鼎信通达综合接入网关 用户手册v2.2说明书

修正记录文档名称鼎信通达综合接入网关用户手册手册版本 2.2日期2014/10/18作者Porter修正说明同步支持IMS平台软件版本2.18.02.06或以上版本目录第一章产品介绍 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2产品外观 (2)1.3接口及指示灯介绍 (2)1.3.1DAG1000-4S接口及指示灯介绍 (2)1.3.2DAG1000-8S接口及指示灯说明 (3)1.3.3DAG2000-16S接口及指示灯介绍 (5)1.3.4DAG2000-24/32S接口及指示灯介绍 (6)1.3.5DAG2500-48/72S接口及指示灯介绍 (9)1.3.6DAG3000-128S接口及指示灯介绍 (12)1.4组网应用 (13)1.5功能和特点 (13)1.5.1支持协议 (13)1.5.2语音传真参数 (14)1.5.3补充业务 (14)第二章基本操作 (15)2.1话机操作 (15)2.1.1拨打电话号码或分机号 (15)2.1.2IP地址呼叫 (15)2.2呼叫保持 (15)2.3呼叫等待 (16)2.4呼叫转移 (16)2.4.1盲转(Blind) (16)2.4.2询问转移(Attend) (16)2.4.3三方通话 (17)2.5操作码列表 (17)2.6发送和接收传真 (19)2.6.1DAG(FXS)支持四种传真模式: (19)2.6.2T.38和Pass-Through (19)第三章设备自助设置 (20)3.1IP地址查询 (20)3.2恢复出厂设置 (20)3.3设置IP地址 (20)第四章WEB配置 (22)4.1WEB登陆 (22)4.1.1登陆准备 (22)4.1.2登陆WEB (24)4.2状态和统计 (24)4.2.1系统信息 (24)4.2.2注册信息 (26)4.2.3TCP/UDP统计 (26)4.2.4RTP会话统计 (27)4.3快速配置向导 (27)4.4网络 (27)4.4.1本地网络 (27)4.4.2VLAN参数 (29)4.4.3Qos (31)4.4.4LAN Qos (31)4.4.4DHCP服务(路由模式下可选配置) (31)4.4.5DMZ主机(路由模式下可选配置) (32)4.4.6转发规则(路由模式下可选配置) (33)4.4.7静态路由(路由模式下可选配置) (33)4.4.8防火墙(路由模式下可选配置) (34)4.4.8地址解析 (35)4.5SIP服务器 (35)4.6端口配置 (37)4.7高级选项配置 (39)4.7.1FXS参数 (39)4.7.2媒体参数 (41)4.7.3SIP参数 (43)4.7.4传真参数 (47)4.7.5拨号规则 (48)4.7.6功能键 (50)4.7.7系统参数 (52)4.7.8Action URL (54)4.8呼叫和路由配置 (55)4.8.1通配组 (55)4.8.2端口组 (55)4.8.3IP中继 (56)4.8.4路由参数 (56)4.8.5IP-Tel路由 (57)4.8.6Tel-IP/Tel路由 (58)4.8.7IP->IP路由 (58)4.9号码变换 (59)4.9.1IP-Tel被叫号码 (59)4.9.2Tel-IP改变主叫号码 (60)4.9.3Tel-IP改变被叫号码 (62)4.10管理 (63)4.10.1TR069参数 (63)4.10.2SNMP参数 (63)4.10.3Syslog参数 (64)4.10.4云服务器 (66)4.11安全设置 (66)4.11.1WEB访问控制列表 (66)4.11.2Telnet访问控制列表 (67)4.11.3密码修改 (67)4.11.4加密配置 (68)4.12工具 (69)4.12.1固件升级 (69)4.12.2数据备份 (69)4.12.3数据恢复 (70)4.12.4Ping测试 (70)4.12.5Tracert测试 (71)4.12.6Outward测试 (72)4.12.7网络抓包 (73)4.12.8恢复出厂设置 (73)4.12.9设备重启 (74)第五章术语 (75)关于本文档本文档主要描述综合接入网关(IAD)设备的外观、功能特性、配置及维护操作方法。

铁路通信传输及接入网工程设计规1总则1.0.1 为统一铁路通信传输及接入网工程的设计标准,提高工程设计质量,制定本规。
1.0.2 本规适用于新建、改建的铁路传输及接入网系统工程建设。
1.0.3 铁路通信传输及接入网工程设计应贯彻国家和铁路基本建设方针、政策,符合铁路运输生产和提高现代化管理水平的需要。
1.0.4 铁路通信传输及接入网工程建设应遵循技术先进、经济适用、安全可靠和统一标准(制式)、符合运输、合理布局、互联互通、资源共享的原则。
1.0.5 作为铁路通信各种业务的基础承载平台,铁路通信传输及接入网应结合通信技术发展的主流,向传输数字化、管理智能化、业务多样化发展。
1.0.6 铁路通信传输及接入网工程设计应与业务需求和发展规划相适应,以近期业务需求为主,兼顾远期业务发展。
1.0.7 铁路通信传输及接入网工程设计除应符合本规外,尚应符合《铁路运输通信设计规》(TB 10006)和国家现行有关标准的相关规定。
2术语和符号2.1术语2.1.1 铁路通信 railway communication用于铁路运输组织、客货营销、经营管理等方面信息传输与交换的各种通信系统的总称。

载体名称上游引物( 5'primer)下游引物( 3'primer)P3*FLAG-CMV CMV-30(825-854)CMV-24(1129-1152)pAc5.1/V5-His(_A,_B,_C)pAc5-5BGH revpAcG2T pGEX-5not availablepACT T7EEV T3/EBVrevpACT2GAL4 ADfor pGAL4-ADrvpACT2p17110p12584pACYC184(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBampACYCDuet-1(MCSI)ACYCDuetUP1 Primer DuetDOWN1pACYCDuet-1(MCSII)DuetUp2T7-TerminatorpAdEasy-1not available not availablepAdTrack-CMV not available not availablepAS2-1GAL4 Bdfor/P24990pGAL4-BDrv/P31430pB42AD pB42ADF PB42ADRpBABE pBMN_5'pBacPAK8BAC1BAC2pBAD pBAD-F pBAD-RpBAD/HisABC pBAD-5'pBBR1MCS T3/M13rev T7/M13forpBD-GAL4pBD-GAL4-F PBD-GAL4-RpBI12135S NOSpBIND GAL4-Bdfor T3,EBVrevpBK-CMV M13F/T7M13R/T3pBluescriptIIKS(+/-)T3/M13rev T7/M13for (优先用 M13F )pBluescriptIISK(+/-)T3/M13rev T7/M13forpBluescriptKS(+/-)T3/M13rev T7/M13forpBluescriptSK(+/-)T3/M13rev T7/M13forpBR322(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBampBR322(EcoRI/HindIII-sites)pBRforEco pBRrevHindpBR325(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBampBR329(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBampBridge(MCSI)GAL4-Bdfor3'BDpBridge(MCSII)not available not availablepBS-T II T3/M13rev T7/M13forpBS (AMP )T7T3pBSR T3T7terpBudCE4.1(MCSI)CMV-Profor,T7c-mycrev,EBVrevpBudCE4.1(MCSII)EF-1 αFwd BGHCMV-Profor,T7c-mycrev,EBVrevpBV220pBV220F PBV220RpCAL-c T7/Tac-Profor T7-TerminatorpCAL-n T7/Tac-Profor T7-Terminator pCAMBIA1301(1300)pCAMBIA1301-5'(ECORI)/M13R pCAMBIA1301-3'(HindIII) pCAMBIA1304pCAMBIA1301-5'(ECORI)pCAMBIA1301-3'(HindIII) pCAMBIA2300M13R(-48)M13F(-47)/M13F(-49) pCANTB5E S1S6pCAT3-enhancer RVP3此载体无反向引物pCDFDuet-1(MCSI)ACYCDuetUP1 Primer DuetDOWN1 pCDFDuet-1(MCSII)DuetUP2T7TERCMV-Profor,T7pCDM8-3M13for/T7M13rev/Tac-Profor pcDNA3T7/CMV-Profor BGH rev/SP6pcDNA3.1(+/-)BGH revpcDNA3.1/His(_A,_B,_C)T7/CMV-Profor BGH revpcDNA3.1/myc-His(_A,_B,_C)T7/CMV-Profor BGH rev/c-mycrev pcDNA3.1/V5-His(_A,_B,_C)T7/CMV-Profor BGH rev/V5revpcDNA3.1/Hygro(+,-)T7/CMV-Profor BGH rev/V5revpcDNA3.1/Zeo(+.-)T7BGHrevCMV-Profor TKPAreversepcDNA4/HisMax(_A,_B,_C)Xpressfor BGH revpcDNA4/HisMax-TOPO Xpressfor BGH revpcDNA4/HisMax-TOPO/lacZ Xpressfor BGH revpcDNA4/myc-His(_A,_B,_C)T7,CMV-Profor BGH rev,c-mycrev pcDNA4/TO TREfor/CMV-Profor BGH revpcDNA4/V5-His(_A,_B,_C)CMV-Profor,T7BGH rev,V5revpcDNA4-TET/ON/AMP+CMV-ProforpcDNA5/FRT T7/CMV-Profor BGH revpcDNA6/myc-His(_A,_B,_C)CMV-Profor,T7BGH rev,c-mycrev pcDNA6/V5-His(_A,_B,_C)CMV-Profor,T7BGH rev,V5revpCEP4pCEP-F/CMV-Profor EBVrevpCI T7(17BASE )EBVrevpCI-neo T7(17BASE )EBVrev,T3pCMS-EGFP T7T3pCMS-EGFP T7EBVrev,T3pCMV-3Tag-4A T3 /PFLAG-CMV-F T7pCMV5pCMV5F PCMV5RpCMV6CMV-Profor pCMV6-3 、 HGHrev pCMV6-XL4CMV-Profor/T7pCMV6-3 、 HGHrev pCMV-HA PCMV-F,CMV-Profor,TREfor PCMV-R ,EBVrev pCMV-MYC(AMP+)PCMV-F PCMV-R, EBVrev pCMVmyc/nuc CMV-Profor BGH rev,c-mycrev pcmv-scriptEXVector T3T7pCMV-Sport6T7/M13for SP6/M13rev pCOLADuet-1(MCSI)ACYCDuetUP1 Primer DuetDOWN1pCOLADuet-1(MCSII)DuetUP2T7TERT7,M13for M13revM13for,T7M13revT7BGH revT7BGH revpCR4T3/M13rev T7/M13forpCR4-Blunt T3/M13rev T7/M13forpCR4-TOPO M13rev,T3M13for,T7pCR-Blunt M13rev T7,M13forpCR-BluntII M13rev/SP6T7/M13forpCR-BluntII-TOPO M13rev/SP6M13for/T7pCRII M13rev/SP6T7/M13forpCRII-TOPO M13rev/SP6M13for/T7pCR-ScriptSK(+)T7/M13for T3/M13revpCR-XL-TOPO M13rev T7,M13forpCS2+(MCSI)SP6EBVrev,T7?pCS2+(MCSII)T3pSG5-3pDB_GAL4cam T7PpDB_leu PDBLeu-5PDBLeu-3pDEST22DEST22F DEST22RpDEST15pGEX-5T7-TerminatorpDEST20pGEX-5pFastBac-3pDEST26TREfor/CMV-Profor T7/M13forpDisplay T7/CMV-Profor c-mycrevpDNR-LIB(MCS_A)M13for,T7pSG5-3,M13RpDonar M13F M13RpDONR201PDONR-F PDONR-RpDONR207PDONR-F PDONR-RpDONR223M13F M13RpDrive T7/M13rev SP6/M13forpDsRED1-C1(DsRed1-N-f)DsRed1-C-rpDsRed1-N1CMV-Profor RFP-Nrev,CMV-R?pDsRed2-N1(DsRed1-N-f)DsRed1-C-rpDsRed2-C1(DsRed1-N-f)DsRed1-C-rpDsRED2-C1(KAN+)pDsRED-ex-C1-F pEGFP-N-3’pDsRed-Express dsRed1_N_primer/CMV-F dsRed1_C_primer/CMV-R pDSRED-monomer-N1(KAN+)dsRed1_N_primerpDSRED-N1(KAN+)pEGFP-N-5’pDSRED-N-RpEASY-Blunt M13F T7/ M13RT7/ M13R (距离插入位点适合,pEASY-BluntSimple M13F优先安排)M13R (距离插入位点适合,优pEASY-T1 Simple M13F先安排)pEASY-T1pEASY-T3pECFP-N(C)pEF/myc/cyto/ER/mito/nuc pEF1(4,6/myc-His)pEF1(4,6/V5-His)pEF1(4;6/His_A;_B;_C) pEF5/FRT/V5-D(-TOPO) pEGFPpEGFP-1pEGFP-CpEGFP-C1pEGFP-C2pEGFP-C3pEGFP-FpEGFP-NpEGFP-N1pEGFP-N2pEGFP-N3pENTRpET-11(-a,-b,-c,-d)pET-12(-a,-b,-c)pET-14bpET-15bpET-16bpET-17bpET-17xbpET-19bpET-20b(+)pET-21(-a,-b,-c,-d)(+) pET-22b(+)pET-23(-a,-b,-c,-d)(+) pET-24(-a,-b,-c,-d)(+) pET-25b(+)pET-26b(+)pET-27b(+)pET-28a(-b,-c)(+)pET-29a(-b,-c)(+)pET-3(-a,-b,-c,-d)pET-30_Ek/LICpET-30_Xa/LICpET-30a(-b,-c)(+)pET-31b(+)M13F/T7M13F/T7PECFP-N-5.pEF-5T7/pEF-5T7/pEF-5T7/XpressforT7/pEF-5M13revnot availablePEGFP-C-5′EGFP-CforEGFP-CforEGFP-CforEGFP-CforPEGFP-N-5′CMV-ProforCMV-ProforCMV-ProforM13FT7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7T7not availableM13RM13R/SP6PECFP-N-3,EGFP-NrevEGFP-Nrev/ PEGFP-N-3 ′PEGFP-C-3′SV40-pArevSV40-pArevSV40-pArevSV40-pArevPEGFP-N-3′EGFP-NrevEGFP-NrevEGFP-NrevM13RT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorT7-TerminatorpET-32_Ek/LIC TRXfor T7-TerminatorpET-32_XA/LIC TRXfor T7-TerminatorpET-32a(-b,-c)(+)T7-TerminatorpET-33b(+)T7T7-TerminatorpET-34b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-35b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-36b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-37b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-38b(+)not