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DMM 42BUC03-ML 数字多功能测量仪技术参考手册说明书

1.Quick Facts 32.Dimensional Diagrams 5 2.1DMM 42BUC03-ML Board Camera (5)3.I/O Connector 6 3.14-pin I/O Connector (6)3.1.1TRIGGER_IN (6)3.1.2STROBE_OUT (6)4.Spectral Characteristics 74.1Spectral Sensitivity - AR0134 (7)5.Camera Controls 8 5.1Sensor Readout Control (8)5.1.1Pixel Format (8)8-Bit Monochrome (8) Rate (8)5.1.3Partial Scan Offset (9)5.2Image Sensor Control (10)5.2.1Exposure Time (10)5.2.2Gain (10)5.3Trigger (10)5.3.1Trigger Mode (10)5.3.2Software Trigger (11)5.4Digital I/O (11)5.4.1General Purpose Input (11)5.4.2General Purpose Output (12)5.5Strobe (12)5.5.1Strobe Enable (12)5.5.2Strobe Polarity (12)6.Revision History 141Quick Facts2Dimensional Diagrams2.1DMM 42BUC03-ML Board Camera3I/O Connector3.14-pin I/O ConnectorRear view of camera1 max. 0.2A (ID) for open drain MOSFET!2 min. 3.5 mA driver strength required!3 G: Ground O: Output I: Input3.1.1TRIGGER_INThe TRIGGER_IN line can be used to synchronize the start of the exposure time with external events. The Trigger section describes in detail how the image sensor's behavior can becontrolled.The current input signal can also be read directly through the General Purpose Input feature.3.1.2STROBE_OUTThe STROBE_OUT line's main usage is to indicate the integration time of the image sensorwhich allows flashes, strobes or other light sources to be synchronized with cameraoperation. The line's behavior can be controlled through the Strobe controls.The output signal can also be directly controlled through the General Purpose Outputfeature.4Spectral Characteristics4.1Spectral Sensitivity - AR01345Camera ControlsThis section describes the parameters available for the DMM 42BUC03-ML camera.The actual name of the parameter depends on the driver technology used to access thecamera. Parameter names are listed for the most common ways to access the cameras:·UVC/V4L2 (on Linux, via uvcvideo)·IC Imaging Control (on Windows, via Device Driver for USB Cameras)5.1Sensor Readout Control5.1.1Pixel FormatThe pixel format defines the data type of the pixels transmitted to the computer. The bitsper pixel needed for a particular pixel format influence the required bandwith.The way the pixel format is controlled varies significantly among the driver technology used to access the camera:·When using the uvcvideo driver on Linux, the pixel format is defined by video4linux2.·When using IC Imaging Control, the pixel format is part of the video format - a parameterwhich combines pixel format, resolution and readout mode. For more information, referto the IC Imaging Control documentation sections on VideoFormat andVideoFormatDesc.The DMM 42BUC03-ML monochrome camera supports multiple pixel formats with variable bits-per-pixel settings. The names of the pixel formats and the way to select them dependson the driver used to control the camera. The following table contains a short overview ofall possible formats followed by a more detailed description. MonochromeThis format transmits data using one byte for each pixel.UVC drivers see it with the FourCC Y800.The Device Driver for USB Cameras offers this pixel format as the Y800 video format.5.1.2Frame RateThe frame rate is specified in frames per second and determines the camera's operatingspeed.The way the frame rate is controlled depends greatly upon which driver technology is usedto access the camera:·When using uvcvideo on Linux, the frame rate is selected from a list of available framerates.·When using IC Imaging Control, the frame rate is selected from a list of available framerates through APIs such as Grabber::setFPS orICImagingControl.DeviceFrameRate.The range of available frame rates depends upon other camera settings such as well, pixelformat, resolution and readout modes.The following tables show the maximum frame rate for some combinations of pixel format and resolution.8-Bit Monochrome5.1.3Partial Scan OffsetIf the selected resolution is smaller than the sensor size, the part of the sensor that isactually read out can be specified by the Partial Scan Offset X and Partial Scan Offset Yparameters. By default, the camera automatically positions the offsets so that the center of the sensor is used.5.2Image Sensor Control5.2.1Exposure TimeThe Exposure Time parameter defines the time the camera opens its (electronic) shutterwhen it is taking an image.5.2.2GainThe Gain parameter defines the amplification that is applied to the image at sensor level.5.3TriggerThe trigger mode can be used to take images at very specific points in time which arespecified by an electrical signal connected to the TRIGGER_IN pin of the I/O connector of the camera.5.3.1Trigger ModeThe Trigger Mode parameter enables the trigger mode.5.3.2Software TriggerThe Software Trigger function can be used to simulate a trigger pulse, in turn causing oneimage to be exposed and delivered to the host computer.5.4Digital I/OThe One4All series has one digital input and one digital output. The digital input can beused as a Trigger input but the current status can also examined directly.The digital output can be configured as a Strobe output to signal the exact moment when the image sensor is sensitive to light so that external light sources can be synchronized to its operation cycle.5.4.1General Purpose InputThe General Purpose Input parameter allows the current status of the TRIGGER_IN pin.5.4.2General Purpose OutputThe General Purpose Output parameter controls the status of the STROBE_OUT pin.5.5StrobeThe strobe function controls the automatic generation of output pulses on theSTROBE_OUT pin which is synchronized to the image sensor's exposure time.5.5.1Strobe EnableThe Strobe Enable parameter enables the automatic generation of strobe pulses.5.5.2Strobe PolarityThe Strobe Polarity parameter can be used to invert the strobe pulse output.6Revision HistoryDMM 42BUC03-ML Technical Reference ManualAll product and company names in this document may be trademarks and tradenames of their respective owners and are hereby acknowledged.The Imaging Source Europe GmbH cannot and does not take any responsibility or liability for any information contained in this document. The source code presented in this document is exclusively used for didactic purposes. The Imaging Source does not assume any kind of warranty expressed or implied, resulting from the use of the content of this document or the source code.The Imaging Source Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications, function or design at any time and without prior notice.Last update: May 2023© 2023 The Imaging SourceAll rights reserved. Reprint, also in parts, only allowed with permission of The Imaging Source Europe GmbH.All weights and dimensions are approximate. Unless otherwise specified, the lenses shown in the context of cameras are not shipped with these cameras.Headquarters:The Imaging Source Europe GmbHÜberseetor 18, D-28217 Bremen, GermanyPhone: +49 421 33591-0North & South America:The Imaging Source, LLCSuite 470, 4600 Park Road, Charlotte, NC 28209, United StatesPhone: +1 877-462-4772Asia Pacific:The Imaging Source Asia Co., Ltd.3F., No. 43-7/8, Zhongxing RoadNew Taipei City, Xizhi District 221012, Chinese TaipeiPhone: +886 2-2792-3153。

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9100 系列微波放大器数据手册说明书

Frequency Power Ripple Duty CycleGain (for rated output)Output Peak PowerLoad VSWR RF SamplingRF Output Pulse Video SampleRF Output Power SampleRF Interstage Power SampleRF Input Power SampleInput Power (for Rated Output )Spurious Output0-250 Hz> 250 Hz Output VSWR ProtectionGain Stability*Optionally customer may specify maximum input power.4.00 - 8.00 GHz 0 dBm (typical)+/- 0.1 dB (maximum)-55 dBc (minimum)-60 dBc (minimum)+67 dBm (minimum)100%2:1 (maximum)0.25 dB/24 hours (typical)6% (maximum)67 dB (adjustable)+ 10 mv/kw into 50Ω-20 dB -40 dB-20 dBMODEL 9114/96706-G40H80EnvironmentalOperating Temperature Storage TemperatureHumidity AltitudeCoolingRS-232 interface provides ability to remotely operate, monitor, control and adjust thesystem. IEEE-488, an optional feature, provides the ability to remotely operate, monitor and control operation of the amplifier. Any fault condition latches information. Ethernet (LAN) and RS-422 are also available. Software is provided to operate with MS Windows.DIGITAL INTERFACE RS-232Self Contained Forced Air0.1 to +50C | Derate to 10C for 10,000 foot Operation -40 to +85C0 to 95% non-condensing0 to 10,000 feet above sea level, 50,000 non-operatingMODEL 9114/96706-G40H80CONNECTORSTYPERF Input (Rear Panel )RF Output (Rear Panel )RF Samples (Front Panel )RF Output Pulse Video Sample (Front Panel )Modulation Input Panel (Front Panel )FRONT PANEL : Switches: Illuminated Status Monitor : Off/Standby /Operate /Reset: Warm-up /Standby /Operate /ResetACCESSORIES SUPPLIED 1-EACH •Maintenance Manual•Primary Input Power Mating Connector •CD ROM: Computing Operating SoftwareCONTROLS & INDICATORSCo-ax | Type "NF"Waveguide | WRD-350Co-ax | Type "NF"Co-ax | Type "BNCF"Co-ax | Type "BNCF"MODEL 9114/96706-G40H80MODEL 9114/96706-G40H80。

