



Release 8
3GPP TS 36.213 V8.6.0 (2009-03)
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 1 2 3

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© 2009, 3GPP Organizational Partners (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TTA, TTC). All rights reserved. UMTS™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its members 3GPP™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI registered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners LTE™ is a Trade Mark of ETSI currently being registered for the benefit of i ts Members and of the 3GPP Organizational Partners GSM® and the GSM logo are registered and owned by the GSM Association



下图是Noise Figure跟Noise Factor的定义由上图可知 Noise Factor是大于等于1也就是说输出端的SNR 在最理想情况下顶多是跟输入端一样再怎样都不会比输入端大这也合理啦所谓Noise Figure,衡量的是当一个讯号进入一个系统时,其输出讯号的SNR下降多寡,亦即其噪声对系统的危害程度所以即便是Noise-less的系统 SNR不下降就谢天谢地了不太可能SNR还有所提升因此当增益压缩不存在时亦即输入讯号在LNA的线性范围内时原则上其讯号跟噪声的放大倍数一样也就是SNR是不变的最终输出SNR之所以会变小是来自于LNA自身的Additive Noise使得Noise Floor上升 SNR下降如下图所以为什么Tx要用PA ? 因为Tx端对功率要求高其放大器的放大倍数要大才有足够能量将讯号传送至天线并使之辐射出去为什么Rx要用LNA ? 因为Rx端对SNR要求高当然是希望其放大器的Additive Noise越小越好所以才叫Low Noise Amplifier 若Tx端用LNA 那放大倍数不够便无足够能量将讯号传送至天线反之若Rx用PA 其Additive Noise会非常非常大最终输出端SNR 铁定比输入端小很多而且也会因放大倍数太大使后端Mixer饱和那么整个接收端的灵敏度跟线性度都会变差那如果存在增益压缩呢? 那就是SNR会降更多当输入讯号过大时,会使LNA饱和,导致Gain下降,当然 Gain下降顶多是讯号跟噪声的放大倍数同时下降理论上SNR不变然而若LNA饱和其Noise Floor会上升更多亦即Additive Noise会比没饱和时更大所以其输出端SNR 会比没饱和时更小亦即SNR会降更多若LNA的Gain降为零,即输入讯号经过LNA时,完全不会被放大,则有可能完全被Noise Floor淹没,此时SNR便降为0而由以上可知即便讯号经过放大器其SNR都会降低更不要说无放大作用的组件不管是有源还是无源那怕是滤波器也一样因为滤波器只能砍带外噪声不能砍带内噪声而接收机整体的Noise Figure,公式如下:因此我们得出一个结论讯号经过任何组件其SNR就是会下降经过的电路越多,SNR下降越多,所以电路结构越简单越好但是如楼主所问若接收机的输出端的信噪比比输入端的信噪比还要低,这样是否有点失去了当初做接收机的意义?这分两部份探讨一个是LNA的存在意义下图是零中频接收机的架构图因为零中频架构,会直接将接收的射频讯号,透过ADC (Analog Digital Converter) 转换成数字讯号。




















数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing。

























关键词:荔枝图像;离散小波变换;斑点噪声;二维多方向中值滤波中图分类号:TP391;S126 文献标志码: A文章编号:1002-1302(2015)03-0385-03随着农业自动化水平的逐渐提高,使用机器人自动化采摘荔枝对于提高工作效率、降低生产成本最有重要意义。










一、巴特沃斯滤波器原理1.1 基本原理巴特沃斯滤波器是一种频域滤波器,其基本原理是通过设定截止频率和滤波器阶数来实现对信号频谱的调整,从而达到去除噪音的目的。


1.2 数学表达巴特沃斯滤波器的数学表达式如下所示:H(u, v) = 1 / [1 + (D(u, v) / D0) ^ (2n)]其中,H(u, v)为频域滤波器的传递函数,D(u, v)为频域点(u, v)到频谱中心的距离,D0为滤波器的截止频率,n为滤波器的阶数。

1.3 巴特沃斯滤波器的特点巴特沃斯滤波器具有平坦的幅频特性和相位特性,能够有效地保持信号的频率分量,对实时信号传输和快速信号处理具有重要的意义。

二、巴特沃斯滤波器MATLAB自定义函数的编写2.1 函数输入参数为了实现一个通用的巴特沃斯滤波器自定义函数,我们需要定义一些输入参数,以便灵活地调整滤波器的截止频率和阶数。


