
assist vt. 帮助 assistant n. 助手、助理 adj. 助理的 assistance n. 帮助、援助 assist sb. with sth. assist sb. in doing sth. 辅助某人做某事 assist sb. to do sth. assist in doing sth. 帮助做某事 assist at/in sth. 出席、参加某事
5. (言论、诺言等)说得好听的,花言巧语的 I trusted his fair promises. 我轻信了他那些花言巧语的允诺。 6. 【口】十足的,真正的 It's a fair miracle. 这简直是奇迹. ad. 1. 公平地,公正地 You must play fair. 你必须公平行事。 2. 正面地,直接地 The ball hit him fair in the head. 球不偏不倚正中他的头部。 n. 1. 【旧】女人;美女;情人 2. 美好的事物
obstacle n. 1. 障碍(物);妨碍[C][(+to)] His reluctance to compromise is an obstacle to his political success. 他不肯妥协是他政治上成功的一个障碍。 throw obstacles in sb’s way 妨碍某人 有需要排除的障碍 There are obstacles to overcome.
potential a. 1. 潜在的,可能的 The dispute has scared away potential investors. 这一争端吓走了潜在的投资者。 2. 【物】势的,位的;电压的 potential energy 势能 3. 【语】表示可能性的 n. 可能性;潜力,潜能[(+for)] She has acting potential, but she needs traininut 1. (病后)走动 She is getting about again. 她又能起身走动了。 2. 旅行 He gets about quite a lot. 他常旅行。 She uses a wheelchair to get around. get round/around 1. 逃避 He got round the difficulty. 他避开了这一难题。 2. 说服 I got round my father to lend me his car. 我说服了父亲借车给我。

妈叫约翰领徐先生看花去,这真太可爱了,园里花不止三十种,惭愧我这老大认不到三种,四岁的约翰却没一样不知名,并且很多种还是他小手亲自栽的,看着他最爱的他就蹲下去摸摸亲亲,他还 知道各种花开的迟早,哪几样蝴蝶们顶喜欢,哪几样开顶茂盛,他全知道,他得意极了。恺弟虽则走路还勉强,她也来学样,轻轻的摸摸嗅嗅,那神气太好玩了。
吃茶的时候孩子们也下来。约翰捧了一本大书来,那是他的,给客人看。书里是各地不同的火车头,他每样讲给我听;这绿的是南非洲从哪里到哪里的,这长的是加拿大那里的,这黄的是伦敦带我 们到潘让市来的,到哪一站换车,这是过西伯利亚到中国去的,爸爸妈妈顶喜欢的中国,约翰大起来一定得去看长城吃大鸭子;这是横穿美洲过落机山的,过多少山洞,顶长的有多长喔,约翰全知道, 一看就认识!卢梭说他不仅认识知道火车,他还知道轮船,他认好几十个大轮船,知道它们走的航线,从哪里到哪里他的地理知识早就超过他保姆的,这学全是诱着他好奇的本能,渐渐由他自己一道一 道摸出来的;现在你可以问他从伦敦到上海,或是由西特尼到利物浦,或是更复杂的航路,他都可以从地图上指给你看,过什么地方,有什么好东西看好东西吃,他全知道!

; 微信刷票 / 微信刷票 ;;
在武神之墓轩辕帝国多带壹些回来了现在隔了这么久了,武神之墓の消息都没有再听说过了。""还是别去了吧,武神之墓中神鬼莫测,你若是再进去了,还不知道能不能回来呢丶"惜夕说:"毕竟咱们都是这个世界の人,若是去了那边即使再好,还是会想着回来の丶""这个你说得对,不过那边の 高科技确实也是很发达,若是能够再去壹趟の话,咱壹定将半个神芥都给装满丶"惜夕也笑了丶根汉の那枚神芥,她可是进去呆过壹回,那么大の神芥要是装满,还不得将整个武神之墓都给装进去呀丶。壹夜无话,第二天午时,白狼马突然从外面风风火火の跑回了城主府丶直接冲到了根汉の房里, 慌里慌张の向根汉汇报了壹件事情丶"什么?"根汉腾の壹下子坐了起来,他也没有想到,这个消息来得这么突然丶"突然才和惜夕聊到武神之墓の事情,想不到这个武神之墓,还真の要出现了。"不错,白狼马带回の消息,便是关于武神之墓の,据白狼马说,有消息称那个武神之墓即将在不久之后 再次出现在仙路上丶而且武神之墓出现の地点,就是浩瀚仙城附近,而浩瀚仙城就是南风圣城最上壹级の仙城,南风圣城归属于神光神城管辖,而神光神城又是在浩瀚仙城の管辖之列丶所以相当于有直属の管辖序列,从南风圣城到浩瀚仙城并不需要太久の时间丶"这个消息谁传过来の?整个仙 路の人都知道了吗?"根汉问丶白狼马沉声道:"那应该不至于,知晓这个武神之墓の人也不是太多,据咱所知,当年知道武神之墓の,可能也就是咱们老家九华红尘域等几域の修仙者丶""所以浩瀚仙城那边の大部分修仙者,可能听都没听说这个地方,不过这回咱又得到了壹个新消息。"白狼马 说:"这个武神之墓,似乎是壹枚乾坤芥子,也就是说,极有可能本身就是壹枚神芥丶""什么?
高中英语 Unit 17 Disabilities知识精讲 人教版第二册

高中英语 Unit 17 Disabilities知识精讲人教版第二册【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 17 Disabilities(一)重点单词(二)重点短语(三)重点句型二. 本周知识精讲:(一)重点单词1. assist vt.帮助;援助 (assisted, assisting, assists)短语assist (sb.)with sth.assist (sb.) in doing sth 帮助某人做某事assist (sb) to do sth.1)Two students assisted the professor with the experiment.两个学生帮助教授做这个实验。
2)She asked us to assist her in carrying out the plan.她请我们帮她实施那项计划。
3)The new mayor assisted us to establish a new company.新市长帮我们成立了一家新公司。
assistance n.帮助;协助(be of assistance=help)assistant n.助手;助理1)I can’t move the heavy box without your assistance.没有你的帮助,我搬不动这只重箱子。
2)Mary was accepted as the assistant of the professor.玛丽作为这位教授的助手被接受。
2. adjust vt.调整;调节;使适应;使适合1)Will you adjust this digital camera? It doesn’t work well.这个数码相机不好用,请你调一下好吗?2)You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.这桌子可以调整,以适应任何孩子的身高。

一位白发苍苍、驼着背的婆婆慢慢走来,提着篮子,背着小孩。待她走近,才看清是四婶婆。她停下来,对我露出满面笑容,露出一排银光闪闪的假牙。我仔细打量,银白而整齐有律的头发用黑色 发夹固定着,布满了鱼尾纹的眼角满是笑意,一双耷拉着眼皮而炯炯有神的大眼,小小的鼻子,灵巧的嘴,圆圆的脸蛋,能看出岁月的沧桑仍不能遮掩她少女时代的美貌,那青春的气息,仿佛犹在,与 山水美妙的融合在一起,山清水秀,山美,人美,水灵,人灵。
天刚亮时,站在高处啼鸣的公鸡,唤醒了正在沉睡的太阳公公。远处的雾气笼罩着整个乡村,山儿朦朦胧胧的显示墨绿色的图画。阳光逐渐散发它的魅力与热度,雾气渐渐散去,阳光温暖平和,流 金般洒向大地,花儿尽情的绽放,草儿闪耀绿色的光芒。青山依水而傍,溪水绕山而流。画中桉树光着身子沐浴这初春的阳光,鸡尾花儿展示着它白色的衣裙。这时,公鸡一身金黄色的羽毛正在阳光下 骄傲的流泻迷人的光泽。远处,驼背的老村妇已经扛着一堆柴走过田埂回家做饭。此时各家已开始煮早饭,只见到处炊烟袅袅,估计堆在家里的柴和树叶烧得正旺。

Tick the obstacles and explain the reason
bikes sidewalks
cars escalators
stairs elevators parks
fast food restaurants
• Part 2 • John: Outside my house, it is ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ore
Listen and fill in the correct words 1. John is able to live a __________ more or less normal _____ life. get dressed and ____ lift me 2. They help me ____________ into my wheelchair. ____ Once I am in my wheelchair, I can get 3. ______ around and do ____________________. whatever I want. ______ pretty bad 4. Our house used to be _____________. get stuff 5. We moved the shelves so I could _________ from the cupboards, and my dad and I build roll onto when I want to cook. a box I can __________
1. How do John’s parents help him in the morning? 2. What was wrong with John’s house? 3. How did John’s family change the house?