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触发集成电路74HC573D 存储集成电路74HCT157 多路转换双输入集成电路74HCT4046A 压控振荡集成电路74HCT4538D 单稳态集成电路74HCT4538N 触发脉冲集成电路74HCT86D 异或门四2输入集成电路74HCU04 与非门集成电路74LS125 端口功能扩展集成电路74LS373 锁存集成电路74LS393 计数双四位二进制集成电路74LS74双D 触发集成电路78014DFP 系统控制处理集成电路811N 伴音阻容偏置集成电路83D33 压控振荡集成电路85712 场扫描信号校正处理集成电路85713 行扫描信号校正集成电路87C52 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3584 微处理集成电路87CK38N-3627 微处理集成电路89C52 系统控制处理集成电路89C55 系统控制处理集成电路93C66 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路93LC56 电可改写编程存储集成电路9821K03 系统控制集成电路A1642P 背景歌声消除集成电路A701 红外遥控信号接收集成电路A7950 场频识别集成电路A8772AN 色差信号延迟处理集成电路A9109 功率放大集成电路AAB 电源集成电路ACA650 色度信号解调集成电路ACFP2 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路ACP2371 多伴音、多语言改善集成电路ACVP2205 色度、亮度信号分离集成电路AD1853 立体声数/模转换集成电路AD1858 音频解调集成电路AD722 视频编码集成电路ADC2300E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2300J 音频数/模转换集成电路ADC2310E 音频数/模转换集成电路ADV7172 视频编码集成电路ADV7175A 视频编码集成电路AE31201 频率显示集成电路AJ7080 射频调制集成电路AK4321-VF-E1 音频数/模转换集成电路AN1319 双高速电压比较集成电路AN1358S 双运算放大集成电路AN1393 双运算放大集成电路AN1431T 稳压电源集成电路AN1452 音频前置放大集成电路AN1458S 双运算放大集成电路AN206 伴音中频及前置放大集成电路AN222 自动频率控制集成电路AN236 副载波信号处理集成电路AN239Q 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN247P 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN253P 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN262 音频前置放大集成电路AN2661NK 视频信号处理集成电路AN2663K 视频信号处理集成电路AN272 音频功率放大集成电路AN2751FAP 视频信号处理集成电路AN281 色度解码集成电路AN2870FC 多功能控制集成电路AN295 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN301 伺服控制集成电路AN305 视频自动增益控制集成电路AN306 色度自动相位控制集成电路AN318 直流伺服控制集成电路AN320 频率控制、调谐显示驱动集成电路AN3215K 视频信号处理集成电路AN3215S 视频信号处理集成电路AN3224K 磁头信号记录放大集成电路AN3248NK 亮度信号记录、重放处理集成电路AN331 视频信号处理集成电路AN3311K 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3313 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3321S 录像重放信号处理集成电路AN3331K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3337NSB 磁头信号放大集成电路AN3380K 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3386NK 磁头信号处理集成电路AN3495K 色度、亮度信号降噪集成电路AN355 伴音中频放大、检波集成电路AN3581S 视频驱动集成电路AN366 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN3791 移位控制集成电路AN3792 磁鼓伺服控制接口集成电路AN3795 主轴伺服控制接口集成电路AN3814K 电机驱动集成电路AN4265 音频功率放大集成电路AN4558 运算放大集成电路AN5010 电子选台集成电路AN5011 电子选台集成电路AN5015K 电子选台集成电路AN5020 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5025S 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5026K 红外遥控信号接收集成电路AN5031 电调谐控制集成电路AN5034 调谐控制集成电路AN5036 调谐控制集成电路AN5043 调谐控制集成电路AN5071 频段转换集成电路AN5095K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5110 图像中频放大集成电路AN5130 图像中频、视频检波放大集成电路AN5138NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5156K 电视信号处理集成电路AN5177NK 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5179K 图像、伴音中频放大集成电路AN5183K 中频信号处理集成电路AN5195K 中频、色度、扫描信号处理集成电路AN5215 伴音信号处理集成电路AN5520 伴音中频放大及鉴频集成电路AN5222 伴音中频放大集成电路AN5250 伴音中频放大、鉴频及功率放大集成电路AN5262 音频前置放大集成电路AN5265 音频功率放大集成电路AN5270 音频功率放大集成电路AN5273 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5274 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN5275 中置、3D放大集成电路AN5285K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5295NK 音频信号切换集成电路AN5312 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5313NK 视频、色度信号处理集成电路AN5342 图像水平轮廓校正集成电路AN5342FB 水平清晰度控制集成电路AN5344FBP 色度信号处理集成电路AN5348K 人工智能信号处理集成电路AN5385K 色差信号放大集成电路AN5410 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5421 同步检测集成电路AN5422 行、场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5512 场扫描输出集成电路AN5515 场扫描输出集成电路AN5521 场扫描输出集成电路AN5532 场扫描输出集成电路AN5534 场扫描输出集成电路AN5551 枕形校正集成电路AN5560 场频识别集成电路AN5600K 中频、亮度、色度及扫描信号处理集成电路AN5601K 视频、色度、同步信号处理集成电路AN5607K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5615 视频信号处理集成电路AN5620X 色度信号处理集成电路AN5621 场扫描输出集成电路AN5625 色度信号处理集成电路AN5633K 色度信号处理集成电路AN5635 色度解码集成电路AN5635NS 色度解码集成电路AN5637 色度解码、亮度延迟集成电路AN5650 同步信号分离集成电路AN5682K 基色电子开关切换集成电路AN5693K 视频、色度、行场扫描信号处理集成电路AN5712 图像中频放大、AGC控制集成电路AN5722 图像中频放大、检波集成电路AN5732 伴音中频放大、鉴频集成电路AN5743 音频功率放大集成电路AN5750 行自动频率控制及振荡集成电路AN5757S 行扫描电源电压控制集成电路AN5762 场扫描振荡、输出集成电路AN5764 光栅水平位置控制集成电路AN5765 电源稳压控制集成电路AN5767 同步信号处理集成电路AN5768 光栅倾斜校正控制集成电路AN5769 行、场会聚控制集成电路AN5790N 行扫描信号处理集成电路AN5791 同步脉冲相位与脉宽调整集成电路AN5803 双声道立体声解调集成电路AN5836 双声道前置放大集成电路AN5858K 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862 视频信号控制集成电路AN5862S-E1 视频信号开关控制集成电路AN5870K 模拟信号切换集成电路AN5891K 音频信号处理集成电路AN614 行枕形校正集成电路AN6210 双声道前置放大集成电路AN6306S 亮度信号处理集成电路AN6308 模拟电子开关集成电路AN6327 视频重放信号处理集成电路AN6341N 伺服控制集成电路AN6342N 基准分频集成电路AN6344 伺服控制集成电路AN6345 分频集成电路AN6346N 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6350 磁鼓伺服控制集成电路AN6357N 主轴接口集成电路AN6361N 色度信号处理集成电路AN6367NK 色度信号处理集成电路AN6371S 自动相位控制集成电路AN6387 电机伺服控制集成电路AN6550 卡拉OK音频放大集成电路AN6554 四运算放大集成电路AN6561 双运算放大集成电路AN6562SG 双运算放大集成电路AN6609N 电机驱动集成电路AN6612 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6650 电机速度控制集成电路AN6651 电机速度控制集成电路AN6652 电机稳速控制集成电路AN6875 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6877 发光二极管七位显示驱动集成电路AN6884 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6886 发光二极管五位显示驱动集成电路AN6888 发光二极管显示驱动集成电路AN6914 双电压比较集成电路AN7085N5 单片录、放音集成电路AN7105 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7106K 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7108 单片立体声放音集成电路AN710S 单片放音集成电路AN7110E 音频功率放大集成电路AN7114 音频功率放大集成电路AN7116 音频功率放大集成电路AN7118 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7118S 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7120 音频功率放大集成电路AN7124 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7145 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7148 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7158N 音频功率放大7.5W×2集成电路AN7161N 音频功率放大集成电路AN7164 双声道音频功率放大集成电路AN7171NK 音频功率放大集成电路AN7205 调频/调谐及高频放大集成电路AN7220 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7222 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7223 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7226 调频/调幅中频放大集成电路AN7256 调频/调谐及中频放大集成电路AN7311 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7312 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7315S 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7320 音频前置放大集成电路AN7396K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7397K 双声道前置放大集成电路AN7410 调频立体声多路解码集成电路AN7414 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7420N 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7470 调频立体声解码集成电路AN7805 三端电源稳压+5V/1A集成电路AN7806 三端电源稳压+6V/1A集成电路AN7807 三端电源稳压+7V/1A集成电路AN7808 三端电源稳压+8V/1A集成电路AN7809 电源稳压+9V/1A集成电路AN7810 三端电源稳压+10V/1A集成电路AN7812 三端电源稳压+12V/1A集成电路AN7815 三端电源稳压+15V/1A集成电路AN7818 三端电源稳压+18V/1A集成电路AN7820 三端电源稳压+20V/1A集成电路AN7824 三端电源稳压+24V/1A集成电路AN78L05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.1A集成电路AN78L06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.1A集成电路AN78L08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.1A集成电路AN78L09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.1A集成电路AN78L10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.1A集成电路AN78L12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.1A集成电路AN78L15 三端电源稳压+15V/0.1A集成电路AN78L18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.1A集成电路AN78L20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.1A集成电路AN78L24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.1A集成电路AN78M05 三端电源稳压+5V/0.5A集成电路AN78M06 三端电源稳压+6V/0.5A集成电路AN78M08 三端电源稳压+8V/0.5A集成电路AN78M09 三端电源稳压+9V/0.5A集成电路AN78M10 三端电源稳压+10V/0.5A集成电路AN78M12 三端电源稳压+12V/0.5A集成电路AN78M15 三端固定式稳压+15V/0.5A集成电路AN78M18 三端电源稳压+18V/0.5A集成电路AN78M20 三端电源稳压+20V/0.5A集成电路AN78M24 三端电源稳压+24V/0.5A集成电路AN7905 三端电源稳压-5V/1A集成电路AN7906 三端电源稳压-6V/1A集成电路AN7908T 三端电源稳压-8V/1A集成电路AN7909T 三端电源稳压-9V/1A集成电路AN7910T 三端电源稳压-10V/1A集成电路AN7912 三端电源稳压-12V/1A集成电路AN7915 三端电源稳压-15V/1A集成电路AN7918 三端电源稳压-18V/1A集成电路AN7920 三端电源稳压-20V/1A集成电路AN7924 三端电源稳压-24V/1A集成电路AN79L05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.1A集成电路AN79L06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.1A集成电路AN79L08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.1A集成电路AN79L09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.1A集成电路AN79L10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.1A集成电路AN79L12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.1A集成电路AN79L15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.1A集成电路AN79L18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.1A集成电路AN79L20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.1A集成电路AN79L24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.1A集成电路AN79M05 三端电源稳压-5V/0.5A集成电路AN79M06 三端电源稳压-6V/0.5A集成电路AN79M08 三端电源稳压-8V/0.5A集成电路AN79M09 三端电源稳压-9V/0.5A集成电路AN79M10 三端电源稳压-10V/0.5A集成电路AN79M12 三端电源稳压-12V/0.5A集成电路AN79M15 三端电源稳压-15V/0.5A集成电路AN79M18 三端电源稳压-18V/0.5A集成电路AN79M20 三端电源稳压-20V/0.5A集成电路AN79M24 三端电源稳压-24V/0.5A集成电路AN8028 自激式开关电源控制集成电路AN8270K 主轴电机控制集成电路AN8280 电机驱动集成电路AN8281S 电机驱动集成电路AN8290S 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8355S 条形码扫描接收集成电路AN8370S 光电伺服控制集成电路AN8373S 射频伺服处理集成电路AN8375S 伺服处理集成电路AN8389S-E1 电机驱动集成电路AN8480NSB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8481SB-E1 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8482SB 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8623FBQ 主轴伺服处理集成电路AN8788FB 电机驱动集成电路AN8802CE1V 伺服处理集成电路AN8813NSBS 主轴电机驱动集成电路AN8819NFB 伺服驱动、直流交换集成电路AN8824FBQ 前置放大集成电路AN8825NFHQ-V 聚焦、循迹误差处理集成电路AN8831SC 视频预视放集成电路AN8832SB-E1 射频放大、伺服处理集成电路AN8837SB-E1 伺服处理集成电路AN89C2051-24PC 微处理集成电路APU2400U 音频信号处理集成电路APU2470 音频信号处理集成电路AS4C14405-60JC 动态随机存储1M×4集成电路AS4C256K16ED-60JC 存储集成电路ASD0204-015 图文控制集成电路ASD0204GF-022-3BA显示控制集成电路AT24C08 存储集成电路AT24C08A 存储集成电路AT24C256-10CI 码片集成电路AT27C010 电可改写编程只读存储集成电路AT27C020 存储集成电路ATMEL834 存储集成电路AVM-1 视频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVM-2 音频信号处理厚膜集成电路AVSIBCP08 倍压整流切换集成。

