how to make a histogram in excel


Excel 使用技巧(英文描述)

Excel 使用技巧(英文描述)

Excel Cheat SheetSide 1Sean Fox, Academic Computing-Carleton College Oct 30, 2000File Formats:There are 2 different Excel file formats and 5 different versions on campus (5.0/95, and 97/98/2000 (grouped to indicate common file formats)). Each newer version can import and Save As into the older versions formats. Older versions can't necessarily deal with the newer versions files. This cheat sheet will deal with version 97/98/2000.Note that Excel 2000 has some non-critical features (none covered here) which are ignored if the subsequent file is opened in earlier versions. Also, menu options in Excel 2000 are often hidden—click the double-arrow at the bottom of the menu to reveal additional options.Help:The help is context sensitive. If you're in a pop-up window the help button within that window gives you help specific to that task. You can search for help by name, but it helps if you know what Excel calls aparticular feature. It may be useful to look first for a more general topic (or one that's somewhat tangential to your actual goal) that will tell you the name of the featureyou're interested in. Once you know the name you can go directly to help on that topic.Data Entry and Formatting:The pointer changes to reflect what will happen when you click in a given location. Here are some examples:This pointer …pops up when you point to :Menu, Tool Bar, Scroll BarText in a cell. This is the insertion barA cell when you are in selection mode The fill handle at the corner of a selected fill or range.A column or row heading boundary which can then be resizedA split box on the scroll bar•Numerical formatting (scientific notation, number of decimal places, etc.) and Text formatting are under Format..Cell , including a Wrap Text option under the Alignment tab. Changes apply to all selected cells or just the selected portion of a single cell. This can be useful to get a special character (like greek letters from the symbol font), or a subscript mixed plain text.• Paste Special gives an option to paste the formatting (but not the data) from a cell you've copied as well as to Transpose rows and columns•Double-clicking column and row boundaries at the edge of the sheet resizes the column or row to fit the data.• Double-clicking a cell puts you in cell edit mode.Hit return (to accept changes) or escape (to reject changes) to get back out to select mode.Insert..Row/Column puts a new Row/Column above/to the left of the current selected cell.• Window..Freeze Panes "freezes" everything aboveand to the left of the current selected cell so that they stay in place when you scroll. This is very useful for labels that apply to data spaning several screens.• Center Across Selection in the Alignment tab of theCell format window allows you to center a label which is nice for printed output.• It's probably best to do fancy formatting justbefore you are ready to print.Fills:Selecting multiple cells and then dragging the fill handle (at the corner of a cell) allows you to drag and fill cells with data that continue that series. More options are available under Edit..Fill .Multiple Sheets:• Command clicking (control-click in Windows)on sheet tabs (found below the main grid) allows you to select multiple sheets.•New data entered in this mode will appear on all selected sheets.•Edit..Fill allows you to push existing selected data onto all all selected sheets.Cell References:Cells can be referenced individualy ( A4) or as blocks (A4:C12). When formulas with cell references are copied and pasted, the cell references are adjusted to reflect their new location. (e.g. the reference will still refer to the cell "one over and two up") This relative referencing can be disabled: make cell references in formulas absolute by adding a $ in front of the part of the reference to be fixed.e.g. =($A4+1) will always refer to column A, but the row it refers to will change depending on where it is pasted.Likewise =(A$4+1) when copied will always refer to row 4 but its column reference will be relative. When a cell reference is selected F4/Command-T (Windows/Mac)toggles through all the possible absolute/relative reference permutations. Paste Special allows you to paste the values (as opposed to the formulas) you've copied.Formulas:• They are of the format =(A3+B24).• They are easiest to add using the Formula wizard button on the tool bar (with the f x label).• Double-click a cell to edit its formula.•Formulas are auto-calculated on the fly!Excel Cheat Sheet Side2Sean Fox, Academic Computing-Carleton College Oct 30, 2000 Analysis Tools:•Anovas, Regressions, Histograms & more are under Tools..Data Analysis. If this option isn't onthe menu you'll need to go to Tools..Add-Ins andcheck the Analysis ToolPack check box.•The regression option includes a check box to create a corresponding chart.•The histogram option allows you to specify the "bins" into which the data is segregated bycreating a list of numbers representing the topvalue of each bin.Charts:•Use the Chart Wizard (the bar chart icon on the toolbar ).•Most chart types only allow data points with an associated label and value (blue fish, 42). If yourdata points each have two associated variables(e.g. each point has a time and temp associatedwith it, or a height and width) need to use the X-Y scatter chart type. Excel is unable to do true 3-d plots where each data point has 3 variablesassociated with it.•You can change the properties of the elements of your chart by selecting the element inquestion and double-clicking. Clicking on thedata points (which Excel calls a data series) isespecially useful in this regard.•Selecting an axis and double-clicking gets you to the Format Axis window. The Scale tab in thiswindow allows you to specify the min, max, andtick values for the axis as well as whether to uselog scaling.•Title, Axes, and Legends can be added to a chart after it's initial created by selecting the Chart andusing the relevant options in the Insert menu. Charts-Fitting Curves:•You can fit a curve (linear, log or polynomial) toa data series in an X-Y chart by selecting the dataseries and then choosing Chart...Add TrendLine.The options tab has an option to print theformula.•Another way to do the same thing is theregression option under Data Analysismentioned above.Charts-Error Bars:You can create and control error bars on most graph types. Double-click the data series and then the X or Y -Error Bars tab. Then select a standard % or value for the error or indicate columns with distinct error values for each point.Charts--Putting them into a Word document •Make sure your chart is correct in all aspects (fonts, labels, etc) within Excel before moving itto Word.•Use the Copy command to copy the chart and then Paste it directly into the Word document.•This procedure will paste the Chart as a picture.It is also possible to insert it as a live Excelspreadsheet. I don't recommend this secondapproach--it will give you nightmares.•If you need to make changes to the Chart it is almost always better to make the changes withinExcel and redo the Copy, Paste operation. Printing:•Go to Page Setup and select the Sheet tab. Select the Print Area field and then select the area onthe spreadsheet you want to print.•Select landscape or portrait from the Page tab.•You can scale the sheet down or force it to fit ona given height&width page using the Scalingoptions under this tab.•Use print preview and drag the triangles at the edges to resize rows and columns so that thingsfit.•You can force a page break (they appear asdotted lines in the main spreadsheet) by selectingthe top left cell of the new page and then usingInsert..Page Break. (Repeating removes the pagebreak).•You can add headers and footers to your printed page using Header/Footer tab in Page Setup. TheHeader and Footer menus on this window giveyou options for common choices includingnone.•If you have a Column heading or Row label that you want to appear on each printout page usethe Print Titles option in the Sheet tab of PageSetup.•The Print section under Sheet in Page Setup allows you to hide the gridlines in a printout, as well asforce the printing to be black & white (otherwisethings with a hue come out as shades of grey).•Multiple charts may be surrounded by a single boarder. This is a function of the cell formating,and not the charts themselves.Importing Data:•You can import plain text files with columns of data using the normal File...Open procedure. Thiswill start the data import wizard.•If you choose the delimiters option (eachelement in a row is separated by a space, comma,or tab). Note the useful Treat Multiple Delimiters asOne option in step two.•If you choose fixed width the 2nd step allows you to create and drag lines to indicate theboundary between columns. Be sure to scrollthrough enough of your data to be sure thatthings are ending up in the correct columns.If you Open and Save a plain text file in Word it will then be in Word format—not plain text format. Use Save..As and choose Text only as the format from within Word to convert back to plain text for importation into Excel.。



