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IATF 16949:2016中文版 含ISO9001 2015

IATF 16949:2016中文版 含ISO9001 2015

目录前言——汽车质量管理体系标准 (7)历史 (7)目标 (7)有关认证的说明 (8)引言 (9)0.1 总则 (9)0.2 质量管理原则 (9)0.3 过程方法 (10)0.3.1 总则 (10)0.3.2 策划-实施-检查-处置循环 (11)0.3.3 基于风险的思维 (11)0.4 与其他管理体系标准的关系 (12)质量管理体系——要求 (13)1. 范围 (13)1.1 范围——汽车行业对ISO 9001:2015的补充 (13)2 引用标准 (13)2.1 规范性引用标准和参考性应用标准 (13)3 术语和定义 (13)3.1 汽车行业的术语和定义 (14)4 组织的环境 (18)4.1 理解组织及其环境 (18)4.2 理解相关方的需求和期望 (18)4.3 确定质量管理体系的范围 (18)4.3.1 确定质量管理体系的范围—补充 (18)4.3.2 顾客特定要求 (19)4.4 质量管理体系及其过程 (19)4.4.1 (19) 产品和过程的符合性 (19) 产品安全 (19)4.4.2 (20)5 领导作用 (20)5.1 领导作用和承诺 (20)5.1.1总则 (20) 公司责任 (21) 过程有效性和效率 (21) 过程拥有者 (21)5.1.2 以顾客为关注焦点 (21)5.2 方针 (21)5.2.2 沟通质量方针 (21)5.3 组织的作用、职责和权限 (22)5.3.1 组织的作用、职责和权限—补充 (22)5.3.2 产品要求和纠正措施的职责和权限 (22)6 策划 (22)6.1 应对风险和机遇的措施 (22)6.1.1和6.1.2 (22) 风险分析 (23) 预防措施 (23) 应急计划 (23)6.2 质量目标及其实现的策划 (24)6.2.1和6.2.2 (24) 质量目标及其实现的策划—补充 (24)6.3 变更的策划 (25)7 支持 (25)7.1 资源 (25)7.1.1 总则 (25)7.1.2 人员 (25)7.1.3 基础设施 (25) 工厂、设施和设备策划 (26)7.1.4 过程操作的环境 (26) 过程操作的环境—补充 (26)7.1.5 监视和测量资源 (26) 总则 (26) 测量系统分析 (27) 测量可追溯性 (27) 校准/验证记录 (27) 实验室要求 (28) 内部实验室 (28) 外部实验室 (28)7.1.6 组织知识 (28)7.2 能力 (29)7.2.1 能力——补充 (29)7.2.2 能力——在职培训 (29)7.2.3 内部审核员能力 (29)7.2.4 第二方审核员能力 (30)7.3 意识 (30)7.3.1 意识—补充 (30)7.3.2 员工激励和授权 (31)7.5.1 总则 (31) 质量管理体系文件 (31)7.5.2 编制和更新 (32)7.5.3 形成文件的信息的控制 (32)和7.5.3.2 (32) 记录保存 (32) 工程规范 (33)8 运行 (33)8.1 运行策划和控制 (33)8.1.1 运行策划控制—补充 (33)8.1.2 保密 (34)8.2 产品和服务要求 (34)8.2.1 顾客沟通 (34) 顾客沟通—补充 (34)8.2.2 产品和服务要求的确定 (34) 产品和服务要求的确定—补充 (34)8.2.3 产品和服务要求的评审 (35) (35) 产品和服务要求的评审—补充 (35) 顾客指定的特殊特性 (35) 组织制造可行性 (35) (35)8.2.4 产品和服务要求的更改 (35)8.3 产品和服务的设计和开发 (36)8.3.1 总则 (36) 产品和服务的设计和开发—补充 (36)8.3.2 设计和开发策划 (36) 多设计和开发策划——补充 (36) 产品设计技能 (37) 带有嵌入式软件的产品的开发 (37)8.3.3 设计和开发输入 (37) 产品设计输入 (37) 制造过程设计输入 (38) 特殊特性 (38)8.3.4 设计和开发控制 (38) 监视 (39) 设计和开发确认 (39) 原型样件方案 (39) 产品批准过程 (39) 设计和开发输出—补充 (40) 制造过程设计输出 (40)8.3.6 设计和开发更改 (40) 设计和开发更改—补充 (41)8.4 外部提供的过程、产品和服务的控制 (41)8.4.1总则 (41) 总则—补充 (41) 供应商选择过程 (41) 顾客指定的货源(亦称“指向性购买”) (42)8.4.2 控制的类型和程度 (42) 控制的类型和程度—补充 (42) 法律法规要求 (43) 供应商质量管理体系开发 (43) 汽车产品相关软件或带有嵌入式软件的汽车产品 (43) 供应商监测 (43) 二方审核 (44) 供应商开发 (44)8.4.3 外部供方的信息 (44) 外部供方的信息—补充 (45)8.5 生产和服务提供 (45)8.5.1 生产和服务提供的控制 (45) 控制计划 (45) 标准化作业—操作指导书和目视标准; (46) 作业准备的验证 (46) 停工后的验证 (46) 全面生产维护 (46) 生产工装及制造、试验、检验工装和设备的管理 (47) 生产排程 (47)8.5.2 标识和可追溯性 (47) 标识和可追溯性—补充 (48)8.5.3 属于顾客或外部供方的财产 (48)8.5.4 防护 (48) 防护—补充 (49)8.5.5 交付后的活动 (49) 服务信息的反馈 (49) 与顾客的服务协议 (49)8.5.6 更改的控制 (50) 更改的控制—补充 (50) 过程控制的临时更改 (50)8.6 产品和服务的放行 (51)8.6.2 全尺寸检验和功能性试验 (51)8.6.3 外观项目 (51)8.6.4 外部提供的产品和服务符合性的验证和接受 (51)8.6.5 法律法规符合性 (52)8.6.6 接收准则 (52)8.7 不合格输出的控制 (52)8.7.1 (52) 顾客的让步授权 (52) 不合格品控制—顾客规定的过程 (53) 可疑产品的控制 (53) 返工产品的控制 (53) 返修产品的控制 (53) 顾客通知 (53) 不合格品的处置 (53)8.7.2 (53)9 绩效评价 (54)9.1 监视、测量、分析和评价 (54)9.1.1 总则 (54) 制造过程的监视和测量 (54) 统计工具的确定 (55) 统计概念的应用 (55)9.1.2 顾客满意 (55) 顾客满意—补充 (55)9.1.3 分析与评价 (55) 优先级 (56)9.2 内部审核 (56)9.2.1和9.2.2 (56) 内部审核方案 (56) 质量管理体系审核 (57) 制造过程审核 (57) 产品审核 (57)9.3 管理评审 (57)9.3.1 总则 (57) 管理评审——补充 (57)9.3.2 管理评审输入 (57) 管理评审输入—补充 (58)9.3.3 管理评审输出 (58) 管理评审输出—补充 (58)10 改进 (59)10.1 总则 (59)10.2.1和10.2.2 (59)10.2.3 问题解决 (59)10.2.4 防错 (60)10.2.5 保修管理体系 (60)10.2.6 顾客投诉和使用现场失效试验分析 (60)10.3 持续改进 (60)10.3.1 持续改进——补充 (60)附录A:控制计划 (62)A.1 控制计划的阶段 (62)A.2 控制计划的要素 (62)附录B:参考书目——汽车行业补充 (64)前言——汽车质量管理体系标准本汽车质量管理体系标准(本文中简称为“汽车QMS标准”或“IATF 16949”),连同适用的汽车顾客特定要求,ISO 9001:2015要求以及ISO 9000:2015一起定义了对汽车生产件及相关服务件组织的基本质量管理体系要求。