1.1 产品特点SI47920具有以下鲜明的产品特点:- 高性能处理器:采用先进的处理器技术,具备强大的计算和处理能力;- 多功能接口:支持多种接口标准,方便与其他设备的连接与通信;- 大容量存储:内置大容量存储器,可保存大量的数据和文件;- 高清晰显示:配备高分辨率的显示屏,图像清晰逼真;- 长续航时间:电池容量大,续航时间长,更适合长时间使用。
1.2 技术规格SI47920的技术规格包括:- 处理器型号:XXXX- 存储容量:XXX- 接口:XXXX- 屏幕尺寸:XXX- 电池容量:XXX- 支持系统:XXXX1.3 应用领域SI47920广泛应用于以下领域:- 智能家居:作为智能家居中控设备,实现家庭设备的集中控制和管理;- 工业自动化:用于工厂自动化系统中的数据采集和监控;- 交通运输:作为车载终端设备,提供路况导航、娱乐功能等;- 医疗设备:用于医疗设备的数据处理和显示。
2.1 开机按下电源按钮,SI47920将自动开机,并进入系统主界面。
2.2 界面操作SI47920具有直观友好的界面设计,使用者可以通过触摸屏幕或物理按键来进行操作。
2.3 功能设置SI47920提供了丰富的功能设置选项,用户可以根据自身需求进行个性化设置。
3.1 常见故障与解决方法在使用SI47920过程中,可能会遇到一些故障现象。
以下是一些常见故障及解决方法:- 无法开机:请检查电池是否电量不足,尝试充电后再次开机;- 系统崩溃:尝试重启设备,如果问题仍然存在,请联系售后服务人员。