一般情况下,巴特沃斯滤波器自定义函数的输入参数包括:- 输入信号- 截止频率D0- 滤波器阶数n2.2 函数输出结果巴特沃斯滤波器自定义函数的输出结果通常是滤波处理后的信号,以便后续的信号分析和处理。



2.3 函数实现步骤在MATLAB中编写巴特沃斯滤波器自定义函数的实现步骤如下:- 读取输入参数,包括输入信号、截止频率D0和滤波器阶数n;- 计算输入信号的二维傅里叶变换,得到输入信号的频谱;- 根据巴特沃斯滤波器的数学表达式,计算频域滤波器的传递函数H(u, v);- 将输入信号的频谱与频域滤波器的传递函数相乘,得到滤波处理后的频谱;- 对滤波处理后的频谱进行反傅里叶变换,得到滤波处理后的信号;- 返回滤波处理后的信号作为函数的输出参数。



不 同的纹理方向和轮廓 图按照一定的方法进行叠加 , 得到铅笔画 图像 。实验结果表 明, 与以往算法相 比, 能够
lEN a ka I Xi o ng, YAN we ,GAO o y M e ho o i ul ton o ncldr wi e ur s d n wa e e Li i H ng u. t d f r sm a i fpe i a ng t xt eba e o v l t
s l ss ts a t r . u ti aif co y
Ke y wor ds:no — o or a itcr n e i g; v ltta f r ; to u ; e n p o e sng n ph t e lsi e d rn wa e e r nso m mo i n bl n o r c s i r
ly r a e nitn i y r .h oo g o v re ryi g , n i ee t ie t ni g saeg n a esb s do e st l esT ec lr ma ei c n e dt aga n y a i s t o ma e a ddf rn rci d o ma e r e —
e a e t v lt d c mp st n T e f u ma e s ma e r c n t ci n, o h e ih fe u n y l y r d r t d wi wa e e e o o i o . h o r i g s i d e o sr t h i u o frtr e hg — q e c a es a d r Ga s in n ie, n e mo i n b u p l d f ra l a e s i c n a h e e d fe e t e t r i ci n I a p i s e n u sa o s a d t t l ri a p i o l l y r ,t a c i v ifr n x u ed r t . p l o h o s e t e o t e n p o e s g n g t e a d g a a i n wi o o ma e t e e ae s a e i e c l k t h n . d sa l a e swi r c s i , e ai n r d t t a c l ri g o g n r t h p n p n i s ec i g I a d l l y r t n v o h t h tx u ed r ci n a d c n o g t e b an t e f a p n i s e c . h x e i n a e u t h wst a , o a e e t r i t n o t u t e r o o t i n l e c l k t h T e e p rme t l s l s o t c mp r d e o r o h t h i r h



第50卷第4期 V〇1.50 No.4红外与激光工程Infrared and Laser Engineering2021年4月Apr. 2021中波128〇xl024红外成像组件设计(特邀)张宝辉,李中文,吴杰,吉莉,王炜毅,蔡璐,时亚辉,法静怡(昆明物理研究所南京研发中心,江苏南京211106)摘要:随着红外器件和成像技术的不断发展,各种夜视系统对百万像素的中波红外成像组件的需求 越来越多。

基于国产15nm 1280x1024中波HgCdTe探测器,以探测器和杜瓦自身包络为基准,突破 小体积、轻量化、一体化设计,研制出了紧凑型双FP G A处理平台的百万像素中波红外成像机芯组件, 组件尺寸155 mm><95 mm><95 mm,质量为1400 g,支持SDI、Cameralink接口输出;在该平台上实现元替换、非均勾校正、降噪、细节增强、动态范围压缩、局部增强等实时图像处理算法,针对传统的红外 成像算法提出了基于残差的非均勾校正算法与自适应局部增强算法,提升组件的成像性能。