几个简单的例子 di use sysuse sum scatter gen
drop _all (drop data from memory) set obs 100 (make 100 observations) gen x = _n (x = 1, 2, 3, .., 100) gen y = x^2 (y = 2, 4, 9, .., 10000) scatter y x (make a graph)
[by varlist:] command [varlist] [=exp] [if exp] [in range] [weight] [, options]
1。Command 命令动词,经常用缩写。 2。varlist 表示一个变量或者多个变量,多 个变量之间用空格隔开。如 sum price weight
打开wage1数据文件。 1。为整个数据添加标签:例如,将数据命名为“工 资表”。
菜单:Data->Labels->Label dataset 命令:label data “工资表“ 2。为变量增加标签,例如,给变量wage增加标签 “年工资总额” 菜单:Data->Labels->Label variables 命令 label variable wage “年工资总额”
summarize---sum describe------des 得到正确命令缩写的简单方法:看help。
use 打开数据文件,一般加clear选型清空 内存中现有数据。 sysuse 打开系统数据文件。 describe 描述数据 edit 利用数据编辑器进行数据编辑 list 类似于edit,但只能显示不能修改数据。







1. 准备数据在Excel中,首先需要准备好要分析的数据。


2. 插入直方图在准备好数据后,我们可以开始插入直方图。

我们可以通过以下步骤来完成:a. 选择一个合适的位置,比如B列,作为直方图的放置位置。

b. 选中B列,然后点击Excel菜单栏中的“插入”选项卡,再点击“组合图表”下的“直方图”选项。

c. 弹出“直方图和密度图向导”对话框,选择“列”作为“数据输入”方式,然后点击“下一步”按钮。

d. 在“数据范围”中选择准备好的数据列,即A列,点击“下一步”按钮。

e. 在“直方图类型”选择“频率”并点击“下一步”按钮。

f. 然后点击“完成”按钮,Excel会自动在选定的位置插入直方图。

3. 格式化直方图一般情况下,插入的直方图默认样式并不美观,我们可以进行格式化来使其更易读和美观。

以下是一些建议的格式化步骤:a. 右击直方图,选择“选择数据”选项。



b. 右击Y轴,选择“格式轴”选项。


c. 右击X轴,选择“调整字号”选项。


d. 点击直方图区域,可以调整颜色、边框和填充效果等方面。

4. 分析直方图通过直方图,我们可以更清楚地了解数据的频率分布情况。


• Elaboration and Refinement
➢ Elaboration analysis: an analysis of the basic crosstabulation for each level of a variable not previously considered, such as subgroups of the sample.
Hale Waihona Puke © 2007 Thomson/South-Western. All rights reserved.
EXHIBIT 14.2 Cross-Tabulation Tables from a Survey on Ethics in America
From Roger Ricklefs, “Ethics in America,” The Wall Street Journal, October 31, 1983, p. 33, 42; November 1, 1983, p. 33; November 2, 1983, p. 33; and November 3, 1983, pp. 33, 37.
the reader to view several cross-tabulations at once
• Charts and Graphs
➢ Translate information into visual forms so that relationships may be easily grasped
Part 5 Analysis and Reporting
Chapter 14
Basic Data Analysis
3rd Edition
William G. Zikmund Barry J. Babin



Excel Solver的用法电脑相关 2009-06-26, 22:13Solver是Excel一个功能非常强大的插件(Add-Ins),可用于工程上、经济学及其它一些学科中各种问题的优化求解,使用起来非常方便,Solver包括(但不限于)以下一些功能:1、线性规划2、非线性规划3、线性回归,多元线性回归可以用Origin求解,也可以用Excel的linest函数或分析工具求解。

4、非线性回归5、求函数在某区间内的极值注意:Solver插件可以用于解决上面这些问题,并不是说上面这些问题Solver 一定可以解决,而且有时候Solver给出的结果也不一定是最优的。


但Excel默认是不启用Solver的,启用方法:在"工具"菜单中点击“插件”,在Solver Add-In前面的方框中打勾,然后点OK,Excel会自动加载Solver,一旦启用成功,以后Sovler 就会在"工具"菜单中显示。

Solver求解非线性回归问题的方法:假设X和Y满足这样一个关系:Y=L(1-10-KX),实验测得一组X和Y的值如下:X Y0 00.54 1830.85 2251.50 2862.46 3803.56 4705.00 544求L和K的值。


然后点击“工具”菜单中的Solver,将Set Target Cell设为$G$22这个单元格,将By Changing Cells设为$F$8:$F9这两个单元格,即改变L和K的值,Equal To选中Min这项,其他的选项不用理会,如下图:然后点右上角的Solver,$F$8:$F9就会改变,改变之后的值即为优化的L和K 值。

