OSHA 500 - Steel Erection
2 1/2" (63.5 mm)
3-prong power cord
Example of an Electrical Receptacle Installation
Accessories: To purchase Bosch accessories, cleaners & parts please call 1-800-944-2904 (Mon to Fri 5 am to 6 pm PST, Sat 6 am to 3 pm PST).
Features & Benefits
46 dBA: dishwasher runs quietly so your kitchen conversations aren’t interrupted.
The AquaStop Plus® premium leak protection system contains leaks through a precisely engineered tub and dual sensor system.
Notes: All height, width and depth dimensions are shown in inches. BSH reserves the absolute and unrestricted right to change product materials and specifications, at any time, without notice. Consult the product’s installation instructions for final dimensional data and other details prior to making cutout.
OSHA 500 - Fire Protection
(1926.150 - 159)
2A fire extinguishers - Building area
150(c)(1)(i) Standard - 1926. 152(a)(1) 153(j) 150(a)(1) 150(c)(1)(vi)
1926.152 Flammable & Combustible Liquids
• Flammable liquids > 1 gallon requires safety can • Flammables not stored near exits or stairways
1926.152 Flammable & Combustible Liquids
15 18 33
Flammables/combustibles - Approved containers
Storage of LPG containers Fire protection program/equipment 10B fire extinguisher within 50 ft. of flammable/combustible liquids
• Dispensing 5 gallons or more, segregate 25 feet from other operations • Bonding required for container transfer
1926.152 Flammable & Combustible Liquids
1926.150 General Requirements
• Fire brigade provided as warranted • Provide water supply to protect against combustibles
OSHA 500 Fall Protection
• "Body belt (safety belt)" means a strap with means both for securing it about the waist and for attaching it to a lanyard, lifeline, or deceleration device.
• "Lanyard" means a flexible line of rope, wire rope, or strap which generally has a connector at each end for connecting the body belt or body harness to a deceleration device, lifeline, or anchorage.
– Inspection, investigation, or assessment of workplace conditions prior to the actual start of construction work, or – After all construction work has been completed.
• The locking type with a self-closing, selflocking keeper which remains closed and locked until unlocked and pressed open for connection or disconnection; or
Subpart M applies to:
ASTM 美国材料试验协会标准目录
ASTM 美国材料试验协会标准目录ASTM A1000-2005 特种弹簧质量级碳钢丝及合金钢丝规格5页ASTM A1001-2001(2006) 硅铁规格5页ASTM A100-2007 硅铁规格6页ASTM A1002-1999(2003) 镍-铝有序合金铸件规格2页ASTM A1003/A1003M-2005 冷成形框式构件用金属和非金属镀层碳素钢薄板规格6页ASTM A1004/A1004M-1999(2004) 准备用作冷成形框架构件的金属、涂漆金属和非金属涂敷钢薄板规格3页ASTM A1005/A1005M-2000(2004) 平端纵焊缝和螺旋焊缝双重埋弧焊干线用黑钢管规格6页ASTM A1006/A1006M-2000(2004) 平端激光束焊接干线用黑钢管规格6页ASTM A1007-2002 钢丝绳用碳素钢丝规格9页ASTM A1008/A1008M-2007 高强度低合金冷轧碳素结构钢薄板以及可成型性、溶液硬化和可烘烤硬化性经改进的高强度低合金冷轧碳素结构钢薄板规格10页ASTM A1009-2005 高频(10kHz-1 MHz)电力变压器和滤波感应器设备用软磁性MnZn铁芯材料规格3页ASTM A1010/A1010M-2001e1 更高强度马氏体不锈钢厚板、薄板和带材规格2页ASTM A1011/A1011M-2006b 高强度低合金冷轧碳素结构钢薄板和带材、可成型性经改进的高强度低合金冷轧碳素结构钢薄板和带材以及具有超高强度的低合金冷轧碳素结构钢薄板和带材的规格8页ASTM A101-2004 铬铁规格3页ASTM A1012-2002(2007) 带整体式散热片的铁素体、奥氏体和二相合金钢冷凝器与热交换器无缝管及焊接管的规格4页ASTM A1013-2000(2005) 使用瓦特表-安培表和电压表方法在控制温度下测量软磁芯部件高频(10 kHz-1 MHz)磁芯损耗的试验方法4页ASTM A1014/A1014M-2006 高温工作用沉淀硬化螺栓材料(UNS N07718)规格3页ASTM A1015-2001(2005) 卫生设施用管状产品管内图像检测指南3页ASTM A1016/A1016M-2004a 铁素体合金钢、奥素体合金钢和不锈钢管通用要求规格11页ASTM A1017/A1017M-2007 压力容器用铬钼钨合金钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A1018/A1018M-2006c 碳素钢、市售钢、拉制钢、结构钢、高强度低合金钢、可成型性经改进的高强度低合金钢以及超高强度钢热轧薄板、带材和特厚卷材规格9页ASTM A1019/A1019M-2001 下水道和排水管用聚合物预涂的直径为36英寸或不足36英寸[900 mm]的闭合肋钢管规格6页ASTM A1020/A1020M-2002 锅炉、过热器、热交换器和冷凝器设备用溶焊碳钢和碳锰钢管道规格3页ASTM A1021/A1021M-2005 高温用马氏体不锈钢锻件和锻坯规格4页ASTM A1022/A1022M-2006 混凝土钢筋用异形及普通不锈钢钢丝和焊接钢丝的规格10页ASTM A102-2004 钒铁规格3页ASTM A1023/A1023M-2002 通用多股绞合碳素钢丝绳规格37页ASTM A1024/A1024M-2002 干线用无缝平端黑钢管规格6页ASTM A1025-2005 铁基合金通用要求规格4页ASTM A1026-2003 建筑构架中使用的合金钢结构型材规格2页ASTM A1028-2003 压缩机和涡轮机翼剖面用不锈钢棒材规格4页ASTM A1030/A1030M-2005 钢薄板产品平面度特性的测量规程11页ASTM A1031-2005 热轧合金钢、拉制钢和结构合金薄板、带材及特厚卷材规格4页ASTM A1032-2004 预应力混凝土管用冷拉钢丝耐氢脆性的试验方法3页ASTM A1033-2004 亚共析碳钢和低合金钢相变的定量测量与报告规程14页ASTM A1034/A1034M-2005b 测试钢筋用机械钢筋接头的试验方法6页ASTM A1035/A1035M-2007 混凝土配筋用异形及光面低碳铬钢筋规格5页ASTM A1036-2004 用小型单个薄钢板测试仪测量电工用扁钢电源频率磁性的指南5页ASTM A1037/A1037M-2005 炉内对焊黑色钢制干线用管规格5页ASTM A1038-2005 采用超声波接触阻抗法的便携式硬度试验机规程6页ASTM A1039/A1039M-2004 用双滚筒铸造方法生产的市售热轧结构碳钢薄板规格7页ASTM A1040-2007 规定锻制低合金碳钢及合金碳钢协调标准牌号成份的指南12页ASTM A1041/A1041M-2004 压力容器用高强度铬钼钨合金钢厚板规格3页ASTM A1042/A1042M-2004 下水道和排水沟用复合波纹钢管规格8页ASTM A1043/A1043M-2005 建筑物用低屈服拉伸比结构钢规格3页ASTM A1044/A1044M-2005 混凝土抗剪钢筋用钢螺柱组合件规格5页ASTM A1045-2005 水厕冲座与卫生排水系统连接用柔性聚氯乙烯密封圈规格5页ASTM A1046/A1046M-2006 用热浸法涂敷锌铝锰合金的薄钢板规格8页ASTM A1047/A1047M-2005 测试管道漏气的试验方法5页ASTM A1048/A1048M-2006 高温用高强度铬钼钨合金钢压力容器锻件规格3页ASTM A1049/A1049M-2006 压力容器和相关部件用铁素体/奥氏体(双工)不锈钢锻件规格4页ASTM A105/A105M-2005 管道设备用碳钢锻件规格5页ASTM A1053/A1053M-2006 铁素体-马氏体焊接不锈钢管规格5页ASTM A106/A106M-2006a 高温用无缝碳钢管规格9页ASTM A108-2003e1 冷加工碳素钢棒规格7页ASTM A109/A109M-2003 冷轧碳(最大0.25%)钢带规格9页ASTM A111-1999a(2004)e1 电话和电报线路用镀锌铁丝规格3页ASTM A116-2005 镀锌钢丝编织栅栏规格6页ASTM A1-2000(2005) 碳素钢T型钢轨规格6页ASTM A121-1999(2004) 镀金属钢制剌钢丝规格4页ASTM A123/A123M-2002 钢铁制品镀锌层(热浸镀锌)规格8页ASTM A125-1996(2001) 热处理钢螺旋弹簧规格6页ASTM A126-2004 阀门、法兰及管道配件用灰铸铁件规格3页ASTM A128/A128M-1993(2003) 奥氏体锰钢铸件规格2页ASTM A131/A131M-2007 船用结构钢规格7页ASTM A132-2004 钼铁规格3页ASTM A134-1996(2005) 电熔(弧)焊钢管(尺寸NPS 16及以上)规格4页ASTM A135/A135M-2006 电阻焊钢管规格9页ASTM A139/A139M-2004 电熔(弧)焊钢管(NPS4及以上)规格6页ASTM A143/A143M-2003 防止热浸镀锌结构钢制品变脆和检测变脆程序的规程3页ASTM A144-2004 钨铁规格2页ASTM A146-2004 氧化钼制品规格2页ASTM A148/A148M-2005 结构用高强度钢铸件规格4页ASTM A153/A153M-2005 钢铁构件镀锌层(热浸)规格5页ASTM A159-1983(2006) 汽车用灰铁铸件规格5页ASTM A167-1999(2004) 不锈钢和耐热铬镍钢厚板、薄板及带材规格2页ASTM A176-1999(2004) 不锈钢和耐热铬钢板、薄板及带材规格2页ASTM A178/A178M-2002 电阻焊碳素钢和碳素锰钢锅炉管的规格4页ASTM A179/A179M-1990a(2005) 热交换器和冷凝器用冷拉低碳无缝钢管的规格2页ASTM A181/A181M-2006 通用锻制碳素钢管的规格3页ASTM A182/A182M-2006 高温下使用的锻制或轧制合金钢和不锈钢管法兰、锻制管件、阀门及零件规格18页ASTM A183-2003 碳素钢轨螺栓及螺母规格4页ASTM A184/A184M-2006 混凝土配筋用生产的螺纹钢条网规格3页ASTM A185/A185M-2006e1 混凝土钢筋用普通焊接钢丝规格6页ASTM A192/A192M-2002 高压下使用的无缝碳素钢锅炉管规格3页ASTM A193/A193M-2007 高温或高压及其它特定用途设备用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料规格13页ASTM A194/A194M-2007a 高压或高温作业或者高压高温作业用螺栓的碳钢及合金钢螺母的规格11页ASTM A197/A197M-2000(2006) 铸造韧性铁规格4页ASTM A20/A20M-2006 压力容器用中厚钢板的一般要求规格33页ASTM A203/A203M-1997(2003) 镍合金钢压力容器板规格3页ASTM A204/A204M-2003 压力容器用钼合金钢厚板规格3页ASTM A209/A209M-2003 无缝钼碳合金锅炉和过热管规格3页ASTM A210/A210M-2002 锅炉和过热器用无缝中碳钢管规格3页ASTM A213/A213M-2007 锅炉、过热器和换热器用无缝铁素体与奥氏体合金钢管规格12页ASTM A214/A214M-1996(2005) 换热器和冷凝器用电阻焊碳素钢管规格2页ASTM A216/A216M-2004 高温下使用的适用于熔焊的碳素钢铸件规格4页ASTM A217/A217M-2007 适合高温受压零件用马氏体不锈钢和合金钢铸件的规格4页ASTM A220/A220M-1999(2004) 珠光体韧性铁规格5页ASTM A2-2002 普通型、槽型和防护型碳素钢工字钢轨规格3页ASTM A225/A225M-2003 压力容器用锰钒镍合金钢板规格3页ASTM A227/A227M-2006 机械弹簧用冷拉钢丝规格4页ASTM A228/A228M-2002 乐器用优质弹簧钢丝规格4页ASTM A229/A229M-1999(2005) 机械弹簧用油回火钢丝规格4页ASTM A230/A230M-2005 优质油回火阀弹簧用碳素钢丝规格4页ASTM A231/A231M-2004 铬钒合金钢弹簧钢丝规格4页ASTM A232/A232M-2005 优质阀门簧用铬钒合金钢规格4页ASTM A234/A234M-2007 中温与高温用锻制碳素钢及合金钢管配件的规格8页ASTM A239-1995(2004) 铁或钢制品上镀锌层最薄点的定位规程4页ASTM A240/A240M-2007 压力容器与普通设备用铬和铬镍不锈钢中厚板、薄板及带材规格12页ASTM A242/A242M-2004e1 高强度低合金结构钢规格4页ASTM A247-2006 评定铁铸件中石墨微结构的试验方法2页ASTM A249/A249M-2004a 焊接的奥氏体钢锅炉、过热器、热交换器和冷凝器管规格10页ASTM A250/A250M-2005 锅炉和过热器用电阻焊铁素体合金钢管规格4页ASTM A252-1998(2002) 焊接与无缝钢管桩规格7页ASTM A254-1997(2002) 铜焊钢管规格4页ASTM A255-2002e1 测定钢硬度用端部淬火试验方法24页ASTM A262-2002ae3 奥氏体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性的检测规程17页ASTM A263-2003 耐腐蚀的包层钢厚板、薄板及带材规格5页ASTM A264-2003 不锈铬镍包层钢厚板、薄板及带材规格5页ASTM A265-2003 镍和镍基合金包层钢厚板规格6页ASTM A266/A266M-2003a 压力容器部件用碳素钢锻件规格4页ASTM A268/A268M-2005a 通用无缝及焊接铁素体和马氏体不锈钢管规格7页ASTM A269-2007 通用无缝奥氏体不锈钢管和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管的规格6页ASTM A27/A27M-2005 通用碳素钢铸件规格4页ASTM A270-2003a 卫生设备用无缝和奥氏体不锈钢管规格6页ASTM A275/A275M-2006 钢锻件的磁粉检查试验方法7页ASTM A276-2006 不锈钢棒材和型材规格7页ASTM A278/A278M-2001(2006) 最高温度为650°F(350℃)下承压部件用灰口铸铁件规格4页ASTM A283/A283M-2003 低和中等抗张强度的碳素钢厚板规格2页ASTM A285/A285M-2003 压力容器用低和中等抗张强度的碳素钢厚板规格3页ASTM A288-1991(2003) 涡轮发电机磁性扣环用碳素钢及合金钢锻件规格2页ASTM A289/A289M-1997(2003) 发动机非磁性扣环用合金钢锻件规格3页ASTM A29/A29M-2005 热锻碳素钢及与合金钢棒的一般要求规格16页ASTM A290/A290M-2005 减速装置环形物用碳钢和合金钢锻件规格4页ASTM A291/A291M-2005 减速装置小齿轮、齿轮及轴用碳钢和不锈钢锻件规格4页ASTM A295/A295M-2005 高碳抗摩擦轴承钢规格4页ASTM A297/A297M-2007 一般用耐热铬铁与镍铬铁合金钢铸件规格4页ASTM A299/A299M-2004 压力容器用锰硅碳钢厚板规格3页ASTM A302/A302M-2003 压力容器用锰钼及锰钼镍合金钢厚板规格3页ASTM A304-2005e2 须符合端部淬火硬度要求的碳钢与合金钢棒材规格50页ASTM A307-2004e1 抗拉强度为60000PSI的碳素钢螺栓和柱头螺栓的规格6页ASTM A308/A308M-2006 热浸法镀锡(铅锡合金)薄钢板规格5页ASTM A309-2001 用三点试验法测定长镀铅锡薄钢板镀层的重量及成份的方法6页ASTM A311/A311M-2004 压力容器用钢铆钉和铆钉用钢棒规格4页ASTM A312/A312M-2006 无缝焊接冷加工奥氏体不锈钢管规格11页ASTM A31-2004e1 压力容器钢铆钉和铆钉用棒材规格4页ASTM A313/A313M-2003 不锈钢弹簧钢丝规格7页ASTM A314-1997(2002) 锻造用不锈及耐热钢坯及钢棒规格3页ASTM A319-1971(2006) 非承压部件用暴露在高温下灰铸铁件规格2页ASTM A320/A320M-2007 低温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料规格8页ASTM A3-2001(2006) 低、中、高碳素钢(未经热处理的)连接板规格3页ASTM A322-2006 标准级合金钢棒规格4页ASTM A323-2005 硼铁合金规格2页ASTM A324-1973(2004) 钛铁规格2页ASTM A325-2006 经热处理的最小抗拉强度为120/105 ksi的结构用钢螺栓规格8页ASTM A325M-2005 最小抗拉强度为830 MPa的热处理结构钢螺栓规格(公制)7页ASTM A327-1991(2006) 铸铁冲击试验的试验方法4页ASTM A327M-1991(2006) 铸铁冲击试验的试验方法(米制)3页ASTM A328/A328M-2007 钢板桩规格2页ASTM A333/A333M-2005 低温用无缝与焊接钢管规格7页ASTM A334/A334M-2004a 低温用无缝与焊接碳素合金钢管钢管规格6页ASTM A335/A335M-2006 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管规格10页ASTM A336/A336M-2006a 压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格8页ASTM A338-1984(2004) 铁路、船舶和其它重型设备在温度达650°F(345℃)时使用的可锻铸铁法兰、管件和阀门零件规格2页ASTM A34/A34M-2006 磁性材料取样和采购测试规程4页ASTM A340-2003a 与磁性试验有关的符号和定义的标准术语16页ASTM A341/A341M-2000(2005) 使用直流磁导计和冲击强力试验方法对材料的直流磁性能的试验方法12页ASTM A342/A342M-2004 弱磁性材料磁导率的测试方法5页ASTM A343/A343M-2003 使用瓦特表-安培表-电压表方法和25cm爱泼斯坦试验构架的材料交流电磁性的试验方法16页ASTM A345-2004 磁性材料用平轧电工用钢规格4页ASTM A348/A348M-2005 用瓦特计--安培计--伏特计法、100-10000赫兹和25cm爱泼斯坦框测定材料交流磁性能的试验方法10页ASTM A350/A350M-2004a 管道部件用切口韧性试验要求的碳素钢与低合金钢锻件规格8页ASTM A351/A351M-2006 承压零件用奥氏体、奥氏体-铁素体(复合)钢铸件规格5页ASTM A352/A352M-2006 低温受压零件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件规格5页ASTM A353/A353M-2004 压力容器用经二次正火及回火处理的含9%镍的合金钢厚板规格3页ASTM A354-2004e1 淬火和回火合金钢螺栓、双头螺栓和其它外螺纹紧固件规格7页ASTM A355-1989(2006) 渗氮合金钢棒规格3页ASTM A356/A356M-2005 汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢钢铸件规格6页ASTM A358/A358M-2005 高温设备与通用设备用电熔焊奥氏体铬镍不锈钢管规格7页ASTM A36/A36M-2005 结构碳素钢规格4页ASTM A363-2003 地面架空线用镀锌钢丝绳规格3页ASTM A367-1960(2005) 铸铁冷冻测试的试验方法4页ASTM A368-1995a(2004) 不锈钢钢丝索规格3页ASTM A369/A369M-2006 高温用锻制和镗加工碳素钢管和铁素体合金钢管规格4页ASTM A370-2007 钢产品机械测试的试验方法及定义47页ASTM A372/A372M-2003 薄壁压力容器用碳素钢及合金钢锻件规格5页ASTM A376/A376M-2006 高温中心站用无缝奥氏体钢管规格7页ASTM A377-2003 球墨铸铁压力管规格2页ASTM A380-2006 不锈钢零件、设备及系统的清洁、除锈和钝化规程13页ASTM A381-1996(2005) 高压传输系统用金属弧焊钢管规格5页ASTM A384/A384M-2002 钢制组装件热浸镀锌时防翘曲和歪变的规程2页ASTM A385-2005 提供高质量镀锌层(热浸)的规程9页ASTM A387/A387M-2006a 压力容器用铬钼合金钢厚板规格6页ASTM A388/A388M-2007 大型钢锻件超声波检查规程8页ASTM A389/A389M-2003 适合高温受压部件用经特殊热处理的合金钢铸件规格3页ASTM A390-2006 家禽饲养用镀锌钢丝栅栏结构(六角形与直线形)规格4页ASTM A391/A391M-2001 合金钢链条规格3页ASTM A392-2006 镀锌钢丝制链环栅栏结构规格5页ASTM A394-2005e1 钢输电塔镀锌螺栓和裸螺栓规格7页ASTM A395/A395M-1999(2004) 高温用铁素体延性铁承压铸件规格8页ASTM A400-1969(2006) 根据钢棒成份及机械性能选择钢棒的推荐规程9页ASTM A401/A401M-2003 铬硅合金钢丝规格4页ASTM A403/A403M-2006 锻制奥氏体管不锈钢管配件规格7页ASTM A407-1993(2004) 冷拉螺旋型弹簧钢丝规格3页ASTM A409/A409M-2001(2005) 腐蚀或高温下使用的大直径奥氏体焊接钢管规格6页ASTM A411-2003 镀锌低碳钢铠装线规格3页ASTM A413/A413M-2001 碳素钢链条规格4页ASTM A414/A414M-2006 压力容器用碳素钢薄板规格4页ASTM A416/A416M-2006 预应力混凝土用无镀层七股钢绞线规格5页ASTM A417-1993(2004) 室内装饰弹簧装置用冷拉之字型、方型和正弦型钢丝规格3页ASTM A418/A418M-2005 涡轮机和发动机钢转子锻件超声波检验的试验方法8页ASTM A420/A420M-2007 低温用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件规格6页ASTM A421/A421M-2005 预应力混凝土用无镀层应力消失钢丝规格4页ASTM A423/A423M-1995(2004) 无缝和电焊接低合金钢管规格3页ASTM A426/A426M-2005 高温用离心浇铸铁素体合金钢管规格5页ASTM A427-2002 冷轧与热轧用锻制合金钢轧辊规格3页ASTM A428/A428M-2006 铝覆铁或钢件覆层的重量(质量)的试验方法5页ASTM A434-2006 热轧与冷精轧经淬火及回火的合金钢棒规格3页ASTM A435/A435M-1990(2007) 中厚钢板直射束超声检测规格2页ASTM A436-1984(2006) 奥氏体灰口铁铸件规格6页ASTM A437/A437M-2006 高温用经特殊热处理的涡轮型合金钢螺栓材料规格3页ASTM A439-1983(2004) 奥氏体球墨铸铁铸件规格6页ASTM A447/A447M-1993(2003) 高温用镍铬铁合金钢铸件(25-12级)规格4页ASTM A449-2004be1 经热处理、最小抗拉强度为120/105/90 ksi的通用钢制六角螺丝、螺栓和柱螺栓规格7页ASTM A450/A450M-2004a 碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管一般要求规格10页ASTM A451/A451M-2006 高温用离心浇铸奥氏体钢管规格4页ASTM A453/A453M-2004 具有同奥氏体钢相类似膨胀系数的耐高温螺栓材料规格6页ASTM A455/A455M-2003 压力容器用高强度锰碳钢中厚板规格2页ASTM A456/A456M-1999(2003) 大曲轴锻件磁粉探伤规格4页ASTM A459-1997(2003) 镀锌扁钢铠装带规格3页ASTM A460-1994(2004)e1 包铜钢丝绳规格3页ASTM A463/A463M-2006 热浸法铝覆层薄钢板规格7页ASTM A466/A466M-2001 非焊接碳素钢链规格5页ASTM A467/A467M-2001(2006) 机器链和盘旋链规格4页ASTM A469/A469M-2007 发电机转子用经真空处理钢锻件的规格4页ASTM A47/A47M-1999(2004) 铁素体可锻铸铁铁铸件规格5页ASTM A470/A470M-2005e1 涡轮机转子和轴用经真空处理的碳钢和合金钢锻件规格8页ASTM A471-2006 涡轮机转子盘和叶轮用经真空处理的合金钢锻件规格6页ASTM A472/A472M-2005 汽轮机轴和转子锻件热稳定性的试验方法3页ASTM A473-2001 不锈钢及耐热钢锻件规格5页ASTM A474-2003 镀铝钢丝绳规格3页ASTM A476/A476M-2000(2005) 造纸厂干燥机轧辊用球墨铸件规格5页ASTM A478-1997(2002) 铬镍不锈钢和耐热钢制编织钢丝规格2页ASTM A479/A479M-2006a 锅炉及其它压力容器用不锈钢棒材和型材规格7页ASTM A48/A48M-2003 灰口铁铸件规格6页ASTM A480/A480M-2006b 平轧不锈钢及耐热钢中厚板、薄板及带材的一般要求规格24页ASTM A481-2005 铬金属规格2页ASTM A482-2005 硅铬铁合金规格2页ASTM A483-2004 硅锰合金规格2页ASTM A484/A484M-2006b 不锈钢棒材、方钢坯和锻件的通用要求规格13页ASTM A485-2003 高硬度减磨轴承钢规格4页ASTM A487/A487M-1993(2003) 受压钢铸件规格6页ASTM A488/A488M-2006 钢铸件焊接人员及工艺的鉴定规程18页ASTM A489-2004e1 碳素钢吊眼规格4页ASTM A490-2006 经热处理的最小抗拉强度为150 ksi的合金钢结构用螺栓规格6页ASTM A490M-2004ae1 结构钢接头用10.9 和10.9.3级高强度钢螺栓规格(公制)6页ASTM A491-2003 经热处理的碳素钢连接板规格5页ASTM A49-2001(2006) 热处理碳钢铁连接杆、微合金连接杆和锻造碳素钢异形连接杆规格3页ASTM A492-1995(2004) 耐热不锈钢丝绳用钢丝规格2页ASTM A493-1995(2004) 冷镦和冷锻不锈钢和耐热钢丝及钢丝棒规格3页ASTM A494/A494M-2005 镍及镍合金铸件规格7页ASTM A495-2006 硅钙及硅锰钙合金规格2页ASTM A496/A496M-2005 混凝土钢筋用变形钢丝规格6页ASTM A497/A497M-2006e1 混凝土用异形焊接钢丝补强规格6页ASTM A498-2006 无缝与焊接碳素钢,铁素体与奥氏体合金钢制有整体散热片的换热器钢管规格3页ASTM A499-1989(2002) 用T型钢轨轧制的碳素钢棒材及型材的规格4页ASTM A500-2003a 结构用碳素钢冷成形圆截面和异形截面焊接钢管和无缝钢管规格5页ASTM A501-2007 热成型焊接碳钢结构管材和无缝碳钢结构管材规格8页ASTM A502-2003 钢结构铆钉规格(AASHTO No.M228) 4页ASTM A503/A503M-2001(2006) 锻造曲轴超声波检验规格3页ASTM A504/A504M-2007 锻制碳钢轮规格8页ASTM A505-2000(2005) 热轧及冷轧合金钢薄板和带材的一般要求规格11页ASTM A506-2005 热轧和冷轧合金钢及结构合金钢薄板与带材规格4页ASTM A507-2006 热轧和冷轧拉制合金钢薄板及带材规格4页ASTM A508/A508M-2005b 压力容器用淬火和回火真空处理碳素钢和合金钢锻件规格9页ASTM A510-2006 碳素钢盘条和粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格7页ASTM A510M-2006 碳素钢盘条和粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格(米制) 7页ASTM A511-2004 无缝不锈钢机械管系的规格8页ASTM A512-2006 冷拉对焊碳素钢机械管规格7页ASTM A513-2007 电阻焊碳素钢与合金钢机械管规格17页ASTM A514/A514M-2005 焊接用经回火与淬火的高屈服强度合金钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A515/A515M-2003 中温及高温压力容器用碳素钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A516/A516M-2006 中温及低温设备用压力容器碳素钢中厚板规格4页ASTM A517/A517M-2006 压力容器用经回火与淬火的高强度合金钢中厚板规格4页ASTM A518/A518M-1999(2003) 耐腐蚀高硅铸铁件规格5页ASTM A519-2006 无缝碳素钢与合金钢机械管系规格13页ASTM A521/A521M-2006 一般工业用闭式模锻模锻件规格9页ASTM A522/A522M-2007 低温工作用锻制或轧制含镍8%和9%的合金钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件的规格4页ASTM A523-1996(2005) 高压管型电缆通路用平头端无缝及电阻焊钢管规格5页ASTM A524-1996(2005) 环境温度和低温用无缝碳素钢管规格8页ASTM A529/A529M-2005 优质高强度碳锰结构钢规格3页ASTM A53/A53M-2006a 热浸镀锌黑钢焊接管及无缝管规格22页ASTM A530/A530M-2004a 特种碳素钢及合金钢管一般要求规格9页ASTM A531/A531M-1991(2006) 汽轮发电机钢挡圈的超声波检验规程5页ASTM A532/A532M-1993a(2003) 耐磨铸铁规格4页ASTM A533/A533M-1993(2004)e1 压力容器用经回火和淬的锰钼及锰钼镍合金钢中厚板规格4页ASTM A534-2004 耐磨轴承用渗碳钢规格4页ASTM A536-1984(2004) 球墨铸铁件规格6页ASTM A537/A537M-2006 压力容器用经热处理的碳锰硅钢中厚板规格4页ASTM A540/A540M-2006 专用合金钢螺栓连接材料规格8页ASTM A541/A541M-2005 压力容器部件用经淬火和回火的碳素钢及合金钢锻件规格6页ASTM A542/A542M-1999(2004)e1 压力容器用经淬火和回火的铬钼、铬钼钒和铬钼钒钛硼合金钢中厚板规格5页ASTM A543/A543M-1993(2004)e1 压力容器用经淬火和回火的镍铬钼合金钢厚板规格3页ASTM A550-2006 铌铁合金规格2页ASTM A551/A551M-2005 钢轮箍规格3页ASTM A553/A553M-2006 压力容器用经回火和淬火的含8%及9%镍的合金钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A554-2003 焊接的不锈钢机械管系规格6页ASTM A555/A555M-2005 不锈钢丝和盘条一般要求规格6页ASTM A556/A556M-1996(2005) 给水加热器冷拉无缝碳素钢管规格5页ASTM A560/A560M-2005 铬镍合金铸件规格3页ASTM A561-1971(2004) 工具钢棒材宏观组织腐蚀试验规程2页ASTM A562/A562M-2006 有玻璃涂层或扩散的金属涂层的压力容器用碳素钢和锰钛合金钢厚板规格2页ASTM A563-2004a 碳素钢和合金钢螺母规格(AASHTO M291) 8页ASTM A563M-2006 碳素钢和合金钢螺母规格(米制) 9页ASTM A564/A564M-2004 热锻及冷加工时效硬化不锈及耐热钢棒及型材规格8页ASTM A565/A565M-2005a 高温设备用马氏体不锈钢棒材规格4页ASTM A568/A568M-2006a 高强度低合金热轧和冷轧结构碳素钢薄板一般要求规格29页ASTM A571/A571M-2001(2006) 适用于低温的承压部件用奥氏体球墨铸铁铸件规格5页ASTM A572/A572M-2007 高强度低合金铬钒结构钢规格4页ASTM A573/A573M-2005 增强韧性的结构用碳素钢中厚板规格2页ASTM A574-2004e1 合金钢内六角螺钉规格8页ASTM A574M-2004e1 合金钢内六角螺钉规格(米制) 7页ASTM A575-1996(2002) 商品级碳素钢棒规格(M级) 2页ASTM A576-1990b(2006) 特级热锻碳素钢棒规格5页ASTM A577/A577M-1990(2007) 中厚钢板超声波斜射束检测规格3页ASTM A578/A578M-1996(2001) 直射束超声波检验专用的普通钢板和复合钢板规格5页ASTM