Nitrogen standing stock in Phragmites australis growing in constructed wetlands
氮磷处理含量英文Nitrogen and Phosphorus Treatment LevelsWater pollution has become a critical issue globally, with nitrogen and phosphorus playing significant roles in eutrophication, which is the excessive enrichment of water bodies with nutrients. The presence of these elements in high concentrations can lead to a cascade of environmental problems, including algal blooms, oxygen depletion, and the subsequent death of aquatic life.To address this, various treatment methods have been developed to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus levels in wastewater. Biological processes, such as activated sludge systems, are commonly used to remove nitrogen through nitrification and denitrification. Nitrification involves the oxidation of ammonia to nitrate by bacteria, while denitrification is the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen gas, which is then released into the atmosphere.Phosphorus removal, on the other hand, is typically achieved through chemical precipitation, where chemicals are added to the water to form insoluble compounds of phosphorus that can be easily settled and removed. This process is essential in preventing the discharge of phosphorus into water bodies, which can cause severe eutrophication.Advanced treatment technologies, such as membranefiltration and adsorption, are also employed to achieve even lower levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in water. These methods provide a high degree of purification, ensuring that the treated water meets stringent environmental standards.Monitoring and controlling the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in water bodies are crucial for maintaining ecological balance and ensuring the safety of drinking water supplies. Regulatory bodies have set specific limits for the discharge of these nutrients, and industries are required to adhere to these standards to prevent environmental harm.In conclusion, nitrogen and phosphorus treatment levels are a critical component of water management strategies aimed at preserving aquatic ecosystems and safeguarding human health. Through the application of innovative technologies and adherence to environmental regulations, we can mitigate the impacts of nutrient pollution and protect our precious water resources.。
3种湿地植物对养猪废水的净化效果作者:史佳峰朱慧杰来源:《安徽农业科学》2017年第24期摘要 [目的]研究3种湿地植物对养猪废水的脱氮除磷效果。
[结果]水力停留时间(HRT)为20 d时,人工湿地对CODCr、NH+4-N、TP的去除效果较好,平均去除率分别达到85.5%、90.6%和82.2%,达到了预期目的。
关键词垂直流人工湿地;水生植物;养殖废水;净化效果Purification Effects of 3 Wetland Plants on Pig WastewaterSHI Jia-feng1,ZHU Hui-jie1,2* (1.Pingdingshan Fengxiang Environmental Protection Technology Co.Ltd.,Pingdingshan,Henan 467000; 2.School of Municipal and Environmental Engineering,Henan University of Urban Construction,Pingdingshan,Henan 467036)Abstract [Objective]To study the effects of 3 wetland plants on nitrogen and phosphorus removal in pig wastewater.[Method]Using artificial wetland treatment technology,removal efficiency of Eichhornia crassipes,Phragmites australias and Alternanthera philoxeroides on NH+4-N,TP,CODCr were studied.[Result]When the hydraulic retention time (HRT) was 20 d,the removal rate of CODCr,NH+4-N and TP was better by constructed wetland,the average removal rate reached 85.5%,90.6% and 82.2%,respectively,and achieved the desired goal.[Conclusion]This process can meet the national standards for engineering treatment of pig wastewater.Key words Vertical flow constructed wetland;Aquatic plant;Aquaculture wastewater;Purification effect目前禽畜养殖业正在向规模化集约化发展,但仍有部分养猪场通过水冲洗粪便排放或将粪便直接排入自然水体中,养猪废水含有较高的化学需氧量(CODCr)、5日生化需氧量(BOD5)及悬浮物(SS)和氨氮(NH+4-N),如果处理不善,会给周围的生态环境、饮用水源等带来威胁和危害[1]。
达肝素钠标准(USP 39)
Ratio: A240/A445, 1.30–1.50for Labeling 〈7〉, Labels and Labeling for Injectable Prod-•B. The retention time of the major peak of the Sample ucts•(CN 1-May-2016).solution corresponds to that of the Standard solution, asADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS obtained in the Assay.ASSAYChange to read:•P ROCEDURE[N OTE—Use freshly prepared Standard solution and Sam-•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE:•Preserve as described in Pack-ple solution, protected from light.]aging and Storage Requirements 〈659〉, Injection Packaging, Mobile phase: Acetonitrile and water (3:2)Sterile solids packaging; protect from light.•(CN 1-May-2016).Standard solution: 250µg/mL of USP Dactinomycin RS•L ABELING: Label it to include the statement “Protect from in Mobile phaselight.”Sample solution: 250µg/mL of dactinomycin from•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS〈11〉Dactinomycin for Injection diluted with Mobile phase.USP Dactinomycin RSFilter, if necessary, to obtain a clear solution. [N OTE—USP Endotoxin RSPrepare the solution by adding a suitable aliquot of Mo-bile phase to one container of Dactinomycin forInjection.]Chromatographic system(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)Mode: LC Add the following:Detector: UV 254 nmColumn: 3.9-mm × 30-cm; packing L1Flow rate: 2.5mL/minv Dalteparin SodiumInjection size: 10µLSystem suitability [9041-08-1].Sample:Standard solution[N OTE—The retention time for dactinomycin is 6 min.]Suitability requirementsColumn efficiency: NLT 1200 theoretical platesTailing factor: NMT 2Relative standard deviation: NMT 3.0%AnalysisSamples:Standard solution and Sample solutionCalculate the percentage of C62H86N12O16 in the por-tion of Dactinomycin for Injection taken:Result = (r U/r S) × (C S/C U) × 100r U= peak response from the Sample solutionr S= peak response from the Standard solutionC S= concentration of USP Dactinomycin RS in theStandard solution (µg/mL)DEFINITIONC U= nominal concentration of dactinomycin in the Dalteparin Sodium is the sodium salt of a low molecularSample solution (µg/mL)weight heparin obtained by nitrous acid depolymerization Acceptance criteria: 90.0%–120.0%of heparin from porcine intestine or intestinal mucosa.Heparin source material used in the manufacture of SPECIFIC TESTSDalteparin Sodium complies with the compendial require-•P H 〈791〉: 5.5–7.5, in the solution constituted as directedments stated in the Heparin Sodium the labelingDalteparin Sodium is produced by a validated manufac-•L OSS ON D RYING〈731〉: Dry a portion in vacuum at aturing and purification procedure under conditions shown pressure not exceeding 5mm of mercury at 60° for 3 h:to minimize the presence of species containing the N–NO it loses NMT 4.0% of its The majority of the components have a 2-O-sulfo-α-L-idopyranosuronic acid structure at the non-reducing Change to read:end and a 6-O-sulfo-2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol structure atthe reducing end of their chains. The weight-average mo-•O THER R EQUIREMENTS: It meets the requirements under lecular weight (M w) ranges between 5600 Da and 6400•Injections and Implanted Drug Products 〈1〉•(CN 1-May-2016).Da, with a characteristic value of about 6000 Da. The •B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST〈85〉: NMT 100.0 USP Endo-percentage of chains lower than molecular weight 3000 toxin Units/mg of dactinomycin.Da is NMT 13.0%, and the percentage of chains higher •S TERILITY T ESTS〈71〉: Meets the requirements when than molecular weight 8000 Da ranges between 15.0% tested as directed for Test for Sterility of the Product to be and 25.0%. The degree of sulfation is NLT 1.8/disaccha-Examined, Membrane Filtration, each container being con-ride unit. The potency is NLT 110 and NMT 210 Anti-stituted aseptically by injecting Sterile Water for Injection Factor X a International Units (IU)/mg of activity, calculated through the stopper, and the entire contents of all the on the dried basis. The anti-factor IIa activity is NLT 35 containers being collected aseptically with the aid of IU/mg and NMT 100 IU/mg, calculated on the dried ba-200mL of Fluid A before filtering.sis. The ratio of anti-factor Xa activity to anti-factor IIaactivity is between 1.9 and 3.2.Change to read:IDENTIFICATION•A.1H NMR S PECTRUM•C ONSTITUTED S OLUTION: At the time of use, it meets the Standard solution: Dissolve 15mg of USP Dalteparin requirements for •Injections and Implanted Drug Products Sodium RS in 0.7mL of deuterium oxide with deuter-〈1〉, Specific Tests, Completeness and clarity of solutions and ated trimethylsilylpropionic (TSP) acid sodium salt. Thesample is freeze-dried to remove exchangeable P MonographsRedissolve the sample and repeat the freeze-drying step centage of chains lower than the molecular weight twice more before transferring the sample into an NMR3000 Da (M3000) is NMT 13.0%, and the percentage of tube.chains higher than the molecular weight 8000 Da Sample solution: Dissolve 15mg of Dalteparin Sodium(M8000) ranges between 15.0% and 0.7mL of deuterium oxide (99.9%) with deuterated•C. A NTI-F ACTOR X A TO A NTI-F ACTOR II A R ATIOTSP. The sample is freeze-dried to remove exchangea-(See Anti-Factor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Unfrac-ble protons. Redissolve the sample and repeat the tionated and Low Molecular Weight Heparins 〈208〉, Anti-freeze-drying step twice more before transferring the Factor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Low Molecular sample into an NMR tube.Weight Heparins.)Instrumental conditions Acceptance criteria: The ratio of the numerical value of (See Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 〈761〉.)the anti-factor Xa activity, in Anti-Factor X a IU/mg, to Mode: NMR, pulsed (Fourier transform)the numerical value of the anti-factor IIa activity, in Frequency: NLT 500MHz for 1H Anti-Factor II a IU/mg, as determined by the Anti-Factor Temperature: 30°Xa Activity and Anti-Factor IIa Activity assays, is NLT 1.9 System suitability and NMT 3.2, respectively.Samples:Standard solution and Sample solution•D. I DENTIFICATION T ESTS—G ENERAL: Meets the require-Transfer the Standard solution and the Sample solution to ments for Sodium ContentNMR tubes of 5mm in diameter. Using a pulsedASSAY(Fourier transform) NMR spectrometer operating at•A NTI-F ACTOR X A A CTIVITYNLT 500MHz for 1H, acquire a free induction decay(See Anti-Factor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Unfrac-(FID) with NLT 32 scans using a 90° pulse, an acquisi-tionated and Low Molecular Weight Heparins 〈208〉, Anti-tion time of NLT 2 s, and at least a 10-s delay. ForFactor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Low Molecular each sample, an initial short spectrum is collected (1Weight Heparins, Anti-Factor Xa Activity for Low Molecular scan), and the water resonance is then suppressed byWeight Heparin.)selective irradiation during the relaxation delay. FinalAnalysis: Proceed as directed in the chapter.spectra are recorded over 32 scans. For all samples,Acceptance criteria: The potency is NLT 110 and NMT the TSP methyl signal should be set to 0.00ppm. Re-210 Anti-Factor X a IU/mg on the dried basis.cord the 1H NMR spectrum of the Standard solution.Collect the 1H NMR spectrum with a spectral window OTHER COMPONENTSof at least 10 to −2ppm and without spinning. The•N ITROGEN D ETERMINATION, Method II 〈461〉: 1.5%–2.5% Standard solution shall be run at least daily when the on the dried basisSample solution is being run. All spectra are phased,•S ODIUM C ONTENTand linear baseline correction is applied to all spectra Cesium chloride solution: 1.27mg/mL of cesium chlo-before peak identification.ride in 0.1 M hydrochloric acidSuitability requirements Standard solution A: 0.0025% of sodium chloride in Chemical shift: The TSP methyl signal should be set Cesium chloride solutionto 0.00ppm for all samples.Standard solution B: 0.0050% of sodium chloride in Chemical shifts for system suitability: The ppm val-Cesium chloride solutionues for the methyl group of N-acetyl, the H-2 of N-Standard solution C: 0.0075% of sodium chloride in sulfo glucosamine, the H-2 of glucuronic acid plus Cesium chloride solution3-O-sulfo glucosamine, the H-1 of iduronic acid, and Sample solution: Transfer 50.0mg of Dalteparin So-the H-1 of 3-O sulfo glucosamine of dalteparin in the dium to a 100-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in and Standard solution are present at 2.05, 3.28, 3.39,dilute with Cesium chloride solution to volume.5.01, and 5.51, respectively. Two additional signals,Analysiscorresponding to the H-1 of the 2-O-sulfo iduronic Samples:Cesium chloride solution, Standard solution A, acid linked to the terminal 2, 5-anhydromannitol and Standard solution B, Standard solution C, and Sample the H-1 of 2-O-sulfo iduronic acid are located at solution5.18–5.22ppm. The ppm values of these signals do Concomitantly determine the absorbances of the Ce-not differ by more than ±0.03ppm, Standard solution.sium chloride solution (blank), the Sample solution, and [N OTE—Depending on specific sample makeup and the Standard solutions at 330.3 nm, using a sodium instrument parameters, including the field strength hollow-cathode lamp and an air–acetylene flame. Us-of the NMR instrument, the two signals associated ing the absorbances of Standard solutions A, B, and C, with the H-1 of 2-O-sulfo iduronic acid at determine the sodium content in the Sample solution5.18–5.22ppm may appear well separated or as a after an appropriate blank correction.main signal with a shoulder.]Acceptance criteria: 10.5%–13.5% on the dried basis AnalysisSample:Sample solution IMPURITIESRecord the 1H NMR spectra of the Sample solution.