常用场效应管参数表型号厂家用途构造沟道方式v111(V)区分ixing(A)pdpch(W)waixing2SJ11东芝DC, LF A,ChopJ P D20GDS-10m100m4-22SJ12东芝DC, LF A,ChopJ P D20GDS-10m100m4-22SJ13东芝DC, LF A,ChopJ P D20GDS-100m600m4-352SJ15富士通DC, LF A J P18GDO-10m200m4-12SJ16富士通DC, LF A J P18GDO-10m200m4-12SJ17C-MIC J P20GDO0.5m10m4-47 2SJ18LF PA J(V)P170GDO-5634-45 2SJ19NEC LF D J(V)P140GDO-100m800m4-41 2SJ20NEC LF PA J(V)P100GDO-101004-42 2SJ22C-MIC J P D80GDO0.5m50m4-48 2SJ39三菱LF A J P D50GDO-10m.15/CH4-81 2SJ40三菱LF A,A-SW J P D50GDO-10m300m4-151 2SJ43松下LF A J P D50GDS20m250m4-80A 2SJ44NEC LF LN A J P D40GDO-10m400m4-53A 2SJ45NEC LF A J P D40GDO-10m400m4-53A 2SJ47日立LF PA MOS P E-100DSX-71004-28A2SJ48日立LF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-120DSX-71004-28A2SJ49日立LF PA,HS PSW MOS P E-140DSX-71004-28A 2SJ49(H)日立HS PSW MOS P E-140DSX-71004-28A2SJ50日立LF/HF PA,HSPSWMOS P E-160DSX-71004-28A2SJ50(H)日立HS PSW MOS P E-160DSX-71004-28A 2SJ51日立LF LN A J P D40GDO-10m800m4-97A2SJ55日立LF/HF PA,HSPSWMOS P E-180DSX-81254-28A2SJ56日立LF/HF PA,HSPSWMOS P E-200DSX-81254-28A2SJ56(H)日立HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-200DSX-81254-28A2SJ68日立LF LN A J P D-40DSX-10m300m4-79A 2SJ69日立LF LN A J P D-40DSX-10m300m4-79A2SJ70日立LF LN A J P D-40DSX-10m800m4-97A 2SJ72东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m600m4-74A 2SJ73东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m0.6/CH4-98 2SJ74东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m400m4-90 2SJ75东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m0.4/CH4-99 2SJ76日立LF D,HS PSW MOS P E-140DSX-500m304-116A 2SJ77日立LF D,HS PSW MOS P E-160DSX-500m304-116A2SJ77(K)日立HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-160DSX-500m304-116A2SJ78日立LF D,HS PSW MOS P E-180DSX-500m304-116A 2SJ79日立LF D, HS PSW MOS P E-200DSX-500m304-116A2SJ79(K)日立HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-200DSX-500m304-116A2SJ81日立LF PA MOS P-120DSX-71004-117A 2SJ82日立LF PA MOS P-140DSX-71004-117A 2SJ83日立LF PA MOS P-160DSX-71004-117A 2SJ84松下LF A J P D15GDS-10m200m4-105A 2SJ85日立LF PA MOS P2SJ86日立LF PA MOS P2SJ87日立LF PA MOS P2SJ90东芝LF LN A J P D30GDS-10m0.2/CH4-75 2SJ91东芝LF PA MOS P-140DSX-81204-118 2SJ92东芝LF PA MOS P-140DSX-71004-1192SJ96日立LF/HF PA, HSPSWMOS P-60DSX-81004-117A2SJ99日立LF/HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-140DSS-81004-117B2SJ100日立LF/HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-160DSS-81004-117B2SJ101日立LF/HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-40DSS-5304-116B2SJ102日立LF/HF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-60DSS-5304-116B2SJ103东芝LF A,A-SW J P D50GDS-10m300m4-82B 2SJ104东芝LF A, A-SW J P D25GDS-10m400m4-82C 2SJ105东芝LF A,A-SW J P D50GDS-10m200m4-70A 2SJ106东芝LF A,A-SW J P D50GDS-10m150m4-105A 2SJ107东芝LF A,A-SW J P D25GDS-10m200m4-70B 2SJ108东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m200m4-70B 2SJ109东芝LF LN A J P D30GDS-10m200m4-148 2SJ110东芝LF A,A-SW J P D25GDS-10m400m4-82C2SJ111东芝LF LN A J P D25GDS-10m400m4-82C2SJ112日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-100DSS-101004-28B2SJ113日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-100DSS-101004-1492SJ114日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-200DSS-81004-1492SJ115东芝LF PA MSO P E-160DSS-81004-1192SJ116日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-400DSS-81254-28B2SJ117日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-400DSS-2404-116B2SJ118日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-140DSS-81004-1492SJ119日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-160DSS-81004-1492SJ120(L)日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-40DSS-2104-1502SJ122日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-60DSS-10504-116B2SJ123东芝LF PA, HS SW MOS P E-70DSS-10304-138 2SJ125三菱LF PA,A-SW J P D50DGO-10m150m4-128 2SJ126东芝HS SW MOS P E-60DSX-10404-182 2SJ127日立HS PSW MOS P E-120DSS-10504-116B2SJ128,128Z NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±2204-276/Z:2812SJ129松下LF A J P D50GDS-10m300m4-213B 2SJ130(L)(S)日立HS SW MOS P E-300DSS-1204-150 2SJ131SW MOS P E-170DSS-101004-2072SJ132,132Z NEC SW MOS P E-30DSS±2204-276/Z:2812SJ133,133Z NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±2204-276/Z:2812SJ134NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±6204-164 2SJ135NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±5304-274 2SJ136NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±12404-164 2SJ137NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±10304-274 2SJ138NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±12604-164 2SJ139NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±10354-274 2SJ140NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±19604-164 2SJ141NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±13354-274 2SJ142NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±13354-2742SJ143NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±16354-274 2SJ144东芝LF A-SW J P D50GDS-10m100m4-246B 2SJ145三菱LF A-SW J P D50GDO-10m150m2SJ146松下SW MOS P E-50DSS-100m150m4-193B 2SJ147东芝DDC, Motor D MOS P E-60DSS-12404-182 2SJ148东芝HS SW, A-SW MOS P E-60DSX-200m400m4-82D 2SJ151NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±3354-164 2SJ152NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±3304-274 2SJ153NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±6404-164 2SJ154NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±5304-274 2SJ155松下SW MOS P E-50DSS-3304-190 2SJ156松下SW MOS P E-50DSS-5304-190 2SJ157松下SW MOS P E-100DSS-3304-190 2SJ158松下SW MOS P E-100DSS-5304-190 2SJ159松下SW MOS P E-160DSS-3304-190 2SJ160日立LF PA MOS P E-120DSX-71004-149 2SJ161日立LF PA MOS P E-140DSX-71004-149 2SJ162日立LF PA MOS P E-160DSX-71004-149 2SJ163松下SW J P D65GDS-10m150m4-193D 2SJ164松下SW J P D65GDS-10m300m4-213C 2SJ165NEC HS SW MOS P E-50DSS-0.1250m4-104C 2SJ166NEC HS SW MOS P E-50DSS-0.1200m4-275A 2SJ167东芝HS SW, A-SW MOS P E-60DSS-200m300m4-70 2SJ168东芝HS SW, A-SW MOS P E-60DSS-200m200m4-105D 2SJ169日立SW-Reg, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-12504-116B 2SJ170日立SW-Reg, DDC MOS P E-80DSS-12504-116B 2SJ171日立SW-Reg, DDC MOS P E-50DSS-9.7404-116B2SJ172日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-10404-116B2SJ173日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-15504-116B2SJ174日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-20754-116B2SJ175日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-10254-2922SJ176日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-15304-2922SJ177日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-20354-2922SJ178NEC HS SW MOS P E-30DSS±10.754-53C 2SJ179NEC HS SW MOS P E-30DSS±1.524-216A2SJ180NEC HS SW MOS P E-30DSS±114-217 2SJ181(L)(S)日立SW-Reg, DDC MOS P E-600DSS-0.5204-1502SJ182(L) (S)日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-3204-1502SJ183东芝Relay-D, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5204-257 2SJ184NEC HS SW MOS P E-50DSS-100m250m4-104C 2SJ185NEC HS SW MOS P E-50DSS-100m200m4-275A 2SJ186日立SW-Reg, DDC MOS P E-200DSS-0.514-295 2SJ187三洋SW MOS P E-30DSS-1 3.54-252 2SJ188三洋SW MOS P E-30DSS-2204-346 2SJ189三洋SW MOS P E-30DSS-4304-346 2SJ190三洋SW MOS P E-60DSS-1 3.54-252 2SJ191三洋SW MOS P E-60DSS-2204-346 2SJ192三洋SW MOS P E-60DSS-4304-346 2SJ193三洋SW MOS P E-100DSS-1 3.54-252 2SJ194三洋SW MOS P E-100DSS-2204-346 2SJ195三洋SW MOS P E-100DSS-4304-346 2SJ196NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±10.754-53C 2SJ197NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±124-216A 2SJ198NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±0.50.754-53D 2SJ199NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±124-216A 2SJ200东芝LF PA MOS P E-180DSS-101204-184 2SJ201东芝LF PA MOS P E-200DSS-121504-337 2SJ202NEC SW MOS P E-16DSS-100m150m4-246C 2SJ203NEC SW MOS P E-16DSS-200m200m4-275A 2SJ204NEC SW MOS P E-30DSS-200m200m4-275A 2SJ205NEC SW MOS P E-16DSS±0.524-216A 2SJ206NEC SW MOS P E-30DSS±0.524-216A 2SJ207NEC SW MOS P E-16DSS±124-216A 2SJ208NEC SW MOS P E-16DSS±224-216A 2SJ209NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS-100m200m4-275A 2SJ210NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS-200m200m4-275A 2SJ211NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS-200m200m4-275A 2SJ212NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±0.524-216A 2SJ213NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±0.524-216A2SJ214(L) (S)日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-105404-2942SJ215日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-351254-149 Motor/Relay-2SJ216日立D MOS P E-60DSS-35604-2932SJ217日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-451504-1492SJ218日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-45754-2932SJ219(L) (S)日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-15504-2942SJ220(L) (S)日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-60DSS-20754-2942SJ221日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-100DSS-20754-116B2SJ222日立Motor/Relay-DMOS P E-100DSS-15354-2922SJ223(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-2104-1502SJ224东芝SW, DDC,Motor-DMOS P E-60DSS-12804-3412SJ225三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-114-348 2SJ226三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-2 1.54-347 2SJ227三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-3 1.54-347 2SJ228三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-0.814-348 2SJ229三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-1.6 1.54-347 2SJ230三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-2.5 1.54-347 2SJ231三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-0.514-348 2SJ232三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-2.5 1.54-347 2SJ233三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-2.5 1.54-347 2SJ234(L)(S)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-30DSS-2.5104-150 2SJ235(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-3204-150 2SJ236日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-10254-376 2SJ237日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-15304-3762SJ238东芝SW, DDC,Motor-DMOS P E-60DSS-10.54-2562SJ239东芝SW, DDC,Motor-DMOS P E-60DSS-5204-2572SJ240东芝SW, DDC,Motor-DMOS P E-60DSS-20454-3352SJ241东芝SW, DDC,Motor-DMOS P E-60DSS-201004-3412SJ243NEC SW MOS P E-30DSS ±100m200m4-3562SJ244日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-12DSS±214-2952SJ245(L)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5204-150 (S)2SJ246(L)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-30DSS-7204-150 (S)2SJ247日立HS PSW MOS P E-100DSS-8404-116B2SJ248日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-100DSS-8254-2922SJ250日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-10124-363A2SJ254三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-8254-2842SJ255三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-10254-2842SJ256三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-18304-2842SJ257三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-10504-3702SJ258三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-12604-3702SJ259三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-20704-3702SJ263三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-6254-2842SJ264三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-8254-2842SJ265三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-15304-2842SJ266三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-8504-3702SJ267三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-10604-3702SJ268三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-18704-3702SJ272三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-4254-2842SJ273三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-6254-2842SJ274三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-12304-2842SJ275三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-6504-3702SJ276三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-8604-3702SJ277三洋HS SW MOS P E-100DSS-60704-3702SJ278日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-114-2952SJ279(L)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5204-150 (S)2SJ280(L)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-30754-294 (S)2SJ281三洋HS SW MOS P E-250DSS-3304-3462SJ284三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-0.3250m4-3682SJ285三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-0.2250m4-3682SJ287三洋HS SW MOS P E-30DSS-0.5 3.54-2522SJ288三洋HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-0.5 3.54-2522SJ290日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-15504-116B2SJ291日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-20604-116B2SJ292日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-30754-116B2SJ293日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-15304-2922SJ294日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-20354-2922SJ295日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-30354-292(S)2SJ297(L)(S)日立HS PSW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS -20604-2942SJ298日立HS PSW MOS P E -20DSS -5124-363A 2SJ299(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E -20DSS -5204-1502SJ300日立HS PSWMOS P E -20DSS -10124-363A 2SJ302,302Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±16754-287/Z:3062SJ303NECSW, DDCMOS P E -60DSS ±14354-3042SJ304东芝HS, SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS -14404-3352SJ306三洋HS SW MOS P E -250DSS -3254-2842SJ307三洋HS SW MOS P E -250DSS -6304-2842SJ308三洋HS SW MOS P E -250DSS -9404-2842SJ312东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS -14404-3412SJ313东芝LF PAMOS P E -180DSS -1254-3352SJ314-01L, S 富士电机MOS P E -60DSS -5204-3912SJ315东芝DDC MOS P E -60DSS -5204-2572SJ316三洋HS SW MOS P E -12DSS -1 3.54-2522SJ317日立SW, PA MOS P E -12DSS ±214-2952SJ318(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E -20DSS -5204-1502SJ319(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E -200DSS -3204-1502SJ320三洋HS SW MOS P E -250DSS -4254-2842SJ321日立HS PSW MOS P E -60DSS -15304-3762SJ322日立HS PSW MOS P E -60DSS -20354-3762SJ323日立HS PSWMOS P E -60DSS -30354-3762SJ324,324Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -30DSS ±2204-276/Z:2772SJ325,325Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -30DSS ±4204-276/Z:2772SJ326, 326Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±2204-276/Z:2772SJ327, 327Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±4204-276/Z:2772SJ328, 328Z NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±20754-287/Z:3062SJ329NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±15354-3042SJ330NEC SW, DDC MOS P E -60DSS ±20354-3042SJ331NECSW, DDCMOSPE-60DSS±301504-253(S)3782SJ333(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-30DSS-7204-150 2SJ334东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-30454-335 2SJ337三洋HS SW MOS P E-12DSS-8304-384 2SJ341日立HS PSW MOS P E-20DSS-5124-363B 2SJ349东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-20354-335 2SJ350日立HS PSW MOS P E-120DSS-6204-2922SJ351日立LF/RF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-180DSX-81004-1492SJ352日立LF/RF PA, HSPSWMOS P E-200DSX-81004-1492SJ353NEC MOS P E-60DSS±1.514-217 2SJ355NEC MOS P E-30DSS±224-SC-62 2SJ356NEC MOS P E-60DSS±224-SC-62 2SJ357NEC MOS P E-30DSS±324-MP-2 2SJ358NEC MOS P E-60DSS±324-MP-2 2SJ359东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5 1.24-387 2SJ360东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-1 1.54-256 2SJ361日立HS PSW MOS P E-20DSS-214-295 2SJ363日立HS PSW MOS P E-30DSS-214-2952SJ365新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-2104-2902SJ366新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-5154-2902SJ367新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-5304-3832SJ368新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-5204-3042SJ369新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-10404-3832SJ370新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-10254-3042SJ371新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-15504-3832SJ372新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-15304-3042SJ373新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-20604-3832SJ374新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-20404-3042SJ375新电HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-30604-383元2SJ376新电元HS SW MOS P E-60DSS-30504-3042SJ377东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5204-257 2SJ378东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-60DSS-5 1.24-387 2SJ379东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-100DSS-8154-342 2SJ380东芝HS SW, DDC MOS P E-100DSS-12354-335 2SJ381三洋MOS P E-12DSS-2 3.54-252 2SJ382三洋MOS P E-12DSS-4202SJ383三洋MOS P E-12DSS-8302SJ384(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-15504-294 2SJ386日立HS PSW MOS P E-30DSS-30.94-97B2SJ387(L) (S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-20DSS-10204-377,3782SJ388(L) (S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-30DSS-10204-377,3782SJ389(L) (S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-10304-377,3782SJ390日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-10254-292 2SJ399日立HS PSW MOS P E-30DSS-0.20.154-185B2SJ408(L) (S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-60DSS-501004-379,3802SJ409(L)(S)日立HS PSW MOS P E-100DSS-20754-294 2SJ410日立HS PSW MOS P E-200DSS-6304-292 2SJ128Z NEC SW MOS P E-100DSS±2204-281 2SJ132Z NEC SW MOS P E-30DSS±2204-281 2SJ133Z NEC SW MOS P E-60DSS±2204-281 2SJ302Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-60DSS±16754-306 2SJ324Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-30DSS±2204-277 2SJ325Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-30DSS±4204-277 2SJ326Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-60DSS±2204-277 2SJ327Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-60DSS±4204-277 2SJ328Z NEC SW,DDC MOS P E-60DSS±20754-3062SJ120(S)日立HS PSW, RFPAMOS P E-40DSS-2104-150。
MSC040SMA120B4 1200V 40mΩ SiC MOSFET 数据手册说明书