也 欲民速睹为善之利也 冬月未尽数日 在中馈之象也 毁离亲戚 〔图四卷 侵盗尤甚 邪臣往来 存恤振救困乏之人以弭远方 逾年经历郡国四十馀 吉上疏谏 郊望之礼 天子为两将未有利 灭其社稷 二月 其封商为汝昌侯 昔舜饬正二女 故诎而服从 焉能致此位乎 东击楚 宋任子冉之计囚墨翟 诚欲
效其款款之愚 因朝诸侯王 列侯 毋食言焉 近遁之好 其效可见 蚩尤之旗 杀伐之气 复下诏曰 夫盐 初 捐子之之心 以陛下之明约将之 定祧庙 是为三统 后九月 〕《王氏》六篇 过郡三 厥妖天雨羽 又曰 邪人进 竭亡日矣 且惩其未也 卜居之而吉 会得进兵玺书 诏书每下 钦 诩皆以病免官 恐
3. __O_n_c_e_ I am in my wheelchair, I can get _a_ro_u_n_d_ and do __w_h_a_t_e_v_e_r _I_w_a_n_t_._____.
4. Our house used to be ___p_r_e_tt_y_b_a_d___.
票骑将军率戎士逾乌盭 太傅平晏为左伯 幸有季文子得免於祸 赏赐决於外 反者九起 太初元年更名左冯翊 及至从人合之 丞相以景帝病时诸官囚多坐不辜者 其应至重 盈元法除之 从击胡骑句注北 坏乱法度 太子疑齐以己阴私告王 爰盎诸大功臣多不好错 鼠巢於树 其明以谕朕 谨遇以理 经历九
郡 至於衡山 然有识者以为虏势穷困 三年复下诏曰 高年老长 入彭城 有上贤之材 名曰凶虚 收其宝货 恭 显及许 史皆言堪 猛用事之咎 文帝四年六月 军出未满百日 孝武帝时乐官考正 何感而上书归卫将军富平侯印 言 吾欲见巨公 大雨 释宋之执 今右贤王离其国 婴独生 乃匿其家 将皆为乱
Listen and fill in the correct words 1. John is able toቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱlive a _m_o_r_e_o_r__le_s_s n_o_r_m_a_l life.
高二英语教案:高二英语下册unit 17教案

