要求静止式无功电能表(2和3级) 安装式电能表型式评价大纲特殊要求功能类电能表JJF1246-2010制造计量器具许可考核通用规范(非正式版)JJF1247-2010 动态(矿用)轻轨衡校准规范JJF1248-2010 通道式车辆放射性监测系统校准规范JJF1249-2010 放射性溶液校准规范JJF1250-2010 激光千分尺平行度检查仪校准规范JJF1252-2010 激光千分尺平行度检查仪校准规范JJF1253-2010 带表卡规校准规范JJF1254-2010 数显测高仪校准规范JJF1255-2010 厚度表校准规范JJF1256-2010 X射线单晶体定向仪校准规范JJF1257-2010干体式温度校准器校准方法JJF1258-2010步距规JJF1259-2010医用注射泵和输液泵JJF1260-2010婴儿培养箱用能产品能源效率标识计量检测规则房间空调器能源效率标识计量检测规则家用电磁炉能源效率标识计量检测规则家用电磁灶能源效率标识计量检测规则转速可控型房间空气调节器能源效率标识计量检测规则转速可控型房间空气调节器能源效率标识计量检测规则自动电饭锅能源效率标识计量检测规则计算机显示器能源效率标识计量检测规则平板电视能源效率标识计量检测规则平板电视能源效率标识计量检测规则电动洗衣机能源效率标识计量检测规则电动洗衣机能源效率标识计量检测规则家用燃气快速热水器和燃气采暖热水炉能源效率标识计量检测规则复印机能源效率标识计量检测规则P35家用和类似用途微波炉能源效率标识计量检测规则高压钠灯能源效率标识计量检测规则家用太阳能热水系统能源效率标识计量检测规则家用电冰箱能源效率标识计量检测规则微型计算机能源效率标识计量检测规则储水式电热水器能源效率标识计量检测规则复印机、打印机和传真机能源效率标识计量检测规则交流接触器能源效率标识计量检测规则交流电风扇能源效率计量检测规则电力变压器能源效率计量检测规则JJF1262-2010 铠装热电偶校准规范JJF1263-2010 六氟化硫检测报警仪校准规范JJF1264-2010 互感器负荷箱校准规范JJF1267-2010 同位素稀释质谱基准方法技术规范JJF1268-2010 医用X射线CT模体校准规范JJF1269-2010 压电集成电路传感器(IEPE)放大器校准规范JJF1270-2010 温度、湿度、振动综合环境试验系统校准规范JJF1271-2010公路运输模拟试验台校准规范JJF1272-2010阻容法露点湿度计校准规范JJF1273-2010磁粉探伤机校准规范JJF1274-2010运动黏度测定仪校准规范JJF1275-2010 X射线安全检查仪校准规范JJF1276-2011 宽带码分多址接入(WCDMA)数字移动通信综合测试仪校准规范JJF1277-2011 无线局域网测试仪校准规范JJF1278-2011 蓝牙测试仪校准规范JJF1279-2011 单机型和集中管理分散计费型电话计时计费器型式评价大纲JJF1280-2011 容栅数显标尺校准规范JJF1281-2011 烟草填充测定仪校准规范JJF1282-2011 电子式时间继电器校准规范JJF1283-2011 剩余电流动作保护器动作特性检测仪校准规范JJF1284-2011 交直流电表校验仪校准规范JJF1285-2011 表面电阻测试仪校准规范JJF1286-2011 无线信道模拟器校准规范JJF1287-2011 澄明度检测仪校准规范JJF1288-2011 多通道声分析仪校准规范JJF1289-2011 耳声发射测量仪校准规范JJF1290-2011 微粒检测仪校准规范JJF1291-2011 验光仪型式评价大纲JJF1292-2011 焦度计型式评价大纲JJF1293-2011 静电激励器校准规范JJF1294-2011 超声探伤仪换能器校准规范P36JJF1295-2011悬臂梁式冲击试验机型式评价大纲静力单轴试验机型式评价大纲:电子式万能试验机第1部分静力单轴试验机型式评价大纲:电液伺服万能试验机第2部分静力单轴试验机型式评价大纲:液压式万能试验机第3部分JJF1297-2011杯突试验机型式评价大纲JJF1298-2011高温蠕变、持久强度试验机型式评价大纲JJF1299-2011扭转试验机型式评价大纲JJF1300-2011摆锤式冲击试验机型式评价大纲JJF1301-2011抗折试验机型式评价大纲JJF1302-2011光学经纬仪型式评价大纲JJF1303-2011雾度计校准规范JJF1304-2011量块比较仪校准规范JJF1305-2011 线位移传感器JJF1306-2011 X射线荧光镀层测厚仪JJF1307-2011 试模JJF1308-2011 医用热力灭菌设备温度计JJF1309-2011 温度校验仪JJF1310-2011 电子塞规JJF1311-2011 固结仪JJF1312-2011手持式测距仪型式评价大纲JJF1313-2011 AO型邵氏硬度计校准规范JJF1314-2011气体层流流量传感器型式评价大纲疲劳试验机型式评价大纲:轴向加荷疲劳试验机-第一部分疲劳试验机型式评价大纲:旋转纯弯曲疲劳试验机-第二部分JJF1316-2011血液粘度计校准规范JJF1317-2011液相色谱-质谱联用仪校准规范JJF1318-2011影像测量仪校准规范JJF1319-2011傅立叶变换红外光谱仪校准规范JJF1320-2011仪器化夏比摆锤冲击试验机校准规范JJF1321-2011元素分析仪校准规范JJF1322-2011水准仪型式评价大纲JJF1323-2011电子经纬仪型式评价大纲JJF1324-2011脉冲激光测距仪校准规范JJF1325-2011通信用光回波损耗仪校准规范JJF1326-2011质量比较仪校准规范JJF1327-2011离子计型式评价大纲JJF1328-2011带弹簧管压力表的气体减压器校准规范JJF1329-2011瞬态光谱仪校准规范JJF1330-2011瞬态有效光强测定仪校准规范P37JJF1331-2011电感测微仪校准规范JJF1332-2011烟尘采样器型式评价大纲JJF1333-2012数字指示轨道衡型式评价大纲JJF1334-2012混凝土裂缝宽度及深度测量仪校准规范JJF1335-2012定角式雷达测速仪型式评价大纲JJF1336-2012非自动秤(非自行指示秤)型式评价大纲JJF1337-2012声发射传感器校准规范(比较法)JJF1338-2012相控阵超声探伤仪校准规范JJF1339-2012电声测试仪校准规范JJF1340-2012 20Hz~2000Hz矢量水听器校准规范JJF1341-2012钢筋锈蚀测量仪校准规范JJF1342-2012标准物质研制(生产)机构通用要求JJF1343-2012标准物质定值的通用原则及统计学原理JJF1344-2012气体标准物质研制(生产)通用技术要求JJF1345-2012圆柱螺纹量规校准规范JJF1346-2012次声及超声滤波器校准规范JJF1347-2012全球定位系统(GPS)接收机(测地型)型式评价大纲JJF1348-2012水中油分浓度分析仪型式评价大纲JJF1349-2012工具经纬仪校准规范JJF1350-2012陀螺经纬仪校准规范JJF1351-2012扫描探针显微镜校准规范JJF1352-2012角位移传感器校准规范JJF1353-2012血液透析装置校准规范JJF1354-2012膜式燃气表型式评价大纲JJF1355-2012非自动秤(模拟指示秤) 型式评价大纲JJF1356-2012重点用能单位能源计量审查规范JJF1357-2012湿式气体流量计校准规范JJF1358-2012非实流法校准DN1000-15000液体超声流量计校准规范JJF1359-2012自动轨道衡(动态称量轨道衡) 型式评价大纲JJF1360-2012滑行时间检测仪校准规范JJF1361-2012化学发光法氮氧化物分析仪型式评价大纲JJF1362-2012烟气分析仪型式评价大纲JJF1363-2012硫化氢气体分析仪型式评价大纲JJF1364-2012二氧化硫气体检测仪型式评价大纲JJF1365-2012数字指示秤软件可信度测评方法JJF1366-2012温度数据采集仪校准规范P38JJF1367-2012烘干法水分测定仪型式评价大纲JJF1368-2012可燃气体检测报警器型式评价大纲JJF1369-2012压缩天然气加气机型式评价大纲JJF1370-2012正弦法力传感器动态特性校准规范JJF1371-2012加速度型滚动轴承振动测量仪校准规范JJF1372-2012贯入式砂浆强度检测仪校准规范JJF1373-2012动弹仪校准规范JJF1374-2012电梯限速器测试仪校准规范JJF1375-2012机动车发动机转速测量仪校准规范JJF1376-2012箱式电阻炉校准规范JJF1377-2012水准式车轮定位测量仪校准规范JJF1378-2012耐电压测试仪型式评价大纲JJF1379-2012热敏电阻测温仪校准规范JJF1380-2012电容法和电阻法谷物水分测定仪型式评价大纲JJF1381-2012原棉水分测定仪型式评价大纲JJF1382-2012荧光分光光度计型式评价大纲JJF1383-2012便携式血糖分析仪校准规范JJF1384-2012开口/闭口闪点测定仪校准规范JJF1385-2012汽油车简易瞬态工况法用流量分析仪校准规范JJF1386-2013中功率计校准规范JJF1387-2013矢量示波器校准规范JJF1388-2013数字脑电图机及脑电地形图仪型式评价大纲JJF1389-2013数字心电图机型式评价大纲JJF1390-2013脑电图机型式评价大纲JJF1391-2013心电图机型式评价大纲JJF1392-2013动态(可移动)心电图机型式评价大纲JJF1393-2013心电监护仪型式评价大纲JJF1394-2013无线路测仪校准规范JJF1395-2013音频分析仪校准规范JJF1396-2013频谱分析仪校准规范JJF1397-2013静电放电模拟器校准规范JJF1398-2013燃油加油机制造计量器具许可考核必备条件JJF1399-2013膜式燃气表制造计量器具许可考核必备条件JJF1400-2013 时间继电器测试仪校准规范JJF1401-2013 振弦式频率读数仪校准规范JJF1402-2013 生物显微镜校准规范JJF1403-2013 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)接收机(时间测量型)校准规范JJF1404-2013 大气采样器型式评价大纲。



建筑干混砂浆用纤维素醚ICSQ备案号:JC 中华人民共和国建材行业标准JC/T ××××—200×建筑干混砂浆用纤维素醚(征求意见稿)Cellulose ether used in the dry-mixed mortar200×-××-××发布200×-××-××实施中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布前言本标准主要参考ASTM D5400—2003《羟丙基纤维素的标准试验方法》、ASTM D2364—2001《羟乙基纤维素的标准试验方法》。








2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。



GB/T 625 化学试剂硫酸GB/T 1346水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、安定性检测方法GB/T 2419 水泥胶砂流动度试验方法GB/T 6679 固体化工产品采样通则GB/T 8077混凝土外加剂匀质性试验方法GB/T 17671 水泥胶砂强度检验方法(ISO法)GSB 08—1337 中国ISO标准砂GSB 14—1510 强度检验用水泥标准样品JC/T 517—2004 粉刷石膏JC/T 547—2005 陶瓷墙地砖粘结剂JC/T 992—2006 墙体保温用聚苯乙烯板胶粘剂JGJ 63混凝土用水标准3 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。



螺杆钻具用高弹性模量橡胶的研究宋 建,罗西超(北京石油机械有限公司,北京 102206)摘要:通过在螺杆钻具电动机定子用橡胶配方中增添改性纳米碳化硅粉体或炭黑N440或分散预处理12687增硬树脂或调整硫黄用量来提高硫化胶弹性模量。


关键词:螺杆钻具;电动机定子;丁腈橡胶;弹性模量;改性纳米碳化硅粉体;炭黑;增硬树脂;硫黄中图分类号:TQ336.5;TQ333.7;TQ330.38 文章编号:1000-890X(2020)10-0773-04文献标志码:A DOI:10.12136/j.issn.1000-890X.2020.10.0773电动机定子中使用高弹性模量橡胶是螺杆钻具提速增效的一种快捷有效的手段,橡胶的弹性模量大、定伸应力高,有利于提高井下应用螺杆钻具电动机动力,加快钻井速度,缩短钻井周期[1]。





1 实验1.1 主要原材料丁腈橡胶(NBR),牌号Krynac,丙烯腈质量分数为0.334 5,加拿大Sarnia公司产品;炭黑N660和N440,俄罗斯Ivanovo公司产品;改性纳米碳化硅粉体和分散预处理12687增硬树脂,自制。



欧洲合金标准目录国家国家标准化组织网站欧洲合金标准目录编号中文名称英文名称CR 10316-2001 低合金钢的光辐射分析(常规法)发射光谱法的标准常规法制定指南Optical emission analysis of low alloy steels (routine method) - Guidelines for the preparation of standardroutine method for optical emission spectrometryCR 12471-2002 镍从直接和长期接触皮肤的物品的合金和镀层中释放的屏蔽试验Screening tests for nickel release from alloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact withthe skinCR 12776-1997 铜和铜合金材料号分配和材料登记的规定和程序Copper and copper alloys - Provisions and procedures for the allocation of material numbers and registration of materialsCR 13388-1998 铜和铜合金组分和产品一览表Copper and copper alloys - Compendium of compositions and productsEN 10016-1-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第1部分:一般要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 1: General requirementsEN 10016-2-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第2部分:一般用钢棒的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 2: Specific requirements for general purposes rod EN 10016-3-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第3部分:沸腾和沸腾代用低碳钢棒的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 3: Specific requirements for rimmed andrimmed substitute low carbon steel rodEN 10016-4-1994 拉制和/或冷轧用非合金钢棒第4部分:专用棒材的特殊要求Non-alloy