
网络营销中英文对照外文翻译文献E-MarketingE-Marketing is the use of digital ___。
It is a subset of e-business and includes activities such as online advertising。
search engine n。
email marketing。
social media marketing。
and mobile marketing.The first step in ___ target audience。
This can be done through market research。
analyzing website traffic。
and studying social media trends。
Once the target audience is identified。
the next step is to create a marketing plan that includes goals。
and metrics.One of the advantages of e-marketing is ___。
it is ___ of content。
and currency are all ___.Search engine n (SEO) is a critical component of e-marketing。
By optimizing website content and structure。
businesses canimprove their search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their site。
Social media ___ e-marketing。

网络营销英文作文In today's digital age, online marketing has become an essential strategy for businesses to reach their target audience. With the rise of social media and e-commerce platforms, companies can now connect with potential customers in a more direct and personalized way.Creating engaging content is key to capturing the attention of online users. Whether it's through blog posts, videos, or social media updates, businesses need to provide valuable and relevant information that resonates with their audience.Utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter allows businesses to interact with their customers on a more personal level. By responding to comments, messages, and reviews, companies can build trust and loyalty with their audience.Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial forbusinesses to increase their online visibility. By optimizing their website and content for relevant keywords, companies can improve their search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.Email marketing remains an effective way for businesses to nurture leads and convert them into customers. By sending personalized and targeted emails, companies can build relationships with their audience and drive sales.Influencer marketing has become a popular strategy for businesses to reach new audiences. By partnering with influencers who have a large and engaged following, companies can leverage their credibility and reach to promote their products or services.Paid advertising, such as Google AdWords and social media ads, can help businesses reach a larger audience and drive targeted traffic to their website. By carefully targeting their ads and monitoring their performance, companies can maximize their return on investment.Overall, online marketing offers businesses a variety of tools and strategies to connect with their target audience in a more personalized and effective way. By creating engaging content, leveraging social media, optimizing for search engines, and utilizing other tactics, companies can increase their online visibility and drive sales.。

消费者行为学外文文献翻译(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文Psychological Factors Influencing Buyer BehaviorGeoff LancasterPsychological factors are the fourth major influence on consumer buying behavior (in addition to cultural, social, and personal factors). In general, a pers on’s buying choices are influenced by the psychological factors of motivation, perception, learning, beliefs, and attitudes.Importance of understanding customer motivesThe task of marketing is to identify co nsumers’ needs and wants accurately, then to develop products and services that will satisfy them. For marketing to be successful, it is not sufficient to merely discover what customers require, but to find out why it is required. Only by gaining a deep and comprehensive understanding of buyer behavior can marketing’s goals be realized. Such an understanding of buyer behavior works to the mutual advantage of the consumer and marketer, allowing the marketer to become better equipped to satisfy the consumer ’s needs efficiently and establish a loyal group of customers with positive attitudes towards the company’s products.Consumer behavior can be formally defined as: the acts of individuals directly involved in obtaining and using economic goods andservices, including the decision processes that precede and determine these acts. The underlying concepts of this chapter form a system in which the individual consumer is the core, surrounded by an immediate and a wider environment that influences his or her goals. These goals are ultimately satisfied by passing through a number of problem-solving stages leading to purchase decisions. The study and practice of marketing draws on a great many sources that contribute theory, information, inspiration and advice. In the past, the main input to the theory of consumer behaviour has come from psychology. More recently, the interdisciplinary importance of consumer behaviour has increased such that sociology, anthropology, economics and mathematics also contribute to the science relating to this subject.MotivationA person has many needs at any given time. Some needs are biogenic; they arise from physiological states of tension such as hunger, thirst, discomfort. Other needs are psychogenic; they arise from psychological states of tension such as the need for recognition, esteem, or belonging. A need becomes a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity. A motive is a need that is sufficiently pressing to drive the person to act.Purchasing motivation is to make consumers to buy a commodity decision-making internal driving force, is a cause of purchase behavior ofthe premise, also is the cause of her behavior. Specific include the following aspects:(1) Rational motivationRational motivation some goods to consumers is a clear understanding and cognitive, of the goods in more familiar conducted based on the rational choice and make the purchase behavior. It includes:1. ApplyApply for a realistic performance psychological, consumer products is important to the most basic, most core functions. In the choose and buy goods, pay close attention to its technical performance, and appearance, the price, the brand of the added value of products on the second.2. The economyEconomic performance as a cream for psychological. By the comparison of several kinds of goods, in other conditions basic similar circumstances, this kind of customer to price appear quite sensitive, they are generally by price material benefit as the first element of choice.3. ReliableHigh quality product is the customer can rest assured the basis of consumption. Reliable is in essence a pursuit of high quality consumer reflect. So the brand name products has the trust of the people, just because it is reliable in quality.(2) feeling motivationFeeling motivation can't simply understand for not rational motivation. It is mainly composed of social and psychological factors arise willingness to buy and impulse. It is difficult to have a feeling motivation objective standard, but is substantially from the psychology.1. To show off psychologyThis kind of psychological in high income levels, more common. Income that they have the capital to show off, so in shopping on they will show their status and appreciate level. Many luxury brand manufacturers is seize the group psychological tendency, have introduced all kinds of expensive luxury goods.2. Compare psychologyComparison is a kind of psychological mutatis mutandis. In the same social groups inside, each member lists each other, who don't want to lag behind others. This kind of psychological on consumption appears to be a motive, others have what high-grade goods, own also must have.3. Conformity psychologyThis kind of psychological reflected in life circle, people want to follow in the circle the pace of most people. So that others think good products, own also followed approval; Others what to buy goods, oneself also can follow to buy.Psychologists have developed theories of human motivation. Three of the best known — the theories of Sigmund Freud, Abraham Maslow,and Frederick Herzberg— carry quite different implications for consumer analysis and marketing strategy. Freud’s theory. Sigmund Freud assumed that the psychological forces shaping people’s behavior are largely unconscious, and that a person cannot fully understand his or her own mo tivations. A technique called laddering can be used to trace a person’s motivations from the stated instrumental ones to the more terminal ones. Then the marketer can decide at what level to develop the message and appeal. In line with Freud’s theory, cons umers react not only to the stated capabilities of specific brands, but also to other, less conscious cues. Successful marketers are therefore mindful that shape, size, weight, material, color, and brand name can all trigger certain associations and emotions.Maslow’s theory. Abraham Maslow sought to explain why people are driven by particular needs at particular times. His theory is that human needs are arranged in a hierarchy, from the most to the least pressing. In order of importance, these five categories are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization needs. A consumer will try to satisfy the most important need first; when that need is satisfied, the person will try to satisfy the next-most-pressing need. Maslow’s theory helps market ers understand how various products fit into the plans, goals, and lives of consumers.Herzberg’s theory. Frederick Herzberg developed a two -factortheory that distinguishes dissatisfiers (factors that cause dissatisfaction) from satisfiers (factors that cause satisfaction).the absence of dissatisfiers is not enough; satisfiers must be actively present to motivate a purchase. For example, a computer that comes without a warranty would be a dissatisfy. Y et the presence of a product warranty would not act as a satisfier or motivator of a purchase, because it is not a source of intrinsic satisfaction with the computer. Ease of use would, however, be a satisfier for a computer buyer. In line with this theory, marketers should avoid dissatisfiers that might unseal their products. They should also identify and supply the major satisfiers or motivators of purchase, because these satisfiers determine which brand consumers will buy.PerceptionA motivated person is ready to act, yet how that person actually acts is influenced by his or her perception of the situation. Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception depends not only on physical stimuli, but al so on the stimuli’s relation to the surrounding field and on conditions within the individual.The key word is individual. Individuals can have different perceptions of the same object because of three perceptual processes: selective attention, selective distortion, and selective retention.Selective attention. People are exposed to many daily stimuli such asads; most of these stimuli are screened out— a process called selective attention. The end result is that marketers have to work hard to attract consu mers’ attention. Through research, marketers have learned that people are more likely to notice stimuli that relate to a current need, which is why car shoppers notice car ads but not appliance ads. Furthermore, people are more likely to notice stimuli that they anticipate —such as foods being promoted on a food Web site. And people are more likely to notice stimuli whose deviations are large in relation to the normal size of the stimuli, such as a banner ad offering $100 (not just $5) off a product’s list price.Selectively reserved. People forget much about what they have learned, but tend to retain information to support their attitudes and beliefs. Because of selective retention, we are all likely to remember information that is good and that we like about this product. We will forget to mention the advantages of the competitive products mentioned in the product. Selecting reservations explains why merchants use drama and repetition to convey information to the target audience.Consumer learning.When people do things, they will learn first. Learning involves personal behavioral changes. This is personal experience. The vast majority of human behavior is learning. Scientists believe that learning is driven by interactions, stimuli, clues, reactions, and reinforcement. Adriver is a strong internal stimulus that promotes action. Slightly stimulating the club is deciding when, where, and how a person responds. Let's say you buy an IBM computer. If your experience is worth it, your reaction to computers and IBM will be reinforced. Later, when you want to buy a printer, you can assume that because IBM computers do a good job, their printers should do well. The experience you have now extends to your similar stimulation to the outside world. An anti-universal discrimination ability, people learn to identify a set of similar stimulus differences and adjust the corresponding response. Using the learned theory, businesses can establish a certain amount of product demand, take a strong drive, use incentive signals, and provide positive reinforcement.Faith and attitudeThrough doing and learning, people gain beliefs and attitudes, which in turn affect their purchasing behavior. Belief is to describe a person having mastered something. Beliefs may be based on knowledge, opinions, or trust. They may or may not have emotional changes. Of course, manufacturers are very interested in people's beliefs, which are related to the products and services they provide. These beliefs constitute the concept of product and brand image, and their own idol of people's behavior. If some beliefs are wrong, consumers will curb purchases. Manufacturers hope to correct these beliefs by organizing an activity. The fact that is especially important for global manufacturers is that buyersoften hold different beliefs about whether they are brands or products, which is mainly based on the cultural origin of a country. Research found that, for example, the type of product changes with the place of production. Consumers want to know where these cars are produced rather than where they come from. In addition, the attitude of origin may change over time; for example, in Japan, the quality of its cars before the Second World War was very poor.A company has a number of options when its origin of the product changes to consumers. Companies can consider cooperating with foreign companies, and even get a better name. Another alternative is to hire a famous celebrity endorsement product. Or the company can continue to produce at the local factory but when a new strategy is adopted, the products produced have high quality to achieve world-class quality. This choice is true, such as Belgian chocolate and Colombian coffee. This is where South African wine merchants are trying to do the same and imitate them in order to increase their wine exports. The previous image of South African wines was not good, because in people's perception, their vineyard cultivation was primitive compared to other countries, and the grape-growing peasants continued to perform rough labor. In fact, the lives of South African wine farmers have improved their workers. “Wine is the origin of a product and we cannot succeed if South Africa does not look good,” said William Babb, an agricultural cooperative thatdominates the industry. Attitudes and beliefs are as important as they affect people's buying behavior. This kind of attitude is a person's lasting favorable and unfavorable evaluation, emotional feeling, which is a tendency towards something or ideas and actions. People almost have their own attitude toward everything: religion, politics, clothes, music, food. Attitudes put them in a frame where the mind likes or dislikes an object, moves toward or away from it.Attitudes lead people to perform fairly steadily toward similar goals. Because of the ideological attitude of saving energy, they are very difficult to change. Changing a single attitude may require major adjustments in other attitudes.Therefore, a company should be recommended to produce products that fit the company's existing attitude rather than trying to change people's attitudes. Of course, attempts to change attitudes occasionally succeed. Look at the milk industry. By the early 1990s, milk consumption had fallen for 25 years, because the general understanding was that milk was unhealthy, outdated, only for children, and then the National Fluid Milk Processor Education Program triggered millions of dollars in printed advertisements showing milk , V ery popular activities have changed attitudes, and in the process, milk consumption has rapidly increased. Milk producers have also established an online milk club, members promise daily and three glasses of milk.中文译文心理因素影响购买行为作者:Geoff Lancaster心理因素是第四重要影响消费者的购买行为(除了文化、社会和个人因素) 。

微信营销中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:WeChat Marketing ReviewJohn Scouriaspresent situationWeChat micro-blog marketing be just unfolding, and quicklybecame the brand manufacturers in addition to the official micro-blog another Internet marketing hot. Since August 18, 2012WeChat public platform officially launched, the media, brands and celebrities use more methods to their fans push all kinds of information, more and more WeChat marketing effectcan not be ignored. WeChat marketing, and gradually spread to the domestic industry salesfield, and plays an important role to change the existing marketing mode. This paper is a summary of the relevant WeChat marketing research summary of predecessors, throughanalysis, summary of the scholars of the WeChat marketing research. The advantages and disadvantages of WeChat marketing mode, and WeChat marketing prospects, existing problems and countermeasures are summarized, and put forward the direction of theirthinking.Theme1.WeChat born marketing modelIn recent years, although the domestic enterprises in the electronic marketing aspects withgreatly improved but it is still will be influenced and restricted by social environment. When the enterprise risk in the marketing process, then because of the risk and the cost will rise, while the sales of the product will be affected, thisis very dangerous for enterprises. How to get agreater return on sales by small investment, has become a key issue in the enterprise need to consider, there WeChat is become a ready-made panacea to solve the enterprise marketing mode. The main way WeChat platform for public communication is a two-dimensional code,the emergence of a two-dimensional code is a creative transformation of many enterprises for domestic and international, it is the marketing and media industry has brought new impetus to the development of. In today's increasingly competitive market, WeChat these two-dimensional code, low cost, quick network marketing mode was used by many enterprises.From the opening of WeChat business point of view, they will put the dealer to WeChat camp,the enterprise can make some backbone staff participation, establishing a business WeChatarmy. From the information released, mainly in brand information, industry information,business activities, the official website, promotional activities, in fact, are for business promotion, brand building, information push to build a good platform.2. on the WeChat marketing model to explore(1)on the WeChat marketing mode is known as the following four modes:(2)LBS+see nearby "function,mining potential customers,opening up new channels of enterprise sales;(3)O2O+ "two-dimensional code scanning" function, boost brand virality, key entrancethrough online and offline businesses;(4)WeChat public platform+"circle of friends"new features,to create anew social relationships chain,to create a new mode of enterprise reputation; (5)WeChat interactive push, push through a brand can develop personalized,interactive activities and"fans",to provide more direct interaction experience.Zhang Li (2013) used in the analysis of enterprise marketing WeChat when, think to the enterprise, WeChat marketing or marketing mode must be used to distinguish, for differententerprises of different products and services, to adopt different marketing methods, such asO2O+, two-dimensional code scanning mode is suitable for dining, entertainment and otherproducts or services and users closely related enterprises; she also pointed out that WeChatmarketing cost is low, the advantages of potential customers.parison of definition of WeChat marketing and traditional modeWeChat marketing is the era of network economy on the innovation of marketing mode, and is accompanied by a kind of network marketing way of WeChat, WeChat has no distance limit,the user registration WeChat, and around the same registration "friends" to form aconnection, users subscribe to their required information businesses, by providing the needed information, the way of marketing to promote their products.Han Mei (2013) said WeChat is defined as a new media, the new network marketing channels,and to WeChat as an example, through the contrast WeChat platform for traditional network platform characteristics and advantages compared, analyzed the enterprise three characteristics by WeChat platform to carry outmarketing activities that word of mouth communication, content positioning precision marketing, the geographical position of marketing. To accept a high degree of accuracy and content is the use of the two characteristics of network marketing WeChat platform, and the two is the lack of the traditionalmass media marketing mode..I think,WeChat marketing to solve the major problems in marketing-- Discussion on precision marketing,WeChat marketing based on the mobile Internet is the first attempt to pioneer the precision marketing.WeChat public platform authentication account background according to the various conditions on the classification of the user,user specific information can be sent to a certification account classification.The dissemination of information WeChat public accountis the first by the user to choose,the user of the information rejection is small,and themessage type is rich,support mixed map and text or video,audio,flexible and diverse forms.As a mobile social networking application,the possibility of WeChat also provides greater public accounts and individual users to interact.Marketing: in WeChat public platform, everyone can use a QQ number, create an ownWeChat public number, and in the WeChat platform to achieve text, pictures, voice andspecific groups of the full range of communication, interaction. The recent wave of Cadillachad "found heart Highway No. 66" activities, WeChat public account every day will send a group of the most beautiful travel image to the user, in order to resonate. Other content, basic to the main models of beauties, suchas overseas spy photos show. Cadillac also use theaccount to publish real-time content, such as before the Shanghai released orange rainstormwarning, made a safe travel alert.This kind of marketing mode in Shandong auto show in Ji'nan has also been used, there is thepublic platform Cadillac exhibitors booth, visitors can scan two-dimensional code concern the public platform, to understand the dynamic Cadillac automobile 4S shop.Starbucks"woke up"mode:interactive push WeChatMarketing:to push through a brand can develop personalized,interactive activities and"fans",to provide more direct interaction experience.When users add as friend,"Starbucks"expresses feelings with WeChat expression,Starbucks will be based on the user sends amood,with"wake up"the album's music in response to user.This kind of marketing is in line with the characteristics of consumer groups,and the shape of the Starbucks image better.4. on the WeChat marketing potential problem analysisTan Kai (2012) in WeChat marketing and puts forward some technical problems can not beavoided. LBS, two-dimensional code scanning, circle of friends, speech function and a series of multimedia features, companies can provide users with more extensive services, to develop more specific marketing strategy. However, from another and see, due to excessiveenthusiasm of enterprises, WeChat marketing will bring a lot of trouble to the user. WeChatmarketing the "license",only the user license, the enterprise can force a dialogue with theuser, although this part of the user can be defined as a loyal user of enterprise, but they can always close interaction with the enterprise. So how to maintain the relationship between theuser and will become the key WeChat marketing promotion.Feng Haichao (2013) also believe that, WeChat as a new means of marketing and marketing platform, WeChat is strong enough, the value of it is self-evident, but can actually achievewhat quantity but if the new super star as a marketing platform, there are still some problemscan not be ignored, nor can WeChat expectations too much. He pointed out a problem the most direct WeChat marketing, public platform and WeChat user demand does not match theproblem. He also believes that the core issue in the WeChat marketing team must consider is,do the user relationship or information, it is worth considering.Wu En,Mao Xiuli(2013)compared with the WeChat micro-blog marketing ability,analysis showed that the number WeChat than micro-blog in client type less,WeChat marketing abilityis limited,WeChat to want to go to the transformation,expanding client types,expand the deFei Qun,the development of more kinds of information,better meet consumer demand.SummaryFrom the analysis of literature, the WeChat micro-blog marketing, research has been more perfect, scholars from the current use of WeChat, and according to the WeChat propagation mode, enterprise applications, WeChat existing marketingproblems and other aspects were investigated in detail. But through our research on these documents, found in the enterprises in the use of WeChat marketing, also need according to its role and effectiveness for further.analysis, how to measure marketing effectiveness, only to see how many fans are not convinced.On the other hand, WeChat marketing is not only a marketing tool, It can be transformed into customer relationship maintenance.翻译:微信营销综述现状微博营销方兴未艾,微信又迅速成为众品牌商除官方微博外另一互联网营销热地。

