



Harry Frampton and Paul Denyer,BP Exploration and Production Technology Group;Danielle Ohms and Michael Husband,BP Exploration, Alaska Incand Jorge Mustoni, Pan American EnergyBright Water™ is a Nalco trademark for water flood sweep improvement productsAbstractIn the early 1990’s BP pioneered the use of reservoir triggers for in-depth placement of chemical treatments to improve water flood sweep efficiency. It was recognized that the most difficult cases involved injection water “thief zones” that were in contact with lower permeability zones of high remaining oil saturation. In such cases near well-bore treatments were ineffective and an in- depth block appeared to be required to redistribute the pressures in the reservoir and mobilize the remaining oil. The lessons learned from this work suggested that the most effective treatments would employ single component materials placed deep in the formation. A particulate material was envisaged that was likened to popcorn. It would move freely through the matrix rock until a reservoir trigger caused the particles to increase in size to block thief zone pore throats.The context and development of this new Bright Water™ technology is detailed from inception in 1997, through development with the MoBPTeCh consortium, to the proof of concept laboratory test in 2000 and the technical field trial in 2001. The nature of the particulate reagent and the effect of the thermally sensitive crosslinks it contains are reviewed.BP has injected five sets of commercial trials and started the widespread deployment of the technology. A comparison of 19 well treatments completed to August 2008 is presented with notes on their character, treatment and responses. These were injected in seven fields with a variety of environments where effects of applied variables such as treatment size, field temperature, brine salinity and pH were evaluated. The size of the treatments relative to the volume of the thief zone was also studied to initiate the process of treatment optimization. Of the BP treatments that are in, or have passed their evaluation window there is a greater than 70 percent confirmed success rate with no apparent technical or commercial failures.IntroductionIn the early 1990’s BP pioneered the use of reservoir triggers for in-depth placement of chemical treatments to improve water flood sweep efficiency. The commercial driver for this was the recognition that a substantial residual oil reserve remained in most reservoirs after secondary recovery and that this was in part attributable to poor reservoir sweep. One important element of this was identified as the action of high permeability thief zones. It was also recognized that the most difficult cases involving thief zones were those where they were in hydraulic contact with the lower permeability zones of high remaining oil saturation (e.g. Bailey et al, 2000, Seright et al, 2003). In such cases near well-bore treatments were ineffective and an in- depth block appeared to be required to redistribute the pressures in the reservoir and mobilize the remaining oil.A BP field trial of a “Deep Diverting Gel” system in Alaska in 1991 (Fletcher et al, 1992) provided some valuable lessons. The injectant mixture of Acrylamide co Sodium Acrylate and Aluminium Citrate did not produce the response expected for in – depth blocking. It was thought that this might in part be due to loss of reagent by precipitation (Walsh et al 1983, Stavland and Jonsbraten, 1996) or chromatographic effects causing reagent separation. Use of a single treatment species was identified as desirable.Simulation studies provided some insight into the potential impact of an in – depth blocking treatment compared to shallow blocks. Six layered reservoir structures of various types such as clean sandstone, inter-bedded sandstone and siltstone etc, relevant to BP were defined and the research simulator BPOPE used to investigate the recovery of incremental oil associated with either near well-bore or in – depth blocking. Of the near well-bore treatments, producer blocks were better than injector but a combination of both was better still (Figure 1). In each of the cases where a comparison was made, the recovery from an in – depth block ranged from 0.41 to 8.5 percent of Original Oil in Place (OOIP) and exceeded the recovery from a near well-bore block by an incremental 0.5 to 6.5 percent OOIP.By 1996 it was concluded that a single component reagent using reservoir triggers to achieve deep placement in the reservoir was the best option for achieving significant incremental oil.The Nature And Purpose Of Bright WaterA particulate material was envisaged that was likened to popcorn. It would move freely through the matrix rock until a reservoir trigger caused the particles to increase in size to block thief zone pore throats. The thermal front caused by temperature differences between the injected water and the reservoir was selected as the most practical reservoir trigger. The product anticipated was based on a polymer particle bound in its manufactured, shrunken form (colloquially referred to as a “kernel” from the analogy of popcorn) by a thermally sensitive crosslinker, which would break when the particles reached a suitable trigger temperature. This would allow them to absorb water and increase in size to block pore throats. The product was engineered to disperse into the injection water then travel with the water to the problem zone. To avoid loss of particles during propagation of the treatment to the thermal front, the adsorption and retention of the particles on the rock pore walls was designed to be minimal until thermally triggered.The blocking action may be envisaged as a filtration process and as such is concentration dependent. In the lower permeability zones where less of the product is delivered and the dispersion of the concentration front is higher, there is less probability of forming a block though the diversion process does not depend on this. Figure 2 shows the simulated distribution of particle concentration in the highest permeability zone around three injection wells. Figure 3 shows the particle distribution in the adjacent lower permeability, less swept layer where the target oil is located. Each simulator block has x and y dimensions of about 68 metres. In each case theparticlesreservoir.Figure 2. Particle concentration 100 days after injection into the thief zoneFigure 3. Particle concentration in the adjacent (less swept) non – thief zoneBetween the high particle concentrations in each zone there is a substantial area of open vertical communication. Between the front edge of the potential block in the lower permeability zone at 68 metres radius and the back edge of the block in the higher permeability zone at a minimum offor fluid diversion. Once blocking has occurred, diversion flow rate is highest where the pressure is highest, near the injection well. There is decreasing diversion flow rate between this and the back edge of the block in the high permeability zone.Once diverted the water is likely to have a significantly longer residence time in the lower permeability zones because of small scale lateral heterogeneities in the rocks (Ringrose et al, 1993, Frampton, 2004 - 5). This is an aspect of sweep improvement often missed in simulations. Simulators incorporating large grid blocks with internally uniform lateral plane properties have suggested rapid bypass of any block in a thief zone. Whatever the detail of the reservoir structure, the existing pressure distribution will be altered and this change was expected to mobilize previously un-swept oil.Early BrightWater Development.The Bright Water project was initiated in 1997 after the idea of a “Popcorn Polymer” like material had been expanded into a potential research programme. At inception, the project was recognized to have a relatively high risk but also a high potential reward. As such, it was the first project proposal taken to a newly formed research consortium known as MoBPTeCh. Mobil, BP, Texaco and Chevron agreed to share the costs and successes of such projects, leveraging the Research and Development investment. The consortium accepted the proposed programme in April of 1997 and work began to select a manufacturing company to be an associate in the work. Nalco was chosen from a short list of three companies and agreed to participate late in 1997. The first laboratory samples of products were received at BP in early 1998 and were evaluated in bottle tests then in slim tube sand pack tests.Bottle tests were used in the preliminary evaluation of samples, then in optimization of the particle compositions. The particles were dissolved in the test brine using a surfactant and high shear mixing followed by ultrasonication to achieve individually brine-wetted particles (Frampton et al, 2004). The viscosity of the initial mixture is very close to that of water. On heating, the particles swell and the effective volume fraction increases until the particles touch. Swelling and particularly contact of the particles, causes a viscosity increase so it was possible to infer the degree of particle swelling from the bulk viscosity.The 7.3 s-1 Brookfield UL viscosity of 0.5 percent active solutions of the particles in water was monitored at room temperature after ageing at the target popping temperature. Figure 4 shows a representative bottle test result. The slope change when the particles start to interact can be clearly seen.024681012140102030405060time (days)v i s c o s i t y (m P a s )Figure 4. A representative Bottle test result for a fast reacting grade of Bright Water in synthetic sea waterKnowledge of the approximate time for swelling, derived from the bottle tests, allowed a suitable porous medium test method to be defined. Slim tube sand packs of up to 20 metres in length were used rather than core tests because the scale of the test in the direction of flow is closer to that in the reservoir. Even though the flow rates used could give propagation times of a similar order to the target reservoirs, the usual practice was to stop the flow tests between periodic measurements.Porous Media TestsA proof of concept slim tube test was achieved in January 2000 when a delayed blocking was achieved in the third, 3 metre section of a 12 metre sand pack. In early tests, delays of 7 to 15 days were common at temperatures of 70 to 80°C. Subsequent testing has facilitated the development of product grades that span the temperature range from about 40°C to about 90°C and has achieved substantial improvements to blocking time flexibility, as shown for example by the results in Figure 5. The blocking effect is represented by the Resistance Factor (RF) which is the ratio of the permeability of the sand pack before treatment to that after. The general shape of the increase in RF is similar to that observed in bottle tests. The smaller slope is believed to occur because the particles are not swelling inside an effectively infinite reservoir, but rather inside pore throats of sizes that are multiples of the particle diameters. Tests on faster reacting grades can show a plateau of RF with time.Figure 5. The variation of Resistance Factor with time for a sample of the slowest reacting particle grade in brackish water in an 800 mD pack at 90°CThe Technical Field TrialBetween 1999 and 2000 different fields were considered as possibilities for field trial. Eventually the Chevron Petroleum Indonesia, Minas field was selected because it fit the requisite selection criteria shown below (Pritchett et al, 2003);·Available movable oil reserves·Early water breakthrough to high water-cut·Problem with high permeability contrast, (thief zone at least 5 times un-swept zone)·Porosity of highest perm zone > 17%·Permeability in thief zone >100 mD·Minimal reservoir fracturing·Temperature from 50 C (122 F) to 150 C (302 F)·Expected injector-producer transit time >30 days·Injection water salinity under 70,000ppmThe Minas field water flood was very mature so the treatment was not expected to give a commercial demonstration of the incremental oil recovery. The purpose of the trial was to test the logistics of supply and application, then provide unequivocal evidence of in-depth blocking of the thief zone. The top sand of the reservoir, where a small amount of attic oil potential was identified, was isolated for this purpose and treated.Shortly before the treatment the water breakthrough was found to be more severe than originally estimated, so a catalyzed treatment was used to account for the shorter than expected breakthrough time and higher than expected thief zone permeability. The treatment was executed in November 2001 and the results published (Pritchett et al, 2003). It was evident that the treatment caused a block in the reservoir up to 38 metres away from the injection well, and a small amount ofcommercial field trials.Commercial Field Trials And Early DeploymentBP is using sweep improvement treatments as part of a broader enhanced oil recovery [EOR] programme, which is managed by its central Pushing Reservoir Limits technology and deployment team and has the objective of increasing recovery beyond what has historically been possible .A commercial trial of the particulate system was injected into one of BP’s UK North Sea fields in the summer of 2002. This proved that treatments could be injected offshore, even on minimum facility platforms and confirmed that the particles injected easily into 400mD (0.395 µm2) sandstone without loss of injectivity. Unfortunately the field was sold before treatment results were observed and despite good liaison with the new owners, production changes based on economic considerations meant that no useful results could be obtained. A first commercial trial was then arranged for the Milne Point field in Alaska. This is the subject of a paper by Ohms et al (2009).BP deployed the particulate sweep improvement system in seven BP or BP Joint Venture operated fields up to August 2008. These are summarized in Figure 6.The system was applied to fields with a range of injection to reservoir temperature contrasts. The pH of the injected water varied from 7 to about 8 in the fields treated and was not a significant consideration, though laboratory tests showed an effect of pH within the range 6.5 to 8.5 with fastest reaction times at highest pH.Some information on the wells treated is given in Figures 7 and 8 below. All of the fields were producing from sandstone reservoirs and all of the thief zones were of 19 to 24 percent effective porosity. The wells were all vertical, cased, cemented and perforated. Some had injection control mandrels on each zone. The permeability contrast between the thief zone and the bulk was estimated from the data available which varied from core permeabilities to log data. It is a useful factor for evaluating treatments but is not a formal estimate such as a Dykstra Parsons permeability variation.Figure 8 records the responses to the treatments. The delay in response corresponding to the propagation and popping of the particles is evident. In some cases, though the injector is known to have responded, operational variations in rate and pressure make it difficult to identify a date of response.Figure 7. Some information on the commercial trial and early deployment well treatmentsFigure 8. Response times of the commercial trials and early deployment treatmentsAnalysis of the data obtained so far, suggest that the limits of the technology are wider than previously anticipated, especially in the case of injection water salinity where seawater salinity of about 35,000 mgdm-3was expected to be a limit but where successful treatments have been applied with an injection water salinity of 121,000 mgdm-3.Five fields hosted 9 commercial trials to test different aspects of the technology; 7 of these were commercial successes and two are subject to continuing evaluation, giving a field trial success rate of 78 percent which is expected to improve. The 19 treatments reviewed have differing pattern sizes and it is too early to expect a response from three. 15 out of the remaining 16 are producing (or have produced) incremental oil giving a 93.75% overall success rate. More than 200,000 m3 of incremental oil was produced from the responding wells by the end of 2008.ConclusionsThe most difficult aspect of waterflood sweep improvement was identified as thief zones in hydraulic communication with lower permeability, poorly swept oil zones. When the development project was started no options were available for treating such problems.1. The concept of using a delayed swelling particulate has been proven to be capable of sweepimprovement in reservoir thief zones not bounded by shale or other low permeability barriers. 2. In a program of work lasting more than ten years, reagents have been developed,commercialized, then proven to be technically and commercially viable for Enhanced Oil Recovery by waterflood sweep improvement.3. The operational limits of the technology have been explored through field trials.4. Of the 7 trial treatments 5 are already commercial successes and the other two are producingincremental oil.5. Of the 16 treatments, in seven BP operated fields, that could have responded so far, 15 areproducing incremental oil which represents a 93.75 percent overall success rate.7. Over 200,000 m3 of incremental oil have been recovered from the treatments to the end 2008. AcknowledgementsWe thank BP for the opportunity to publish this work.The authors also wish to acknowledge the contributions of many chemists, engineers and technologists in the development and application teams and in particular the contribution of the laboratory work at BP by Dr. Alistair Gunn (deceased) to whom this paper is respectfully dedicated.ReferencesBailey, B., Crabtree, M., Tyrie, J., Elphick, J., Kuchuck, F., Romano, C., and Roodart, L. Schlumberger Oilfield Review, Spring 2000. Pages 30 to 51. “Water Control”Fletcher, A. J. P., Flew, S, Forsdyke, I. N. Morgan, J. C., Rogers, C. and Suttles, D. [1992] Deep diverting gels for very cost-effective waterflood control,Presented at the 6th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Stavanger , Norway 21st May 1991. Also in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [1992], vol. 7, issues 1-2, pages 33-43.Frampton, H., Morgan, J. C., Cheung, S. K., Munson, L., Chang, K. T. and Williams, D. Development of a novel waterflood conformance control system, SPE paper 89391 presented at the 2004 SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, U.S.A., 17–21 April 2004.Frampton, H. Society of Petroleum Engineers Distinguished Lecture 2004 – 2005. “The influence of reservoir structure on water control treatments”Ohms, D. S., McLeod, J., Graff, C. J., Frampton, H., Chang, K. T., Morgan, J. C., Cheung, S., and Yancey, K. SPE paper 121761 prepared for presentation at the 2009 International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, The Woodland, Tx,, 20 – 22nd April 2009. “Incremental Oil success from waterflood sweep improvement in Alaska”.Paez Yañez, P. A., Mustoni, J. L., Relling, M. F., Chang, K. T., Hopkinson, P. and Frampton, H. “New Attempt in Improving Sweep Efficiency at the Mature Koluel Kaike and Piedra Clavada Waterflooding Projects of the S. Jorge Basin in Argentina”. SPE 107823 presented at the 2007 SPE Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 15–18 April 2007. Also presented as “Improving Sweep Efficiency at the Mature Koluel Kaike and Piedra Clavada Waterflooding Projects, Argentina”. Journal of Petroleum Technology, Vol. 60, No. 1, January 2008, 47 – 49.Pritchett, J., Frampton, H., Brinkman, J., Cheung, S., Morgan, J., Chang, K. T., Williams, D., Goodgame, J. Field Application of a New In-Depth Waterflood Conformance Improvement Tool. SPE paper 84897 presented at the SPE International Improved Oil Recovery Conference in Asia Pacific held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20–21 October 2003.Ringrose, P. S., Sorbie,K. S., Corbett,P. W. M., and Jensen, J. L. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 9, pages 103 – 124, 1993. “Immiscible flow behaviour in laminated and cross-bedded sandstones”Seright, R.S., Lane, R.H., Sydansk, R.D., SPE Paper 84966. SPE Production and Facilities, Vol. 18, No. 3, Pages 158 to 169, August 2003. “A Strategy for Attacking Excess Water Production”Stavland, A., Jonsbraten, H. C., SPE paper 35381 presented at the 10th Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, Okla, 21 – 24th April 1996. “New insight into Aluminium Citrate/Polyacrylamide gels for fluid control”Walsh, M. P., Rouse, B. A., Senol, N. N., Pope, G., and Lake, L. W. SPE paper 11799 presented at the Symposium on Oilfield and Geothermal Chemistry, Denver, Co. 1 – 3rd June 1983. “Chemical interactions of Aluminium-Citrate solutions with formation minerals”15th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery — Paris, France27 – 29 April 2009。