available T7-TerminatorpET-39b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-40b(+)T7-TerminatorpET-41_Ek/LIC GST-Cfor T7-TerminatorpET-41a(-b,-c)(+)T7-TerminatorpET-42a(-b,-c)(+)T7-TerminatorpET-43.1a(-b,-c)(+)coliDOWNnot availablepET-44a(-b,-c)(+)T7-TerminatorpET-44a_EK/LIC not availablepET-45b(+)T7T7-TerminatorpET-46_Ek/LIC T7T7-TerminatorpET-5(-a,-b,-c)T7T7-TerminatorpET-52b(+)T7T7-TerminatorpET-7T7T7-TerminatorpET-9(-a,-b,-c,-d)T7T7-Terminator pETcoco-1T7T7-Terminator pETDuet-1(MCSI)pETUP1DuetDOWN1 pETDuet-1(MCSII)DuetUp2T7-Terminator pET-T4T7T7-Terminator pEYFP-C1pEGFP-C-5’pEGFP-C-3' pEYFP-N1pEGFP-N-5’ ,CMV-Profor pEGFP-N-3’pFLAG-ATS N26for pTrcHis-rv ; C24rev pFLAG-CTC N26for pTrcHis-rv ; C24rev pFLAG1N26for pTrcHis-rv ; C24rev pFLAG-CMV(-2)CMV-30 ; CMV-Profor CMV-24pFLAG-CMV1CMV-30CMV-24pGAD424GAL4_ADfor3'ADpGADGH GAL4_ADfor3'ADpGADT7T7/GAL4_ADfor3'ADpGADT7-Rec T7/GAL4_ADfor3'ADpGADT-T T73,BDpGAD10GAL4_ADfor3'ADpGAPZa-A a-FACTOR3'AOXpGBKT7T73,BDpGBT9MATCHMAKER5'DNA-BD/GAL4BD MATCHMAKER3'DNA-BDpGEM-1T7SP6pGEM-3T7SP6pGEM-3Zf(+)(-)SP6/M13rev T7/M13forpGEM-4T7SP6pGEM-4Z T7/M13for SP6/M13revpGEM-5Zf(+)(-)SP6/M13rev T7/M13forpGEM-7Zf(+)(-)SP6/M13rev T7/M13forpGEM-9Zf(+)(-)T7/M13for SP6/M13revpGEM-T T7/M13for SP6/M13revpGEM-T_Easy T7/M13for SP6/M13revpGene/V5-His_A(_B,_C)pGENE-5BGH rev,V5revpGEX-2T pGEX-5pGEX-3pGEX-2TK pGEX-5pGEX-3pGEX-3X pGEX-5pGEX-3pGEX-4T-1(-2,-3)pGEX-5pGEX-3pGEX-5X-1(-2,-3)pGEX-5pGEX-3pGEX-6P-1(-2,-3)pGEX-5pGEX-3pGL2GLP1GLP2GLP2(RVP4)( 没有特别说明用pGL3RVP3GLP2)pGL3-Basic(MCSI)RVP3(PGL3+)?GLP2(PGL3-)?pGL3-Basic(MCSII)RVP4,PLXSN-3'?pGL4pGlow(-TOPO)T7pGlow-3pGM-T T7SP6pGWC SP6T7pHook-2T7/CMV-Profor not availablepIND/V5-His_A(_B,_C)not available BGH rev,V5rev PinpointTMVector PinpointPrimer SP6pIRES(MCSI)T7pIRES-3pIRES(MCSII)not available T3,EBVrevpIRES2-EGFP CMV-Profor,pIRES2-EGFP.P5 ’IRESrev,pIRES2-EGFP.P3 ’pIRES-hrGFP-2a CMV-Profor,T3pIRES-hrGFP-3pIRESneo2T7/CMV-Profor pIRES-3pIVEX(all)T7/pBRrevBam T7-TerminatorpLEXA pLEXA-F pLEXA-RpLNCX pLNCX-F pLNCX-RpLNCX2CMV-Profor pRevTRE-3pLVTHM ( H1 启动子下游)H1primer SP6pLXSN pLXSN-F pLXSN-RpMALc MalE primer M13F(-47)pMAL-c2E MalE primer M13F(-47)pMAL-C2x Pmal-c2x-F(P5 ’)Pmal-C2X-R(P3 ’ ) pMALd MalE primer M13F(-47)pMALe MalE primer M13F(-47)pMAL-P4X MalE primer M13F(-47)pMAL-p2X MalE primer M13F(-47)pMET A/B/C AUG1F AUG1RpMD18-T M13R(-48)ECORI M13F(-47)(HIND Ⅲ ) pMD19-T M13F47M13R48pMD20-T M13F47M13R48 pMOSBlue T7/M13rev M13forpMSCV-puro pLXSNfw pMSCVrevpMT/V5-His_A(_B,_C)Mtfor BGH rev,V5rev pNTAP T3T7pCTAP pCTAP5'primer T7pOTB7M13rev/T7M13for/SP6 pOptiVEC-TOPO TA CMV-F/CMV-Profor EMCVIRES reverse pPC86PPC86-F PPC86-RpPC97PBD-GAL4-F PBD-GAL4-R5'AOX3'AOXpPic9k(A+,Z+)5’ AOX(Ppic9k-f)/a-factor3’ AOX(Ppic9k-R) pPICZa5'AOX/PPICZa-F3'AOX pPROEXHTA M13R(-48)无反向引物pProEX-HTa(b,c)M13R48/ Tac-Profor pBADrv/pTrcHis-3M13F20/M13FpQE30or40or60(AMP+)PQE30-F PQE-30RpRC/CMV2/CAT CMV/T7pRECEIVER CMV-F 此载体无反向引物pRECEIVER-M03pRECEIVER-M03F pRECEIVER-M03R pREP4pREP4 forward primer EBV reverse primer pRK5SP6pSG5-3pRSET T7/Xpressfor T7terpRSFDuet-1(MCSI)DuetUP1DuetDOWN1 pRSFDuet-1(MCSII)DuetUP2T7TERpSecTac2T7/CMV-Profor BGH rev/c-mycrev pSG5pSG5-5,/T7PSG5-R(SV40) pSHlox1T7SP6pSHUTTLE-CMV PSHUTTLE-CMV-F PSHUTTLE-CMV-R pSI T7EBVrevT7T3T7M13forT7M13forM13F(-47)pSilencer4_1-CMVneo pSilener4.1-5'CMV-ProforT7pSIneo T7EBVrev,T3Psit T7T7TpSK01-T M13F M13RpSK-CMV(KAN+)T7T3pSOS Psos5'Psos3'pSP64SP6M13revpSP64/65SP6此载体无反向引物pSP65SP6M13revpSP70SP6T7pSP71SP6T7pSP72SP6T7pSP73SP6T7pSport1SP6/M13F(-47)T7/M13RpSPORT1SP6/M13for T7/M13revpSPT18SP6T7pSTBlue T7/M13rev SP6/M13forT7/M13F M13RpSUPER T7T3pSURE-T M13F M13RpSURE-Tsimple M13F-47M13R-48 pSuperCos pBRforEco T7pT3T7M13rev/T3M13for/T7pT7-7T7not availablepT7Blue?T7M13F(-47)pT7T3_18U M13rev/T7M13for/T3pT7T3D-PAC M13rev/T7M13for/T3pTA2M13F/T7( 优先使用 M13F )T3/M13RpT-Adv M13rev T7,M13forpTAg T7/M13rev M13for pTARGETTM pTarget.F( 在 T7 前面) /T7pTG19-T M13F(-47)M13R(-48) pTARGETTM T7/M13F PTARGET-SEQ pThioHisA,B,andC Trx Forward Trx Reverse / M13for pTO-T7T7T7TERpTRC99A PTRC99A-F pTrcHis-rvpTrc99a-c PTRC99C-F PTRC99C-RpTRC99a-c PTRC99C-F PTRC99C-R pTrcHisB PTrcHisA-F/Xpressfor PTrcHisA-R pTrcHisA PTrcHisA-F PTrcHisA-RpT-REX-DEST30TREfor T7pTriEx1T7/TriExup TriExdownT7/TriExup TriExdownT7/TriExup not availableT7/TriExup IRESrevpTriplEX1TriplEx-LD-5T7,TriplEx-LD-3pTriplEX2TriplEx-LD-5 ;pTR5‘T7,TriplEx-LD-3pTWIN-1T7T7TERpTXB1T7MxeInteinrevpTXB2T7MxeInteinrevpTXB3T7MxeInteinrevpTYB1T7InteinrevpTYB2T7InteinrevpTYB3T7InteinrevpTYB4T7InteinrevpTZ_18U T7/M13rev M13forpUB6/V5-His UB-F BGH rev,V5revpUC13M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUC18M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUC18(19)/118(119)M13F(-47)M13R(-48)/PUC19(HIND Ⅲ ) pUC19M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUC57M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUC8M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUC9M13rev/M13rev(-48)M13for/M13for(-49)pUM-T M13F(-20)M13R(-20)pUCm-T(AMP+)M13F/T7M13RpUNI/V5-His not available BGH rev,V5revpVAX1T7T7/CMV-ProforpVP22/mycHis VP22-Cfor BGH rev,c-mycrevpVP22/mycHis2T7/CMV-Profor VP22-NrevpWE15pBRrevHind T7pYES2T7pYES-DEST52T7/GAL1-Profor V5rev/CYC1-Terminator pYEX_4T_1Clontech pYEX_4T-3pYEX_4T_2pGEX-5pYEX_4T-4pYEX_4T_3pGEX-5pYEX_4T-4pYEX_4T_4pGEX-5pYEX_4T-4pZeoSV2+/hu-Tyr T7not availablepZERO-1M13rev/SP6T7/M13forpZERO-2M13rev/SP6M13for/T7pZome-1-C Zome-F Zome-RpZome-1-N Zome-F Zome-RYCp50(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBamYEp13(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBamYEp24(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBamYIp5(BamHI-site)PBRforBam PBRrevBam RNAi-ReadypSIREN-RetroQ-U6ZsGreen U6菌 PCDB T7BGH天为时代 TA 载体T7T3m13( +)T7?T3?pMSCV-neo pMSCV-5'pMSCV-3'。

•学习目标通过对本文档的学习,你将掌握以下内容:•各种连接设备介绍•各厂家SDH传输设备的介绍•学习内容♦各种连接设备(OBB、ODF和DDF)•各厂家SDH传输设备LUCENTrDACSVI.SLM-I6.ISM-2000(ISM-bISM-4)FJT:FLX2500A.FLX600A.FLX150/600OBB(光缆分纤盒):光缆从光分纤盒一端进入,在分纤盒内部通过熔接器与尾纤固定相连.尾纤通过ODF与传输设备相连.在光设备中,两根光纤组成一个收发,但是端口算做两个.这与电设备不同.ODF(光数字配线架):如图示,ODF分为纤面和缆面.ODF缆面:将光缆中的光纤从OBB中引出后,与ODF相连的一面.ODF纤面:0DF缆面的对面,用于连接传输设备.DDF(数字配线架):DDF下端:用于跳线和客户设备连接■■■.] DDF上端:用于设备连接一关联规则:指设备与DDF下端连接时所遵循的•些规则,常用的关联规则包括:上下关联和左右关联■■■■I上下关联:指将相隔为一定数目的不同面板上的对应端子作为一对收发端子左右关联:指将同一面板中相隔为一定数目的不同端子作为一对收发端子跳线:指DDF/ODF的不同端口之间按照一定规则的物理连接二、SDH传输设备1.SDH传输设备概述:(I)SDH的优点:•复用和解复用技术简单•低阶信号可直接复用成高阶信号,无需中间复用过程•增强了操作、管理和维护能力•随传输技术的发展可方便地提高信号传输速率•各厂家的设备在网络上可以互通(2)SDH传输设备:SDH传输设备包括:终端复用器、分插复用器、再生器和DXC.终端复用器的主要任务是将低速支路信号和155Mb∕s电信号纳入STMT帧结构,并经电/光转换变换为STMT光线路信号;其逆过程正好相反.而分插复用器是•种新型的网元,它将同步复用和数字交叉连接功能综合于一体,具有灵活地分插任意支路信号的能力,在网络设计上有很大灵活性.DXC是一种具有1个或多个准同步数字体系(G.702)或同步数字体系(G.707)信号端口,并至少可以对任何端口信号速率(和/或其子速率信号)与其它端口信号速率(和/或其子速率信号)间进行可控连接和再连接的设备.2.LUCENT产品介绍・DACSVI定义:DACSVI是一种用于对PDH或SDH数字信号进行交叉连接的系统,TU-12等级的4/1交叉连接设备,特别适于对含有VC-12净负荷的STM-I信号进行分导(Grooming),内部具有网元管理功能.功能:(1)替代复用器:DACSVI提供的复用功能可以替代低阶的外部复用器和外部光路系统.无需中间的复用设备就可以方便地在高阶信号中分插低阶支路的VC-12信号.63个2Mb∕s◄ ---------------------------- ►1个140Mb∕s或STM-I16个2Mb∕s◄ ---------------------------- ►1个34Mb∕s4个34Mb/s ◄ ---------------------------- ►1个140Mb∕s或STM-I1个140Mb/s ◄ ---------------------------- ►1个STM-IDACSVI具有下列复用功能:(2)替代人工交叉连接:DACSVI用软件控制交叉连接矩阵,操作人员可以在远端增加或删除交叉连接,而且DACSVl所占空间比人工交叉连接架少(3)集中的网络监控:可以从远端对DACSVl进行操作、管理、维护与设置(4)PDH与SDH的网关:由于DACSVI同时具有PDH和SDH的接口,可以连接这两种数字体系,支持现有PDH业务,用户信息可自由和透明地穿过PDH与SDH网络的边界,有利于电信系统由当前的PDH网络逐步向完全的SDH网络过渡(5)设备替换:利用DACSVI的滚动和桥接命令用户可以在影响业务最小的情况下替换设备(6)枢纽:网络中的某些节点可作为枢纽,以减少节点间的点对点连接(7)信号分导:对于枢纽型的网络,DACSVI是有效利用带宽的极佳工具.来自不同方向而向同一方向传送的VC-12业务.可以由DACSVI加到具有足够空闲容量而又是传到同一地点的某一STM-I中去.这种技术叫分导.它可以充分利用空余容量特性:(1)具有SDH与PDH信号端口,同步宽带交叉连接(2)在SDH与PDH接口间用软件实现VC12的交叉连接(3)交叉连接在VC12等级:在交换前,系统把2Mb∕s信号映射到VC12;对于高阶信号,系统把它们解复用并映射到VC12(所有进入DACSVI的信号,如果经过PDH设备进入的,则必须是P12(2Mb∕s)组成的结构信号;如果经过SDH设备进入,必须是VC12结构的.