外文资料及中文译文作者姓名专业市场营销指导教师姓名专业技术职务教授The technical basis of network marketingPeter KenzelmannNetwork marketing is based on the technology infrastructure of computer network technology, as represented by information technology. Computer networks of modern communications technology and computer technology to the product of combining it in different geographic regions and specialized computer equipment for external interconnection lines of communication into a large, powerful networks, thus enabling a large number of computers can easily transmit information to each other, share hardware, software, data and other resources. And network marketing is closely related to the computer network there are three types: the Internet, Extranet and Intranet. [Edit] the theoretical basis for the network marketingTheoretical foundation of network marketing is direct marketing network theory, network theory of relationship marketing, marketing theory and network software to integrate marketing theory.(A) Direct Response Network Marketing TheoryInternet marketing as an effective direct marketing strategy, network marketing that can be tested and measurable and can be evaluated and controlled. Therefore, the characteristics of the use of network marketing, you can greatly improve the efficiency of marketing and marketing decision-making effectiveness of the implementation.Direct marketing theory is the 20th century, one of the 80's the concept of eye-catching. Direct Marketing Association of the United States for its definition is: "a place to produce any measurable response and (or) use the Stock Exchange reached one or more advertising media marketing system interaction." Directly Marketing the key to the theory that network marketing is that it can be tested, measurable, can be evaluated, which a fundamental solution to evaluate the effect of the traditional difficulties in marketing and marketing for more scientific decision-making possible.(B) the network theory of relationship marketingRelationship Marketing is a great importance since 1990 by the marketing theory, which mainly includes two basic points: First of all, in the macro level will be recognized that the scope of marketing a wide range of areas, including customer market, the labormarket, the supply market , the internal market, the market stakeholders, as well as the affected market (government, financial markets); at the micro level, recognizing that the relationship between business and customers are constantly changing, the core of marketing should be a simple one-time past transactions to a focus on maintaining relations up long-term relationships. Socio-economic system, enterprises are a major subsystem, corporate marketing objectives by many external factors to the impact of marketing activities of enterprises is a consumers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, government agencies and social organizations the process of interaction, the correct understanding of the relationship between the individual and the organization is the core of marketing is also key to business success or failure.The core of relationship marketing is to keep customers, to provide customers with a high degree of satisfaction with the value of products and services, by strengthening the links with customers to provide effective customer service, to maintain long-term relationship with customers. And long-term customer relations based on the marketing activities to achieve the marketing objectives of companies. The implementation of relationship marketing is not to damage the cost of business interests, according to research, for marketing a new customer costs five times the cost of the old customers, so to strengthen relations with customers and build customer loyalty can bring long-term enterprise interests, it is to promote a win-win strategy for businesses and customers. The Internet as an effective two-way channels of communication between businesses and customers can achieve low-cost communication and exchange costs, which companies build long-term relationships with customers to provide effective protection. This is because, first of all, enterprises can use the Internet to receive customer orders directly, customers can make their own personalized needs. Enterprises in accordance with customer demand for personalized use of flexible production technology to meet the customer needs to maximize customers in the consumer products and services to create more value. Enterprise customers can also understand the market demand, market segments and target markets, minimize marketing costs and increase the reaction rate on the market. Secondly, the use of the Internet companies to provide customers with better services and keep in touch with customers. Internet time and space constraints are not thecharacteristics of the convenience of our customers to maximize communication with the enterprise, customers can make use of the Internet in the shortest possible time in an easy way to access business services. At the same time, trading via the Internet to the entire enterprise can be achieved from the product quality, quality of service, such as transaction services to the entire process of quality control.On the other hand, enterprises can also be via the Internet with business-related companies and organizations build relationships and achieve win-win development. Internet as a channel of communication between the cheapest, it can help lower costs in the supply of business-to-business yet, distributors such as the establishment of collaborative partnerships. Cases such as in front of the computer company Lenovo, through the establishment of e-business systems and management information systems with the distributors of information sharing, reduce inventory costs and transaction costs, and close cooperation between the two sides. Relating to the application of network theory will be the strategy behind the marketing services network in detail.(C) The network of soft marketing theoryMarketing theory is soft against the industrial economy to the era of mass production for the main features of the "strong sales" of the new theory, the theory suggests that when customers buy products not only meet the basic physiological needs, but also to meet the mental and psychological level demand. Therefore, the soft marketing is one of the main characteristics of the follow netiquette, etiquette on the network through the use of clever marketing to obtain desired results. It emphasizes the marketing activities of enterprises at the same time the need to respect the feelings of consumers and the body read, so that consumers will be able to comfortably take the initiative to receive the marketing activities of enterprises. Traditional marketing activities can best embody the characteristics of a strong marketing promotions are two: the traditional advertising and marketing staff. In traditional advertising, consumers are often forced to passive reception of advertising messages, "bombing", and its goal is to impart information through continuous means the hearts of consumers impressed, as to whether the consumer was not willing to accept the need for need not be taken into account; marketing personnel, the marketing staff does not consider the object is willingto sell and needs, but according to the marketing staff to determine their own marketing activities carried out forcibly.On the Internet, because information exchange is a free, equal, open and interactive, to stress that mutual respect and communication, on-line users pay more attention to the protection and privacy of personal experience. Therefore, using the traditional means of marketing a strong start in the Internet marketing activities are bound to backfire, such as the American company AOL has forced their users to send E-mail advertising, the results lead to the unanimous opposition of users, many users agreed to AOL at the same time the company server E-mail to retaliate, with the result that AOL's E-mail mail server in a paralyzed state, and finally had to apologize to quell public indignation. Network marketing is just soft from the consumer's experience and needs and take pull-type strategy to attract consumers concerned about the marketing effectiveness of enterprises to achieve. Network on the Internet to carry out marketing activities, in particular promotional activities must follow certain rules of network formation of virtual communities, some also known as "netiquette (Netiquette)". Network marketing is soft netiquette rules to follow based on the clever use of marketing to achieve a subtle effect. Marketing theory on network application software in the network marketing sales strategy specific details.(D) Network Integrated MarketingIn the current post-industrial society, the tertiary industry in the development of the service sector is the major economic growth point, the traditional manufacturing-based to being service-oriented development, new service industries such as finance, communications, transportation and other industries the sun at high noon. Post-industrial society requires the development of enterprises must be based on service-oriented, it is necessary to customers as the center, to provide customers with timely and appropriate manner, as appropriate services, the maximum extent possible to meet customer demand. Internet time and space as a cross-transmission of "superconductive" media, can provide timely customer service is located at the same time interactivity of the Internet can understand customer needs and provide targeted response, so the Internet era can be said to be the most consumers an attractive marketing tool.Network of integrated marketing theory include the following key points:Network marketing requires, first of all the consumers into the entire marketing process to the needs of their entire marketing process from the beginning.Network marketing distribution system for the enterprise as well as stakeholders to be more closely together.Corporate interests and the interests of customers to integrate together.Internet on the role of marketing, you can through the 4Ps (product / service, pricing, distribution, promotion) play an important role in binding. The use of the Internet traditional 4Ps marketing mix can be better with the customer as the center of the 4Cs (customer, cost, convenience, communication) to combine.1. Products and services to customers as the centerAs the Internet has a very good interaction and guiding the user through the Internet under the guidance of the enterprise to choose the product or service or specific requirements of enterprise customers to choose based on the timely production and requirements and provide timely service, making Customer inter-temporal and spatial requirements are met by the products and services; On the other hand, enterprises can also keep abreast of customer needs and customer requirements in accordance with the timely production and marketing organizations to provide the production efficiency and marketing effectiveness. Such as the United States PC sales company Dell Inc., or a loss in 1995, but in 1996, their sales via the Internet to computers, the performance of 100 percent growth, due to customers via the Internet, you can design in the company's home page to choose and combination of computers, the company's production department immediately upon request, production, and sent through the postal service company, so companies can achieve zero inventory production, especially in the sharp decline in prices of computer components of the era, inventory will not only reduce the inventory costs can be avoided also because of losses brought about by high-priced stock.2. Customer acceptable cost pricingThe cost of traditional production-based pricing in the market-oriented marketing is to be discarded. The price of new customers should be based on acceptable cost pricing, and based on the cost to organize the production and marketing.Customer-centric enterprise pricing, customers must be the determination of market demand and the price accepted standards, otherwise the cost to the customer to accept the pricing is a castle in the air. Business on the Internet can be very easy to implement, the customer can be made via the Internet acceptable cost, the cost of business in accordance with customers to provide flexible product design and production program for the user to choose until after the customer agrees to confirm the production and marketing organizations, all All these are clients of the server program in the company under the guidance and does not require specialized services and, therefore, extremely low cost. At present, the United States, General Motors Corp. to allow customers on the Internet through the company's own guidance system of the design and assembly of motor vehicles to meet their needs, users first determine the criteria for acceptable price, and then according to the price limit system to meet the requirements of style show vehicle, the user can also be used for appropriate changes, the company producing the final product just to meet the customer requirements of price and performance.3. Products to facilitate the distribution of customer-orientedNetwork marketing is one-to-one distribution channels, cross-selling of space-time, customers can order anytime, anywhere using the Internet and purchase products. Iron and steel manufacturers in France still a Luolin Zinox for example, the company was founded in 8 years ago, because of the introduction of and the world order system, so that processing time from 15 days to 24 hours. At present, the company is using the Internet to provide better than the opponent and more efficient services. The company's internal network and vehicle manufacturers to establish contact so that they could demand the other party promptly after the production of steel to each other online.4. Repressively turn promotions to strengthen communication and contacts with customersIs the promotion of traditional enterprises, through certain media or tools of oppression customers to strengthen the company's customers and product acceptance and loyalty, customers are passive and accept the lack of communication with customers and contacts at the same time The high cost of the company's sales. Internet marketing is a one-on-one and interactive, and customers can participate in thecompany's marketing activities in the past, so the Internet can strengthen communication with customers and contacts and a better understanding of customer needs, attracted more customers agree . The U.S. company Yahoo's new star (Yahoo!) Company to develop a network in Internet information retrieval tools for classification, as the products are highly interactive, the user can think it is important for their classification information to Yahoo Yahoo The company immediately joined the classification of information products for the use of other users, so no need for advertising their products on well known, and in a short span of two years the company's stock market value of billions of dollars, an increase of as much as several hundred times.The main method of Internet MarketingCommonly used methods of network marketing system(1)Search Engine Marketing(2)Email marketing permission(3)Online Advertising(4)Web resource cooperation(5)Viral marketing(6)A membership-based network marketingBusiness modelsInternet marketing is associated with several business models. The model is typically defined by the goal. These include e-commerce, where goods are sold directly to consumers or businesses; publishing, or the sale of advertising; and lead-based sites, where an organization generates value by getting sales leads from their site. There are many other models based on the specific needs of each person or business that launches an internet marketing campaign.Common method for classification of network marketing:Web-based network marketing businessTo carry out Internet marketing does not necessarily have to have their own web site, in the absence of site conditions, enterprises in the network to carry out effective marketing. Free web site marketing mainly depends on the network marketing and marketing virtual community.Web-based network marketing is the subject of network marketing, it's main problem is the web site planning, construction, maintenance people, as well as with other marketing to promote the integration of methods. If the type of e-commerce website, web-based network marketing will be involved in product, price, and other traditional marketing channels and marketing a range of issues to consider.中文译文网络营销的技术依据网络营销是基于技术基础设施的计算机网络营销。

