烟草DNA的提取与SRAP反应体系的建立_梁景霞 的英文翻译


DNeasy 植物DNA提取中文翻译

DNeasy 植物DNA提取中文翻译

DNeasy® 96 Plant Handbook:For high-throughput DNA isolation from plant tissue (24-27)DNeasy® 96 Plant Protocol for Isolation of DNA from Fresh Plant Leaves Using the Mixer Mill MM 300(DNeasy 96植物技术:使用搅拌磨MM 300从新鲜植物叶片中分离DNA)一、Important notes before starting(使用前的重要注释)1、Take time to familiarize yourself with the Mixer Mill MM 300 and the Centrifuge 4-15C/ Centrifuge 4K15C before starting this protocol(开始使用本实验方法之前花时间熟悉搅拌磨MM 300和离心机4-15C/ 离心机4K15C)。

2、This protocol describes processing of 192 samples (2×96). If you wish to process 96 or fewer samples, provide a balance for the mixer mill by assembling a second plate sandwich using a rack of collection microtubes without samples or buffers, but containing tungsten carbide beads, and fixing this second sandwich into the empty clamp (本方法用来对2×96=192个样本进行提取DNA,如果希望处理96个或更少样本,要对搅拌磨MM 300进行平衡处理,方法是用一架没有样本和缓冲液但装有碳化钨珠子的收集微型管插入第二个孔板,并用空夹子加入固定)。



香烟烟雾提取物抑制肺泡上皮细胞的增殖并诱导其凋亡(英文)焦宗宪;敖启林;熊密【期刊名称】《生理学报》【年(卷),期】2006(58)3【摘要】香烟烟雾提取物(cigarette smoke extract,CSE)中含有丰富的氧化剂和自由基,由它所引起的氧化应激可导致肺泡壁的损伤进而发展为肺气肿。




Hoechst 33258染色以及透射电镜观察从形态上确认CSE诱导细胞凋亡的发生,DNA梯的出现和Annexin V-FITC/碘化丙啶双染色的结果从分子水平得到进一步的证实。




【总页数】11页(P244-254)【关键词】香烟烟雾;肺泡上皮细胞;凋亡;Fas受体【作者】焦宗宪;敖启林;熊密【作者单位】华中科技大学同济医学院病理学系【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q471;R363.21【相关文献】1.槲皮素对香烟烟雾提取物诱导的人支气管上皮细胞死亡的抑制效应 [J], 王莉娟;龚涛;王丽;李粉;杨星昊;李朝军;陈华群2.香烟烟雾提取物诱导A-549肺上皮细胞凋亡 [J], 张季红;徐佩茹;张晓荣;常忠生3.AMPK在香烟烟雾提取物诱导的支气管上皮细胞凋亡中的调节作用 [J], 谢旺;罗百灵;张立;郭现玲4.香烟烟雾提取物对肺泡上皮细胞增殖及P21WAF1表达的影响 [J], 焦宗宪;葛晓娜;熊密5.冬虫夏草调控PERK-eIF2α信号通路抑制香烟烟雾提取物刺激下的人支气管上皮细胞凋亡研究 [J], 刘玉;谢纬;祝庆华;李敏芳;唐明文;陈生因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



摘要 : 通过对 P R扩增体 系中的模板 D A用 量 , 、 N P 和 引物浓 度的单 因子实验 , C N Mg d T s 分别 建立 了适合 百里香 属 ( h m sL ) Ty u . 植物总 D A的 IS N S R—P R及 S A C R P—P R优化反应 体系 。IS C S R—P R优 化反应体 系为 : C 反应 总体 积 2 0 , 含模板 D A 3 g M N 0n 、 3 7 mo ・ .5m l L~、N P .0m l- d T s 2 mo L~、 0 引物 0 3m o ・ 和 TqD A聚合 . m l L a N 酶 1U。S A P R优化反应体 系为 : 应 总体积 2 , R P— C 反 0 含模 板 D A 3 g M N 0n 、 2 5 mo L~、 N P .0 . 0m l・ d T s0 1 mm l L 引物 0 4m o ・ 和 TqD A聚合酶 1U。运用 优化 的反 应体 系对百 里香 属植物 地椒 ( qi u- o ・ ~、 . m l L a N un e q cs tsC l . 、 ot u e k ) 地椒 的亚洲变种 [ q i ucs t a.ai i ( i gw )C a a u q eot u vt s t u Kt a a .Y.Wue Y .Hun ] n as ac s a t .C ag 和百里香
Esa ih e t a o i z to o SS PCR d S t bls m n nd ptmi a i n f I R. an RAP. PCR r a ton v t ms f Th mus e ci s se o y L.
Q A u —ig , U N J-o g ,MU Hogm i, HA G Migx L a-e ,X A Bn U N Jnpn Y A uhn n — e Z N n -i , IN i i I ig’ a w



沙棘渊匀蚤责责燥责澡葬藻 则澡葬皂灶燥蚤凿藻泽 蕴援冤为胡颓子科渊耘鄄 造葬藻葬早灶葬糟藻葬藻冤沙棘属的灌木或小乔木袁耐寒尧耐旱尧耐 盐碱袁生态适应性极强袁围绕其枝尧叶尧果等的生物 产品开发价值巨大袁是一种兼具生态效益尧经济效 益和社会效益的树种袁与之相关的研究和开发利用 越来越受到各国的重视咱员暂遥 然而袁由于沙棘引种较 多袁优劣品种混杂袁种内变异丰富多样袁种间性状交 错复杂袁在类群划分和种间关系研究等方面仍存在 许多疑问袁采用传统的形态特征对其进行分类已不 太准确袁阅晕粤 分子标记技术的不断发展与完善为此 提供了新的技术手段遥 目前应用于沙棘的遗传标记 有 粤云蕴孕咱圆暂尧砸粤孕阅咱圆原源暂尧陨杂杂砸咱缘原苑暂尧杂杂砸咱愿暂等袁主要用于遗
收稿日期院圆园员员原员圆原圆苑 基金项目院国家自然科学基金项目渊猿员员园园源愿怨冤 作者简介院赵春娥渊员怨愿缘原冤袁女袁河北衡水人袁在读硕士研究生袁研究方向为植物进化适应和遗传育种袁渊电话冤员缘员园源园愿缘源员园渊电子信箱冤
赠蚤灶早扎蚤员圆苑缘猿远岳员远猿援糟燥皂曰通讯作者袁李 贺渊员怨苑缘原冤袁讲师袁主要从事植物遗传育种方面的研究袁渊电话冤员猿缘缘缘怨愿远园猿远渊电子信箱冤 造蚤澡藻岳凿造灶怎援藻凿怎援糟灶遥
湖 北 农 业 科学
2012 年
萄尧小麦尧山梨等植物研究中得到成功应用咱员圆原员远暂袁但 沙棘 杂砸粤孕 分子标记的研究及应用还很少遥为此袁研 究了适合沙棘的 杂砸粤孕 分子标记技术袁 确定了沙棘 杂砸粤孕原孕悦砸 的最优体系袁为今后沙棘遗传多样性的 研究尧种质资源的鉴定利用尧育种材料的早期选择尧 遗传图谱的构建以及标记辅助育种等研究提供依 据袁 同时也希望能促进 阅晕粤 分子标记技术在沙棘 中的发展和推广袁加快沙棘遗传育种研究的进程遥



生物技术进展2022年第12卷第2期189~197Current BiotechnologyISSN 2095‑2341进展评述ReviewsCRISPR/Cas 技术在抗除草剂作物育种中的研究与应用进展费云燕,杨军,景德道,林添资,李闯,钱华飞,曾生元,韩华新,龚红兵*江苏丘陵地区镇江农业科学研究所,江苏句容212400摘要:CRISPR/Cas 系统是一种简单、低成本、高效、精准的基因编辑技术,该技术能够进行基因的定向改造,加速新品种培育进程,在种质资源创制中的应用潜力较高。

概述了CRISPR/Cas 系统的技术原理及其在作物抗除草剂育种中的应用,简要指出了目前CRISPR/Cas 技术在抗除草剂种质创制及应用过程中存在的问题及发展方向,以期为今后利用CRISPR/Cas 技术创制抗除草剂新种质提供理论依据。

