Private Water




不私自下水游泳,作文Swimming in open water without permission is not only dangerous, but it can also have serious legal and environmental consequences. (在未获许可的情况下在开放水域游泳不仅危险,还可能带来严重的法律和环境后果。

)From a legal perspective, swimming in open water without permission can result in fines or even criminal charges. In many places, swimming in certain bodies of water is strictly prohibited due to safety concerns or environmental protection regulations. Trespassing on private property to access the water can also lead to legal trouble. (从法律角度来看,未经许可在开放水域游泳可能会导致罚款甚至刑事指控。



)Besides legal consequences, unauthorized swimming in open water can pose significant safety risks. Without the proper supervision, swimmers may encounter dangerous currents, underwater obstacles, or unexpected wildlife. Additionally, open water swimming often lacks the built-in safety measures and lifeguards found at designatedswimming areas, increasing the likelihood of accidents or emergencies. (除了法律后果,未经许可在开放水域游泳可能会带来重大的安全风险。

toilet water翻译

toilet water翻译

toilet water翻译toilet表示“厕所”,water是“水”,那“toilet water”是什么意思呢?当然直译“toilet water”就是“厕所水”或者“马桶水”了。

但除此之外,它作为另外一种水也非常被人们熟知,发挥一下你的想象力猜猜是什么呢?我们来揭晓谜底啦!我们先来看看剑桥词典上“toilet water”的英语解释。

这里weak表示“淡淡的”,perfume表示“香水”,toilet water就指的是:淡香水(可涂在皮肤上的有香味的液体)。

“toilet water”这个说法是和法语有关系的,法语中有这样一个词Eau de Toilette,我们经常会在一些香水瓶子上看到这个法语。

eau是法语的“水”,de 在法语中是相当于介词of,toilette是法语的“梳洗”。



你还知道“香水”的其他英文表达嘛?01 Fragrance[ˈfreɪɡrəns]香氛范围较广,只要有香味,都可以叫作fragrance,包括香水、香膏、香体喷雾、止汗露等。