steel rod for drawing and/or cold rolling - Part 4: Specific requirements for rod for specialapplicationsEN 10025-1993 热轧非合金结构钢制品交货技术条件Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels;technical delivery conditions (includes amendment A1:1993)EN 10028-2-2003 压力用途的钢板制品第2部分:具有规定的耐高温性能的非合金钢和合金钢Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy and alloy steels withspecified elevated temperature propertiesEN 10028-4-2003 压力用途的钢板制品第4部分:具有低温特性的镍合金钢Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes - Part 4: Nickel alloy steels with specified low temperaturepropertiesEN 10051-1997+A1-1997 非合金钢和合金钢连续热轧钢板材、薄板和带材规范尺寸和形状公差Continuously hot-rolled uncoated plate, sheet and strip of non-alloy and alloy steels -Tolerances on dimensions and shape (includes amendment A1:1997)EN 10083-2-1996+A1-1996 淬火钢和回火钢第2部分:非合金级钢交货技术条件Quenched and tempered steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for unalloyed quality steels(includes Amendment A1:1996)EN 10090-1998 内燃机阀门用钢和合金Valve steels and alloys for internal combustion enginesEN 10095-1999 耐热钢和镍合金Heat resisting steels and nickel alloysEN 1011-4-2000 焊接金属材料焊接的推荐规范第4部分:铝和铝合金的电弧焊接Welding -Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 4: Arc welding of aluminiumand aluminium alloysEN 10126-1995 半成品交货的冷轧非合金钢电工钢薄板和钢带Cold rolled electricalnon-alloyed steel sheet and strip delivered in the semi-processed stateEN 10165-1995 半成品交货的冷轧电工合金钢制薄板和带材Cold rolled electrical alloyedsteel sheet and strip delivered in the semi-processed stateEN 10210-1-1994 非合金及细晶粒结构钢的热轧结构空心型材交货技术条件Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels; part 1: technical deliveryrequirementsEN 10210-2-1997 非合金及细晶粒结构钢的热轧结构空心型材第2部分:公差、尺寸和截面特性Hot finished structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain structural steels - Part 2:Tolerances, dimensions and sectional propertiesEN 10216-1-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第1部分:有规定室温特性的非合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties / Note: To beamended by EN 10216-1/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-2-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第2部分:有规定高温特性的非合金及合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2:Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties / Note:To be amended by EN 10216-2/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-3-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第3部分:合金细晶粒钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubes /Note: To be amended by EN 10216-3/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10216-4-2002 压力用途的无缝钢管交货技术条件第4部分:有规定低温特性的非合金及合金钢管Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -Part 4: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties /Note: To be amended by EN 10216-4/prA1 (2003-07).EN 10217-1-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第1部分:有规定室温特性的非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part1: Non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature propertiesEN 10217-2-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第2部分:有规定高温特性的电焊非合金及合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions -Part 2: Electric welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevatedtemperature propertiesEN 10217-3-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第3部分:合金细晶粒钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Alloy fine grain steel tubesEN 10217-4-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第4部分:有规定低温特性的电焊非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part4: Electric welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature propertiesEN 10217-5-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第5部分:有规定高温特性的埋弧焊非合金及合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions –Part 5: Submerged arc welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevatedtemperature propertiesEN 10217-6-2002 压力用途的焊接钢管交货技术条件第6部分:有规定低温特性的埋弧焊非合金钢管Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part6: Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature propertiesEN 10219-1-1997 冷成型细晶粒钢和非合金钢的焊接结构空心型材第1部分:交货技术要求Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Part1: Technical delivery requirementsEN 10219-2-1997 冷成型细晶粒钢和非合金钢的焊接结构空心型材第2部分:公差、尺寸和截面特性Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain steels- Part 2: Tolerances, dimensions and sectional propertiesEN 10223-1-1997 栅栏用钢丝和钢丝制品第1部分:镀锌和镀锌合金的有刺钢丝Steel wire and wire products for fences - Part 1: Zinc and zinc-alloy coated steel barbed wireEN 10224-2002 输送液体(包括人类生活用水)用的非合金钢管和管件交货技术条件Non-alloy steel tubes and fittings for the conveyance of aqueous liquids including water for humanconsumption - Technical delivery conditionsEN 10244-2-2001 钢丝和钢丝制品钢丝上的非黑色金属外层第2部分:锌或锌合金镀层Steel wire and wire products - Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Part 2: Zinc or zinc alloycoatingsEN 10248-1-1995 非合金钢制热轧板堆第1部分:交货技术条件Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 1: Technical delivery conditionsEN 10248-2-1995 非合金钢制热轧板堆第2部分:尺寸和形状公差Hot rolled sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and dimensionsEN 10249-1-1995 非合金钢制冷成型板堆第1部分:交货技术条件Cold formed sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 1: Technical delivery conditionsEN 10249-2-1995 非合金钢制冷成型板堆第2部分:尺寸和形状公差Cold formed sheet piling of non alloy steels - Part 2: Tolerances on shape and dimensionsEN 10250-2-1999 一般工程用途的敞口钢模锻件第2部分:非合金钢和特殊钢Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 2: Non-alloy quality andspecial steelsEN 10250-3-1999 一般工程用途的敞口钢模锻件第3部分:合金特殊钢Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 3: Alloy special steelsEN 10257-1-1998 动力电缆或通信电缆铠甲用镀锌或锌合金的非合金钢电线第1部分:地面电缆Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables ortelecommunication cables - Part 1: Land cablesEN 10257-2-1998 动力电缆或通信电缆铠甲用镀锌或锌合金的非合金钢电线第2部分:海底电缆Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables ortelecommunication cables - Part 2: Submarine cablesEN 10264-2-2002 钢丝和钢丝制品绳用钢丝第2部分:一般用途绳用冷拔非合金钢丝Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 2: Cold drawn non alloy steel wire for ropesfor general applicationsEN 10264-3-2002 钢丝和钢丝制品绳用钢丝第3部分:重载用途圆形和成形非合金钢丝Steel wire and wire products - Steel wire for ropes - Part 3: Round and shaped non alloyed steel wire forhigh duty applicationsEN 10268-1998 冷成形用高屈服强度微合金钢的冷轧扁钢材交货一般条件Cold-rolled flat products made of high yield strength micro-alloyed steels for cold forming - General deliveryconditionsEN 10269-1999 规定高温和/或低温性能的紧固件用钢及镍合金Steels and nickel alloys forfasteners with specified elevated and/or low temperature propertiesEN 10296-1-2003 机械和一般工程用途的焊接圆形钢管交货技术条件第1部分:非合金钢管和合金钢管Welded circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes - Technicaldelivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubesEN 10297-1-2003 机械和一般工程用途的无缝圆形钢管交货技术条件第1部分:非合金钢管和合金钢管Seamless circular steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes- Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Non-alloy