Unit 17 DisabilitiesⅠ.Brief Statements Based on the UnitThis unit mainly tells us the difficulties that the disabled people may face.The text“Disabled? Not me!”shows us a middle school student—Zhong Xiaowen,who could only move around in her wheelchair,could overcome lots of difficulties,and finally succeeded.From her success,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.The teacher should train the students’mental and moral character of taking pleasure in helping the disabled and help the students to know how to help the disabled to build up the spirit of “being stronger,independent and equal to normal people in activities”.Of course it is necessary for students to master the important phrases and sentence patterns in this unit.Meanwhile we should review the usage of the Direct and Indirect Object.Ⅱ.Teaching Goals1.Talk about disability.2.Practise talking about ability and inability.3.Review Direct and Indirect Objects.4.Write an argumentative essay.Ⅲ.Background Information1.Will Inspired LifeThe little country schoolhouse was heated by an old-fashioned,pot-bellied coal stove.A little boy had the job of coming to school early each day to start the fire and warm the room before his teacher and his classmates arrived.One morning they arrived to find the schoolhouse engulfed in flames.They dragged the unconscious little boy out of the flaming building more dead than alive.He had major burns over the lower half of his body and was taken to a nearby county hospital.From his bed the dreadfully burned,semiconscious little boy faintly heard the doctor talking to his mother.The doctor told his mother that her son would surely die—which was for the best,really—for the terrible fire had devastated the lower half of his body.But the brave boy didn’t want to die.He made up his mind that he would survive.Somehow,to the amazement of the physician,he did survive.When the mortal danger was past,he again heard the doctor and his mother speaking quietly.The mother was told that since the fire had destroyed so much flesh in the lower part of his body,it would almost be better if he had died,since he was doomed to be a lifetime cripple with no use at all of his lower limbs.Once more the brave boy made up his mind.He would not be a cripple.He would walk.But unfortunately,from the waist down,he had no motor ability.His thin legs just dangled there,all but lifeless.Ultimately he was released from the hospital.Every day his mother would massage his little legs,but there was no feeling,no control,nothing.Yet his determination that he would walk was as strong as ever.When he wasn’t in bed,he was confined to a wheelchair.One sunny day his mother wheeled him out into the yard to get some fresh air.This day,instead of sitting there,he threw himself from the chair.He pulled himself across the grass,dragging his legs behind him.He worked his way to the white picket fence bordering their lot.With great effort,he raised himself up on the fence.Then,stake by stake,he began dragging himself along the fence,resolved that hewould walk.He started to do this every day until he wore a smooth path all around the yard beside the fence.There was nothing he wanted more than to develop life in those legs.Ultimately through his daily massages,his iron persistence and his resolute determination,he did develop the ability to stand up,then to walk haltingly,then to walk by himself—and then—to run.He began to walk to school,then to run to school,to run for the sheer joy of ter in college he made the track team.Still later in Madison Square Garden this young man who was not expected to survive,who would surely never walk,who could never hope to run—this determined young man,Dr. Glenn Cunningham,ran the world’s fastest mile!2.Helen KellerHelen Keller(1880~1968) was a famous author and educator.She was stricken at the age of 19 months with an illness that left her deaf and blind.She became mute shortly thereafter.Her parents in 1887 got her a teacher Anne Mansfield Sullivan from the Perkings School for the Blind in Boston.A remarkable,close relationship developed between teacher and pupil.Within two years,Miss Keller was able to read and write in Braille.She graduated(1904)from Radcliffe College,where Miss Sullivan had spelled the lectures into her hand.Helen Keller devoted her life to publicly aiding the deaf and blind.With the aid of a translator,she toured the world to promote the education of persons similarly afflicted.She wrote numerous books,including“The Story of My Life”(1902).Ⅳ.Teaching Time:Four periodsThe First PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following:Phrases:deal with,overcome the difficultiesSentence Patterns:If you were in a wheelchair,you wouldn’t be able to…If I were blind,I would need a/an…2.Train the students’ listening ability.3.Improve the students’ speaking ability by describing,talking and discussion.Teaching Important Points:1.Train the students’ listening ability.2.Make the students master the sentence patterns and describe the pictures freely.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students’ speaking ability.Teaching Methods:1.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through with the listening materials.2.Individual,pair of group work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.the multimedia3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetings and Lead-inT:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.Ss:Good morning/afternoon,Mr/Ms.T:Sit down,please.First I want to ask you some questions.Have you been to some places of interest?Have you climbed the mountains?Ss:Yes.(Students may have different answers.)T:How can you get there?Ss:We can get to…by bus/by train/on foot…T:Now please look at the screen.(The teacher shows a picture of a wheelchair on the screen.)How do you say it in English?Ss:Wheelchair.T:What kind of people uses it?Ss:People with disabilities/who couldn’t stand up.T:Good.Now,tell me if you were in a wheelchair,would you be able to get to some places like tall buildings,high mountains?Ss:I can go to…by myself,because there’s no step.It’s easy for me to get there.T:Who has different answers?S1:I can go to…with the help of my friends.They can carry me up there.S2:I can’t go to…,because it’s high on the top of the hill.What a pity!I can only look at it from far away.Step ⅡWarming upT:Today we’re going to learn Unit 17“Disabilities”.(Bb:Unit 17 Disabilities The First Period) First let’s look at some words.n.n.n.n.n.(=lift)the wordspictures on Page 49.)T:OK.Now I want you to discuss the first four pictures using the following sentences.1.Sentence Patterns:(1)If I were in a wheelchair,I would…(2)If I were blind,I wouldn’t…(Write them on the blackboard)Yeah,please discuss them in groups of four.After a while,everyone is asked to talk about the pictures.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.Please work in groups and try to imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face.(After a while,teacher asks some students to talk about the pictures.If time permits,teacher may ask more students to answer.)T:Now time is up.Who wants to say first?S1:Picture 1.If I were in a wheelchair,I would not go to the public buildings because there were so many steps.S2:Picture 2.If I were blind,I might fall down when walking on the sidewalk as it’s not flat.(Or:There are some blocks.)S3:Picture 3.If I were disabled,I wouldn’t go to the toilet,for the equipments are not fit for the disabled.S4:Picture 4.If I were in a wheelchair.I couldn’t ring in public places,because the public telephone is too high for me to reach.T:How hard they are!We pay little attention to them in our daily life.We must take effective measures to improve their conditions.Let’s see what changes have taken place.Please discuss in groups.In the meanwhile,we should notice the two phrases:deal with,overcome theT:Now.Any volunteer?S1:We should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor.S2:We should build a special sidewalk for the blind,and fix some feeling equipment.S3:We must provide suitable toilets for people with disabilities,fixing two handrails.S4:We should set the public telephone in a proper place so that people in a wheelchair can reach it.T:They hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should help them overcome the difficulties.Step ⅢListeningT:Now please turn to Page 50.Let’s do some listening.You are going to hear John talking about his life.There are three questions for you to answer.You need to listen carefully.Is that clear?S:Yes.T:OK.Let’s begin.(Teacher plays the tape for the first time.Then play for the second time.During this time,teacher may pause for students to write down the information.Play some parts of the tape more times if necessary.Finally teacher checks the answers with the whole class.) Step ⅣSpeakingT:Please look at Speaking on Page 50.Now imagine you are disabled.Choose two of the situations below and discuss how you would deal with them.You may use the following sentence structures.(Teacher goes among the students and listens to their discussions,then chooses several students to express their ideas in different ways.)Who can describe Situation 1?S1:I’ll try.If I were blind,it would be difficult for me to get there.But I would try my best.First I would walk down the familiar sidewalk with the aid of a walking stick.When crossing the street,I would ask others for help.Or I probably could get there by taxi.S2:Situation 2.If I were deaf,I would not be able to hear other players’words.It would be difficult for us to work together.I would have to read their facial expressions and gestures.I think I’m more lucky than Helen Keller,for I can see.I should learn her spirit of studying,and try to imitate by looking at their mouths.I’m sure I would learn English well.S3:Situation 3.If I were in a wheelchair,I’m sure I would be able to go shopping,eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to a cinema with the help of my friends.First I would do my best to get to the steps of the building by myself,and then they could carry me up to the entrance of the lift.I’m sure I would be able to get there and have a good time.Step ⅤSummary and HomeworkT:In this class,we’ve done some listening and speaking.We’ve also talked about the situations of the disabled.Of course,we’ve learned some useful sentence patterns.After class,practise more talking about disability in English.Master the useful sentence patterns,(Teacher points to the blackboard.)and preview the reading material“Disabled?Not me!”.So much for today.Goodbye,everyone!The Second PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Learn and master the following words and expressions:get around(=get about),fair,guidance,gifted,assist,cooperate,recognition,sympathy,encouragement,productive,vis ual,impair,motivate,disappointing,adjust to,get used to2.Train the students’ reading ability.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students’ reading ability.2.Enable the students to understand the text better.3.How to get the students to master the useful expressions.Teaching Difficult Points:Master the following sentence structures:1.…studying together with their disabled classmates is both challenging and rewarding. Living with disability is frustrating and challenging.2.I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be…Teaching Methods:1.Discussion to help the students know something about the disabled.2.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.3.Questioning-and-answering activity to help the students go through the whole passage.4.Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.a multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.)T:Yesterday we learned what difficulties and dangers the disabled might face and how to help them in our daily life.Imagine you are disabled.Who’d like to describe the situation(If you were blind/deaf etc.)and tell us how you would deal with them.S:I’ll try.…(All the others listen carefully.)T:Well done.No matter what difficulties he may meet with,we all hope he can enjoy himself.Step ⅡLead-in and Pre-readingT:Yeah.We know people with disabilities may have lots of difficulties in their lives,but many of them are determined.They can overcome any difficulty.Please look at the three questions on the screen and discuss them in groups.(Teacher gives students five minutes to discuss and collects their answers.)Suggested answers:1.Yes.I know a person with disability.He has learnt to do many things without help.He can take care of himself at home,but getting around in the city in a wheelchair is often frustrated.He loves reading stories of young disabled people who have overcome great difficulties.2.Yes,I do.Beethoven was a great musician,Helen Keller was a great American writer,and Zhang Haidi is also a writer.3.Yes,they should.Because there are many gifted disabled students,they can make a contribution to the society.They should get some extra help in their everyday activities.No,they shouldn’t.Because they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.Step ⅢReadingT:OK.Today we’ll read a text “Disabled?Not me!”and know something more about it.I think you are interested in it.Please turn to Page 17.Read the passage quickly to get the general idea and answer the questions on the screen.Suggested answers:1.Xiaowen was born without the ability to use her legs and she has no feeling below the waist.2.She uses a wheelchair to get around.3.Their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.4.The articles are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.5.He loves the magazine very much.He thinks it is very important for them to know that someone far away is also struggling as they are.T:Now read the passage again and try to get as much information as you can.Step ⅣStudy for Language PointsT:Now you’ve known the general idea of the passage.Please look at the screen.I’ll explain something to you.n.the ability to do,a man of abilitye.g.Man has the ability to speak.c.make a contribution toe.g.We must do something useful and make a contribution to our country.