02 Perfume[ˈpɜːfjuːm]香水是通俗的香水称呼,注意重音位置在开头。


Eau de Parfum香水简称EDP,也写作Parfum de Toilette香精含量为15-20%,留香时间6小时左右。

Eau de Toilette淡香水简称EDT,英文译为toilet water,又叫盥用水香精含量5%-15%,持续时间3-4小时。

Eau de Cologn古龙水香精含量为2%-4%,多见于男香。

Eau Fraiche清淡香水香精含量为1%-3%,市面上的剃须水、香水剂等都属于这一等级,留香时间最短。

Emergency drinking water supplies

Emergency drinking water supplies

EMERGENCY DRINKING WATER SUPPLIESDorothy L. MinerExtension Water Quality Associate SpecialistWhy have an emergency water supply?We often take our household water supply for granted. However, when safe drinking water is unavailable, it is more than just an inconvenience - it can become a health emergency. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and winter storms are examples of natural disasters that can interrupt the supply of safe drinking water. Interruptions may be for only a short period of time, or for days. Every household should have an emergency water supply to meet its members' needs during these situations. You may be able to purchase bottled drinking or distilled water at the time of need, but stores may quickly sell out.How much water should I store?Having an ample supply of water is a top priority in an emergency. Everyone's needs will differ, depending upon age, physical condition, activity, diet and climate. Most people need to drink at least two quarts (64 ounces), which is equal to eight cups, of water each day. Hot environments can double the amount needed as the body uses water for cooling. The amount of water you need will also depend on the total amount of juices, soups, other drinks, and high moisture foods that are available. Children, nursing women, and ill people will need more. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing your activity level. Additional water will be needed for food preparation and hygiene. In general, store at least one gallon of water per person, per day of expected need. If you have pets, allow 1 quart per day for each dog or cat.Storing at least a three-day supply is recommended, but consider storing a two-week supply if your home has enough space for it.What containers should I use?You can store water in food grade plastic or glass containers with tight fitting screw-on caps. Food-grade containers include those that previously held beverages, such as 2-liter soda bottles and other water, juice, or punch containers. Plastic milk bottles should be avoided, because it is difficult to remove protein and fat residues, which may allow bacteria to grow during storage.You can buy new plastic containers for water storage in most housewares and sporting goods departments, and clean food-grade containers may be available for purchase at water vending machines. Only purchase containers labeled for storage of food or beverages.Containers not labeled for food or beverage storage could release harmful chemicals into the water. Never use a container that has held toxic substances, because tiny amounts may remain in the container's pores. Some plastic containers may affect the taste of stored water. Chlorine bleach bottles may be a food approved plastic, but contain an anti-static agent which prevents accumulation of dust during storage and are thus not recommended. Most plastics used in waterbeds are not approved food storage plastics. Avoid using containers that will decompose or break, such as milk cartons or glass bottles. Also, some old glass jars were made with glass that contains lead, and unacceptable amounts of lead can leach into water stored in them even for short periods.How should I prepare the containers?Wash the containers and lids thoroughly with hot tap water and dish detergent. Rinse thoroughly with hot tap water.Can I store my tap water?Municipal Water SupplyIf you are on a municipal water supply, the water you are currently using for drinking and cooking should also be suitable for storing for emergencies. Municipal water supplies include public water supplies such as "city water", or "county water". Water from a public water supply is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). EPA and the State of North Carolina require that all public water suppliers regularly test for bacteria and deliver water that meets EPA drinkingwater standards. While you can expect that water from a public water supply will be safe, remember that the container used to collect and store the water must also be clean.Private Water SupplyPrivate water supplies include individual wells and springs. If you are on a private water supply, it is recommended that you buy bottled water to store. Be sure the bottled water label has the IBWA (International Bottled Water Association) or NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal, or an NYSDH certification number. These organizations require periodic water testing and inspections of the bottling facility . Only sealed, unopened bottles should be stored.The quality of the well construction and of the water in private water supplies varies greatly in North Carolina. Wells and springs are not subject to any regulation, except that in some counties they are inspected when they are installed. There are no requirements for testing the water. Even if the water has been tested for coliform bacteria, there are other microorganisms that could cause problems during storage. Organic matter, which may not be visible in the water, can make chlorine ineffective. For these reasons, it is risky to store water from private wells and springs.If you are on a private water supply, a generator will allow you to continue pumping water when there is a power outage. Contact your local Extension center for information about safe use of a generator.Community Water SystemsIf you are on a community water system, this water should be tested regularly by the operator. The EPA requires regular testing of any system that has at least 15 service connections or regularly serves at least 25 individuals. This testing is more extensive than just bacterial testing, and should be conducted at least quarterly. Water quality can vary with weather and other conditions, so test results should show a pattern of meeting EPA standards year-round. The owner or operator should be able to show you documentation of these test results. Water from a system which meets these requirements should be safe to store, with the same treatment as municipal water.If your community water system owner or operator cannot provide documentation that EPA requirements have been met year-round, this water should be considered the same as water from a private well. Storing bottled water (see private water supplies, above) is probably much less risky than storing water from such a supply.Vended Water SupplyWater vending machines are systems where customers fill their own containers with water that has been treated in some way. Vended water is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Since FDA requires that water for vending machines come from an approved public water supply, the assumption is that the water meets EPA drinking water standards. The vending machine normally provides additional treatment to that done by the municipality. However, the machine must be kept clean, and the treatment equipment must be properly maintained, in order for the vended water to be good quality. Additionally, the container used to collect and store the water must be clean, as anything remaining in the container after cleaning could result in bacterial contamination.Should I boil the water before storing it?Boiling the water before storage is not recommended. It will not prevent all problems that may occur during storage. In addition, boiling may concentrate other contaminants as the water evaporates away.What if I have a water treatment device?If you are on a municipal water system, water from a properly installed and maintained treatment system may be stored for emergency use. It should be treated the same as untreated tap water from a municipal supply.If you are on a private water system, you should still consider purchasing bottled water for storage. Most water treatment systems and purification pitchers are effective for treating some types of contaminants, but may not remove other types of contaminants at all. Most improve water for day-to-day use, but do not remove the contaminants we are concerned about during storage.An improperly maintained water treatment system may actually make the water quality worse, by adding contaminants back into it instead of removing them.If a person on a private water supply has a whole-house treatment system that includes a process such as reverse osmosis or distillation, the water could be safe to store if the system was installed correctly, and if the owner has properly maintained the system.How should I treat the water for storage?Be sure that the water you are treating is drinking-quality water to begin with. To treat water for storage, use liquid household chlorine bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. Do not use bleach with soaps or scents added. Add the bleach according to the table below, using a clean, uncontaminated medicine dropper.convert drops to standard measuring units.detectable by odor after the 30 minute waiting period. If the water does not smell like chlorine at that point, repeat the dose and let it stand another 15 minutes. Place caps on containers and attach labels describing the contents and when each was prepared.Water stored in metal containers should not be treated, prior to storage, with chlorine since the chlorine compound is corrosive to most metals. Therefore, only very pure water should be stored in metal containers.Where should I store the water and for how long?Store containers in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Because most plastic beverage containers degrade over time, store them away from heat and light to prevent leakage. Because hydrocarbon vapors canpenetrate polyethylene plastics, store water in plastic containers away from gasoline, kerosene, pesticides, or similar substances.Water weighs over 8 pounds per gallon. Make sure the shelves or area in which you store the water is strong enough to support the weight. For best quality, replace water stored from a public, or vended water supply every six months. For commercially bottled distilled or drinking water, check the label for an expiration date. If none is given, bottled water with the IBWA or NSF seal should have a shelf-life of at least one year. To improve the taste of water stored for a long time, pour it from one clean container to another clean container several times, to put air back into it.You can also store water for an extended period of time in the freezer. If you lose electricity, the frozen water will help keep foods in the freezer frozen until power is restored. Leave 2 to 3 inches of air space in the top of containers before freezing, to keep the container from breaking as water expands during freezing. Some glass containers may break regardless of the air space provided.How do I keep water in opened containers safe?Do not use water that is cloudy, or water that has any odor other than the chlorine you added. Once opened, sanitary measures are important when using the water to keep it safe and to control exposure to bacteria. To reduce the chance of water contamination, do not open more containers than are needed at the time. If electrical power is available, store opened containers in a refrigerator at or below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If refrigeration is not available and containers are stored at room temperature, be extra careful to avoid introducing bacterial contamination into the bottled water. Use water in opened containers within one or two days.What if I don't have enough stored water, and run out when I need it?If supplies run low, never ration drinking water. Drink the amount you need today, and try to find more for tomorrow. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing your activity level.Hidden Water Sources in Your Home:If a disaster catches you without a big enough stored supply of clean water, you can use the water in your hot-water tank, pipes, and ice cubes. As a last resort, you can use water in the reservoir tank of your toilet (not the bowl).Do you know the location of your incoming water valve? You'll need to shut it off to stop contaminated water from entering your home if you hear reports of broken water or sewage lines, or a failure at the water treatment plant.To use the water in your pipes, shut off the incoming water valve. Let air into the plumbing by turning on the faucet in your house at the highest level. A small amount of water will trickle out. Then obtain water from the lowest faucet in the house.To use the water in your hot-water tank, be sure that plumbing fixtures and the water heater are not submerged by flood. Turn the electricity or gas off, and turn off the water intake valve. Start the water flowing by opening the drain at the bottom of the tank and turning on a hot-water faucet. Do not turn on the gas or electricity when the tank is empty.Waterbeds hold up to 400 gallons of water, but some water beds contain toxic chemicals that are not fully removed by purifiers. If used as an emergency water resource, drain it yearly and refill it with fresh water containing two (2) ounces (1/4 cup) of bleach per 120 gallons of water. Do not add algicides or other additives (with the exception of chlorine bleach) if this water is to be used as a water reserve. Before use, water should be boiled.Other Sources of WaterIf you need to find water outside your home, the only sources may contain harmful bacteria. Be sure to purify the water according to the instructions listed below before drinking it.Some possible sources are: collected rainwater; streams, rivers and other moving bodies of water; ponds and lakes; and natural springs. Avoid water with floating material, an odor or dark color. Use saltwater only if you distill it first. You should not drink floodwater.Three Ways to Purify Water:In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain microorganisms that cause diseases such as dysentery, typhoid andhepatitis. You should purify all water of uncertain purity before using it for drinking, food preparation or hygiene.There are many ways to purify water. None is perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Two easy purification methods are outlined below. These measures will kill most microbes but will not remove other contaminants such as heavy metals, salts and most other chemicals. Before purifying, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of paper towel, coffee filter, or clean cloth.1.Boiling Boiling is the safest method of purifying water. Bring water to a rolling boil for 3-5 minutes, keeping in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool before drinking.Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring the water back and forth between two clean containers. This will also improve the taste of stored water.2.Disinfection You can use household liquid bleach to kill microorganisms. Use only regular household liquid bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite. Do not use scented bleaches, color-safe bleaches, or bleaches with added cleaners.Add 16 drops of bleach per gallon of water, stir and let stand for 30 minutes. If the water does not have a slight bleach odor, repeat the dosage and let stand another 15 minutes.The only agent used to purify water should be household liquid bleach. Iodine, water treatment products sold in camping or surplus stores, and other chemicals that do not contain 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite as the only active ingredient, are not recommended and should not be used.While the two methods described above will kill most microbes in water, distillation will remove microbes that resist these methods, and heavy metals, salts and most other chemicals.3.Distillation: Distillation involves boiling water and then collecting the vapor that condenses back to water. The condensed vapor will not include salt and other impurities. To distill, use a clean pot with a lid that has a knob-type handle in the center. Fill the pot halfway with water. Turn the pot's lid upside-down and tie a cup under the handle, so that the cup will hang right-side-up (make sure the cup is not dangling into the water) and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.SummaryEvery home should have a supply of water stored for at least three days of emergency use. Store one gallon per person per day, and one quart per small pet. The water should be either municipal or bottled water, because these sources are inspected and tested regularly for many different contaminants. The container used for storing water must be clean, and made for food and water use. Household bleach is the only disinfectant needed in the water for storage. Rotate or use the stored water supply every six months.With only a small amount of effort and money, your family can be prepared with this most important necessity: a safe, adequate supply of drinking water during any natural disaster or power outage.。



《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量mass curve 累积曲线capital investment 投资recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管 adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和 (状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的hydrostatic pressure 静水压力water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作 water-table] Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透 , 渗透性Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土gravel ['ɡrævəl] n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】 1) (定理的)求导,推导 2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi. 偏移,形成分支sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡Water Supply(给水工程)A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。