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2009_LA_lecture 2 Section__ 1-2

2009_LA_lecture 2 Section__ 1-2

★获得履行职责应当具有的工作条件; ★非因法定事由、非经法定程序,不被免 职、降职、辞退或者处分; ★获得工资报酬,享受福利、保险待遇; 参加培训; ★对机关工作和领导人员提出批评和建议; ★提出申诉和控告; ★申请辞职; ★法律规定的其他权利。
(1)申诉。 (2)控告。 (3)仲裁。 (4)诉讼。
★1、结婚 ★2、家庭关系 ★ 3、离婚
张某(男)与何某(女)是同乡,从小一起长大, 感情很好,初中毕业后一起回家务农。1995年3月, 在张某20岁生日时,俩人经父母同意决定结婚,由 于当时张某还没有达到法定婚龄,不能办理结婚登 记,所以在双方父母的操办下,按当地的习俗举行 了婚礼,开始了共同生活,并于1996年10月生育一 子。1998年,张某外出打工,何某为照顾孩子留下 与公婆共同生活,并承担了家庭的全部劳动。其间, 张某定期给家里寄钱并于每年春节时回家探望, 2000年8月,张某打
◆所谓创业则是通过 发挥自己的主动性和 创造性,开辟新的工 作岗位、拓展职业活 动范围、创造新的业 绩的实践过程。
◆树立崇高职业理想,重 视人生价值实现。
◆服从社会需要,追求长 远利益。
◆打下坚实基础,做好充 分准备。
◆一是要有积极创 业的思想准备。
◆二是要有敢于创 业的勇气。
一是维护劳动者合法权益与兼顾用人单 位
利益相结合的原则。 二是按劳分配与公平救助相结合的原则。 三是劳动者平等竞争与特殊劳动保护相 结
合的原则。 四是劳动行为自主与劳动标准制约相结 合
●平等就业和选择职业的权利;取 得劳动报酬的权利;休息休假的 权利;获得劳动安全卫生保护的 权利;接受职业技能培训的权利; 享受社会保险和福利的权利;提 请劳动争议处理的权利; ●法律、法规规定的其他权利



2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会
2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会
2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会
--“你们放心去推进,如果真的遇到顽固的阻力, --“你们放心去推进,如果真的遇到顽固的阻力, 我们不惜免掉几个干部。”
--“不要总是强调客观原因,工作进度滞后和 --“不要总是强调客观原因,工作进度滞后和 PDM到底有多大关系?谁再想工作绕过PDM系 PDM到底有多大关系?谁再想工作绕过PDM系 统,作为总师我第一个不放过他。”
2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会
断开式Байду номын сангаас动桥技术
2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会
特种车PDM成功历程 特种车PDM成功历程
2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 2009中国制造业产品创新数字化国际峰会 产品研制过程特点
研制的产品,一是填补国内空白,替代进口,或 需要提升技术水平,技术难度较大;二是功能和 结构特殊、价值高、批量小。在研发过程中,一 是无法按照普通车辆的方式进行产品实物验证, 采取用户对产品进行试用的办法,技术和产品成 熟周期长;二是产品实物研制费用高,出现反复 造成的经济损失较大。 尽可能将变形设计、验证和改进工作在研究、设 计过程中完成,是培育核心技术、增强自主创新 能力,提高产品开发一次成功率的关键。



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中国参展 企 业 也 逐 渐 摆 脱 了 边 缘

含 希尔顿酒 店 展馆 )
背光的L u x
超 薄 高 清 电 视 ; 索 尼 则依
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不 过 今年 没 有更大 的屏 幕 可 以
工 作 人 员 也 多 为 海 尔美 国 本 土 员



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跨 国大 品 牌 的 形 象 越 来越 清晰

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一、TS 16949:2009概况
顾客特殊要求 TS的补充要求
顾客特殊要求 * TS标准的一部分且由顾客指定
TS16949的补充要求 *在国际上通用的汽车产业界的要 求
ISO9001:2008标准要求 *标准的基本部分
GB/T 18035为我国转化的国家标准 。
一、TS 16949:2009概况
2009年6月15日 IATF宣布ISO/TS16949:2009版标准正 式颁布,建立在9001:2008版基础上
4、标准的组成 TS16949是国际汽车行业的技术规范,是基于ISO9001
不合格品控制SP9 计量管理SP5
Input E
Output E


Input A
❖ 汽车相关 Supply Chain ( IATF: 建议案)
市场分析/顾客要求的分析P 报价单/投标 P 订单/接受 P 产品设计/工程设计 P 产品/工程妥当性确认 P
产品生产 P 交付 P