1Product OverviewThe silicon carbide (SiC) power MOSFET product line from Microsemi increases the performance oversilicon MOSFET and silicon IGBT solutions while lowering the total cost of ownership for high-voltageapplications. The MSC040SMA120B4 device is a 1200 V, 40 mΩ SiC MOSFET in a TO-247 4-lead packagewith a source sense.1.1FeaturesThe following are key features of the MSC040SMA120B4 device:Low capacitances and low gate chargeFast switching speed due to low internal gate resistance (ESR)Stable operation at high junction temperature, T = 175 °CJ(max)Fast and reliable body diodeSuperior avalanche ruggednessRoHS compliant1.2BenefitsThe following are benefits of the MSC040SMA120B4 device:High efficiency to enable lighter, more compact systemSimple to drive and easy to parallelImproved thermal capabilities and lower switching lossesEliminates the need for external freewheeling diodeLower system cost of ownership1.3ApplicationsThe MSC040SMA120B4 device is designed for the following applications:PV inverter, converter, and industrial motor drivesSmart grid transmission and distributionInduction heating and weldingH/EV powertrain and EV chargerPower supply and distribution1. 2Device SpecificationsThis section shows the specifications for the MSC040SMA120B4 device.2.1Absolute Maximum RatingsThe following table shows the absolute maximum ratings for the MSC040SMA120B4 device.Table 1 • Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol ParameterRatings Unit V DSS Drain source voltage1200V I DContinuous drain current at T = 25 °C C 66AContinuous drain current at T = 100 °CC 46I DM Pulsed drain current 1105V GS Gate-source voltage23 to -10V P DTotal power dissipation at T = 25 °C C 323W Linear derating factor2.15W/°CNote:Repetitive Rating: Pulse width and case temperature limited by maximum junction temperature.The following table shows the thermal and mechanical characteristics for the MSC040SMA120B4 device.Table 2 • Thermal and Mechanical CharacteristicsSymbol CharacteristicMin Typ Max Unit R θJC Junction-to-case thermal resistance 0.310.47°C/W T J Operating junction temperature –55 175°CT STG Storage temperature–55 150T L Soldering temperature for 10 seconds (1.6 mm from case) 260Mounting torque, 6-32 or M3 screw10lbf-in1.1N-m WtPackage weight0.22 oz6.2g1. 2.2Electrical PerformanceThe following table shows the static characteristics for the MSC040SMA120B4 device. T = 25 °C unless J otherwise specified.Table 3 • Static CharacteristicsSymbol CharacteristicTest Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V (BR) DSS Drain-source breakdown voltageV = 0 V, I = 100 µA GS D 1200 V R DS(on)Drain-source on resistance 1V = 20 V, I = 40 A GS D 4050mΩV GS(th)Gate-source threshold voltage V = V I = 2 mA GS DS, D 1.8 2.6 V ΔV / ΔT GS(th)J Threshold voltage coefficient V = V I = 2 mA GS DS, D –4.5 mV/°C I DSSZero gate voltage drain currentV = 1200 V, V = 0 V DS GS 100µAV = 1200 V, V = 0 V DS GS T = 125 °CJ 500I GSSGate-source leakage currentV = 20 V / –10 VGS±100nA Note:Pulse test: pulse width < 380 µs, duty cycle < 2%.The following table shows the dynamic characteristics for the MSC040SMA120B4 device. T = 25 °CJ1. 2. The following table shows the dynamic characteristics for the MSC040SMA120B4 device. T = 25 °C J unless otherwise specified.Table 4 • Dynamic CharacteristicsSymbol Characteristic Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit C iss Input capacitanceV = 0 V GS V = 1000 V DD V = 25 mV AC ƒ = 1 MHz 1990 pFC rss Reverse transfer capacitance 17 C oss Output capacitance 156 Q g Total gate charge V = –5 V/20 V GS V = 800 V DD I = 40 AD 137 nC Q gs Gate-source charge 29 Q gd Gate-drain charge 31 t d(on)Turn-on delay time V = 800 V DD V = -5 V/20 V GS I = 40 A D R = 4 ΩG (ext) 1Freewheeling diode = MSC040SMA120B410 ns t r Current rise time 8 t d(off)Turn-off delay time 35 t f Current fall time20 E on Turn-on switching energy 2 550 µJ E off Turn-off switching energy 84 t d(on)Turn-on delay time V = 800 V DD V = -5 V/20 V GS I = 40 A D R = 4 ΩG (ext) 1Freewheeling diode = MSC015SDA120B 10 ns t r Current rise time 10 t d(off)Turn-off delay time 25 t f Current fall time15 E on Turn-on switching energy 2 280 µJ E off Turn-off switching energy 85 ESR Equivalent series resistance f = 1 MHz, 25 mV, drain short 1.2 ΩSCWT Short circuit withstand time V = 960 V, V = 20 V DS GS 3 µs E ASAvalanche energy, single pulseV = 145 V, V = 20 V,DS GS I = 40 AD2000mJ Notes:R is total gate resistance excluding internal gate driver impedance.G E includes energy of freewheeling diode.on The following table shows the body diode characteristics for the MSC040SMA120B4 device. T = 25 °C J unless otherwise specified.Table 5 • Body Diode CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterTest Conditions Min Typ Max Unit V SDDiode forward voltageI = 40 A, V = 0 V SD GS 3.9 V I = 40 A, V = –5 VSD GS 4.1 V t rr Reverse recovery time I = 40 A, V = –5 V SD GS V = 800 VDD dl/dt = –1000 A/µs100 ns Q rr Reverse recovery charge 550 nC I RRMReverse recovery current12.5A2.3Typical Performance CurvesThis section shows the typical performance curves for the MSC040SMA120B4 device.Figure 1 • Drain Current vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Figure 2 • Drain Current vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage.Figure 3 • Drain Current vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Figure 4 • Drain Current vs. Drain-to-Source VoltageFigure 5 • RDS(on) vs. Junction Temperature Figure 6 • Gate Charge CharacteristicsFigure 5 • RDS(on) vs. Junction Temperature Figure 6 • Gate Charge CharacteristicsFigure 7 • Capacitance vs. Drain-to-Source Voltage Figure 8 • IDM vs. Gate-to-Source VoltageFigure 9 • IDM vs. VDS Third Quadrant Conduction Figure 10 • IDM vs. VDS Third Quadrant ConductionFigure 11 • VGS(th) vs. Junction Temperature Figure 12 • Forward Safe Operating AreaFigure 11 • VGS(th) vs. Junction Temperature Figure 12 • Forward Safe Operating AreaFigure 13 • Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance3Package SpecificationThis section shows the package specification for the MSC040SMA120B4 device.3.1Package Outline DrawingThe following figure illustrates the TO-247 4-lead package outline of the MSC040SMA120B4 device.. Thedimensions in the figure below are in millimeters and (inches).Figure 14 • Package Outline DrawingThe following table shows the TO-247 4-lead dimensions and should be used in conjunction with theThe following table shows the TO-247 4-lead dimensions and should be used in conjunction with the package outline drawing.Table 6 • TO-247-4L DimensionsSymbol Min (mm)Max (mm)Min (in.)Max (in.)A 4.90 5.170.1930.204B 1.85 2.110.0730.083C 2.25 2.510.0890.099D0.550.680.0220.027E 5.49 5.740.2160.226F 3.56 3.660.1400.144G 6.15 BSC0.242 BSCH20.8321.080.8200.830I19.8120.320.7800.800J 1.07 1.330.0420.052K15.7716.030.6210.631L13.8914.150.5470.557M16.2516.850.6400.663N 2.00 2.750.0790.108O7.107.500.2800.295P 2.87 BSC0.113 BSCQ 5.08 BSC0.200 BSCR 2.54 BSC0.100 BSCTerminal 1DrainTerminal 2SourceTerminal 3Source senseTerminal 4GateTerminal 5DrainMicrosemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo,CA 92656 USAWithin the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996Email:***************************© 2019 Microsemi. All rights reserved. Microsemi and the Microsemi logo are trademarks of Microsemi Corporation. All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer's responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided "as is, where is" and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice.Microsemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions; security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Microsemi is headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, and has approximately 4,800 employees globally. Learn more at www. .050-7754 | September 2019 | Preliminary。

MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta=25℃ unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Collector-Base Voltage Collector-Emitter Voltage Emitter-Base Voltage Collector Current -Continuous Collector Dissipation Junction Temperature Storage Temperature
G 112-166
H 144-202
I 190-300
J 300-400
' ,'HF ,2015
Typical Characteristics
100 80 60 40 20 0 0
500 300
Static Characteristic
480uA 420uA 360uA
240uA 180uA
I =60uA B
DC current gain
Collector-emitter saturation voltage Base-emitter voltage
德力西 CDQ9s 系列双电源自动转换开关电器 说明书

电流规格 Ie(A)额定限制短路电流以断路器保护时可达值(kV)额定冲击耐受电压 Uimp 极数触头转换时间6316,20,25,32,40,50,63125250400800658002,3,4壳架电流 Ith(A)16,20,25,32,40,50,63,80,100,125*160,200,225,250315,350,400315,350,400,500,630,700,800**(kA)额定绝缘电压 Ui (V)8(P)2,3,4,N3额定限制短路电流以熔丝保护时可达值(kA)1001202P,3P,4P,N33,4主触头位置数2(II) ,3(III)3(III)2(II) ,3(III)-N3型3(III)0.1~0.3s 0~1800*:16,20,25,32,40,50,63电流仅N3.**:315,350,400电流仅N3.3,4,N3-(常用到备用T 1)(备用到常用T 3)0.1~0.7s 0.1~0.3s 0.1~0.6s 0.1~0.6s-III段式II段式:800壳架Iq需要搭配西门子3NA3675型熔断器使用.电压不平衡转换频率显示负荷卸载常用/备用优先16A~800A:标准配置-:无此配置----自投自复自投不自复互为备用--通讯接口(RS485)-:可选配置额定短路接通能力 Icm (kA)机构PC级励磁式结构整体式,分体式额定短时耐受电流 Icw (kA)5(0.03s)10(0.03s)10(0.03s)10(0.03s)16(0.06s)817171732分体式控制器类型A,C C 机械寿命2500025000200002000015000电气寿命80006000600060006000使用类别AC-33A AC-33A AC-33B AC-33B AC-33iB***AC-33B***:AC-33iB(700/800A).转换动作时间返回转换时间III段式0.2~0.6s II段式II 0.39~0.91s0.2~0.6s -0.39~0.91s 0.39~0.91s III段式II段式0.19~0.91s+(A型延时设定0~10s;C型延时0~1800s)A型(0.9~1.1s) +(延时设定0~10s),C型(0.29~0.61s) +(延时0~1800s)0.2~0.8s+(A 型延时设定0~10s;C型延时0~1800s) A型(0.9~1.1s) +(延时设定0~10s),C型(0.29~0.61s +(延时0~1800s)-C 型:(0.29~0.61s) +(延时0~1800s)(2):最大期望维护值.A型插拔式ATSE (63A~400A)5.1 2P、3P、4P尺寸面板开孔尺寸A型控制器尺寸图C型控制器外形尺寸及面板开孔尺寸A型插拔式 ATSE (125A~250A)5.2 N3尺寸C型分体式 ATSE (125A~ 250A )C型分体式 ATSE (400~800A)警 告由于手动操作力度、速度、角度方面不太容易掌握,而不当的手动操作会影响产品性能,因此,在通电 的情况下,尽量使用控制器进行操作,确需手动操作时,请注意以下几点: 1. 操作者有手动操作的经验,熟悉手动操作的程序; 2. 操作者佩戴有完备的防护器具;3. 操作者确定产品机构正常,专用手柄完好;4. 操作者确定全部电源已断开;5. 操作者确定负荷较轻,并确定负荷、电源线路无故障。
Flomec 4-20mA Module 产品说明书

4-20mA ModuleEN920907-01 Rev-07/21/2020FOR USE WITH ALL TURBINE METERS WITH Q9 DISPLAY(4-20mA Module shown installed on TM Meter;module can be installed on all FLOMEC meters with Q9 display)Please save these instructions for future reference. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage.Please refer to back cover for information regarding this product’s warranty and other important information.DO NOT RETURN THIS PRODUCT TO THE STORE!Please contact Great Plains Industries, Inc.® before returning any product. If you are missing parts, or experience problems with your installation, contact our Customer Support Department. We will be happy to assist you.Call: 888-996-3837 or 316-686-7361Email: ******************SAVE FOR YOUR RECORDSModel #: ___________________Serial #: ___________________Purch. Date: _______________3SAFETY / SPECIFICATIONS ASSEMBLY / INSTALLATION OPERATION /CALIBRATION MAINTENANCE / REPAIRBEFORE YOU BEGINUsage Requirements• This 4-20mA module is not FM Approved. Therefore, use of this module with an approved metering system voids FM Approval.• This module requires an input power of 8-36 volts DC (24 VDC is recommended). The DC signal will power the meter electronics,leaving batteries as backup for the meter electronics.• This module is designed for use with all meters that are equipped withthe Q9 display option. The 4-20mA module can be field calibratedthrough the configuration menu options on the Q9 display.Inspect••Dangers as symbol.epsmeasure.epsplug.epsoil.epsmegaphone.epsbiohaz.epsBattery_Caution1.epsCaution.epsCrush_Caution1.epsHeavy_Hazard.epsRecycle.epsResp_protection1.epsResp_protection2.epsTemp_Caution1.epsbody_protection.epschemical_Caution.epsear_protection1.epsexplosive_caution.epseye_protection1.epsfoot_protection.epswaHeavy_Hazard.epsRecycle.epsResp_protection1.epsResp_protection2.epsTemp_Caution1.epsbody_protection.epschemical_Caution.epsear_protection1.epsexplosive_caution.epseye_protection1.epsfoot_protection.epsA S S E MB L Y / I N S T A L L A T I O NG E T T I N G S T A R T E D4M A I N T E N A N C E / R E P A I RT R O U B L E S H O O T I N GO P E R A T I O N5GETTING STARTEDASSEMBLY / INSTALLATIONSAFETY / SPECIFICATIONSOPERATIONTROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE / REPAIRFigure 1(4-20mA Module shown installed on TM Meter;module can be installed on all FLOMEC meters with Q9 display)G E T T I N G S T A R T E D6S A F E T Y / S P E C I F I C A T I O N SINSTALLATIONInstalling ModuleNOTE: Factory installed 4-20mA modules will have the zero set to themeter’s minimum specified flow rate and the span will be set to the meter’s maximum specified flow rate.1. Remove the display electronics from the front of the turbine.NOTE: If you are installing more than one module at a time, take care to keep the proper electronics paired with the original turbine.2. Disconnect 2-pin coil connector from display. Make sure coil remainsfirmly attached to meter body (DO NOT pull on wires or attempt to remove from meter body).3. Connect the 4-20mA Module to the 10-pin connector located on theback side of the computer electronics (see Figure 2).4. Reconnect the coil connector to the 2-pin terminal block on the otherend of the computer backside. Once the cables are installed on the display, the housing of the display can be placed on top of the 4-20mA module (see Figure 2).5. Remove the AAA batteries from the display if using external power toenable the scaled pulse output feature. If only the raw pulse output is being used, the batteries can remain installed and will provide a battery backup if the meter loses external power.NOTE: The scaled pulse feature is only enabled on the Q9 configuration menu if the batteries are removed and external power is applied.6. Install the computer electronics to the front side of the turbine. Tightenthe four screws snugly.Figure 210-pin connectorTurbine7GETTING STARTEDSAFETY /SPECIFICATIONSOPERATIONTROUBLESHOOTINGMAINTENANCE / REPAIRINSTALLATION (CONTINUED )Wiring1. The 4-20mA module comes pre-wired for external connections toexternal power and provides an open collector output which can be set to either raw or scaled pulse output. The wires are color coded to be connected as shown in Figures 3 & 4.Figure 3__NOTE: The 4-20mA board provides a pulse output on the White wire with the cable shield as the ground (return). This is set to raw pulse output as the default setting on the Q9 display. If your application requires a scaling of the pulse output refer to the installation instructions to enable the scaled pulse feature and refer to the Q9 owner’s manual for instructions on the configuration of the scaled pulse feature.NOTE: If using the scaled pulse output feature use the scaled K-factor in the user interface device.NOTE: The ground of the pulse output must be galvanically isolated from the 4-20mA loop ground (return).9GETTING STARTEDSAFETY / SPECIFICATIONS ASSEMBLY / INSTALLATIONTROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE / REPAIRYou can download the Q9 Owner’s Manual (Non-Agency) here:or visit to download owner’s manuals and other technical documents.OPERATION / CALIBRATIONAdjusting ZERO and SPAN1. To set or adjust ZERO and SPAN settings, refer to the Q9 Owner’sManual (Non-Agency) Field Calibration Section for further instructions (see below).M A I N T E N A N C E / R E P A I RO P E R A T I O NA S S E MB L Y / I N S T A L L A T I O NS A F E T Y / S P E C I F I C A T I O N SG E T T I N G S T A R T E D10A. No output signal1. Incorrect or no input power 1. Supply correct power requirements2. Not wired correctly2. Check Owner’s manual for correct installation3. Broken connection 3. Check resistance to determine location of break4. Defective PC board connector 4. Contact distributor or factory for replacement5. Defective unit5. Contact distributor or factory for replacementB. Signal notbetween 4-20mA when fluid is flowing1. ZERO and SPAN not set correctly on the Q9 display1. Check Q9 owner’s manualfor instructions on how to set ZERO and SPAN for meterTROUBLESHOOTING11GETTING STARTED ASSEMBLY / INSTALLATION SAFETY / SPECIFICATIONS OPERATION TROUBLESHOOTING MAINTENANCE /REPAIR PARTS & SERVICEFor warranty consideration, parts, or other service information, pleasecontact your local distributor. If you need further assistance, contactthe GPI Product Support Department in Wichita, Kansas, duringnormal business hours.A toll free number is provided for your convenience.1-888-996-3837To obtain prompt, efficient service, always be prepared with the followinginformation:• The model number of your meter.• The serial number or manufacturing date code of your meter.• Part descriptions and numbers.For warranty work, always be prepared with your original sales slip or otherevidence of purchase date.PARTS LISTIMPORTANT: Please contact GPI before returning any parts. It may bepossible to diagnose the trouble and identify needed parts in a telephonecall.Do not return this product without prior approval from the GPI ProductSupport Department. Due to strict government regulations, GPI cannotaccept parts unless they have been drained and cleaned.WEEE DIRECTIVE© 2020 Great Plains Industries, Inc., All Rights Reserved.Great Plains Industries, Inc. / 888-996-3837 / FLOMEC® TWO-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYGreat Plains Industries, Inc. 5252 E. 36th Street North, Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205, hereby provides a limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship on all products manufactured by Great Plains Industries, Inc. This product includes a 2 year warranty. Manufacturer’s sole obligation under the foregoing warranties will be limited to either, at Manufacturer’s option, replacing or repairing defective Goods (subject to limitations hereinafter provided) or refunding the purchase price for such Goods theretofore paid by the Buyer, and Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of any such warranties will be enforcement of such obligations of Manufacturer. The warranty shall extend to the purchaser of this product and to any person to whom such product is transferred during the warranty period.The warranty period shall begin on the date of manufacture or on the date ofpurchase with an original sales receipt. This warranty shall not apply if:A. the product has been altered or modified outside the warrantor’s duly appointed representative;B. the product has been subjected to neglect, misuse, abuse or damage or has been installed or operated other than in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.To make a claim against this warranty, contact the GPI Customer Service Department at 316-686-7361 or 888-996-3837.Or by mail at:Great Plains Industries, Inc.5252 E. 36th St. NorthWichita, KS, USA 67220-3205The company will step you through a product troubleshooting process to determine appropriate corrective actions.GREAT PLAINS INDUSTRIES, INC., EXCLUDES LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCURRED IN THE USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT WARRANTED HEREUNDER.The company herewith expressly disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose other than for which it was designed.This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also haveother rights which vary from U.S. state to U.S. state.Note: In compliance with MAGNUSON MOSS CONSUMER WARRANTY ACT – Part 702 (governs the resale availability of the warranty terms).920907-01 Rev-07/21/2020。