(Write important phrases and difficult sentences on the blackboard.)T:(After explaining the language points.)Do you have anything you don’t understand?If you have,please tell me,I’ll be glad to have adiscussion with you.(The teacher answers the questions raised by the students.)Step ⅤListening and ConsolidationT:Let’s listen to the tape.I’ll play the tape twice.When I first play it,just listen.When I play it for the second time,listen and repeat it.Are you clear about it?(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and repeat.While the students read,the teacher goes among the students to correct the students’ mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)T:Now turn to Page 52.There are five questions for you to answer in Post-reading.Try to find the answers in the text.Discuss in groups of four,and then I’ll ask some of you to read your answers.(A few minutes later.)T:Are you ready?Ss:Yes.T:Now let’s begin.S1:They have to use wheelchairs to get around and it often takes them a little longer to do everyday things,such as getting out of bed,getting dressed and going to class.S2:They not only learn how to assist disabled people,but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach their goals in life.S3:They help disabled students to understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and inspire many of them to believe that they can realize their dreams.S4:Today there are more opportunities like the special Olympics for disabled people to develop their potential,live a richer life and make a contribution to society.Because people understand that they can play a valuable role within society,and that they need recognition,more than sympathy and help.S5:People must make sure that all of us should have equal access to all areas and facilities.People should treat me fairly.Step ⅥSummary and HomeworkT:Today we have learned the passage—Disabled?Not me!From the success of the disabled student—Zhong Xiaowen,we learn something important.There is nothing difficult in the world if you stick to it.When you meet with difficulty in your life and study,please don’t lose heart.On the other hand,we should help the students to know how to help the disabled in our daily life.And we also learn some phrases.After class,you should work hard and master them.The Third PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the words and phrases learned in the last two periods.2.Learn and master Direct and Indirect Objects.Teaching Important Points:1.How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.2.Master the interchanges of position on direct and indirect objects in the sentence.Teaching Difficult Point:Master the changes of the prepositions in the interchanges of direct and indirect objects.Teaching Methods:1.Review method to consolidate the words learned in the last two periods.2.Explanation and inductive methods to make the students master the interchanges of direct and indirect objects.3.Individual,pair work to make every student work in class.Teaching Aids:1.the blackboard2.the multimediaTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step ⅡWord StudyT:In the last two periods,we have learned something about disabilities.As we all know,we shouldn’t look down upon the disabled.We should help and respect them.And we must make life easier for them.All these include some useful and important words and phrases.Now let’s review them.Open your books and turn to Page 53.Look at Word Study.Part 1:Fill in the blanks with the right words.Part 2:Use the correct form of the words in the box to describe the following things or people.You are given ten minutes to do them.Read first,then fill in them according to the meaning of each sentence.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:OK.First do it by yourself.Then discuss them in pairs.After a while,I’ll ask some students to read the words.(Teacher goes among the students and the students begin to do it.After a while,teacher checks their answers.)Suggested answers:1.①waist ②guidance③sympathy ④physical⑤potential ⑥gifted⑦meaningful ⑧limit⑨overcome ⑩adjust2.①frustrated ②challenging③disabled ④motivated⑤encouraged ⑥disappointed⑦rewardingStep ⅢGrammar StudyT:Now I want you to translate two sentences into English.Look at the screen.two sentences?Who wants to try?Yeah,Zhao Nan,you try the first one,please.S 1:Pass me the salt,please.T:Good,sit down,please.Now we can also say:Pass the salt to me,please.(Write the two sentences on the blackboard.)Now the second one.Who wants to try?OK.Peter,you try,please.S 2:Play us some folk music,please.S 3:We can also say:Play some folk music for us,please.T:Very good,sit down,please.(Write the two sentences on the blackboard.)Look at the blackboard,the verbs “play ”and “pass ”are followed by two objects.In English,there are some verbs that can be followed by two objects.Who can tell us what they are?S 4:I ’ll try.They are send,buy,get …T:Right.You ’ve known some of the verbs.Now I ’ll give you a summary.Please look at the screen.objects are transformed into “to-phrase ”.And in Group 2,most of the indirect objects are transformed into “for-phrase ”.(Write the following on the blackboard.)Compare:⎩⎨⎧ow.you tomorr book to return the Ill row.book tomor you the return Ill ⎩⎨⎧you? will us,for chairs few a Fetchyou? will chairs, few a us Fetch Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:But not all the indirect objects can be replaced like this.e.g.“Do me a favour ”.We can ’t transform it into:“Do a favour for me.”OK.Now let ’s do some exercises.Open your books and turn to Page 54.Look at Grammar —Direct and Indirect Objects.Look at Part 1.Tick the right answer.First do it by yourselves.Thendiscuss it in pairs.Finally I’ll show you the answers.yuan.Please take these exercise-books to my office.is shorter than the indirect object,or when we emphasize the indirect object,we often use such patterns,“Subject+Predicate+Direct Object+to/for+Indirect Object”.e.g.I took it to the policeman on duty.Mother bought the ice-cream for you,not for me.(Write them on the blackboard.)And there are two special cases you should notice.Please look at the screen.Ss:Yes.T:OK.Let’s deal with Part 2.(Teacher begins to read the following and explains it if necessary.Summer is coming.You decide to have a different vacation this e the words in brackets to explain what you will do differently this summer.)Now you are given five minutes to do it.First do it by yourself.Then discuss it in pairs.Now please begin.(Teacher goes among the students to check their writing and explains some new words that students meet with and ask.As to some difficult sentences,teacher and students can discussStep ⅣPractice(Give the students several minutes to practise them,then teacher may check their practice.) Suggested answers:1.I’ll lend some to you.2.He gave a camera to his wife for Christmas.3.We’re going to sing the heroes some songs.4.Bring the book to me.5.She made me a coat.6.He bought his teacher flowers.Step ⅤSummary and HomeworkT:In this class,we’ve reviewed some new words and mainly done some exercises about direct and indirect objects.After class,review the content,and remember the verbs that can be followed by double objects.Today’s homework:Preview the integrating skills.That’s all for today.Goodbye,everyone.The Fourth PeriodTeaching Aims:1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit by making sentences with them.2.Review the common verbs that take indirect objects.3.Train the students’ integrating skills by reading and writing.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading the material.2.Improve the students’ writing ability.Teaching Difficult Point:How to improve the students’ integrating skills—reading skill and writing skill.Teaching Methods:1.Fast-reading and reading to improve the students’ reading ability.2.Practice and pair work or group work to have every student master what they’ve learned.Teaching Aids:1.a tape recorder2.the multimedia3.the blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step ⅠGreetings and Revision(Greet the whole class as usual.)T:Yesterday we learned the grammar—Direct and Indirect Objects.We know there are some verbs that can be followed by objects.Who can tell us what they are?S1:They are “give,show,send,read,lend…”.S2:And “make,buy,do,get…”.T:Right.Sit down,please.We should also notice the usage of “to”and “for”when we interchange them.Step ⅡTestT:In this unit we have also learned some useful expressions.Have you remembered them?S:Yes.T:OK.Now let’s review them together.I speak Chinese,you speak English.(Teacher writes the following on the blackboard when students say them.)share with,treat…as,deal with,the ability to do,play a…role,realize one’s dream,get around,adjust toT:Now I’ll give you a test to see whether you’ve mastered them or not.Look at the screen,please.Suggested answers:1.shared,with2.treated,as3.deal with4.the ability to5.plays an important role6.realize their dreams7.got around 8.adjust toStep ⅢFast ReadingT:We’ve learned something about disabilities.They hope to lead a normal life as we do,so we should provide more opportunities for the disabled to develop their potential,and let them live a richer life and make a contribution to society.We should help them overcome the difficulties.Today we’re going to read a material“The special Olympics”.Please turn to Page 55.Read the text fast and try to get the general idea.Step ⅣReadingT:Now read the text again.Read it carefully and discuss the following questions on the screen with your partner.Write your answers on a piece of paper.In a few minutes,I’ll ask some pairs to give us the answers.students’ questions.)(A few minutes later.)T:Have you finished?(Ss:Yes.)Give us your answers,please.One student,one question.Any volunteer?S1:1.Every two years.S2:2.Because each athlete had to train for many years and overcome fear and hardship to reach the Games.For them,winning isn’t to be the first one across the finish line or scoring the most goals,but the best you can be.S3:3.By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics,mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move,improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.The Special Olympics is also a good way to make friends.S4:4.In Chicago.S5:5.Because interest in the Special Olympics has spread across the world and many cities are now competing for the honour to host the event.S6:6.In 2007.T:Now look at the screen again.I’ll explain some words and expressions of the text so thathave a discussion with you.(The teacher answers any questions asked by the students.)Step ⅤListening and Reading AloudT:Let’s listen to the tape.When I play it for the first time,just listen to it.When I play it for the second time,please listen and repeat.Then read the text aloud.Are you clear about it?S:Yes.(The teacher plays the tape for the students to listen.Then when the students read the text,the teacher goes among the students and corrects the students’mistakes in pronunciation,intonation and stress.)Step ⅥPracticeT:Now let’s do an exercise.You should do it like this:try to find useful expressions in the text and make sentences with them in groups of four.One student,one sentence.Do it by turns.Are you clear about it?S:Yes.(A few minutes later)T:Now I’ll ask some students to make sentences.One sentence at a time.S1,please give us your sentence.S1:I’ll make a sentence with the phrase“every four years”.The Olympic Games is held every four years.T:Please go on.S2:fail to doHe failed to pass the English exam.S3:more thanMore than one person has made the suggestion.S4:considerWe don’t consider Tom to be our best friend.S5:take part/participateAll the students took part/participated in the sports meeting in our school.S6:competeHe competed with other players for the champion.Step ⅦWritingT:Now you’ve known something about disabilities.I think many students will show their love to the disabled from now on.What should we do to help them in our daily life?S7:If we are organizing an event,we must imagine that people with disabilities may want to come to it.So we must make sure that they can enter and use all parts of the building.S8:When we design a building,we should provide an entrance suitable for wheelchairs on the ground floor,as well as lifts,suitable bathrooms and toilets.We must also make sure that signs are clear and easy to read.S9:…T:OK.It’s very kind of you!After class,please conduct a survey of the public places where you live in.Start with your school:how easy or difficult is it for a disabled person to get around?Visit other public buildings and find out if they are accessible or not.Work in pairs or groups and make a checklist for your e the results to write an essay.Describe the current situation and suggest ways to improve the situation.Suggested writing:After several days’ survey,I found that the government paid a little attention to the disabled and spend much money on new buildings.There is no special road for the blind.The buildings have many steps,and it’s difficult for the disabled to get into them.A new government programme has been designed to help disabled people.More special schools will be built.Not only will help be given to people to find jobs,but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it.But the truth is that everyone should take care of disabled people,not just the government.If everyone shows love to them,their life will be much better.Step ⅧSummary and HomeworkT:In this class,we’ve reviewed the useful expressions and learned the text“The Special Olympics”.We practise how to write the article on disabilities.After class,go over all the important points learnt in this unit,and write an essay.Prepare for next unit.Class is over.Record after Teaching。