Excel Workshop

Excel Workshop

Excel WorkshopThe purpose of this workshop is to introduce you to the basics of Excel, so that you can use it to your benefit through the remainder of the course.Drag & Drop1.Open Excel. Click on any cell. Type a number. Press <Enter>.Type a word.Each cell can contain a variety of data : text, numbers, dates, time etc. To see a list of typical data types, right click on a cell and choose “Format Cells”.2.Click on a cell. Type “january”. Thena.Click on another cell or press <Enter>.b.Then click the original cell. In the lower right hand corner of the cell you will see a smallblack dot. Put the cursor exactly over this dot ( a small black crosshair will appear), leftclick and hold, and then drag down or to the right, about 15 cells. What happens?3.Do the same in another cell, but type “jan” instead of “January”.4.Now try it with “January” instead of “january”. (Capital J instead of small j)5.And next with “januari” (Dutch for January) instead of “January”.6.Now do the same, on a new cell. Type in “1”. Drag and drop. What happens?7.In the cell below the original “1”, type “2”. Select both cells. Drag and drop.8.Change 2 to 5. Drag and drop.9.Type “may2 7” in a cell. Drag and drop about 15 cells.10.Type “title 1”. Drag and drop.Now you should have a fair idea about how easy it can be to fill cells without having to type everything yourself.Moving Cells1.Select one of the columns of months already on the spreadsheet. Instead of clicking the blackdot, click and hold on the side of the column (or row) ( 4 arrows will appear). Move your mouse to another location.2.Click on one of the letters at the top of the worksheet. Right click. Choose “Insert”.3.Double-click the tab name (Sheet1) at the bottom of the screen. Change the name.Page | 1Tables1.Make the following table on a clean sheet.The formula you typed in next to “1” makes a reference to cell “A1”, and multiplies that by 3.The result is shown in the cell, but the formula you typed is shown in th e white “formula bar” at the top of the sheet. Note: instead of typing “=A1*3” you can also type “=” followed by clicking on cell A1, and then typing “*3”. This doesn’t help much here, but if you use more complicated formulas that reference more cells then it becomes much more intuitive.2.Now drag and drop cell “B1” down to cell “B10”. Click on cell “B7” and inspect the formula bar.The formula has been converted to correspond to the correct cell on the left.3.Select cells A1 to B10, and move them somewhere to columns D and E. Click on one of the cellsin column E and inspect the formula bar. You will notice that all the formulas have changed to reflect the move from A&B to D&E.4.Type the following table in somewhere on your sheet:In the cell under “period 1”, in the “Total” row type “=sum(“ ; select the cells “10,15,38” under “period 1” ; type”)” (resulting in e.g. “=sum(D5:D7)”. Press <E nter>, and the total of the column appears in the cell. Drag this formula to the rest of the cells in the “Total” row.Fill in the “Total” column on the right of the table.5.If we want to make all the tables from 1x1 up to 12x12, we could start off like this :Page | 2We could then drag the formula in cell B2 across over to cell M2, and then down to M13.Inspect the resulting formula in cell J7. What’s gone wrong?In order to rectify this, we need to fix the reference to row 1 and column A. We do this using the “$” symbol. In the first formula (=a2*b1), we fix the reference to A2 by changing the formula into “=$a2*b1”. If you then drag the formula over to cell M2, then you will see that the “$a2”hasn’t changed, and you have the correct values in the first row.Now drag cell B2 down to B13. What’s still not right here? How can you rectify this?Can you now start from scratch and make the tables 1x1 till 12x12 within 1 minute?bining Cells.In order to combine a number of cells to make one “cell” (this is especiallyuseful when making titles in tables), do the following :∙Type a sentence in a cell so t hat it doesn’t fit.∙Select the cells you want to merge (e.g. enough cells so that the sentence fits).∙Click on “Merge and Center” in the menu.7.Wrapping text. In order to make text “wrap” into a cell instead of spilling out of it or being cutoff, select th e cell, and either right click, Format Cells,Alignment, Wrap text ; or choose “Wrap Text “ from the menu.8.Copy the following table into Excel, and fill in the missing values using the different techniqueslearnt up till now. How do you make excel show, for example, a price of 0.50 instead of 0.5 ? Page | 3GraphsMake the following table :Select the cell with the formula “=rand()” and press <f1> (the help button). What does the function Rand do?. How can you make a random number between -1 and +1 ?Fill the “Y column” in with random numbers between -1 and 1.Page | 4To find the average of the values, use “=average(“ ; select the values you want to average ; type”)”<Enter>.Make two additional columns of random y-values, one column between 0 and 2, one column of your own choice.To make a graph of the x- and all the y-values, select the different values, select tab “Insert”, then “Scatter”. What’s the difference with “Line”?Right click o n one of the graph lines. Select “Add Trendline”. Then choose “Linear” and “show equation on chart”. What has Excel done for you?Play around with the different graphing options, table border options, format options etc.How old are you ?In a cell, type in “=today()”. In another cell type in your date of birth. How many days old are you? Page | 5HistogramsMake a column of 100 random numbers between 0 and 1. If you need to make a histogram of this data, then you would have to count all the numbers between certain values of class intervals. If you were to do this, and then decide to change the classes, you would have to do it all again. Obviously there must be a better way.Make a column of class values from 0 to 1 in steps of 0.1 . E.g. :Select all cells next to these class values, e.g. the cells shaded grey below :Then type the following :=frequency(Select the data column (excluding any header you may have), followed by a comma, and then select the class values (again excluding any headers). Finish off with a right bracket “)”. DO NOT press enter,Page | 6Page | 7 but use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER. What you should then have is a frequency count of the data in the different intervals, for example :This means there are zero values before “0”, 6 values between 0 and 0.1, 5 between 0.1 and 0.2 et c.It’s now quite easy to make a Histogram :Select both columns (including headers if you have them). Tab “Insert”, Column, and select a typethat suits you. This gives you something like this :… which is not quite what you want. To make it look more like a histogram, right click on the graph, and choose “select data”. Remove “classes”, and then “Edit” the horizontal axis. Select the class column (without header). OK,OK, and you will see something similar to this :FunctionsClick on the ‘Formulas’ tab. You will see many different types of function, divided into different groups. (financial, logical, text etc). Some of these are self-explanatory, others you will learn about during the course of the bachelor. This is especially true of many of the maths functions.Choosing a function from the list provides you with a short description of the function, but you can easily find more explanation about the function by using ‘F1’.We recommend that you occasionally explore some of these functions as you come across them, or, especially for the more trivial functions, just try them out to see how they work.For example, make the following array:12345678910On the cells to the right of the array, choose a function such as HEX2BIN. In the help, you will see that this requires one argument (some functions have multiple argument). Make reference to the first cell of the array, and drag the cell down. You should see the following result:Page | 81 12 103 114 1005 1016 1107 1118 10009 100110 10000Some useful data functionsSorting data is easy.Type in:Shopping listcoffeeeggscheesebreadonionsmilkbutterteasugarSelect these cells. Choose the ‘Data’ tab, sect ‘Sort’. Select/de-select the ‘My data has headers’opt ion (what changes?). press ‘OK’. You have now put your shopping list in alphabetical order.Selecting certain types of data is also easy.Select a cell to the right of your shopping list(E4 for example). On the ‘Data’ tab, choose ‘Data Validation’. In the window that pops up, Allow: list. Then choose, in the ‘Source’ field, the items from your shopping list. Then OK.The next time you stand on the cell ‘E4’ you will see that you can choose only between the items in your shopping list. You can also drag ‘E4’ down (or up, left, right) and all the cells you dragged to are now limited to input from your shopping list.Page | 9If you have completed the tasks above, then you should have enough basic knowledge of Excel to help you throughout your study. You will probably find Excel to be an indispensible tool when analysing data, making presentations etc.Page | 10。