英语六级听力真题长对话篇1Conversation OneM: So how long have you been a Market Research Consultant?W: Well, I started straight after finishing university.M: Did you study market research?W: Yeah, and it really helped me to get into the industry, but I have to say that it's more important to get experience in different types of market research to find out exactly what you're interested in.M: So what are you interested in?W: Well, at the moment, I specialize in quantitative advertising research, which means that I do two types of projects. Trackers, which are ongoing projects that look at trends or customer satisfaction over a long period of time. The only problem with trackers is that it takes up a lot of your time. But you do build up a good relationship with the client. I also do a couple of ad-hoc jobs which are much shorter projects.M: What exactly do you mean by ad-hoc jobs?W: It's basically when companies need quick answers to their questions about their consumers' habits. They just ask for one questionnaire to be sent out for example, so the time you spend on an ad-hoc project tends to be fairly short.M: Which do you prefer, trackers or ad-hoc?W: I like doing both and in fact I need to do both at the sametime to keep me from going crazy. I need the variety.M: Can you just explain what process you go through with a new client?W: Well, together we decide on the methodology and the objectives of the research. I then design a questionnaire. Once the interviewers have been briefed, I send the client a schedule and then they get back to me with deadlines. Once the final charts and tables are ready, I have to check them and organize a presentation.M: Hmm, one last question, what do you like and dislike about your job?W: As I said, variety is important and as for what I don't like, it has to be the checking of charts and tables.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q1: What position does the woman hold in the company?Q2: What does the woman specialize in at the moment?Q3: What does the woman say about trackers?Q4: What does the woman dislike about her job?Conversation TwoW: Hello, I'm here with Frederick. Now Fred, you went to university in Canada?M: Yeah, that's right.W: OK, and you have very strong views about universities in Canada. Could you please explain?M: Well, we don't have private universities in Canada. They’re all public. All the universities are owned by the government, so there is the Ministry of Education in charge of creating the curriculum for the universities and so there is not much room for flexibility. Since it's a government operatedinstitution, things don't move very fast. If you want something to be done, then their staff do not have so much incentive to help you because he's a worker for the government. So I don't think it's very efficient. However, there are certain advantages of public universities, such as the fees being free. You don't have to pay for your education. But the system isn't efficient, and it does not work that well.W: Yeah, I can see your point, but in the United States we have many private universities, and I think they are large bureaucracies also. Maybe people don't act that much differently, because it’s the same thing working for a private university. They get paid for their job. I don’t know if they're that much more motivated to help people. Also, we have a problem in the United States that usually only wealthy kids go to the best schools and it's kind of a problem actually.M: I agree with you. I think it's a problem because you're not giving equal access to education to everybody. It’s no t easy, but having only public universities also might not be the best solution. Perhaps we can learn from Japan where they have a system of private and public universities. Now, in Japan, public universities are considered to be the best.W: Right. It's the exact opposite in the United States.M: So, as you see, it's very hard to say which one is better.W: Right, a good point.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q5: What does the woman want Frederick to talk about?Q6: What does the man say about the curriculum in Canadian universities?Q7: On what point do the speakers agree?Q8: What point does the man make at the end of the conversation?英语六级听力真题长对话篇2Lecture 1The negative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere. In just the past few weeks, the world has witnessed the destructive powers of earthquakes in Indonesia, typhoons in the Philippines, and the destructive sea waves that struck Samoa and neighboring islands.A study by the Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters finds that, between 1980 and 2007, nearly 8,400 natural disasters killed more than two-million people. These catastrophic events caused more than $1.5 trillion in economic losses.U.N. weather expert Geoffrey Love says that is the bad news. "Over the last 50 years, economic losses have increased by a factor of 50. That sounds pretty terrible, but the loss of life has decreased by a factor of 10 simply because we are getting better at warning people. We are making a difference. Extreme events, however, will continue to occur. But, the message is that they may not be disasters."Love, who is director of Weather and Disaster Risk Reduction at the World Meteorological Organization, says most of the deaths and economic losses were caused by weather, climate, or water-related extremes. These include droughts, floods, windstorms, strong tropical winds and wildfires.He says extreme events will continue. But, he says extreme events become disasters only when people fail to prepare for them."Many of the remedies are well-known. From a planning perspective, it is pretty simple. Build better buildings. Don’tbuild where the hazards will destroy them. From an early-warning perspective, make sure the warnings go right down to the community level. Build community action plans. ”The World Meteorological Organization points to Cuba and Bangladesh as examples of countries that have successfully reduced the loss of life caused by natural disasters by taking preventive action.It says tropical cyclones formerly claimed dozens, if not hundreds of lives, each year, in Cuba. But, the development of an early-warning system has reversed that trend. In 2008, Cuba was hit by five successive hurricanes, but only seven people were killed.Bangladesh also has achieved substantial results. Major storm surges in 1970 and 1991 caused the deaths of about 440,000 people. Through careful preparation, the death toll from a super tropical storm in November 2007 was less than 3,500.Q16. What is the talk mainly about?Q17. How can we stop extreme events from turning into events?Q18. What does the example of Cuba serve to show?Lecture 2As U.S. banks recovered with the help of American government and the American taxpayers, president Obama held meetings with top bank execut ives, telling them it’s time to return the favor. “The way I see it are banks now having a greater obligation to the goal of a wide recovery,” he said. But the president may be giving the financial sector too much credit. “It was in a free fall, and it was a very scary period.” Economist Martin Neil Baily said. After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world’s largest banks feared the worst as the collapse ofthe housing bubble exposed in investments in risky loans.Although he says the worst is just over, Bailey says the banking crisis is not. More than 130 US banks failed in 2009. He predicts high failure rates for smaller, regional banks in 2010 as commercial real estate loans come due."So there may actually be a worsening of credit availability to small and medium sized businesses in the next year or so."Analysts say the biggest problem is high unemployment, which weakens demand and makes banks reluctant to lend. But US Bankcorp chief Richard Davis sees the situation differently."We're probably more optimistic than the experts might be.With that in mind, we're putting everything we can, lending is the coal to our engine, so we want to make more loans. We have to find a way to qualify more people and not put ourselves at risk."While some economists predict continued recovery in the future, Baily says the only certainty is that banks are unlikely to make the same mistakes - twice. "You know, forecasting's become a very hazardous business so I don't want to commit myself too much. I don't think we know exactly what's going to happen but it's certainly possible that we could get very slow growth over the next year or two.”If the economy starts to shrink again, Baily says it would make a strong case for a second stimulus -- something the Obama administration hopes will not be necessary.Q19. What dose president Obama hope the banks will do?Q20. What is Martin Neil Baily’s prediction about the financial situation in the future?Q21. What does U.S. Bankcorp chief Richard Davis say about its future operation?Q22. What does Martin Neil Baily think of a second stimulus to the economy?英语六级听力真题长对话篇3Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of eachconversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer. from the fourchoices marked A), B),C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with asingle line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。




这里的“save water”意思是“节约用水”。











《给水排水专业英语》Lesson 1specific yield [spə'sifik] [ji:ld] 单位产水量mass curve 累积曲线capital investment 投资recurring natural event ['nætʃərəl] 重现历史事件subterranean [sʌbtə'reiniən] 地下的groundwater 地下水surface water 地表水tap [tæp]开关、龙头;在…上开空(导出液体)swampland ['swɔmplænd] n. 沼泽地;沼泽地带capillary [kə'piləri] n. 毛细管adj. 毛状的,毛细管的hygro- [词头] 湿(气),液体hygroscopic [,haigrəu'skɔpik] adj. 易湿的,吸湿的hygroscopic moisture 吸湿水stratum ['streitəm] n. [地质学]地层,[生物学](组织的)层aquifer ['ækwəfə] ['ækwifə] n.含水层,地下蓄水层saturation [,sætʃə'reiʃən] n.饱和(状态),浸润,浸透,饱和度hydrostatic [,haidrəu'stætik] adj. 静水力学的, 流体静力学的hydrostatic pressure 静水压力water table 1. 地下水位,地下水面,潜水面2. 【建筑学】泻水台;承雨线脚;飞檐;马路边沟[亦作water-table]Phreatic surface [fri(:)'ætik]地下水(静止)水位,浅层地下水面Superficial [sju:pə'fiʃəl] adj. 表面的,表观的,浅薄的Porosity [pɔ:'rɔsiti] n. 多孔性,有孔性,孔隙率Unconfined ['ʌnkən'faind] adj. 无约束的,无限制的Permeability [,pə:miə'biliti] n. 弥漫, 渗透, 渗透性Permeameter [pə:mi'æmitə] n.渗透仪,渗透性试验仪)Clay [klei] n. 粘土,泥土gravel ['ɡrævəl]n.[总称]砾,沙砾,小石;砾石cone of depression [kəun] 下降漏斗, [水文学]下降锥体drawdown ['drɔ:daun] n. 水位下降(降落,消耗,减少)integrate ['intigreit] 【数学】作积分运算;求积分observation well [,əbzə:'veiʃən] 观测井,观测孔extraction [ik'strækʃən] n. 抽出,取出,提取(法),萃取(法)derivation [deri'veiʃən] n. 1. 导出,引(伸)出,来历,出处,得出,得到;诱导,推论,推理;溯源【数学】1) (定理的)求导,推导2) 微商,微分,导数【语言】词源,衍生deplete [di'pli:t] v. 耗尽, 使...衰竭refuse [ri'fju:z] n. 废物,垃圾vt. 拒绝,谢绝dump [dʌmp] n. 垃圾场,垃圾堆,堆存处vt. 倾卸,倾倒(垃圾)unconfined aquifer 潜水含水层,非承压含水层,无压含水层confined aquifer 自流含水层,承压含水层homogeneous [,hɔməu'dʒi:njəs] adj. 同类的,相似的,均匀的,均相的;同种类的,同性质的;相同特征的Aquaclude 不透水层,难渗透水的地层Offset ['ɔ:fset] n.偏移量抵销,弥补,分支,胶印,平版印刷,支管,乙字管Vt. 弥补,抵销,用平版印刷vi. 偏移,形成分支sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid] adj. 复杂的,需要专门技术的;诡辩的,久经世故的equilibrium [,i:kwi'libriəm] n. 平衡,均衡Water Supply(给水工程)A supply of water is critical to the survival of life, as we know it.(众所周知,水对生命的生存至关重要。