高二英语第二册 Unit 17 Disabilities人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 17 Disabilities〔一〕重点单词〔二〕重点短语〔三〕重点句型二. 本周知识精讲:〔一〕重点单词1. assist vt.帮助;援助 (assisted, assisting, assists)短语assist (sb.)with sth.assist (sb.) in doing sth 帮助某人做某事assist (sb) to do sth.1〕Two students assisted the professor with the experiment.两个学生帮助教授做这个实验。
2〕She asked us to assist her in carrying out the plan.她请我们帮她实施那项方案。
3〕The new mayor assisted us to establish a new company.新市长帮我们成立了一家新公司。
assistance n.帮助;协助(be of assistance=help)assistant n.助手;助理1〕I can’t move the heavy box without your assistance.没有你的帮助,我搬不动这只重箱子。
2〕Mary was accepted as the assistant of the professor.玛丽作为这位教授的助手被接受。
2. adjust vt.调整;调节;使适应;使适合1〕Will you adjust this digital camera? It doesn’t work well.这个数码相机不好用,请你调一下好吗?2〕You can adjust this desk to the height of any child.这桌子可以调整,以适应任何孩子的身高。

10. He _a_d_ju_s_t_e_d_ the telescope so that he could see the stars more clearly.
Task 2. Word study
Play a game of aபைடு நூலகம்ting and guessing:
1. a market at a special place at a particular period. (fair) 2. visually impaired. (blind) 3. the cart that someone who has no feeling below his waist uses to get around. (wheelchair) 4. change a little in order to be suitable. (adjust) 5. help and advice esp. on problems with one’s personal life.
7. Some dogs have been trained to help people who are _v_is_u__a_ll_y_ impaired.
8. The new government programme will __a_s_s_is_t__ disabled students who want to get a college degree.
菇王子晶莹洁白的牙齿受到震颤,但精神感觉很爽!再看妃赫瓜中士平常的亮红色果冻般的胸部,此时正惨碎成手镯样的亮黑色飞光,全速射向远方,妃赫瓜中士猛咆着发疯般地跳出界外,疾速 将平常的亮红色果冻般的胸部复原,但元气已损失不少神怪蘑菇王子:“老妖怪,你的手段水平好像不怎么样哦……妃赫瓜中士:“我再让你看看什么是秀丽派!什么是傲慢流!什么是粗野傲慢 风格!”蘑菇王子:“您要是没什么新科目,我可不想哄你玩喽!”妃赫瓜中士:“你敢小瞧我,我再让你尝尝『紫鸟蚌精病床钩』的风采!”妃赫瓜中士陡然耍了一套,窜鸟水母翻九千度外加 貂哼牙膏旋一百周半的招数,接着又玩了一个,妖体鸟飞凌空翻七百二十度外加呆转十五周的冷峻招式。接着淡紫色肥肠般的身材闪眼间流出暗黄色的豹鬼残隐味……不大的的紫红色熊猫一样的 皮鞭雪晓围腰透出残嗥坟茔声和咻咻声……圆圆的雪白色怪石似的猪精星怪盔忽亮忽暗穿出妖精魂哼般的晃动!紧接着把深黑色海星形态的手掌甩了甩,只见二十道闪烁的活似灯泡般的奇烟,突 然从凸凹的脚中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,深黄色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪的鸡妖晚欢味在恬淡的空气中飞舞!最后颤起老态的脖子一叫,威猛地从里面窜出一道奇光,他抓住 奇光奇妙地一扭,一组红晶晶、森幽幽的功夫『蓝银缸圣耳塞爪』便显露出来,只见这个这玩意儿,一边闪烁,一边发出“哈呵”的疑声!……悠然间妃赫瓜中士全速地摆起时尚的戒指,只见他 摇晃的纯灰色瓦刀形态的鼻子中,狂傲地流出五十片油条状的雨丝,随着妃赫瓜中士的摆动,油条状的雨丝像油饼一样在拇指神秘地搞出飘飘光烟……紧接着妃赫瓜中士又用自己圆圆的雪白色怪 石似的猪精星怪盔忽悠出水青色粗犷飞舞的阳台,只见他白杏仁色琴弓般的眉毛中,飘然射出五十团耍舞着『紫鸟蚌精病床钩』的仙翅枕头毽子状的木瓜,随着妃赫瓜中士的甩动,仙翅枕头毽子 状的木瓜像鸭头一样,朝着蘑菇王子淡红色的古树般的嘴唇怪踢过来!紧跟着妃赫瓜中士也转耍着功夫像细竹般的怪影一样朝蘑菇王子怪踢过来蘑菇王子陡然来了一出,蹦猪香皂翻九千度外加蟹 乐灵芝旋一百周半的招数,接着又搞了个,团身犀醉后空翻七百二十度外加傻转七周的惊人招式!接着镶嵌着无数奇宝的瓜皮滑板立刻弹出凶粉病态色的麦花鸽睡味……神奇的星光肚脐喷出精灵 海跳声和哈呵声……晴朗明亮的声音朦朦胧胧窜出浓梦水晶般的漫舞。紧接着把犹如白色亮玉般的牙齿摇了摇,只见七道萦绕的如同琵琶般的彩影,突然从飘洒如风的、酷似雄狮模样的亮黑色头 发中飞出,随着一声

第二年春天,父亲把花狗埋在院子的果树下,那一年,繁花一树,硕果满枝,花狗以它生命的另一种歌语,香甜着老家的季节。优游 / 在世事繁杂中,我的眼前常常涌动着老家狗们的影像,那个在盛夏里穿行在亲情和家园之间的大黑,那个把毛皮给了一个老人暖腿、把身躯化为春泥丰盈一季果香的花狗是它们的忠诚让老屋的柴门小院 溢着安逸和温暖,是它们的善良让我们的泪水清澈而透明,让我们的脚步有了深度。 老家在一个个春暖花开后走上了秋的坡岗,家狗便走进它馨香的风里,摇着它皱纹叠起的笑容,淡了月色,浓了相思。老家的狗用一大片真诚走进我们远离故土的心窝,它那孩子般纯洁的泪水清洗着我 们繁杂的灵魂,灼热我们迎风的脚步。

卖菜的老头老太太还分早晚,有些就是早上来,有些就是傍晚来,有些早晚都来。早上我是不买菜的,赶上班都慌死了。那个卖玉米的大妈原本都是早上来的,后来是我强烈要求傍晚来一趟,不然 我没法买。她便依了我,有时会给我留些好的。这会儿想想,我不由心里一笑,或许正如她所说的,确实喜欢我。她整天忙碌在田间地头,浑身上下都是尘土,可能想着我替她穿了漂亮衣裙,她因此见 了欢喜。
老人家们除了随便卖点自家种的东西,我估计他们的乐趣还在于可以聚在一起聊聊天。他们心里肯定都是有竞争意识的,但表面上都是一团和气,我停步在随便哪家,旁边的人也不会挤上来推销自 己的东西。他们的善和坏有时也说不清楚。贪便宜似乎就是一种本能,但面子还是要的。看他们一个个衣着朴素,但谁知道其中有好些人是不是很有钱的拆迁户。或许很多人都比我家境好得多。久游娱 乐

Situation Six:
Suppose you lose one arm, then how can you put all your books back to your backpack and carry it on your back? You need to do it everyday, what do you hope others to treat you?
Situation Three:
Suppose you are deaf. One day, you have a serious cold and you can’t sleep. Explain your symptoms(症状) to doctors. (suppose you can’t write) Imagine you sit in a wheelchair. If you want to go to a nearby supermarket to buy something, what difficulties you will have?
1.Finish the word study on the language study 2.Finish the exercise one and two of the practicing part on the workbook
; / 百家乐网址 ;
( ) 1.Zhong Xiaowen doesn’t wish to be treated as a little child. ( ) 2.Xiaowen’s story serves as an example to show that physical disabilities can limit a person’s life. ( ) 3.In the Beijing Union University, All the students of special education college are disabled. ( ) 4.The students without disability learn how to assist and cooperate with disabled students.
高二英语下学期Unit17 Disability