通过后台代码导出也通常需要批处理进程,它会定期通过电子邮件给用户发送报表或将其保存到网络驱动器,或者也可能被上传到 SharePoint/FTP服务器。

以下是Stimulsoft reporting本地支持的格式列表,不必使用第三方或者COM组件。

在本次教程中,我将为您展示如何创建一个简单的表格报表,如何将它展示到网页上以及如何在网页上生成一个"Export to PDF"按钮,使得用户可以下载这个PDF。


创建一个交叉报表并导出PDF,Word,Excel和其他格式的必备步骤:1.所支持的导出格式2.所支持的导出设置3.添加报表到您的网页上4.添加一个新的连接到您的报表上5.添加一个数据源到您的报表上6.添加表格和页头到报表中7.添加报表到网页上8.页面加载事件9.通过单击Export按钮导出报表1、所支持的导出格式∙PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format);∙Microsoft XPS (XML Paper Specification);∙HTML (HyperText Markup Language);∙MHT;∙Text;∙Rich Text;∙Microsoft Word 2007;∙OpenDocument Writer;∙Microsoft Excel;∙Microsoft Excel XML;∙OpenDocumentCalc;∙CSV (Comma-separated values);∙dBase DBF (DataBase File);∙XML (Extensible Markup Language);∙BMP (Bitmap);∙GIF (Graphics Interchange Format);∙JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group);∙PCX (Pacific Exchange);∙PNG (Portable Network Graphics);∙TIFF (Tagged Image File Format);∙Windows Metafile.2、所支持的导出设置Stimulsoft Reports支持使用StiReport对象上的ExportDocument功能导出磁盘上的文件。

环境空气质量评价中利用Excel 进行百分位数的计算及百分位数矩形图的绘制

环境空气质量评价中利用Excel 进行百分位数的计算及百分位数矩形图的绘制




关键词:Excel百分位数环境空气质量制图中图分类号:X823文献标识码:A文章编号:1674-098X(2022)01(a)-0061-03The Calculation of Percentile and the Drawing of PercentileRectangle Chart in Environmental Air Quality Assessmentby Using ExcelWU Bin(Taizhou Taixing Ecological and Environmental Monitoring Station,Taizhou,Jiangsu Province,225700China)Abstract:By drawing the percentile rectangle,we can intuitively understand a pollution distribution feature of a certain indicator in a specific time period,and we can compare and analyze the changing trends of pollution status.This paper introduces how to make the creation of percentile rectangular templates in Excel,just need to enter the original data to automatically generate a percentile histogram,realize the automatic link between data and charts, and ensure the accuracy of the graph.The made template can be used repeatedly,and can be flexibly transformed according to different situations,which can improve work efficiency and have practical value.Key Words:Excel;Percentile;Ambient air quality;Mapping百分位数法是环境质量分析中的一种常用方法,一般用于分析空气中污染物的浓度和相关指标的分布状况,通过绘制百分位数图,可以直观了解某项指标在某一时间段中的污染物分布特征,并可以对污染变化趋势进行比较、分析[1]。



在Excel中创建一个直方图[ 生成随机数 ] [ 摘要统计 ]创建直方图是做统计分析的重要组成部分,因为它提供了数据的可视化表示。








(从蒙地卡罗模拟使用 n = 5000点和40箱)。






[ 生成随机数 ] [ 摘要统计 ]在Excel中创建一个直方图方法1:使用直方图工具,分析工具白。








要创建动态数组,输入下列公式:B6 = $ B $ 2B7 = B6 +($ B $ 3 - $ B $ 2)/ 5然后,复制单元格B7下降到B11图2:一个动态数组的5箱。













1. 添加坐标轴标签选中直方图,在“设计”选项卡的“布局”部分找到“坐标轴标签”,可以选择添加水平轴和垂直轴的标签。


2. 调整坐标轴刻度选中直方图,在“布局”部分找到“坐标轴类型”,选择“水平轴轴类型”和“垂直轴轴类型”,可以调整坐标轴刻度的显示方式。

3. 修改图表样式在直方图上单击右键,选择“更改图表类型”,可以选择不同的图表样式来优化直方图的外观。




在解读直方图时,可以注意以下几点:1. 横轴表示数据范围,纵轴表示数据频率,柱状图的高度表示频率。

2. 观察直方图的形状,可以判断数据的集中度和分散程度。


3. 观察直方图的峰度和峰点位置,可以判断数据的集中程度和峰态。











Ex2.3x<-c(rep(1,times=5),rep(2,times=3),rep(3,times=4),rep(4,times=2));x #或者省略times=,如下面的形式x<-c(rep(1,5),rep(2,3),rep(3,4),rep(4,2));x要点:rep()的使用方法。

rep(a,b)即将a重复b次Ex2.4n <- 5; H<-array(0,dim=c(n,n))for (i in 1:n){for (j in 1:n){H[i,j]<-1/(i+j-1)}};HG <- solve(H);G #求H的逆矩阵ev <- eigen(H);ev #求H的特征值和特征向量要点:数组初始化;for循环的使用待解决:如何将很长的命令(如for循环)用几行打出来再执行?每次想换行的时候一按回车就执行了还没打完的命令...Ex2.5StudentData<-data.frame(name=c("zhangsan","lisi","wangwu","zhaoliu","dingyi"),sex=c("F","M", "F","M","F"),age=c("14","15","16","14","15"),height=c("156","165","157","162","159"),weight=c( "42","49","41.5","52","45.5"));StudentData要点:数据框的使用待解决:SSH登陆linux服务器中文显示乱码。



