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• A figure of speech in which a thing, quality, or idea is represented as a person. • Eg. The wind signed in the tree tops. Flowers smiled at him.
• He sleeps like a log.( he sleeps soundly) • You are as welcome as flowers in May.
It is the commonest of all figures of speech. It differs from simile in that there is no words whatsoever used to show the relation of comparison between the tenor and vehicle. A metaphor is, therefore, an implied simile.
• Synecdoche: (提喻) It is involves the substitution of the part for the whole, or the whole for the part. For instance, they say there„s bread and work for all. She was dressed in silks. • (不直接说出事物的名称,而是用另外一 种与其密切的有关的事物名称来代替)
Metonymy is such a figure of speech as doesn‟t express a similarity of one thing to another in some respects but express an association between the thing spoken of and the thing meant--- the mention of one thing suggests another
• A statement that is seemingly contradictory to common sense and yet perhaps true in fact. • Eg. My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown, and known too late. -Romeo and Juliet one has to be cruel to be kind.
• A figure of speech in which an unpleasant or offensive thing is described by a milder term. • Eg. Go west. Ladies’ room
• An exaggerated statement • Eg. She cries oceans of teaБайду номын сангаасs.
parallelism (排比)
• We can gain knowledge by reading, by reflection, by observation or by practice • Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.
• It is the deliberate arrangement of contrasting words or ideas in balanced structural forms to achieve emphasis.把两个相反。
• Speech is silver; silence is golden. United we stand, divided we fall. • Art is long, life is short .
Transferred epithet(移就)
• The epithet is transferred from the appropriate noun to modify another to which it doesn’t belong. • Eg. Tom looked at his girlfriend with a crying face.
onomatopoeia 拟声
• It is a device that uses words which imitate the sounds made by an object (animate有生命的 or inanimate) or which are associated with or suggestive of some action or movement. E.g. • In the morning of my hometown, birds twitter, chicks cheep, hen chuck, geese gaggle and dogs yap, and even cows moo, horse whinny together with an ass heehaws… • 我家的清晨, 鸟儿喳喳, 小鸡吱吱, 母鸡咯 咯,鹅群嘎嘎, 狗儿汪汪,甚至和一头驴呃 呃的叫声一起,汇合着牛哞声和马嘶声。
• The intended meaning is the opposite of that expressed by the words used. • Eg. This diligent student never reads an hour per month.
• a part for whole: He stayed under the roof for ten years.(in the house) • the whole for part: • The lamp is burning. ( the lamp=the wick灯芯) • a concrete for abstract • All the father rises in my heart. (the feeling of a father)
• Pun is a play on words, which involves an amusing use of expressions with a double meaning or the same sound but different meanings. • (双关就是一语双关。利用词语的多义性使语句所表 达的内容有两种不同的理解时,就是语义双关。而当 利用词语之间的谐音关系使词语可有两种不同的理解 时就是谐音双关。) • Seven days without water makes one weak (week)
• The repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words or in stressed syllables, as in "on scrolls of silver snowy sentences" Hart Crane. Modern alliteration is predominantly consonantal (consonance); certain literary traditions, such as Old English verse, also alliterate using vowel sounds. (assonance)
• She sells see-shell on the sea shore. • Time and tide wait for no man. • Speaking without thinking is shooting without aiming.
• The use of the same word, phrase, or sound etc. In a poem or speech. • Eg. She went to bed again, and thought and thought and thought it over and over again.
• All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. • He lives in a palace of a house.
Simile cf metaphor
• He has a wife of an angel.(like) • She was an angel of a wife.
Rhetorical Devices
• A simile is a formal comparison drawn between two things which are similar at least in one respect, though quite unlike otherwise. A simile is made up of three parts, namely: • The tenor( the thing described) • The vehicle (the thing compared to) • Words such as “as”, like, “than”, „as if” etc. used to show the relationships of comparison
3. The instrument for the agent(借一物以喻用
物之人;或者用工具指其行为主体) Give every man your ear, but few your voice. (Pay heed to what every man says, but say little yourself) He chose a gun instead of a cap and gown. (a gun= soldier, a cap and gown =a student) 4.a person‟s name for the things he has invented or the works he has written(用某人之名代替 此人的作品或者发明物) • At the beginning of next year, he will read Shakespeare
• 1. the container for the thing contained用容器来指被盛 的东西 • The kettle boils. • (kettle=the water in the kettle) • He tasted the dish. • (dish=food in the dish) • 2..the sign or symbol for the thing or person symbolized(用标记或者象征代表所标志的人或者物) • This man is a very able lawyer, but the bench has not yet admitted him to practice • (the bench= the judge这个人是一个非常有才干的律师,可是法官 不让他实习)