Varactor SPICE Models for RF VCO ApplicationsAPN1004Varactor Equivalent Circuit Model DefinitionsA simplified equivalent circuit of varactor is shown in Figure 1.This varactor model is useful for RF VCO applications although it neglects some parasitic components often needed for higher frequency microwave applications, such as the distributed line package model and some capacitance due to ground proximity.For most RF VCO applications, to about 2.5 GHz, these parasiticcomponents would not be important unless higher harmonics generated by the varactor affects performance of the VCO.In this case, a more detailed equivalent circuit model is needed.The technique used should be based on the varactor model extraction procedure from S-parameter data.A SPICE model, defined for the Libra IV environment, is shown in Figure 2, with the description of the parameters employed.It neglects the package capacitance, C P , its typical 0.10 pF value is absorbed within the junction capacitance C V .Application NoteParallel CapacitanceFigure 1.Simplified Equivalent Circuit of VaractorFigure 2.Libra IV SPICE ModelParameterDescriptionUnit Default IS Saturation current (with N, determine the DC characteristics of the diode)A 1e-14R S Series resistanceΩ0N Emission coefficient (with IS, determines the DC characteristics of the diode)-1TT Transit timeS 0C JO Zero-bias junction capacitance (with V J and M define nonlinear junction capacitance of the diode)F 0V J Junction potential (with V J and M define nonlinear junction capacitance of the diode)V 1M Grading coefficient (with V J and M define nonlinear junction capacitance of the diode)-0.5E G Energy gap (with XTI, helps define the dependence of IS on temperature)EV 1.11XTI Saturation current temperature exponent (with E G , helps define the dependence of IS on temperature)-3KF Flicker noise coefficient -0AF Flicker noise exponent-1FC Forward-bias depletion capacitance coefficient -0.5B V Reverse breakdown voltageV Infinity I BV Current at reverse breakdown voltage A 1e-3ISR Recombination current parameter A 0NR Emission coefficient for ISR -2IKF High-injection knee current A Infinity NBV Reverse breakdown ideality factor -1IBVL Low-level reverse breakdown knee current A 0NBVL Low-level reverse breakdown ideality factor-1T NOM Nominal ambient temperature at which these model parameters were derived °C 27FFEFlicker noise frequency exponent-1Table 1.SPICE Model ParametersT able 1 describes the model parameters.It shows default values appropriate for silicon varactor diodes, which may be used by the Libra IV simulator unless others are specifically defined.The effect of the diode junction is ignored in this model.This simplification ignores the rectifying effect of diode during a positive voltage swing.However, for most RF VCO applications, the lowest practical DC control voltage value is 0.5 V and the magnitude of RF voltage rarely exceeds 0.2 V peak.Therefore, the varactor is maintained in its reverse bias state.However, in a large signal application where it is necessary to consider the diode’s rectifying properties, it may be done by entering the additional diode parameters in the SPICE model defined for the LIBRA IV environment.According to the SPICE model in T able 1, the varactor capacitance, C V , is a function of the applied reverse DC voltage, V R , and may be expressed as follows:C V =+ C P1 +C JOMV R V J()This equation is a mathematical simulation of the capacitance characteristic.The model is accurate for abrupt junction varactors (SMV1400 Series);for hyperabrupt junction varactors the model is less accurate but very reliable.The form is similar to the traditional varactor equation but uses values for V J , M and C P , that were extracted individually from measured C V (V R ) data for each varactor part number.Series resistance, R S , is a function of applied voltage and operating frequency and may be considered constant.The value used should be taken from the specified maximum value or derived from its Q specification.Series inductance, L S , is also considered constant at a value of 1.7 nH.This incorporates the 1.5 nH package inductance with some insertion inductance typical for PC boards in RF wireless applications.Table 2 gives values for Alpha’s plastic packaged varactors that may be used for SPICE model simulation equation.It may be employed for each varactor junction in the SOD-323 and SOT-23 package.It also gives calculated values for the capacitance ratio between 0.5–2.5 V for each diode that is a typical voltage range for battery operated wireless VCO circuits.Note:The values listed for V J, M and C P in the table were empirically determined and do not represent the precise physical or electronic properties of the semiconductor or the package.C JO V J C P R S L SPart Number(pF)(V)M(pF)(Ω)(nH)C0.5/C2.5 SMV112723.9 2.2100.5 1.7 1.68 SMV112927.5 2.8 1.100.4 1.7 1.73 SMV11398 1.20.6500.6 1.7 1.68 SMV114070.44 3.5 1.400.3 1.7 1.68 SMV11417.32 2.2100.7 1.7 1.66 SMV114213.38 2.2100.7 1.7 1.67 SMV114318.99 2.2100.65 1.7 1.67 SMV114424.01 2.2100.65 1.7 1.67 SMV114541.8 2.5 1.100.6 1.7 1.68 SMV114661.13 2.5 1.100.6 1.7 1.68 SMV114789.52 2.5 1.100.55 1.7 1.68 SMV1148104.7 2.25 1.100.5 1.7 1.7 SMV117513.433 1.150 1.0 1.7 1.68 SMV120626.114 1.450.30.7 1.7 1.69 SMV120759.4 6.5 2.320.4 1.7 1.73 SMV121272.4711067 4.50.45 1.7 2.82 SMV121328.9190105 2.20.8 1.7 2.53 SMV121422.74190106 1.50.7 1.7 2.60 SMV121514.36190115 1.1 1.0 1.7 2.73 SMV122325.1910045 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.10 SMV122425.1910045 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.10 SMV122517.4611047 1.6 1.8 1.7 2.05 SMV122752.465 1.800.55 1.7 1.75 SMV1228130.15 1.800.32 1.7 1.75 SMV1229271.725 1.800.25 1.7 1.75 SMV1232 4.2 1.70.90 1.5 1.7 1.87 SMV1233 4.12 1.2 1.7 1.71 SMV12348.75 2.3 1.1 1.20.8 1.7 1.82 SMV123516.138420.6 1.7 1.84 SMV123621.638 4.2 3.20.5 1.7 1.86 SMV123766.1610 5.390.13 1.7 2.05 SMV1245 6.9 3.5 1.70.472 1.7 1.82 SMV12479.221001000.552 1.7 2.15 SMV124821.541310.50 1.8 1.7 6.2 SMV12493917140 1.5 1.7 6.75 SMV12504717140 1.5 1.7 5.41 SMV12516017140 1.3 1.7 5.86Table 2.Plastic Packaged Varactor Values for SPICE Model Simulation EquationC JO V J C P R S L S Part Number (pF)(V)M (pF)(Ω)(nH)C0.5/C2.5SMV12537017140 1.2 1.7 5.88SMV125582171401 1.7 4.42SMV129913.73190110 1.1 2.5 1.7 2.61SMV1405 2.920.680.410.050.8 1.7 1.41SMV1408 1.7 1.5SMV1409 1.7 1.51SMV1410 5.540.80.450.130.45 1.7 1.52SMV14117.5750.80.450.130.40 1.7 1.52SMV14139.20.790.450.130.35 1.7 1.52SMV141411.20.780.460.130.3 1.7 1.54SMV141512.80.780.460.130.27 1.7 1.55SMV141616.040.840.480.130.24 1.7 1.54SMV141719.20.840.480.130.221.7 1.54SMV141921.40.870.540.130.2 1.7 1.61SMV142030.20.80.470.130.19 1.71.59SMV142136.10.80.470.130.18 1.7 1.57SMV1493290.630.4700.25 1.7 1.63SMV20227.0872.30.4 2.1 1.7 1.65SMV202325.792501102. 3shows the SPICE model calculated capacitance Alpha abrupt junction varactor SMV1493-011 with measured capacitance values.Figure 4 shows the SPICE model calculated capacitance for Alpha hyperabrupt junction varactor SMV1235-011 with measured capacitance values.24681012Varactor VoltageC a p a c i t a n c e (p F )05101520Table 2.Plastic Packaged Varactor Values for SPICE Model Simulation Equation (Continued)Figure 4.SMV1235 7.575/(1-V V /0.8)^0.45专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养易迪拓培训网址:A D S视 频 培 训 课 程 推 荐ADS–Advanced Design System是由原美国安捷伦科技(现更名为是德科技)推出的微波射频电路、通信系统和MMIC/RFIC仿真设计软件,其功能强大、应用广泛,被国内高校、科研院所和大型科技公司使用广为使用。
VCC = full operating range, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
Voltage Current
Figure 1.
TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)
15 VCC 14 NC 13 STROBE 12 NC
10 NC
Figure 3. RW-16 Pin Configuration
TOP VIEW (Not to Scale)
Figure 4. RM-8 Pin Configuration
应用范围●DC-DC隔离变换器功能描述SCM1212A 是一款集成了功率MOS 对管的推挽电源的控制器。
该芯片可在4.5V 低输入电压下可正常工作,40V 高输入电压的冲击下也不会损坏。
内部功率MOS 管的驱动对称程度高,从而减小推挽拓扑的偏磁程度。
该芯片还集成了三项提高可靠性的关键技术,第一是软启动功能,避免开机时大电流的冲击而损坏器件,并且保证在CC 负载模式下带满载正常启动;第二是集成了输出短路保护,该保护一致性好,不受电源加工时参数偏差的影响,也不受高低温测试条件的影响;第三是过温保护,超出规定的温度范围时,芯片自动进入休眠状态,若温度再次降低到设定值时可自动恢复。
典型应用电路功能曲线●4.5~8V 宽输入电压范围●内置功率MOS 对管●MOS 驱动高度对称●内置软启动●输出短路保护●过温保护●提供配套的变压器(推荐使用我司TTB05xx-1T 系列)●●产品可选封装:SOT23-5丝印详细信息请见“订购信息”特点封装SCM1212A 推挽驱动芯片目录引脚封装内部框图引脚描述名称I/O描述VIN P芯片电源端口VD1O内置功率LDMOS管的漏级,以准互补的方式(即两个驱动之间存在较小的死区时间)推挽驱动变压器绕组。
在刚启动或者检测到LDMOS管的漏级电压大于V TH_OSP时芯片变为软驱动,即限定LDMOS管的饱和电流。
若持续检测到LDMOS管的导通电压大于V TH_OSP,则芯片进入休眠状态,休息时间为T SLEEP,休息结束后再次重启。
GND I1首页 (1)1.1特点及封装 (1)1.2应用范围 (1)1.3功能描述 (1)1.4典型应用电路及其功能曲线 (1)2引脚封装及描述 (2)3IC相关参数 (3)3.1极限额定值 (3)3.2推荐工作参数 (3)3.3热阻信息 (3)3.4电学特性 (3)3.5开关特性 (4)4特征曲线 (4)4.1典型曲线 (4)4.2参数测量信息 (5)5特点描述 (6)6产品工作模式 (6)7拓展输出设计 (8)8应用电路 (8)9电源使用建议 (8)10订购、封装及包装 (9)下列数据是在自然通风,正常工作温度范围内测得(除非另有说明)。
DC POWER at Pin 3
θ jc °C/W 115 105 115 100 120 120 140 110 100 110 95 85 125
(see RF/IF Designer Handbook)
2000 — 11.0 10.5 — 11.0 11.0 — — 10.0** 10.0** — 6.5** —
note 5 note 1 Typ. Output Input (1 dB (no Comp.) damage) MIN. 13.0 8.5 8.0 7.0 9.0 8.5 19.0 12.5 7.5 7.5 7.0 5.5 9.0 +1.5 +4.5 +10.0 +12.5 +2.0 +5.5 +12.5 +1.5 +4.5 +10.0 +11.5 +18.0 +17.5 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +13 +20 +13
cb cb cb cb
3.0 +14.5 5.0 +19.0 3.3 +27.0 5.5 +14.0 6.5 +17.0 6.0 +23.0 7.0 +24.5 6.5 +29.0 3.6 +30.0
WW107 cb WW107 cb WW107 cb RRR137 cb ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱRR137 cb RRR137 cb RRR137 cb RRR137 cb RRR137 cb
2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS21370C_CN 第3 页
防误动作 PB RST 输入引脚忽略长度小于 1 毫秒的输入脉冲 , 设计成只识别长度大于等于 20 毫秒的脉冲。
4: 由设计保证。
DS21370C_CN 第2 页
2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
+4.75V +4.25V
tR +4.75V
VCC = 5V
+4.5V(5% 触发点) +4.25V(10% 触发点) VCC
4.6V(5% 触发点) 4.5V(10% 触发点)
复位输出 (高电平有效) 以下任一条件发生时,输出变成有效 (高电平):
1. 如果 VCC 电压跌落至选定的复位电压门限值以下; 2. 如果 PB RST 引脚被强制为低电平;
3. 如果 ST 引脚在选定的最小超时周期内没有被锁存; (参考 TD 引脚)
4. 初始上电时。
复位输出 (低电平有效) 以下任一条件发生时,输出变成有效 (低电平):
• 高精度电压监控电路 - 可调节 +4.5V 或 +4.75V
• 最小复位脉冲宽度 – 250 毫秒 • 无需外部元件 • 可调看门狗 (Watchdog)定时
SMC 延时阀VR2110 说明书
延时阀 VR2110页码 1. 安全注意事项 1~82. 用途 93. 规格 94. 型号表示方法 95. 动作样式 106. 特性 10~117. 外形尺寸图 12安全注意事项此处所示的注意事项是为了确保您能够安全正确的使用本产品,预先防止对您和他人造成危害和损伤而制定的。
不论哪种都是与安全相关的重要内容,故在遵守国际规格(ISO/IEC)、日本工业规格(JIS)※1)以及其他安全规则※2)的同时,也必须遵守此项内容。*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules relating to systemsIEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery -- Electrical equipment of machines (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1992: Manipulating industrial robots -- SafetyJIS B 8370: 空气压系统通则JIS B 8361: 油压系统统则JIS B 9960-1: 机械类的安全性、机械的电气装置(第1部:一般要求事项)JIS B 8433-1993: 产业用操作机器人-安全性等*2) 劳动安全卫生法等注意 误操作时,可能会使人受伤,或使物品发生破损。
警告 误操作时,可能会使人死亡或者受重伤。
危险 紧急危险的情况,若不回避将会造成死亡或重伤的可能。
模拟输入 AIN0-AIN7 AINCOM 模拟输入范
全输入电压范围 差分输入阻抗
输入电流 带宽
快速沉积滤波器 Sinc2滤波器 Sinc2滤波器
可编程增益放大器 输入电容 输入漏电流 熔断电流
偏移DAC 偏移DAC范围 偏移DAC单调性 偏移DAC增益偏差 偏移DAC增益偏差漂移
缓冲区关闭 缓冲区打开 IN+ - IN- 看图4 缓冲区关闭 缓冲区打开
内部 MOVX 静态随机存储器 字节 1024
外部可存取存储器 字节数
程序 64K 数据 64K
程序 64K 数据 64K
程序 64K 数据 64K
程序 64K 数据 64K
注释 1 所有器件的外围特性相同 仅闪存容量不同 2 类型号的最后一位数字代表片内闪存容量 的大小= 2N KB
DC下 fCM = 60Hz, fDATA = 10Hz fCM = 50Hz, fDATA = 50Hz fCM = 60Hz, fDATA = 60Hz fSIG = 50Hz, fDATA = 50Hz fSIG = 60Hz, fDATA = 60Hz
DC下 dB =–20log( VOUT/ VDD)
5/PGA 0.5
0.469 • fDATA 0.318 • fDATA 0.262 • fDATA
9 0.5 +6
为了让公司新进人员及经销商伙伴们对交换式电源供应器有基本的了解,明纬特别出版了 这本『交换式电源供应器技术手册』 。这是我们编辑小组以明纬 22 年来从事设计、生产、 销售交换式电源供应器的经验为基础,结合教科书及安规文件而编辑出之成果。 此手册包含电源供应器简介、规格解释、安规、 用注意事项、常见技术问题 EMC 及 CE 简介、信赖度、电源供应器使