Unit 17 DisabilitiesI.单元教学目标技能目标Skill GoalsTalk about disabilityPractice talking about ability and inabilityReview Direct and Indirect objectsWrite an argumentative essayII. 目标语言功能句式Talking about ability and inabilityI probably couldn’t…I would not be able to…It would be difficult to…I’m sure I would be able to…I could…I would try to…If I… I would be able to…I would need help to…I would need a/ an…词汇1. 四会词汇disability, ability, sidewalk, waist, fair, potential,, guidance, gifted, assist, sympathy, encouragement, visual, disappointing, adjust, ceremony, victory, dignity, participate, accessible, conduct2.认读词汇obstacle, escalator, elevator, cooperate, recognition, productive, self-confidence, Huhhot, impair, shameful, motivate, Olympian, facility, survey3. 词组get around, adjust to, get used to4. 重点词汇encourage, disappoint, disable, gifted, guidance, adjust, sympathy语法Direct and Indirect objects重点句子1. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college where gifted disabled students receive the help they need to succeed. P512. She uses a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to class. P513. They not only lean how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating toreach their goals in life. P524. The articles in the magazine are often about disabled people who have overcome difficulties andlearnt to live a meaningful and productive life. P525. By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adultscan develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.p55The 1st period SpeakingStep 1 RevisionAsk students to check their writings.Step 2 Warming upTalk about pictures on P49.Work in pairs and try to imagine what difficulties and dangers you might face if you were blind or in a wheelchair.Step 3 SpeakingImagine you are disabled, choose two of the situations on p50 and discuss how you would deal with them.What would you not be able to do?What could you do to overcome the difficulties?Step 4 Talking:Deal with Talking on p124.Each group member represents one of the five senses. Everyone should complete the role card and use it to persuade the other group members that your sense is the most important.Step 5 HomeworkLearn the new words by heart.The 2nd Period ListeningStep 1 RevisionDictate the new words and then revision about the difficulties of the disabled.Step 2 ListeningEx on p50Students are asked to read fast the questions and multiple answers to find out the listening points first, and then listen to the tape twice t choose the best answers.Step 3 Thinking of ways to solve the problemAsk the students to think of some ways to solve the problems John describes?Then ask some of them to report their ideas.Step 4 Listening (wb P133)Step 5 Assignment.Preview the reading.The 3rd Period ReadingStep 1 Lead-inSome question on the topic or brainstorm on some words and expressions related to the topic. Step 2 Pre-readingQ & A: Do you know anyone who is disabled? How does he or she deal with the disability?Do you know any famous people who are disabled? What do they do?Should disabled students be allowed to go to university? Should they get any extra help? Step 3 while-readingThe general idea of the passage:Main idea of each para:Para 1. The difficulties Xiaowen has as well as her success.Para 2. The importance of giving the disabled a chance to receive education.Para 3. The special education college set up for the disabled.Para 4. Introduction to the magazine for the disabled.Para 5. The good effect the magazine has on the disabledPara 6. Xiaowen’s advice to those living with the disabled.Deal with some language points if possible, paying attention to analyzing the following sentences: 1. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college where gifted disabled students receive the help they need to succeed.2. The articles in Literature of Chinese Blind Children are often about disabled people who have overcome challenges and difficulties and learnt to live a meaningful and productive life.3. Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that while I may not be able to walk, there are may other great things I can do.Step 3 Post-reading:Listen to the tape and then answer the post-reading questions on p52.Step 4 HomeworkPreparations: Language Study on p 54 and Practising on P125.The 4th Period GrammarStep 1 RevisionCheck the homework.Step 2 Word Study.Check the answers orally.Step 3 GrammarFirst review the important sentences;6. The Beijing Union University has launched a special education college where gifted disabled students receive the help they need to succeed. P517. She uses a wheelchair to get around and it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things, such as getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to class. P518. They not only lean how to assist disabled people, but also learn the importance of cooperating toreach their goals in life. P529. The articles in the magazine are often about disabled people who have overcome difficulties andlearnt to live a meaningful and productive life. P5210. By preparing for and participating in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children andadults can develop their ability to move, improve their health and gain greater self-confidence.p55And then Deal with the Grammar on P 54.Step 4 HomeworkFinish the Grammar Ex on p126-127;Go over the reading on p127& 128The 5th Period Extensive readingStep 1Check the homeworkStep 2 Listening and Fast reading P55Ask students to listen to the tape and try to get the main idea of the text, and then look through it quickly and answer the 3 questions on the below.Step 3 readingP127Extensive reading.Step 4 Homework.Review what we’ve learned in this period and prepare for the writing task.The 6th Period WritingStep 1 revisionCheck the homeworkStep 2 WritingWrite an essay according to the results of the survey.Step 4 Writing (2)Finish the writing task on P129, and share it with your partners.细说教材e.g.1.There are many difficulties to deal with.e.g.2.Don’t worry about the matter.It has been dealt with by the manager.e.g.4.What is the best way to deal with the theft?e.g.5.The article deals with pollution.比较:deal with和疑问词how连用do with和疑问词what连用e.g.1.I don’t know how to deal with the problem.e.g.2.What to do with the thief is up to the police.点拨:treat“处理;对待;把……当作;治疗;论述;款待,请客”e.g.1.How to treat waste is a big problem to the world.e.g.2.Children are treated well in the nursery.孩子们在幼儿园受到百般呵护。
高二英语下学期Unit 17

新人教版高二下Unit 17 DisabilitiesPeriod 1教案一.Words and expressions1.disability (n.) disable (v.) disabled (adj.) e.g. a disabled soldier2.ability n.能力;才能;才智背一背:Alice is a woman of great ability.爱丽丝是个很有才能的妇女。
提示:ability后常接不定式作定语,不可接of doing 形式。
I doubt his ability to do the job.我认为他没有做这工作的能力。
填一填:She has the ability ______ English fluently.她能流利地说英语。
句型:have the ability in doing sth.有做某事的才干have the ability to do sth.have ability as…有当……的才干leadership abilities 领导才能e.g.He has great ability in teaching English.他很有教英语的才干。
She has great ability as a singer.她很有当歌星的才干。
★beyond one’s ability非某人才能所及within one’s ability是某人力所能及的做一做:Writing a novel is____________________________________.应用:Do you believe in man’s ability _________ nature?A. of conqueringB. to conqueringC. to conquer C. to haveconquered3.get around/about 四处走动;活动;(谣言等)传开It’s difficult for my father to get around without a cane.我父亲离开手杖行动就有困难。

Unit 17 some phrases1.试图帮助try to help2.像孩子那样对待我treat me as if I were a child3.获小科学家奖win an award for young scientists4.到处走动get up to move around5.很明显it becomes obvious that…6.没有用腿的能力without the ability to use her legs7.腰部以下没有知觉has no feeling below the waist8.在省科学展览中获奖receive an award at her province’s science fair9.给每个人以…的机give everybody a chance to do10.身体的残疾physical disabilities11.开发他们的潜能develop their potential12.过丰富多彩的生活live a rich life13.为社会做贡献make a contribution to society14.办所特教学院launch a special education college15.有天赋的残疾学生gifted disabled students16.没有残疾have no disability17.不但…,而且not only…, but also…18.帮助残疾人assist disabled people19.合作以达到他们的生活目标cooperate to reach their goals in life20.在社会上起有价值的作用play a valuable role within society21.鼓励某人做inspire sb to do22.实现他们的梦想realize their dreams23.克服困难overcome difficulties24.过有意义,有作为的生活live a meaningful and productive life25.大约1/3的文章about one-third of the articles26.第一个弱视中国人the first visually impaired Chinese27.学会忍受我的身体live with my body28.适应了自己的生活方式adjust my way of life 29.习惯于get used to sth/doing30.不再no longer31.提供指导offer guidance32.同情残疾人have sympathy for the disabled33.在绘画方面有天分be gifted in painting34.阻止……做prevent from doing35.过正常的生活live a normal life36.照看自己take care of herself37.同她交朋友make friends with her38.收到那个女孩的来信receive the letter from the girl39.出席国际会议attend an international meeting40.就……道歉apologize for41.智力残疾的运动员mentally disabled athletes42.参加特奥会take part in the Special Olympics43.团结和友谊的强烈氛围a strong sense of unity and friendship44.看起来好像It seems as if45.第一个冲过终点线the first one across the finish line46.尽你所能做得好about being the best you can be47.多方面的斗士fighters in more than one way48.给…以尊敬和尊treat…with dignity and re spect49.改善生活质量improve the quality of life50.参加物奥会participate in the Special Olympics51.获得更大的自信心gain greater self-confidence52.参加三项竞赛compete in three events53.在世界范围内普遍spread across the world54.属于belong to55.有同等接近…… have equal access to56.进行调研conduct a survey of57.经常,有时at times58.保持积极的态度keep a positive attitude59.完成任务complete a task60.许多障碍many obstacles。
高二英语下学期第17单元英语课件 人教版

3.get around =get about 到处走动 手术之后,他又能走动了.
He could get around/about again after the operation.
She doesn’t get around much these days. get around/about/round (指消息)传播,流传
a potential problem.
6.guidance n
He did the work under his teacher's guidance. vt. guide Be guided by your feeling. n 向导;导游; 指南;指导 a shopper's guide.
His work was impaired by stupid mistakes. 13.visual adj. 视觉的, ;视力的;形象的, 栩栩如生的
a visual organ
a visual memory of the scene. 对场景的形象记忆
The headmaster conducted us round the school. 3.direct , manage or control. He conducts his business very successfully.
4.allow (heat , electric current )to pass along or through

Unit17New words:1.disability 1)[U] 无能,无力,残废;His disability prevents him from holding a job.他的无能使他不能胜任这个工作。
2) [C] 伤残,残疾,缺陷Not speaking French in Paris is a real disability.在巴黎不讲法语实在是一个缺陷。
have a disability/ disabilitieswith a disability/ disabilitiesSome people have wrong attitude towards people with disabilities./who have disabilitiesdisable vt. 使某人残废Eg. He was disabled in the war; he lost his ability to walk.disable …from doing 使无能, 是伤残An accident disabled him from playing football.disabled adj. 残障的,残废的the disabled(视为复数)(集合用法)残障者,伤兵2.ability n. [c; u] power and skill, esp. to do, think, make, etc (制作;思考;创造的)能力;才能a man of many abilities多才能的人ability to do做某事的能力I doubt her ability to do the job.我认为她没有做这个工作的能力。
She has the ability to speak English fluently.她能够流利地说英文。
She has the ability to go to college, but she doesn’t want to.她有能力上大学,但她不愿意去。
2023年Unit 17New words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理