(4)P31信号必须由P12信号复用而成(5)P41信号必须由P31信号复用而成(6)STM-I信号必须是由VC12复用而成传输接口:(l)2Mb/s:DACSVI通过TPU2接口机盘提供2Mb∕s端口(2)34Mb/s:DACSVI通过TPU34TMX提供34Mb/s信号的传输与复用接口⑶140Mb/s:DACSVI通过TPUI40TMX提供140Mb∕s信号的传输与复用接口(4)STM-1电口(局内):DACSVl通过LPUl55/E提供STM-I电信号的传输接口⑸STM-I光口(短距离):DACSVl通过LPUI55/0提供STM-I光信号的传输接口系统硬件组成:分六层描述DACSVI 物理结构示意图端口架:端口架用于提供一系列线路或支路传输端口.端口架又称输入输出架,可由LPUl 线路子架、TPU2.TPU34/140支路子架组成.由于系统交叉连接容量的限制.端口架最多可以有12个,最多可以安装24个端口子架.LPUl 子架DACSVl 通过LPUI55提供STM-I 信号的传输接口(光或电)LPUl 子架包括: (1)两个插机盘的的子框(2)一个正面连接的连接面板(3)子架正面有三块架门LPUl 子架是固定PortIoierface ComplexMaioCoolToUcrComplexCrossConnectComplexCross-CoooectComplexPortInterface Complex每块LPU155需配备1块OPPU,最多可安装8块LPU155单元架每块TPU2机盘支持8个2.048Mb∕s双向信号,每个TPU2子框最多可安装8块工作机盘和1块保护机盘.每个子框只要有业务就必须配备一块OBTU,也可另配一块作为保护.每块OBTU 单元最多可把63个2Mb∕s信号复用成一个STM-I信号,然后通过内部光缆连接到CC子架的OTU 单元.・SLM-16定义:同步线路复用设备SLM-16可以将16个140Mb∕s或者155Mb/s的支路信号复用成一个STM-16的同步信号(即一个Z5Gb∕s的信号)在光纤上进行传输或者将STM-16信号解复用还原成PDH或SDH所能接受的信号.功能:(1)端机在一条综合线路上提供复用及线路终端,低速率的支路信号可以是140Mb/s的PDH 信号,也可以是155Mb/s的同步信号(2)上、下电路复用器把较低速率的支路信号向(或自)高速率信号流中插入(或引出)(3)再生器(即中继器)把已经衰减了的光信号恢复到原先的光脉冲波形(4)配有在本地和远端进行维护、控制和网络管理的设备(5)终端机型,为光接口提供1+1保护(6)还可为电口支路信号提供1:N的保护根据配置不同,它可用作终端系统.上下电路系统和再生(中继)系统:终端系统配置中线路信号等于支路信号之和,再生系统配置中一定插有RGU机盘,上下电路系统中一定插有SWR和STVT机盘,并且有LNC、CTL和MEM机盘对上下电路实行控制.内部连接板(ICP) UPLn*4饺岫⅛π依LPSF 2:PSF1:PSF2:PSF3:PSF4:PSF 1+1终端机枢内郎连接板(ICP),UPL1:PSF2:PSF中继机框1 :PSF2 :PSF3:PSF4: PSF上、下电路机枢如图示,用作上下电路系统时,一般通过DDF架与ISM-I相连图示配置是上下电路系统配置,采用的是2纤双向复用段保护环.可以从一个2.5Gb∕s的信号下16个155Mb∕s的信号,TPU(P)是用作1:8的盘保护. CONNECTINGPANELDDF LMEM系统存储单元,与CTL、LNC•起完成上下电路配置的控制功能LNC线路控制器单元,与MEM、CTL一起完成上下电路配置的控制功能电源单元PSF电源滤波器单元,PSF对输入电源滤波后通过底板分配到各单元盘操作接口单元UPL用户维护面板•ISM-2000定义:智能同步复用器ISM-2000可以将PDH信号和SDH信号复用进155Mb∕s的STMT(ISMT)或622Mb∕s的STM-4传输线上(ISM-4)或者将STM-4或STM-I信号解复用还原成PDH或SDH所能接受的信号机框描述:图为机框布局示意图,机框内提供:2个槽道用于 ------- 线路端口单元(LPU)2个槽道用于 ------- 指针处理和交叉连接单元(PPe)8个槽道用于 ------- 支路端口单元(TPU)1个槽道用于 ------- 保护支路端口单元(TPU)2个槽道用于 -------- 定时产生器单元(TGU) 1个槽道用于 -------- 系统控制器(CTL) 1个槽道用于 -------- 数据分组交换(DPS) 2个槽道用于 -------- 电源滤波器(PSF) 1个槽道用于 -------- 用户维护面板(UPL)根据配置不同,它可用作终端系统.上下电路系统和再生(中继)系统终端机框配置在这种配置下,系统可以将VC12终结或适配至IJSTM 线路中。
Marantz Integrated Amplifier MODEL 30 操作说明书

Integrated Amplifier MODEL 30操作说明书附件4安装电池5遥控器的操作范围5部件名称与功能6前面板6后面板9遥控器11连接方法连接扬声器15扬声器连接16连接播放设备17连接录音设备18连接前置放大器或功率放大器19连接带有遥控端子的设备20通过本机上的RC无需视觉接触执行操作20远程连接Marantz音频设备20连接电源线21播放开启电源23切换电源至待机23选择输入源24调节主音量24暂时关闭声音(静音)24调节音调和平衡24播放CD25本机用作功率放大器25录音26设置设置显示屏亮度28设置灯饰LED亮度29设置自动待机模式30设置遥控代码31设置遥控的遥控代码32设置本机的遥控代码32提示提示34故障诊断35电源无法开启/电源关闭36使用遥控器无法执行操作37本机显示屏不显示内容37不发出声音38所需声音没有发出38声音中断或出现噪音39保修和修理40附录术语解释41规格42索引45感谢您选购此Marantz产品。
注0为防止损坏电池或电池漏液 :0请勿将新旧电池混合使用。
TM-xa系列 计重型 收银系列使用说明书V2.30B

1.4 规格 ................................................................................................................. 6 1.5 TM-xA 系列热敏打印机 .................................................................................. 6
感谢您使用上海精函有限公司的产品!在您开始使用本产品前,请务必仔细阅读《前言》中的内容, 并严格遵守这些事项!
1.1 注意事项
Ø 确保电源插头和电源线连接正常,使用三芯电源线进行连接,如果使用了拖线板,则拖线板的插口 也要是三芯的,确保三芯的地线妥善的与建筑大地连接,以避免漏电的情况。
Ø 切勿用沾湿的手插拔电源插头,这样可能导致触电。 Ø 严禁将身体重力压在秤盘上,以免损坏称重传感器。 Ø 严禁撞击重压,或用重物冲击秤盘,以免损坏称重传感器,同时勿超过其最大称量范围。 Ø 严禁淋雨或用水冲洗;如不慎沾水,请用干布擦试干净;若秤体工作异常,请尽速送到经销商处,
MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit 说明书

MagMAX ™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 KitHigh throughput isolation of DNA from blood cardsCatalog Number A36570Pub. No. MAN0017456 Rev.B.0WARNING! Read the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) andfollow the handling instructions. Wear appropriateprotective eyewear, clothing, and gloves. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available from /support .Product descriptionThe Applied Biosystems ™MagMAX ™DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0Kit is developed for scalable, rapid purification of high-quality DNA from a variety of sample matrices. DNA purified with this kit can be used in a broad range of molecular biology downstream applications, such as sequencing, genotyping, and qPCR. This protocol guides through automated isolation of DNA frommammalian whole blood spotted onto blood cards, optimized foruse with Whatman ™ 903 Cards and Whatman ™ FTA ™ClassicCards, using the KingFisher ™ Flex and the KingFisher ™Duo Prime.Contents and storageReagents provided in the kit are sufficient for 100 reactions.Table 1 MagMAX ™ DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit (Cat. No. A36570)For 1000 reaction volume use Cat. No. A36578 (Proteinase K),A36579 (DNA Binding Beads), A36580 (Wash I Solution), A36581(Lysis/binding Solution), A36582 (Elution Solution), and A36583(Enhancer Solution).Required materials not suppliedUnless otherwise indicated, all materials are available through . MLS: Fisher Scientific ( ) or other major laboratory supplier.General guidelines•Perform all steps at room temperature (20–25°C) unless otherwise noted.•Precipitates and high viscosity can occur if Enhancer Solution and Binding Solution are stored when room temperature is too cold. If this occurs, warm them at 37°C and gently mix to dissolve precipitates and reduce viscosity. Avoid creating bubbles.•Yellowing of the Binding and Wash I Solution is normal and will not affect buffer performance •Cover the plate during the incubation and shaking steps to prevent spill-over and cross-contamination. The sameMicroAmp ™Clear Adhesive Film can be used throughout the procedure, unless it becomes contaminated.•If using a plate shaker other than the recommended shaker,verify that:a.The plate fits securely on the plate shaker.b.The recommended speeds are compatible with the plateshaker (Ideal shaker speeds allow for thorough mixing without splashing).•Per-plate volumes for reagent mixes are sufficient for one plate plus overage. To calculate volumes for other sample numbers, refer to the per-well volume and add 10% overage.•(Optional) To prevent evaporation and contamination, cover the prepared processing plates with paraffin film orMicroAmp ™Clear Adhesive Film until they are loaded into the instrument.Guidelines for Proteinase K digestion•Do not pre-mix the Enhancer Solution and Proteinase K.•Do not change the order of pipetting.Guidelines for DNA Binding Bead Mix•Vortex the DNA Binding Beads thoroughly, combine them with the Binding Solution in a nuclease-free tube, then invert the tube until homogeneous. This mixture can be stored for up to 1 day before aliquoting into the plates.•Ensure that the beads stay fully mixed within the solution during pipetting.•Avoid creating bubbles during mixing and aliquoting.Sample collection and storage1.Collect blood samples onto Whatman ™903 Cards using amethod from the following table.Note: A different collection volume might be needed for other types of blood cards.IMPORTANT! Heparin is not recommended as an anti-coagulant as it can cause inhibition of PCR reactions.2.Dry the cards at room temperature for at least 3 hours, oraccording to the manufacturers' instructions.Lay cards on a flat surface and allow to completely air dry.3.Process samples shortly after they are completely dry or,store the cards at room temperature with a desiccant packet or in a humidity-controlled, cool, and dry environment.Before first use of the kitPrepare Wash II Solution: Make 80% ethanol from 100% absolute ethanol and Nuclease-Free Water.Before each use of the kitVortex DNA Binding Beads to fully resuspend the beads before each use.Prepare samples and digest with Proteinase KPreheat an incubator to 65°C.a.Cut out the blood cards using a Whatman ™Uni-Core punch or a Miltex ™biopsy punch.b.Prepare 2-, 3-, or 4-mm sized discs, using 1 or 2 discs per reaction, then transfer them to