消费者行为研究范式外文翻译文献(含:英文原文及中文译文)英文原文CONSUMER BEHA VIOR RESEARCH PARADIGM CONVERSIONPROCESSHenny LarocheStudy of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist paradigm shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, basic knowledge of related disciplines, and many borrowed paradigm composition have changed dramatically. Background of this changing environment to promote the 20th century, 80 years after the world economic growth and prosperity, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes, purchasing power has been an unprecedented increase, the pursuit of individuality and freedom of consumers desire to become increasingly The more intense.I. A review of the transition process of consumer behavior research paradigmThe study of consumer behavior has taken initial shape in Adam Smith et al.'s classical economic theory; a preliminary system was formed in Marshall et al.'s neoclassical economics; consumerism was independent in the 1950s and 1960s. The form of discipline is separated from marketing. In its more than one hundred years of development history, its research paradigm can be summed up as positivism and non-positivism.Moreover, each paradigm breeds many research perspectives. Positivism includes rationality, behavior, cognition, motivation, society, traits, attitude and situational perspective; non-positivist paradigms include interpretivism and postmodernism. The root cause of the shift from positivism to non-positivism in consumer behavior theory is that researchers have changed the assumptions of consumer rationality. Early classical economics and neoclassical economics provided the first theoretical support for the theory of consumer behavior (in fact, the precursor of consumer behavior—the marketing is also born out of economics), and the “economic man” assumes spontaneously. “Infiltrating” consumer behavior research, which can be clearly seen from the theory of the early schools of consumer behavior theory (such as the concept of rationality, behavior) can clearly see the "economic man" rational shadow. However, the main body of economics research is the economic system of the entire society. The research object is also how theeconomic system realizes the coordinated operation, rather than the specific individual's purchase decision and behavior. Economics lays the initial foundation for the study of consumer behavior, but it cannot explain the complexity of consumer behavior. It places too much emphasis on the rational side of consumption and neglects the emotional side of consumption. Therefore, the "economic man" hypothesis restricts the further development of consumer behavior theory. The theory of consumer behavior has to absorb nutrition from other disciplines and describe consumer behavior in more detail. The prosperity of disciplines such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, and anthropology has provided new theoretical material for the study of consumer behavior theory. At this time, consumers are no longer simply based on cost-benefit analysis to pursue utility maximization of “economic people” but “social people”. Social and emotional factors influence their purchasing decisions. It is this transformation that has shaped the development of consumer behavior in the humanities and social sciences. After the 1980s, the sustained development of the world economy and the tremendous abundance of materials have made consumption increasingly a way of pastime and individuality; the proportion of service consumption in people’s consumption structures has been increasing, and service production has increased. The same characteristics as consumption also extend the customer consumption process to the production process, andthe consumer experience also becomes a source of customer value creation. At this point, the study of consumer behavior can no longer be limited to how customers make purchase decisions, but should focus on how consumers' desires are met. As a result, consumers have become “free people” who pursue personality development and release consumer desires. The conversion of the hypotheses of “economic man”, “social man” and “free man” promoted the conversion of consumer behavior theory from positivism to non-positivism.Second, the consumer behavior research under the positivist paradigmThe positivist paradigm of consumer behavior research is deeply influenced by the philosophy of Aristotle, a famous philosopher in the West. Kurt Lewin pointed out in the book Conflict and Comparison of Aristotle's and Galileo's Thought Patterns that Aristotle’s philosophical thoughts have influenced us and influenced the habits of scientific research. People are accustomed to understanding the law of development through laws and frequency of occurrence, and people like to explore the law of development with things that are stable and tendentious, and feel cold about the regularity of infrequent and exceptional things. Lewin said that when someone refers to a child's specific movement in a movie, the first question that psychologists think of is "Does all children have done this action? Or at least it is a common action. "Regularity is alwayscommon, which means that repeatability is an important indicator of whether a phenomenon or thing is worth studying."Positivism is based on Aristotle's thought as its philosophy of science. It assumes that consumers are rational, recognizable, and mentally stable. Their behavioral motivations can all identify controls and predictions. There are simplistic truths in real consumer practices; they emphasize scientific observation and testing, and they observe empirical The evidence, thus obtaining universal rules for predicting and controlling consumer behavior. Therefore, under the paradigm of positivism, the hypothesis underlying consumer behavior research is that consumer behavior is controlled by certain forces, and these forces largely exceed the scope of consumer self-control. The change in consumer behavior is not so much a reflection of the subjective will of consumers as it is the result of various internal and external factors. For example, the behavioral theory of consumer behavior holds that consumers' behavior is mainly caused by external environmental stimuli. Therefore, the hypothesis “the main or sole purpose of motive is to reduce cognitive inconsistency, maintain the balance of inner mind, and consumers always seek the inner balance of behavior”. From a certain point of view, this is also a concept of static behavior. As Firat commented: "Consumer behavior theory believes behavioral consistency and orderliness." Therefore, consumer behavioral characteristics (such ascognitive response, conditioning, personal characteristics, etc.) follow the "consumers are always pursuing "Intrinsic balance" hypothesis that researchers can predict some of the behavior of consumers, and the forecast results have significant implications for the marketing activities of the company.In short, in the positivist consumer research paradigm, consumers are just passive and passive objects. For example, the behavioral hypothesis assumes that consumers lack self-awareness, and therefore believes that through the influence of the environment, the company's marketing strategy can control and guide consumers. This is also a leap forward for people to attack the positivist paradigm, and consumer behavior is also In the fifties and sixties of the 20th century, it was an independent discipline. The positivist paradigm assumes that consumers are passive objects. In fact, this assumption is a serious departure from the customer-oriented marketing philosophy. The American Marketing Association reaffirmed at its 1988 theme conference: “In the study of consumer behavior that generates marketing knowledge, consumers have unfortunately been converted into laboratory guinea pigs, and they have become subjects of observations, interviews, and experiments.”It is precisely because positivism assumes that the consumer is an object that can be recognized, and therefore the consumer's consumption and experience process can be separated and can be subdivided intodifferent components. We can use various objective analytical methods to analyze the different components of the consumption and experience process. These methods mainly include standard questionnaire methods, experimental methods, and personality trait tests. However, these methods cannot fully analyze the rich consumer behavior. Because a certain element of a process is separated and then analyzed in detail, the complexity and interaction of the system are ignored. Braithwaite believes that the standard quantitative survey methods (such as the questionnaire method) will only limit the consumer's description of consumption, resulting in respondents responding negatively to various questions.Although there are quite a few criticisms, we should also see the consumption rules that are abstracted out using traditional methods, which predict and control consumer behavior: the conclusions drawn by some scientific investigation methods are credible within the scope of their observations. . In addition, the quintessence of the positivist paradigm of “creatively constructing consumer behavior theory” also promotes the development of marketing practices.Third, non-positivist-oriented consumer behavior researchThe study of consumer behavior in the non-positivist paradigm no longer treats consumers as passive responders but agents with psychological proactiveness. They have the ability to interpret andconstruct the consumer environment. For example, the concept of interpretation believes that consumer behavior is governed by the content and structure of the subjective will of consumers. Shaughnessy thinks: "In the interpretation of viewing, buying behavior cannot simply be calculated rationally based on the benefits and cost benefits that products can bring, but is a collection of individual experience sensations in the consumption process." Therefore, consumer behavior and decision-making basis It is an inherent subjective value system. The focus of research on consumer behavior in the perspective of postmodern consumer behavior research and interpretation is the subjective value, language, and rhetoric of consumers.Brown believes that in the marketing sense, the concept of interpretation differs from postmodernism in that the former assumes that man is an autonomous subject, a free mind, an individual capable of self-awareness. For example, humanism and phenomenology believe that consumers are internally consistent and rational and can determine their own consumer experience processes and values. Therefore, similar to the traditional view, the interpretation view also assumes that consumers have some of the nature that constitutes their essence. In addition, the concept of interpretation also emphasizes that consumers also have illusions, emotions, and the pursuit of pleasure to experience consumption. They believe that consumers always make internal and consistent statementsand subjective descriptions of the environment, thus making the environment more meaningful and More predictable; moreover, the subjective description of consumers is also assumed to be understood and shared by most people in society.Post-modernist consumerism holds that consumers do not have fixed or existing essential things to drive their behavior. Therefore, self-recognition and subjective feelings depend on specific contexts and atmospheres. These contexts and atmospheres are also affected by social roles among consumers. Therefore, the images and subjective feelings produced by consumption are often changed or transformed. They are influenced by variables such as consumers spending with whom, under what kind of consumption environment, and why. Postmodernism insists that consumer identity is intermittent, incomplete, and easily changeable. Firat believes that consumers' self-image, characteristics, and values are multidimensional, and they are unaware of the inconsistencies between constantly changing, self-contradictory values and lifestyles. Therefore, the outlook of postmodernist consumer behavior focuses on the creativity and self-governance ability that consumers have shown through their own different consumption and lifestyle to change their living environment.Through the analysis of the above-mentioned various perspectives, we can know that when consumers make purchase decisions, they not only focus on product utility, but also focus on the symbolic value of theproduct. The consumer goods' satisfaction with the material needs of consumers is merely an appearance, and what is more important is that we must pay attention to the symbolic value of the products. For consumers, consumption can produce two aspects of symbolic value: the self-identity value of self-identification of consumers and the social symbol value of social identity. In line with this, consumption plays an important role in creating and maintaining the personal and social environmental significance and value of consumers. Therefore, advertising is often seen as a major means of constructing and maintaining the symbolic meaning of symbols. These cultural meanings are often concentrated on the brand, so Elliot believes that brands are often the primary means used to create and maintain symbolism such as identity. Firat believes that this also reflects the conventional connection between consumer culture and human freedom: by changing the product to obtain different images, in order to obtain different self. This freedom to acquire a new image of self is the result of liberation from a single, inflexible, and traditional.However, the concept of interpretation and post-modern non-positivist paradigm have also been criticized in the following aspects: (1) Ignore the restrictive effects of non-discretionary factors on consumer behavior in consumer behavior. Thompson et al. pointed out that the postmodernist conception of consumption is based on an ideal hypothesis:consumers' consumption behavior is based on cultural constraints, historical constraints, and the status quo of actual material development. Therefore, the non-positivist paradigm places special emphasis on consumers' free choice of self-identifying image without any threat of uncertainty and fear. This assumption is clearly unrealistic. (2) Some scholars such as Foxall believe that non-positivist research methods essentially abandon the essence of science and always remove consumption from its content environment. Therefore, their viewpoints and conclusions cannot constitute a complete theoretical system that facilitates in-depth study and understanding. (3) Non-positivist research methods If the conclusions are not based on positivist research results, the explanatory power will be greatly reduced. Non-positivist research methods rely mainly on subjective subjective external proofs, and these interpersonal proofs require a positivist approach. In short, the notion of non-positivist paradigm and the perspective of postmodernism provide different research methods for the study of consumer behavior. They often discuss the major issues of marketing theory and practice from an abstract perspective, so the basic assumptions of these theoretical perspectives are The conclusions are puzzling and difficult to apply to marketer training and education.IV. Comparison and Enlightenment of Consumer Behavior Research ParadigmsObviously, non-positivism is also a response to empirical hegemonism. After World War II, positivism-oriented research methods became the mainstream method of consumer behavior research. Empirical, objective, and scientific procedures constitute the characteristics of the positivist paradigm. The consumer guided by this philosophy of science is a self-centered, self-conscious entity. Non-positivist-oriented research on consumer behavior (especially post-modernism) raises questions and criticizes the philosophical, cultural, and empirical foundations of positivist research. According to Firat and V enkatesh, “Positivism reduces consumer issues to include only simple two-dimensional categories like men and women, consumers and producers. It should be seen that the rationality of non-positivist assumptions, such as There are social, complex, irrational and unpredictable consumer subjects. These consumer characteristics are not only reflected in their purchase process, but also in the consumption experience and value perception, and have already formed the basis for consumption.”(1) Using a scientific attitude to view the confrontation between the paradigms of positivism and non-positivism. Just as Kuhn reflected on the first characteristic of the paradigm definiti on, “Their achievements have attracted an unwavering array of advocators who have separated them from other competing models of scientific activity.” Now, consumer behavior researchers have also launched fierce debates on the twoparadigms of positivism and non-positivism. In the natural sciences, the struggle of scientific theories and the rise and decline of paradigms are all very normal things. Actually, this phenomenon also exists in social sciences. Each theory needs ideas to prove its viability. For the time being, no matter which of the two paradigms in consumer behavior research is more suitable for the development of consumer behavior. We believe that the scientific attitude is the first. The emotional reaction to scientific research is not conducive to the development of science. True scholars are calm and should have a more comprehensive understanding of all research methods, compare their theoretical views with opposing theoretical perspectives, and verify whether they are established. The conclusions drawn either through positivist or non-positivist methods can be assumed to be correct until proven to be wrong.2 Science is a process of seeking truth. The ethnographic method in anthropology is a more scientific method of studying consumer behavior. Whether it is a positivist paradigm or a non-positivist paradigm, one of their commonalities is the pursuit of the authenticity of the research results. Scientific research itself is a kind of behavior seeking truth. It is no longer purely to use the consumer purchase process as the main research object, but should focus on the aspects of value acquisition and consumption. This has become the consensus of scholars. Using this broad behavioral perspective to study consumer behavior also means thatwe are required to look for consumers' actual consumption situations as much as possible, especially those that are meaningful to marketing activities. Some rigorous consumer behavior researchers believe that consumer behavior research should not adopt interviews or experiments, but should try to approach the original consumer behavior. Therefore, the ethnographic of anthropology should become a frontier method of consumer behavior research. It is a method that combines case studies, participation in observation, self-driven, and detailed description. Researchers should work hard to become a member of the consumer, practice it personally, and obtain a detailed record of consumer behavior. Of course, in the process of observing and exploring consumers' inner lives, including their inner activities, many problems will be encountered. These studies are all based on the self-statement of the consumer, and the credibility of the statement can be influenced by factors such as psychological self-defense and lies. In short, the premise of the ethnographic law is that the consumer is a complex person. Researchers want to obtain information about consumer behavior. They must go through in-depth interviews, group meetings, and project management techniques. Researchers should make detailed descriptions and observations of consumer behaviors, and use these “historical materials” to dig out the laws behind consumer behavior.中文译文消费者行为研究范式转换过程作者:Henny Laroche消费者行为学研究一百年多的发展历史所形成的两大范式——实证主义与非实证义代表着消费者行为研究的基本成就。

外文原文及翻译Internet marketing as an effective direct marketing strategy, network marketing that can be tested and measurable and can be evaluated and controlled. Therefore the characteristics of the use of network marketing you can greatly improve the efficiency of marketing and marketing decision-making effectiveness of the implementation.网络营销作为一种有效的直接营销策略,网络营销可检测和测量,也可以评估和控制。
Enterprises can also be via the Internet with business-related companies and organizations build relationships and achieve win-win development. Internet as a channel of communication between the cheapest it can help lower costs in the supply of business-to-business yet distributors such as the establishment of collaborative partnerships. Cases such as in front of the computer company Lenovo through the establishment of e-business systems and management information systems with the distributors of information sharing reduce inventory costs and transaction costs and close cooperation between the two sides. Relating to the application of network theory will be the strategy behind the marketing services network in detail.企业也可以通过互联网和与工作有关的公司和组织建立关系,实现双赢发展。