测试试验 表明:组件实时输出分辨率为1280x1024像素的高质量低噪声的红外图像,噪声等效温差(NETD)< 30 mK,组件满足高温601,低温-40尤工作要求,组件所采用的改进处理算法,最终输出图像提升明显:关键词:红外成像;制冷红外;FPGA;探测器组件;中波红外中图分类号:TN215 文献标志码:A DOI:10.3788/IRLA20211023Design of mid-wave 128〇xl 024 infraredimaging components {Invited)Zhang Baohui,Li Zhongwen,Wu Jie,Ji Li, Wang W eiyi,Cai Lu,Shi Yahui,Fa Jingyi(Nanjing Research Center, Kunming Institute of Physics, Nanjing 211106, China)Abstract: As infrared devices and technologies develops, the demand for megapixel mid-wave infrared imaging components o f various night vision systems is rising. The megapixel mid-wave infrared imaging component based on the domestic 1280x1024 medium wave (15 |im) infrared HgCdTe detector was developed, which took the detector and the Dewar's own envelope as the benchmark and made a breakthrough in small fomi-factor and lightweight integrated design. The component with the size o f 155 mm><95 mm><95 mm and the weight o f 1400 g were considered to collect and process the information from the large area o f Infrared Focal Plane Arrays (IRFPA). Thus, a low-noise image acquisition and processing hardware platform based on dual FPGA architecture was brought up, which supported SDI/Cameralink interface output. In the section o f algorithm, the optimized non-uniformity correction (NUC) algorithm o f the focal plane pixel response and the acquisition circuit, as well as the contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) method compared with traditional image enhancement technologies were proposed. In addition, blind pixel replacement, denoising, latitude reduction and further procedures were implemented to make the image quality improving. Test results show that the noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD) o f the component is lower than 30 mK, and the detector performs stably at the temperature from -40^to 60 ^C. The proposed improved algorithm is fruitful in raising the quality o f both thermal imaging and infrared system performance.Key words: infrared imaging; cooled infrared; FPGA; detector components; mid-wave infrared收稿日期:202卜02-23;修订日期:202卜03-19基金项目:国家重点研发计划“变革性技术关键科学问题”重点专项(2017YFA0701204)0引言自红外成像系统在美国问世以来,已经过60多 年的发展[11。

八路灰度pid算法 -回复

八路灰度pid算法 -回复


它基于PID 控制算法,通过采集和处理传感器输出的灰度信号,在不同灰度级别之间实现精确的调节和控制。





















3.1 Differential DC offset calibration ........................................................................ 16 3.2 Soft Mute ........................................................................................................... 16 3.3 Mode Select ....................................................................................................... 17 3.4 Power DowN ...................................................................................................... 17 4.0 PIN DESCRIPTION - PCM MODE .............................................................................. 18 5.0 PIN DESCRIPTION - DSD MODE .............................................................................. 23 6.0 PIN DESCRIPTION - 8X INTERPOLATOR MODE .................................................... 24 7.0 APPLICATIONS .......................................................................................................... 25 7.1 Recommended Power-up Sequence ................................................................. 25 8.0 CONTROL PORT INTERFACE .................................................................................. 26 8.1 SPI Mode ........................................................................................................... 26 8.2 I2C Mode ........................................................................................................... 26 8.2 Memory Address Pointer (MAP) ....................................................................... 26 9.0 PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 33 10.0 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 33 11.0 PACKAGE DIMENSIONS ......................................................................................... 34