theappropriate wells of the Proteinase K 96-well DW Plate using forceps.1Prepare samples and digest with Proteinase K1Prepare samples and digest withProteinase K(continued)c.Prepare sufficient Proteinase K Mix according to the following table, then gently invert or pipetup and down several times to thoroughly mix components.Pipet the components in the order they are listed in the table.IMPORTANT! Only make enough Mix for immediate use. Mix is not stable for prolongedperiods and will result in a reduction of DNA yield.d.Add 480 µL of the Proteinase K Mix to each well containing a punched disc.Be careful to avoid touching the pipette tip to the disc when pipetting the Proteinase K Mix into the sample wells.IMPORTANT! Ensure that the card pieces are entirely covered in liquid before startingProteinase K digestion.e.Seal the plate with the clear adhesive film, then shake the sealed plate at 900 rpm for 5 minutes.f.Take the plate off the plate shaker, then immediately incubate at 65°C for 30 minutes.Note: For Whatman™ FTA™ Classic Cards, we recommend overnight incubation for optimal yield.IMPORTANT! Arrange plate in the incubator to allow adequate flow around the plate wells to ensure that samples quickly reach and maintain the incubation temperature.g.Once incubation is complete, shake the sealed plate at 900 rpm for 5 minutes.h.(Optional) If condensation is present at the end of the agitation, centrifuge the plate for 1 minuteat 1500 × g.During the incubation, proceed with instrument and plate set up:•For automated purificationusing KingFisher™ Flex Magnetic Particle Processor, proceed to “Perform DNA purification using KingFisher™ Flex“ on page 3.•For automated purification using KingFisher™ Duo Prime Magnetic Particle Processor, proceed to “Perform DNA purification using KingFisher™ Duo Prime“ on page 5.Perform DNA purification using KingFisher™ Flexa.Ensure that the instrument is set up with the proper magnetic head and the proper heat block, asindicated in the following table.IMPORTANT! Failure to use the proper magnetic head and heat block will result in lower yields.b.Ensure that the proper program (MagMAX_Ultra2_Direct_FLEX) has been downloaded from theproduct page and loaded onto the instrument.1Set up the instrumentDuring the incubation at 65°C, set up the Wash, Elution, and Tip Comb Plates outside the instrument according to the following table.Note: The plates will be loaded onto the instrument immediately after the Sample Plate has been prepared.2Set up the processing plates a.Prepare the DNA Binding Bead Mix according to the following table.b.At the end of Proteinase K digestion, transfer the lysates to the corresponding wells of a newdeep-well plate (this will be called the Sample Plate), then discard the blood card discs.Note: Some lysate volume will remain absorbed to the blood card discs after Proteinase K treatment. Increasing the number of discs used will result in increased sample loss.c.Add 440 µL of DNA Binding Bead Mix to each sample.Note: Remix Binding Bead Mix frequently during pipetting to ensure even distribution of beads to all samples/wells. Mixture is viscous, pipet slowly to ensure that the correct amount is added.IMPORTANT! Avoid creating bubbles during mixing and aliquoting.d.Immediately process the plates on the KingFisher ™Flex Magnetic Particle Processor 96DW.3Bind the gDNA a.Select the program MagMAX_Ultra2_Direct_FLEX on the instrument.b.Start the run, and load the prepared plates into position when prompted by the instrument.c.At the end of the run, immediately remove the plates from the instrument.d.Transfer the eluate to the final tube/plate of choice for final storage.Note: If preferred, the elution plate may be used for final storage of the DNA.The purified DNA is ready for immediate use. Alternatively, store the plate at –20°C for long-term storage.4Wash and elute the gDNAPerform DNA purification using KingFisher ™ Duo Primea.Ensure that the instrument is set up for processing with the proper magnetic head (12 pin) andheat block for your application.b.Ensure that the proper program (MagMAX_Ultra2_Direct_DUO ) has been downloaded from theproduct page and loaded onto the instrument.1Set up the instrumentAdd processing reagents to the wells of the 96-well plate according to the following table.See “Bind the gDNA“ on page 5.Note: The plate will be loaded onto the instrument immediately after the Sample Row has been prepared.2Set up the processing platea.Prepare the DNA Binding Bead Mix according to the following table.b.At the end of Proteinase K digestion, transfer the lysates to the corresponding wells (Row H) ofthe previously prepared processing plate, then discard the blood card discs.Note: Some lysate volume will remain absorbed to the blood card discs after Proteinase K treatment. Increasing the number of discs used will result in increased sample loss.c.Add 440 µL of DNA Binding Bead Mix to each sample (Row H).Note: Remix Binding Bead Mix frequently during pipetting to ensure even distribution of beads to all samples/wells. Mixture is viscous, pipet slowly to ensure correct amount is added.IMPORTANT! Avoid creating bubbles during mixing and aliquoting.d.Immediately process the plate on the KingFisher ™Duo Prime Magnetic Particle Processor.3Bind the gDNA4Wash and elute the gDNAa.Select the program MagMAX_Ultra2_Direct_DUO on the instrument.b.Start the run, and load the prepared plate into position when prompted by the instrument.c.At the end of the run, immediately remove the plate from the instrument.d.Transfer the eluate to the final tube/plate of choice for final storage.The purified DNA is ready for immediate use. Alternatively, store the samples at –20°C for long-termstorage.QuantitationTo most accurately quantitate gDNA samples isolated from blood cards, it is recommended to quantitate using the Qubit™ dsDNA HS (High Sensitivity) Assay Kit (Cat. No. Q32851). Another acceptable method is quantitation utilizing qPCR and the Applied Biosystems™TaqMan® RNase P Detection Reagents Kit (Cat. No. 4316831).or TaqMan® Copy Number Reference Assay, human, RNase P (Cat. No. 4403326) and the TaqMan® DNA Template Reagents (Cat. No. 401970) to create a standard curve. Refer to Creating Standard Curves with Genomic DNA or Plasmid DNA Templates for Use in Quantitative PCR Application Note (Pub. No. 4371090).Limited product warrantyLife Technologies Corporation and/or its affiliate(s) warrant their products as set forth in the Life Technologies' General Terms and Conditions of Sale at /us/en/home/global/terms-and-conditions.html. If you have any questions, please contact Life Technologies at /support.Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics UAB | V.A. Graiciuno 8, LT-02241 | Vilnius, LithuaniaFor descriptions of symbols on product labels or product documents, go to /symbols-definition.The information in this guide is subject to change without notice.DISCLAIMER: TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, THERMO FISHER SCIENTIFIC INC. AND/OR ITS AFFILIATE(S) WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, MULTIPLE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES IN CONNECTION WITH OR ARISING FROM THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING YOUR USE OF IT.Important Licensing Information: This product may be covered by one or more Limited Use Label Licenses. By use of this product, you accept the terms and conditions of all applicable Limited Use Label Licenses.©2019 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified./support | /askaquestion。
Acterna DSAM-2500产品说明书