如何在Excel中使用Histogram进行频率分布分析Excel 是一款功能强大的电子表格软件,其中的直方图(Histogram)功能可以帮助我们进行频率分布分析,从而更好地理解和呈现数据。

本文将向您介绍如何在 Excel 中使用直方图。

一、创建直方图前的准备工作在使用直方图前,您需要首先准备好要分析的数据,并确保这些数据已经整理在 Excel 中。


二、打开 Excel 并选择数据范围首先,打开 Excel 并在工作表中选择包含要分析的数据的范围。

在这个例子中,我们先假设员工工资数据存储在 A 列中。


请按照以下步骤操作:1. 在 Excel 工作表的菜单栏中选择“插入”选项卡。

2. 在“图表”组中,找到“直方图”选项,点击它。

3. Excel 将根据您之前选择的数据范围自动创建一个初始的直方图。

四、调整直方图样式和布局默认情况下,Excel 根据数据范围和分布情况自动生成直方图。


请遵循以下步骤进行操作:1. 选中直方图2. 在 Excel 的菜单栏中选择“布局”选项卡。

3. 在“轴”组中,您可以更改 X 轴和 Y 轴的标题,以便更好地标识数据的含义。

4. 在“标签”组中,您可以更改直方图的标题。

5. 在“样式”组中,您可以选择不同的样式和颜色主题,以使直方图更加美观。





六、调整直方图参数Excel 的直方图功能还可以根据用户的需求进行进一步调整。

以下是一些常见的调整参数:1. 调整区间宽度:您可以更改直方图的区间宽度,以便更好地适应数据的分布情况。

python excelwriter用法

python excelwriter用法

python excelwriter用法ExcelWriter是pandas库中的一个类,用于将pandas数据结构(如DataFrame)写入Excel文件。

以下是其基本用法:首先,你需要导入pandas库:pythonimport pandas as pd然后,你可以使用ExcelWriter创建一个Excel文件,并将数据写入其中。

以下是一个简单的例子:python# 创建一个ExcelWriter对象writer = pd.ExcelWriter('output.xlsx')# 假设你有一个DataFrame dfdf = pd.DataFrame({'Data': [10, 20, 30, 20, 15, 30, 45]})# 将DataFrame写入Excel文件df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Sheet1')# 保存Excel文件在这个例子中,我们首先创建了一个ExcelWriter对象,指定了要写入的Excel文件的名称('output.xlsx')。



注意,如果你的Excel文件已经存在,并且你不希望覆盖它,你应该在创建ExcelWriter 对象时添加mode='a'参数,以在现有文件中追加数据。

但是,需要注意的是,pandas 的ExcelWriter默认引擎(openpyxl或xlsxwriter)不支持追加模式。







1.[单选题]模型顺序简单,最使用使用()方式创建模型A)SequentialB)函数式API创建任意结构模型C)Model子类化创建自定义模型D)自定义函数2.[单选题]为节省神经网络模型的训练时间,神经网络模型的权重和偏移参数一般初始化为A)0.5B)1C)随机值D)03.[单选题]Alf属于[0,1],A,B是平面上点,alf*A + (1-alf)*B的意义是A)过AB两点直线B)A和B构成的线段C)A和B的向量和D)A和B构成的集合4.[单选题]理论上激活效果最好的函数是:A)reluB)leaky-reluC)sigmoidD)tanh5.[单选题]如需要定义tf的常量X = tf.constant(2.0,shape=[1,2])语句结果是A)2B)[2.0, 2.0]C)[[2.0, 2.0]]D)[[2.0], [2.0]]6.[单选题]关于交叉验证与自动调参,下列说法错误的是()。

A)交叉验证将数据集分为多组训练集与测试集对B)交叉验证能有效降低测试准确率的差异C)GridSearchCV类会遍历所有参数值的组合D)GridSearchCV类适用于数据量较大的数据集7.[单选题]下列有关卷积神经网络CNN和循环神经网络RNN的描述,错误的是( )A)CNN与RNN都是传统神经网络的扩展。









Presentationin Half the TimeBy Tony Burns and Olivia MitchellEffective Speaking© 2008 - Effective SpeakingVer 080406This workbook is copyright and is not to be reproduced or used in anyform without the express written permission of the authors. Copiesmay be purchased – see page 33 for details..ContentsOverview (4)The Problem - Why traditional planning doesn’t work (4)The Solution – “Presenting by Boxes” (5)The Benefits of Presenting by Boxes (6)Key Message (7)Improving your Key Message (8)What’s important to your audience? (8)Is it short? (9)Does it avoid the Curse of Knowledge? (9)Does it say something new? (10)Is it concrete? (10)Structure (11)Why-What-How (11)Problem-Solution-Benefits (12)Filling in the boxes (14)Assertions (14)Evidence (15)Metaphors and Analogies (16)Endorsements from a Credible Expert (17)Numbers and Statistics (17)Examples and Stories (17)Setting the Scene (19)Introduce yourself (19)Introduce and define terms (20)Make a connection (20)Establish your credibility (20)Acknowledge concerns (20)Give them a reason for listening (20)Signposting (21)Flag (21)Preview (22)Opening and closing the boxes (23)Summary (23)Notes (24)Our recommended format (24)Running your notes on your laptop (25)Rehearsing with your notes (25)If you have to use a script (25)Appendix (27)Audience Analysis (27)Additional Structures (29)Slicing (29)Stacking (30)Emotional Engagement (31)Story-telling (32)OverviewThe Problem - Why traditional planning doesn’t work Many people struggle to put together apresentation. It takes them far too long and doesn’t result in an engaging and persuasivepresentation.A key problem is that they try to deliver too much information in a presentation. It can be hard to prioritise what should go in a presentation, and the easy solution is to include everything. But delivering all this information to your audience is likely to overwhelm them. Imagine your knowledge is alump of dough. It’s as if you took the entire lump and threw it at the audience.To put together an effective presentation, you’ll need to discard most of what you know on your topic. There is a difference between your knowledge and the content that should go into your presentation. To continue the dough metaphor, roll out your dough (your knowledge) and then take a cookie cutter and precisely cut out the pieces that you want to go into the presentation. Discard the rest.Time-saver tipSome people like tobrainstorm to gather material for their presentation. We don’t recommendthis. Part of the art of preparing a presenting is rigorous editing. If you try and capture everything you know on the topic, you’ll need to spend Fig 1. Use a cookie cutter to cut out thepieces of your knowledge you need.The Solution – “Presenting by Boxes”The Effective Speaking system called “Presenting by Boxes” will help you do this. Here’s an overview of the system:You’ll construct your presentation by filling in the boxes. Here’s a preview of the boxes:Setting the SceneIn Setting the Scene you’ll introduce your topic and get the audience ready to listen to your presentation.Key Message Your Key Message is the main point that you want to get across to youraudience. You’ll see that the Key Message box is there twice. You repeat your Key Message at the end of the presentation to help the audienceremember it.Boxes 1, 2 and 3You’ll organise the information to support your Key Message into threeboxes of information. We’ll show you two different ways of doing this.Fig 2. The Presenting by Boxes systemThe Benefits of Presenting by BoxesThis Presenting by Boxes system will save you preparation time and help you create a presentation which is engaging and easy to follow. It helps you at everystage of your presentation:。