A579/A579M-2004a 超强度合金钢锻件规格7页ASTM A580/A580M-2006 耐热不锈钢丝规格4页ASTM A581/A581M-1995b(2004) 易切高速切削用耐热不锈钢丝和钢丝棒规格3页ASTM A582/A582M-2005 易切削不锈钢棒规格3页ASTM A586-2004a 镀锌平行与螺旋钢丝结构索规格6页ASTM A587-1996(2005) 化学工业用电阻焊低碳素钢管规格6页ASTM A588/A588M-2005 4 in. (100 mm)厚屈服点最小为50 ksi /平方英寸(345 MPa)的高强度低合金结构钢规格3页ASTM A589/A589M-2006 无缝焊接碳钢水井管规格12页ASTM A592/A592M-2004 压力容器用经回火和淬火的高强度低合金钢锻制附件及零件规格3页ASTM A595/A595M-2006 结构用锥形低碳钢管或高强度低碳钢管规格5页ASTM A596/A596M-1995(2004) 使用冲击法和环状试样的材料直流磁性试验方法8页ASTM A597-1987(2004) 铸造工具钢规格2页ASTM A598/A598M-2002 磁放大器磁芯磁性的试验方法17页ASTM A599/A599M-2002 冷轧电解镀锡钢薄板规格3页ASTM A6/A6M-2007 轧制结构钢棒、薄板、中厚板和打板桩的一般要求规格59页ASTM A600-1992a(2004) 高速工具钢规格14页ASTM A601-2005 电解锰金属规格2页ASTM A602-1994(2004) 汽车用可锻铸铁件规格5页ASTM A603-1998(2003) 镀锌钢丝结构绳规格6页ASTM A604-1993(2003) 自耗电极再溶化钢棒与钢坯的宏观腐蚀试验方法14页ASTM A606-2004 高强度、低合金、热轧和冷轧且具有较好耐环境腐蚀性的钢、钢板及钢带规格3页ASTM A608/A608M-2006 高温承压设备用铁-铬-镍高合金离心铸造管规格6页ASTM A609/A609M-1991(2002) 碳素低合金马氏体不锈钢铸件的超声波检查规程9页ASTM A610-1979(2004) 铁合金尺寸测量用样品的取样及试验方法2页ASTM A612/A612M-2003 中温及低温压力容器用高强度碳素钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A615/A615M-2007 混凝土钢筋用变形及普通碳素钢棒材规格6页ASTM A618/A618M-2004 热成形焊接及无缝高强度低合金结构管材规格4页ASTM A623-2006a 锡轧制产品一般要求规格38页ASTM A623M-2006a 锡轧制产品的一般要求规格(米制) 25页ASTM A624/A624M-2003 一次压延的锡轧制产品和电镀锡薄板规格5页ASTM A625/A625M-2003 一次压延的锡轧制产品和未镀锡的黑钢板规格2页ASTM A626/A626M-2003 二次压延的锡轧制产品和电镀锡薄板规格5页ASTM A627-2003 用于安全用途的均质机床不易加工的钢棒规格11页ASTM A630-2003 测定电镀锡板锡镀层重量的试验方法8页ASTM A632-2004 普通无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管(小直径)规格4页ASTM A633/A633M-2001(2006) 正火的高强度低合金结构钢规格3页ASTM A635/A635M-2006a 高强度低合金及具有经改进可成形性的高强度低合金热轧碳素钢薄板和带材及卷材通用要求规格10页ASTM A636-1976(2004) 氧化镍烧结块规格2页ASTM A638/A638M-2000(2004) 高温作业用沉淀硬化铁基超合金棒材、锻件和锻坯规格3页ASTM A640-1997(2002)e1 8字型电缆架设支架用镀锌钢丝绳规格3页ASTM A641/A641M-2003 镀锌碳素钢钢丝规格5页ASTM A644-2005 有关铁铸件的术语4页ASTM A645/A645M-2005 压力容器用经特殊热处理的5%镍合金钢中厚板规格4页ASTM A646/A646M-2006 航空器与航天器锻件用优质合金钢坯及坯段规格5页ASTM A648-2004a 预应力混凝土管用冷拔钢丝规格4页ASTM A649/A649M-2004 波纹纸机械用锻制钢辊规格4页ASTM A650/A650M-2003 二次压延的锡轧制品、黑钢板规格2页ASTM A65-2007 钢轨道道钉规格4页ASTM A653/A653M-2006a 热浸法镀锌或镀锌铁合金钢薄板规格13页ASTM A656/A656M-2005e1 具有经改进的可成形性的热轧结构钢、高强度低合金中厚板规格3页ASTM A657/A657M-2003 一次和二次压延的锡轧制产品及电镀覆铬未镀锡黑钢板的规格7页ASTM A659/A659M-2006 商业级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材(最大含碳量为0.16%-0.25%)规格3页ASTM A660-1996(2005) 高温下用离心铸造碳素钢管规格4页ASTM A662/A662M-2003 中低温作业用碳-锰-硅钢压力容器板规格3页ASTM A66-2007 钢螺纹道钉规格3页ASTM A663/A663M-1989(2006) 机械性能要求的商品级碳素钢棒规格(AASHTOM227/M227M) 3页ASTM A664-2006e1 ASTM规格中标准电工用钢等级的识别规程3页ASTM A666-2003 退火的或冷加工的奥氏体不锈钢厚钢板、带材、薄板和扁材规格7页ASTM A667/A667M-1987(2003) 离心铸造的双金属(灰色及白色铸铁)圆柱规格2页ASTM A668/A668M-2004 一般工业用碳素钢和合金钢锻件规格7页ASTM A671-2006 常温和较低温用电熔焊钢管规格7页ASTM A67-2000(2005) 低碳钢及高碳钢热加工连接板规格4页ASTM A672-2006 中温高压作业用电熔焊钢管规格7页ASTM A673/A673M-2007 结构钢冲击试验用取样方法规格5页ASTM A674-2005 水或其它液体用变性铸铁管聚乙烯套膜规格7页ASTM A675/A675M-2003e1 特级热锻碳素钢棒机械性能要求规格5页ASTM A677-2005e1 完全成品型无定向电工用钢规格6页ASTM A678/A678M-2005 结构用经回火和淬火的碳素钢和高强度低合金钢中厚板规格3页ASTM A679/A679M-2006 硬拔高抗拉强度钢丝规格4页ASTM A681-1994(2004) 工具钢合金规格14页ASTM A682/A682M-2005 冷轧高碳素钢带材一般要求规格8页ASTM A683-2005e1 半成品型非定向电工用钢规格5页ASTM A684/A684M-2006 冷轧高碳钢带材规格4页ASTM A686-1992(2004) 碳素工具钢规格12页ASTM A688/A688M-2004 给水加热器用奥氏体不锈钢焊接管规格7页ASTM A689-1997(2002) 弹簧用碳素钢及合金钢棒规格4页。
Hasselblad 500 Series
Hasselblad 500 Seriesby Karen NakamuraOverview and PersonalCommentsThe Hasselblad 500 seriesis a very successful line ofsingle-lens reflex mediumformat cameras made bythe HasselbaldCorporation of Sweden,using German-made CarlZeiss lenses with built-inleaf shutters.The 500series is renowned for itsexcellent optics,sturdiness, reliability, andcompact size. Until therecent popularity of6~10+ megapixelinterchangeable lens digital SLR cameras from Canon and Nikon, it was the standard camera of fashion and portrait studio photographers. Using the text or images on this website without permission on an ebay auction or any other site is a violation of federal law.I used to own a Mamiya RB67 which I used in the studio, so take these comments in view that I am explicitly comparing the Hassie against the Mamiya. Surprisingly, the Mamiya very much held its own. I've also written an article comparing the different medium format film types, so read that first if you're unfamiliar with medium format. I've since sold my 500C/M and now own a Hasselblad 203FE so you can read that page too if you want to learn about Hasselblad's newest focal plane shutter series.Born in 1957, the Hasselblad was one of the first system cameras. This means that almost everything is interchangeable: lens, prism/finder, cranking knob, and film back. This allows for tremendous flexibility. The square 6x6 format (56mm x 56mm) on medium format film makes the most of the image circle from smaller lens, means that you do not have to turn the camera sideways for portrait photographs, and allows for cropping flexibility later on. It also allows for 12 shots on a standard 120 roll; or 16 on a 120 roll using a 6x4.5 format back.Hasselblad refers to the 500 / 2000 / 200 / 900 family as the 'V' series. They can share (for the most part) lenses, film backs, and some prism finders. The other series in the Hasselblad are the 'X' series (X-Pan; X-Pan II) which arepanoramic 35mm cameras; and the new H series (H1) which are 6x4.5 medium format and digital-ready cameras.History of the 'BladYou can read about the early Hasselblad focal-plane history (the original 1600F and the later 1000F) on my Hasselblad 200 series page. Unfortunately, the shutter mechanisms on these early focal-plane bodies were delicate and Victor Hasselblad wanted a camera that could be used in all conditions with even the most ham-handed photographers.Like all Hassies until the most recent H1 (and the X-Pan), the 1600F was 6x6 medium format on 120 film, used interchangeable film backs, viewfinders, and lenses. From a distance, a 1600F is indistinguishable from a Hassie 500. Unfortunately, most 1600s have disintegrating shutters and are not useful for anything except paperweights. Theirprices on the used market reflect this.The first V model, the 500C, came outin 1957 and the 500C was made until1970. The 'C' indicated the Compurin-lens leaf shutter. The next model,the 500 C/M, was produced from1970 until 1994. The 'M' meansModified. One of the major changeswas user-replaceable focusingscreens. In the photograph right, youcan see the two tabs that hold thescreen in. Pushing these outwardswith your fingernail allows the screen to pop out.Much later on (in the late 1980s), Hasselblad replaced the older Hasselblad screens with the brighter Minolta-made Acute-Matte fresnel focusing screen. You can recognize the second-generation Acute-Matte D screens by the two small D-shaped notches in the bottom right or left corner (barely visible in bottom right corner of the screen in the photo above). Many photographers with 500C/Ms replaced their older dimmer screens with Acute Mattes when they came out, so you'll find many 500C/Ms with them. Ask before buying, though!I believe the 500C/M is the minimum model you should buy used. The 500C models are now almost 40 years old. Some are in good shape, but others need CLAs (clean-lube-adjusts). An Acute-Matte screen costs about$100-300 separately (depending on its vintage, D's are more expensive) so try to buy a 500C/M which has one already installed. A good condition 500C/M kit (body; waist level finder; back; and 80mm C T* lens) should cost youbetween $800-1400 depending on condition and whether you're getting a used camera warrantee with it.After the 500 C/M, there were other models in the 500 line, most with relatively minor revisions and some features removed for cost-cutting purposes. The 503CX with TTL OTF (through-the-lens off the film) metering was a god-send for some wedding photographers who shoot PJ(photo-journalist) style using wide, tele or other non-standard lenses; but it's not that critical (non-TTL auto-flash works well enough for most of us). The Gliding Mirror System in the 503CW and 501CM is a Semi-Big Thing (TM) in that it prevents focusing screen vignetting in long focal length lenses. It's really not an issue in most cases unless you're using lenses > 120mm in length.The 500 series bodies are renownedfor their toughness and reliability. Awell-maintained Hasselblad can easilylast over 40 years, with aclean-lube-adjust (CLA) every 10-15years or so. This depends on theamount of use. Pros who shootthousands of rolls a year may needyearly checkups, but that volume isclearly different from most people. Ipersonally shoot about 200 rolls/yearbut that is spread between threedifferent cameras (Canon EOS 10D,Leica M7, and Hasselblad 203FE).Motorized Hasselblads - the ELseriesThere is also a series of motorizedHasselblads, the EL series. These havethe motor-drive built into the bottom of the camera. They were very popular with studio-photographers and because many pros are going digital, are quite cheap on the secondary market.Here are the EL models that I know about in rough order of production:The EL cameras are a bit heavy for handheld use. I wouldn't recommend one as your only 'blad but they make a nice second body for studio use. The oldest units took a special ni-cad rechargeable battery that isn't sold anymore, but you can buy adapters so that it can take a 9v alkaline battery instead.The latest EL model, the ELD was designed especially for digital film backs. It's still quite popular for this purpose, so they are much more rarer on the secondary market.I've started a new page for the Hasselblad 500 EL series. It's still in its formative stages, any additional info for it would be much appreciated.Hasselblad 200/2000 SeriesAlthough the 500 series uses leaf shutters in the lens, there was also a line of Hasselblads that used a focal plane shutter in the body, instead of a leaf shutter in the lens. This allowed a maximum shutter speed of 1/2000 sec instead of the 1/500 sec. of the 500 series. This series was called the 2000 series. (Hmm... there seems to be parallelism in the numbers for some odd reason).The original 2000 series wasn't that much of a success because of the finicky metal foil focal plane shutter. It was unreliable and easy broken, the opposite of the Hasselblad philosophy. It was only when Hasselblad changed the 200 series so that they had a cloth focal plane curtain and built in auto-exposure that the series became more popular. This meant a photographer could use the focal plane shutter outside, taking advantage of the high shutter speed for open-aperture available-light portraiture; then use the leaf-shutter inside for studio photography with high-speed flash sync.The most recent 203FE and 205FCC have built-in TTL meters in them. The main difference is the 205FCC has a spotmeter, while the 203FE iscenter-weighted only. They were also incredibly expensive new, but are reasonable on the secondary market. I have a write-up on the 200 series here.Dating a HasselbladDon't go on a blind date and buy a camera that you don't know its age! You can date the manufacture of your Hasselblad bodies and backs using the following serial number code. Using it, I find that my 500C body (serial#TI556xx) was made in 1964; my 500C/M in 84 (#RI1293xxx); and my back (serial #UC47xxxx) in 1975:Just as important as the age is how many rolls went through it. Cameras don't like to be abused - so don't buy a camera that's been retired from a professional photography studio. Cameras also don't like to not be used, so don't buy a shrinkwrapped camera from 1970 and expect it to work (keep it for its collectible value in the shrinkwrap). The best used camera is from a retired dentist who would use it once every few weeks to take a few snapshoots and otherwise babied it.Dating Lenses: You can also date the lens manufacture for C and C T* lenses. Zeiss doesn't use Hasselblad's VHPICTURES, but if you take the lens off thecamera and look at the rear element, there should be a 3-digit or 4-digit number in red lettering on the shroud. You may have to focus the lens to infinity or to the closest focus distance in order to reveal it. This is the manufacturing date code. In order to decode it:∙The last two digits are the month∙The first one or two digits are the year. Add this to 1957.So my 50mm Distagon has a date code of '806'. This means it was made in June of 1965. My 80mm C T* has a date code of '1605'. This means it was made in May of 1973.CF lenses use a different code: one letter and two digits. The letter is the month (A=Jan; B = Feb; C=March; D= April) and the two digits are the year flipped. So 28 = 82 = 1982. So F58 = June 1985.I haven't discovered the code for CFE lenses yet.Prism Finders and MetersI used tohave anentiresection herededicated toaccessoryprism findersfor theHasselbladsystem, butI moved it toa separatepage titled:Hasselblad(Prism)Finders andMeters.There you can read about my adventures with the NC-2, PM, Metered Finder, PM-90, PME-90, and PM-5... and oh yes, the metered wind knob.Film BacksThe Hasselblad lens and film backmounting systems are excellent.There are no extruding pins or hookson the lenses or on the backs. Thismeans you can set down a Hassielens or put a film back in yourbackpack without having to worryabout something catching or gettingdamaged. It's truly a well-thoughtout system. Other lens systems andbacks have protruding pins that arealways getting snagged and broken.There are two main variations of 500series backs: the original 12 backsand the newer A-12 backs (forgettingfor a minute the 6x4.5 format 16/A-16 backs). The original backs required you to look through a peephole to align the first frame. With the A-12 backs(A=Automatic), loading became much simpler. As the older 12 backs are much older, there's no reason not to get the newer A-12 backs. Hasselblad backs are reputedly hand-adjusted at the factory for the tightest tolerance possible. The film insert has a sticker on it with the last 3 digits of the shell's serial number. Whenever possible, try to get a back with matching insert and shell serial numbers (these are listed on ebay as "matching inserts" or something like that) as it will increase their resale value. In reality, it doesn't make that much of a difference and if you're a user rather than a collector, you can get mismatched backs for 50-75% of matched backs. Two of my backs have mismatches and I don't lose any sleep on it.Backs from 1997 have a built-in darkslide holder. This is a great feature that Hassie ripped off from Lindahl, who has been selling a stick-on version of this forever. The cheapest place to buy these is from Calumet Camera in Chicago.I have them on my backs (see above right). Three thumbs up.You can buy modified Kiev 88 backs that are modified to work on Hasselblads from . However, barely used A-12 backs can be bought on ebay for $100-200 these days so I see no advantage in purchasing a new Kiev back.There's more information on the entire film-back line on the Hasselblad 200-series page.ShuttersBecause it has a leaf shutter instead of the massive, earth shattering focal plane curtain of the Pentax 67 or Kiev 66, the Hasselblad (and Mamiya RB67) is particularly suited towards taking studio photographs. You can flash sync at any speed. However, I have to say that in the studio, the Mamiya RB67 and RZ67 are better than a Hassie. The larger format allows for better duplication on standard paper, without having to resort to cropping or trimming. The Mamiyas have bellows focusing which allows you to get closer than the helical focusing on the 'blad. The one thing I don't like about my 80mm CFE lens is that its minimum focus is 0.90 meters (3 feet) which is too far for some studio and close portrait work.LensesMy 500C/M came with two lenses, the 80mm f/2.8 Planar T* and the 50mm f/4 Distagon. Both are made by Carl Zeiss of West Germany for the Hasselblad and are both coated. The 80mm has the renowned T* Zeiss multi-coating and the 50mm only is single-coated.People have a love-hate relationship with the early Hassie lenses. They love the sharpness but really hate the linked shutter-speed and aperture dials. Hasselblads use the EV metering system, which links