JackMasSpeechAt2009APEC第一篇:Jack Mas Speech At 2009 APECTranscript of Commencement Speech at 2009 APEC given by Jack Ma(Jack Ma & 马云)Thank you very much , directer dies and Gentlemen!Before my speech ,I would like to show you a video which happened in Hangzhou about our Hangzhou SME Summit ,can I ?Thank you!After 3 days ,you know, in house meeting and flying all the way here ,and I didn't feel not quite well today ,but when I see the entrepreneurs ,when I came to the SMES ,I always feel excited.Because when I join the SME Conference, I see from the eyes of the dreams ,the passion ,the hope;when I join the Fortune 500 Conference, I am the CEO ,I see the numbers ,I see the revenues, I see the KPIs,I see the bloody competition.But among the SMES ,you see “I have a dream ,I want to do something.” and that happens all the time and that make me excited all the time.Today I think last year everybody say “Wa, the economic is in trouble ,we are all dead ,what are we going to do ?” T oday everybody seems to be happy and say the economy come back.Is really the economy come back ?I don't think so.The money is go to big companies, the money goes to infrastructure and the money go back to the stock market.It seems nobody learns from that.How can the economy come back if the SMES is not come back , how can the economic come back if the dreams are not come back ,the hopes not come back ? I saw one thing that ,few days ,you know ,2 days ago I have a dinner with mySingapore friends and they said think our government is encouraging to have more babies because ,you know , people aging and enough kids.I think , we , every economy , every nation , needs explicitly to have more small medium size companies , to have more hopes , because every big company comes from the small business.If without hope , without expect to have more babies , we are going to die.Why do I always feel excited ? I have 8 ―babies‖.In the far past 15 years , I build up 8 compani es –-seven of them , very healthy;one of them ,I sold it.And I keep the babies , when I look at my babies— Alibaba , Taobao, Alipay and you know ,the company we just have AliCloud we just have a new baby 2 month ago.I always feel excited because you see the hope ,you know this baby is going to change me ,this baby is going to change the world and the customers.And that’s the thing I always feel excited.If you want to be happy , have more babies.If you are the government , want your economy to be good , have more SMES.These are the dreams , these are the hope ,these are the future.So this is all we want to say, but enough, we’ve been crying, and say please give us support.But all the SMES, ask yourself one question, we are not crying babies.We believe we are tomorrow’s Google, we believe we are tomorrow’s eBay, and you too.We believe we are tomorrow’s UPS.If we believe we are , we can be;if you don’t believe, you never be.We heard a lot of government say(we give you)―Let me know what we can do? ‖,‖let me know what we can help SMES ‖;we heard a lot of banks say ―well ,we’ve been, you know ,give loans to SMES‖ I heard some bank said ―well‖, one of the bank present said ―we gave like, you know , 200 millions US$ to the SMES‖ ,I ask ―what’s the size the loan you give?‖ ―20 millions dollars.How can you say the 20 millions? As the researchI got, Alibaba Group(Alibaba statistic)87% of the SMES, what they need, the fund is below 60 thousand US$.But they gave the loan 20 millions to some big companies, they are not SMES, they are not the hopes.But, I think all the SMES say,(that)nobody can help you.My 8 companies, I always say, nobody help us, only we can help ourselves.Don’t rely on the government, don’t rely on the bank, forget about that.Rely on your friends, rely on relatives, rely on your small dreams and always keep that thing in head –I’ve been trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble.Within the past years, I even did not borrow one cent from banks, my kids grow up, I don’t know why.The bank always say ―because we don’t have enough information from the SMES.‖ Tell me, any fortune 500, any big bank, companies’ present, CEOs go to the SMES’ summit.No!they go to the CEOs’ summit.How could you get information if you do not go there listen to them, talk to them, share experiences with them? To see what they need is only 50 thousand US$, instead of 200 million dollars.How can you get enough information? So, I think well, we discussed yesterday say banks are banks.They always have to control the risk.Right!So governments and banks, let’s think about something new.New financial structure that can really help those millions of hope companies that need only 50 thousand US$.What is the right structure, what is the right organization to support them.That’s the th ing we should think about.So the other thing I want to share with you here is always I believe ―the small is beautiful.‖ And this financial crisis is a disaster to big companies.This world in last 20th century it’s bigger is better.You have big(you know)factory, big fund, everything is big,is good.This century ,in the 21st century, I always believe small is beautiful.Because it’s not how fast you machines,it’s not howmany equipments you have, it is how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.Because the information time, internet and technology make a difference.So the world IT last century is designed for the manufacturers.This century IT is designed to make a help to the consumers.So I think this is a disaster for the big company, but it is a great opportunity for small business.For this financial crisis ,we see a lot of big companies, we would never thought die, AIG, GE, it’s like the empire ,how could this happen.You know, all the big car company which we respect, we always want to be there.But today ,they all died.Let’s look at all the SMES, we still feel painful, but we are happy in our heart because we are still survive.We heard so many stories about big companies giving trouble.And I see the society, the government pay too much attention to these trouble makers.They are the trouble makers and we gave them enough support, let them die, it’s the time for them to die because they make troubles.Every big company, they have different disaster, different problems, but all the SMES ,they have the same problems.They need understanding and support.This world is not fair, I know, so that’s why I want to encourage all the SMES here, I’m the SME, I have 8 kids, I still think I’m SME, I still believe I’m small.Because when I am small ,I know l can be big and I hate to be big, unfortunately.When I was a small company, only have 20 people, I felt so excited.Well, I can call every employee’s names and every time, every thing, I want to change, I can change in half one minute.Now ,terrible.When I was 20 years old, my friends told me ―you company is not big enough.If you are big, you are like a big boss.You are easy, you can control your time.‖ No, my time is not controlled by myself, my time is controlled by all the meetings, sectary, KPI, shareholders, all thethings.It’s much tougher than you are small.So I always believe the first day love is every beautiful.Believe the first day love, when you are small, at least you can have time to go out to cinema with your wife and kids and enjoy wonderful view.But when you are big ,you always go to the board meetings.And also I want to say, that, like I … you some today I come here, people say ―Jack, you do not prepare, why don’t you prepare PPT?‖ I never prepare PPT, you know, I’m not good at technology.I was trained to be a high school teacher and the only thing I can know about computer, funny thing, I’m running one of the biggest e-commerce companies in China, in the world, but I know, the only thing I can know about computer is to send and receive email and brows.Tha t’s it.Because I always think technology is for the people, people is not working for the technology.But today I come here as an entrepreneur,I prepared every day.I’m not prepared for the PPT, because every time when I use the PPT, something wrong, I cannot use it.So I come here to tell my old experiences, I want to share with you as 8 kids’ father what I did when I have trouble.When I have trouble, I always remind me 3 things: focus on your customer, serve your employees, learn from your competitors.These are the key, the thing you learned.Focus on your customer, everybody toady talk about shareholder NO.1, I hate that.I think it’s always customer NO.1.it’s the customer give you the money.It’s the customer give you the innovations.It’s the customer that mak es you happy.Year 1999 and 2000, when Internet bubble burst, we cannot get any money, we did not have revenue, we have nothing, but everyday encouraged me go on was the thanks from my customers, said ―Jack, Alibaba, keep on.Because you helped us, someday w e will help you‖.That’s the dream I had.So today, we believeshareholder NO.1 you only think about making numbers.You only think about revenues, you only think about how to make you stock market go up.I let you know, no shareholders can be trusted.I tell you the truth.Well, our share stock price, 2 years ago, we listed, 13.50 HongKong dollars.Before the … a lot of shareholders came to say ―Jack, we are long-term shareholders, please give us more shares, we will keep it.‖ When the financial crisis came, the day we IPO, 13.50 HongKong dollars, we went up 40 dollars in 24 hours without doing anything good.And then financial crisis came, 40 dollars to 3 dollars without doing anything bad, they all gone.Most shareholders are share traders.How can you trust on them? So rely on your customers because the customers stay with you, customer grow up with you, customer give you the money, give you the hope, give you the support.So focus on your customer, and secondly, rely and serve your employees, it’s you employee, the team that make the difference.It’s the employees that make all the dreams realize.…we have so many problems, big companies have problems, getting the innovations, how to make thing happen, well, because they do not listen to the employees, they focus too much on the shareholders.They give you this idea, that idea, when you really do their idea, they are gone.They change all the time, but the employees stay with you.I remember the tough days, was so difficult year 2001 and 2002 there was only one group of p eople that stay with me, that’s my colleagues.And people say ―Jack, you don’t have to pay me for 2 years, I will stay with the company because you respect us, because the customer love us.‖ I tell you one funny thing, the only way you believe your employees are talents, they are talented people.If you don’t believe them, they will never be.The mistake I madein the year 2000, we rised 500 thousand US$.When we have money, we started to make mistakes.We tried to hair as many talents as possible.Those talents are MBAs, those talents are vice presidents of multinational companies, because I believe if you have MBAs, you must be good, right? But when I hired these guys, oh, my god, it’s terrible.These guys came to tell you strategy, I only had 5 million dollars, I remember one vice president said, Jack this is the budget for next year marketing.I said, what is that, 12 million dollars? I only have 5 million.He said I never done any plan below 10 million.When something wrong is always your fault, because you never know.So try to find the right people, not the best people of your employees.So if you try to hire great people in your own company which your company is not good enough in that time, just like a Boone 747(engine)into a tractor, when that goes, it never fly.(it’s)into pieces.So my suggestion is look at your employees, develop them, only when they develop, the company will develop.The day when we IPO, we created more than a thousand millions there at least in the company.All the guys in the sitting room, we h ad a chat.Said, ―ask me.Now tell me one thing, why you are so successful? Why are we so successful when we are 20, become millions? What happened, are we very hard working people? I think there are more hard working people outside.Do you think we are smart enough? …At least, I’m not smart, I tool 3 times to go to the university.I failed all the times.I don’t think I’m smart, I don’t think you are smart.‖ and that time in the year 2002 it’s so difficult for Alibaba to hire people.If they are not very much disabled, we hired them, if they can walk, we hired them.Because nobody believed the Internet, nobody believed e-commerce can work in China, nobody believed, you know, Internet can happen.But these guys, because they have nojob, so let’s come here.They join ed the company.Those people with MBAs, with great backgrounds, a lot of hunting company, they moved out, they started their own business, now, today they all failed.Those guys, nobody hunting them, those guys, they never have the dream to built their own company and stayed with the company.After 5 years, we all succeed.Why? We keep our dreams, we believed it, no matter how big your dream is, make small tiny steps I had and grow with them, grow up with the company.So ,my mistake in year 2001 I told my 18 founders, I said you guys can only be team manager, all the VPs I will hire from outside.Now 10 years have past, all the wonderful people I hired from outside, 100% gone.And those I think, how could you be successful? These guys all become VPs and directors.They are all powerful.Because they believe they can.So I want to tell everybody here, we all small but care your employees.These are the people, they have the families, they have dreams, they come here not only for the job, they come here together with the dream share with you.And the third thing--learn from your competitors.Don’t hate the competitors.Big companies hate competitors, I love my competitors.Without competitors, we will never grow up that fast.Year 2003, when we started Taobao, it’s a C2C option model.EBay, my competitor, at that time with 80 billion dollars market capital.We, small tiny, you know.But we started compete.It’s a lot of fun to compete with big guys.If I started have a box with Taisen, I’m horned, you know.If you have a chance to compete with somebody, it is a great competitor, you learned.We learned from our competitors, we respect them.Everything they move, you grow.And the other thing I want to share with you is that competitors are the best laboratory for you.Because competitors studied you.Any innovative idea theycome, you learn that.Don’t copy them, learn from them.So I love my competitors, every time I look at them with admire.But in China, people say, Jack, you are so crazy.Because 4 years ago, when I said, I look though the microscope, I never see my competitors.People say, how could you ―Kuangwang‖? and I said, ―I’m looking for examples, models, why should I look for competitors?‖ Competitors are everywhere.And when you compete, have you found the most interesting part of the business is competition? To make your competitors angry, to make your competitors jumping around, that’s the skill you should have.Not make yourself jumping around and angry, right? Business is such a great fun.When you compete, when I compete, if I got angry, if I jumping around, I know something wrong.Because this is a wrong strategy to compete.When you compete, not the purpose to make your competitors unhappy.If they are unhappy, if they jumping around, if they start to use money to care things, you start to win.Because they start to lose money.If the competitors start to use money to compete, they start to lose.Business is about wisdom, business is about hope, business is about courage.So these are old excuse, nobody comfort us I learned to use my right hand to comfort my left hand when I’m in trouble.You always tell yourself, I’m still survive, I’m still growing, everything is good.At least I’m still surviving.So when you are big, you start to worry about losing something.When you are small, you start to grow.So I always believe small, keep the hope.So these are the thing I want to share with you and the most important thing I want to say is never ever give up your dreams.I think, you cannot eat food for 7 days that you will die;if you are not drink for 3 days, you will die;if you are not breath for 3 minutes, you die.But if you losehope and dream for 1 minute, you die.So I want to tell you that I had problems in the past 10 years.These days when I walk in China, when I look at the airport, a lot of books about me, about the Alibaba, I feel very nervous.Because these books are never interviewed me, we are not that good, we are not that bad.Today, something, you know, successful, they started to write good things about it.We made so many mistakes.The only book that I dream about to write is Alibaba’s 1000 mistakes.Every mistake you account, I think I made it.And I know you will make it, too.Because when I did business, people said, ―wa, this is a mistake.This guy is going to make it, that guy is going to make it.I’m never going to make it.I tell you, you will never going to make it.― And you will going to make it again, again, and again.When you are going to make it again and again, don’t lose confidence.Make it again, you are going to win.That’s all we did.I mean, nobody is perfect, right? So I almost lose my confidence in the year 2002 I had a big trouble with my team in the USA.I learned from the great consult guy to join the company, ―Jack, Alibaba is going to make international trade, international trade needs English.Which country has the best English you believe?‖ I think, USA.Right.‖Now, internet needs great technology, which country has the best technology?‖ We said, USA.While, the Silicon Valley.So we moved our to the Silicon Valley.But when I arrived Silicon Valley, suddenly I realized something wrong.We hired people from Miami, from New York, from all the world.They all came to the Silicon Valley.After 3 months, the problem was nobody in the Silicon Valley knew the trade.So what’s the po int having good technology and English? We are not English site.All the small medium size companies, I cross the board, they know whatexactly what you are talking about no matter how terrible your English is.So I stopped the mistake and I told the people, ―sorry, it’s a mistake.Let’s move back.‖ So after 2 months, we moved back to China again.The funny thing is that everybody was happy at that time because Internet is boosting.They got a lot of compensation shares, they got a lot of cash pay and finding another job is easy.But nobody want to the shares.We give them one cent per share, no, no, no, we want cash.Now you know, they don’t believe your dreams.If they believe the dreams, give them shares one cent.If they don’t believe, I want the cash, let them go.And I was so disappointed, a lot of people we hired, they do not.They want cash.No matter how wonderful, that time, easy to rise money, people still want cash.So I say, let forget it.I walked half an hour on Beijing street, my colleague was with me, and t hen I told myself, go to bed sleep, tomorrow, again.…we started.Today, things changed.So I want to tell you never ever give up your dreams.And today I encourage myself and our team that reminds us one thing always I want to share with you to finish my speech – today is very difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is very beautiful.Most people die tomorrow evening.You will never be able to see the day after tomorrow’s sunshine if you give up the hope, you will never see it.If you give up your employees, you will never see it, if you give up your customers, you are dead.But if you give up shareholders, you will get a better world.Thank you!。

2009半导体市场(英文),Market overview of Semiconductor in 2009

2009半导体市场(英文),Market overview of Semiconductor in 2009

Semiconductor industry in 2009General Information of 2009The year 2009 will be remembered as the one of most dismal year in the semi-con industry. With a plummet of more than 32 Billion $ in the revenue compared with 2008.. But one thing made us still not so depressed is the decrease of the whole year in turnover is estimated to be 12.4%, much better than earlier expected-- more than 20% (information from Isuppli). According to the marketing forecast, steadily increase in revenue will be achieved to 2421 & 2623 Million dollars in year 2010 & 2011 respectively.Worldwide Semiconductor industry changesAnnual Semiconductor turnover & yearly-based increase rate from 2006 to 2011Source: SIA (The Semiconductor industry Association) .Figure 1Figure2•4Q08— The beginning of the downturn/collapse•1Q09— The bottom of the cycle•2Q09— Inventory replenishment phase•3Q09— Strong seasonal demand•4Q09 a nd beyond — Market growth will mirror the health of the worldwide economy and electronic system salesTurning to the quarterly IC units shipping record from 2005-2009, quarterly growth rates are immediately followed by the two best quarterly growth rates, a classic "V-shaped" recovery has occurred. With the sharp drop ~21% in the fourth quarter in 2008, followed by 19.7% sequential drop in first quarter in 2009, the market has little for anything but pessimism. However, the whole market rebound rapidly with 26% increase in Q2 & 16% in Q3. Full-year 2009 IC unit shipments are expected to be down 8%. Much better than the earlier expected (IC Insights).Monthly Semiconductor worldwide Revenue from Jan, 2008 to Dec, 2009.Sources: SIA (The Semiconductor industry Association).Figure 3The above figure 3 shows that the revenue has been dropped in the lowest point of nearly 24 month in Feb, 2009, since March, the sales volume has been gained increase firstly in the past 6 months. The market projection shows this increasing will continue with totally year sales up to 219.7 billion US dollar, with around 12% percent drop compared with year 2008.According to Dale Ford from Isuppli, 12.4%-drop is much better than the estimation with 20% drop in 2009 at the beginning of 2009. The drop of 21.4% in Q4, 2008, & 18%drop in Q1, 2009 made all semiconductor producers lose confidence, but the rebounding with 18% increasing in Q2, 18% in Q3, estimated 5% in Q4 made the whole market warm-up again.Top Semiconductor Producers RankingRank 2006 Rank2007Rank2008Rank2009Semi-conCompany2006RevenueMillion$2007RevenueMillion$2008RevenueMillion$2009RevenueMillion$Changein 2009MarketShare1 1 1 1 英特尔/Intel 31542 33995 33767 32095 -5.00% 14.20%2 2 2 2 三星电子/Samsung 19842 19691 16902 17123 1.30% 7.60%4 4 3 3 /Toshiba东芝10141 12186 11081 10640 -4.00% 4.70%3 34 4 德州仪器/TexasInstruments 12600 12275 11068 9612 -13.20% 4.20%5 5 5 5 意法9854 10000 10325 8400 -18.60% 3.70%Top 20 Semiconductor producers in year 20092009 is deemed to the most depressed year for semi-con producers, expect Samsung, the only one of top 20 ranked in year 2008, who gained the increase in this year. This express such information, the market is not as terrible as it could be.Among the above list, the name of top 5 had not changed since year 2006 including Intel, Samsung, Toshiba, Texas Instrument, STMicroelectronics. Intel got the first place from NEC (who had kept the first since 1987-1991) at year 1992, .and kept this till today. Also, Intel is the only Company, who kept the same place in the past 17 years. (Source from Wikipedia).One of Taiwanese Company outperforms others with rank from last 24th to 15th in this year, listing in top20, with the revenue of 21.7% increase compared with 2008. Qualcomm keep the same/STMicroelectronics16 13 8 6 高通/Qualcomm 4529 5619 6477 6475 0.00% 2.90% 7697海力士/Hynix 7865904760235940-1.40%2.60%6 7 6 8 瑞萨科技/RenesasTech 7900 8001 7017 5664 -19.30% 2.50% 8 10 12 9 超微/AMD 7508 5918 5455 5038 -7.60% 2.20% 15 8 7 10 索尼/Sony 5129 7974 6950 4670 -32.80% 2.10% 11 12 11 11 NEC 电子/NEC 5601 5742 5826 4403 -24.40% 1.90% 14 9 10 12 英飞凌/Infineon 5119 6201 5954 4340 -27.10% 1.90% 18191413博通/Broadcom 3668374646434198-9.60%1.90%13 15 16 14 美光/MicroTechnology 5247 4869 4435 3995 -9.90% 1.80%282415联发科/Media Tek25292896352421.70%1.60%19 17 19 16 尔必达/ElpidaMemory 3527 3838 3599 3498 -2.80% 1.50% 9 14 13 17 飞思卡尔/Freescale 5988 5264 4933 3344 -32.70% 1.50% 17 18 15 18 松下/Panasonic4022 3880 4473 3330 -25.60% 1.50% 10111719NXP 5874574640553247-19.90%1.40%20 211820夏普电子/SharpElectronics 3341 3401 3682 2886 -20.00% 1.30% TOP20 164472 171383 160013 142422 -10.70% 62.80% Other 95722 97522 98291 84313 -15.20% 37.20% Worldwide 260194268905258304226735-12.40% 100.00%Source: wikipediafigure with last year. Meanwhile, we also can find that Freesale & Sony has dropped with more that 30%, other three companies with drop more that 20%.FU YX/2010-1-20。