关键词:CRISPR/Cas 技术;抗除草剂作物育种;种质资源DOI :10.19586/j.2095‑2341.2021.0170中图分类号:Q943.2,S432文献标志码:AResearch and Application Progress of CRISPR/Cas Technology in Herbicide‑resistant Crops BreedingFEI Yunyan ,YANG Jun ,JING Dedao ,LIN Tianzi ,LI Chuang ,QIAN Huafei ,ZENG Shengyuan ,HAN Huaxin ,GONG Hongbing *Zhenjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Hilly Region of Jiangsu ,Jiangsu Jurong 212400,ChinaAbstract :CRISPR/Cas system is a simple ,inexpensive ,high efficiency ,and precise tool for genome editing.It can precise genome modification and speed up breeding process ,which has great potential in creating novel germplasm.This paper summa‑rized CRISPR/Cas toolkits as well as their application in herbicide -resistant crops breeding ,and briefly introduced the current challenges and future application of CRISPR/Cas technology for developing herbicide -resistant crops.The paper aimed to provide a theoretical basis for generating herbicide -resistant crops with CRISPR/Cas system in the future.Key words :CRISPR/Cas technology ;herbicide‑resistant plant breeding ;germplasm联合国在《2019世界人口展望》的报告中指出,2050年全球人口将增长至97亿,粮食短缺将成为威胁人类生存最严重的问题之一[1]。


品种问有不同程度 的多态性。 该研究建立的反应体 系应用于桑树遗传多样性研究 , 重复性好 , 稳定性强 , 结果可靠 , 可 用于下一步研究 。 关键词 : 桑树 ; R P P R S A — C 反应体系 ; 优化
中图 分 类 号 :8 83 ¥8. 文献标识码 : A 文章 编 号 :0 2 8 6 (0 0 1- 1 10 10 — 1 1 2 1 ) 1 15 - 4
Op i ia i n o RAP- t rm l e r
LN Q a g,Q U C a g y Z a g rn Z AO We- u H N X a- ig, I in I h n — u, HU F n -o g, H ig o,C E io qn
T q p lmea e o a — w rme o i ai n r s d t o d c h R a oy r s .F u y t o p i r c mb n t s wee u e o c n u t t e S AP- C mp i c t n o i l er o P R a l i ai f s mub r f o x y
s e i swh n a l e i rme 6 E .T e PC to e e o e n ti e e r h s o e o d r p aa i t n p ce e mp i d w t p i rMe / m2 h R me h d d v l p d i h s rs a c h w d g o e e tb l y a d i f h i h g tb l y wh n a p id t t d h e e c d v ri n mu b ry a d c u d b s d i h u u e r s a c . ih s i t e p l o s y t e g n t ie st i l er , n o l e u e n t ef t r e e r h a i e u i y Ke r s y wo d :mu b ry S AP r a t n s se o t z t n l e r ; R e c i y tm; p i a i o mi o


适反应体 系为 : P CR 扩 增 总 体 积 为 2 O L, 包含 3 O n g的 模 板 DNA, 1 O× P CR b u f f e r 2 t t L, 2 . 0 mmo 卜L -
Mg 抖, 0 . 1 mmo l ・ L d NTP和 T a q D NA 聚 合 酶 1 U; I S S R 最 适 反 应 体 系为 : P C R扩 增总体 积为 2 0 L, 包括
3 O n g的模 板 DNA, 1 0 ×P CR b u f f e r 2 L, 2 . 5 mmo l ・ L Mg ,0 . 2 mmo l ・ L - d NTP和 Tl n q DNA 聚 合 酶 1 U。
在 最 适 反 应体 系下 , RA P D和 I S S R 分 析 具 有 良好 的稳 定性 和 可 重 复 性 。
摘要 : 为 研 究文 冠 果 种 质 遗 传 多样 性 , 以新 疆 奇 台 文 冠 果 自然 栽 培 居 群 的 4 8个 单 株 为 材 料 , 采 用改 良 C TAB
法提 取 文 冠 果 基 因 组 D NA, 并对其 R AP D和 I S S R反 应 体 系进 行 了优 化 。研 究 结 果 表 明 : 文冠果的 R AP D 最
关键词 : 文冠果 ; DNA; RAP D; I S S R
中图分 类 号 : ¥ 7 9 4 文 献标 识 码 : A 文 章编 号 : 1 0 0 2 — 2 7 6 7 ( 2 O 1 5 ) 1 o _ 0 o 2 7 - O 3 D 0l : 1 0 . i 1 9 4 2 / i . i s s n 1 0 0 2 - 2 7 6 7 . 2 0 1 5 . 1 0 . 0 0 2 7
果 基 因组 , 建 立 了适 合 于 文 冠 果 的 RA P D和 I S — S R最 佳反 应体 系 , 旨在 为利 用 I S S R和 RAP D技 术分析 文 冠果居 群遗 传 多样性 提供 科 学依据 。