•L IMIT OF N ITRITESAcceptance criteria: The ppm values for the methyl Mobile phase: Dissolve 13.6g of sodium acetate trihy-group of N-acetyl, the H-2 of N-sulfo glucosamine, the drate in 900mL of water in a 1000-mL volumetric flask.H-2 of glucuronic acid plus 3-O-sulfo glucosamine, the Adjust with orthophosphoric acid to a pH of 4.3, and H-1 of iduronic acid and the H-1 of the 2-O-sulfo dilute with water to 1000mL. Filter through a 0.45-µm iduronic acid linked to the terminal anhydromannitol,membrane.the H-1 of 2-O-sulfo iduronic acid and the H-1 of 3-O Nitrite stock standard solution: Dissolve 0.075g of so-sulfo glucosamine of dalteparin in the Sample solution dium nitrite in a 1000-mL volumetric flask with carbon are present at 2.05, 3.28, 3.39, 5.01, 5.18–5.22, and dioxide-free water (0.05g/L of nitrite).5.51, respectively. The ppm values of these signals do Nitrite standard solution: Dilute 1mL of Nitrite stocknot differ by more than ±0.03ppm.standard solution in a 100-mL volumetric flask with car-•B. M OLECULAR W EIGHT D ISTRIBUTION AND W EIGHT-A VERAGE bon dioxide-free water (500 ng/mL of nitrite).M OLECULAR W EIGHT Calibration standard solutions: Dilute Nitrite standard (See Low Molecular Weight Heparin Molecular Weight De-solution in carbon dioxide-free water to prepare four so-terminations 〈209〉.)lutions with the final nitrite concentrations of 2.5, 5, Acceptance criteria: The weight-average molecular15, and 25 ng/mL.weight (M w) ranges between 5600 Da and 6400 Da,with a characteristic value of about 6000 Da. The per-Sample solution: Weigh 80.0mg of Dalteparin Sodium r SA= response of boron from Standard solution A into a 20-mL volumetric flask, and dissolve in carbon r C= response of boron from the Calibration solution dioxide-free water.r B= response of boron from the BlankChromatographic system Acceptance criteria: NMT 1ppm(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.)SPECIFIC TESTSMode: LC•A NTI-F ACTOR II A A CTIVITYDetector: Electrochemical detector containing a work-(See Anti-Factor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Unfrac-ing electrode (glassy carbon type) with the potentialtionated and Low Molecular Weight Heparins, 〈208〉, Anti-of +1.00 V against a silver–silver chloride referenceFactor Xa and Anti-Factor IIa Assays for Low Molecular electrodeWeight Heparins, Anti-Factor IIa Activity for Low Molecular Column: 3-mm × 15-cm; 5-µm packing L92Weight Heparin.)Column temperature: 30±5°Acceptance criteria: NLT 35 and NMT 100 Anti-Factor Column regeneration: 1M sodium chloride (NaCl) atII a IU/mg on the dried basis0.5mL/min for about 1 h. After regeneration, wash•M OLAR R ATIO OF S ULFATE TO C ARBOXYLATE the column with water and re-equilibrate with MobileMobile phase: Carbon dioxide-free water phase.Sample solution: 50mg of Dalteparin Sodium in 10mL Flow rate: 0.5mL/minof carbon dioxide-free waterInjection volume: 25µLChromatographic systemRun time: 10 min(See Chromatography 〈621〉, System Suitability.) System suitabilityMode: LCSamples:Calibration standard solutions and SampleDetector: IonsolutionColumn: Two columns: one 1.5-cm × 2.5-cm column, Suitability requirementspacked with an anion-exchange resin L64packing, and Column efficiency: NLT 4000 theoretical plates forone 1.5-cm × 7.5-cm column, packed with a cation-the nitrite peak for all Calibration solutions and Sampleexchange resin L65packing.1 The outlet of the anion-solution runsexchange column is connected to the inlet of the cat-Tailing factor: Between 0.8 and 1.2 for all Calibrationion-exchange and Sample solution runsFlow rate: 1mL/minRelative standard deviation: Inject Calibration stan-Analysisdard solutions with 25 ng/mL concentration at leastSample:Sample solutionsix times. Calculate the relative standard deviation %[N OTE—Regenerate the anion-exchange column and the (%RSD) of the nitrite peak areas of the last six injec-cation-exchange column with 1N sodium hydroxide tions. The %RSD is NMT 2%.and 1N hydrochloric acid, respectively, between two Analysisinjections.]Samples:Calibration standard solutions and SampleWith the valve in the inject position, inject the Sample solutionsolution into the anion-exchange column, and collect Plot the areas of the nitrite peaks from the chromato-the eluate from the cation-exchange column in a grams of the Calibration standard solutions against re-beaker at the outlet until the ion detector reading re-spective concentrations of nitrite. Draw a best-fit re-turns to the baseline value. Quantitatively transfer the gression line through the points. The correlationeluate to a titration vessel containing a magnetic stir-coefficient is NLT 0.995. Calculate the concentrationring bar, and dilute with carbon dioxide-free water to of nitrite from the areas of the nitrite peak in theabout 60mL. Position the titration vessel on a mag-chromatogram of the Sample solution.netic stirrer, and immerse the electrodes. Note the ini-Acceptance criteria: NMT 5ppmtial conductivity reading, and titrate with approxi-•B ORONmately 0.1 N sodium hydroxide added in 100-µL [N OTE—Use only plastic labware, avoid glass.]portions. [N OTE—Prepare the sodium hydroxide solu-Blank: 1% (v/v) solution of nitric acid in watertion in carbon dioxide-free water.] Record the buret Calibration solution: Prepare a 11.4-µg/mL solution ofreading and the conductivity meter reading after each USP Boric Acid RS in the Blank.addition of the sodium hydroxide solution.Standard solution A: Dissolve 0.2500g of USP LowPlot the conductivity measurements on the y-axis Molecular Weight Heparin for Boron Analysis RS inagainst the volumes of sodium hydroxide added on about 2mL of water, add 100µL of nitric acid, andthe x-axis. The graph will have three linear sections—dilute with the Blank to initial downward slope, a middle slight rise, and a Standard solution B: Dissolve 0.2500g of USP Lowfinal rise. For each of these sections, draw the best-fit Molecular Weight Heparin for Boron Analysis RS instraight lines using linear regression analysis. At the about 2mL of Blank, add 10µL of a 5.7-mg/mL solu-points where the first and second straight lines inter-tion of USP Boric Acid RS, and dilute with the Blank tosect and where the second and third lines intersect,10.00mL. This solution contains 1µg/mL of boron.draw perpendiculars to the x-axis to determine the Sample solution: Dissolve 0.2500g of Dalteparin So-volumes of sodium hydroxide taken up by the sample dium in about 2mL of water, add 100µL of nitric acid,at those points. The point where the first and second and dilute with the Blank to 10.00mL.lines intersect corresponds to the volume of sodium Analysishydroxide taken up by the sulfate groups (V S). The Samples:Blank, Calibration solution, Standard solutionpoint where the second and third lines intersect corre-A, Standard solution B, and Sample solutionsponds to the volume of sodium hydroxide consumed Boron is determined by measurement of the emissionby the sulfate and the carboxylate groups together from inductively coupled plasma (ICP) at 249.733 nm(V T).or a suitable wavelength. Use an appropriate appara-Calculate the molar ratio of sulfate to carboxylate: tus with settings that have been optimized as directedby the manufacturer.Result = V S/(V T−V S) Calculate the content of boron in Dalteparin Sodiumusing the following correction factor:1The procedure is based on analyses performed with two columns: one 1.5-cm × 2.5-cm packed with anion-exchange resin Dowex 1X8 (200–400 mesh)and the other 1.5-cm × 7.5-cm packed with cation-exchange resin DowexF = (r SB – r SA) × 2/(r C – r B)50WX2 (100–200 mesh).r SB= response of boron from Standard solution BAcceptance criteria: The molar ratio of sulfate to car-Percentageboxylate is NLT 1.8.Concentra-(%,•P H 〈791〉: 5.5–8.0 for a 1.0% solution in water tion for comparison•L OSS ON D RYING 〈731〉Standard (µg RS perwith test Sample: 1gsolutionDilution mL)specimen)Analysis: Dry the Sample under vacuum at 70° for 6 h.A (1 in 2)500 1.0Acceptance criteria: NMT 10%B (1 in 4)2500.5•B ACTERIAL E NDOTOXINS T EST 〈85〉: It contains NMT 0.01C (1 in 10)1000.2USP Endotoxin Unit/IU of anti-factor Xa activity.D(1 in 20)500.1ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS•P ACKAGING AND S TORAGE : Preserve in tight, light-resistant Test solution—Dissolve an accurately weighed quantity of containers, and store below 40°, preferably at room Danazol in Solvent to obtain a solution containing 50mg temperature.per mL.•L ABELING : Label to state the number of Anti-factor X a In-Procedure—Apply separately 5µL of the Test solution and ternational Units of activity per mg.5µL of each Standard solution to a suitable thin-layer chro-•USP R EFERENCE S TANDARDS 〈11〉matographic plate (see Chromatography 〈621〉) coated with USP Boric Acid RSa 0.25-mm layer of chromatographic silica gel mixture. Posi-USP Dalteparin Sodium RS tion the plate in a chromatographic chamber and develop USP Endotoxin RSthe chromatograms in a solvent system consisting of a mix-USP Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Bioassays RSture of cyclohexane and ethyl acetate (7:3) until the solvent USP Low Molecular Weight Heparin for Boron Analysis RS front has moved about three-fourths of the length of the USP Low Molecular Weight Heparin Molecular Weight plate. Remove the plate from the developing chamber, mark Calibrant RSthe solvent front, and allow the solvent to evaporate in v USP39warm, circulating air. Examine the plate under short-wave-length UV light. Expose the plate to iodine vapors for 5min-utes. Compare the intensities of any secondary spots ob-served in the chromatogram of the Test solution with those of the principal spots in the chromatograms of the Standard solutions: the sum of the intensities of secondary spots ob-Danazoltained from the Test solution corresponds to not more than 1.0% of related compounds, with no single impurity corre-sponding to more than 0.5%.Assay—Dissolve about 100mg of Danazol, accuratelyweighed and previously dried, in about 50mL of alcohol ina 100-mL volumetric flask, swirl until dissolved, dilute with alcohol to volume, and mix. Transfer 2.0mL of this solution C 22H 27NO 2337.46to a 100-mL volumetric flask, dilute with alcohol to volume,Pregna-2,4-dien-20-yno[2,3-d ]isoxazol-17-ol, (17α)-.and mix. Similarly, dissolve an accurately weighed quantity 17α-Pregna-2,4-dien-20-yno[2,3-d ]isoxazol-17-ol of USP Danazol RS in alcohol to obtain a Standard solution [17230-88-5].having a known concentration of about 20µg per mL. Con-comitantly determine the absorbances of both solutions in » Danazol contains not less than 97.0percent 1-cm cells at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at and not more than 102.0percent of C 22H 27NO 2,about 285 nm, using alcohol as the blank. Calculate the quantity, in mg, of C 22H 27NO 2 in the portion of Danazol calculated on the dried basis.taken by the formula:Packaging and storage—Preserve in tight, light-resistant containers.5C (A U /A S )USP Reference standards 〈11〉—in which C is the concentration, in µg per mL, of USPUSP Danazol RS Danazol RS in the Standard solution; and A U and A S are the Identification—absorbances of the solution of Danazol and the Standard A: Infrared Absorption 〈197K 〉.solution, respectively.B: Ultraviolet Absorption 〈197U 〉—Solution: prepared as directed in the Assay .Specific rotation 〈781S 〉: between +21° and +27°.Test solution: 10mg per mL, in chloroform.Danazol CapsulesLoss on drying 〈731〉—Dry it at a pressure not exceeding 5mm of mercury at 60° to constant weight: it loses not » Danazol Capsules contain not less thanmore than 2.0% of its weight.90.0percent and not more than 110.0percent of Chromatographic purity—the labeled amount of C 22H 27NO 2.Solvent—Prepare a mixture of chloroform and methanol (9:1).Packaging and storage—Preserve in well-closed contain-Standard solutions—Dissolve an accurately weighed quan-ers.tity of USP Danazol RS in Solvent to obtain a solution having USP Reference standards 〈11〉—a known concentration of 1mg per mL. Dilute quantita-USP Danazol RStively with Solvent to obtain Standard solutions having the Identification—Shake the contents of a sufficient number following compositions:of Capsules, equivalent to about 50mg of Danazol, with 50mL of chloroform, and filter. Evaporate the filtrate on a steam bath with the aid of a stream of nitrogen to dryness:the IR absorption spectrum of a potassium bromide disper-sion of the residue, previously dried, exhibits maxima at the。
(dissolution) vessel 溶出杯(FTIR) 傅里叶变换红外光谱仪13C-NMR spectrum,13CNMR 碳-13核磁共振谱1ength basis 长度基准1H-NMR 氢谱2D-NMR 二维核磁共振谱:2D-NMR3D-spectrochromatogram 三维光谱-波谱图Aa stream of nitrogen 氮气流a wide temperature range 宽的温度范围absolute detector response 检测器绝对响应(值)absolute entropy 绝对熵absolute error 绝对误差absolute reaction rate theory 绝对反应速率理论absolute temperature scale 绝对温标absorbance 吸光度,而不是吸收率(absorptance)。
absorbance noise, absorbing noise 吸光度噪音。
absorbed water 吸附水absorptance 吸收率absorptant 吸收剂absorption band 吸收带absorption cell 吸收池absorption curve 吸收光谱曲线/光吸收曲线absorption tube 吸收管abundance 丰度。
即具有某质荷比离子的数量accelerated solvent extraction(ASE) 加速溶剂萃取accelerated testing 加速试验accelerating decomposition 加速破坏acceptance limit,acceptance criterion 验收限度,合格标准accidental error 随机误差accuracy 准确度。
专业英语词汇-----分析化学第一章绪论分析化学:analytical chemistry定性分析:qualitative analysis定量分析:quantitative analysis物理分析:physical analysis物理化学分析:physico-chemical analysis仪器分析法:instrumental analysis流动注射分析法:flow injection analysis;FIA顺序注射分析法:sequentical injection analysis;SIA化学计量学:chemometrics第二章误差的分析数据处理绝对误差:absolute error相对误差:relative error系统误差:systematic error可定误差:determinate error随机误差:accidental error不可定误差:indeterminate error准确度:accuracy精确度:precision偏差:debiation,d平均偏差:average debiation相对平均偏差:relative average debiation标准偏差(标准差):standerd deviation;S相对平均偏差:relatibe standard deviation;RSD变异系数:coefficient of variation误差传递:propagation of error有效数字:significant figure置信水平:confidence level显著性水平:level of significance合并标准偏差(组合标准差):pooled standard debiation 舍弃商:rejection quotient ;Q化学定量分析第三章滴定分析概论滴定分析法:titrametric analysis滴定:titration容量分析法:volumetric analysis化学计量点:stoichiometric point等当点:equivalent point电荷平衡:charge balance电荷平衡式:charge balance equation质量平衡:mass balance物料平衡:material balance质量平衡式:mass balance equation第四章酸碱滴定法酸碱滴定法:acid-base titrations 质子自递反应:auto protolysis reaction质子自递常数:autoprotolysis constant质子条件式:proton balance equation酸碱指示剂:acid-base indicator指示剂常数:indicator constant变色范围:colour change interval混合指示剂:mixed indicator双指示剂滴定法:double indicator titration第五章非水滴定法非水滴定法:nonaqueous titrations质子溶剂:protonic solvent酸性溶剂:acid solvent碱性溶剂:basic solvent两性溶剂:amphototeric solvent无质子溶剂:aprotic solvent均化效应:differentiatin g effect区分性溶剂:differentiating solvent离子化:ionization离解:dissociation结晶紫:crystal violet萘酚苯甲醇: α-naphthalphenol benzyl alcohol奎哪啶红:quinadinered百里酚蓝:thymol blue偶氮紫:azo violet溴酚蓝:bromophenol blue第六章配位滴定法配位滴定法:compleximetry乙二胺四乙酸:ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid,EDTA 螯合物:chelate compound金属指示剂:metal lochrome indcator第七章氧化还原滴定法氧化还原滴定法:oxidation-reduction titration碘量法:iodimetry溴量法:bromimetry ]溴量法:bromine method铈量法:cerimetry高锰酸钾法:potassium permanganate method条件电位:conditional potential溴酸钾法:potassium bromate method硫酸铈法:cerium sulphate method偏高碘酸:metaperiodic acid高碘酸盐:periodate亚硝酸钠法:sodium nitrite method重氮化反应:diazotization reaction重氮化滴定法:diazotization titration亚硝基化反应:nitrozation reaction亚硝基化滴定法:nitrozation titration外指示剂:external indicator外指示剂:outside indicator重铬酸钾法:potassium dichromate method 第八章沉淀滴定法沉淀滴定法:precipitation titration容量滴定法:volumetric precipitation method 银量法:argentometric method第九章重量分析法重量分析法:gravimetric analysis挥发法:volatilization method引湿水(湿存水):water of hydroscopicity 包埋(藏)水:occluded water吸入水:water of imbibition结晶水:water of crystallization组成水:water of composition液-液萃取法:liquid-liquid extration溶剂萃取法:solvent extration反萃取:counter extraction分配系数:partition coefficient分配比:distribution ratio离子对(离子缔合物):ion pair沉淀形式:precipitation forms称量形式:weighing forms仪器分析概述物理分析:physical analysis物理化学分析:physicochemical analysis仪器分析:instrumental analysis第十章电位法及永停滴定法电化学分析:electrochemical analysis电解法:electrolytic analysis method电重量法:electrogravimetry库仑法:coulo metry库仑滴定法:coulo metric titration电导法:conductometry电导分析法:conductometric analysis电导滴定法:conductometric titration电位法:potentiometry直接电位法:dirext potentiometry电位滴定法:potentiometric titration伏安法:voltammetry极谱法:polarography溶出法:stripping method电流滴定法:amperometric titration化学双电层:chemical double layer相界电位:phase boundary potential 金属电极电位:electrode potential化学电池:chemical cell液接界面:liquid junction boundary原电池:galvanic cell电解池:electrolytic cell负极:cathode正极:anode电池电动势:eletromotive force指示电极:indicator electrode参比电极:reference electroade标准氢电极:standard hydrogen electrode一级参比电极:primary reference electrode饱和甘汞电极:saturated calomel electrode银-氯化银电极:silver silver-chloride electrode液接界面:liquid junction boundary不对称电位:asymmetry potential表观PH值:apparent PH复合PH电极:combination PH electrode离子选择电极:ion selective electrode敏感器:sensor晶体电极:crystalline electrodes均相膜电极:homogeneous membrance electrodes非均相膜电极:heterogeneous membrance electrodes非晶体电极:non- crystalline electrodes刚性基质电极:rigid matrix electrode流流体载动电极:electrode with a mobile carrier气敏电极:gas sensing electrodes酶电极:enzyme electrodes金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管:MOSFET离子选择场效应管:ISFET总离子强度调节缓冲剂:total ion strength adjustment buffer,TISAB永停滴定法:dead-stop titration双电流滴定法(双安培滴定法):double amperometric titration 第十一章光谱分析法概论普朗克常数:Plank constant电磁波谱:electromagnetic spectrum光谱:spectrum光谱分析法:spectroscopic analysis原子发射光谱法:atomic emission spectroscopy质量谱:mass spectrum质谱法:mass spectroscopy,MS第十二章紫外-可见分光光度法紫外-可见分光光度法:ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry;UV-vis肩峰:shoulder peak末端吸收:end absorbtion生色团:chromophore助色团:auxochrome红移:red shift长移:bathochromic shift短移:hypsochromic