Q&A 、及简易故障排除等主题。内容着重于事实的描述而非理
论的推导,非常适合无电源供应器技术背景的从业人员研读,读者必可在短时间内对交换 式电源供应器及相关规格、应用、安规有概略性的认识。 本手册缘起于 1996 年 2 月发行之『交换式电源供应器使用手册』 ,历经多次修订再版。而 本版主要加强了图、表的辅助说明,让非技术背景的读者更容易接纳此手册的内容。另外 针对安规及 EMC 的部分也参考最新规范予以修订,整理出更完整的内容以利读者的了解。 最后感谢编辑小组各成员不吝分享自己在技术、研发、工程、品保、维修、安规及 予包涵并能不吝指教提供您宝贵的意见,让本手册下一版的内容更加完整、更有价值。 EMC 等
明纬企业股份有限公司 总经理 林国栋
2003 年 9 月 02 日
第一章 电源供应器简介 1.1 线性式电源供应器简介 ---------------------------------------1.2 交换式电源供应器简介 ---------------------------------------1.3 交换式电源与线性式电源之比较 -------------------------------1.4 交换式电源用途 ---------------------------------------------1.5 交换式电源供应器线路原理 -----------------------------------1.6 交换式电源线路比较与应用 -----------------------------------1.7 交换式电源实例说明 ------------------------------------------第二章 交换式电源供应器规格解释 2.1 输入电压 / 频率 ----------------------------------------------2.2 输入电流 / 功率因素 ------------------------------------------2.3 突入电流 ---------------------------------------------------2.4 输入电源调节率 ---------------------------------------------2.5 漏电流 -----------------------------------------------------2.6 输出电压与误差范围、可调范围 -------------------------------2.7 最大输出电流 / 功率 ------------------------------------------2.8 涟波噪声 ---------------------------------------------------2.9 负载调节率 -------------------------------------------------2.10 交越调节率 -------------------------------------------------2.11 效率 -------------------------------------------------------2.12 起动、上升、保持时间 ---------------------------------------2.13 温度系数 ---------------------------------------------------2.14 过电流 / 过负载保护 ------------------------------------------2.15 过电压保护 -------------------------------------------------2.16 过温度保护 -------------------------------------------------2.17 振动测试 ---------------------------------------------------2.18 耐压测试 ---------------------------------------------------2.19 绝缘阻抗 ---------------------------------------------------2.20 电源正常、关闭监测讯号 -------------------------------------第三章 安规介绍 3.1 安规简介 ---------------------------------------------------3.2 法规介绍 ---------------------------------------------------3.3 本公司常用安规标志及符号介绍 -------------------------------3.4 安规相关名词解释 --------------------------------------------3.5 安规主要测试项目 --------------------------------------------第四章 EMC 介绍 4.1 电磁相容简介 -----------------------------------------------4.2 电磁干扰相关限制及说明 -------------------------------------4.3 谐波电流干扰的定义及规范说明 -------------------------------4.4 电磁耐受说明 -----------------------------------------------4.5 EMC 规范介绍 ----------------------------------------------4.6 ITE 产品的 EMC 标准 ----------------------------------------4.7 EMC 测试:测试步骤及系统配置 ------------------------------2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-8 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-9 1-10
SoMachine Basic中文培训手册
SoMachine Basic 版本 1
2013 年 9 月
在施行本培训时,在电气控制和自动化设备的设计和安装后、使用前,必须由符 合资格的人员对应用和相关功能性安全系统执行一项启动测试,以核实设备的正 确运行。重要的是,要安排执行此项测试,并留出足够的时间以执行完全和合格 的测试。
与作业点保护相关的互锁和安全措施的协调不在本培训文档的实例和建议实施措 施范围内。
有时候可能会错误调试设备,也许会造成不满意或不安全的操作。总是使用制造 商指示作为功能性调试的指南。可以进行该类调试的人员必须熟悉设备制造商指 示以及与该电气设备一同使用的机械装置。
SoMachine Basic 版本 1
施耐德电气的教学设计小组成员具有教育学、教育课程开发的三级资格,也是经验丰富的教员。目前,该小组正在从事一系列多 语言、多软件环境的施耐德电气课程的开发和教学。
Richard Irons
符合资格的人员指的是具备电气设备的构建和操作,以及安装方面的相关技能和 知识,并已接受安全培训,能够识别并规避相关危险的人员。
SoMachine Basic 版本 1
2013 年 9 月
本培训手册 的范围
本培训手册是对授权培训的一项补充。为了正确使用软件,学员应同时参考产品 提供的文档,如帮助文件、用户指南或知识库。
SoMachine Basic
手册 第 1 次发布
Typical Ton
0.65 ms 2 ms
0.6 ms 2 ms
0.25 ms 1.0 ms
0.25 ms 0.5 ms
0.21 ms 0.5 ms
0.28 ms 0.5 ms
0.6 ms 0.8 ms
IF= 5 mA** lL=Max.
Turn off time*
Typical Toff
(Standard type)
VDE (Reinforced type)
GU (General Use) Type
RELAYS [1-Channel (Form A) Type]
8.8±0.05 .346±.002
6.4±0.05 .252±.002
For type of connection, see page 31.
