Requirements for a Real-Time.NET Framework

The project applicant submits the application materials for the oil and gas construction project to the supervising department.2.主管部门负责对申请材料进行初步审查。
The supervising department is responsible for conductinga preliminary review of the application materials.3.若初步审查合格,主管部门将召集相关部门进行项目论证和评审。
If the preliminary review is satisfactory, the supervising department will convene relevant departments to conduct project demonstration and review.4.相关部门进行项目论证和评审,就项目的技术、经济等方面展开讨论。
Relevant departments conduct project demonstration and review, discussing technical, economic, and other aspects of the project.5.论证和评审结果将作为审批决策的重要依据。
The results of the demonstration and review will serve as important basis for approval decision-making.6.主管部门根据论证和评审结果,对项目进行综合评估。
The supervising department conducts a comprehensive assessment of the project based on the results of the demonstration and review.7.若综合评估通过,主管部门将批准项目立项。
DC590+集成器系列2 DC驱动器(15-2700A,0.75-1500KW)商品说明书

590+ Integrator Series 2DC Drives15–2700A).75 to 1500KW(The DC590+ Integrator series is a highly advanced DC drive meets the demands of themost complex motor control applications. Extensive application software (includingwinder control) as standard together with Function Block Programming andconfigurable I/O creates a total drive system in a single module.The DC590+ Integrator Series 2 sees the next step in the development of DC drivetechnology, derived from over 30 years experience in designing DC drives. With itsinnovative 32-bit control architecture, the DC590+ has the flexibility and functionality tomore than meet the requirements of all applications, from basic motor installationsthrough to the most demanding systems.Advanced Control ArchitectureBenefitting from the improvedperformance of a 32-bit RISCprocessor, the DC590+ IntegratorSeries 2 delivers enhancedfunctionality and increased flexibility,making it suitable for use in a widerrange of more complex applications.• Faster drive response• Greater control capabilities• Increased maths and logicfunction blocks• Enhanced diagnostic andprogramming functionality• Common programming toolswith rest of drives platform SPECIFICATIONS:Power Configuration:Overload :Armature Voltage :AC Supply Voltage 50/60Hz:Ambient:590+ Four Quadrant Regenerative; 2 Fully Controlled Three Phase Thyristor Bridges591+ Two Quadrant Non Regenerative; 1 fully controlled Three Phase Thyristor BridgeThyristor Controlled Variable Field SupplyEasily configurable to 12 pulse operation with minimal software modification200% for 10sec ; 150% for 30secV=V x1.15armature ac220- 690V (±10%)0-45°C ( Derate 1%/°C for higher ambient to 55°C max)High Energy MOV's Motor Over temperatureInstantaneous Overcurrent Heatsink Over temperatureInverse Time Overcurrent Thyristor Trigger FailureField Failure Interline Snubber NetworkSpeed Feedback Failure Zero Speed DetectionStandstill Logic Stall ProtectionFrame 1: 4A , Frame 2 & 3: 10A , Frame 4& 5 : 30AProtection:Field Current:Field Voltage::V= V x 0.82field acAltitude:500m ASL (Derate 1%/200m above 500m to 5000m max )Analogue Inputs (5 Total - 1 x 12 bit plus sign , 4 x 10 bit plus sign)5 - ConfigurableAnalogue Outputs (3 Total - 10 bit)1 - Armature Current Output (-10/0/+ 10V or 0-10V)2 - ConfigurableDigital Inputs (9 Total - 24V, max 15mA)1 - Program Stop1 - Coast Stop1 - External Trip1 - Start/Run5 - ConfigurableDigital Outputs (3 Total - 24V(max 30V) 100mA)3 - ConfigurableReference Supplies1 : +10V DC1: +24V DC1: -10V DC3: 0 V DCInputs/Outputs:(Details on higher ratings will be provided on request)FIELDBUS OPTIONS• Profibus-DP • Ei BisynchTM• Canopen • Fibreoptic Link• Controlnet • Ethernet• Lonworks • Devicenet• RS422/RS485 • Modbus RTUFEATURESIN-BUILT FUNCTIONS FOR DIAMETERCALCULATION,TORQUE CALCULATION, TAPERCALCULATION, PID CONTROL, SPEED DEMANDCALCULATION, COMPENSATION CALCULATION,SETPOINT SUMMATIONPRESETSMOPDC 590+Integrator Series 2FeaturesMAN MACHINE INTERFACEcommissioning.Multi-lingual and alpha numeric displayCustomized parameter values and legendsOn drive or remote mountingLocal control of start /stop, speed and directionQuick set up menuBack lit display with dual line alpha numericdisplay supporting plain Engilsh textconfiguration4 line display (optional)The 590+ has a range of interface optionswhich are compatible with the most commonfeedback devices. Armature voltage feedbackis standard without the need for any interfaceoption.Analog TachometerEncoderPlastic Fiber MicrotachGlass Fiber MicrotachLINK -HIGH SPEED DRIVESCOMMUNICATIONSLINK is Parker SSD Drives' advanced fiber opticnetwork for multi-drive process controlsystems. It allows distributed control elementsincluding drives, operator stations and I/Omodules to be interconnected into highlyefficient cost effective networks. Being fiberoptic based,it provides ultra high speed(3Mbaud, upto 300 nodes in a network) errorfree communications between each node of thesystem. Gateways to the principle Fieldbusprotocols enable LINK to be seamlesslyintegrated into wider networks.INTERFACE OPTIONSWhatever the complexity of your control scheme,the 590+ has the interface to suit. As standardthere's enough analog and digital I/O for themost complex applications. Alternatively, addthe relevant 'technology box' for immediateaccess to serial communications and Fieldbusnetworks. The 590+ has been designed to fitseamlessly, and without compromise, into anycontrol environment. This control board is samefor all the frames and so the spares are readilyavailable.ANALOG/DIGITAL CONTROL5 Analog Inputs3 Analog Outputs9 Digital Inputs3 Digital OutputsSTANDARDSThe 590+ series meets the following standardswhen installed in accordance with the relevantproduct manuals.CE marked to EN50178 (safety, low voltagedirective)EN61800-3 (EMCcompliance) with integralfilters (590+ up to110A require external supplycapacitors for compliance)DSE Lite software can be used the 890, 690+, 650V, 590+ series range ofdrives available from SSD Drives and works with Windows XP™ andWindows Vista™ operating systems.DSE Lite combines the features of CE Lite (Configuration Editor Lite) andDSD (Drive System Designer), the two previous software products for driveconfigurations, into a single application with a modern interface and moreadvanced features. This new software supports user-defined configurationsand offers real-time monitoring and charting, with on-line help facility fordrive function blocks. It can extract drive parameters into an open template.The 'frame' dependant parametersin the templates are displayed incolor.In this software, the unique featureof accessing data online onoscilloscope is also available. TheOscilloscope will set-up a real-timedata acquisition facility inside thedrive firmware, wait for data to beready, retrieve the data and display it.This is a tool to capture and displayfast signals from external or internaltriggers. You can add a parameter tothe Oscilloscope either from anONLINE configuration or from theONLINE Parameter View.DSE LiteDrive System Explorer (DSE) Lite is the new drive configuration softwaretool , with the help of which drive configuration has now becomeuncomplicated and effortless. This new addition from Parker SSD Drivesmakes the drive configuration so quick and simple that the design andproduction engineers can now minimize the set up and configuration time ofdrive to improve their efficiency.Software ToolsPreset SpeedsDiameter CalculationTorque CalculationSectional Control4- Q RegenMacros available for several applicationsto configure entire Draw Sections,Current Winders and Speed WindersParker SSD Drives-India-Catalogue-DC Integrator Series 2 (Issue 2, November’2011)Product Upgradation is a continuous process, hence, data in this catalog is subject to change without prior notice. For latest information, please get in touch with our Sales Offices.Plotno:EL30,MIDCTTC,IndustrialArea,Mahape,NaviMumbai,Maharashtra-400709,Phoneno*************,FaxNo**************SwaminarayanTemple,Judge’sBunglowRoad,Vastrapur,Ahemedabad-380015,Gujarat,Telefax-0794******************** Noida: CS - 171, 7th Floor, Tower A,The Corenthum, Plot No. A41, Sector 62,Noida 201 301, UP , Phone no:0120 4742920 (Recep), 0120 4742900-919, Fax No:0120 4742914 * Bangalore: V-2 (A), 14th Cross, 2nd Stage, Pennya Industrial Estate, Bangalore 560 058, Tel/Fax no: 080-2836 3976/77/78 * Hyderabad: #26-29,18-19,16A,Phase IV,I.D.A, Patancheru, Dist: Medak-502 319, Andhra Pradesh , Phone no : 08455-248731(Direct) * Kolkata: B 502, 5th Floor, City Centre, Sector-1,SaltLake,Kolkata-700064,WestBengal,Phoneno************/6/7,FaxNo************:North: :South::East:180, 270A Frame 3380, 500, 725, 830 AFrame 4:Automation Head Office:Parker Hannifin India Pvt LtdAutomation Group Plot no P41/2, Eight AvenueDomestic Traffic Area Mahindra World City Chengalpattu , Kancheepuram District - 603002Phone no : +91(044) 43910799Fax no : +91(044) 43910700mitali.nair@parker .comwww.parker .com,TrainingParker organizes In- house and customized Quality SystemsPremier Customer Servicemeasures on-time delivery each day based on customer Request Date… We deliver To field available through domestic and international teams of service engineers. An experienced staff around-the-clock product support service to help Sophisticated Project Engineering Tools are used at Parker –••• development tools for drives,all popular PLCs and HMIsSystem Solutionsthe a youFunction Block Programming is a tremendously flexible control structure that allows an almost infinite combination of user functions to be realized with ease. Each control function (an input, output, process PID for example) is represented as a software block that can be freely interconnected to all other blocks to provide any desired action. The drive is despatched with the function blocks pre-configured as a standard dc drive so you can operate it straight from the box without further adjustments.There are over 100 function blocks including...The Power of Function Block ProgrammingValue FunctionsLogic FunctionsSet point SummingfunctionSpeed Demand CalculationPID Control。

ApplicationDecanter centrifuges are an important component, in the processes used to extract protein from meat, fish and insects. These include rendering and hydrolyzed protein processing.Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges are used in 2- or 3- phases configurations, as an integral part of most rendering processes.•Wet and dry rendering for meat, fish and Insects •Hydrolyzed meat and fish protein•Bones and gelatin processes•Blood meal•Surimi and krill•SkimmingAlfa Laval NX decanter centrifuges benefit from many years of as well as constant innovation and improvement. The product range enables improve and optimize recovery of valuable proteins fractions – as well as fats and oils – in the most efficient manner possible.Benefits•Stable interphase: Open outlets ensure very high levels of purity for each liquid phase.•Baffle disc: Improved separation efficiency as a result of a clear separation between solids and liquid(s) in the bowl.This makes it possible to improve effective defatting and dewatering of the solids and to ensure higher purity for both liquid phases.•Low-speed flush: Easy to clean, due to the open outlets.These can be cleaned- effective by using very little water.•Easy rapid service.Working principleSeparation takes place in a horizontal, cylindrical bowlequipped with a screw conveyor. The feed is led into the bowl through a stationary inlet/feed tube [10] and smoothly accelerated by an inlet distributor [5] in – the feed zone.Centrifugal force causes sedimentation of the suspended solids inside the bowl [4].The conveyor [3] rotates in the same direction as the bowl,but at a different speed – called the differential speed. Thisdifference moves the solids to the conical end, where they are lifted out of the liquid level (pond) into a dry zone (beach). Here the capillary liquid is drained centrifugally, before being dis charged through the solids outlet [7] the casing.Separation takes place over the entire length of the cylindrical part of the bowl. The clarified liquid or liquids leave the bowlby flowing over an adjustable weir into the casing.1: Gearbox 2: Liquid outlet 3: Screw conveyor 4: Wall of the bowl 5: Inlet distributor 6: Conical end7: Cleaned slurry/muck outlet 8: Feed inlet9: Discharge ports 10: Feed tubeDesignNX decanter centrifuges are specially designed with a focus on performance, reliability, efficiency, easy access and quiet running. The cover is fitted with hinges to make access easy.The rotating assembly is mounted on a compact, welded box beam frame with main bearings at both ends. The motors are mounted in-line on the decanter itself to ensure the smallest possible footprint. The bowl is driven at the conical end by an electric motor with a V-belt transmission. NX decantercentrifuges are available in 2-phase or 3-phase configurations that are easy to adapt to the demands associated with a specific operating requirements. Each unit can also be adjusted on site.The centrifuge can be equipped with a CIP bar with nozzles/spray head to clean the bowl exterior and the casing/cover, as well as the inside of the bowl.Drive systemIn all Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges, the bowl is driven towards the conical end by an electric motor and V-belt transmission. Power is transferred to the conveyor via a planetary or Direct Drive gearbox.The speed difference is controlled in different ways, depending on the type of unit:•NX countershaft decanters feature a countershafttransmission, in which pulleys can be changed manually to regulate the input shaft speed of the gearbox, and thereby the differential speed•NX VFD-driven decanters are equipped with an automatic back drive system for the main motor.•The back drive motor is coupled to a Direct Drive (DD)gearbox that continuously adjusts the differential speed during operation.Direct Drive is a unique system developed and manufactured by Alfa Laval, to enable processing at maximum torque, thus resulting in best possible dryness of the solids.MaterialsThe bowl, conveyor, inlet tube, outlets, cover and other parts that are in direct contact with the process media are all made of stainless steel or duplex steel. The frame is made of mild steel with an epoxy enamel finish. The discharge ports,conveyor flights and feed zone are protected with materials that are highly resistant to abrasive solid particles.Solids transportDepending on the application, the inner surface of the bowl features either grooves or ribs. These ensures good solids conveying efficiency and limits how much the product slides along the inner surface on the bowl, which tends to generate abrasion, particularly if the solids are hard.Feed zoneThe feed zone is available with exchangeable wear liners made of tungsten carbide for additional wear protection.360° solids dischargesThe spokes are protected against wear by use of "saddles"made of tungsten carbide. The 360° solids discharge is extremely effective because there is no thing to hinder or restrict scrolling the cake out of the bowl.AutomationDecanter centrifuges equipped with variable frequency drives (VFD) are also available with control solutions to comply with your specific operating requirement. Whether you are looking for a control system that operates the decanter only or to more advanced control systems with additional functionality.Alfa Laval decanter automation can help you achieving your specific process performance goals by easy processadjustments, real-time status feedback, automated process adjustments and automated cleaning cycles.Additional featuresThe specially designed architecture of the bowl and conveyor in Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges makes it possible to effectively separate the solids and liquid phase(s) in order to maximize retention times. Keeping the input material in the bowl longer gives higher level of purity in the liquid’s phase(s) and greater dryness in the solid phase. The open outlets make it possible to maintain a stable interphase, even when the feed flows and composition vary by +/- 20%. A stable interface layer between oil and stick water is important for achieving the best possible separation efficiency in both liquid phases, even with emulsions. Open outlets also help ensure that the bowlcan be kept very clean, and make it easy to carry out visual inspections. This design also simplifiesthe decanter’s flush and CIP sequences. Array Protecting the flightsThe conveyor is protected by a coating that contains micro-grains of tungsten carbide, which aresprayed onto the upper 1/3 of the pushing face of the flights while hot. For particularly abrasiveapplications, the conveyor’s flights can be protected with tungsten carbide tiles and flame sprayedtungsten carbide. ArrayEasy to cleanDecanters fitted with an automation control system can execute a high-speed cleaning mode,followed by a low-speed cleaning mode by using frequency converters on the main and back drivemotors. Cleaning-in-place (CIP) media are introduced inside and outside the bowl. A spray bar(optional) on the cover effectively completes the cleaning by spraying water on the outside of thebowl external face. A CIP program featuring repeated sequences of high- and low-speed modesfor water, caustic and acid cleaning agents ensures supremely effective CIP cycle. The duration ofeach sequence, can be adjusted to your particular operating conditions ArrayLow-speed cleaning-in-placeThis is done by switching the direction in which the bowl rotates, at low speed. As the bowlperiodically changes rotation direction, a wave of liquid moves from one end to the other, cominginto contact with all the internal parts. At the same time, the turbulence resulting from this liquidmovement effectively cleans all the outlets and enhances the overall cleaning effect.The frame casing is a box beam profile, featuring an integral casing fitted with hinges. The casingand cover are made of AISI 316 stainless steel, with stainless steel cladding in the neutral bowl’scompartment. Due to their particularly smart design, Alfa Laval decanter centrifuges can beserviced very quickly. For example, it takes less than 3 hours to remove and replace a completerotating assembly.Connected servicesAlfa Laval decanter centrifuges that feature decanter automation can also be fitted with IoTconnectivity hardware that can provide you with full operating data, along with condition monitoringand process optimization. Please refer to the Alfa Laval website for more information.ServiceInvesting in an Alfa Laval decanter centrifuge solution is the first step towards a unique partnershipwith Alfa Laval Service. Our strong service presence in local market, combined with the capabilitiesof skilled Field Service Engineers, provides you and your operations with the support that you needto maximize processing uptime. A Service Agreement takes this one step further. Contact yourlocal Alfa Laval sales for more information.DimensionsDesignation NX912/913NX3650NX4450NX438NX5040NX5540NX6540NX7240 Length (L) (mm/inches)3,216/126.64,071/155.664,734/186.964,925/193.904,976/195.95,416/215.606,174/246.066,459/254.27 Width (W) (mm/ inches)780/30.7990/39.981,060/41.731,190/46.91,190/46.91,300/51.21,450/57.091,510/59.45 Height (H) (mm/inches)960/37.81,304/51.321,376/54.171,445/56.91,651/651,696/66.81,791/70.511,852/72.91 Gross weight (kg/lbs)1,500/3,3002,300/5,1003,200/7,1004,800/10,5824,900/10,8005,120/11,3006,500/14,3508,300/18,300Technical specificationsDesignation NX912/913NX3650NX4450NX438NX5040NX5540NX6540NX7240 Available angles in °10, 206, 10 or 206, 10 or 20106, 10 or 206, 10 or 206, 10 or 206, 10 or 20 Bowl diameter in mm/inches280/11.02360/14.17440/17.32480 / 18.89500/19.7550/21.65650/25.59720/28.35G-force, max. x g3,0303,5493,5513,5743,6223,5543,4913,384Total weight, net in kg/lbs1,500/3,3502,300/5,1003,200/7,1004,800/10,5824,900/10,8005,120/11,3006,500/14,3508,300/18,300 Sound pressure level1) dB(A) re. 20mPa81798185838383841) In compliance with EN ISO 4871 and EN 12547This document and its contents are subject to copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Alfa Laval Corporate AB. No part of this document may be copied, re-produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or for any purpose, without Alfa Laval Corporate AB’s prior express written permission. Information and services provided in this document are madeas a benefit and service to the user, and no representations or warranties are made about the accuracy or suitability of this information and these services for any purpose. All rights arereserved.200005995-2-EN-GB© Alfa Laval Corporate AB How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always availableon our website at 。

Abbreviations : MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 乐器数字接口
We break the word multimedia into its component parts, we get multi -meaning more than one ,and media-meaning form of communication. Those types of media include: . Text . Audio Sound . Static Graphics Images . Animation . Full-Motion Video 如果我们把multimedia这个词分开,我们便得到multi——多,和media——媒体。媒体类型包括: · 文本 · 声音 · 静态图像 · 动画 · 动态视频 Logical Structures. Identifying these logical relationships is a job of the data administrator. A data definition language is used for this purpose. The DBMS may then employ one of the following logical structuring techniques during storage access, and retrieval operations [1]: 逻辑结构。确定这些逻辑关系是数据管理者的任务,由数据定义语言完成。DBMS在存储、访问和检索操作过程中可选用以下逻辑构造技术:

大学生如何规划自己的大学生活英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How College Students Should Plan Their College LifeAs a college student, the four years you spend on campus are some of the most transformative and formative years of your life. It's a time of immense personal growth, self-discovery, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that will shape your future. However, navigating the college experience can be overwhelming, with numerous academic, social, and extracurricular opportunities vying for your time and attention. That's why it's crucial to have a well-thought-out plan to make the most of your college years and set yourself up for success.Firstly, it's essential to prioritize your academic pursuits. After all, the primary reason you're in college is to earn a degree and acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for your desired career path. Start by mapping out your academic goals and requirements for your major. Familiarize yourself with the course catalog, degree requirements, and any prerequisites or sequencing necessary for your desired classes. Create a tentativeschedule that outlines the classes you need to take each semester to ensure you're on track to graduate on time.However, academic success is not solely about attending classes and passing exams. It's equally important to develop effective study habits and time management skills. Set aside dedicated study times, find a conducive study environment (whether it's the library, a quiet cafe, or your dorm room), and explore different learning techniques that work best for you, such as note-taking, active reading, or forming study groups with classmates.Additionally, don't hesitate to seek out academic support resources on campus, such as tutoring centers, writing labs, or office hours with your professors. These resources can be invaluable in helping you navigate challenging coursework, improve your writing skills, or clarify concepts you're struggling with.Beyond academics, college is also an excellent opportunity to explore extracurricular activities and pursue personal interests. Joining clubs, organizations, or sports teams can not only enrich your college experience but also help you develop valuable leadership, teamwork, and communication skills that are highly sought after by employers.When considering extracurricular activities, it's essential to strike a balance between academic commitments and personal interests. While it's tempting to join every club or organization that piques your curiosity, overcommitting can lead to burnout and diminished performance in all areas. Instead, prioritize activities that align with your passions, career goals, or personal growth aspirations, and don't be afraid to step back from commitments that no longer serve you.Networking and building connections during your college years is also crucial for future success. Attend career fairs, join professional associations related to your field of study, or seek out mentorship opportunities with professors or industry professionals. These connections can provide invaluable insights, advice, and potentially open doors to internships, research opportunities, or even future employment.Speaking of internships, make it a priority to gain practical, hands-on experience in your desired field. Internships not only allow you to apply the knowledge you've acquired in the classroom to real-world scenarios but also provide you with a valuable opportunity to explore different career paths, develop professional skills, and build your resume.As you navigate your college experience, don't forget to prioritize self-care and personal well-being. College can be a stressful and demanding environment, and it's essential to find healthy outlets for stress relief and relaxation. Engage in regular physical activity, whether it's joining a recreational sports team, hitting the campus gym, or going for walks or hikes in nearby parks or nature trails.篇2How College Students Should Plan Their College LifeCollege life is a whole new world compared to high school. We're finally out from under our parents' wings and have to learn how to be independent adults. It's equal parts exciting and terrifying! With so much newfound freedom, it's easy to get overwhelmed or lose focus. That's why it's crucial for us college students to have a solid plan for making the most of these precious four years.The first step is getting our priorities straight. For most of us, academics should be the top priority since we're here to get an education first and foremost. That means going to class, paying attention, doing all the readings and assignments, studying hard, and getting good grades. It's tempting to skip class sometimesor put off studying until panic mode kicks in right before exams. But successful students know building good habits like attending every lecture and keeping up with the work is key.That said, college isn't just about books and exams. We need to think about our overall personal growth and development too. This is a pivotal transition phase where we're evolving from teenagers into young adults. We have to learn essential life skills like managing our time, money, health, relationships and more. It's up to us to build productive routines and smart habits that will benefit us for the rest of our lives.An often overlooked aspect is taking care of our mental and physical wellbeing. The pressure to excel can weigh heavy, leading to unhealthy stress levels. That's why I make sure to schedule breaks for myself - hitting the gym, taking a relaxing walk, or just vegging out watching Netflix helps me recharge. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and finding positive outlets like clubs or sports are all part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.Beyond just surviving, we should be thriving and making the most of this amazing experience! College presents countless opportunities for learning, growth, fun and creating lifelong memories. Getting involved in extracurriculars like studentorganizations, volunteering, internships, research projects, study abroad and more enables us to explore our diverse interests and passions outside the classroom.It's also prime time to start networking and making connections that could open doors for our future careers. Going to events, meeting professors during office hours, and putting ourselves out there helps expand our personal and professional networks. A huge part of the college experience is figuring out what we want to do with our lives, so informational interviews and job shadowing in potential fields can provide valuable insight.With so many possibilities, it's easy to get pulled in a million different directions. That's why I cannot stress enough the importance of time management. Having a structured daily schedule and thoroughly planning out our weeks is crucial for juggling all our commitments without going insane. Apps, calendars and to-do lists are life-savers! It's all about finding that magical balance between academics, activities, work, socializing and self-care.Speaking of socializing - college is also a time to have fun and make amazing memories with new friends! Getting out of our comfort zones, putting ourselves out there, and beingsocially engaged enhances the whole experience. It's understandable to feel overwhelmed or intimidated at first in this new environment. But you'll be surprised how easily you can make connections by living in the dorms, joining clubs, going to events and just being friendly.At the end of the day, we have to remember that our collegiate years are a quintessential phase andonce-in-a-lifetime opportunity for immense personal and professional growth. It's up to us to be intentional and proactive about planning our days, weeks, semesters and years in a way that allows us to make the most of it all. It's a delicate juggling act, but creating a roadmap and routines will set us up for success.Yes, it's a lot of hard work and commitment. Countlessall-nighters, piles of assignments, moments of self-doubt and struggle. But looking back, I know these will be some of the best years of our lives. The friends, experiences, passion projects, personal growth, and simply the journey of finding our own way - it will all be worth it. If we go into it with an open mind, a solid plan, and a dedication to making the most of every opportunity, we'll walk away from this phase with a invaluable education, treasured memories, and feeling prepared to take on the worldas individuals. The key is being intentional about designing our own dream college experience from day one.篇3How College Students Should Plan Their College LifeCollege life is a whirlwind of new experiences, challenges, and opportunities for personal growth. As a student, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement and freedom of this new chapter, but it's crucial to approach it with a plan. Without a clear roadmap, you risk wasting valuable time and resources, and missing out on the full college experience. In this essay, I'll share my insights on how to effectively plan your college life, drawing from my own experiences and those of my peers.Set Clear Academic GoalsAt the core of your college experience lies your academic pursuits. Before you even set foot on campus, take the time to reflect on your interests, strengths, and long-term career aspirations. Use this self-reflection to identify a major or field of study that aligns with your passions and goals. Once you've chosen your path, map out the required courses and create a tentative schedule for completing them within the allotted time frame.However, don't be too rigid in your planning. College is a time for exploration, so leave room for elective courses that pique your curiosity or expose you to new subjects. Approach your studies with an open mind, and be willing to adjust your plan as your interests evolve or new opportunities arise.Develop a Time Management StrategyEffective time management is the key to balancing the various demands of college life. Start by creating a weekly schedule that allocates time for classes, studying, extracurricular activities, work (if applicable), and leisure. Be realistic in your time estimates, and factor in breaks to avoid burnout.I've found that using a physical planner or a digital calendar app helps me stay organized and on top of deadlines. Experiment with different time management techniques, such as the Pomodoro method or blocking off dedicated study hours, to find what works best for you.Remember, time management is a skill that takes practice. Don't be discouraged if you struggle at first. Seek guidance from academic advisors, upperclassmen, or campus resources if you need help developing this crucial habit.Cultivate a Supportive NetworkCollege isn't just about academics; it's also an opportunity to forge lasting connections and build a supportive network. Make an effort to get involved in campus life by joining clubs, organizations, or sports teams that align with your interests. These activities not only enrich your college experience but also provide opportunities to meet like-minded individuals who can become valuable study partners, mentors, or lifelong friends.Additionally, don't underestimate the importance of maintaining relationships with your family and friends back home. They can offer a much-needed sense of grounding and emotional support during the inevitable ups and downs of college life.Prioritize Self-CareThe demands of college life can be overwhelming, and it's easy to neglect your physical and mental well-being in the pursuit of academic success. However, self-care is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance and avoiding burnout.Make time for regular exercise, whether it's hitting the campus gym, joining an intramural sports team, or simply going for daily walks. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as reading, journaling, or pursuing a creative hobby.Don't hesitate to seek professional help if you're struggling with mental health issues like anxiety or depression. Most colleges offer counseling services and resources to support students' emotional well-being.Embrace Experiential LearningWhile classroom learning is essential, some of the most valuable lessons in college come from real-world experiences. Look for opportunities to intern, volunteer, or participate in research projects related to your field of study. These hands-on experiences not only enhance your resume but also provide invaluable insights into potential career paths and help you develop practical skills.Additionally, consider studying abroad or participating in alternative break programs that allow you to immerse yourself in different cultures and gain a global perspective. These experiences can be transformative, challenging your worldview and helping you develop a greater appreciation for diversity.Manage Finances ResponsiblyFinancial stress can be a significant source of anxiety for college students. To alleviate this burden, it's crucial to develop sound financial habits early on.Start by creating a realistic budget that accounts for tuition, housing, textbooks, and living expenses. Explore opportunities for scholarships, grants, or work-study programs to offset costs. If you need to take out student loans, borrow responsibly and only what is necessary.Learn to distinguish between wants and needs, and practice frugal living habits like cooking at home, buying used textbooks, and taking advantage of student discounts. Consider taking on a part-time job or freelance work to supplement your income and gain valuable work experience.Embrace Challenges and SetbacksCollege life is not without its challenges and setbacks. You may struggle with a difficult course, experience a personal crisis, or face rejection when applying for internships or jobs. It's important to approach these obstacles with resilience and a growth mindset.Seek support from your network, professors, or campus resources when you encounter difficulties. Don't be afraid to ask for help or guidance; most colleges offer tutoring, counseling, and academic support services designed to assist students in overcoming obstacles.Remember, setbacks are opportunities for growth and learning. Reflect on the experience, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your plan accordingly. Embrace the challenges as stepping stones toward personal and professional development.ConclusionCollege is a transformative journey filled with endless possibilities for growth, exploration, and self-discovery. By approaching this chapter with a well-crafted plan, you'll be better equipped to navigate the challenges, seize opportunities, and make the most of your college experience.Remember, your plan should be flexible and adaptable, allowing room for new interests, unexpected circumstances, and personal growth. Embrace the journey, stay true to your values, and don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. With determination, resilience, and a willingness to learn, you'll emerge from college as a well-rounded, confident individual ready to tackle the next chapter of your life.。
The Xynth Windowing System