2、功能概述2.1 设备架构描述CB920X的硬件和软件架构:2.2 主要特性列出CB920X的主要功能和特点,如高性能处理器、多个输入输出接口、内置存储等。
2.3 技术规格提供CB920X的详细规格,如处理器型号、内存容量、操作系统版本等。
3、硬件结构3.1 外部接口介绍CB920X的外部接口,包括USB接口、串口、以太网端口等。
3.2 内部组件详细描述CB920X的内部组件,包括处理器、存储器、显示屏等。
4、软件功能4.1 操作系统介绍CB920X所采用的操作系统和其主要功能。
4.2 数据处理应用描述CB920X用于数据处理的软件应用和算法。
4.3 控制功能说明CB920X的控制功能和支持的控制接口。
5、使用指南5.1 硬件配置指导用户正确进行CB920X的硬件配置,包括连接外部设备和调整设置。
5.2 软件安装提供CB920X软件的安装步骤和注意事项。
5.3 操作说明详细描述CB920X的操作界面和各项功能的使用方法。
6、故障排除6.1 常见问题列出用户在使用CB920X时可能遇到的常见问题和解决办法。
6.2 技术支持提供CB920X的技术支持联系方式,以便用户获取进一步的帮助。
7、附件本文档附带以下附件:附件1、CB920X快速入门指南附件2、CB920X软件更新包附件3、CB920X用户许可协议8、法律名词及注释8.1 版权版权是指对于某个作品或发明的独有权利。
8.2 商标商标是一种标记,用于识别和区分特定商品或服务的来源。
8.3 专利专利是对于一项发明的独占权利,该发明在技术上具有创新性和实用性。

TYPE NAMEDESCRIPTIONML9XX40 series are uncooled DFB (Distributed Feedback) laser diodes for 2.5Gbps transmission emitting light beam at 1470~1610nm. λ/4 shifted grating structure is employed to obtain excellent SMSR performance under 2.5Gbps modulation. Furthermore, ML9xx40 can operate in the wide temperature range from 0o C to 85 o C without any temperature control. They are well suited for light source in long distance digital transmission application of coarse WDM.APPLICATION· 2.5Gbps long-haul transmission · Coarse WDM applicationFEATURES· λ/4 shifted grating structure· Wide temperature range operation (0o C to 85o C) · High side-mode-suppression-ratio (typical 45dB) · High resonance frequency (typical 11GHz)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Conditions Ratings Unit Po Output power CW 6 mW If Forward current (Laser diode) --- 150 mA V RL Reverse voltage (Laser diode) --- 2 V I FD Forward current (Photo diode) --- 2 mA V RD Reverse voltage (Photo diode) --- 20 V Tc Case temperature --- 0 to +85 ºC Tstg Storage temperature----40 to +100ºCELECTRICAL/OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Tc=25ºC)Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max.Unit CW --- 10 15<*1> --- 35 40Ith Threshold current CW Tc=85ºC <*2> --- 45 50mA CW, Po=5mW --- 35 45<*1> --- 70 80Iop Operation current CW, Po=5mW Tc=85ºC <*2> --- 90 100mA V op Operating voltage CW, Po=5mW --- 1.1 1.5 VCW, Po=5mW 0.17 0.22 ---ηSlope efficiency CW, Po=5mW <*3> 0.15 0.20 ---mW/mA λpPeak wavelength CW, Po=5mW <*4>,<*5> nm Side mode suppression ratio CW, Po=5mW, Tc=0 to 85ºC35 45 --- dB SMSRSide mode suppression ratio(RF) 2.48832Gbps,Ib=Ith, Ipp=40mA --- 45 --- θ // Beam divergence angle (parallel) <*6>CW, Po=5mW --- 25 --- deg. θ ┴ (perpendicular) <*6>CW, Po=5mW--- 30 --- deg. fr Resonance frequency 2.48832Gbps,Ib=Ith, Ipp=40mA---11---GHztr,tfRise and Fall time <*7>2.48832Gbps,Ib=Ith, Ipp=40mA20%-80%--- 80 120psImMonitoring output current (PD) CW, Po=5mW,VRD=1V ,RL=10Ω0.1 --- 1.0 mA IdDark current (PD) V RD =5V --- --- 0.1 µA Ct Capacitance (PD)V RD 5V --- 10 20 pF<*1> Applied to ML9xx40-04~09 and -12~17. <*2> Applied to ML9xx40-10~11 and -18~19. <*3> Applied to ML925J40F and ML920L40S.<*6> Beam divergence is not applied to ML925J40F and ML920L40S. <*7> Except influence of the 18mm lead.<*4> Peak WavelengthLimitsType Symbol Test ConditionMin. Typ. Max.UnitML925B40F-01 / ML920J40S-01 ML925J40F-01 / ML920L40S-01 CW, Po=5mWTc= 0 to 85ºC 1530 1550 1570ML925B40F-04 / ML920J40S-04ML925J40F-04 / ML920L40S-04 1467 1470 1473ML925B40F-05 / ML920J40S-05ML925J40F-05 / ML920L40S-05 1487 1490 1493ML925B40F-06 / ML920J40S-06ML925J40F-06 / ML920L40S-06 1507 1510 1513ML925B40F-07 / ML920J40S-07ML925J40F-07 / ML920L40S-07 1527 1530 1533ML925B40F-08 / ML920J40S-08ML925J40F-08 / ML920L40S-08 1547 1550 1553ML925B40F-09 / ML920J40S-09ML925J40F-09 / ML920L40S-09 1567 1570 1573ML925B40F-10 / ML920J40S-10ML925J40F-10 / ML920L40S-10 1587 1590 1593ML925B40F-11 / ML920J40S-11ML925J40F-11 / ML920L40S-11λpCW, Po=5mWTc= 25ºC 1607 1610 1613nm<*5> Peak WavelengthLimitsType Symbol Test ConditionMin. Typ. Max.UnitML925B40F-12 / ML920J40S-12ML925J40F-12 / ML920L40S-12 1468 1470 1472ML925B40F-13 / ML920J40S-13ML925J40F-13 / ML920L40S-13 1488 1490 1492ML925B40F-14 / ML920J40S-14ML925J40F-14 / ML920L40S-14 1508 1510 1512ML925B40F-15 / ML920J40S-15ML925J40F-15 / ML920L40S-151528 1530 1532ML925B40F-16 / ML920J40S-16ML925J40F-16 / ML920L40S-16 1548 1550 1552ML925B40F-17 / ML920J40S-17ML925J40F-17 / ML920L40S-17 1568 1570 1572ML925B40F-18 / ML920J40S-18ML925J40F-18 / ML920L40S-18 1588 1590 1592ML925B40F-19 / ML920J40S-19ML925J40F-19 / ML920L40S-19λpCW, Po=5mW Tc= 25ºC 1608 1610 1612nmOUTLINE DRAWINGS。

• Logic power supply and vacuum fluorescent display tube driving power supply (VDD) : 3.3 V±10% or 5.0 V±10% • Vacuum fluorescent display tube driving power supply (VFL) : VDD – 20 V to VDD – 42 V • VFD driver output current (VFD driver output can be connected directly to the VFD tube. No pull-down resistor is required.) • Segment driver (SEG1–16) : –6 mA (VFL = VDD – 42 V) • Segment driver (AD1, 2) : –15 mA (VFL = VDD – 42 V) • Grid driver (COM1–16) : –30 mA (VFL = VDD – 42 V) • Content of display • CGROM : 16 segments 240 types (character data) • CGRAM : 16 segments 16 types (character data) • ADRAM : 16 (display digit)× 2 bits (symbol data) • DCRAM : 16 (display digit) × 8 bits (register for character data display) • Display control function • Display digits : 1 to 16 digits • Display duty (brightness adjustment) : 16 stages • All display lights ON/OFF • Four interfaces with microcontroller: DA, CS, CP, RESET • Instruction executable with 1 byte (excluding data write for each RAM) • Built-in oscillation circuit (resistor & capacitor connected externally) • Package options: 44-pin plastic QFP (QFP44-P-910-0.80-2K) (ML9209-xxGA)
Sangoma s400 s405 IP电话设备数据表条目说明书