Vitamins ---- Translation1. Researchers found that the level of vitamin C stored in the body of the victim with a common cold fell drastically and was close to the level of people suffering from scurvy.2. Minor degrees of vitamin C deficiency are common, though outright scurvy only occur when the diet is markedly deficient in fresh fruits and vegetables.3. Vitamins are organic compounds that must be supplied in the diet or injected into the body to maintain health.4. Vitamins produce no energy but play an essential role in the transformation of energy and in the regulation of metabolism.5. Vitamins are classified/distinguished by the letters of the alphabet, such as vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B-complex.6. Vitamins and minerals are found in small amounts and are needed in minute quantities, as compared with the other nutrients.7. The diseases which develop from the absence of vitamins are known as vitamin deficiency diseases. For example, a lack of vitamin A brings about night blindness; a deficiency of vitamin D results in rickets.8. Some vitamins are soluble in fats whereas others are soluble in water. They are, therefore, termed fat-soluble and water soluble vitamins respectively.9. In addition to the general nutrients, another two groups of nutrients, vitamins and inorganic, or mineral, salts are also required by the body.10. M ost nutrients contain more than one nutrient, but no single food contains all the nutrients in the amounts you need.食物抗癌1. O verwhelming statistical evidence shows that smokers are more likely to develop cancer of the lung, throat, and tongue than are non-smokers.2. F ruits and vegetables are chock-full of a variety of antioxidants which can snuff out oxygen free radicals, substances that are thought to make cells more susceptible to cancer.3. A well-balanced diet will give your body various nutrients of vitamins, minerals, proteins, starches, and sugars that it needs to operate smoothly.4. T he risk of lung cancer is directly related to the number of cigarettes smoked each day--the higher the number, the higher the risk.5. E ven smokers may be protected from developing lung cancer by a daily portion of carrots, spinach or any other vegetables and fruits.6. S ome studies of animals and humans have suggested that vitamin A offers some protection against lung cancer.7. F urther studies will be necessary before the link between lung cancer and carotene can be firmly established.8. A nimal studies show that garlic blocks carcinogens that have been linked to colon and stomach cancer.9. A diet of more fruits and vegetables will undoubtedly play a major role in reducing cancer incidence as well as the number of deaths caused by the disease.10.Beta-carotene not only has a direct toxic effect on tumor cells, but also reduces the growth of lung-cancer cells and altered the proteins needed for tumors to grow.化学与物质----Translation1. B riefly speaking, a scientist differs from an artist mainly in that a scientist not only interprets the outer world, but also tries to transform it into a better one.2. S cience begins with necessity, curiosity, and questions about the unexplained phenomena in nature.3. T he ways in which an element or a compound combines or reacts with other things are its chemical properties.4. T he chemist is interested in the composition and properties of substances and the transformations they undergo during a chemical reaction.5. I t is very easy to fall into the habit of taking some painkiller when there is any slight pain.6. T he delicate operations performed by surgeons today would not be possible without anesthetics.7. T oday it is generally recognised that the human body is a chemical factory in which countless complex chemical and physicalchanges are constantly taking place.8. T he substance salt is composed of the metal sodium and the corrosive gas chlorine, but its chemical properties are quite different from those of sodium and chlorine.9. C hemotherapy is the treatment of disease by the administration of chemical substances which kill or prevent the growth of pathogenic organisms within the body.10.Substances that lessen pain but do not affect other sensations are called pain relieving drugs.麻醉药Translation1. It is not many years since a man who had to have an operation felt all its pain.2. I t is attributable to the discovery of anesthetics that surgeons can now perform all kinds of operations without causing pain.3. S pinal anesthesia produces excellent anesthesia and relaxation for the performance of many operations on the lower parts of the body.4. T he exact mechanism in which the general anesthetic drugs exert their effect on the brain is still unknown, although many theories have been proposed.5. T he introduction of anesthetics to surgery has made possible much more delicate and lengthy operations, thus greatly extending the field of surgery.6. N arcotics are applied to those drugs which are sedative in their action upon the body but which also produce insensibility to pain.7. C ontrary to what one might think, it’s only 50 years or so since penicillin, the antibiotic once regarded as the wonder drug, came into being.8. S cientists point out that since the sedative action of a drug results from its effect on the nerves, it must possess solubility in the fluids of the body which surround the nerves.9. A n anesthetic must be volatile if it is to be administered through oral inhalation, while those which can be administered through the rectum or injected into the spine do not have to be volatile.10.In spite of the danger of a patient’s contracting pneumonia after the use of ether as an anesthetic, ether is still widely em ployed because the anesthesia it produces is one of deep relaxation.绿色药房-草药Translation1. T he plant kingdom was once man’s only pharmacy. Yet when you enter a modern chemist’s shop today, you can hardly find a sign of the use of plants in medicine.2. T oday the number of plants used in medicine has decreased, but hidden away in many pills, capsules, and medicine bottles are the active chemicals originally found in the plant kingdom.3. S ome chemicals which plants make may be poisonous, others may be chemicals that are extremely valuable to us as medicines.4. D uring the many thousands of years that man has been on the earth, he has been trying out various plants that grew around him.5. T here has existed for many years mistrust, suspicion or hostility between the orthodox and the herbal practitioner which threatens the possibility of a good working relationship.6. W hen one considers the therapeutic impact of quinine, it is evident how great is the debt of medicine to plant-derived drugs.7. H owever, the past few decades have witnessed an obvious diminution in the number of plant-derived drugs introduced into medicine.8. T he legacy of traditional Chinese medicine is a treasure house with an inexhaustible supply of new potential drugs which is to be explored with an introduction of new approaches.9. H ad pharmacological approaches not been introduced into the investigation of Vinca rosea, the discovery of vincalcukoblastine would have been postponed by many years.10.Western practitioners find it difficult to believe that someone who knows nothing of a disease mechanism could still be capable of curing it.Natural Products1. One of the oldest of human activities is the study of plants and animals, particularly as sources of food.2.From the earliest times man had to distinguish between those plants which were poisonous and those which were not and there graduall y developed a knowledge of natural drugs.3. As late as the beginning of the present century pharmacognosy had developed mainly on the botanical side, being particularly concerned with the description and identification of drugs.4.Undoubtedly the plant kingdom still holds many species of plants containing substances of medical value which have yet to be discover ed.5. As a result of modern isolation and pharmacological testing procedures, new plant drugs usually find their way into medicine as purified substances.6. Many of the botanical, chemical and physical techniques employed in pharmacognosy are also applicable to the analysis of other comm odities, such as foods, spices and cosmetics.7. While pharmacognosy has been generally studied for practical purposes and may thus be called an applied science it has played an imp ortant role in the development of the pure sciences.8. Recent phytochemical examination of plants which have a suitable history of use in folklore for the treatment of cancer has, indeed, oft en resulted in the isolation of principles with antitumour activity.9. The growth of knowledge of biochemistry and physiology, which led to the concept of the chemical control of biological processes, has been of particular importance for pharmacology.10. Primitive man depended on preventive use of nature’s stock of plants and herbs to avoid disease and to maintain health and vigor.有机化学Translation1. The remarkable advances made in modern medicine would not have been possible without the aid of chemistry.2. Since the body is essentially a chemical machine, a knowledge of the chemistry of bodily functions seems essential to the physician.3. The production of food by plants and animals involves the rearrangement of atoms in molecules.4. Fortunately, few kinds of work seem to urge people on to success more effectively than does the pursuit of chemistry.5. So far the motive behind the search for synthetics has been a wish to produce better things for less money, and for more people.6. Isolation of increasing numbers of purified materials from living forms and recognition of the fact that all contained carbon gave birth to organic chemistry.7. When coal is burned in a furnace it combines with oxygen to give carbon dioxide, a new substance with different composition and properties from coal and oxygen.8. Many specific chemical reactions are important because of the energy which they use or supply.9. In the study of organic chemistry, students are expected to use familiar symbols which are constructed into two- or three-dimensional molecular formulas.10.From the food we eat, the clothes we wear to the buildings we live in, all have been fashioned to a considerable extent by organic chemistry.新药研制1 Translation1. F ormerly, drugs were extracted from natural plants and animal sources, and therapeutic use was based on traditional experience.2. D rug development strategies involve serendipity, molecular roulette, programmed basic research with synthesis of specific chemical, etc..3. T hough it’s the most satisfying in the development of new drugs, the approach is expensive and there is no guarantee of succe ss.4. W hen a drug is used by millions, there are certain to be adverse reactions even though the risk to any individual is small.5. M ost drugs have a safe upper limit of dosage; beyond this toxic effects may be expected to occur.6. P enicillin, one of the most powerful killers of bacteria was discovered quite by accident by Alexander Fleming.7. P harmacological experiment on a new drug determines whether the drug has the desired profile of action in model system.8. T he increase in knowledge of biochemical mechanisms results in a more rational approach to the development of new drugs.9. E xtensive formal toxicological tests are required before a new drug can be used on patients.10.Chemists and biologists have now attached great importance to such fields of research as molecular biology and biochemicalpharmacology.新药研制2 Translation1. T he rationale for the development of new drugs should be provide better drugs; better in the sense of being either more effective, safer or cheaper.2. T he representative of the pharmaceutical manufacturer has been specially trained to promote his particular new product.3. O nly after animal studies have proved efficacy can clinical evaluation of new drugs be undertaken.4. N ew drug evaluation in man can be divided into four phases each of which should be conducted under strict supervision.5. A dose-ranging study should only be performed on volunteers who are informed about the implications of the tests, and who give their consent freely.6. D ose-ranging studies should only be performed under medical supervision, as there exist some possible risks during the test.7. L arge scale clinical trials in Phase 3 are to establish new drug’s profile of action and frequency of adverse effects.8. T he expensive cost in drug development is borne by the pharmaceutical manufacturer, which justifiably expects to recoup it when the product is finally marketed.9. I nformation about the new drug published in well-established journals is more reliable than that offered by the medical representative whose livelihood depends on the ability to promote the product.10.Heavy investment in promotion has not simply led to the use of undistinguished new drugs, but to a higher cost of the drugs as well.药理学范畴Translation1. T he science of the effects of drugs on the body is called pharmacology, and the scientists who study it are pharmacologists.2. P harmacology is not a science that can be studied on its own, but that closely related to other branches of science.3. P harmacologists should not only understand the normal processes that take place in the body, but know how the functions of the body are affected by disease.4. P roperly used, drugs are great blessing to mankind; improperly used, they could destroy the race.5. D uring the first part of the twentieth century there have been enormous strides in the field of pharmacology.6. M an continues to strive, not only for a longer life span, but for a healthier one as well.7. W ith the frequent use of more than one therapeutic agent by a patient, particularly the elderly, drug interactions that result in toxicity are likely events.8. T he clinician is interested primarily in drugs that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases.9. M ost of the natural drugs are now highly purified and differ little from synthetic chemicals, the interests of the clinician in pharmacognosy are correspondingly decreased.10.As a border science, pharmacodynamics borrows freely from both the theories and experimental techniques of physiology, biochemistry, immunology, pathology, etc..良药滥用-----Translation1. A lthough the development of antibiotics has been of incalculable benefit to mankind, it has also given rise to serious complications.2. T he widespread use of antibiotics has resulted in the natural evolution of strains of disease germs which are resistant to such medications.3. A new multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, now prevalent in the world, causes serious infections that may not respond to chemotherapy.4. S ome antibiotics are effective against a large range of microorganisms, they are, therefore, known as broad-spectrum antibiotics.5. S ome drugs may not cause physical dependence, or addiction, but many persons do become habituated to their use.6. D rug abuse is thought of as the misuse of drugs potentially harmful to the individual user or to society.7. M any persons, believing that antibiotics can cure any disease, press their doctors for a dose of penicillin for such virus ailment as influenza.8. A ddiction is the body’s continued need for drug s because of their physiological effects after they are first taken.9. I n comparison, the inadequacies and potential dangers of antibiotics are much less widely known.10.Antibiotics are used so carelessly around the world that they are creating a new health threat to mankind.抗癌的食物(全文翻译)现在饮食开始被考虑作为抵抗癌症的主要武器。



第3期(总第523期)2021年3月农产品加工Farm Products ProcessingNo.3Mar.文章编号:1671-9646(2021)03a-0011-04生地黄提取物的制备及其卷烟应用孟晓军打史先鑫打赵传成打杜文杰2,苏海建2,聂守杰打朱友民1(1.颐中(青岛)实业有限公司,山东青岛266021; 2.山东中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,山东青岛266101)摘要:为开发新型天然烟用香料,采用热回流提取工艺制备生地黄提取物。