and alloy steel tubesEN 10302-2002 抗蠕变钢、镍和钴合金Creep resisting steels, nickel and cobalt alloysEN 1057-1996 铜和铜合金在卫生和加热器中输送水和气体用无缝圆铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for water and gas in sanitary and heating applicationsEN 1092-3-2003 法兰及其连接按PN标注的管、阀门、配件及其附件用圆形法兰第3部分:铜合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings andaccessories PN designated - Part 3: Copper alloy flangesEN 1092-4-2002 法兰及其连接按PN标注的管、阀门、配件及其附件用圆形法兰第4部分:铝合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PNdesignated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flangesEN 1172-1996 铜和铜合金建筑用薄板和带材Copper and copper alloys - Sheet and strip for building purposesEN 1173-1995 铜和铜合金原料条件或回火名称Copper and copper alloys - Material condition or temper designationEN 1179-2003 锌和锌合金初级锌Zinc and zinc alloys - Primary zincEN 12019-1997 锌和锌合金光学发射分光光度测定法Zinc and zinc alloys - Optical emission spectrometric analysisEN 12020-1-2001 铝和铝合金合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063的精密压制型材第1部分:检验与交货技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloysEN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and deliveryEN 12020-2-2001 铝和铝合金合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063的精密压制型材第2部分:尺寸与形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloys ENAW-6060 and EN AW-6063 - Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and formEN 12060-1997 锌和锌合金取样方法规范Zinc and zinc alloys - Method of sampling - Specifications EN 1213-1999 建筑物阀门建筑物内便携式供水用的铜合金断流阀试验和要求Building valves - Copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirementsEN 12163-1998 铜和铜合金一般用途的棒材Copper and copper alloys - Rod for general purposesEN 12164-1998+A1-2000 铜和铜合金供快速切削用的棒材Copper and copper alloys - Rod for free machining purposesEN 12165-1998 铜和铜合金已加工和未加工的锻坯Copper and copper alloys - Wrought and unwrought forging stockEN 12166-1998 铜和铜合金一般用途的线材Copper and copper alloys - Wire for general purposesEN 12167-1998 铜及铜合金一般用途的型材和扁棒材Copper and copper alloys - Profiles and rectangular bar for general purposesEN 12168-1998+A1-2000 铜和铜合金用于非加工目的的空心棒材Copper and copper alloys - Hollow rod for free machining purposesEN 12258-1-1998 铝和铝合金术语和定义第1部分:通用术语Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Part 1: General termsEN 12258-3-2003 铝和铝合金术语和定义第3部分:废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms anddefinitions - Part 3: ScrapEN 12288-2003 工业用阀铜合金闸阀Industrial valves - Copper alloy gate valvesEN 12373-1-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第1部分:铝上装饰和保护阳极氧化膜的测定方法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 1: Method for specifying decorative andprotective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminiumEN 12373-10-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第10部分:用磨擦喷射试验机测定阳极氧化膜的平均比耐磨性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 10: Measurement of mean specificabrasion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive jet test apparatus EN 12373-11-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第11部分:20°、45°、60°或85°角处测量阳极氧化膜在的镜面反射率和镜面光泽度Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 11:Measurement of specular reflectance and specular gloss of anodic oxidation coatingsat angles of 20? 45? 60?or 85?国际标准分类号:25.220.2077.120.10英文标准名称:Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part11: Measurement of specular reflectance and specular gloss of anodicoxidation coatings at angles of 20? 45? 60?or 85?EN 12373-12-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第12部分:用积分球仪测量铝表面的反射特性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 12: Measurement of reflectance characteristics ofaluminium surfaces using integrating-sphere instrumentsEN 12373-13-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第13部分:用测角光度仪或滤色测角光度仪测量铝表面的反射特性Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 13: Measurement ofreflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or anabridged goniophotometerEN 12373-14-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第14部分:阳极氧化膜成象清晰度的目测座标比例尺法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 14: Visual determination of imageclarity of anodic oxidation coatings - Chart scale methodEN 12373-15-2000 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第15部分:阳极氧化膜抗形变破裂性的评定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 15: Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidationcoatings to cracking by deformationEN 12373-16-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第16部分:薄阳极氧化膜的连续性检验硫酸铜试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 16: Check of continuity of thinanodic oxdation coatings; Copper sulfate testEN 12373-17-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第17部分:电击穿电压的测定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 17: Determination of electric breakdown potentialEN 12373-18-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第18部分:点蚀评定铝用检定系统图表法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 18: Rating system for the evaluation of pittingcorrosion; Chart methodEN 12373-19-2001 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第19部分:点蚀评定铝用检定系统网格法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 19: Rating system for the evaluation of pittingcorrosion; Grid methodEN 12373-2-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第2部分:阳极氧化膜单位面积质量(表面密度)的测定重量分析法Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 2: Determination of mass perunit area (surface density) of anodic oxidation coatings - Gravimetric methodEN 12373-3-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第3部分:阳极氧化膜厚度的测定分束显微镜无损测量Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 3: Determination of thickness ofanodic oxidation coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope EN 12373-4-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第4部分:通过事先经酸处理的染斑试验估计封闭后阳极氧化膜吸收能力的损失Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 4: Estimation ofloss of absorptive power of anodic oxidation coatings after sealing by dye spot test withprior acid treatmentEN 12373-5-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第5部分:用导纳测量法评定封闭阳极氧化膜的质量Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 5: Assessment of quality of sealed anodicoxidation coatings by measurement of admittanceEN 12373-6-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第6部分:通过测量事发未经酸处理的磷酸/铬酸中浸泡后的质量损失评定封闭阳极氧化膜Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 6:Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss ofmass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution without prior acidtreatmentEN 12373-7-2002 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第7部分:通过测量事发经酸处理的磷酸/铬酸中浸泡后的质量损失评定封闭阳极氧化膜的Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 7:Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the lossof mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution with prior acidtreatmentEN 