
翻译概论期末复习1. 基本概念(互译)补偿compensation不可译性untranslatability(untranslatable)达/易懂intelligibility/expressiveness等效原则principle of equivalent effect等值翻译equivalent translation动态对等dynamic equivalence读者反映论reader’s response读者为中心的翻译标准reader-centered for translation对等物(词语)equivalent对应(部分对应/完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence翻译程序/步骤translation procedures翻译体/翻译腔translationese翻译学translatology/Translation Studies风格style佛经Buddhist Scriptures/sutra符际翻译intersemiotic translation改变说法rewording功能对等functional equivalence归化domestication/naturalization/adaptation/endogenization/target-accommodating translation 机器翻译machine translation(MT)交际翻译communicative translation交替口译consecutive interpreting解码decode可译性translatability(translatable)理解understanding/comprehension流畅fluency乱译/胡译excessively free translation明析化explicitation模仿imitation目的论skopostheorie诗学poetics视点转换shift of perspective释义法/解释法explanation/paraphrase死译/硬译mechanical translation套译/仿译/仿拟imitation通顺smoothness同声传译simultaneous interpreting透明(度)transparency歪译(意义扭曲)distortion伪译pseudotranslation文本text文本等值textual equivalence文本为中心的翻译标准text-centered criteria for translation文化沟(空缺/非对应)cultural gap误译mis-translation信/忠实faithfulness/fidelity形合hypotaxis形式对等formal equivalence形式对应formal correspondence雅/优美elegance/gracefulness异化foreignization/alienation/exoticization/ exogenization/source-oriented translation 译本/译著translated text/translational work译借(语义转借)calque(loan translation)译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition译语/译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving culture译者为中心的翻译标准translator-centered criteria for translation译者隐形translator’s invisibility意合parataxis意识形态ideology意译free translation/liberal translation/semantic translation音译法transliteration语际翻译interlingual translation语境context语内翻译intralingual translation语义翻译semantic translation原文/原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work原作者SL author, original author源语/译出语source language(SL), original language源语读者source-language reader/SL reader源语文化source-language culture/source culture约定俗成convention再现reproduction/representation赞助patronage直译literal translation/direct translation逐字译word-for-word translation/word-to-word substitution/verbatim translation注释性翻译annotated/commented translation专业人士professionals转换transformation自然naturalness /idiomaticity综合法mixture of methods2. 翻译理论家及其理论信达雅faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance长期被我国广大译者视为翻译标准。

这种翻译的关键是如何准确传达原文的内容信息,其争论的焦点是:在不可调和的情况下,原文作者和译文读者哪个更重要? 是忠于原作的内容而不顾读者能否接受,还是变通原文而迁就读者?翻译的核心不是讲求字面意思的真实,而是要体现艺术真实,即精神上的真实,所以在翻译时抵制字对字的死译。


翻译概论期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共50分)1. 下列哪个选项最符合翻译的定义?A)将一种语言文字转换为另一种语言文字B)将一种语言口头表达转换为另一种语言口头表达 C)将一种语言文字转换为另一种语言口头表达D)将一种语言口头表达转换为另一种语言文字正确答案:A2. 以下哪个属于翻译过程中的“过程语言”?A)源语言B)目标语言C)中介语言D)工具语言正确答案:C3. 以下哪个属于翻译的“目的语”?A)源语言B)理解语言C)通信语言D)目标语言正确答案:D4. 文学翻译中,翻译者的主要任务是:A)保持原文的风格和意境B)译出目标语言读者能理解的内容C)将原文中的文化差异减少到最低D)使用逐字逐句翻译法正确答案:A5. 针对机器翻译的下列说法,哪个是正确的? A)机器翻译可以替代人工翻译B)机器翻译永远不会出现错误C)机器翻译的翻译质量已经超过人工翻译 D)机器翻译需要人类的干预和修正正确答案:D二、简答题(共30分)1. 简述翻译的基本原则。
2. 请简述“功能对等”翻译理论。

翻译理论复习总结第一篇:翻译理论复习总结1.翻译的定义1.罗曼•雅克布逊Roman Jacobson: translation is an interpretation of verbal signs by means of some other language.2.奈达(美国)Nida: translating consist in reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.2、翻译的类型1、译原文作者为中心的翻译:author-centered translation;以译文读者为中心的翻译:reader-centered translation;2、提出者:罗曼·雅克布逊roman Jacobson:语内翻译intralingual translation、语际翻译interlingual translation、符际翻译intersemiotic translation3、翻译元素:翻译过程:translating 译作 A translation 译者translator4、西方的一些观点:1、泰勒tytler: the translation should give a complete transcript of the idea of the original work;the style and manner should be of the same character with that of the original;the translation should have all the ease of original composition.2.be faithful to its spirit ,sense, and style;3.语义翻译semantic translation:纽马克newmark(英国)成名作《翻译研究途径》(Approaches to Translation,1981)中所提出的“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”之说在翻译教学与翻译研究界几乎人人皆知,至今仍有其理论价值与实践价值。

第五章 翻译的创意
1. 翻译的创造性(P68) 2. 创意与忠实(P75)
第六章 翻译的目的
1. 翻译目的与翻译策略(P83) 2. 翻译过程中哪些角色会影响到翻译目的 3. 雅各布逊从符号学将翻译分类为哪些(P87) 4. 翻译的两大基本目的(P91)
第七章 翻译的分类
1. 文学翻译与非文学翻译各自包括哪些文体 2. 翻译的变体有哪些
第十五章 翻译的得与失
1. 翻译的失: 2. 翻译的得: 3. 如何看待翻译的得与失
一、填空题(1'*15=15') 二、术语匹配(1'*15=15') 三、简答题 (4'*10=40') 四、综合论述题(30')
一、简答题 1. 简述翻译与理解的关系并举例说明。 2. 简述直译和逐字译的区别并举例说明。
请以下列译例为例,论述翻译策略和翻译方法之间的关系,以及它们在指导翻译实 践中的优缺点。
译例1. Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使马蹄忙。
I can’t recall his ever uttering a word that was purely matter-of-fact, and not deeply drawn from his innermost. 照我所记得的,他从没有说过一句完全乏味的话;每一句话总是从心坎里掏出来的。
第一章 翻译的本质
1. 对翻译及译者的宏观比喻 2. 对翻译过程的比喻 3. 翻译的本质(P13) Q:试举几例并说明这些比喻如何体现翻译的本质
第二章 翻译的原则
国内 1. 许渊冲: 2. 严复: 3. 鲁迅: 4. 傅雷:

翻译概论期末复习1. 根本概念(互译)补偿pensation不可译性untranslatability(untranslatable)达/易懂intelligibility/e*pressiveness等效原则principle of equivalent effect等值翻译equivalent translation动态对等dynamic equivalence读者反映论reader’s response读者为中心的翻译标准reader-centered for translation对等物(词语)equivalent对应(局部对应/完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence翻译程序/步骤translationprocedures翻译体/翻译腔translationese翻译学translatology/Translation Studies风格style佛经Buddhist Scriptures/sutra符际翻译intersemiotic translation改变说法rewording功能对等functional equivalence归化domestication/naturalization/adaptation/endogenization/target-acmodating translation机器翻译machine translation(MT)交际翻译municative translation交替口译consecutive interpreting解码decode可译性translatability(translatable)理解understanding/prehension流畅fluency乱译/胡译e*cessively free translation明析化e*plicitation模仿imitation目的论skopostheorie诗学poetics视点转换shift of perspective释义法/解释法e*planation/paraphrase死译/硬译mechanical translation套译/仿译/仿拟imitation通顺smoothness同声传译simultaneous interpreting透明(度)transparency歪译(意义扭曲)distortion伪译pseudotranslation文本te*t文本等值te*tual equivalence文本为中心的翻译标准te*t-centered criteria for translation文化沟(空缺/非对应)cultural gap误译mis-translation信/忠实faithfulness/fidelity形合hypota*is形式对等formal equivalence形式对应formal correspondence雅/优美elegance/gracefulness异化foreignization/alienation/e*oticization/ e*ogenization/source-oriented translation译本/译著translated te*t/translational work译借(语义转借)calque(loan translation)译文target te*t, translation, target version, rendering, rendition译语/译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving culture译者为中心的翻译标准translator-centered criteria for translation译者隐形translator’s in visibility意合parata*is意识形态ideology意译free translation/liberal translation/semantic translation音译法transliteration语际翻译interlingual translation语境conte*t语翻译intralingual translation语义翻译semantic translation原文/原著source te*t (ST), SL te*t, original te*t, original version/original work原作者SL author, original author源语/译出语source language(SL), original language源语读者source-language reader/SL reader源语文化source-language culture/source culture约定俗成convention再现reproduction/representation赞助patronage直译literal translation/direct translation逐字译word-for-word translation/word-to-word substitution/verbatim translation 注释性翻译annotated/mented translation专业人士professionals转换transformation自然naturalness /idiomaticity综合法mi*ture of methods2. 翻译理论家及其理论信达雅faithfulness,e*pressiveness and elegance长期被我国广阔译者视为翻译标准。

1. 直译法(1) 英译按原文的字面翻译, 其比喻意义同原文一样生动, 译文使读者能很快联想起英文中的对等成语. 如:竭泽而渔to drain a pond to catch all the fish (相当于kill the goose that lays the golden eggs)2) 打草惊蛇to stir up the grass and alert the snake (相当于wake a sleeping dog)3)易如反掌to be as easy a s turning over one’s hand (相当于as easy as falling off a log)4) 玩火自焚to get burnt by the fire kindled by oneself (相当于fry in one’s own grease)5)掌上明珠a pearl in the palm (相当于the apple of one’s eye)6)对牛弹琴to play the lute to a cow (相当于cast pearls before swine)7)守口如瓶to keep one’s mouth closed like a bottle (相当于keep a still tongue in one’s head)8) 雪中送炭to send charcoal in snowy weather (相当于help a lame dog over a stile)9) 画蛇添足to draw a snake and add feet to it (相当于paint the lily)(2) 不少汉语成语不一定有非常对等的英语成语, 但它们的字面翻译也能使译文读者得到正确无误的形象意义. 如:1) 声东击西to shout in the east and strike in the west2) 刻骨铭心to be engraved on one’s heart and bones3)井底之蛙to be like a frog at the bottom of a well4)调虎离山to lure the tiger from the mountain5)口蜜腹剑to be honey-mouthed and dagger-hearted2. 意译法如:手忙脚乱in a frantic rush 立竿见影get instant results它虽难以保全成语的文化特色和具体形象,却能简洁明快的反应出成语的喻义。

9.译入语文化对翻译策略的影响10.翻译目的与翻译策略的关系●评述翻译策略:1题,可能的题型如下:(15-20分)将下面的英文译成中文,分析自己的翻译策略及其依据:11.To ponder interminably over the reason for one’s own existence or the meaning of life ingeneral seems to me, from an objective point of view, to be sheer folly. And yet everyone holds certain ideals by which he guides his aspiration and his judgment. The ideals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy of living are goodness, beauty, and truth. T o make a goal of comfort and happiness has never appealed to me; a system of ethics built onthis basis would be sufficient only for a herd of cattle. (Albert Einstein)注意下面原文译文的形式与功能,简要说明翻译的策略及其依据:12.It may be safely assumed that, two thousand years ago, before Caesar set foot in SouthernBritain, the whole countryside visible from the windows of the room in which I write, was in what is called “the state of nature”. Except, i t may be, by raising a few sepulchral mounds, such as those which still, here an d there, break the flowing contours of the downs, man’s hands had made no mark upon it; and the thin veil of vegetation which overspread the broad-backed heights and the shelving sides of the coombs was unaffected by his industry.赫胥黎独处一室之中,在英伦之南,背山而面野。