英语翻译三级笔译实务模拟试题及答案解析(16)(1/1)Section ⅠEnglish Chinese TranslationTranslate the following two passages into Chinese .第1题This month, the United Nations Development Program made water and sanitation the centerpiece of its flagship publication, the Human Development Report.Claims of a "water apartheid," where poor people pay more for water than the rich, are bound to attract attention. But what are the economics behind the problem, and how can it be fixed? In countries that have trouble delivering clean water to their people, a lack of infrastructure is often the culprit. People in areas that are not served by public utilities have to rely on costlier ways of getting water, such as itinerant water trucks and treks to wells. Paradoxically, as the water sources get costlier, the water itself tends to be more dangerous. Water piped by utilities—to the rich and the poor alike—is usually cleaner than water trucked in or collected from an outdoor tank.The problem exists not only in rural areas but even in big cities, said Hakan Bjorkman, program director of the UN agency in Thailand. Further, subsidies made to local water systems often end up benefiting people other than the poor, he added.The agency proposes a three-step solution. First, make access to 20 liters, or 5 gallons, of clean water a day a human right. Next, make local governments accountable for delivering this service. Last, invest in infrastructure to link people to water mains. The report says governments, especially in developing countries, should spend at least 1 percent of gross domestic product on water and sanitation. It also recommends that foreign aid be more directed toward these problems. Clearly, this approach relies heavily on government intervention, something Bjorkman readily acknowledged. But there are some market-based approaches as well.By offering cut-rate connections to poor people to the water mainline, the private water utility in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, has steadily increased access to clean water, according to the agency´s report. A subsidy may not even be necessary, despite the agency´s proposals, if a country can harness the economic benefits of providing clean water.People who receive clean water are much less likely to die from water-borne diseases—a common malady in the developing world—and much more likely to enjoy long, productive, taxpaying lives that can benefit their host countries. So if a government is trying to raise financing to invest in new infrastructure, it might find receptive ears in private credit markets—as long as it can harness the return. Similarly, private companies may calculate that it is worth bringing clean water to an area if its residents are willing to pay back the investment over many years.In the meantime, some local solutions are being found. In Thailand, Bjorkman said, some small communities are taking challenges like water access upon themselves. "People organize themselves in groups to leverage what little resources they have to help their communities," he said. "That´s especially true out in the rural areas. They invest their money in revolving funds and saving schemes, and they invest themselves to improve their villages." It is not always easy to take these solutions and replicate them in other countries, though, Assembling a broad menu of different approaches can be the first step in finding the right solution for a given region or country.______________下一题(1/1)Section ⅡChinese-English TranslationTranslate the following passage into English .第2题即使遇到丰收年景,对中国来说,要用世界7%的耕地养活全球1/5的人口仍是一项艰巨的任务。


In conclusion, there are a variety of reasons why swimming may be prohibited in certain areas, including safety concerns, environmental protection, and practical considerations. It's important to respect these restrictions and seek out safe and designated swimming areas to enjoy the water during the summer months.
There are several reasons why swimming may be prohibited in certain areas. One of the most common reasons is safety. Bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and oceans can be unpredictable, with strong currents, undertows, and sudden drop-offs. In areas with high boat traffic, the risk of collision is also a concern. Moreover, water quality can be a significant issue, with high levels of bacteria or pollution making swimming unsafe.
Finally, there are also practical considerations such as the lack of lifeguards or facilities in remote or secluded bodies of water, making it unsafe for swimmers.



USP30-- <1231> WATER FOR PHARMACEUTICAL PURPOSESUSP30 <1231> 制药用水(节选饮用水部分)SOURCE OR FEED WATER CONSIDERATIONS水源或供水系统To ensure adherence to certain minimal chemical and microbiological quality standards, water used in the production of drug substances or as source or feed water for the preparation of the various types of purified waters must meet the requirements of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (NPDWR) (40 CFR 141) issued by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the drinking water regulations of the European Union or Japan, or the WHO drinking water guidelines.为了保证能达到某些化学和微生物的最低质量标准,用于药品生产的水或者是用于制备各种纯化水的水源必须要符合美国环境保护局(EPA)发布的国家基本饮用水规定(NPDWR )(40 CFR 141)。


Limits on the types and quantities of certain organic and inorganic contaminants ensure that the water will contain only small, safe quantities of potentially objectionable chemical species. Therefore, water pretreatment systems will only be challenged to remove small quantities of these potentially difficult-to-remove chemicals. Also, control of objectionable chemical contaminants at the source-water stage eliminates the need to specifically test for some of them (e.g., trihalomethanes and heavy metals) after the water has been further purified.对某些有机和无机污染物的种类和数量进行限定可以保证水中只含有微小的,可靠数量的潜在的化学物质。



水土保持英语作文Title: The Importance of Soil and Water ConservationIn the intricate tapestry of nature, soil and water serve as the lifeblood, nurturing countless ecosystems and sustaining human civilizations. Their conservation is not merely an environmental imperative but also a cornerstone forsustainable development and the well-being of future generations. This essay delves into the significance of soil and water conservation, highlighting its multifaceted benefits and urging for concerted global efforts.IntroductionSoil, the thin layer of organic and inorganic materials covering the Earth's surface, is a finite and non-renewable resource in human timescales. It supports plant growth, regulates water flow, and stores carbon, among many other vital functions. Water, the universal solvent and a fundamental component of life, circulates through the hydrologic cycle, sustaining ecosystems and enabling agricultural productivity. However, human activities such as deforestation, overgrazing, unsustainable farming practices, urbanization, and industrialization have severely degraded soil quality and disrupted water cycles, posing grave threats to both natural and human systems.The Significance of Soil ConservationAgricultural Productivity: Healthy soil is essential for crop growth and food security. Soil degradation leads to reduced fertility, lower yields, and increased vulnerability to pests and diseases. Conservation practices like crop rotation, minimal tillage, and the use of organic matter enhance soil structure, improve water retention, and boost nutrient availability.Biodiversity Conservation: Soil hosts a diverse array of microorganisms, insects, and other invertebrates that play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, pest control, and maintaining ecosystem balance. Preserving soil health safeguards this invisible biodiversity, which is vital for ecosystem resilience.Climate Regulation: Soil acts as a significant carbon sink, storing more carbon than the atmosphere and vegetation combined.Degraded soils release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change. Conservation efforts can reverse this trend, helping mitigate its impacts.The Importance of Water ConservationWater Security: With population growth and climate change, access to clean, potable water is becoming increasingly scarce.Efficient water use and conservation measures ensure sustainable water supplies for drinking, sanitation, and agriculture.Ecosystem Health: Water is the lifeblood of ecosystems, supporting aquatic life and regulating temperature. Conservation efforts protect water bodies from pollution, overexploitation, and habitat destruction, maintaining ecological integrity.Economic Stability: Water scarcity can have severe economic consequences, affecting agriculture, industry, and tourism.Conservation measures reduce water bills, enhance resource efficiency, and safeguard against potential water crises, contributing to economic stability and growth.Ways Forward•Policy and Legislation: Governments should enact policies and laws that incentivize sustainable land use practices and promote water conservation. Strict regulations against soil erosion, deforestation, and water pollution are crucial.•Public Awareness and Education: Raising public awareness about the importance of soil and water conservation through education campaigns and community initiatives can inspire behavioral change.•Technology and Innovation: Investing in research and development of innovative technologies, such as precision agriculture, drought-resistant crops, and water-recycling systems, can significantly enhance resource efficiency and conservation. •Collaborative Efforts: Soil and water conservation require cross-sectoral and international cooperation. Governments, NGOs, private sectors, and local communities must work together to achieve shared goals.In conclusion, soil and water conservation are vital for safeguarding our planet's life-sustaining systems and ensuring a prosperous future for all. By adopting sustainable practices, fostering public awareness, and fostering collaboration,we can preserve these precious resources for generations to come. The time for action is now, as the health of our soil and water directly reflects the health of our planet and its inhabitants.。



自来水变更申请公函格式范文英文回答:I am writing to request a change in the water supply service at my residence. Currently, I am receiving water from the municipal water company, but I would like to switch to a private water supplier.There are a few reasons for this change. Firstly, the water quality from the municipal supply has been inconsistent, with reports of contamination in some areas. Secondly, the private supplier offers a more reliable and consistent service, which is important for my family's needs.I have already contacted the private water supplier and they have confirmed that they can provide service to my area. I have also checked with the municipal water company and they have no objections to the change.I understand that there may be some administrative procedures involved in making this switch, but I am willing to provide any necessary information or documentation to facilitate the process.I would appreciate it if you could assist me in making this change as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention to this matter.中文回答:我写信是要求在我住所的自来水供应服务进行变更。