Canoco practical (also for a brief general introduction) Page numbers such as p.4 refer to the hand-out “Canoco 5 for Canoco 4 users”. For brevity, key sequences such as Alt-A-A-Enter are used. If you type such sequences slowly, you see onscreen what you would normally select by mouse clicks. Lower case letters work in these cases, so Alt-a-a-Enter gives the same result. Working in pairs helps: let one person dictate the sequences and both of you can see what happens.1. Importing data and first analysisWe will work with the classic dune meadow data (Jongman et al., 1987). It is on the composition of plant communities on meadows, recorded in 20 plots, and how this composition is related to recorded characteristics of the environment and of grassland management. The data is inC:\Program Files\Canoco5\Samples\DuneData.xlsxin two sheets, Plants and Environment.1.1 Optionally, first look in Excel at the data. Do not close Excel as you can use it again (copy and paste results in a new sheet).1.2 Start Canoco5: double-click the Canoco 5 icon or via the Program Menu. When you run Canoco 5 for the first time, it opens a Canoco5 First Steps window. The final bullet point says how to create a new project using File|Import project|from Excel... Follow your hand-out Introduction Canoco5 (p.5-9) to import both sheets, as separate data tables, perform the Introductory Analysis and save the project with a name of your choice.1.3 Have a look at the data in Canoco5 to check whether all is OK. Check the Environment data and hoover with the mouse over the cell C3 (above Management). What kind of variable is it?1.4 Right-click on cell C3 and choose the one-before last option (Expand to dummy variables). Look at the result: the old Canoco 4 coding of factor variables. Click Ctrl-Z for undo; we want to keep the factor as it is.1.5 Now hoover with the mouse over the cell C4 (above Use Type). What kind of variable is it? But note that it has just three distinct values (1, 2 and 3) representing use for hay production (1) and grazing (3) and intermediate (2). Perhaps you want to treat Use Type as a factor with three levels. For this, right-click on cell C4 and again choose the one-before last option (Convert factor) and accept. Inspect the result. Undo the transformation to stay in tune with the following.1.6 Right-click on the top-left cell to see that you can copy and export (to Canoco format and CSV and TAB format a.o.), change the table kind to ‘compositional’ (that is, the current kind is ‘general’), transform the data and change name and row/column terms (in this table, column terms only; in first table both).1.7 Click on the Plants tab (first table, depending on your input). Check that it is, at present, compositional. Or look at Data Tables (left top of Canoco 5 window).1.8 Inspect the starting analysis by clicking on the first analysis ‘Unconstrained-suppl-vars’ on the left of the Canoco window. By this, you are ‘leaving’ the Data Notebookwith its table, and enter an ‘Analysis Notebook’. Which percentage of variation is explained in two dimensions?1.9 Inspect Graph 1 by clicking on its tab. There are at least three types of scores in this plot. Which? If you have no idea, invoke ‘Describe graph contents’ . Note that the environmental variables are represented by arrows. But how is Management represented ? What makes Management different from the other variables that it is represented in this way? (Hint: p.4, top panel).1.10 To highlight the meadows in the graph, click on the circle of meadow 19 (for example), right-click and click Select suchlike. All meadow circles are now selected.Highlight these by clicking which opens the Attribute editor. Click on Fill, choose the red color, click Apply, Close and click somewhere else in the graph. The graph has now red meadow points (with black outline, which you could also change to red).1.11 Try to move a text item in the graph, for example, to position it even better. Try to move a meadow point. Why does this not work?2. New analysis: Constrained analysis, ranking theexplanatory variables and embellish the graph.In this exercise we want to model plant species as a function of environmental variables (plant species ~ environmental variables), but which ones are the most important? 12.1 Add such an analysis by typing Alt-A-A-Enter (type slowly and follow on screen what you select in this sequence) or click New.. ] and use p.12-14 to complete the analysis either by CCA (advised by the Adviser) or RDA. [If you changed in 1.6 the Environment data to compositional, no constrained analysis is offered, as compositional data normally do not take the role of explanatory data. So, change the table kind of Environment back to ‘general’]. Accept the defaults, but do not forget to change the default in Test or Explore to Summarize effects of expl. variables. Accept the default graphs suggested by the Graph Wizard.2.2 How much percentage variation would be explained by Manure Amount if it were the only explanatory variable in the analysis? Is it the best variable in this sense? To see it, you may need to scroll down the Summary page of the Notebook of the second analysis, named Constrained. (By the way, you can change the name of the analysis to make clear, for example, whether you selected CCA or RDA).2.3 Look up Manure Amount in the next table headed Conditional effects. You may need to scroll down the list (or Copy the table to the clipboard and paste it in a new Excel file or sheet). How much percentage variation is explained by Manure Amount and why does this percentage differ from that in the previous table headed Simple1 If you did not do exercise 1, you can start withC:\Program Files\Canoco5\Samples\Chapter2\DunesFromExcel.c5pand save this project under My Documents. To stay in tune, change the table items: Alt-W-1, right-click in top-left cell, and select last option, change row names to meadow (meadows) and species to plant species.effects? Do you understand why is it so much lower and why is Manure Amount significant in Simple effects but not in Conditional effects?2.4 At least how many explanatory variables are needed to explain to plant data; which variables?2.5 Inspect Graph 1 of this analysis (produced by the Graph Wizard) by clicking on its tab. (If there is no such graph yet, type Alt-G-A-A to invoke the Graph Wizard for the current analysis). Note that the default colours for explanatory variables differ from those in the unconstrained analysis. Otherwise, Graph 1 appears as a slightly rotated version of that of the previous analysis; but it does not contain any meadow points.2.6 Create a graph such as Graph 1 but with meadows. Hint: Alt-G-T-Enter. (T= triplot).2.7 In Canoco 4.x you had to choose a scaling for ordination axes right away. Now you get a graph, but which is its scaling? Find out by clicking Describe contents . Just for fun, try to use another scaling in the graph: click and change at the scaling of the model type you used in this analysis (Top: Linear; bottom: Unimodal models) and click . Undo the change (Ctrl-Z).2.8 Triplots are often overcrowded, so let’s plot meadows separately. Hint: Alt-G-S-Enter-↓-Enter. Which scaling is chosen by default?2.9 Let’s highlight the differences between the Management types in the graph. For this, we must first Classify the cases (meadows), starting with Alt-P-C-C-Enter-Enter. Click From data. Change Data Table from Plants to Environment. Click Management, OK, OK, check the Use selected classification in graphs, OK. Now recreate the graph (click ).2.10 We miss a legend in the graph. So let’s ask to include a legend by Alt-E-S-↓-Enter, check the Create Legend box, OK. Also ask for envelopes around the management types by Alt-A-P- check the meadows box under Plot envelopes, OK. Now recreate the graph (click ). Which two management classes appear most dissimilar according to the plot? [Note that you have two sets of options for graphs, the first option set used applies to all new analyses/graphs in the project; therefore it is under Edit. The second option set applies to graphs of a particular analysis; therefore it is under Analysis.]2.11 Store the project.2.12 There are two straightforward extensions of the exercise: adding an analysis to test for the significance of each of the constrained axes and adding an analysis directly comparing the constrained analysis with the corresponding unconstrained analysis (p.13 top). But perhaps it is time for something simpler.3. Comparing two groups; a multivariate t-testThis exercise makes a graph