经典网络营销外文文献翻译汇编目录(一)原文Marketing Customer SatisfactionSince the 20th century, since the late eighties, the customer satisfaction strategy is increasingly becoming business has more customers share the overall business competitive advantage means.First, customer satisfaction strategy is to get a modern enterprise customers, "money votes" magic weaponWith the changing times, the great abundance of material wealth of society, customers in the main --- consumer demand across the material has a lack of time, the number of times the pursuit, the pursuit of quality time to the eighties of the 20th century entered the era of the end consumer sentiment. In China, with rapid economic development, we have rapidly beyond the physical absence of the times, the pursuit of the number of times and even the pursuit of quality and age of emotions today gradually into the consumer era. Spending time in the emotion, the company's similar products have already reached the same time, homogeneous, with the energy, the same price, consumers are no longer pursue the quality, functionality and price, but the comfort, convenience, safety, comfort, speed, jump action, environmental protection, clean, happy, fun, etc., consumers are increasingly concerned about the product whether for their own life energy, enrich, comfort, beauty and spiritual quality, and exceed consumer expectations in the pre-sale, sale, after-sales service and advice. In other words, people today are looking for is a "psychological satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment," the commodity, high value added goods and services, the pursuit of values and sense of diversity, individuality, and the intangible satisfaction of the time has come .And consumers adapt to changes in the value of the pursuit of competition between enterprises, but also from product competition, price competition, technological competition, advertising competition, brand image development of competition to the current competition, credit competition, cultural competition and service competition, competition that customer satisfaction . This competition is the enterprise wide angle, wide-field space-time within the context of high-level, reflect the overall strength of the competition. It includes organizational innovation, technological innovation, management innovation, industry foresight, R & D force, employee engagement, customer service ability, customer affinity, peer recognition ability, community contributions to force, public relations and dissemination of communication skills, corporate culture drive, environmental adaptation, and so forth. These integrated image of the force and the synthesis of integrated sustainable competitiveness, which is CS strategy to solve the problem. CS times, companies no longer "own the center," but to "customer-centric"; "customer", "customer satisfaction" is no longer a mere formality of the slogan, but real action to basis of a new business philosophy of. Enterprises no longer quality standards, their satisfaction with the management idea, but in customer satisfaction, gain customer loyalty for the business philosophy of high. The focus is no longer business strategy to gain or maintain market share, mainly, but as for customer satisfaction for the business philosophy. Therefore, the marketing strategy of competitors who focus not on but on clients, on the customers actual and potential needs. When the company provides products and services to the customer's prior expectations, customers will be basically satisfied; if far exceed customer expectations, and far higher than other colleagues, customers really satisfied; if companies can continuously or for a long time the customers satisfaction, customer loyalty will be. Loyal customers will not only regularly repeat purchase, but also other related businesses to purchase products or services; loyal customers will not only actively recommend to others to buy his products, and promotional activities of competitors on the enterprise has the immunity of a dissatisfied dissatisfied customers will tell 16-20 individuals, and each one was told who will then spread to 12-15 individuals. Thus, a dissatisfiedperson will affect two or three hundred people. Today in the popularity of the Internet, its impact is even greater. According to the U.S. auto industry survey, a satisfaction will unleash the potential of business 8 document, which will be at least a transaction. Another survey showed that every increase of 5% of enterprise customer loyalty, and profits will grow 25% -95%. 80% of a company 20% of the profits from loyal customers; while the cost of obtaining a new customer is to maintain a 6 times the cost of old customers. Therefore, the American scholar Tangpeiposi that: the decision whether or not the key to the success of an enterprise is not market share, but rather customer share.As a result, enterprises have been through an extensive and detailed market research, direct contact with consumers, customer feedback, etc. to understand the reality in all aspects of customer needs and potential needs. Rely on the loyalty business sales satisfaction, service personnel, regular, comprehensive quantitative determination of customer satisfaction in order to accurately grasp the business with "customer satisfaction" the gap between objectives and priority areas, to further improve the business activities . Rely on the corporate culture of high affinity, highly efficient management and full human to make joint efforts to provide customers with high value-added products, high levels of family-like service to win customers changing and upgrading satisfaction, win more share many customers.Such as Haier always put customer needs first, stand in the customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, humanized useful products, from the pull-screen TVs to the latest release of "Taiwan does not blink of an eye for color TV", small hand rub a small child prodigy washing machine washing machines, small refrigerators Prince to "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, the system 17 hours from a "Mike freezer" to after-sale-stop star service to meet customer needs and both are provided to the satisfaction The value of products and services. Another example is Microsoft's products are focused on each of the world's most talented developers to introduce even better than the products customers want, while the formation of global sales of economy of scale, the lowest price. This is Microsoft's secret of success in 20 years.In summary, emotional consumer era, decided what kind of products and production management services to provide what the powers are not part of a business, it is consumers, measuring the value of enterprise efficiency and the existence of the decision shifts to the hands of customers, the enterprise should cater to the customer, value to satisfy customers in order to get as much as possible from the customer "money votes." The CS strategy is the magic weapon for winning such a vote.Second, customer satisfaction, the main steps in marketing strategyFirst, to establish the level of corporate culture customer-centric, customer interests first, and customer satisfaction as the goal of philosophy.CS theory in the customer refers to internal staff and external customers (including distributors, wholesalers, agents, the final consumer and raw material suppliers, partners, etc.), customer satisfaction, including staff and external customer satisfaction, customer loyalty is also However. Mechanism for business success is customer satisfaction with loyalty, employee satisfaction and customer loyalty are key personnel. Employees of the company's satisfaction and loyalty are products and services for enterprise customers satisfaction and loyalty based on customer satisfaction and loyalty are the inevitable result of employee behavior. No employee satisfaction and loyalty, it is impossible to create satisfied customers to provide value products and services, the customer naturally dissatisfied and disloyal, away from the enterprise. When the employee satisfaction and loyalty with customers when the contact will be with great enthusiasm into their intellectual capital, creative customer service, and to timely detection of trends in customer demand, timely product and service value-added, firmly grasp live in the hearts of customers, to his satisfaction.FedEx found that when internal staff satisfaction rate to 85%, their customer satisfaction rate of 95%, and also very optimistic about corporate profits. Here determines the attitude of all employees.Therefore, companies must be customer satisfaction of business philosophy permeates the minds of staff, reflected in the management of employee loyalty to their R & D products, manufacture products, provide marketing services to satisfied customers. If nine birds, "the education of all employees receive customer-centric is the highest business principles. Customers are benefactor, a friend, a teacher, a customer gave us the opportunity to work, the value of work, fun and work significance of the work. We should sincerely thank from the heart to customers satisfaction is our aim, to create the most value for the customers of products and services is our highest goal. Under the guidance of this principle, would rather lose yourself can not lose customers has become a "nine bird" code of conduct for employees. so that customers are in the "9 First bird "consumption is a pleasure, is such a great pleasure. Customers to pay costs on an expected value their consumption, and consumers end up spending at its heart will have a standard evaluation to measure, if the value for money, he will come back later, such as value for money, he probably will come again; Otherwise, consumers will not come back. Therefore, "9 Bird" is to provide consumers value for money products and services. there is such a business philosophy of customer satisfaction under the guidance of marketing, "nine bird" fire in the capital is not difficult to understand.Second, customers participate in product design and development.Customer-centric company, through market segmentation, target a wide range of research to understand the public's needs and values, standing customer point of view of product development, design, personalized, personalized value-added products and services, is correct , but must allow users to join product design. Use of the Internet and CAD technology with customers to establish effective communication and information exchange, needs to grasp the customer information and customer value, to encourage a variety of information sources on the customer information database for timely updates. After analysis, the conclusion about the nature of customer needs, and to the enterprise customer demand information nature of various departments to share resources. This design products, provide customer satisfaction services. Now, many companies use a service called: "Product Configurator" system to help users with the participation of product design. That is stored in the computer where the latest information for all product modules, and replaced at any time, marketing personnel in the sales site on the Internet, according to user needs or user configuration with out it needs to meet their value products. Shanghai GM produces cars that operators and users are very satisfied, because users join the product design. Haier Whether it is for farmers in Sichuan production of washing machines to wash sweet potatoes, users in Shanghai production of "The Little Prince fridge", or change channels without dazzling color TV, Haier's "wisdom eye" inverter air conditioner, star-stop after-sales service, etc. are based on the needs of users, customers participate in product design incorporates the recommendations of the design and development of customer satisfaction in the rich humanity of the value of goods and services, naturally, won more hearts and minds of customers.Third, to provide a full service customer satisfaction and personalized service.Full service is for customers shopping and consumption carried out by every aspect of the services detailed and deep, the heart of the service. Full service is the consumer desire for consumption from the moment of production value of goods run out of play until the whole process, with care to consumers, so consumers are closely linked with their brands so that consumers enjoy the culture, enjoy the service experience concept was to benefit consumers willingly your products or services, consumers at every level are fully satisfied, and to win customer loyalty. Sales stage --- to ensure that customers receive timely and quality services to, participation in training pre-consultation,transfer knowledge and information, create shopping needs, so customers rational choice, practical help customers buy their own niche products; sale support the provision of convenient to maximize play product features, customers appreciate the warmth and value; feedback re-sale value-added services, allowing customers to feel the warmth and truth. If a woman bought a Haier air conditioning, home run pulled the driver on his way to be black heart, and Haier was informed immediately after the woman free to send a new Haier air conditioning, and decided after the delivery place. Inner Mongolia, the home of a user due to fire, will burn just bought the Haier refrigerators, Haier access services from the computer after power found in the user details of the network address, sent by the car arrived in 4 days to fix their refrigerator. This value must win the customer service satisfaction over expectations.In today's era of emotional consumption, the pursuit of "Heart of satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment" of goods, is highly personalized value-added value goods, the pursuit of values and awareness of diversity, individuality, and intangible satisfaction. Therefore, enterprises will no longer put attention to all the general needs of different consumers, we should pursue different personality for consumers, tailor, design and development of enterprise products and services to meet the individual and the diversity of today's consumer trends. Propensity to consume the face of increasingly complex, enterprises must manage customer demand for personalized marketing, the key lies in establishing a customer database and customer information feedback system for customer relationship management, continued to collect understanding of consumer needs and preferences change, and new expectations of the business to better provide customers with personalized service.Fourth, foster customer loyalty.In the restaurant industry, customer satisfaction in the brand switching, the proportion is as high as 60% to 80%. This indicates that satisfied customers become loyal customers do not necessarily. 80% of the profits of an enterprise from 20% of customer loyalty, marketing, customer Aracature Corp.'s President, Larry Light said in Advertising Age magazine, from the loyal customers who return a non-loyal customers are 9 times. Wal-Mart has been able to continue to grow as 500 Boss, simply because it is the management capacity to attract customer loyalty.Customer loyalty is perceived from the customer, delivered through the two-way communication between the value and the relationship is hard to provide value through business products or services obtained. For customer loyalty, companies must have top management commitment and unremitting financial support to enterprises to define customer loyalty, understand customer needs is what formed what are the reasons they leave, who bought the product, Why? awareness and create customer loyalty incentives. Cultivate customer loyalty marketing in two ways:First, we should properly solve customer complaints. As long as the proper handling of customer complaints, the 82% of the customers will buy products again. Proper handling of customer complaints, the requirement to establish a good business humanized "complained management" system. First, establish a "customer complained, is the best gift for business, enterprise management to improve good" concept; Second, enterprises must establish effective policies and institutions dealing with grievances and staff training, proper treatment of customers complained, standing customer approach to customer complained of the problem; third, dealing with customer departments to rotate so that each business unit is able to understand customer satisfaction, and obtain experience in handling customer complain; Fourth, the establishment of all customers complained that the database for timely treatment and prevent public relations crisis.Second, build up customer loyalty database. Tracked only through the analysis of the database in order to know exactly what enterprise customers have a share of increase in number, how long a certain share. Customer loyalty is the core of the database relational database, which consists of a series of records of marketing programs composed of different aspects of sub-libraries. Loyalcustomer database, you can offer premium services for staff in a timely manner the information required; to collect all the relevant details with customers to create the conditions; strengthen ties with customers quickly; for the development of new products and create the conditions for the provision of new services; and customers long-term interactive two-way communication to provide potential demand, and may have thought it meet their expectations of non-think of the value of the products or services.译文顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销自从20世纪八十年代末以来,顾客满意战略已经成为各企业占有更多的顾客份额,获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。

文献出处:J Avery. The Research of Wechat Marketing to Customers’ Behavior[J]. International journal of business and social science, 2016, 5(6).原文The Research of Wechat Marketing to Customers’ BehaviorJ AveryAbstractThe progress of science and technology promote the development of the society. With the continuous development of information technology, human beings ushered in a new era of mobile Internet era. With the advent of the era of mobile Internet, smart phones, tablets, become an indispensable tool in people's life. All kinds of intelligent software with the help of mobile phones, tablets and other terminal also become many People's Daily "partners".WeChat appeared to pull into the distance between people, not only of its many excellent function was found by enterprises, the use, more and more companies spend a lot of money, manpower and material resources to participate in the WeChat marketing, to communicate with consumers, by WeChat influence consumer behavior.Keywords: WeChat marketing, consumer behavior, and buying decision1 IntroductionWith the coming of the age of the Internet, all kinds of application software with the help of mobile phones, tablet into people's lives. One of the software is using ten cent platform quickly has many users, it is WeChat.WeChat appeared to pull into the distance between people, not only of its many excellent function was found by enterprises, the use of, this raises WeChat marketing craze. In early 2013, WeChat only 300 million breakthrough in 2 years the number of users, development speed greatly exceeded the microblog.At the end of 2014, tencent WeChat global number of registered users has exceeded 600 million, of which more than 440 million active users.WeChat become zero sheep in the mobile instant messaging, the downloads and the number of users in the world, formed the world ", where the Chinese have WeChat ".After its launch overseas version, due to its excellent function also received a lot ofusers in the west. The rapid development of WeChat pull into the miles of space that intervene between a man and at the same time, also widen the spread of information channel, to speed up the spread of information, in gradually changed people's ability to obtain information and communication.2 Literature review2.1 WeChat marketing theory2.1.1 WeChat and WeChat marketingWeChat (WeChat) on January 21, 2011, tencent company is launching a support S40, S60v3, S60v5, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Android and iPhone instant messaging software, through the intelligent mobile terminal to provide customers with text and image sharing, photos, video sharing, Shared location, and support group chat and voice, and video intercom function, broadcast news (one-to-many), information communication, the Internet shopping, financial management, games and other services, and a location based social plugging "shake", "bottle" and Shared streaming media content of Feed, WeChat through mobile Phone network or the Internet transmission information, support for multiple languages, as well as a variety of mobile data network, free of charge.WeChat after launch, with the aid of tencent this big tree, grows quickly in the mobile phone users, are popular with the masses of users, the registration number has been soaring, break through 300 million in January 2013, at the end of 2014, 600 million. The number of users of its large number of excellent functions, for many enterprises to see the broad market, mobile platform by using this platform to promote their brands, products of the company. So what exactly is WeChat marketing?WeChat marketing is based on WeChat platform, through this platform to focus on the user promotion enterprise brand and product of a kind of modern marketing mode. This research institute WeChat marketing mainly refers to the enterprise through WeChat public number to its focus on the user push related to enterprise brand or product or other marketing information.WeChat provide enterprises with a variety of ways to do marketing, enterprises and public WeChat ID.In August 2014, tencent company to the public, is divided into two kinds: subscription and services.Service, compared to subscribe to, the more precise interaction, subscription, interaction can only be WeChat user manual input, voice sends a message to companies, and in addition to the subscription service, interaction, way beyond, also provides users with already defined messages to the user, convenient for users to send, users only need to click, enterprise has been defined for this good news to the definite answer.2.1.2 WeChat marketing role and development trendFirst of all, in the enterprise business promotion activities, compared to the previous wall advertising, distribution of brochures and other traditional mode of propaganda.WeChat marketing has unique advantages, it can real-time connection consumer groups in different regions. These huge consumer groups is propaganda enterprise huge number of potential customers.WeChat news high accessibility and timeliness marketing for WeChat provides a huge advantage, and the most idea is consistent with the information dissemination and consistent. Because WeChat user is active subscription enterprise business promotion activities and other related information, subscribers to this message are not usually present resistance, enterprise can also through WeChat push its related activities in timely and accurate information to business promotion activities is the most important potential customers and users. Second, a form of the embodiment of the competition in the market can be done in marketing management, now such a competitive market economy, WeChat marketing can bring more profits for enterprise and development prospects, is an important means of marketing management.WeChat marketing not only meet the demand of the development of the enterprise, also bring all kinds of cheap and good customer.Again, WeChat marketing can effectively combining WeChat appeal and word of mouth, by diversified means to show the advantages of a product concept, core values, and many other deep value. It can bring the audience a psychological shock and friendly interactive, take great advantage of the marketing and publicity, drive the consumers in the traditional model for brand value to the mobile Internet to accept the change of brand value.WeChat marketing effectively the brand image and word of mouth publicity products together.In the near future, the number of Internet users use mobile Internet will greatly exceed the number of Internet users to use traditional Internet.And WeChat is one of the important strategies in the mobile Internet company tencent layout, tencent company will use the WeChat this a tool to create a new chain, integration of social, entertainment, shopping, and its own resources, such as communication, taking a taxi is solid form of barriers, for their own future to lay a better foundation for the long-term development. As China's network and communications business, WeChat even run at independence from basic network services, to provide users with calls and text messages and other communication services. Their own future, WeChat may have to pay function or with goods ten pay binding, in the field of Chinese pay and pay treasure to compete, a share in the field of mobile payment. Because WeChat can call mobile phone positioning function, the future can be associated with merchants from all walks of life, to provide users with nearby shops offer information, and provide one-stop service for the user.Currently WeChat function as well as other properties are not completed, the future development of space is limited.2.2 Consumer behavior researchAjzen and Fishbein (1980) argue that behavioral intention refers to the customer to a certain behavior of the will of the positive degree, it tends to have spontaneously, without shadow interference with other external factors, the positive intention will enable customers to some kind of behavior.Generally engage in this behavior the stronger the will, the more likely to go for this behavior.Ajzen (1991) points out that the behavior intention than factors such as attitudes, feelings and beliefs that can more accurately describe the behavior, thus determine the consumer is in the future a certain period of time no will to take some actions, the best way is to know whether the intention for the behavior.Fishbein Martin (1992) pointed out that the study of consumer behavior has for many years, for the traditional research methods in general consumer purchase decision process first, and then according to each part of the process of research Gui analysis, determine its influencing factors. This traditional method is a very bigdifficulty lies in the consumer behavior is hard to follow, even if can track, cost is high, it's not good for scholars, after continuous exploration, many scholars have researched, not directly but through indirect research act intending to study consumer behavior, because light behavior intention is the behavior of consumers, it often can accurately predict consumer behavior.3 analysis model and research hypothesisWeChat for the new marketing mode - WeChat provides a good platform, many companies want to seize this opportunity in trying hard, trying to use this platform to develop the enterprise itself. What WeChat most welcome, but consumers which WeChat marketing methods most easily accepted by consumers, marketing in different ways, specific how should operate, which WeChat marketing methods provide the possibility for its own development, the problem for WeChat marketing companies are universal, then this one problem to be solved.To conduct a comprehensive analysis, the function of the WeChat summary WeChat marketing various features and comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of WeChat and development prospects, and then build the WeChat marketing to the influence factors of consumer behavior model, the specific model is shown in figure 3.1.Trying to find the inner link between the variables, so as to better provide better theory basis for enterprises WeChat marketing and put forward the corresponding Suggestions.3.1 WeChat marketing factorsOn consumer purchase decisions are involved in many disciplines, and different subjects scholars Angle and thinking is not the same, give the explanation is exactly the same. Even so, but can draw universal conclusion: enterprise products or services to consumers or indirectly stimulate, and consumers through thinking, formed in the brain buying motives. Is consumer completed inside thinking process, this process now science cannot fully explain, relative to the outside world is visible, he is a "black box" process. Consumer’s ultimate behavior reflect consumer decision-making, reflected the consumers' attitudes, to release his preference information, and so on.Enterprise through WeChat marketing, on the basis of influence consumerattitudes of product, expects the consumer purchase behavior. Enterprises should be how to carry out marketing activities more effectively use WeChat? And what factors influence on the consumer purchase behavior of the dominant? To know consumer's attitude toward WeChat marketing, explore WeChat marketing factors affecting consumer purchase behavior, in this paper using the depth interview method, the open-ended questions, the refining effect factors provide the basis for designing questionnaire.3.2 Build the modelTo conduct a comprehensive analysis, the function of the WeChat summarizing domestic WeChat marketing various features and comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of WeChat and development prospects, and then build the WeChat marketing to the influence factors of consumer purchase decision model, the specific model is shown in figure 3.2.Trying to find the inner link between the variables, so as to better provide better theory basis for enterprise microblogging marketing and put forward the corresponding Suggestions.In this model emphasize WeChat marketing, brand image, the relations between and among purchase behavior. Including WeChat WeChat marketing mainly covers enterprise management maturity, enterprise WeChat content on marketing, discounts and promotions marketing and corporate WeChat and user interaction between marketing, etc.;Brand image is mainly the company image, brand performance and brand personality these three aspects.译文微信营销对消费者行为的影响研究J Avery摘要科技的进步推动社会的发展。