这种翻译的关键是如何准确传达原文的内容信息,其争论的焦点是:在不可调和的情况下,原文作者和译文读者哪个更重要? 是忠于原作的内容而不顾读者能否接受,还是变通原文而迁就读者?翻译的核心不是讲求字面意思的真实,而是要体现艺术真实,即精神上的真实,所以在翻译时抵制字对字的死译。

翻译概论期末考试复习题一、选择题1. 翻译的定义是什么?A. 将一种语言的文本转换为另一种语言的文本B. 将一种语言的口语转换为另一种语言的口语C. 以上都是D. 以上都不是2. 翻译的基本原则有哪些?A. 忠实性、通顺性、可读性B. 准确性、流畅性、优雅性C. 以上都是D. 以上都不是3. 翻译过程中,哪种方法强调对原文的忠实度?A. 直译B. 意译C. 音译D. 以上都不是二、填空题4. 翻译理论中的“信、达、雅”是由________提出的。
5. 翻译过程中,________是指译者对原文的理解。
6. 翻译的三个层次包括:字面翻译、意译和________。
三、简答题7. 简述翻译的三个基本步骤。
8. 什么是翻译的“信、达、雅”原则?9. 翻译中的“直译”与“意译”有何区别?四、论述题10. 论述翻译中的文化因素对翻译实践的影响。
11. 分析翻译策略在不同文体翻译中的应用。
12. 讨论翻译伦理在翻译过程中的重要性。
五、案例分析题13. 阅读以下原文和译文,分析译者在翻译过程中可能采取的策略,并评价其翻译质量。
原文:_________________________译文:_________________________六、翻译实践题14. 将以下句子从中文翻译成英文,并解释你的翻译策略。
句子:_________________________15. 翻译以下英文段落到中文,并简述你的翻译过程。
段落:_________________________七、开放性问题16. 你认为翻译中最重要的因素是什么?请给出你的理由。
17. 在翻译实践中,你如何平衡原文的忠实度和目标语言的流畅性?八、结束语以上是翻译概论期末考试复习题,希望同学们能够认真复习,掌握翻译的基本知识和技能,提高翻译实践能力。

翻译概论期末复习题 Microsoft Office Word 文档

翻译概论期末复习题 Microsoft Office Word 文档翻译概论期末复习题microsoftofficeword文档期末复习题《翻译概论》一、恳请将对应的译者理论与对应的译者理论家划线连接起来。