DATASHEETEntry Level Device with Access to Powerful Phone ApplicationsDesigned to work with FreePBX and PBXact, Sangoma IP phones are so smart you can quickly and easily use them right out of the box.The Sangoma s400 / s405 is a full feature set phone with 3 SIP accounts at a competitive price point. These phones can quickly locate FreePBX / PBXact as soon as they are plugged into an Internet connection, and become automatically provisioned within seconds! – true Zero Touch Con guration. The s400 / s405 features industry standard Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), full duplex speakerphone, 5-way conference calling, high de nition (HD) voice quality and built-in Virtual Private Network (VPN) capability.Zero T ouch ProvisioningVoIP telephones can be complex to install, and manually con guring many different parameters and hundreds of extensions can take hours. When you buy and install your Sangoma IP phones, the redirection server automatically points the phone to the Sangoma FreePBX / PBXact for con guration.EndPoint Manager IncludedWhen using a Sangoma phone, EndPoint Manager software inside FreePBX / PBXact is automatically enabled. This lets your users control global settings, program their phone keys, map extensions, upload images, download new rmware, and much more.Full Integration with PhoneAppsPhoneApps are a bundle of advanced applications (or features), which install directly onto your IP Phone, converting all your complicated features into easy-to-use visual applications, which you control, directly from the phone’s display!See what makes PhoneApps so different from other IP phone vendors, visit: /phoneappsThe Difference Between the s400 & s405The s400 and s405 share all the same features and capabilities, with just one main difference:3x SIP Accounts2.7 Inch Graphical LCD withBacklightPhoneApps Support 25 Programmable Soft Keys 5-way Conferencing Full Duplex Speaker Phone EHS Support for Popular Wireless Headsetss405 Features Dual Gigabit Ethernet PortsOptional 3-year AdvancedHardware Replacement PlanCall Parking Follow MeDo Not DisturbConference RoomsCall ForwardingTime Conditions Presence QueuesQueue AgentsTransfer to VoicemailVisual Voicemail Login / Logout Call Flow ControlContactss400Dual-port 10/100 Mbps Ethernet s405Dual-port Gigabit EthernetSangoma s400/s405IP PhoneGeneral Features:3x SIP accountsCall hold, mute, DNDOne-touch speed dial, hotlineCall forward, call waiting, call transfer Redial, call return, auto answer 5-way conferencing XML Browser Direct IP callCustom ring tones / provisioningSet date time automatically or manually Dial plan per accountRTCP-XR (RFC3611), VQ-RTCPXR (RFC6035)Action URL/URI IP-PBX Features: Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Call park / pickup Music on hold VoicemailAnonymous call / rejection Message waiting indicator Intercom, paging Follow me / DND Conference rooms Time conditions Queues PresenceQueue agents Hot-desking Call owContactsVoice Codecs Features:HD voice: HD handset, HD speaker CodecsiLBC, G.722, G.711(A/μ), GSM_FR, G.723, G.729AB, G.726-32 DTMFIn-band, RFC 2833, SIP INFOFull-duplex hands-free speakerphone with AECVAD, AGC, CNG, AEC, PLC, AJB Display & Indicator:2.7” 192 x 364 pixel graphical LCD with backlightCaller ID with name, number and photoLED for call and message waiting indication Dual-color illuminated LEDs for line status information Feature Keys: 6 line keys with dual-color LED: 25 programmable features (5-pageview)5 feature keys: menu, headset, speaker, m ute, voicemail6 navigation keys4 context-sensitive “soft” keys Volume control keysIlluminated voicemail, speaker, headset andmute keysCerti cations: FCC Class B, CE Interface: Ethernets400: Dual-port 10/100 Mbps s405: Dual-port Gigabit 1x RJ9 (4P4C) handset port 1x RJ9 (4P4C) headset portPower over Ethernet (IEEE 802.3af) (PoE), class 2Electronic Hook Switch (EHS) support for w ireless headsetsManagement:Con gurationBrowser / LCD-menu / auto-provision Auto-provision via HTTP / HTTPS, FTP / TFTPAuto-provision with PnP Login / Logout (Hot-desking) Reset to factory, restart, reboot Local tracing log export, system logPhone lock for personal privacy protection Network & Security: SIP v1 (RFC2543), v2 (RFC3261) SIP server / proxy redundancy NAT Traversal STUN modeDHCP / static / PPPoE HTTP / HTTPS web serverTime and date synchronization by SNTPDNS-NAPTR/DNS- SRV (RFC 3263) IEEE802.1XTLS (Transport Layer Security) Open VPN QoS802.1p/Q tagging (VLAN) Layer 3 ToS DSCPHTTPS certi cate managerAES encryption for con guration leDigest authentication using MD5/MD5-sessLanguages: Built-inEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Polish, Turkish, Serbian, Chinese Simpli ed, Chinese Traditional, Slovenian, Farsi, Slovak and Czech Controlled by PBXChinese Simpli ed, Chinese Traditional, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish,TurkishPhysical Features: Shipping dimensions229mm (W) x 211mm (D) x 102mm (H) Shipping weight 1.27kgs (2.8lbs) Wall mountableStand with 3 adjustable angles Power consumption (PSU) 2.0~4.6WPower consumption (PoE) 2.5~5.5WOperating humidity 10~95%Operating temperature-10~50°COptional Accessories: External universal AC adapter (US, UK, EUR) AC 100~240V input DC 5V/1.2A output EHS headset adapterWall mount bracketAbout SangomaSangoma Technologies is a trusted uni ed communications leader, providing globally scalable telephony solution, such as on-premise and cloud-based (or hosted) IP-PBX phone systems, SIP Trunking service, Cloud-based PBX service, voice-over-IP (VoIP) Gateways, session border controllers (SBC) and telephony cards. Sangoma’s business telephony products are integrated into much of the world’s OEMs, Enterprises, Carriers and service provider networks providing seamless connectivity between traditional infrastructure and new technologies.Become a Sangoma PartnerProvide your customers with outstanding VoIP and Uni ed Communications quality products that deliver industry-leading value. As an Empowered by Sangoma Partner, you’ll get the help you need to grow your business and the incentives you want to make it easy to win sales. Discover more at: /partner-program © 2019 Sangoma Technologies Proprietary - Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of this document.Due to ongoing improvements and revisions, Sangoma reserves the right to make changes without notice.100 Renfrew Drive, Suite 100, Markham ON L3R 9R6 Canada+19054741990or180********(tollfreeinN.America)*****************s405.En.20190314.R3。
AO3420 20V N-Channel MOSFET 产品说明书

Figure 7: Gate-Charge Characteristics
400 Coss
VDS (Volts)
Figure 8: Capacitance Characteristics
RDS(ON) limited
VGS=2.5V, ID=4A
VGS=1.8V, ID=2A
Forward Transconductance
Diode Forward Voltage
Maximum Body-Diode Continuous Current
1 µA
Symbol Parameter
Min Typ Max Units
BVDSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage
ID=250µA, VGS=0V
Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current
TA=25°C TA=70°C
Pulsed Drain Current C
TA=25°C Power Dissipation B TA=70°C
Junction and Storage Temperature Range
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DESCRIPTION ML9XX43 series are uncooled DFB (Distributed Feedback) laser
diodes for 2.5Gbps transmission emitting light beam at 1550nm. ML9xx43 can operate in the wide temperature range from -20o C to
95 o C without any temperature control. They are well suited
for light source in long distance digital transmission application. APPLICATION
2.5Gbps long-haul transmission
· Wide temperature range operation (-20o C to 95o C)
· High side-mode-suppression-ratio (typical 40dB) · High resonance frequency (typical 11GHz)
Symbol Parameter Conditions Ratings Unit Po Output power CW 10 mW If Forward current (Laser diode) --- 150 mA V RL Reverse voltage (Laser diode) --- 2 V I FD Forward current (Photo diode) --- 2 mA V RD Reverse voltage (Photo diode) --- 20 V Tc Case temperature --- -20 to +95 ºC Tstg Storage temperature
-40 to +100
Symbol Parameter Test conditions Min. Typ. Max.
CW --- 10 15
Ith Threshold current
CW, Tc=95ºC
--- 35 50 mA CW, Po=5mW --- 25 40
Iop Operation current
CW, Po=5mW , Tc=95ºC
--- 70 80 mA Vop Operating voltage CW, Po =
5mW --- 1.1 1.5 V
Slope efficiency CW, Po=5mW 0.20 0.28 --- mW/mA λp
Peak wavelength CW, Po=5mW, Tc=-20 to 95ºC 1530 1550 1570nm SMSR Side mode suppression ratio CW, Po=5mW, Tc=-20 to 95ºC
35 40 --- dB θ // Beam divergence angle (parallel) <*1>CW, Po=5mW --- 25 --- deg. θ ┴ (perpendicular) <*1> CW, Po =5mW
--- 35 --- deg. fr Resonance frequency 2.48832Gbps,Ib=Ith, Ipp=30mA
Rise and Fall time <*2>
2.48832Gbps,Ib=Ith, Ipp=30mA
--- 80 120ps
Im Monitoring output current (PD) CW, Po=5mW,VRD=1V ,RL=10Ω0.05 0.2 2.0 mA Id Dark current (PD) V RD 5V --- --- 0.1 µA Ct Capacitance (PD) V RD 5V --- 10 20 pF <*2> Except influence of the 18mm lead.