shutter-speed and aperture to produce a single Exposure Value. This allows you to easily dial in your light reading from an EV friendly light meter (such as the metered finders above), then quickly adjust aperture and shutter-speed in relation to each other without changing the exposure. As long as you have a light meter that reads in EV, it's a great system. It's a pain in the neck otherwise. Fortunately, my Pentax and Gossen meters read in EVs.Hasselblad has made numerous minoroptical tweaks and user-interfacetweaks with their lenses. Their latestCFE lenses incorporate electroniclinkages to tell the 200 series camerabodies what their maximum aperture isand to coordinate with digital backs.Other AccessoriesAlong the way, I also picked up a 10mmextension tube and 2x Komura Tele-extender. The extension tube is for macro-photography. But I've been spoiled by the Mamiya RB67, the Hassie is not as flexible. The Komura is a high-quality 2x focal length multiplier. You also lose 2 stops of light, so using a metered prism is recommended. Interesting quirksUp until last year, Hasselblad strongly promoted the "square format" (56mm x 56mm; or 6x6). It was ideal, you could shoot both portrait and landscape formats without having to rotate the camera or back. Square photos had a zen feel to them. If you wanted to shoot 645, there was a 645 back for the 'blad.... blah blah blah....That advertising angle suddenly stopped in 2001. What happened? Hasselblad came out with a 6x4.5 camera of their own, the Hasselblad H1 (made in conjunction with Fuji Camera of Japan). Because they couldn't be overtly duplicitous, they had to stop saying that 6x6 format was the best of all worlds.Former Soviet-Union Hasselblad AlternativesMany people are now familiar with the Kiev 88, a clone of the Hasselblad 1000F. It uses a focal plane shutter and while it has excellent optics, it more fragile and unreliable than the original. They do have cloth curtains though. They are dirt cheap and the most recent Kiev 88CMs use the Pentacon EX66 mount, which allows for a huge variety of excellent optics from Zeiss Jena and Schneider-Kreuznach. For $600 for a complete kit with warrantee from Kiev Camera, it's certainly tempting You may want to avoid buying over ebay because Kiev 88s have wild sample variation and you really want to buy from a dealer who will stand by it 100%.p.s. With used Hasselblad 500C/M prices hovering at about $1000 for a full kit, I'd recommend buying a Hasselblad instead, but it's your money!Here are some reliable Kiev dealers:∙Kiev USA (Saul Kaminsky)∙Kiev Camera (Mike Fourman)Mamiya RB vs HasselbladFor close-up photography, food photography, and macrophotography I would most likely use my Mamiya over the 'Blad simply because the bellows focusing allows for much closer focusing. The decreased magnification factor with 6x7 film vs. 6x6 format more than makes up for any perceived difference between Mamiya and Zeiss lenses.Technical DetailsSystem Weight哈苏相机60年(1841-2001)以生产中画幅单镜头反光相机而闻名于世的哈苏公司,创建于1841年,它原本是一家经营杂货、服饰和画像材料的小商店,1887年开始经营摄影用的感光材料,1908年成为美国柯达公司在瑞典的总代理。
Dixon P-Series 迪克森双锁式快速连接器产品说明说明书
Dual-LockP-SeriesU F A C T U R I N G • Q U A L I T Y • S E R V I C E • M A N U F A C T U R I N G • Q U A L I T Y • S E R V I C E • M A N U F A C T U R I N G • Q U A L I T Y • S E R V I C E • M A N U F A C T • Customer Service: 877.963.4966Dixon ®877-963-4966 • 2Quick Acting CouplingsDixon ® couplings and retention devices are designed to work safely for their intended use. The selection of the proper hose, coupling and retention device, and the proper application of the coupling to the hose are of utmost importance.Users must consider the size, temperature, application, media, pressure and hose and coupling manufacturer's recommendationswhen selecting the proper hose assembly components. Dixon ® recommends that all hose assemblies be tested in accordance with the Association for Rubber Products Manufacturer's (ARPM) recommendations and be inspected regularly (before each use) to ensure that they are not damaged or have become loose. Visit for more information.Where safety devices are integral to the coupling, they must be working and utilized. The use of supplementary safety devices such as safety clips or safety cables are recommended.If any problem is detected, couplings must be removed from service immediately.Dixon ® is available to consult, train and recommend the proper selection and application of all fittings we sell. We strongly recommend that distributors and end users make use of Dixon ® Testing and Recommendation Services. Call 877.963.4966 or visit /safety to learn more.SafetyApplication:• full flow coupling used on utility air, water, and nitrogen linesMaterials:• m achined components: solid steel, brass, or 303 stainless steel bar stock • s teel couplings with zinc cast sleeve• 1 piece sleeve retaining ring and spring: stainless steel • 2 piece sleeve: phosphor bronze spring • c omponentry: steel plated using ROHS Compliant Trivalent ChromeFeatures:• unisex design• spring loaded interlocking engagement • corrosion resistant coating• smooth ID permits full flow paths to tool• optional locking key prevents accidental sleeve retraction• interchangeable with Thor PHC Series, National brands Series A, Dual-Lock and Campbell double lock Specifications:• working pressure: 300 PSI• operating temperature: -40° to 250°F (-40° to 121°C )• hose barb• male pipe thread • female pipe thread • locking sleeve• knurled flange sleeveConnection:• Push and TwistLocking clip (part # 4P-CLIP) is available to prevent unintentional disconnection.Disconnection:• Pull and TwistNeverattempt to disconnect any hose while pressure is in the line.Dixon ®877.963.4966 • 3Male Pipe Thread with Locking SleeveFemale Pipe Thread with Locking SleeveMale Pipe ThreadMust be used with locking sleeve fittings above.Body Size Hose Size Part #Plated Steel Brass Stainless Steel½"⅜"4PS3------½"½"4PS44PS4-B ---½"¾"4PS64PS6-B 4PS6-S ½"1"4PS84PS8-B---Hose Barb with Locking SleeveBody Size Threads Part #Plated Steel Stainless Steel½"⅜"4PM3---½"½"4PM4---½"¾"4PM64PM6-S ½"1"4PM8---Body Size Threads Part #Plated SteelBrass Stainless Steel½"½"4PF4------½"¾"4PF64PF6-B4PF6-SBodySize ThreadsPart #Plated Steel Brass Stainless Steel½"⅜"P4M3------½"½"P4M4P4M4-B ---½"¾"P4M6P4M6-B P4M6-S ½"1"P4M8P4M8-B---ASize A B ⅜" 3.53" 1.55"½" 3.95" 1.55"¾" 3.95" 1.55"1"6.06"1.55"DimensionsASize Flat A B ⅜"⅞" 2.93" 1.55"½"⅞" 2.94" 1.55"¾"11/16" 2.98" 1.55"1"1⅜"3.11"1.55"DimensionsSize Flat A B ½"1¼" 2.75" 1.55"¾"1¼"2.75"1.55"DimensionsASize Flat A B ⅜"⅞" 2.00" 1.55"½"15/16"2.25" 1.55"¾"1⅛" 2.55" 1.55"1"1⅜"3.25"1.55"DimensionsADixon ®877-963-4966 • 4Female Pipe ThreadHose Barb with Knurled Flanged SleeveMale Pipe Thread with Knurled Flanged SleeveFemale Pipe Thread with Knurled Flanged SleeveMust be used with locking sleeve fittings on page rge, raised collar sleeve permits easier handling when wearing rge, raised collar sleeve permits easier handling when wearing rge, raised collar sleeve permits easier handling when wearing gloves.Body Size Threads Part #Plated SteelBrass Stainless Steel½"⅜"P4F3------½"½"P4F4P4F4-B ---½"¾"P4F6P4F6-B P4F6-S ½"1"P4F8P4F8-B---Body Size Hose Size Part #Plated Steel ½"⅜"4PS3-FS ½"½"4PS4-FS ½"¾"4PS6-FSBody Size ThreadsPart #Plated Steel½"⅜"4PM3-FS ½"½"4PM4-FS ½"¾"4PM6-FSBody SizeThreads Part #Plated Steel ½"½"4PF4-FS ½"¾"4PF6-FSSizeFlatA B⅜"7/8" 1.79" 1.55"½"1-5/16"2.25"1.55"¾"1-5/16"2.34" 1.55"1"1-7/16"2.76"1.55"DimensionsAASize A B ⅜" 3.53" 1.81"½" 3.95" 1.81"¾"3.95"1.81"DimensionsSize A B ⅜" 2.93" 1.81"½" 2.98" 1.81"¾"2.98"1.81"DimensionsASize A B ½" 2.75" 1.81"¾"2.75"1.81"DimensionsABDixon ®877.963.4966 • 5Replacement Gaskets Sleeve Locking Key• fits couplings with locking sleeve • prevents sleeve retractionOther cable options are available.Reference OSHA regulations standards - 29 CFR, 1915.131, 1926.302, and 1926.603Style WSR, for hose-to-tool serviceStyle W, for hose-to-hose serviceHose End Tool EndSafety CablesWhen hose, couplings or clamps fail, or there is an accidental separation of the assembly, King™ Safety Cables minimizedamage to equipment and injuries to operators. King™ Safety Cable reaches across the hose fittings to provide standby safety for hose. Spring-loaded loops in the cable ends open easily to pass over the couplings for a firm grip on the hose. Thoroughly tested with years of service. A positive safeguard for air hose connections - helps you meet today's safety standards. King™ Safety Cable must be installed in the extended position (no slack).Dual-Lock with FerrulePart #Description 4P-SKIT Buna-N (standard)F-4P-SKITFKMPart #4P-CLIP• can be crimped• also available in brass and stainless steel• ⅜" and 1" sizes available upon request, contact Dixon ®Body Size Hose Size OD Range Part #From:To:Plated Steel ½"½"54/64"12/64"4PS4-WF ½"¾"110/64"122/64"4PS6-WFCable Part #Hose ID Length Max. Working Pressure(PSI)1/8"WSR1½" - 1¼"20¼"2003/16"WSR3½" - 2"28"2001/4"WSR21½" - 3"38"2003/8"WSR44"44"200Cable Part #Hose ID Length Max. Working Pressure(PSI)1/8"WB1½" - 1¼"20¼"2003/16"WB3½" - 2"28"2001/4"WA21½" - 3"38"2003/8"WA44"44"200Hose EndHose End• c able reaches across hose fittings to provide standby safety for hose • s pring loaded loops in the cable ends open easily to pass over the couplings for a firm grip on the hose • highly resistant to rust and corrosion• no tools needed - easy to install and remove• cables shipped with safety restraint labels attachedFeatures:• l ow cost answer to eliminating injuries caused by broken air hose connections• hose-to-hose or hose-to-rigid outlet • K ing™ Cable is the low cost answer to eliminate injuries caused by broken air hose connections• maximum operating pressure: 200 PSIThe constant vibration created by air tools, like air drills and pavement breakers, is destructive to air hose couplings, especially the quick-acting type. To provide protection against coupling breakage and related hazards, Dixon ® recommends the use of a whip hose. To construct a whip hose, connect one end of a short (3' to 10') air hose to the air tool using a 3500 type steel nipple. Connect the other end of the hose to the air supply using the standard quick-acting coupling. The heat-treated 3500 nipple will withstand vibration far better than the standard coupling and provide a safer connection. The whip hose should remain permanently connected to the tool.Dixon ®877-963-4966 • 6Procedure 2306• Prepare the hose.• Visit /knowledge-center/interactive-tools/crimp-swage for the most current crimp recommendations.• Depending upon type of crimper, set crimp diameter on machine or select die cage and spacers to achieve required crimp diameter.• Measure the distance from the end of the ferrule to the stem collar. Place a mark (line) on the hose (from the hose end) corresponding with this distance.• Insert the coupling into the hose until the end of the ferrule is even with the line just placed on the hose.• Mark the crimp length on the ferrule.• Insert the coupling through the crimper die segments until the line on the ferrule is at the end of the die segments. Jog the machine until the die segments lightly contact the ferrule. Adjust fitting, if necessary, to ensure line is at end of die segments.• With light pressure on hose to ensure stem collar is contacting ferrule, activate the crimper until desired crimp diameter has been achieved.• Reverse machine and remove the coupling from the die segments. Measure the crimp diameter with dial calipers or micrometer.• Test assembly if required.Crimped Recommendation GuideThe chart below is only a guide. It will not apply to every coupling situation. In some instances alternative dies and crimping dimensions must be employed to ensure safety. Experience has shown that variances in the construction of similar hoses and couplings may cause some assemblies to react differently when crimped. It is not uncommon to find hose with an outer diameter that fluctuates from one end to the other or from production lot to production lot. These inconsistencies coupled with the inherent differences between textile or wire braid, hard or soft wall, the presence or absence of an internal spiral wire and the differences in hose coverings make it difficult to establish hard and fast rules. Therefore, it is imperative that hose dimensions are accurately measured, assemblies are tested, and documentation is maintained. Visit /knowledge-center/interactive-tools/crimp-swage for the most current crimp recommendations Installation GuideHose IDPart #Hose ODCrimp Diameter(± 0.005)Crimp Length% Reduction½"4PS4-WFFractional Decimal 54/640.8440.9171¼18.955/640.8590.9291¼18.956/640.8750.9421¼18.957/640.8910.9541¼19.058/640.9060.9671¼19.059/640.9220.9801¼19.060/640.9380.9921¼19.061/640.953 1.0051¼19.062/640.969 1.0181¼19.063/640.984 1.0301¼19.01 1.000 1.0431¼19.011/64 1.016 1.0561¼19.012/64 1.031 1.0681¼19.0¾"4PS6-WF110/64 1.156 1.2201¼18.5111/64 1.171 1.2351¼18.0112/64 1.187 1.2451¼18.7113/64 1.203 1.2601¼18.1114/64 1.218 1.2701¼18.8115/64 1.234 1.2851¼18.2116/64 1.250 1.2951¼18.8117/64 1.265 1.3101¼18.4118/64 1.281 1.3201¼18.8119/64 1.296 1.3351¼18.5120/64 1.312 1.3451¼19.0121/64 1.328 1.3601¼18.5122/64 1.3431.3701¼19.0Dixon ®877.963.4966 • 7Dual Lock Interchange GuideMale Pipe ThreadFemale Pipe Thread Hose Barb with Knurled Flanged Sleeve Hose Barb with Locking SleeveSize Material Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel 4PS3PHL6TLH-38HS6½"steel 4PS4PHL8TLH-2HS8¾"steel 4PS6PHL12TLH-3HS12brass 4PS6-B PHLB12TLHB-3HB12stainless 4PS6-S PHL12SS ------1"steel 4PS8PHL16TLH-4HS16brass 4PS8-B PHLB16------SizeMaterial Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel 4PM3PML6TLM-38MLS6½"steel 4PM4PML8TLM-2MLS8¾"steel 4PM6PML12TLM-3MLS12stainless 4PM6-S PML12SS TLMSS-3---Male Pipe Thread with Locking SleeveFemale Pipe Thread with Locking SleeveSize Material Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #½"steel 4PF4PFL8TLF-2FLS8¾"steel 4PF6PFL12TLF-3FLS12stainless 4PF6-S PFL12SSTLFSS-3---Size Material Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel P4M3PM6TM-38MS6½"steel P4M4PM8TM-2MS8brass P4M4-B PMB8---MB8¾"steel P4M6PM12TM-3MS12brass P4M6-B PMB12---MB12stainless P4M6-S PM12SS TMSS-3---1"steel P4M8PM16TM-4MS16brass P4M8-B PMB16------Size Material Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel P4F3PF6TF-38FS6½"steel P4F4PF8TF-2FS8brass P4F4-B PFB8---FB8¾"steel P4F6PF12TF-3FS12brass P4F6-B PFB12---FB12stainless P4F6-S PF12SS TFSS-3---1"steel P4F8PF16TF-4FS16brass P4F8-B PFB16------SizeMaterial Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel 4PS3-FS PHL6FS ------½"steel 4PS4-FS PHL8FS ------¾"steel4PS6-FSPHL12FS------SizeMaterial Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #⅜"steel 4PM3-FS PML6FS ------½"steel 4PM4-FS PML8FS ------¾"steel 4PM6-FS PML12FS------Male Pipe Thread with Knurled Flanged SleeveSize Material Dixon Part #Previous Part #Campbell Part #National Part #½"steel 4PF4-FS PFL8FS ------¾"steel4PF6-FSPFL12FS------Male Pipe Thread with Knurled Flanged Sleeve© 2018 DVCC Printed in the USA DUALLOCK_PSeries_2P750518 • Customer Service: 877.963.4966Dixon ®, founded in 1916, is a premier manufacturer and supplier of hose couplings, valves, dry-disconnects, swivels, and other fluid transfer and control products. The company’s global reach includes a wide range of products for numerous industries including petroleum exploration, refining,transportation, chemical processing, food & beverage, steel, fire protection, construction, mining and manufacturing. Dixon ®’s strategic objective is to create solutions that make products safer, leak-free, longer lasting, and always available.Dixon Quick Coupling2925 Chief Court Dallas, NC 28034sales / technical support ph: 704.334.9175 • 800.839.8980sales / technical support fx: 704.334.9002 • 800.839.9022************************。
osha教材-scaffolds 脚手架
Scaffold poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights must be on base plates and mud sills or other firm foundation
This support is not adequate!
OSHA Office of Training & Education