ATIS-0600019 2009pre-pub

ATIS-0600019  2009pre-pub

ATIS-0600019.2009 [pre-pub]Pre-published American National Standard for Telecommunications - Test Requirements for Pb-Free SubassemblyPrepared byNIPP-NPPNOTICEThis document is a pre-published American National Standard of NIPP. The document has been approved by NIPP and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The document, however, has not completed the editing and publication cycles. As such, this document is subject to further change. ATIS and NIPP expressly advise that any use of or reliance upon the material in this document is at your risk and neither ATIS nor NIPP shall be liable for any damage or injury, of whatever nature, incurred by any person arising out of anyutilization of the material. The final version of this document will be published as ATIS-0600019.2009.ATIS is the leading technical planning and standards development organization committed to the rapid developmentof global, market-driven standards for the information, entertainment and communications industry. More than 300companies actively formulate standards in ATIS’ 20 Committees, covering issues including: IPTV, Service OrientedNetworks, Home Networking, Energy Efficiency, IP-Based and Wireless Technologies, Quality of Service, Billing andOperational Support. In addition, numerous Incubators, Focus and Exploratory Groups address emerging industrypriorities including “Green”, IP Downloadable Security, Next Generation Carrier Interconnect, IPv6 and Convergence.ATIS is the North American Organizational Partner for the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), a member andmajor U.S. contributor to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Radio and Telecommunications’Sectors, and a member of the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL).< / >Notice of Disclaimer & Limitation of LiabilityThe information provided in this document is directed solely to professionals who have the appropriate degree of experience to understand and interpret its contents in accordance with generally accepted engineering or other professional standards and applicable regulations. No recommendation as to products or vendors is made or should be implied.NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IS MADE THAT THE INFORMATION IS TECHNICALLY ACCURATE OR SUFFICIENT OR CONFORMS TO ANY STATUTE, GOVERNMENTAL RULE OR REGULATION, AND FURTHER, NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY IS MADE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR AGAINST INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. ATIS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, BEYOND THE AMOUNT OF ANY SUM RECEIVED IN PAYMENT BY ATIS FOR THIS DOCUMENT, WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL ATIS BE LIABLE FOR LOST PROFITS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. ATIS EXPRESSLY ADVISES ANY AND ALL USE OF OR RELIANCE UPON THIS INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS AT THE RISK OF THE USER.NOTE - The user’s attention is called to the possibility that compliance with this standard may require use of an invention covered by patent rights.By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to whether use of an invention covered by patent rights will be required, and if any such use is required no position is taken regarding the validity of this claim or any patent rights in connection therewith.Copyright © 2009 by Alliance for Telecommunications Industry SolutionsAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. For information, contact ATIS at 202.628.6380 or < >.ATIS-0600019.2009ATIS Standard on Pb-free Modules TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR P B-FREE S UBASSEMBLY M ODULESSecretariatAlliance for Telecommunications Industry SolutionsApproved Month DD, YYYYAbstractThis document specifies test requirements for Pb-free Subassembly Modules. Examples of these include but are not limited to power supply modules and optics modules that are later added to a higher level assembly. This document exclusively focuses on those RoHS items specific to the introduction of Pb-free components and does not address requirements for device specific qualification.F OREWORDThe Alliance for Telecommunication Industry Solutions (ATIS) serves the public through improved understanding between carriers, customers, and manufacturers. The NIPP-NPP Pb-free Working Group proposes, develops, and recommends Standards and Technical Reports relating to the use of lead or the restriction of lead in solder used in the manufacturing of telecommunications network equipment. In addition, the group recommends positions on matters, within its scope of expertise, under consideration by other national, regional and international standards development organizations. The subjects of the NIPP-NPP Pb-free Working Group’s Standards and Technical Reports include, but are not limited to the use and restriction, stress tolerance, and the environmental impact of lead; as well as the use of alternative materials and methodologies. The subjects also include the mechanical design and layout of telecommunications network equipment printed circuit assemblies and the components that are used in their construction.Suggestions for improvement of this document are welcome. They should be sent to the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions, NIPP-NPP Pb-free Working Group Secretariat, 1200 G Street NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20005.E. Eckert, NIPP ChairK. Sievert, NIPP Vice-ChairT. Bowers, Technical EditorC. Underkoffler, ATIS Chief EditorOrganization Represented Name of RepresentativeActelis Networks Inc. Ioannis Kanellakopoulos, PhDADTRAN Inc. Arlynn WilsonRichard Goodson (Alt.)Aktino, Inc. Ray NageleMichail Tsatsanis (Alt.)Alcatel - Lucent Ken BiholarTim Pantalis (Alt)American Insulated Wire Corp Suren ShahLowell Lisker (Alt)ASSIA Inc. Peter SilvermanWonjong Rhee (Alt.)StarrAT&T TomGary J. Tennyson (Alt)Aware, Inc. Marcos TzannesRichard L. Stuart (Alt.)Bell Canada Redouane ZidaneLucie Basque (Alt.)Bourns Limited Michael MaytumBritish Telecom Kevin FosterJohn W. Cook (Alt.)Broadcom Corporation Miguel PeetersAidan O’Rourke (Alt.)C.S.I. Telecommunications Thomas G. CrodaMichael S. Newman (Alt.)Centillium Communications, Inc. Guozhu LongCeterus Networks William SzetoCIENA Corporation Mike WingroveChristian Bourget (Alt)Cisco Systems John KrahnerLeonid Robinovich (Alt.)Conexant Systems, Inc. Massimo SorbaraCorning Cable Systems Christian DuranErin Blake (Alt.)Degree Controls Rajesh NairDr. Izuh Obinelo (Alt.)Department of Defense Chris FitzgeraldECI Telecom Incorporated Yoel ShaharOlga Goldin (Alt.)Embarq Corporation Michael HaslettEricsson Incorporated Per-Erik ErikssonETRI Pyung-Dong ChoSang-Mu Lee (Alt)FCI USA Inc. Ronald LaiPaul Werthman (Alt.)Fujitsu America Inc. Brian HunckJeff Holt (Alt.)Fultec Semiconductor Inc. Richard HarrisHatteras Networks Matt SquireHuawei Technologies Dong WeiGuozhu Long (Alt)Ikanos Communications Ed EckertSam Heidari (Alt.)Infineon Technologies Neal J. KingBernd Heise (Alt.)Intel Corporation Kevin BrossVasu Vasudevan (Alt)INTERTEK, Inc. Chris CoyleJuniper Networks Fred StringerSubbu Tallak (Alt)Littelfuse LP Phillip HavensMarvell Semiconductor Inc. Jacky ChowPeter Liu (Alt)National Technical Systems Clayton ForbesNEC Corporation of America John McDonoughMilorad Cvijetic (Alt)Nokia Siemens Networks David E. FranciscoNortel Joseph A. ZebarthPeco II, Inc. Tom WigginsTab Walter (Alt.)Pulse Greg GoughWilliam J. Buckley(Alt.)Qwest MichaelSprengerPete Kawamoto (Alt.)Samsung Telecommunications Am. Pradeep SamudraShahbaz Rahmanian (Alt.)Sparnex n.v. Joe MaesAndre Holley (Alt).Sprint Nextel Jerry MeyersPete Youngberg (Alt)Stanford University John CioffiPatricia Oshiro (Alt.)Symmetricom Inc. Kishan ShenoiJim Olsen (Alt.)Telcordia Technologies Ken KerpezCliff Halevi (Alt.)Telstra Frank RuhlBruce ClarkeTexas Instruments Les BrownThomas & Betts Corporation Bruce Hauver, Sr.Tyco Electronics Al MartinPaul Becker (Alt.)Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. Randy IvansVerizon Communications Trone BishopKevin Sievert (Alt.)Zarlink Semiconductor Michel DarveauDave Chabinec (Alt.)At the time it approved this document, the NIPP-NPP Pb-free Working group, which is responsible for the development of this Standard, had the following members:Trevor Bowers, ADTRANKevin Bross, IntelMarie Cole, IBMRichard Coyle, Alcatel-LucentEric Dornes, Southwest Research InstituteLavanya Gopalakrishnan, CiscoGary Hazard, TellabsPaul Jacovelli, FujitsuSherwin Kahn, Alcatel-LucentBon Pipkin, AT&TNick Pitt, NortelJoe Smetana, Alcatel-LucentPat Tobin, FujitsuVasu Vasudevan, IntelR EVISION H ISTORYDate Version Description AuthorInitial release Pb-Free WorkingGroupT ABLE OF C ONTENTSABSTRACT (I)FOREWORD (II)REVISION HISTORY (IV)TABLE OF CONTENTS (V)TABLE OF FIGURES (V)TABLE OF TABLES (V)1.SCOPE, PURPOSE, & APPLICATION (1)1.1S COPE (1)1.2P URPOSE (1)1.3A PPLICATION (1)2.NORMATIVE REFERENCES (1)3.DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS, & ABBREVIATIONS (2)3.1D EFINITIONS (2)3.1.1RoHS6 (2)3.1.2Module (2)3.1.3Module Terminals (2)3.2A CRONYMS,A BBREVIATIONS,&S YMBOLS (2)4.REQUIREMENTS (3)4.1F OR ALL COMPONENTS USED INTERNAL TO P B-FREE (R O HS6) SUBASSEMBLIES (3)4.2F OR SUBASSEMBLY MODULES MEETING P B-FREE (R O HS6) REQUIREMENTS (3)4.3A SSOCIATED C HECKLIST (6)T ABLE OF F IGURESF IGURE 1:E XAMPLE OF M ODULE T ERMINATIONS (2)F IGURE 2:E XAMPLE OF C OPPER V OIDING AT C U/C U3S N I NTERFACE:L EFT, AFTER 20 DAYS AT 125°C.R IGHT,AFTER 40 DAYS @125°C.(S OURCE:T EXAS I NSTRUMENTS) (4)F IGURE 3:E XAMPLE OF P AD C RATERING (5)F IGURE 4:E XAMPLE OF SOLDER CRACKING THOUGH VOIDS (5)T ABLE OF T ABLESN/AATISSTANDARD ATIS-0600019.2009 ATIS Standard on –TEST REQUIREMENTS FOR P B-FREE S UBASSEMBLY M ODULES1.S COPE,P URPOSE,&A PPLICATION1.1ScopeThis document specifies test methods and requirements for Pb-free Subassembly Modules. Module testing may be done on a representative part number, and is not required on all part numbers provided there is sufficient similarity in terms of size, component types, printed wiring board structure and materials, etc. Examples of modules include but are not limited to power supply modules and optics modules that are later added to a higher level assembly. This document exclusively focuses on those RoHS items specific to the introduction of Pb-free components and does not address requirements for device specific qualification.1.2PurposeTelecom product that is eligible for the "Network Infrastructure Equipment" Pb- in-solder exemption (EU RoHS Directive exemption 7b) should continue to use subassembly modules manufactured using SnPb solder as referenced in GR-78-Core. The Telecom industry will not accept modules that use SnPb finished components but are soldered with Pb-free solders. In view of reliability concerns, the telecom users require qualification of RoHS6 subassembly modules (i.e. those assembled with Pb-free solder) as defined below. This document provides a set of methods and requirements for telecom industry qualification testing to determine acceptability of RoHS6 subassembly modules.1.3ApplicationThis document (and supporting documentation) is intended to be used by equipment manufacturers wishing to deploy small modules in carrier network equipment when those modules use a solder composition other than the historical SnPb (tin-lead) solder.2.N ORMATIVE R EFERENCESThe following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisionsof this ATIS Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this ATIS Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Non-hermetic Solid StateSurface Mount DevicesGR-78-CORE Generic Requirements for the Physical Design and Manufacture ofTelecommunications Products and EquipmentJEDEC JESD-201 Environmental Acceptance Requirements For Tin Whisker SusceptibilityOf Tin And Tin Alloy Surface FinishesIPC/JEDEC JP002 Current Tin Whisker Theory And Mitigation Practices GuidelineJEDEC JESD22-B104 Mechanical ShockIPC 9701 Performance Test Methods and Qualification Requirements for SurfaceMount Solder AttachmentsEU Directive 2002/95/EC EU Directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS)IPC J-STD-075 Classification of Non-IC Electronic Components for Assembly Processes IPC-TM-650, Method 2.6.8 IPC Test Methods Manual, "Thermal Stress, Plated-Through Holes"3.D EFINITIONS,A CRONYMS,&A BBREVIATIONS3.1Definitions3.1.1RoHS6Refers to products or components that are RoHS compliant and do not contain Pb beyond the threshold limits permitted by the EU RoHS legislation. These products use Pb-free solders and components*.*Note: For the purposes of this document, RoHS5 and RoHS6 are terms used to differentiate products that make use of various Pb exemptions and those that do not. OEM and supplier interpretation of the meanings of these terms can vary; for example, a Flip Chip BGA component with SnPb bumps and SnAgCu balls can be referred to as either RoHS5 or RoHS6.3.1.2ModuleAny electronic assembly consisting of components (mechanical and/or electrical) that is preassembled with solder alloys, with the purpose of being attached or connected to another soldered assembly at a later time.3.1.3Module TerminalsModule terminals refer to pins, leads, or balls on the module which interconnect the module to the next level Printed Circuit Board assembly.Figure 1: Example of Module Terminations3.2Acronyms, Abbreviations, & SymbolsATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry SolutionsRoHS Restriction of Hazardous SubstancesEU EuropeanUnionSn TinPb LeadBGA Ball Grid ArrayOEM Original Equipment ManufacturerAg SilverCu Copper(Tin-silver-copper)SAC SnAgCuAu GoldNi NickelBi BismuthSEM Scanning Electron MicroscopyPCB Printed Circuit BoardPWB Printed Wiring BoardCGA Column Grid ArrayQFN Quad Flat Pack No-LeadFrameLeadMLF MicroArrayGridLGA Land4.REQUIREMENTS4.1For all components used internal to Pb-free (RoHS6) subassemblies1)BGA’s shall be compatible with the assembly process. Specifically, for Pb-free SnAgCu(SAC) assembly process, only BGA’s with SAC solder balls are acceptable. Mixing of SnPbsolder balls with SAC alloy solder is not acceptable.2)Pb-free Sn finishes (including alloys such as SnAg, SnCu, SnBi) on leaded and discretecomponents shall only be used when these finishes include suitable whisker mitigationpractices (see JEDEC JP002) and have passed the Class 2 tin whisker acceptance testingrequirements of JEDEC JESD-201. Subassembly suppliers shall require this of theircomponent suppliers and shall maintain an auditable process to ensure compliance withthis requirement.4.2For subassembly modules meeting Pb-free (RoHS6) requirementsThese subassemblies are RoHS6 modules with Pb-free module terminals, and the module is assembled using Pb-free solder and processes.1)Plated leads or pins (the module terminals) which will be attached to the Printed CircuitBoard assembly must be backward compatible with the SnPb assembly processes.2)If the plated leads or pins used on the module terminal are Pb-free Sn finishes (includingalloys such as SnAg, SnCu, SnBi, SnAgCu), the supplier shall use a suitable tin whiskermitigation practice (see JEDEC JEP002) and provide data demonstrating compliance withthe Class 2 tin whisker acceptance testing requirements of JEDEC JESD-201.3)The MSL rating of the module (per IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020) shall be based on the worst caseMSL rated component used in the module. MSL rating should be provided for SnPb andSAC assembly as applicable to the module. Additionally, the module shall meet thetemperature requirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020 (revision C or later) for the appropriateSnPb and/or SAC assembly process if the module is to be SMT mounted.4)Printed wiring boards internal to the module shall be manufactured using materialscompatible with and qualified for high temperature Pb-free soldering. Qualification testingmust be completed for each material/supplier combination and PCB construction per theIPC-TM-650 Method 2.6.8 "Thermal Stress, Plated-Through Holes" standard for 6X stresscycles. Areas cross-sectioned for validation must contain the tightest array of holes withinthe PCB. Note: It is the intent that the test method referenced here be changed to 2.6.27Bupon it’s release and review by the PWG committee.5)For modules with solder ball terminals, the ball material specified should ideally becompatible with the solder process used during next level assembly of the printed circuitboard assembly. For guidance on mixed alloy assembly (e.g. SAC ball and SnPb solder),refer to Telcordia GR-78-CORE.6)All components used internal to the module shall meet J-STD-020 and/or J-STD-075. Themodule itself shall meet the temperature and MSL requirements of J-STD-020.7)Solder joint reliability data (per IPC-9701) shall be required if any of the followingsubcomponents are used: ceramic BGAs or copper CGAs; leadless area array components(such as QFN, MLF, LGA, etc); BGAs with pitch less than or equal to 0.8mm; discretesgreater than or equal to 2512 body size.8)Telecommunications Infrastructure products require very long field lifetimes typicallyranging from 15 to 25 years and high reliability. There are still significant unknowns relativeto SAC solder joint reliability. Additionally, the greater stiffness of Pb-free solders,compared to SnPb solders, places greater stresses on the interfaces of solder joints tocomponents and PCB’s. Areas of particular concern include pad cratering, intermetallicfractures, particularly on NiAu surfaces, microvoiding, and copper voiding that mayweaken the interfaces. The following figures provide examples of some of these phenomena.(Note: the copper voiding is not exclusive to Pb-free solders, but the added stiffness of Pb-free solders creates additional stresses on these interfaces should this voiding occur.)Figure 2: Example of Copper Voiding at Cu/Cu3Sn Interface: Left, after 20 days at 125°C. Right, after40 days @125°C. (Source: Texas Instruments)Figure 3: Example of Pad CrateringFigure 4: Example of solder cracking though voidsFor long life products (does not apply to short life products like disc drives and similar) to minimize the risk to the product lifetime, in addition to the suppliers’ normal qualification testing, suppliers shall age the product a minimum of 750 hours at 125°C. If there are components (e.g. optical components that are inseparable from the module) that cannot tolerate 125°C, then the preconditioning shall be 2000 hours at 85°C. At the completion of this aging period, the module shall be subject to a mechanical shock test in accordance with JEDEC JESD22-B104 {latest rev}, service condition A. It is preferred that a minimum of 10 modules be subjected to this testing. A smaller sample size may be used if it is deemed adequate by the supplier, OEM, and end customer. At the end of the shock test, all modules shall be functionally tested. If failures occur, failure analysis shall be performed. The test is acceptable as long as the failures are not attributed to the defects as detailed above or specifically related to the Pb-free aspects of the design. Whether or not there are failures, a cross section of the solder joints of the largest BGA (if applicable), or otherwise largest SMT component in one of the tested modules shall be completed and examined by SEM for evidence of these types of failures. If these types of failure are identified, the test is a failure, and the modules are not acceptable until appropriate corrective actions are taken and verified as successful.4.3Associated ChecklistThe following checklist is based on the above and shall be filled out as applicable for any modules being submitted for review in conjunction with this requirement.1) For all the leaded IC and discrete components (not including BGA, QFN) used in the module,that use some form of Tin (Sn) finish (example finishes include Sn, SnAg, SnCu, SnBi, etc.) as the Pb-free surface finish of the component: Has the supplier performed suitable Sn whisker mitigation practices (see JEDEC JP002) and has the finish passed the Sn whisker acceptance testing requirements of JEDEC JESD-201 Class 2?___________2) Does the module supplier maintain a traceable and auditable record during their componentssupplier qualification to ensure the above Sn whisker mitigation practices and requirements are met?___________3) If the module’s external leads or pins are finished with a Tin (Sn) or Sn alloy: Has the supplierperformed suitable Sn Whisker mitigation practices (see JEDEC JP002) and has the finish passed the Sn whisker acceptance testing requirements of JEDEC JESD-201 Class 2?___________4) For all Surface Mount attached modules; is the MSL (Moisture Sensitivity Level per IPC/JEDECJ-STD-020) rating of the module based on the worst case MSL rated component used in the module?___________5) Do all the components used internal to the module and the module itself meet the temperatureand MSL requirements of the J-STD-020 and/or J-STD-075 standards?___________6) Does the Printed Wiring Board (PWB) in the module use materials compatible with and qualifiedfor high temperature Pb-free soldering?___________7) Has the preconditioing called out in Section 4.2, item (8) been completed? ___________8) Have the required shock tests of all modules in accordance with JEDEC JESD22-B104 servicecondition A been completed after preconditioning?___________9) After the shock test defined above, were all modules functionally tested and passed?___________10) Has failure analysis of any failed modules been completed and the failed components and rootcause (s) been identified?___________11)Has detailed SEM examination of one of the passing modules to ensure there is no evidence ofvoiding in the intermetallic, pad cratering, excessive solder voids, or other similar defects been completed? A summary report detailing items 8-11 of this checklist shall be provided.12) Does the module include any of the following technologies?a) Array packages equal to or less than 0.8mm pitch___________b) Ceramic BGA or CuCGA component___________c) Leadless area array component, e.g. QFN, MLF, LGA, etc.d) Passives of case size 2512 or larger___________13) If the answer to any item in 12 is yes, has solder joint reliability evaluation per IPC-9701 on thetechnology component type(s) been completed?___________。