Six Senses Laamu, MaldivesSix Senses Laamu is the only resort in the Laamu Atoll, deep in the Indian Ocean. Just aninter-island flight south from Malé International Airport and a short speedboat ride brings youto a place of unique, untouched and simple beauty. 97 water and beachfront villas are constructedof sustainable materials and spread around the palm-fringed island paradise. Take a stroll on the Maldives’ largest overwater amenities facility, which includes two restaurants, a wine cellar,the resort’s signature bar, the dive center, an ice-cream parlor and retail boutique.CONCEPTBarefoot serenity! White sand, turquoise water, untouched beaches and lush vegetation. The resort offers anindividual and natural style along with a wonderful sense of privacy.Villa accommodations provide an environmentally sustainable yet well-appointed interior design withspectacular water views. Every little detail has been carefully considered and designed with a minimalistic touch.Six Senses SpaLEAF RestaurantACCOMMODATIONSSix Senses Laamu has 97 beachfront and water villas, carefully designed to complement the outstanding natural beauty ofthe island. They offer privacy, coziness and luxury. True to the Six Senses’ philosophy of being in harmony with the environment, the villas are crafted from local and sustainable materials.Villa features• King/twin sized bed• Air-conditioning• Bose entertainment system• All villas offer full sea view• Hair dryer• Non-allergenic pillows• In-Villa safe• Lighted make-up/shaving mirror• Multi-line telephone with voicemail• Tea/coffee making facilities• 37-inch flat-panel TV with satellite channels• Minibar and fresh beverage facilities• IDD telephone and WiFi• Outdoor bathroom and rain showerLagoon Beach Villa (7) / 220 sq.m.Also available with pool (3) / 238 sq.m.• Private access to the beach• Private garden with relaxing daybeds• Panoramic upper dining deck at treetop level andviewing platform• Lagoon Beach Villas face towards the turquoiselagoon of the islandOcean Beach Villa (8) / 220 sq.m.Also available with pool (3) / 238 sq.m.• Private access to the beach• Private garden with relaxing daybeds• Panoramic upper dining deck at treetop level andviewing platform• Ocean Beach Villas face toward the ocean with uninterruptedviews to the horizon Lagoon Water Villa (20) / 108 sq.m.• Sunken ocean view all-glass bathtub• Private water garden• Outdoor relaxing platform with daybeds, sun lounges and over-water netting• Aquarium dining deck with all-glass table• Panoramic upper dining deck and viewing platformwith day beds• Lagoon Water Villas face towards the turquoise lagoon of the island and are located in close proximity to the main islandOcean Water Villa (20) / 108 sq.m.Also available with pool (4)• Sunken ocean view all-glass bathtub• Private water garden• Outdoor relaxing platform with daybeds, sun lounges andover-water netting• Aquarium dining deck with all-glass table• Panoramic upper dining deck and viewing platformwith day beds• Ocean Water Villas face toward the ocean with uninterrupted views and are located further away from the main islandLaamu Water Villa (16) / 108 sq.m.Also available with pool (10) / 126 sq.m.• Sunken ocean view all-glass bathtub• Private water garden• Outdoor relaxing platform with daybeds, sun lounges and over-water netting• Aquarium dining deck with all-glass table• Panoramic upper dining deck and viewing platformwith day beds• Laamu Water Villas face toward the main ocean with complete uninterrupted views and are located towardsthe end of the jetties, furthest away from the main islandFamily Villa with Pool (4) / 253 sq.m.• Private access to the beach• Private garden with daybeds• Panoramic upper dining deck at treetop level andviewing platform• Two fully furnished bedrooms with individual shower areas • Day Lounge on top of the Living Room• Private Pool• Face towards the turquoise lagoon of the islandTwo-Bedroom Lagoon Beach Villa with Pool (1) / 285 sq.m.• Private access to the beach• Private garden with relaxing daybeds• Panoramic upper dining deck at treetop level andviewing platform• Two fully furnished bedrooms with individual shower areas • Private pool• Villa faces towards the turquoise lagoon of the islandTwo-Bedroom Ocean Beach Villa with Pool (1) / 730 sq.m.• Private access to the beach• Private garden with relaxing daybeds• Panoramic upper dining deck at treetop level andviewing platform• Two fully furnished bedrooms with individual shower areas • Private pool• Villa faces towards the turquoise lagoon of the island*Additional benefits and amenities apply for these categories: Laamu Water Villa, Laamu Water Villa with Pool, Family Villa with Pool, Two-Bedroom Lagoon Beach Villa with Pool, Two Bedroom Ocean Beach Villa with Pool:• Bottle of Prosecco upon arrival• iPod in Villa• Welcome amenity and selection of in villa snacks offered • Nespresso machine• Personalized bicycle tags• Breakfast complimentary through In Villa DiningLaamu Water Villa with Pool Two-Bedroom Ocean Beach Villa with PoolChill Bar DININGSix Senses Laamu’s dining alternatives have been designedto take the best advantage of the island’s idyllic beauty with panoramic views and spectacular sunrises and sunsets. The over-water amenities facility of Six Senses Laamu is the largest in the Maldives, offering many options. In addition, organic meals served around the organic garden on the island. LongitudeThis open air, two-story overwater dining venue beginseach day with a bountiful breakfast. Dinner is an a-la-carte international menu of fresh catch, grilled meats, pastas and Asian flavors. Twice a week, the resort’s chefs create a unique buffet experience for guests, with local and fresh ingredients. Each Tuesday is a seafood buffet and an Asian buffet is featured on Fridays.LEAFPerched above the organic garden, talented chefs work with local ingredients sourced from Maldivian fishermen and farmers to create innovative dishes. The restaurant features an ever-changing Mediterranean menu for dinner.Sip SipSip Sip with its sunken bar and adjacent poolside seating, emerges from the swimming pool and offers a great casualall day dining alternative. Homemade pizzas, crisp salads, juicy burgers, a variety of pasta and locally inspired desserts. It is the perfect place to spend the day and enjoy refreshing mocktails or a fresh juice or to simply relax on a sun lounger and watch the sun set over the island of the Laamu atoll while enjoying a cocktail or a glass of wine.Chill BarBuilt over the water and on several levels, Chill Bar presents a resident DJ to set the mood every evening while mixologists prepare cocktails with the freshest ingredients. A Vietnamese menu is available throughout the day, along with the light beach classics. Every evening the resident DJ sets the ambient atmosphere by creating musical memories.Deck-a-DenceSix glass-bottom tables are set right above the waves whereguests will experience a locally inspired zero-carbon dinner. Altitude Wine CellarRising 6.4 metres above the Indian Ocean, this one-of-a-kind sunlit, spun glass wine tower holds more than 420 old worldand new world vintages. The Deli stocks imported European charcuterie and cheeses as perfect accompaniments.IceForty-two unique and locally inspired ice cream and sorbetflavors are on offer. In the chocolate studio, many varietiesof homemade chocolates are available.ZenTwelve guests are invited nightly to the upper deck of theunique overwater area for authentic Japanese cuisine includingthe finest sushi and sashimi.Chilli TableEnjoy a five-course chilli-based menu in the heart of theorganic garden, surrounded by twelve chilli trees collectedfrom around the world!Alternatively, for anyone who wishes to remain in the privacyof their delightful villa, a variety of Mediterranean, Asian andlocal dishes is available from the in-villa-dining menu.SIX SENSES SPASix Senses Spa offers nine private treatment nests, eitherwith an ocean view or tucked away in the lush nature that surrounds them. Awaken the senses with locally inspired and Ayurvedic treatments, massages, yoga and fitness classes or workshops. Highly skilled Six Senses Spa therapists use asynergy of natural products to provide a comprehensive rangeof award-winning signature procedures and journeys, plus rejuvenation and wellness specialties of the region. Visiting practitioners offer guests lifestyle consultations and specialized holistic sessions.Treatment RoomDeck-a-DenceSip Sip & Swimming PoolSRI LANKAMalé InternationalAirportMalé AtollLaamu AtollIndian OceanMALDIVESLaamu AtollKadhdhoo AirportSandbank DiningSunset Dhoni CruiseDivingBeach Picnic。