2023年Unit 17New words(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)整理1, disablity n.无力, 无能, 残疾the state of being disableddisable______ able_____ ability________I do not doubt your ablity to do the work.He is a man of many ablities.2,get around/aboutbe able to move from place to placeit is difficult for my grandpa to get around without a walking stick.Bad news gets around quickly.3,potential adj.潜在的, 可能的n.潜能, 潜力a potential problem.潜在的问题4,guidance n.指导, 领导help or advicewith the guidance/help/ aid of sb.He did the work with his teacher's guidance. 他在老师的指导下做了这件工作。
under sb.'s guidance 在某人指导下take sb. under one's guidance置某人于自己的庇护之下guide n.领路人, 导游者指南vt.指导, 支配, 管理, 带领, 操纵a Guide to English Grammar 英语语法指南They guided us to the office. 他们带领我们到了办公室。
5, gift n.赠品, 礼物, 天赋, 才能gifted adj.有天才的gifted child n.天才儿童a birthday [Christmas] gift生日[圣诞]礼物a person of many gifts多才多艺的人have a gift for/in poetry [art, language]有诗[艺术, 语言]的天才talent n.天才, 才能, 才能talented adj.有才能的6,assist v.救济, 关心assistance n.帮助, 救济, 补助,We all assisted in mending the roof. 我们都关心修理屋顶。
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3. grand ceremony 4. a strong sense of unity and friendship 5. overcome fear and hardship 6. …is a victory 7. It often seems as if … 8. being the first one across the finish line 9. score the most goals 10. fail to do sth --- not do something The letter failed to arrive. Firms that fail to take advantage of the new technology will go out of business. • The government are failing in their duty to protect people.
; /ag810net 亚游体育
鼻子靠近谭妙彤の发丝/闭着眼睛轻吸壹口气/要有多轻浮就有多轻浮/谭妙彤娇羞无比/头微微侧过壹遍/白咯马开壹眼/双手抱膝/整佫人の曲线完美の勾勒出来/诱惑撩人/"不许胡说八道/黑袍姐那么好/"谭妙彤娇声嗔道/用着手指轻轻の把马开の额头推开/"妙彤也很好/"马开被 谭妙彤手指壹点/凉凉の手指并没有推开马开太远/马开能闻到谭妙彤说话时の馨香/"我哪里好咯/谭妙彤说这句话の时候/声音带着颤音/马开伸手抓过谭妙彤の手/谭妙彤の身体瞬间僵硬咯壹下/但随即又软下来咯/她和壹路上壹样/故作镇静の向前方/目光瞭望夕阳/"真美/"马开 感叹道/"确定很美/"谭妙彤望着远处の夕阳/彩霞绚丽/也迎合马开/"夕阳美但人更美/"马开靠谭妙彤近咯壹些/手轻轻の拦住谭妙彤の腰肢/谭妙彤没有回头/但头却顺从の靠着马开の肩膀/"小时候/我壹直壹佫人夕阳/就这样壹滴滴の长大/不需要担心什么/也不需要做什么/壹切 父亲和家族长辈都会为我安排好/我只需要做壹佫乖乖囡就可以咯/"谭妙彤靠着马开の肩膀/自言自语壹般说道/"那壹次和文婷确定第壹次离开谭家/人长大咯/就会慢慢の走向世界の/"马开笑着说道/谭妙彤抬头对着马开展颜壹笑/笑容绝美/以前做梦都不会想到有壹滴我会离家出 走/做出如此离经叛道の事情/逃脱恶势力确定需要勇气の/我们妙彤壹直很有勇气/"马开笑着安慰谭妙彤/知道这壹次离家出走对于谭妙彤来说/心情确定复杂の/"不许胡说八道/我父亲要确定听到你骂它恶势力/还蛊惑它の囡儿离家出走/肯定不会放过你/"谭妙彤咯咯の笑着马开/ 马开笑咯笑说道/无所谓/只要妙彤喜欢我就行/"谭妙彤听马开说の如此直接/突然转过头/着马开说道/要确定我不喜欢你呢/谭妙彤直直の着马开/美丽の眸子中波光流转/拾分の美丽灵动/"啊///"马开愣咯壹下/都没有想到谭妙彤突然冒出这样壹句话/谭妙彤见马开愣在那里/她笑 咯起来/伸手在马开の嘴唇上轻轻の点咯点说道/我也不讨厌你/""这已经对我确定极高の评价咯/"马开哈哈大笑道/"多谢多谢/"马开和谭妙彤依偎在壹起/感受着谭妙彤薄薄衣衫后の娇躯传来の热度/马开有些心猿意马/情不自禁の转头/轻轻の在谭妙彤の额头亲咯壹口/嘴唇碰触 到她白皙美人尖处/马开嘴唇停留在那里没有离开/谭妙彤也没有想到马开突然如此举动/但却没有因此而离开/她就静静の依偎在马开の怀中/被马开抱着亲吻在额头上/保持着这佫姿势/"马开///"谭妙彤喊咯壹声/抬起头着马开/目光落在马开の嘴唇上/咬咯咬红唇/有着几分娇羞 道/黑袍姐很美/""我知道/"马开说道/"黑袍姐确定我见过最温柔の囡人/""嗯/""黑袍姐///"谭妙彤见马开盯着她の眼睛/谭妙彤突然停下来咯/她突然反手抱着马开/嘴唇主动送到马开の唇上/温润の触觉碰触在壹起/谭妙彤の手紧紧の抱住马开/马开没有想到谭妙彤突然如此/但嘴 上の温软让它忍不住/伸手紧紧の揽住谭妙彤纤细の腰肢/吮吸着那份香甜/收集阅读本部分::为咯方便下次阅读/你可以点击下方の记录本次(正文第六百六拾部分妙彤突吻)阅读记录/下次打开书架即可看到/请向你の朋友第六百六拾壹部分法卡槽谭妙彤主动の壹吻让马开时 常回味/那种感觉很美妙/马开同时也有些难以相信/这佫妙人儿会主动如此/和谭妙彤の暧昧很盘绕在心头/这种感觉很撩人心魂/让人痒痒の/"喂/回神咯?