19812The results focused meter Simplified installationDOCSIS cable modem installation is simplified for even the novice installer. Not just one, but multiple downstream DOCSIS carriers can be tested in a single, automated cable modem test. Immediate Pass/Fail message is dis-played. Details of failed parameter(s) are noted in the autotest results.Fast ingress identificationChecking the install for ingress is easy with a before and after approach that uses the DSAM upstream spectrum display. Unwanted carriers can be quickly located and measured (center frequency, level and graphical view). Interference from intermittent sources can be captured with the peak hold feature. For the greatest amount of detail a 10MHz zoom can be used at the marker position.The cable modem autotest function provides an immediate Pass/Fail message The DSAM upstream spectrum display makesidentifying ingress quick and easy3Rapid synchronizationExchanging files with a PC is as simple as synchronizing a PDA with a desktop computer with the optional DSAM-PC utility software. An administrator can easily set up a procedure where the individual meters are just plugged into the PC via RS232 or Ethernet. Ethernet connectionscanbeconductedremotely on the same local area network.Swift settings reproductionMeter settings may be exchanged directly with another meter through the cloning capability. All settings, or selected groups of configuration With limits “on”, key digital and analog channels are quickly checked in miniscan view Single channel level view displays all modulation types in a common format for all usersSynchronizing the meter with the optional DSAM PC software is an easy operation understood by all usersThe cloning function allows specific configuration groups to be exchanged with another meterThe DSAM’s file management system allows users to save, label and organize information as neededComprehensive SLM capabilities The DSAM’s SLM capabilities handle all of the traditional needs of the cable installer. The meter not only provides a single-channel level display, it also delivers a 12-channel miniscan ensuring the fastest evaluation oflevels at an install. As with all measure-ments and autotests, limits can be turned on to quickly indicate Pass or Fail. Limits are preconfigured for four test locations: tap, ground block, TV and cable modem. These may be configured and locked by installmanagement or network engineering to ensure maximum test reliability Channel plan integration of digital QAM channels with analog channels provides a common, easily understood, user interface for installers4Specifications (preliminary)FrequencyRange 4 to 1,000 MHz Accuracy±10 ppm at 77°F (25°C) Tuning resolution Analog 10 KHzDigital 50 KHz Channel bandwidth DSAM-2500A 8 MHzDSAM-2500B 6 MHz Level measurement, analogSignal types CW, video and audio(NTSC, PAL, and SECAM) Range–40 to +60 dBmV(1) Resolution0.1 dB Resolution bandwidth 330 KHz Accuracy(2)±1.5 dB typical @ 25°C Level measurement, digitalModulation types QPR, QPSK, QAM (DVB/ACTS) Range–40 to +60 dBmV(1) Resolution0.1 dB Resolution bandwidth330 kHz Accuracy(2)±2.0 dB typical @ 25°C Upstream spectrum (ingress scan)Spans DSAM-2500A 4 to 65 MHzDSAM-2500B 4 to 45 MHz Sweep rate 1.8 seconds or faster Display scaling and range5 and 10 dB/division;6 vertical divisions Resolution bandwidth330 kHz Sensitivity –35 to 60 dBmV(1) DOCSIS/EuroDOCSIS compatibilityVersion DOCSIS 1.0 and 1.1 Upstream transmit range and diplexer crossover (DOCSIS modes only)DSAM-2500A 5 to 65 MHz 65/96MHz(min. downstream DOCSIScenter freq. 100 MHz)DSAM-2500B 5 to 42 MHz 42/88 MHz(min. downstream DOCSIScenter freq. 91 MHz) Upstream modulation QPSK and 16 QAM asinstructed by CMTS Transmitter output At 25ºC, maximum 55 dBmVwith 16 QAM and 58 dBmVwith QPSK, (typical)Downstream QAM demodulationModulation type 64 and 256 QAM, ITU-T J.83Annex A, B or C (selectable)Input range (lock range) –15 to +50 dBmV totalintegrated power(3)from 55 to 1000 MHzBER(4)Pre- and Post-FEC 10-4to 10-9MER(4)Range 64 QAM: 21 to 35 dBAccuracy ±2 dB (typical)Range 256 QAM: 28 to 35 dBAccuracy ±2 dB (typical)EVM(4)Range 64 QAM: 1.2% to 5.8%Accuracy ±0.5% (1.2% to 2.0%)±1.0% (2.1% to 4.0%)±1.4% (4.1% to 5.8%)Range 256 QAM: 1.1% to 2.4%Accuracy ±0.6%Symbol rate Annex A, 5.057 to6.952 Msps for 64 and 256 QAMAnnex B, 5.057 Msps for64 QAM and 5.361 Msps for 256 QAMAnnex C, 5.274 Msps for64 QAM and 5.361 Msps for 256 QAMInterfacesRF75 ohm, F81 or BNC optionMax. sustained voltage 100 VAC, 140 VDCRS232Standard via DB9 on chargermodule or optional direct cablePrinter compatibility Epson and CitizenEthernet RJ45, 10 base T,TCP/IP and UDP supportedUSB v1.1 host mode, 150 mAmaximum slave (future firmware release)Standards complianceShock and vibration IEC 60068Drop IEC 61010Handle stress IEC 61010Water resistance MIL-STD-810ESafety – emissions EN 55022Safety – immunity EN 61000GeneralDisplay320 x 240, grayscaleselectable back lightLanguage support(user interface and help system)English in all modelsNo-charge second languageoption of Spanish, French or GermanDimensions 4.75 x 9.75 x 2.75 in(12 x 25 x 7 cm)Weight 2 lb 12 oz (1.3 kg)Storage and operating temperature range0 to 120°F; –20 to +50°CPower NiMH removable pack, standardLi-Ion removable pack, optionalBattery life NiMH, 3 hours (typical)Li-Ion, 4.5 hours (typical)Charge time NiMH, 5 hours (typical)Li-Ion, 6.5 hours (typical)Power supply input90-264 VAC, 47-63 HzTypical, detectable rangeAccuracy for levels between –20 to 60 dBmVAdditional uncertainty ±0.5 dB across–20°C to 50°CAdditional uncertainty±1.0 dB from 4 MHz to 15 MHzAt64 QAMAccuracy and behavior from 100 MHz to 1000 MHz forlevels between –5 to 50 dBmV (typical)figure 10 The DSAM meter and accessories shownhere within the optional transit soft case5Acterna is the world’s largest providerof test and management solutions foroptical transport, access and cablenetworks, and the second largestcommunications test company overall.Focused entirely on providing equip-ment, software, systems and services,Acterna helps customers develop,install, manufacture and maintainoptical transport, access, cable,data/IP and wireless networks.Optional Part number Descriptionaccessories and replacement parts DSAM-PC1010-00-0610PC based utility software forfile management, display and analysis,meter configuration and channel plan management.RS232-STD-CBL 1019-00-1427Standard RS232 cable, shielded, M and F 9-pin D connectors, 10 ft DSAM-RS232-CBL1019-00-1429DSAM RS232 cable, direct meter toPC, 14-pin to 9-pin, 6 ft MSCLI-CBC 1019-00-055712 Vdc in-vehicle cable to powerstandard charger module DSAM-SLEEVE 1019-00-1420Protective sleeve to fit overDSAM meterDSAM-CASE 1019-00-1421Transit soft case for DSAM meterand accessoriesETRNT-CBL-KIT 1019-00-1423Ethernet patch cable, and crossover cable, RJ45 to RJ45, 5 ft STD-CHGR 1019-00-1422Standard charger module withuniversal power supply DSAM-NIMH-BATT 1019-00-1424NiMH battery, 3 hrs (typical)DSAM-LIION-BATT1019-00-1425Lithium ionbattery, 4.5 hrs (typical)(not for extreme cold climates,<0°F/–20°C)DSAM-LENSKIT 1019-00-1426Set of 5 replacement snap-in lensesSKY-31019-00-1366Strand hookActerna Basic Service packagesTo ensure the highest levels of support for DSAM purchasers, Acterna offers the Basic Service for instrument package.Designed to provide the foundation for maximizing the features and usage of DSAM equipment, Acterna’s Basic Service package offers the followingdegrees of service and support only Acterna can provide. This includes:– An extended warranty of up to five years– Annual calibration – fully traceable to meet NIST standardsOrdering instructionsThe DSAM-2500 models listed below include the following:1 NiMH rechargeable battery 2 hand straps 1 shoulder strap 1 charger module1 universal power supply 1 power cord1 12 VDC in-vehicle power cable 5 replacement lenses 1 quick start manualModels Part number DescriptionDSAM-2500A 1010-00-0531 Cable modem installation meter, 4 to 1000 MHz, 8 MHz channel spacingDSAM-2500B1010-00-0516Cable modem installation meter, 4 to 1000 MHz, 6 MHz channel spacingOptions Part number DescriptionDSAM-LITH-OPT 1019-00-1456Substitute extra long life lithium ionbattery, 4.5 hrs (typical)DSAM-BNC-OPT 1019-00-1455Substitute 75 ohm BNC connectorin place of F81DSAM-FRN-OPT 1019-00-1457Second language French DSAM-GER-OPT 1019-00-1458Second language German DSAM-SPN-OPT1019-00-1459Second language SpanishThese core services provide the foun-dation for a longer product life, help you realize greater meter functionality and maximize your Acterna investment.Ask your sales representative or call the Acterna Customer Care Center for more information.。