*Turn on/Turn off time
Output Ton
90% 10% Toff
s For Dimensions, see Page 27. s For Schematic and Wiring Diagrams, see Page 31. s For Cautions for Use, see Page 36.
0.83 Ω 2.5 Ω
2.3 Ω 4.0 Ω
11.0 Ω 15.0 Ω
23 Ω 35 Ω
30 Ω 50 Ω
70 Ω 120 Ω
30 Ω 50 Ω
IF = 5 mA IL = Max. Within 1 s on time
最小值 典型值 最大值
type max
Vin (V)
Iout (mA)
条件 conditions
Vor Tal℃
负载 bright-ne
RL(kΩ) ss
0 -40~+80 80~120 最大
0 25±5
4.2 25±5
120 最小 min
0 -40~+80 80~120 双灯管
0 -40~+80 80~120
0-3 -40~+80
IVD1222G 宽温可调光逆变电源
Power supplies DC/AC inverters for 2 Bulb, Dimming series IVD1222G1
该 DC/AC 逆变器设计用于宽温宽范围调光的双冷阴极灯管 This DC to AC inverter unit is designed for dimming-type cold cathode lamps. The inverter can be used for lighting a wide range of double cold cathode fluorescent lamps. 一、特征 (FEATURES) 1、输出电流控制的应用避免了电压、负载及分布电容变化对输出电流稳定性的影响。 Use of output current control avoids effects resulting from input voltage, load and distributed capacitance variation. 2、典型开路电压(即初始点灯电压)为 1.8KVrms。适用于 3.8"-15"LCD 屏的宽范围应用。 This inverter unit is appropriate for use with 3.8"-15"LCDS since the typical open circuit voltage(initial lamp ignition voltage)is 1.8KVrms. 3、该逆变器设计有开路及过载保护,安全性高,EMC 特性好。 Safe design that in cloud a built-in open. Short circuit and over current protection. 4、该逆变器为桥式驱动,效率比一般 Royer 电路高出 10~30%。 It is a bridgeable.ηis high 10~30% than Royer circuit. 5、该逆变器也可用于点燃特殊的 U 型或超长冷阴极灯管。 Excellent inverter for ignition of u-shaped cold cathode fluorescent lamps.
These Hall-effect switches are monolithic integrated circuits with tighter magnetic specifications, designed to operate continuously over extended temperatures to +150°C, and are more stable with both tem-perature and supply voltage changes. The unipolar switching character-istic makes these devices ideal for use with a simple bar or rod magnet.The three basic devices (3121, 3122, and 3123) are identical except for magnetic switch points.Each device includes a voltage regulator for operation with supply voltages of 4.5 voltas to 24 volts, reverse battery protection diode,quadratic Hall-voltage generator, temperature compensation circuitry,small-signal amplifier, Schmitt trigger, and an open-collector output to sink up to 25 mA. With suitable output pull up, they can be used with bipolar or CMOS logic circuits. The 3121 is an improved replacement for the 3113 and 3119.The first character of the part number suffix determines the device operating temperature range. Suffix ‘E–’ is for the automotive and industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C. Suffix ‘L–’ is for the automotive and military temperature range of -40°C to +150°C. Three package styles provide a magnetically optimized package for mostapplications. Suffix ‘–LT’ is a miniature SOT-89/TO-243AA transistor package for surface-mount applications; suffix ‘–U’ is a three-lead plastic mini-SIP while suffix ‘–UA’ is a three-lead ultra-mini-SIP.HALL-EFFECT SWITCHESFOR HIGH-TEMPERATURE OPERATIONAlways order by complete part number, e.g., A3121EU .FEATURES and BENEFITSI Superior Temp. Stability for Automotive or Industrial Applications I 4.5 V to 24 V Operation … Needs Only An Unregulated Supply I Open-Collector 25 mA Output … Compatible with Digital Logic I Reverse Battery ProtectionI Activate with Small, Commercially Available Permanent Magnets I Solid-State Reliability … No Moving Parts I Small SizeI Resistant to Physical StressData Sheet 27621.4B3121, 3122, AND 31233121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATION115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000LimitsCharacteristic Symbol Test ConditionsMin.Typ.Max.Units Supply VoltageV CC Operating 4.5—24VOutput Saturation Voltage V OUT(SAT)I OUT = 20 mA, B > B OP —140400mV Output Leakage Current I OFF V OUT = 24 V, B < B RP —<1.010µA Supply Current I CC B < B RP (Output OFF)— 4.69.0mA Output Rise Time t r R L = 820 Ω, C L = 20 pF —0.04 2.0µs Output Fall Timet fR L = 820 Ω, C L = 20 pF—0.182.0µsELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS over operating temperature range, at V CC = 12 V.MAGNETIC CHARACTERISTICS in gauss over operating supply voltage range.Part Numbers*A3121A3122A3123Characteristic Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max B OP at T A = 25°C250350450280340400250345440over operating temp. range 220350500260340430230345470B RP at T A = 25°C125245380140235330180240300over operating temp. range 80245410120235360160240330B hys at T A = 25°C701051407010514070105140over operating temp. range601051507010514070105140NOTES:Typical values are at T A = +25°C and V CC = 12 V.B OP = operate point (output turns ON); B RP = release point (output turns OFF); B hys = hysteresis (B OP - B RP ).*Complete part number includes a suffix to identify operating temperature range (E- or L-) and package type ( -LT, -U, or -UA).Copyright © 1992, 1999, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc.3121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATIONSWITCH POINTSOUTPUT SATURATION VOLTAGE* Complete part number includes a suffix denoting operating temperature range (E- or L-) and package type ( -LT, -U, or -UA).TYPICAL OPERATING CHARACTERISTICSAMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °CDwg. GH-038S W I T C H P O I N T I N G A U S S30040020010000AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °CDwg. GH-0400255075100AMBIENT TEMPERATURE IN °C-50Dwg. GH-039-25S U P P L Y C U R R E N T I N m A10152025SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTSDwg. GH-0415S U P P L Y C U R R E N T I N m A0SUPPLY CURRENTSUPPLY CURRENT3121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATION115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000OPERATIONThe output of these devices (pin 3) switches low when the mag-netic field at the Hall sensor exceeds the operate point threshold (B OP ).At this point, the output voltage is V OUT(SAT). When the magnetic field is reduced to below the release point threshold (B RP ), the device output goes high. The difference in the magnetic operate and release points is called the hysteresis (B hys ) of the device. This built-in hysteresis allows clean switching of the output even in the presence of external mechani-cal vibration and electrical noise.APPLICATIONS INFORMATIONHall effect applications information is available in the “Hall-Effect IC Applications Guide”, which can be found in the latest issue of Allegro MicroSystems Data Book AMS-702.CHANGE IN OPERATE POINT10152025SUPPLY VOLTAGE IN VOLTSDwg. GH-04253121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATIONPACKAGE DESIGNATOR ‘LT’Dimensions in Inches (for reference only)Dimensions in Millimeters (controlling dimensions)0.0140.0170.350.44NOTE: Exact body and lead configuration at vendor's option within limits shown.3121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATION115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000°°PACKAGE DESIGNATOR ‘U’Dimensions in Inches Dimensions in Millimeters(controlling dimensions)(for reference only)NOTES: 1.Tolerances on package height and width represent allowable mold offsets.Dimensions given are measured at the widest point (parting line).2.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.3.Height does not include mold gate flash.4.Recommended minimum PWB hole diameter to clear transition area is 0.035" (0.89 mm).5.Where no tolerance is specified, dimension is nominal.Devices in the ‘U’ package areNOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN3121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATIONPACKAGE DESIGNATOR ‘UA’Dimensions in Inches Dimensions in Millimeters(controlling dimensions)(for reference only)NOTES: 1.Tolerances on package height and width represent allowable mold offsets.Dimensions given are measured at the widest point (parting line).2.Exact body and lead configuration at vendor’s option within limits shown.3.Height does not include mold gate flash.4.Recommended minimum PWB hole diameter to clear transition area is 0.035" (0.89 mm).5.Where no tolerance is specified, dimension is nominal.°°3121, 3122, AND 3123HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR HIGH-TEMPERATUREOPERATION115 Northeast Cutoff, Box 15036Worcester, Massachusetts 01615-0036 (508) 853-5000The products described herein are manufactured under one or more of the following U.S. patents: 5,045,920; 5,264,783; 5,442,283;5,389,889; 5,581,179; 5,517,112; 5,619,137; 5,621,319; 5,650,719;5,686,894; 5,694,038; 5,729,130; 5,917,320; and other patents pending.Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. reserves the right to make, from time to time, such departures from the detail specifications as may be required to permit improvements in the performance, reliability, ormanufacturability of its products. Before placing an order, the user is cautioned to verify that the information being relied upon is current.Allegro products are not authorized for use as critical components in life-support appliances, devices, or systems without express written approval.The information included herein is believed to be accurate andreliable. However, Allegro MicroSystems, Inc. assumes no responsibil-ity for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use.。