改译、重译 > 原译。

翻概期末复习资料A.名词解释:20个考2分,30~80词1.Translation: The term translation itself has several meanings: it canrefer to the general subject field, the product(the text that has beentranslated) or the process(the act of producing the translation, otherwiseknown as translating).2. Translation Studies : Translation studies is an academicinterdiscipline(n.跨学科,多种学科)dealing with the systematic study of the theory, description and application of translation, interpreting, and localization(地方化). The term Translation Studies was coined by the American scholar Jame s S. Holmes in his paper “The name and nature oftranslation studies”, which is considered a foundational statement for thediscipline.3.Features of Discourse: Features of a discourse include cohesion andcoherence. The ties that bind a text together are often referred to underthe heading of cohesion while coherence is unity in a text or discourse, which makes sense because its elements do not contradict each other‟spresuppositions. Simply, coherence is natural or reasonable connection in thoughts.4.Semantic Translation (Newmark): Semantic translation, where thetranslator attempts, within the bare syntactic and semantic constraints of the TL, to produce the precise contextual meaning of the original. It tends to be more complex, more awkward, more detailed and it remains within the original culture and language as much as possible.municative translation (Newmark): Communicative translation,where the translator attempts to produce the same effect on the TargetLanguage readers as was produced by the original on the SL readers. It islikely to be smoother, simpler, cleaner, more direct, more conventional, using hold-all terms in difficult passages.6.Paraphrase (Dryden): translation with latitude, where the author is keptin view by the translator, so as never to be lost, but his words are not sostrictly followed as his sense; this involves changing whole phrases and more or less corresponds to faithful or sense-for-sense translation.7.Tytler’s three general laws of translation: Firstly, the translationshould give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.Secondly, the style and manner of writing should be of the same characterwith that of the original. Thirdly, the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.8.Equivalence:equivalence is the nature and the extent of therelationships between SL and TL texts. It relates to equivalent items in specific ST-TT pairs and contexts. There are different types of equivalence including Denotative Equivalence, Connotative equivalence, pragmatic equivalence and etc.9.Dynamic Equivalence(Nida): Dynamic Equivalence, where therelationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message. It is receptor-oriented and the goal of dynamic equivalence is to seek the “closest natural equivalent to the SL message”.10.Domestication (Venuti): 归化It is also known as Domesticatingtranslation, aiming to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for the TL readers. It may carry negative connotations, cultural narcissim, cultural hegemony of the powerful cultures and cultural colonialism. It is aggressively monolingual, unreceptive to the foreign.11.Foreignization (Venuti) 异化A term used by Venuti to designate thetype of translation in which TT is produced which deliberately breaks the target conventions by retaining something of the foreigness of the original.Venuti believes it is a strategic cultural intervention to make the translator “visible” and to make the readers realize and it restrains “violence”.12.Invisibility of the translator (Venuti): ~ is a term used by Venuti todescribe the translator‟s situation an activity in contemporary Anglo-American culture. Venuti sees this invisibility as typically being produced: by the way translators themselves tend to translate “fluently“ into English , to produce an idiomatic and …readable” TT, thus creating an “illusion of transparency”; by the way the translated texts are typically read in the target culture.13.Coherence rule (Hans Vermeer): 连贯原则~States that the TT mustbe interpretable as coherent with the TT receiver‟s situation. In other words, the TT must be translated in such a way that it is coherent for the TT receivers, given their circumstances and knowledge.14.Fidelity rule (Hans Vermeer) : 忠实法则,语内连贯法则;~merely statesthat there must be coherence between the translatum and the ST or, more specifically, between: the ST information received by the translator, the interpretation the translator makes of this information, the information that is encoded for the TTreceivers.15.Loyalty in translation (Nord): According to the prevailing concept oftranslation, readers might expect that the TT gives exactly the author‟s opinion. It is the transla tor‟s moral responsibility to be loyal both to the ST author and readers. Loyalty exists in the interpersonal relationshipbetween the translator, the ST author and TT addressees and always refer to the attitude of the translator during the process of translating. 16.Polysystem (Even-Zohar) : 多元系统It is developed in 1970s by Even-Zohar. The polysystem is conceived as a heterogeneous, hierarchized conglomerate of systems which interact to bring about an ongoing, dynamic process of evolution within the polysystem as a whole. The notion of system: a multi-layered structure of elements which relate toand interact with each other.17.Operational norms (Toury): Operational norms describe thepresentation and linguistic matter of the TT. They affect the matrix of text and the textual make-up and verbal formulation. Operational norms consists of Matricial norms and Textual-linguistic norms.18.Expectancy norms (Chesterman): ~are established by theexpectations of readers of a translation concerning what a translation should be like. Factors governing these norms include the predominant translation tradition in the target culture, the discourse conventions of the similar TL genre, and economic and ideological considerations.19.The cultural turn (Bassnett & Lefevere) :P125 The move fromtranslation as text to translation as culture and politics is what Mary Snell-Hornby, in her paper, terms “the cultural turn”. It is taken up by Bassnett and Lefevere as a metaphor for this cultural move and serves to bind together the range of case studies in their collection.20. Postcolonialism: 后殖民主义; postcolonialism is generally used tocover studies of the history of the former colonies, studies of powerful European empires, resistance to the colonialist powers and, more broadly, studies of the effect of the imbalance of power relations between colonized and colonizer. Here refer to postcolonialism in translation particularly. ???B.