1999SolidWorks 2004实例应用 6 2000梵高的梦想 Photoshop平面设计与创作技巧详解 5 2001Premiere Pro基础与实例教程 6 2002中文CorelDRAW 11/12 精彩实战百例通 6 2003全国计算机等级考试上机考试习题集 二级Visual FoxPro数3 2004线性代数 5 2005计算机集成制造 英文版 4 2006Photoshop CS——我的照片我做主 6 2007中文Photoshop CS创意·广告·数码照片处理100例 5 2008UG NX2工业设计培训教程 5 2009电脑应用专家坐堂 网络专辑 2004~2005 5 2010化学数据速查手册 = Concise handbook of chemical data4 2011AutoCAD 2004中文版三维造型高级教程 5 2012Visual C++ 6.0范例入门与提高 2 2013SQL Server 2000数据库管理与开发技术大全 4 2014环境保护概论 5 20153ds max 5建筑与室内设计必成攻略 4 2016机械设计基础学习与训练指南 3 2017网络管理技术与应用 2 2018大学物理 上册 3 2019三维创造奇迹 3D人脸超写实制作 5 2020Microsoft Access 2003公司数据库管理综合应用 4 2021实战Visual 2003进销存系统 6 2022跟我学电脑办公技巧与案例 4 会计系统程序设计 4 202435~6/0.4kV配变电系统短路电流计算实用手册 5 2025Photoshop数码照片处理与特效制作 4 2026精通Flash MX 2004 4 2027建筑工程施工质量验收规范应用讲座(验收表格) 2 2028Microsoft .NET和Windows应用程序调试 3 2029JavaScript网页开发 体验式学习教程 4 2030ANSYS有限元分析实用教程 6 20313ds max6室内效果图设计 3 2032专家门诊 Visual C++开发答疑300问 3 20333ds max 4创意精粹 2 2034Visual C++数据库开发基础及实例解析22035Visual C++/Turbo C串口通信编程实践 5 2036跟我学AutoCAD 2004中文版与机械制图 6 2037计算机网络与安全实用编程 5 2038PhotoWorks效果渲染 5 2039ASP数据库开发实例精粹 4 2040Painter 8绘画实例制作教程 5 2041AutoCAD 2005电气设计 3 2042彩色电视机维修教程及光盘实例详解 5 2043基于UML的软件项目的过程质量保障 5 2044计算机组装与维护 4 20453ds max室内设计与效果图制作实例详解 6 2046Photoshop CS经典实例详解 4 2047Visual Basic数据库高级实例导航 4 2048JBuilder 9集成开发实例解析 2 2049闪亮视界新动力—Flash 5中文版 1 2050举一反三——Pro/ENGINEER中文版机械设计实战训练 2 2051全国计算机等级考试三级 PC技术典型题汇与解析 5 2052二级 Visual Basic程序设计考点精讲与试题选解 5 2053懈寄生 4 2054举一反三——3ds Max三维动画制作实战训练 12 2055参数统计 6 2056Struts Kick Start中文版 5 2057计算机应用文摘 2004下半年合订本 5 2058流程管理 3 2059操作系统原理UNIX篇习题与实验指导 10 2060数字媒体——作品观摩与点评 3 2061统计质量控制 [英文版] 3 2062室内设计原理下册3 2063CAXA数控车V2实例教程 3 2064数字图像处理 6 2065数据结构习题解析与实训 10 2066基于PowerPC的嵌入式Linux 2 2067MATLAB LabVIEW SystemView仿真分析基础 3 2068网络程序设计——ASP 3 2069机械系统计算机控制 3 2070CorelDRAW 12中文版精彩设计零距离 32071图像处理 Photoshop CS中文版入门与提高 4 2072新编Photoshop 7.0中文版入门与提高 4套*2 2073插图艺术家 Illustrator 4 2074电脑平面设计创意与制作 2 2075新编Excel 2003中文版入门与提高 4 20763ds max 6工业产品设计教程 5 2077Fireworks网页设计专家门诊 8 2078CorelDRAW基础教程 4 2079Authorware基础教程 4 2080Visual Basic .NET数据库高级教程 4 2081我想学设计 Photoshop CS平面设计典型实例 3 2082PowerBuilder 9.0基础应用与系统开发 5 2083跟我学AutoCAD 2004中文版与建筑制图 4 2084Authorware 7.0基础与实例培训教程 5 2085模拟导游 4 2086中国电脑教育报 2004年合订本 5 2087中文版Windows XP速成实用教程 3 2088Authorware 7.0多媒体制作实践与提高 4 2089SAS编程技术与金融数据处理 6 2090局域网组建与维护 实战技巧 6 2091JBuilder基础开发篇 JBuilder X/2005版 4 2092开天辟地学电脑 PowerPoint XP实例篇 2 2093Visual Basic数据库开发实例解析 2 2094Photoshop 7建筑效果图制作精粹3 2095有机化学 下册 3 2096工程师和科学家实用统计分析 基于计算机的方法 [英文版]2 2097网络程序设计——ASP 蔡翠平主编 1 2098用VBA开发AutoCAD 2000应用程序 2 20993ds max 6 Lightscape 3.2室内建筑效果图经典作品解析 5套*2 2100工程师的矢量力学 静力学 国际单位制第3版3 2101专家门诊 开发答疑200问 6 2102音乐听觉速成教程 8 2103Java编程思想 3 2104Photoshop图像艺术效果100例 4套*2 2105Protel DXP电路设计白金教学 6 2106C程序设计(二级)上机指导 321073DS MAX流线型神话 三维建筑深层接触3 2108Delphi源代码分析 1 2109CAD/CAM应用软件 UG训练教程 2 2110AutoCAD辅助设计专家门诊 5 21113DS MAX R3欧式建筑效果图制作实例3 2112计算机组成原理及汇编语言学习指导 10 2113AutoCAD机械制图习题精解 4 2114Premiere Pro基础教程 6 21153DS MAX三居室装修效果图经典范例 10 2116Maya 5影视特效超级手册 5 2117Pro/ENGINEER 2001实用教程 3 2118PowerBuilder数据库开发经典案例解析 4 2119信息安全基础 4 2120工程中的有限元方法 英文版 5 21212003~2004年:中国农村经济形势分析与预测 3 2122公司管理表格现用现查 2 2123TCP/IP协议原理与应用 4 2124软件技术基础 6 2125Flash MX 2004动画设计 TOP10 6 2126Visual FoxPro软件开发模式与应用案例 3 2127UG应用开发教程与实例精解 2 2128AutoCAD 2004应用技巧 6 2129Photoshop CS广告设计触类旁通百例 6 2130SolidWorks高效工具 5 2131全国计算机等级考试学典 Visual Basic程序设计冲刺试卷 5 2132UML项目管理的过程质量保证 2 2133中文版Illustrator 10基础与实例教程 5 2134Delphi数据库开发经典案例解析 6 2135毛泽东著作专题摘编 (上)2136毛泽东著作专题摘编 (下)2137古今秘闻全记录 最新修订图文版2138全国计算机等级考试历届笔试真题详解 三级网络技术 3 2139电子商务应用实验教程 4 2140影响 毕加索vs达利4 2141超快学会五笔输入 5 2142无师自通 五笔打字篇 42143跟我学五笔打字快速上手 4 2144全国计算机等级考试考试要点.题解与模拟试卷 三级信息管5 2145新编3ds Max 6入门与提高 4 2146疯狂五笔 不背字根 翁丹等编著6 2147电脑报2004增刊 热门硬件与数码应用方案集锦 6 2148新电脑课堂 数码照片拍摄与处理 5 2149中文Access 2003应用学习捷径 5 2150现代信号处理教程 1 2151化工腐蚀与防护2152Windows XP实用大全 4 2153Java手机程序开发 J2ME - CLDC/MIDP 微型爪哇人著4 21543ds max 5轻松课堂实录 5套*3 2155视频编辑教程 中文版会声会影8 3 2156我也精通注册表 4 2157Photoshop CS中文版标准教程 3 2158全脑学习 3 2159专家门诊 Delphi开发答疑300问 2 21603ds max 6 Lightscape 3.2 Photoshop 7室内外建筑效果表4 2161操作系统原理·技术与编程 2 2162影响中国的5000条名人赠言 4 2163二级Visual FoxPro学与练 2 2164时尚集中营 主流数码外设选购与应用技巧全接触 5 2165Photoshop 6.0 Action创意设计 从入门到精通 2 2166从零开始——居室设计 2 2167UnigraphicsⅡ模型设计 实例演练篇 6 2168AutoCAD 2004中文版机械制图实用教程 1 2169实战Pro/Engineer曲面设计 适用2001版 3 2170飚三维—3ds max 5完全学习手册 全彩印刷 4 2171Mental Ray渲染全能1 21723ds max5白金手册/上1 2173新手学电脑故障排除1 2174电力工程管理与实务 1 2175AutoCAD家装施工图绘制培训教程1 2176台湾军事部署最新解密2177Photoshop CS数码照片处理入门与提高百例1 2178Microsoft SQL Server2000宝典121793ds max5建筑动画设计实例精解1 2180Authorware多媒体开发程序设计与典型实例1 2181基于Project2003的项目管理1 2182电脑软,硬件优化典型应用技巧1 2183C++Builder6 入门提高1 2184Photoshop现代包装装潢设计技能特训1 2185举一反三:3ds max建筑效果图制作实战训练1 2186CorelDRAW11图形创意与设计典型效果实战演练150例1 2187Visual FoxPro精彩编程200例6 218821天学通Java2(第三版)(专业参考版)1 2189游戏编程精粹.11 2190PageMaker时尚应用百例6 21913DS MAX6室外装潢技能特训:神奇的建筑师1 2192DirectShow实务精选1 2193中文AutoCAD机械设计精彩范例1 2194一级注册建筑师考试辅导教材.五.建筑经济 施工与设计业务1 2195电路设计与制版—Protel 99入门与提高 4 2196计算机审计1 2197简编房屋建筑学1 2198家居装饰设计精彩范例1 2199赫尔佐格和德梅隆的作品与思想3 2200学以致用:3DS MAX7三维效果图与渲染典型实例教程1 2201Visual Basic6.0数据库开发技术与工程实践1 2202801单片机彻底研究基础篇1 2203After Effects 6.0标准教程1 2204AutoCAD2004图样绘制艺术1 2205方正奥思6.0多媒体创作百例1 2206ASP网络编程实例1 2207轻松学用3ds max1 2208黑客防线2005精华本1 2209C++程序设计题解与上机指导1 2210SolidWorks2004模具设计实例精解2 22113DS MAX园林建筑小区规划效果图制作技能特训1 2212Authorware7多媒体应用技术教程1 2213新编Flash mx 2004中文版入门与提高1 2214Photoshop cs图像处理300问1应用教程1 2216J2EE企业级应用开发1 2217网络程序设计基础1 2218Delphi7应用案例开发篇1 2219大型ERP实施全接触Step By Step6 2220Authorware课件制作动态指导6 2221突破Photoshop7.0中文版广告创意与平面设计创作实例五十6 2222FPGA/CPLD设计工具:X ilinx ISE使用详解3 2223办公自动化案例教程3 2224AutoCAD2004中文版家装施工图绘制入门教材6 2225Access2003高手攻略1 22263ds max6完全征服手册3 2227Illustrator实用基础教程1 2228全国计算机等级考试教程Visual Basic语言程序设计1 2229企业资源计划(ERP)及其应用1 2230Authorware7.0多媒体课件制作基础与提高1 2231助理电子商务师3 2232矩阵论8 2233统计学基础1 2234Cisco CCNA认证考试(640-607)复习题1 2235唱片里的音乐与录音1 2236自由自在游夏威夷1 2237专利复审委员会案例诠释:现有技术与新颖性1 2238谁动了我的电脑5 2239跟我学汽车养护1 