such as on p.2 bottom, but using the Dune Meadow data. To stay as close to this example and the t-test, we use redundancy analysis (RDA) in this example with a single explanatory variable, namely a factor with two levels (or a variable with just two values). There is no such factor in the Dune Meadow data so far, so let’s create one. See the footnote on page 2 if you start here.3.1 Go to the Environment data table (p.9 bottom, or type Alt-W-1, click Environment). Right-click in cell C2 (above Moisture) and select Convert .. to factor and select as Conversion Strategy, Intervals with (rough) same count, OK. Save the project under a new name, as the data was changed. [In real life, first copy Moisture to column C6, convert there, give the variable another name, because you do not want to lose (detail in) your data; but let’s keep things simple for now]3.2 Add an RDA analysis with as single explanatory variable the factor you just created (Moisture). [Tip: to do so quickly, select all environmental variables in the right box and move them to the left box. Now select Moisture in the left box and move it to the right box]. Accept the default graphs. You end up with a summary and three graphs.3.3 Is there a significant difference between the two moisture classes, or more precisely, do the two moisture classes differ significantly in terms of their plant species composition? [This test avoids the problem of multiple testing created by testing each plant species separately]. Click Histogram and Help in the window it generates so see what it represents.3.4 On the basis of Graph 1: is plant species Lol per on average more abundant in the low moisture class than in the high moisture class?3.5 Graph 2 looks quite colourful, because Management type is still to be plotted in graphs. Where do SF (standard farming) plots lay compared to NM (nature management) plots? Graph 3 is specialized for analyses with a single factor. How well are the classes separated? Which axis shows this? What might be visible vertically? (Hint: see also Graph 2).3.6 Graph 3 differs from that on p.2 bottom in that it lacks supplementary variables. Suppose we want to add the other variables in the Environment data table as Supplementary data. For this, we need to define a constrained analysis withsupplementary variables: response ~ explanatory factor [supplementary variables]. Such a template is available under Advanced Constrained Analyses. So, add a new analysis and in the New Analysis Wizard, expand the Advanced Constrained Analyses folder (by a double click; you may need to scroll down to see it) and select the third template, named Constrained-supplementary (plant species ~environmental variables + [environmental variables].Next, specify Moisture as only explanatory variable and the other variables as Supplementary variables. Accept the default graphs. Graph 3 of this analysis is what we were seeking. Where is the point for SF (standard farming) and where is NM (nature management) and in which direction points Manure Amount? Guess how the triangle points of SF and NM are defined in terms of those of the meadow points belonging to these classes.3.7 [Advanced]. Let’s try to generate something like Graph 3 ourselves from scratch. We want, for example, later include not only the means for the moisture classes, but also some other variables. Therefore we need to understand the details of Graph 3. To plot the meadows and moisture classes, type Alt-G-B-↓-↓-Enter (selecting Meadows + Environmental variables).Perhaps to your surprise this gives not something like Graph 3. What do you see? Note that we did a kind of ANOVA which gives means; here two means, one for Moi1 and one for Moi2, as is visible in the graph. Meadows are plotted by way of these fitted values. To change this, use Alt-A-P Use CaseR scores (p.27 bottom) and recreate the graph. Now add envelopes for meadows belonging to each Moisture classes (see exercise 2.9). Recreate now gives a graph such as Graph 3 but with added centres of the classes. To obtain a similar graph with supplementary variables use a triplot: Alt-G-T- ↓-↓-Enter (with environmental variables and environmental variables (suppl)).4. Response curves, label and contour plotsIn this exercise we return to the Constrained analysis of exercise 2 and will add some graphs with response curves and contour plots to its Analysis Notebook. Open the project you stored after exercise 2 (File | Recent Files| 1 or 2?) as we want Moisture to be quantitative…4.1 Click first on analysis Constrained to show its Notebook (alternatively, type Alt-W-3-Enter). To draw response curves (under Graph| Attribute plots), type Alt-G-A-Enter-↓-↓-Enter. You seeYou can make response curves with respect to any variable in the data tables and results (select Type). Here we take Axis 1 of the Constrained Axes. Select it (name should change to blue) and also, for example, the first 6 species Achillea to Bellis. Now Model Options light up. Click on it and change linear to quadratic model and Gaussian to Poisson (if not yet set so). Check the Quasi box and OK, OK and then OK for each individual species. You end up with a summary of all fits and thena graph with six response curves. Note you can change the label of the horizontal axis from CaseE.1 to something you like.These are all quadratic fits, but perhaps the quadratic term is not always needed. For this you can check the Stepwise select box in Model Options. This works as well for craftsmanship’s curves using GAM with e.g. 4 df (degrees of freedom).4.2 Make a similar set of curves with respect to Moisture.4.3 We now want to plot the amounts of Achillea in ordination space (under Attribute plots). Type Alt-G-A-Enter-Enter. Expand Plant species in the left box and select Achillea and click OK. The amounts of Achillea are visualized both by the size of the circles (with a small + for a zero amount/absence) and the amounts are also shown numerically.4.4 We make a contourplot of Achillea in ordination space (under Attribute plots). Type Alt-G-A-Enter-Enter again, select Achillea as before and now select loess model to obtain a smooth surface.4.5 Attribute plots in ordination space have predefined axes. You can choose your own axes in Graph|Attribute plots| XY(Z) diagrams. Type Alt-G-A-Enter-↓- Enter to get (you can enlarge this box):Compared to exercise 4.4 we have two more lists (the top two), where we can define our own variables. Select for X Moisture (in the first Environmental Variables list) and for Y Manure, and select Loess model and Achillea in First attribute and OK (see snapshot)The positions of the cases and their names are also plotted.5. Variation partitioningIn this exercise we try to find out which part of the variation in the plant species data is due to the soil variables (Moisture and A1 horizon) and which ones to Management including Manure and what their shared part is.5.1 Start a new analysis as in exercise 2 and now open the Variation Partioning Analyses folder in the New Analysis Setup wizard (p. 12 bottom) by double clicking (to see Variation … you may have to enlarge the window). The first template is OK; it tests Conditional effect, the other tests Simple effects of the groups of explanatory variables. Accept the use of Adjusted variation and then you assign variables to each of two groups. Select First Group and assign Moisture and A1 horizon to it; then select Second Group and assign Management and Manure Amount to it (snapshot).Accept all further defaults. See p.17 bottom for the result. See that the Analysis Notebook has now a dedicated first page, called Partitioning. This page collects main results from the three steps needed to obtain the partitioning result. In Canoco 4.x you had to define and carry out these three analysis and then compute the results yourself. The individual analyses (in Canoco 5 called steps) are still visible in the Summary page, which says that the analysis has 3 steps. See also section 1.7 of the tutorial.pdf. There are already three graphs in this Analysis Notebook (created by Advise Graph). If you want to make your own graphs, you must select the Step by Alt-A-S-S-Enter. See section 1.6 the tutorial.pdf ; I recommend to make custom-made graphs ofa single step analysis for simplicity; so first, newly create yourself the analysis you want custom graphs for.6. Principal response curvesIn C:\Program Files\Canoco5\Samples\Advanced there are two example projects for PRC. Open one of them, select an analys is and click Modify... to see how it is defined.。