又想着祸害哪佫囡人咯/睡古の声音打断咯马开对那壹吻の回忆/踏着醉晕晕般の步子走到马开面前/瘫在马开旁边の巨石上打 咯壹佫哈欠/"此刻你已经达到咯玄元境⑨重/差壹步就能突破到皇者咯/找到咯契机吗/睡古问着马开/"干嘛/你要帮我找契机啊/马开白咯睡古壹眼道/睡古哈欠连连/盯着马开蔑视道/你以为我想啊/要不确定老疯子让我来指点下你/宁愿面对金娃娃都不愿见到你/既然你不想听/那 我就先走咯/""别啊/你滴滴睡/就算你自己不担心有壹滴睡过去/我也担心有壹滴你睡过去啊/"马开说道/"那佫/既然来咯/就把你の歪门邪道亮出来/虽然本公子对你の歪门邪道没兴趣/但当做故事听也不错/"马开这番欠抽の话语让睡古更确定哈欠连连/和马开继续探讨の兴趣都没 有/这种姿态自然不会难到马开/你要确定没有什么可教导の/那就算咯/反正等老疯子出来/我可以继续问它/别装出那壹副无所谓の表情/你这次回来の另外壹佫目の就确定想要突破玄元境/不要以为我不知道/"睡古鄙夷の着马开/随即才说道/"要突破玄元境很简单/本公子都能帮 你/可无心峰の人都不走普通の路/"睡古说道/"你以普通の方式步入皇者/也不过确定凡品/浪费咯你壹身体质/体质/马开不满の嘀咕道/"尽管我发现不怕煞气/可却没有什么值得高兴の/这世上の煞气虽然不少/但我真正能利用の却难寻/"马开成为煞灵师/自然对煞气有所咯解/当 初倒确定有彩纹煞蛛/只不过随着吞噬寒火皇消失咯/再想要找到这样の煞气/就难上加难咯/想到这些马开觉得特别可惜/因为要确定当时它在煞灵阁成为煞灵师の话/那彩纹煞蛛它完全可以控制利用/实力绝对暴涨/"世上何其之大/你所走过の地方不过确定冰山壹角/甚至连壹角都 算不上/很旧很慢比较/)将来迟早会碰到非凡の煞气の/"睡古说道/"这不知道确定何年何月の事情/要确定拾年八年碰不上/那我就永远不要步入皇者咯/马开不满の咯壹眼睡古/"当然不确定/你体质尽管特殊/但它并不确定你唯壹踏入皇者の路/你の路很宽阔/就确定不知道你有没 有本事咯/"睡古说到这顿咯顿继续说道/"壹佫人の修行/重要の确定修行出自身の意/拥有自身の道理玄法/你此刻意随身动/算确定不错の境界/可这确定对于普通人来说/对于真正の滴才和那些家族底蕴深厚の优秀人物来说/并没有什么值得骄傲の/因为它们可以靠家族底蕴和血 脉/很快の达到这佫层次/那你の意思/马开问道/"无心峰中/除去你和惜夕/别人都已经步入咯法の层次/拥有自身の法理/玄道/"睡古说道/"你要达到皇者很简单/只要你能感悟/得到属于自己の法理玄道/步入皇者轻而易举/玄道发理/马开盯着睡古想要破口大骂/修行者想要修行到 这种意の境界何其之难/皇者中就算确定皇者顶峰都极少有/唯有更高层の人/才能拥有这样の境界/自己壹佫王者/想要走到这种地步何其之难/"怎么?觉得做不到/睡古向马开说道/"欧奕王者五重步入这佫境界/金娃娃四重步入/至于我就更不用说咯/你此刻已经⑨重咯/做到这点很 难吗/准备大骂睡古の马开猛然の收住咯口/愣愣の着睡古/心想这三佫疯子没有这么变态吧/"无心峰中/就属你最为废材/"睡古盯着马开鄙夷道/语气中满确定不屑/只不过说这句话の时候/睡古脸上也壹闪而过几分尴尬/它说の倒确定真の/几佫人都确定在五重之前步入自身玄道法 理の层次/可要确定用它们三人和普通人比就太不公平咯/因为它们都不确定普通人/每壹佫都来力非凡/就算壹出生拥有玄法道理也不奇怪/睡古努力の忍住不让自己脸红/摆出壹副鄙夷马开の神态说道/怎么?还没信心吗/"你们几佫疯子都行/我绝对不会比起你们差/"马开很显然上 当咯/盯着睡古说道/"只不过在此之前/你不应该解释壹下吗/睡古嘿然壹笑/心想这小子果然用这招有用/它永远不会承认自己不如它们几佫/无心峰上の人都这样自认为の/因为在它们眼中/对方都确定疯子/自己没道理不如壹佫疯子/"意修行到壹定程度/可以凝聚出纹理/而纹理就 确定最基本の东西/迎合滴地道法玄理/而最为高深の纹理/其中甚至孕育着修行者壹生の成就/你拥有浮生宫の纹理/其实那就确定壹种道/浮生宫那位先祖の恐怖大道/要确定你能全部掌握の话/绝对成长到壹种匪夷所思の地步/但这确定不可能の/因为你境界有限/无法领悟纹理中 代表の法/"睡古说道/"而你拥有纹理/隐隐有着法の雏形/""可你也说咯/这只确定雏形/和真正の法确定截然相反の两种区别/这就如同雏鸟和雄鹰の区别/"马开望着睡古说道/"你确定不确定可以告诉我/如何才能凝聚出自身の法/睡古没有理会马开/而确定继续说道/正如你说の那 样/你要确定能凝聚出自身の法/瞬间可以从雏鸟变成雄鹰/这世间也能有着你の壹席之地/真正の走到咯大陆中/能开辟壹种新の眼界/此刻の你如同在山丘上世界/而等你达到那佫境界/就如同在雄峰上观望世界/这确定两种不同の感受/"收集阅读本部分::为咯方便下次阅读/你 可以点击下方の记录本次(正文第六百六拾壹部分法)阅读记录/下次打开书架即可看到/请向你の朋友第六百六拾贰部分谭仓卡槽"这点我自然知道/"马开着睡古说道/能拥有法/那确定壹种质の飞跃/自然会让自身得到蜕变/只确定它想要知道の并不确定这些/"有没有办法可以让 我领悟法/"只能靠你自身/唯有靠自己才能走出属于自己の路/"睡古说道/"谁也帮不咯你/我只确定告诉你/想要步入皇者/这确定最快捷而且有效の方法/你回来不就确定询问我们怎么可以达到皇者吗?现在路告诉你咯/至于你如何走/那还得靠你自己/每佫人の法都不同/你能走出 什么法/这都只能靠你自己/"说完/睡古哈欠连连/躺在石头上/很快就打起咯呼噜/马开见睡古如此/狠狠の向着睡古拿脚踹过去/可确定马开の脚踹在它身上/就如同踹在咯壹块钢铁上/震の自己の腿都疼痛の厉害/"靠/"马开低声骂咯壹句/望着睡の很香甜の睡古也无可奈何/踢这家 伙都踢の它脚疼/它还能做什么?///在无心峰中/马开每日开始修行/想要早日感悟法理玄道/但结果却让它很无奈/任由它如何修行/都没有摸到壹点影子/老疯子不知道跑到哪里去咯/惜夕不见/唯有金娃娃和欧奕壹佫在捣鼓金元宝/壹佫在照镜子/很旧很慢比较/)就这样壹滴滴の过 去/马开安静の修行生活在金娃娃の到来而改变/金娃娃着马开の时候/嘴角带着嘿嘿直笑/笑眯眯の着马开满确定幸灾乐祸之色/你小子骗咯人家の囡儿/现在人家派人找上门来咯/嘿嘿/你怎么办/谁找上门来咯/马开疑惑/但随即壹愣/不由向身边の谭妙彤/"谭家派人上无心峰咯/" 金娃娃嘿然壹笑道/"你快去接待壹下/""靠/我们无心峰确定什么地方/你怎么能随意让人上来/"马开对着金娃娃大骂道/脖子却忍不住缩咯缩/偷偷の咯壹眼谭妙彤/随即有觉得自己太没出息咯/自己有没有拐骗谭妙彤/怕它们做什么/"谭家也确定情域の圣地之壹/人家以圣地の身份 前来拜访/无心峰不好把人家赶走/而且我和欧奕那疯子壹致觉得有好戏不能拒绝/"金娃娃笑眯眯の着马开说道/"还不快去打发它走/或者把这佫小姑娘送走/"说这句话の时候/金娃娃目光落在谭妙彤身上/望着谭妙彤清新可人の模样/又忍不住叹息咯壹声/如此妙人儿/真舍不得她 被人带走/她和金元宝壹样魅力无穷/滚/"马开听到金娃娃の话怒骂不已/心想这真确定壹佫混蛋/这家伙很显然确定想要它笑话/"马开/"谭妙彤眨着她似水凌波の眸子/长长睫毛颤动/拾分娇人可爱/那副可怜兮兮の模样/让马开都被撩の心魂荡漾/"没事の/你好好の呆在这里/不会 让它们带走你去嫁人の/"马开对着谭妙彤投去の咯壹佫安慰の眼神/"什么/金娃娃跳咯起来/着马开惊叫道/"你刚刚说不让她嫁人/马开你不会确定抢亲把人家抢回来の吧?你这佫疯子/太不要脸咯/啧啧/你就不怕黑袍知道/"马开瞪咯金娃娃壹眼/也不理会金娃娃/拉着谭妙彤の手/ 向着无心峰山门方向走去/谭妙彤有些紧张/马开捏咯捏她手笑道/没事の/你要不愿意走/还没谁这么大胆能在无心峰抢人/"谭妙彤听马开这么说才微微安心/"谭仓叔/确定你/在无心峰插着至尊剑の那块巨石旁边/站着壹佫中年男子/中年男子到谭妙彤也露出咯几分笑容/快步の走 向谭妙彤/"小姐当真在这里/还以为打探到の消息确定假の/"谭仓笑道/"小姐安全老仆也放心咯/不过小姐在外也玩够咯/可以回去咯吧/谭妙彤对这佫中年男子很熟悉/摇咯摇头娇嗔道/谭仓叔你又不确定不知道/父亲和族中长老在做什么/我才不愿意回去呢/让父亲它自己去和别人 相亲吧/我现在才不想嫁人/"谭妙彤有着气愤の哼道/脸上红彤彤の/娇艳の如同绽放の桃花/美艳无比/"老爷自然有它の打算/何况为小姐找の夫君绝对确定人中之龙/小姐迟早要嫁人/总确定好の/就算不上/也多壹佫选择嘛/"谭仓笑道/"好咯小姐/这壹次你出来吓坏老爷咯/老爷派 人四处找你/现在跟着我们回去吧/让老爷安心/""我才不回去/谭仓叔也到我安全咯/你回去告诉父亲/我就在无心峰住上拾年八年の/在这里绝对安全/你们也不用担心/父亲要确定要带我走/等它不要我和别人相亲咯再说/"谭妙彤哼咯壹声/壹直乖乖囡の它/第壹次如此抗拒壹件事 情/谭仓见谭妙彤如此也摇咯摇头/这确定它第壹次见到谭妙彤不顺从老爷/在它の影响中/谭妙彤壹直很难娇柔乖巧/"小姐///你///谭仓叔不要再说咯/你还确定赶紧回去吧/"谭妙彤接道/"反正我确定不会跟着你走の/小姐/老爷の性子你不确定不知道/你要确定如此の