ITW June 2009

ITW June 2009

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Panasonic Broadcast 2009 产品参考指南说明书

Panasonic Broadcast 2009 产品参考指南说明书

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We offer “when it counts” products because we understand that this investment is important to you and the people you work with. When exceptional quality is called for, when the turnaround time is short, when you have only one chance to get the shot, and when everything is on the line (including your reputation), you need your video tools to perform, hour after hour, day after day. We are delighted to offer you the finest professional video products in the industry, backed by the industry’s best support programs.*5-Year Limited Warranty on fully solid-state P2 HD products (1-Year Basic Warranty, plus extended warranty for years two through five upon registration). 3-Year Limited Warranty on AVCCAM products (1-Year Basic Warranty plus extended warranty for years two and three, uponThe 1/3" AG-HPX300 is the world’s first highly affordable 10-bit 4:2:2 camcorder. With a 17X interchangeable CAC lens included and 2.2 megapixel 3MOS imagers, it records full-resolution 1080 and 720 HD, as well as SD content, in exceptional quality AVC-Intra, DVCPRO HD, DVCPRO50, DVCPRO and DV.n n n n For more information, visit /p2hdAJ-HPX3000 2/3" Native 1080p CamcorderA top-of-the-line camera for 1080 news and commercial production, the HPX3000 features three advanced 2/3" 2.2-million pixel CCDs to acquire full-raster 1920 x 1080 resolution, 4:2:2 10-bit images using advanced AVC-Intra or popular DVCPRO HD and DVCPRO50.AJ-HPX2000 Ultra-versatile 2/3" CamcorderA full HD native 1280 x 720 resolution camera with extraordinary sensitivity and three 2/3" imagers, the HPX2000 has a wide following in news and sports production. It offers exceptional quality video in more than 30 HD/SD formats, including 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i and 576i. Five P2 slots allow extended recording times.AG-HPX500 Affordable 2/3" CamcorderOffering a unique combination of high-end features never available in a full 2/3" camcorder in this price range, the HPX500 records in more than 32 HD/SD formats and offers variable frame rates and four independent audio channels.AG-HPX170 Fully Solid-state Handheld CamcorderA 4-pound, fully solid-state, full production-quality HD/SD format handheld with independent frame recording. The HPX170 offers DVCPRO/50/ HD compatibility, a wide-angle 13X Leica Dicomar zoom lens, two P2 slots, HD-SDI and IEEE 1394 I/O, Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope, a time/date stamp function, and 20 variable frame rates.AG-HVX200A 1/3" Handheld HD/SD CamcorderA legend in the industry, this 5.5-pound unitoffers a DV tape drive and two P2 slots so you can move easily from SD to HD and tape-to-file-based recording. This handheld features 1080i/p, 720p and 4:2:2 independent-frame recording and a progressive 3-CCD imager with biaxial pixel shift technology for stunning image quality.AJ-HPX3700 Cinema-quality P2 HD CamcorderThis 2/3" 2.2 megapixel 3-CCD camera offers 4:4:4 RGB dual-link output, simultaneous full-raster 1920 x 1080 resolution recording with 4:2:2 10-bit sampling in AVC-Intra 100, and Film-Rec 600% to deliver high dynamic range and pristine images for movie and TV productions.AJ-HPX2700 Solid-state P2 HD CamcorderWith high sensitivity and ultimate flexibility, variable frame rates (1-60fps), Film-Rec Gamma, three 2/3" native HD resolution CCDs and 14-bit A/D, the HPX2700 captures 720p images in full-raster 1280 x 720 resolution with 4:2:2 10-bit sampling in AVC-Intra 100. It is 1080p switchable and also supports DVCPRO HD and AVC-Intra 50.AG-HMC150 Handheld 1/3" 3-CCD CamcorderA professional-quality workhorse, the HMC150 records full 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720 images using three 1/3" CCD imagers. It features a 13X 28mm-to-368mm Leica Dicomar zoom lens; 60i, 24p and 30p recording in a full range of HD formats; and the exclusive PH mode for image quality beyond that offered by older HDV technology.AG-HMR10 AVCCAM Field Recorder/PlayerThis portable, handheld unit records stunning, full 1080 and 720 resolution images, including the highest quality PH mode (max. 24 Mbps). The HD-SDI input/output makes it ideal as a bridge or backup recorder for any HD-SDI-enabled camera. This battery-powered recorder/player features a 3.5" color LCD monitor for easy viewing of content and thumbnail images. It also offers an HDMI output. Available Fall 2009.AG-HCK10 Compact Multi-purpose POV Camera HeadThis ultra-small camera head, which teams exclusively with the AG-HMR10 recorder, features three 1/4.1" native HD resolution 3MOS imagers and connectivity up to 10 meters. It’s ideal for production, sports coaching, healthcare, law enforcement, inspection, remote vehicle operation and more. Iris, focus, zoom control and power are supplied from the HMR10. Available Fall 2009.AG-HMC70 Shoulder-mount 3-CCD CamcorderThis lightweight, stable-shooting camera records 1080i onto standard SD/SDHC cards to ensure a fast, tapeless workflow. The HMC70 offers a 12X Leica Dicomar wide-angle lens; image stabilization; and A/V connections, including XLR inputs and BNC outputs.n n nn A highly versatile and affordable handheld*, this less than 3-pound unit can record both HD video, as well as 10.6 megapixel still images. Using full 1920 x 1080 resolution, this 3MOS imager unit can record for up to 12 hours on a single 32 GB SD card. It records in 1080 in 24p, 30p and 60i and in 720 in 24p, 30p and 60p. Other features include a time/date stamp, focus assist, HDMI output and user-assignable focus ring. Available August 2009.An ultra-mobileHD camera and recorder combo!*Shown with optional mic and XLR adapter.For more information, visit /avccamAK-HC931B Multi-format HD/SDStudio CameraVersatile studio/shoulder-mount EFP camera system features 2/3" 3-CCDs to deliver 1-million-pixel (1280 x 720) progressive scan resolution in both 1080i and 720p (switchable) and 480i SD (optional). The HC931B offers 38-bit internal processing, high sensitivity (F10 at 2000 lux) and a low smear of -130dB.AK-HC1800N 2/3" 2.2M 1080iMulti-purpose 3-CCD CameraThe HC1800N delivers the highest-quality HD video possible in a compact, multi-purpose camera. Packed with high-end image controls and features, it offers Dynamic Range Stretch, 12-axis color matrix adjustment, extraordinary low light sensitivity (F10 at 2000 lux) and clarity (60dB signal-to-noise ratio; -130dB smear level). AK-HC1500G 2/3" 1080i/720p HDMulti-purpose 3-CCD CameraThis versatile 3.3-pound camera captures exceptional video in 1080 at 24p/25p/30p/50i/59.94i and 60i and 720 at 50p/59.94p and 60p. It offers Dynamic Range Stretch, variable frame rates (4fps to 60fps) and a Cine-Gamma curve to produce film-like images. AW-HE100 Integrated HD/SD Camera with Ultra-smooth Pan/Tilt/ZoomAll-in-one 1/3" 3-CCD camera with high-performance Real-Servo pan/tilt delivers smooth, fast, precise, quiet operation. A fast f1.6 zoom lens, 19-bit video processing DSP (digital signal processor) and 14-bit A/D converter enable the HE100 to produce exceptional HD andSD video in a wide range of lighting conditions. The HE100’s elegant, rugged, ergonomic design; IR and high-speed RS-422; automated operation; and wide range of camera control adjustments make it easy to integrate and a pleasure to use.Super-smooth operation from an array of angles! AW-HE870 Affordable, 2/3" Multi-purpose HD/SD Camera This cost-effective, high-performance, 2/3" HD/SD convertible camera supports 1080i/720p/480i image acquisition in a wide range of lighting conditions. Offers a high sensitivityof F10 at 2000 lux. The HE870 is compatible with most 2/3" HD/SD motor drive zoom lenses, all current Panasonic pan/tilts and controllers, and most third-party systems.AK-HC3500 1080i HD Studio CameraThis native 1080i studio camera system isideal for studio/direct-to-air facilities and EFP.Incorporating 2/3" 2.2 megapixel IT 3-CCDs,a 38-bit DSP and a 14-bit A/D converter, theHC3500 delivers exceptional HD images in1080/59.94i and 1080/50i.For more information, visit /broadcastAG-HPG20 P2 Portable Recorder with AVC-Intra RecordingThe affordable, fully solid-state P2 Portable recorder/player brings easy playback, recording and file copying of 10-bit, 4:2:2 content to the field or studio. Equipped with two P2 card slots and a 3.5" LCD monitor, the 2.5-pound unit lets you view content immediately in AVC-Intra or DVCPRO HD or in SD in DVCPRO50, DVCPRO and DV.AJ-HPM110 P2 Mobile Recorder/PlayerThis 14-pound unit features six P2 card slots for unmatched recording times in DVCPRO HD/50/25 and DV format and provides full-raster 1920 x 1080 resolution, 10-bit, 4:2:2 AVC-Intra as an option. Its HD-SDI I/O (including 23.98psf and 24psf) allows it to be teamed with any HD-SDI tape or solid-state camera. Ideal for video village applications.AJ-HRW10 Rapid Writer P2 Workflow ToolThis portable workflow tool dramatically simplifies access to P2 content and incorporates RAID 1 mirroring support. With slots for two 3.5" removable hard disk drives and a built-in AJ-PCD35, it can automatically transfer data from up to five P2 cards. Features a 5" LCD touch-screen with simple controls to preview content on disk or P2 cards.AJ-PCD35 P2 Drive with PCI Express InterfaceThis five-slot P2 drive with a PCI Express interface (PCI-e) provides transfer speeds of up to 1.2 Gbps from as many as five “A” Series P2 cards simultaneously, and up to 800 Mbps off a single “A” Series P2 card to PCI Express-equipped desktop computers or ExpressCard-equipped notebook computers with a third-party adapter. Works with all P2 cards.AJ-HPG10 P2 Gear Viewer/Player/RecorderThe lightweight, battery-operated P2 Gear provides viewing, backup recording and file management of P2 content. With two P2 card slots and a 3.5" LCD monitor, it offers immediate playing and viewing in multiple formats (1080i, 720p, 576i, 480i). The heavy-duty, shock-resistant unit is equipped with speakers and IEEE 1394, USB 2.0 and HD-SDI input/outputs.AJ-PCD20P Five-slot P2 DriveThis five-slot internal/external drive saves time by providing easy access to and high-speed transfer of P2 content to a desktop or laptop computer. It offers IEEE1394b and USB 2.0 interfaces and Windows 2000/XP and Mac OS X support.For more information, visit /p2hdPanasonic’s new, economy 64GB, 32GB and 16GB “E” Series P2 cards offer a blazing-fast 1.2Gbps transfer speed and a significantly lower purchase price (less than $1,000 for the 64GB card (model AJ-P2E064XG)). You can expect approximately five years of usage from a rugged “E” Series P2 card.newBT-LH2550 25.5" LCD Monitor with Extended Color GamutWith a full 1920 x 1200-pixel In-Plane Switching panel, this production monitor features an expanded color gamut, exceeding the NTSC standard, to ensure vivid, true-to-life color for critical monitoring at a cost far less than premium-priced reference monitors. The LH2550 offers six color space settings – SMPTE, EBU, ITU-R BT.709, Adobe 2.2, Adobe 1.8 and D-Cinema – to expand the range of colors that can be viewed onscreen for applications ranging from broadcast and print to digital graphics and postproduction.For more information, visit /productiontoughBT-LH1760 17" 120Hz LCD Production MonitorThis 17" multi-format monitor features 120Hz double-speed drive – twice that of current LCD monitors – enabling it to handle fast-motion content exceptionally well and reduce image blur. The monitor offers a built-in Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope, and its advanced In-Plane Switching panel delivers exceptional black levels and stunning picture quality.BT-LH1710 17.1" Multi-format Production MonitorThis versatile LCD monitor provides exceptional HD- quality images with best-in-class features, including built-in Waveform Monitor/Vectorscope, embedded audio and DVI-D input. The affordable LH1710 showcases the latest 1280 x 768 IPS panel, which provides stunning contrast and outstanding black levels and 10-bit image processing with color space settings of SMPTE, EBU, ITU-R BT.709.BT-LH900A 8.4" Multi-format Color Production Monitor/ViewfinderThis slim, rugged, 4-pound, DC-powered LCD monitor greatly simplifies HD and SD monitoring on location or on a sound stage. It is equipped with two SDI inputs automatically detecting HD or SD, built-In Waveform Monitor, focus assist functions and Video/Cine-Gamma Conversion Table.BT-LH80WU 7.9" 16:9 Color Viewfinder/MonitorThis versatile, wide-screen 3.3-pound HD/SD LCD monitor features high-resolution playback and advanced focus assist function for critical focusing in HD. Benefits include low power consumption, pixel-to-pixel mapping, built-in Waveform Monitoring and SDI/HD.Panasonic production-tough monitors are perfect for the field or studio.AV-HS450 16-input Multi-format HD/SD SwitcherThis powerful, multi-format, expandable switcher offers 16 SD/HD-SDI inputs (standard) with dual-screen MultiViewer output, multiple keyers, aux busses, PIP , and 3D effects levels. It also offers built-in frame-synchronizers, four SDI outputs and two DVI outputs standard. The HS450 supports 1080/59.94i, 1080/24Psf, 1080/23.98Psf, 720/59.94p in HD and 480/59.94i in SD. Available Fall 2009.AV-HS400A Live HD/SD Switcher with Enhanced MultiViewerThis versatile, compact 4- to 8-input switcher offers built-in 10-window MultiViewer preview, full 10-bit HD processing, optional up- and down-conversion and scaling I/O boards, 3D digital effects for video and keyer, camera control, frame synchronizers, aux bus, and powerful graphics/keyer functions.AV-HS300G Compact Multi-format HD/SD SwitcherThis portable, high-performance switcher features six inputs (five HD/SD-SDI and one DVI/RGB) and three outputs (three HD/SD-SDI), RS-422 control, ethernet connectivity, 12-volt power, and a built-in, 10-bit, 6-channel frame synchronizer. An optional 5-input HD-component board (model AV-HSB300) is available.Panasonic Broadcast & Television Systems Co.3 Panasonic Way, 2E-7Secaucus, NJ 07094Phone: 201-348-5300/broadcastFor more information, visit /broadcastbroadcast & television systemsTop photo on page 4 courtesy of .Photo of “In the Kitchen” with Alissa Bigelow ()The AV-HS400A and upcoming AV-HS450 offer powerful MultiViewers as a standard feature.。



2009年12月14日Chapter 9 Business Report (商务报告)The Structure of Business Report 商务报告的结构前言部分(Preliminary Parts): 扉页Title 授权Authorization 目录Contents概述或行政概述Executive Summary致谢Acknowledgements正文部分(Report Text): 介绍Introduction 正文Body结论Conclusions 建议Recommendations附录部分(Addenda): 参考资料Reference 附录AppendicesSample Report (商务报告样例)Example 1 Progress Report (进度报告)TO: Rick William, Executive ProducerFROM: Shella Ryan, Product ManagerDATE: January 12,2006SUBJECT: A New Product CatalogueThis report updates on the progress in making a new product catalogue for the compan y. We managed to have resolved four issues, and three remain to be finished within the planned period of time --- before February 8, 2006.Tasks Completed1. A through collection of information on all the products in stock at thecompany warehouse has been made. It was found that 345 types ofproducts belonging to nine categories could be available for marketingfor the year of 2007.2.Three advertising companies have been approached for making a newcatalogue. It was decided that ABC Company be appointed the maker.3.Two hundred and thirty-four of the 345 types of products have beenphotographed. It seems to have been sufficient for the new catalogue.4.Verbal descriptions of the products have been ready and numbered.Tasks Remaining1.It is believed that some more updates about the products to be availableafter this current month are needed before printing.2.ABC company, the chosen advertiser, is to make the preliminaryselection of the photos before submitting for approval to the Board.3.All the data and references for the product lines shall be storedelectronically on both the computer and the corporate wed page.By February 8, you will have my final report describing the three remaining tasks. A new product catalogue will be made for you on February 10.The Characteristics of Business Report (商务报告的特点)客观Objective准确Precise简练Concise常用的表达方式(Useful Expressions)1.The purpose of this report is to analyze the travel and entertainment budget inSoutheast China.本报告的目的是分析公司在中国东南地区的差旅费和娱乐预算。