OSHA Office of Training & Education
Fall Hazards
Falls may occur:
• While climbing on or off the scaffold
• Working on unguarded
scaffold platforms
• When scaffold
Planks not properly overlapped
OSHA Office of Training & Education
Scaffold Platform Construction
• No paint on wood platforms • Use scaffold grade wood • Fully planked between front
• Can use some end frames
• Can access from another scaffold, structure or hoist
End Frame
Do not access by crossbraces
OSHA Office of Training & Education
platforms or planks fail
RESPONSIBLE GROUP 负责单位: Civil/Structural Design 土建/结构件设计Denotes Revision 修订说明1. PURPOSE目的1.1This fabrication and erection specification defines for the contractor the minimum requirements tooffload, transport, assemble, erect, anchor, shim, and plumb structural steel and miscellaneous steel on existing foundations.本制造和安装标准对承包商卸载、运输、组装、安装、紧固、加垫和测量现有基础上的钢结构件和多金属结构件规定了最低要求。
2. SCOPE范围2.1The contractor shall furnish all supervision, labor, tools, hoists, cranes, equipment, materials, andtesting required to satisfy the contract structural steel erection requirements.承包商必须提供能够满足合同钢结构件安装要求所必需的所有监督、劳力、工具、起吊设备、起重机、设备、材料和试验。
2.2The work includes but is not limited to erection and installation of the following:这类工作包括(但不限于)以下的各项:∙Primary and secondary structural steel framing and accessory steel.主要的和辅助的钢结构框架和辅助钢结构件。
KOBE STEEL, LTD. 氧化物焊接用途DW-308LP产品安全数据表说明书
SAFETY DATA SHEETTrade designationDW-308LPRecommended useFor weldingRestrictions on useDo not use except for welding.ManufacturerManufacturer's Name: KOBE STEEL, LTD.Address: 5-9-12 Kitashinagawa Shinagawa-Ku Tokyo JAPANPhone number: +81-3-5739-6331Fax number: +81-3-5739-6960Emergency phone number:+81-3-5739-6331DistributorDistributor's Name: KOBELCO WELDING OF AMERICA INC.Address: 4755 Alpine Rd. Ste 250 Stafford, TexasPhone number: 281-240-5600Fax number: 281-240-5625Emergency phone number:281-240-5600Classification according to OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200) and the Canadian Controlled Products Regulations.Hazard classificationClassification not possible as hazardous according to GHS classification.Label elementsSymbol: Not applicableSignal word: Not applicableHazard statement: Not applicablePrecautionary statement: Not applicableOther hazards which do not classified in GHS classificationGeneral: When this product is used in a welding process the hazards are electric shock,fumes, gases, radiation, spatter, slag and heat. Read and understand this SafetyData Sheets and the manufacturer’s instructions and the precautionary labelsbefore using this product.Shock: Electrical Shock can kill.Radiation: Arc rays can injure eyes and burn skin.Fumes: Overexposure to welding fumes result in symptoms like dizziness, nausea, drynessor irritation of the nose, throat or eyes. Chronic overexposure to welding fumesmay affect respiratory system and nervous system.Substance(s) formed under the conditions of useThe welding fumes produced from this welding electrode may contain the listedconstituent(s) of Sec.3 and/or their complex metallic oxides as well as solidparticles or other constituents from the consumables, base metal, or base metalcoating not listed Sec.3. The welding fumes may contain Mn, Ni, Cr(VI) andtheir compounds. Refer to Sec.8 and 10.Gases: Gases may cause gas poisoning. Under conditions of use, gases may containcarbon oxides, nitrogen oxides, ozone etc. Refer to Sec.8 and 10.Spatter, slag: Spatter, slag can damage eyes.Heat: Spatter, slag, melting metal, hot welds, arc rays and sparks can cause burn injuriesand ignite combustibles and flammable materialsSubstance/MixtureMixtureChemical name CAS No. Concentration range (%)IronChromiumTitanium dioxide NickelManganeseZirconium oxide Silicon dioxide Aluminum oxide TitaniumSiliconPotassium silicofluoride Potassium oxide Sodium fluoride7439-89-67440-47-313463-67-77440-02-07439-96-51314-23-47631-86-91344-28-17440-32-67440-21-316871-90-212136-45-77681-49-4Balance13-235-135-13<3<3<3<3<1<1<1<1<1Description of first aid measuresInhalation: Remove person to fresh air and keep comfortable for breathing and get medical advice/attention. If breathing has stopped, perform artificial respiration and get immediatemedical advice/attention.Skin contact: Take off contaminated clothing and rinse skin with soap and water [or shower]. If skin irritation occurs, get medical advice/attention. For reddened or blistered skin, or thermal burns,get medical advice/attention.Eye contact: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Get medical advice/attention.Arc rays can injure eyes. If exposed to arc rays, move victim to dark room, remove contactlenses as necessary for treatment, cover eyes with a padded dressing and rest. If symptomspersist, get medical advice/attention.Electric shock: Disconnect and turn off power. If the victim is semi- or unconscious, open the airway. If the victim cannot breath, give artificial respiration. If there is no pulse, massage the chest andapply artificial respiration.Ingestion: Unlikely due to form of product, except for granular materials. If ingested, Rinse mouth. Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call a POISON CENTER/doctor.Most important symptoms/effects, acute and delayedSymptoms: Short-term (acute) overexposure to welding fumes may result in discomfort such as metal fume fever, dizziness, nausea, or dryness or irritation of nose, throat, or eyes. May aggravatepre-existing respiratory problems (e.g. asthma, emphysema).Long-term (chronic) overexposure to welding fumes can lead to siderosis (iron deposits inlung), central nervous system effects, bronchitis and other pulmonary effects. Refer to Section11 for more information.Hazards: Welding hazards are complex and may include physical and health hazards such as but not limited to electric shock, physical strains, radiation burns (eye flash), thermal burns due to hotmetal or spatter and potential health effects of overexposure to welding fume or dust. Refer toSection 11 for more information.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed TreatmentTreat Symptomatically.General fire hazardsAs shipped, this product is nonflammable. However, welding arc and sparks can ignite combustibles and flammable products. Read and understand American National Standard Z49.1, "Safety In Welding, Cutting andAllied Processes” before using this product.Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing media: As shipped, the product will not burn. In case of fire in the surroundings,use CO2, powder or water spray.Unsuitable extinguishing media: None knownSpecific hazards arising from the chemicalNone knownSpecial protective equipment and precautions for fire-fightersSpecial protective equipment: Selection of respiratory protection for fire-fighting: follow the general fireprecautions indicated in the workplace. Self-contained breathing apparatusand full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Special precautions: Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of otherinvolved materials.GeneralUnlikely due to form of product, except for granular materials. The welding fumes and slags may be released. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresIf airborne dust and/or fume is present, use adequate engineering controls and, if needed, personal protection to prevent overexposure. Refer to recommendations in Section 8.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upClean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the personal protective equipment in Section 8. Avoid generating dust. Prevent product from entering any drains, sewers or water sources. Refer to Section 13 for proper disposal.Environmental precautionsAvoid release to the environment. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so.Precautions for safe handlingReduction of fumes and dusts: Keep formation of airborne dusts to a minimum. Provide appropriateexhaust ventilation at places were dust is formed. Read and understandthe manufacturer's instruction and the precautionary label on the product.See American National Standard Z49.1, "Safety In Welding, Cutting andAllied Processes"Prevention of electric shock: Do not touch live electrical parts such as the welding wire and weldingmachine terminals. Wear insulated gloves and safety boots. If weldingmust be performed in damp locations or with wet clothing, on metalstructures or when in cramped positions such as sitting , kneeling orlying, or if there is a high risk of unavoidable or accidental contact withworkpiece, use the following equipment: Semiautomatic DC Welder, DCManual (Stick) Welder, or AC Welder with Reduced V oltage Control. Prevention of fire and explosion: Remove flammable and combustible materials and liquids.Prevention of harm when handling welding consumables: Handle with care to avoid stings and cuts. Hold the welding wire manually when loosening the wire.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStore welding consumables inside a room without humidity. Do not store welding consumables directly on the ground or beside a wall. Keep welding consumables away from chemical substances like acids which could cause chemical reactions. Store in accordance with local/regional/national regulations.Control parametersFor substances may be included in welding fumes, gases and flux, occupational exposure values are shown in Annex. Keep exposure below exposure limits.Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and Biological Exposure Indices (BEIs) are values published by the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). ACGIH Statement of Positions Regarding the TLVs and BEIs states that the TLV-TWA should be used as a guide in the control of health hazards and should not be used to indicate a fine line between safe and dangerous exposures. See Section 10 for information on potential fume constituents of health interest.Appropriate engineering controlsVentilation: Use enough ventilation, local exhaust at the arc, or both to keep the fumes and gasesbelow the exposure limits in the worker's breathing zone and the general area. Keepexposure as low as possible.Determine the composition and quantity of fumes and gases to which workers areexposed by taking an air sample from inside the welder's helmet if worn or in theworker's breathing zone. Improve ventilation if exposures are not below limits. SeeANSI/AWS F1.1, F1.2, F1.3 and F1.5, available from the American WeldingSociety, .Individual protection measuresEye protection: Wear helmet or use face shield with filter lens. As a rule of thumb, start with a shadewhich is too dark to see the weld zone. Then go to the next lighter shade which givessufficient view of the weld zone. Provide protective screens and flash goggles, ifnecessary, to shield others.Hand protection: Wear protective gloves. Suitable gloves can be recommended by the glove supplier. Protective Clothing: Wear hand, head, and body protection which help to prevent injury from radiation,sparks and electrical shock. See Z49.1. At a minimum this includes welder's glovesand a protective face shield, and may include arm protectors, aprons, hats, shoulderprotection, as well as dark substantial clothing. Wear dry gloves free of holes or splitseams. Train the welder not to permit electrically live parts or electrodes to contactskin or clothing or gloves if they are wet. Insulate yourself from the work piece andground using dry plywood, rubber mats or other dry insulation.Respiratory protection: Keep your head out of fumes. Use enough ventilation and local exhaust to keepfumes and gases from your breathing zone and the general area. Use respirable fumerespirator or air supplied respirator when welding in confined space or where localexhaust or ventilation does not keep exposure below exposure limits.Ear protection: Wear earplugs or earmuffs when using engine driven arc welding machine or pulsedarc welding machine that generates high-levelnoise.Hygiene measures: Do not eat, drink or smoke when using the product. Always observe good personalhygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating,drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipmentto remove contaminants.Physical state: SolidColor: Silver or CopperOdor: OdorlessOdor threshold: No further relevant information availablepH: Not applicableMelting point/freezing point: No further relevant information availableInitial boiling point and boiling range: No further relevant information availableFlash point: Not applicableEvaporation rate: Not applicableFlammability: No further relevant information availableUpper/lower flammability or explosive limits: No further relevant information availableVapor pressure: Not applicableVapor density: Not applicableSolubility(ies) No further relevant information availablePartition coefficient (n-octanol/water): No further relevant information availableAuto-ignition temperature: No further relevant information availableDecomposition temperature: No further relevant information availableViscosity: Not applicableReactivityNon-reactive under normal conditions of storage and transport.Chemical stabilityStable under normal conditions of storage and transport.Possibility of hazardous reactionsContact with acids, alkalis and oxidizing agents could cause reaction and generation of gas.Conditions to avoidAvoid heat or contamination of acids, alkalis and oxidizing agents.Incompatible materialsAvoid contact with acids, alkalis and oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition productsWelding fumes and gases are generated as byproducts during the welding. The composition and quantity of fumes and gases cannot be recognized simply. The composition and quantity of the fumes and gases are dependent upon the base metal being welded (included coating such as solvent, paint, plating), the welding process, welding procedure, welding parameter and electrodes used. Other conditions which also influence the quantity of the fumes and gases to which workers may be exposed include the number of welding spots, the volume of the worker area, the quality and amount of ventilation, the position of the welder's head with respect to the fume plume, as well as the presence of contaminants in the atmosphere (such as chlorinated hydrocarbon vapors from cleaning and degreasing activities.)The fumes and gases are different in percent and form from the ingredients listed in Section 3. The fumes and gases include those originating from the volatilization, reaction, or oxidation of the materials shown in Section 3, plus those from the base metal and coating, etc., as noted above. Reasonably expected fume constituents produced during arc welding include the oxides of iron, manganese and other metals present in the welding consumable or base metal. And, it is known that these metal oxides are complex oxides, not single compounds. Hexavalent chromium compounds may be in the welding fume of consumables or base metals which contain chromium. Nickel compounds may be in the welding fume of consumables or base metals which contain Nickel. Gaseous and particulate fluoride may be in the welding fume of consumables which contain fluoride. Gaseous reaction products may include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Ozone and nitrogen oxides may be formed by the radiation from the arc.GeneralClassification not possible as product. Refer to Sec.2. Inhalation of welding fumes and gases can be dangerous to your health. The composition and quantity of both are dependent upon the material being worked, the process, procedures, and consumables used. Refer to Sec.10.Acute toxicityShort-term (acute) overexposure to welding fumes may result in discomfort such as metal fume fever, dizziness, nausea, or dryness or irritation of nose, throat, or eyes. May aggravate pre-existing respiratory problems (e.g. asthma, emphysema).Cr:The presence of chromium/chromate in welding fumes can cause irritation of nasal membranes and skin.Ni:The presence of nickel compounds in fume can cause metallic taste, nausea, tightness