关键词:生地黄;热回流提取;响应面分析;感官品质;卷烟中图分类号:R285文献标志码:A doi:10.16693/ki.1671-9646(X).2021.03.003Preparation of Extract of Dried Radix Rehmannia andits Application in CigaretteMENGXiaojun1,SHI Xianxin1,ZHAO Chuancheng1,DU Wenjie2,SU Haijian2,NIE Shoujie1,ZHU Youmin1(1.Etsong(Qingdao)Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao,Shandong266021,China;2.Technical Center,China Tobacco Shandong Industrial Co.,Ltd.,Qingdao,Shandong266101,China)Abstract:In order to develop a new natural tobacco flover,extracting aroma components form extract of dried radix rehmannia by hot reflux ing the yield of purification and sensory quality as indicator.The key factors of time,temperature,solid-liqui ratio,extraction solvent were optimized by Box-Behnken response surface methodology on the base of single factor tests.The results indicated that the optimal purification conditions were temperature of85无,extraction time of55minutes,extraction solvent of50%alcohol solution,solid-liqui ratio of1:12,resulting in an oil yield of42.0%.The sensory quality was the best when added amount of extract of dried radix rehmannia was0.1%~0.4%.It can improve the aftertaste of tobacoo.Key words:dried radix rehmannia;hot reflux extraction;response surface methodology;sensory quality;cigarette中草药是中国传统医学的宝贵财富,大量研究表明,以中草药为原料制备的天然中药提取物能与卷烟产品的香味自然结合,使卷烟产品具有明显的药草香韵,形成独特的香气风格和口味特征叫因此利用中医药理论,将中草药或中草药提取物添加到卷烟中,开发独具特色的卷烟产品是提高中式卷烟竞争力的重要手段和方向。



有机化学专业英语中英文对照第一章无机化学英文命名1.1元素的英文命名S-block ElementIAH Hydrogen Li Lithium Na Sodium K PotassiumRb Rubidium Cs Cesium Fr FranciumIIABe Beryllium Mg Magnesium Ca Calcium Sr Strontium Ba Barium Ra RadiumP-block ElementIIIA IV A V AB BoronC Carbon N NitrogenAl Aluminium Si Silicon P PhosphorusGa Gallium Ge Germanium As ArsenicIn Indium Sn Tin Sb AntimonyTl Thallium Pb Lead Bi BismuthVIA VIIA0He Helium O Oxygen F Fluorine Ne NeonS Sulfur Cl Chlorine Ar ArgonSe Selenium Br Bromine Kr KryptonTe Tellurium I Iodine Xe XenonPo Polonium At Astatine Rn RadonCommon Transition ElememtFe:iron Mn:manganese Cu:copper Zn:zincHg:mercury Ag:silver Au:gold1.2离子、氧化物、酸、碱、盐及其他化合物的英文命名Na+Sodium Al3+AluminumK+Potassium Ca2+CalciumFe2+Iron(II)or FerrousFe3+Iron(III)or FerricCr2+Chromium(II)Cr3+Chromium(III)Mn4+Manganese(IV)Mn2+Manganese(II)FeO:iron(II)oxide或ferrous oxideFe2O3:iron(III)oxide或ferric oxideCu2O:copper(I)oxide或cuprous oxideCuO:copper(II)oxide或cupric oxideCl-Chloride O=OxideBr-Bromide OH-HydroxideI-Iodide CN-CyanideS=Sulfide H-Hydride HF hydrogen fluoride HCl hydrogen chloride HBr hydrogen bromide HI hydrogen iodideH2S hydrogen sulfide H2Se hydrogen selenideH2Te hydrogen telluridePH3:phosphine或phosphane AsH3:arsine或arsaneSbH3:stibine或stibane BiH3:bismuthaneCH4:methane SiH4:silaneB2H6:diboraneHCl:hydrochloric acidH2S:hydrosulfuric acidAl(OH)3Aluminum hydroxideNaOH Sodium hydroxideCa(OH)2Calcium hydroxideBa(OH)2Barium hydroxideCo(OH)2Cobalt(II)hydroxideHgSO4Mercury(II)sulfateHg2SO4Mercury(I)sulfateKNO3Potassium nitrateNa2CO3Sodium carbonateNaClO Sodium hypochloriteFeSO4iron(II)sulfateKMnO4potassium permanganateNaHSO4Sodium hydrogen sulfateNa2HPO4Disodium hydrogen phosphateNaH2PO4Sodium dihydrogen phosphateCa(HSO4)2Calcium bisulfateNaHCO3Sodium hydrogencarbonate或Sodium bicarbonateAlCl3·6H2O:aluminum chloride6-water或aluminum chloride hexahydrateAlK(SO4)2·12H2O:aluminium potassium sulfate12-waterH2CO3Carbonic acidH2SO4Sulfuric acidH3PO4Phosphoric acidHNO3Nitric acidHClO4Perchloric acidHCl Hydrochloric acidH2SO3Sulfurous acidH3PO3Phosphorous acidHNO2Nitrous acidHClO Hypochlorous acidHClO2Chlorous acidNaming coordination complexLigandsCN-Cyano NO2-NitroF-Fluoro NO3-NitratoCl-Chloro CO3=CarbonatoBr-Bromo CH3COO-AcetatoO=Oxo H-HydridoOH-Hydroxo-O2CCO2-Oxalato1.3配位化学中常见配体的名称1.4常用无机化学专业英语词汇相对原子质量relative atomic mass消去反应elimination reaction硝化反应nitratlon reaction硝酸钡barium nitrate硝酸银silver nitrate溴的四氯化碳溶液solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride溴化钠sodium bromide溴水bromine water溴水bromine water盐类的水解hydrolysis of salts盐析salting-out焰色反应flame test氧化剂oxidizing agent氧化铝aluminium oxide氧化铁iron(III)oxide 乙醇ethanol乙醛ethana1乙炔ethyne乙酸ethanoic acid乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate乙烯ethene银镜反应silver mirror reaction硬脂酸stearic acid油脂oils and fats有机化合物organic compound元素周期表periodic table of elements 元素周期律periodic law of elements 原电池primary battery原子序数atomic number皂化反应saponification粘合剂adhesive蔗糖sucrose指示剂Indicator酯ester酯化反应esterification周期period族group(主族:main group)Bunsen burner本生灯product化学反应产物flask烧瓶apparatus设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass卵形瓶litmus石蕊litmus paper石蕊试纸graduate,graduated flask量筒,量杯reagent试剂test tube试管burette滴定管retort曲颈甑still蒸馏釜cupel烤钵crucible pot,melting pot坩埚pipette吸液管filter滤管stirring rod搅拌棒element元素body物体compound化合物atom原子gram atom克原子atomic weight原子量atomic number原子数atomic mass原子质量molecule分子electrolyte电解质ion离子anion阴离子cation阳离子electron电子isotope同位素isomer同分异物现象polymer聚合物symbol复合radical基structural formula分子式valence,valency价monovalent单价bivalent二价halogen成盐元素bond原子的聚合mixture混合combination合成作用compound合成物alloy合金organic chemistry有机化学inorganic chemistry无机化学derivative衍生物series系列acid酸hydrochloric acid盐酸sulphuric acid硫酸nitric acid硝酸aqua fortis王水fatty acid脂肪酸organic acid有机酸hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydrogen sulfide氢化硫alkali碱,强碱ammonia氨base碱hydrate水合物hydroxide氢氧化物,羟化物hydracid氢酸hydrocarbon碳氢化合物,羟anhydride酐alkaloid生物碱aldehyde醛oxide氧化物phosphate磷酸盐acetate醋酸盐methane甲烷,沼气butane丁烷salt盐potassium carbonate碳酸钾soda苏打sodium carbonate碳酸钠caustic potash苛性钾caustic soda苛性钠ester酯gel凝胶体analysis分解fractionation分馏endothermic reaction吸热反应exothermic reaction放热反应precipitation沉淀to precipitate沉淀to distil,to distill蒸馏distillation蒸馏to calcine煅烧to oxidize氧化alkalinization碱化to oxygenate,to oxidize脱氧,氧化to neutralize中和to hydrogenate氢化to hydrate水合,水化to dehydrate脱水fermentation发酵solution溶解combustion燃烧fusion,melting熔解alkalinity碱性isomerism,isomery同分异物现象hydrolysis水解electrolysis电解electrode电极anode阳极,正极cathode阴极,负极catalyst催化剂catalysis催化作用oxidization,oxidation氧化reducer还原剂dissolution分解synthesis合成reversible可逆的摩尔mole摩尔质量molar mass品红magenta或fuchsine葡萄糖glucose气体摩尔体积molar volume of gas 铅蓄电池lead storage battery强电解质strong electrolyte氢氟酸hydrogen chloride氢氧化铝aluminium hydroxide取代反应substitution reaction醛aldehyde炔烃alkyne燃料电池fuel cell弱电解质weak electrolyte石油Petroleum水解反应hydrolysis reaction四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride塑料plastic塑料的降解plastic degradation塑料的老化plastic ageing酸碱中和滴定acid-base neutralization titration酸雨acid rain羧酸carboxylic acid碳酸钠sodium carbonate碳酸氢铵ammonium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠sodium bicarbonate糖类carbohydrate烃hydrocarbon烃的衍生物derivative of hydrocarbon烃基hydrocarbonyl同分异构体isomer同素异形体allotrope同位素isotope同系物homo1og涂料coating烷烃alkane物质的量amount of substance物质的量浓度amount-of-substance concentration of B烯烃alkene洗涤剂detergent纤维素cellulose相对分子质量relative molecular mass 极性键polar bond加成反应addition reaction加聚反应addition polymerization甲烷methane碱金属alkali metal碱石灰soda lime结构式structural formula聚合反应po1ymerization可逆反应reversible reaction空气污染指数air pollution index勒夏特列原理Le Chatelier's principle离子反应ionic reaction离子方程式ionic equation离子键ionic bond锂电池lithium cell两性氢氧化物amphoteric hydroxide两性氧化物amphoteric oxide裂化cracking裂解pyrolysis硫氰化钾potassium thiocyanate硫酸钠sodium sulphide氯化铵ammonium chloride氯化钡barium chloride氯化钾potassium chloride氯化铝aluminium chloride氯化镁magnesium chloride氯化氢hydrogen chloride氯化铁iron(III)chloride氯水chlorine water麦芽糖maltose煤coal酶enzyme二氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化硅silicon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide二氧化锰manganese dioxide芳香烃arene放热反应exothermic reaction非极性分子non-polar molecule非极性键non-polar bond肥皂soap分馏fractional distillation酚phenol复合材料composite干电池dry cell干馏dry distillation甘油glycerol高分子化合物polymer共价键covalent bond官能团functional group光化学烟雾photochemical fog过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide合成材料synthetic material合成纤维synthetic fiber合成橡胶synthetic rubber核电荷数nuclear charge number核素nuclide化学电源chemical power source化学反应速率chemical reaction rate氨ammonia氨基酸amino acid铵盐ammonium salt饱和链烃saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon苯benzene变性denaturation不饱和烃unsaturated hydrocarbon超导材料superconductive material臭氧ozone醇alcohol次氯酸钾potassium hypochlorite醋酸钠sodium acetate蛋白质protein氮族元素nitrogen group element碘化钾potassium iodide碘化钠sodium iodide电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion电解质electrolyte电离平衡ionization equilibrium电子云electron cloud淀粉starch淀粉碘化钾试纸starch potassium iodide paper化学键chemical bond化学平衡chemical equilibrium 还原剂reducing agent磺化反应sulfonation reaction霍尔槽Hull Cell极性分子polar molecule 2.5常用无机元素英文Actinium(Ac)锕Aluminium(Al)铝Americium(Am)镅Antimony(Sb)锑Argon(Ar)氩Arsenic(As)砷Astatine(At)砹Barium(Ba)钡Berkelium(Bk)锫Beryllium(Be)铍Bismuth(Bi)铋Boron(B)硼Bromine(Br)溴Cadmium(Cd)镉Caesium(Cs)铯Calcium(Ca)钙Californium(Cf)锎Carbon(C)碳Cerium(Ce)铈Chlorine(Cl)氯Chromium(Cr)铬Cobalt(Co)钴Copper(Cu)铜Curium(Cm)锔Dysprosium(Dy)镝Einsteinium(Es)锿Erbium(Er)铒Europium(Eu)铕Fermium(Fm)镄Fluorine(F)氟Francium(Fr)钫Gadolinium(Gd)钆Gallium(Ga)镓Germanium(Ge)锗Gold(Au)金Hafnium(Hf)铪Helium(He)氦Holmium(Ho)钬Hydrogen(H)氢Indium(In)铟Iodine(I)碘Iridium(Ir)铱Iron(Fe)铁Krypton(Kr)氪Lanthanum(La)镧Lawrencium(Lr)铹Lead(Pb)铅Lithium(Li)锂Lutetium(Lu)镥Magnesium(Mg)镁Manganese(Mn)锰Mendelevium(Md)钔Mercury(Hg)汞Molybdenum(Mo)钼Neodymium(Nd)钕Neon(Ne)氖Neptunium(Np)镎Nickel(Ni)镍Niobium(Nb)铌Nitrogen(N)氮Nobelium(No)锘Osmium(Os)锇Oxygen(O)氧Palladium(Pd)钯Phosphorus(P)磷Platinum(Pt)铂Plutonium(Pu)钚Polonium(Po)钋Potassium(K)钾Praseodymium(Pr)镨Promethium(Pm)钷Protactinium(Pa)镤Radium(Ra)镭Radon(Rn)氡Rhenium(Re)铼Rhodium(Rh)铑Rubidium(Rb)铷Ruthenium(Ru)钌Samarium(Sm)钐Scandium(Sc)钪Selenium(Se)硒Silicon(Si)硅Silver(Ag)银Sodium(Na)钠Strontium(Sr)锶Sulphur(S)锍Tantalum(Ta)钽Technetium(Tc)锝Tellurium(Te)碲Terbium(Tb)铽Thallium(Tl)铊Thorium(Th)钍Tin(Sn)锡Thulium(Tm)铥Titanium(Ti)钛Tungsten(W)钨Uranium(U)铀Vanadium(V)钒Xenon(Xe)氙Ytterbium(Yb)镱Yttrium(Y)钇Zinc(Zn)锌Zirconium(Zr)锆第二章有机化学英文命名2.1有机化学系统命名中主要官能团的优先顺序1.鎓盐(onium and similar cations)2.酸(acids):按COOH、(C)OOH次序,然后是它们的S和Se的衍生物,再次为磺酸、亚磺酸等。