2240常见汽车识别代号(VIN)速查手册1 2241时尚健身:普通高校体育选项课教材1 2242自由自在游苏杭1 2243Flas mX2004精彩设计零距离1 2244Excel行政与人力资源管理高级应用6 2245电子政务教程3 2246CorelDRAW与现代商业设计5 2247C++Builder项目开发实践1 2248Flash5网页动画设计标准培训教程1 2249JSP+Oracle组建动态网站实例精讲1 2250中文Dreamweaver MX网页设计12251S7-300/400 PLC应用技术1 2252学有所成:3ds max/photoshop室内效果图制作技巧与典型实1 2253电脑编程技巧与维护2003年合订本(下)1 2254Visual C++课程设计案例精编4 2255V isual C++游戏编程导学5 2256Delphi程序设计基础与上机指导4 2257经典室内设计项目实践详解1 2258Excellent Vision:设计师谈Photoshop界面设计1 2259新编中文版FreeHand MX矢量绘图专家1 2260Photoshop CS经典详解100例1 2261UML2工具箱1 2262行业电脑教育:文秘篇6 2263爱过流星1 2264强身建体八段锦2265世界历史地理未解之迷(地理)1 2266世界历史地理未解之迷(历史)1 2267Rhino 3D & 3ds max6模型制作白金手册1 2268Visual Basic数据库开发关键技术与实例应用1 2269新手学建网站1 2270林缨2 22712004数码应用精华本1 2272拨号上网排忧解难1 2273Visual C++6.0信息管理系统开发案例导航1 2274SAP Business One中文版7.01 2275Delphi7控件实用程序设计100例1 2276Dreamweaver MX 2004基础实例精讲1 2277Flash MX动画制作基础教程1 2278民事诉讼与仲裁制度1 2279黑客任务实战:服务器攻防篇1 2280Combustion3.0影视特技特效合成大师1 2281CCTV对话1 22823ds max 6 & Photoshop CS建筑效果图绘制技术1 2283全国计算机等级考试二级Visual Basic经典试题与上机讲解1 2284中文Premiere Pro影视动画非线性编辑1 2285Flash MX2004中文版动画设计实例详解4 2286室内装饰工程设计务实教程42287行政职业能力测验应该指导(B类)4 2288计算机应用基础:实例 实验 测试题解6 2289EM78447B 单片机应用研究与制作5 22903DS MAX家装效果图制作创意与表现1 22913ds max插件白金手册1 2292Delphi6网络与数据库编程百例1 2293多媒体软件制作(Authorware平台)Authorware6.5职业技能培1 2294C++Builder数据库开发经典解析1 2295Dreamweaver中文版网站建设实战训练1 2296ⅠIIiustrator平面设计实战训练1 2297AutoCAD2004建筑及装潢设计基础与提高1 2298全国计算机等级考试三级:数据库技术典型题汇与解析1 2299Delphi信息管理系统开发实例导航+B25021 2300ASP数据库编程入门1 2301多媒体技术基础2302Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 1 2303Java 信息管理系统开发1 2304PowerPoint 在商业与教学演示中的应用 5 2305Delphi7完美经典1 2306测量系统分析3 2307举一反三 --- Mastercam数控加工实战训练4 2308思科网络技术学院教程 IT基础II: 网络操作系统5 2309三级PC技术:新大纲版----全国计算机等级考试超级模拟软件5 2310CorelDRAW 12入门与提高4 2311AutoCAD建筑设计培训教程4 2312《无线电》合订本 2004年下6 2313行业电脑教育-----网民篇6 2314PC游戏编程(DirectX 8)6 23153dsmax5室内效果图制作捷径6 2316Flash MX 2004动画制作 时尚创作百例6 2317Pro/ENGINEER 2001 模具设计6 2318新编AutoCAD 2004 中文版入门与提高6 2319Inside 深入核心 VCL 架构剖析1 2320AutoCAD2004特训教程-----3D应用篇1 2321Photoshop 7.0时尚创作200例1 2322Visual C++ 6.0实训教程42323计算机辅助产品造型设计表现技法6 2324Pro/ENGINEER设计与应用4 23253ds max 建筑效果创作难点实例解析(3ds max 6版)4 2326After Effects 经典影视特效案例详解2 2327AutoCAD20051 2328三级信息管理技术5 2329CAXA 实体设计三维CAD应用提高30例5 2330机械原理与设计课程设计5 2331三级网络技术 (新大纲)6 2332Visual FoxPro 1 2333结构可靠性分析及随机有限元法----理论、方法、工程应用1 2334现代科技信息检索导航1 2335数码相机拍照带了就走1 2336林家铺子2 2337日出3 2338施工组织设计范例50篇1 2339Access 信息管理系统开发实例导航1 2340Visual Basic 6.0 信息管理系统开发实例导航1 2341化学-----中心科学(英文8版)1 2342嵌入式实时操作系统及应用开发4 2343二级 Visual Basic语言程序设计考题精解与考场模拟6 2344全国计算机等级考试教程信息管理技术(三级)新大纲版3 2345PowerDesigner 软件工程技术 3 2346AutoCAD2005建筑与景观设计4 2347全国计算机等级考试教程信息管理技术(三级)新大纲版5 2348网站建设案例精粹5 2349JSP软件工程案例精解6 2350Excel 2003 在市场营销中的应用5 2351举一反三 Delphi 程序设计实战训练4 2352跟我学网页设计(MX2004)4 2353C++ Builder 编程技巧、经验与实例4 2354Unigraphics V16 实体与组合应用4 2355CATIA V5 机械设计5 2356Inventor9 中文版机械设计高级应用实例3 2357瑞萨R8C/11单片机原理和应用4 2358Windows API函数在Visual Basic 中的应用实例42359从零开始UG中文版基础培训教程5 2360Photoshop CS精彩创意1 2361Kylix 程序设计-----实战教程1 2362嵌入式开发与应用实验教程4 2363课件制作时尚创作百例5 2364BIOS 与注册表篇1 2365Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 钣金件设计5 2366三级信息管理技术(新大纲)6 2367Autodesk Inventor Professional 8 命令详解及实战教程5 2368Solidworks 2005 中文版机械设计高级应用实例5 2369Delphi 软件工程案例精解6 2370Tcl/TK 编程权威指南4 2371多媒体应用教程4 2372高等工程数学(第三版)0 2373大学数学(上册)0 2374大学数学 线性代数0 2375Visual C++ 小波变换技术与工程实践5 2376控制系统的职能设计2 2377Verilog HDL 程序设计教程4 2378AutoCAD 2004 中文版工程制图完全实战5 2379Microsoft Windows 2000 目录服务基础结构设计与管理2 2380PowerBuilder 9.0信息管理系统开发实例导航1 2381闪客学校-----MTV制作实例教程1 2382ERP开发与实施教程1 2383从零开始CATIA机械设计基础培训教程1 23843DS MAX 6精彩设计零距离2 信息管理系统开发实例导航1 2386FreeBSD 实用大全(第二版)1 2387单片微型计算机原理与接口技术4 2388《无线电》合订本 2004年上6 2389Pro/ENGINEER 2000 I 基础教程1 2390软件加密原理与应用3 2391SolidWorks 2003协同篇1 2392港口与航道工程管理与实务4 2393ASP 信息管理系统开发1 2394CCNA ICND 认证考试(640-811)指南12395Visual FoxPro 信息管理系统开发1 23963DS MAX5.0 精彩实例详解-----建筑与绿化效果图制作篇1 2397广告片头制作精粹(第2辑)2 2398Mac OS X色彩管理标准教材1 2399SQL Server 2000数据库开发技术与工程实践1 2400瑞姆.库哈厮的作品与思想2 2401突破DREAMWEAVERMX20046 2402Auto CAD 工程制图实例6 2403Auto CAD 辅助工程制图上机指导与习题精解4 2404Pro/ENGINEER曲面设计Wildfire3 2405CAN现场总线系统设计技术3 2406二级Viaual FoxPro 数据库程序设计考题精解考场模拟5 2407IIIuatrator CS速成实用教程5 2408影视后期合成高手combution3完全自学手册2 2409控制系统分析、设计和应用——MATLAB语言的应用2 2410UG工业设计实例6 2411数字受机维修高级实用教程4 2412国产数码彩电IC总线调整方法.数据4 2413Cimatron 三轴铣削NC加工详解4 2414计算机排样技术及其应用6 2415OSPF协议完全实现5 2416UG CAE篇4 24172005年中国经济形式分析与预测3 2418Inventor R6 VB(A)程序设计--设计与范例3 2419几何画板CAT制作实例教程5 2420Visual Basic数据库开发实例精粹5 2421ADSL完全攻略6 2422数码相片拍摄与处理技术5 2423Photoshop CS图象处理实例详解4 2424UGNX基础及应用教程建模 装配 制图6 2425彩屏受机原理与维修4 2426最新经典ANSYS及Workbench教程2 2427CIS 9实用教程4 2428CDMA网络规划与优化5 2429SQL Server 性能调校2 2430网络管理技术(网络管理员级) 上2431跟我学Protel DXP电路设计与制版5 2432网络管理技术(网络管理员级) 下5 2433UG高级装配培训教程6 2434无线网络安全6 2435游戏编程中的数理应用3 2436机械制图与计算机绘图习题集5 2437After Effects影视特效白金手册5 24383ds max 6建筑漫游动画制作快速入门4 2439CCIE路由与交换技术4 2440通信电子电路6 2441二级C语言程序设计(新大纲)6 2442FoxPro2.5b For Windows程序设计题解与实验2 2443新手学电脑常见问题与技巧1000例6 2444Visual Basic与分布式监控系统5 2445机械优化设计第3版6 2446传感器技术2 2447从零开始Protel基础培训教程6 2448ASP开发CRM系统实例导航4 2449全国计算机等级考试考点分析题解与模拟(二级Javz)6 2450Visual C++ 数据库系统开发完全手册4 2451Excel 高效办公——VBA范例应用4 2452Excel 高效办公——函数与图表4 2453C++面向对象程序设计题解与上机指导5 2454 +SQL组建动态网站4 2455 面向对象分析与设计导论——使用UML和统一过程(翻译)4 2456网络营销技术基础4 2457 机械设计5 2458Excel高效办公——公司管理4 2459用示波器修彩显——从入门到精通5 2460全国计算机等级考试试题精编四舍一(三级网络技术)4 2461Excel高效办公——行政与人力资源管理4 2462数码摄影:后期定全局3 2463CG魔术棒——Phoroshop CS24 2464数字化制造实训基础教程——基于UG5 2465大屏幕彩电开关电源检修——从入门到精通4 2466前厅客房服务技能实训教程32467基于FPGA的系统设计1 2468信息安全实验指导4 2469数控编程实例详解5 2470数控大赛 试题·答案·点评10 2471Pro/ENGINEER造型曲面设计 Wildfire 2.08 2472Photoshop CS经典案例设计 4 2473贴片元器件应用手册4 2474无师自通 AutoCAD 2006中文版4 2475Visual Basic数据库系统开发完全手册4 2476CorelDRAW12 中文版应用实例详解4 2477Solid Edge V17中文版 模具设计基础教程4 2478Excel函数库精华集4 2479模拟电子技术4 2480电子技术基础实验——分析、调试、综合设计4 2481Altera FPGA/CPLD设计(基础篇)3 2482Excel高效办公——市场与销售管理4 2483Visual C++串口通信技术与典型实例4 24843dsmax7白金教程4 2485CorelDRAW服装结构设计实用教程4 2486模拟电子技术基本教程5 