2009十二月Bosses Say !°Yes!± to Ho WorkRising costs of office space, time lost to stressful commuting, and a slow recognition that workers have lives beyond the office!all are strong arguments for letting staff work from home. For the small business, there are additional benefits too!staff are more productive, and happier, enabling firms to keep their headcounts () and their recruitment costs to aminimum. It can also provide competitive advantage, especially when small businesses want to attract new staff but don!ˉt have the budget t offer huge salaries.While company managers have known about the benefits for a long time, many have donelittle about it, sceptical of whether they could trust their employees to work to full capacity without supervision, or concerned about the additional expenses teleworking policies might incur as staff start charging their home phone bills to the business.Yet this is now changing. When communications provider Inter-Tel researched the use ofremote working solutions among small-and-medium-sized UK businesses in April this year, it found that 28% more companies claimed to have introduced flexible working practices than a year ago.The UK network of Business Links confirms that it too has seen a growing interest in remote working solutions from small businesses seeking its advice, and claims that as many as 60-70% of the businesses that come through its doors now offer some form of remote working support to their workforces.Technology advances, including the widespread availability of broadband, are making the introduction of remote working a piece of cake.!°If systems are set up properly, staff can have access to all the resources they have in theoffice wherever they have an internet connection,!± says Andy Poulton, -business advisor at Business Link for Berkshire and Wiltshire. !°There are some very exciting developments which have enabled this.!±One is the availability of broadband everywhere, which now covers almost all of the country (BT claims that, by July, 99.8% of its exchanges will be broadband enabled, with alternative plans in place for even the most remote exchanges). !°This is the enabler,!± Poulton saysYet while broadband has come down in price too, those service providers targeting thebusiness market warn against consumer services masquerading () as business-friendly broadband.!°Broadband is available for as little as15 a month, but many businesses fail to appreciatethe hidden costs of such a service,!± says Neil Stephenson, sales and marketing director at Onyx Internet, an internet service provider based in the north-east of England. !°Providers offering broadband for rock-bottom prices are notorious for poor service, with regular breakdowns and heavily congested () networks. It is always advisable for businesses to look beyond theprice tag and look for a business-only provider that can offer more reliability, with good support.!±Such services don!ˉt cost too muc!quality services can be found for upwards of 30 a mo nth.The benefits of broadband to the occasional home worker are that they can access email inreal time, and take full advantage of services such as internet-based backup or even internet-based phone services.Internet-based telecoms, or V oIP (V oice over IP) to give it its technical title, is an interestingtool to any business supporting remote working. Not necessarily because of the promise of free orreduced price phone calls (which experts point out is misleading for the average business), but because of the sophisticated voice services that can be exploited by the remote worker!facilities such as voicemail and call forwarding, which provide a continuity of the company image for customers and business partners.By law, companies must !°consider seriously!± requests to work flexibly made by a parenwith a child under the age of six, or a disabled child under 18. It was the need to accommodate employees with young children that motivated accountancy firm Wright Vigar to begin promoting teleworking recently. The company, which needed to upgrade its IT infrastructure () toprovide connectivity with a new, second office, decided to introduce support for remote working at the same time.Marketing director Jack O!ˉHern explains that the com pany has a relatively young workforce, many of whom are parents: !°One of the trggers was when one of our tax managers returned from maternity leave. She was intending to work part time, but could only manage one day a week in the office due to childcare. By offering her the ability to work from home, we have doubled her capacity!now she works a day a week from home, and a day in the office. This is great for her, and for us as we retain someone highly qualified.!±For Wright Vigar, which has now equipped all of its fee-earners to be able to work atmaximum productivity when away from the offices (whether that!ˉs from home, or while on the road), this strategy is not just about saving on commute time or cutting them loose from the office, but enabling them to work more flexible hours that fit around their home life.O!ˉHern says: !°Althgh most of our work is client-based and must fit around this, we can!ˉtsee any reason why a parent can!ˉt be on hand to deal with something important at home, if the y have the ability to complete a project later in the day.!±Supporting this new way of working came with a price, though. Although the firm wasupdating its systems anyway, the company spent 10-15% more per user to equip them with a laptop rather than a PC, and about the same to upgrade to a server that would enable remote staff to connect to the company networks and access all their usual resources.Although Wright Vigar hasn!ˉt yet quantified the business benefits, it claims that, in additionto being able to retain key staff with young families, it is able to save fee-earners a substantial amount of !°dead!± time in their working daysThat staff can do this without needing a fixed telephone line provides even more efficiency savings. !°With W-Fi (fast, wireless internet connections) popping up all over the place, even on trains, our fee-earners can be productive as they travel, and between meetings, instead of having to kill time at the shops,!± he adds.The company will also be able to avoid the expense of having to relocate staff to temporary offices for several weeks when it begins disruptive office renovations soon.Financial recruitment specialist Lynne Hargreaves knows exactly how much her firm hassaved by adopting a teleworking str ategy, which has involved handing her company!ˉs data management over to a remote hosting company, Datanet, so it can be accessible by all the company!ˉs consultants over broadband internet connections.It has enabled the company to dispense with its business premises altogether, following the realisation that it just didn!ˉt need them any more. !°The main motivaon behind adopting home working was to increase my own productivity, as a single mum to an 11-year-old,!± says Hargreaves. !°But I soon realised that, as most of our business is done on the phone, email and atoff-site meetings, we didn!ˉt need our offices a all. We!ˉre now saving16,000 a year on rent, plus the cost of utilities, not to mention what would have been spent on commuting.!±1. What is the main topic of this passage?A) How business managers view hi-tech.B) Relations between employers and employees.C) How to cut down the costs of small businesses.D) Benefits of the practice of teleworking.2. From the research conducted by the communications provider Inter-Tel, we learn that .A) more employees work to full capacity at homeB) employees show a growing interest in small businessesC) more businesses have adopted remote working solutionsD) attitudes toward IT technology have changed3. What development has made flexible working practices possible according to Andy Poulton?A) Reduced cost of telecommunications.B) Improved reliability of internet service.C) Availability of the V oIP service.D) Access to broadband everywhere.4. What is Neil Stephenson!ˉs advice to firms contracting internet services?A) They look for reliable business-only providers.B) They contact providers located nearest to them.C) They carefully examine the contract.D) They contract the cheapest provider.5. Internet-based telecoms facilitates remote working by __________.A) offering sophisticated voice services B) giving access to emailing in real timeC) helping clients discuss business at homeD) providing calls completely free of charge6. The accountancy firm Wright Vigar promoted teleworking initially in order to __________.A) present a positive image to prospective customersB) support its employees with children to take care ofC) attract young people with IT expertise to work for itD) reduce operational expenses of a second office7. According to marketing director Jack O!ˉHern, teleworking enabled the compay to__________.A) enhance its market imageB) reduce recruitment costsC) keep highly qualified staffD) minimise its office space8. Wright Vigar!ˉs practice of allowing for more flexible working hours not only benefits the company but helps improve employees!ˉ ___________.9. With fast, wireless internet connections, employees can still be __________ while traveling.10. Single mother Lynne Hargreaves decided to work at home mainly to __________.。



2009 ICT 应用新趋向M2M目前电信网络演进的主旋律依旧是交融,在交融网络中应用与内容是业内关注的核心,而鉴于开放与创新理念的ICT 应用已经成为新的热门。



特别是 2008 年电信行业实行重组和 2009 年 1 月 3G 牌照发放此后,电信营运商马上翻开全业务营运的崭新一页,建立一张能够承载综合信息服务的交融通讯网络成为营运商一定要达成的目标。

在交融网络中应用与内容是业内关注的核心,而鉴于开放与创新理念的ICT 应用已经成为了新的热门。

这种ICT应用不单是 IT 应用与 CT 应用的简单组合,而是以IT 与 CT 的能力开放为基础,以客户需求为导向形成的鉴于SaaS模式的 ICT 交融服务。



以人为对象的主流应用第一类 ICT 应用是我们比较熟习的,由于这种应用直接为人所感知并已经成为我们生活中不行或缺的一部分,此中最典型且应用最宽泛的就是电子商务,电子商务波及各种人群的参加,包含个人购物、公司商品买卖、政府看管等等。


在传统的电子商务中,这些ICT 应用都是分立的,公司使用电信营运商的电话、手机、数据网络或 QQ、MSN 实现与客户的交流,用不一样品牌的CRM 、 SCM 、财务软件实现信息管理,成立自己的门户网站或加盟阿里巴巴、 EBAY 的阵营实现网上营销和交易,申请不一样银行的信誉卡达成电子收费与支付等等,大部分公司只在某些环节实现了电子商务。