生物专业英语第三版蒋悟生编--课文翻译Inside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell PartsCytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。




The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。



适用标准文案Chapter 1单词翻译:Nicotian烟草属combustion:焚烧 .Solanaceae茄科combustibility可燃性度nicotine尼古丁,烟碱pest resistance抗虫害agronomic performance农艺性能Chinese- Style Cigarette:中式卷烟Chinese-style cigarette:中式卷烟Virginian-type cigarette:烤烟型卷烟blended cigarette:混淆型卷烟tar content:焦油含量aromatic芬芳的limit regulation’:限焦令 .Virginia tobacco:弗吉尼亚烟Flue-cured tobacco:烤烟 Bright tobacco:淡色烟Burley tobacco:白肋烟Oriental tobacco东方烟 Aromatic tobacco:香料烟Maryland tobacco:马里兰烟Cigar tobacco :雪茄烟disease resistance:抗病性plant's physiology :植物生理thresh :打叶 redrying:复烤 aging:老化, ( 陈化、醇化 )fermentation发酵cigarette manufacture:卷烟生产smoke chemistry:烟气化学cigar雪茄cigarillo小雪茄smokeless tobacco:无烟烟草botanical植物的air-curing晾制 sun-curing晒制 fire-curing熏制 fiue-curing烤制the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration: STMA officially:国家烟草专卖局2. 长句子翻译Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) is a kind of special plant containing nicotine,belong to Solanaceae, Nicotiana.Tobacco differs from other crops in that it is used mostly for combustion. Variables of botanical, physical and chemical characteristics ofleaf tobacco determine degrees of combustibility,smoke composition,taste and aroma and, thus, product acceptability.烟草是一种特别的含有尼古丁的植物,属于茄科烟草属。



利用正交设计优化番茄SRAP-PCR反应体系郭彩杰; 侯丽霞; 崔娜; 韩明利【期刊名称】《《中国蔬菜》》【年(卷),期】2011(000)001【总页数】5页(P48-52)【关键词】番茄; 正交设计; 优化; SRAP【作者】郭彩杰; 侯丽霞; 崔娜; 韩明利【作者单位】山东省农业科学院蔬菜研究所山东省设施蔬菜生物学重点实验室国家蔬菜改良中心山东分中心山东济南 250100; 沈阳农业大学生物科学技术学院辽宁沈阳 110161【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S641.2相关序列扩增多态性(squence-related amplified polymorphism,SRAP)是由美国加州大学蔬菜作物系Li和Quirost(2001)提出的一种基于PCR技术的新的DNA分子标记技术。