) 每套MS3590移动扫描器标准配置包括:移动扫描器一个,USB连接线一根和CD光盘一个(内含软件和电子文档使用手册)。
) 除另外说明,术语“扫描器”在本指引中皆指代MS3590移动扫描器。
) 请使用柔软的干布清洁扫描器。
) 无线数据传送的有效范围:在天气晴朗,温度27℃,能见度5公里以上的条件下,通信距离可达30米。
) 蓝牙和无线局域网(WLAN)都使用2.4GHz 频段并且后者发射功率较大。
) 扫描器有多种无线工作模式,支持离线数据保存等多种功能。
1. 依次从电源后盖拧开4个螺钉。
2. 然后在挂钩上系上绳扣/腕带。
3. 合上电源后盖并拧紧扫描器的4个螺钉。
更换电池1. 依次从电源后盖拧开4个螺钉。
2. 适当放置电池,将插头滑入插座至连接牢靠。
扫描器外观○1蓝色LED (蓝牙电源指示); 绿色LED (解码成功指示); 红色LED (充电指示) ○2液晶屏○3~○4软键 ○5~○8导航键 ○9扫描/选择键○10返回键 ○11蓝牙开/关键 ○12电源开关/睡眠键 ○13扫描窗 ○14标签 ○15蜂鸣器出声口 ○16电池盖 ○17迷你USB 接口 / 电池充电口 ○18绳扣/腕带挂钩 电池充电1. 第一次使用扫描器前,请先给电池充电。

(业务管理)多业务传送节点设备(MSTP)多业务传送节点设备(MSTP)TranSmart TM SCT2500-30系统功能描述大唐电信科技股份有限公司目录壹、系统概述11.1概述11.2设备简介11.2.1 系统构成11.2.2 机盘名称及描述1二、TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备系统功能图3三、设备特点3四、系统接口说明54.1系统主子框接口说明54.1.1 主子框面板图54.1.2 主子框接口说明54.2系统扩展子框接口说明74.2.1 扩展子框面板图74.2.2 扩展子框接口说明7五、单盘介绍85.1概述85.2单盘功能原理介绍95.2.1 2.5G 群路盘(MOMG)95.2.2 622M 群路盘(MOM4)95.2.3 155M 群路盘(MOM1/MOM1E)95.2.4 2.5G 时钟交叉盘(MCSKG)105.2.5 622M 时钟交叉盘(MCSK)115.2.6 低阶交叉盘(MCSL)125.2.7 2M支路盘(MTP1)125.2.8 以太网交换处理盘(MESW)125.2.9 以太网交换处理盘(METS)135.2.10 网元管理盘(MMCP)155.2.11 扩展子架网元管理盘(SMCP)165.2.12 34/45M支路盘(MTP31/ MTP32)165.2.13 公务盘(MOWM)175.2.14 PCM线路盘(MALS)175.2.15 PCM 2/4W音频接口盘(M24W)175.2.16 PCM远端话路盘(MSLC)185.2.17 PCM局端话路盘(MCSLC)185.2.18 PCM 24EM信令接口盘(M24EM)195.2.19 PCM V.35接口盘(MV35)195.2.20 PCM 64kb/s和子速率接口盘(MSD)20六、组网能力及网络保护226.1概述226.2组网能力226.2.1 点对点系统226.2.2 链路系统226.2.3 二纤环系统236.2.4 梯型网和混合型网系统23 6.3系统的保护功能24壹、系统概述1.1概述TranSmart TM SCT2500-30型MSTP光传输产品是大唐电信科技股份有限公司针对城域网、本地网接入层特点推出的新型传输设备。

目录摘要 (I)Abstract (III)第1章论文选题依据及研究内容 (1)1.1论文选题依据 (1)1.1.1 研究意义 (1)1.1.2 研究现状 (1) 碳点的分类、光致发光的起源、性质和挑战 (1) 碳点的合成途径 (5) 碳点在荧光分析检测领域的应用 (10)1.2研究目标、研究内容、以及拟解决的关键科学问题 (13)1.2.1 研究目标 (13)1.2.2 研究内容 (13)1.2.3 拟解决的关键科学问题 (14)1.3技术路线 (14)第2章铽掺杂碳点的一步碳化合成及其选择性的检测2,4,6-三硝基苯酚 (15)2.1前言 (15)2.2实验部分 (16)2.2.1 材料及试剂 (16)2.2.2 实验仪器 (16)2.2.3 铽掺杂碳点的合成与纯化 (16)2.2.4 TNP的荧光分析检测 (16)2.3结果与讨论 (17)2.3.1 铽掺杂碳点的合成与表征 (17)2.3.2 铽掺杂碳点的稳定性 (19)2.3.3 TNP的荧光分析检测 (20)2.3.4 水样中TNP含量的测定 (25)2.4小结 (25)第3章铽修饰碳量子点的常规水热合成及其高选择性的检测ppGpp (27)3.1前言 (27)3.2实验部分 (28)3.2.1 材料及试剂 (28)3.2.2 实验仪器 (28)3.2.3 碳量子点和铽修饰碳量子点的合成与纯化 (28)3.2.4 ppGpp的比率荧光检测 (29)3.3结果与讨论 (29)3.3.1 碳量子点的合成与表征 (29)3.3.2 铽修饰碳量子点的合成与表征 (32)3.3.3 比率荧光法检测ppGpp (32)3.4小结 (34)第4章单层石墨烯量子点的自放热合成及其高灵敏和高特异性的检测铝离子 (35)4.1前言 (35)4.2实验部分 (36)4.2.1 材料及试剂 (36)4.2.2 实验仪器 (36)4.2.3 单层石墨烯量子点的合成与纯化 (36)4.2.4 Al3+的荧光分析检测 (37)4.3结果与讨论 (37)4.3.1 单层石墨烯量子点的自催化放热合成 (37)4.3.2 单层石墨烯量子点的表征 (40)4.3.3 Al3+诱导的单层石墨烯量子点光致发光增强 (42)4.4小结 (46)第5章高光致发光碳量子点的自放热合成及其选择性的检测维生素B12 (47)5.1前言 (47)5.2实验部分 (48)5.2.1 材料及试剂 (48)5.2.2 实验仪器 (48)5.2.3 碳量子点的合成与纯化 (48)5.2.4 维生素B12的荧光分析检测 (49)5.2.5 维生素B12的固相传感 (49)5.3结果与讨论 (49)5.3.1 碳量子点的自催化放热合成 (49)5.3.2 碳量子点的表征 (53)5.3.3 碳量子点的稳定性 (54)5.3.4 维生素B12的荧光检测 (55)5.3.5 注射液中维生素B12的含量测定 (57)5.3.6 维生素B12的固相传感 (57)5.4小结 (58)第6章全文总结与展望 (59)6.1全文总结 (59)6.1.1 主要结论 (59)6.1.2 主要创新点 (60)6.2前景展望 (60)6.2.1 碳点功能化手段的开发及应用 (60)6.2.2 自放热合成在其他纳米材料领域的开发 (60)参考文献 (63)科研成果 (71)致谢 (73)碳点的功能化、自放热合成及其在生化药物分析中的应用研究专业: 药物分析学硕士研究生: 陈斌斌指导教师: 黄承志教授摘要碳点作为新类型的光致发光纳米材料,由于其优越的光稳定性、可调的光致发光、良好的生物相容性以及易于制备的特性,而被广泛应用于细胞成像、生物与化学传感、光电器件等领域。

常见的几款迈思肯扫描器的产品参数:1.MS-3 超小型条码扫描器:解码/秒:最多1000读取范围:2至10“(51至254 mm)广阔的扫描角度/IP54外壳MS-3激光条码扫描仪在嵌入式紧凑型条码扫描器中提供最快的读取性能。
高扫描速度:可调节扫描速度从每秒300到1000个解码,Microscan 世界级的解码算法确保每次都能准确读取。
2.QX-870 工业光栅激光扫描器:每秒扫描次数:300 至1400 次读取范围:1 至30"(25 mm 至762 mm)可选的嵌入式以太网TCP/IP 和EtherNet/IP 协议/IP65 封装QX-870 激光扫描器配有最新的条形码读取技术,并可连接至易于使用的条形码追踪、跟踪和控制应用程序解决方案。
凭借即插即用设置及最具效率的编码算法,QX-870 成为所有工业应用的理想激光扫描器。
快速连接系统:M12 Ultra-Lock™ 连接器和线缆套件,即插即用设置一台或多台扫描器解决方案X-Mode 技术:解码受损、印刷不良或未对齐的码,确保高读取率和扫描量高性能:高效的解码能力,能以长达10"(25.4 cm)的光束宽度可靠读取长达30"(762 cm)的条码。

For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P .O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands &Pillar SupportsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................... 2Warnings - General Safety.................................................. 3Product Description............................................................. 4Specifications...................................................................... 4Installation........................................................................... 5Requirements for Use of One Single Post Stand forConveyor Support............................................................ 5Recommended Installation Sequence.............................. 5Required Tools................................................................. 5Assembly - Single Post Stand (5)Assembly - Pillar Support................................................ 7Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment............................ 9Required Tools................................................................. 9Conveyor Height Adjustment........................................... 9Conveyor Angle Adjustment.......................................... 11Notes.................................................................................. 13Service Parts....................................................................... 14Single Post/Pillar Support Stands................................... 14Return Policy. (16)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-562 Rev. C3Dorner Mfg. Corp.Single Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A DANGERDO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN ANEXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical stand components.Figure 1SpecificationsSingle Post and Pillar Support Stand ModelsExample: 49MSP12– 23 33FSingle post style stand for a 12” wide conveyor with aminimum height of 23” and a maximum height of 33”. It is equipped with fixed foot pads and has U.S. English documentation.A Single Post Support StandB Stand Mounting Bracket (with conveyor)C Height Adjustment PointD Angle Adjustment PointE Optional Diagonal Brace FOptional CastersAB C D E FWWHHHHWWSingle Post ModelPillar SupportModel851-562 Rev. C5Dorner Mfg. Corp.Single Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsInstallationRequirements for Use of One Single Post Stand for Conveyor SupportFigure 2Recommended InstallationSequence (see Table of Contents for page number)•Assemble stand(s)•Attach stand(s) to conveyor (see Conveyor Installation,Maintenance & Parts Manual)•Attach optional diagonal bracing (see Diagonal Brace Kit Manual)•Adjust stand height and level (see Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment section, page 9)Required Tools• 6 mm Hex Key WrenchAssembly - Single Post Stand1.Typical components (Figure 3).Figure 3A WARNINGFor maximum stability, install the conveyor on the stand so it is positioned and balanced as shown (at right).DO NOT use with conveyors over 4ft (1219mm) long.DO NOT use with conveyor