The Xynth Windowing SystemTable of ContentsTable of Contents (2)1. Xynth Introduction (3)1.1 What’s Windowing System (3)1.2 What’s Xynth (3)1.3 Requirements of Real-time Embedded Systems for GUI (4)1.4 Technical Highlights of Xynth (4)1.4.1 Client/Server Architecture (4)1.4.2 Direct Video Memory Access (4)1.4.3 Double Buffer Rendering (5)1.4.4 Threads Safe (5)1.4.5 Internal Driver Structure (5)1.4.6 SysV IPC (5)1.4.7 Built in Window Manager (5)1.4.8 Ported Applications, APIs (5)1.5 Features of Xynth (5)2. Milestones of Xynth (7)3. System architecture of Xynth (7)4. What is in source package (8)5. Why use Xynth (9)5.1 Usage areas of Xynth (9)5.2 Comparison to others (9)6. Xynth Live Embedded Distribution CD (10)6.1 What is in CD (10)6.2 How to use (11)6.3 Howto prepare your own (11)6.4 Tested Platforms (11)6.5 Screen Shots (12)7. API Referance (25)7.1 Types (25)7.2 Server internal (30)7.3 Client library (35)7.4 Widget library (39)8. Resources (43)1. Xynth IntroductionXynth is an embedded and portable interface between display hardware (the mouse, keyboard, and video displays) and the desktop environment that works on many hardware, including embedded devices.1.1 What’s Windowing SystemA windowing system is a system for sharing a computer's graphical display presentation resources among multiple applications at the same time. In a computer that has a graphical user interface, you may want to use a number of applications at the same time. Using a separate window for each application, you can interact with each application and go from one application to another without having to reinitiate it. Having different information or activities in multiple windows may also make it easier for you to do your work.A window system enables the computer user to work with several programs at the same time. Each program runs in its own window, which is a rectangular area of the screen. Most window systems allow windows to overlap, and provide means for the user to perform standard operations such as moving/resizing a window, sending a window to the foreground/background, minimizing, maximizing a window, etc.From a programmer's point of view, a window system implements graphical primitives such as rendering fonts or drawing a line on the screen, effectively providing an abstraction of the graphics hardware.For human-computer interaction. WIMP stands for the "window, icon, menu, pointing device" paradigm that characterizes most commercial graphical user interfaces from 1984 to the present. It was developed at the Xerox Parc.1.2 What’s XynthThe name Xynth comes from the coordinate system, which is the heart of the Xynth Windowing System design.Xynth is a GPL licensed free software project. It aims to provide a lightweight GUI supported windowing system for Linux-based and/or real-time embedded systems. Launched at the end of 2002, the software has, over 2 years of development, for the moment become a stable and reliable one securing widespread applications in a variety of products and programs.It is not a window manager or a window server, though it provides features similar to both. In the X Window System, for example, Xynth would be roughly equivalent to the X server plus a window manager. On the other hand, Xynth brings some of the features of modern graphical windowing systems to the embedded programming community, aiming to create a new GUI architecture designed to be usable on systems ranging from embedded to desktops.1.3 Requirements of Real-time Embedded Systems for GUITypical computer desktop "graphics stack" isn't well suited to embedded applications. Embedded devices frequently have highly constrained resources and can afford neither the program storage space nor the memory footprint of desktop graphics software. All that memory costs money, requires board space, and consumes power. Embedded systems frequently have unique needs that can't be met by desktop graphics system components. These include the requirement for a customized look and feel, control over what functions are available to users, speed of loading, unusual display or input device characteristics, etc.1.4 Technical Highlights of XynthThe Xynth Windowing System is scalable, customizable, portable, modular, reliable, lightweight, fast, and operating system independed because of these fact below.1.4.1 Client/Server ArchitectureXynth uses a network layer comminication design between the server and clients. TCP/IP, Unix Domanin Sockets, or minimal socket stack of our own may be choosen as network layer, this increases the portability, and independency. So even if the operating system has no network support/stack this will never be a problem for development.1.4.2 Direct Video Memory AccessOn a client/server architectured windowing system, when a client wants to draw a pixel to the screen, it passes the drawing data to the server and then server writes the data to the video buffer. Unlike any other competitors using client/server architecture, all clients and server has direct access to the video memory buffer. This means that any client that is drawing on the screen, will never wait for the server response. Another income of this design is the huge decrease of the load on server, and network layer. As a result, the system is high-performed and light-weighted.1.4.3 Double Buffer RenderingAlthough the direct access to video memory hase valuable advantages it has a handicap, flickering. To avoid flickering double buffer rendering used in clients. While double buffering increasing the allocated memory, also inreases the speed due to the windowing system concept (refresh, move, resize). On the other hand if needed, this feature may be switched off.1.4.4 Threads SafeAll the code in Xynth source package is threads safe, including server api, client library, and widget set. This feature gives the developer a customizable, and reliable platform.1.4.5 Internal Driver StructureThe server manages input devices with polling on them. Any custom device driver can easily plugged or unplugged, within the source code a keyboard (console) and mouse driver set (PS2, IMPS2, USB, etc.) is given. This driver structure gives modularity to the system.Xynth has output driver system set, drivers included within the source are svgalib and linux frame buffer implementation. Any output driver can be easily used for video memory buffer.1.4.6 SysV IPCAny modern, embedded, or real-time operating system has the support of IPC (Inter Proccess Communication). As a result of this fact, system gains reliablity, independency, and speed.1.4.7 Built in Window ManagerAgain, unlike any competitor Xynth server has minimal set of window managing ability which reduces the foot print.1.4.8 Ported Applications, APIsMplayer-1.0pre5, well known award winning media player.SDL-1.2.7, low level graphics library.GTK+-2.4.13, high level widget library written in C. Any program written with GTKv2 is ready to run on Xynth (Mozilla, Abiword, Xchat, Gqview, Gaim, Anjuta, etc.)Links-2.1pre15, an embedded web browser with HTML 4.0 and Javascript support.1.5 Features of Xynth•Network Layer•Direct Memory Access•Overlapped client window - server management•8-way Move, Resize•Runtime Theme Pluging Support•Built-in image renderer xpm, png•Antialiased fonts with Freetype Library.•No dependencies except FBDev or SVGALib•Device independent basic low-level graphics libraryo rgbcolor, colorrgb, setpixel, getpixel, hline , vline, fillbox, putbox, putboxmask, getbox, putboxpart, putboxpartmask, copybox, scalebox, getsurface, setsurfacevirtual,setsurface•Overlay Drawing Abilityo rgbcolor_o, colorrgb_o, setpixel_o, getpixel_o, hline_o, vline_o, fillbox_o, putbox_o, putboxmask_o, getbox_o, putboxpart_o, putboxpartmask_o, copybox_o, getsurface_o,setsurfacevirtual_o, setsurface_o•Anti Flicker Double Buffer Rendering•Threads Safe•Built-in window manager.•Applications / Librarieso XynthDesktopo XynTherminalo XynthLoado XynthMineso Mplayer (Perfect)o links (Perfect)o SDL (Perfect)o GTK 2.4.x (Perfect)•Low Memory and CPU Usage and Foot Print.o In 1024x768x32bits mode with 253 clients open Memory usage is ~2,5Mo Static linked binary is ~125Ko Minimal booting Linux distrobution will be less than 2 Mb.2. Milestones of Xynth•Socket API•Windowing System Design•Svgalib•Mouse / Keyboard drivers•Polling System•SysV IPC API•Direct Memory Access•Posix Threads•Frame Buffer Driver API•Theme Support•Image API•True Type Anti-Aliased Font API•GTKv2 port•SDL port•Mplayer port•Embedded distrobution design•Links port, and further developing3. System architecture of Xynth4. What is in source package•Demoo Child : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of child windows, handlers.o Desktop : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of child windows, temp windows, handlers, and desktop manager.o Load : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of threads mechanism.o Mines : Demo program using widget library to show the usage of widget library.o Simple : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of main windows.o Temp : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of temp windows.o Term : Demo program using client library and low-level graphics library to show the usage of child windows, poll system.o Widget : Demo program using widget library to show the usage of widget api. •Srco Fonts : TrueType fonts, that clients will use.o Lib : Client library, plus low-level graphics library.o Server : Server program.o Themes : XPM themes, that will converted to .so shared plugins.o Widget : Widget library.•Toolso Bdf : Tool to convert .bdf font files to .c or .h source files.o Freetype : Tool to show how to use freetype on svgalib.o Gaim : Gaim patch, to make it work on Xynth.o Gtk : GTK+-2.4.x port patch.o Kmap : Tool to create keyboard map files for Xynth.o Links : Links2 port patch.o Mplayer : Mplater port patcho Mtrr : Tool to show the usage of MTRR.o Png : Png tool using libpng.o Sdl : SDL port patch.o Theme : Tool to convert XPM theme files to .so shared plugins.5. Why use Xynth•ANSI C•Simple architecture•Minimum dependency•Fast•Small•Portable•Easly customizable•Suitable for fast developments•Work on many operating systems5.1 Usage areas of Xynth•Handheld consumer products PDAs, cellphones•Factory automated equipments•Settop-boxes, TVs, Kiosks, ATMs•Medical instruments•Commercial airlines, cockpit displays, terminals•Desktop systems•Any device that has graphical user interface•Military devices5.2 Comparison to othersXynthMiniGUIMicroWindowsDirectFBQT/EmbeddedPicoGUIDevelopmentStatusStable,ContinuesStable,ContinuesUnstable,ContinuesStable,ContinuesStable, Continues Unstable,DiscontinuedPortability Excellent Excellent Excellent Good Fair Better License GPL CommercialLGPL/Commercial LGPL QPL/Commercial LGPL Robustness /ReliabilityExcellent Good Very Poor Good Bad Very Poor Threads Safe Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Configurability andCustomizabilİtyExcellent Good Poor Fair Poor PoorConsumptionof systemresourcesLowest Lower Low High Highest HighEfficiency High High Low Low Lowest Low Footprint 100K 500K 600K 1 MB 1,5 MB 1 MBPorted Libraries SDLv2GTKv2None FLTKv1 GTKv1 None SDLv2Ported Applications MplayerLinksMozillaXineKonquerrorSmpeg None None Xchat6. Xynth Live Embedded Distribution CD6.1 What is in CD•Doc : Documentation•Opt : Pre compiled binaries of ported demo applicationso GTK+-2.4.13 : Xynth port of GTK.Xchat 2.4.0Gqview 1.4.5Gimp2o SDL-1.2.7 : Xynth port of SDLLtris-1.0.7Lbreakout2-2.1.5o Mplayer 1-0pre5 : Xynth port of mplayero Links2 : Xynth port of Links•Srco Xynth-0.6.11 : Xynth sourceo Xynth-pkg-0.1.0 : Xynth extras package to prepera your own embedded distrobution.6.2 How to useJust put the bootable Xynth Demo CD to the first cdrom device. And boot the machine. At thispoint this is important that you should have a IMPS2 mouse plugeed to PS2 port, and a vesacompetible vga card.6.3 Howto prepare your own•tar –jxvf xynth-source.tar.bz2cd xynthedit Makefile.incmakemake install•tar –jxvf xynth-pkg.tar.bz2cd xynth-pkgedit install./install•Prepare a mini distrobution.•Copy the binaries you just compiled in to your distrobution.•Burn them all as a bootable cd.•Ready to run.6.4 Tested PlatformsCPU VGA amd athlon 2500+ Nvidia FX5700amd athlon 2500+ Nvidia FX5200amd athlon 2500+ ATI 9200SEintel p4 2800 I865intel p4 2000 I810intel p4 2000 I845intel p3 1000 Nvidia Gforce4intel celeron 1.7 Nvidia TNT2 M64 16Mbintel celeron 800 Nvidia Gforce2 200mx6.5 Screen ShotsServer + 253 ClientsDesktop DemoGTK port - GaimGTK port – GimpGTK port – gqviewGTK port – gtk demoLinksLoad DemoMines DemoMplayer portSDL port – ltris plus lbreakout2Demo DesktopGTK port + xchat7. API Referance7.1 Typestypedef enum {SOC_DATA_NOTHING = 0x0,SOC_DATA_NEW = 0x1,SOC_DATA_SHOW = 0x2,SOC_DATA_CLOSE = 0x3,SOC_DATA_TITLE = 0x4,SOC_DATA_EVENT =0x5, SOC_DATA_EXPOSE =0x6, SOC_DATA_DISPLAY =0x7, SOC_DATA_FORMDRAW =0x8, SOC_DATA_CONFIGURE =0x9, SOC_DATA_CONFIGURE_NOFORM= 0xA, SOC_DATA_DESKTOP =0xB } S_SOC_DATA;typedef enum {WINDOW_NEW =0x001, WINDOW_COOR =0x002, WINDOW_DRAW =0x004, WINDOW_SHOW =0x008, WINDOW_TITLE =0x010, WINDOW_RESIZEABLE =0x020,NO_FORM =0x040, WINDOW_ROOT =0x080, WINDOW_MAIN =0x100, WINDOW_TEMP =0x200, WINDOW_CHILD =0x400, WINDOW_DESKTOP =0x800 } S_WINDOW;typedef enum {SURFACE_REAL =0x1, SURFACE_VIRTUAL =0x2 } S_SURFACE_MODE;typedef enum {MOUSE_CURSOR_WAIT,MOUSE_CURSOR_CROSS,MOUSE_CURSOR_IBEAM,MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZEV,MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZEH,MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZES,MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZEB,MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZEA,MOUSE_CURSOR_ARROW,MOUSE_CURSOR_POINT,MOUSE_CURSOR_SPLITV,MOUSE_CURSOR_SPLITH,MOUSE_CURSOR_FORBID,MOUSE_CURSOR_UPARROW,MOUSE_CURSOR_MAX} S_MOUSE_CURSOR;typedef enum {KEYCODE_ALTF =0x01,0x02,KEYCODE_CTRLF =0x04,=KEYCODE_CPLCKF=0x08,KEYCODE_NMLCKF0x10,=KEYCODE_SHIFTF=0x20KEYCODE_ALTGRF} S_KEYCODE_FLAG;typedef enum {0x00001,QUIT_EVENT=0x00002,KEYBD_EVENT=0x00004,=KEYBD_RELEASED0x00008,KEYBD_PRESSED =0x00010,=MOUSE_EVENT=0x00020,MOUSE_OVER0x00040,MOUSE_RELEASED=0x00080,MOUSE_PRESSED =0x00100,MOUSE_CLICKED =0x00200,MOUSE_HINT=0x00400,MOUSE_HINT2=0x00800,EXPOSE_EVENT =0x01000,EXPOSE_CHNGX =0x02000,EXPOSE_CHNGY =EXPOSE_CHNGW =0x04000,0X08000,EXPOSE_CHNGH =0x10000,DESKTOP_EVENT =EVENT_MASK = QUIT_EVENT | EXPOSE_EVENT | KEYBD_EVENT | MOUSE_EVENT } S_EVENT;typedef enum {0x1,=MOUSE0x2=KEYBD} S_HANDLER;typedef struct s_list_node_s {void*next;*element;void} s_list_node_t;typedef struct s_list_s {intnb_elt;*node;s_list_node_t} s_list_t;typedef struct s_rect_s {intx;y;intw;inth;int} s_rect_t;typedef struct s_image_s {w;int*buf;char*mat;charhandler;s_rect_tunsigned int *rgba;*layers;s_list_t} s_image_t;typedef struct s_font_s {face;FT_Facelibrary;FT_LibraryyMin;intyMax;int*str;charsize;int*img;s_image_t} s_font_t;typedef struct s_pollfd_s {intfd;int (*in) (s_window_t *, int);int (*ierr) (s_window_t *, int);} s_pollfd_t;typedef struct s_mouse_s {x;inty;intb;intint rx; /* to set wheel buttons */ intry;int clicks; /* click count */int buttons; /* buttons bitwise ORed */struct timeval time; /* event time */int px; /* prev. pressed coor. */ py;intint pb; /* prev. pressed button */int pbuttons; /* prev. pressed buttons */struct timeval ctime; /* prev. clicked time */cursor;S_MOUSE_CURSOR} s_mouse_t;typedef struct s_keybd_s {intascii;scancode;intstate[128];intcharbutton[40];flag;S_KEYCODE_FLAG} s_keybd_t;typedef struct s_expose_s {change;intrect;s_rect_t} s_expose_t;typedef struct s_desktop_client_s {pri;inttitle_l;int*title;char} s_desktop_client_t;typedef struct s_dekstop_s {s_list_t*clients;} s_desktop_t;typedef struct s_event_s {intid;type;S_EVENT*mouse;s_mouse_t*keybd;s_keybd_t*expose;s_expose_t*desktop;s_desktop_t} s_event_t;typedef struct s_eventq {tid;s_thread_ts_list_t*queue;s_thread_cond_t *cond;*mut;s_thread_mutex_t} s_eventq_t;typedef struct s_handler_keybd_s {flag;int*button;charvoid (*p) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);void (*r) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);} s_handler_keybd_t;typedef struct s_handler_mouse_s {x;inty;intw;inth;intbutton;intvoid (*p) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button pressed */void (*r) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button released */void (*c) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button clicked */void (*o) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* on over */void (*ho) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* on over && hint *//* on over, but mouse button is still pressed */void (*hr) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button realesed && hint *//* mouse button released, but the prev. press was not on us */ void (*oh) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button over && hint2 *//* not on over, but was on over */void (*hoh) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button over && hint && hint2 *//* not on over, but was on over. and button is still pressed */void (*rh) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *, s_handler_t *);/* button realesed && hint2 *//* mouse button released outside, but the prev. press was on us *//* wheel buttons has no realesed event */ overed;int} s_handler_mouse_t;struct s_handler_s {*name;chartype;S_HANDLER{union*mouse;s_handler_mouse_t*keybd;s_handler_keybd_t};*user_data;void};typedef struct s_childs_s {*list;s_list_ts_thread_mutex_t*mut;} s_childs_t;typedef struct s_surface_s {S_SURFACE_MODE mode;bytesperpixel;intint bitsperpixel;colors;intblueoffset;intgreenoffset;intredoffset;intbluelength;intgreenlength;intintredlength;int width; /* These are the real sizes of our buffer */height;intchar *vbuf; /* The buffer that holds clients window. */s_rect_t buf; /* This is our bufs virtual part */ win;s_rect_tchar *linear_buf; /* mapped shared buffer */ int linear_buf_width; /* See s_client_surface_linear() */ linear_buf_height;intunsigned long linear_mem_base;int *id;shm_mid;intunsigned char *matrix;} s_surface_t;typedef struct s_client_s {id;intpri;intresizeable;intalwaysontop;int*title;charevent_copy2parent_mask;S_EVENTvoid (*atloop) (s_window_t *, S_SOC_DATA);void (*atevent) (s_window_t *, s_event_t *);void (*atcevent) (s_window_t *, s_window_t *, s_event_t *);void (*atexit) (s_window_t *);*user_data;void} s_client_t;struct s_window_s {running;inttype;S_WINDOW*pollfds;s_list_t*handlers;s_list_t*client;s_client_ts_surface_t*surface;*event;s_event_t*eventq;s_eventq_t*childs;s_childs_ttid;s_thread_t*parent;s_window_t};7.2 Server internaltypedef enum {TOP_L = 0x0,TOP_1,TOP_2,TOP_3,TOP_4,TOP_5,TOP_R,LEFT,RIGHT,BTM_L,BTM,BTM_R,FORM_MAX} THEME_FORM;typedef enum {CLOSE = 0x0,MAXIMIZE,HIDE,MENU,BTNS_MAX} THEME_BTN;typedef enum {INACTIVE,ACTIVE,PRESSED} THEME_STATE;typedef struct s_theme_s {title_full;inttext_color[2];inttext_v_off[2];intform[2][FORM_MAX];s_image_ts_image_tbutton[3][BTNS_MAX];{structh;intintw;w_;int}form_min;} s_theme_t;typedef enum {SURFACE_CLOSED,SURFACE_OPENED,SURFACE_REDRAW,SURFACE_REFRESH,SURFACE_CHANGED,SURFACE_PRIORITY} S_SURFACE_CHNGF;typedef struct s_clients_s {soc;intint pid; /* parent id */intresizeable;alwaysontop;inttype;S_WINDOWbuf;s_rect_twin;s_rect_t/* theme related */struct{*str;charhy[2];intinthh[2];img[2];s_image_ttitle;}s_rect_tform[FORM_MAX];button[BTNS_MAX];s_rect_t} s_clients_t;#if defined(SW_CURSOR)typedef struct s_cursor_s {x;inty;intxyid;int*img;s_image_ts_image_timages[MOUSE_CURSOR_MAX]; } s_cursor_t;#endiftypedef struct s_server_s {intmode;id[S_CLIENTS_MAX];intintpri[S_CLIENTS_MAX];client[S_CLIENTS_MAX];s_clients_t#if defined(SW_CURSOR)/* SW Cursor */cursor;s_cursor_t#endifs_theme_t theme;s_window_t *window;/* mouse */mh;int} s_server_t;s_server_t *server;/* event.c */void s_server_event_parse_keyboard (void);int s_server_event_parse_mouse (void);void s_server_event_changed (void);void s_server_event_parse (S_EVENT event);/* id.c */int s_server_id_get (void);int s_server_id_find (int socket);void s_server_id_del (int id);/* kbd.c */void s_server_kbd_signal_handler (int v);void s_server_kbd_atexit (void);void s_server_kbd_state_clear (void);void s_server_kbd_switch_handler (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_kbd_window_close_handler (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_kbd_server_quit_handler (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_kbd_set_attr (void);void s_server_kbd_init (void);void s_server_kbd_code2name (int scancode, char *name);int s_server_kbd_code2ascii (char *name);int s_server_kbd_name2code (char *name);void s_server_kbd_keymap_load (void);void s_server_kbd_uninit (void);void s_server_kbd_update (void);/* mouse.c */void s_server_mouse_setcursor (S_MOUSE_CURSOR c);void s_server_mouse_draw (void);int s_server_mouse_update (void);void s_server_mouse_uninit (void);int s_server_mouse_in_f (s_window_t *window, int s);void s_server_mouse_init (void);#if defined(SW_CURSOR)void s_server_cursor_init (void);void s_server_cursor_image_set (int which, int c0, int c1, unsigned int *c); void s_server_cursor_matrix_add (void);void s_server_cursor_matrix_del (void);void s_server_cursor_draw (void);void s_server_cursor_select (S_MOUSE_CURSOR c);void s_server_cursor_position (int x, int y);#endif/* priority.c */void s_server_pri_set (S_SURFACE_CHNGF flag, ...);void s_server_pri_set_ (S_SURFACE_CHNGF flag, int id, s_rect_t *c0, s_rect_t *c1);int s_server_id_pri (int id);int s_server_pri_id (int pri);void s_server_pri_del (int id);/* server.c */void s_server_init (int mode);void s_server_mtrr_init (void);void s_server_uninit (void);void s_server_quit (s_window_t *window);void s_server_goto_back (void);void s_server_comefrom_back (void);/* socket.c */int s_server_socket_listen_new (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_show (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_title (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_display (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_configure (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_desktop (int id);int s_server_socket_listen_close (int socket);int s_server_socket_listen_parse (int socket);int s_server_socket_listen_accept (void);int s_server_socket_request_event (int id);int s_server_socket_request_close (int id);int s_server_socket_request_expose (int id, s_rect_t *changed);int s_server_socket_request_desktop (int id);int s_server_socket_request (S_SOC_DATA req, int id, ...);void s_server_socket_uninit (void);void s_server_socket_init (void);/* surface.c */void s_server_surface_init (int mode);void s_server_surface_uninit (void);void s_server_surface_matrix_find (s_rect_t *coor, int *dm);void s_server_surface_matrix_add (int id, s_rect_t *coor);void s_server_surface_matrix_add_this (int id, s_rect_t *coor, s_rect_t*mcoor, char *mat);void s_server_surface_matrix_del (int id);void s_server_surface_matrix_del_this (int id, s_rect_t *mcoor, char *mat); void s_server_surface_clean (s_rect_t *coor);void s_server_surface_background (s_rect_t *coor);void s_server_surface_lock_real (void);void s_server_surface_refresh (void);/* window.c */void s_server_window_new (int id);void s_server_window_title (int id, char *title);void s_server_putbox (s_window_t *window, int id, s_rect_t *coor, int x, int y, s_image_t *img);void s_server_putmat (s_window_t *window, int id, s_rect_t *coor, int x, int y, s_image_t *img);void s_server_window_form (int id, s_rect_t *_coor_);#define s_server_window_matrix_add(a, b) s_server_window_matrix(a, a, b)#define s_server_window_matrix_del(a, b) s_server_window_matrix(a,S_MATRIX_DELETED, b)void s_server_window_matrix (int id, int mi, s_rect_t *_coor_);void s_server_window_calculate (int id);int s_server_window_is_parent_of_any_temp (int pid);int s_server_window_is_parent_temp (int pid, int cid);void s_server_window_close_temps_all (void);void s_server_window_close_temps (int id);void s_server_window_close_id (int id);void s_server_window_close (s_window_t *window);void s_server_window_move_resize (int id, s_rect_t *new);void s_server_window_maximize (s_window_t *window);/* window_handler.c */void s_server_window_btn_resize_oh (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_u_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_ur_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_r_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_dr_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_d_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_dl_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_l_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_resize_ul_o (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_menu_p (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_menu_oh (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_menu_r (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_hide_p (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_hide_oh (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_hide_r (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_maximize_p (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_maximize_oh (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event, s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_maximize_r (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);void s_server_window_btn_close_p (s_window_t *window, s_event_t *event,s_handler_t *handler);。

Data Sheet Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945Cisco® Unified Communications Solutions enable collaboration so that organizations can quickly adapt to market changes while increasing productivity, improving competitive advantage through speed and innovation, and delivering a rich-media experience across any workspace, securely and with optimal quality.Product OverviewThe Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 is a new and innovative IP endpoint that delivers affordable, business-grade voice and video communication services to customers worldwide.The Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 integrates video communications into the Cisco Unified IP Phones 8900 Series with a built-in, high-quality video (VGA or 640 x 480 pixel) camera up to 30 frames per second, for both endcoding and decoding. The Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 renders video on its high-resolution, 5-inch diagonal, fully backlit, VGA-quality display.The phone supports four lines and four context-sensitive soft keys along with a high-definition voice, full-duplex speakerphone for a more productive and more flexible endpoint experience. Fixed keys for hold, transfer, redial, and conference; a tri-color LED line; and feature keys also make the endpoint simpler and easier to use.The Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 offers greater personalization with two handset style options. In addition, Bluetooth 2.1 support is delivered for additional freedom using headsets, such as the Jawbone ICON for Cisco Bluetooth Headset. The Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 supports right-to-left language presentation on its display, addressing the language localization needs of global customers.The endpoint also comes with an IEEE 10/100/1000 network and PC ports, reducing costs with the ability to consolidate wiring infrastructure at the desktop. With these integrated ports, the multimedia traffic from a co-located PC can be routed through the integrated switch of the phone and then sent back to the closet switch over a single cable-drop.The Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945 supports a deep-sleep option, offering energy savings with reduced power draw during nonbusiness hours. In addition, the phone employs use of both recyclable and reground plastics for a more earth-responsible solution.Features and BenefitsTables 1 through 6 give features and other information about the phones, and Table 7 gives ordering information. Table 1. Features and BenefitsTable 2. Video Features and BenefitsTable 3. Software and Physical SpecificationsTable 4. Power RequirementsTable 5. AC Region and Country-Specific Power CordsTable 6. Temperature RatingsTable 7. CertificationsTable 8. Ordering InformationWarrantyCisco Unified IP Phones are covered by a Cisco standard 1-year hardware warranty.Cisco Unified Communications Services and SupportUsing the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach, Cisco and our partners offer a broad portfolio of end-to-end services to support the Cisco Unified Communications System. These services are based on proven methodologies for deploying, operating, and optimizing IP communications solutions. Initial planning and design services, for example, can help you meet aggressive deployment schedules and minimize network disruption during implementation. Operate services reduce the risk of communications downtime with expert technical support. Optimize services enhance solution performance for operational excellence. Cisco and our partners offer a system-level service and support approach that can help you create and maintain a resilient, converged network that meets your business needs.For More InformationFor more information about the Cisco Unified IP Phone 8945, visit /go/ipphones/8900 or contact your local Cisco account representative.。

Urban Metro CHARACTERISTICS 城市地铁特点Comfort舒适性Shortcut捷径Punctuality守时Little pollution小污染Safety安全性1、车体2、转向架3、牵引缓冲装置4、制动装置5、采集装置6、内部设备7、电气设备1.Car body 车体◆It is to accommodate passengers and the driver.这是为了容纳乘客和司机。
◆Meanwhile, it is the basic component to connect to other devices or car bodies.同时,它是连接到其他设备或汽车车身的基本部件。
◆For the purpose of meeting the strength requirement while keeping the self-weight at itslowest.为了满足强度要求,同时保持自重最低。
◆Integrated steel structure or light metal structure is adopted.采用整体式钢结构或轻型金属结构。
◆It usually comprises of the floor, the roof, sides and end walls.它通常包括地板、屋顶、侧壁和端壁。
2.Bogies 转向架◆Motor and trailer bogies are located between the car body and the track, to drag andguide the vehicles moving along the track.汽车和拖车转向架位于车体与轨道之间,拖曳和引导车辆沿轨道运动。
◆They cab bear and transfer a variety of load from lines and the car body, easing itsdynamic action.他们从线路和车体上承担和传递各种载荷,减轻其动力作用。