shift蓝(紫)移:blue shift增色效应(浓色效应):hyperchromic effect减色效应(淡色效应):hypochromic effect强带:strong band弱带:weak band吸收带:absorption band透光率:transmitance,T吸光度:absorbance谱带宽度:band width杂散光:stray light噪声:noise暗噪声:dark noise散粒噪声:signal shot noise闪耀光栅:blazed grating全息光栅:holographic grating光二极管阵列检测器:photodiode array detector 偏最小二乘法:partial least squares method ,PLS褶合光谱法:convolution spectrometry褶合变换:convolution transform,CT离散小波变换:wavelet transform,WT多尺度细化分析:multiscale analysis供电子取代基:electron donating group吸电子取代基:electron with-drawing group第十三章荧光分析法荧光:fluorescence荧光分析法:fluorometryX-射线荧光分析法:X-ray fluorometry原子荧光分析法:atomic fluorometry分子荧光分析法:molecular fluorometry振动弛豫:vibrational relaxation内转换:internal conversion外转换:external conversion体系间跨越:intersystem crossing激发光谱:excitation spectrum荧光光谱:fluorescence spectrum斯托克斯位移:Stokes shift荧光寿命:fluorescence life time荧光效率:fluorescence efficiency荧光量子产率:fluorescence quantum yield荧光熄灭法:fluorescence quenching method散射光:scattering light瑞利光:R a yleith scattering light拉曼光:Raman scattering lightAbbe refractometer 阿贝折射仪absorbance 吸收度absorbance ratio 吸收度比值absorption 吸收absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorptivity 吸收系数accuracy 准确度acid-dye colorimetry 酸性染料比色法acidimetry 酸量法acid-insoluble ash 酸不溶性灰分acidity 酸度activity 活度第十四章色谱法additive 添加剂additivity 加和性adjusted retention time 调整保留时间adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附affinity chromatography 亲和色谱法aliquot (一)份alkalinity 碱度alumina 氧化铝ambient temperature 室温ammonium thiocyanate 硫氰酸铵analytical quality control(AQC)分析质量控制anhydrous substance 干燥品anionic surfactant titration 阴离子表面活性剂滴定法antibiotics-microbial test 抗生素微生物检定法antioxidant 抗氧剂appendix 附录application of sample 点样area normalization method 面积归一化法argentimetry 银量法arsenic 砷arsenic stain 砷斑ascending development 上行展开ash-free filter paper 无灰滤纸(定量滤纸)assay 含量测定assay tolerance 含量限度atmospheric pressure ionization(API) 大气压离子化attenuation 衰减back extraction 反萃取back titration 回滴法bacterial endotoxins test 细菌内毒素检查法band absorption 谱带吸收baseline correction 基线校正baseline drift 基线漂移batch, lot 批batch(lot) number 批号Benttendorff method 白田道夫(检砷)法between day (day to day, inter-day) precision 日间精密度between run (inter-run) precision 批间精密度biotransformation 生物转化bioavailability test 生物利用度试验bioequivalence test 生物等效试验biopharmaceutical analysis 体内药物分析,生物药物分析blank test 空白试验boiling range 沸程British Pharmacopeia (BP) 英国药典bromate titration 溴酸盐滴定法bromimetry 溴量法bromocresol green 溴甲酚绿bromocresol purple 溴甲酚紫bromophenol blue 溴酚蓝bromothymol blue 溴麝香草酚蓝bulk drug, pharmaceutical product 原料药buret 滴定管by-product 副产物calibration curve 校正曲线calomel electrode 甘汞电极calorimetry 量热分析capacity factor 容量因子capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) 毛细管区带电泳capillary gas chromatography 毛细管气相色谱法carrier gas 载气cation-exchange resin 阳离子交换树脂ceri(o)metry 铈量法characteristics, description 性状check valve 单向阀chemical shift 化学位移chelate compound 鳌合物chemically bonded phase 化学键合相chemical equivalent 化学当量Chinese Pharmacopeia (ChP) 中国药典Chinese material medicine 中成药Chinese materia medica 中药学Chinese materia medica preparation 中药制剂Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA) 中国药学会chiral 手性的chiral stationary phase (CSP) 手性固定相chiral separation 手性分离chirality 手性chiral carbon atom 手性碳原子chromatogram 色谱图chromatography 色谱法chromatographic column 色谱柱chromatographic condition 色谱条件chromatographic data processor 色谱数据处理机chromatographic work station 色谱工作站clarity 澄清度clathrate, inclusion compound 包合物clearance 清除率clinical pharmacy 临床药学coefficient of distribution 分配系数coefficient of variation 变异系数color change interval (指示剂)变色范围color reaction 显色反应colorimetric analysis 比色分析colorimetry 比色法column capacity 柱容量column dead volume 柱死体积column efficiency 柱效column interstitial volume 柱隙体积column outlet pressure 柱出口压column temperature 柱温column pressure 柱压column volume 柱体积column overload 柱超载column switching 柱切换committee of drug evaluation 药品审评委员会comparative test 比较试验completeness of solution 溶液的澄清度compound medicines 复方药computer-aided pharmaceutical analysis 计算机辅助药物分析concentration-time curve 浓度-时间曲线confidence interval 置信区间confidence level 置信水平confidence limit 置信限congealing point 凝点congo red 刚果红(指示剂)content uniformity 装量差异controlled trial 对照试验correlation coefficient 相关系数contrast test 对照试验counter ion 反离子(平衡离子)cresol red 甲酚红(指示剂)crucible 坩埚crude drug 生药crystal violet 结晶紫(指示剂)cuvette, cell 比色池cyanide 氰化物cyclodextrin 环糊精cylinder, graduate cylinder, measuring cylinder 量筒cylinder-plate assay 管碟测定法daughter ion (质谱)子离子dead space 死体积dead-stop titration 永停滴定法dead time 死时间decolorization 脱色decomposition point 分解点deflection 偏差deflection point 拐点degassing 脱气deionized water 去离子水deliquescence 潮解depressor substances test 降压物质检查法derivative spectrophotometry 导数分光光度法derivatization 衍生化descending development 下行展开desiccant 干燥剂detection 检查detector 检测器developer, developing reagent 展开剂developing chamber 展开室deviation 偏差dextrose 右旋糖,葡萄糖diastereoisomer 非对映异构体diazotization 重氮化2,6-dichlorindophenol titration 2,6-二氯靛酚滴定法differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 差示扫描热量法differential spectrophotometry 差示分光光度法differential thermal analysis (DTA) 差示热分析differentiating solvent 区分性溶剂diffusion 扩散digestion 消化diphastic titration 双相滴定disintegration test 崩解试验dispersion 分散度dissolubility 溶解度dissolution test 溶出度检查distilling range 馏程distribution chromatography 分配色谱distribution coefficient 分配系数dose 剂量drug control institutions 药检机构drug quality control 药品质量控制drug release 药物释放度drug standard 药品标准drying to constant weight 干燥至恒重dual wavelength spectrophotometry 双波长分光光度法duplicate test 重复试验effective constituent 有效成分effective plate number 有效板数efficiency of column 柱效electron capture detector 电子捕获检测器electron impact ionization 电子轰击离子化electrophoresis 电泳electrospray interface 电喷雾接口electromigration injection 电迁移进样elimination 消除eluate 洗脱液elution 洗脱emission spectrochemical analysis 发射光谱分析enantiomer 对映体end absorption 末端吸收end point correction 终点校正endogenous substances 内源性物质enzyme immunoassay(EIA) 酶免疫分析enzyme drug 酶类药物enzyme induction 酶诱导enzyme inhibition 酶抑制eosin sodium 曙红钠(指示剂)epimer 差向异构体equilibrium constant 平衡常数equivalence point 等当点error in volumetric analysis 容量分析误差excitation spectrum 激发光谱exclusion chromatography 排阻色谱法expiration date 失效期external standard method 外标法extract 提取物extraction gravimetry 提取重量法extraction titration 提取容量法extrapolated method 外插法,外推法factor 系数,因数,因子feature 特征Fehling’s reaction 费林反应field disorption ionization 场解吸离子化field ionization 场致离子化filter 过滤,滤光片filtration 过滤fineness of the particles 颗粒细度flame ionization detector(FID) 火焰离子化检测器flame emission spectrum 火焰发射光谱flask 烧瓶flow cell 流通池flow injection analysis 流动注射分析flow rate 流速fluorescamine 荧胺fluorescence immunoassay(FIA) 荧光免疫分析fluorescence polarization immunoassay(FPIA) 荧光偏振免疫分析fluorescent agent 荧光剂fluorescence spectrophotometry 荧光分光光度法fluorescence detection 荧光检测器fluorimetyr 荧光分析法foreign odor 异臭foreign pigment 有色杂质formulary 处方集fraction 馏分freezing test 结冻试验funnel 漏斗fused peaks, overlapped peaks 重叠峰fused silica 熔融石英gas chromatography(GC) 气相色谱法gas-liquid chromatography(GLC) 气液色谱法gas purifier 气体净化器gel filtration chromatography 凝胶过滤色谱法gel permeation chromatography 凝胶渗透色谱法general identification test 一般鉴别试验general notices (药典)凡例general requirements (药典)通则good clinical practices(GCP) 药品临床管理规范good laboratory practices(GLP) 药品实验室管理规范good manufacturing practices(GMP) 药品生产质量管理规范good supply practices(GSP) 药品供应管理规范gradient elution 梯度洗脱grating 光栅gravimetric method 重量法Gutzeit test 古蔡(检砷)法half peak width 半峰宽[halide] disk method, wafer method, pellet method 压片法head-space concentrating injector 顶空浓缩进样器heavy metal 重金属heat conductivity 热导率height equivalent to a theoretical plate 理论塔板高度height of an effective plate 有效塔板高度high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 高效液相色谱法high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) 高效薄层色谱法hydrate 水合物hydrolysis 水解hydrophilicity 亲水性hydrophobicity 疏水性hydroscopic 吸湿的hydroxyl value 羟值hyperchromic effect 浓色效应hypochromic effect 淡色效应identification 鉴别ignition to constant weight 灼烧至恒重immobile phase 固定相immunoassay 免疫测定impurity 杂质inactivation 失活index 索引indicator 指示剂indicator electrode 指示电极inhibitor 抑制剂injecting septum 进样隔膜胶垫injection valve 进样阀instrumental analysis 仪器分析insulin assay 胰岛素生物检定法integrator 积分仪intercept 截距interface 接口interference filter 干涉滤光片intermediate 中间体internal standard substance 内标物质international unit(IU) 国际单位in vitro 体外in vivo 体内iodide 碘化物iodoform reaction 碘仿反应iodometry 碘量法ion-exchange cellulose 离子交换纤维素ion pair chromatography 离子对色谱ion suppression 离子抑制ionic strength 离子强度ion-pairing agent 离子对试剂ionization 电离,离子化ionization region 离子化区irreversible indicator 不可逆指示剂irreversible potential 不可逆电位isoabsorptive point 等吸收点isocratic elution 等溶剂组成洗脱isoelectric point 等电点isoosmotic solution 等渗溶液isotherm 等温线Karl Fischer titration 卡尔·费歇尔滴定kinematic viscosity 运动黏度Kjeldahl method for nitrogen 凯氏定氮法Kober reagent 科伯试剂Kovats retention index 科瓦茨保留指数labelled amount 标示量leading peak 前延峰least square method 最小二乘法leveling effect 均化效应licensed pharmacist 执业药师limit control 限量控制limit of detection(LOD) 检测限limit of quantitation(LOQ) 定量限limit test (杂质)限度(或限量)试验limutus amebocyte lysate(LAL) 鲎试验linearity and range 线性及范围linearity scanning 线性扫描liquid chromatograph/mass spectrometer (LC/MS) 液质联用仪litmus paper 石蕊试纸loss on drying 干燥失重low pressure gradient pump 低压梯度泵luminescence 发光lyophilization 冷冻干燥main constituent 主成分make-up gas 尾吹气maltol reaction 麦牙酚试验Marquis test 马奎斯试验mass analyzer detector 质量分析检测器mass spectrometric analysis 质谱分析mass spectrum 质谱图mean deviation 平均偏差measuring flask, volumetric flask 量瓶measuring pipet(te) 刻度吸量管medicinal herb 草药melting point 熔点melting range 熔距metabolite 代谢物metastable ion 亚稳离子methyl orange 甲基橙methyl red 甲基红micellar chromatography 胶束色谱法micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography(MECC, MEKC) 胶束电动毛细管色谱法micelle 胶束microanalysis 微量分析microcrystal 微晶microdialysis 微透析micropacked column 微型填充柱microsome 微粒体microsyringe 微量注射器migration time 迁移时间millipore filtration 微孔过滤minimum fill 最低装量mobile phase 流动相modifier 改性剂,调节剂molecular formula 分子式monitor 检测,监测monochromator 单色器monographs 正文mortar 研钵moving belt interface 传送带接口multidimensional detection 多维检测multiple linear regression 多元线性回归multivariate calibration 多元校正natural product 天然产物Nessler glasses(tube) 奈斯勒比色管Nessler’s r eagent 碱性碘化汞钾试液neutralization 中和nitrogen content 总氮量nonaqueous acid-base titration 非水酸碱滴定nonprescription drug, over the counter drugs (OTC drugs) 非处方药nonproprietary name, generic name 非专有名nonspecific impurity 一般杂质non-volatile matter 不挥发物normal phase 正相normalization 归一化法notice 凡例nujol mull method 石蜡糊法octadecylsilane chemically bonded silica 十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶octylsilane 辛(烷)基硅烷odorless 无臭official name 法定名official specifications 法定标准official test 法定试验on-column detector 柱上检测器on-column injection 柱头进样on-line degasser 在线脱气设备on the dried basis 按干燥品计opalescence 乳浊open tubular column 开管色谱柱optical activity 光学活性optical isomerism 旋光异构optical purity 光学纯度optimization function 优化函数organic volatile impurities 有机挥发性杂质orthogonal function spectrophotometry 正交函数分光光度法orthogonal test 正交试验orthophenanthroline 邻二氮菲outlier 可疑数据,逸出值overtones 倍频峰,泛频峰oxidation-reduction titration 氧化还原滴定oxygen flask combustion 氧瓶燃烧packed column 填充柱packing material 色谱柱填料palladium ion colorimetry 钯离子比色法parallel analysis 平行分析parent ion 母离子particulate matter 不溶性微粒partition coefficient 分配系数parts per million (ppm) 百万分之几pattern recognition 模式识别peak symmetry 峰不对称性peak valley 峰谷peak width at half height 半峰宽percent transmittance 透光百分率pH indicator absorbance ratio method? pH指示剂吸光度比值法pharmaceutical analysis 药物分析pharmacopeia 药典pharmacy 药学phenolphthalein 酚酞photodiode array detector(DAD) 光电二极管阵列检测器photometer 光度计pipeclay triangle 泥三角pipet(te) 吸移管,精密量取planar chromatography 平板色谱法plate storage rack 薄层板贮箱polarimeter 旋光计polarimetry 旋光测定法polarity 极性polyacrylamide gel 聚丙酰胺凝胶polydextran gel 葡聚糖凝胶polystyrene gel 聚苯乙烯凝胶polystyrene film 聚苯乙烯薄膜porous polymer beads 高分子多孔小球post-column derivatization 柱后衍生化potentiometer 电位计potentiometric titration 电位滴定法precipitation form 沉淀形式precision 精密度pre-column derivatization 柱前衍生化preparation 制剂prescription drug 处方药pretreatment 预处理primary standard 基准物质principal component analysis 主成分分析programmed temperature gas chromatography 程序升温气相色谱法prototype drug 原型药物provisions for new drug approval 新药审批办法purification 纯化purity 纯度pyrogen 热原pycnometric method 比重瓶法quality control(QC) 质量控制quality evaluation 质量评价quality standard 质量标准quantitative determination 定量测定quantitative analysis 定量分析quasi-molecular ion 准分子离子racemization 消旋化radioimmunoassay 放射免疫分析法random sampling 随机抽样rational use of drug 合理用药readily carbonizable substance 易炭化物reagent sprayer 试剂喷雾器recovery 回收率reference electrode 参比电极refractive index 折光指数related substance 有关物质relative density 相对密度relative intensity 相对强度repeatability 重复性replicate determination 平行测定reproducibility 重现性residual basic hydrolysis method 剩余碱水解法residual liquid junction potential 残余液接电位residual titration 剩余滴定residue on ignition 炽灼残渣resolution 分辨率,分离度response time 响应时间retention 保留reversed phase chromatography 反相色谱法reverse osmosis 反渗透rider peak 驼峰rinse 清洗,淋洗robustness 可靠性,稳定性routine analysis 常规分析round 修约(数字)ruggedness 耐用性safety 安全性Sakaguchi test 坂口试验salt bridge 盐桥salting out 盐析sample applicator 点样器sample application 点样sample on-line pretreatment 试样在线预处理sampling 取样saponification value 皂化值saturated calomel electrode(SCE) 饱和甘汞电极selectivity 选择性separatory funnel 分液漏斗shoulder peak 肩峰signal to noise ratio 信噪比significant difference 显著性差异significant figure 有效数字significant level 显著性水平significant testing 显著性检验silanophilic interaction 亲硅羟基作用silica gel 硅胶silver chloride electrode 氯化银电极similarity 相似性simultaneous equations method 解线性方程组法size exclusion chromatography(SEC) 空间排阻色谱法sodium dodecylsulfate, SDS 十二烷基硫酸钠sodium hexanesulfonate 己烷磺酸钠sodium taurocholate 牛璜胆酸钠sodium tetraphenylborate 四苯硼钠sodium thiosulphate 硫代硫酸钠solid-phase extraction 固相萃取solubility 溶解度solvent front 溶剂前沿solvophobic interaction 疏溶剂作用specific absorbance 吸收系数specification 规格specificity 专属性specific rotation 比旋度specific weight 比重spiked 加入标准的split injection 分流进样splitless injection 无分流进样spray reagent (平板色谱中的)显色剂spreader 铺板机stability 稳定性standard color solution 标准比色液standard deviation 标准差standardization 标定standard operating procedure(SOP) 标准操作规程standard substance 标准品stationary phase coating 固定相涂布starch indicator 淀粉指示剂statistical error 统计误差sterility test 无菌试验stirring bar 搅拌棒stock solution 储备液stoichiometric point 化学计量点storage 贮藏stray light 杂散光substituent 取代基substrate 底物sulfate 硫酸盐sulphated ash 硫酸盐灰分supercritical fluid chromatography(SFC) 超临界流体色谱法support 载体(担体)suspension 悬浊液swelling degree 膨胀度symmetry factor 对称因子syringe pump 注射泵systematic error 系统误差system model 系统模型system suitability 系统适用性tablet 片剂tailing factor 拖尾因子tailing peak 拖尾峰tailing-suppressing reagent 扫尾剂test of hypothesis 假设检验test solution(TS) 试液tetrazolium colorimetry 四氮唑比色法therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM) 治疗药物监测thermal analysis 热分析法thermal conductivity detector 热导检测器thermocouple detector 热电偶检测器thermogravimetric analysis(TGA) 热重分析法thermospray interface 热喷雾接口The United States Pharmacopoeia(USP) 美国药典The Pharmacopoeia of Japan(JP) 日本药局方thin layer chromatography(TLC) 薄层色谱法thiochrome reaction 硫色素反应three-dimensional chromatogram 三维色谱图thymol 百里酚(麝香草酚)(指示剂)thymolphthalein 百里酚酞(麝香草酚酞)(指示剂)thymolsulfonphthalein ( thymol blue) 百里酚蓝(麝香草酚蓝)(指示剂)titer, titre 滴定度time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay 时间分辨荧光免疫法titrant 滴定剂titration error 滴定误差titrimetric analysis 滴定分析法tolerance 容许限toluene distillation method 甲苯蒸馏法toluidine blue 甲苯胺蓝(指示剂)total ash 总灰分total quality control(TQC) 全面质量控制traditional drugs 传统药traditional Chinese medicine 中药transfer pipet 移液管turbidance 混浊turbidimetric assay 浊度测定法turbidimetry 比浊法turbidity 浊度ultracentrifugation 超速离心ultrasonic mixer 