以下是100 种常见水的英语单词:1. Water 水2. River 河3. Lake 湖4. Sea 海5. Ocean 海洋6. Stream 溪流7. Pond 池塘8. Spring 泉9. Well 井10. Rain 雨11. Snow 雪12. Fog 雾13. Dew 露水14. Hail 冰雹15. Flood 洪水16. Tsunami 海啸17. Storm 暴风雨18. Hurricane 飓风19. Typhoon 台风20. Cyclone 旋风21. Cloud 云22. Mist 薄雾23. Steam 蒸汽24. Water vapor 水蒸气25. Moisture 潮气26. Dewdrop 露珠27. Frost 霜28. Ice 冰29. Glacier 冰川30. Snowflake 雪花31. Avalanche 雪崩32. Waterfall 瀑布33. Rapids 急流34. Current 水流35. Tide 潮汐36. Wave 波浪37. Surf 冲浪38. breaker 碎浪39. Ripple 涟漪40. Splash 水花41. Plunge 跳水42. Dive 潜水43. Swim 游泳44. Float 漂浮45. Sink 下沉46. Wade 涉水47. Soak 浸湿48. Splash around 戏水49. Baptism 洗礼50. Hydration 水合作用51. Irrigation 灌溉52. Drainage 排水53. Sewage 污水54. Wastewater 废水55. Purification 净化56. Filter 过滤57. Distillation 蒸馏58. Desalination 海水淡化59. Mineral water 矿泉水60. Spring water 泉水61. Tap water 自来水62. Bottled water 瓶装水63. Well water 井水64. Lake water 湖水65. River water 河水67. Ocean water 洋水68. Brine 盐水69. Freshwater 淡水70. Saltwater 咸水71. Glacial meltwater 冰川融水72. Groundwater 地下水73. Surface water 地表水74. Stormwater 雨水75. Runoff 径流76. Reservoir 水库77. Dam 大坝78. Canal 运河79. Aqueduct 渡槽80. Pipeline 管道81. Fountain 喷泉82. Pool 水池83. Jacuzzi 按摩浴缸84. Hot spring 温泉85. Swimming pool 游泳池86. Pond 池塘87. Lakeview 湖景89. Riverside 河边90. Waterfront 水边91. Marina 码头92. Boating 划船93. Fishing 钓鱼94. Sailing 帆船95. Kayaking 皮划艇96. Canoeing 独木舟97. Rafting 漂流98. Diving 潜水99. Snorkeling 浮潜100. Swimming with dolphins 与海豚共游这些单词涵盖了各种不同类型的水,包括自然水体、气象现象、与水相关的活动等。