消费者行为外文文献及翻译1. 文献1 - "Consumer Behaviour: A Literature Review"该文献综述了消费者行为的研究历史和研究主题。
2. 文献2 - "Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour"该文献探讨了影响消费者行为的因素。
3. 文献3 - "Consumer Behaviour in Online Shopping"该文献分析了消费者在网络购物中的行为。
4. 文献4 - "Cross-Cultural Consumer Behaviour: A Review"该文献研究了跨文化环境下的消费者行为。
5. 文献5 - "The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behaviour"该文献研究了广告对消费者行为的影响。
6. 翻译 - "消费者行为的定义"消费者行为是指个体或群体在购买、使用和处置商品和服务过程中所表现出的态度、行为、选择和决策等活动。

中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)E---MARKETING(From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.)As the growth of shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customer value.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light ofproven traditional marketing practices.(Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning )1.What is E--MarketingE--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create more customer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning and executing the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives.This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.2.Environment,Strategy,and Performance (ESP)E-Marketing flows form the organization `s overall e-business strategies and selected business environment,where legal,technological,competitive,marketrelated, and other environmental, factors external to the firm create both opportunities and threats. Organizations perform SWOT analyses to discover what strengths and weaknesses they have to deploy against threats and opportunities. This SWOT analysis leads into e-business and e-marketing strategy. Firms, select e-business strategies and e-business models, and then marketers formulate strategy and create e-marketing plans that will help the firm accomplish its overall goals. The final step is to determine the success of the strategies and plans by measuring results. Performance metrics are specific measures designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the e-business and e-marketing operations. this is so important in today` s e-business climate that media reports seem to be full of references to ROI and other measures of success for e-business strategies and tactics featured in the model.The esp model might just as easily depict a brick-and-mortar business process -by removing a few "e `s" this underscores the idea that e-businesses are built on sound practices and proven processes but with important e-transformations andemarketing practices, as discussed in this book.This chapter examines the environmental factors in the ESP model, whereas Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 explore these important factors in more depth. Chapter 2 delves into the strategy area, and Chapter 3 discusses the e-marketing planning process.The marketing environment is ever change, providing plenty of opportunities to develop new products, new markets, and new media to communicate whit customers, plus new channels to reach business partners. At the same time, the environment poses! Competitive, economic , and other threats. This section introduces three key environmental factors that affect e-marketing : legal, technological, and marketrelated factors.Current and pending legislation can greatly influence e-marketing strategies. Chief among these are laws concerning privacy, digital property, expression, and fraud. Privacy is difficult to legislate, yet it is critically important to consumers who routinely yield personal information over the Internet. One hot issue involves opt-out e-mail. This occurs when users must uncheck a Web page box to avoid being put on a few users read the Web page carefully enough to notice the opo-out box. Digital property problems began in the Web` s early days and continue to puzzle firms and legislators alike. In a medium where content is freely distributed, it can be freely ripped off-not a good thing for the content authors. Spam, offensive content , and other forms of personal expression conflict whit user rights and thus, from an ongoing discussion among legislaer needs? Finally , new technology brings new opportunities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are working hard to prevent fraud, enforcement is difficult in a networked world.Technological developments are altering the composition of Internet audiences as well as the quality of material that can be delivered to them. For example, about 20% of the U.S. Population enjoys high-bandwidth connections-primarily cable modems and DSL lines--that enable delivery of multimedia content. Some Web sites are beginning to create three forms of content :a high-- speed multimedia form, a standard PC offering, and a handheld format for wireless devices such as cell phones. The prolofera-tion of wireless devices creates a new set of design challenges as firms try to squeeze content onto tinier screens. Also important are technology concerns in developing countries. As communication infrastructures improve and more people use handheld devices ,new geographic markets develop. Further ,e-marketing is evolving through softwareadvances. For instance, technologies that target consumers according to their online behavior are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Incorporating these technologies into Web site design can give a firm a distinct competitive advantage.3.E-Business MarketsSergio Zyman, formerly chief marketing officer of Coca-cola ,has been quoted as saying, marketing is supposed to sell stuff. One way information technology helps sell stuff if they don’t` identify appropriate markets. Exhibit 1—5 highlights three important markets that both sell and buy to each other: businesses, consumers, and governments. Although this book focuses on the B2C markets are where most business activity occurs.The business market is huge because a higher proportion of firms are connected to the Internet than consumers, especially in developing countries. Much of the B2B online activity is transparent to consumers because it involves proprietary networks that allow information and database sharing .Consider FedEx, the package delivery firm. This company maintains mation . Its customers can schedule a package pick-up using the Web site, track the package using a PC or handheld Palm Pilot, and pay the shipping bill online. Sometimes the shipping order is automatically triggered when a mail notification of its delivery progress to the retailer.The Internet is a global market with opportunities existing in unimagined locations, which is why e-marketers must understand consumers in potential geographic segments. For example, with an annual average income of US$300, Vietnamese citizens who opt to spend 28% of their salary on online services do not have much purchasing power. Further, there are waiting lists for automobiles in Vietnam, so an online branding campaign might be a waste of resources . Conversely, Iceland and Denmark are two of the most wired countries in the world with over 60% Internet penetration. Also, consumers in many countries pay by the minute for local phone access. This is a tremendous deterrent to the kind of casual surfing practiced by Internet users in developed nations. In addition, the infrastructure in some countries does not support high-speed modems. Content delivered to these countries may, therefore, have to be light on bandwidth. Chapters 15 and 16 look at global Internet markets in more detail.4.Strategic PlanningAmazon, like every other marketer on and off the Web, uses strategic planning to get ready for a profitable and sustainable business future. Strategic planning is the “managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization`s objectives”, Two key elements of strategic planning are the preparation of a SWOT analysis and the establishment of strategic objectives.the SWOT analysis examines the company` s internal strengths and weaknesses with respect to the environment and the competition and looks at external opportunities and threats. Opportunities may help to define a target market or identify new product opportunities, while threats are areas of exposure.In a parallel fashion, marketing strategy becomes e-marketing strategy when marketers use digital technology to implement the strategy.Strategic e-marketing is the design of marketing strategy that capitalizes on the organization’s electronic or information technology capabilities to reach specified objectives. In essence, strategic e-marketing is where technology strategy and marketing strategy wed to form the organization’s e-marketing strategy.Regardless of whether a customer buys from the stone, the catalog, or the Web site, or whether contact is made by phone, in person, through e-mail, or by postal mail, employees can access the computerized database for up-to-date account activity and information when dealing with customers.Most strategic plans explain the rationale for the chosen objectives and strategies. This is especially true for a single e-business project trying to win its share of corporate resources and top-management support.5.What`s NextRegardless of the current disillusionment with e-business,many solid successes exist today and exciting new growth areas will soon emerge, For-Tune magazine has identified seven trends that will help businesses move forward into e-marketing during the next few years:Integrating IT software. Twenty-six percent of companies will spend money to integrate all the pieces of corporate technology, such as linking front-end customer service software with back-end order fulfillment system.Boom in Web services. Web services will more deeply into finding universal standards for Internet-related software. Microsoft’s dot-net and Sun’s Java are two competing architectures, for example.Collaboration software. This allows employees, advisors, consultants, and other team members to work on projects while in different geographic locations. For example, ”Napster for Marketers”is peer-to-peer software that one consulting firm uses to collaborate on marketing plans with ad agencies, designers, and others.Dealing with too much date. Better customer relationship management software is helping firms reinforce customer loyalty by analyzing the mountain of data about previous behavior to suggest new products. For example, a flight attendant would be able to ask if a passenger wants coffee with sugar instead of the usual, ”What do you want to drink?”data security. Techies are spending lots of time and money trying to protect data from hackers and viruses.Wireless is here to stay. Technologies such ah 802.11 and Bluetooth use shortrange signals to link a variety of computing and handheld devices in homes, offices, and retail stores.growth in portable computing. Inexpensive computer storage and small machines will aid people who want to work at home, in the car or train, or virtually anywhere. Devices such as IBM’s 9-ounce Metapad hold 5 gigabytes of data and will change the way people work.网络营销的成长发展说明一些营销原理从来不曾变化,对于一项创新产品,只要它能为顾客提供价值,即使已有众多竞争者,市场也总是乐于接受的。

Find a Network Marketing Opportunity That Keeps Your InterestThe trickiest part of having a business in a network marketing opportunity is to retain your downline. Many people think a MLM opportunity means huge incomes and little work, which is why the dropout rate in MLM businesses is higher than any other industry. While people have many reasons for moving on from a great opportunity the most common reason for people is that something better comes along for them.At least two times a year a new network marketing opportunity is introduced and they all claim to be the best. Every time a new product is introduced and is made available on the internet distributors are needed to get the product to consumers. After potential distributors understand the way network marketing works they often lose their interest and move on to programs that claim to take less working time and give you more opportunities to get rich overnight.Realistically there are no more ways to get rich overnight while working on the internet. The odds are a few thousand to one that you will earn into the millions with your first year and most of those are the self-proclaimed entrepreneurs. It is rather disappointing to see the true odds that most people will be able to earn a solid living through a network marketing program, but those that do understand that working from home requires real work.Always take time to investigate the business offer even if the most recent email promises you the newest top product that is arriving on the market and how you need to act immediately in order to get in on the ground floor of the excellent opportunity. Many wonder why a popular item isn't sold in stores, but the reality is that it takes time in order to get shelf space at a retail store and a company can save money on lower distribution costs by selling through individual distributors once the item has become successful through network marketing.Don't panic if you miss the drop-dead date to get in on the ground floor of a network marketing opportunity. The odds are that in another six months a new and more improved product will come out and you can get in on the ground floor of this product.You have to believe in what you are selling in order to be successful with a network marketing system. If you personally use the product or service then it also pays dividends since you can offer first hand testimonials to your potential customers. After clients start to use your product then you can invite them to join your network, even if only for the benefit of buying the product at wholesale the next time they need it. Eventually the person may see the benefit of the business opportunity and sell their own clients in turn on the idea of becoming a distributor while also building your downline sales.It can work by simply buying into a downline for the purpose of making money, but the more interested you are in your product the more effort you will put forth. If you trust in what you sell, other distributors will see that and will help you to work harder and contact more potential clients so that you stay involved in both sales and recruiting.(Kjkimberly)找到感兴趣的网络营销商机在网络营销的生意中最棘手的部分在于维护你的下线。
外文文献及翻译:网络营销 E-marketing