2024—2025学年上学期期中考试高三英语答案听力:1-5BCBCB6-10CBACB11-15CBABC16-20CABCB阅读理解:21-23DCB24-27BCAD28-31CDBA32-35CDCB七选五:36-40DECGB完形填空:41-45CDCAB46-50DCBAD51-55ABDCD语法填空:56.constructed57.What58.in59.were change61.has occurred62.productive63.a64.scientifically65.preventing写作:应用文:The possible versionDear fellow students,With the development of modern industry and the change of people’s lifestyles,our ecological environment is becoming increasingly worse.It’s high time we took action to protect our ecological environment,otherwise we may soon have nowhere to live.Firstly,turn off lights and other electrical appliances when they are not in use to conserve electricity.Secondly,when going out,we should choose to walk,to ride a bike or to take public transportation instead of driving a stly,reusing paper or bottles and resisting using plastic bags are also highly recommended.These simple actions can significantly contribute to a low-carbon lifestyle.Let us work together to create a green and harmonious environment.The Students’Union 读后续写:构思:第一段:①What was Mary thinking?②How would mom help Mary?③What would Mary do next?第二段:①How did Mary feel and adjust?②What was Mr.Brown and other students’reaction?③What was the result of the presentation?The possible versionHearing Mom’s words,Mary gazed at the precious red ribbon.She imagined the scene where Mom had tried her best to overcome her fears and picked up the courage to deliver a fantastic speech to the audience.Realizing Mary’s anxiety,Mom reassured her and reached out her hand to tie the red ribbon onto Mary’s wrist with a smile.Restored and determined,Mary gritted(咬紧牙关)her teeth to find her courage.She stood in front of a mirror and practiced.“You can do it,”she told herself when drowsiness(昏昏欲睡)fell upon her.The next day Mary again walked to the front of the classroom to give her presentation.She nervously lowered her head and averted her gaze,feeling numb for a few seconds.But courage found its way back the moment she caught sight of the red ribbon on her forted and inspired,she took a deep breath,summoned up her courage,and said“Dear fellow students.”Mary cast a glance at Mr.Brown who was standing in the corner and smiling at her.A self-reassuring smile spread across Mary’s face.She knew for sure that she had now found her courage.部分答案解析A篇主题语境:人与社会—社会服务本文是应用文。

I n s t a ll ati o n I nf o rm ati o nCongratulations on choosing the quality and precision of METTLER TOLEDO. Properuse of your new equipment according to this User manual and regular calibration andmaintenance by our factory-trained service team ensures dependable and accurateoperation, protecting your investment. Contact us about a service agreement tailored toyour needs and budget. Further information is available at/service.There are several important ways to ensure you maximize the performance of yourinvestment:1. Register your product: We invite you to register your product at/productregistrationso we can contact you about enhancements, updates and important notificationsconcerning your product.2. Contact METTLER TOLEDO for service: The value of a measurement is proportionalto its accuracy – an out of specification scale can diminish quality, reduce profits andincrease liability. Timely service from METTLER TOLEDO will ensure accuracy andoptimize uptime and equipment life.–Installation, Configuration, Integration and Training:Our service representatives are factory-trained, weighing equipment experts. Wemake certain that your weighing equipment is ready for production in a costeffective and timely fashion and that personnel are trained for success.–Initial Calibration Documentation:The installation environment and application requirements are unique for everyindustrial scale so performance must be tested and certified. Our calibrationservices and certificates document accuracy to ensure production quality andprovide a quality system record of performance.–Periodic Calibration Maintenance:A Calibration Service Agreement provides on-going confidence in your weighingprocess and documentation of compliance with requirements. We offer a varietyof service plans that are scheduled to meet your needs and designed to fit yourbudget.2 PBK9-series 30233012AContents1 Safety information for operation in the Ex area (4)2 Installation (6)2.1 Preparatory work (6)2.2 Setting up (7)2.3 Levelling (8)2.4 Lengthening and installing connection cable (9)2.5 Equipotential bonding in hazardous areas (9)2.6 Connecting PBK98_APW weighing platforms (10)2.7 Commissioning (13)3 Configuration possibilities (14)3.1 General information (14)3.2 Configuration data in the factory setting (15)4 Planning assemblies (16)4.1 Notes on planning (16)4.2 Preload range (16)4.3 Mounting possibilities (17)5 Dimensions (21)3 30233012A PBK9-series1 Safety information for operation in the Ex area ▲The PBK9-series high precision weighing platforms except PBK989-XS0.6 are approved for operation in Zone2 (gases), Zone 22 (dusts) and DIV 2 hazardous areas. There is an increased risk in injury and damage when using the explosion-protected weighing platforms in a potentially explosive atmosphere. Special care must be taken when working in such hazardous areas. ▲Any protective foils present in the hazardous area, e.g. on the load plate, must always be removed. ▲In hazardous areas, the weighing platforms may only be installed, maintained and repaired by authorized METTLER TOLEDO service personnel. ▲No modifications may be made to the weighing platform and no repair work may be performed on the system modules. Any weighing platform or system modules that are used must comply with the specifications contained in the installation instructions. Non-compliant equipment jeopardizes the intrinsic safety of the system, cancels the "Ex" approval and renders any warranty or product liability claims null and void. ▲The safety of the weighing system is only guaranteed when the weighing system is operated, installed and maintained in accordance with the respective instructions. ▲Also comply with the following: –the instructions for the system modules, –the regulations and standards in the respective country, –the statutory requirement for electrical equipment installed in hazardous areas in the respective country, –all instructions related to safety issued by the owner. ▲The explosion-protected weighing system must be checked to ensure compliance with the requirements for safety before being put into service for the first time, following any service work and every3 years, at least. ▲Prevent the build-up of static electricity. Always wear suitable working clothes when operating or performing service work in a hazardous area. Avoid strong mechanical rubbing of the powder-coated surfaces against any material when operating in Zone 22. ▲Do not use protective coverings for the devices. ▲Avoid damage to the system components. ▲If system damage occurs, the system must be put out of operation immediately. ▲Damaged system components must be replaced petenceEx approval Operation4Safety information for operation in the Ex area PBK9-series 30233012A▲Only install or perform maintenance work on the weighing system in hazardous areas if the following conditions are fulfilled: –the intrinsically safe characteristic values and zone approval of the individual components are in accord with one another, –the owner has issued a permit ("spark permit" or "fire permit"), –the area has been rendered safe and the owner's safety coordinator has confirmed that there is no danger, –the necessary tools and any required protective clothing are provided (danger of the build-up of static electricity). ▲The certification papers (certificates, manufacturer’s declarations) must be present. ▲Lay cabling fixed and securely, bending radius > 5 x cable diameter. ▲Do not cut through cables. ▲The explosion protected PBK9-series high precision weighing platforms may onlybe operated in hazardous areas of Zone 2 (gases), Zone 22 (dusts) and DIV 2 in conjunction with weighing terminals that have the appropriate approval and interface specification.▲The connection cable may not be separated from the weighing terminal while it isenergized.▲Tighten the knurled nut of the M12 connection cable with a tightening torque of 10 Nm. ▲Before setting up the system secure the connection between weighing terminal andweighing platform.InstallationAdditional requirements for Zones 2/22 or DIV 25 Safety information for operation in the Ex area 30233012A PBK9-series2 Installation2.1 Preparatory work2.1.1 Selecting installation location▲The foundation at the installation location must be capable to safely support theweight of the weighing platform at its support points when it carries the maximumload. At the same time, it should so stable that no vibrations occur during weighingoperations. These requirements also apply when the weighing platform is integratedin conveying systems and the like.▲Ensure that the ground at the installation location is even.▲Ensure that there are no vibrations from machines near the installation site.▲Ensure that there are no drafts at the installation site.EXPLOSION HAZARDPBK989-XS0.6 is not approved for hazardous areas.▲Do not use PBK989-XS0.6 in any kind of hazardous areas.2.1.2 Ambient conditions• Use powder-coated/enamelled weighing platforms only in a dry environment.• In a damp environment, in wet operation or when working with chemicals: Usestainless-steel weighing platforms.2.1.3 Accessories➜Completely unpack the accessories provided with the weighing platform.– 1 bottle of oil, suitable for foodstuffs– 1 set of measuring data signs for selectable configurations–Optional: ACC409xx-SICSpro-IDNet converter (incl. identcard kit)6Installation PBK9-series 30233012A2.2 Setting up2.2.1 PBK989-XS0.61. Unpack weighing platform (1), windshield (2), load plate support (3) and load plate (4).2. Mount the load support (3) on the weighing platform.3. Put the windshield (2) on.4. Put the load plate (4) on the load support.2.2.2 PBK989-A3 / PBK989-A61. Remove the weighing platform from the packing.2. Lift off the load plate.3. Remove the transport locks (3 cardboard strips).4. Put the load plate on.2.2.3 PBK989-A15 / PBK989-A30 / PBK-A60➜Remove the weighing platform from the packing.2.2.4 PBK98_-B60 / PBK98_-B1201. Remove the weighing platform from the packing.2. Lift off the load plate.3. Remove the transport locks from the corners (4 cardboard angles).4. Put the load plate on.7 Installation30233012A PBK9-series2.2.5 PBK98_-CC150 / PBK98_-CC3001. Remove the weighing platform from the packing.2. Remove the load plate by pivoting the two side handles (1) outward.3. Remove the transport locks (2 x 2 cardboard strips between lever and base frame + 4 cardboard angles in the corners).4. Replace the load plate (2) so that the symbol is located above the level indicator.5. Make sure that the load supports (3) in the corners of the weighing platform are vertical.2.3Levelling Notes • Only weighing platforms that have been levelled precisely horizontally provide accurate weighing results. • Redo levelling when the weighing platform has been moved.1. Level the weighing platform with the 4 foot bolts (1) using the level indicator (2): The air bubble of the level indicator must come to rest within the ring marking.2. Ensure even contact of the foot bolts. Every foot must stand safely and must have full contact with its entire surface. Check the stability of the weighing platform by pressing down on or rocking it at the corners.3. Lock the foot bolts with the nuts.18Installation PBK9-series 30233012A2.4 Lengthening and installing connection cableThe connection cable may be lengthened.Standard version up to 100 mEx version up to 50 m➜Route the connection cable directly out of the weighing platform to the weighingterminal or the ConBloc (PBK98_APW weighing platforms only).CAUTIONIf the cable is laid in a pipe, ensure that the pipe is of a sufficient diameter.2.5 Equipotential bonding in hazardous areasThe equipotential bonding must be installed by a professional electrician when using theweighing platform in hazardous areas. METTLER TOLEDO Service only has a monitoringand consulting function here.➜Connect equipotential bonding (PA) of all devices (weighing platform and serviceterminal) in accordance with the country-specific regulations and standards. In theprocess, make sure that all device housings are connected to the same potential via1 Serrated lock washer A 4.3 DIN 67982 Hexagonal lock nut M4 DIN 9343 Base frame4 Washer 4.3 DIN 1255 Equipotential bonding clampMounting materials are enclosed with the weighing terminal for hazardous areas, e.g.IND690xx.9 30233012A PBK9-seriesInstallation2.6 Connecting PBK98_APW weighing platforms2.6.1 Typical configurationsTo connect the PBK98-APW weighing platform to its environment, the ConBlock /ConBlock IP66 is recommended.Direct connection to the PLCA210Installation PBK9-series 30233012AConnection to the PLC via Fieldbus module2METTLER TOLEDO components1 PBK98_APW weighing platform2 ConModule connection module / ConBlock IP66 connection module with IP66housing3 Fieldbus module (Profibus, Profinet, DeviceNet, Ethernet/IP, CC-Link)Customer componentsA Connection cable to PLC, RS232 or RS422/RS485B PLCC PC or laptop (for configuration and service purpose)D Standard RS232 cable (DB9 male/female)E Cable, 1 m, D-Sub 9 male <–> open endsF Fieldbus cable2.6.2Installation with weighing platforms used in hazardous areasEXPLOSION HAZARDConBlock / ConBlock IP66 is not approved for hazardous areas.▲Only install the ConBlock / ConBlock IP66 in the safe area.▲Always use a suitable safety barrier to separate equipment located in the hazardousarea from the safe area.11Installation30233012A PBK9-series2.6.3 ConBlock / ConBlock IP66 connection1 System connection side: 10 terminals2 Weighing platform connection side: 2 x 10 terminals3 RS232 interface (D-Sub 9), for configuration and servicingConBlock connections – weighing platform sideThe PBK98_APW weighing platform is delivered with a 12 wire open end cable. The corresponding terminals of the ConBlock are identified by the wire color and the respectivepin designation.ConBlock connections – system sideThe connection terminal strip is grouped according to the following functions: RS232 andRS422/RS485 interface, input voltages and digital inputs and outputs.RS422 / RS485 configurationThe RS422 interface is directly avalable via the connection terminals. For the RS485 configuration, the following signals must be connected:A–: Tx– and Rx–B+: Tx+ and Rx+31212Installation PBK9-series 30233012ALoad cell connector2.7 Commissioning➜Switch on the weighing system at the final location only.When switching on the weighing system for the first time, it will perform an automaticgeo code adjustment using the calibration weight which is integrated in the load cell.13 30233012A PBK9-seriesInstallation3 Configuration possibilities3.1 General information3.1.1 MultiIntervalMultiInterval precision means automatic switchover of the numerical increment (readability) in dependence on the applied load.3.1.2 Single Range and High ResolutionSingle Range and High Resolution mean that the numerical increments (readability) remain the same across the entire weighing range.3.1.3 Additional setting options• All other adjustment variables (adjustment to the weighing process and vibrations, aswell as adjustment of stability monitoring and the zero point correction) are adjusted to the usual user conditions, however, they can be changed in the Scale menu of the weighing terminal if necessary.• When ordering the IDNet option, the ACC409xx-SICSpro-IDNet converter including theidentcard kit and a set of measuring data signs for the selectable configurations is delivered.• If the standard configuration does not meet your needs, it is possible to reconfigure theweighing platform with the terminal. To do this, see the terminal operating instructions.• Apply the selected configuration corresponding to the factory-mounted measuringdata sign to the Identcard, and the Max-Min sign near the IDNet terminal display.• When the configuration is changed, it is also possible to change the preload range inaddition to the weighing range and the readability.NumericalNumerical 14Configuration possibilities PBK9-series 30233012A3.2 Configuration data in the factory setting15 30233012A PBK9-seriesConfiguration possibilities4 Planning assemblies4.1 Notes on planningDue to their design characteristics, the weighing platforms are suitable for installation inconveying systems. The following specifications and dimensional drawings form the basisfor the design of the required assemblies.• The weighing platform may only be supported by the support feet, and never by theframe or lever parts.• The weighing platform may only be permanently installed on the support feet.• Moving or rotating parts on the weighing platform must be designed so that they donot affect the weighing result. Balance rotating parts.• The load plate must be free on all sides so that there is no connection between theload plate and permanently mounted parts, even by falling parts or dirt deposits.• Lay cables or hoses between the weighing platform and other machine parts so thatthey do not exert any force on the weighing platform.CAUTIONWhen mounting assemblies, make sure that no metal chips get into the weighing platform.➜Remove the load plate rfrom the weighing platform before working on the load plate.4.2 Preload rangeThe weight of the structural parts permanently mounted on the weighing platform is referredto as "preload". The preload is electrically compensated in the weighing platform so thatthe full weighing range is available. The maximum preload (or the zero-setting range) thatcan be compensated dispends on the configured weighing range.For the preload range of the individual weighing platform refer to section "3.2 Configurationdata in the factory setting" on page 15.CAUTIONThe assemblies must already be mounted when connecting the weighing platform.16Planning assemblies PBK9-series 30233012A4.3 Mounting possibilitiesMounting possibilities PBK989-A3 / PBK989-A6L Level bubble Dimensions in mm• Bridge assemblies can be mounted in the shaded areas.Recommended mounting type: Bolting on, welding on.• Remove the load plate and drill through for this purpose.• Mounting parts (e.g. bolts and nuts) may extend to a maximum of 7 mm beyond theunderside of the load plate.Technical version: 11/201417Planning assemblies30233012A PBK9-seriesMounting possibilities PBK989-AB15 / PBK989-AB30L Level bubble Dimensions in mm• Bridge assemblies can be mounted in the shaded areas.Recommended mounting type: Bolting on, welding on.• Remove the load plate and drill through for this purpose.• Mounting parts (e.g. bolts and nuts) may extend to a maximum of 7 mm beyond theunderside of the load plate.Technical version: 11/201418Planning assemblies PBK9-series 30233012AMounting possibilities PBK98_-B60 / PBK98_-B120L Level bubble Dimensions in mm• Bridge assemblies can be mounted in the shaded areas.Recommended mounting type: Bolting on, welding on.• Remove the load plate and drill through for this purpose.• Mounting parts (e.g. bolts and nuts) may extend to a maximum of 10 mm beyondthe underside of the load plate.Technical version: 11/201419Planning assemblies30233012A PBK9-seriesMounting possibilities PBK98_-CC150 / PBK98_-CC300L Level bubble Dimensions in mm• Bridge assemblies can be mounted in the shaded areas.Recommended mounting type: Bolting on, welding on.• Remove the load plate and drill through for this purpose.• Mounting parts (e.g. bolts and nuts) may extend to a maximum of 10 mm beyondthe underside of the load plate.Technical version: 11/201420Planning assemblies PBK9-series 30233012A5 DimensionsDimensions PBK989-XS0.6Dimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 115 mmMax. H = 127 mmFS Foot boltRequired area D = 40 mm dia.Spanner size = 17 mmThread = M10C Cable connectionL Level bubbleTechnical version: 11/201421 30233012A PBK9-seriesDimensionsDimensions PBK989-A3 / PBK989-A6Dimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 135 mmMax. H = 147 mmFS Foot boltRequired area D = 40 mm dia.Spanner size = 17 mmThread = M10C Cable connectionL Level bubbleTechnical version: 11/201422Dimensions PBK9-series 30233012ADimensions PBK989-AB15 / PBK989-AB30Dimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 132 mmMax. H = 144 mmFS Foot boltRequired area D = 40 mm dia.Spanner size = 17 mmThread = M10C Cable connectionL Level bubbleTechnical version: 11/201423 30233012A PBK9-seriesDimensionsDimensions PBK98_-B60 / PBK98_-B120Dimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 127 mmMax. H = 152 mmFS Foot boltRequired area D = 35 mm dia.Spanner size = 17 mmThread = M10C Cable connectionL Level bubbleTechnical version: 11/201424Dimensions PBK9-series 30233012ADimensions PBK98_-B60 / PBK98_-B120 with roller conveyerDimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 127 mmMax. H = 152 mmTechnical version: 11/201425 30233012A PBK9-seriesDimensionsDimensions PBK98_-CC150 / PBK98_-CC300Dimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 115 mmMax. H = 140 mmFS Foot boltRequired area D = 35 mm dia.Spanner size = 17 mmThread = M10C Cable connectionL Level bubbleTechnical version: 11/201426Dimensions PBK9-series 30233012ADimensions PBK98_-CC150 / PBK98_-CC300 with roller conveyorDimensions in mmH Adjustable with 4 foot boltsMin. H = 115 mmMax. H = 140 mmTechnical version: 11/201427 30233012A PBK9-seriesDimensionsFor more information/supportMettler-Toledo (Albstadt) GmbHD-72458 AlbstadtTel. + 49 7431-14 0Fax + 49 7431-14 232Subject to technical changes© Mettler-Toledo (Albstadt) GmbH 01/2015 30233012A *30233012A* *30233012A*。