R3111xxxxx-xx-x ← Part Number
↑ ↑↑↑ ↑ ↑ a b cd e f Code Designation of Package Type; D: SON1612-6 E: TO-92 H: SOT-89 N: SOT-23-5, SOT-23-3 Q: SC-82AB Setting Detector Threshold (−VDET); Stepwise setting with a step of 0.1V in the range of 0.9V to 6.0V is possible. Designation of Package Type 1: except SOT-23-3 2: SOT-23-3 Designation of Output Type; A: Nch Open Drain (Output “L” at VDD=−VDET) B: Nch Open Drain (Output “H” at VDD=−VDET) C: CMOS (Output “L” at VDD=−VDET) Designation of Packing or Taping Type ; Ex.TO-92: TZ, SOT-89: T1, SOT-23-3, SOT-23-5, SC-82AB, SON1612-6: TR prescribed as standard directions. (Refer to Taping Specifications.) Antistatic bag for TO-92: C Designation of Composition of pin plating -F: Lead free plating (TO-92, SOT-89, SOT-23-3, SOT-23-5, SC-82AB, SON1612-6) Contents
Repetitive peak off-state voltage (2)
RMS on-state current (360° conduction angle)
Non repetitive surge peak on-state current ( Tj initial = 25°C )
TC = 70°C
tion and high security triggering of the triac. When connected to VSS, the mode input activates an additional option. If the main power drops from 220V to 110V, the triac control remains locked to the 220V mode and avoids any high voltage spike when the voltage comes back to 220V. When connected to VDD, the mode input desactivates this option. • The TRIAC is specially designed for this application. An optimization between sensitivity and dynamic parameters of the triac gate highly reduces the losses of supply resistor and allows excellent immunity against disturbances.
MAXIM MAX3212 数据手册
_______________General DescriptionThe MAX3212 uses Maxim’s new proprietary Auto-Shutdown mode to reduce supply current to 1µA. The MAX3212, with 3 RS-232 drivers and 5 RS-232 receivers,is intended for 2.7V to 3.6V-powered EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24 serial interface. True RS-232 levels are main-tained across the operating range. A guaranteed data rate of 235kbps provides compatibility with popular soft-ware for communicating with personal computers.Supply current is reduced to 1µA with Maxim’s new AutoShutdown feature. When the MAX3212 does not sense a valid signal level on the receiver inputs, the on-board power supply and drivers shut down. This occurs if the RS-232 cable is disconnected or if the transmit-ters of the connected peripheral are turned off. The sys-tem turns on again when a valid level is applied to any RS-232 receiver input. As a result, the system saves power without changes to the existing software.A second power-management feature is incorporated to permit automatic shutdown when the RS-232 connection is valid but inactive. In this case, a transition detector facilitates shutdown when the receivers are presented with stationary RS-232 levels for long periods.Three-state drivers are provided on receiver outputs so that multiple receivers, generally of different interface standards, can be wire-ORed at the UART. The MAX3212 is available in 28-pin SO and SSOP packages.________________________ApplicationsNotebook and Palmtop Computers Peripherals InstrumentsBattery-Powered Equipment______________Ordering Information____________________________FeaturesBETTER THAN BIPOLAR!o 1µA Supply Current Using AutoShutdown o Operates from Single +2.7V to +3.6V Supply o 28-Pin SSOP or Wide SO Packageso Meets All EIA/TIA-232E & EIA/TIA-562 Specifications o Mouse Driveability–Guaranteedo Low-Cost, Surface-Mount External Components o235kbps Guaranteed Data Rate–LapLink™Compatible o +5V Logic Compatibleo Complementary Receiver Output Always Active o Flow-Through PinoutMAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Call toll free 1-800-998-8800 for free samples or literature.Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.__________Typical Operating Circuit19-0312; Rev 0; 9/94M A X 3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 2.7V to 3.6V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply VoltagesV CC .....................................................................-0.3V to +4.6V V+............................................................(V CC - 0.3V) to +7.4V V-........................................................................-7.4V to +2.0V LN..............................................................-0.3V to (V+ + 1.0V)LP.......................................................(V- - 1.0V) to (V+ + 0.3V)Input VoltagesT_IN, EN, FORCEON, FORCEOFF.....................-0.3V to +7.0V R_IN..................................................................................±25V Output VoltagesT_OUT...............................................................................±15V R_OUT, R5OUTB, INVALID, TRAN............-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)Short-Circuit Duration, T_OUT....................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)Wide SO (derate 11.76mW/°C above +70°C)...............941mW SSOP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C).....................640mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX3212C_ I.......................................................0°C to +70°C MAX3212E_ I....................................................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°CMAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V CC = 2.7V to 3.6V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.)TIMING CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 2.7V to 3.6V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.)M A X 3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver 4_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics(V CC = 3.3V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)15TRANSMITTING SUPPLY CURRENTvs. DATA RATEDATA RATE (kbps)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )2025303540455010015020025015200TRANSMITTING SUPPLY CURRENTvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE/TRANSMITTER (pF)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )25303540455055606510002000300040005000-102.0SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )1020304050602.53.0 3.54.0020SLEW RATEvs. LOAD CAPACITANCELOAD CAPACITANCE/TRANSMITTER (pF)S L E W R A T E (V /µs )46810121410002000300040005000-7.5-5.00TRANSMITTER OUTPUT VOLTAGE vs. LOAD CAPACITANCE AT 235kbpsLOAD CAPACITANCE/TRANSMITTER (pF)T R A N S M I T T E R O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )-2.502.55.07.510002000300040005000TIME TO EXIT SHUTDOWN: ONETRANSMITTER HIGH, ONE TRANSMITTER LOW0V 0V2V /d i vFORCEON, FORCEOFFV OHT_OUTV OLR L = 3k Ω || 2500pF 100µs/div_______________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX3212 line driver/receiver is intended for 3V-powered EIA/TIA-232E and V.28/V.24 communications interfaces where 3 drivers and 5 receivers are required.The operating voltage range extends from 3.6V down to 2.7V while still maintaining true RS-232 and EIA/TIA-562transmitter output voltage levels.The circuit comprises three sections: power supply,transmitters, and receivers. The power-supply section converts the supplied 3V to about ±6.5V, to provide the voltages necessary for the drivers to meet true RS-232 levels. External components are small and inex -pensive.The transmitters and receivers are guaranteed to oper-ate at data rates of 235kbps.The MAX3212 is equipped with Maxim’s new propri -etary AutoShutdown circuitry. This achieves a supply current of 1µA by shutting down the device when the RS-232 cable is disconnected or when the connected peripheral transmitters are turned off. While shut down,all receivers can remain active or can be disabledunder logic control. A complementary receiver remains active in all cases, enabling a system incorporating the MAX3212 to remain shut down and still monitor incom-ing RS-232 activity.Three-state drivers on all receiver outputs are provided so that multiple receivers, generally of different inter -face standards, can be wire-ORed at the UART.Switch-Mode Power SupplyThe switch-mode power supply uses a single inductor with two inexpensive diodes and two capacitors to generate ±6.5V from the 2.7V to 3.6V input. The Typical Operating Circuit shows the complete circuit for the pow-er supply.Use a 15µH inductor with a saturation current rating of at least 350mA and under 1Ωresistance. Use 1N6050diodes or equivalent. Surface-mount equivalents for the 1N6050 include the Motorola MMBD6050LT1, P hilips PMBD6050, and Allegro (formerly Sprague) TMPD6050LT.For C1 and C2, use ceramic capacitors with values no less than indicated in the Typical Operating Circuit .These capacitors determine the ripple on V+ and V-, butMAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver_______________________________________________________________________________________5______________________________________________________________Pin DescriptionM A X 3212not the absolute voltages. Increasing the size of C1 and C2 increases the time V+ and V- take to reach their final value. Bypass V CC to GND