equipped with a heavy load gearmotor bottom mounting package.Failure to heed this warning could result in the conveyor being unstable and tipping over, resulting in equipment damage or personal injury.A DANGERLeg Positioned Un-der ConveyorA WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.G Trileg PostH Conveyor Mounting Bracket and Crossmember Tube AssemblyI Base Leg Assembly(3x)JHardware Pack, Single Post StandHGIJDorner Mfg. Corp.6851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsInstallation2.Open hardware pack, single post stand (Figure 3,item J).3.Place a button screw (Figure 4,item L) through each hole in the end plate (N) of a leg tube (I). Attach a hex nut (M) to the screw. Leave a gap (O) between the nuts and end plate.Figure 44.Align the leg tube end plate hex nuts (Figure 5,item M) with the t–slots (P) on one side of the trileg post (G). Slide the hex nuts (M) into the T–slots (P).Figure 55.Align bottom edge of the end plate (Figure 6,item N) with bottom edge of the trileg post (G).6.Tighten button screws (L) to 100 in–lb (11 N–m).Figure 67.Repeat steps 3 to 6 on other two legs.8.Position the conveyor mounting bracket andcrossmember tube assembly (Figure 7,item H) so there is access to the underside t–slots (P) and hex nuts (M).Figure 79.Align the screw holes (Figure 8,item R) of the stand top screw end plate (Q) with the hex nuts in the t–slots in the crossmember tube (H).NOTECaster option shown. Foot pad option similar.LMNIO MGIPA WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 6,item L) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (L) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.N GLHMP851-562 Rev. C7Dorner Mfg. Corp.Single Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsInstallationFigure 810.Attach the button screws to the hex nuts, do not tighten.Position the stand assembly up right.11.To center the conveyor mounting bracket (Figure8,item H), position the “Attach Here” sticker (Figure 9,item T) with the end plate (S) of the stand top screw assembly.Figure 912.Tighten button screws (Figure 9,itemU) to 100 in–lb(11 N–m).Assembly - Pillar Support1.Typical components (Figure 10).Figure 102.Open the hardware pack, single post stand (Figure 10,item X).3.Place two socket screws (Figure 11,item Z) and nuts (AA) on the three stand foot brackets (Y). Do not tighten.Figure 114.Align nuts (Figure 11,item AA) ) with t–slots (P) on one side of trileg post (V). Slide the foot bracket (Y) onto the post.A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 9,item U) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (U) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.HQRUV Trileg PostW Conveyor Mounting Bracket and Crossmember Tube assemblyX Hardware Pack, Single Post Stand YStand Foot Bracket (3x)VWXYZYAADorner Mfg. Corp.8851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsInstallationFigure 125.Align the foot bracket edge (Figure 12,item Y) with the bottom edge of the trileg post (V).Figure 136.Tighten socket screws (Figure 12,itemP) to 100 in–lb(11 N–m)7.Repeat steps 3 to 6 on other foot brackets.8.Position the conveyor mounting bracket andcrossmember tube assembly (Figure 14,item H) so there is access to the underside t–slots (P) and hex nuts (M).Figure 149.Align the screw holes (Figure 15,item R) of the stand top screw end plate (Q) with the hex nuts in the t–slots in the crossmember tube (H).Figure 1510.Attach the button screws to the hex nuts, do not tighten.Position the stand assembly up right.11.To center the conveyor mounting bracket (Figure14,item H), position the “Attach Here” sticker (Figure 16,item T) with the end plate (S) of the stand top screw assembly.Figure 16A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 12,item P) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (P) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.AAVPPY VPHMPHQRSU851-562 Rev. C9Dorner Mfg. Corp.Single Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment12.Tighten the button screws (Figure 16,item U) to 100 in–lb (11 N–m).Preventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRequired Tools• 6 mm Hex Key Wrench • 5 mm Hex Key Wrench •13 mm Open End WrenchConveyor Height Adjustment1.Place temporary support stand (Figure 17,itemAC) under conveyor (AD).Figure 172.If installed, remove diagonal brace hardware (Figure 17,item AB) from the conveyor. Allow brace to rest against the trileg post (G).3.Remove conveyor bracket hardware (Figure 18,item AE) from both conveyor supports (AF).Figure 18A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 16,item U) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (U) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.ABACADGAEAFDorner Mfg. Corp.10851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment4.Raise the conveyor (Figure 19,item AG) from the conveyor mounting bracket (H) by adjusting the temporary stand (AC) upward.Figure 195.Loosen the three tri–lobe hex head screws (Figure 20,item AH).Figure 206.Rotate the conveyor mounting bracket and crossmember tube (H) to the proper height.Figure 217.Re-tighten tri–lobe hex head screws (Figure 20,itemAH) to 100 in–lb (11 N–m).8.Lower conveyor supports (Figure 22,item AF) onto mounting bracket (H). Attach conveyor supports to bracket with hardware (AE).Figure 229.Tighten fastening hardware (Figure 22,itemAE) to 100in–lb (11 N–m).HAG AHHA WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 20,item AH) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (AH) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 22,item AE) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (AE) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.AFHAE851-562 Rev. C11Dorner Mfg. Corp.Single Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment10.If installed, reattach brace (Figure 23,itemE) andtighten brace fastening hardware (AB) to 100 in–lb (11 N–m).Figure 23Conveyor Angle Adjustment1.Loosen flange socket screws (Figure 24,item AL) on both sides of stand.Figure 242.If conveyor is equipped with diagonal bracing (Figure 25,item E), socket screw (AB) must be loosened to adjust conveyor angle.Figure 253.Adjust conveyor to desired angle.4.Secure flange socket screws (Figure 26,item AL) onboth sides of stand to 100 in-lb (11 N–m).A WARNINGFailure to secure screw (Figure 23,item AB) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN ALL SCREWS (AB) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.A WARNINGLoosening stand height or angle adjustment screws may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.SUPPORT CONVEYOR SECTIONS PRIOR TO LOOSENING STAND HEIGHT OR ANGLE ADJUSTMENT SCREWS.EAB NOTETo rotate stand, screws (Figure 24,item AL) may need to be re-located to other holes in the stand top end plate (AK).A WARNINGFailure to secure screws (Figure 26,item AL) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREWS (AL) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.ALAKEABDorner Mfg. Corp.12851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentFigure 265.If installed, reattach diagonal bracing (Figure27,item E) and tighten brace fastening hardware (AB) to 100 in–lb (11 N–m).Figure 27A WARNINGFailure to secure screw (Figure 24,item AB) may cause conveyor sections to drop down, causing severe injury.TIGHTEN SCREW (AB) AFTER ADJUSTMENT.ALE ABNotesSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar Supports851-562 Rev. C13Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp.14851-562 Rev. CSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar SupportsService PartsSingle Post/Pillar Support StandsFigure 28NOTEFor replacement parts other