( )正确错误2(在社交活动中,对异性朋友,若关系极为亲密,则可以不称其姓,直呼其名。
( )正确错误3(在社交场合,“兄弟”、“哥们”等称呼可以随时使用。
( )正确错误4(为他人作介绍时,应该先把身份高的一方介绍给身份低的一方。
( )正确错误5(在进行自我介绍时,可以随时进行。
( )正确错误6(当我们遇到任何人时,都应当主动握手。
( )正确错误7(不要在握手时带着墨镜,只有患有眼疾或眼部有缺陷者方可例外。
( )正确错误8(接受他人名片时,应恭恭敬敬,双手捧接,并道感谢。
( )正确错误9(收到名片应立刻放入皮夹。
( )正确错误10(在各种社交场合,涉及对方年龄、健康、经历等话题应忌谈。
( )正确requirements each only valve installation a only support hanging frame, if two valve clearance is less than 5D (d for pipeline OD), is in Middle loaded a only support hanging frame can; pipeline has multiple valve adjacent, requirements in valve group of sides the loaded a onlysupport hanging frame, if middle has different diameter valve, is requirements in the valve Shang installation bracket or in the valve sides size head at the loaded a only support hanging frame. Designs should fully take into account expansion错误11(当对方就你不喜欢的话题谈个不停时,你应该明确告诉他,你不喜欢,请他换个话题。

第1篇This contract is made and entered into by and between the Contractor, [Contractor's Name], having its principal place of business at [Contractor's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Contractor", and the Owner, [Owner's Name], having its principal place of business at [Owner's Address], hereinafter referred to as "Owner", on the [Date of the Contract] (hereinafter referred to as "Effective Date").1. Scope of WorkThe Contractor shall, at the Owner's request and subject to the provisions of this contract, perform the construction work for the Project described in the attached Project Description (hereinafter referred to as "Project") in accordance with the specifications, drawings, and other documents provided by the Owner.2. Project DescriptionThe Project shall include the construction of a [type of project, e.g., residential building, commercial building, industrial facility] with the following specifications and requirements:a. General description of the Project: [Provide a brief description of the Project, including the purpose, location, and size.]b. Scope of work: [List all the construction activities to be performed, such as excavation, foundation work, structural framing, roofing, electrical and plumbing installations, and interior finishing.]c. Quality standards: [Specify the required quality standards for the materials, workmanship, and construction processes.]d. Project schedule: [Provide a detailed timeline for the construction activities, including the start and completion dates.]3. Contract PriceThe total contract price for the Project is [Contract Price]. The Contractor shall be paid as follows:a. Initial payment: [Specify the percentage of the total contract price to be paid upon the execution of this contract.]b. Progress payments: [Define the schedule and percentage of the total contract price to be paid at various stages of the construction work, based on the actual progress and quality of work performed.]c. Final payment: [Specify the percentage of the total contract price to be paid upon the completion and acceptance of the Project.]4. Payment TermsThe Owner shall make payments to the Contractor within [Number of days] days after the receipt of a valid invoice from the Contractor.5. Time for CompletionThe Contractor shall complete the construction work within the agreed-upon time frame, which is [Number of days] days from the date of the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of time for reasons beyond its control, such as adverse weather conditions, delays in the delivery of materials, or other unforeseen circumstances.6. Changes to the WorkThe Owner may, at its sole discretion, make changes to the scope of work during the construction process. Any changes shall be made in writing and shall include the revised specifications, drawings, and other documents. The Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustmentin the contract price and time for completion, as determined by the Owner and the Contractor.7. Inspections and AcceptanceThe Owner shall have the right to inspect the construction work at any time during the construction process. The Contractor shall provide access to the Project for inspections and shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards. Upon completion of the construction work, the Owner shall inspect the Project and accept it if it meets the requirements specified in this contract.8. Termination of the ContractEither party may terminate this contract in the event of a breach of the contract by the other party. In such cases, the terminating party shall provide written notice of termination to the other party, and the provisions of this contract regarding payment and dispute resolution shall apply.9. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract, the parties shall endeavor to resolve the dispute amicably. If the dispute cannot be resolved amicably, the parties shall submit the dispute to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [Applicable Arbitration Institution].10. Governing LawThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Jurisdiction].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this contract as of the Effective Date.Contractor:_________________________Printed Name:_________________________Title:_________________________Owner:_________________________Printed Name:_________________________Title:_________________________Date:_________________________Date:第2篇This Contract is made and entered into on [Date] between [Contractor's Name], having its registered office at [Contractor's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") and [Client's Name], havingits registered office at [Client's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"), for the construction of the [Project Name] Project (hereinafter referred to as "Project").1. Scope of WorkThe Contractor shall undertake the construction work of the Project, including but not limited to the following:1.1 Civil engineering works, such as foundation, superstructure, and interior decoration;1.2 Installation of electrical and mechanical equipment;1.3 Construction of outdoor facilities and landscape;1.4 Provision of labor, materials, and machinery for the Project;1.5 Compliance with relevant construction regulations and standards.2. Project DurationThe construction period of the Project shall be [Duration], starting from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Any delay in the Project due to reasons attributable to the Contractor shall be at the Contractor's own expense.3. Payment Terms3.1 The Client shall pay the Contractor in accordance with the following payment schedule:a) [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the signing of the Contract;b) [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the completion of the foundation work;c) [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the completion of the superstructure work;d) [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the completion of the interior decoration work;e) [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the completion of the outdoor facilities and landscape work;f) The remaining [Percentage] of the total contract price upon the final acceptance of the Project.3.2 The payment method shall be made by bank transfer within [Number] days after the receipt of the Contractor's invoice.4. Quality Requirements4.1 The Contractor shall ensure that the construction work meets the following quality requirements:a) Compliance with relevant construction regulations and standards;b) Satisfy the Client's requirements for the Project;c) Meet the requirements for quality inspection and acceptance.5. Termination of the Contract5.1 Either party may terminate this Contract upon [Specific Condition] upon written notice to the other party.5.2 In the event of termination of this Contract, the Contractor shall promptly stop the construction work and remove all equipment and materials from the construction site.6. Dispute ResolutionIn the event of any disputes arising from the execution of this Contract, the parties shall endeavor to resolve the disputes through friendly negotiations. If the disputes cannot be resolved through negotiations, the parties may submit the disputes to the relevant arbitration commission for arbitration.7. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country/State].8. Amendments and AddendaAny amendment or addenda to this Contract shall be made in writing and signed by both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.Contractor:[Contractor's Name][Contractor's Signature]Client:[Client's Name][Client's Signature]第3篇This Construction Engineering Contract ("Contract") is made and entered into as of [Date], between [Name of Contractor] ("Contractor"), a [type of entity] with its principal place of business at [Contractor'sAddress], and [Name of Client] ("Client"), a [type of entity] with its principal place of business at [Client's Address].WHEREAS, the Client intends to have the Contractor construct [describe the project], and the Contractor is willing to undertake such construction work on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Scope of WorkThe Contractor shall construct the [describe the project] in accordance with the plans, specifications, and schedules attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (collectively, "Documents"). The Contractor shall complete the construction work in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.2. Contract PriceThe total contract price for the construction work shall be [amount] (the "Contract Price"). The Contract Price shall be payable as follows:- [Percentage]% upon the execution of this Contract.- [Percentage]% upon the issuance of the first progress payment certificate.- [Percentage]% upon the issuance of the second progress payment certificate.- [Percentage]% upon the issuance of the third progress payment certificate.- The remaining [Percentage]% upon the issuance of the final certificate of completion.3. Time of CompletionThe Contractor shall complete the construction work within [number] months from the date of the Notice to Proceed, which shall be issued bythe Client upon the satisfactory completion of the pre-construction activities.4. Quality of WorkThe Contractor shall perform the construction work in a professional and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards. The Contractor shall use only quality materials and equipment as specified in the Documents.5. Payment and Change OrdersAll payments shall be made in United States Dollars. Any changes to the scope of work, including changes to the Documents, shall be made by written change order executed by both parties. The change order shall specify the additional or reduced costs and time for completion.6. InsuranceThe Contractor shall maintain, during the term of this Contract, all necessary insurance policies including, but not limited to, general liability insurance, workers' compensation insurance, and professional liability insurance. The insurance policies shall name the Client as an additional insured.7. SafetyThe Contractor shall ensure that all work is performed in a safe manner, in compliance with all applicable safety regulations. The Contractor shall provide all necessary safety equipment and training for its employees.8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Contract shall be resolved through good faith negotiations between the parties. If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within [number] days, any unresolved dispute shall be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [name of arbitration association].9. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of [State].10. Entire AgreementThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.[Contractor's Name]By: ___________________________Name: [Contractor's Authorized Representative]Title: [Contractor's Authorized Representative Title][Client's Name]By: ___________________________Name: [Client's Authorized Representative]Title: [Client's Authorized Representative Title][Additional Attachments]- Plans and specifications- Insurance certificates- Change order forms- Safety plan。
Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems

Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems Real-Time Systems and Embedded Systems have become an integral part of our daily lives. From the smartphones we use to the cars we drive, these systems play a crucial role in ensuring efficient and reliable operation. In this response, we will explore the importance of real-time systems and embedded systems frommultiple perspectives. From a technological perspective, real-time systems are designed to respond to events or inputs within a specific time frame. These systems are used in various domains such as aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and industrial automation. For example, in an automotive application, a real-time system is responsible for controlling the engine, braking system, and othercritical components. Any delay or failure in these systems could have catastrophic consequences. Therefore, the real-time nature of these systems is of utmost importance to ensure safety and reliability. Embedded systems, on the other hand, are a combination of hardware and software designed to perform specific tasks within a larger system. These systems are often found in devices that we use on a daily basis, such as smartphones, smartwatches, and home appliances. The main advantage of embedded systems is their ability to perform tasks efficiently and autonomously, without the need for human intervention. For example, a smart thermostat embedded with sensors can monitor the temperature of a room and adjust the heating or cooling system accordingly, providing comfort and energy savings. From a user perspective, real-time systems and embedded systems enhance our daily lives by providing convenience, efficiency, and safety. Consider the example of a smartphone. The embedded systems within the device enable us to make phone calls, send messages, browse the internet, and use various applications seamlessly. The real-time systems ensure that these tasks are performed instantaneously, providing us with a smooth user experience. Additionally, embedded systems in smartphones also enable features such as GPS navigation, facial recognition, and augmented reality, further enhancing the user experience. From a societal perspective,real-time systems and embedded systems have a significant impact on various industries and sectors. For instance, in the healthcare industry, real-time systems are used in medical devices such as pacemakers and insulin pumps to monitor and regulate patients' vital signs in real-time. These systems can detectabnormalities and deliver life-saving treatments immediately. Similarly, in the transportation industry, real-time systems are used in traffic management systems to optimize traffic flow, reducing congestion and improving overall efficiency. This not only saves time for individuals but also reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to a more sustainable environment. However, it is important to consider the challenges and risks associated with real-time systems and embedded systems. One of the main challenges is ensuring the security and privacy of these systems. With the increasing interconnectedness of devicesand systems, there is a higher risk of cyber-attacks and unauthorized access. For example, a hacker gaining control of a real-time system in a power plant could cause a blackout or disrupt critical operations. Therefore, it is crucial to implement robust security measures, such as encryption and authentication protocols, to protect these systems from potential threats. Another challenge is the complexity of developing and maintaining real-time and embedded systems. These systems often require specialized knowledge and expertise in both hardware and software design. Additionally, as technology advances, the requirements and specifications of these systems change, necessitating frequent updates and modifications. This can be a time-consuming and costly process. Therefore, it is essential to have a skilled workforce and effective development methodologies in place to ensure the successful implementation and maintenance of these systems.In conclusion, real-time systems and embedded systems are vital components of our technological landscape. They provide us with convenience, efficiency, and safetyin various domains. From a technological perspective, these systems ensure timely and reliable operation, while from a user perspective, they enhance our dailylives by providing seamless and intuitive experiences. Moreover, from a societal perspective, these systems have a significant impact on industries and sectors, improving efficiency and sustainability. However, it is important to address the challenges associated with these systems, such as security and complexity, to ensure their successful implementation and maintenance.。

steam退款地平线四小作文英语全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Steam Refund Horizon FourIn recent years, the gaming industry has seen a growing trend towards digital distribution platforms, with Steam being one of the most popular choices for PC gamers. With the convenience of being able to purchase and download games instantly, many gamers have embraced this new way of buying games. However, with this convenience comes the risk of purchasing a game that may not meet your expectations or work properly on your system.One of the greatest features that Steam offers to its users is the refund policy, which allows players to request a refund for a game within a certain timeframe if they are unsatisfied with their purchase. This policy has been particularly useful for players who have encountered issues with games that don't run properly on their system, such as performance issues, bugs, or crashes.One game that has seen its fair share of refund requests on Steam is Horizon Four, a popular open-world racing gamedeveloped by Playground Games. While Horizon Four has received critical acclaim for its stunning graphics, large open world, and fun gameplay, some players have found that the game doesn't run well on their system, leading to frustration and disappointment.Players who have encountered issues with Horizon Four on Steam have been quick to request refunds, citing problems such as poor performance, crashes, and graphical glitches. Some players have even reported that the game is unplayable on their system, despite meeting the minimum system requirements.The developers of Horizon Four have been working hard to address these issues, releasing patches and updates to improve performance and stability. However, some players have still found that the game doesn't run well on their system, leading them to request refunds through Steam's refund policy.While Horizon Four has seen its fair share of refund requests on Steam, it is important to note that this is not indicative of the overall quality of the game. Many players have had a positive experience with Horizon Four, enjoying the open-world racing gameplay and stunning visuals that the game has to offer.In conclusion, Steam's refund policy has been a valuable tool for players who have encountered issues with games likeHorizon Four. While some players have been unsatisfied with their purchase and have requested refunds, it is important to remember that individual experiences may vary. Ultimately, the decision to request a refund is up to the player, and Steam's policy ensures that players have the option to receive a refund if they are unsatisfied with their purchase.篇2Steam Refund for Horizon FourIntroduction:As one of the most anticipated games of the year, Forza Horizon 4 has been receiving a lot of attention from gamers worldwide. However, not all players are satisfied with their purchase and might want to consider a refund. In this article, we will discuss how to request a refund for Forza Horizon 4 on Steam.Reasons for Refund:There may be several reasons why a player wants to refund their purchase of Forza Horizon 4. Some of the common reasons include:1. Technical Issues: Players may encounter technical issues such as game crashes, bugs, and performance issues that prevent them from enjoying the game.2. Dissatisfaction with the Gameplay: Some players may find the gameplay of Forza Horizon 4 to be lacking or not as enjoyable as they had hoped.3. Purchase Error: Players may have accidentally purchased the game or purchased it multiple times, and now want to get a refund on the extra copies.How to Request a Refund:If you have purchased Forza Horizon 4 on Steam and would like to request a refund, follow these steps:1. Go to the Steam website and log in to your account.2. Click on your username in the top right corner and select "Account Details."3. Under "Store & Purchase History," find your purchase of Forza Horizon 4 and click on it.4. Click on "I would like a refund," and follow the prompts to request a refund.5. Provide a reason for your refund request and submit it.6. Your refund request will be reviewed by Steam, and if approved, the money will be refunded to your original payment method.Refund Policy:Steam has a refund policy that allows players to request a refund for any game within 14 days of purchase and with less than 2 hours of playtime. However, if you have exceeded the2-hour playtime limit or the 14-day period, your refund request may still be considered if there are valid reasons such as technical issues or other extenuating circumstances.Conclusion:Requesting a refund for Forza Horizon 4 on Steam is a straightforward process that can help you get your money back if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Whether you are experiencing technical issues, dissatisfied with the gameplay, or made a purchase error, you can follow the steps outlined in this article to request a refund and hopefully receive a resolution to your issue.篇3Steam Refund Horizon Four: A ReviewIntroductionWith the rise of digital gaming platforms such as Steam, players have been given unprecedented access to a wide variety of games. However, the nature of digital downloads has also raised concerns about the ability to return games that do not meet expectations. In this review, we will explore the process of refunding a game on Steam, specifically focusing on the popular racing game Horizon Four.Steam Refund PolicySteam’s refund policy st ates that players can request a refund for any reason within 14 days of purchase, as long as the game has been played for less than 2 hours. This policy is designed to ensure that players have the opportunity to try out a game before committing to it. Additionally, if a game is found to be faulty or doesn’t work as intended, players can request a refund regardless of playtime.Process of Refunding Horizon FourTo refund Horizon Four, players simply need to go to their account’s “Purchase History” on Steam and find the game in question. From there, they can select “Refund” and choose the reason for their refund request. Once the request is submitted,Steam will review it and process the refund within a few days. The refunded amount will be returned to the player’s original payment method.Benefits of the Refund PolicyThe refund policy on Steam provides players with a safety net, allowing them to explore new games without the fear of wasting money on a game they don’t enjoy. This is particularl y important for games like Horizon Four, which may not appeal to all players due to its niche genre. By offering refunds, Steam encourages players to take risks and try out new games, knowing that they have the option to return them if they are not satisfied.Drawbacks of the Refund PolicyWhile the refund policy on Steam is generally beneficial to players, it also has some drawbacks. For one, some players may abuse the system by purchasing games, playing them for less than 2 hours, and then requesting a refund. This can be detrimental to developers, who lose out on potential revenue from these refunded purchases. Additionally, the 2-hour playtime limit may not be sufficient for players to fully experience a game like Horizon Four, which may require more time to fully appreciate its mechanics and gameplay.ConclusionIn conclusion, the refund policy on Steam provides players with a valuable opportunity to try out new games risk-free. By allowing refunds for any reason within 14 days of purchase, Steam ensures that players have the flexibility to explore different genres and titles. However, the policy also has its drawbacks, particularly in terms of potential abuse and revenue loss for developers. Overall, the refund policy on Steam is a positive feature that enhances the gaming experience for players, including those playing Horizon Four.。