with at least 0.33µF close to the MAX3212. Increase this to 4.7µF if there are no other V CC supply bypass components less than 6 inches (15cm) away from the MAX3212.Component suppliers are listed in Table 1.RS-232 DriversAll three drivers are identical and deliver EIA/TIA-232E and EIA/TIA-562 output voltage levels when V CC is be-tween 2.7V and 3.6V. When FORCEOFF is driven low or when the AutoShutdown circuitry senses invalid voltage levels at all receiver inputs, the drivers are disabled and the outputs are forced into a high-impedance state.RS-232 ReceiversThe MAX3212 receivers convert RS-232 signals to CMOS-logic output levels. All receivers have one in -verting three-state output. Receiver 5 also has a com-plementary (noninverting) output. In shutdown, all fiveinverting receivers can be either active or inactive under logic control.The complementary output (R5OUTB) is always active,regardless of the state of EN or the part’s shutdown sta-tus. R5OUTB can monitor RS-232 activity while the other receivers are high impedance. This allows Ring Indicator to be monitored without forward biasing other devices connected to the receiver outputs. This is ideal for systems where the UART’s V CC is set to 0V in shut-down. (See Figure 2.)Enable ControlThe EN input has two functions: It allows enabling/dis-abling of the receivers, and it is used to reset the transi-tion detector.Driving EN low places five inverting receiver outputs (R_OUT) into a high-impedance state. R5OUTB is always active, regardless of the state of EN or the part’s shutdown status (Table 2). EN has no effect on T_OUT.EN also resets the transition detector. Drive EN high and then low to reset the TRAN output low. TRAN goes high when a transition occurs on any receiver input.+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 TransceiverTable 1. Suggested Component SuppliersTable 2. AutoShutdown LogicAutoShutdownA 1µA supply current is achieved with Maxim’s new AutoShutdown feature, which operates when FORCEON is low and FORCEOFF is high. When the MAX3212 senses no valid signal level on any receiver input for typically 30µs, the on-board power supply and drivers shut down. Internal 5k Ωresistors pull the receiv-er inputs to ground, disabling the transmitters and reducing supply current to 1µA when the device is in AutoShutdown mode. This occurs if the RS-232 cable is disconnected or if the connected peripheral transmit-ters are turned off. The system turns on again when a valid level is applied to any RS-232 receiver input. As a result, the system saves power without changes to the existing BIOS or operating system. When using the AutoShutdown feature, INVALID is high when the device is on and low when the device is shut down. The INVALID output indicates the condition of the receiver inputs; INVALID can be used in any mode.MAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver_______________________________________________________________________________________7Figure 1. Interface Under Control of PMUFigure 2. Detection of RS-232 Activity when the UART and Interface Are Shut Down: MAX3212 (b) vs. Previous Transceivers (a)M A X 3212Table 2 summarizes the MAX3212 operating modes.FORCEON and FORCEOFF override the automatic cir-cuitry and force the transceiver into its normal operat-ing state or into its low-power standby state. When neither control is asserted, the IC selects between these states automatically based on receiver input lev-els. Figure 4 depicts valid and invalid RS-232 receiver levels. The MAX3212 shuts down after sensing invalid RS-232 levels for greater than 30µs, ensuring the AutoShutdown mode is not enabled for slow-moving signals (1V/µs).A mouse or another system with AutoShutdown may need a period of time to wake up. Figure 5 shows a cir-cuit that forces the transmitters on for 100ms after start-up, allowing enough time for the other system to realize that the MAX3212 system is awake. If the other system outputs valid RS-232 signals within that time, the RS-232 ports on both systems remain enabled.Transition DetectorThe MAX3212 also has an on-board transition detector that monitors activity on the receiver inputs. In systems with a sleep mode, the transition detector output (TRAN)can be used to wake up the system when activity at the receiver inputs is detected. Before putting the system to sleep, set TRAN low by cycling EN high and then low.TRAN remains low as long as no activity is detected on the receiver inputs. When any receiver is toggled, TRAN latches high. Connect TRAN to a microprocessor inter -rupt, or if the system wakes up periodically TRAN can be polled. Transition detection is useful when valid RS-232 levels are present at the receiver inputs but no data is being sent. For example, if a printer is attached to the serial port but is not in use, the microprocessor senses this and forces the MAX3212 off.+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 3. AutoShutdown LogicMAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver_______________________________________________________________________________________9Mouse or Another SystemFigure 4. AutoShutdown Trip LevelsM A X 3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver 10___________________________________________________________________________________________+3V-Powered EIA/TIA-232 and EIA/TIA-562 Transceivers from MaximDriving the MAX3212 from 5V LogicThe MAX3212 can directly interface with various 5V logic families, including ACT and HCT CMOS.Mouse DriveabilityThe MAX3212 has been specifically designed to power serial mice while operating from low-voltage power sup-plies. It has been tested with samples of ten major mouse models from six manufacturers, including the leading three, Logitech (5 models), Mouse Systems,and Microsoft. The MAX3212 successfully drove all ser-ial mice and met their respective current and voltage requirements.Figure 6 shows the transmitter output voltages under increasing load current. The MAX3212’s switching reg-ulator ensures the transmitters will supply at least ±5V during worst-case load conditions.MAX3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver______________________________________________________________________________________11__________________Pin ConfigurationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 1435Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12__________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (408) 737-7600©1994 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.M A X 3212+2.7V to +3.6V-Powered, 1µA Supply Current,3-Driver/5-Receiver, True RS-232 Transceiver ________________________________________________________Package Information。
凌特公司基准芯片参数表基准输出形式初始精度温飘最低压差静态电流或最低旁路电流温度分档封装单位V % ppm/°C V uALT6650CS50.4 串联0.75 30 .1 11uA 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6650HS50.4 串联 1.5 30 .1 11uA -40°C ~ 125°C SOT-23LT6650IS50.4 串联 1 30 .1 11uA -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1440 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 2 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C MS-8, SO-8, DIP-8, DFN-8LTC1442 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8, DIP-8LTC1443 1.182 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16, DFN-16LTC1540 1.182 并联 2.2 62.5 并联0.3 MS-8, SO-8, DFN-8LTC1842 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LTC1843 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LTC1541 1.2 并联 1.25 62.5 并联 5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C MS-8, SO-8, DFN-8LTC1998 1.2 并联0.6 71 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1444 1.221 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16LTC1445 1.221 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16, DFN-16LT1034BCZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 20 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034BIZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 20 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1034CS8-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1034CZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034IS8-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034IZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-921LT1004IS8-1.2 1.235 并联0.8 20 并联8 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1004IZ-1.2 1.235 并联0.3 20 并联8 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1389ACS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1389BCS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 20 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCMS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1634BCS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-1.25 1.25 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC6652AHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1790ACS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC6652AHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1004CS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.8 20 并联12 0°C ~ 70°C SO-82LT1004IZ-2.5 2.5 并联0.8 20 并联12 