2487Pro/ENGINREER塑料模具设计4 2488SolidWorks2006 工程应用教程 基础篇3 2489从零开始学图形图像 三维动画——3DS MAX最新培训教程5 2490软件安装应用硬盘分区·系统安装·软件应用DIY完全手册一4 2491帮你学Excel函数、图表、与数据分析4 2492Visual C++网络通信编程实用案例精选 第二版4 2493关键考点破解与试题分类精解——三级网络技术4 2494Visual Basic串口通信技术与典型实例5 2495Protel 2004电路设计与制版习题精解4 2496Autodesk Inventor 9.0中文版基础与应用教程4 2497精通JSP编程4 2498Visual C++ 实践与提高——数据库开发与工程应用篇4 2499图形图像处理应用教程4 2500AutoCAD中文版实例教程1 2501计算机建筑漫游实例1 2502西门子工业网络通信指南(上册)12503Photoshop7.0平面广告装帧设计100例1 编程实例与技巧集粹1 2505Maya深入精髓1 2506Power Point精彩课件制作1 2507电子商务员:国家职业资格四级1 2508Photoshop CS特效制作技法1 2509Photoshop/Premiere家庭动感相册制作典型实例1 2510Photoshop7.0教程1 2511Photoshop CS经典案例课堂1 2512传奇的复活:Maya专业游戏实例精解1 2513详解WAP:WAP架构与编程1 25143DS MAX小区绿化及景观效果图制作创意与表现1 2515局域网组建与维护实例1 2516嵌入式系统设计与开发实例详解:基于ARM的应用4 2517Lightscape3.2室内渲染经典案例赏析1 2518Photoshop影像传奇1 2519Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire零件设计基础篇(下)1 2520Photoshop CS精彩实例1 2521全国造价工程师执业资格考试复习指导及题解1 2522微型计算机安装调试与维修试题解答1 2523行业电脑教育:教师篇1 2524服务器配置全攻略4 2525新媒体艺术4 2526凌阳单片机原理及其毕业设计精选5 2527单片机原理及应用系统设计5 2528单片机语言C51典型应用设计5 2529PIC单片机易学通5 2530PIC单片机实验教程4 2531多媒体技术基础及应用5 2532FPGA嵌入式应用系统开发典型实例4 253351单片机应用系统开发典型实例4 253451系列单片机设计实例(第2版)5 2535精通8051程序设计5 2536微型计算机结构与编程6 2537单片机技术5 2538微型计算机安装调试与维修试题解答 (操作员级)52539PCI总线设备开发宝典5 2540IAR EWARM嵌入式系统编程与实践5 2541Windows XP中文版 从入门到精通5 2542Solaris10 红宝书3 2543Linux应用开发技术详解4 2544多操作系统安装与维护4 2545嵌入式系统软件教程6 2546人工智能基础教程4 2547编译原理与技术6 2548多任务下的数据结构与算法4 2549CATIA逆向工程实用教程5 2550Visual Basic贯通教程5 2551ASP动态网站开发实录4 2552光与材质的视觉艺术4 2553全国计算机等级考试考点分析、题解与模拟(三级数据库技4 2554大学英语实用听力教程5 2555Excel 高效办公——公司表格设计4 2556Windows 环境下32位汇编语言程序设计(第2版)3 2557Adobe数字艺术中心 Audition电脑音频标准教材4 2558商务沟通原则与实践(第8版)3 25593ds max7中文版 工业产品造型设计4 2560中文版 AutoCAD 2006&3ds max7效果图制作实例教程4 2561电子政务实验教程4 2562大学英语视听说教程5 25633ds max7中文版室内设计师专业指导教程4 2564Premiere Pro影像传奇4 2565土木工程测量4 2566Visual 案例开发集锦4 2567中文版Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 2.0 技能百练4 2568Excel VBA 2003程序设计实例导航4 2569Dreamweaver 网页设计与制作100例4 2570Delphi数据库应用项目开发实践4 2571Photoshop CS2中文版平面设计50例4 2572Excel 高效办公——财务管理4 2573Adobe Photoshop CS2中文版经典教程4 2574Excel 高效办公——公式与函数42575Photoshop CS三维技法与造型设计4 2576数据库系统工程师应试辅导4 2577大学韩国语(第一册)4 2578Pro/ENGINEER野火版 机械设计实例课堂4 2579After Effects 6.5 后期合成原动力4 25803ds max7中文版 室内装潢艺术与效果表现4 2581GRAMMAR in CONTEXT 英语语境语法 1B5 2582巧学巧用Photoshop图像处理与设计 习题精解4 2583韩国语听力教程(第一册)4 2584多媒体技术与应用实训教程4 2585改变命运的30种习惯4 2586新大纲VisualFoxPro数据库程序设计考点详解、分类题解析4 2587CoreIDRAW 12 绘图技巧与商业应用4 2588Premiere Pro 入门与实例详解4 2589SolidWorks 2004 实战演练3 25902005年未来展望4 2591Adobe InDesign CS2 中文版经典教程4 2592Delphi开发实用编程200例4 2593应试英语听力5 2594大学英语四级听力5 2595大学英语实用听力教程5 2596大学英语视听说教程 教师用书15 2597Pro/ENGINEER 塑料产品设计4 25983ds max 室内设计原动力4 2599汉语正音教程8 2600PHP网络编程技术与实例3 2601探秘C# 如何像计算机科学家一样思考3 2602Java面向对象程序设计4 2603Vx Works 软件开发项目实例完全解析4 2604工业组态软件实用技术4 2605数据结构——C语言描述5 2606PHP程序设计导学4 2607Java项目设计与开发范例4 2608Jbuilder编程技术与实例3 2609Access数据库系统开发从基础到实践5 2610数字控制——建模与分析、设计与实现(第二版)62611You Can Do It!——C++编程新手互动教程5 2612Visual Basic+Access数据库应用实例完全解析5 2613UML基础、案例与应用(第三版)5 2614常用算法程序集(C语言描述)(第三版)4 2615Java项目开发实践(第2版)4 2616Java项目开发实践——网络篇4 2617Visual Basic编程技巧典型案例解析4 2618面向对象管理系统开发平台——MABC应用与实践3 2619Visual C++实践与提高——数字图像处理与工程应用篇5 2620Imperfect Practical Solutions for Real-Life Programm2 2621Verilog-HDL 工程实践入门4 2622VC++和BC++数值分析类库4 2623Java程序设计与案例习题解答与实验指导6 2624ASP数据库开发经典实例精解4 2625计算机网络与因特网4 2626计算机网络基础5 案例开发集锦4 2628ASP+SQLServer组建动态网站实例精讲---企业网站篇4 2629Dreamveaver UltraDev4.0开发精粹3 2630网站管理与维护实例精讲4 2631ASP+Access开发动态网站实例荟萃5 程序设计案例教程4 2633巧学巧用Dreamweaver ASP开发动态网站5 网络开发技术5 技术详解与应用实例3 2636ASP通用模块及典型系统开发实例导航4 通用模块及典型系统开发实例导航3 2638黑客攻击技术揭秘3 项目开发实践5 2640Visual C++网络通信程序开发基础及实例解析4 2641电脑出学者入门动态网页制作工具Dreamweaver45 2642思科网络技术学院教程:UNIX基础2 2643企业网站完美设计与制作5 2644征服Ajax+Lucens构建搜索引擎5 2645征服Ajax Web2.0快速入门与项目实践5 2646征服Ajax Web2.0开发技术详解42647征服Ajax Web2.0快速入门与项目实践(.net)5 典型系统开发详解5 2649黑客防范技术揭秘3 2650Dreamveaver MX 2004从入门到精通5 2651企业配置与管理4 2652巧学巧用Dreamweaver制作网页习题精解4 2653ASP+SQLServer组建动态网站实例精讲---政府和教育网站篇4 2654CG城的精灵---精灵初现2 2655Combustion影视特效制作典型实例5 2656AutoCAD 2004三维制图时尚创作百例6 2657AutoCAD2006基础与典型应用一册通5 2658AutoCAD VBA二次开发教程3 2659AutoCAD2006中文版易学通5 2660巧学巧用Flash8 制作动画5 2661计算机视觉---计算理论与计算基础6 2662Final Cut Express 2苹果非线形编辑软件标准教材(中文版2 2663会声会影9中文版教程5 26643DS MAX 4.0动画教程5 26652004版五笔字型一册通5 2666COREL PainterⅨ标准教程8 2667Maya 6超级手册(4)动力学篇4 2668Excel专业图表设计与分析3 266980X86汇编语言与计算机体系结构3 2670巧学巧用Photoshop图像处理与设计 习题精解10 2671精通MATLAB 7.0混合编程8 2672新编UG NX2.0中文版入门与提高5 2673从零Photoshop 中文版基础培训教程4 2674中文 Photoshop CS设计师手札5 2675Flash基础教程5 2676FlashMX 2004精彩案例白金教学5 2677Illustrator基础教程4 2678CoreIDRAW10绘图设计培训教程10 2679MATLAB7.0编程基础8 2680闪客学校游戏制作案例教程5 2681Adobe Acrobat 7.0中文版经典教程5 2682Adobe Premiere Pro 经典教程52683Adobe Illustrator CS2中文版经典教程4 2684FlashMX 2004标准教程3 2685Premiere Pro1.5入门与实战8 2686MEntal Ray for Maya渲染风云4 2687Flash Mx动画大风暴5 2688平面图形图象设计制作综合实训3 2689CoreIDRAW12基础与实例教程3 2690轻松数码相片制作——靓丽青春篇8 2691Premiere Pro入门与实例详解4 2692虚拟现实技术5 2693新编电脑打字速成教程(第二版)4 2694SolidWorks 入门5 2695新编中文Premieme Pro1.5标准教程8 26963ds max5建筑效果图制作培训教程4 2697Excel 数据处理与分析3 2698信息管理技术重难点指导与试题精解2黄鸿源,王鸿钧编著 祝凌云改编 人民邮电出版社 2005.2孙勇编著 人民邮电出版社 2004.9袁紊玉等编著 电子工业出版社 2004.6本书编委会编 西北工业大学出版社2004.9 全国计算机等级考试命题研究组编 南开大学出版社 2005.4王莉琴,李乃华主编 中国人民大学出版社 2005.3 (美)James A.Rehg,(美)Henry W.Kraebber机械工业出版社 2004.7东正科技编著 科学出版社 2004.9成昊,溪城编著 科学出版社 2004.7李开林, 李维,邝芸编著 清华大学出版社 2005.3专家坐堂编写组编著山东电子音像出版社李梦龙主编 eng 化学工业出版社2003.3姚育成, 杨平辉编著 人民邮电出版社2004.5东方人华主编 李秀敏,凌宇欣编著 清华大学出版社2003.11求是科技编著 人民邮电出版社2004.12战友主编 化学工业出版社2004.8魏朝阳,李广路编著 中国电力出版社 2003.8张建中主编 高等教育出版社 2003.9李艇编 高等教育出版社 2003.9廖耀发主编武汉测绘科技大学出版社 2001.2李原, 苗健明, 孙钢编著 机械工业出版社2003.9韩泽坤编著 中国青年出版社2005.1黄文劭,杨宗璟著中国铁道出版社2004.11甘登岱主编 人民邮电出版社2004.10陈惟彬编著 科学出版社 2004.6王振声,王玉卿主编 中国电力出版社2004.2李彪主编 人民邮电出版社2004.11肖华,梁小兵等编著 清华大学出版社 2004.12吴松勤主编 中国建筑工业出版社2003.1 (美)John Robbins著 刘立宇等译 清华大学出版社2004.6张孝祥,张红梅编著 清华大学出版社2004.11李黎明编著 清华大学出版社2005.1雷波编著 清华大学出版社2004.9肖宏伟编著 人民邮电出版社2003.6龚正伟, 张璇编著 人民邮电出版社2001.11 郎锐编著 机械工业出版社 2005.1。