Keysight NFA系列噪声度分析器说明书

Keysight NFA系列噪声度分析器说明书

Noise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975ANFA SeriesA Flexible and Intuitive User InterfaceThe user interface on the new NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers is intuitive and easy to use, with easy to find keys, which are sized and then placed in the relevant key group according to function. The soft-key depths have been kept to a minimum and there are clear visual indicators on the screen showing the current machine state.Easy Measurement SetupThe NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers now takes the pain out of complex measurement setups, with their simple but instructive menus. The built-in help button gives key function and remote pro-gramming commands, that should eliminate the need to carry man-uals when setting up measurements.Low Instrumentation UncertaintyWhen making noise figure measurements, a key parameter to be aware of is measurement uncertainty. The NFA has a low instru-mentation uncertainty to aid in accurate and repeatable measure-ment of manufacturers’ components. In addition, to aid customers in setting their components/systems specifications, Agilent has pro-duced a web-based uncertainty calculator that will give customers information on how to improve and classify their measurement specifications more accurately.For more information, visit our web site at: /find/nfIncrease Measurement ThroughputIn manufacturing environments, fast measurement speed and repeatability are critical. The NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers now include many features that can reduce your measurement time and increase throughput. The frequency list function allows you to select specific points within a complete measurement span to make your measurement. The Sweep averaging function allows a real-time update to the screen during a measurement, as you adjust the per-formance of the DUT during a sweep. Both these functions, as well as the limit line functionality for quick and easy pass/fail testing and the additional ability to recall complete calibrated instrument states, increase productivity and measurement throughput.Enhanced ConnectivityThe built-in floppy disk drive, GPIB, RS232 serial and Printer port connectors allow quick and easy data transfer between the analyzer and a PC or workstation. There is also a built-in VGA connector for connecting a large-screen monitor.Color Graphical DisplayTo enhance usability, the new Noise Figure Analyzers now come with an integrated 17 cm full color LCD display, for simultaneous viewing of noise figure and gain against frequency. There are three different formats for viewing measurements, the two separate chan-nel or combined graph format, a table format, and a spot frequency noise figure and gain measurement “meter” format.Ease of AutomationThe NFA series of Noise Figure Analyzers include 2 industry-stan-dard GPIB ports and an RS232 serial port, to aid in the automated control of the instrument. The second GPIB port is dedicated to Local oscillator control. The default control language is SCPI, but users can also define custom LO commands.Ease of IntegrationTo aid with the integration of the new analyzer into manufacturing environments, Agilent has produced a Programmers Reference Manual containing example programs to help migrate to the new system. The NFA is not code compatible with the 8970B, nor can it control the 8971C.Full Measurement CapabilityFeatures present in all NFA series noise figure analyzers•ENR data automatically loaded into NFA series noise figure analyzer when using SNS noise source•Floppy disk loading and saving of ENR data when used with a 346 or 347 noise source•Enhanced analysis through Limit lines and Marker functions •Enhanced PC and printer connectivity and VGA output•Internal data storage capable of storing up to 30 different state,trace, and setup files (dependent upon measurement complexity)•4 MHz measurement bandwidth•Frequency list mode, which enables the user to avoid known, polluted frequencies during a measurement or, used tactically to speed up a measurementFeatures only Available on the N8973A, N8974A, N8975A•Lower noise figure measurement uncertainty ±<0.05 dB•Six user selectable bandwidths (100 KHz, 200 KHz, 400 KHz, 1 MHz, 2 MHz, and 4 MHz)• Enhanced speed•A flexible and intuitive user interface •Easy measurement setup •Low instrument uncertainty•Color graphical display of noise figure and gain versus frequency •Enhanced PC and printer connectivity•SNS, 346 and 347 Series noise source compatible•Ability to automatically upload ENR calibration data from SNS Series noise source•Local oscillator control through second dedicated GP-IB •3-year warranty as standardN8973ANoise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975A NFA Series Key SpecificationsSpecifications apply over 0°C to +55°C unless otherwise noted. Theanalyzer will meet its specifications after 2 hours of storage withinthe operating temperature range, 60 minutes after the analyzer isturned on, with Alignment running. A user calibration is requiredbefore corrected measurements can be made.Frequency RangeNFA Series:N8972A10 MHz to 1.5 GHzN8973A10 MHz to 3 GHzN8974A10 MHz to 6.7 GHzN8975A10 MHz to 26.5 GHzMeasurement Speed (nominal)8 Averages 64 AveragesN8972A:<100 ms/measurement<80 ms/measurementN8973A:<50 ms/measurement<42 ms/measurementN8974A:<70 ms/measurement<50 ms/measurementN8975A:<70 ms/measurement <50 ms/measurementMeasurement Bandwidth (nominal)N8972A:4 MHzN8973A, N8974A, N8975A:4 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 400 kHz, 200 kHz, 100 kHzNoise Figure and Gain(Performance is dependent upon ENR of noise source used)N8972A Noise Source ENR4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.1 dB±<0.1 dB±<0.15 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8973A, N8974A and Noise Source ENRN8975A(10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.05 dB±<0.05 dB±<0.1 dBGainMeasurement range –20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8974A and N8975A Noise Source ENR(>3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.15 dB±<0.15 dB±<0.2 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBCharacteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz)Characteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (3.