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1009CMS8 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1009CZ 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1009IS8 2.5 并联0.4 35 并联400 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1009IZ 2.5 并联0.2 35 并联400 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1009S8 2.5 并联0.4 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019ACN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019AIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1019CN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019IS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034BCZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 20 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034BIZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 20 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1034CS8-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1034CZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034IS8-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034IZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1389BCS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 20 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.075 10 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.075 10 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460BIN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460BIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 15 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SO-83LT1460EIN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.125 20 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.125 20 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 25 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-2.5 2.5 串联0.25 25 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-2.5 2.5 串联0.25 25 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.4 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 50 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460LHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 25 .9 100 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1460MHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 50 .9 100 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCMS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1634BCS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-2.5 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6654AHS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 3 .055 350 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6654AMPS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 3 .055 350 -55°C ~ 125°C SOT-234LT6654BHS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 6 .055 350 -55°C ~ 125°C SOT-23LT6654BMPS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 6 .055 350 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6656ACS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .5 0.85 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6656AIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .5 0.85 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6656BCS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .5 0.85 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6656BIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .5 0.85 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.4 20 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 50 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.21 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1460HCS3-3 3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-3 3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-3 3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1461ACS8-3 3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-3 3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-3 3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-3 3 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-3 3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-3 3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-3 3 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1790ACS6-3 3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-3 3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-3 3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-235LT1790BIS6-3 3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-3 3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-3 3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-3 3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-3 3 串联0.15 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-3 3 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-3 3 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-3 3 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-3 3 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-3 3 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-3 3 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1460HCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1461ACS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1790ACS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC6652AHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-86LTC6655BHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1389BCS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.075 50 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-4 4.096 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-4 4.096 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-4 4.096 串联0.06 7 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 10 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-4 4.096 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-4.096 4.096 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1258CMS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1019ACN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-87LT1019IN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019ACN8-5 5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019ACS8-5 5 串联0.05 3 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019AIS8-5 5 串联0.05 3 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1019CN8-5 5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-5 5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019IS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1021BCH-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C to-5LT1021BCN8-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021BMH-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021CCH-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C TO-5LT1021CCN8-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021CIN8-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1021CMH-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021DCN8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1021DIN8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1027BCN8-5 5 串联0.05 1 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027CCN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027CCS8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1027DCN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027DCS8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1027ECN8-5 5 串联0.1 3 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027ECS8-5 5 串联0.1 3 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1029ACZ 5 并联0.2 20 并联700 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1029CZ 5 并联 1 34 并联700 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1236ACN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-88LT1236BCN8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236BCS8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236BIN8-5 5 串联0.1 15 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236BIS8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236CCN8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236CCS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236CIN8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236CIS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1389BCS8-5 5 并联0.075 50 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-5 5 串联0.075 5 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460ACS8-5 5 串联0.075 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460BIN8-5 5 串联0.1 5 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460BIS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-5 5 串联0.1 15 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460EIN8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-5 5 串联0.125 20 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-5 5 串联0.15 25 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-5 5 串联0.25 25 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-5 5 串联0.25 25 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-5 5 串联0.4 20 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-5 5 串联0.5 50 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460LHS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 125 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1460MHS8-5 5 串联0.2 