2009年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Research on animal intelligence always makes me wonder just how smart humansare.1the fruit-fly experiments described in Carl Zimmer's piece in theScience Times on Tuesday. Fruit flies who were taught to be smarter than the averagefruit fly 2 to live shorter lives. This suggests that 3bulbs burn longer, that there is an 4 in not being too terrifically bright.Intelligence, it 5 out, is a high-priced option. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow 6 the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual 7— instead of instinct. Plenty of other species are able to learn, and one of the things they've apparently learned is when to8.Is there an adaptive value to9intelligence? That's the question behind this new research. I like it. Instead of casting a wistful glance10 at all the species we've left in the dust I.Q.-wise, it implicitly asks what the real 11of our own intelligence might be. This is12 the mind of every animal I've ever met.Research on animal intelligence also makes me wonder what experiments animalswould 13 on humans if they had the chance. Every cat with an owner, 14, is running a small-scale study in operant conditioning. we believe that 15 animals ran the labs, they would test us to 16 the limits of our patience, our faithfulness, our memory for terrain. They would try to decide what intelligence in humans is really 17 , not merely how much of it there is. 18, they would hope to study a 19 question: Are humans actually aware of the worldthey live in?20 the results are inconclusive.1. [A] Suppose [B] Consider [C] Observe [D] Imagine2. [A] tended [B] feared [C] happened [D] threatened3. [A] thinner [B] stabler [C] lighter [D] dimmer4. [A] tendency [B] advantage [C] inclination [D] priority5. [A] insists on [B] sums up [C] turns out [D] puts forward6. [A] off [B] behind [C] over [D] along7. [A] incredible [B] spontaneous [C] inevitable [D] gradual8. [A] fight [B] doubt [C] stop [D] think9. [A] invisible [B] limited [C] indefinite [D] different10. [A] upward [B] forward [C] afterward [D] backward11. [A] features [B] influences [C] results [D] costs12. [A] outside [B] on [C] by [D] across13. [A] deliver [B] carry [C] perform [D] apply14. [A] by chance [B] in contrast [C] as usual [D] for instance15. [A] if [B] unless [C] as [D] lest16. [A] moderate [B] overcome [C] determine [D] reach17. [A] at [B] for [C] after [D] with18. [A] Above all [B] After all [C] However [D] Otherwise19. [A] fundamental [B] comprehensive [C] equivalent [D] hostile20. [A] By accident [B] In time [C] So far [D] Better stillSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1Habits are a funny thing. We reach for them mindlessly, setting our brains on auto-pilot and relaxing into the unconscious comfort of familiar routine. "Not choice, but habit rules the unreflecting herd," William Wordsworth said in the 19th century. In the ever-changing 21st century, even the word "habit" carries a negative connotation.So it seems antithetical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. But brain researchers have discovered that when we consciously develop new habits, we create parallel synaptic paths, and even entirely new brain cells, that can jump our trains of thought onto new, innovative tracks.But don't bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they're there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads."The first thing needed for innovation is a fascination with wonder," says Dawna Markova, author of "The Open Mind" and an executive change consultant for Professional Thinking Partners. "But we are taught instead to 'decide,' just as our president calls himself 'the Decider.' " She adds, however, that "to decide is to kill off all possibilities but one. A good innovational thinker is always exploring the many other possibilities."All of us work through problems in ways of which we're unaware, she says. Researchers in the late 1960 covered that humans are born with the capacity to approach challenges in four primary ways: analytically, procedurally, relationally (or collaboratively) and innovatively. At puberty, however, the brain shuts down half of that capacity, preserving only those modes of thought that have seemed most valuable during the first decade or so of life.The current emphasis on standardized testing highlights analysis and procedure, meaning that few of us inherently use our innovative and collaborative modes of thought. "This breaks the major rule in the American belief system — that anyone can do anything," explains M. J. Ryan, author of the 2006 book "This Year I Will..." and Ms. Markova's business partner. "That's a lie that we have perpetuated, and it fosters commonness. Knowing what you're good at and doing even more of it creates excellence." This is where developing new habits comes in.21. The view of Wordsworth habit is claimed by being ________.A. casualB. familiarC. mechanicalD. changeable22. The researchers have discovered that the formation of habit can be ________A. predictedB. regulatedC. tracedD. guided23. "ruts"(in line one, paragraph 3) has closest meaning to ________A. tracksB. seriesC. characteristicsD. connections24. Ms. Markova's comments suggest that the practice of standard testing ________?A, prevents new habits form being formedB, no longer emphasizes commonnessC, maintains the inherent American thinking modelD, complies with the American belief system25. Ryan most probably agree thatA. ideas are born of a relaxing mindB. innovativeness could be taughtC. decisiveness derives from fantastic ideasD. curiosity activates creative mindsText 2It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom – or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad. All he needs to do is shell our $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore – and another $120 to get the results.More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first become available without prescriptions last years, according to Doug Fog, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests Directly to the public , ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $2500.Among the most popular : paternity and kinship testing , which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and latest rage a many passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots .Most tests require collecting cells by webbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.But some observers are skeptical, "There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing," says Trey Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which a passed down only from mothers.This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.26. In paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK's ___________.[A] easy availability[B] flexibility in pricing[C] successful promotion[D] popularity with households27. PTK is used to __________.[A] locate one's birth place[B] promote genetic research[C] identify parent-child kinship[D] choose children for adoption28. Skeptical observers believe that ancestry testing fails to__________.[A] trace distant ancestors[B] rebuild reliable bloodlines[C] fully use genetic information[D] achieve the claimed accuracy29. In the last paragraph, a problem commercial genetic testing faces is __________.[A] disorganized data collection[B] overlapping database building[C] excessive sample comparison[D] lack of patent evaluation30. An appropriate title for the text is most likely to be__________.[A] Fors and Againsts of DNA testing[B] DNA testing and It's problems[C] DNA testing outside the lab[D] lies behind DNA testingText 3The relationship between formal education and economic growth in poor countries is widely misunderstood by economists and politicians alike progress in both area is undoubtedly necessary for the social, political and intellectual development of these and all other societies; however, the conventional view that education should be one of the very highest priorities for promoting rapid economic development in poor countries is wrong. We are fortunate that is it, because new educational systems there and putting enough people through them to improve economic performance would require two or three generations. The findings of a research institution have consistently shown that workers in all countries can be trained on the job to achieve radical higher productivity and, as a result, radically higher standards of living.Ironically, the first evidence for this idea appeared in the United States. Not long ago, with the country entering a recessing and Japan at its pre-bubble peak. The U.S. workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of primary cause of the poor U.S. economic performance. Japan was, and remains, the global leader in automotive-assembly productivity. Yet the research revealed that the U.S. factories of Honda Nissan, and Toyota achieved about 95 percent of the productivity of their Japanese counterparts -- a result of the training that U.S. workers received on the job.More recently, while examining housing construction, the researchers discovered that illiterate, non-English- speaking Mexican workers in Houston, Texas, consistently met best-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of the building industry's work.What is the real relationship between education and economic development? We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don't force it. After all, that's how education got started. When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didn't have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food. Only when humanity began to get its food in a more productive way was there time for other things.As education improved, humanity's productivity potential, they could in turn afford more education. This increasingly high level of education is probably a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the complex political systems required by advanced economic performance. Thus poor countries might not be able to escape their poverty traps without political changes that may be possible only with broader formal education. A lack of formal education, however, doesn't constrain the ability of the developing world's workforce to substantially improve productivity for the forested future. On the contrary, constraints on improving productivity explain why education isn't developing more quickly there than it is.31. The author holds in paragraph 1 that the important of education in poor countries___________.[A] is subject groundless doubts[B] has fallen victim of bias[C] is conventional downgraded[D] has been overestimated32. It is stated in paragraph 1 that construction of a new education system__________.[A] challenges economists and politicians[B] takes efforts of generations[C] demands priority from the government[D] requires sufficient labor force33. A major difference between the Japanese and U.S workforces is that __________.[A] the Japanese workforce is better disciplined[B] the Japanese workforce is more productive[C] the U.S workforce has a better education[D] the U.S workforce is more organize34. The author quotes the example of our ancestors to show that education emerged__________.[A] when people had enough time[B] prior to better ways of finding food[C] when people on longer went hung[D] as a result of pressure on government35. According to the last paragraph , development of education __________.