番茄(Lycopersion esculentum Mill.)是一种喜温蔬菜,最适宜的生长温度是15~30 ℃。


番茄的耐低温性是由多个基因控制的非常复杂的数量性状,也受环境因素的影响(Kharti et al.,1994)。





6 Nucleic acid

6 Nucleic acid

Chapter VI Nucleic acidVital function of NA核酸是一切生物机体不可缺少的组分,是生命遗传信息的携带者和传递者。



Discovery of NA1868年,F. Miescher从细胞核中分离得到一种“高含磷酸性物质”-核素(核酸),为细胞核化学的创始人和DNA发现者。

1889年,R. Altman, 发展了从酵母和动物中提取无PN的核酸方法,提出“核酸”概念。

1894年,O. Hammars证明核酸中的戊糖。

1929年,Levene & Jacob,2-脱氧-D-核糖1910年,Kossel因核酸中碱基鉴定获得诺贝尔医学奖。

1939年,E. Knapp等第一次用实验方法证实核酸是生命遗传的基础物质。

1953年,Crick & Watson双螺旋模型的提出,奠定分子遗传学和分子生物学的基础,具有十分重大的意义。

1958年,Crick总结提出中心法则(central dogma)。


Development on NA research1970’s,DNA recombinant technology, DNA clavege tech., molecular clone, DNA sequncing, 标志着生物技术的兴起。

1972,P. Berg ,将外源DNA片段插入猴病毒SV40 的环状DNA 分子,获得第一个DNA 体外重组体,但未克隆。

1973,S.Cohen, recombinant bacterium strain1975,F. Sanger, DNA sequencing technique1976,A. M. Maxam, W. Gilbert DNA chemical seqencing1986,H. Dulbecco put forwards HGP,and then it started from 1990,which led to post-genome era today.1994,M. Williams put forwards the proteomicsEmphasis核酸的生物学功能(RNA)核酸的结构(second structure)核酸的理化性质(UV,denaturation) 核酸的测序(PCR, sanger sequencing)Content Composition & classification Molecule structureProperties of NASynthesis of NADNA sequencingposition & classificationOHH O HHO H O HHH O C H 2H O C H 2OHHO HHHO H HNNOHHONNNH 2HO NN OHH 2N NN NN N NNH 2O H H OH H OH H HOCH 2HOCH 2O H H OHH OHH O H H OH H OH H HOCH 2O H HOH HOH H HOCH 2(1)Common bases in NAA, adenineNNN HNNH 2NHNN HNONH 2G, guanineNHN HOOuracilNN HNH 2OcytosineNHN HO Othymine(2) Rare bases in NA (≈100)1.2Polynucleotide多聚核苷酸是通过核苷酸的C 5’-磷酸基与另一分子核苷酸的C 3’-OH 形成磷酸二酯键相连而成的链状聚合物。

科技论文写作 第三讲

科技论文写作 第三讲

磷是植物体内一系列重要物质的组成成分, 核酸、蛋白质、磷脂、植酸、ATP 和含磷酶 等都离不开磷的存在. 磷矿是一种不可再生的自然资源, 据估计按目前的开采速度, 60~90 年以后, 世界上的磷矿资源将会枯竭[1]. 植物体在低磷胁迫下, 根构型会发生改变[2~5],有机酸分泌增加[6,7], 同时一些基因, 如磷酸盐转运蛋白[8~10]、酸性磷酸酶[11,12]、RNA 酶[13,14]等的基因的表达表达都加强. 低磷胁迫还会诱导体内代谢副通路的形成[15,16]. 真核生物酵母中磷调节元件可以调节一系列低磷反应基因的表达 [17,18]. 在拟南芥 (Arabidopsisthaliana)中一个对低磷信号传导起重要作用的PHR1基因, 属于MYB 类转录因子, 它能够控制下游几个低磷反应基因的表达[19]. PHO3, PSR1, PDR2 等基因在低磷信号传导过 程中也发挥着重要作用, 因为这些基因的突变都能不同程度地损害磷酸盐饥饿信号的传导 [20~22]. 在高等植物中, 植物体如何传导低磷信号以及植物体适应低磷的具体调节机制, 目 前尚不十分清楚. 随着功能基因组学研究的不断深入, 基因表达谱研究在植物抗病[23]、非生物胁迫 [24,25]、低氮营养[26,27]、低磷营养[28~31]等方面取得了一定的进展. 本研究所用水稻(Oryza sativa)寡核苷酸芯片由北京华大基因研究中心提供. 该芯片 BGI-Rice-Chip30K 由6 万个基因特异的寡核苷酸片段(70 mer)点在两张玻片上. 本实验研究 了水稻根部在低磷胁迫和正常营养条件下表达谱的差异, 希望能够更进一步揭示水稻适应低 磷环境的生物学机制.
引言的书写方法: 以研究方法展开。


1. 胞嘧啶 2. 腺嘌呤 3. 鸟嘌呤 4. 胸腺嘧啶 5. 脱氧核糖 6. 磷酸 7. 胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷酸 8. 碱基对 9. 氢键 10. 一条脱氧核苷酸链的片段
反 馈 练 习
A、20个 B、30个 C、90个 D、120个
遗传密码 指mRNA上核苷酸的排列顺序,把mRNA上决定1个氨基酸的3个相邻的碱基叫密码子。