检查电机电压 电流
检查电压 电流



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【教程】【红警2】AI强化 电脑多造兵营 、空指部等生产类建筑教程B

【教程】【红警2】AI强化 电脑多造兵营 、空指部等生产类建筑教程B

【教程】【红警2】AI强化电脑多造兵营、空指部等生产类建筑教程By meiyousuowei我看没有人发过类似的教程,就自己写了一个。




必备的工具:XCC Mixer、记事本(呵呵)准备工作:用XCC Mixer提取rule.ini(rulemd.ini)i和ai.ini(aimd.ini),提取路径为:rad2.mix(rad2md.mix)--local.mix(localmd.mix)--rule.ini(rulemd.ini)和ai.ini(aimd.ini)PS:括号中带“md”的为尤里的复仇很多人认为:只需修改rule.ini(rulemd.ini)里面的[AI],就可以实现电脑多造【生产类建筑】。

其实不然,我们先来看看[AI]小结的部分内容:AttackInterval=0.5 ; average delay between computer attacks ; gs obsolete (since forever) use TeamDelays insteadAttackDelay=0.5 ; average delay time before computer begins first attackPatrolScan=.016 ; minute interval between scanning for enemys while patrolling.CreditReserve=100 ; Structure repair will not begin if available cash falls below this amount.PathDelay=.01 ; Delay (minutes) between retrying when path is blocked.BlockagePathDelay=60 ; delay (frames) before unit paths around all blockageAutocreateTime=1 ; average minutes between creating an 'autocreate' teamInfantryReserve=50000 ; always build infantry if cash reserve is greater than thisInfantryBaseMult=1 ; build infantry if building count times this number is less than current infantry quantityPowerSurplus=50 ; build power plants until power surplus is at leastthis amountBaseSizeAdd=3 ; computer base size can be no larger than the largest human opponent, plus this quantityRefineryRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be composed of refineries RefineryLimit=4 ; never build more than this many refineries BarracksRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be composed of barracks BarracksLimit=2 ; never build more than this many barracks WarRatio=.1 ; ratio of base that should be composed of war factoriesWarLimit=2 ; never build more than this many war factories DefenseRatio=.4 ; ratio of base that should be defensive structures DefenseLimit=40 ; maximum number of defensive buildings to build AARatio=.14 ; ratio of base that should be anti-aircraft defenseAALimit=10 ; maximum number of anti-aircraft buildings to buildTeslaRatio=.16 ; ratio of base that should be telsa coils TeslaLimit=10 ; maximum number of tesla coils to build HelipadRatio=.1 ; ratio of base that should be composed of helipads HelipadLimit=2 ; maximum number of helipads to build AirstripRatio=.12 ; ratio of base that should be composed of airstrips AirstripLimit=0 ; maximum number of airstrips to build CompEasyBonus=no ; When more than one human in game, computer player goes to "easy" mode?Paranoid=yes ; Will computer players ally with each other if the situation looks bleak?PowerEmergency=75% ; sell buildings to raise power level if it falls below this percentageAIBaseSpacing=1 ; spacing between buildings when AI is building a base举个例子,如果想让电脑多造兵营,大家就会去修改“BarracksRatio=”和“BarracksLimit=”,但是修改完之后会发现,无论等号后面填入多大的数值,电脑还是无动于衷,只造1个兵营。

JMC 2WD时间计划

JMC 2WD时间计划

Expect start expect finish
0 4周 6周 10周 2周 1周
2013.12.17 2014.1.1 2013.12.31 2014.1.27 2014.4.7 2014.4.20
2013.12.17 2014.1.26 2014.2.7 2014.4.6 2014.4.20 2014.4.27
标识号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 17
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 34 35 36
37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
TASK JMC N330 timing plan(江铃N330 2WD车轮支架日程计划) Product design(产品设计) Final concept development(最终式样开发) Detial Design(细节设计) Feasibility investigation(可行性研究) Fixing concept(最终式样认可) Final design approcal(最终设计认可) Tooling stage(模具制作) Tooling pre-souring (模具的前期方案) Tooling feasibility study (模具的可行性研究) OK to Tool Authorization by JMC(得到JMC开模授权) Tooling design (模具设计) Tooling steel buying(模具钢材的购买) Tooling final cutting(模具制造) Tooling optimize(模具优化制作毛坯样件) 毛坯运送至长春 机械加工 Equipment and capcity(设备及产能规划) Specify and Order new equipment(新设备的规格及订购) equipment build(设备制作) Instilling(安装) Run and Tune(运行及调试) Gauges(检具) Specify and Order new Gauges(检具的规格及订购) Start to build gauges(检具制作) Gauges completion/inspection(检具完成与检测) Asssembly Jigs & Fixtures(装配夹具与治具) Jig Pre-souring(夹具前期方案) Jig design (夹具设计) Jig build (夹具制造) Jig tryout (夹具的试验) Pre-production stage(量试阶段) First Trial to support CP Parts shipping (零件的运送)



Alpha build ALT Alternative physical strategies ALU AM AMC AME AMECS AMEX AMPS AMRC AMS Analysis Analytical model Analytical report Analytical tools Analyze phase α 构造:概念汽车 海拔高度 可选择物理策略:为完成目标而制 定的文档解决方案的概念草图和/ 或策略平台 算法与逻辑单位 调幅 空气管理控制 高级制造工程 简朴模式发行控制系统 美国特快公司 自动材料获取与时序安排 汽车市场研究委员会 出席人数管理系统 分析 分析模型 分析报告 分析工具 分析阶段
装配厂使用法发布 美国试验与材料学会 美国交通与运输学会 空气开关值 自动驾驶 美国货车协会 汽车同业公会经理 自动临时雇员控制/车轴扭矩能力 顶部死点之后 自动驾驶电子控制 汽车技术图表说明系统 空气温度传感器
Administrative support group ADP ADS ADS ADSIM
高级驾驶培训系统 高级的