of chest, fever.F:Exposure to the fluoride ion in welding fumes may cause hypocalcemia-calcium deficiency in the blood that can result in muscle cramps and inflammation and necrosis of mucous membranes.Gases:Some toxic gases associated with welding may cause pulmonary edema, asphyxiation, and death. Chronic toxicityLong-term (chronic) overexposure to welding fumes can lead to siderosis (iron deposits in lung), central nervous system effects, bronchitis, pneumoconiosis and other pulmonary effects. The severity of the change is proportional to the length of the exposure. The changes may be caused by non-work factors such as smoking, etc. Ni:Long term overexposure to nickel fumes may also cause pulmonary fibrosis and edema.Cr:Chromates may cause ulceration, perforation of the nasal septum, and severe irritation of the bronchial tubes and lungs. Liver damage have also been reported. Chromates contain the hexavalent form ofchromium.Mn:Overexposure to manganese compounds may affect the central nervous system, symptoms of which are languor, sleepiness, muscular weakness, emotional disturbances and spastic gait. The effect ofmanganese on the nervous system is irreversible.Cu:Overexposure to copper fumes may lead to copper poisoning, resulting in hermolytic anemia and liver, kidney and spleen damage.Fe:Inhalation of too much iron oxide fume over a long time can cause siderosis, sometimes called “iron pigmentation” of the lung, which can be seen on a chest x-ray but causes little or no disability. Chronicoverexposure to iron (>50-100mg Fe per day) can result in pathological deposition of iron in bodytissues, symptoms of which are fibrosis of the pancreas, diabetes mellitus, and liver cirrhosis.SiO2:Respiratory exposure to the crystalline silica present in this welding electrode is not anticipated during normal use. Respiratory overexposure to airborne crystalline silica is known to cause silicosis, a formof disabling pulmonary fibrosis which can be progressive and may lead to death.F:Chronic fluoride absorption can result in osseous fluorosis, increased radiographic density of the bones and mottling of the teeth.CarcinogenicityWelding fumes (not otherwise specified) are possibly carcinogenic to humans.Welding fumes is on the IARC lists as posing a cancer risk.SiO2:Crystalline silica is on the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) and NTP (National Toxicology Program) lists as posing a cancer risk to humans.Ni:Nickel and its compounds are on the IARC and NTP lists as posing respiratory cancer risk.Cr:Hexavalent chromium and its compounds are on the IARC and NTP lists as posing a cancer risk to humans.Skin cancer has been reported.Arcrays:Respiratory or Skin SensitizationNi:Nickel and its compounds are skin sensitizers with symptoms ranging from slight itch to severe dermatitis.Cr: Chromates may cause allergic reactions, including skin rash. Asthma has been reported in some sensitized individuals. Skin contact may result in irritation, ulceration, sensitization, and contactdermatitis.OthersOrganic polymers may be used in the manufacture of various welding consumables. Overexposure to their decomposition byproducts may result in a condition known as polymer fume fever. Polymer fume fever usually occurs within 4 to 8 hours of exposure with the presentation of flu like symptoms, including mild pulmonary irritation with or without an increase in body temperature. Signs of exposure can include an increase in white blood cell count. Resolution of symptoms typically occurs quickly, usually not lasting longer than 48 hours.EcotoxicityProduct: No further relevant information availablePersistence and degradabilityProduct: No further relevant information availableBioaccumulative potentialProduct: No further relevant information availableMobility in soilProduct: No further relevant information availableThe generation of waste should be avoided or minimized whenever possible. When practical, recycle in an environmentally acceptable, regulatory compliant manner. Dispose of non-recyclable products in accordance with all applicable National, State, and Local requirements. Discharge, treatment, or disposal may be subject to National, State, or Local laws.UN number: Not applicableUN proper shipping name: Not applicable Transport hazard class(es): Not applicablePacking group: Not applicable Environmental hazards: Not applicable Transport in bulk (according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC Code): Not applicableSpecial precautions for user: Not applicableRegulations of each country are applied to subustance/mixures.ReferenceAmerican National Standard (ANSI) Z49.1 “Safety in Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes”Date of issue2015-05-20DisclaimerThe information given in this SDS is based on the present level of our knowledge and experience. This information is believed to be accurate as of the revision date shown above. However, no warranty, expressed or implied, is given. Because the conditions or methods of use are beyond KOBE STEEL, LTD.’s control, we assume no liability resulting from the use of this product. Regulatory requirements are subject to change and may differ between various locations. Compliance with all applicable Federal, State, Provincial, and local laws and regulations remain the responsibility of the user. If necessary, consult an industrial hygienist or other expert to understand this information and safeguard the environment and protect workers from potential hazards associated with the handling or use of this product.。
货号型号品种品类尺寸(MM)体积约(ul)单价(元/套)HS010美国TA Q20固体铝坩埚Φ5.4*2.660 2.70
HS011美国TA Q20液体铝坩埚Φ5.4*250 2.70
HS012美国TA Q10固体铝坩埚Φ6.65*1.760 2.50
HS013美国TA Q10液体铝坩埚Φ6.8*2.7100 2.50
HS014瑞士梅特勒固液平底铝坩埚Φ6*1.750 2.80
HS015瑞士梅特勒固液定位铝坩埚Φ6*1.750 2.80
HS016梅特勒100ul100ul铝坩埚Φ6*4100 4.50
HS017铂金埃尔默PE固体铝坩埚Φ6.65*1.760 2.50
HS018铂金埃尔默PE液体铝坩埚Φ4.7*1.320 2.50
HS019德国耐驰固液铝坩埚Φ8*2.1100 2.70
HS020日本精工固体铝坩埚Φ5.2*2.550 2.50
HS021日本精工液体铝坩埚Φ6.8*2.7100 2.50
HS022日本岛津固体铝坩埚Φ5.7*1.740 2.50
HS023日本岛津液体铝坩埚Φ6*2.570 2.50
HS024上海和晟/国产固液铝坩埚Φ5*480 2.50。
高处作业美国职业安全与健康管理局OSHA CFR
1926.501(b)(10) Roofing Work On Low-Slope Roofs
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
1926.501(b)(11) Steep Roofs
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
1926.501(b)(12) Precast Concrete Erection
1926.502(b)(9) Guardrail Systems
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
Analysis of Heights For Construction Fatalities Caused by Falls 1985-1993
0% 2%
< 6'
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
1926.501(b)(13) Residential Construction
BWC Division of Safety & Hygiene
When the employer can demonstrate that it is infeasible or creates a greater hazard to use these systems, the employer shall develop and implement a fall protection plan.
赛米控丹佛斯 SEMIPACK 晶闸管 二极管模块 SKKH 107 16 E 数据表
Rev. 3.0–31.05.20221®1SKKHThyristor / Diode ModulesSKKH 107/16 E Features*•Heat transfer through aluminium oxide ceramic insulated metal baseplate •UL recognized, file no. E63532Typical Applications•Rectifier for motor drives •Process control•Rectifier for power suppliesAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitChip I T(AV)sin. 180°T j =130°C T c =85°C 119A T c =100°C 91A I TSM 10ms T j =25°C 2250A T j =130°C 1900A i 2t10ms T j =25°C 25313A²s T j =130°C18050A²s V RSM T j =25°C 1700V V RRM T j =25°C 1600V V DRM T j =25°C 1600V (di/dt)cr T j =130°C 140A/µs (dv/dt)cr T j =130°C1000V/µs T j -40...130°C Module T stg -40 (125)°C V isola.c.; 50 Hz; r.m.s.1min 3000V 1s3600VCharacteristics SymbolConditions min.typ.max.UnitChip V T T j =25°C,I T =300A 1.6 1.75V V T(TO)T j =130°C 0.80.90V r T T j =130°C2.803.35m ΩI DD ;I RD T j =130°C,V DD = V DRM ; V RD = V RRM 20mA t gd T j =25°C,I G =1A, di G /dt =1A/µs 1µs t gr V D = 0.67 * V DRM 2µs t q T j =130°C 200µs I H T j =25°C150250mA I L T j =25°C,R G =33Ω300600mA V GT T j =25°C,d.c. 2.5V I GT T j =25°C,d.c.100mA V GD T j =130°C, d.c.0.25V I GD T j =130°C, d.c.4mA R th(j-c)continuous DC per chip 0.15K/W per module 0.075K/W R th(j-c)sin. 180°per chip 0.2K/W per module 0.1K/W R th(j-c)rec. 120°per chip 0.21K/W per module0.105K/WModule R th(c-s)chip 0.09K/W module 0.05K/W M s to heatsink M5 4.25 5.75Nm M t to terminals M52.553.45Nm a 5 * 9.81m/s²w75g2Rev. 3.0–31.05.2022© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 3.0–31.05.202234Rev. 3.0–31.05.2022© by SEMIKRONThis is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected inSKKHtypical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.5。
100 35 212 32 800ISO9000 39 199324601 2 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 18 25P DP DRV BRV/SRV 19 21 24 25 26 28 31 32 33 34 37 38 42 44 EASIHEAT CSG 46 48 BSA BVA200 50 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 45FT TD FT FT FT FT FT,BPT,IB TD,BPT,IB BPT,IB / IB+AV IB+AV TD+AV BPT FT IB+AV IB FT FT,TD FT FT FT TD TD+AV TD+AV BPT IB+AV FT FT IB,FT IB+AV BPT IB+AV TD TD+AV IB IB+AV BPT FT(C) BPT BPT BPT FT BPT TD TD+AV TDIB,TD IB,FT IB+AV,FT FT,IB,BPTFT FT(C) FT(SLR) FT(SLR) BPTTD+AV BPT FT(C) FT(SLR) FT(SLR) BPT IB+AV IB+AVIB+AV FT FT BPT IB+AV IB+AV IB+AV TD+AV IB+AV,FT FT(SLR) BPT FT(SLR) FT BPT FT FT BPT FT(C) TD FT FT FT FT(SLR) BPT FT(SLR) BPT TD+AV IB+AV IB,FT IB+AV IB,TD IB,TD IB+AV FT BPT IB+AV,BPT FT BPT,SM,IB FT FTBPT BPTTD,SM TD,SMFT FT(SLR) FT(C) TD IB BPT SM AV 1FT FT FT TD IB BPT SMFT14FT14HCFT43Ball Float Steam TrapsFTFT150,000kg/h FT46 /FTS14 32bar-DN mm FT14 FT14HC FTS14 FTC32 FT43 FT44 FT46 FT47 FT450 PN16 PN25 PN25/ANSI300 PN40/ANSI300 PN16 PN40 PN40 PN40 ANSI300 1/2″-2″ 15-25 1″ 15-25 15-25 25-100 15-100 15-50 15-50 20-1002FT43,FT44FT44,FT46,FT47FT450Ball Float Steam Traps1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ FT14 (DN15,DN20,DN25)Kg/s Kg/h Kg/h1″ FT14HC(DN25 HC) 11/4″ , 11/2″ , 2″ FT14 (DN40,DN50)Kg/sbar( 100=kpa)bar( 100=kpa)DN15DN20 FTC32DN40,DN50,DN80,DN100 FT43Kg/S3Kg/hKg/hbar( 100=kpa)bar( 100=kpa)ib/hFTS14FTC32FT54Ball Float Steam TrapsDN15,DN20,DN25 FT44/FT46/FT47 DN40,DN50 FT46 FT47 DN40,DN50,DN80,DN100 FT44Kg/sKg/hib/hKg/sKg/hbar( 100=kpa)DN20,DN25,DN40,DN50 FT450bar( 100=kpa) bar( 100=kpa)DN80,DN100FT450bar( 100=kpa)1b/hkg/hlb/hrpsipsikg/hlb/h4TD3-3 TD 52M TD 32F TD 42Thermodynamic Steam Traps120bar g TD TDTD16 TD16F TD32F TD42L/ H TD42S2 TD42F TD52 BTD52L TD45 TD62 TD120 BTD52L TD45TD5TD 45TD 62TD 120Thermodynamic Steam TrapsBarg 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 1.4 1.4 0.25 8 Barg 16 32 42 42 42 45 62 42 120 250 Barg PN25 PN40 PN63 ANSI300 ANSI300 PN63 ANSI600 PN63 PN250TD16/TD16F TD32F TD42L/H TD42S2 TD42S3 TD45 TD62 TD52 TD1201/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 15LC 15 20 25 3/8″ TD42L 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 1/2″ LC 3/4″ LC 1″ LC 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 1/2″ LC 3/4″ LC 1″ LC 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 15 20 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 15 20 25 3/8″ 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ 15 20 2580% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 50%/TDBar 1/2″ LC TD 43 S2, TD 32 F 1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ TD 42 L * 1/2″ TD 42 H, 42 S2, 32 F, 42F * 3/4″ TD 42 H, 42 S2, 32 F, 42F 1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ TD 16 * 1″ TD 42 H, 32 F, 42F 15mm, 20mm, TD45 15mm, 20mm, 25mm TD62 15mm, 20mm, 25mm TD120 * TD32F 32 barg 25 1 68 68kg/hr2 85 85 190 385 85 605 135 135 40 4 120 120 260 475 120 780 190 190 54 6 140 140 340 580 140 900 225 225 63 10 180 180 445 695 180 1000 270 270 78 1400 325 325 100 1880 370 370 130 2000 400 400 150 170 240 18 250 250 600 880 30 290 290 700 960 42 320 320 795 1050 69 120160 325 68 500 956MST21BPT13XTSS21Balanced Pressure Steam Traps50 BPT 13XBPC32 32Barg 50° C 200MST21 TSS21 BPT 13X BPC32, BPC32Y BPS32, BPS32Y SBP 301/4″ , 1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ 1/2″ 1/2″ , 3/4″ 1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 1/2″ , 3/4″ , 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 1/2″ , 3/4″Barg 21 21 13 32 32 30PN25 PN25 PN16 PN40 PN40 PN507BPC32YSBP30Balanced Pressure Steam TrapsBPC32Y Y SBP30 90°C MST21 TSS21 7barg 30% BPS32Y CV 30% BT6 BTS7 BTM7 316Lkg/hrbar 1/4″, 1/2″ MST 21 1/2″ TSS 21 1/2″, 3/4″ BPT 13X 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ BPC32, BPC32Y 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ BPC32CV, BPC32YCV 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ BPS32, BPS32Y 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ BPC32CV, BPC32YCV 1/2″, 3/4″ SBP 30 1 90 140 330 330 220 330 220 125 2 140 200 450 500 360 500 360 175 3 180 225 510 600 470 600 470 210 5 210 300 610 800 600 800 600 265 7 280 380 690 930 750 930 750 310 10 300 400 760 1100 900 1100 900 360 1300 1100 1300 1100 440 1500 1200 1500 1200 490 1600 1350 1600 1350 510 1700 1500 1700 1500 610 1750 1600 1750 1600 14 400 430 18 430 460 21 460 490 30 328SMY32YBimetallic Steam TrapsSMBarg SMC32,SMC32Y SM 45 SSM21 HP45 HP80 HP100 HP150 HP210 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 1/2″, 3/4″,1″ 15mm, 20mm 25mm 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 11/2″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 32mm 1/4″, 1/2″ 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 32 45 21 45 80 100 150 210 PN40 PN63 PN25 PN150 PN250 PN250 PN420 PN4209SSM21SM45Bimetallic Steam TrapsSM 3 SMSP45/80/100/150/ 45Barg Y 210SSM2125°CSM(kg/hr) (bar) 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ SMC32, SMC32Y 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 11/2″ SM45 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ HP45 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ HP80 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ HP100 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ HP150 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ HP210 20 760 2500 880 550 30 3200 1200 610 590 560 550 40 3700 1500 680 630 600 580 50 80 100 150 210700 660 640 610790 750 700 680790 750 700810 79083010SIB30HM00200Inverted Bucket Steam Traps62Barg SIB 30/45UIB 30/30H11HM34600/900Inverted Bucket Steam TrapsSIB 45 SIB 30 UIB 30 HM 00,10,12 HM34 200 600 900 kg/hr Bar 3/4″, 1″ SIB 45 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ SIB 30/UIB 30 1/2″ HM 00 3/4″ HM 10 1″ HM 12 1/2″ HM 34 3/4″ HM 34 1″ HM 34 15mm 211/221 20mm 212/222 25mm 213/223 40mm 215/225 50mm 216/226 15mm 20mm 621/622 25mm 623 40mm 625 50mm 626 15/201mm 92/922 25/40mm 923/925 50mm 926 0.5 150 105 105 150 250 100 150 260 180 500 900 1800 3800 270 380 1100 2000 150 325 750 1 225 150 150 225 450 150 225 405 310 750 1400 3000 5700 400 600 1800 3000 230 450 1100 2 305 200 200 315 650 200 310 625 300 650 1500 3400 6500 600 880 2400 4500 300 640 1600 4 410 275 275 400 900 275 410 900 450 900 1900 4100 6400 820 1200 3500 6400 425 900 2350 8 395 290 300 325 850 300 410 850 440 850 1600 4500 8000 1100 1600 4600 8800 590 1200 3250 14 310 160 17 340 175 30 200 145 40 225 60 3/4″, 1″ 20mm, 25mm 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″ 15mm, 20mm, 25mm 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm 15mm, 20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm 45 Barg 30 Barg 30 Barg 14 Barg 32 Barg 17 Barg 41 Barg 62 Barg ANSI 600 PN50 PN50 PN16 PN40 PN16 PN40 PN63550 165 300 500 375 550 1500 4250 7500 1150 1250 3900 7500 700 1500 400170 320 540 400 600 1550 4500 8000 1200 1500 4200 8200 780 1600 4400150 200 2401000 1400 3000 6100 970 2050 5600880 1100 2500 6000 1050 2300 60001250 2000 530012R16Type30R1/R12Steam Trap CheckingR16C SpiratecR1 – R12 – 12 R16C 16Type 3015 – 50mm 32bargR16C 16 R16C UP100 UP100Type 30SpiratecUP10013SG253Steam Trap CheckingTD 1Barg 3.5 3.5 SG253 / 21 3.5Barg 5 5 25 4.6148 148 217 1481/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″ ,11/4″ 11/2″ ,2″ 1/2″, 3/4″ ,1″ ,11/4″ 11/2″ ,2″ 1/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″3/8″ ,1/2″ ,3/4″, 1″14Self-Acting Temperature Control System1. 2. 