d wa ng o u t e si o dq ai ,p r ditga.D2 n/ 8 v u fte D ly ue a ne r1 n 6 m D2 a eo h NA s . o 0 l Wa 17—19 u igutailtse t p oo trd tr . sn r voe p er h tmee ee- l o
E tat no e o cDN fo a ut uel v s n s bi me t xrc o f n mi i g A m d lj t a e ,a det lh n r e a s
a d o t ia in o R n p m z t fS AP r a to y t m i o e c n s se i
Q aat eB ra , h ghu  ̄i 6 4 1 hn ) urni ueu Z a zo ,F a 3 30 ,C ia n n n
A sr ̄:G n mcD A f m jt C r ou puai L )et ce i o ie T Bm  ̄o a s d±rt cnet t n b ta e o i N o e( o hrs a slr . x at wt m df dC A e dw s et _ s ocn ao r u c c s r d h i t e 0 i ri
i z gt e eo S A t i n eky ̄ tmo R P—P Rrat nss m i jt.T ers tso e a teD A i le i df T Bme — m i h f C c o t  ̄ h u s hw dt th N o t wt moie C A t e i ye nu el h sa d h i d h
adF ms yU iesy F zo , ui 5 02, hn ; . gi tr im omeR sac st e ui n o t nvr t, uhu F j n30 0 C ia 2 A r uu a Bo su eerhI tu ,Fj n r i a c l l ni t a A ae yo g cl rl c ne ,F zo ,  ̄i 5 0 2 C ia 3 D nsa n -x set nad cdm f r u ua Si cs uhu F a 3 00 , hn ; . oghnE t E iI pci n A i t e n y r tn o
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DNA extraction and the establishment of SRAP reaction systemin tobaccoLiang Jingxia1Qi Jianmin1Wu Weiren1Zhou Dongxin2Chen Shunhui3Wang Tao3Tao Aifen11. Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 3500022. Longyan Branch of Institute of Fujian Tobacco Agricultural Science, Longyan 3640003. Inst itute of Fujian Tobacco Agricultural Science, Fuzhou 350003AbstractMethod of DNA extraction and factors influencing SRAP analysis were studied using ten tobacco cultivars. A reliable, effective and reproductive PCR reaction system for detecting SRAP was developed. Each 25μL PCR reaction mixture consisted of 40ng of genomic DNA, 200μmol of dNTPs, 2.0mmol of MgCl2, 30ng of primer and 1.5 unit of Taq polymerase. Samples were subjected to thermal profile for amplification in an oven thermocycler: 5 min of denaturing at 94 ℃ , five cycles of three steps:1min of denaturing at 94℃ , 1min of annealing at 33℃ and 1min of elongation at 72℃. In the following 30 cycles the annealing temprerature was increased to 53℃,with a final elongation step of 5min at 72℃. Different molecular marks used in tobacco were also analyzed. It was shown that SRAP technology is a useful molecular marker system for mapping and gene tagging in tobacco.Key words:Tobacco DNA extraction SRAP reaction systemTobacco is one of the model plant was first used in molecular biology and genetic engineering, but its breeding rate has lagged behind other crops, and its genetic mapping has not been reported. Presently, most planted tobacco in China are imported species[1]. The reason it that tobacco breeding has objectives inherent complexity and particularity, and mainly breeding tobacco plants also depends on a number of phenotypic selection and determination off physiological and biochemical indicators. Never applied scientific problems from the research-based genetic level, to make progress in tobacco breeding subject to be restricted. But in other crops, marker-assisted selection has reflected its strengths [2]. Currently, the mainly used molecular marker method to identified Tobacco genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship is RAPD[3~5], in which analysis procedures simple, low cost, but not has much testing sites. Existing molecular markers showed that tobacco has a relatively narrow genetic base[3]. Therefore,molecular-assisted of breeding tobacco need to find a method to detect molecular markers of similar genetic or more difference loci of gene to accelerate the application of molecular-assisted breeding and popularization rate.Sequence-related amplified poly- morphism(SRAP[6]) is a novel PCR-based marker systems which was developed in Brassica crops in 2001 by Quiros and Dr. Li who in vegetable department, the University of California. This tag specific area of gene ORFs (Open reading frames) were amplified by the unique dual primer design , and the upstream primer is 17bp, exon region-specific amplification and Downstream primer length 18bp, for introns, promoter region-specific amplification. From intron and promoter in different individuals or species to the spacing have many vary region of different length so that make polymorphic. The marker characteristics is simple, efficient, high yield, high co-dominant, good repeatability and easy sequencing, cloning easy target fragment . Presently, it can be used in analysis of genetic diversity of crops[7], Genetic mapping[6] [8],Marks an important trait[6]and Cloning genes [9]. Because SRAP is just developed this year and its detailed reported about its reaction system is less. And primers used in different species have its different reaction conditions, so screening andoptimization of reaction conditions primer is necessary. In our study, we used several cultivars germplasm as our experimental materials, discussing the best program for DNA extracted tobacco and SRAP analysis. In order to provide scientific basis of analyzing of genetic diversity in tobacco and constructing the genetic linkage map.1 Materials and Methods1.1 MaterialsMaterials are 10 common Nicotiana (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars, there are 4cured tobacco , 4 Sun-cured Tobacco, 2 burley tobacco (Table 1).1.2 Extracted the genomic DNAUsing the modified CTAB method and genomic DNA extraction step of the tobacco : Weighed 5g fresh young tobacco leaves which were preserved at 4℃and added 0.2g water-insoluble PVP, then grounded into powder in liquid nitrogen and quickly loaded into a 50mL centrifuge tube. First added 150 ~ 300μL B-mercaptoethanol into the tube , and then added 15mL the extracted DNA[ 2%CTAB, 100mmol Tris-HCl (pH810) , 114mol NaCl, 20mmol EDTA( pH8.0) ] which had preheated in 65℃. Shaking gently and heating it at 65℃ water for 30min, cooled to room temperature. Added the equal volume of chloroform / isoamyl alcohol (24: 1), moderate upside down for 30 to 50 times, and centrifuged in the room temperature and 8000r / min for 10min. Transferred the supernatant into another tube, repeated. Took the supernatant in a centrifuge tube and added equal volume of cold isoamyl alcohol, reversed mildly for several times then stand until the flocculent precipitate built. After washing with 70% ethanol twice, dried it in the Clean Benches. Dissolved the dried DNA into 300μLTE. Detected the quality and size of fragments of the extracted DNA and stored at - 20℃ for sparing.Table 1 test material name and numberNumber Variety name Type Number Variety name Type1 Jade Bi No.1 Cured Tobacco 6 Longyan Sun - cured Tobacco2 ChangBo Huang Cured Tobacco 7 Xianyou Sun - cured Tobacco3 K326 Cured Tobacco 8 Xiaohuaqing Sun - cured Tobacco4 HongHuaDaJinYuan Cured Tobacco 9 Dahuangyan Burley tobacco5 TieBaZi Sun - curedTobacco10 TN90 Burley tobacco1.3 DNA amplificationSRAP reaction system was referenced Li and Quiros et al [6] method, and has been improved. Reaction volume is 25 μL, Tris-HCl (pH8.0) 10mmol, KCl 50mmol, MgCl2210mmol, dNTP200μmol , both Upper and lower primers are 30ng , DNA template 40ng and DNA polymerase 1. 5U. In order to prevent the reaction process of liquid evaporation, finally add 30μL paraffin oil to cover the reaction mixture. Primers we used was from American Operon products, Taq polymerase and dNTP was from Shanghai ShengGong product, PCR reaction was played in PTC - 100 functional PCR. Response procedures as follows: Degenerated in 94℃for 5 min, 5 cycle before the reaction was operated in 94℃ for 1 min, 33 ℃ for 1 min and 72℃for 1 min. Then next 30 cycles the annealing temperature increased to 53℃, and finally 72℃ for 5min. Template DNA, Mg2 +, dNTP, primers and Taq enzyme dosage gradient must strictly follow the test design requirements(Table2). The other parameters also must be strictly to control the standards to ensure the accuracy of the test.1.4 ElectrophoresisPCR products were used Sequi-GenGT electrophoresis and a 6% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (containing 7mol/L urea) to separation, and electrophoresis buffer was 1×TBE. When electrophoresis, first pre-electrophoresis in 2000V for 30min. Period, The bubbles in the sample wells must be expel to clean, denatured PCR products in the PCR instrument in 94℃for 2 min before spotting. 1.5h with 2000V voltage electrophoresis and stop until xylene green move to 2/3 of the sheet. Used 10% acetic acid to fixed, washed, silver staining, developing, stop shadow the gel , and the specific steps was referenced the method of Wu GuanYun et al [11] .Table 2 Tobacco SRAP-PCR reactions for each factor gradientDNA Templateng Taq enzymeUPrimerngdNTPμmolMg2 +mmol2 0.5 0 100 0 10 0.5 10 100 0.5 20 1.0 20 200 1.0 40 1.0 30 200 2.0 100 2.0 40 300 4.0 200 2.0 50 300 8.02 Results and analysis2.1 Detection of DNA extraction and amplified productsQuality of the DNA extracted is a key to determinant SRAP-PCR success.Tests showed that the material used that its growing season is very important. DNA of Tobacco in leaf stage extracted by SDS method can accord the test requirements, but not accorded in the late. It was due to that metabolites, proteins, carbohydrates, pigments, and nicotine content of tobacco polyphenols higher in tobacco secondary [12], to bring the hard work in the the work of DNA Isolation and purification. Using SDS extraction method to extract the DNA of tobacco will make the DNA serious browning, or couldn't extract. This phenomenon was particularly prominent in the tobacco, and it may be related to most of the wild plant contains more contaminating proteins and phenols. So it should be completed extract DNA in early seedling leaves of tobacco for spare. This test uses a modified CTAB method to effectively eliminates polysaccharide. Increases the time of add chloroform/isoamyl alcohol to extract in the extraction process to completely remove the proteins, pigments and other impurities. Adding non-water soluble PVP in grinding and adding B-mercaptoethanol when temporary use and other measures to effectively prevent browning. CTAB method has many steps and easy to cause DNA damage after improper operation, so it is necessary to ensure adequate mixing during the operation of the test , but also to prevent severe shock.In PCR product detection , for simplicity, our studies try to use a 2% agarose gel to detect. Compared to a 6% polyacrylamide gel , part of the strip is not detected so that type of the strips are different. Because the PCR products were mostly between 100 ~ 700bp, this study suggests that it is better reflect the real situation PCR amplification by high-resolution polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 2.2 Effect of DNA concentration on the PCR amplifiedContent of the template DNA is a factor restricting to the yield and specificity of amplified. Generally speaking, there are a wide range of suitable concentrations , but it will no amplification when too little , and Specific band will hard to appear when too difficult. The trial is a 2~200ng gradient, and the reaction results are shown in section 11A. Dosage of 20~200ng template could amplify the full band, while 2ng amplified bands very weak, while 200ng unspecific. Because the template primer of collision is less while fewer templates , and the chance of collision between the template and the template ismore while