理论要点综述:12个考1个,150~300词1.Triadic model proposed by Dryden and its influence: John Dryden,whose brief description of the translation process would have enormous impact on subsequent translation theory and practice. In the preface to his translation of Ovid‟s Epistles, Dryden reduces all translation to three categories: Firstly, metaphrase: word by word and line by line translation, which corresponds to literal translation; Secondly, paraphrase:translation with latitude, where the author is kept in view by the translator, so as never to be lost, but his words are not so strictly followed as his sense;this involves changing whole phrases and more or less corresponds to faithful or sense-for-sense translation. Thirdly, imitation: forsaking both words and sense. This corresponds to Cowley‟s very free translation and is more or less adaptation. //Moreover, the triadic model proposed by Dryden was to exert considerable influence on later writings on translation.In general, Dryden and others writing on translation at the time are very prescriptive(规范的), setting out what has to be done in order for successful translation to take place. Other writers on translation also began to state their “principles“ in a similarly prescriptive fashion. For example, Dolet has five “principles“ while Tytler has three general “laws”.2.Nida’s theory of functional equivalence: P42. Dynamic, or functionalEquivalence is based on what Nida calls “the principle of equivalent effect”, where the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that which existed between the original receptors and the message. The message has to be tailored to the receptor‟s linguis tic needs and cultural expectation and aims at complete naturalness of expression. Naturalness is a key requirement for Nida.Indeed, he defines the goal of dynamic equivalence as seeking the closet natural equivalent to the SL message. This receptor-oriented approach considers adaptations of grammar, of lexicon and of cultural references to be essential in order to achieve naturalness ; the TT language should not show interference from the SL, and the foreignness of the ST setting is minimized in a way that would now be criticized by later culturally oriented translation theorists.3.Features of a discourse and their enlightenment to translation:From a structural perspective, discourse is a unit of language above the sentence. There are two features of discourse: Cohesive and coherent.The linguistic mean by cohesion: sentences are woven together to make texts. Texts are made of sentences and sentences must be bound together and cross-linked in a variety of ways. So the ties that bind a texttogether are often referred under the head of cohesion. There are manycohesive devices such as reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction andlexical ties or even rhetorical devices. Coherence is a unity in a text ordiscourse, which makes sense because its elements do not contradict eachother‟s presuppositions. Simply, coherence is natural or reasonableconnection in thoughts. Enlightenment to translation: discourse analysis isimportant in translation. Translators should notice that the TT should becohesive and coherent as the ST is. In some cases, the discourse seemsnot coherent but actually makes sense due to shared knowledge amongoriginal text readers. Therefore the translator needs to compensate for theshared knowledge when rendering ST to TT.4.Vermeer’s Sk opotheorie and its basic underlying rules :Skopos is the Greek word for “aim” or “purpose” and was introduced intotranslation theory in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer as a technical term forthe purpose of a translation and of the action of translating. Skopostheoriefocuses above all on the purpose of the translation, which determines thetranslation methods and strategies that are to be employed in order toproduce a functionally adequate result. Therefore, in skopos theory,knowing why a ST is to be translated and what the function of the TT willbe are crucial for the translator. // The basic underlying rules of thetheory are: 1. A translatum(or TT) is determined by its skopos. 2. A TT isan offer of information in a target culture and TL concerning an offer ofinformation in a source culture and SL. 3. A TT does not initiate an offer ofinformation in a clearly reversible way. 4. A TT must be internally coherent.5. A TT must be coherent with the ST.6. The five rules above stand inhierarchical order, with the skopos rule predominating. (In it, theCoherence rule states that the TT must be interpretable as coherent withthe TT receiver‟s situation. In other words, the TT must be translated insuch a way that it is coherent for the TT receivers, given theircircumstances and knowledge. The Fidelity rule merely states that theremust be coherence between the translatum and the ST or, morespecifically, between: the ST information received by the translator, theinterpretation the translator makes of this information, the informationthat is encoded for the TT receivers.) An important advantage of skopostheory is that it allows the possibility of the same text being translated indifferent ways according to the purpose of the TT and the commissionwhich is given to the translator.5.Three major cases when translated literature occupies theprimary position in the literary system proposed by Even-ZoharEven-Zohar gives three major cases when translated literature occupies the primary position:(1) When a …young‟ literature is being established and looks initially to …older‟ literatures for ready-made models;(2) When a literature is …peripheral‟ or …weak‟ and imports those literary types which it is lacking. This can happen when a smaller nation is dominated by the culture of a larger one. Even-Zohar sees that …all sorts of peripheral literature may in such cases consist of translated literature‟. This happens at various levels. For instance, in modern Spain regions such as Galicia import many translations from the dominant Castilian Spanish, while Spain itself imports canonized and non-canonized literature from the English-speaking world;(3) When there is a critical turning point in literary history at which established models are no longer considered sufficient, or when there is a vacuum in the literature of the country. Where no type holds sway, it is easier for foreign models to assume primacy.6.Nord’s notion of “Function+ Loyalty” p84Nord establishes a(1)The intended function of the translation should bedecided( documentary or instrumental).(2)Those functional elements that will need to be adapted to the TTaddressees‟situation have to be determined (after analysis of the translation commission as in 1 above).(3)The translation type decides the translation style (source-culture ortarget-culture oriented).(4)The problems of the text can then be tackled at a lower linguisticlevel( as in the ST analysis in 2 above).In many ways, this synthesized approach brings together strengths of the various functional and action theories:●The translation commission analysis follows up Holz‟s work on the playerswithin the translatorial action.●The intended text functions pursue Reiss and Vermeer‟s skopos, butwithout giving overall dominance to the skopos.● The ST analysis, influenced by Reiss‟s work, gives due attention to thecommunicative function and genre features of the ST type and language, but without the rigidity of other taxonoimies.Secondly, according to the prevailing concept of translation, readers might expect that the TT gives exactly the author‟s opinion. It is the translator‟s moral responsibility to be loyal both to the ST author and readers. Loyaltyexists in the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the ST authorand TT addressees and always refer to the attitude of the translator during the process of translating.7.Tour’s classification of norms:Toury sees different kinds of norms operating at different stages of the translation process: initial norm, preliminary norms and operational norms.Initial norm refers to a general choice made by translators. Thus, translators can subject themselves to the norms realized in the ST or to the norms of the target culture or language. If it is towards the ST, then the TT will be adequate; if the target culture norms prevail, then the TT will be acceptable. The poles of adequacy and acceptability are on a continuum since no translation is ever totally adequate or totally acceptable. Shifts – obligatory and non-obligatory – are inevitable,norm-governed and …a true universal of translation‟ Preliminary norms contain translation policy and directness of translation, with the former referring to the factors determining the selection texts for translation in a specific language, culture or time and the latter