121 122 12315Self Acting Temperature Control SystemsSA121SA121 DN80 TW DN100 SA1219 DN80 TW SA128 25mm DN100SA122 25mm SA123 130 HL10 DN15 DN50SA 121&1219Range 1 Range 2 Range 3-15 to 50 40 to 105 95 to 160 -20 to 120 40 to 170 -15 to 50 40 to 105 95 to 160 -20 to 110 40 to 170190 552.0kg2,4,820m121DN15 to 50 DN20 to 501219 1.8kg 55 215 55 2.5kg 2,4,8 20m 2,4,8 20mDN80,DN100 DN15 to DN25 DN20 DN25SA 122Range 1 Range 2SA 123Range 1 Range 2 Range 3D15 to DN50 DN20 to DN50SA 128Range 1 Range 2190 551.8kg2,4,820mDN15 to DN25 DN20 to DN2516KA43KB51SB KB33Self Acting Temperature Control Systemsbar BX BXRA SB SBRA KA51 KB51 KC51 BMF BMFRA BM BMRA KX51 KY51 KA31/33 KB31/33 KC31 KX31/33 KY31/33 KA43 KB43 KC43 KX43 KY43 1. 2. BX2 3 4&6 1/2″ 1/2″ 1/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″ 1/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″ 1″ ,11/4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 1″ ,11/4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 11/2″ ,2″ 15 15 15 15 1″ ,11/4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 11/4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 1/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″ 32,40,50 1″ ,11/4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 25,32,40,50 11/2″ ,2″ 1/2″ ,3/4″ ,1″ 32,40,50 1 1 /4″ , 11/2″ ,2″ 32,40,50 15,20,25 32,40,50 25,32,40,50 32,40,50 15,20,25 32,40,50 32,40,50 17.2 10.3 17.2,10.3,6.8 12.0,7.0,4.7 4.5,3.0,2.0,1.5 10.0,9.0,8.2,6.9 16.0,13.8 16.0 10.3 17.2 10.3 3.5,2.3,1.7,1.1 9.0,8.2,6.9 13.0,10.5,4.5 3.0,2.0,1.5 10.3,9.0,8.2,6.9 13.0 12.0,7.0,3.5 2.3,1.7,1.1 9.0,8.2,6.9 17.0,10.0,4.5 3.0,2.0,1.5 10.0,9.0,8.2,6.9 16.0,16.0,13.8 12.0,7.0,3.5 2.3,1.7,1.1 9.0,8.2,6.9 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN16 PN16 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN25 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN16 PN40 PN40 PN40 PN40 PN40 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 220 220 220 220 220 232 232 232 232 2321/8″BMF2 3 4&6 BM2 3 4&6 1″ KX51 KA31 KA33 KB31 KB33 KX31 KX33 KY31 KY3317TWTWThree-Port Control ValvesTW O X Z TWTW 1. 2. 3. TW O 1 2 3 X Z20 mm/25 mm/40 mm 50 mm 50 mm/80 mm/100 mm25 barg 25 barg 16 barg200°C 200°C 120°C3.4 barg 2.7 barg 2.7 bargTWTW1825P25T252525 Series Regulators/ 25 0.2-17bar g25 251/2"-2" 1/2"-6" 1/2"-2" 1/2"-6" 0-32°C 15-50°C 40-70°C 50-80°C 70-105°C 95-125°C 125-160°C17barg 17barg 20barg 20barg0.2-2.1 barg 1.4-7.0 barg 5.6-14 barg1925TE25PE25PT25PTE2525P25P 10:1 25P25 Series Regulators25T25Tbar g25E25E 25E 25PTE 25PT25TE25TE 25T25PT25PTbar g25PA25PT25PE25PE 25P25PTE20DPDP17 DP143 DP163DPPilot-Operating Pressure Reducing Valve0.95=760 kg/h 600 kg/h DP17E DP17 DPbar g10 bar 17 barDP17RDPDP17 kg/h 4 bar DP DN32 6 bar 6 bar600 4 barbar gDN 15 LC DN 15 DN 20 DN 25 DN 32 DN 40 DN 50 DN 80 DN 15 LC DN 15 DN 20 DN 25 DN 32 DN 40 DN 50 DN 8055°C 0.95 0.9 55°C DN32 800×Kg/s110°C23Kg/hDRVWS4DEPDirect Acting Pressure Reducing ValveDRV 40barg 300°C DRV DN150.1-20bar g60 1WS4WS4 125°C DRV WS4 DRVDRV DN100 DEP / DRV 25barg/300°CDRVDRV7 DRV4 DRV mm Kvs :DRV15-100mm 15-100mm Kvs 15 3.4 20 6.5 25 32 11.4 16.4 EL PN //25barg 40barg 50 40 65 58 80 92300°C 300°C 100 14540 24B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B60.1-0.6 bar 0.2-1.2 bar 0.8-2.5 bar 2.0-5.0 bar 4.5-10.0 bar 8.0-20.0 barDRV(Bar) B1(0.1-0.6) B2(0.2-1.2) B3(0.8-2.5) B4(2-5) B5(4.5-10) B6(8-20) DN15-25 60:1 40:1 30:1 20:1 9:1 5:1 DN32-50 40:1 30:1 20:1 15:1 9:1 5:1 DN65-100 30:1 20:1 12:1 10:1 9:1 5:1DRVDRV24BRV2SRV2BRV71Direct - Acting Pressure Reducing ValvesBRV2 BRV71 BRV73 BRV2 BRV73 SRV2 316L BRV73 BRV71 SRV2BRV71 BRV2BRV2/SRV2 0.14-1.70barg 1.40-4.00barg 3.50-8.60bargBRV71/BRV73 0.14 1.7barg 1.4 4.0barg 3.5 9.0bargBRV2 SRV2 BRV71 BRV731/2″,3/4″,1″ DN15,DN20,DN25 1/2″,3/4″,1″ DN25~DN50 DN25~DN50 BRV71/BRV7319barg 19barg 10barg 10barg 9barg 9bargBRV2kg/hkg/hkg/skg/sdm3/sdm3/s25SV615SV604/SV607Safety ValvesAPI527 SV607/SV604SV615 -196°C~550°CDIN3320 TRD421 TUV DN20~DN150 SV607 PN16/25 SV604 PN40/AN300 DIN ANSI API527 PN25 DN15~25BSPDN15~50 NPTSV607 SV604 SV73 SV74 SV615 SVL606 SVL488DN20-150 DN20-150 1 1/2″-6″ 1 1/2″-6″ DN15-50 DN25-DN150 DN25-DN100PN16/25 PN40/ANSI300 ANSI250 ANSI300 PN25 PN40 PN16DIN 3320 TRD421 DIN 3320 TRD421 ASME I&VIII ASME I&VIII BS 6759 ADMerKblattA2, TRD421 Td TUV SV100 ADMerKblattA2, TRD421.. TUV .. TUV NB NB SAFed TAS .. TUV .. TUV26SV73/SV74SVL606Safety ValvesSV73 ASME I VIII 1. 2. 3. SV73 1/2″-6″ SV74 SV73 ANSI250 SV74 1/2″-6″ ANSI300 API527 4. 5. 6.0.1barSV74 ASME VIII ASME I ISO 2852DIN 2633 PN16NB SVL606 TUV..PRVPRVSVL48827KE 43/KE73KE 63QL43/QL63 QL73/QL33Two Way And Three Way Control ValvesDN200 LE31/33 KE43 KE61/63 CE43/63/83KE43 DN15-200 KE61/63 KE61 1/2″−1″ KE63 DN15-100 KE61 KE63 PN 40 -10°C-250°C -10°C-400°C <0.01% kVs ICE 534-4 Class VI KE71/73 KE71 DN15-50 KE73 DN15-200 KE71 KE73 PN 25 -10°C-250°C -10°C-350°C <0.01% kVs ICE 534-4 Class VI ANSI/FCI70/2Class IV 0.005% kVS PTFE ANSI/FCI 70/2 Class VI 30 1 ANSI/FCI 70/2Class IV 0.005% kVS PTFE ANSI/FCI 70/2 Class VIKE71/73 V DN15QL43/63 DN 15-200PTEEANSI 600QL73/33 DN 15-200PN 40 -10°C-250°C -10°C-400°C <0.01% kVs ICE 534-4 Class VIPN 40/PN25 -10°C-400°CPN 25/PN16 -10°C-350°C50 1 DN 15-50/DN 65-100/DN150-200 20/30mm/50mm PN 3000/PN 4000, PN 5000/PN 6000 EL 3500/EL 5600KL/LE Kvs 15 4.0Kvs 20 6.3 25 10 32 16 40 25 50 36 Kv 28 65 63 80 100 100 160 150 300 200 470CE43/CE83LE33Two Way And Three Way Control ValvesCE43/63/83 KE61/63 KE71/73 KE43 LE31/33 QL63M, QL43M QL73M QL33M, DN200 QL33D QL63D, QL43D QL73D DN15PN16 PN25 PN40 PN63 PN100 ANSI300 ANSI125 ANSI600 ANSI150LE31/LE33 DN15-100 LE31 /LE33 PN16 -10°C-250°C -10°C-300°C 0.01%Kvs IEC 534-4 Class VI IEC 534-4CE43 DN25-200CE83/CE63 DN25-200ANSI 600, PN100 -10°C-250°C -10°C-300°C -10°C-425°C IEC534-4 Class IV & V Class VI /IEC 534-4ANSI 600, PN100 -10°C-250°C -10°C-300°C -10°C-540°C IEC534-4 Class IV & V Class VI / 50 1/30 1 DN25-40 DN50 DN65-80 DN100 DN125-150 DN20050 1 DN15-50 DN65-10020mm 30mm50 1/30 1 DN25-40 DN50 DN65-80 DN100 DN125-150 DN20020mm 30mm 38mm 50mm 65mm 75mm20mm 30mm 38mm 50mm 65mm 75mmPN3000/PN4000EL3500PN1000/PN2000PN1000/PN2000CE43/83 1″ DN200 Cv 19 DN25Cv 1½″ DN40 2″ 35 63Kv DN50 2½″ DN65 3″ 95 130 DN80 4″ DN100 216 5″ DN125 6″ DN150 293 386 560 8″29EL5500Pneumatic Actuators And Electric ActuatorsPN3000/ PN1000/2000 LE, KE CE, QL LE KE QL EL3500 EL5650 EL5000 20mA 0-10Vac 4-4000PN5000/6000PN3000 PN4000 PN-200,PN300,PN-400, PN-500,P-600 -20°C 100°C 6barg PN-200/-300, 4barg PN-400, 2.5barg, PN-500/-600 1/4″NPT LE,KE,QLPN5000 PN6000 PN-100 , PN-200/-300/-400/-500/-600 -20°C 110°C 6barg PN-100/-200/300/400 2.5barg PN-500/-600 1/8″NPT PN-100/200, 1/4″NPT PN-300/-400/-500/-600 LE, KE, QLPN1000 PN2000 PN-300,PN-400,PN-500 PN-600,PN-700 -20°C 110°C 4.5bargPN5700 PN6700 PN5750/5756/5757 PN6750/6757 -20°C 100°C 4.5barg1/4″NPT PN-300/-400/-500 /-600, 1/2″NPT PN-700 CE1/4″NPT KE/QL DN125-200EL3500 24Vac EL3502, EL3502SE, EL3512 SE/SR. 230Vac EL3501, EL3501SE 230Vac+10%-15% 24Vac±15% 50/60 Hz IP54 0.32/0.19 mm/s -40°C-+70°C -10°C-+50°C 250°C LE/KE BX/BM/SB/KA/KB/KC/NS/TWEL5600 24Vac:EL5601-5651, 115Vac:EL5602-5652, 230Vac:EL5603-5653 230/115/24 Vac±10% 50/60 Hz IP65 0.25-1 mm/s -20°C-+60°C -20°C-+50°C LE/KE/QL DN15-DN20030PN600 SX75ControllersPN600 P Bourdon 400°C 500Bar EL SX PN PID EL 0.2-1.0 bar PI 316L 0-20mA 20mA VMD SX 75 SX25 RTD 0-20mA 20mA 0~10Vdc VMD RTD 4-20mA/ 0/10~50mV 4SX 75 4 4-20mA 4-PN600 1.4barg 0.2-1.0 barg 0.2 Nm3/hr -15 65°C P 5-200% I 0.1-20SX25 100-240Vac RTD mA 0/4-20mA VMD 1.6VA 0 50°C 5-90% RH P 0.5-999.9% I 0.1-100 D 0.01-10 IP65 / 2 2IP54IP55SX75 100-240Vac RTD mA 4-20mA, 0-10V, VMD 4VA 0 50°C 35-85% RH P 0.5-999.9% I 0.1-100 D 0.01-10 0-90% IP54 IP65 PID / PN/ELPNPN/EL31SP2EP5Positioners And SensorsEP5 / 4-20mA 0-100% 10-100mm 1.4-6 Bar g 6 Bar g 0.7m3/h 1/4″NPT -15° 65°C IP 54 ISP2 Eex.ia IIC T6.T5.T4 200 ohms 50mA PNPP5 / 0.2-1.0 Bar g 0-100% 10-100 mm 1.4-6 Bar g 6 Bar g 0.7m3/h 1/4″NPT -20°C 80°C IP54SP2 / 4-20mA 0-100% 10-100mm 1.4-6 Bar g 0.035Nm3/h 1/4″NPT -10°C 80°C IP65PNPNEL2270 RTD PT100 BS EN60751: 1996 Class B -50-+500°C IP65 3 ANSI900 70°C 25 50 75 125 225 725mm 1/2″NPTEL2271 RTD PT100 BS EN60751: 1996 Class A -50°C~250°C IP65 3 ANSI900 55°C 25 50 75 125mm EL 2810 EL 2271 1/2″NPT 4-20mA 250°CEL2600 EMC EMC BS EN50081-1 BS EN50082-2 250barg IP65 4-20mA 0.5 %FSD 20°C 9~33V dc < 0.1% 9 0.0232EL2270EL2600Valve Sizing and Selectionbar gba rKv Kv 1 800kg/hr =8 bar g=9 bar =3 bar g=4 bar =9-4=5 bar 800 Kg/hr 9 bar 800kg/hr Kv 2 700kg/hr =5 bar g=6 bar =4 bar g=5 bar =6-5=1 bar 700 Kg/hr 6 bar 700 Kg/hr Kv=16 Kv=7.51 bar Kv2 DN32 PN25 33Kv DN32 KE73 Kv 16kg/h/—Select Pneumatically ActuatorsLE LEDN15 mm Kvs 0.4-4 6.3 10 DN20 DN25 20 16 25 36 63 DN32 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 30 100 DN100 160PN 3000PN 3000* PN 3220 PN 3225 PN 3320 PN 3325 PN 3326 PN 3420 PN 3425 PN 3426 PN 3430 PN 3435 PN 3436 PN 3520 PN 3525 PN 3524 PN 3530 PN 3535 PN 3534 PN 3620 PN 3625 PN 3624 PN 3630 PN3635 PN 3634 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.2 2.0 1.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 3.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 3.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 3.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.3 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.3 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.3 1.2 1.4 2.5 2.3 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 11.2 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 5.8 13.6 13.6 13.3 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 2.6 6.6 6.6 6.5 14.3 14.3 16.0 10.3 16.0 16.0 16.0 15.8 16.0 16.0 16.0 1.2 3.6 3.6 3.5 8.2 8.2 16.0 5.8 12.8 12.8 16.0 9.1 16.0 16.0 16.0 13.1 16.0 16.0 16.0 (bar) 2.0 2.0 1.9 4.8 4.8 13.6 3.4 7.7 7.7 16.0 5.4 11.8 11.8 16.0 7.9 16.0 16.0 16.0 1.4 4.1 4.1 12.1 2.7 6.6 6.6 14.4 4.2 9.7 9.7 16.0 2.5 2.5 7.7 1.5 4.1 4.1 9.2 2.6 6.1 6.1 13.3 1.4 1.4 4.8 2.5 2.5 5.8 1.5 3.8 3.8 8.434Select Pneumatically ActuatorsDN15 mm Kvs 0.4-4 6.3 10 DN20 DN25 DN32 16 DN40 25 DN50 36 DN65 63 DN80 30mm 100 DN100 160 20mmPN 5000(bar) PN5123 PN5126 PN5120 PN5220 PN5226 PN5223 PN 5320 PN5326 PN5323 PN5330 PN5336 PN5333 PN5420 PN5426 PN5423 PN5430 PN5436 PN5433 PN5520 PN5524 PN5530 PN5534 PN5620 PN5624 PN5630 PN5634 0.2-4.0 1.0-2.0 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 0.4-1.2 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 0.4-1.2 1.0-2.0 2.0-4.0 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 0.8-1.5 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 0.8-1.5 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 0.8-1.5 0.2-1.0 0.4-1.2* 0.8-1.5 bar g+ 4.5 2.5 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.4 2.5 4.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 4.5 1.4 2.5 4.5 1.2 1.4 2.5 4.5 1.4 2.5 4.5 1.2 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 1.2 1.4 2.0 40.0 34.2 7.7 17.6 21.3 40.0 40.0 40.0 34.4 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 16.1 4.9 10.1 12.1 24.6 40.0 40.0 19.1 32.6 40.0 40.0 31.3 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 30.5 8.2 4.4 5.6 13.4 31.1 40.0 10.0 22.1 40.0 40.0 17.5 37.2 40.0 40.0 34.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 14.9 3.2 2.2 6.1 14.7 38.0 4.4 10.6 24.0 40.0 8.3 18.4 38.5 40.0 16.0 36.0 40.0 22.3 40.0 40.0 10.3 1.1 1.8 4.5 8.0 25.6 3.3 7.5 13.6 30.0 5.9 12.6 22.4 30.0 11.5 24.2 30.0 16.0 30.0 30.0 5.5 0.7 2.2 4.4 14.1 1.6 3.9 7.9 22.3 3.0 6.8 13.3 30.0 5.6 13.0 27.0 7.8 18.1 30.0 0.7 4.0 11.7 2.5 7.3 20.2 3.8 7.9 15.8 5.4 11.0 22.0 2.3 7.4 1.3 4.5 13.1 2.6 5.2 10.4 3.6 7.3 14.5 1.2 4.6 0.6 2.6 8.3 1.6 3.3 6.6 2.3 4.6 9.235Select Electrical ActuatorsDN15 KE,LE Kvs QL Kvs EL5601 EL5602 EL5603 EL5611 EL5612 EL5613 EL5621 EL5622 EL5623 EL5631 EL5632 EL5633 EL5641 EL5642 EL5643 EL5651 EL5652 EL5653 EL5601 EL5602 EL5603 EL5611 EL5612 EL5613 EL5621 EL5622 EL5623 EL5631 EL5632 EL5633 EL5641 EL5642 EL5643 EL5651 EL5652 EL5653P 16barDN20 6.3 6DN25 10 10DN32 20mm 16 17DN40 25 25 bar 5.4(1.9) 5.4(1.9) 5.4(1.9) 12.0(8.5) 12.0(8.5) 12.0(8.5) 28.5(25.0) 28.5(25.0) 28.5(25.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)DN50 36 35 2.9(0.9) 2.9(0.9) 2.9(0.9) 6.7(4.7) 6.7(4.7) 6.7(4.7) 16.3(14.3) 16.3(14.3) 16.3(14.3) 29.7(27.2) 29.7(27.2) 29.7(27.2) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)DN65 63 62 1.2(0.0) 1.2(0.0) 1.2(0.0) 3.5(2.3) 3.5(2.3) 3.5(2.3) 9.3(8.1) 9.3(8.1) 9.3(8.1) 17.5(16.2) 17.5(16.2) 17.5(16.2) 26.7(25.5) 26.7(25.5) 26.7(25.5) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 1.1(0.0) 1.1(0.0) 1.1(0.0) 3.7(2.3) 3.7(2.3) 3.7(2.3) 10.3(8.9) 10.3(8.9) 10.3(8.9) 19.6(18.2) 19.6(18.2) 19.6(18.2) 30.2(28.8) 30.2(28.8) 30.2(28.8) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)DN80 30mm 100 100 0.6(0.0) 0.6(0.0) 0.6(0.0) 2.2(1.3) 2.2(1.3) 2.2(1.3) 6.1(5.2) 6.1(5.2) 6.1(5.2) 11.5(10.7) 11.5(10.7) 11.5(10.7) 17.8(16.9) 17.8(16.9) 17.8(16.9) 38.0(37.2) 38.0(37.2) 38.0(37.2) 0.4(0.0) 0.4(0.0) 0.4(0.0) 2.3(1.3) 2.3(1.3) 2.3(1.3) 7.0(6.0) 7.0(6.0) 7.0(6.0) 13.5(12.5) 13.5(12.5) 13.5(12.5) 20.9(20.0) 20.9(20.0) 20.9(20.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)KvsDN100 160 130 0.3(0.0) 0.3(0.0) 0.3(0.0) 1.3(0.7) 1.3(0.7) 1.3(0.7) 3.8(3.3) 3.8(3.3) 3.8(3.3) 7.4(6.8) 7.4(6.8) 7.4(6.8) 11.4(10.9) 11.4(10.9) 11.4(10.9) 24.6(24.1) 24.6(24.1) 24.6(24.1) 0.1(0.0) 0.1(0.0) 0.1(0.0) 1.1(0.6) 1.1(0.6) 1.1(0.6) 3.7(3.2) 3.7(3.2) 3.7(3.2) 7.4(6.9) 7.4(6.9) 7.4(6.9) 11.6(11.1) 11.6(11.1) 11.6(11.1) 25.3(24.7) 25.3(24.7) 25.3(24.7)0.4 1.6 4 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 241.0 4.040.0(24.6) 40.0(24.6) 40.0(24.6) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)LE* 2 KE 230.3(13.7) 18.3(7.7) 9.3(3.7) 30.3(13.7) 18.3(7.7) 9.3(3.7) 30.3(13.7) 18.3(7.7) 9.3(3.7) 40.0(40.0) 38.3(27.7) 19.8(14.3) 40.0(40.0) 38.3(27.7) 19.8(14.3) 40.0(40.0) 38.3(27.7) 19.8(14.3) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)QL 326.6(12.0) 26.6(12.0) 26.6(12.0) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)26.6(12.0) 26.6(12.0) 26.6(12.0) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(39.6) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)15.3(6.4) 15.3(6.4) 15.3(6.4) 32.1(23.2) 32.1(23.2) 32.1(23.2) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)9.2(3.7) 9.2(3.7) 9.2(3.7) 19.5(14.0) 19.5(14.0) 19.5(14.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)5.6(2.0) 5.6(2.0) 5.6(2.0) 12.3(8.8) 12.3(8.8) 12.3(8.8) 29.2(25.7) 29.2(25.7) 29.2(25.7) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)3.2(1.0) 3.2(1.0) 3.2(1.0) 7.4(5.2) 7.4(5.2) 7.4(5.2) 17.9(15.7) 17.9(15.7) 17.9(15.7) 32.6(30.3) 32.6(30.3) 32.6(30.3) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0) 40.0(40.0)*LE36PF61GPF61GPiston Actuated On/Off Valves/ PF61G/PF51G 316L PTFE V / PTFE PE62G EN1092 PIN PF64G ISO2852 PF63G ANSI 150 PF65G, 20bar 180C OEMPF51G 1/2″∼1″ BSP/NPT 1/2″∼2″ PN25 11/4″∼2″ PN16PF61G 1/2″∼1″ BSP/NPT 1/2″∼2″ PN40 11/4″ 11/2″PN25 2″ PN16 NC -PF62G 1/2″∼1″PF63G 1/2″∼1″PF64G 1/2″∼1″PF62G 1/2″∼1″1/2″∼2″ PN40 11/4″ 11/2″PN25 2″ PN161/2″∼2″ PN40 1/2″∼2″ PN40 11/4″ 11/2″PN25 11/4″ 11/2″PN25 2″ PN16 2″ PN16 1 1 /2″∼2″ ANSI 150 NO BD -10°C 180°C ANSI class VI1/2″∼2″ PN25KvKv 1/2″ 4.2 3/4″ 7.8 1″ 18.6 1-1/4″ 27 1-1/2″ 42 2″ 51.637MFP14MFP14Condensate Recovery PumpsDN25 DN40 DN50 DN80 50APT14APT14MFP14a b c 200mm 20% 50 DN25 DN40 DN50 DN80 25 DN40 MFP14 MFP14APT10 PPCPPC AT P 1 0 HVAC 4.5bar 200mm PPC 0.9-1.0 232°C PPC 1″ 11/2″ 2″ 3 2″ 10barg 9barg PPCMFP14MFP144″PPF-P4 ″ PPF-P 22,000kg/h 10barg/343 ° C 10.3barg PN16 13.8 barg 38APT14APT10MFP14Condensate Recovery PumpsMFP14MFP14S MFP14SS APT14 APT10 PPF-P PPCDN25 DN40 DN50 DN80×50 DN50 DN80×50 DN80×50 DN40×25 DN20×20 DN100 1" 11/2" 2" 3"×2" 1" 11/2" 2" 3"×2"PN1613.8bar g198°CPN16 PN16 PN16 PN10 ANSI 150 ANSI 12513.8bar g 13.8bar g 13.8bar g 4.5bar g 10.3bar g 9bar g198°C 198°C 198°C 155°C 343°C 232°C1100kg/h 1800kg/h 3800kg/h 5500kg/h 3800kg/h 5500kg/h 5500kg/h 4000kg/h 1100kg/h 1500kg/h 884kg/h 2200 kg/h 1180 kg/h 2100 kg/h 5000 kg/h 6700 kg/h 1180 kg/h 2100 kg/h 5000 kg/h 6700 kg/hPPFANSI 1259bar g343°C39PPC4" PPF-PCondensate Recovery PumpsPPC1500 kg/h 5.2 barg 9.2m 1.7 barg1. + 1.7 bargbar g=9.2m1.7 barg/0.0981=17.3m =9.2+17.3=26.5m 2. 26.5m 5.2 barg40MFP14MFP14Condensate Recovery PumpsMFP14bar gDN25kg/hbar gDN40kg/hbar gDN50bar gkg/hDN80 50kg/h41Gilflo Spool/B Gilflo ILVA M610GILFLOGILFLO 1.GILFLO SPOOL 2.GILFLO B 3.GILFLO ILVA GILFLO 4.DIVA GILFLO / 100 1 DIVAGilflo ILVAM750ILVAGILFLO ILVA 316 DN50-DN200 102 bar g DN50-DN400 50 bar g 450°C 100 1 ±1% 6D PN40 ANSI300 3D ±2% DN80-DN300 50 bar g GILFLO B GILFLO SPOOL DIVA 316 DN50-DN100 32 bar g 239°C 50:142M750 M240GGILFLOM200GM200GDIVAM200230VAC 110VAC 0-40 31 80% IP65 24VAC 50/60Hz 40 50%M240 M25010M750M750 GILFLO DIVAM70090-264V 50/60Hz -30-60OC 10-90% IP65 0.05%FS 0.05% 0-10mA, 0-20mA, 4-20mA BMS RS485 MODBUSM610M610 0.1%M6100-1326mm 0-13256mm±0.1%M610 ILVA 4-20mA4-20mA 16-45VDC -1 140 bar g -40 85 – – 316L – – E Ex ia 11c T4/T5(cenelec)BASEEFA43VTDSADCombined Pressure Reducing/Desuperheating SYS+3°C VTD 5 1 DN500 SAD +1/-3°C STD +5°C STD 3 1 VTD 5% SAD 50 1 1.5 2% ANSI300 DIN ANSIDN40STD DN40 50 425°C 425°C 3 1VTD 65 80 100 150 200 250 300 PN16/25/40 ANSI150/300SAD 350 400 450 5005 1 0.1 bar +0.5 bar +0.1 bar50 144EASIHEATCSGHeat Exchange PackagesEASIHEATEASIHEAT / TDS CSGCSGCSG/EASIHEAT PN16 8.3 bar g 6 bar g 110°C 3000KW CSG PN16 8 bar g 3 bar g 12 bar g 1000 kg/h / / / 316 316 304 / /45Direct Steam Injection HumidifiersSI1. 2. 3. EPDM 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.SI MSTKE71&KE73 KE63 MST18 MST21SI11. 12. 13.FT1446Electrode Steam HumidifiersHygromatik Hyline 5kg/h 116kg/h Ministeam MS5 0.4 4.5kg/hCompactLine C 6kg/h 58kg/hHylineKg/h KW HY1.05 5 3.8 1×DN25 1×DN12 VG08 HY1.08 8 6.0 1×DN25 1×DN12 VG08 HY2.13 13 9.8 1×DN25 1×DN12 VG17 HY2.17 17 12.8 1×DN25 1×DN12 VG17 HY3.23 HY4.30 23 30 400V / 3 / N 50 – 60 Hz 17.3 1×DN40 1×DN12 1 – 10 bar VG30 22.5 1×DN40 1×DN12 10mm VG30 HY5.45 45 33.8 2×DN40 2×DN12 2×VG30 HY6.60 60 2×22.5 2×DN40 2×DN12 2×VG30 HY7.90 90 2×33.8 4×DN40 4×DN12 3×VG30 HY7.116 116 2×43.5 4×DN40 4×DN12 4×VG30CompactLine ‘C’Kg/h KW C6 6 4.5 1×DN25 1×DN12 VG08 C10 10 C17 17 C30 30 C45 45 33.8 1×DN40 1×DN12 2×VG30 C58 58 43.5 2×DN40 2×DN12 2×VG30Ministeam MS5MS5L 4.5 400 / 3 / 50 – 60Hz 3.4 MS5EM 4.5 230/1/50– 60Hz 3.4400V / 3 / 50 – 60Hz 7.5 12.8 22.5 1×DN25 1×DN25 1×DN40 1×DN12 1×DN12 1×DN12 1 – 10 bar 10mm VG17 VG17 VG301 – 10 bar 66m3/h47。