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz)Characteristic values are met or bettered by 90% of instruments with 90%confidence.Frequency ReferenceStandard Opt.1D5Aging±<2 ppm1/year±<0.1 ppm/yearTemperature stability±<6 ppm±<0.01 ppmSettability ±<0.5 ppm±<0.01 ppmTuning Accuracy (Start, Stop, Center, Marker)4 MHz Measurement Bandwidth (default on all models of Noise FigureAnalyzer)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 100 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 400 kHz<4MHz Measurement Bandwidth (functionality not present in N8972A)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 20 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 20% of measurementbandwidthParts Per Million (10e-6)1086421050010001500200025003000Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)8911112Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)3388347756517418833818791871721956118112724136814492153761626171451829189131879716812156522419233342421251225986265Noise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975AGeneral SpecificationsDimensionsWithout handle: 222 mm H x 375 mm W x 410 mm D With handle (max): 222 mm H x 409 mm W x 515 mm D Weight (typical, without options)N8972A:15.3 kg N8973A:15.5 kg N8974A:17.5 kg N8975A:17.5 kgData Storage (nominal)Internal drive: 30 traces, states or ENR tables Floppy disk: 30 traces, states or ENR tablesPower RequirementsOn (line 1): 90 to 132 V rms, 47 to 440 Hz, 195 to 250 V rms, 47 to 66 Hz Power consumption: <300 W Standby (line 0): <5 W Temperature RangeOperating: 0ºC to +55ºC Storage: –40ºC to +70ºCHumidity RangeOperating: Up to 95% relative humidity to 40ºC (non-condensing)Altitude range: Operating to 4,600 meters Calibration Interval1-year minimum recommendedElectromagnetic CompatibilityComplies with the requirements of the EMC directive 89/336/EEC. This includes Generic Immunity Standard EN 50082-1:1992 and Radiated Interference Standard CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991, Group 1 Class A.The conducted and radiated emissions performance typically meets CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991 Group 1 Class B limits.Warranty3-Year warranty as standardKey LiteratureNoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Brochure, p/n 5980-0166ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Data Sheet, p/n 5980-0164ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Configuration Guide, p/n 5980-0163EFundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements, App note 57-1, p/n 5952-8255E Noise Figure Measurement Accuracy, App note 57-2, p/n 5952-370610 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements, p/n 5980-0228E N8972A and N8973A, NFA Series, Noise Figure Analyzer ProgrammingExamples, p/n 5968-9498EOrdering InformationN8972A 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8973A 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8974A 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8975A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure AnalyzerAll options, other than those marked with *, can be ordered at any time for use with an instrument.Frequency ReferenceN897xA-1D5NFA series high stability frequency reference*Calibration DocumentationN897xA-A6J NFA series ANSI Z540 compliant calibration with test data*AccessoriesN897xA-1CP NFA series rackmount and handle kit N897xA-UK9NFA series front panel coverN897xA-1FP NFA series calibration, performance verification and adjustment softwareDocumentationA hard copy and CD version of the English language Quick Reference Guide, User’s Guide, Programmers Reference, and Calibration andPerformance Verification Manual are included with the NFA as standard.Selections can be made to change the localization of the manual set or to delete the hardcopy.N897xA-AB0NFA series manual set for Taiwan – Chinese localization N897xA-AB1NFA series manual set – Korean localization N897xA-AB2NFA series manual set – Chinese localization N897xA-ABE NFA series manual set – Spanish localization N897xA-ABF NFA series manual set – French localization N897xA-ABZ NFA series manual set – Italian localization N897xA-ABD NFA series manual set – German localization N897xA-ABJ NFA series manual set – Japanese localization N897xA-0B0Delete hardcopy manual set*Note: The localized options will include a localized version of the Quick Reference Guide and User Guide, and an English language version of the Programmers Reference, and Calibration and Performance Verification Manual.Additional DocumentationN897xA-0B1NFA series manual set (English version)N897xA-0B2NFA series user manual (English version)N897xA-0BF NFA series programmers reference (English version)Service Options:Warranty and Service Standard warranty is 3 years. For warranty and service of 5 years, please order R-51B-001-5F: “3 year Return-to Agilent warranty extended to 5 years” (quantity = 1).Calibration 2For 3 years, order 36 months of the appropriate calibration plan shown below. For 5 years, specify 60 months.R-50C-001Standard calibration plan*R-50C-002Standard compliant calibration plan*Options not available in all countries。