relating to whether translation occurs through an intermediate language. Operational norms describe the presentation and linguistic matter of the TT. They include metrical norms and textual-linguistic norms, with the former relating to the completeness of the TT and the latter governing the selection of TT linguistic material: lexical items, phrases and stylistic features.8.Chesterman’s translation norms:Toury‟s concept of norms is focused mainly on their function as a descriptive category to identify translation patterns. Chesterman states that all norms …exert a prescriptive pressure‟. Chesterman himself proposes another set of norms, covering the area of Toury‟s initial and operational norms. They are product or expectancy norms and process or professional norms. Product or expectancy norms …are established by the expectations of readers of a translation (of a given type) concerning what a translation (of this type) should be like‟. Factors governing these norms include the predominant translation tradition in the target culture, the discourse conventions of the similar TL genre, and economic and ideological considerations. Professional norms …regulate the translation process itself‟.They are subordinate to and determined by expectancy norms.Chesterman proposes three kinds of professional norm: the accountability norm (an ethical norm), the communication norm (a social norm), the “relation” norm (a linguistic norm).9.Constraints on translation within and outside the literary systemby Lefevere :Lefevere describes the literary system in which translation functions as being controlled by three main factors, which are: (1) professionals within the literary system, (2) patronage outside the literary system and (3) the dominant poetics.(1)Professionals within the literary system: These include critics andreviewers (whose comments affect the reception of a work), teachers (who often decide whether a book is studied or not) and translators themselves, who decide on the poetics and at times the ideology of the translated text.(2) Patronage outside the literary system: These are …the powers (persons, institutions) that can further or hinder the reading, writing, and rewriting of literature‟.Lefevere identifies three elements to this patronage: the ideological component; the economic component; the status component. For Lefevere, the most important consideration is the ideological one, which in this case refers to the translator‟s ideology, or the ideology imposed upon the translator by patronage.(3)The poetological consideration refers to the dominant poetics in the TL culture. Together these dictate the translation strategy and the solution to specific problems.10.Feminist translation theory :(The representatives are Luise Von Flotow and Sherry Simon. The goal of feminis t translation viewed as “rewriting in the feminine”, is to make women visible in la nguage and to reveal increasing gender awareness The core for the feminists tra nslation theory is that the feminist theorists see parallel between the status of tra nslation, which is often considered to be derivative and inferior to original writing ,and that of women. Feminists seek to identify and criticize the tangle of concept s which relegates both women and translation to the bottom of the social and lite rary ladder.)The feminist theorists see a parallel between the status of translation, which is often considered to be derivative and inferior to original writing, and that of women, so often repressed in society and literature. This is the core of feminist translation theory, which seeks to …identify and critique the tangle of concepts which relegates both women and translation to the bottom of the social and literary ladder‟. One strategy discussed by Simon is the treatment of linguistic markers of gender. Examples quoted from de Lotbinière-Harwood‟s translations include using a bold …e‟ in the word one to emphasize the feminine, capitalization of M in HuMan Rights to show the implicit sexism, the neologism auther (as opposed to author ) to translate the French auteure , and the female personification of nounssuch as aube ( dawn ) with the English pronoun she. Spivak suggests that feminists from the hegemonic countries should show real solidarity with women in postcolonial contexts by learning the language in which thosewomen speak and write.11.Postcolonial translation theory:Postcolonialism is generally used to cover studies of the history of the former colonies, studies of powerful European empires, resistance to the colonialist powers and, more broadly, studies of the effect of the imbalance of power relations, between colonized and colonizer.Postcolonialism has over the past decade focused on issues of translation, the transnational and colonization.// Specifically, the linking of colonization and translation is accompanied by the argument that translation has played an active role in the colonization process and in disseminating an ideologically motivated image of colonized peoples. The central intersection of translation studies and postcolonial theory is that of power relations. Niranjana‟s focus in on the way translation into English has generally been used by the colonial power to construct a rewritten image of the “East that has then come to stand for the truth. Niranjana sees all these groups as “participating” in the enormous project of collection and codification on which colonial power was base. She specifically attacks translation‟s role within this power structure: translation as a practice shapes, and takes shape within, the asymmetrical relations of power that operate under colonialism. Furthermore, she goes on to criticize translation studies itself for its largely western orientation and for three main failings that she sees resulting from this: (1)that translation studies has until recently not considered the question of power imbalance between different languages(2)that the concepts underlying much of western translation theory areflawed. (3)that the humanistic enterprise of translation needs to be questioned, since translation in the colonial context builds a conceptual image of colonial domination into the discourse of western philosophy.12.Steiner’s hermeneutic motio n, the four moves of translation : Steiner‟s description of the hermeneutics of translation, …the act of elicitation and appropriative transfer of meaning‟, is based on a conception of translation not as a scienc e but as …an exact art‟, with precisions that are …intense but unsystematic‟. The hermeneutic motion which forms the core of Steiner‟s description consists of four parts: (1) initiative trust; (2) aggression (or penetration); (3) incorporation (or embodiment); and (4) compensation (or restitution). The main points of each are as follows:(1)Initiative trust: The translator‟s first move is …an investment of belief‟, abelief and trust that there is something there in the ST that can beunderstood.(2)Aggression: S teiner describes the aggression involved as “penetration”.He uses the metaphor of an open-cast mine for the translator‟s seizure of the ST and extraction of meaning: …The translator invades, extracts, and brings home.(3)Incorporation: It refers to the ST meaning, extracted by the translator inthe second movement, being brought into the TL, which is already full of its own words and meanings.(4)Compensation:It is “the crux of the métier and morals of translation”.Steiner describes the aggressive appropriation and incorporation of the meaning of the ST which …leaves the original with a dialectically enigmatic residue‟. Dialectic because, although there has been a loss for the ST, the …residue‟ is positive.C.原文译文分析:字数要求不低于 250 词,题目为一段节选的原文和译文,原文长度 100-150 词,附背景和上下文介绍。