在命令行中输入以下命令进行安装:```pip install openpyxl```2.读取Excel文件首先,我们需要导入openpyxl库,并使用openpyxl.load_workbook()函数读取Excel文件。

```pythonimport openpyxl# 读取Excel文件workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("example.xlsx")```3.提取特定数据接下来,我们需要根据需求提取Excel文件中的特定数据。

以下是一个简单的示例,提取A1单元格的值:```python# 提取A1单元格数据cell_value = workbook["Sheet1"].cell(1, 1).value```三、将提取的数据写入新表1.创建新表结构首先,我们需要创建一个新的Excel文件,并设置新表的结构。

以下代码示例创建了一个包含3列的新表:```python# 创建新表ew_workbook = workbook.copy(title="New Sheet")# 获取新表ew_sheet = new_workbook["New Sheet"]# 设置新表列宽for col in range(1, 4):new_sheet["A" + str(col)].column_width = 10```2.写入数据接下来,我们将提取的特定数据写入新表。

df.to_excel的用法 -回复

df.to_excel的用法 -回复




在这个过程中,df.to_excel 是一个常用的函数,用于将DataFrame数据存储到Excel文件中。




具体代码如下:pythonimport pandas as pd第二步:创建DataFrame数据在存储DataFrame数据之前,我们首先需要创建一份数据。

DataFrame 数据可以由多种方式创建,比如从CSV文件读取、从数据库查询等。


具体代码如下:pythondata = {'Name': ['Tom', 'Nick', 'John'],'Age': [25, 30, 35],'Country': ['USA', 'Canada', 'UK']}df = pd.DataFrame(data)以上代码创建了一个包含姓名、年龄和国家的DataFrame数据。

第三步:将DataFrame数据存储到Excel文件中接下来,我们可以使用df.to_excel函数将DataFrame数据存储到Excel 文件中。

该函数使用以下语法:pythondf.to_excel('file_name.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', index=False)其中:- 'file_name.xlsx'表示Excel文件的文件名,您可以自定义命名,但需要确保扩展名为.xlsx。

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How to create a Histogram in Excel
First, the Data Analysis "toolpak" must be installed. To do this, pull down the Tools menu, and choose Add-Ins.
You need to have a column of numbers in the spreadsheet that you wish to create the histogram from, AND you need to have a column of intervals or "Bin" to be the upper boundary category labels on the X-axis of the histogram. See example of spreadsheet below:
Pull Down the Tools Menu and Choose Data Analysis, and then choose Histogram and click OK. Enter the Input Range of the data you want (In the example above it would be C5:C29) and enter the Bin Range (E5:E14 in example above). Choose whether you want the output in a new worksheet ply, or in a defined output range on the same spreadsheet. If you choose in the example above to have the output range H5, and you clicked OK, the spreadsheet would look like this:
The next step is to make a bar chart of the Frequency column (I6:I15 in the example above). Block the frequency range, click on the graph Wizard, and choose Column Graph, click on Finish. Delete the Series legend, right click on the edge of the graph and choose Source Data , and enter the Bin frequencies (H6:H15) for the X-Axis Category labels. Notice the labels have been manually altered to represnet a range (54-56) instead of just the upper boundary (56). Right click on any of the bars and choose Format Data Series . Choose the Options tab, reduce the Gap Width to zero and click OK.
Dress up the graph by right clicking on the edge of the graph and choosing Chart Options. Enter a complete descriptive title with data source, perhaps data labels, and axes labels. You may also right click and format the color of the bars and
background. The completed Histogram should look something like this:。