5.1 5.2 80 BALLS TFBGA................................................................................................................................................10 128 PINS LQFP ....................................................................................................................................................11
7.1 MCU INTERFACE .................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.1 6800 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.2 8080 Mode ..................................................................................................................................................16 7.1.3 Register Pin Mapping .................................................................................................................................16 7.1.4 Pixel Data Format ......................................................................................................................................16 7.1.5 Tearing Effect Signal (TE) ..........................................................................................................................17 7.2 SYSTEM CLOCK GENERATION .............................................................................................................................18 7.3 FRAME BUFFER....................................................................................................................................................19 7.4 SYSTEM CLOCK AND RESET MANAGER ...............................................................................................................19 7.5 LCD CONTROLLER ..............................................................................................................................................20 7.5.1 Display Format ...........................................................................................................................................20 7.5.2 General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) ......................................................................................................20

噪声系数 Noise Figure 对手机射频接收机灵敏度之影响

噪声系数 Noise Figure 对手机射频接收机灵敏度之影响

Noise Figure所谓灵敏度,指的是在SNR能接受的情况下,其接收机能接收到的最小讯号[1-2],其公式如下:第二项是所谓的Noise Figure,理想上SNR当然是越大越好,最好是无限大(表示都没有噪声),但实际上不可能没有噪声,因此,由[3-4]可知,所谓Noise Figure,衡量的是当一个讯号进入一个系统时,其输出讯号的SNR下降多寡,亦即其噪声对系统的危害程度,示意图与定义如下:而接收机整体的Noise Figure,公式如下:由上式可知,越前面的阶级,对于Noise Figure的影响就越大,而一般接收机的方块图如下[5] :因此,从天线到LNA,包含ASM、SAW Filter、以及接收路径走线,这三者的Loss 总和,对于接收机整体的Noise Figure,有最大影响,因为由[5]可知,若这边的Loss多1 dB,则接收机整体的Noise Figure,就是直接增加1 dB,因此挑选ASM 时,要尽量挑选Insertion Loss较小的[7]。

而由[8]可知,SAW Filter可以抑制带外噪声,因此原则上须在LNA输入端,添加SAW Filter,避免带外噪声劣化接收机整体性能。

但有些接收机,其SAW Filter 会摆放在LNA与Mixer之间,如下图[9] :前述说过,LNA输入端的Loss,对于接收机整体的Noise Figure,有最大影响,因此上图的PCS与WCDMA,之所以将SAW Filter摆放在LNA之后,主要也是为了Noise Figure考虑,假设SAW Filter的Insertion Loss为1 dB,LNA的Gain 为10 dB,若将SAW Filter摆放在LNA之前,则接收机整体的Noise Figure,便是直接增加1 dB,但若放在LNA之后,则接收机整体的Noise Figure,只增加了1/10 = 0.1 dB。

而在Layout时,其接收路径走线要尽可能短,线宽尽可能宽,这样才能将其Insertion Loss降低,甚至必要时,可以将走线下层的GND挖空,如此便可以在阻抗不变的情况下,进一步拓展线宽,使其Insertion Loss更为降低[10]。