12373-8-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第8部分:着色阳极氧化膜可比耐紫外光和耐热色牢固度的测定Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 8: Determination of the comparativefastness to ultra-violet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatingsEN 12373-9-1998 铝和铝合金阳极氧化第9部分:用磨擦轮磨损试验机测定阳极氧化膜耐磨性和耐磨系数Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Part 9: Measurement of wearresistance and wear index of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive wheel weartest apparatusEN 12384-1999 铜和铜合金带材弹性弯曲极限的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of spring bending limit on stripEN 12392-2000 铝和铝合金锻制品压力设备生产用制品的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Special requirements for products intended for the production ofpressure equipmentEN 12402-1999 铅和铅合金分析用取样方法Lead and lead alloys - Methods of sampling for analysis EN 12420-1999 铜和铜合金锻件Copper and copper alloys - ForgingsEN 12421-1998 镁和镁合金纯镁Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Unalloyed magnesiumEN 12438-1998 镁和镁合金铸造阳极用镁合金Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium alloys for cast anodesEN 12441-1-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第1部分:锌合金中铝的测定滴定法Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 1: Determination of aluminium in zinc alloys; Titrimetric method EN 12441-2-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第2部分:锌合金中镁的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 2: Determination of magnesium in zinc alloys;Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methodEN 12441-3-2001 锌和锌合金化学分析第3部分:铅、镉和铜的测定火焰原子吸收光谱法Zinc und zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 3: Determination of lead, cadmium and copper;Flame atomic absorption spectrometric methodEN 12441-4-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第4部分:用分光光度法测定锌合金中的铁Zinc and zinc alloys- Chemical analysis - Part 4: Determination of iron in zinc alloys; SpectrophotometricmethodEN 12441-5-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第5部分:用分光光度法测定原生锌中的铁Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 5: Determination of iron in primary zinc; SpectrophotometricmethodEN 12441-6-2003 锌和锌合金化学分析第6部分:用原子吸收光谱法测定铝和铁Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Part 6: Determination of aluminium and iron-Flame atomic absorptionspectrometric methodEN 12449-1999 铜和铜合金通用无缝圆管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round tubes for general purposesEN 12450-1999 铜和铜合金无缝圆铜毛细管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper capillary tubesEN 12451-1999 铜和铜合金热交换器用无缝圆管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round tubes for heat exchangersEN 12452-1999 铜和铜合金热交换器用轧制翅片无缝管Copper and copper alloys - Rolled, finned, seamless tubes for heat exchangersEN 12482-1-1998 铝和铝合金一般用重轧坯料第1部分:热轧重轧坯料规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Part 1: Specifications for hot rolled rerollstockEN 12482-2-1998 铝和铝合金一般用重轧坯料第2部分:冷轧重轧坯料规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Part 2: Specifications for cold rolled rerollstockEN 12487-2000 金属的防腐蚀铝和铝合金上清洗和非清洗的铬酸盐转化镀层Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings on aluminium andaluminium alloysEN 12501-2-2003 金属材料的防腐泥土中可能出现的腐蚀第2部分:低合金和非合金的钢铁材料Protection of metallic materials against corrosion - Corrosion likelihood in soil - Part 2:Low alloyed and non alloyed ferrous materialsEN 12508-2000 金属和合金的防腐表面处理、金属和其它无机涂层词汇Corrosion protection of metals and alloys - Surface treatment, metallic and other inorganic coatings - Vocabulary EN 12536-2000 焊接消耗品非合金钢和抗蠕变钢气焊用焊条分类Welding consumables - Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creep-resisting steels - ClassificationEN 1254-1-1998 铜和铜合金管件第1部分:低温焊接或纤焊接到铜管上的毛细管用端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 1: Fittings with ends for capillary soldering orcapillary brazing to copper tubesEN 1254-2-1998 铜和铜合金管件第2部分:铜管用压接端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 2: Fittings with compression ends for use with copper tubesEN 1254-3-1998 铜和铜合金管件第3部分:塑料管用压接端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 3: Fittings with compression ends for use with plastics pipesEN 1254-4-1998+AC-1999 铜和铜合金管件第4部分:带有与毛细管端接或压接端头的管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 4: Fittings combining other end connections withcapillary or compression endsEN 1254-5-1998 铜和铜合金管件第5部分:纤焊到铜管的毛细管用短端头管件Copper and copper alloys - Plumbing fittings - Part 5: Fittings with short ends for capillary brazing to coppertubesEN 12548-1999 铅和铅合金电缆铍和护套用铅合金铸锭Lead and lead alloys - Lead alloy ingots for electric cable sheathing and for sleevesEN 12588-1999 铅和铅合金建筑物用铅轧皮Lead and lead alloys - Rolled lead sheet for building purposesEN 12659-1999 铅和铅合金铅Lead and lead alloys - LeadEN 12735-1-2001 铜和铜合金空调和制冷用无缝圆铜管第1部分:管道系统用管子Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for air conditioning and refrigeration - Part 1:Tubes for piping systemsEN 12735-2-2001 铜和铜合金空调和制冷用无缝圆铜管第2部分:设备用管子Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for air conditioning and refrigeration - Part 2:Tubes for equipmentEN 12844-1998 锌和锌合金铸件规范Zinc and zinc alloys - Castings - SpecificationsEN 12861-1999 铜与铜合金废料Copper and copper alloys - ScrapEN 12862-2000 可运输气瓶可移动再充式焊接铝合金气瓶的设计和结构规范Transportable gas cylinders - Specification for the design and construction of refillable transportable welded aluminiumalloy gas cylindersEN 12893-2000 铜和铜合金螺旋拉伸数的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of spiral elongation numberEN 12938-1999 铅锡锑合金的分析方法用原子光谱法测定合金及杂质元素含量Methods for the analysis of pewter - Determination of alloying and impurity element contents by atomicspectrometryEN 1301-1-1997 铝和铝合金拉制线材第1部分:检查和交货的技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and deliveryEN 1301-2-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制线材第2部分:机械性能Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 2: Mechanical propertiesEN 1301-3-1997 铝和铝合金拉制线材第3部分:尺寸和公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensionsEN 13086-2000 铅和铅合金氧化铅Lead and lead alloys - Lead oxidesEN 13147-2001 铜和铜合金窄带材边界区域中残余应力的测定Copper and copper alloys - Determination of residual stresses in the border area of slit stripEN 13148-2001 铜和铜合金热浸镀锡带材Copper and copper alloys - Hot-dip tinned stripEN 13195-1-2002 铝和铝合金海洋设备(造船、海运和海上设备)用锻造和浇铸产品Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought and cast products for marine applications (shipbuilding,marine and offshore) - Part 1: SpecificationsEN 13283-2002 锌和锌合金再生锌Zinc and zinc alloys - Secondary zincEN 13347-2002 铜和铜合金焊接和黄铜焊用棒和线Copper and copper alloys - Rod andwire for welding and braze weldingEN 13348-2001 铜和铜合金医用气体或真空用无缝圆铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamless, round copper tubes for medical gases or vacuumEN 13349-2002 铜和铜合金带实心覆盖层的预绝缘铜管Copper and copper alloys - Pre-insulated copper tubes with solid coveringEN 13599-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的铜板、铜片和铜条Copper