外文文献及翻译:网络营销 E-marketing E---MARKETING(From:E--Marketing by Judy Strauss,Adel El--Ansary,Raymond Frost---3rd ed.1999 by Pearson Education pp .G4-G25.)As the growth of shows, some marketing principles never change.Markets always welcome an innovative new product, even in a crowded field of competitors ,as long as it provides customervalue.Also,Google`s success shows that customers trust good brands and that well-crafted marketing mix strategies can be effective in helping newcomers enter crowded markets. Nevertheless, organizations are scrambling to determine how they can use information technology profitably and to understand what technology means for their business strategies. Marketers want to know which of their time-ested concepts will be enhanced by the Internet, databases,wireless mobile devices, and other technologies. The rapid growth of the Internet and subsequent bursting of the dot-com bubble has marketers wondering,"What next?" This article attempts to answer these questions through careful and systematic examination of successful e-mar-keting strategies in light of proven traditional marketing practices.(Sales Promotion;E--Marketing;Internet;Strategic Planning )1.What is E--MarketingE--Marketing is the application of a broad range of information technologies for: Transforming marketing strategies to create morecustomer value through more effective segmentation ,and positioning strategies;More efficiently planning andexecuting the conception, distribution promotion,and pricing of goods,services,and ideas;andCreating exchanges that satisfy individual consumer and organizational customers` objectives.This definition sounds a lot like the definition of traditional marketing. Another way to view it is that e-marketing is the result of information technology applied to traditional marketing. E-marketing affects traditional marketing in two ways. First,it increases efficiency in traditional marketing strategies.The transformation results in new business models that add customer value and/or increase company profitability.12.Environment,Strategy,and Performance (ESP)E-Marketing flows form the organization `s overall e-business strategies and selected business environment,wherelegal,technological,competitive,marketrelated, and other environmental, factors external to the firm create both opportunities and threats. Organizations perform SWOT analyses to discover what strengths and weaknesses they have to deploy against threats and opportunities. This SWOT analysis leads into e-business and e-marketing strategy. Firms, select e-business strategies and e-business models, and then marketers formulate strategy and create e-marketing plans that will help the firm accomplish its overall goals. The final step is to determine the successof the strategies and plans by measuring results. Performance metricsare specific measures designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the e-business and e-marketing operations. this is so important in today` s e-business climate that media reports seem to be full of references to ROI and other measures of success for e-business strategies and tactics featured in the model.The esp model might just as easily depict a brick-and-mortarbusiness process -by removing a few "e `s" this underscores the ideathat e-businesses are built on sound practices and proven processes but with important e-transformations and emarketing practices, as discussedin this book.This chapter examines the environmental factors in the ESP model, whereas Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 explore these important factors in more depth. Chapter 2 delves into the strategy area, and Chapter 3 discusses the e-marketing planning process.The marketing environment is ever change, providing plenty of opportunities to develop new products, new markets, and new media to communicate whit customers, plus new channels to reach business partners. At the same time, the environment poses! Competitive, economic , and other threats. This section introduces three key environmental factors that affect e-marketing : legal, technological, and marketrelated factors.Current and pending legislation can greatly influence e-marketing strategies. Chief among these are laws concerning privacy, digitalproperty, expression, and fraud. Privacy is difficult to legislate, yetit is critically important to consumers who routinely yield personal information over the Internet. One hot issue involves opt-out e-mail. This occurs when users must uncheck a Web page box to avoid being put on a few users read the Web page carefully enough to notice the opo-out box. Digital2property problems began in the Web` s early days and continue to puzzle firms and legislators alike. In a medium where content is freely distributed, it can be freely ripped off-not a good thing for thecontent authors. Spam, offensive content , and other forms of personal expression conflict whit user rights and thus, from an ongoingdiscussion among legislaer needs? Finally , new technology brings new opportunities for fraud. Although regulatory agencies are working hardto prevent fraud, enforcement is difficult in a networkedworld.Technological developments are altering the composition ofInternet audiences as well as the quality of material that can be delivered to them. For example, about 20% of the U.S. Population enjoys high-bandwidth connections-primarily cable modems and DSL lines--that enable delivery of multimedia content. Some Web sites are beginning to create three forms of content :a high-- speed multimedia form, astandard PC offering, and a handheld format for wireless devices such as cell phones. The prolofera-tion of wireless devices creates a new set of design challenges as firms try to squeeze content onto tinier screens.Also important are technology concerns in developing countries. As communication infrastructures improve and more people use handheld devices ,new geographic markets develop. Further ,e-marketing is evolving through software advances. For instance, technologies that target consumers according to their online behavior are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Incorporating these technologies into Web site design can give a firm a distinct competitive advantage.3.E-Business MarketsSergio Zyman, formerly chief marketing officer of Coca-cola ,has been quoted as saying, marketing is supposed to sell stuff. One way information technology helps sell stuff if they don’t` identify appropriate markets. Exhibit 1—5 highlights threeimportant markets that both sell and buy to each other: businesses, consumers, and governments. Although this book focuses on the B2C markets are where most business activity occurs.The business market is huge because a higher proportion of firms are connected to the Internet than consumers, especially in developing countries. Much of the B2B online activity is transparent to consumers because it involves proprietary networks that allow information and database sharing .Consider FedEx, the package delivery firm. This company maintains mation . Its customers can schedule a package pick-up using the Web site, track the package using a PC or handheld Palm Pilot, and pay the3shipping bill online. Sometimes the shipping order is automatically triggered when a mail notification of its delivery progress to the retailer.The Internet is a global market with opportunities existing in unimagined locations, which is why e-marketers must understand consumers in potential geographic segments. For example, with an annual average income of US$300, Vietnamese citizens who opt to spend 28% of their salary on online services do not have much purchasing power. Further, there are waiting lists for automobiles in Vietnam, so an online branding campaign might be a waste of resources . Conversely, Iceland and Denmark are two of the most wired countries in the world with over 60% Internet penetration. Also, consumers in many countries pay by the minute for local phone access. This is a tremendous deterrent to the kind of casual surfing practiced by Internet users in developed nations. In addition, the infrastructure in some countries does not support high-speed modems. Content delivered to these countries may, therefore, have to be light on bandwidth. Chapters 15 and 16 look at global Internet markets in more detail.4.Strategic PlanningAmazon, like every other marketer on and off the Web, uses strategic planning to get ready for a profitable and sustainable business future. Strategic planning is the “managerial process of developing and maintaining a viable fit between the organization`s objectives”, Two key elements of strategic planning are the preparation of a SWOTanalysis and the establishment of strategic objectives.the SWOT analysis examines the company` s internal strengths and weaknesses with respectto the environment and the competition and looks at externalopportunities and threats. Opportunities may help to define a target market or identify new product opportunities, while threats are areas of exposure.In a parallel fashion, marketing strategy becomes e-marketingstrategy when marketers use digital technology to implement the strategy.Strategic e-marketing is the design of marketing strategy that capitalizes on the organization’s electronic orinformation technology capabilities to reach specified objectives.In essence, strategic e-marketing is where technology strategy and marketing strategy wed to form the organization’s e-marketing strategy.Regardless of whether a customer buys from the stone, the catalog,or the Web site, or whether contact is made by phone, in person, through e-mail, or by postal mail,4employees can access the computerized database for up-to-dateaccount activity and information when dealing with customers.Most strategic plans explain the rationale for the chosen objectives and strategies. This is especially true for a single e-business project trying to win its share of corporate resources and top-management support.5.What`s NextRegardless of the current disillusionment with e-business,many solid successes exist today and exciting new growth areas will soon emerge,For-Tune magazine has identified seven trends that will help businesses move forward into e-marketing during the next few years:Integrating IT software. Twenty-six percent of companies will spend money to integrate all the pieces of corporate technology, such aslinking front-end customer service software with back-end orderfulfillment system.Boom in Web services. Web services will more deeply into finding universal standards for Internet-related software. Microsoft’s dot-net and Sun’s Java are twocompeting architectures, for example.Collaboration software. This allows employees, advisors, consultants, and other team members to work on projects while in different geographic locations. For example, ”Napster for Marketers” is peer-to-peer software that one consulting firmuses to collaborate on marketing plans with ad agencies, designers, and others.Dealing with too much date. Better customer relationship management software is helping firms reinforce customer loyalty by analyzing the mountain of data about previous behavior to suggest new products. For example, a flight attendant would be able to ask if a passenger wants coffee with sugar instead of the usual, ”What do youwant to drink?”data security. Techies are spending lots of time and money trying to protect data from hackers and viruses.Wireless is here to stay. Technologies such ah 802.11 and Bluetooth use shortrange signals to link a variety of computing and handheld devices in homes, offices, and retail stores.growth in portable computing. Inexpensive computer storage and small machines will aid people who want to work at home, in the car or train, or virtually anywhere. Devices such as IBM’s 9-ounce Metapad hold 5 gigabytes of dataand will change the way people work.5网络营销的成长发展说明一些营销原理从来不曾变化,对于一项创新产品,只要它能为顾客提供价值,即使已有众多竞争者,市场也总是乐于接受的。

英语作文-出版服务行业的网络营销与消费行为分析The digital age has revolutionized marketing strategies across various industries, particularly in the publishing services sector. This transformation stems from the profound impact of internet technologies on consumer behavior and market dynamics. Understanding these changes is crucial for stakeholders aiming to effectively navigate and capitalize on the evolving landscape of online marketing within the publishing services industry.Online marketing in the publishing services sector encompasses a wide array of strategies tailored to engage both authors and readers in a digital ecosystem. Central to this transformation is the utilization of targeted digital platforms, such as social media, websites, and email campaigns, to reach specific audiences. Unlike traditional marketing approaches, which were largely reliant on physical distribution channels and print media, digital marketing offers unparalleled reach and measurability.Consumer behavior within the context of online marketing in publishing services is characterized by several key trends. Firstly, there is a discernible shift towards digital consumption of content. Readers increasingly prefer accessing books, articles, and journals in digital formats, facilitated by e-readers, tablets, and smartphones. This preference underscores the importance of publishers and service providers optimizing their digital presence to enhance accessibility and user experience.Moreover, consumer decision-making processes have been significantly influenced by online reviews, recommendations, and social proof. Potential authors and readers alike rely heavily on peer feedback and expert opinions available through social media channels, review platforms, and specialized forums. Establishing a robust online reputation, therefore, becomes paramount for publishing service providers seeking to build credibility and attract clientele.The role of content marketing emerges as a cornerstone strategy in fostering engagement and brand loyalty within the publishing services industry. By creating valuable and informative content, such as blog posts, white papers, and expert articles, service providers can position themselves as thought leaders and trusted advisors. This approach not only cultivates a loyal following but also enhances organic visibility through search engine optimization (SEO) strategies.Furthermore, the advent of data analytics has revolutionized the effectiveness of marketing campaigns within the publishing sector. Through sophisticated analytics tools, publishers can gain deep insights into consumer behavior patterns, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach enables targeted marketing initiatives, personalized recommendations, and iterative improvements based on real-time feedback and performance metrics.In conclusion, the evolution of online marketing in the publishing services industry represents a paradigm shift from traditional methods to dynamic, data-driven strategies tailored to digital landscapes. By leveraging targeted digital platforms, understanding consumer behavior trends, prioritizing content marketing, and harnessing the power of data analytics, stakeholders can effectively navigate and capitalize on the opportunities presented in the digital era. Embracing these transformative practices not only enhances market competitiveness but also fosters meaningful engagement with authors and readers in an increasingly interconnected world.。

英语关于网络销售的作文标题,The Impact of Online Sales on Consumer Behavior。
In recent years, the rise of online sales has dramatically transformed the way consumers shop. This shift has not only affected the retail industry but has also significantly influenced consumer behavior. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which online sales have impacted consumer behavior, examining both the positive and negative aspects of this trend.To begin with, one of the most significant impacts of online sales on consumer behavior is the convenience it offers. With just a few clicks, consumers can browse through a wide range of products from the comfort of their own homes. This convenience factor has led to a surge in online shopping, as consumers no longer have to deal with the hassle of traveling to physical stores and waiting in long lines. As a result, online sales have made shopping more accessible to a larger number of people, includingthose with busy schedules or mobility issues.Furthermore, online sales have also changed the way consumers make purchasing decisions. With the abundance of product information and reviews available online, consumers now have access to more information than ever before. This has empowered consumers to make more informed choices, as they can compare prices, read reviews, and research products before making a purchase. As a result, consumers are more likely to choose products that best meet their needs and preferences, rather than simply relying on brand loyalty or impulse buying.However, despite the many benefits of online sales, there are also some negative impacts on consumer behavior to consider. One such impact is the rise of compulsive buying behavior. The ease of online shopping, combined with the constant availability of products and promotional offers, can lead some consumers to make impulsive purchases that they may later regret. Additionally, the prevalence of targeted advertising and personalized recommendations can further encourage consumers to spend more money than theyoriginally intended.Another negative impact of online sales on consumer behavior is the erosion of traditional shopping habits. As more consumers turn to online shopping, brick-and-mortar retailers are facing increasing pressure to adapt or risk losing customers. This shift away from traditional stores not only affects the retail industry but also has broader implications for local economies and communities. Furthermore, the lack of face-to-face interaction in online transactions can lead to a sense of detachment between consumers and businesses, which may diminish trust and loyalty over time.In conclusion, online sales have had a profound impact on consumer behavior, both positive and negative. While the convenience and accessibility of online shopping have transformed the way consumers shop, they have also led to challenges such as compulsive buying behavior and the erosion of traditional shopping habits. As online sales continue to evolve, it will be essential for businesses to find ways to balance the benefits of online shopping withthe need to address these challenges and ensure a positive shopping experience for consumers.。

出版服务行业的网络营销与消费行为分析English Answer:Network Marketing and Consumer Behavior Analysis in the Publishing Service Industry。
In recent years, the publishing service industry has undergone tremendous changes due to the rapid development of the internet. The emergence of online platforms has revolutionized the way books are marketed and consumed. In this essay, we will analyze the impact of network marketing on the publishing service industry and examine the corresponding changes in consumer behavior.Firstly, network marketing has greatly expanded the reach of the publishing service industry. In the past, publishers heavily relied on physical bookstores to distribute their products. However, with the advent of e-commerce platforms and online bookstores, books can now be accessed and purchased by readers worldwide with just a few clicks. This has significantly increased the visibility and accessibility of published works.Moreover, the use of social media and online communities has become an effective tool for publishers to engage with their target audience. By utilizing platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, publishers can interact directly with readers, share updates about new releases, and gather valuable feedback. This level of engagement not only helps publishers to understand their audience better but also creates a sense of loyalty and connection between readers and the books they love.In addition, network marketing has allowed for more targeted advertising and personalized recommendations. Through data analysis and algorithms, online platforms can track a user's browsing history and preferences to provide tailored book suggestions. This approach not only improves the efficiency of marketing efforts but also enhances the overall user experience by presenting readers with books that align with their interests and preferences.As for consumer behavior, the rise of network marketing has significantly influenced the way people discover and consume books. Traditional methods such as browsing physical bookstores or relying on word-of-mouth recommendations have been complemented, if not replaced, by online platforms. Readers now have the convenience of accessing a vast array of books from the comfort of their homes, making it easier for them to explore different genres and authors.Furthermore, the ability to access book reviews and ratings online has also impacted consumer decision-making. Before making a purchase, readers can now easily access others' opinions and experiences, which influences their choices and helps them make more informed decisions. This has led to a shift in consumer behavior, where reviews and ratings play a significant role in the book selection process.To conclude, the advent of network marketing has brought about significant changes in the publishing service industry and consumer behavior. It has expanded the reach of the industry, facilitated direct engagement between publishers and readers, enabled targeted advertising, and personalized recommendations. Additionally, it has altered how readers discover and consume books, with online platforms becoming the go-to source for information and reviews. As the publishing service industry continues to evolve, it is crucial for publishers to embrace and adapt to these changes in order to remain competitive in this digital age.中文回答:出版服务行业的网络营销与消费行为分析。