超生混合器ultraviolet irradiation 紫外线照射undue toxicity 异常毒性uniform design 均匀设计uniformity of dosage units 含量均匀度uniformity of volume 装量均匀性(装量差异)uniformity of weight 重量均匀性(片重差异)validity 可靠性variance 方差versus …对…,…与…的关系曲线viscosity 粘度volatile oil determination apparatus 挥发油测定器volatilization 挥发法volumetric analysis 容量分析volumetric solution(VS) 滴定液vortex mixer 涡旋混合器watch glass 表面皿wave length 波长wave number 波数weighing bottle 称量瓶weighing form 称量形式weights 砝码well-closed container 密闭容器xylene cyanol blue FF 二甲苯蓝FF(指示剂)xylenol orange 二甲酚橙(指示剂)zigzag scanning 锯齿扫描zone electrophoresis 区带电泳zwitterions 两性离子zymolysis 酶解作用簡體書目錄Chapter 1 Introduction 緒論1.1 The nature of analytical chemistry 分析化學的性質1.2 The role of analytical chemistry 分析化學的作用1.3 The classification of analytical chemistry分析化學的分類1.4 The total analytical process分析全過程Terms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 2 Errors and Data Treatment in Quantitative Analysis 定量分析中的誤差及數據處理2.1 Fundamental terms of errors誤差的基本術語2.2 Types of errors in experimental data實驗數據中的誤差類型2.2.1 Systematic errors 系統誤差2.2.2 Random errors偶然誤差2.3 Evaluation of analytical data分析數據的評價2.3.1 Tests of significance顯著性檢驗2.3.2 Rejecting data可疑值取捨2.4 Significant figures有效數字ProblemsTerms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 3 Titrimetric Analysis滴定分析法3.1 General principles基本原理3.1.1 Relevant terms of titrimetric analysis滴定分析相關術語3.1.2 The preparation of standard solution and the expression of concentration 標準溶液的配製與濃度表示方法3.1.3 The types of titrimetric reactions滴定反應類型3.2 Acid-base titration酸鹼滴定3.2.1 Acid-base equilibria 酸鹼平衡3.2.2 Titration curves滴定曲線3.2.3 Acid-base indicators酸鹼指示劑3.2.4 Applications of acid-base titration酸鹼滴定的應用3.3 Complexometric titration配位滴定3.3.1 Metal-chelate complexes金屬螯合物3.3.2 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸3.3.3 EDTA titration curves EDTA滴定曲線3.3.4 Metal Ion indicators金屬離子指示劑3.3.5 Applications of EDTA titration techniques EDTA滴定方法的應用3.4 Oxidation-reduction titration氧化還原滴定3.4.1 Redox reactions氧化還原反應3.4.2 Rate of redox reactions氧化還原反應的速率3.4.3 Titration curves滴定曲線3.4.4 Redox indicators氧化還原指示劑3.4.5 Applications of redox titrations氧化還原滴定的應用3.5 Precipitation titration沉澱滴定3.5.1 Precipitation reactions沉澱滴定反應3.5.2 Titration curves滴定曲線3.5.3 End-point detection終點檢測ProblemsTerms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 4 Potentiometry 電位分析法4.1 Introduction簡介4.1.1 Classes and characteristics分類及性質4.1.2 Definition定義4.2 Types of potentiometric electrodes電極種類4.2.1 Reference electrodes 參比電極4.2.2 Indicator electrodes指示電極4.2.3 Electrode response and selectivity電極響應及選擇性4.3 Potentiometric methods and application電位法及應用4.3.1 Direct potentiometric measurement 直接電位法4.3.2 Potentiometric titrations電位滴定4.3.3 Applications of potentiometry 電位法應用ProblemsTerlns to understand重點內容概述Chapter 5 Chromatography色譜法5.1 An introduction to chromatographic methods色譜法概述5.2 Fundamental theory of gas chromatography氣相色譜基本原理5.2.1 Plate theory塔板理論5.2.2 Kinetic theory(rate theory) 速率理論5.2.3 The resolution Rs as a measure of peak separation 分離度5.3 Gas chromatography 氣相色譜5.3.1 Components of a gas chromatograph 氣相色譜儀的組成5.3.2 Stationary phases for gas-liquid chromatography 氣液色譜固定相5.3.3 Applications of gas-liquid chromatography 氣液色譜的應用5.3.4 Adsorption chromatography 吸附色譜5.4 High performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色譜5.4.1 Instrumentation 儀器組成5.4.2 High-performance partition chromatography 高效分配色譜5.5 Miscellaneous separation methods 其他分離方法5.5.1 High-performance ion-exchange chromatography 高效離子交換色譜5.5.2 Capillary electrophoresis 毛細管電泳5.5.3 Planar chromatography 平板色譜ProblemsTerms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 6 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry原子吸收光譜分析法6.1 Introduction 概述6.2 Principles 原理6.2.1 The process of AAS,resonance line and absorption line 原子吸收光譜法的過程,共振線及吸收線6.2.2 The number of ground atom and the temperature of flame 基態原子數與光焰溫度6.2.3 Quantitative analysis of AAS原子吸收光譜定量分析6.3 Instrumentation 儀器6.3.1 Primary radiation sources 光源6.3.2 Atomizer 原子儀器6.3.3 Optical dispersive systems 分光系統6.3.4 Detectors 檢測器6.3.5 Signal measurements 信號測量6.4 Quantitative measurements and interferences 定量測定及干擾6.4.1 Quantitative measurements 定量測定6.4.2 Interferences 干擾6.4.3 Sensitivity6.5 Applications of AAS原子吸收光譜法的應用ProblemsTerms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 7 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometry 紫外-可見分光光度法7.1 Introduction簡介7.2 Ultraviolet and visible absorption spectroscopy 紫外-可見吸收光譜7.2.1 Introduction for radiant energy 輻射能簡介7.2.2 Selective absorption of radiation and absorbance spectrum 物質對光的選擇性吸收和吸收光譜7.2.3 Absorbing species and electron transition 吸收物質與電子躍遷7.3 Law of absorption吸收定律7.3.1 Lambert-Beer's law朗伯-比爾定律7.3.2 Absorptivity吸光係數7.3.3 Apparent deviations from Beer's law對比爾定律的明顯偏離7.4 Instruments儀器7.5 General types of spectrophotometer分光光度計種類7.6 Application of UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy 紫外-可見吸收光譜的應用7.6.1 Application of absorption measurement to qualitative analysis 光吸收測定在定性分析上的應用7.6.2 Quantitative analysis by absorption measurements 光吸收測量定量分析法7.6.3 Derivative spectrophotometry 導數分光光度法ProblemsTerms to understand重點內容概述Chapter 8 Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy紅外吸收光譜8.1 Theory of infrared absorption紅外吸收基本原理8.1.1 Dipole changes during vibrations and rotations 振轉運動中的偶極距變化8.1.2 Mechanical model of stretching vibrations 伸縮振動機械模型8.1.3 Quantum treatment of vibrations 振動的量子力學處理、8.1.4 Types of molecular vibrations分子振動形式8.2 Infrared instrument components紅外儀器組成8.2.1 Wavelength selection波長選擇8.2.2 Sampling techniques 採樣技術8.2.3 Infrared spectrophotometers for qualitative analysis 定性分析用紅外分光光度計8.2.4 Other techniques其他技術8.3 The group frequencies of functional groups in organic compounds 有機化合物官能團的特徵頻率8.4 The factors affecting group frequencies 影響基團特徵吸收頻率的因素8.4.1 Adjacent groups 鄰近基團的影響。
13 s 崇明东滩湿地芦苇和互花米草种群的分布格局及其与生境的相关性_潘宇(1)
植物资源与环境学报2012,21(4):1-9Journal of Plant Resources and Environment崇明东滩湿地芦苇和互花米草种群的分布格局及其与生境的相关性潘宇1a,李德志1a,1b,1c,①,袁月1a,1b,徐洁1a,2,高锦瑾1a,吕媛媛1a(1.华东师范大学:a.环境科学系,b.上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室,c.浙江天童森林生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站,上海200062;2.上海海事大学应用数学系,上海201306)摘要:应用GIS技术与实地调查相结合的方法,对上海崇明东滩湿地芦苇〔Phragmites australis(Cav.)Trin.exSteud.〕和互花米草(Spartina alterniflora Loisel.)种群斑块的分布格局和沿潮位梯度的分布特征及其与部分环境参数的相关性进行了研究。
精密称取100.0mg盛装于带塞子的离心管中,取10.0ml乙烷基顺丁烯二酰亚胺溶液加到甲醇溶液中(4%),超声波处理15分钟,振荡使其混合均匀后,再超声波处理15分钟,取1.0ml上清液进行测定重金属:0.002%关联化合物—流动相-将1.0ml氟代丁烷磺酸溶解于1200mL高效液相色谱用水中,加入400μl氟乙酸,用三乙胺调节PH 至2.5,将上述溶液与乙腈按68:32混合后脱气处理。
What are the distinguishing features of the chemical industry
What are the distinguishing features of the chemical industry?What do the various aspects of the production and use of ammonium nitrate tell us about the chemical industry? One of the first characteristics we notice is that the operations of industrial chemistry convert naturally occurring raw materials into products of greater economic the case of ammonium nitrate natural components of the atmosphere (nitrogen, oxygen) and the earth (coal, natural gas, water) are converted into a substance which can be used as a fertilizer, an explosive, and as a reactant in the preparation of a widely used general anesthetic.Another feature of the chemical industry which becomes evident is its ability to use radically new approaches to solve problems of supply. the expansion of nitrogen-containing fertilizer production, essential to keeping food supplies abreast of population increases, was accomplished by developing a revolutionary, low-cost method of producing ammonia from abundant atmospheric nitrogen.The three alternate-sources of hydrogen for the Haber process(natural gas, water gas, coke-oven gas) illustrate the flexibility which is typical of many of the processes used by the chemical industry. This built-in capacity for interchanging raw materials engender efficiency, keep costs down and often permits conservation of natural resources. The Haber process itself, replacing as it does Chilean sodium nitrate by abundant atmosphere nitrogen, exemplifies the capacity of chemical processes to conserve raw materials. While the Chilean deposits are extensive, they are not limitless and probably would not long meet the current demand for nitrogen fertilizer. The capacity of the chemical industry to produce products which serve as replacement for others also provides some relief from the vulnerability of imported raw materials. While some products of the chemical industry are of a trivial nature(lipstick coloring agents, plasic wrappers),many are of substantial significance. Ammonium nitrate typifies the products of importance, serving as it does, as an agricultural fertilizer, a mining explosive, and a precursor to a surgical anesthetic. The diversity in the uses of ammonium nitrate also suggests the pervasive influence of the chemical industry’s products. It is rather common for a given substance to perform a variety offunctions in industry and in meeting human needs.An interesting aspect of the chemical industry is the anonymous nature of most of its products. The principal reason is that many products exert their effects indirectly. Farmers are aware of ammonia and ammonium nitrate fertilizer, but the consumer of the agricultural products probably is not. For the most part, the activities and products of the chemical industry are far removed from the public’s general knowledge, even though the scale of operations is often huge and the social and economic impart substantial.The production of ammonium nitrate is a reminder of the potential hazards which abound in chemical operations and in their products. Ammonium nitrate itself is explosive. Nitric acid is dangerously corrosive. And the gases which go into its production are highly toxic. Great care must be taken in the production, shipment, and use of many chemical products. On the whole the safely record is good, especially in view of the severe hazards, but through carelessness or expediency errors are sometimes made, and the costs can be high.Special vigilance is required to make certain that chemical processes, their products and their waste products, are not harmful to the environment. Long-term effects, in particular, must be evaluated with care. The chemical industry produces an amazing array of products of great value both to the economy and the general welfare, but obviously this work must be carried out in harmonious balance with environmental considerations. Considering the huge scale of operations and their many built-in hazards, the record is moderately good. But problems remain, and satisfactory solutions will require the full capacities of the chemical industry for innovation.。
Nitrogen Asphyxiation Bulletin Training Presentation氮气窒息英语培训PPT课件
• Nitrogen is used commercially as an inerting agent to keep material free of contaminants (including oxygen) that may corrode equipment, present a fire hazard, or be toxic.
Case Study: Mix-up Nitrogen and Air
A contract employee planned to use a hammer powered by air to chip residue from a furnace in an aluminum foundry.
• He wore an airline respirator. • Two compressed gas lines were available,
The atmosphere inside a coated tank was tested and ventilated the day before work was to be performed inside.
• A contractor entered the tank to clean it the next day and collapsed.
• 85 incidents of nitrogen asphyxiation resulted in 80 deaths and 50 injuries.
• The majority of incidents occurred in manufacturing and industrial settings, but several incidents occurred in other settings including laboratories and medical facilities.
A brasion 磨损,擦伤,刮除accelerate 加快…之速度,变快accelerated period 加速期acoustical 声音的,声学的activator 活化剂,催化剂additive 添加剂admixture 混合,混合物aggregate 聚集,凝结,骨料air-entraining agent 加气剂alkali sulfate 碱硫酸盐alkali 碱,碱性alloy 合金alumina Al2O3 矾土aluminate 铝酸盐ambient 周围的,外界的ammonium sulphate 硫酸铵amorphous 无定形的非结晶的anhydride 无水石膏anhydrite 硬石膏,硫酸铁矿approximately 近似地,大约artificial 人工的,人造的asset财产,资产available 可获得的,可利用的B auxite 矾土,铝矾土,矾土矿beneficiate 富集bind 使凝固binder 粘合剂,粘结剂blended 混合的,融合的blending 掺和,混合brittle 易碎的,脆弱的bulk 体积,主体,凝结,块状burning 煅烧burnt clay 粘性土C alcareous 石灰质的,钙质的calcium 钙calcium aluminate 铝酸钙calcium aluminoferrite 铁铝酸钙calcium carbonate 碳酸钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calcium oxide 氧化钙calcium silicate 硅酸钙calcium sulphate 硫酸钙calorific 热量的,含热量的capacity 容量,智能,才能capillary 毛状的,毛细作用carbon dioxide 二氧化碳cast iron 铸铁caution 小心cementing property 胶结能力cementitious 似水泥的ceramic 陶瓷chalk 白垩characteristics 特性,特征chemical admixture 化学外加剂chlorine 氯气circumference 周长clay 粘土clinker 水泥熟料,炉渣coal ash 煤灰commensurate 相等的,均匀的comparable 可以比较的comparably 可比较低compatible 协调的,一致的comply 遵守,遵循component 成分,组成物composite 合成的,复合的composition 构造,组成,作品compound 混合物compressive strength 抗压强度concrete 混凝土consecutive 连续的,连贯的consistency 链接,结合,浓度,密度consolidation 巩固;加强constituent 成分,要素constitute 构成,组成consumption 消费,消耗contaminate 沾染,污染conversion 变换,转化convert 使转变,转换coral reef 珊瑚礁corrective 矫正的,改过自新corrosion 腐蚀,侵蚀,受损creep 蠕变,徐变criteria 标准,准则cross section 横截面,横断面crystalline 晶体的,晶体状的cube 立方体curing 养护,湿治cylinder 圆筒D ecade 十年decarbonation 碳酸盐分解deflection 偏斜,偏转,偏差deformation 变形,扭曲变形denote 指示表示density 密度,比重deposit 堆积物,沉淀物designated 指定的,派定的deterioration 消耗,磨损,变坏detestable 可恨的,可厌恶的detrimental 有害的diatomaceous earth 硅藻土dicalcium silicate 硅酸二钙C2Sdiffusion 扩散,弥漫dimension 尺寸,尺度dissolution 分解,分离dissolve 溶解,液化distinguish 区分,辨别distort 歪曲,曲解distribute 分发,分配,散步dolomite 白云石dormant period 潜伏期,静止期dry process 干法ductility 延展性,韧性durability 耐久性,耐用性E lastic 弹性的,可自由伸缩的electrolytic 电解的eliminate 消灭,消除,排除elongation 伸长,延长,伸长率embed 使插入endurance 忍耐energy consumption 能源消耗enhance 增强,增加era 纪元ettringite 钙矾石evolution 开展,发展excess 过度的,额外的excessive 多的,过分的,极端的exothermic 放热的,方能的exotic 吸引人的,异乎寻常的F atigue 疲劳ferrite 铁酸盐ferrosilicon 硅铁,高硅铸铁fertilizer 化肥,肥料fibre 纤维,构造,纤维制品fibrous 纤维制的,纤维状的fineness 细度flash furnace 快速分解炉flexural 挠性的,弯曲的flexure 弯曲,歪度floatation 浮选fluidity 流动性,流质fluidized-bed 流化床,流动层fluorine 氟flux 流动,通量,流量fly ash 粉煤灰,飘尘foreign ion 杂质离子formation 形成,构成fracture surface 断裂面froth 起沫,发泡fuse 熔化fusion 融合,熔化G auge 标准度量,程度gehlenite 钙黄长石generic name 属名glassy 玻璃状的,透明的granulated blast furnace slag:粒化高炉矿渣granulated 颗粒状的grate 炉格;摩擦gravel 砂砾grinding stage 研磨阶段ground 粉磨,粉碎,研磨gypsum 石膏H ammer 捶打hardening 硬化heat curing 热养护hematite 赤铁矿hexagonal 六角形的,六方晶系的high-carbon steel 高碳钢high-limed 高(氧化)钙的homogeneous 同类的,均一的hot exit gas 热废气humidity 湿气,潮湿,湿度hydrate 水合物,氢氧化物hydration 水合,水合作用hydraulic 水力的,水压的I dentical 相等的相同的impact 冲打,碰撞,影响impetus 刺激,动力,原动力impracticable 不能实行的impurity 不纯净物incorporation 结合,合并;掺和indentation 穴孔,压痕induction period 诱导期inferior 次等的劣等的ingredient 组成,成分initial 最初的,开始的,初期的initially 开始地,起初initiate 开始innovation 革新inorganic binder 无机粘结剂insoluble 点燃,发火,着火manufacture 制造intergrind 共同粉磨,互磨interlock 使连接intermediate 中间的intermix 混合,混杂interstitial space 胞间隙,空隙intimately 密切的ion 离子ionic 离子的iron ore 铁矿铁矿石iron oxide 氧化铁L atent 潜在的,潜伏的laterite 红土,红泥limestone 石灰石,石灰岩liquid phase 液相longitudinal 经度的,纵向的loot 抢劫掠夺low-carbon steel 低碳钢M agnesium oxide 氧化镁magnetite 磁铁矿malleable 可锻的,可压制的marl 泥灰岩mechanical 机械的,机械性的member 构件mesh 目,筛,网眼metallurgy 冶金术,冶金学metric ton 公吨microcrystalline 微晶的micrometer 测微计,千分尺microscopical 显微镜的microsilica 硅灰,微硅粉mineral 矿物,矿物质minimum 最少的,最小的mix 混合物mixture 混合物mobility 易变性,灵活性;流动性modulus 模数,模量molar ratio 摩尔比monitor 监视器,监控monolithic 块体的,整体浇注的mortar 灰浆,灰泥,胶泥mullite 莫来石N egligible 可以忽略的nodule 结节,小结nonferrous metals 有色金属nonferrous 非铁的non-reactive不起反应的惰性的nonrenewable 不能再生的noticeable 明显的,重要的O btainable 可以获得的offset 弥补,抵消opening 筛孔optimize 使最优化oxide 氧化物oyster 牡蛎P acking 堆积,填料,密封parameter 限制因素;界限partial 部分的particle 颗粒penetration 渗入,进入performance tests 性能测试periclase 氧化锰permeability 渗透,渗透性pertain 属于,适合于pharmacy 制药业phase 状态,阶段,相phosphorous oxide 五氧化二磷plague 瘟疫,祸患plastic 塑胶的plasticity 塑性plasticizer 增塑剂,增韧剂platy 板状的,扁平状的polymer 聚合物,高聚物polymorph 多型,多晶型pore 毛孔,孔隙portion 部分portlandite 氢氧钙石possess 占有,拥有,持有potassium oxide 氧化钾pozzolana 火山灰pozzolanic 凝硬性的,火山灰的precipitation 沉淀,析出preheating 预热pre-induction period 初始水解期prerequisite 首要的,必备的prestress 给…预加应力prominent 著名的,卓越的pronounced 显著的,断然,明确的proportion 比例,均衡pulp 柔软的材料;木浆Q ualify 具有资格,证明资格quantitative 定量的,与量有关的quarry 采石场quench 熄灭,淬火R apture 破裂,断裂ratio 比,比率raw feed 生料喂入reactivity 反应能力,活性refractory 耐火的,耐火材料reinforce 加强,增援,加固reinforcement 增强,加固resilience 弹性,弹力,回弹respectively 分别的,各个的retardation 减速,延缓reverse 相对,相反rheological property 流变性质rheology 流变能力rigidity 坚硬,讲话roam 闲逛,无目的地漫游rod mill 棒磨roller mill 辊磨机,立磨rotary kiln 回转窑rotate 转动S and shale 砂页岩saturation 饱和,饱和度scratching 刮伤,刻,搔semiconductor 半导体sensor 传感器serrated 边上呈锯齿状的serviceability 有用性,适用性setting time 凝结时间setting 凝固shaft kiln 立窑shearing stress 剪应力,切应力significantly 重要地,重大地silica fume 硅粉silica 二氧化硅,硅石simultaneous 同时发生sinter 烧结烧成slag 矿渣,炉渣sludge 污水烂泥slump 混凝土坍落度slurry 泥浆sodium oxide 氧化钠span 跨度,跨距specification 说明,技术规范,规格spherical 球的,球形的stationary 固定的,静止的steam-curing 蒸汽养护steelwork 钢铁架stiffness 刚变,刚性,稳定度strength development 强度增进stringent 严厉的,严格的strut 支柱柱子subsequent 后来的,并发的substandard 标准以下的,不合规格的substantial 很多的,大量的substantially 实际上,很多地sufficient 足够的,充分的superconductor 超导体superplasticizer 超塑化剂supplementary 增补的,补充的suspension 悬吊,悬浮sustenance 实物,饮料,营养swirl calciner 涡流分解炉T ensile strength 抗拉强度tetracalcium aluminoferrite C4AFthermal 热的,热量的,热学的timber 木料torsion 扭,扭转,扭力,扭矩transition zone 界面过渡层tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙C3Strigger 扳机,引发U ltimately 最后,最终,基本undergo 经历,遭受,忍受undesirable 不符合要求的undesirably 不合要求的不理想uniformity 一致,均匀utilize 利用V ariation 变异,差异,变种vertical kiln 立窑viscosity 粘度,粘滞性Y ield point 屈服点yield 生出,生产;产生。