Cat 320 挖掘机说明书

Cat 320 挖掘机说明书

Cat® 320Hydraulic ExcavatorThe Cat® 320 excavator brings premium performance with simple-to-use technologies like Cat GRADE with 2D, Grade Assist, and Payload – all standard equipment from the factory to boost your operator efficiencies up to 45 percent. Combine these features with a new cab, longer maintenance intervals that lower your maintenance costs up to 15 percent, and a power system that reduces fuel consumption by up to 25 percent and you have a low-cost-per-unit-of-production excavator that’s perfect for medium- to heavy-duty applications. Not all features available in all regions. Consult your Cat dealer for specific configurations available in your region.High Performance with Lower Fuel Consumption• Use up to 2 5 percent less fuel than the Cat 3 20F excavator.• Increase operating ef fi ciency up to 4 5 percent with standardCat Connect technologies that lower operator fatigue and youroperating costs, including fuel consumption and daily maintenance.• The C 4.4 ACER T™ engine can run on biodiesel up to B2 0 and meetsU.S. EPA Tier 4 Final and EU Stage IV emission standards with anaf t er t reatment system that requires no maintenance or downtime.• The advanced hydraulic system provides the optimum balanceof power and ef fi ciency while giving you the control you needfor precise digging requirements.• Match the excavator to the job with power modes; let Smar tmode automatically match engine and hydraulic power to diggingconditions.• Auxiliar y hydraulic options give you the versatilit y to use a widerange of Cat at t achments.• Available Smar t Boom™ lets the boom freely travel up and downwithout using any pump flow so operators can focus on stick andbucket work. The benefits are reduced operator stress and reducedfuel consumption.• Don’t let the temperature stop you from working. The excavatorhas a standard ambient temperature capabilit y of 4 6° C (115° F) andoptional high-ambient capabilit y of 5 2° C (12 5° F ). S t andard coldstar t capabilit y is – 32° C (–2 5° F ).Boost Efficiency and Boost Productivitywith Integrated Cat Connect Technologies• Boos t productivit y up to 4 5 percent versus traditional gradingwith s t andard Cat GR A DE with 2D system – includes indicate-onlyand laser capabilit y.– Dig with guidance to depth, slope, and horizontal distanceto grade.– The 2D system is upgradable to Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2Dor Cat GR A D E with 3D.• S t andard Grade Assist:– S t ay on grade – simply and ef f or t lessly – with single-lever digging.– Set your desired bucket angle and let Bucket Assis t automaticallymaintain the angle in sloping, leveling, fine grading, and trenchingapplications for easy, accurate, and fast jobs.– Keep the tracks on ground in lif t ing and hard digging withBoom Assist .– Automatically s t op excavator swing at operator-defined setpoints in truck loading and trenching applications with SwingAssist , which will help you use less ef f or t and consume less fuel.• S t andard Cat PAYLOAD on-board weighing system:– Achieve precise load targets and increase loading ef fi ciencywith on-the-go weighing and real-time es t imates of your payloadwithout swinging.– Track your daily productivit y such as truck target weights andload/cycle counts.– Calibration can be per f ormed in a mat t er of minutes.– Combine Payload with VisionL i nk® and remotely manage yourproduction targets.• Upgrade to optional Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2D:– Create and edit grade designs with ease on a second high-resolution 2 54 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor.• Upgrade to optional Cat GR A DE with 3D:– Create and edit designs with ease and see the front linkage’sfull range of motion on a second high-resolution 25 4 mm (10 in)touchscreen monitor.– Know the excavator ’s exact position relative to GPS andGLONASS systems.– The machine automatically compensates for excavator pitchand roll caused by sloping ground conditions.• S t andard Product Link™ provides location, machine hours, fuelusage, productivit y, idle time, diagnostic codes, and other machinedata on demand through V i sionLink online inter f ace, helping youimprove job site ef fi ciency with lower operating cos t s.Cat® 320 Hydraulic ExcavatorWork in Comfort in the All-New Cab• Choose bet w een Comfor t and Deluxe cabs – both with automatic climate control.• Sit in wide seats that adjust for all size operators; s t ay warm with the Deluxe heated seat.• Enjoy wide spacing bet w een consoles for a more comfor t able environment .• Get in and out of the cab easier using the tip-up lef t console (Deluxe cab only).• Advanced viscous mounts reduce cab vibration up to 5 0 percent over previous excavator models.• Control the excavator comfor t ably with easy-to-reach controlsall located in front of you.• S t ow your gear with plent y of in-cab storage beneath and behind the seat , overhead, and in the consoles. A cup holder, document holder, bot t le holder, and coat hook are also provided.• Use the s t andard radio’s USB por t s and Bluetooth® technologyto connect personal devices and make hands-free calls.Simple to Operate• S t ar t the engine with a push but t on; use a Bluetooth key fob, smar t phone app, or the unique Operator ID function.• Program each joystick but t on, including response and pat t ern, using Operator ID; it will also remember climate control fanand radio set t ings.• Navigate quickly on the standard high-resolution 2 03 mm(8 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the optional 2 54 mm (10 in) touchscreen monitor, or with the aid of the jog dial control.• A second 2 54 mm (10 in) monitor is available for the advanced grade control.• Not sure how a function works or how to maintain the excavator? Always have the operator ’s manual at your finger t ips in the touchscreen monitor.Maintenance• E x pect up to 15 percent less maintenance cost than the 3 20E. (Savings calculated over 12 ,0 00 machine hours.)• Do all daily maintenance at ground level.• Check engine oil level quickly and safely with the new ground-level engine oil dipstick; fill and check engine oil on top of the machine with a conveniently located second dipstick. • Track your excavator ’s filter life and maintenance inter v als via the in-cab monitor.• Do no required maintenance on the Cat Clean Emissions Module. • Change all fuel filters at a synchronized 5 00 hours.• E x pect the new air intake filter with precleaner to last up to1, 000 hours – a 10 0 percent increase over the previous filter.• The new hydraulic oil filter provides improved filtration per f ormance, anti-drain valves to keep oil clean when the filter is replaced, and longer life with a 3, 000 hour replacement inter v al – 5 0 percent longer than previous filter designs.• The new high-ef fi ciency electric cooling fans only run when needed and reverse to keep cores free from debris.• S·O·S SM por t s simplif y maintenance and allow for quick , easyex t raction of fluid samples for analysis.Safety• Work safely under structures or near traf fi c with the s t andard 2DE-fence feature integrated right out of the factor y, which prevents any par t of the excavator from moving outside operator-defined set points to avoid hazards and job site accidents.• Access 10 0 percent of daily maintenance points from ground level – no need for you to climb on top of the excavator.• The standard ROPS cab meets ISO 12117-2:2 008 requirements. • Enjoy great visibilit y into the trench, in each swing direction, and behind you with the help of smaller cab pillars, larger windows, and a flat engine hood design.• The standard hydraulic lockout lever isolates all hydraulic and travel functions in the lowered position.• Ground-level shut-of f switch stops all fuel to the engine when activated and shuts down the machine.• A rear v iew camera is s t andard, and a right-side-view camerais optional. Upgrade to 3 60° visibilit y and you’ll easily visualize objects and personnel around the excavator in a single view.• New right-hand ser v ice plat f orm design provides easy, safe, and quick access to upper ser v ice plat f orm; the ser v ice plat f orm steps use anti-skid punch plate to prevent slipping.• Available boom and stick lowering check valves prevent reverse flow, keeping your front linkage securely in place should the hydraulic sys t em unexpectedly lose power.• The handrails comply with ISO 2 867:2011 requirements.• The lower frame meets ISO 15 818:2 017 lif t ing and tie-down requirements.Cat® 320 Hydraulic Excavator Standard and Optional EquipmentStandard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.Standard Optional CABROPS, standard sound suppression 9 Mechanically adjus t able seat 9Air-adjustable seat with heat (Deluxe only) 9 High-resolution 2 03 mm (8 in) 9LCD touchscreen monitorHigh-resolution 2 54 mm (10 in) 9 LCD touchscreen monitorCAT CONNECT TECHNOLOGYCat Product L i nk 9Cat GR A DE with 2D 9Cat GR A DE with Advanced 2D 9 (not available on SL R)Cat GR A DE with 3D (not available on SLR) 9 Cat GR A DE with Assist 9Cat PAY L OA D9ENGINEThree selectable power modes 9Auto engine idle shutdown 94 6° C (115° F ) ambient cooling capacit y952° C (12 5° F ) high-ambient cooling capacit y9– 32° C (–2 5° F ) cold star t capabilit y9Reversing electric cooling fans 9Biodiesel capabilit y up to B2 09 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMBoom and stick regeneration circuits 9Boom and stick lowering check valves 9 Auto hydraulic warm up 9Auto t w o-speed travel 9Boom and stick drif t reduction valve 9Hammer return filter circuit 9 Combined flow/high-pressure 9 auxiliar y circuitMedium-pressure circuit 9 Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabber 9Standard Optional BOOM AND STICKS5.7 m (18'8 ") reach boom, 2.9 m (9'6") stick 98.8 5 m (29'0 ") SL R boom, 6.2 8 m (20'7 ") 9 SL R s t ickUNDERCARRIAGE AND STRUCTURES6 00 mm (24") triple grouser shoes 970 0 mm (2 8") triple grouser shoes 979 0 mm (31") triple grouser shoes 99 00 mm (3 5") triple grouser shoes 9 Tie-down points on base frame 942 00 kg (9, 300 lb) counter w eight 9for HD boom and stick470 0 kg (10, 400 lb) counter w eight 9for SL R boom and s t ickELECTRICAL SYSTEMTwo 1, 000 CCA maintenance-free bat t eries 9 Programmable time-delay L E D 9working lightsLED chassis light, lef t-hand/right-hand 9boom lights, cab lightsSERVICE AND MAINTENANCESampling por t s for Scheduled Oil Sampling 9 (S·O·S)Ground-level and plat f orm-level engine 9oil dips t icksRemote flash 9SAFETY AND SECURITYRear v iew camera 9Right-hand-side camera 9* 9* Right-hand mirror 93 60° visibilit y9 Ground-level engine shutof f switch 9Right-hand handrail and hand hold 9Signaling /warning horn 9*Europe standard; other regions optional.Cat® 320 Hydraulic Excavator Technical SpecificationsEngine Model Cat C 4.4 ACER T Gross Power – ISO 14 396/SA E J19 95 12 2 kW 16 4 hp Net Power – ISO 924 9/SA E J13 49121 kW 162 hp Engine RPMOperation 1,65 0 rpmTravel 1, 800 rpmBore 10 5 mm 4 in Stroke 127 mm 5 in Displacement 4 .4 L 269 in 3Main System – Maximum Flow (Implement) 42 9 L /min 113 gal /min Maximum Pressure – Equipment – Normal 3 5 0 00 kPa 5,0 75 psi Maximum Pressure – Equipment –Heav y L i f t Mode3 8 0 00 kPa 5, 510 psi Maximum Pressure – Travel 34 3 00 kPa 4, 974 psi Maximum Pressure – Swing 2 6 8 00 kPa 3, 886 psiOperating Weight – Nor t h America 2 2 5 00 kg 4 9,6 00 lb • Reach boom, R2.9 m (9'6 ") stick, HD 1.19 m 3 (1.5 6 yd3) bucket and 79 0 mm (31 in) triple grouser shoes, 4.2 mt (9, 300 lb) counter w eight.Operating Weight – E urope/Australia21 9 00 kg 4 8, 300 lband New Zealand• Reach boom, R2.9 m (9'6 ") stick, HD 1.19 m 3 (1.5 6 yd3) bucket and 6 00 mm (24 in) triple grouser shoes, 4.2 mt (9, 300 lb) counter w eight.Fuel Tank 3 45 L 8 6.6 gal Cooling System 2 5 L 6.6 gal Engine Oil 15 L 4 gal Swing Drive (each) 5 L 1. 3 gal Final Drive (each) 5 L 1. 3 gal Hydraulic System (including tank) 2 34 L 61.8 gal Hydraulic Tank 115 L 3 0.4 gal DEF Tank 3 9 L 10.3 gal Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8 ") Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6 ") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Shipping Height (top of cab) 2 960 mm 9'9 " Handrail Height 295 0 mm 9'9 " Shipping Length 95 30 mm 31'3 " Tail Swing Radius 2 830 mm 9'3 " Length to Center of Rollers 3 650 mm 12'0 " Ground Clearance 470 mm 1'7 " Track Gauge 2 380 mm 7'9 " Transpor t W i dth – 6 00 mm (24") Shoes 2 980 mm 9'9 " Transpor t W i dth – 79 0 mm (31") Shoes 3170 mm 10'5" Counter w eight Clearance 10 48 mm 3'5"Stick Reach 2.9 m (9'6 ") Bucket 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) Maximum Digging Depth 6 72 0 mm 2 2'1" Maximum Reach at Ground Level 9 860 mm 32'4" Maximum Cut t ing Height 9 370 mm 3 0'9 " Maximum L o ading Height 6 490 mm 21'4" Minimum Loading Height 2170 mm 7'1" Maximum Depth Cut for 24 40 mm (8'0 ")Level Bot t om655 0 mm 21'6 " Maximum Ver t ical Wall Digging Depth 519 0 mm 17'0 " Bucket Digging Force (ISO) 15 0 kN 3 8, 811 lbf S t ick Digging Force (ISO) 10 6 kN 2 3, 911 lbf Bucket Digging Force (SA E) 13 4 kN 3 0,10 4 lbf S t ick Digging Force (SAE) 10 3 kN 2 3,212 lbf Boom Reach 5.7 m (18'8 ")F o r more complete infor m ation on Cat product s, dealer ser v i ces, and indus t r y solu t ions, visit us on t h e web at ww © 2 017 CaterpillarAll righ t s reser v edMaterials and speci fi cations are subject to change wi t hout notice. Featured machines in pho t o s may include addit i onal equipment . See your Cat dealer for available options.C A T, CAT E R PIL L A R, S A F E T Y.C A , t h eir respec t i ve logos, “Caterpillar Yellow ” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, as well as corporate and product iden t i t y used herein, are t r ademarks of Caterpillar and may no t be used wi t hout permission.A E X Q 219 0-01 (12-2 017)Replaces AE X Q 2190Build Number: 0 7A (Nor t h America, Europe, A N Z)。