网络购物行为分析中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)The network shopping behavior analysisAbstractThe thesis analyzes the current situation of online shopping in China. It offers a further analysis to its advantages, and disadvantages, gives solutions to the problems, gives a deep analysis of the benefits it brings to both producer and consumer and make people be more confident with the promising prospect of online shopping in china. It systematically illustrates the exiting problems of online shopping in china from a different view attached with exactly figures and vivid examples. At the same time, it gives relevant resolutions to the existing problems. It includes personal information safety, online payment, logistics, and a series of relevant law problems. The thesis chooses the authentic English materials which gave me a valuable guide and instruction; meanwhile, it has also been attached with specific figures so that people can understand them easily.Key words: Online shopping marketing research logistics service online payment distribution1. IntroductionWith the rapid development of Internet, online shopping has gradually entered the lives of ordinary people. And with the rapid development of Internet in China, more and more Chinese begin to favor online shopping for its convenience, quick delivery and benefit. According to the latest statistics released by China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC), the number of netizen in China has hit 87 million, and 7.3 percent said they had the experience of online shopping. Meanwhile, the statistics also showed that 58 percent of netizen in China would try the online shopping next year.Online shopping, in a narrow sense, can be understood as getting online information and inking online deals. In a broad sense, however, once one section of shopping is finished online, it can be regarded as online shopping. In that way, traditional or burgeoning online enterprises may seek a combination, mingling two modes' advantages.The percentage of online shopping in China is growing year on year. According to the experts' prediction, the total volume of China's online shopping is expected to reach 28 billion Yuan in years to come.2. Advantages of the online shopping2.1 Benefits to consumers2.1.1 Saving time and convenienceOnline shopping is becoming popularity ,not only because the great convenience ,but also you can find a shop with so many goods that you may favor. And it also saves your a great some of time ! You can just typing-in the key word of what you want to find , the target will appear on the screen quickly .The online shopping industry has grown a lot in the recent year, and millions of people prefer to buy from the large variety from the online stores than to waste time at the long lines from supermarkets. Furthermore, the online shopping industry keeps growing, and more and more products are made available online. You can now find everything from CD to fruits and books, and you can purchase the items you want just with a few clicks.After you've done some online shopping you'll see how easy it is and you'll quickly get used to it. Soon you will know what the best shopping websites are and you will be able to buy the things you need very easy and fast, saving a lot of time and trouble. Online shopping is the most practical, economical and fun method of shopping, that is perfect for everyone."Online payment provides a more convenient way for consumers who don't carry cash."Beijing resident Ding Xin(丁欣)in her late 20s bought a bottle of perfume online last month."I often browse the websites of online shops because the goods have more attractive prices," she said.With the fast development of the society, the rhythm of life is accelerated progressively, the traffic jam changes crowd gradually, people are unwilling to spend much time to go shopping, and network marketing is accepted by consumers for it’s convenient characteristic Consumers can select the goods at home without going out , with the help of strong database, the shopping course is simplified to an action of " click ", consumers can finish doing shopping at any time, with the appointment of a place to deliver goods.About 41.8 per cent of all online shopping payments are handled over the Internet, the survey shows. And 43.2 per cent of online shopping payments are handled via money remittance personnel and 34.7 per cent are completed in person, the survey shows.2.1.2 Customization and personalizationOnline shopping can provide mass customization and personalization with moderate cost. Point cast, for example, delivers customized news and financial data toevery single customer based on his or her specific needs. displays specific recommendations based on the customer’s previous purchases. These kinds of services are very expensive in traditional marketing .The web providing online shopping can move from providing general products or services customized to a customer’s needs, tastes, and preferences.2.1.3 Access to more informationOne important consumer benefit associated with marketing on the web is the access to greater amounts of dynamic information to support queries for consumer decision-making. Furthermore, the interactive nature of the web and the hypertext environment allow deep, non-liner searches initiated and controlled by customers. Hence marketing communication on the web is more consumer-driven than those provided by traditional media. In addition, recreational uses of the medium manifested in the form of non-directed search behavior are such an important benefit to consumers that they are intrinsically motivated to use the medium.2.1.4 Easier market research and comparisonThe ability of the web to access, analyze and control large quantities of specialized data can enable comparison shopping and spread the process of finding line which may stimulate purchase. There is also the potential of wider availability of hard-to- find products and wider selection of items due to the width and efficiency of the channel.2.2 Benefits to the firms2.2.1 Lower costs and pricesIncreased competition in procurement as more suppliers are able to compete in an electronically open market place causes a greater competition, which naturallylowers prices and costs. This increase in competition leads to better quality and variety of goods through expanded markets and the ability to produce customized goods. One of the reasons to lower cost is that they haven’t traditional warehouses and retail shops in the retailing business of the great majority in the commercial city online. Generally speaking, the network does not have a traditional retail channel to sell. For example like , the online retailing bookshop with no stock of books, places an order with bookseller and sends to consumers directly which aims to realize real " zero stock " to lower cost.2.2.2 Better distributionFirm benefits arise partly from the use of the web as a distribution channel. First, the web potentially offers certain classes of providers and opportunity of participating in a market in which distribution costs or cost-of-sales shrink to zero. This is most likely for product categories. For example, digital products can be delivered immediately and hence such businesses may encounter massive disintermediation or even the eventually elimination of middleman. Moreover buyers and sellers can access and contact each other directly, potentially eliminating some of the marketing cost and constraints imposed by such interactions in the terrestrial world. This may also have the effect of shrinking the channel and making distribution much more efficient (mainly due to reduced overhead costs through such outcomes as uniformity, automation and large-scale integration of management processes). Time to complete business transaction may be reduced as well, translating into additional efficiencies for the firm. However, such potential efficiencies must be tempered with market realities.2.2.3 Marketing communicationWeb sites are available on demand to consumers 24 hours a day. The interactive nature of the medium can be used by marketers to hold the attention of the consumer by engaging the consumer in an asynchronous “dialogue” that occurs at both parties’ convenience. This capability of the medium offers unprecedented opportunities to tailor communications precisely to individual customers, allowing individual consumers to request as much information as desired.Further, it allows the marketer to obtain relevant information from customers for the purpose of serving them more effectively in the future. The simplestimplementations involve engaging customers through the use of the E-mail buttons located strategically on the site. More sophisticated implementations may involve fill-out forms and other incentives designed to engage customers in ongoing relationships with the firm. The objective of such continuous relationship building is dual- pronged: to give consumers information about the firm and its offers and to receive information from consumers about their needs with respect to such offerings.3. Limitations of online shoppingDespite the prospects is optimistic, a shortage in types of online payment, lagging logistics and lack of relevant laws are just some of the problems which continue to hinder the development of online shopping.3.1 Online paymentOnline payment plays a key role in e-commerce, and a safe, convenient, and efficient online payment system is essential. However, safety authentication, one of the main factors of online payment system, is inadequate in China.Online shopping is information technology ---based business , which makes the trade between consumers and firms online through the internet . The two sides from time and space limitation , thus not only greatly expand its network of consumers and firms online on the opportunities of commodities trading , but also greatly reduce the cost of commodities trading. However there are still a number of factors influence the development of online shopping in China .1.Security .Security issues is the biggest problem that have hindered the development of online shopping . Although the existing methods Alipay online shopping played a good role, but it is only a substitute in the period of electronic payments . It has obvious defects on security of electronic payments and real-time of financial flows , which can not fully meet the financial electronic requirements.2.Taxation .With the rapid development of online shopping and online shopping as paperless, no site-based, intangible, unbounded, virtual and electronic payments, etc. to make the work difficult to carry out effectively, there has been a series of loopholesin tax administration led to the draining away of tax chargeable caused enormous economic losses to the state. As for the traditional legal system and tax collection management , it is difficult to resolve tax and related issues online shopping . However there is no clear policy for online shopping recently in China .3.Protection of the interests of consumers .In online shopping activities, there is a shortage of face to face communication , the transaction has a large uncertainty. The buyer gets the goods information through the network. Some unscrupulous Internet companies know consumers can not see the real goods and they can’t see each other , in order to reap huge profits, manufacturing counterfeit products. Therefore, the public generally feel online shopping is not intuitive, secure, they don’t believe the network's "rhetoric". The result is caused to the development of online shopping has a large obstacle . Online shopping is also a vacuum of after-sale security, some problem often arise that customers don’t know who to look for . Thus, in recent years online trading complaints are significant increase. In addition, the delivery time is not accurate . The development of shopping depends on a strong logistics system. But in our country, so far still lack a systematic national freight distribution business. Inadequate logistics infrastructure, third-party logistics services developed slowly, that all hampered the development of online shopping.Although many banks have already set up their own financial authentication center, there lacks a notified and authoritative nationwide authentication center, leading to many cases of cross authentication, repeated authentication and a waste of resources.3.2 Logistics serviceSecond is the limitation in the logistics system. Present from the perspective of the development of the logistics, the logistics of electronic commerce have following problems: the weak link at logistics infrastructure, it has n’t high ly specialization, the third party logistics ineffective work , limited services, that all impact the logistics, logistics have a flavor of planned economy color, from the perspective of logistics activities, our main problems is the development of immature distribution center, a small range of logistics activities, logistics alliance is not high, the low level oflogistics technology, information system applications still closed .Among the corporations providing logistic services for online shopping in China, some 1,000 are traditional ones and their service quality is not good enough; therefore, the need to provide a speedy transaction and delivery regardless of space and distance can hardly be fulfilled.3.3 Legal problems and public-social policiesThe laws and regulations are imperfect. Online shopping, as a new commercial activity, brings unavoidable a series of legal problems, such as the electronic contract, the legal effect question of signing in figure, an economic dispute question of the online trade, computer crime question, etc.There are a number of questions concerning marketing through the web: validity of an electronic signature, legality of an electronic contract, risk, trademarks, loss of right to trade secrets and liabilit y. There are also government’s rules, regulations, economic policies and censorship.Besides, due to the lack of legal protection in this field, arbitration and liability cognizance are difficult when disputes arise. In addition, the efficiency of online payment in China is still low: payment validation from the bank takes a long time (about 10 days), the charge is too high (5 per cent service fee of credit cards transaction), and there are too many restrictions. All these hinder the development of e-commerce in China.4. Solutions to the problems4.1 Establishing a good payment mechanismConsistent with Phoneme Institute's other Privacy Trust studies, the biggest fear consumers have is identity theft (82%), followed by unauthorized access to their bank accounts and telemarketing abuse. Eighty percent of respondents said that the privacy of their personal information is very important or important to them.Based on these findings, banks should concentrate strength on solving the security encryption of the online shopping system, authentication, key technology problem on payment, etc., technically, banks should not only prevent mischief anddestruction to the network of computer by virus and hacker, but also guarantee national benefit and commercial rights and interests and secret of enterprises .At the same time the bank should make breakthrough in trade account settlement and cash allocation between different banks or different regions in order to meet the development demand of network marketingAt the same time, banks should address the online security of their Web sites and provide information about the measures customers can take to protect their financial assets. Banks should clearly communicate their commitment to protecting the privacy of their customers and provide information on how consumers can contact the bank with questions or concerns.Respondents were also asked to suggest actions their bank could take to increase confidence in its ability to protect personal information. The most important issue with online consumers is setting limits on the sharing of personal information with third parties. This finding is also consistent with the results of our 2005 Online Consumer Permissions Study. According to that study, consumers want control over their online experience.The rewards from listening to and respecting the concerns of online consumers can lead to greater trust. And, in the world of online banking, trust is positively related to consumer acceptance and greater use of online banking services.4.2 Improving the lagging logisticsLogistics is defined as a business planning framework for the management of material, service, information, and capital flows .It includes the increasingly complex information, communication and control systems required in today’s business environment.The allocate-and-deliver system of logistics should be perfected. The network marketing has offered internal motive force and external demand to the variety and dispersiveness of the allocate-and-deliver demand and the reform of resources in logistic enterprises. It is urgent to establish a nationwide allocate-and-deliver system, which covers both the urban and rural areas to be accorded to the demand of allocate-and-deliver system of network marketing. Logistic enterprise should not only deliver goods, but also become the service supplier to customer finally to help enterprises to finish the after-sales service, to offer more appreciated service contents,for example, to follow the products order, to offer selling statistics and report form, etc., to further increase the kernel service value of enterprises. In addition, they can develop the third-party-logistics, unify manufacturer service thus to optimize the logistics deliver network, and then the cost of allocate-and-deliver service will be reduced.4.3 Making relevant lawsThe research and formulation of strengthening the laws and regulations to offer the favorable external environment for development of marketing of the network, in order to protect the development of network marketing, developing relevant network management by centering the marketing of the networks, the information safety, settle account in finance, such problems as intellectual property protection, etc., at the same time they should accelerate the modification paces of the current laws and regulations , make and issue the new trade regulation at the same timeThey need not only make the relevant laws, but also strengthen the government’s management the management of government except making the relevant laws.Facing the opportunities and challenges in global development of online shopping, the Chinese government has placed online shopping high on the agenda in its basic economic construction.The key task at present is to establish a unified application and service platform with Chinese characteristics. Upon its completion, currently complicated online shopping can be turned into a simple platform operation, and an advanced service mechanism and infrastructure can be set up, which will facilitate the establishment of a new economic model for e-commerce in traditional enterprises.The government should take an active role in encouraging and supporting the Internationalization of traditional corporations. Besides, it also emphasized the business nature of online shopping, and warned that online shopping activities cannot be done by simply building networks.5. ConclusionThe main advantage of online shopping is that it allows people to browse through many items and categories without leaving their house, to compare the prices of as many shops as they want, and also to order as many items as they can afford without having to worry about how they will transport them, because the online shopping websites also deliver the things to the buyer's home. Furthermore, the Internet is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so you don't have to hurry or worry about finding a parking spot.A new survey shows Internet shopping is increasing thanks to improvements of online payment systems and delivery services. The China Internet Network Information Centre survey reveals 17.9 per cent of consumers shop online often.Among those who have never purchased online, 63.7 per cent said they would convert to online shopping in the future, which means the existence of greater potential market.Online shopping has very bright prospect in china. By the end of 2004, the netizen of Chinese Internet users is 94 million. It is estimated by 2007, Chinese Internet user will reach 140 million. The one faster than this speed is the development of user's number of China's online shopping. It is that 5,630,000 will use users in 2004. It is estimated by 2007, this figure will be up to 16 million, online shopping users will be 3 times those of 2004 in 2007, 28 times those of 2001. In addition, the market scale of online shopping increase by 160% in 2004, the turnover rises to 4,500 million RMB by a wide margin. In 2007 this figure is hopeful to be up to 29,600 million RMB, 6 times those of 2004. In the face of more and more users, in the face of such a big market, I think nobody dares to neglect this market; nobody bets and speaks NO to this market.References1.Hu Chunlan (Hu, Chunlan). New economic English [M]. Tsinghua university press, 20042.Zhang Qingying (Zhang Qingying). Logistics engineering English [M]. Chemical industry press, 20033.ZhuangPeiJun (Zhuang Peijun). Logistics professional English [M]. Electronic industry press, 20034. The fourth one (Ding Mingyi.) enterprise electronic commerce foundation [M]. Electronic industry press, 20025. NiJin (Ni Jin). The wto English [M]. Southeast university press, 2001网络购物行为分析摘要此文从对我国目前网上购物的现实状况入手,深入的分析了网上购物的优,缺点,以及解决的方法等一系列的问题,深入的分析了网上购物给商家和消费者双方带来的利益,使人们对网上购物在中国的发展充满信心。