会仙喀斯特湿地三种典型植物叶片碳同位素(δ13C)特征及其指示意义作者:沈育伊张德楠徐广平滕秋梅周龙武黄科朝牟芝熠孙英杰来源:《广西植物》2021年第05期摘要:為探讨会仙喀斯特湿地不同生长环境下植物叶片碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、稳定碳同位素(δ13C)特征及其生态学指示意义,该文以挺水植物芦苇、浮水植物水葫芦和沉水植物金鱼藻为研究对象,分析了三种典型不同生活型植物叶片的δ13 C特征及种间和微生境的差异,并基于植物碳同位素与碳酸酐酶显著正相关的二端元模型,估算了植物利用光合作用固定的碳酸氢根离子(HCO-3)的碳量。
(3)会仙喀斯特湿地三种不同生活型植物叶片N/P 平均值为10.34,表现出植物受N、P共同影响的特征。
(5)芦苇光合作用固定HCO-3碳量为159.60 t·a-1·km-2,水葫芦为10.80 t·a-1·km-2,金鱼藻为9.24 t·a-1·km-2,平均值为59.88 t·a-1·km-2。
关键词:喀斯特湿地,水生植物,营养元素,稳定碳同位素(δ13C),碳汇中图分类号: Q178.1文献标识码: A文章编号: 1000-3142(2021)05-0769-11Abstract: In order to understand characteristics and significance of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and stable carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in plant leaves of three typical aquatic plants under different growth environments, three life forms of aquatic plants including emerging plant (Phragmites australis), emersion plant (Eichhornia crassipes) and submerged plant (Ceratophyllum demersumin) of the Huixian karst wetland were selected as study objects. The differences of carbon isotope compositions of interspecies and different habitat conditions were studied, and the percentage of HCO-3 uptaken from water by aquatic photosynthesis was also estimated using the double-meta model. The results were as follows:(1)The foliar δ13C of three diffirent plant life forms ranged from -28.47‰~-21.69‰ with an average of -24.83‰. There were significant differences among specie s, and the sequence of relative value was Ceratophyllum demersum>Eichhornia crassipes>Phragmites australis, and among the three types of plants,Phragmites australis and Ceratophyllum demersum show the lowest and highest δ13 C,respectively. (2) For three types of halophytes,δ13C showed significantly positive correlations with foliar C,N and P. The δ13C was also positively correlated with the contents of organic matter, available nitrogen, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and total phosphorus of sediment. All types of halophytes showed a negative correlation among δ13C, C/N, N/P and C/P. (3) The foliar N/P ratio of halophytes was 10.34, indicating a co-limitation by N and P for halophyte growth in the Huixian karst wetland. (4) These results suggested that three halophytes were adapted to environment through a high water use efficiency at the expense of decreased nitrogen use efficiency,and might improve C sequestration by increasing phosphorus use efficiency in the habitat of low wateravailability. (5) The value of HCO-3 carbon sequestration by photosynhesis was 159.60 t·a-1·km-2 for Phragmites australis, 10.80 t·a-1·km-2 for Eichhornia crassipes, 9.24 t·a-1·km-2 for Ceratophyllum demersum, with a mean value of 59.88 t·a-1·km-2. Different plant life forms,pathways of carbon fixation in photosynthesis and micro-environment were the important factors on affecting plant foliar δ13C in the Huixian karst wetland.Key words: karst wetland, aquatic macrophytes, nutrient elements, stable carbon isotopic δ13C, carbon sink碳(C)是植物生长中重要的元素,水生植物的稳定碳同位素(δ13C)记录了植物生长过程中外界环境的信息变化,可揭示碳的生物地球化学循环过程(Van et al.,2018)。
化学需氧量预制试剂英文回答:Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) Pre-Mixed Reagents.Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic matter in a water sample. It is an important parameter for assessing the quality of water, as it can indicate the presence of pollutants such as sewage, industrial waste, and agricultural runoff.COD pre-mixed reagents are used to simplify and expedite the COD testing process. These reagents containall of the necessary chemicals in pre-measured amounts, eliminating the need for manual reagent preparation. They are typically supplied in sealed vials or ampoules, and can be directly added to the water sample for analysis.COD pre-mixed reagents offer several advantages overtraditional reagent preparation methods:Convenience: COD pre-mixed reagents eliminate the need for manual reagent preparation, saving time and effort.Accuracy: The pre-measured reagents ensure accurate and consistent results.Safety: The sealed vials or ampoules minimize exposure to hazardous chemicals.Portability: Pre-mixed reagents are easy to transport and store, making them ideal for field testing.There are various types of COD pre-mixed reagents available, each designed for a specific application or water matrix. Some common types include:Low-range COD reagents: These reagents are used for measuring COD in samples with low levels of organic matter, such as drinking water and surface water.High-range COD reagents: These reagents are used for measuring COD in samples with high levels of organic matter, such as wastewater and industrial effluents.Seawater COD reagents: These reagents are specifically formulated for use with seawater samples.The use of COD pre-mixed reagents requires specialized equipment. The most common analytical methods include:Closed reflux method: This method involves heating the sample with the pre-mixed reagents in a sealed vial. The oxygen consumed during oxidation is measured using a titrator.Open reflux method: This method involves heating the sample with the pre-mixed reagents in an open flask. The oxygen consumed during oxidation is measured using a dissolved oxygen probe.COD pre-mixed reagents are an important tool for water quality monitoring and assessment. They offer a convenient,accurate, and safe way to measure COD levels in water samples.中文回答:化学需氧量预制试剂。
1、About 216–224 g. –moles of powdered anhydrous is added to a 1Lthree-necked flask.在1L的三口烧瓶中加入大约216-224g– moles的无水三氯化铝; While the free-flowing catalyst is stirred , 81 g. mole of is added from the dropping funnel in a slow stream over a period of 20–30 minutes. 自由流动的催化剂边搅拌边用滴液漏斗缓慢滴加81g苯乙酰;Considerable heat is evolved, and, if the drops of ketone are not dispersed, darkening or charring occurs. 放热反应,假如滴加的酮不能被分散,就会变黑或是碳化;When aboutone-third of the has been added, the mixture becomes a viscous ball-like mass that is difficult to stir.当三分之一的乙酰苯被滴加,反应混合物变成一个很难搅拌的粘性的球状团块; Turning of the stirrer by hand or more rapid addition of ketone is necessary at this point. 在这时,改用手动搅拌或快速滴加酮是非常必要的;The addition of ketone, however, should not be so rapid as to produce a temperature above 180°. 然而,速度不能太快,当反应温度超过180℃时;Near the end of the addition, the mass becomes molten and can be stirred easily without being either heated or cooled. The molten mass, in which the is complexed with , ranges in color from tan to brown.当快滴加完时,团块开始融化,表明苯乙酰已经和三氯化铝混合完全,颜色也逐渐从黄褐色变为棕色;128 g., mole is added dropwise to the well-stirred mixture over a period of 40 minutes . 在40分钟内在搅拌下把溴缓慢滴加到混合物中;After all the has been added, the molten mixture is stirred at 80–85° on a steam bath for 1 hour.溴滴加完后,熔融混合物在80-85℃蒸气浴下搅拌1小时; The complex is added in portions to a well-stirred mixture of 1.3 l. of cracked ice and 100 ml. of concentrated in a 2-l. beaker .反应物加入到1.3L碎冰和100ml浓盐酸的混合物中在2L的烧杯中混合均匀;Part of the cold aqueous layer is added to the reaction flask to decompose whatever part of the reaction mixture remains there, and the resulting mixture is added to the beaker.把部分的冰水层加入到烧瓶中洗涤残留物,然后合并到烧杯中; The dark oil that settles out is extracted from the mixture with four 150-ml. portions of 分四次把深色的油从混合物中用150ml萃取出来;The extracts are combined, washed consecutively with 100 ml. of water and 100 ml. of 5% aqueous solution, dried with anhydrous , and transferred to a short-necked distillation flask. 合并萃取液,用100ml水和100ml 5%的小苏打洗涤,用无水硫酸钠干燥;The is removed by distillation at atmospheric pressure, and crude 3-bromoacetophenone is stripped from a few grams of heavy dark residue by distillation at reduced pressure. 乙醚在常压下蒸馏,微量的溴苯乙酮通过减压蒸馏的方法从大量深色残渣中被分离出来;Thecolorless distillate is carefully fractionated to obtain 94–100 g.通过分馏,得到无色的流出液94-100g2、反应式:3、2-Methyl-4-ethoxalylcyclopentane-1,3,5-trione. A solution of is prepared in a 2-l. three-necked, round-bottomed flask fitted with a mercury-sealed stirrer, a reflux condenser carrying a drying tube, and a stopper by the addition of 69.0 g. 3 moles of to 950 ml. of absolute . 69.0g3mol钠和950ml无水乙醇在配有干燥回流冷凝管和汞封搅拌器的2L三口圆底烧瓶中制备乙醇钠;The solution is cooled to 0–5° in an ice bath and stirred.溶液在0-5℃下冰浴搅拌; The stopper is replaced by a dropping funnel, and a cold mixture 5–15° of 108 g. moles of freshly distilled and 482 g. moles of is added gradually over a period of 30 minutes.瓶塞用分液漏斗取代,108g的丁二酮和482g的乙二酸二乙酯在5-15℃下低温混合,在30分钟内逐步滴加到溶液中; After the addition is complete, the thick, orange-red mixture is allowed to warm with continued stirring to room temperature, heated under reflux for 30 minutes, and cooled again to 0° in a n ice bath. 完全加入后,橘红色的粘稠物继续搅拌至室温,加热回流30分钟后在冰浴中冷却至0℃;The mixture is decomposed by stirring with 165 ml. of 1:1 by volume added in portions.将165ml浓硫酸体积比1:1在搅拌加入,分解混合物; The formed is filtered by suction andwashed with 150–200 ml. . 硫酸钠抽滤后用乙醇150–200 ml洗涤;The washings and filtrate are combined and concentrated by evaporation .合并滤液和洗涤液后蒸发浓缩;The yellowish brown product which accumulates by slow crystallization is collected by filtration, washed with small quantities of ice-cold water, and dried in air. 过滤缓慢析出的棕黄色产品用小剂量的冰水洗涤后在空气中干燥; The crude product weighs 140–150 g.粗产品140-150g; Further evaporative concentration of the mother liquor followed by cooling furnishes an additional 40–50 g. of the keto ester, 此外将母液用冷冻蒸发浓缩后又得到40-50g的酮酯;bringing the total yield to 180–200 g. 53–59%产品总共180-200g产率53-59% . This crude material . 120–130° is used in the next step.粗品熔点120–130℃用于下一步中 A pure sample can be obtained by crystallization from after treatment with activated , . 160–162°.纯品是经过活性炭处理后在乙酸乙酯中结晶得到,熔点160–162℃;The procedure for 2- pyrrolealdehyde 2-吡咯甲醛In a 3-l. three-necked round-bottomed flask, fitted with a sealed stirrer, a dropping funnel, and a reflux condenser, is placed 80 g. moles of dimethylformamide Note 1.在配有封闭搅拌器、滴液漏斗和冷凝回流装置的三口圆底烧瓶中放入80g的二甲基甲酰胺; The flask is immersed in an ice bath, and the internal temperature is maintained at 10–20°, while 169 g. moles of phosphorus oxychloride is added through the dropping funnel over a period of 15 minutes. 烧瓶浸入冰浴中,内部温度保持在10-20℃,169g的磷酰氯通过滴液漏斗在15分钟内滴加;An exothermic reaction occurs with the formation of the phosphorus oxychloride - dimethylformamide complex. 放热反应生成磷酰氯二甲基甲酰胺化合物;The ice bath is removed, and the mixture is stirred for 15 minutes Note 2. 移去冰浴,在搅拌15分钟;The ice bath is replaced, and 250 ml. of ethylene dichloride is added to the mixture. 重新再冰浴下加入250ml的二氯乙烯;When the internal temperature has been lowered to 5°, a solution of 67 g. mole of freshly distilled pyrrole in 250 ml. of ethylene dichloride is added through a clean dropping funnel to the stirred, cooled mixture over a period of 1 hour. 当内部温度降到5度时,把67g新蒸馏的吡咯加入到250二氯乙烯中,通过滴液漏斗在1小时内低温下边搅拌边滴加;After the addition is complete, the ice bath is replaced with a heating mantle, and the mixture is stirred at the reflux temperature for 15 minutes, during which time there is copious evolution of hydrogen chloride.滴加完后,用加热装置取代冰浴,搅拌回流15分钟, 直到有大量氯化氢产生;The mixture is then cooled to 25–30°, and to it is added through the dropping funnel a solution of 750 g. moles of sodium acetate trihydrate Note 3 in about of water, cautiously at first, then as rapidly as possible. 当混合物降温到25-30℃后,通过滴液漏斗加入750g的三水醋酸钠溶液,开始要小心,然后要尽可能地快;The reaction mixture is again refluxed for 15 minutes, vigorous stirring being maintained all the while Note 4. 反应物在充分搅拌下重新回流15分钟;The cooled mixture is transferred to a 3-l. separatory funnel, and the ethylene dichloride layer is removed. 冷却的混合物转移到分液漏斗中,出去二氯乙烯层;The aqueous phase is extracted three times with a total of about 500 ml. of ether. 水相用500ml乙醚分三次萃取;The ether and ethylene chloride solutions are combined and washed with three 100-ml. portions of saturated aqueous sodium carbonate solution, which is added cautiously at first to avoid too rapid evolution of carbon dioxide.合并乙醚和氯乙烯溶液,用100ml饱和碳酸钠溶液分三次洗涤,然后通入二氧化碳,通入时要小心不要太快; Thenon- aqueous solution is then dried over anhydrous sodium carbonate, the solvents are distilled, and the remaining liquid is transferred to a Claisen flask and distilled from an oil bath under reduced pressure Note 5. 非水溶液用无水碳酸钠干燥,蒸馏溶剂,余下的溶液移入克氏烧瓶在油浴中减压蒸馏;The a ldehyde boils at 78° at 2 mm.; there is very little fore-run and very little residue. 醛沸点78度在2mm;很少有预留无和残渣;The yield of crude 2-pyrrolealdehyde is 85–90 g. 89–95%, as an almost water-white liquid which soon crystallizes. 当几乎透明的液体会马上结晶,粗品产量85-90g89-95%;A sample dried on a clay plate melts at 35–40°. 样品在素烧瓷板上干燥,熔点35-40度;The crude product is purified by dissolving in boiling petroleum ether . 40–60°, in the ratio of 1 g. of crude 2-pyrrolealdehyde to 25 ml. of solvent, and cooling the solution slowly to room temperature, followed by refrigeration for a few hours.粗品溶解在沸腾的石油醚中沸点40-60度,一克粗品2-甲基吡啶加入25ml溶剂,在室温下冷却,这后再冷冻数小时; The pure aldehyde is obtained from the crude in approximately 85% recovery.纯品醛是从粗品中得到,收率85%; The over-all yield from pyrrole is 78–79% of pure 2-pyrrolealdehyde, . 44–45°.总得率为78-79%熔点44-45度;1反应式4、1In a 3L. round-bottomed flask fitted with a reflux condenser are placed 625 cc. of 95 per cent , 500 cc. of water, 500 g. 476 cc., moles of pure , and 50 g. of 96–98 per cent. 在配有回流冷凝器的3L圆底烧瓶中加入625ml的95%酒精、500ml水、500g476ml,4,7mol的苯甲醛和50g 96-98%的氰化钠;The mixture is then heated and kept boiling for one-half hour . 混合物加热并保持沸腾小时;In the course of about twenty minutes, crystals begin to separate from the hot solution. 在20分钟后晶体开始从热溶液中析出;At the end of the thirty minutes, the solution is cooled, filtered with suction, and washed with a little water. 在最后的30分钟,冷却溶液,抽滤并用少量水洗涤The yield of dry crude , which is white or light yellow, is 450–460 g.有450-460g白色或亮黄色的干燥的安息香; 90–92 per cent of the theoretical amount. 理论产率90-92%;In order to obtain it completely pure, the crude substance is recrystallized from 95 per cent , 90 g. of crude material being dissolved in about 700 cc. of boiling ; upon cooling, a yield of 83 g. of white, pure which melts at 129° is obtained.