and copper alloys - Copperplate, sheet and strip for electrical purposesEN 13600-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的无缝铜管Copper and copper alloys - Seamlesscopper tubes for electrical purposesEN 13601-2002 铜和铜合金常规电气用途的铜棒、铜条和铜线Copper and copper alloys -Copper rod, bar and wire for general electrical purposesEN 13602-2002 铜和铜合金用于制造导电体的拉制圆铜线Copper and copper alloys - Drawn,round copper wire for the manufacture of electrical conductorsEN 13603-2002 铜和铜合金评估电气用途拉制圆铜线上的保护锡镀层的试验方法Copper and copper alloys - Test methods for assessing protective tin coatings on drawn round copper wire forelectrical purposesEN 13604-2002 铜和铜合金电子管、半导体器件和真空设备用高导电率铜产品Copper and copper alloys - Products of high conductivity copper for electronic tubes, semiconductor devices andvacuum applicationsEN 13605-2002 铜和铜合金电气用途的铜型材和型线材Copper and copper alloys - Copperprofiles and profiled wire for electrical purposesEN 13828-2003 建筑物阀门建筑物中饮用水供水用手动铜合金及不锈钢球阀试验和要求Building valves - Manually operated copper alloy and stainless steel ball valves for potable water supply inbuildings - Test and requirementsEN 1386-1996 铝和铝合金梯级金属板规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tread plate - SpecificationsEN 13920-1-2003 铝和铝合金废料第1部分:一般要求、取样和试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 1: General requirements, sampling and testsEN 13920-10-2003 铝和铝合金废料第10部分:由用过的铝饮料罐组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 10: Scrap consisting of use aluminium beverage cansEN 13920-11-2003 铝和铝合金废料第11部分:包括铝-铜散热器在内的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 11: Scrap consisting of aluminium-copper radiatorsEN 13920-12-2003 铝和铝合金废料第12部分:由单一合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 12: Turnings consisting of one single alloyEN 13920-13-2003 铝和铝合金废料第13部分:由两种或多种合金组成的混合切屑Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 13: Mixed turnings consisting of twoor more alloysEN 13920-14-2003 铝和铝合金废料第14部分:消费品铝包装生产的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 14: Scrap from post-consumer aluminiumpackagingsEN 13920-15-2003 铝和铝合金废料第15部分:消费品铝包装产生的去涂层铝废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 15: Decoated aluminium scrap frompost-consumer aluminium packagingsEN 13920-16-2003 铝和铝合金废料第16部分:由浮渣、碎屑、铸锭的金属物组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 16: Scrap consisting of skimmings, drosses, spills andmetallicsEN 13920-2-2003 铝和铝合金废料第2部分:纯铝废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys -Scrap - Part 2: Unalloyed aluminium scrapEN 13920-3-2003 铝和铝合金废料第3部分:线头和缆绳Aluminium and aluminium alloys -Scrap - Part 3: Wire and cable scrapEN 13920-4-2003 铝和铝合金废料第4部分:由单一锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - Scrap - Part 4: Scrap consisting of one single wrought alloyEN 13920-5-2003 铝和铝合金废料第5部分:由同一系列的两种或多种锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 5: Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloysof the same seriesEN 13920-6-2003 铝和铝合金废料第6部分:由两种或多种锻压合金组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 6: Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloysEN 13920-7-2003 铝和铝合金废料第7部分:由铸锭组成的废料Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - Scrap - Part 7: Scrap consisting of castingsEN 13920-8-2003 铝和铝合金废料第8部分:由铝分离工艺必经的切岁程序中产生的非铁质材料组成的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 8: Scrap consisting of non-ferrousmaterials from shredding processes destined to aluminium separation processesEN 13920-9-2003 铝和铝合金废料第9部分:非铁质碎料的铝分离工艺所产生的废料Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Part 9: Scrap from aluminium separation processes ofnon-ferrous shredded materialsEN 13957-2003 铝合及铝合金一般用途挤压圆形、蛇形管规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded round, coiled tube for general applications - SpecificationEN 13958-2003 铝及铝合金一般用途冷拉圆形、蛇形管规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn round, coiled tube for general applications - SpecificationEN 1396-1996 铝和铝合金一般用途的盘绕涂层薄板和带材规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications - SpecificationsEN 13981-1-2003 铝及铝合金铁路结构用产品,检验和交货技术条件第1部分:挤压产品Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications; Technical conditionsfor inspection and delivery - Part 1: Extruded productsEN 14057-2003 铅及铅合金废料术语和定义Lead and lead alloys - Scraps - Terms and definitions EN 1412-1995 铜和铜合金欧洲编号系统Copper and copper alloys - European numbering systemEN 14121-2003 铝及铝合金电工用铝片、铝带和铝板Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Aluminium sheet, strip and plate for electrotechnical applicationsEN 1503-4-2002 阀门阀体、阀帽和阀套用材料第3部分:欧洲标准规定的铜合金Valves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 4: Copper alloys specified in European StandardsEN 1559-4-1999 铸造交货的技术条件第3部分:铝合金铸件的附加要求Founding - Technicalconditions of delivery - Part 4: Additional requirements for aluminium alloy castingsEN 1559-5-1997 铸造交货的技术条件镁合金铸件的附加要求Founding - Technical conditionsof delivery - Part 5: Additional requirements for magnesium alloy castingsEN 1559-6-1998 铸造交货的技术条件锌合金铸件附加要求Founding - Technical conditions of delivery - Part 6: Additional requirements for zinc alloy castingsEN 1592-1-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第1部分:检验和交货技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery EN 1592-2-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第2部分:机械性能Aluminium and aluminiumalloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 2: Mechanical propertiesEN 1592-3-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第3部分:圆形管的尺寸和形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and formfor circular tubesEN 1592-4-1997 铝和铝合金HF接缝焊接管第4部分:方形、矩形和异形管的尺寸和形状公差Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Part 4: Tolerances on dimensions andform for square, rectangular and shaped tubesEN 1597-1-1997 焊料试验方法第1部分:镍和镍合金钢中完全焊接金属试验样品用试件Welding consumables - Test methods - Part 1: Test piece for all-weld metal test specimens insteel, nickel and nickel alloysEN 1652-1997 铜和铜合金一般用途的平板、薄板材、带材和圆形材Copper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet, strip and circles for general purposesEN 1653-1997+A1-200 铜和铜合金锅炉、压力容器和蓄热水器用的平板、薄板材和圆形材Copper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet and circles for boilers, pressure vessels and hot water storageunitsEN 1654-1997+AC-2003 铜和铜合金弹簧和连接器用带材Copper and copper alloys - Strip for springs and connectorsEN 1655-1997 铜和铜合金符合性声明Copper and copper alloys - Declarations of conformityEN 1668-1997 焊接耗材非合金和细晶粒钢的惰性气体保护钨极焊用焊条焊丝和熔敷分类Welding consumables - Rods, wires and deposits for tungsten inert gas welding of non alloy and finegrain steels - ClassificationEN 1669-1996 铝及铝合金试验方法薄板材和带材的耳子试验Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Test methods - Earing test for sheet and stripEN 1676-1996 铝及铝合金重熔用的合金锭规范Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Alloyed ingots for remelting - SpecificationsEN 1706-1998 铝及铝合金铸件化学成分和机械性能Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition and mechanical propertiesEN 1715-1-1997 铝和铝合金拉制件第1部分:检验和交货的一般要求及技术条件Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 1: General requirements and technical conditionsfor inspection and deliveryEN 1715-2-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第2部分:电气应用的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 2: Specific requirements for electrical applications EN 1715-3-1997+AC-1998 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第3部分:机械应用的特殊要求(包括焊接) Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 3: Specific requirements for mechanical uses(excluding welding)EN 1715-4-1997 铝和铝合金拉制坯料第4部分:焊接应用的特殊要求Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Part 4: Specific requirements for welding applicationsEN 1753-1997+AC-1997 镁和镁合金镁合金锭和铸件Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium alloy ingots and castingsEN 1754-1997 镁和镁合金镁和镁合金氧化极、铸锭和铸件命名体系Magnesium and magnesium alloys - Magnesium and magnesium alloy anodes, ingots and castings - Designation systemEN 1758-1997 铜及铜合金引线架用带材Copper and copper alloys - Strip for lead framesEN 1759-3-2003 法兰及其接头管材、阀门、管件及附件用已命名种类的圆形法兰第2部分:铜合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, classdesignated - Part 3: Copper alloy flangesEN 1759-4-2003 法兰及其接头管材、阀门、管件及附件用已命名种类的圆形法兰第4部分:铝合金法兰Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, classdesignated - Part 4: Aluminium alloy flangesEN 1774-1997 锌和锌合金铸造用合金铸锭和铸液Zinc and zinc alloys - Alloys for foundry purposes - Ingot and liquid。



热量表型式评价大纲引言本大纲等效采用欧洲标准EN1434.4-2007 型式试验热量表和国际建议OIMLR75.1-2002 通用要求热量表。

1 范围本大纲适用于以水为介质的口径不大于200mm的热量表的型式评价。

2 引用文献本大纲引用下列文献JJF 1015-2002 计量器具型式评价和型式批准通用规范JJF 1016-2009 计量器具型式评价大纲编写导则GB/T 778.3-2007 封闭满管道中水流量的测量饮用冷水水表和热水水表第3部分:试验方法和试验设备GB/T 2423.1-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验A:低温GB/T 2423.2-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验B:高温GB/T 2423.4-2008 电工电子产品环境试验第2部分:试验方法试验Db:交变湿热GB/T 17626.2-2006 电磁兼容试验和测量技术静电放电抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.3-2006 电磁兼容试验和测量技术射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.4-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.5-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验GB/T 17626.11-2008 电磁兼容试验和测量技术电压暂降、短时中断和电压变化的抗扰度试验JJG 162-2009 冷水水表JJG 225 热量表OIML R75.1-2002 《Heat meters Part 1: General requirements》(热量表第1部分:通用要求)EN 1434.1-2007 《Heat meters Part 1: General requirements》(热量表第1部分:通用要求)EN 1434.4-2007 《Heat meters Part 4: Pattern approval tests》(热量表第4部分:型式试验)EN 13757-2004 Communication systems for and remote reading of meters(仪表通讯系统和远程读数)IEC 60751:2008Industrail platinum resistance thermometer and platinium temperaturesensors (工业铂电阻温度计和铂电阻传感器)上述文件中的条款通过本大纲的引用而成为本大纲的条款。


实际内径 d1 偏差
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Detection of HMW glutenin subunit variations among205cultivated emmer accessions(Triticum turgidum ssp.dicoccum)Q.Y.Li1,3,Y.M.Yan1,3,A.L.Wang1,X.L.An1,Y.Z.Zhang1,S.L.K.Hsam2and F.J.Zeller2,31Key Laboratory of Genetics and Biotechnology,College of Life Science,Capital Normal University,Beijing,China;2Division of Plant Breeding and Applied Genetics,Technical University of Munich,D-85350Freising-Weihenstephan,Germany; 3Corresponding authors,E-mail:zeller@zwz.tum.de;yanym@With3figures and1tableReceived March14,2005/Accepted July22,2005Communicated by W.E.WeberAbstractThe high molecular weight glutenin subunits(HMW-GS)encoded by Glu-1loci among205accessions of cultivated emmer wheat(Triticum turgidum ssp.dicoccum Schrank)collected from different regions of Europe and China were separated and characterized by SDS-PAGE in combination with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis(A-PA-GE·SDS-PAGE)and acidic capillary electrophoresis.High genetic polymorphisms in HMW-GS compositions were found.A total of40 alleles(6for Glu-A1and34for Glu-B1)and62subunit combinations (genotypes)were detected,some of which were not previously described.At Glu-A1locus,two novel alleles,designated Glu-A1x coding for the subunit1A·1.1and Glu-A1y coding for the subunit 1A·2.1¢were found while seven new subunits(1B·17*,1B·6¢, 1B·13¢,1B·20*,1By9*,1By14.1and1By8.1)and20novel alleles at Glu-B1locus were detected.In particular,some additional protein components were detected,which probably were1Ay subunits encoded by Glu-A1locus.The introduction of both Ax and Ay subunits from tetraploid wheats into hexaploid wheats may increase the genetic variability of gluten genes and consequently improveflour technolo-gical properties.Key words:Triticum dicoccum—acidic capillary electrophor-esis—high molecular weight glutenin subunits—SDS-PAGE —two-dimensional electrophoresisThe high molecular weight glutenin subunits(HMW-GS) encoded by the complex Glu-1loci present on the long arm of group1homoeologous chromosomes are the major determinants of important endosperm proteins contributing to the baking quality of wheatflour(Payne et al.1984). They form polymers through disulphide bonds and give dough strength(Shewry et al.1992).Variation in the compositions of HMW glutenin subunits has been shown to be responsible for differences in bread-making quality of genotypes(Payne et al.1979).Tetraploid emmer(Triticum turgidum ssp.dicoccum Sch-rank,2n¼4x¼28,AABB),is a primitive hulled wheat. Currently,it is cultivated only in limited areas of some European countries,where it is mainly used both for feeding livestock and human consumption(Galterio et al.1994; Pflu ger et al.2001).Some investigations showed that there exists considerable allelic variation for HMW-GS in dicoccum wheat(Vallega and Waines1987;Galterio et al.1994; Piergiovanni and Blanco1999;Pflu ger et al.2001;Yan et al. 2003a).As the genetic base of modern wheat cultivars is generally narrow,the primitive emmer wheat is anticipated as rich resources of useful genes for wheat quality improvement.The aim of this study is to detect the HMW glutenin subunit compositions of an extensive collection of cultivated emmer wheat from European and Chinese gene pools by SDS-PAGE, two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(A-PA-GE·SDS-PAGE)and acidic capillary electrophoresis(A-CE) methods.Materials and MethodsPlant materials:A total of205cultivated emmer accessions (T.dicoccum Schrank)were studied,which were from GenBanks of Braunschweig and Gatersleben,Germany and National germ-plasm pool of China.SDS-PAGE:The HMW-GS extraction from single kernels was based on Singh et al.(1991)with some modifications.First,gliadins were removed with70%ethanol and55%(v/v)isopropanol at65°C for three times,and then glutenins were extracted with the method described by Yan et al.