即通常所说的钴基合金,司太立合金由美国人Elwood Hayness 于1907年创造。
. 可修编.2.粉末合金粉末适用工艺包括等离子堆焊、等离子喷涂、氧-乙炔喷焊、高频重熔、超音速喷涂及粉末冶金等。
. 可修编.. 可修编.. 可修编.. 可修编.3.管状焊丝直径1.2mm-5.0mm、合金含量可≥50%的铁基、镍基、钴基、碳化钨、不锈钢等材料,用于埋弧焊、明弧焊、气体保护焊、线材电弧喷涂、氧-乙炔焊等的管状焊丝、焊棒。
. 可修编.. 可修编.. 可修编.4.电焊条. 可修编.5.铸件司太立合金铸件适用于核电、石化、电力、电池、玻璃、轻工、食品等诸多领域。
常用的产品有阀芯、阀座、轴类、轴套、泵类部件,玻. 可修编.璃、电池模具、喷嘴及切割刀具等。
. 可修编.镍基合金铸件. 可修编.。
1Innovating SMARTHose Assembly Solutions Since1979Updated 07/26/2023The features found on these rugged, HS-150 / HS-500 HS hose saws series and the accessories included make it the best value of any hose saw in its class.HS-150 / HS-500 HOSE SAWS SERIESOPERATORS MANUALInnovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979MODELS COVEREDThis manual is applicable to different variations of the CUSTOM CRIMP® HS Series Hose Saws.2Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979TABLE OF CONTENTSAFETY PRECAUTIONS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 HS HOSE SAWS SERIES & TECHNICAL DATA---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 INITIAL SET UP-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 HS-150 / HS-500 INCLUDED TOOLING----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 HS-150 / HS-500 OPTIONAL PARTS----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 HS-150 / HS-500 BLADE AWARENESS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 HS-150 / HS-500 HOSE HELPER SET UP---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 HS-150 / HS-500 HOSE BENDING PINS SET UP-----------------------------------------------------------------------------11 HOW TO CHANGE THE SAW BLADE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 HOW TO INSERT THE VACUUM ATTACHMENT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 INSTALLATION & SET UP OF THE HS-500 MISTER KIT-----------------------------------------------------------------------15 ADJUST AIR PRESSURE & OIL DROPS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 HS-150 / HS-500 REPLACEMENT ACCESSORIES-------------------------------------------------------------------------18 COMPONENT PARTS BREAKDOWN--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 CUSTOMCRIMP® “NO-NONSENSE” WARRANTY STATEMENT---------------------------------------------------------------24 CUSTOMCRIMP® CONTACT INFORMATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2534Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979HS-150 12VDC HOSE SAW SERIES AVAILABLE MOBILE HOSE SAWSHS-150 24VDC HOSE SAW SERIESThese rugged, HS-150 / HS-500 dependable saws offer features not found on other saws.Choose the one with the capacity and features which meet your individual requirements.Ideal for on-site service where electricity is not available.For more information contact custom crimp® customer service.HOSE SAWS SERIES TECHNICAL DATA5Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979• Mount your HS Series Hose Saw on a sturdy workbench in a well-lit area. Workbench should be able to support the hose saw weight.• Check electrical circuit to be certain that it matches the hose saw requirements shown on the tag attached to the hose saw cord.DO NOT USE AN EXTENSION CORD OR RUN FROM PORTABLE POWER SOURCES AS LOW VOLTAGE CAN DAMAGE THE MOTOR.• Check to be certain that the blade rotates in the direction of the arrow shown on the motor housing.Note : Blade also has a rotation arrow.Note: New blades must be properly conditioned to assure long life and clean cuts. For the first ten cuts, feed the blade slowly through a medium size hose. This will properly breakin and condition the blade for long life.FOLLOW THESE STEPS BEFORE YOU USE YOUR HS SERIES HOSE SAW FOR THE FIRST TIME.INITIAL SET UP6Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979• CounterIncluded only for HS-500 Series. Not available for HS-150.A resetable counter makes it easy to keep track of the number of cuts made.• 1 ¼" Vacuum Adapter(For 2 ½” shop vac, or vacuum accessories). Included for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.Vacuum port allow attachment of vacuum system to keep saw and work space clean. • Hose Bending PinsIncluded for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.Hose Bending Pins prevent the blade from binding during a cut.• Serrated Blade (General Purpose)Included for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.Is an aggressive, universal blade that cuts multi-spiral andbraided hose very well.• Hose HelperIncluded only for HS-500 Series. Not available for HS-150.A “Hose Helper” attachment for the HS-500 prevents the hose from being drawn back during a cut and gives the operator the ability to more precisely control the cut length. The “Hose Helper” can be mountedon either end of the saw.HS-150 / HS-500 INCLUDED TOOLINGInnovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979• Mister Hose AssemblyOptional only for HS-500 Series.Not available for HS-150.The mister sprays a fine mist of air tool oil on the saw bladefor longer blade life and cleaner cuts.• Hose Channel SystemAvailable in 5 foot sections only for HS-500 Series.The Hose Channel System both measures and supports thehoses up to 2 inch diameter as they are being cut.• Mobile CartOptional for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.HS hose saw model, can be mounted on the mobile cart foreasy moving around the shop.Mobile Cart comes with (2) lockable swivel casters.HS-150 / HS-500 OPTIONAL PARTS8Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979• Double Bevel Blade with SS Slots Available for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.• Scalloped Blade (General Purpose)Available for all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.For more, information contact custom crimp® customer service.HS-150 / HS-500 OPTIONAL PARTS9Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979Note: New blades must be properly conditioned to assure long life and clean cuts. For the first ten cuts, feed the blade slowly through a medium size hose. this will properly break in and condition the blade for long life.Note: The hose should begin to bend before contacting the blade. This will increase blade life and keep the hose from tearing and deforming.Note: Once the blade and motor reach full RPM apply steady downward pressure on the handle in order to force the hose into the blade. Do not apply enough force to stall the blade, and ease up on the pressure before the blade completes the cut. This will keep from separating the wires as the blade exits the hose.Note: The edges of the blade may appear to be dull. This does not mean that the blade is not effective. As long as the blade is still giving clean cuts, do not replace the blade.NOTE: PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE DIRECTION OF ROTATION MARKED ON THE SERRATED BLADE .IT IS THE OPPOSITE OF MOST BLADES OF THIS TYPE.CAUTION: Cracks can cause extremely damage to the blade, periodically examine the blade for cracks and / orbroken teeth.Serrated BladeScalloped BladeDouble Bevel w/SS Slots BladeDamaged BladeHS-150 / HS-500 BLADE AWARENESSInnovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979Step 1To set hose helper, loosen locking knob and lift the retraction.Step 2Feed the hose through from the rear end, and set retraction a slight angle and tighten locking knob.This will prevent hose from back feeding from cutting area.Extra Features of the Hose HelperThe hose helper has multi mounting positions,can be adjusted up to 10" away from hose sawbase.With the hose helper extension attached, can beadjusted up to 22" away from the hose saw base.RetractionLocking Knob Hose Helper ExtensionHS-500 HOSE HELPER SET UP10Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979All the HS-150 / HS-500 series hose saws have a “Hose Bending Pins Position” decal placed on topof the hose saw.Step 1Position the hose bending pins according to the hose size.For example for a 1/2 inch hose, position the pins in the hole closest to the blade.Note: Pins MUST be positioned in the holes in the saw table such that the hose opens slightly during the cut. Spread the pins further apart for larger hoses.Step 2Turn on the hose saw, apply steady downward pressure on the handle in order to force the hose into the blade.As you making a cut, the hose bending pins will allow the hose to bend as shown in the picture, this will minimize the friction during the cut.Step 3For a (larger) 2 inch hose, position the pins further out asshown in the picture.HS-150 / HS-500 HOSE BENDING PINS SET UP11Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979Tighten Rotation ArrowHex Jam Nut Blade GripStep 2Use a 5/32 inch Allen wrench to remove the 5 screws, and the side access panel.Step 3Use 1/8 inch Allen wrench to remove the 2 screws, and the Black Saw Blade Access Panel to provide clearance to remove the blade.Step 4For HS-150 series, use a 1" wrench.For HS-500 series, use a 1-1/4" wrench to keep the Motor Shaft Arbor in place.Note: there is a notched on the motor shaft arbor where the wrench falls into place.Step 5Use a 1-1/2" wrench or an adjustable wrench to lose the Hex Jam Nut, remove it and the Blade Grip as well.Note: Pay close attention to the tighten rotation arrow on the hex jam nut, this is a left handed hex jam nut.Note: To lose the hex jam nut would be clockwise, and to tighten it would be counter-clockwise.Step 1MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE HOSE SAW IS TURNED OFF AND UNPLUG IT.WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND PROTECTIVE GLOVES AT ALL TIMES WHEN CHANGING SAW BLADE AND OPERATING THE HOSE SAW.2345HOW TO CHANGE THE SAW BLADE13Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 19796789Step 6Remove the old blade.Note: Be careful when removing the old blade.Note: Always wear safety glasses and protective gloves when changing blade and operating the hose saw.Step 7Use an air gun or a clean rag to clean the inside to remove any debris.Step 8Make certain that the new blade does not have any broken teeth, cracks or any other damage before installing.Step 9Before installing the new blade, if the blade has a rotation arrow make certain that the blade is installed so that it rotates in the direction of the arrow.Note: Once the new blade is installed, repeat the process in reverse order to install all the parts back on the hose saw.Note: To lose the hex jam nut would be clockwise, and to tighten it would be counter-clockwise.DO NOT OPERATE THE SAW WITHOUTALL OF THE GUARDS IN PLACEHOW TO CHANGE THE SAW BLADE14Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979Step 4Run vacuum during cutting process.Step 3Insert supplied 1 ¼" Vacuum Attachment (B).(For 2 ½" shop vac, or vacuum accessories).• 1 ¼" Vacuum Port located on rear of hose saw. Available in all HS-150 / HS-500 Series.Note: Do not recommend using at the same time as Mister.Step 2Remove Plastic Plug (A).Step 1MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE HOSE SAW IS TURNED OFF AND UNPLUG IT.WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND PROTECTIVE GLOVES AT ALL TIMESWHEN OPERATING THE HOSE SAW.ABHOW TO INSERT THE VACUUM ATTACHMENT15Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since1979ABStep 1MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE HOSE SAW IS TURNED OFF AND UNPLUG IT.WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND PROTECTIVE GLOVES AT ALL TIMES WHEN INSTALLING THE MISTER HOSE ASSEMBLY AND OPERATING THE HOSE SAW.The following procedures can be used to install the Mister HoseAssembly on the HS-500 Series hose saws. (Not available for HS-150 Series).Step 2Remove the Mister Hose Assembly from its packaging and verify that all components are properly installed and all fittings are securely tightened as shown, and then follow the steps below to install the Mister Hose Assembly.Step 3Verify that the hose saw is turned off and unplugged. Remove the bolts and black cover from the Hose Mister Access (A).Step 4Insert the Hose Manifold Mister into the Hose Mister Access, and secure it with the 1/4 - 20 x 3/4” Hex Bolts provided (B).INSTALLATION AND SET UP OF THE MISTER HOSE ASSEMBLY16Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979CDStep 5Remove the Fill Plug located on the top of the Mister Lubricator (C).Step 6Pour 1 bottle of 4 oz of mister oil into the fill port (D). Then thread the Fill Plug back in.Note: 2 bottles of 4 oz of mister oil are included, please note reservoir only holds 4 oz (Mister Oil part number P/N:104156).INSTALLATION AND SET UP OF THE MISTER HOSE ASSEMBLYInnovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979I HGFEStep 1MAKE CERTAIN THAT THE HOSE SAW IS TURNED OFF AND UNPLUG IT.WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND PROTECTIVE GLOVES AT ALL TIMES WHENINSTALLING T HE M ISTER H OSE A SSEMBLY A ND O PERATING T HE H OSE S AW.Step 2Use a 5/32 inch Allen wrench to remove the 5 screws, and the sideaccess panel (E).Step 3Connect air line using quick connect (F).Step 4Set air pressure by adjusting valve on the air regulator (G).Step 5Adjust the oil drops (H) so that after approximately 10 seconds yousee a small film appear onto the hose saw blade (I).Note: If the sound of the air going against the blade is too loud, reducethe air pressure and increase the oil drop. Adjust the air pressure to amore comfortable level, then verify that you are getting your small filmcoverage in approximately 10 seconds.Step 6When the hose saw is not in use you can turn off the mister byeither option:A. Un-hook the air disconnect (this allows you not to have to adjust theair pressure each time).B. Turn off the air regulator (If you use this optionwe recommend making a mark on your air pressuregage to show what the desired setting is for quicksetup).Step 7Place the side panel and tighten the bolts back onthe hose saw.The installation and setup of