为了得到纯度高的产品,粗产品要在酒精中重结晶,90g粗品溶解在700ml沸腾的酒精中,冷却, 得到83g熔点为129摄氏度的白色安息香纯品;2In a 1L. three-necked round-bottomed flask equipped with a mechanical stirrer, short reflux condenser, and bent glass tube reaching below the surface of the liquid for the introduction of hydrogen chloride, are placed 50 g. mole of p-nitrophenol Note 1, 650 ml. of concentrated hydrochloric acid, 5 ml. of concentrated sulfuric acid Note 2, and 76 g. 1 mole of methylal Note 3. 在配有机械搅拌,短期冷凝回流器和一个为的是深入液面下通氯化氢气体的弯曲的玻璃管三口圆底烧瓶中加入50g对硝基苯酚,650ml的浓盐酸,5ml的浓硫酸和76g1mol的二甲氧基甲烷;The mixture is stirred whilethe temperature is maintained at 70 ± 2° for 4–5 hours by means of a water bath Note 4. 在水浴中保持70±2度搅拌4-5小时;During this time hydrogen chloride is bubbled into the reaction mixture through the bent glass tube, and the excess gas is carried away through the reflux condenser to a hood or gas- absorption trap Note 5. 在此期间通过玻璃弯管把氯化氢气体通入反应混合物中,过量的气体被带到回流冷凝器被气体吸收罩吸收;The 2- hydroxyl -5- nitrobenzyl chloride begins to separate as a solid about 1 hour after the beginning of the reaction.在反应开始后的一个小时,2-羟基-5-硝基苯氯化物作为固体被分离;At the end the mixture is cooled in ice for 1 hour whereby more crystals separate, after which the acid liquors are either filtered or decanted from the crystals Note 6. 最后把混合物在冰中冷却1小时,使更多的晶体析出,之后把酸性液体过滤或倾析得到晶体;The 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl chloride is purified by recrystallization from 125 ml. of hot benzene 2-羟基-5-硝基苯氯化物在热的苯中重结晶纯化;Note 7. The yield is 46 g. 69% based on p-nitrophenol of a white product melting at 129–130°.白色产物46g对硝基苯酚含69%熔点129-130度5、B..Adry, 1-l., three-necked, round-bottomed flask is equipped with a magnetic stirring bar, a thermometer, and a 250-ml., pressure-equalizing dropping funnel bearing a nitrogen inlet. The flask is flushed withand charged with49 g. mole of ,80 g. mole of , and300 ml. of. The resulting solution is stirred and cooled to 0° in an ice–salt bath. A solution of55 g. mole of in150 ml. ofis added over 30 minutes while the temperature is maintained below 0°. Stirring is continued for an additional 30 minutes at 0°, after which a chilled solution of65 g. mole of in 170 ml. of water is added over a 20-minute interval, keeping the temperature below 0°. The contents of the flask are stirred for an additional 10–15 minutes at 0°and poured into a2-l. separatory funnelcontaining 500 ml. of ice-water. The acyl azide is isolated by extraction with six250-ml. portions of. The combinedextracts are dried overanhydrousfor 20 minutes and concentrated to a volume of ca.300 ml. on a rotary evaporator at a water bath temperature of 40–50°.Caution The acyl azide is potentially explosive. The solution should not be evaporated to dryness.While thesolution is being concentrated, adry, 2-l.,three-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a mechanical stirrer, a 500-ml. pressure-equalizing dropping funnel, a simple distillation head, and a heating mantleis charged with43 g. mole of,250 mg. of, and200 ml. of. About 30 ml. of toulene is distilled from the flask to remove trace amounts of water, and the distillation head is replaced with a condenser fitted with ainlet. Thesolution is stirred and heated at a rapid reflux under aatmosphere as thesolution of the acyl azide is added over 30 minutes. The disappearance of the acyl azide and isocyanate is followed by IR analysis. Conversion to the carbamate is complete in 10–30 minutes, after which the solution is cooled rapidly to room temperature by immersing the flask in anice bath. Theis rapidly removed on a rotary evaporator with the water bath at 40–50°, producin g a yellow solid residuewhich is dissolved in50 ml. of 95%and allowed to crystallize in a freezer at 25° for several hours. Two crops of pale yellow crystals, .69–72°, are isolated which total39–46 g.after drying under reduced pressure. Concentration of the mother liquor affords an oily residue that is placed on a6 × 80-cm. column packed with 500 g. of silica gel and eluted with1:9 v/v–. An additional11–12 g.of crystalline product is obtained from the chromatography, raising the total yield to50–58 g.49–57% of nearly pure, a pale yellow solid, .70–73°.;一个干燥,1 - L,配备磁性搅拌棒,温度计,和一个250毫升三口圆底烧瓶,压力平衡滴液漏斗轴承氮入口;烧瓶与冲洗和收取49克;摩尔的,80克;摩尔N,和300毫升;;最终的解决方案是搅拌和在冰盐浴冷却至0℃;55克的溶液摩尔在150毫升;而温度保持低于0 °,加入超过30分钟;搅拌继续在0 °为一个额外的30分钟,之后的冷冻液65克痣在170毫升 ;加水超过20分钟的时间间隔,保持温度低于0 °;烧瓶的内容是一个额外的10-15分钟,在0搅拌,浇成2 - L ;分液漏斗中含有500毫升;冰水;酰基叠氮分离提取六个250毫升;部分;结合提取20分钟,硫酸镁干燥,集中到一个体积约300毫升 ;在水浴温度在40-50 °旋转蒸发器;注意酰基叠氮是潜在的爆炸性;该解决方案不应该被蒸发干燥溶液浓缩,干燥,2 - L,三口圆底烧瓶装有机械搅拌器,500毫升;压力平衡滴液漏斗,一个简单的蒸馏头,和一个加热地幔的收费是43克摩尔甲醇,250毫克 ;,和200毫升 ;;约30毫升;toulene是从烧瓶蒸馏去除微量的水,蒸馏头是装有与冷凝器更换入口;溶液搅拌并加热下快速回流气氛下,酰基叠氮的解决方案是增加了超过30分钟;其次是红外线分析酰基叠氮化物和异氰酸酯的消失 ;转换的氨基甲酸酯类是在10-30分钟完成,沉浸在烧瓶后,解决的办法是迅速冷却至室温冰浴;甲苯是迅速取出在40-50℃水浴旋转蒸发器上,产生一个黄色的固体这是在解散50毫升 ;95%的,并允许在一个冷冻在-25 °几个小时结晶 ;两种作物的淡黄色晶体,熔点69-72 °,孤立的总39-46克,干燥后减压 ;母液浓度提供了一个油性残留物,放置在6 × 80厘米;列挤满了500克;硅胶和1:9V / V洗脱-;一个额外的11-12克的结晶产品是从色谱,总收率提高到50-58克49-57%近纯,脸色苍白黄色固体,熔点70-73 °6、。
湿地植物芦苇、香蒲根分泌物提取及其组分研究杨奇1唐利1,邱江平1王欣泽2李旭东1(1.上海交通大学生态毒理和环境污染与防治实验室,上海2002402. 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 200240 )摘要利用连续收集装置对种植于人工湿地中的芦苇、香蒲根分泌物中蛋白质、总糖和氨基酸进行了提取、分离和初步鉴定并确定了最适收集条件;考察了它们各自根分泌物对湿地系统中微生物种类和数量以及氮磷去除能力的影响。
关键词芦苇,香蒲,根分泌物,组分,根际微生物Extraction of Root Exudates from Two Kinds of Wetland Plants:Phragmites Australis & Typha Orientalis Presl, Analysisof Their ComponentYANG Qi1, TANG Li1, Qiu Jiangping1, Wang Xinze2, LI Xudong1, (Laboratory of Ecotoxicology & Environmental Pollution and Control , Shanghai JiaotongUniversity ,Shanghai 200240 ,ChinaSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai1200240, China)Abstract Extraction, separation and preliminarily identification of root exudates such as proteins,polysaccharides and amino acids in Phragmites Australis,Typha orientalis Presl from constructed wetlands, usinga continuous trapping device; Meanwhile, the most suitable condition of the device, root exudates’ influencetowards the breed and quantity of rhizospheric microorganism in the wetlands system as well as the removalcapability of nitrogen& phosphonium in wetland systems were studied. The results show that PhragmitesAustralis&Typha orientalis Presl both have high contents of polysaccharides, proteins and amino acids, andfurthermore, their respective contents are balanced; The most suitable condition of the continuous trapping deviceproves to be : loads ultrapure water 3L, extracts 5d, collects 6 tubes of elutriants (20ml/tube), concentrates on℃Constructed wetlands could produce obvious rhizospheric effects on microorganism, in which quantity of 60;actinomycetes is most significantly positively affected by the root exudates; The change of rhizosphericmicroorganism’s breeds collaborates changes of plants’ sorts and external environment; The removal rate of TN inPhragmites Australis wetland is 77.6%,and of TP’s is 33.3%,while of TN in Typha orientalis Presl wetland is93.2%,and of TP’s is 20.0%; The removal rate of total nitrogen mainly concerns with direct absorption, sticking,enrichment of plants themselves in wetlands; Removal of ammonia nitrogen& total phosphonium depends on the1作者简介:杨奇(1986 - ) ,女,上海人,在读硕士研究生。
地上部氮累积量英文英文回答:Aboveground nitrogen accumulation (ANA) comprises the total amount of nitrogen stored in aboveground plant biomass, which includes leaves, stems, flowers, and branches. ANA plays a vital role in ecosystem functioning, influencing nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration, and plant productivity. The accumulation of nitrogen in aboveground biomass is primarily driven by nitrogen uptake from the soil and atmospheric deposition.ANA can be measured through various methods, such as destructive harvesting and biomass sampling. Destructive harvesting involves collecting and measuring the weight of aboveground biomass, while biomass sampling involves estimating the biomass using allometric equations or other techniques. These methods provide valuable data for monitoring changes in ANA over time and assessing the impact of environmental factors on nitrogen accumulation.Quantifying ANA is crucial for understanding ecosystem dynamics. High ANA indicates a healthy and productive ecosystem with efficient nitrogen cycling. Conversely, low ANA may reflect nutrient deficiencies, environmental stresses, or disturbance events. By studying ANA, researchers can gain insights into the nitrogen status of ecosystems and make informed decisions about land management practices.In natural ecosystems, ANA varies across different plant communities and biomes. For example, foreststypically have higher ANA compared to grasslands due to their larger biomass and longer lifespans. Wetlands and riparian zones also exhibit substantial ANA due to the presence of nitrogen-fixing plants and high soil moisture. Understanding the factors that influence ANA is essential for predicting ecosystem responses to environmental changes and ensuring the sustainable management of natural resources.中文回答:地上部氮累积量。
nitrogen1. Introduction to NitrogenNitrogen is a versatile chemical element that plays a crucial role in various natural and industrial processes. With the atomic number 7 and represented by the symbol N, it is part of the group 15 element in the periodic table. Nitrogen is a non-metal, odorless, tasteless, and colorless gas at standard temperature and pressure, making up approximately 78% of the Earth's atmosphere.2. Physical Properties of NitrogenAt room temperature, nitrogen exists as a diatomic gas, meaning it consists of two nitrogen atoms bonded together. It has a molecular weight of 28.0134 and a density of 1.2506 grams per liter. Nitrogen has a boiling point of -195.79°C (-320.42°F) and a melting point of -210.00°C (-346.00°F). It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Nitrogen gas is slightly lighter than air and is often used to fill tires to prevent corrosion and improve fuel efficiency.3. Chemical Properties of NitrogenNitrogen is considered chemically inert, meaning it is unreactive under normal conditions. It forms very few compounds with other elements due to its strong triple covalent bond between the nitrogen atoms. However, given specific conditions, nitrogen can react to form various compounds, such as ammonia (NH3), nitric oxide (NO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These compounds are essential in several industrial and biological processes.4. Nitrogen in NatureNitrogen is an essential element for all living organisms. It is a vital component of proteins, nucleic acids, and many other organic molecules. Plants absorb nitrogen in the form of nitrate or ammonia from the soil, which is then used to synthesize proteins and promote growth. Animals consume nitrogen-rich plants or other animals to obtain the necessary amino acids for protein synthesis. The nitrogen cycle involves the continuous recycling of nitrogen through the atmosphere, soil, plants, animals, and microorganisms.5. Industrial Uses of NitrogenNitrogen finds widespread use in various industrial applications due to its inertness, low reactivity, and natural abundance. It is used as an inert gas in the packaging and storage of food products, preventing spoilage and extending shelf life. In the electronics industry, nitrogen is employed as a high-purity gas for preventing oxidation and other chemical reactions during the manufacturing process. Nitrogen is also used in the production of ammonia for fertilizers, nitric acid for explosives and chemical manufacturing, and in cryogenics for freezing and preserving biological samples.6. Medical Applications of NitrogenNitrogen gas is used in medical settings for various purposes. In cryosurgery, liquid nitrogen is applied to freeze and destroy abnormal tissues, such as warts and precancerous lesions. Nitrogen is also used in medical gas mixtures for respiratory therapy, replacing atmospheric air to provide oxygen-enriched environments. Additionally, liquid nitrogen is utilized in dermatology for removing skin lesions, in cryopreservation to store biological materials, and in the preparation of certain medications.7. Nitrogen Pollution and Environmental ImpactWhile nitrogen is essential for life, excessive nitrogen in the environment can have detrimental effects. Nitrogen pollution, often caused by human activities such as industrial processes and agriculture, can lead to eutrophication in water bodies, resulting in oxygen depletion and harm to aquatic ecosystems. Nitrogen oxide emissions from vehicles and industrial sources contribute to air pollution and the formation of ground-level ozone, which poses health risks and harms the environment.8. Nitrogen FixationAlthough nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere, most organisms cannot directly utilize atmospheric nitrogen. Nitrogen fixation is the process by which nitrogen gas is converted into ammonia or other compounds usable by living organisms. Certain bacteria and cyanobacteria are capable of nitrogen fixation through symbiotic relationships with plants or through specialized enzymes. This process is vital in replenishing the soil with usable nitrogen and maintaining the balance of nitrogen in the ecosystem.9. ConclusionNitrogen is an essential element for life, playing integral roles in numerous natural and industrial processes. Its diverse range of applications, from industrial uses to medical applications, highlights its significance in various fields. Understanding the physical and chemical properties of nitrogen, as well as its role in the environment, can help promote responsible use and mitigate the negative impacts associated with nitrogen pollution.。
含氮代谢物英文学名When it comes to nitrogen-containing metabolites, you gotta know they're like the building blocks of life. These compounds are essential for all sorts of biochemical reactions in our bodies. You know, like amino acids and urea, they're key players in the nitrogen cycle.Talk about nitrogen-containing metabolites, and I'm reminded of how important they are in the agricultural industry. Fertilizers rich in nitrogen help plants grow strong and healthy. But it's not just plants; animals and humans rely on these compounds, too.So, what's the buzz about nitrogen-containing metabolites? Well, they're kind of like the unsung heroes of biochemistry. You don't hear much about them, butthey're crucial for so many functions in our bodies. From protein synthesis to waste removal, they're always there, quietly doing their job.And let's not forget about the environmental aspect. Nitrogen-containing metabolites play a huge role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems. They're involved in the nitrogen cycle, which is essential for the survival of all life on Earth. So, yeah, they're pretty important!In conclusion, nitrogen-containing metabolites are essential for life. Whether you're a plant, animal, or human, you can't do without.。
australis)、花叶水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani var. Zebrinus)和苦草(Vallisneria natans)构建试验体系, 同时
设置无水生植物的模拟湿地单元作为空白对照. 用于研究的湿地, 已经过 3 年的保育熟化, 单元土壤介
质等基本条件稳定, 土壤有机质为 4.1-5.9g/kg, 全氮为 0.5-0.6g/kg, 全磷为 0.44-0.51g/kg.
J. Lake Sci.(湖泊科学), 2008, 20(3): 327-333 . E-mail: jlakes@ ©2008 by Journal of Lake Sciences
万晓红 1, 李旭东 1,2, 王雨春 1, 陆
1.2 采样与分析
本次试验选择了植物生长活动旺盛的夏季进行, 分别按低负荷(水体起始无机氮浓度分别为 NH4+-N 约为
万晓红等: 不同水生植物对湿地无机氮素去除效果的模拟
2.85mg/L, NO3--N 约为 1.07mg/L)和高负荷(水体起始无机氮浓度分别为 NH4+-N 约为 5.50mg/L, NO3--N 约为 3.37mg/L)条件进行试验, 低负荷无机氮素的浓度水平相当于北京城市污染较重河流(如温榆河), 高负荷 无机氮浓度设置约为低负荷的 2 倍, 大致相当于生活污水集中排放口的污染水平; 低负荷试验单元试验 时间为 30d, 高负荷试验单元试验时间为 10d.