翻译概论的期末试题及答案一、选择题1. 下列哪项不是翻译的定义?A. 将一种语言文字转化为另一种语言文字B. 将一种语言口语转化为另一种语言文字C. 将一种语言文字进行解释和表达D. 将一种语言文字进行意译和转换答案:B2. 翻译的目的是什么?A. 传达信息B. 提高译者的语言能力C. 增进不同文化之间的理解D. 推广翻译行业的发展答案:A、C3. 下列哪项不是翻译的类型?A. 文学翻译B. 口译翻译C. 法律翻译D. 机器翻译答案:D二、简答题1. 请简述翻译的基本原则。
2. 解释语言转换和意译的概念,并举例说明。
例如,将中文句子“我喜欢吃水果”直译为英文句子“I like to eat fruits”。
例如,将英文句子“Actions speak louder than words”意译为中文句子“事实胜于雄辩”。
1. 桥梁作用:翻译作为不同语言和文化之间的桥梁,使得各种信息能够跨越语言边界和文化障碍进行传播和交流。
2. 促进文化传播:翻译能够将一国的文化表达转化为其他语言并传播出去,使得其他国家的人们能够了解和接触到不同的文化。

翻译概论1.Classification of translation activities:1)涉及语言:语际翻译(interlingual translation)、语内翻译(intralingualtranslation)、符际翻译(intersemiotic translation)2)活动方式:口译(interpreting)、笔译(translation)3)人类翻译(human translation)与机器翻译(machine translation)4)文体特点:应用文体、科技文体、论述文体、新闻文体、艺术文体5)文学翻译(literary translation)与非文学翻译(non-literary translation)6)处理方式:全译、节译、摘译、编译、辑译、译述2.The translation process(广义的翻译):1)准备阶段:长期准备、近期准备2)实施阶段:理解、表达→狭义的翻译3)校核阶段:初级校核、高级校核3.译者与学习:语言水平;知识水平(A. 基础知识:语言学知识和百科知识;B. 专门知识);翻译水平4.词义(五个基本技法):词义的选定、引申与褒贬处理、信息与结构的增补、省译、词类转换1)词从三个方面获得具体的含义:词的自身含义;多义词的词义取决于该词与其他词在句中的关系或搭配关系);多义词的词义取决于情境2)词义的引申:抽象化、具体化3)词义的褒贬:成语典故、英语典故(多出自希罗神话、《圣经》、莎剧)5.增补:1)增词以增加虚词为多2)英译汉:结构词、数量词、概念词、语气词3)结构增补:A. 指为了把汉语说通而增加必要的词语B. 增加概括词和语气词:“现象、方面、作用、过程、情况、部分、问题”等C. 主要是考虑到汉语句子结构的完整和语气的流畅,一般不涉及新的信息4)意义增补:指为了把意思说清楚而增加必要的信息5)修辞增补:A. 主要是为了增强译文的语言表达效果 B. 求得译文的相对整齐、匀称、平衡、和谐,属于消极修辞C. 在消极修辞基础上进一步追求译文与原文相似的语气、音韵、风貌、韵味,属于积极修辞6.省译:1)结构省译(消极、明显):A. 由于英汉两种语言在句子结构上的差别造成B.英译汉:代词、系词、介词、连词、冠词、先行词C. 做主语和定语的人称代词以及做定语的物主代词均可省译 D. 英文句子有追求结构完整的倾向,汉语则有突出重点部分而不计其余的倾向2)精炼压缩(积极、隐晦):科技翻译中经常把英语较复杂的结构包括从句压缩成精炼的汉语词组7.转换:1)核心(英译汉):A. 将具有动作性的名次转换为汉语动词 B. 将可表示概念的动词转换为汉语名词2)基本技法:慎选词义、改变词量、变换词类8.中西翻译史:1)六次高潮(西):A. 公元前三世纪中叶罗马对希腊古典作品的译介B. 罗马帝国的后期至中世纪初期,以形形色色的《圣经》译本的出现为标志C.中世纪中期,即11至12世纪之间,西方翻译家们云集西班牙的托莱多,把大批作品从阿拉伯语译成拉丁语D. 14-16世纪欧洲的文艺复兴运动时期,特别是16世纪及随后一个时期,翻译活动达到了前所未见的高度E.文艺复兴后:17世纪下半叶至20世纪上半叶 F. 二战结束以后至今2)三次高潮(中):东汉到宋的佛经翻译;明末清初的西学翻译;从鸦片战争到清末的西学翻译9.传统翻译概念:不是以现代语言学为基础的翻译理论,都可以划归传统译论的范围;(中)案本——求信——神似——化境10.语言学视角:1)核心:语言活动2)语言学派:翻译是语言活动,追求的是等值、等效11.文化视角:1)文艺学派:翻译是艺术活动,追求的是再创造2)翻译研究的文化转向3)两个基本方面:以外来文化为落脚点、以主体文化为落脚点4)权利话语论:翻译是一种文化、思想、意识形态在另一种文化、思想、意识形态环境里的改造、变形或再创造12.翻译的特性:社会性、文化性、符号转换性、创造性、历史性→翻译是以符号转换为手段、意义再生为任务的一项跨文化的交际活动13.翻译涉及的因素:文化语境与社会因素、意识形态与政治因素、翻译动机与翻译理念、语言关系与翻译能力14.文化语境与社会因素:1)社会因素对翻译活动的影响:A. 社会的发展呼唤翻译B. 不同社会的发展阶段需要不同的翻译C. 社会的开放程度影响翻译D. 社会的价值观影响翻译2)文化语境对翻译活动的影响:A. 一个国家所处的文化空间或一个时代的文化环境对翻译的影响B. 文化立场对翻译的影响C. 文化心理对翻译的影响15.直译与意译(literal translation&free translation):1)直译:在保持原语层面处理一致的基础上,进一步保持意义一致,即如何在保持原语形式的同时,不让其意义失真2)意译:语言有不同的文化内涵和表达形式,当形式成为翻译的障碍时,就要采取意译16.异化与归化(foreignization&domestication):1)归化:在翻译中采用透明、流畅的风格,最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感的翻译策略。