SCIENCEVOL 31415 DECEMBER 20061687C R ED I T : A M Y S C H OE NF E L DIn the early 1980s, K. C. Saha from the School of Tropical Medicine in Kolkata attributed skin lesions in West Bengal,India, to exposure to arsenic in groundwater pumped from shallow tube wells (1). Despite these findings, millions of tube wells have been installed across the Bengal Basin, the geologi-cal formation that includes West Bengal and Bangladesh, and across river floodplains and deltas in southern Asia.The popularity of tube wells reflects the reduced incidence of diarrheal disease when drinking groundwater, instead of untreated sur-face water, and the modest cost of installation (about 1 month of household income). Today,perhaps 100 million people in India, Bangla-desh (see figure, right), Vietnam, Nepal, and Cambodia (and possibly other countries) are drinking water with arsenic concentrations up to 100 times the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline of 10 µg per liter (2–4).Whereas technologies for treating either surface water or groundwater periodically receive con-siderable attention, the record to date suggests that more widespread testing of wells to identify those aquifers that do not require treatment is presently far more promising.Arsenic can occur in groundwater naturally,without an anthropogenic source. There is broad agreement that arsenic release into groundwater of the Bengal Basin is facilitated by microbial metabolism of organic matter contained in river floodplain and delta deposits (3–6). Elevated concentrations of arsenic in Bangladesh groundwater probably predateagricultural practices that could plausibly have caused the composition of groundwater to change, such as the use of phosphate fertilizer or large groundwater withdrawals for irrigation (3, 7). This does not rule out the possibility that irrigation is affecting the distribution and mobi-lization of arsenic today (7–9). Although there are remaining questions, current understanding of the occurrence of arsenic is sufficient to direct national strategies for lowering exposure. After studies established the scale of the problem (2, 3), a massive campaign was initi-ated in Bangladesh in 1999 to test tube wells in the most affected portions of the country.The field kits that were used had limitations,but were reliable enough (10) to identify the vast majority of tube wells that did not meet the local standard for arsenic in drinking water of 50 µg per liter. By 2005, the spouts of 1.4million cast-iron pumps that draw groundwa-ter with >50 µg per liter arsenic according to the field test had been painted red. Another 3.5million wells with up to 50 µg per liter arsenic had been painted green (11). Such testing did not reduce the rate of private well installa-tions, at least within areas that have been recently resurveyed (12, 13). Sadly, most tube wells that were installed after the national test-ing campaign remain untested today.The two interventions that have so far most effectively lowered human exposure in Bangla-desh rely on the spatial heterogeneity of the distribution of arsenic in groundwater, which is controlled principally by the local geology (3, 14). T esting alone had the biggest impact as ~29% of the millions of villagers informed that their tube well was elevated in arsenic have changed their water source (see the chart on page 1688). Large variations in the proportion of well-switching across villages reflect in part the availability of safe wells that are within walking distance. A recent comparison has shown, however, that both additional educa-tion and periodic reinforcement of the mes-sage that arsenic is a health hazard can over-come existing obstacles to nearly double the proportion of switching (12, 13).The intervention with the second largest impact (~12% of users with unsafe wells)has been the installation of tens of thousands of deep wells by the government and by nongovernmental organizations. Such wells supply groundwater from deeper, usually older,aquifers that generally do not contain elevated levels of arsenic (3, 14, 16). They are often shared or community wells that require walk-ing ~100 m several times a day. Y et these wells can be very popular when placed in a central location that, for instance, does not discourage use by women. These community installations have also had an indirect impact because numerous households followed suit by rein-stalling their own well to greater depth (12, 13).In 2004, Bangladesh issued a National P olicy for Arsenic Mitigation (NP AM) accom-panied by a more detailed Implementation Plan for Arsenic Mitigation (17). W ell-switch-ing was recognized by the NAPM in the sense that alternative water supply was not proposed for villages where <40% of tube wells are unsafe. However, the NPAM considered deep tube wells a low-priority option. Instead, the document encouraged a return to the use of surface or very shallow groundwater without paying sufficient attention to the increased likelihood of exposure to microbial pathogens. Five other mitigation approaches promoted by the NP AM have had a limited impact, each reaching <1% of the population at risk (see the chart on page 1688). The early record ofExcessive levels of arsenic in drinking water is a vast health problem in Southeast Asia.Several viable approaches to mitigation could drastically reduce arsenic exposure, but they all require periodic testing.Ensuring Safe Drinking Water in BangladeshM. F. Ahmed,1S. Ahuja,2M. Alauddin,3S. J. Hug,4J. R. Lloyd,5A. Pfaff,6T. Pichler,7C. Saltikov,8M. Stute,9,10A. van Geen 10*EPIDEMIOLOGYWoman using a tube well in Araihazar, Bangladesh.1688logistical difficulties in ensuringproper maintenance, and inconven-ience to the users (18). Since four arsenic-removal technologies have been provisionallyapproved for marketing, however, treatmentmay become more widespread. Dug wells are used by thousands of villagers. Although the shallowest aquifers tapped by these wells are typically low in arsenic, a full-scale return to this traditional technology is hampered by con-cerns regarding the microbial quality of the water and the need for regular maintenance (16). Treatment of pond or river water by sand filtration, a priority in the 2004 NPAM,appears less promising. Ponds often directly receive human waste from surrounding latrines and are increasingly used for aquaculture.Also, as industry develops throughout rural Bangladesh, sand filtration alone is unlikely to guarantee a treatment suitable for human con-sumption. Rainwater harvesting by individual households can provide safe drinking water. Its main drawbacks are the potential for micro-bial contamination and the high cost of stor-age sufficient for Bangladesh’s 8-month dry season. Last, piped-water supply is fre-quently touted as the solution to the arsenic problem. The high capital and maintenance costs of such systems relative to those of individual tube wells, however, is likely to restrict this approach to urban areas or the most affluent villages. RecommendationsMore than half of the population in Bangladesh at risk from arsenic is still exposed (see chart,above). T o reach a greater fraction of the popu-lation, we urge a revision of the NP AM to (i)stimulate the periodic monitoring of water quality no matter the mitigation option, (ii)encourage rather than discourage the wise use of deep aquifers that are low in arsenic, and (iii)include the newly demonstrated effects of arsenic on the mental development of children in information campaigns (19).Periodic field testing of numerous point sources of drinking water would be an enor-mous challenge for any government. We rec-ommend consideration of alternative pro-grams for well testing, in particular a national certification program to license and monitor entrepreneurs offering commercial field test-ing to villages. Ideally, test results should indi-cate actual concentrations. Households haveused this information to reduce arsenic expo-sures even without access to a safe well. The cost of testing tube wells for arsenic is signifi-cant (~$1 per test) but is even higher for other water-supply options that require water treat-ment, because the performance of such sys-tems is more likely to vary over time. Dug wells, for instance, should be tested monthly for microbial contamination, which is a con-siderably more difficult measurement than a field test for arsenic. As the population of Bangladesh contin-ues to grow, many shallow wells are likely to become contaminated with human, agri-cultural, and industrial waste. In addition,groundwater pumped from a majority of shal-low tube wells is naturally elevated in man-ganese, another constituent of increasing health concern because of its neurological effects (3, 20). Several field kits are available to determine whether a well meets the WHO guideline of 0.4 mg per liter for manganese.The systematic use of these field kits for test-ing shallow and deep wells should be consid-ered, even if the health implications of expo-sure to manganese present in groundwater are not yet fully understood.Groundwater from deep wells is a good source of drinking water in many parts ofBangladesh because it does not require treat-ment. Deep wells nevertheless should be tested at least once a year, as a small fraction are likely to fail over time. Presently, not even deep wells installed by the government are periodically tested for arsenic. One source ofconfusion has been that the depth to older aquifers that are systematically low in arsenic varies from <30 m to >200 m across the coun-try and can vary even between adjacent vil-lages (3, 21). Thus, the depth to aquifers that are low in arsenic must be determined at the village level and attempts to establish the depth to low-arsenic aquifers over larger areas are misguided.We believe that significant contamination of deep aquifers with arsenic is unlikely unlesslarge amounts of water are withdrawn for irrigation (22). Managing irrigation is there-fore important. Although the incorporation of arsenic into rice that has been grown on shal-low groundwater appears to be limited (23,24), potential long-term effects of irrigating with groundwater that is elevated in arsenic should be monitored.In summary, water testing must be drasti-cally expanded in Bangladesh. Eight years after a major arsenic conference in Dhaka,millions of people continue to drink ground-water containing toxic levels of arsenic. With-out discouraging any option, the NPAM should be revised soon after the upcoming elections to expand the scale of those inter-ventions that have been most effective to date.References and Notes1. A. K. Chakraborty, K. C. Saha, Indian J. Med. Res.85, 326(1987).2.R. K. Dhar et al ., Curr. Sci.73, 48 (1997).3. D. G. Kinniburgh, P. L. Smedley, Eds., vol. 2 of Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water in Bangladesh , Final Report (BGS Technical Report WC/00/19, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, UK, 2001).4.L. Charlet, D. A. Polya, Elements 2, 91 (2006).5.R. Nickson et al ., Nature 395, 338 (1998).6. F. S. Islam et al ., Nature 430, 68 (2004).7.S. Klump et al ., Environ. Sci. Technol.40, 243 (2006). 8.M. L. Polizzotto et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.102,188819 (2005).9. C. F. Harvey et al., Chem. Geol.228, 112 (2006).10. A. van Geen et al.,Environ. Sci. Technol.39, 299 (2005).11.Bangladesh Arsenic Mitigation Water Supply Program,/Survey%20Results.htm.12. A. Opar et al.Health Place 13, 164 (2007).13. A. Schoenfeld, thesis, Columbia University, New York, NY(2006), /~avangeen/arsenic/.14.P. Ravenscroft et al ., Hydrogeol. J.13, 727 (2005).15.M. M. H. Sarker, M. A. Matin, A. Hassan, M. R. Rahman,“Report on development of arsenic decision support system” [Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005].16.M. F. Ahmed et al ., Risk Assessment of Arsenic MitigationOptions (RAAMO)[Arsenic Policy Support Unit (APSU),Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2005], /.17.National Policy for Arsenic Mitigation, 2004,/sdi/policy/doc/arsenic_policy.pdf.18.M. A. Hossain et al., Environ. Sci. Technol . 39, 4300 (2005). 19.G. A. Wasserman et al., Environ. Health Perspect.112,1329 (2004).20.G. A. Wasserman et al ., Environ. Health Perspect.114,124 (2006).21. A. Gelman et al., Risk Anal.24, 1597 (2004); see also/welltracker/.22.Y. Zheng et al ., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 5203(2005).23.P . N. Williams et al ., Environ. Sci. Technol.39, 5531 (2005).24. A. van Geen et al., Sci. Total Environ. 367, 769 (2006).25.This paper is the outcome of discussions following asymposium on arsenic in South Asia,convened by S. Ahuja, at the 2006 American Chemical Society meeting. We are grateful to K. M. Ahmed, G. Howard, R. Johnston, D. Kinniburgh, K. Radloff, P. Ravenscroft, P. Smedley, and R. Wilson for their helpful input. This is Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory contribution 6989.Supporting Online Material/cgi/content/full/314/5805/1687/DC1SOM Text10.1126/science.1133146Well switching29%Deep tube well12%Arsenic removal unitDug well Pond sand filterRainwater collectorPiped water systemPopulation still exposed 57%Impact of arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh (SOM Text). The initially exposed population has been esti-mated at 28 to 35 million relative to the local stan-dard of 50 µg per liter arsenic in drinking water (3).15 DECEMBER 2006VOL 314SCIENCE POLICY FORUM/cgi/content/full/314/5806/1687/DC1Supporting Online Material forEnsuring Safe Drinking Water in Bangladesh M. F. Ahmed, S. Ahuja, M. Alauddin, S. J. Hug, J. R. Lloyd, A. Pfaff, T. Pichler, C.Saltikov, M. Stute, A. van Geen**Correspondence.E-mail:**********************.eduPublished 15 December 2006, Science314, 1687 (2006)DOI: 10.1126/science.1133146This PDF file includesFig. S1Table S1ReferencesTable S1. Estimated impact of various forms of arsenic mitigation in Bangladesh and measures of microbial contamination of these sources. The compilation relies primarily on reports from the Arsenic Policy Support Unit with additional information from other listed studies.New water source No. installed Users/unit6Estimated impact1 E. coli/100 mL7% of population at risk dry/wet season (n) Nearby private well2--29-Deep tubewell374,8095012 0/0 (36) Arsenic removal unit433,07460.66-Dug well36,268300.63138/657 (36) Pond sand filter33,521500.5931/51 (34/42) Rainwater collector313,32460.2712/1 (24/42) Piped water system5652400.05-1BGS/DPHE estimate a range of 28-35 million exposed to >50 ug/L arsenic (S1). R. Johnston of UNICEF (pers. comm., 2006) estimates a total of 20 million at risk based on the basis of BAMWSP population and field kit data, corrected for kit bias.2In a highly studied area with 47% unsafe wells, 55% of 2539 households switched to a nearby private well (S2, S3). In an area with 52% unsafe wells where only BAMWSP/DPHE intervened, 29% of 2087 households switched (S4). Testing and mitigation in 3 upazilas with 77% unsafe wells under UNICEF led to switching by 38% of 6359 households (Table 5.18 in ref. S5).3From Table 1.1 in ref. (S6). The deep wells referred to in this context are distinct from shallow irrigation wells equipped with a submersible pump, also sometimes referred to as deep wells in Bangladesh although the term “deep-set” tubewells would be more appropriate.4Includes 3,771 households units reported in ref. (S6) and 29,303 SONO units deployed according to A. Hussam (pers. comm., 2006)5Includes 33 pipe water supplies systems fed with deep tube well water reported in (S6), serving an estimated population of 240, and 27 systems fed with dug well water (pop. 4400), and 5 systems fed by river filtration system (pop. 3200) installed by Dhaka Community Hospital (R. Wilson, pers. comm., 2006).6Estimated average. Number of users per unit varies widely for community sources (S6, S7).7Mean values from Tables 4.1-4.4 in ref. (S6).Fig. S1. Histogram of the year of installation of tubewells compiled in 2005 within 75 villages of Araihazar upazila, Bangladesh, where the only significant intervention has been blanket-testing for arsenic, carried out with field kits in 2003 (S4). Well status information with respect to arsenic based on field kit measurements was compiled during the survey on the basis interviews and the color of the paint applied to the spout of each well (or lack thereof). The rate of installation of wells documented in this survey should be representative of the estimated total of ~10 million wells installed in the country as a whole (S1, S8).ReferencesS1. BGS and DPHE, Arsenic Contamination of Groundwater in Bangladesh, D. G. Kinniburgh, P. L. Smedley, Eds., vol. 2, Final Report (BGS Technical Report WC/00/19, BritishGeological Survey, Keyworth, UK, 2001).S2. A. Opar, A. Pfaff, A. A. Seddique, K. M. Ahmed, J. H. Graziano, A. van Geen, Responses of 6500 households to arsenic mitigation in Araihazar, Bangladesh, Health and Place, available on-line 9 January 2006.S3. M. Madajewicz, A. Pfaff, A. van Geen, J. Graziano, I. Hussein, H. Momotaj, R. Sylvi, H.Ahsan, Can information alone change behavior? Response to arsenic contamination ofgroundwater in Bangladesh, Journal of Development Economics, in press.S4. A. Schoenfeld, “Area, village, and household response to arsenic testing and labeling of tubewells in Araihazar, Bangladesh,” M.S. Thesis, Columbia University, New York, 2006. S5. Sarker, M.M.H., M.A. Matin, A. Hassan, M. R. Rahman, Report on development of arsenic decision support system (Center for Environmental and Geographic InformationServices/UNICEF, Dhaka, 2005).S6. Ahmed M. F., Shamsuddin S. A. J., Mahmud S. G., Rashid H., Deere D., Howard G., Risk Assessment of Arsenic Mitigation Options (RAAMO) (APSU, Dhaka, 2005); www.apsu-/S7. A. van Geen, K. M. Ahmed, A. A. Seddique, M. Shamsudduha, Community wells to mitigate the current arsenic crisis in Bangladesh, Bull. World Health Organization82, 632-638 (2003).S8. A. van Geen, H. Ahsan, A. H. Horneman, R. K. Dhar, Y. Zheng, I. Hussain, K. M. Ahmed,A. Gelman, M. Stute, H. J. Simpson, S. Wallace, C. Small, F. Parvez, V. Slavkovich, N. J.LoIacono, M. Becker, Z. Cheng, H. Momotaj, M. Shahnewaz, A. A. Seddique, J. H.Graziano, Promotion of well-switching to mitigate the current arsenic crisis in Bangladesh, Bull. World Health Organization81, 732-737 (2002).。