A. Introduction1.Title: Telecommunications2.Number: COM-001-13.Purpose: Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and BalancingAuthority needs adequate and reliable telecommunications facilities internally and with others for the exchange of Interconnection and operating information necessary tomaintain reliability.4.Applicability4.1.Transmission Operators.4.2.Balancing Authorities.4.3.Reliability Coordinators.4.4.NERCNet User Organizations.5.Effective Date: January 1, 2007B. RequirementsR1.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority shall provide adequate and reliable telecommunications facilities for the exchange ofInterconnection and operating information:R1.1.Internally.R1.2.Between the Reliability Coordinator and its Transmission Operators andBalancing Authorities.R1.3.With other Reliability Coordinators, Transmission Operators, and Balancing Authorities as necessary to maintain reliability.R1.4.Where applicable, these facilities shall be redundant and diversely routed.R2.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, and Balancing Authority shall manage, alarm, test and/or actively monitor vital telecommunications facilities.Special attention shall be given to emergency telecommunications facilities andequipment not used for routine communications.R3.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority shall provide a means to coordinate telecommunications among their respective areas. Thiscoordination shall include the ability to investigate and recommend solutions totelecommunications problems within the area and with other areas.R4.Unless agreed to otherwise, each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, and Balancing Authority shall use English as the language for all communications betweenand among operating personnel responsible for the real-time generation control andoperation of the interconnected Bulk Electric System. Transmission Operators andBalancing Authorities may use an alternate language for internal operations.R5.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, and Balancing Authority shall have written operating instructions and procedures to enable continued operation of the system during the loss of telecommunications facilities.R6.Each NERCNet User Organization shall adhere to the requirements in Attachment 1-COM-001, “NERCNet Security Policy.”C. MeasuresM1.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include, but is not limited tocommunication facility test-procedure documents, records of testing, and maintenancerecords for communication facilities or equivalent that will be used to confirm that itmanages, alarms, tests and/or actively monitors vital telecommunications facilities.(Requirement 2 part 1)M2.The Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator or Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include, but is not limited to operatorlogs, voice recordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, or equivalent, that will be used to determine compliance to Requirement 4.M3.Each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator and Balancing Authority shall have and provide upon request its current operating instructions and procedures, eitherelectronic or hard copy that will be used to confirm that it meets Requirement 5.M4.The NERCnet User Organization shall have and provide upon request evidence that could include, but is not limited to documented procedures, operator logs, voicerecordings or transcripts of voice recordings, electronic communications, etc that willbe used to determine if it adhered to the (User Accountability and Compliance)requirements in Attachment 1-COM-001. (Requirement 6)D. Compliancepliance Monitoring Processpliance Monitoring ResponsibilityNERC shall be responsible for compliance monitoring of the Regional ReliabilityOrganizationsRegional Reliability Organizations shall be responsible for compliancemonitoring of all other entitiespliance Monitoring and Reset Time FrameOne or more of the following methods will be used to assess compliance:-Self-certification (Conducted annually with submission according toschedule.)-Spot Check Audits (Conducted anytime with up to 30 days notice given to prepare.)-Periodic Audit (Conducted once every three years according to schedule.)-Triggered Investigations (Notification of an investigation must be made within 60 days of an event or complaint of noncompliance. The entity willhave up to 30 calendar days to prepare for the investigation. An entity mayrequest an extension of the preparation period and the extension will beconsidered by the Compliance Monitor on a case-by-case basis.)The Performance-Reset Period shall be 12 months from the last finding of non-compliance.1.3.Data RetentionFor Measure 1 each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, BalancingAuthority shall keep evidence of compliance for the previous two calendar yearsplus the current year.For Measure 2 each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, andBalancing Authority shall keep 90 days of historical data (evidence).For Measure 3, each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, BalancingAuthority shall have its current operating instructions and procedures to confirmthat it meets Requirement 5.For Measure 4, each Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, BalancingAuthority and NERCnet User Organization shall keep 90 days of historical data(evidence).If an entity is found non-compliant the entity shall keep information related to thenoncompliance until found compliant or for two years plus the current year,whichever is longer.Evidence used as part of a triggered investigation shall be retained by the entitybeing investigated for one year from the date that the investigation is closed, asdetermined by the Compliance Monitor.The Compliance Monitor shall keep the last periodic audit report and all requestedand submitted subsequent compliance records.1.4.Additional Compliance InformationAttachment 1-COM-001— NERCnet Security Policy2.Levels of Non-Compliance for Transmission Operator, Balancing Authority orReliability Coordinator2.1.Level 1: Not applicable.2.2.Level 2: Not applicable.2.3.Level 3: There shall be a separate Level 3 non-compliance, for every one of thefollowing requirements that is in violation:2.3.1The Transmission Operator, Balancing Authority or ReliabilityCoordinator used a language other then English without agreement asspecified in R4.2.3.2There are no written operating instructions and procedures to enablecontinued operation of the system during the loss of telecommunicationfacilities as specified in R5.2.4.Level 4: Telecommunication systems are not actively monitored, tested, managedor alarmed as specified in R2.3.Levels of Non-Compliance — NERCnet User Organization3.1.Level 1: Not applicable.3.2.Level 2: Not applicable.3.3.Level 3: Not applicable.3.4.Level 4: Did not adhere to the requirements in Attachment 1-COM-001,NERCnet Security Policy.E. Regional DifferencesNone Identified.Version HistoryVersion Date Action Change Tracking0 April 1, 2005 Effective Date NewErrata0 August 8, 2005 Removed “Proposed” from EffectiveDateAdopted by Board of Trustees Revised1 November1,2006Errata1 April 6, 2007 Requirement 1, added the word “for”between “facilities” and “the exchange.”Attachment 1-COM-001— NERCnet Security PolicyPolicy StatementThe purpose of this NERCnet Security Policy is to establish responsibilities and minimum requirements for the protection of information assets, computer systems and facilities of NERC and other users of the NERC frame relay network known as “NERCnet.” The goal of this policy is to prevent misuse and loss of assets.For the purpose of this document, information assets shall be defined as processed or unprocessed data using the NERCnet Telecommunications Facilities including network documentation. This policy shall also apply as appropriate to employees and agents of other corporations or organizations that may be directly or indirectly granted access to information associated with NERCnet.The objectives of the NERCnet Security Policy are:•To ensure that NERCnet information assets are adequately protected on a cost-effective basis and to a level that allows NERC to fulfill its mission.•To establish connectivity guidelines for a minimum level of security for the network.•To provide a mandate to all Users of NERCnet to properly handle and protect the information that they have access to in order for NERC to be able to properly conduct its business and provide services to its customers.NERC’s Security Mission StatementNERC recognizes its dependency on data, information, and the computer systems used to facilitate effective operation of its business and fulfillment of its mission. NERC also recognizes the value of the information maintained and provided to its members and others authorized to have access to NERCnet. It is, therefore, essential that this data, information, and computer systems, and the manual and technical infrastructure that supports it, are secure from destruction, corruption, unauthorized access, and accidental or deliberate breach of confidentiality. Implementation and ResponsibilitiesThis section identifies the various roles and responsibilities related to the protection of NERCnet resources.NERCnet User OrganizationsUsers of NERCnet who have received authorization from NERC to access the NERC network are considered users of NERCnet resources. To be granted access, users shall complete a User Application Form and submit this form to the NERC Telecommunications Manager. ResponsibilitiesIt is the responsibility of NERCnet User Organizations to:•Use NERCnet facilities for NERC-authorized business purposes only.•Comply with the NERCnet security policies, standards, and guidelines, as well as any procedures specified by the data owner.•Prevent unauthorized disclosure of the data.•Report security exposures, misuse, or non-compliance situations via Reliability Coordinator Information System or the NERC Telecommunications Manager.•Protect the confidentiality of all user IDs and passwords.•Maintain the data they own.•Maintain documentation identifying the users who are granted access to NERCnet data or applications.•Authorize users within their organizations to access NERCnet data and applications. •Advise staff on NERCnet Security Policy.•Ensure that all NERCnet users understand their obligation to protect these assets. •Conduct self-assessments for compliance.User Accountability and ComplianceAll users of NERCnet shall be familiar and ensure compliance with the policies in this document. Violations of the NERCnet Security Policy shall include, but not be limited to any act that: •Exposes NERC or any user of NERCnet to actual or potential monetary loss through the compromise of data security or damage.•Involves the disclosure of trade secrets, intellectual property, confidential information or the unauthorized use of data.Involves the use of data for illicit purposes, which may include violation of any law,regulation or reporting requirement of any law enforcement or government body.。

A task is a piece of work that needs to be done, often within a certain time frame and with specific requirements or instructions. Tasks can vary in complexity and scope, from simple and routine activities to more complex and long-term projects. They require careful planning, organization, and execution to be completed successfully. Tasks can also be assigned to individuals or teams within an organization, and can serve as a way to achieve specific goals or objectives. Effective task management is essential for ensuring that work is completed efficiently and effectively.
Alpha Wire 711 工业级以太网线缆系统说明书

Dr. Lu Li holds the title of Product Engineer at Alpha Wire. He has extensive development experience of networking cable for industrial and commercial environment, transmission lines for power systems, and communication, control, and instrumentation cables for other specific applications.Ethernet Cable for Industrial EnvironmentLu LiAlpha Wire711 Lidgerwood Ave. Elizabeth, NJ 07207, USAAbstract — As the demands for reliable, real-time automation and process control in industrial environments increase, an Industrial Ethernet cabling system quickly becomes the most attractive solution. Cables used in industrial environments must be designed to work in harsh environments of temperature extremes, humidity, and vibration. Many times this can exceed the ranges for information technology equipment intended for installation in controlled environments. The many options for designing such a rugged cable with supreme performance working on the factory floor merits discussion. This paper introduces the basic concepts and special considerations for the Industrial Ethernet cable design.Index Terms : Industrial Ethernet, Industrial Environment, Network Cable, Factory.I. I NTRODUCTION A high demand exists in the industrial environment for the Ethernet family of computer network technologies for automation and process control. By using standard Ethernet, automation systems from different manufacturers can be interconnectedthroughout a process plant. Industrial Ethernet takes advantage of the relatively larger marketplace for computer interconnections to reduce cost and improveperformance of communications between industrial controllers. Some of the advantages of using Ethernet as the link-layer protocol over one of the open or proprietary protocols such as Modbus®, Profibus®, CANopen™, DeviceNet™, and FieldBus® commonly used in conjunction with PLCs (Programmable logic controllers) are:• Increased speed, up from 9.6 Kbit/s with RS-232 to 1 Gbit/s with Gigabit Ethernet over Cat5e/Cat6 cables • Increased distance•Ability to use standard access points, routers, switches, hubs, and cables, which are immensely cheaper than the equivalent serial-port devices• Ability to have more than two nodes on link, which was possible with RS-485 but not with RS-232• Peer-to-peer architectures may replace master-slave ones•Better interoperabilityHowever, moving Ethernet from an office environment into the industrial world is not as easy as one might think. The office environment offers its cabling system a relatively safe harbor, whereasindustrial applications are often subject to harsh andhazardous environments. Examples of applications that take place in this kind of environment are oil, gas and petrochemical plants, water and wastewater facilities, wind farms, and mining. Such environments require theEthernet cable to resist temperature extremes, humidity and moisture, dust and mud, oil and solvents, corrosive chemicals, mechanical vibration, EMI interference, etc.In order to meet Industrial Ethernet cabling demands, some cable manufacturers have introduced a so-called “Industrial Ethernet” that is essentially the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) Ethernet cable covered by an extra jacket. This kind of Ethernet cable has certain rugged qualities, but is usually oversized due to thedual jacket construction. This larger cable is not convenient for installation and extremely inflexible when compared the common COTS cable with the same construction. Another huge disadvantage of such cable is that the temperature rating is still limited by the COTS cable itself.To provide a complete solution to the above mentioned requirements, a special cable customized to the industrial environment must be designed using the current available technologies.II.C ABLE D ESIGN FOR I NDUSTRIAL E THERNETA typical Ethernet cable construction is shown in figure 1. The cable consists of either two or four twisted pairs surrounded by a metal shielding (for shielded cable only) and covered by a jacket. For Cat6 and above, a cross-filler is often used as well.Figure 1. A typical Ethernet cableThe Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) has developed voluntary, consensus-based industry standards for a wide variety of ICT (information and communication technologies) products, and currently represents nearly 400 companies. Its TIA-568-C.2 specifies the standards for Category cables such as Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, and Cat7. The following sections use Cat5e industrial Ethernet cable as a sample to describe the design method according to this standard.(1) Conductor DrawingTypically, oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) copper is selected as the conductor material for Ethernet cables. This kind of material has 99.95% minimum copper content and an average annealed conductivity of 101%. Depending on the Ethernet cable type, bare copper and tinned copper are often used for category cables. The copper conductor size and stranding construction determine the DC resistance, insertion loss (previously called attenuation), and other related electrical parameters. Generally speaking, 26AWG to 22AWG conductors are used for this type of design. A slight variation on the size is usually adopted to meet the insertion loss while keep the cable light and flexible.For the primary extrusion line with the capability of drawing the copper rod down to the desired wire size and annealing process, proper cleaning and maintenance should be taken into serious consideration. Any imperfections, such as dirty capstan and defective dies, will cause the periodical defects on the copper wire resulting in impedance variation and return loss failure.For the patch cable production, a stranded tinned copper (sometimes stranded silver plated copper is used to increase the conductivity) conductor is often used to maximize the flexibility of the final cable. Due to the complexity of the stranded conductor manufacturing process, the Ethernet cable manufacturer usually purchases the off-the-shelf stranded conductor for primary extrusion. A thorough examination on the purchased conductor is strongly recommended before putting it into production.(2) Insulation ExtrusionDepending on the flame resistance requirements, polyolefin (polyethylene and polypropylene) and fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) are commonly used as insulation material. These materials have good dielectric constant and dissipation factors which are critical to Ethernet cables’ electrical performance including impedance and insertion loss.It should be noted that both dielectric constant and dissipation factors are frequency dependent. Meaning, to make the cable Cat5e, Cat6, Cat6a, or Cat7 compliant, a different grade of the aforementioned materials should be considered since the operating frequency spans of these category cables are different.Eccentricity is a critical parameter at the extrusion stage. High eccentricity is the root cause of impedance irregularities by means of the unstable mutualcapacitance when the conductors are twisted into a pair.A desired eccentricity should be kept within 3% for a decent product.In order to keep the impedance centered at 100 ohms for higher category cables, a foaming technique is usually adapted for insulation extrusion. Chemical foaming and gas injection foaming are two commonly used methods to achieve this purpose. However, foaming also adds another dimension of complexity to the design due to the fact that foaming causes unpredicted insulation crushing at the twisting and cabling process. Some designs put a thin layer of skin of the same material on top of the foamed insulation to strengthen the crushing resistance, but the processcapability and complexity of quality control make this technique difficult to use.(3) Pair TwistingPair twist is a very important process during the cable’s production because almost all of the major electrical characteristics are determined at this stage. Design-wise, the twist lay length is the main concern. Each pair’s lay length affects not only each individual pair’s impedance, signal transmission delay, and time skew, but also the crosstalk between pairs. Process-wise, the twisting not only determines how balanced the insulated conductors are (electrically determines the resistance unbalance, capacitance unbalance, differential and common mode performances such as TCL and TCTL), but also influences cabling since an imperfect twisting can exaggerate the flaw caused by cabling process itself.Because the signals with different frequencies travelin twisted pair, a certain signal will have the same (or harmonic) frequency as the pair’s intrinsic frequency determined by the twist lay length. So the energy coupled between pairs at this frequency will be accumulated, causing a spike showing on the crosstalk graph. Figure 2 shows a typical crosstalk in dB with spikes on a logarithm scale for an unshielded Cat5e cable. The straight line is the specification in TIA-568-C.2, while the waves stand for multiple measurements of the near-end crosstalk between the blue and orange pairs.Figure 2. Typical Near-End CrosstalkThe location of spikes in frequency domain can be predicted at the design stage using the intermodulation theory. The intermodulation method uses the intrinsic frequencies of each pair and signal transmission speed to calculate the frequency at which the dominant spike shows. Due to the existence of harmonic frequencies other spikes with decreasing amplitude can also be seen symmetrically distributed on both sides of the main spike. Under certain conditions, one may observe the minor spikes shown asymmetrically on the left side (lower frequency) of the main spike. This is due to the mirror effect of the ground plane at zero frequency. As this is beyond the scope of this paper, it will not be discussed in detail herein.The amplitude of spikes can be simulated by finite element analysis. There are several commercial software packages available on the market, but neither of them can show results in a reasonable time frame due to the hardware limitations of current computer systems. Selecting a set of lay lengths of existing successful products as the starting point combined with calculations result are the practical approach for cable designers.An electronic controlled twiner is ideal for the twist lay length and tension adjustment to ensure a balanced construction of the pairs with desired lay. Back twist technique is also used to reduce the twist tension, particularly for solid conductors.(4) CablingCabling can be as simple as bunch bundling four pairs in sequence for lower category cables or as complicated as adding filler with all kinds of shapes, isolation tapes (usually clear Mylar tape), and drain wires (usually stranded tinned copper wire) all together as in the higher category cables. Various filler designs have been seen in the network cable industry, but the goal stays the same: minimize the crosstalk between pairs. Although all kinds of material can be used as the filler, a rule of thumb is to use a material that has similar or better characteristics than the insulation material. The major purpose of using an isolation tape is to segregate the pairs from the drain wire and shielding tape/braid to avoid hipot failure. At the same time, it pushes the drain wire and shielding tape/braid away from the pairs to help electrical performance.Another design variable to help the overall electrical performance is using variable cabling lay length. Occasionally the intrinsic frequency of cable lay length will inter-modulate with the pairs’ frequency to cause cabling spike showing on the return loss data graph. By using the variable cabling lay, one can spread out the cabling spike into a range of frequencies. In other words, the energy with higher amplitude at one frequency can be redistributed to many frequencies with lower amplitude.(5) BraidingBraiding is not common for typical Ethernet cables, but for industrial-grade Ethernet cables, braiding is an excellent way to minimize low frequency EMI and add extra mechanical protection to the cable. With the possibility for cable abuse on the factory floor, a braid will also assure the grounding continuity for the low frequency machine noise and high frequency electromagnetic influence.That being said, the braiding is an extremely difficult process with a high potential to jeopardize electrical performance. An uncontrolled braider tends to introduce variable tensions when the pay-off bobbins have less and less material left. Thus, the braiding process is of utmost importance in manufacturing a successful Industrial Ethernet product. (6) Jacket ExtrusionJacket extrusion involves covering the cable core with thermoplastic material for mechanical protection and adding shielding material for EMI protection required for the shielded cables.For a foil shielded cable, Aluminum/Mylar tape is usually applied with drain wire at this process rather than at the cabling process; if the drain wire is spiral applied or foil tape faces out, other equipment not convenient to operate at a jacket extrusion line is needed. A tape folding guide and a series of closing dies are arranged in sequence to apply the shielding tape with 100% coverage while keeping the desired tightness. Improper tightness can vary the impedance by 3ohms or more.For a foil/braid shielded cable, jacket extrusion involves only one process – jacketing - because the foil/braid process has to be done separately. However, a paper tissue might be applied at this stage to keep the jacket material from intruding into the braid interstices. Using paper tissue will give the jacket a tube or semi-tube configuration versus a pressure-extruded configuration.Besides the aforementioned jacketing considerations, the most critical design for Industrial Ethernet cables is the jacket compound.Common Ethernet cables use PVC or similar compounds as jacket materials. Such compounds work well for office buildings or data centers with clean and stable cable conduit, temperature controlled environments, and electromagnetic noise-free surroundings. The industrial environment has a different scenario – vibration, chemical spills, solvent emergence, EMI, temperature variation, etc. In this uncontrolled environment, a PVC jacket is simply not acceptable.FEP is an option as the jacket material, but due to the raw material cost and stiffness, it has never been seen as a practical solution for Industrial Ethernet products.As a result, a proprietary TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) was developed at Alpha Wire for the industrial environment. It resists temperature extremes, humidity and moisture, dust and mud, oils and solvents, corrosive chemicals, mechanical vibration, and EMI interference. This TPE compound not only has similarelectrical characteristics as PVC, but also has three times the flexibility versus ordinary PVC, which benefits the industry in cold climates. Figure 3 andfigure 4 show the characteristics of the newly developed TPE having similar properties as the ordinary PVC.Figure 3. A proprietary TPE’s dielectric constantFigure 4. A proprietary TPE’s dissipation factorTable 1 shows the physical properties of commonly used PVC and TPE jacket compounds. These special features of the proprietary TPE compound make it an ideal candidate for the industrial Ethernet.Another aspect in the design stage for the jacket is wall thickness. A thin wall can increase flexibility and benefit installation, but make the cable prone to damage. For category cables having alien crosstalk requirements, jacket wall thickness plays a major role.Table 1. Comparison between TPE and PVCIII.C ABLE D ESIGN E XAMPLE AND R ESULTSAs an example to illustrate all the basic concepts and design considerations mentioned above, an industrial grade -50°C to 125°C, foil/braid shielded Cat5e CMR rated cable design is demonstrated here.A 24AWG (0.2mm2) solid bare copper wire was selected as conductor. The wire was drawn down from a high quality copper rod to the 24AWG range to meet the DC resistance and low frequency insertion loss requirements, all while maintaining flexibility by minimizing the conductor diameter.Solid FEP was extruded over the copper wire as insulation to meet the temperature requirement and to maintain high performance in all other electrical parameters. Since the electrical performance can be met using the solid FEP, no foaming is needed. Plus, solid FEP is smaller in size and contributes to the robustness of the cable.Eight colored insulated conductors were twisted separately into four pairs with different lay lengths. The lay lengths for the blue, orange, green, and brown pairs are 0.750”, 0.538”, 0.900”, and 0.625” respectively. Back twist and tension control were adapted during twist process.At cabling the four pairs were bunched in sequenceinto a cable core with a fixed cable lay. No filler wasused due to the crosstalk requirement of Cat5e cables.Before jacketing, the cable core was foil shielded with a drain wire applied spirally under the foil tape before applying braid over the foil shield. The tension was monitored at this process to ensure electrical performance would not be jeopardized.The braided cable core was jacketed using the TPE material. Paper tissue was used to prevent the jacket material from embedding into the braid.Eight 100 meter samples were tested according to the TIA-568-C.2 standard. Blue pair’s DC resistance, DC resistance unbalance, and capacitance unbalance (pair to ground) are shown in Table 2. Blue pair’s impedance is shown in figure 5, insertion loss in figure 6, return loss in figure 7. Blue and green pairs’ near end crosstalk is shown in figure 8.Table 2. Test results for DC parameters of blue pair.DC Resistance (ohm)DCRUnbalance(%)CapacitanceUnbalance(pF)Spec. 9.38 5 330Test 8.42 1.89 27.33Figure 5. Impedance of blue pairFigure 6. Insertion Loss of blue pairFigure 7. Return Loss of blue pairFigure 8. Near End Crosstalk between blue and green pairsAll other test parameters such as mutual capacitance,structure return loss (SRL), power sum near endcrosstalk (PSNEXT), far end attenuation to crosstalkratio (ACRF), power sum far end attenuation tocrosstalk ratio (PSACRF), surface transfer impedance, propagation delay, and propagation delay skew are also within limits.IV.C ONCLUSIONSThis technical paper introduces the basic design concepts of Ethernet cable customized for industrial environments. Special considerations for conductor selection, insulation extrusion, twisting, cabling, braiding, and jacketing process are discussed. A customized jacket compound for industrial environments is introduced. To help to understand how the industrial Ethernet cable should be designed, this paper uses an industrial grade Cat5e cable as an example to illustrate the design workflow. The test results of this design showed the compliance of current TIA-568-C.2 standard. Alpha Wire’s Xtra-Guard®Industrial Ethernet Cat5e cable not only meets all the specifications in the standard, but also exceeds the general requirements in a typical industrial environment.R EFERENCES1.TIA STANDDARD "Balanced Twisted-Pair Telecommunications Cabling and Components Standards" Telecommunications Industry Association. ANSI/TIA-568-C.2, August 2009.2.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD "Information technology – Generic cabling for customer premises"ISO/IEC 11801: 2002 (E)3.TIA STANDDARD "Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Industrial Premises" Telecommunications Industry Association.ANSI/TIA-100, March 2009.4.Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.5.“The Many Faces of Industrial Ethernet [Past and Present]” Decotignie, J.-d. Centre Suisse d'Electron. et de Microtech., Neuchatel. Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE. Issue Date: March 2009. V olume: 3 Issue: 16.“Energy Efficiency in Industrial Ethernet: The Caseof Powerlink” Maestro, J.A. Reviriego, P. Univ. Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid, Spain. Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, Issue Date: Aug. 2010. V olume: 57 Issue: 8。
厦门华联电子股份有限公司 HPC357× 光敏晶体管输出型光耦合器 产品规格书说明书