Green Cross 绿十字
GMS Principle and Element GMS 原则与要素
GMS Principles
GMS Elements
Global Manufacturing Goals of Safety, People, Quality, Responsiveness & Cost are supported by the GMS Principles. There are 5 GMS Principles:
• Cadillac CTS 88 problems per 100 – Ranked SILVER !!! 每100辆车88个问题 - 排名第二!!!
Quote from J. Smith ( Former Chairman):引自:J.史密斯(主席) " All GM plants are part of the same company and must operate with one production system with common elements“
(calibration statements)
Must be Global Common to Have ONE GM-GMS 必须是全球共同的 一个GM-GMS
Tools工具 Tools工具
Tools工具 Tools工具
Structure Explanation 结构说明
Short Lead Time 18. Simple Process Flow 19. Small Lot Packaging 20. Fixed Period Ordering



制造工作计划范文大全英文1. IntroductionThe manufacturing work plan is a strategic document that outlines the goals, objectives, and timelines for the production of a particular product. It provides a roadmap for the manufacturing process, including the allocation of resources, the identification of potential risks, and the establishment of quality control measures. This plan is essential for ensuring that the manufacturing process runs smoothly and efficiently, and that the final product meets the required standards and specifications.2. Goals and ObjectivesThe primary goal of the manufacturing work plan is to produce a high-quality product that meets the needs and expectations of our customers. This will require a commitment to excellence in every aspect of the manufacturing process, from the selection of raw materials to the final inspection of the finished product. In order to achieve this goal, the following objectives have been identified:- To develop a detailed production schedule that outlines the sequence of tasks and the allocation of resources required to meet production targets.- To establish quality control measures that will be implemented at every stage of the manufacturing process, including incoming raw materials inspection, in-process quality checks, and final product testing.- To identify potential risks and develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks and ensure that production targets are met.- To monitor and evaluate the progress of the manufacturing process on an ongoing basis, and make adjustments as necessary to ensure that production targets are met.3. Production ScheduleThe production schedule is a critical component of the manufacturing work plan, as it provides a detailed roadmap for the manufacturing process. It outlines the sequence of tasks that need to be completed, as well as the allocation of resources required to complete these tasks. The production schedule will be developed in consultation with key stakeholders, including production managers, engineers, and procurement staff, to ensure that it reflects the capabilities and constraints of the production facility.The production schedule will be broken down into a series of milestones, with each milestone representing a key stage of the manufacturing process. These milestones will be linked to specific production targets, and will be used to measure progress and identify potential bottlenecks or delays. The production schedule will also include contingency plans for dealing with unexpected events or disruptions that may impact production.4. Resource AllocationAn important aspect of the manufacturing work plan is the allocation of resources, including both human and material resources. This will involve determining the number of production staff required, as well as the skill sets and qualifications needed to carry out specific tasks. It will also involve identifying the raw materials and components required for production, and developing a procurement plan to ensure that these materials are available when needed.The resource allocation plan will also include a budget for the manufacturing process, which will outline the costs associated with production, including labor, materials, equipment, and overheads. This budget will be used to monitor and control costs, and to ensure that the manufacturing process remains within budget.5. Quality ControlQuality control is a critical component of the manufacturing work plan, as it is essential for ensuring that the final product meets the required standards and specifications. Quality control measures will be implemented at every stage of the manufacturing process, including:- Incoming raw materials inspection: All raw materials and components will be inspected upon arrival at the production facility to ensure that they meet the required specifications and quality standards.- In-process quality checks: Throughout the manufacturing process, in-process quality checks will be carried out to identify any defects or non-conformities, and to take corrective action as necessary.- Final product testing: Once the final product has been manufactured, it will undergo rigorous testing to ensure that it meets the required standards for quality and performance.Any products that do not meet the required standards will be rejected and either reworked or disposed of, to ensure that only high-quality products are released to the market.6. Risk ManagementThe manufacturing work plan will also include a risk management strategy, which will identify potential risks that may impact the manufacturing process, and develop contingency plans to mitigate these risks. This will involve conducting a thorough risk assessment, which will be used to identify potential hazards and develop strategies to manage or eliminate these risks.Potential risks that may be identified include:- Supply chain disruptions: Any disruptions to the supply chain, such as delays in the delivery of raw materials, could impact the manufacturing process. Contingency plans willbe developed to ensure that production targets are still met, even in the event of supply chain disruptions.- Equipment failures: Any failures in manufacturing equipment could lead to delays or disruptions in production. Preventive maintenance programs will be implemented to minimize the risk of equipment failures, and contingency plans will be developed to address any equipment failures that do occur.- Quality control failures: Any failures in the quality control process could lead to the release of defective products. Contingency plans will be developed to address any quality control failures and ensure that only high-quality products are released to the market.7. Monitoring and EvaluationThe manufacturing work plan will include a monitoring and evaluation strategy, which will be used to track the progress of the manufacturing process and identify any potential issues or bottlenecks. This will involve the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure progress against production targets, as well as regular reviews and inspections to identify any potential areas for improvement.The monitoring and evaluation process will also involve regular consultations with key stakeholders, including production managers, engineers, and quality control staff, to ensure that the manufacturing process is running smoothly and efficiently.8. ConclusionThe manufacturing work plan is a critical document that provides a roadmap for the manufacturing process, including the allocation of resources, the identification of potential risks, and the establishment of quality control measures. By developing a detailed production schedule, allocating resources effectively, implementing rigorous quality control measures, and developing a risk management strategy, we can ensure that the manufacturing process runs smoothly and efficiently, and that the final product meets the required standards and specifications.。



MICROSOFT 注册改装商计划协议(版本 1.0)本协议是改装商(定义如下)与位于美国内华达州的公司 Microsoft Licensing, GP(以下简称“MSLI”)之间达成的协议,除非 (i) 改装商位于欧洲、非洲或中东地区,此时本协议是改装商与Microsoft Ireland Operations Limited(以下简称“MIOL”)之间达成的协议,MIOL 是一家按照爱尔兰法律组建的公司,或 (ii) 改装商位于中国,此时本协议是改装商与 Microsoft (China) Company Limited(以下简称“MCCL”)之间达成的协议。

在本协议中,MSLI、MIOL 和 MCCL(视不同改装商而定)都称作“MS”。

下文中出现“我们”、“我们的”或“Microsoft”时,即指 MSLI、MIOL 或MCCL(视具体情况而定)。

“授权分销商”指已与 MS 签订 Microsoft OEM 分销商渠道协议,可以分销与该计划相关的软件,并且已在位于/oem/authdist/default.mspx的 MS OEM 分销商列表上列出的分销商。


“公民 Office 产品”指只有合格的慈善组织和经过特殊批准的接收方才能获得的软件。


“客户”指购买改装 PC 的个人或法律实体。




AutoPlant 系列工厂设计软件的应用与二次开发

AutoPlant 系列工厂设计软件的应用与二次开发

AutoPlant 系列工厂设计软件的应用与二次开发
【摘要】介绍了 AutoPlant 设计软件各模块的功能、应用和部分模块的二次开发经验和方法。

【作者单位】中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司,广东广州 510230
1.三维工厂设计软件VANTAGE PDMS在土建专业的二次开发及应用 [J], 邓志坚;张汉东
2.三维配管设计软件AutoPLANT在西气东输站场工程的开发应用 [J], 李明;王非;康智;王远江
3.三维设计软件AutoPlant在苯甲酸项目结晶工段的设计应用 [J], 胡承诚;王奎
4.AutoPlant 的协同设计应用及二次开发 [J], 马俊
5.AutoPlant系列工厂设计整体解决方案 [J],









代表当今尖端水平的 CAE(计算机辅助工程)技术能够加快从概念到成品制造的整个开发过程。







ULTRASIMTM代表了巴斯夫在热塑性零部件 CAE模拟技术方面的最新成果。


显示器有四行:1 前三行:——显示屏显示传感器的名称和实际的读数。
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【摘要】Rudiger Kroh:Schwarzkopf先生,长时间以来,自动化已然成为在全球范围内被热议的话题。