1. Private(私人的)“Private”可以用来形容个人、独立的或限于特定团体或个体的事物。

例如:- private property(私人财产)- private room(独立房间)- private school(私立学校)2. Privilege(特权)“Privilege”表示享有某种特殊待遇或特殊权利。

例如:- have the privilege of doing sth.(享有做某事的特权)- a privilege card(特权卡)“Privacy”可以指个人的隐私,也可以指居所、家庭的私密性。

例如:4. Deprive(剥夺)“Privatize”表示将公有机构或公共事务转变为私有的。

例如:- privatize the healthcare system(将医疗系统私有化)- privatize the water supply(将供水系统私有化)6. Privy(知情的、与...有关的)“Privy”表示知情的、具有明确关系的。


例如:- privatism of education(教育私营化)“Privately”表示保密、私下或个人。

例如:- speak privately(私下谈话)- keep information privately(保密)除了上述词汇,priv词根还可以出现在其他词汇中,例如:- privilege(特殊权利)- privation(缺乏、贫困状态)- privy(厕所、小便间)- unprivileged(无特权的)- deprival(剥夺)总的来说,priv词根在英语中使用范围广泛,可以表示私人、特定、独立、剥夺等含义,是学习词根词缀、拓展词汇的重要成分之一。





toilet英 [ˈtɔilit] 美 [ˈtɔɪlɪt]卫生间清洁剂 toilet cleaner卫生间袋 toilet kit无障碍卫生间设计 Accessible toilet design卫生间设计方案 bathroom design program1. There are 76 individually furnished bedrooms, all with private bathrooms.这里有76间陈设各异的卧室,都配有独立卫生间。

2. The master bedroom has its own en suite bathroom.主卧室带有独立卫生间。

3. The bathroom is furnished with 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 2 sinks.卫生间里装了两个抽水马桶、两个淋浴器、和两个洗脸盆。

4. Sylvia fetched a towel from the bathroom.西尔维娅去卫生间拿了一条毛巾。

5. An arrow pointed to the toilets.箭头指向卫生间。

6. He asked whether he could use my bathroom.他问是否可以用我的卫生间。

7. I went next door to the bathroom.我去了隔壁的卫生间。

8. Hygiene was non-existent: no running water, no bathroom.卫生根本谈不上:没有自来水、没有卫生间。

9. There are toilet facilities for the disabled.有残疾人士专用的卫生间设施。




下面是店铺为你整理的厕所的英文,希望大家喜欢! 厕所的英文lavatory;washroom;water closet (WC);toiletlavatory例句1. There's a bathroom and a lavatory upstairs.楼上有浴室和卫生间。

2. Is there any lavatory in this building?这座楼里有厕所吗 ?3. Is the lavatory vacant?厕所里没人吧 ?4. The lavatory cistern overflowed.厕所水箱的水溢出来了.5. The criminal put the torn papers in the lavatory and tried to flush them away.罪犯把撕碎的纸放进厕所企图冲掉.6. He plumped his large posterior into the lavatory pan.他的大屁股坐到了便盆上.7. Parsons used the lavatory , loudly and abundantly.派逊斯大声痛快地用了便盆.8. The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing It'several times, but it won't work.洗脸盆不流水, 我试着冲几次都没成功.9. The lavatory won't flush.抽水马桶不灵.10. Where is the ladies'lavatory please?请问女卫生间在哪儿?washroom造句1. It really puts me off a place when the washroom is dirty.厕所很脏,令我对那个地方很反感.2. I hung around until Helen had to go to the washroom.我在外边一直等到海伦不得不上厕所.3. To have a private washroom was luxurious.有私人盥洗室是再惬意不过的.4. Clerk : The elevators are over there next to the washroom.电梯在那边,在洗手间旁边.5. It is leaking, so the washroom floor is full of water now.管子漏水, 所以盥洗室的地上满都是水.6. Excuse me, where's the washroom?对不起, 请问厕所在哪儿?7. J: Lovely Paris kinglet ( prince ), may I go to the washroom?朱丽叶: 可爱的帕里斯小王子, 请问你是否愿意让我去个厕所?8. Whenever I go to the washroom, I will wash my face.我觉得洗脸干净,让自己注意卫生,保持一个开朗的心情.9. Oh, can you show me the way to the washroom?哦, 你能告诉我哪里是卫生间吗 ?10. HAN MEI: The washroom? Oh, it - s over there. Let - s go.韩梅: 洗手间? 哦, 在那边, 我们同时去吧.。

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Private Water, Public Good. 供水私营,造福大众供水私营,公众得益
Globalization’s next big brawl could well be about water. Across the world, the push is on to privatize cities’ water services. Extreme caution is warranted before letting private companies provide something so essential. But there are cases where privatizing has helped hundreds of thousands of the poorest. The key is strong public regulation and rate
increases for those who can afford them.










In the view of many, water is a kind of natural right that no one should control. But while water may have come from God, it came without pipes. The cities of the developing world are ringed by slums that have no access to the water system and either use unclean river water or buy water from private sellers at exorbitant prices.






A top priority of every city should be getting water to those outside the water system. This means hooking up poor areas and providing the destitute with subsidies. But that requires money. American water systems are heavily subsidized by taxpayers. This is unrealistic in the developing world, where tax collection is very low. The only realistic solution is to subsidize the poor by charging industrial, wealthy and middle-class users
much higher rates.










Private systems, common in Europe, are still fairly rare in the developing world. When well managed, they can work well. Unfortunately, the rush to privatize has greatly outstripped the public interest. This is in part because of pressure from the water industry, which is largely European. At the behest of these companies, Europe is asking for rules at the World Trade Organization that would make it harder for governments to keep public control of services, including drinking water—a bald industry-protection measure that has no business in a trade agreement. The World Bank has also conditioned loans for water
reform on private-sector participation.














If allowed, private water companies will favor richer customers, shift risks back to the government and invest as little as possible. In too many cases, companies have repeatedly renegotiated their original contract to increase rates or get out of requirements to connect poor neighborhoods. Governments that turn to privatization will need a lot of help form international institutions if they are to play the strong regulatory role required to
make a privately run system a success.