[A] results directly from competitive environments[B] does not depend on economic performance[C] follows improved productivity[D] cannot afford political changesText 4The most thoroughly studied in the history of the new world are the ministers and political leaders of seventeenth-century New England. According to the standard history of American philosophy, nowhere else in colonial America was "So much important attached to intellectual pursuits " According to many books and articles, New England's leaders established the basic themes and preoccupations of an unfolding, dominant Puritan tradition in American intellectual life.To take this approach to the New Englanders normally mean to start with the Puritans' theological innovations and their distinctive ideas about thechurch-important subjects that we may not neglect. But in keeping with our examination of southern intellectual life, we may consider the original Puritans as carriers of European culture adjusting to New world circumstances. The New England colonies were the scenes of important episodes in the pursuit of widely understood ideals of civility and virtuosity.The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England. `Besides the ninety or so learned ministers who came to Massachusetts church in the decade after 1629,There were political leaders like John Winthrop, an educated gentleman, lawyer, and official of the Crown before he journeyed to Boston. There men wrote and published extensively, reaching both New World and Old World audiences, and giving New England an atmosphere of intellectual earnestness.We should not forget , however, that most New Englanders were less well educated. While few crafts men or farmers, let alone dependents and servants, left literary compositions to be analyzed, The in thinking often had a traditional superstitions quality. A tailor named John Dane, who emigrated in the late 1630s, left an account of his reasons for leaving England that is filled with signs. sexual confusion, economic frustrations , and religious hope-all name together in a decisive moment when he opened the Bible, told his father the first line he saw would settle his fate, and read the magical words: "come out from among them, touch no unclean thing , and I will be your God and you shall be my people." One wonders what Dane thought of the careful sermons explaining the Bible that he heard in puritan churched.Meanwhile, many settles had slighter religious commitments than Dane's, as one clergyman learned in confronting folk along the coast who mocked that they had not come to the New world for religion . "Our main end was to catch fish. "36. The author notes that in the seventeenth-century New England___________.[A] Puritan tradition dominated political life.[B] intellectual interests were encouraged.[C] Politics benefited much from intellectual endeavors.[D] intellectual pursuits enjoyed a liberal environment.37. It is suggested in paragraph 2 that New Englanders__________.[A] experienced a comparatively peaceful early history.[B] brought with them the culture of the Old World[C] paid little attention to southern intellectual life[D] were obsessed with religious innovations38. The early ministers and political leaders in Massachusetts Bay__________.[A] were famous in the New World for their writings[B] gained increasing importance in religious affairs[C] abandoned high positions before coming to the New World[D] created a new intellectual atmosphere in New England39. The story of John Dane shows that less well-educated New Englanders were often__________.[A] influenced by superstitions[B] troubled with religious beliefs[C] puzzled by church sermons[D] frustrated with family earnings40. The text suggests that early settlers in New England__________.[A] were mostly engaged in political activities[B] were motivated by an illusory prospect[C] came from different backgrounds.[D] left few formal records for later referencePart BDirections:Directions: In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions (41-45), choose the most suitable one from the list A-G to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Coinciding with the groundbreaking theory of biological evolution proposed by British naturalist Charles Darwin in the 1860s, British social philosopher Herbert Spencer put forward his own theory of biological and cultural evolution. Spencer argued that all worldly phenomena, including human societies, changed over time, advancing toward perfection. 41.____________.American social scientist Lewis Henry Morgan introduced another theory of cultural evolution in the late 1800s. Morgan, along with Tylor, was one of the founders of modern anthropology. In his work, he attempted to show how all aspects of culture changed together in the evolution of societies.42._____________.In the early 1900s in North America, German-born American anthropologist Franz Boas developed a new theory of culture known as historical particularism. Historical particularism, which emphasized the uniqueness of all cultures, gave new direction to anthropology. 43._____________.Boas felt that the culture of any society must be understood as the result of a unique history and not as one of many cultures belonging to a broader evolutionary stage or type of culture. 44._______________.Historical particularism became a dominant approach to the study of culture in American anthropology, largely through the influence of many students of Boas. Buta number of anthropologists in the early 1900s also rejected the particularist theory of culture in favor of diffusionism. Some attributed virtually every important cultural achievement to the inventions of a few, especially gifted peoples that, according to diffusionists, then spread to other cultures. 45.________________.Also in the early 1900s, French sociologist Émile Durkheim developed a theory of culture that would greatly influence anthropology. Durkheim proposed that religious beliefs functioned to reinforce social solidarity. An interest in the relationship between the function of society and culture—known as functionalism—became a major theme in European, and especially British, anthropology.[A] Other anthropologists believed that cultural innovations, such as inventions,had a single origin and passed from society to society. This theory was known as diffusionism.[B] In order to study particular cultures as completely as possible, Boas becameskilled in linguistics, the study of languages, and in physical anthropology, the study of human biology and anatomy.[C] He argued that human evolution was characterized by a struggle he called the"survival of the fittest," in which weaker races and societies must eventually be replaced by stronger, more advanced races and societies.[D] They also focused on important rituals that appeared to preserve a people'ssocial structure, such as initiation ceremonies that formally signify children's entrance into adulthood.[E] Thus, in his view, diverse aspects of culture, such as the structure of families,forms of marriage, categories of kinship, ownership of property, forms of government, technology, and systems of food production, all changed as societies evolved.[F] Supporters of the theory viewed as a collection of integrated parts that worktogether to keep a society functioning.[G] For example, British anthropologists Grafton Elliot Smith and W. J. Perryincorrectly suggested, on the basis of inadequate information, that farming, pottery making, and metallurgy all originated in ancient Egypt and diffused throughout the world. In fact, all of these cultural developments occurred separately at different times in many parts of the world.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written carefully on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)There is a marked difference between the education which everyone gets from living with others, and the deliberate educating of the young. In the former case the education is incidental; it is natural and important, but it is not the expressreason of the association. (46) It may be said that the measure of the worth of any social institution is its effect in enlarging and improving experience; but this effect is not a part of its original motive. Religious associations began, for example, in the desire to secure the favor of overruling powers and to ward off evil influences; family life in the desire to gratify appetites and secure family perpetuity; systematic labor, for the most part, because of enslavement to others, etc. (47) Only gradually was the by-product of the institution noted, and only more gradually still was this effect considered as a directive factor in the conduct of the institution. Even today, in our industrial life, apart from certain values of industriousness and thrift, the intellectual and emotional reaction of the forms of human association under which the world's work is carried on receives little attention as compared with physical output.But in dealing with the young, the fact of association itself as an immediate human fact, gains in importance. (48) While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition, it is not so easy as in dealing with adults. The need of training is too evident; the pressure to accomplish a change in their attitude and habits is too urgent to leave these consequences wholly out of account. (49) Since our chief business with them is to enable them to share in a common life we cannot help considering whether or no we are forming the powers which will secure this ability.If humanity has made some headway in realizing that the ultimate value of every institution is its distinctively human effect we may well believe that this lesson has been learned largely through dealings with the young.(50) We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.Section ⅢWritingPart A51. Directions:Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. "White pollution "is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper togive your opinions briefly andmake two or three suggestionsYou should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.Part B52. Directions:In your essay, you should1) describe the drawing briefly,2) explain its intended meaning, and then3) give your comments.You should write neatly on ANSHWER SHEET 2. (20 points)2009年考研英语真题参考答案Section II: Reading Comprehension (60 points)Part A (40 points)Part C (10 points)46. 虽然我们可以说衡量任何一个社会机构价值的标准是其在丰富和完善人生方面所起的作用,但这种作用并不是我们最初的动机的组成部分。


ISO/TS 16949
Third edition 第三版
质量管理体系— 汽车生产件及相关服务件组织应用 ISO9001:2008的特殊要求
Quality management systems —
Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations
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Systèmes de management de la qualité---
Exigences particulières pour l'application de l'ISO 9001:2008 pour la production de série et de pièces de rechange dans l'industrie automobile
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65mm 钛合金锯齿和非锯齿杯头可提供 优异的雾化效果.
ITW 303 系列 – VIP 杯头
Pattern Size (mm)
Turbine Speed (rpm)
Outer Shape Air (slpm)
Inner Shape Air (slpm)
市场上需求一种能增强涂料穿透至凹陷部位的的旋杯, 如门柱边、车灯罩或保险杠鬼脸部位等。
ITW 303 系列 – VIP 杯头
为做到这些, ITW Ransburg 推出:
• 利用单成型空气,旋杯喷幅可 大至300mm或小至75 mm
• 大喷型适用于车身平坦外表面.
• 小喷型用于穿透至凹陷部位.
成型空气 150 – 350 lpm
成型空气 350 – 670 lpm
喷幅大小 400 – 500mm. 较大的喷幅可以降低机器人的运动速度并提高喷涂 效率
喷幅大小 250 – 300mm. 较小的喷幅要求提高机器人的运动速度,使得喷涂 效率降低 12 .
ITW 303 系列 – 柔性喷型
为使两种技术获得更好的喷涂质量, ITW Ransburg 推出:
ITW 303 系列旋转雾化器
基于微处理器技术的高压栅提供电压 供应,成熟可靠. • 直接加电内部高压栅 30 – 100kv
• 间接加电外部高压栅 30 – 70kv
RMA-303 直接加电旋杯
• 内部结构简单易于维护.
• 连杆用作空气通道
– 成型空气 1 – 成型空气 2 – 涡轮空气 – 制动空气
ITW 汽车涂装技术
ITW Ransburg 产品革新
• 自动静电旋转雾化器
• 流体计量与处理设备 • 手动、自动静电喷枪
303 系列旋转雾化器
ITW 303 系列旋转雾化器
直接加电用于溶剂型涂料. 间接加电用于水性涂料.
涡轮转速达 70,000 rpm
涂料流量至 700 ml/min 杯头外洗功能
– 高转速软喷型技术 – 低转速硬喷型技术
高转速 – 软喷型 通过高速离心力来产生细致均一的涂料粒子,以控 制金属叶片的排列. 涡轮转速 55,000 – 70,000 rpm 低转速 – 硬喷型 以较高的成型空气流速来促进涂料雾化并使得金属 叶片成水平方向排列. 涡轮转速 15,000 – 40,000 rpm
• 适用于直接或间接加电. • 甚至可以不加静电适用.
ITW 303 系列 – VIP 杯头
外圈成型空气用以增加喷幅,空气量 可设定为 0 slpm 或在 300 – 500 slpm之间调整。 内圈成型空气用来形成一个穿透力强 的小喷型以喷涂凹陷部位,空气量 为0 – 500 slpm.
第二遍面漆设定 • 喷幅大小: 300mm
• 喷幅重叠: 150mm • 机器人速度: 1000mm/sec • 涂料流量: 300 ml/min • 涡轮转速: 60,000 rpm • 成型空气: 450 slpm
ITW 303 系列 – VIP 杯头
为满足整车和零部件客户的需求,ITW Ransburg 坚 持不懈的开发新杯头和成型空气技术。
• 大而软喷型时提高传递效率 • 小而硬喷型时易于配色 • 用于直接或间接放电旋杯. • 锯齿边钛杯头.
ITW 303 系列 – 柔性喷型
• • 成型空气为 100 – 300 slpm时,可获得 软-大喷型. 成型空气为 450 – 650 slpm时,可获得 硬-小喷型
• 将金属整型罩换成非金属整型罩.
ITW 303 系列 – 混合系统
本系统采用简单的方式,既能喷涂溶剂型又能水性涂料. 双 电路输出和接地开关的运用使得该系统灵活可靠.
双 MicroPak 电压输出
303 雾化器
双 RP1000 高压栅 接地开关
Confidential ITW
– 轴承空气
• 触发阀径向排列易于触及维护.
ITW 303 系列旋转雾化器
自动机 间接加电
机器人 直接加电
机器人 间接加电
自动机间接加电 带机器人适配器
303 旋杯溶剂型与水性转换
• 客户可具有更多的弹性:最初使用溶剂型旋杯,当需转换 为水性涂料时仍可保留全部系统组件。 • 增加外部放电环. • 从外部高压栅重置高压电缆连接.
ITW 303 系列 – 混合系统
溶剂和水性喷涂 喷涂水性涂料时,接地开关合上,涡轮马达接地, 外部放电环给电.
双 MicroPak 电压输出
低压电缆 高压电缆
303 雾化器
双 RP1000 高压栅 接地开关
Confidential ITW
ITW 303 系列 – 混合系统
溶剂和水性喷涂 喷涂水性涂料时,接地开断开上,涡轮马达与外 部放电环同时给电.
双 MicroPak 电压输出
Oห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ ON
低压电缆 高压电缆
303 雾化器
双 RP1000 高压栅 接地开关
Confidential ITW
ITW 303 Series – Base Coat Bell
• 普遍流行的旋杯配色技术有两种:
65mm 钛合金锯齿和非锯齿杯头可提供 优异的雾化效果.
ITW 303 系列 – 柔性喷型
ITW 303 系列 – 柔性喷型
第一遍面漆设定 • 喷幅大小: 450mm
• 喷幅重叠: 225mm • 机器人速度: 600mm/sec • 涂料流量: 300 ml/min • 涡轮转速: 60,000 rpm • 成型空气: 250 slpm
Fluid Flow (ml/min)
Target Distance (mm)
Electrostatic Charge (kv)
Robot Speed (mm/sec)
250 75
50,000 50,000