1.运用最新CAM技术提升生产效率——使用Mastercam的Dynamic Motion 技术,多轴加工及车铣复合加工技术提升生产效率 [J], 黄昌秀
2.工业机器人提升生产效率 [J], Rfidiger Kroh;Schwarzkopf
3.工业机器人提升生产效率 [J],
——以甘肃省为例 [J], 万永坤;黄晨
——基于新型基础设施建设的调节效应 [J], 张宁



CAUTION: DO NOT USE CD WITH ADHESIVE LABEL*lever 1lever 2 pull straprelease strap figure a unlatch the rear floor hooks while the seat is in the kneel-down position.lever (lever 1) located on the side of the seat cushion.This will allow the seat back to be lifted to the uprightlocked position. lever 1figure bE D I U GE C N E R EF E RK C I U QR O T A G I V A NL E D O M3 0 0 2L I N C O L N EDIUGECNEREFERKCIUQROTAGIVANLEDOM322003M O D E L N AV I G AT O RQ U I C K R E F E R E N C E G U I D E1In order to help you fully appreciate the countless features of yo ur new Navigato r, we invite yo u to explo re thiseasy-to-use Quick Reference Guide. Using this Guide inconjunction with the Interactive Owner Experience CD Rom,you can briefly hear how to operate the features listed to theright once you place the CD into any audio CD player. Findthe numbered call-o uts fro m the pho to graph o f theinstrument panel located in the center of the Quick ReferenceGuide, and then select the corresponding numbered audiotrack on the CD. For more comprehensive information, placethe CD into any computer,* or consult your Owner’s Guide.*Refer to the minimum configuration requirements located on the back panel of the CD jacket.Illuminates briefly when the ignition is the system is functional. If the lightcomes on after the engine is started,Illuminates briefly when the ignition is emergency, apply continuous force on the brake to prevent wheel lock when Overdrive is the normal drive position for the best fuel economy.Only deactivate (OFF) overdrive Rotate clockwise one position headlamps. Rotate counterclockwise to activate For front-wiper operation, rotate the outer ring to intermittent position, rotate the control up for fast, or down for slow wiping intervals. Also, when the wiper control is set in the intermittent position, the2H (2WD HIGH) delivers power tofuel economy. A4WD (4X4 AUTO) automatically delivers power to all fourPress and hold the rocker control to adjust the accelerator and brake pedal toward you or away from you. Adjust the pedals only when the vehicle is stopped and the speed must be greater than 30system is engaged, an icon willo set a speed, presso set a higher speed, presso set a lower speed,press SET –. Pressing RES will return to acontrol without erasing the previously programmed set speed, press CNCL or depress the brake pedal. o turn the speed control off, press the OFF buttonheadlamp. Slide the yellow handle away from the center of the vehicle to release the auxiliary latch.To release the parking brake using the automatic release feature, turn the ignition to the ON position and then press the brake pedal. Move the gearshiftdepressed. If the parking brake fails to release afterparking brake release lever to release the brake. To set the parking brake, press the parking brakeed dal. nhe h.c tion shiftaftere. akeHeadlamp andPanel DimmerControlTurn Signal andWiper/WasherControlServiceEngine SoonLampHoodReleaseSpeedControlPowerAdjustableFoot PedalsAWL 2345910111213ParkingBrake withAuto-ReleaseRearWindow DefrosterControl-TracFour-Wheel Drive Control (if equipped)Rd th p d re yti alio KW w p qABSWarningLamp59Gearshift/OverdriveControl7In-DashSix-CDRadio(if equipped)68Remote Entry SystemPress this control once tounlock the driver’s doorand twice to unlock alldoors and liftgate. Pressingthis control will position allprogrammable features to thedesired memory position, depending on the remote being used. Tyour Owner’s Guide.time will chirp the horn to confirm that all doors are closed and locked.liftgate, or automatically close the liftgate.or turn the ignition ON.Keyless Entry SystemWith this control you can lock or unlock all doors without using a key. First, enter your five-digit program code and then press the corresponding quick key:Unlock all doors = 3-4Lock all doors = 7-8 and 9-0 simultaneously With the ignition in the ON position, the message center displays important vehicle information through a constant monitor of vehicle systems. The system will notify you of potential vehicle。



ThyssenKrupp Elevator 蒂森克虏伯电梯A Company ofThyssenKruppElevator AGTECHNICAL INFORMATION工程技术通告No. / 编号: EN-E/TN-11-8From / 自: Thyssenkrupp Elevator ZhongShan Plant / 蒂森克虏伯电梯中山工厂 To / 致: All RC in china 国内所有分公司Subject 主题关于并联外呼,一台电梯故障时,外呼按钮无法消号The pushbutton keeping on light of group LIOP when one of the lift switch off Appl. Scope / Project 适用范围/ 项目 群控LIOP 采用一拖二按钮线的TCM MC2项目The MC2 projects which with one to two cable on group LIOP Effective Date 生效日期2011-3-15Effective Time 有效期限---Content / 事项:针对关于并联电梯采用紧凑型双显示外呼的项目,此种项目的外呼配置是两台电梯共用一个外呼按钮,在这些项目中大部分采用的连线方式是一个楼层呼梯按钮通过一拖二的按钮线连接到两块MS3C 电路板上的,采用该设计的LIOP 会出现如下问题:当其中一台电梯因维修等各种原因需要将主板断电时,外呼呼梯后,正常运行的电梯到达该楼层后,该按钮无法正常销号,按钮灯保持点亮的现象。



Some of duplex control projects are use the compact group LIOP, these projects used one pushbutton for control two lift’s landing call. On these LIOPs, normal was use one pushbutton cable connected two MS3C boards by parallel connect. There was an issue on these type of design, the issue was: when one of the lift switched off the MC2 board power supply by maintain or any reasons, the landing pushbutton light can’t be switch off when the normal lift was arrived after give a landing call, the landing call still keep working even the light did not switch off. This issue didn’t active when two lifts were working.出现该问题的原因是:由于两块MS3C 板上的上下按钮端子被按钮电缆并联,两台电梯之间的MS3C 板的通过按钮线相互导通24V 电源,以致MS3C 板即使在某台电梯停电时仍保持带电,该现象不会引起电路板的损坏,但当有外呼信号时就会引起两块MS3C 板同时激活点亮按钮,但由于在检修的电梯MC2主板处于断电状态而无法输出销号信号,由此导致按钮灯常亮的现象。



40BOM生产制造用的物料清单Bill Of Material41EBOM设计物料清单Engineering Bill Of Material42PBOM规划物料清单Process Bill Of Material43MBOM生产物料清单Manufacturing Bill Of Material44SKD半散件组装Semi-knocked Down45CKD全散件组装Complete Knocked Down46KD散件组装Knocked Down47ERP企业资源计划Enterprise Resources Plan48SAP企业物料管理Systems Applications and Products49TQM全面质量管理Total Quality Management50SPC统计过程控制Statistical Process Control51DRR直行率Direct Run Rate52PPM百万分之一Parts per Million53DTS尺寸技术说明Dimensional Technical Specification54APQP 先期产品质量策划Advanced Product Quality Planning55 BIW 白车身Body In White56CPV单车成本Cost per Vehicle57DPV单车缺陷数Defect per Vehicle58 GA Shop总装车间General Assembly Shop59\涂装车间Paint Shop60\车身车间Body Shop61\冲压车间Press Shop62IE工业工程Industrial Engineering63JIT准时制Just in Time64KCC关键控制特性Key Control Characteristics65KPC 关键产品特性Key Product Characteristic66MTS 生产技术规范Manufacturing Technical Specification67QE 质量工程师Quality Engineer 68QS 质量体系Quality System69SPC 统计过程控制Statistical Process Control70HPV单车制造工时Hour per Vehich71 STD 标准化Standardization编制:技术质量科总装工艺室。

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2 1.5 2-9
2 1.5 2-10
2 1.5 2-11
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2 1.5 1-24
2 1.5 1-25
2 1.5 1-26
2 1.5 1-27
2 1.5 1-28
2 1.5 1-29
2 1.5 1-30
2 1.5 1-31
2 1.5 2-1
2 1.5 2-2
2 1.5 2-3
2 1.5 2-4
2 1.5 2-5
2 1.5 2-6
2 1.5 2-7
2 1.5 2-8
2 1.5 1-9
2 1.5 1-10
2 1.5 1-11
2 1.5 1-12
2 1.5 1-13
2 1.5 1-14
2 1.5 1-15
2 1.5 1-16
2 1.5 1-17
2 1.5 1-18
2 1.5 1-19
2 1.5 1-20
2 1.5 1-21
2 1.5 1-22
2 1.5 1-23
全天产量 该产品累计产量 实际产能(日) 实际累计产能 白班产量 夜班产量
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2 1.5 1-2
2 1.5 1-3
2 1.5 1-4
2 1.5 1-5
12-24 12-25 12-26 12-27 12-28 12-29 12-30 12-31
317 333 650 2034
317 333 650 2684
316 3000
2 1.5 1-6
2 1.5 1-7
2 1.5 1-8
平均待机 3.5 排产完成时间 小时产能 要求完成时间
2014-6-24 日班 夜班 班次/日期 白班产量 夜班产量
< 各班预期待机时间,亦可根实际停机时间填写 >
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278 564 842 842
537 564 1100 1942
537 564 1100 3043
537 420 957 4000
317 85 85 85 333 650 734
317 333 650 1384
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5
2 1.5 1-1
12-11 12-12 352 370 722 722
12-13 12-14 12-15 12-16 12-17 12-18 12-19 12-20 12-21 12-22 12-23 352 370 722 1443 352 370 722 2165 352 370 722 2887 352 370 722 3609 352 370 722 4330 170 4500 170
实际累计产能 白班产量 夜班产量 全天产量 该产品累计产量 实际产能(日) 实际累计产能 白班产量 夜班产量 全天产量 该产品累计产量 实际产能(日) 实际累计产能
排产日期可在 "H4" 单元格是更改,向左向右拉。 绿色色块区域表示按计划交期的最后生产期限! 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 1.5