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网络营销参与与消费者行为外文翻译本科毕业论文设计外文翻译原文Internet Marketing Involvement and Consumer BehaviorIntroductionOne of the most stunning aspects of the past few years has been the speed at which the Internet market has expanded and matured This rapid rate of Internet adoption has resulted in an extraordinary pace of change in the marketing landscape- and opened up a variety of opportunities for marketers All across Taiwan and around the world shopping centers are closing their doors as consumers turn to the Internet for all of their shopping needs The Internet as the primary on-line marketing channel is now overtaking the commercial on-line servicesIn fact all of the on-line service firms now offer Internet access as a primary service Users can send e-mails exchange views shop for products and access newsfood recipes art and business information As the Internet establishes its position as a mainstream marketing channel consumer criticism regarding Internet marketing strategies have increased as well Critics worry about information privacy including issues related to the acquisition and disseminationof consumer data Thus though over half of all American adults use the Internet approximately only half of the current Internet users have purchased products or services onlineThis poses a serious obstacle for Internet marketers as 75 of American adults do not spend money in web storesThe percentage of online money-spenders is generally less in countries outside the United StatesA key factor that decides the success of Internet marketing is user involvement The level of consumer involvement in a product category or service is a major determinant of online purchase or usage behavior Different involvement clusters produce different responses Thus the degree of user involvement in an Internet marketing effort will determine consumer behavior The response dimension is a function of the type of involvement generated and the situations confronted The response dimension characterizes how a consumer will behave under different involvement conditions There are three response factors 1 search 2 information processing and 3 decision persuasionHowever a variety of variables are thought to precede and influence the user involvementThese so-called antecedents interact with each other to determine the degree of involvement a consumer will experience at any particular timeThese variables can be grouped into 1 person 2 stimulusobject and 3 situation categoriesThe purpose of this paper is to propose a framework that candetermine the relationship among involvement antecedents of Internet marketing measured involvement degree related constructs and consequences of consumer behavior The framework first establishes the factors that affect the degree of Internet marketing involvement and then presents the different involvement degree clusters according to the measured involvement degrees Finally consumer behavior consequences of Internet marketing are established With the findings this paper then discusses the implications for Internet marketers and recommends Internet strategies for a variety of involvement degree clustersInvolvement identificationInvolvement identification Involvement result is the customers ultimate concern with a purchaseconsumption experienceHolbrook and Hirschman 1982 proposed that involvement included experiencing a number of positive results such as the rewards inherent in the product and the products expressive values Rothschild 1984 defined involvement as an unobservable state ofmotivation arousal or interest Involvement is evoked by a particular stimulus or situation and has drive properties Its consequences are searching information processing and decision making Hansen 1985 suggested that involvement is nothing more than a consumers interest for a product category Moreover some researchers proposed frameworks for conceptualizing the involvement construct Zaichkowsky1986 outlined prior studies that have shown involvement antecedents to be due to personal characteristics object characteristics andor situation characteristics Earlier researchers posited that one or more of these factors influenced the consumers level of involvement in advertising products and purchase decision Andrews Durvasula and Akhter 1990 designed a framework that closely scrutinizes the involvement constructs antecedents state properties measures related constructs and consequences The framework provided a nomological network of relationships among involvement antecedents state properties related constructs and consequences The antecedents to involvement were grouped into personal and situationaldecision factors The related construct factors such as ones opportunity to process and ability to process can limit the impact of these antecedents on the level of involvement Numerous consequences of manipulated involvement levels have also been determined including search behavior information processing and persuasionInvolvement measuring methodologyAndrews Durvasula and Akhter 1990 distinguished involvement measurement scales into two types One scale measures enduringproduct involvement For example Buchanan 1964 Zinkhan and Fornells 1989 method for measuring product interest was developed based on their research respondents relative preferences for watching short films regarding the products in question Each product was presented four times for a possiblerange of 0 to 8 a higher result indicating Bowen and Chaffee 1974 and Tyebjee 1979 used seven product-involvement measures to differentiate product class Vaughn 1980 distinguished product class by product categorization and thinkfeel dimensions Else Block 1981 used a 17-item product involvement scale for car enthusiasts Laurent and Kapferer 1985 used a 19-item consumer involvement scale Zaichkowsky 1985 1987 used a 20-item bipolar adjective scale while Wells 1986 used a 10-item relevance scale The second scale measures information manipulation with a focus on advertising messages This second method studies three topics 1 attentionprocessing strategies 2 personalsituational involvementand 3 audienceprocess involvementIn marketing involvement has often been equated with perceived product importance Traylor 1981 Lastovicka and Bonfield 1982 Zaichkowsky 1985 proposed a bipolar adjective scale the Personal Involvement Inventory PII to capture the concept of involvement in products The scale successfully complied with standards for internal reliability reliability over time content validity criterion - related validity and construct validity The PII offers researchers an easily administered tool that can be applied across product categories used as a covariate to other research questions By using twenty items the scale allowed an adequate sampling of possible items that represented product involvement was long enough to ensure a high level of reliability This scale used semanticdifferential that consists of a series of bipolar items each measured ona seven-point rating scale It is easy to administer and score takes only a few minutes to complete and is applicable to a wide array of objects Thus this study used PII as the measuring scale for Internet marketing involvement and to segment the market clustersThe FrameworkAccording to Andrews Durvasula and Akhter 1990 this studys conceptualization of the relationship construct is shown in Figure 1 This framework for identifying consumer involvement is influenced by four antecedents that included a personal characteristics b lifestyle c perception needs and d situations that directly affect the shopping decision The consumer behaviors affected were a purchase decision b items purchased c amount of money spent d volume of purchase and e trade mode Based on this framework the four antecedents influenced the consumers involvement in Internet marketing and consumption behaviors These involvement antecedents are significantly related with the degree of Internet marketing involvement which in turn has a significant relationship with consumer behaviors The following hypotheses are offered regarding the relationship among the degree of Internet marketing involvement influence variables and consumer behaviorH1The degree of Internet marketing involvement is significantly related with consumers personal characteristicsH2The degree of Internet marketing involvement changes significantly with different consumers lifestylesH3The degree of Internet marketing involvement changes significantly with different consumers perception needsH4The degree of Internet marketing involvement is significantly related with situationsH5Consumer behavior is significantly related with the degree of Internet marketing involvementThe study Focus groupsThis study interviewed a focus group of ten potential customers to collect original consumer perception needs associated with Internet marketing In total 122 descriptions of perception needs were collected All nonredundant needs obtained from the first focus group were recorded as primary needs The study then interviewed a second focus group of ten different customers to consolidate and reduce the number of primary needs This process generated 20 representative items regarding the respondents perception needs and attitudes toward Internet marketing A third focus group composed of ten Internet users was formed to verify the descriptions about perception needs so a questionnaire on perception needs and attitudes for Internet marketing could be designed Finally 17 items concerning perception needs and attitudes were obtained and incorporated into a questionnaire for a random sampling survey Concurrently the SRI Value and Lifestyles Program was used to design and acquire 18 lifestylequestions Lifestyle was defined as a persons living patterns Lifestyle questions measured consumers major AIO dimensions Activities Interests and Opinions In this study consumer perception needs and lifestyles were measured using a five-point Likert scale Consumer purchase behavior personal characteristics data and the situations were assessed using a nominal scaleData collectionThe primary data from this research were collected through personal interviews with 620 Internet users selected by quota sampling throughout Taiwan After rejecting 20 unusable responses this research collected a sample of 600 respondents for an effective response yield of 9677 percent Respondent ages ranged from sixteen to fifty years old Gender was almost equally balanced 435 male 565 female Respondent occupations included engineers students business professionals laborers and service workers Educational levels ranged from junior high school to post-graduate degrees Monthly individual gross income ranged from under US550 to US2850 Of the 600 respondents 138 were married and the others were either never married or divorced These demographic characteristics were similar to those of Taiwan Internet usersThe first purpose of this study is to measure a persons involvement in Internet marketing Using the PII measure to total the 20 items gives a range from a low of 20 to a high of 140 This study divided consumers into three involvement degree clusters by quartiles An involvement scorewithin the first quartile25th percentile was considered the low involvement cluster An involvement score between the first quartile25th percentile and the third quartile 75th percentile was considered the intermediate involvement cluster An involvement score on the third quartile75th percentile or above was considered the high involvement cluster To decide the cut off points for low intermediate and high involvements on the scale an overall distribution was tabulated and presented in Table 1 The resulting distribution was used to classify scores into low intermediate or high involvement clusters when the study needed a comparison among individuals A low score were defined as one ranging from 20 to 69 Intermediate scores were defined as those ranging from 70 to 86 High score were defined as those in the top quartile of the distribution ranging from 87 to 140 Because some involvement scores were similar the respondent sample could not be divided perfectly into three groups by quartiles The resulting three clusters were 151 252 285 475 and 164 273 for low intermediate and high scores respectively Result analysisThis study first sought to determine the influence of antecedents on Internet marketing involvement By the Chi-square test this research found that the degree of Internet marketing involvement was significantly related with three items of consumer personal characteristics p000 Education occupation and income This result supports H1 Most members ofthe low involvement degree cluster had low levels of education were laborers or service workers and were in the middle-income level Most in the intermediate involvement degree cluster were college students with low incomes Members in the high involvement degree cluster had the highest education level most of whom with graduate or college degrees Those in the high involvement cluster were mostly students or business professionals and exhibited the highest average income among the three clustersSource Shwu-Ing Wu Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Volume 14 Issue4 2002译文网络营销参与与消费者行为简介对过去数十年来最惊人的一个方面是哪个互联网市场的不断扩大和成熟速度这种互联网采用不同寻常的步伐导致了市场迅速增长的景观开辟了营销机会在台湾在世界各地商场关门大吉因为消费者转向了他们的互联网购物的所有需求作为主要的网上营销渠道互联网现在是超车商业在线服务事实上上线服务的公司现在都提供互联网为主要服务的访问用户可以发送电子邮件交换意见对产品车间并获得新闻食品配方艺术和商业信息随着互联网的确立其作为主流营销渠道的地位消费者的批评有关互联网营销策略也增加了批评人士担心隐私信息包括有关收购和消费者数据传播的问题因此虽然超过半数的美国成年人使用互联网但目前大约只有一半的互联网用户在购买产品或在线服务这将成为互联网营销的严重障碍有75的美国成年人不花钱在网络商店在网上赚钱花钱的比例一般比在美国以外的国家少一个关键因素决定了网络营销的成功就是用户的参与消费者参与产品类别或服务水平是网上购买或使用行为的主要决定因素不同涉入集群产生不同的反应因此用户在网络营销的努力将决定消费者的参与程度方面的行为这反应是生成的参与和面临的形势类型的函数消费者的行为特征如何在不同的参与条件中相应反应的因素有三个1搜索2信息处理3决定或说服力然而各种变量被认为是影响用户的参与这些所谓的前置因素相互影响以确定消费者的参与程度将经历在任何特定时间这些变量可以分为1人2刺激或对象3类别的情况本文的目的是提出一个框架可以决定在参与互联网市场的前因关系测量的参与程度相关结构和消费行为的后果该框架首先确立因素影响了网络营销的参与程度然后提出了不同的参与程度集群根据实测的参与度最后通过网络营销建立消费者行为的后果随着发现本文则探讨了互联网营销的影响并建议对集群的参与程度进行不同的互联网战略参与鉴定参与鉴定的结果是参与客户的消费经验与购买的终极关怀在1982年霍尔布鲁克和赫希曼提出的参与包括遇到的奖励如在产品和产品的内在价值表现了积极成果在1984年罗斯柴尔德所界定的参与一个不可观测的状态觉醒和利益涉入是由一个特定的刺激诱发或情况并驱动的属性其后果是搜索信息处理和决策在1985年汉森建议参与只不过是一个消费者对产品类别的兴趣此外一些学者提出的概念化的参与构建框架在1986年Zaichkowsky概述了显示参与来路是由于个人的特点对象特性或以前的研究情况特点早期研究者假定有一个或多个这些因素影响了消费者的广告产品和购买决策的参与程度安德鲁斯Durvasula和Akhter在1990年设计了一个框架密切负责审查参与建设的先例国有财产措施相关结构和后果该框架提供了一个涉入前因国有财产关系的法理网络相关结构和后果参与前因被分为个人和情境因素相关建设为一体的机会和能力来处理工艺因素可以限制这些前因对参与程度的影响涉入程度的许多操纵后果也已确定包括搜索行为信息处理和劝导参与的测量方法安德鲁斯Durvasula和Akhter在1990年将不同的参与分为两种类型测量尺度一个为大规模产品涉入持久措施例如布坎南在1964年以及Zinkhan和Fornells在1989年的测量方法开发产品的兴趣建立于他们的研究受访者观看相对喜欢的产品短片提出了产品的第四代范围可以为0到8表明了一个较高的结果鲍文和查菲在1974年以及Tyebjee在1979年都用了七个产品参与措施来区分产品类别沃恩在1980年按产品分类区分产品的类别和想法或感觉尺寸另外用汽车爱好者的17项产品涉入规模 Laurent和Kapferer在1985年使用了19项消费者参与的规模 Zaichkowsky在1985年和1987年使用了20项规模双极形容词而韦尔斯在1986年使用了10项相关的规模第二个措施是对大型广告信息和焦点信息的操纵第二种方法的研究有三个议题1注意处理策略2个人情境的参与3观众进程的参与在市场营销里特雷勒在1981年以及 Lastovicka和邦菲尔在1982年都认为经常参与等同于知觉产品的重要性 Zaichkowsky在1985年提出了一个双极形容词规模个人涉入量表PII以捕捉产品中参与的概念规模成功地遵守内部的可靠性可靠性随着时间的推移内容效度效标准 - 相关效度和结构效度研究人员的PII提供一个易于管理的工具它可以跨越作为其他研究问题帮助用过的产品分别应用通过使用二十项规模允许对可能的项目是代表产品抽样充分参与是足够长以确保高可靠性这种规模的使用语意差异是一个两极的项目在七点评定量表测量每个系列组成这是易于管理和评分只需几分钟即可完成广泛地适用于一组对象因此本研究以作为衡量网络营销的参与规模细分市场集群的PII 框架据安德鲁斯Durvasula和Akhter研究的关系所构造的是概念化这种对消费者参与确定的框架是由四个前因影响其中包括一个人特征二生活习惯三认知的需要四状况直接影响到购物决定消费者行为的影响分别为一购买决策二购买的物品三所花费的钱四购买量以及五贸易方式在此框架基础上四个来路影响着消费者对网络营销和消费行为的参与这些参与前因有显着相关的网络营销与参与程度这反过来又与消费行为有显著的关系下面的假说提供了关于网络营销之间的参与影响变量消费行为的程度关系H1互联网营销的参与程度与消费者的个人特征显著相关H2互联网营销的参与程度的变化与不同消费者的生活方式显著相关H3互联网营销的参与程度的变化与不同消费者的认知需求显著相关H4互联网营销的参与程度相关情况H5消费者行为与网络营销的参与程度显著相关研究的重点群体这项研究访问了10个潜在客户聚焦小组收集原始消费者认知需求与相关的网络营销总共有122个需要说明获得收集从第一个焦点小组所得的全部低使用率数据需要被记录为主要需求这项研究随后采访了十个不同的客户群的第二个重点是巩固和减少基本需求数量这个过程中产生的20个代表性项目有关受访者的认知需求和对网络营销的态度第三个焦点团体由十个互联网用户组成成立了有关描述验证知觉感知的需要以便对需求和网络营销的态度可以设计问卷最后17项有关的看法和态度需要获得和转化为一个随机抽样调查问卷中同时SRI的价值和生活方式程序是用于设计和获得18生活方式的问题生活方式被定义为一个人的生活模式生活方式的问题衡量消费者的AIO的主要方面活动兴趣和意见在这项研究中消费者认知需求和生活方式测定采用李克特的五点对消费者购买行为个人特性的数据以及使用情况进行了评估数据收集本研究的主要数据是经由互联网与620配额的抽样方式以及台湾各地用户的个人访谈在拒绝了20种与众不同的反应本研究收集了有效的反应率为9677的600受访者的样本答辩人年龄介于1650岁性别435为男性565为女性答辩人的职业包括工程师学生商务人士劳工和服务工作教育水平从初中到研究生学位个人每月总收入介于550美元至2850美元在这600名受访者中138为已婚其他人不是未婚就是离婚这些人口特征相似于台湾互联网用户本研究的第一个目的是要衡量一个人在网络营销的参与使用的PII措施共20个项目提供了从一组地范围20个到140个本研究分为三个集群参与四分度的消费者第一25参与评分的被认为是低涉入集群25到75参与评分的被认为是中间参与集群75以上参与评分的被认为是高涉入集群要决定关闭的规模低中高涉入分切总体分布列于表1所列由此产生的分布是用来分为低中高涉入群或研究时需要一个比较个人之间的分数一个低分被定义为一个由20至69人不等中间分数被定义为从70至86人高分被定义为在分配前四分之一范围从87至140人由于一些参与评分相近样本不能被申请人完全划分为三个组由此产生的三组分别为151占252164占273和285占475为低中高分数结果分析本研究首先试图在参与的网络营销确定前因的影响本研究发现由卡方检定互联网营销的参与程度和个人消费特征有显著关联教育职业和收入这一结果支持H1的表达低涉入程度集群的多数成员教育水平低是劳动者或服务工作并在中等收入水平在中间的参与程度集群大多是低收入的大学生高涉入程度集群的成员是教育程度最高的其中大部分为研究生或大学本科学历在高涉入集群内大多是学生或商务人士体现出三组之间的最高收入水平出处安泰武《亚太区市场营销及物流期刊》第14卷2002436-53。