than those shown on this page, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.Item Part Number Description1807–936Caster, 4”,2200697Brkt, Pivot, Mtg–Stand 3688038Plate, Clamp, Screw4710048Plate, End, Crossmember Stand 5710049Angle, Foot, Sgl Post Stand 6See Leg TubeT able Leg, Stand, Extrusion 7710222Plate, End, Tube Stand Top 9710231Screw, Assy, Top, Stand10708180P Scr, Sock, Metric M6–1.00x25mm 11911016M Scr, Bttn, Metric M10–1.50x16mm 12911020M Scr, Bttn, Metric M10–1.50x20mm 13920883M Scr, Flange, Socket M8–1.25x16mm 14930625M Scr, Flat, Metric M6–1.00x25mm 1590898M Scr, T ri–Lobe, Hd Hex M8x45mm 16991001M Nut, Hex, Full M8–1.2517See Cross- Member Tube T ableTube, Crossmember18See T rilegPost or Pillar Column T ube T able Post, Trileg19241650Stand Foot Bracket 20807–1075Nut, Weld M8x1.25–6H21920816MScr, Sock, Metric M8–1.25x16mmItem Part Number DescriptionSingle Post Support Stands & Pillar Supports Service PartsItem 6: Leg Tube Table Stand HeightRangeLeg 16”–26”(406mm–660mm)710214–0080024”–34”(609mm–864mm)710214–0095032”–42”(813mm–1067mm)710214–0110040”–50”(1016mm–1270mm)710214–0125048”–58”(1219mm–1473mm)710214–01400Item 17: Crossmember Tube Table Stand Width Crossmember 2” (51mm)710209–002003” (76mm)710209–003004” (102mm)710209–004005” (127mm)710209–005256” (152mm)710209–006258” (203mm)710209–0082510” (254mm)710209–0102512” (305mm)710209–0122514” (356mm)710209–0142516” (406mm)710209–0162518” (457mm)710209–01825Item 18: Trileg Post Table for Single Post Support Stands Stand HeightRangeTrileg Post WithFeet Column TubeTrileg Post WithCasters ColumnTube16”–26”(406mm–660mm)687657P–010********P–0060024”–34”(609mm–864mm)687657P–01800687657P–0140032”–42”(813mm–1067mm)687657P–02600687657P–0220040”–50”(1016mm–1270mm)687657P–03400687657P–0300048”–58”(1219mm–1473mm)687657P–04200687657P–03800Item 18: Trileg Pillar Table for Pillar Support Stands Stand HeightRangeTrileg PillarColumn Tube16”–26”(406mm–660mm)687657P–0105024”–34”(609mm–864mm)687657P–0185032”–42”(813mm–1067mm)687657P–0265040”–50”(1016mm–1270mm)687657P–0345048”–58”(1219mm–1473mm)687657P–04250851-562 Rev. C15Dorner Mfg. Corp.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to changeor discontinue products without notice. All products and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2006DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USAUSATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number.A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization numberfor reference.There will be a return charge on all new undamaged items returned for credit where Dorner was not at fault. Dorner is not responsible for return freight on such items.Conveyors and conveyor accessoriesStandard catalog conveyors 30%MPB Series, cleated and specialty belt conveyors50%7400 & 7600 Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered special products case by caseDrives and accessories30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable itemsPartsStandard stock parts30%MPB, cleated and specialty belts non-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date.The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory.If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Technical Sales, Catalog Sales and Service Teams will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.851-562 Rev. C Printed in U.S.A.。
3KC ATC6300 自动转换控制器 设备手册说明书

4.5 4.5.1 4.5.2
ATC6300 的显示页面....................................................................................................30 显示页面说明 ...............................................................................................................30 滚动显示页面 ...............................................................................................................41
ATC6300 自动转换控制器的属性 ..................................................................................15
兼容的西门子 SENTRON 开关设备.................................................................................17
电压控制 ......................................................................................................................22
4 产品描述 .........................................................................................................................................25
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多业务传送节点设备(MSTP) TranSmart TM SCT2500-30系统功能描述大唐电信科技股份有限公司目录一、系统概述 (1)1.1概述 (1)1.2设备简介 (1)1.2.1 系统构成 (1)1.2.2 机盘名称及描述 (1)二、TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备系统功能图 (3)三、设备特点 (3)四、系统接口说明 (5)4.1系统主子框接口说明 (5)4.1.1 主子框面板图 (5)4.1.2 主子框接口说明 (5)4.2系统扩展子框接口说明 (7)4.2.1 扩展子框面板图 (7)4.2.2 扩展子框接口说明 (7)五、单盘介绍 (8)5.1概述 (8)5.2单盘功能原理介绍 (9)5.2.1 2.5G 群路盘(MOMG) (9)5.2.2 622M 群路盘(MOM4) (9)5.2.3 155M 群路盘(MOM1/MOM1E) (9)5.2.4 2.5G 时钟交叉盘(MCSKG) (10)5.2.5 622M 时钟交叉盘(MCSK) (11)5.2.6 低阶交叉盘(MCSL) (12)5.2.7 2M支路盘(MTP1) (12)5.2.8 以太网交换处理盘(MESW) (12)5.2.9 以太网交换处理盘(METS) (13)5.2.10 网元管理盘(MMCP) (15)5.2.11 扩展子架网元管理盘(SMCP) (16)5.2.12 34/45M支路盘(MTP31/ MTP32) (16)5.2.13 公务盘 (MOWM) (17)5.2.14 PCM线路盘(MALS) (17)5.2.15 PCM 2/4W音频接口盘(M24W) (17)5.2.16 PCM远端话路盘(MSLC) (18)5.2.17 PCM局端话路盘(MCSLC) (18)5.2.18 PCM 24EM信令接口盘(M24EM) (19)5.2.19 PCM V.35接口盘(MV35) (19)5.2.20 PCM 64kb/s和子速率接口盘(MSD) (20)六、组网能力及网络保护 (22)6.1概述 (22)6.2组网能力 (22)6.2.1 点对点系统 (22)6.2.2 链路系统 (22)6.2.3 二纤环系统 (23)6.2.4 梯型网和混合型网系统 (23)6.3系统的保护功能 (24)一、系统概述1.1 概述TranSmart TM SCT2500-30型MSTP光传输产品是大唐电信科技股份有限公司针对城域网、本地网接入层特点推出的新型传输设备。
1.2 设备简介1.2.1 系统构成TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备以1+1热备份的交叉/时钟单元为核心,包括群路单元、PDH支路单元、数据业务单元、交叉/时钟单元、管理单元和辅助单元,机械结构为机架,标准型子架。
表1-1 SCT2500-30单元划分网管系统提供网元管理和子网管理功能,基于UNIX操作系统的工作站版本和基于Windows操作系统的PC版本。
1.2.2 机盘名称及描述TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备可供配置的机盘见表1-2。
表1-2 TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备单盘名称表二、TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备系统功能图SCT2500-30设备系统功能图见图2-1。
图2-1 TranSmart TM SCT2500-30设备系统功能图Array三、设备特点●两种制式兼容设计TranSmart TM SCT2500-30兼容ETSI和ANSI两种复用映射结构,采用ITU-T G.709中的VC-4至AU-4子集的复用映射结构(ETSI)或VC-3至AU-3子集的复用映射结构(ANSI),可兼容SDH和SONET标准。
TranSmart TM SCT2500-30的交叉矩阵采用无阻塞全交叉设计,系统最大交叉容量为94×94VC-4 ,2520×2520VC-12 ,120×120VC-3。
●灵活的多系统设计TranSmart TM SCT2500-30线路方向提供10个STM-1或10个STM-4或4个STM-16,只需要更换相应的群路盘就可以实现平滑升级,适应网络容量增加和新业务拓展的需求。
●统一的多业务传送平台(MSTP)TranSmart TM SCT2500-30有效融合PDH/SDH/IP/A TM技术,单子架可提供10个STM-1或10个STM-4 或4个STM-16 SDH接口,126个E1或6个E3/DS3 PDH接口,还可提供24个10/100M以太网接口,为用户提供统一的多业务传送平台(MSTP)。
●完善的保护机制TranSmart TM SCT2500-30系统提供灵活的保护方案,充分保证业务的可靠传送:设备级保护:交叉、时钟、供电的1+1热备份;主子架提供1+3和1:2的支路保护,扩展子架提供1:5或1+5支路保护;网络级保护:二纤单向/双向通道保护环、二纤双向复用段共享保护环、四纤双向复用段共享保护环、子网连接保护(SNCP)等。
表3-1 同步时钟参考源处理S1字节,可优先选择同步质量等级较高的参考源,同时防止定时成环。
四、系统接口说明4.1 系统主子框接口说明4.1.1 主子框面板图图4-1 SCT2500-30系统子框前面板图4.1.2 主子框接口说明系统子框面板分为2个区域,公共盘区域和业务盘区域,如图4-1所示。 公共盘插槽区公共盘插槽区插交叉/时钟盘、网管盘和公务盘。
具体位置如图4-1所示。 业务盘插槽区业务盘插槽区分布及接口见表4-1。
表4-1 SCT2500-30设备主子框业务盘插槽及接口4.1.2.3 系统接口区1)2M接口2M接口通过25芯插座输出。
4.2 系统扩展子框接口说明4.2.1 扩展子框面板图扩展子框前面板图如图4-2所示。
图4-2 SCT2500-30系统扩展子框前面板图4.2.2 扩展子框接口说明系统子框面板分为2个区域,公共盘区域和业务盘区域,如图4-2所示。 公共盘插槽区公共盘插槽区插低阶交叉盘、扩展网元管理盘。
具体位置如图4-2所示。 业务盘插槽区业务盘插槽区分布及接口见表4-2。
表4-2 SCT2500-30设备扩展子框业务盘插槽及接口4.2.2.3 系统接口区1) 2M接口2M接口通过25芯插座输出。
五、单盘介绍5.1概述系统按ITU-T G.783功能体系结构和ITU-T G.707定义的帧和复用结构设计,各单盘完成其所属层相应的功能,单盘间以背板相连接。
5.2 单盘功能原理介绍5.2.1 2.5G 群路盘(MOMG)●主要功能完成O/E和E/O的转换或者电口的编解码;时钟提取、帧同步、扰码/解扰码;完成2.5G SDH信号的RSOH、MSOH的解出和插入;STM-16段开销处理和AU4指针处理功能;单盘可以通过网管复位。
●功能特点及接口参数提供ITU-T L16.1、L16.2、S16.1、S16.2光接口。
5.2.2 622M 群路盘(MOM4)●主要功能完成O/E和E/O的转换或者电口的编解码;时钟提取、帧同步、扰码/解扰码;完成622M SDH信号的RSOH、MSOH的解出和插入;STM-4段开销处理和AU4指针处理功能;单盘可以通过网管复位。
●功能特点及接口参数提供ITU-T L4.1、L4.2、S4.1光接口。
5.2.3 155M 群路盘(MOM1/MOM1E)155M群路盘有群路电口盘、群路光口盘两种,不同之处仅在于接口模块有光、电之分。
●主要功能完成O/E和E/O的转换或者电口的编解码;时钟提取、帧同步、扰码/解扰码;完成155M SDH信号的RSOH、MSOH的解出和插入;STM-1段开销处理和AU4指针处理功能;单盘可以通过网管复位。