matlab代码如下,并不长,变量名和公式名是一一对应的:close all;clear all;clc;img=double(imread('lena.jpg'));mask=rgb2gray(imread('ma.jpg'))>160;[m n]=size(img);for i=1:mfor j=1:nif mask(i,j)==0img(i,j)=0;endendendimshow(img,[]); %合成的需要修复的图像lambda=0.2;a=0.5;imgn=img;for l=1:300 %迭代次数for i=2:m-1for j=2:n-1if mask(i,j)==0 %如果当前像素是被污染的像素,则进行处理Un=sqrt((img(i,j)-img(i-1,j))^2+((img(i-1,j-1)-img(i-1,j+1))/2)^2); Ue=sqrt((img(i,j)-img(i,j+1))^2+((img(i-1,j+1)-img(i+1,j+1))/2)^2); Uw=sqrt((img(i,j)-img(i,j-1))^2+((img(i-1,j-1)-img(i+1,j-1))/2)^2); Us=sqrt((img(i,j)-img(i+1,j))^2+((img(i+1,j-1)-img(i+1,j+1))/2)^2);Wn=1/sqrt(Un^2+a^2);We=1/sqrt(Ue^2+a^2);Ww=1/sqrt(Uw^2+a^2);Ws=1/sqrt(Us^2+a^2);Hon=Wn/((Wn+We+Ww+Ws)+lambda);Hoe=We/((Wn+We+Ww+Ws)+lambda);How=Ww/((Wn+We+Ww+Ws)+lambda);Hos=Ws/((Wn+We+Ww+Ws)+lambda);Hoo=lambda/((Wn+We+Ww+Ws)+lambda);imgn(i,j)=Hon*img(i-1,j)+Hoe*img(i,j+1)+How*img(i,j-1)+Hos*img(i+1,j) +Hoo*img(i,j);endendendimg=imgn;endfigure;imshow(img,[])。

mono8 差帧算法

mono8 差帧算法














图像和视频噪声基础知识(笔记)-Jeffery Xu目录图像和视频噪声基础知识(笔记) (1)噪声定义 (3)噪声种类 (3)扩大噪声 (7)椒盐噪声 (7)散粒噪声(起伏噪声) (7)量化噪声 (8)模拟胶片噪声(Film Grain) (8)各项不同性噪声 (8)数码相机噪声问题 (8)数码相机图像噪声 (9)概念 (9)术语 (10)噪声类型 (11)随机噪声 (11)固定模式噪声 (11)带噪声 (11)CCD设备的噪声模型 (12)散粒噪声 (12)黑噪声或obscurity noise (13)黑帧减法 (13)读出噪声 (13)Bias帧 (13)Gamma矫正后的噪声模型 (13)猜测1 (14)CCD图像获取流程 (14)噪声减少 (15)邻域滤波器 (15)平滑的线性滤波器 (16)Sigma滤波器 (16)SUSAN滤波器 (18)Bilateral滤波器 (18)非局部方法(Non-Local means) (19)欧几里德(Euclidean norm)度量 (19)电影去噪 (19)光圈问题 (20)LMMSE (20)AWA滤波器 (21)运动补偿中值滤波器 (21)运动补偿的维尔滤波器 (21)去噪算法性能的比较 (21)方法噪声 (21)噪声定义图像噪声是由传感器、扫描仪电路或数码相机产生的图像的亮度或彩色随机变动。














本文介绍的是借助Multisim 10仿真实现二阶切比雪夫低通有源滤波器的设计。

关键词:滤波器;频域或时域特性;切比雪夫;Multisim10Chebyshev LPF's design and emulationAbstrac:Filter would completely eliminate signals above the cutoff frequency, and perfectly pass signals below the cutoff frequency . In real filters, various rade-offs are made to get optimum performance for a given application. There are manybooks that provide information on popular filter types like the Butterworth, Bessel, and Chebyshev filters, just to name few. Chebyshev filters are designed to have ripple in the pass-band, but steeper roll off after the cutoff frequency. Cutoff frequency is defined as the frequency at which the response falls below the ripple band. For a given filter order, a steeper cutoff can be achieved by allowing more pass-band ripple. The transient response of a Chebyshev filter to a pulse input shows more overshoot and ringing than a Butterworth filter.Key Words:Filter;popular filter types;Chebyshev function;Multisim 10引言随着现代科学技术的发展,滤波技术在通信、测试、信号处理、数据采集和实时控制等领域都得到了广泛的应用。






## 巴特沃斯低通滤波概述巴特沃斯低通滤波器是一种无限脉冲响应(IIR)滤波器,它的频率响应曲线为-3dB截止频率。


## MATLAB中的`butter`函数MATLAB提供了`butter`函数来设计巴特沃斯滤波器。

该函数的基本语法格式如下:```[b, a] = butter(n, Wn, 'type')```其中,`n`是滤波器阶数,`Wn`为归一化的截止频率,范围为[0, 1],具体取值要根据实际需求设定。