产品规格书SPECIFICATION产品名称:光敏晶体管输出型光耦合器DESCRIPTION:Photo-transistor Output Opto-coupler产品型号:HPC357×PART NO.:HPC357×电话Tel :86-0592-*******传真Fax :86-0592-*******网址Web :地址:厦门市翔安区舫阳南路189号Add :No.189,Fangyang South Road,Xiangan District,Xiamen China.拟制Prepared 审核Verified 批准Approved厦门华联电子股份有限公司Xiamen Hualian Electronics Corp.,Ltd.1概述GeneralHPC357×是光敏晶体管输出型光耦合器,将红外LED芯片和光敏晶体管芯片封装在一起,以实现电一光一电转换。
The HPC357×is Photo-transistor Output Opto-coupler,that infrared LED chip andPhoto-transistor chip are assembled on lead frame,in order to change theelectricity-light-electricity.图1产品Figure1-Product 2特点Features●光敏晶体管输出Phototransistor output●输入、输出端之间绝缘电压高Isolation voltage between input and output VISO≥3750Vrms●双列贴片式4L塑料封装SOP4L Plastic Package●UL安全认证Safety certification of UL●VDE安全认证Safety certification of VDE●符合RoHS指令最新要求及REACH法规最新要求。
NetOmnia 形成今天的网络规划与您的合作 全面以太网保证性能和SLA管理说明书

NetOmnia™Comprehensive Ethernet assurance performance and SLA management1A key challenge of delivering Ethernet services is the time-consuming task of network monitoring. Many key metrics must be accurately measured to assess the performance of an entire, often multivendor, network. The lack of a single, unified management system further complicates this challenge, as operators must work with multiple management systems: an inefficient, time consuming, and costly overhead. Gathering data to support accurate and effective performance measurement across an entire Ethernet network is, therefore, often a best-effort project involving a substantial amount of manual work.In addition, end customers and subscribers often want to know how well the service provider is executing on Service-Level Agreements (SLAs). Providing real-time and accurate reports for SLA management is difficult to produce on a continuous basis; an error here can result in lost revenue, not to mention lost customers.To address these challenges, Fujitsu is offering NetOmnia™, a comprehensive Ethernet Assurance Performance and SLA management system providing end-to-end service assurance and service quality management solutions in a multivendor environment. NetOmnia enables youto achieve three keybusiness objectives:• M onitor Ethernet-related performancedata efficiently in aconstantly changingnetwork• P rovide consistent-looking, meaningfulperformance and SLAmanagementinformation tostakeholders• R educe or eliminateinstances and impactof customer SLAviolations Next-Generation Visualization to Improve Network Performance NetOmnia Ethernet Assurance is a multivendor, MEF-compliant solution that provides end-to-end visualization and monitoring of Ethernet services to ensure and improve customer experience. With off-the-shelf, multivendor support, NetOmnia can be deployed and configured quickly to discover Ethernet services and begin monitoring and reporting on the health and status of customer services. NetOmnia provides configurable monitoring and visualization of service quality metrics such as availability, delay, jitter, and frame loss, as well as the ability to create and monitor custom-defined metrics. Deliver Better Service, Increase Revenue, Reduce CostsNetOmnia SLA Manager, an optional overlay, enables service providers to easily define, track and report on contractual SLAs. NetOmnia can seamlessly monitor the operational performance of customer services to show the impact of network degradation and service outages on per-contract corporate SLAs.With NetOmnia, technicians can define SLAs based on service quality and service availability. It is also possible to define the conformance period and configurable levels for warning and violation notifications. SLA reports can be delivered to customers on a scheduled basis to provide differentiated service to improve customer retention.In contrast to solutions that merely provide monthly SLA reports, NetOmnia provides real time reports on SLA compliance and predicts SLA violations based on current trends. Reports can be scheduled and automatically delivered to both users and end customers.NetOmnia™End-to-End, MEF-Compliant Service AssuranceNetOmnia helps you offer profitablecarrier-class Ethernet servicesNetOmnia’s Workflow Automationempowers users to create automations andnotifications based on performance criteria23Innovative Performance and SLA ManagementNetOmnia delivers dramatic innovation that takes network performance and SLA management to the next level with true end-to-end services visibility and ease of use. This system is highly scalable and supports a distributed, high-availability clusterenvironment. NetOmnia takes advantage of the latest software and hardware technologies to offer you:• 100% Web 2.0-based architecture requiring no administration • Easy integration with existing software systems• Simple Web browser-based access—no Java software needed • F ull compliance with ITU-T Y.1731, IEEE 802.1ag and 802.3ah, andMEF 10.2, 15, and 17 standards• Comprehensive discovery, mapping, and monitoring of:• Devices and physical ports • Logical interfaces, including UNIs • Ethernet Virtual Connections • Point-to-point• Multipoint-to-multipoint • Traffic profiles• CIR, CBS, EIR, EBS, and color mode • Testing and diagnostics• Customer-centric performance monitoring and SLA management • Customer portals available for SLA conformance reports • One system to monitor a multivendor hardware environment • Support for multiple customer networks without risk of data leakage • C ustomized reporting capabilities including key performance and keyquality indicators (KPIs and KQIs)• D etailed metrics on key service quality parameters such asavailability, delay, jitter, throughput, frame loss ratio, and packet loss• Deploys in days and configures in weeks, not months • New network devices can be added in just minutes• Auto-discovery of EVCs and VLANs provides out-of-box functionality • M ultivendor support ensures seamless end-to-end service viewsacross vendorsNetOmnia ™NetOmnia Helps you Focus on Your Core BusinessNetOmnia allows users to create and run detailed summary and top-n reports4Building and maintaining a monitoring system typically consumes a large quantity of resources and time; in turn, this impairs a service provider’s ability to deliver and maintain revenue-generating services. NetOmnia reduces this burden by freeing network operations staff to focus on core business goals, not on reporting.Backed by a Market-Leading Solutions ProviderWith NetOmnia, service providers also get the support of Fujitsu, a leading innovator in Connection-Oriented Ethernet and a market leader in packet optical networking solutions. Fujitsu offers a broad portfolio of multivendor network services and wide experience sourcing and selecting the best network technologies available. NetOmnia enables us to offer you a truly vendor agnostic Ethernet service assurance and SLA management solution.NetOmnia ™© Copyright 2013 Fujitsu Network Communications Inc. FUJITSU (and design)® and “shaping tomorrow with you” are trademarks of Fujitsu Limited in the United States and other countries. All Rights Reserved. NetOmnia ™ is a trademark of Centina Systems, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Configuration requirements for certain uses are described in the product documentation. Features and specifications subject to change without notice. 1.0/04.13Fujitsu Network Communications Inc.2801 Telecom Parkway, Richardson, TX 75082 Tel: 800.777.FAST (3278) Fax: 972.479.6900/telecomMultivendor Ethernet Assurance and SLA ManagementNetOmnia consolidates, filters and correlates alarms across the entire network。