(2003a).SDS-PAGE was performed on a vertical electrophoresis unit(Ho fer,Freiburg,Germany;Bio-Rad, Hercules,CA,USA).Discontinuous electrophoresis was conducted with15%running gel and4%stacking gel.2-DE(A-PAGE·SDS-PAGE):Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE)of HMW-GS was carried out according to Yan et al. (2003a).A-PAGE based on Morel(1994)wasfirst performed followed by SDS-PAGE.After thefirst-dimension A-PAGE analysis,the gels were cut into single strips and incubated for30min at room temperature in the equilibration solution containing10%glycerol, 2%SDS and0.0625M Tris–HCl at pH6.8.The equilibrated gel strips were placed on top of the second-dimension SDS-PAGE gel(15%). Electrophoresis was performed on Bio-Rad Mini Cell(PROTEAN3, Bio-Rad)at10mA for20min followed by25mA for4h at room temperature.Acidic capillary electrophoresis:(A-CE)The sample preparation and acidic capillary electrophoresis(A-CE)of HMW-GS were based on the methods of Yan et al.(2004).Flour(about10–20mg)from a single kernel was accurately weighted and wasfirst extracted four times with 50%propanol for removing monomeric gliadins,and then glutenins were reduced and extracted with50%propanol+1%Dithiothreitol (DTT;10l l/mg)for30min at65°C with regular stirring.After centrifuging for10min at10000g,HMW-GS was precipitated from glutenin extracts with the addition of acetone to afinal concentration of40%.Precipitated HMW-GS were redissolved in25%acetonitrile (ACN)+0.1%trifluoroacetic acid(TFA)(w/v).The capillary electrophoretic separations of the HMW-GS were carried out using the BioFocus3000instrument(Bio-Rad,New York,Plant Breeding125,120—124(2006)Ó2006The AuthorsJournal compilationÓ2006Blackwell Verlag,BerlinNY,USA)at40°C and12.5kV with0.1M phosphate-glycine buffer, pH2.5,containing20%ACN and0.05%hydroxypropyl-methylcel-lulose with an uncoated fused-silica capillary of25.5cm separation length and50l m internal diameter.HMW glutenin subunits were detected by UV absorbance at200nm.All samples were injected at 10kV for8s.After each separation,capillaries were rinsed with1M phosphoric acid for2min and then with separation buffer for2min. HMW glutenin subunit identification,nomenclature and analysis:The identification of HMW-GS and alleles were based on the methods of Payne and Lawrence(1983)and Yan et al.(2003b).The new HMW-GS that were not previously detected were numerically named according to their relative mobilities and the allele designation was based on McIntosh et al.(2003).HMW-GS identification by A-CE was achieved through comparison of single and mixture samples employing standard cultivars and the results were obtained from various gel electrophoresis.The genetic diversity at Glu-A1and Glu-B1loci was calculated onthe basis of Nei(1973):H¼1)R p2i (H is Nei’s genetic variationindex and p i is the frequency of a particular allele at that locus).ResultsThe HMW glutenin subunit compositions and their frequen-cies identified from205cultivated emmer accessions are listed in Table1.Some typical HMW-GS detected were showed in Fig.1.At the Glu-A1locus,six alleles were identified and Glu-A1a, Glu-A1c and Glu-A1b were three most frequent alleles with 57.56%,40%and29%,respectively.The subunit1A·2.1*,first identified in European spelts and cultivated emmer wheat by Yan et al.(2003a),was located between1A·1and 1A·2*and occurred at a frequency of11%.Comparing with the previous investigations,two novel subunits1A·1.1 and1A·2¢were detected and designated as Glu-A1x and Glu-A1y,respectively.The subunit1.1was between subunit1 and 2.1*and was present infive accessions(PI355465, PIPI355480,PI94682,NGB7201and TT826)at a frequency of 2.44%.Two accessions(TRI14165/91and PI352333) possessed the subunit2.1¢that moved slightly slower than the subunit2but slightly faster than the subunit2*.At the Glu-B1locus,a total of34alleles were detected,and 20alleles and seven subunits had not been described previ-ously.The allele Glu-B1bh coding for13+22*identified by Yan et al.(2003a)was the most frequent(19.51%).The second most frequent allele was Glu-Bb(17.07%)coding for subunit 7+8while another allele with a little higher frequency (7.32%)was Glu-Bbe coding for subunits6.1+22.1.This allele as well as Glu-B1bh was also frequently present in central European spelt wheats(Yan et al.2003a;An et al.2005).The other11alleles(Glu-B1d,Glu-B1bf,Glu-B1ac,Glu-B1ao,Glu-B1c,Glu-B1a,Glu-B1as,Glu-B1aj,Glu-B1an,Glu-B1g and Glu-B1h)that were identified previously in emmer,durum and hexaploid Triticum species(McIntosh et al.2003)appeared at lower frequencies in this study.As shown in Table1,a total of20novel alleles were found and designated as new alleles from Glu-B1bk to Glu-B1cd based on the nomenclature of McIntosh et al.(2003). The subunits17*and9*encoded by Glu-B1bk appeared in 12accessions(5.85%),which moved slightly faster than subunits17and9,respectively(Fig.1).Nine accessions (PI377653,PI377661,PI94659,HTRI14734/87,HTRI16796/ 93,TT¢175,TT36601,TT36602and TT36604)possessed allele Glu-B1bl(14.1+22*),in which subunit14.1was slightly faster than subunit14.Seven accessions (ATRI13482/84,HTRI17200/94,TT260,TT807,TT42068, TT43527and TT43528)contained the allele Glu-B1bm coding for subunit6¢+22.1while another seven accessions (PI94680,ATRI4303/74,ATRI5329/74,TT42059,TT42062, TT42071and TT42077)possessed Glu-B1bn allele coding for subunit13¢+22*.The subunits6¢and13¢moved slightly slower than subunits6and13,respectively.For the remaining two novel subunits detected,the subunit20*in TT236and TT692apparently moved faster than subunit20Table1:HMW glutenin subunit and allele compositions and their frequencies in205cultivated emmer accessions(Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum Schrank)Loci Subunits AllelesFrequencyLoci Subunits AllelesFrequency No%No%Glu-A11a11857.56Glu-B1Null+22.1bq3 1.46 Null c4019.516+22*br3 1.462*b2914.157+8.1bs3 1.462.1*w11 5.376¢+null bt20.981.1x52.4420*+null bu20.982.1¢y20.9820*+8bv20.98 H10.60714.1+22.1bw20.98 Glu-B113+22*bh4019.51 6.1+16bx20.98 7+8b3517.077+null a20.986.1+22.1be157.3213+null as20.9817*+9*bk12 5.85Null+8aj10.496+8d12 5.85Null+16by10.496.1+null bf10 4.88Null+9*bz10.4914.1+22*bl9 4.39 6.1+8ca10.496¢+22.1bm7 3.42 6.1+8.1cb10.4913¢+22*bn7 3.4213+8cc10.496.1+22*bo6 2.9314+22*cd10.496+16ac6 2.936+null an10.497+16ao5 2.4413+19g10.497+9c5 2.4414+15h10.4914+8bp3 1.46H10.9081H-Nei’s genetic variation index.Detection of HMW glutenin subunit variations in cultivated emmer121while the subunit 8.1in TT261and TRI16883/93was located between subunits 8and 9.For the frequencies of different HMW-GS compositions at Glu-1loci among 205cultivated emmer genotypes,a total of 62combinations were detected.Two major genotypes 1,13+22*and 1,7+8were the most frequent among all accessions,at 31.2%and 25.4%,respectively.For the remaining 60genotypes,most of them were present at lower frequencies,generally less than 5%.According to the fre-quency of a particular allele at that locus,the genetic diversity at Glu-A1and Glu-B1loci was calculated and estimated by Nei’s genetic variation index H .As shown in Table 1,H -values of Glu-A1and Glu-B1loci were rather high and up to 0.607and 