1. 试述让意义在翻译中得到再生的几点原则1、去字梏文本的意义不是每个词意义的简单相加。

翻译概论期末复习1.基本概念(互译)补偿compensation不可译性untranslatability (untranslatable)达/ 易'懂intelligibility/expressiveness等效原则principle of equivalent effect等值翻译equivale nt tran slation动态对等dynamic equivalence读者反映论reader's response读者为中心的翻译标准reader-centered for translation 对等物(词语)equivalent对应(部分对应 / 完全对应)(partial/full ) correspondence翻译程序 /步骤translation procedures翻译体/翻译腔translationese翻译学translatology/Translation Studies风格style佛经Buddhist Scriptures/sutra符际翻译intersemiotic translation改变说法rewording功能对等functional equivale nee归化domestication/naturalization/adaptation/endogenization/target-accommodating translation 机器翻译machine translation (MT)交际翻译communicative translation 交替口译consecutive interpreting 解码decode 可译性translatability (translatable)理解understanding/comprehension 流畅fluency 舌L译 / 胡译excessively free translation 明析化explicitation 模仿imitation 目的论skopostheorie 诗学poetics 视点转换shift of perspective 释义法 /解释法explanation/paraphrase 死译/ 硬译mechanical translation 套译/仿译/仿拟imitation通顺smoothness同声传译simultaneous interpreting透明(度)transparency歪译(意义扭曲)distortion伪译pseudotranslation文本text 文本等值textual equivalence 文本为中心的翻译标准text-centered criteria for translation 文化沟(空缺/非对应)cultural gap误译mis・translation 信/ 忠实faithfulness/fidelity 形合hypotaxis 形式对等formal equivalence 形式对应formal correspondence 雅/ 优美elegance/gracefulness 异彳匕foreignization/alienation/exoticization/ exogenization/source-oriented translation 译本 / 译著translated text/translational work 译借(语义转借)calque(loan translation)译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition译语 / 译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language 译语读者target-language reader/TLreader/receiving audienee 译语文彳匕target-language culture/target culture/receiving culture 译者为中心的翻译标准translator-centered criteria for translation 译者隐形translator * s invisibility 意合parataxis 意识形态ideology意译free translation/liberal translation/semantic translation 音译法transliteration 语际翻译interlingual tran slati on 语境con text语内翻译intralingual translation 语义翻译semantic translation 原文 / 原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work 原彳乍者SL author, original author 源语 / 译出语source language(SL), original language 源语读者source-language reader/SL reader 源语文化source・ language culture/source culture 纟勺定俗成conve ntion 再现reproduction/representatio n 赞助patron age 直译literal translation/direct translation 逐字译word-for-wordtranslation/worcMoword substitution/verbatim translation 注释性翻译armotated/commented translation 专业人士professionals 转换transformation 自然naturalness/idiomaticity 综合法mixture of methods2.翻译理论家及其理论信达雅faithfulness 、 expressiveness and eleganee长期被我国广大译者视为翻译标准。
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翻译概论期末复习1. 基本概念(互译)补偿compensation不可译性untranslatability(untranslatable)达/ 易懂intelligibility/expressiveness等效原则principle of equivalent effect等值翻译equivalent translation动态对等dynamic equivalence 读者反映论reader's response 读者为中心的翻译标准reader-centered for translation 对等物(词语)equivalent对应(部分对应/ 完全对应)(partial /full )correspondence翻译程序/步骤translation procedures翻译体/翻译腔translationese翻译学translatology/Translation Studies风格style佛经Buddhist Scriptures/sutra符际翻译intersemiotic translation改变说法rewording功能对等functional equivalence归化domestication/naturalization/adaptation/endogenization/target-accommodating translation 机器翻译machine translation(MT)交际翻译communicative translation 交替口译consecutive interpreting 解码decode 可译性translatability(translatable)理解understanding/comprehension 流畅fluency 乱译/ 胡译excessively free translation 明析化explicitation 模仿imitation 目的论skopostheorie 诗学poetics 视点转换shift of perspective 释义法/解释法explanation/paraphrase 死译/ 硬译mechanical translation 套译/ 仿译/仿拟imitation 通顺smoothness同声传译simultaneous interpreting透明(度)transparency歪译(意义扭曲)distortion伪译pseudotranslation文本text 文本等值textual equivalence 文本为中心的翻译标准text-centered criteria for translation 文化沟(空缺/ 非对应)cultural gap误译mis-translation 信/ 忠实faithfulness/fidelity 形合hypotaxis 形式对等formal equivalence 形式对应formal correspondence 雅/ 优美elegance/gracefulness 异化foreignization/alienation/exoticization/ exogenization/source-oriented translation 译本/ 译著translated text/translational work 译借(语义转借)calque(loan translation)译文target text, translation, target version, rendering, rendition译语/ 译入语target language(TL), receptor language, receiving language 译语读者target-language reader/TL reader/receiving audience 译语文化target-language culture/target culture/receiving culture 译者为中心的翻译标准translator-centered criteria for translation 译者隐形translator ' s invisibility 意合parataxis 意识形态ideology意译free translation/liberal translation/semantic translation 音译法transliteration 语际翻译interlingualtranslation语境context语内翻译intralingual translation 语义翻译semantic translation 原文/ 原著source text (ST), SL text, original text, original version/original work 原作者SL author, original author 源语/ 译出语source language(SL), original language 源语读者source-language reader/SL reader 源语文化source-language culture/source culture 约定俗成convention 再现reproduction/representation 赞助patronage 直译literal translation/direct translation 逐字译word-for-word translation/word-to-wordsubstitution/verbatim translation 注释性翻译annotated/commented translation 专业人士professionals 转换transformation 自然naturalness /idiomaticity 综合法mixture of methods2. 翻译理论家及其理论信达雅faithfulness ,expressiveness and elegance长期被我国广大译者视为翻译标准。
这是严复在《天演论》译例言(1898) 中提出来的,他称:“译事三难:信、达、雅。
” 又说:“《易》曰:‘修辞立诚。
长期以来,虽然众说纷纭,各持一词,但“信达”仍为译界普遍遵循——“忠实、通顺” 、“准确、流畅” 、“在准确基础上通顺”等等提法,其意与“信、达”一致。
有的主张取消“雅” ,把通常为“雅”所包含的译文风格和语言形式上的要求统统列入“信”之中,只提两条。
但有人从“修辞立其诚”、“言以文远” 、“情欲信而辞欲巧” (内容要真实,文辞要美化)等观点出发,不断对“雅” 作这样或那样的解释,提出这种或那种论证,以体现翻译标准的完整性。
神似(傅雷语) alike in spirit /spiritual resemblance 与“形似”相对,本为我国古代诗画评语,指在形似的基础上诗、画表现出人、物的神态、气韵达到唯妙唯肖的传神的境地。
神似已成为中国译论体系中占主导地位的译论之一,最早由茅盾在《新文学研究者的责任与努力》(1921) 一文中首先提出并在《译文学书方法的讨论》一文中译述。
此后,郭沫若、闻一多在论及诗歌翻译时提出要译“风韵” 、“精神”和“气势” ;陈西滢、曾虚白、王以铸等也都著文论述过“神似”。
傅雷着力提倡并实践“神似” 论。
1951 年他在《高老头》重译本序中写道:“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。
”20 世纪60 年代,傅雷再次宣言式表明态度:“愚对译事看法实甚简单:重神似不重形似。
化境(钱钟书语)sublimation, reach the acme of perfection1964 年钱钟书在《林纾的翻译》中提出的文学翻译的最高标准。
他说:“文学翻译的最高标准是‘化 '。
把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字,既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原有的风味,那就算得入于‘化境 '。
17世纪有人赞美这种造诣的翻译,比为原作的‘投胎转世 '(the transmigration of souls),躯壳换了一个,而精神姿致依然故我。
宁信而不顺(鲁迅语) rather to be faithful than smooth (I ' d rather be faithful than smooth ”)三美: 音美,形美, 意美(许渊冲语) the three beauties: beauty in sound, beauty in form and beautyin meaning许渊冲在《毛主席诗词四十二首》英、法文格律体译文(1978)序言中提出诗词翻译“三美”论。