Network Modeling and Visualization Platform based onMoodle and MxgraphFang-jian He, Xiao-pan Zhang, Xiao-yan MaSchool of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, ChinAbstract - For the model of learning, Most of the information of relevant professional beginners are difficult to adapt to the training of the model structure. In the early learning students should focus on the cultivation of thinking structure, visual modeling study is conducive to the strengthening of the relevant professional structured learning and understanding. Nowadays Study on the visualization of teaching are few all over the world, Visualization technology is often manifested as data visualization, but the visualization model of image network still remain at the theoretical level. In order to meet the requirements of teaching at present, we design and build the network platform of visual modeling training. Take advantage of the network script language, Moodle and Mxgraph, which have the correlation of modelling, the platform is developed in the server environment. The modeling steps platform record students, in order to guide the development of structured programming thinking, to help the designer to master and practice model.Index Terms - Modeling and visualization, structured, network platformIn the teaching process, we should strengthen students' understanding of the model[1]. In the absence of visual teaching aid. The main research field of visualization is the visualization of teaching of computer technology, where image express some abstract problems intuitively in Teaching, it is proposed the establishment of visual model in the teaching and training platform services. At the same time the single teaching method makes students lack of clarity on the teaching requirements, which did not issue a structured way of thinking to think. Using modeling ideology teaching visualization helps to stimulate students' interest and understand the course content better. The main research field of visualization is the visualization of teaching of computer technology, where image express some abstract problems Intuitively in Teaching, it is proposed the establishment of visual model in the teaching and training platform services. Gene expression is the idea of the model, so implementation model visualization has important practical significance for modern teaching. Teaching visualization helps teachers improve teaching efficiency, which helps students understand what they have learned to master the curriculum.1.The Demand of Modeling and Visualization PlatformVisual thinking teaching appears in recent years, using visual tool for mining the potential of students’memory and imagination, Improving students' way of thinking, enhancing the efficiency of teaching research. Teaching modeling visualization is enhanced teaching and research of great significance,mainly for students to deepen their intuitive understanding of some models by rendering, but also to learn how to use the model to solve the education problem.Combined with a variety of information, Modeling visualization can be summarized as abstract and difficult to describe things or relationships through a number of related data processing to make it intuitive, visualized. In the research on visualization modeling teaching, compared with the traditional teaching can be found that combined with the model of teaching can enable students to understand the teaching task. The students themselves establish the model, which also converts structure of thinking into the process of space structure, showing their reachability and topology. For example, in the programming process of learning, Visual training adds algorithms and modeling of two modules, letting beginners only need to draw the flow chart for the learning algorithm.2.The Network Framework of Model’s Visual PlatformThe rapid development of the technology of model’s visualization is based on the visualization technology of graphics, besides, visualization is the theory, method and technology of interactive processing by computer. Due to the high requirements of image, the teaching model is bound to get rid of the traditional teaching methods. Combining with the requirements of teaching curriculum, it is prevalent to establish teaching platforms which support interactive information. Visual learning need to display in the WEB platform. At the same time, as for the teaching management, the visual learn of WEB could provide the network teaching platform, which is convenient for evaluation, communication and monitoring of study. Besides, the popularity of the network makes the students can realize remote visualization modeling training in any place .As for as the establishment of the platform, we should consider that the important curriculum and experiment related professional integrated into this platform and Setting up several different professional courses on he platform.In view of the above content, we divide the whole system into six different levels of the following: curriculum management modular, task management modular, user course selection authentication modular, model establishment modular, data monitor and interact modular, structure query modular, frame as shown in Fig1.International Conference on Applied Social Science Research (ICASSR 2015)Fig.2. Platform Framework3. Establishment of Plantform EnvironmentA. Model Selection of Platform SoftwareWe usually use two software which responsible for teaching communicate platf orm’s establishment and the model of the plug-in support. It provides a data view at the time of containing the actual data. In JGraph products, Mxgraph is a graphical component which provides interface with web integrated. The client requires a Web server to provide the required documents, it can also run on the local file system. The background can be used to support the integrated of existing server language, so it is very friendly to the development.In consideration of the analysis of the component of model, the platform must also meet the course assignments, including task management modular and data monitor and interact modular. At the same time, the development of language of model plug-in and learning platform need to keep compatibility, so finally we select the current market popular teaching platform software Moodle to meet the needs of establishment of WEB visual modeling and learning platform. B. Moodle Learning Platformand Mxgraph Graphical TrainingMoodle[3] is an open-source Course Management System (CMS), also known as the Learning Management System (LMS) or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), which has simple and elegant interface, so users can adjust interface and content according to the requirement at any time. The Moodle platform is a dynamic website program by the PHP scripting language, it is configured of the MySQL database supported by PHP, and it could be used to storage the data and file generated by the Moodle interface.The creation of graphics is by Mxgraph, which includes all the web[2] development language. Mxgraph client is a graphical component,and it can provide a interface of web integrated. Mxgraph has the architecture and graphics components of MVC, which has the same rules of JGraphthe, and it can be applied in a number of development. The clientcan realize localized operation, also is convenient to users to develop project alone.4. The Key Technology of Visualization Platform In the visual modeling training platform development process, the internal structure of the Moodle must be carried out to understand the, including the database and the module of data link. For example, the user who select the corresponding courses in the Moodle will enter into the corresponding modeling interface, and the operation is fed back to the establishment of the database, which also marks the link between two software. To achieve the overall visual programming training platform, it must be associated with Mxgraph and Moodle. Relationship in the user operation with reference to FIG. 2.Fig.2. flow chart of software operation platformA. Graphical Development Training Page in the MxgraphIn the Mxgraph, The menu bar and feature-rich tool make creating and editing simple graphics. However, the official demo given too much to call back url and Java code, it’s not easy to develop in the front page to connect Moodle. Written by JavaScript and built in the Tomcat server environment. The development of requirements is to refer to the corresponding component, the front page of the project Mxgraph should be met:1) Drag the icon to create a user model. There are mobile location, modify the size of the function.2) The above steps can be recorded in real time by the back-end database records. For the above requirements, the project on the local server for Mxgraph develop new homepage.In response to these requirements, the extraction of the core code of internal mxClient. Js can create a model. Then, Simple graphical configuration pull function that meets the basic requirements. To create a model of the type, according tothe different needs of different courses, it can be added in the model gallery.B.Monitoring Training Records by MoodleMoodle course modules not only provide support, this project requires the user has a monitoring operation on, that is user real-time monitoring and recording procedures. Monitoring records shall be, user adds a type of block diagram, or the user modifies a block diagram. User visualization and modeling in Mxgraph interface has been developed, in order for managers to understand their structure and thinking to create.With JavaScript, we can reconstruct the entire Mxgraph client to add some function, including adding, removing, changing or rearranging items on the page. When we want to change any module on the page. JavaScript needs access to the entrance of all the elements in the HTML document, which entrance along with the methods and properties to add, move, change or remove the HTML element, Is obtained through the document object model(DOM).C.Structure Analysis of Moodle and Mxgraph and theirInteractionThe first two has completed the creation of the Mxgraph model and the operation of the user record creation process. Then We need to establish the model to transfer to Moodle. And the database recording operation is also uploaded to the result. So what we need to achieve is data exchange between Mxgraph and Moodle. But the data in the Moodle will display where the front in the corresponding position has becoming the key of the platform’s development.The specific steps are provided by the user clicks on the link after elective operation. Table assign submission in the corresponding Mysql in the formation generate the corresponding value. Then the results of MVC model corresponding to the records generate in the online text field in the assign submission online text. At the same time, IP, time to submit homework and so on will be recorded. This text will be submitted in the Moodle view display operation.The technical scheme is able to complete the relationship and coordination between the two software, presents a complete WEB visualization programming training platform in the server set up after the completion.5.Moodle Operation Modular ManagementEasy to operate, to complete the development of the technology of Moodle and Mxgraph after the details of the treatment in the actual operation, the front end service platform forms a teaching system.Managers can create courses in Moodle, and publish the work that can be placed in the Mxgraph link. The information can be accepted by the users who select corresponding course. After the user selection in the MySQL assign submission database automatically appear in a record, recording the submission user ID and field operation number corresponding to the submission field in assign submission online text with the serial number. Finally, managers can give the score in the submitted after the operation. The score will be saved in the assign grades data sheet.So far, all the function modules of experimental teaching platform of visual modeling is the development and application. It is not only support the modeling of all kinds of teaching model, but also set up the framework of the platform of information processing, which is used for the analysis of the job submission. Managers judge from the record whether the user can independently accomplish the work directly or theft. It can be in the operation record inquiry knowing, which exceeds the completeness of traditional teaching that can have in the practical application.6.SummaryThe visualization platform for educational institutions or small laboratory provides a practical digital teaching, scientific research, management and service network platform. In addition, through the realization of the environment (including equipment, etc.), resources to the application (including teaching, learning, management, service and office), it construct a digital space based on the traditional campus. In the dimension of time and space to expand the real campus the traditional campus, the platform finally realizes the educational process information, so as to improve the management level and efficiency of the aim of education. AcknowledgmentsThe authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Practices Education System Improvement Project of Wuhan University of Technology.References[1]Zhiyuan Yuan, Xinqi Zheng, Lina Lv et al.. From design to digital model:A quantitative analysis approach to Garden Cities theory. EcologicalModelling, 2014, 289.[2]Kartik Kandadai Agaram. Prefetch mechanisms by application memoryaccess pattern. The University of Texas at Austin, 2007.[3]Zoran Vručinić,Aleksandar Janković,Milan Miladinovićet al..EVALUATION OF CLINICAL DIAGNOSIS WITH “STORE AND FORWARD”TELEDERMATOLOGY. Acta Medica Medianae, 2010, 49(4).[4]Chris Brunsdon, Lex Comber. Assessing the changing flowering date ofthe common lilac in North America: a random coefficient model approach. GeoInformatica, 2012, 16(4).[5]Qian Liu. Securing telehealth applications in a Web-based e-Healthportal. Concordia University (Canada), 2008.。
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Requirements for a Real-Time .NET FrameworkA. Zerzelidis and A.J. Wellings{alex, andy}@Department of Computer Science, University of York, U.K.Abstract: The Microsoft .NET Framework is a comparatively new technology that has already gained considerable momentum. Its user base and popularity is expanding. In addition, it offers a number of important traits, such as code portability and cross-language development. It is these features that have attracted our attention into investigating the possibility of using .NET for architecture -neutral real-time systems. As a result, this paper tries to set the groundwork for implementing a real-time version of the Microsoft .NET Framework by specifying a set of requirements.1 IntroductionWith embedded computers becoming more and more omnipresent, and with the world becoming more and more interconnected, there is a need for architecture-neutral real-time systems (a real-time system whose target architecture is unknown at system design time). Also, interconnection increases the possibility that systems developed by different vendors might need to interoperate. And since different vendors could possibly use different implementation languages, there is a need for multi-language working for real-time systems development. The Microsoft .NET Framework offers both an architecture-neutral platform and a multi-language development environment. It is our aim to examine how feasible it is to introduce real-timeliness into .NET.So far there have been few attempts to examine the .NET Framework from a real-time perspective. The two mentioned below examine the .NET Compact Framework in conjunction with Windows CE. The first one is an attempt to examine .NET’ssuitability for real-time systems [Lutz03]. The article looks into what .NET has to offer with respect to various real-time features like scheduling, memory management, and physical memory access. It concludes that .NET and C# are not suitable for hard real-time systems. [Struys03] is a second article that examines the real-time behaviour of .NET. However, this article does not consider .NET as a platform for carrying out real-time operations, but rather as a presentation layer to a real-time Win32 application running on a real-time operating system (Windows CE).In contrast with the above work, the overall goal of our research is to produce a real-time .NET Framework (1). As a first step towards this goal, this paper generates an initial set of real-time requirements for the .NET Framework. Rather than starting from the beginning, though, we take as a starting point the requirements presented in the report for Real-Time Java, produced by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) [NIST99].1.1 Introduction to the .NET FrameworkThe .NET Framework is a development platform. As such it consists of a runtime environment, called the Common Language Runtime (CLR), on which programs developed for .NET run, and a set of types (classes) in the form of libraries. There are two main libraries required for a minimum implementation of .NET: the Base Class Library (BCL), which provides a simple runtime library for modern programming languages, and the Runtime Infrastructure Library, which provides the services needed by a compiler to target the CLI and the facilities needed to dynamically load types from a stream in the file format specified.By introducing .NET, Microsoft’s main aim was to provide a new development platform more capable of leveraging technologies than previous Microsoft platforms [Richter02], and indeed more capable than third-party platforms, e.g. Java. .NET’s design goals include the following [Richter02]:• simple and consistent, object-oriented programming model• platform independence1 By “” we shall refer to the real-time augmented .NET Framework and all its functionality.• programming language integration• automatic memory management• type-safe verification• securityTo help the integration of languages into the .NET Framework, the CLR defines two sets of features: the Common Type System, or CTS for short, and the Common Language Specification, or CLS. The CLS is a true subset of the CTS. One can think of the two in terms of the following phrase: a language targeting the CLR cannot offer less than the CLS and cannot require more than the CTS. So the CTS is the superset of all language features offered by the CLR, and the CLS is the minimum set of features offered by a .NET language. Figure 1 demonstrates this [Richter02].Figure 1: Relation between .NET languages, the CTS, and the CLS.Code targeting .NET can be expected to either be stored and run locally, execute locally but get distributed over the Internet, or be executed remotely [MSDN]. Using .NET the developer can create the following types of applications [Richter02]: XML Web services, Web Forms, Win32 GUI applications, Win32 console applications, services, utilities, and stand-alone components. Primarily, though, .NET has been geared towards Internet applications and Web services. To get a better understanding of where .NET stands with respect to the Internet, [Richter02] provides the following diagram (Figure 2), illustrating an analogy between the role of an operating system and the .NET Framework. Here .NET is shown as the abstraction layer on top of the Internet, that helps/enables applications to take advantage of various Internet services, the same way as an operating system is the abstraction layer on top of the actual machine hardware, enabling the application to take advantage of the various peripherals.Figure 2: .NET – OS analogy..NET has also got its own programming language, C#, pronounced “C-sharp”. C# is an object-oriented language. Although there are a number of languages developed by Microsoft that target .NET (Managed C++, Visual Basic .NET, Visual J# .NET, JScript), C# is specifically designed to help the programmer better leverage the capabilities of .NET. Only programming directly in the Common Intermediate Language (CIL, or IL for short), which is the .NET “assembly” language, can give the programmer complete control of .NET facilities.From a real-time systems perspective we are not primarily interested in the Internet applications of .NET. Although the ease of interconnection .NET brings might be of interest to a distributed real-time audience, we are primarily focused on its virtual machine. More specifically, we are interested in introducing real-time facilities such as real-time scheduling (e.g. EDF or fixed-priority scheduling), thread abstractions (periodic, sporadic, aperiodic threads), and real-time clocks.To allow the programmer to tap into these facilities, we will consider appropriate additions/alterations to C#. More specifically, we will consider how the language’s current features can be used to support any of the real-time facilities. For example, C# has an event handling mechanism that could possibly be extended for asynchronous event handling. Moreover, drawing from the RTSJ, we could consider how the C# exception handling mechanism can be extended to cover asynchronous transfer of control.1.2 Structure of the ReportSection 2 of this report will briefly present the NIST report on Real-Time Java. Section 3 will make a short introduction to the .NET Framework, what it is, its design goals, and the approach we’re considering to modifying it for real-time. Section 4 is the main part of the report, dealing with the application of the NIST requirements to .NET. The section starts with the guiding principles, moving on to the concepts of a core functionality and extending profiles. Then come the actual requirements for.NET, followed by future goals for , and rejected goals. Finally, section 5 presents our concluding points.2 The NIST ReportThe interest for extending Java to make it more appropriate for a wide range of real-time systems stemmed from Java’s success. The NIST [NIST99] report aimed at coordinating such an effort, since much of the early work in this area was fragmented and lacked clear direction. The guiding principles the NIST Requirements Group set were that i) Real-Time Java (RTJ) might involve compromises between ease of use and efficiency, ii) that it should support the creation of software with extended lifetimes, and iii) that it should take into account current real-time practices and facilitate advances in the state of the art of real-time systems implementation technology. Of the three principles the last one is the most important. To achieve consistency with the current state of real-time practice, the following facilities were deemed necessary [NIST99]:• Fixed-priority, round-robin scheduling.• Mutual exclusion locking (avoiding priority inversion).• Inter-thread synchronization (e.g. semaphores)• User-defined interrupt handlers and device drivers — including the ability to manage interrupts (e.g., enabling and disabling).• Timeouts and aborts on running threads.The NIST group also suggested that profiles (subsets) of RTJ were necessary in order to cope with the wide variety of possible applications. According to this, real-time functionality for Java should not be provided as one big package, but should rather be split into a number of profiles, each one serving the needs of particular application domains. Underlying all these profiles, though, is the Core. By “Core” it is meant the basic real-time functionality found in any real-time operating system. As the NIST report puts it, “we can think of the Core as the intersection of all real-time capabilities provided by widely available real-time operating systems”. All the various profiles either augment or restrict the Core.Combining functionalitiesSeparating functionalitiesFigure 3: Two ways of implementing the Core and ProfilesSome examples of profiles are given below:• Safety critical• High availability and fault tolerant,• Low latency,• Deadline-based scheduling, or priority, or round-robin, or none• Distributed real-timeThere are two possible deployments that can be seen in Figure 3. The first is building a separate Real-Time JVM that can interoperate with any traditional JVM. In this case the profiles are only built on top of the Real-Time JVM. Traditional threads cannot run on the Real-Time JVM while real-time threads can only run on the Real-Time JVM. The two JVMs run as different processes on the same machine. In order to have an application running both traditional and real-time threads an interoperation mechanism has to be defined. This is the approach taken by the J-Consortium’s Real-Time Core Extensions for Java (RTCE) [RTCE00]. RTCE was developed with the NIST report in mind and is totally compatible with that report.The second possible deployment is to build a virtual machine that combines standard Java functionality with the real-time functionality offered by the Core. As can be seen in Figure 3, traditional Java threads can run on this virtual machine together with real-time threads. Profiles can be built on top of this JVM, and when these profiles are part of an existing deployment, real-time threads can use their additional functionality.This second approach is partially taken by the Sun-backed Real-Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) [RTSJ00]. RTSJ does specify a new, real-time-enabled virtual machine, capable of running both traditional Java threads and real-time Java threads. However, it does not make use of the concept of Core functionality and profiles, trying, instead, to offer a complete set of real-time functionality in one package, and thus setting itself apart from the NIST report. Different real-time application domains are not individually targeted. Instead, RTSJ specifies high-level real-time constructs suitable to all real-time programming environments, trying to lift the burden from the real-time programmer of dealing with low-level programming details. However, recently attempts have been made to create subsets of the RTSJ suitable for high-integrity systems [Puschner2001, Kwon2002].The main part of the NIST report, though, is an agreement that any implementation of RTJ should provide the following:• A framework for finding available profiles.• Bounded pre-emption latency on any garbage collection.• A well-defined model for real-time Java threads.• Communication and synchronization between real-time and non real-time threads.• Mechanisms for handling internal and external asynchronous events.• Asynchronous thread termination.• Mutual exclusion without blocking.• The ability to determine whether the running thread is real-time or non real-time.• A well-defined relationship between real-time and non real-time threads.3 Relationship between Java and .NETThe reason for taking the NIST report as a guideline is the close relation betweenC#/.NET and Java/Java Platform. Examining both technologies yields considerable commonalities between them ([NIST], [Cornelius02]). The most important are listed below. Moreover, both are targeting the same market (Web services and handheld devices amongst others).• Both technologies promote portability through the use of a virtual machine (the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) respectively).• Both technologies are highly dynamic, supporting object and thread creation at run-time.• Both Java and C# are C++-derived object-oriented languages, supporting dynamic class loading and dynamic assembly loading respectively.o Both languages are organised into a class hierarchy withSystem.Object as the root class.o A class may implement more than one interface.o Method overriding is possible.o The programmer can control the visibility of classes and theirmembers.• Both technologies make use of automatic memory management (garbage collection).• Both technologies support distributed applications.• Both technologies are designed to support component integration and reuse.• Both Java and C# provide well-defined execution semantics.• Both Java and .NET aim at increased programmer productivity.• Both technologies place value on security.Apart from the similarities, though, .NET has some unique characteristics that must be taken into consideration ([Richter02], [Cornelius02]):• .NET supports programming language integration, allowing the sharing of types between different languages.• .NET has the delegate type, which is a type-safe pointer-to-function type. This means that the CLR always checks to see if the correct type of function ispointed at.• In certain contexts, .NET performs automatic boxing and unboxing of values into the corresponding value types.• Pointer types can be used in C#, although not in managed code (that is, not in code managed by the CLR). Code using pointers has to be declared unsafe.Any variables created in such code are not placed in the garbage collectedheap.• .NET, being developed by Microsoft, is, at the moment, best implemented on the Windows line of operating systems. Specifically, Windows XP and theWindows .NET Server Family have integrated support for .NET services,while Windows 2003 ships with the full .NET Framework.4 Applying the NIST Requirements to .NETDrawing from the NIST report, we can proceed to formulate the guiding principles, cross-disciplinary requirements, and future goals for real-time extensions to .NET.4.1 Guiding PrinciplesThe NIST guiding principles can be straightforwardly adopted for .NET and are as follows:1. The design of should allow compromises that improve ease of use atthe cost of less than optimal efficiency or performance.2. should support the creation of software with useful lifetimes thatspan multiple decades, maybe even centuries.3. requirements are intended both to be pragmatic, by taking intoaccount current real-time practice, and visionary, by providing a roadmap and direction to advance the state of the art.Maintaining consistency with the state-of-practice entails the introduction in .NET of the same facilities as in Java, like fixed-priority round-robin scheduling, mutual exclusion locking with priority inversion avoidance, inter-thread synchronization, timeouting and aborting threads, and managing interrupts (see Section 2).In .NET, thread priorities are not fixed. The MSDN .NET class library in its ThreadPriority Enumeration section states: “The operating system can also adjust the thread priority dynamically as the user interface's focus is moved between the foreground and the background” [.NETLIB]. Moreover, according to [Lutz03], priority inheritance does not seem to exist in the .NET lock mechanism. As for the ability to abort a running thread, class System.Threading.Thread contains an Abort() method, which throws a ThreadAbortException [Richter02]. However, the MSDN .NET class library states, “calling this method usually terminates the thread”. This is because throwing the above exception causes all finally clauses of currently entered try blocks to execute. These might perform unbounded computations, causing a thread to execute indefinitely. Any real-time abort mechanism introduced should guarantee a bounded latency.Writing interrupt handlers could be done through unmanaged code executing outside the CLR, but this is besides our interests. A mechanism has to be provided in the Framework itself.Following we specify additional facilities that are also considered to be vital for real-time performance:• A real-time clock, with a specified granularity (e.g. compatible with POSIX).• Thread abstractions, like periodic, aperiodic, and sporadic threads. Thread abstractions should follow the object-oriented, dynamic, and nested threading model, that .NET supports.• Although thread priorities exist in .NET, the value set is completely inadequate for real-time systems (5 priorities). An extended set of priorities(e.g. 256) has to be provided.Furthermore, should try to address specialized real-time programming needs by tackling key technical issues, like: small memory footprint, fast interrupt response latency, breadth of general purpose operating system services, and host-target cross development tools. Differentiations based on technical issues as these cover a wide range of real-time systems and would make more versatile in this marketplace. Especially for memory footprint [Lutz03] shows that C# is up to 50% more consuming than C, making its use for embedded systems problematic.Finally, as mentioned, should support advancement of the state of the art. Today much focus is placed on the following issues:• Provision for on-line feasibility (schedulability) analysis for the acceptance of new real-time activities, and execution-time analysis.• Independent resource-need determination of real-time components and negotiation of resources with the system.o Processor bandwidth-latency guarantees(processor reserves). o Disk I/O bandwidth reservation.[Liu03]o Network rate-latencyguarantee.4.2 Profiles and the CoreThe concept of a real-time Core and additional profiles could easily be applied to.NET, since there already exists the idea of profiles. The CLI standard defines profiles to be sets of “libraries grouped together to form a consistent whole that provides a fixed level of functionality” [ECMA02]. There are two profiles defined in the standard, the Kernel Profile and the Compact Profile (Figure 4 [ECMA02]). The Kernel Profile is “the minimal possible conforming CLI implementation” consisting of the Base Class Library and the Runtime Infrastructure Library, while the Compact Profile is “designed to allow implementation on devices with only modest amounts of physical memory” yet providing more functionality than the Kernel Profile alone.Figure 4: The CLI Kernel and Compact ProfilesHaving that in mind, an implementation could follow either of the two deployments. However, the second deployment in Figure 3, a new Real-Time CLR, combining all the traditional CLR functionality with the real-time Core functionality, would be more desirable. Building a real-time-augmented CLR should be more convenient, since we can use the existing CLR code and modify it to add real-time functionality. CLR code is freely available through the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure initiative (SSCLI, aka ROTOR) [ROTOR]. In addition, following the second deployment makes it easier to specify the relationship and interoperation between traditional CLR threads and real-time CLR threads. For example, there is no need for a separate API for communication between the two kinds of threads, as is the case with RTCE. Irrespectively of the method of deployment, the functionality offered should be of a high-level similar to RTSJ. This is both for increased programmer productivity and to counterweight RTSJ. Profiles can be implemented on top of the core real-time CLR functionality. More specifically, each additional profile would include the Kernel Profile and also one or more additional libraries.4.3 Core RequirementsThe most important contribution of the NIST report is the requirements for the specification of the real-time Core functionality. These requirements constitute the basis for any implementation. This section translates all nine requirements for, using most of them verbatim and keeping the same numbering.• Core Requirement 1: The specification must include a framework for the lookup and discovery of available profiles.• Core Requirement 2: Any garbage collection that is provided shall have a bounded pre-emption latency. The pre-emption latency is the time required to pre-empt garbage collection activities when a higher priority thread becomesready to run. The specification must clearly define the restrictions that areimposed by pre-emption.An important derived requirement here is that for every language or library feature in .NET, one must be able to quantify the upper limit on the memory resources used. Also, if a GC is used, the specification must state which of the .NET functionality is usable by real-time threads so that their execution does not interfere with the state of the heap. This will ensure that the garbage collector will not be mistakenly called. Finally, the GC overhead on the application, if any, must be quantified. In general, we can say that garbage collection will either be real-time or will be disabled altogether (see Section 3.5, Goal 8).• Core Requirement 3: The specification must define the relationships among real-time .NET threads at the same level of detail as iscurrently available in existing standards documents. An example of theminimal requirements for specification would be POSIX 1003.1b. Examplesof these relationships include thread scheduling, wait queue ordering, andpriority inversion avoidance policies.• Core Requirement 4: The specification must include APIs to allow communication and synchronization between managed real-time .NET threads and non-managed threads.• Core Requirement 5: The specification must include handling of both internal and external asynchronous events. The model must support amechanism for executing .NET code in response to such events. Themechanism should fit in well with existing mechanisms (such aswait/pulse). (“External” is taken to mean interrupts or OS signals) • Core Requirement 6: The specification must include some form of asynchronous thread termination. This asynchronous thread termination musthave the following properties:1. By default a thread cannot be aborted.2. The target code determines where it can be aborted.3. When a thread is aborted:a. all locks are released, andb. finally clauses execute on the way out when the thread is beingaborted.4. No facility for aborting uncooperative code need be provided. Thetermination shall be deferred if the code currently executing has notindicated a willingness to be terminated.5. Mechanisms must be provided that allow the programmer to insure dataintegrity.• Core Requirement 8: The specification must provide a mechanism to allow code to query whether it is running under a real-time .NET thread or a non-real-time .NET thread.• Core Requirement 9: The specification must define the relationships that exist between real-time .NET, non-real-time .NET threadsand non-managed threads. It must provide mechanisms for communicationand sharing of information between real-time .NET threads and non-real-time .NET threads.To complement this requirement it is important to specify that traditional .NET threads must run as non-real-time threads. Also, sharing and communications protocols must have known tight upper bounds or some other form of predictability on blocking delays (see [NIST99] for a definition of “predictability”). Finally, the specification must describe the relationship between real-time threads and all the other thread types (non-real-time .NET, real-time, non-real-time), including priorities and scheduling, synchronization, sharing resources, other processes, budgets (memory, CPU, etc), and protections and privileges. Additionally, we could argue that for the purposes of scheduling (execution eligibility) could treat non-real-time .NET threads as real-time .NET threads with the lowest eligibility.• Core Requirement 7: The core must provide mechanisms for enforcing mutual exclusion without blocking. This requirement does not imply that a real-time thread should be allowed to disable/enable interrupts toachieve these results. The specification must require that the mechanisms donot allow a non-real-time thread to gain complete control of the machine.Specifically, the scheduler will continue to dispatch threads and interrupthandlers, other than the one possibly attached to the thread using the non-blocking mutex, which will continue to execute. The specification should take care to minimize risks to the system integrity.As [NIST99] states, the initial thought for mutual exclusion without blocking was the construction of atomic sequences of instructions. Masking interrupts, although an obvious mechanism, is avoided, since the dispatcher is required to continue switching threads and servicing interrupts. So is a “conditional acquire lock” (like thesem_trywait() function in POSIX). One suggestion is a global lock shared by all threads. It has to be said that the NIST report is vague on this point. Perhaps the idea here was to have something like lock-free synchronization mechanisms, as in a thread that executes a certain piece of code, checking to see whether some other higher priority thread got to execute the same code before the lower priority thread finished. In the case that a higher priority thread did run the lower priority one executes the code again [Anderson97].4.4 Additional Core RequirementsThe following are additional core requirements for :• Core Requirement 10: Any real-time functionality added to .NET shall be accessible to any language targeting the .NET Framework (i.e. it shall conform to the Common Language Specification (CLS)).• Core Requirement 11: shall provide mechanisms for asynchronous transfer of control (ATC).Core Requirement 10 is .NET-specific and has to be included to cater for all those languages that might want to make use of features. Although we will only be considering C# for our implementation there might be a future interest in using another language, e.g. Ada, to leverage the real-time facilities of . Core Requirement 11 stems from the nature of real-time systems, which usually involve interaction with the real world. As a result of that might have to enforce a sudden change in the flow of execution, which calls for the need to have a high-level。