50 .9 125 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-5 5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-89LT1461BIS8-5 5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-5 5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-5 5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-5 5 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-5 5 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCS8-5 5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-5 5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-5 5 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-5 5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-5 5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-5 5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-5 5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-5 5 串联0.4 20 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-5 5 串联0.5 50 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-5 5 串联0.18 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-5 5 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-5 5 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-5 5 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-5 5 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-5 5 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1021BCN8-77 串联0.71 5 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCN8-77 串联0.71 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-77 串联0.71 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTZ1000ACH/CH7.2 Super Zener 4 0.05 N/A 250 -55°C ~ 125°C to-510LT1019CS8-1010 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-1010 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~85°C DIP-8LT1021BCN8-1010 串联0.5 5 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021BMH-1010 串联 1 5 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021CCN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021CIN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1021DCN8-1010 串联0.5 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-1010 串联0.5 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1021DIN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1031BCH10 串联0.05 5 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031BMH10 串联0.05 5 1 1200 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-39LT1031CCH10 串联0.1 15 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031DCH10 串联0.2 25 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031DMH10 串联0.2 25 1 1200 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-39LT1236ACN8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236ACS8-1010 串联0.05 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236AIN8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236AIS8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236BCN8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236BCS8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236BIN8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236BIS8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236CCN8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236CCS8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236CIN8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236CIS8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-1010 串联0.075 10 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-811LT1460BIS8-1010 串联0.1 10 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-1010 串联0.1 7 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-1010 串联0.1 10 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-1010 串联0.1 20 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460EIN8-1010 串联0.125 20 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-1010 串联0.125 20 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-1010 串联0.15 25 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-1010 串联0.25 25 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-1010 串联0.25 25 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-1010 串联0.2 20 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-1010 串联0.4 20 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-1010 串联0.5 50 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-1010 串联0.2 20 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-1010 串联0.4 20 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-1010 串联0.5 50 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT1431CN8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1431CS8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1431CZ可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1431IN8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1431IS8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1431IZ可调并联0.4 50 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-9212。
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CharacteristicValue Reverse Voltage (V R )15 V Forward Current (I F )20 mA Power Dissipation (P D )250 mW Storage T emperature (T ST )-55°C to +150°C Operating T emperature (T OP )-55°C to +125°CESD Human Body ModelClass 1BAbsolute Maximum RatingsHyperabrupt Tuning VaractorsFeaturess High Capacitance Ratio,C 1 V/C 3 V = 1.8, C 1 V /C 6 V = 3.1s Low Series Resistance for Low Phase Noise s Multiple Packages SOT -23, SOD-323, SC-70 and SC-79s Designed for High Volume Commercial Applications s Full Characterization with SPICE ModelsSMV1232–SMV1237DescriptionThe SMV1232–SMV1237 series of silicon hyperabrupt junction varactor diodes are designed for use in VCOs with low tuning voltage operation.The low resistance of these varactors makes them appropriate for high Q resonators in wireless system VCOs to frequencies beyond 2.5 GHz.The SMV1232–SMV1237 series is fully characterized for capacitance and resistance over temperature.SPICE model is provided.o Available through distribution.For other packages or configurations, please contact the factory. Voltage (V)Capacitance vs. Reverse Voltage2.0C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )-4-3-2-1012345-40-2020406080P e r c e n t a g e C ha n g e (%)Temperature (˚C)Relative Capacitance Changevs. Temperature 1086420-2-4-6-8-40-2020406080P e r c e n t a g e C h a n g e(%)Temperature (˚C)Relative Series Resistance Changevs. Temperature @ 500 MHz12Reverse Voltage (V)Series Resistance vs. Reverse Voltage@ 500 MHz12345R S (Ω)Typical Performance DataC T C T C T @ 1 V C T @ 1 V R S @ 3 V Q Part C T @ 1 V @ 3 V @ 6 V C T @ 3 V C T @ 6 V 500 MHz @ 3 V Number (pF)(pF)(pF)(Ratio)(Ratio)(Ω)50 MHz Min.Max.Typ.Typ.Min.Max.Min.Max.Max.Typ.SMV1232 2.34 2.86 1.50.94 1.5 1.9 2.6 3.3 1.501400SMV1233 3.00 3.60 1.8 1.10 1.5 1.9 2.6 3.3 1.201200SMV1234 5.857.15 3.6 2.00 1.6 2.0 2.8 3.40.801000SMV123510.3512.65 6.4 3.60 1.6 2.0 2.9 3.40.60750SMV123615.5018.509.2 5.30 1.6 2.0 3.0 3.50.50700SMV123745.0054.0026.914.401. Specifications at 25°CReverse Voltage V R (I R = 10 µA):15 V Reverse Current I R (V R = 12 V):20 nAPart C JO V J M C P R S Number (pF)(V)(pF)(Ω)SMV1232 4.20 1.50SMV1233 4.12 1.20SMV12348.75 2.3 1.1 1.20.80SMV123516.138.0 4.0 2.00.60SMV123621.638.0 4.2 3.20.50SMV123766.1610. Capacitance ValuesSPICE ModelSMV1232SMV1233SMV1234SMV1235SMV1236SMV1237V R (V)C T (pF)C T (pF)C T (pF)C T (pF)C T (pF)C T (pF)0.0 4.15 5.089.6318.2226.7571.820.5 3.22 3.957.5314.1220.6156.101.0 2.67 3.28 6.2811.6717.0246.891.5 2.28 2.80 5.399.9114.3840.332.0 1.97 2.41 4.688.5212.2935.132.5 1.72 2.09 4.097.3610.5630.713.0 1.51 1.82 3.58 6.409.1626.873.5 1.35 1.62 3.15 5.628.0423.574.0 1.22 1.45 2.81 4.997.1920.834.5 1.13 1.33 2.54 4.50 6.5318.625.0 1.05 1.24 2.32 4.11 6.0116.875.50.99 1.16 2.15 3.80 5.6115.486.00.94 1.10 2.02 3.55 5.2814.366.50.90 1.05 1.90 3.34 5.0213.467.00.86 1.01 1.80 3.17 4.8112.727.50.840.98 1.72 3.03 4.6412.118.00.810.96 1.65 2.91 4.4911.619.00.780.92 1.55 2.73 4.2810.87 10.00.760.90 1.47 2.61 4.1310.3811.00.750.88 1.42 2.53 4.0210.0612.00.740.87 1.38 2.47 3.959.8413.00.730.86 1.35 2.43 3.899.6814.00.730.85 1.33 2.40 3.849.5615.00.720.841.322.383.809.47DIODEVaractor_Diode AREA = 1MODEL = Diode_Model MODE = nonlinearRES R SR = R SCAP C PC = C PDIODEM Diode_Model I S = 1.00e-14R S = 0N = 1T T = 0C JO = C JO M = M E G = 1.11X TI = 3K F =0A F =1F C = 0.5B V = 0I BV = 1e-3I SR = 0N R = 2I KF = 0N BV = 1I BVL = 0N BVL = 1T BV1 = 0T NOM = 27F FE = 11.Values extracted from measured performance.2.For package inductance (L S ) refer to package type.3.For more details refer to the “Varactor SPICE Models for RF VCO Applications”Application Note.SOT-230.004 (0.10 mm) MAX.0.003 (0.080 mm) MIN.0.008 (0.20 mm) MAX.0.022 (0.55 mm) REF.0.037 (0.95 mm) REF0.076 (1.92 mm) REF.SOD-3230.090 (2.30 mm) MIN.0.108 (2.74 mm) MAX.0.0500.0060.010 (0.25 mm) MIN.0.010(0.25 mm) MIN.0.0160.071 (1.80 mm) MAX.INDICATORSC-790.060 (1.50 mm) MIN.0.067 (1.70 mm) MAX.0.010(0.25 mm) MIN.0.014(0.35 mm) MAX.0.043 (1.10 mm) MIN.0.020(0.50 mm) MIN.0.0280.003(0.07 mm) MIN.0.008(0.20 mm) MAX.0.028(0.70 mm) MIN.0.035(0.90 mm) MAX.0.006 (0.15 mm) MIN.CATHODESC-700.004 (0.10 mm) MAX.0.071 (1.80 mm) MIN.0.087 (2.20 mm) MAX..0.051 (1.30 mm) REF.0.004 (0.10 mm) MIN.0.012 (0.30 mm) MAX.。