## 示例假设我们有一个包含噪声的信号`x`,现在希望设计一个巴特沃斯低通滤波器来去除信号中的高频成分。

下面是具体的步骤:1. 生成一个包含噪声的信号`x`,作为示例输入信号。

```matlabFs = 1000; % 采样率t = 0:1/Fs:1; % 时间长度x = sin(2*pi*50*t) + sin(2*pi*120*t) + randn(size(t));```2. 设计巴特沃斯低通滤波器。

```matlabfc = 150; % 截止频率Wn = fc/(Fs/2); % 归一化的截止频率n = 6; % 滤波器阶数[b, a] = butter(n, Wn, 'low');```3. 使用设计好的巴特沃斯低通滤波器对信号进行滤波。

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1. 2. 3. 4.
Random noise in resistors and transistors Mixer noise Undesired cross-coupling noise crossPower supply noise
Dynamic range – capability of detecting weak signals in presence of large-amplitude signals large-
Noise Figure, Noise Factor and Sensitivity
Wireless Systems Instructional Design
“Any unwanted input” Limits systems ability to process weak signals Sources:
Noise factor (cont.)
Quantitative measure of receiver performance wrt noise for a given bandwidth Noise figure NF = 10 log( F )
Typically 8-10 db for modern receivers 8-
Dynamic range
Intermodulation distortion (harmonic distortion) - measure of how large signals that are close in f to the desired signal affect performance Intercept point – value of input power for which the IMD power is equal to the output power of the linear term
specified input frequency, is defined as the ratio of (1) the total noise power per unit bandwidth available at the output port when noise temperature of the input termination is standard (290 K) to (2) that portion of (1) engendered at the input frequency by the input termination.”
Link Budget
“Quick and dirty” way of estimating RF link performance
Prx = Ptx + Gtx + Grx - L - Amisc
Prx,Ptx – received and transmitted power (dB) Grx,Gtx – antenna gain (dBi) L – path loss Amisc – miscellaneous attenuation
Link Budget (cont.)
Received power (sensitivity)
Orinocco 11Mbps 5.5 Mbps 2 Mbps 1 Mbps -82 dBm -87 dBm -91 dBm -94 dBm Aironet 350 -85 dBm -89 dBm -91 dBm -94 dBm SNR 16 dB 11 dB 7 dB 4 dB
Random noise
• • • • • Atmospheric Interstellar Thermal Flicker noise (low frequency) Shot noise
Receiver internal
“Sky” Noise
Noise factor
IEEE Standards: “The noise factor, at a
available − output − noise − power F= available − output − noise − due − to − source
Noise factor (cont.)
( N iG ( f ) + N a ) S i S i N o Na F= = = 1+ N iS o N i So G ( f ) Ni
Link Budget (cont.)
Cables (@ 2.4 GHz)
• • • • • RG 174: 2 [dB/m] RG 58: 1 [dB/m] RG 213: 0.6 [dB/m] IEEE 802.3: 0.3 [dB/m] LMRLMR-400: 0.22 [dB/m]
Link Budget (cont.)
Path loss (Friis formula):
L(dB) = 92.45 + 20log(F) + 20log(d)
L = 40 dB + 20log(d) @ 2.4 GHz L = 48 dB + 20log(d) @ 5.7 GHz
Transmit power:
Connectors (BNC, N, SMA)
• 0.1 – 1 dB loss
Link characterቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱzation with Network Analyzer
Multistage (cascaded) system
F 2 −1 F 3 −1 Fn − 1 F = F1 + + + ... + G1 G1G 2 G1G 2 LGn − 1
Minimum detectable input signal level for a given output SNR (also called noise floor) floor) Not necessarily related to required output SNR Example
15 – 20 dBm (30 – 100 mW)
Antenna gain: given in decibels over an isotropic antenna (dBi)
0dBi (isotropic), 8 dBi (biquad), 15 dBi (helix), 24 dBi (parabolic)
PI DR = Nf
Ratio of the minimum detectable signal to the signal power that causes the distortion power to be equal to the noise floor Measure of non-linearity of the receiver non-
Noise (contd.)
“noisiness” of the signal measure = signal-tosignal-tonoise ratio (frequency dependant)
S ( f ) average − signal − power SNR = = N ( f ) average − noise − power
It is a measure of the degradation of SNR SNRi F= ≥1 due to the noise added SNRo Implies that SNR gets worse as we process the signal Na Spot noise factor F = 1 + kT The answer is the bandwidth