0.908,respectively.As arrowed in Fig.1,most of the cultivated emmer accessions showed an additional band or a major band with a minor band on the SDS-PAGE gel except for the identified HMW-GS.In general,these bands were present with higher mobilities and located at similar positions with 1By and 1Dy subunits.These additional protein components may be 1Ay subunits coded by Glu-A1locus (Waines and Payne 1987)or 1Bz subunits controlled by chromosome 1B (Holt et al.1981)or induced by sample preparation (see Discussion later).The genetic and functional properties of these protein subunits are not known and therefore further identification is needed.In this investigation,the new subunits and alleles detected by SDS-PAGE were further identified by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE ·SDS-PAGE)and A-CE.Several typical HMW glutenin subunits fractionated by 2-DE were showed in Fig.2.It was obvious that all subunits analysed were well separated and most of them showed a single spot on the 2-DE gel.However,almost all 1By subunits were separated into a major dot and a minor dot.A-CE patterns of some novel subunits were showed in Fig.3.Both 1A and 1B subunits eluted in 5–12min and their migration rank was similar to that of A-PAGE.For instance,in contrast to SDS-PAGE,the subunit 1A ·1eluted earlier than the subunits 1Ax 2*and 2.1*.The migration time of all 1By subunits was faster than that of 1Bx subunits.Furthermore,some additional minor peaks separated by A-CE were also present,which1.61SG -W M L 1.411.221*22311.2*1*71*9.116′.221*02838T T 528T T 081T T 632T T 062T T 49T T M H G -W S122L I ,Y A N ,W A N G ,A N ,Z H A N G ,H S A M and Z E L L E Rprobably correspond to1Ay or1Bz subunits as shown above or produced by post-translational modification of HMW-GS.DiscussionNowadays,the genetic variability of wheat cultivars is decreasing as a consequence of the genetic erosion of cultivated hexaploid wheats.Therefore,it is important to search for new contributing genes for wheat improvement.Previous investi-gations showed that wild and closely related Triticum species of cultivated wheats,such as Aegilops tauschii(2n¼2x¼14, DD),wild emmer(T.turgidum var.dicoccoides)and cultivated emmer(T.turgidum var.dicoccum)possess considerable allelic variations in HMW-GS composition(Yan et al.2003a,b; Pflu ger et al.2001;Levy et al.1988;Vallega and Waines1987). These rich gene resources may play an important role in wheat quality improvement.In this study,we detected the allelic variations at Glu-A1 and Glu-B1loci in205cultivated emmer accessions from German and Chinese GenBanks and these germplasms were not previously investigated for their genetic diversity of gluten compositions.According to our experience,separation method was highly important for HMW-GS identification. To obtain higher resolution of HMW-GS fractionation,an improved SDS-PAGE method combined with two-dimen-sional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(A-PAGE·SDS-PAGE)and A-CE were used.The results obtained showed rather high polymorphism in HMW-GS variation,especially for Glu-B1locus.Of40HMW-GS alleles and62genotypes detected,22novel alleles and nine new subunits at Glu-1loci were found.The high genetic polymorphism detected suggests that the cultivated emmer germplasms collected in German and Chinese GenBanks may provide more genetic resources for wheat improvement.The genetic diversity revealed in this work was much higher than that in previous reports(Pflu ger et al.2001;Vallega and Waines1987),in which only13and23alleles at two Glu-1loci were detected in97and167accessions from Spain and USA gene pools, respectively.This may be because of the limited accessions used in their work or the emmer germplasms in this study possessed per se higher genetic diversity.It is still possible that our improved SDS-PAGE combined with2-DE and A-CE methods can reveal more allelic variations because of their higher resolution for glutenin fractionation(Yan et al. 2003a,b,c).It was previously reported that many of the HMW-GS bands detected by SDS-PAGE separated into several components when fractionated by IEF·SDS-PAGE(Holt et al.1981),A-PAGE·SDS-PAGE(An et al.2005)and A-CE(Yan et al. 2003c,2004).As shown in this study,some single bands separated by SDS-PAGE,especially for1By subunits were generally isolated into a major and a minor spot or peak by A-PAGE·SDS-PAGE and A-CE(indicated in Figs2and3). Although the reason for the multiplicity of glutenin subunits is not clear,it is most likely that these multiple components are the results of post-translational modification of the subunits.By far, glycosylation and phosphotyrosine of some HMW-GS have been found(Tilley et al.1993;Tilley and Schofield1995; Lauriere et al.1996)and their roles forflour quality have been unknown.However,HMW-GS generally showed more com-ponents under acidic condition,such as A-PAGE and A-CE. Furthermore,some of the minor spots separated by IEF·SDS-PAGE appeared to be more acidic than the major components (Holt et al.1981).In general,the presence of urea and TFA during preparation of gluten samples for A-PAGE,A-CE and2-DE analyses could produce more acidic protein components (Holt et al.1981;Yan et al.2003c,2004).Therefore,it cannot be excluded that the multiple components of HMW-GS were artefacts of sample preparation.As shown in Fig.1,many accessions possessed an additional band or a major band with a minor band.Most of them were in the positions of1By and1Dy subunits with higher mobilities.Holt et al.(1981)identified a third group of HMW-GS coded by chromosome1B and designated1Bz subunits by IEF·SDS-PAGE and NEPHGE·SDS-PAGE in the common wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).They deduced that the1By and1Bz subunits were the products of the same gene or they were coded by adjacent genes on chromosome1B. Thus,the additional bands detected may be the1Bz subunits. It is known that the Ay subunit genes are silent in common wheat.However,some investigations demonstrated that the 1Ay subunit gene expressed in wild emmer(T.dicoccoides)and diploid wheats(Triticum boeoticum and Triticum urartu)as well as in some cultivated hexaploid wheat lines(Waines and Payne1987;Levy et al.1988;Margiotta et al.1996).There-fore,it is most likely that the additional main band detected in cultivated emmer accessions was1Ay subunit while the minor band was induced by sample preparation,but further identi-fication is needed.Interestingly,the presence of both x-and y-type subunits at the Glu-A1locus may produce superior quality when compared to the lines that only possessx-type Detection of HMW glutenin subunit variations in cultivated emmer123subunit1or2*(Johansson et al.1993).Hence,cultivated emmer is expected to be valuable as a genetic resource for quality improvement of cultivated hexaploid wheat. 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