the template concentration is too high , and the chance of collision between the primer and the relative will reduce . The results showed that the best effect is40ng.2.3 TaqDNA polymerase dosage on PCR amplificationThe amount of Taq DNA polymerase in PCR is restricting by enzyme activity, enzyme heat resistance and other factors. Use high concentration of Taq enzyme not only wasteful, but also leads to the accumulation of non-specific amplification products. The low concentration of Taq enzyme will decrease the efficiency of the new strand synthesis and reduced amplification product. The gradient, 0.5U 1U, 2.0U are fully illustrate this point, the reaction results shown in Figure 11B. When 0.5U Taq polymerase, the amplified bands less and unstable , When the amount of 1U Taq polymerase can amplify a certain number of bands, but some of the bands are obscure ; When Taq enzyme dosage is 2.0U , the non-specific bands generated, resulting in bands get together and confusion. Therefore, the amount of Taq polymerase1.5U is appropriately.2.4 Primer concentration on PCR amplificationThis test provided a gradient from 0 to 50ng to augment, the reaction results shown in Figure 11C. When the amount of primer is 10ng, the amplification of polymorphic bands vague and the polymorphic bands reduce (second band did not get amplified). And 20ng, 30ng have been very good amplification. When 40ng, 50ng, some bands are blur. Thus, when the low concentration of the primer, the efficiency of the primer bound to the template will be low , and resulting polymorphic less . As the concentration of primers increase , the polymorphism increased , but the too high concentration of primers lead to the non-specific amplification and primer dimer appear . And impact on the yield of target sequence . Therefore the optimum content of each primer 30ng is the best.2.5 dNTP on PCR amplificationWhen dNTP concentration is too high , it will cause the error incorporation of the polymerase , and the concentration is too low, will affect the efficiency of the synthesis, or due to dNTP premature consumed so that the product will single stranded . There are three gradient provided 100,200,300μmol amplification in this study , the reaction results shown in Figure 11D. The results showed that the amplified products were 100 ~ 300μmol can have product, and 200μmol is the best.2.6 Mg2 + concentration on PCR amplificationMg2+ concentration affects the activity of enzyme, but also affects primer annealing, solution templates and intermediate products from specific temperature, the product, primer dimer formation[13]. Therefore , it is necessary to optimize the Mg2+concentration in the reaction . In this experiment, we used Mg2+ concentration from 0 to 8.0mmol for amplification, the reaction results shown in Figure 11E. No PCR product without Mg2+, so Mg2+is essential factor to the DNA polymerase activity. When the Mg2+ concentration is too high, some obscure bands appeared. At 0.5~4mmol, amplification product appeared, and it can appear the most clear bands at 2.0mmol.Figure 1 Different SRAP primers gradient PCR on tobacco in the Jade Bi No.1 amplification plot Figure1.A: primer combinations m7e6 template DNA concentration gradient (Table 2 is set low - high) of amplificationFigure1.B: primer combinations m6e3 in TaqDNA polymerase concentration gradient (Table 2 is set low - high) of amplificationFigure 1.C: primer combinations m7e8 primer concentration gradient (Table 2 is set low - high) of amplification Figure 1.D: primer combinations m6e3 in dNTP concentration gradient (Table 2 is set low - high) of amplification Figure 1.E: primer combinations m7e6 in Mg2 concentration gradient (Table 2 is set low - high) of amplification2.7 Annealing temperature on PCR amplificationAnnealing temperature determines the specificity of PCR, the low temperature annealing increases non-specific amplification, the high-temperature annealing to improve the specificity of amplification [13]. When the annealing temperature in strict accordance with Quiros and Li etc. [6] for the reaction to expand tobacco DNA , the yield is always low , and the band is not clear. This study is based on Parmaksiz [14]research and Tm=4(G+C)+2(A+T) on the annealing temperature to set a gradient test. The first annealing temperature was set at 38℃,37℃, 36 ℃, 35℃, 34℃, 33 ℃, 31℃.and the second annealing temperature was set at 52℃ 51℃, 50℃ , 49℃, 48℃, 47℃. Finally lower the first annealing temperature to 33℃and raise the second annealing to 53℃,but obtaining a higher yield obtained and not affecting the specific product, and the stability of the reaction strengthened. Therefore , it is necessary to adjust the appropriate annealing temperature depending on the species.In summary, the improved CTAB method can complete DNA SRAP-PCR analysis successfully . Optimization of the reaction system for tobacco SRAP: in 25μL reaction system, Tris-HCl(pH8.0)10mmol, KCl 50mmol, MgCl 2.0mmol, dNTP200μmol, the upper and lower primers 30ng, DNA templates 40ng, DNA polymerase 1.5U. The reaction procedure: pre-denaturation at 94℃5min, before the reaction run in 5 cycles 94℃1min, 33℃1min, 72℃1min , subsequent 30 cycles the annealing temperature increased to 53℃, 72℃ extending for 5min. Different primers in 10 tobacco cultivars of amplification shown in Figure 2, showing good stability and polymorphism.Figure 2 A, B, C, respectively SRAP primer m2e9, m2e10, m2e11 table 10 tobacco cultivars in the amplification3 Discussion and Prospect3.1 Tobacco Germplasm basic research and molecular breedingTobacco as a special-purpose crops, improve the quality and aroma of resistance is the core task of the current tobacco breeding. In order to a breakthrough, we must be strengthened broaden the use of germplasm resources, mining valuable germplasm materials. At present, many research institutions have adopted physical and chemical mutagenesis or aerospace-specific mutagenesis to create new means of germplasm. The research units showed that tobacco has a beneficial wild species in disease resistance, insect resistance and quality aspects genes are available, and there is a wealth of genetic polymorphism. paying attention to the study of the use of wild species and genetic improvement of tobacco wild relatives , but also application of biotechnology methods will wild genes into crops, improvement of existing varieties, in order to improve the resistance of the varieties and quality. So the application of modern biotechnology combined with traditional routine technology, but for germplasm innovation and molecular assisted breeding to lay the good foundation.3.2 The application of RAPD molecular marker technology in tobacco breedingExisting RAPD technology is mainly used in genomic DNA genetic polymorphism on tobacco, exogenous gene detection and tracking, disease-resistant properties tag, genetic differences between varieties and genetic variation of tobacco was more reported [3 ~ 5], RAPD technology has the characteristics of easy operation, fast, it have higher application value in genetic polymorphism and seed purity testing. But RAPD is susceptible to the influence of experimental conditions, easy to produce false-positive belt, repeatability is poor. Sometimes the results are not comparable between laboratories, thus limits its broad application.3.3 ISSR molecular marker technology in tobaccoThe writer wang tao and others is the first time to use the ISSR molecular marker to detection and clustering analysis three tobacco cultivated wild, the results showed that ISSR molecular markers can beclear to the flue-cured tobacco wild and cultivated species, drying, mahogany, burley tobacco, tobacco smoke, then according to its genetic differences in different types. Wild genetic polymorphism is very rich, and the genetic polymorphism in the cultivation of relatively poor, only different kinds of tobacco showed a certain degree of genetic diversity, reflects the tobacco varieties narrow genetic basis. Therefore, to strengthen resources and wild germplasm innovation and development of tobacco varieties in favor of the use of genetic research, is the urgent task in tobacco genetic breeding and biotechnology research.3.4 The application of the SRAP markers in tobacco3.4.1 Stability and polymorphism of a molecular marker Compared with RAPD technology , new type of SRAP markers using the higher annealing temperature and longer primer, not only guarantee the stability of amplification, and product sequencing easily, which can provide more genetic information. As a result, the defect of a can make up for RAPD and ISSR, makes possible the stable positioning of excellent genes, which can make the molecular marker assisted breeding true implementation in tobacco.Because of a special primer design, SRAP can detect the translatability of genes box area, so that thus reflects the polymorphisms of genes between species, the testing results of the reflected more species genetic diversity and genetic relationship. Budak etc. [16] using ISSR and SSR, RAPD and SRAP mark 30 primer to detect genetic polymorphisms of 15 primers buffalo grass (Buffalograss) at the same time . And the results of the four molecular marker detection comparison found that SRAP is the molecular marker only can distinguish the 15 kinds of genotypes , draw of a more suitable for the detection of close relatives, the differences between varieties. Therefore, this method is more suitable for the establishment of tobacco cultivation of fingerprint, which can be more effective in tobacco seed patent protection. Ferriol studies [7]about melon showed that SRAP can better reflect the history of variation and evolution of the morphology of melon than AFLP . In addition , using SRAP technique to analysis the clustering of 19 copies Cucurbita (C. maxima) germplasm showed the material can be objectively grouped [15]according to the type (food, fodder, ornamental). Thus we could put the tobacco accurately dividing in group by using type (flue-cured tobacco, mahogany, burley tobacco, air) on genetic, making tobacco germplasm resources research more scientific and purpose.3.4.2 Construct genetic linkage map of tobaccoSince SRAP polymorphic bands generated more specific, the domestic cotton has been successfully applied to construct a genetic map [8]. Li and Quiros used kale×cauliflower (cauliflower×kale) formed to constructed high-density RIL population genetic map[6]. Li, who constructed the B. oleracea by transcription patterns SRAP[17]. Because of SRAP has advantage in the aspect of building map , so choice of tobacco hybrid combinations scientifically, establish tobacco parents, F1, F2 and F3 genetic group, and genetic linkage map of tobacco can be expected to build in the near future .Reference1 王彦亭. 我国烟草育种工作发展思路[ J] . 中国烟草科学,2001( 4) : 1~ 512 方宣钧, 吴为人, 唐纪良. 作物DNA 标记辅助育种[ J] . 北京:科学出版社, 2001.3 肖炳光, 卢江平, 卢秀萍等. 烤烟品种的RAPD 分析[ J] . 中国烟草学报, 2000, 6( 2) :10~ 15.4 Bai D, Brandle J E, Reeleder R. Identification of RAPD markers linked with a gene for resistance to black root rot of tobacco [ J] .Theor Appl Genet, 1996, 91: 1184~ 11895 Yi Y H, Rufty R C,Wernsman E A. Mapping the rootknot nematode resistance gene ( Rk) in tobacco with RAPD markers[ J] . Plant disease,1998, 82: 1319~ 132216 Li G, Quiros C F. 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