(1: 中国水利水电科学研究院, 北京 100038) (2: 内蒙古乌海市环境监测中心, 乌海 016000) (3: 水利部海河流域水利委员会, 天津 300170)
瑾 1, 赵茵茵 3, 刘玲花 1, 周怀东 1**
1、About 216–224 g. (1.62–1.68 moles) of powdered anhydrous aluminum chloride is added to a 1Lthree-necked flask.在1L的三口烧瓶中加入大约216-224g(1.62–1.68 moles)的无水三氯化铝。
While the free-flowing catalyst is stirred (Note 3), 81 g. (0.67 mole) of acetophenone is added from the dropping funnel in a slow stream over a period of 20–30 minutes. 自由流动的催化剂边搅拌边用滴液漏斗缓慢滴加81g苯乙酰。
Considerable heat is evolved, and, if the drops of ketone are not dispersed, darkening or charring occurs. 放热反应,假如滴加的酮不能被分散,就会变黑或是碳化。
When about one-third of the acetophenone has been added, the mixture becomes a viscous ball-like mass that is difficult to stir.当三分之一的乙酰苯被滴加,反应混合物变成一个很难搅拌的粘性的球状团块。
Turning of the stirrer by hand or more rapid addition of ketone is necessary at this point. 在这时,改用手动搅拌或快速滴加酮是非常必要的。
The addition of ketone, however, should not be so rapid as to produce a temperature above 180°. 然而,速度不能太快,当反应温度超过180℃时。
DOI:10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2023102601李云捷, 李佳, 陈振国, 等. 石蜡与氨基酸废母液粉配施对烟草重金属Cd吸附的阻控效应[J]. 环境化学, 2024, 43(4): 1365-1373.LI Yunjie, LI Jia, CHEN Zhenguo, et al. Blocking effect of paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder on the adsorption heavy metal Cd of tobacco[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2024, 43 (4): 1365-1373.石蜡与氨基酸废母液粉配施对烟草重金属Cd吸附的阻控效应 *李云捷1 李 佳1 陈振国2 李建平2 喻雪婧1 云月利1 孙光伟2 朱 蓉1 李亚东1 **(1. 湖北大学生命科学学院,武汉,430062;2. 湖北省烟草科学研究院,武汉,430033)摘 要 烟草是强富集镉(Cd)的重要经济作物. 为降低烟草对Cd的吸收,以矿区污染土壤(Cd含量为0.678 mg·kg−1)为种植基质,烟草专用肥(硝态氮)为对照,氨基酸母液粉为新型氮肥(氨基氮),并分别配施作为土壤微生物碳源的食品级石蜡,以期促进土壤微生物种群与数量的持续增加(石蜡降解速度缓慢),通过微生物的生化调控达到降低土壤有效态Cd含量,从而减少烟叶对镉的吸收. 结果表明:(1)石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉配施(T4处理)显著(P<0.05)提高土壤微生物丰富度,ACE指数达到4464.47,Chao1指数达到3888.30,氨基酸废母液粉(T3处理)土壤微生物多样性最好,Shannon指数达到6.4066;(2)施加氨基酸废母液粉(T3、T4处理)可显著(P<0.05)提高土壤pH值,3个时期(烟叶旺长期、打顶期、成熟期)最大提高量分别为0.23、0.49和0.35;(3)石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉显著(P<0.05)降低土壤有效态Cd含量,3个时期较烟草专用肥组(T1处理)分别降低了14.8%—20.7%、18.6%—34.5%、20.5%—36.7%;(4)石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉显著(P<0.05)降低烟叶Cd含量,3个时期较烟草专用肥(T1处理)分别降低了0.6%—10.2%、8.2%—26.2%、13.8%—38.9%. 因此,石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉配施能够有效提高土壤微生物丰富度和多样性,降低土壤有效态Cd含量,减少烟草对Cd的吸收.关键词 石蜡,氨基酸废母液粉,土壤微生物,烟草,镉.Blocking effect of paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder on the adsorption heavy metal Cd of tobaccoLI Yunjie1 LI Jia1 CHEN Zhenguo2 LI Jianping2 YU Xuejing1 YUN Yueli1 SUN Guangwei2 ZHU Rong1 LI Yadong1 **(1. School of Life Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, 430062, China;2. Hubei Provincial Tobacco Research Institute,Wuhan, 430033, China)Abstract Tobacco is an important cash crop with strong enrichment of cadmium (Cd). In order to reduce the absorption of Cd by tobacco, the contaminated soil in mining area (Cd content is0.678 mg·kg−1) is used as planting substrate. In this experiment, tobacco special fertilizer (nitratenitrogen) was used as control, the amino acid waste mother liquor powder was a new nitrogen fertilizer (amino acid nitrogen), and paraffin wax (food-grade) as soil microbial carbon source was2023 年 10 月 26 日 收稿(Received:October 26,2023).* 湖北省烟草公司科技项目(027Y2021-024)资助.Supported by the Science and Technology Program of Hubei Tobacco Company (027Y2021-024).* * 通信联系人 Corresponding author,E-mail:*****************1366环 境 化 学43 卷applied separately. The purpose is to promote the continuous increase of soil microbial population and quantity (the degradation rate of paraffin wax is slow.), and reduce the soil available Cd content through biochemical regulation of microorganisms, thereby reducing the absorption of Cd by tobacco leaves. The results showed that: (1) Paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder (T4 treatment) significantly (P<0.05) increased the soil microbial richness, the ACE reached 4464.47, the chao1 reached 3888.30, the amino acid waste mother liquor powder (T3 treatment) soil microbial Shannon diversity was the best, and the Shannon reached 6.4066; (2) the application of amino acid waste mother liquor powder (T3, T4 treatment) could significantly increase soil pH (P<0.05), and the maximum increases in the three periods were 0.23、0.49 and 0.35 units. (3) Paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder significantly (P<0.05) reduced the soil effective Cd content, which was reduced by 14.8%—20.7%, 18.6%—34.5% and 20.5%—36.7%compared with the tobacco special fertilizer group (T1 treatment) in the three periods. (4) Paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder significantly (P<0.05) reduced the Cd content of tobacco leaves, and decreased by 0.6%—10.2%, 8.2%—26.2% and 13.8%—38.9% compared with tobacco special fertilizer (T1 treatment) in the three periods. Therefore, the combination of paraffin wax and amino acid waste mother liquor powder can effectively improve the richness and diversity of soil microorganisms and reduce the soil effective Cd content. Finally, the absorption of Cd by tobacco is reduced.Keywords paraffin wax,amino acid waste mother liquor powder,soil microorganisms,tobacco,cadmium.镉(Cd)可通过食物链逐层积累,对生态环境和生物生命健康存在威胁[1]. 据2021年生态环境部发布简况,影响农用地土壤环境质量的主要污染物是重金属,其中镉为首要污染物. 烟草极易吸收Cd[2],Cd胁迫对烟草整个生长周期和生理指标均产生影响,严重降低烟叶口感和产量,且Cd通过烟气进入人体,威胁人体健康[3],因此如何降低烟草吸收Cd是烟草行业亟需解决的问题. 阻控烟草吸收Cd已有不少研究,如李晓锋等[4]发现, 生物有机类钝化剂提高烟草生物量且降低Cd吸收最显著;杜甫等[5]利用新型丙烯酰胺/羧甲基纤维素/生物炭复合水凝胶,提高了烟草在Cd胁迫下的耐受性;吕怡颖等[6]发现镉浓度50—200 μmol·L−1对烟苗生长发育具有显著抑制作用,外源褪黑素(一种小分子吲哚胺类)可显著缓解烟草镉毒害. 但相关研究尚未得到广泛应用,有可能是成本较高或对土壤存在二次污染[7];与此同时,土壤微生物阻控植物吸收重金属已卓有成效[8].本研究以曾应用于氨基酸、有机酸发酵工业的石蜡(食品级,碳原子13—18)[9]作为土壤微生物生长碳源,以期在氨基酸废母液粉作为氮肥的基础上,通过配施石蜡,促进石蜡降解菌群增加,全面提高土壤微生物种群数量,利用土壤微生物对镉离子的络合、螯合、沉淀等作用[10],降低Cd的迁移能力和有效态Cd含量,从而减少烟草对镉的吸收,为轻度镉污染土壤种植合格烟叶提供新的栽培技术.1 材料与方法(Materials and methods)1.1 实验材料实验于2022年11月22日在湖北大学生命科学学院全智能温室开展,供试烟草品种为云烟87,土壤取自黄石市矿区,其中含镉0.678 mg·kg−1,pH为5.15.1.2 实验设计施肥量纯氮97.5 kg·hm−2,m(N)∶m(P2O5)∶m(K2O)=1∶1∶1.5,移栽前一个月将肥料与土混合均匀,于2022年11月22日移栽烟苗至塑料盘内,塑料盘尺寸为32 cm×30 cm(直径×高). 实验设置4个处理,如表1所示其具体施肥方案:T1(只添加烟草专用肥)、T2(添加烟草专用肥+石蜡)、T3(只添加氨基酸废母液)、T4(添加氨基酸废母液+石蜡). 其中,石蜡采购自荆门市维佳实业有限公司,维佳58#食品级石蜡;氨基酸废母液粉为实验室自主研发的有机肥料,含氮≥14%;烟草专用肥购自烟台云天化肥公司,货号复合肥料(硫酸钾型/含硝态氮),含氮≥24%. 按比例配施磷钾肥,充分粉碎,在移栽前30天和移栽后45 d分两次施入土壤. 每个处理9株烟苗作为重复,遵循完全随机原则,其他所有处理栽培条件按照优质烟草生产方式进行.表 1 具体施肥方案Table 1 The specific fertilization scheme处理Treatment烟草专用肥Tobacco special fertilizer氨基酸废母液粉Amino acid mother liquor powder石蜡Paraffin waxT1406.2 kg·hm−2——T2406.2 kg·hm−2—300 kg·hm−2 T3—696.45 kg·hm−2—T4—696.45 kg·hm−2300 kg·hm−21.3 样品采集1.3.1 土壤样品采集烟苗移栽后45 d、75 d、105 d利用“S”形5点取样法采集根际土壤样品,近烟株根部10 cm、直径3 cm、深度12 cm的根际土壤样品,重复3次. 取移栽后75 d的根际土壤样品100 g装入无菌袋中迅速放入干冰盒中,-80℃保存,待测根际土壤微生物;其他样品风干粉碎后过200目筛,遵循土壤检测标准进行制备[11],待测土壤pH值、土壤有效态Cd含量.1.3.2 烟叶及烟株根茎样品采集烟苗移栽后45 d、75 d、105 d采集烟叶样品,其中移栽后45 d取第6叶位;移栽后75 d取上部叶(第4、5叶位)、中部叶(第10、11叶位)、下部叶(第15、16叶位);待烟叶均匀落黄后,移栽后105 d同移栽后75 d取样,叶位均为从上往下数,取样时随机选取一株两片烟叶样品混合为1个生物学重复,重复3次. 烟叶用蒸馏水洗净、擦干,105 ℃杀青30 min,65 ℃烘干至恒重,剔去主脉,剩余叶片粉碎后过200目筛,待测烟叶Cd含量. 烟叶全部采摘后,取烟株茎部上中下3个部位混合为一个生物学重复,重复3次,蒸馏水洗净擦干,烘干至恒重,粉碎后过200目筛,待测茎部镉含量;取烟株根部须根,每3株作为一个生物学重复,重复3次,蒸馏水洗净擦干,烘干至恒重,粉碎后过200目筛,待测根部Cd含量.1.4 测定项目与方法1.4.1 根际土壤微生物的测定采集好的根际土壤样品委托上海美吉生物科技股份有限公司进行微生物测序,其中,对细菌的16rRNA的V3-V4区进行PCR扩增,具体引物序列见表2,采用Vsearch[12]方法对序列进行处理,从而对样本中的所包含的高质量系列进行统计. 通过稀疏的方法对OTU丰度进行抽样[13],获得每个样本中的微生物群落各分类水平的具体组成数据.表 2 土壤微生物实时定量 PCR 分析基因及引物Table 2 Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of genes and primers by soil microorganisms区域Region引物名称Primer name引物序列(5’-3’)Primer sequences (5'-3')V3+V4341F CCTAYGGGRBGCASCAG 806R GGACTACNNGGGTATCTAAT1.4.2 根际土壤pH值测定参照《中华人民共和国国家环境保护标准(土壤 pH 值的测定电位法)》 (HJ 962—2018)[14]中土壤pH值测定方法,土水比为1:2.5(m:V),200 r·min−1振荡2 min,静置30 min,pH计(德国赛多利斯Sartoriu,PB-10)测定.1.4.3 根际土壤有效态Cd含量的测定土壤有效态Cd含量测定参照《土壤质量:有效态铅和镉的测定-原子吸收法》(GB/T 23739—2009)[15]测定.4 期李云捷等:石蜡与氨基酸废母液粉配施对烟草重金属Cd吸附的阻控效应13671.4.4 烟叶及烟株茎、根部Cd含量的测定烟叶及烟株茎、根部Cd含量测定参照《食品安全国家标准:食品中镉的测定》(GB/T 17141—1997)[16]测定.1.5 数据分析采用Microsoft Excel 2019进行数据处理和作图,采用SPSS 26.0进行数据分析,采用GraphPad Prism 9作图.2 结果与讨论(Results and discussion)2.1 不同处理对植烟土壤微生物群落组成的影响2.1.1 根际土壤微生物OTU丰度和α多样性在97%相似水平条件下得到土壤微生物群落物种多样性指数如表3所示,所有处理的覆盖率均大于0.95,说明测序能力能够真实反映土壤微生物群落特征. T1、T2、T3、T4处理下土壤微生物Sobs、ACE、Chao1指数均表现为T4>T3>T2>T1,T4处理组ACE指数达到4464.47,Chao1指数达到3888.30,Shannon指数表现为T3>T4>T1>T2,T3处理组Shannon指数达到6.4066. Simpson指数表现为T2>T1>T4>T3. 由α多样性可以看出,T4处理土壤微生物丰富度最高,T3处理土壤微生物多样性最好.表 3 不同处理根际土壤微生物α多样性指数Table 3 α Diversity index of soil microorganisms with different treatments处理Treatment Sobsα多样性指数α diversity index覆盖率Coverage Shannon Simpson ACE Chao1T12643.00b 6.3583a0.0098a3851.65b3571.71a0.9548T22714.33b 6.3359a0.0099a3864.72b3638.19a0.9551T32891.33a 6.4066a0.0086b4118.76b3787.24a0.9597T42914.00a 6.3752a0.0092ab4464.47a3888.30a0.9515 注:同列不同小写字母表示组间差异达显著水平(P<0.05)水平. Note: Different lowercase letters in the same column indicate a significant difference between groups (P<0.05) level.2.1.2 不同处理对根际土壤微生物群落组成的影响图1展示了门水平上平均相对丰度前五的类群(放线菌门、绿弯菌门、变形菌门、酸杆菌门和厚壁菌门),其中放线菌门(Actinobacteriota)在各处理中均占绝对优势,其次是绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)和变形菌门(Proteobacteria). 放线菌门的相对丰度表现为T4>T2>T3>T1,其平均丰度与添加石蜡呈正相关;绿弯菌门的相对丰度表现为T3>T4>T1>T2,其平均丰度与添加氨基酸废母液粉呈正相关;变形菌门的相对丰度表现为T1>T2>T3>T4,与增施氨基酸废母液和石蜡均呈负相关.图 1 不同处理的微生物门水平上的相对丰度柱状图Fig.1 Histogram of relative abundance at the level of microbial phylums with different treatments 属分类水平上,根据所有样品的物种注释及丰度信息,选取根际土壤微生物丰度排名前20的物种,并按照其丰度信息绘制热图(图2),结果表明T1与T2、T3与T4处于同一分支,2组土壤微生物群1368环 境 化 学43 卷4 期李云捷等:石蜡与氨基酸废母液粉配施对烟草重金属Cd吸附的阻控效应1369落结构相似,说明氨基酸废母液粉是影响微生物群落结构的主要原因. 其中戈登式菌属(Gordonia)、分枝杆菌属(Mycobacterium)受是否添加石蜡影响较大,在T2和T4处理中的相对丰度较高,与其他两个处理存在极显著性差异;节杆菌属(Aothrobacter)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)受是否添加氨基酸废母液粉影响较大,在T3和T4处理中的相对丰度较高,与其他两个处理存在显著性差异;而戴氏菌属(Dyella)受烟草专用肥影响较大,在T1和T2处理中的相对丰度较高,较其他两个处理相对丰度显著升高.图 2 不同处理的微生物属水平上优势菌属的层次聚类分析热图.注:颜色变化可以反映不同处理间在属水平上群落组成的相似性和差异性;右侧图为颜色梯度代表的数值Fig.2 Hierarchical clustering analysis heat map of dominant genera at the level of microorganisms with different treatments. Note: Color variations can reflect similarities and differences in community composition at genera levels between treatments;the graph on theright shows the numerical values represented by the color gradient随着微生物种群数量的增加,微生物细胞壁、胞外物质和胞内细胞器均起到降低重金属有效态作用,减少植物吸收,从而达到生态学方向的原位钝化作用. 本研究中发现增施氨基酸废母液粉和石蜡可提高根际土壤微生物丰富度和多样性(表3),这是由于氨基酸废母液粉作为有机肥提供小分子氮源,石蜡作为烃类物质提供碳源,两者相互促进微生物的生长繁殖,这与张慧、万连杰等证明氮肥和有机肥可有效提高土壤微生物丰富度的结果一致[17 − 19],且石蜡的存在会提高分解石蜡的烃类微生物. 在属水平上,节杆菌属和芽孢杆菌已被证明对重金属有钝化作用,尤其对重金属镉[20 − 21];戈登式菌属具备生物降解烃类物质的能力[22],且戈登式菌属和分枝杆菌属细胞壁中富含霉菌酸,使得细胞表面疏水性和渗透性极差,进而阻止重金属离子的渗透,可在重金属胁迫的环境下正常生长繁殖[23]. 可见,氨基酸废母液粉和石蜡可有效提高土壤微生物丰富度和多样性,从而降低土壤中有效态Cd含量,但对于是胞外物质还是胞内细胞器或各种酶对吸附、包埋重金属起作用还有待进一步研究.2.2 不同处理对各时期根际土壤pH值和土壤有效态Cd含量不同处理对各时期土壤pH值变化如图3a所示. 在烟株的各个生育期土壤pH均表现为氨基酸废母液粉组大于烟草专用肥组,表明增施氨基酸废母液粉可提高土壤pH值,但添加石蜡对土壤pH值无显著影响,其中移栽后45 d时pH提高量最高可达0.23,移栽后75 d时pH提高量最高可达0.49,移栽后105 d时pH提高量最高可达0.35,均具有显著性差异(P<0.05),而且所有施肥处理的土壤pH值都随着烟株的生长呈先升高后降低的变化. 不同处理对各时期植烟土壤有效态镉的影响如图3b所示. 移栽后45 d土壤有效态镉含量表现为T1>T3>T2>T4,T2、T3和T4处理较T1处理显著降低了16.6%、14.8%、20.7%,其他处理间无显著性差异;移栽后75 d土壤有效态镉含量表现为T1>T2>T4>T3,T2、1370环 境 化 学43 卷T3和T4处理较T1处理显著降低了18.6%、34.5%、31.5%,T3和T4处理较T2处理显著降低了13.4%、13.5%,在数值上T4>T3,但两处理间无显著性差异;移栽后105 d土壤有效态镉含量表现T1>T2> T3>T4,T2、T3和T4处理较T1处理显著降低了20.5%、36.6%、36.7%,T3和T4处理较T2处理显著降低了13.4%、13.5%,T3和T4处理间无显著性差异.图 3 不同处理对不同时期根际土壤pH值变化(a)和土壤有效态Cd含量变化(b)注:同组不同小写字母表示组间差异达显著水平(P<0.05)水平;其中45 d、75 d、105 d表示烟苗移栽后45 d、75 d、105 dFig.3 Changes of rhizosphere soil pH value (a) and changes of soil available Cd content at different periods of treatment (b)Note: Different lowercase letters in the same group indicate that the difference between groups reaches a significant level (P<0.05) level;Among them, 45 d, 75 d and 105 d indicated that 45 d, 75 d, 105 d after transplanting tobacco seedlings,土壤pH值对土壤中镉的形态影响较大[24],Wang等[25]研究表明,土壤pH较高时,镉主要以氧化物结合态及残留态形式存在,土壤pH较低时,氧化络合物中的镉会溶解,镉离子被释放,游离镉浓度上升. 本研究中氨基酸废母液粉可有效提高土壤pH值,3个生长时期可提高0.23—0.49,这是因为,氨基酸废母液粉是本实验室自主研发的有机肥料,由动物废毛发、骨头等动物蛋白通过氢氧化钾高温水解将蛋白质水解为小分子的氨基酸,肥料整体呈碱性,其次本研究减施磷肥可有效提高土壤pH值,防止土壤酸化,与龚玲婷结果一致[26].2.3 不同处理对各时期烟株镉含量2.3.1 对移栽后45 d烟叶镉含量不同处理对移栽45 d后烟叶Cd含量变化如图4(a)所示,在数值上Cd含量表现为T1>T2> T3>T4,但并无显著性差异,较T1分别降低了0.6%、7.1%和10.2%,表明在烟草生长前期各处理间对烟草吸收Cd的阻控并无太大差异.2.3.2 对移栽后75 d烟叶镉含量不同处理对移栽后75 d烟叶的Cd含量测定结果见图4(b). 移栽后75 d时各部位烟叶Cd含量均表现为T2>T1>T3>T4. 对于烟株下部叶,T4处理烟叶Cd含量显著低于T1处理,降低了26.2%;对于烟株中部叶,T3和T4处理显著低于T1和T2处理,较T1处理分别降低了8.2%、16.2%,较T2处理降低了6.8%、14.6%,且T3和T4处理间存在显著性差异;对于烟株上部叶,T3和T4处理显著低于T1处理,较T1处理分别降低了15.6%、18.7%,其他处理间无显著性差异. 结果表明,移栽后75 d氨基酸废母液粉可有效阻控烟草吸收Cd,且石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉配施对中部叶降Cd最为显著.2.3.3 对移栽后105 d烟叶、茎和根镉含量不同处理对移栽后105 d烟叶Cd含量测定结果见图4(c). 移栽后105 d时下部叶和中部叶Cd含量均表现为T1>T2>T3>T4,其中烟株下部叶,T3和T4处理显著低于T1和T2处理,较T1处理分别降低了23.0%、27.0%,较T2处理降低了19.0%、23.7%,且T3和T4处理间存在显著性差异;对于烟株中部叶,T2、T3和T4处理显著低于T1,较T1处理分别降低了14.3%、32.5%、38.9%,较T2处理降低了16.0%、21.6%,其他处理间无显著性差异;对于烟株上部叶,Cd含量表现为T2>T1>T3>T4,其中T3和T4处理显著低于T1处理和T2处理,较T1处理分别降低了13.8%、31.4%,较T2处理降低了23.7%、18.9%,且T3和T4处理间存在显著性差异.图 4 移栽后45 d(a)、75 d(b)和105 d(c)烟叶Cd 含量变化图注:同组不同小写字母表示组间差异达显著水平(P <0.05)水平;Fig.4 Changes of Cd content of tobacco leaves at 45 d(a), 75d(b) and 105 d(c) aftertransplanting with different treatmentsNote: Different lowercase letters in the same group indicate that the difference between groups reaches a significant level (P <0.05) level 不同处理对移栽后105 d 烟株茎部Cd 含量测定结果见图5(a ),茎部Cd 含量表现为T1>T2>T3>T4,T2、T3和T4处理显著低于T1,较T1处理分别降低了30.9%、38.1%、39.4%;不同处理对移栽后105 d 烟株根系Cd 含量测定结果见图5(b ),根系镉含量表现为T1>T3>T2>T4,T2、T3和T4处理均显著降低烟株根系Cd 含量,较T1分别降低了28.5%、27.9%和31.2%,但3个处理之间无显著性差异.图 5 不同处理对移栽后105 d 烟草茎部Cd 含量变化(a )和烟草根部Cd 含量变化(b )注:同组不同小写字母表示组间差异达显著水平(P <0.05)水平Fig.5 Changes of Cd content of tobacco stems (a ) and changes of Cd content of tobacco roots (b )at 105 days aftertransplanting with different treatmentsNote: Different lowercase letters in the same group indicate that the difference between groups reaches a significant level (P <0.05) level结果表明,石蜡和氨基酸废母液配施对烟草阻控Cd 是有效地,尤其在移栽后105 d 即烟草成熟期,烟叶降低率最高可达39.0%,烟茎部降低率达到39.4%,烟根部降低率达到31.2%. 这可能是因为增施石蜡后,石蜡缓慢的被微生物分解,持续提供微生物碳源,使土壤微生物对镉离子持续吸附,从而达到降低烟叶中Cd 的效果. Cd 在烟叶中的分布呈现上部叶>中部叶>下部叶,烟茎部>烟根部,这可能是因为烟株有强的蒸腾作用,在由下而上的运输过程中镉元素逐步向烟株上部积累,这与李晓忠的研究结果一致[27].4 期李云捷等:石蜡与氨基酸废母液粉配施对烟草重金属Cd 吸附的阻控效应13713 结论(Conclusion)(1) 本研究通过增施石蜡(食品级)不仅增加了常规微生物种群数量而且新增戈登式菌属(Gordonia )微生物种群(石蜡降解专属菌群),因此与氨基酸废母液粉作为肥料配施时,为微生物吸附、结合、沉淀重金属建立生态学基础,也表明石蜡作为碳源提高土壤微生物种群数量的可行性.(2) 本研究通过配施石蜡和氨基酸废母液粉,提高土壤pH 值,改变Cd 的存在形态,降低土壤中有效态Cd 含量,从而阻控烟草对Cd 的吸收,为实现轻度镉污染土壤条件下烟草的安全种植提供新的栽培措施.参考文献(References)陈世宝, 王萌, 李杉杉, 等. 中国农田土壤重金属污染防治现状与问题思考[J ]. 地学前缘, 2019, 26(6): 35-41.CHEN S B, WANG M, LI S S, et al. Current status of and discussion on farmland heavy metal pollution prevention in China [J ]. Earth Science Frontiers, 2019, 26(6): 35-41 (in Chinese).[ 1 ]杨佳蒴. 氯化钠诱导根系木质化对烟草镉吸收的影响[D ]. 北京: 中国农业科学院, 2020.YANG J S. Effects of the sodium chloride induced root lignification on cadmium accumulation by tobacco [D ]. Beijing: Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2020 (in Chinese).[ 2 ]SIEMIANOWSKI O, BARABASZ A, KENDZIOREK M, et al. 