theMister Hose Assembly have been completed.ADJUST AIR PRESSURE & OIL DROPS1718Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979HS-150 / HS-500 REPLACEMENT ACCESSORIESMobile Cart P/N:101956*Hose Channel SystemP/N:103073 *Hose Saw Counter P/N:1895T42*Hose Helper P/N:103297P/N:103172*Mister Oil 4 oz bottleP/N:104156 For more, information contact custom crimp® customer service.Scalloped BladeDouble Bevel Blade with SS SlotsSerrated Blade HS-150 / HS-500 REPLACEMENT ACCESSORIESHS-500 HS-500HS-500HS-500HS-5001HS-150/300/500 SAW BLADE ACCESS PANEL10292622210-24 X 3/8 FHCS91253A240231HS150 ACCESS PANEL1034762451/4-20 X 1/2 SHCS91306A375252HS-150/300/500 LOCATING PIN ASSEMBLY10366526219Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979 COMPONENT PARTS BREAKDOWN20Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 197921Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979 COMPONENT PARTS BREAKDOWN22Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979 COMPONENT PARTS BREAKDOWN23Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979CUSTOMCRIMP® “NO-NONSENSE” WARRANTY STATEMENTAll Custom Crimp® Products are warranted to be free of defects in workmanship and materials for one year from the date of installation. This warranty ends when the product becomes unusable for reasons other than defects in workmanship or material.Any Custom Crimp® Product proven to be defective in workmanship or material will be repaired or replaced at no charge. To obtain benefits of this warranty, first, contact Warranty Repair Department at Custom Machining Services at (219) 462-6128 and then deliver via prepaid transportation the complete hydraulic product to:ATTN: WARRANTY REPAIR DEPT.Custom Machining Services, Inc.318 North Co. Rd 400 EastValparaiso IN 46383If any product or part manufactured by Custom Crimp® is found to be defective by Custom Crimp®, at its option, Custom Crimp® will either repair or replace the defective part or product and return via ground transportation, freight prepaid.Custom Crimp® will not cover any incoming or outgoing freight charges for machines sold outside The United States.This warranty does not cover any product or part which is worn out, abused, altered, used for a purpose other than for which it was intended, or used in a manner which was inconsistent with any instructions regarding its use.Electric motors are separately warranted by their manufacturer under the conditions stated in their separate warranty.2425Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979For support: ************************For sales: **********************Visit us at: CUSTOM CRIMP®, YOUR SINGLE SOURCE FOR HOSE ASSEMBLY PRODUCTS.CUSTOM CRIMP ® | Custom Machining Services, Inc.326 North 400 East Valparaiso, IN 46383(219) 462-6128Custom Crimp ®Innovating SMART Hose Assembly Solutions Since 1979。
NOSHOK 628系列无爆内部安全锤联合传感器技术手册说明书
628 Series Intrinsically Safe Hammer Union TransmittersTechnical ManualNOSHOK 628 SeriesIntrinsically Safe Hammer Union Transmitters • Before installation, please read the entire manual.• If you do not observe the appropriate regulations, serious injuries and/or damage can occur.• Do not use the transmitter in any other way than described in these operating instructions, or protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.• Repairs done by the customer will void the warranty and approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• DO NOT use these products as stop devices or in any other application where failure of the product could result in personal injury.• Ensure that the transmitter is only operated in accordance with the provisions as described in the following instructions.Table Of ContentsChapter 1Product Specifications (4)Installation General (5)Removal, Maintenance and Repair (6)Hazardous Location Information (7)Understanding Approval Ratings ..............................................8-9 Chapter 2Intrinsically-Safe Installation (10)Control Drawings for I.S. Applications ..................................11-12 Chapter 3Non-Incendive Installation (13)Installation Drawings for Non-Incendive Applications ..........14-15 Warranty .. (16)Product SpecificationsExcitation Voltage:10-28 VDCOutput:4mA -20mA*Span: 16 mA *Connections: +PWR/SIG: +EXCITATION VOLTAGE-PWR/SIG: - EXCITATION VOLTAGE(This terminal must also be grounded**. This isnormally accomplished in a non-hazardous areaby grounding the supply return terminal percontrol drawings 21076, 21077, 21078, & 21079) Safe overload: ≥150% rated capacityMax. overload: ≥300% rated capacityShunt Calibration Circuit (optional):Units with “-cal” connection but no “+cal”:CONNECT TO NEGATIVE SIDE OF POWER SUPPLY TO ENGAGE the shunt calibration circuit. Do not engage the calibration circuit longer than one minute in a hazardous location.Units with “+cal” & “-cal” connection:To engage shunt, connect negative side of power supply to “-cal” and positive side of power supply to “+cal”. For units with a “+cal” connection, the shunt calibration circuit cannot be used or hooked up in hazardous locations.IP rating:Units are hermetically sealed and have an IP rating of at leastIP54.* Review calibration sheet for any customer specified variations.** For ordinary, non-hazardous locations, the requirement for grounding the “-PWR/SIG” connection can be waived if powered by a class 2 circuit.4Installation, General• See Chapter 2 for additional requirements when installing in hazardous locations.• Ensure that the transmitter is only used within the safe overload limit at all times.• Do not use the transmitter in any other way than described in these operating instructions, or protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.Unpacking:• Inspect the transmitter for possible damage during transportation; should there be any damage, inform thetransport company and NOSHOK right away.• Protection caps removed for inspection should be reinstalled until just before installation.• Never insert objects into the pressure port or press against the sensor to deflect in an attempt to simulate a load; this can cause permanent damage to the diaphragm.Installation:• The Safety of any system incorporating this transmitter is the responsibility of the installer.• Do not install the pressure transmitter if it has any damage.(Mark damaged units to prevent them from accidently beinginstalled).• Some installations require special and/or expert knowledge for safe installation. For example, applications such highpressures, dangerous media, and mounting of heavy loads are beyond the scope of this manual. Trained and knowledgeable persons should be consulted during installation.• A shielded cable is preferred for signal quality. It should be grounded at one end. Grounded at both ends may introduce ground loop problems.5Installation, continued• Verify that process connections are compatible.• Verify that wetted parts are compatible with the media.• Do not use with abrasive media.• When using o-rings, thread tape or sealants, verify that they are compatible with the media, temperature range, andpressure range of the transmitter.• Only tighten on the wrench flats closest to the pressure port.• Do not allow media to freeze in pressure port. Removal, Maintenance and Repair• Transmitters require no maintenance during use.• All adjustments and repairs should be performed by NOSHOK.No disassembly or adjustments are permitted in hazardouslocations.• Recommended recalibration cycle is one year, under normal conditions.• Never attempt to remove the transmitter when it is under load or pressure.• Take precaution with regard to remaining media in transmitter.It may be hazardous, toxic, or flammable.• Repairs done by the customer will void warranty, approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• Never insert objects into the pressure port or press against the sensor to deflect in an attempt to simulate a load; this can cause permanent damage to the diaphragm.6Hazardous Location Installations• Observe the relevant national regulations (e.g.: IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC) and observe the applicable standards anddirectives for special applications (e.g. with dangerous media such as acetylene, flammable gases or liquids and toxic gases or liquids and with refrigeration plants or compressors).• If you do not observe the appropriate regulations, serious injuries and/or damage can occur.• Observe the ambient ratings on unit label.• All adjustments and repairs should be performed by NOSHOK.No disassembly or adjustments are permitted in hazardouslocations.• Repairs done by the customer will void warranty, approvals, and may create an explosion hazard.• Protect the diaphragm against any contact with abrasive substances, pressure spikes, and do not touch with tools. If you damage the diaphragm, no intrinsic safety can beguaranteed.• Units meet dielectric strength requirements of 60079-11 paragraph 6.3.12.• Negative terminal, marked “-PWR/SIG”, must be grounded.• Barriers must comply with the entity parameters noted on the control drawings.• Installation not per the appropriate control drawing will invalidate the safety rating. See product label for applicable control drawing. For example, “install per 21076”.• Installation per the control drawing is required but it is not necessarily sufficient to ensure safety. The system in which it is installed must still conform to all applicable national andindustrial standards.78Understanding Approval Ratings• The relevant codes and standards should be consulted forprecise interpretation of the classifications and marking. The definitions below are only for reference.•Units are not rated for mines.9Intrinsically Safe InstallationIntroduction“Intrinsic safety” insures that a circuit operated under normal and specified fault conditions is not capable of causing ignition of the prescribed explosive atmosphere.InstallationThe certification of each testing laboratory is valid when the transmitter has been installed according the installation drawings or certificates of conformity included in this section.101112Non-Incendive InstallationIntroduction“Non-incendive” circuits are designed and constructed so that they are not capable under normal operating conditions or due to opening, shorting, or grounding of field wiring, of causing an ignition of the prescribed flammable gas or vapor.InstallationThe certification of each testing laboratory is valid when the transmitter has been installed according the installation drawings or certificates of conformity included in this section.1314151010 West Bagley Road Berea, Ohio 44017Ph: 440.243.0888Fax: 440.243.3472E-mail:*****************Web: 628TM-14NOSHOK’s Three Year Warranty applies to 628 Series Intrinsically Safe Hammer Union Transmitters.NOSHOK guarantees all products to be free from defects in material and workmanship, to remain within catalogued accuracy specifications, and to operate within the catalogued performance specifications.These products must be operated within the catalogued environmen-tal and application parameters. Determination of failure will be made by NOSHOK, Inc.’s equipment and personnel or a certified test facility specializing in this type of evaluation. Instrument failures determined to be caused by over-range, incompatibility with environment or product media and abuse will not be considered under this warranty. NOSHOK, Inc. will, at its discretion, repair or replace the working parts of the damaged gauge without cost to the customer.。
ASTM A 311/A311M-2004
Standard Specification for Cold-Drawn, Stress-Relieved Carbon Steel Bars Subject to Mechanical Property Requirements
ASTM A 291/A291M-2005
Standard Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for Pinions, Gears and Shafts for Reduction Gears
ANSI/ASTM F682a-1982
Specification for Wrought Carbon Steel Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings
ANSI/AWWA D100-2005
Welded Carbon Steel Tanks for Water Storage
ASTM A 350/A 350Mc-2000
ASTM A 321-1990
Steel Bars, Carbon, Quenched and Tempered
ASTM A 334/A 334Ma-2004
伍德合金用途伍德合金是一种由碳、铬、铁、锰、硅和镍等元素组成的不锈钢合金,其名字源自美国钢铁公司(U.S. Steel Corporation),于1918年由费尔蒙特(F.W. F. Farnham)发明。
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§1926.753 Hoisting and Rigging
• • • • Hooks & wire ropes Electrical Tires Ground conditions
• Hoisting equipment removed from service until hazards are corrected.
• Preclude work below steel erection unless there is overhead protection [.759(b)]
• Choose whether to accept responsibility for maintaining fall protection equipment left by erector (otherwise it must be removed) [.760(e)]
(sealing, caulking, elevator beams…)
Scope (cont.)
Does not include:
• Electrical transmission towers, • communication and broadcast towers, • Tanks
Ironworker using rope grabs to make tower connection.
• Bolted diagonal bridging means diagonal bridging that is bolted to a steel joist or joists.
• Choker means a wire rope or synthetic fiber rigging assembly that is used to attach a load to a hoisting device.
• Scope – §1926.750 • Definitions – §1926.751 • Site Preparation – §1926.752 Site Layout and Construction Sequence • Cranes – §1926.753 Hoisting and Rigging • Structural Stability – §1926.754 Structural Steel Assembly – §1926.755 Column Anchorage – §1926.756 Beams and Columns – §1926.757 Open Web Steel
• Anchored bridging means that the steel joist bridging is connected to a bridging terminus point. • Bridging terminus point means a wall, a beam, tandem joists (with all bridging installed and a horizontal truss in the plane of the top chord) or other element at an end or intermediate point(s) of a line of bridging that provides an anchor point for the steel joist bridging.
• Connector means an
employee who,
working with hoisting
equipment, is placing
and connecting
structural members
and/or components.
• Controlled Decking Zone (CDZ) means an area in which work may take place without the use of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, fall restraint systems, or safety net systems and where access to the zone is controlled.
– Concrete in footings, walls is 75% ASTM cured
§1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence
• Steel erection contractor does not begin until he has received notification from the controlling contractor
§1926.750 (c) Specific Controlling Contractor Duties
• Written notification to the steel erector:
– Concrete in piers/walls is cured re: ASTM spec – Anchor bolt modifications/repairs approved by project engineer (.752(a) and .755(b)
– Adequate access roads
– A firm properly graded area
§1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence
• Pre-planning of
overhead hoisting
Subpart R – Steel Erection Final Rule
• The Steel Erection Final Rule was published on January 18, 2001 • Effective date:
• January 18, 2002 • Painted surfaces provision - 2006
§1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence
• Approval to begin steel erection • Before steel erection begins, controlling contractor provides steel erector with written notifications:
§1926.752 Site Layout, Erection Plan and Construction Sequence
• Site layout. The controlling contractor shall ensure that the following is provided and maintained:
§1926.750 Scope
• The standard covers all
engaged in steel
§1926.750 Scope
§1926.750 Scope
• There are two lists of activities
• Employees trained in procedure
§1926.753 Hoisting and Rigging
rigged at least 7 feet apart
• Multiple lift assembly used is that manufactured by a wire rope rigging supplier
Subpart R – Steel Erection Final Rule
• Metal Buildings – §1926.758 Systemsengineered Metal Buildings • (Non-Hoist) Overhead Hazards – §1926.759 Falling Object Protection • Fall Protection – §1926.760 Fall Protection (for connectors, deckers, and all others • Training – §1926.761 Training (general and specialized)
rigged from the top down
• Crane manufacturer does not prohibit iteir center of gravity and maintained level
• Column means a load-carrying vertical member that is part of the primary skeletal framing system. Columns do not include posts.