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ShortcommunicationNitrogen standing stock in Phragmites australis growing in constructed wetlands —Do we evaluate it correctly?Tereza B r ezinová,Jan Vymazal *Czech University of Life Sciences Prague,Faculty of Environmental Sciences,Department of Applied Ecology,Kamýcká129,16521Praha 6,Czech RepublicA R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 1July 2014Received in revised form 29September 2014Accepted 6October 2014Available online 29October 2014Keywords:Nitrogen BiomassMacrophytesConstructed wetlands Phragmites australis Standing stockA B S T R A C TIt is quite obvious that nutrient standing stocks in live biomass depend on both nutrient concentrations in the plant tissue as well as on the amount of live plant biomass.While determination of plant biomass is usually easy through harvesting of de fined area of vegetation,determination of nitrogen concentration of the biomass is complicated by the fact that the concentration varies widely in various plant tissues and also in relation to position on the shoot.During 2013,three constructed wetlands and five natural stands were surveyed in order to evaluate biomass of plant tissues (leaves,stems and flowers)and nitrogen concentrations in these tissues in relation to their position on the shoot.Our study clearly indicated that most biomass weight is formed by lower parts of the stems (33%)followed by middle stem parts (19%)and leaves from the upper part of the shoot (18.8%).The nitrogen standing stock exhibited the opposite pattern with the highest values found in the upper leaves (38%)and the lowest in the stem bottom (3.7%).Therefore,in order to correctly evaluate nitrogen standing stock in the aboveground biomass,it is necessary to analyse separately leaves,stems and flowers and in case of stems and leaves it is necessary to analyse all the biomass from the shoot.The use of only certain parts of the shoots may cause substantial over-or under-estimation of nitrogen standing stock.ã2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionLambers et al.(1998)pointed out that plant tissues differ predictably in nutrient concentrations with leaves having higher concentrations of nutrients associated with metabolism such as nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium.Nutrient concentrations change also predictably with plant development-nutrients associ-ated with metabolisms have highest concentrations when a leaf or other organ is first produced,then decline as the concentration becomes diluted by increasing quantities of cell-wall material during leaf expansion (Lambers et al.,1998;Hopkins,1999).This phenomenon was described quite often in the literature (e.g.Boyd,1970;Dykyjová,1973;Mason and Bryant,1975;Dykyjováand Hradecká,1976;Behrends et al.,1994).Total storage of the element in a particular plant compartment is called standing stock.Nutrient standing stocks in the vegetation are commonly calculated by multiplying nutrient concentrations in the plant tissue by biomass per unit area and are expressed as mass per unit area (usually g m À2or kg ha À1)(Mason and Bryant,1975;Johnston,1991;Richardson and Vymazal,2001).It is quiteobvious that nutrient standing stocks in live biomass depend on both nutrient concentrations in the plant tissue as well as on the amount of live plant biomass.However,the major factor in fluencing the nutrient standing stock is the biomass as it changes during the season more than do nutrient concentrations in the plant tissues (Garver et al.,1988;Okurut,2001;Vymazal and Kröpfelová,2008).In general,the method for determination of standing stock is always the same.It is based on the dry biomass per unit area and concentration of the element (in this case nitrogen)in the biomass.The biomass determination is relatively easy,especially for destruction methods when given area,usually 0.25m 2for homogenous stands (Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg,1974)is harvested,dried to a constant weight and weighed (Milner and Hughes,1968;Westlake,1969).If we do not separate leaves and stems and keep the biomass as one “unit ”,then we have to determine an average concentration for the whole plant and that is a problem because the dry mass of a mature P.australis shoot could exceed 30g (e.g.,Hocking,1989a;Lippert et al.,1999)and for the analysis usually only about 0.2–1.0g is used.This fact,indeed,may result in a bit incorrect result depending whether the analysed subsample contains more stem or leaf biomass as leaves commonly contain about 2–3higher nitrogen concentrations (e.g.Ho,1981;Hocking,1989b ).The potential incorrectness can be*Corresponding author.Tel.:+420224383825.E-mail address:vymazal@ (J.Vymazal)./10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.10.0170925-8574/ã2014Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Ecological Engineering 74(2015)286–289Contents lists available at ScienceDirectEcological Engineeringj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m/l o c a t e /e c o l e ngminimized by increasing the number of subsamples.More correct way is to split the biomass into leaves and stems to obtain dry mass of both plant parts and then determine the element(nitrogen) concentration in both samples separately.Standing stocks in both parts(leaves and stems)would combine for a total standing stock in the aboveground biomass.Another important fact which is sometimes neglected is the selection of tissues used for the analysis and the position of the particular tissue within the shoot to determine nutrient concen-tration in the aboveground biomass.There is a gradient in concentrations of nitrogen in both stems and leaves from the bottom to the top of Phragmites shoot with the highest concen-trations being recorded in the top part of the shoot(Dykyjová, 1973;Hocking,1989b).The objectives of this study is to show(1)how nitrogen concentrations and biomass differ within the shoots of P.australis growing in constructed wetlands as well as in natural stands and (2)how important is a proper determination of nitrogen concentration in the biomass of P.australis for nitrogen standing stock evaluation.2.Materials and methodsThe study was carried out in thefirst week in September in 2013at three constructed wetlands in the Czech Republic.The constructed wetlands Mo r ina,Slavošovice and Zbenice have been in operation for12,12and16years,respectively,with a dense stands of Phragmites australis.At CW Zbenice,both inflow and outflow zones were sampled separately so four samples were taken into consideration from constructed wetlands.For compari-son,alsofive natural stands were sampled as well.Natural stands included littoral zones and areas above the water level at two fishponds near Prague and one natural stand in a wet drainage channel.At each surveyed site,fifteen Phragmites shoots were clipped at the ground level and split into three sub-samples withfive shoots for evaluation of dry matter.All the shoots were divided into thirds and divided into leaves including the sheaths(L),stems(S)and flowers(F).The lower parts were labelled S1/3and L1/3,middle parts S2/3and L2/3and upper parts of the shoots were labelled S3/ 3and L3/3.The samples were dried in the oven at60 C to a constant weight.In order to eliminate the difference in a total weight of shoots from various locations,dry matter of particular plant parts was expressed as percentage of total shoot dry matter.Dry biomass was then ground and triplicate samples were analysed for nitrogen with a Skalar Primacs SNC analyser(Skalar, Breda,The Netherlands).The average N concentration in leaves was calculated according to the formula:C leaves¼ðDML1=3ÂC L2=3ÞþðDML2=3ÂC L2=3ÞþðDML3=3ÂCL3=3ÞðDML1=3þDML2=3þDML3=3Þwhere DM=dry matter of the leaves in particular shoot parts(g). C=concentration of nitrogen in leaves in particular shoot parts(% DM).The average nitrogen concentration in the stem was calculated according to the same formula using the DM and concentration values determined for particular stem parts.The average nitrogen concentration in the aboveground biomass was calculated according to the formula:C total¼ðDM leavesÂC leavesÞþðDM stemsÂC stemsÞþðDM flowersÂC flowersÞðDM leavesþDM leavesþDM flowersÞwhere DM values represent a total biomass of leaves,stems and flowers and C represent average concentrations in these respective compartments.Significant differences were determined at the P<0.05by paired Student’s t-tests and analysis of variance(ANOVA).3.Results and discussion3.1.BiomassDistribution of biomass within the Phragmites shoots is shown in Fig.1.There was no significant difference in constructed wetlands and natural stands(results not shown)and,therefore,the results were combined.The results indicate that stems form58%of the total biomass weight while leaves contribute only34%with remaining8%formed by inflorescence(flowers).While stem biomass decreases in the direction from the bottom to the top,leaf biomass follows the opposite direction with highest leaf biomass in the upper third.The highest portion of the biomass(33.3%)was found in the bottom part of the stems followed by stem middle parts(19%)and leaves from the upper parts of the shoots(18.8%) (Fig.1).The lowest biomass was recorded for leaves from the bottom part of the shoots(3.8%).This biomass compartment was mostly formed by leaf sheaths only.3.2.ConcentrationsIn Fig.2,nitrogen concentrations in bottom,middle and upper parts of the shoots and average concentrations in leaves,stems and flowers are shown.As for biomass,results from constructed wetlands and natural stands were combined as there was no statistical difference between concentrations in both types of locations.Nitrogen concentrations in the stems are significantly lower than those in the leaves and the concentration increases in both stems and leaves in the direction from the bottom to the tops of the shoots.Hocking(1989b)reported the similar pattern for P. australis growing in nutrient-enriched stand in Australia.The nitrogen concentrations in the bottom,middle and top parts of the shoots increased from0.29to0.45and0.83%DM in stems and from 1.34to2.19and2.6%DM in the leaves,respectively.Dykyjováparison of biomass(as percentage of the total shoot biomass)of various parts of Phragmites shoots at nine locations–four in constructed wetlands andfive natural stands.Different letters indicate significant difference at a=0.05between the means.T.B r ezinová,J.Vymazal/Ecological Engineering74(2015)286–289287(1973)reported that nitrogen concentration increased from about 2%DM in leaves growing between 80and 120cm above the ground to nearly 3%DM in the leaves growing in the section 280–320cm above the ground in the mature P.australis stand in the fishpond littoral in Czech Republic.Our results indicate that the average leaf nitrogen concentra-tion (1.59%DM)is more than three times higher than that in the stems (0.47%)and that the highest nitrogen concentration was found in the flowers (2.12%DM)(Fig.2).Therefore,it is very important which part of the shoot is analysed in order to obtain nitrogen concentrations necessary for standing stock calculation.3.3.Standing stockIn Fig.3,nitrogen standing stock distribution in P.australis shoots is presented.The nitrogen standing stock decreases from the bottom part to the top part for stems while for leaves the opposite trend has been recorded.Also,Dykyjová(1973)found the highest nitrogen standing stock in the upper leaf compartment (8.2g m À2)followed by bottom stem compartment (5.9g N m À2).The results of our study indicate that the highest standing stock is found in upper leaves (38%),followed by lower stems (16.7%),middle part leaves (16.5%)and flowers (12%).The lowest amount of nitrogen is sequestered in the upper part of stems (3.7%)and lower part leaves (3.9%).The results also revealed that flowers sequester substantial amount of nitrogen and flowers should not be omitted when standing stock is calculated (Fig.3).In Fig.4,distribution of biomass and standing stock among leaves,stems and flowers is shown.While most biomass is located in stems (58%),followed by leaves (34%)and flowers (8%),most nitrogen is sequestered in the leaves (58%),than in stems (30%)and flowers (12%).The results presented in previous sections clearly indicate that in order to determine properly nitrogen standing stock in the aboveground biomass,it is necessary to analyse separately leaves and stems.Indeed,it is dif ficult to divide stems and leaves into several fractions during routine analyses because of very high number of samples (and consequently costs)but all the leaves and the whole stem must be taken into the analysis.It is not possible to focus only on certain parts of the shoot such as upper leaves.When we looked at some “Methods ”sections of papers dealing with nutrient concentrations in wetland plants,descriptions of plant biomass taken for the analyses include,for example,“mature leaves were picked randomly from the culm ”or “leaf and stem samples were prepared by considering the upper leaves and the whole stem ”or “five leaves from the top of the shoot were taken for analysis ”.The average total aboveground P.australis biomass in our nine sampling sites was 3920g DM m Àing the average nitrogen concentration of 0.98%DM (Fig.2)obtained from the measure-ment of three leaf and three stem compartments,the nitrogen standing stock was 34.8g N m À2.However,when using the average leaf concentration of 1.59%DM,the standing stock would amount to 62.3g N m À2.When nitrogen concentration in top leaves would be used,the standing stock will climb to as much as 73.7g N m À2.On the other hand,the average nitrogen concentration determined in stems (0.47%DM)will results in standing stock of only 18.4g N m À2.These numbers were elaborated during our study on Phragmites australis but we believe the approach is applicable to most wetlands plants with distinct stems and leaves.The results of this study indicate that in order to correctly evaluate nitrogen standing stock in the aboveground biomass,it is necessary to analyse separately leaves,stems and flowers and in case of stems and leaves it is necessary to analyse all the biomass from the shoot.This way is much more accurate than the evaluation of the “average ”shoot concentration from a sample containing mixture of stems,leaves and flowers because it is nearly impossible to prepare a sample for analysis which would contain biomass of individual plant tissues proportionally to theirbiomass.Fig.2.Nitrogen concentration in various parts of the Phragmites shoots and theaverage nitrogen concentrations in leaves,stems and flowers.Different letters indicate signi ficant difference at a =0.05between themeans.Fig.3.Distribution of nitrogen standing stock in Phragmites shoots in surveyed locations.Different letters indicate signi ficant difference at a =0.05between themeans.Fig.4.Distribution of biomass and nitrogen standing stock among stems,leaves and flowers in Phragmites australis .288T.B r ezinová,J.Vymazal /Ecological Engineering 74(2015)286–2894.Conclusions1.)Concentration of nitrogen varies widely among stems,leavesandflowers of Phragmites australis and also in relation to the position of the tissue within the shoot.2.)There is a gradient in concentrations of nitrogen in both stemsand leaves from the bottom to the top of Phragmites shoot. 3.)The lowest nitrogen concentrations were found in the bottomparts of stems while the highest nitrogen concentrations were found in leaves in the top parts of the shoot andflowers. 4.)While most biomass is located in stems(58%),followed byleaves(34%)andflowers(8%),most nitrogen is sequestered in the leaves(58%),than in stems(30%)andflowers(12%). 5.)When evaluating nitrogen standing stock in P.australis biomassit is useful to determine biomass of leaves and stems and nitrogen concentrations in leaves and stems separately and combine the results for afinal standing stock.6.)Using only top leaves to determine nitrogen concentration inthe shoot and subsequently standing stock will result in standing stock overestimation.AcknowledgementThe study was funded by grant No.LH13004“Effect of Flooding on Sequestration of Carbon and Nutrients in Wetland Soils”from the Ministry of Education,Youth and Sorts of the Czech Republic. 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