LECTURE 2 -1MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2Round-Off and Truncation ErrorsMotivation:Understanding the concept of error and how it develops in numerical methods is important to the effective use of computer techniques.This study focuses on two major forms of numerical error: Round-offError and Truncation Error.Reading Assignment:Chapra Chapter 4 (required)Chapra and Canale Section 4.1 (optional)LECTURE 2 -2MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 OBJECTIVESThe primary objective of this lecture is to provide a basicunderstanding of computational errors introduced bynumerical methods. More specifically, this lecture will:•Expose potential sources of computational errors.•Compare accuracy and precision.•Review numerical precision associated with digitalcomputing.•Provide specific calculations for evaluating error estimates.•Provide a means for estimating truncation error using theTaylor series.•Explore finite difference approximations for first and secondderivatives.MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -3You’ve Got A Problem•The numerical methods solution to the bungee jumper problem inChapter 1 employed an approximation to the derivative as•What is known?–Numerical error is introduced byapproximation–Approximation error depends on t–Computers have limited precision•What is needed?– A basic understanding of errors associated with computercalculations– A method for assessing the amount of error introduced withthe approximations used by numerical methodsii i i t t t v t v t v dt dv 11)()(MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -4Sources of Error•Errors in mathematical modelingResult from simplifying assumptions and approximations madewhen representing physical systems by mathematical equations.•BlundersResult from mathematical modeling errors and/or programmingerrors.•Errors in inputBEWARE: garbage in –garbage out•Machine errorsResult from rounding, chopping, underflow and overflow•Truncation errorsResult from simplifying assumptions and approximations madein the numerical procedureOccurs when truncating an infinite series or numericalevaluation of an improper integral. E.g.,!4!3!21432x x x x e xMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -5Accuracy and Precisiondata scatterdefinesimprecisionoruncertaintysystematic deviation defines inaccuracy or bias inaccurateandimpreciseaccurateandprecise MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -6Significant Figures•The significant digits of a number are those that can be used withconfidence.•What is the speed?–48 or 49?–48.8 or 48.9?–48.8642138?–#sig-figs = 3•What is the mileage?–87324.4 or 87324.5?–87324.46?–#sig-figs = 7•All results in MAE3100 must display appropriate units and Sig-Figs–Use no less than 3 sig-figs, 4 is preferred–Use the greatest accuracy possible during calculations–Report result with sig-figs consistent with inputMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -7Error Definitions•True (Absolute) ErrorNote: Issues arise when working with different orders-of-magnitude•True Percent Relative Error•Approximate Percent Relative Error (true value not always known)• A specified percent tolerance s may be used as a stopping criteria:I.e., stop with n decimal place accuracy when ionapproximat value true t E (100%) value true ionapproximat - value true (100%) value true error true t %)100(ion approximat current ionapproximat previous -ion approximat current (100%)ion approximat errore approximat a )%105.0(2n s a MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -8Round-Off Error•Recall that numbers are stored in binary format–16 bit integer representationRange: -32,768 to 32,767Shown: -173–Floating point representation•Single precision (32 bit)24 bit mantissa7-8 sig-figs Range: 10-38to 1039•Double precision (64 bit)15-16 sig-figsRange: 10-308to 10308Representation used by MATLAB (223210)272625242330292831….sMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -9Working with Computer Numbers•Computers work in base 2 making it impossible to accuratelyrepresent numbers of interest, e.g.,•MATLAB commands related to machine precision include realmax ,realmin , eps•Round-off errors can accumulate in large computations.•Loss of significant figures occurs when subtracting numbers ofsimilar magnitude:•Small numbers can be lost when added to large numbers using finitemachine precision 333100001.0107641.0107642.0...,7,,,1.0etc e 4444104000.010*******.010*******.0104000.0chopped MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -10Truncation Error•Taylor theorem : Any smooth function can be written as a polynomial.•Definition: The Taylor Series expansion of f (x )about x = a iswhere the remainder is•The n -th order Taylor Series with h = x –a becomes:• A Maclaurin Series is a Taylor Series expanded about a = 0 (h = x )nk nk k R a x a f k x f 0)()()(!1)(n -th order Taylor Series approximation f n (x )remainder))(()()()!1(111)1(n n n n a x O a x f n R x a nn n hn a f h a f h a f h a f a f h f !)(!3)(!2)()()()()(3)3(2 nn n xn f x f x f x f f x f !)0(!3)0(!2)0()0()0()()(3)3(2 error is ‘on the order of’(x -a )n +1a x XI (ks-eye)MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -11Truncation Error (cont.)•Accuracy increases as more terms are added to the Taylor Series expansionconstant)a (i.e., 0a function)linear a (i.e., 10h a a )polynomial order 2nd a (i.e.,2210h a h a a MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -12Taylor Series ExampleFrom Chapra Figure 4.2, pg. 68:Where) (i.e., 0about Expanded a x h a x x x x x f 0.1)0(25.0)0(2.1)0(f f f xx f 25.02.1)(1225.025.02.1)(x x x f 2.1)(0x fMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -13Taylor Series -ExampleDetermine the 4-th order Taylor Series of y (x ) = ln(1+x )about x = a = 0By successive differentiation we obtainThe Taylor Series for |x |≤ 1becomes:Note: The error is proportional to x 5: i.e., when x is reduced by afactor of 2, R 4decreases by a factor of 25= 32)1ln()(x x y 0)0(y x x y 11)(1)0(y 2)1(1)(x x y 1)0(y 3)3()1(2)(x x y 2)0()3(y 4)4()1(6)(x x y 6)0()4(y 4324413121)()(x x x x x y x y )()1(51120)(5555)5(4x O x x y R with 5)5()1(24)(y MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -14Defining the RemainderRecall that the remainder R n is defined in terms the variable asConsider a zero-order (n = 0)Taylor Seriesthen 1)1()()!1()(n n n a x n f R ha a where )()()(0a f x f x f hR f h f R 00)()(= a = x = a = x)(f xa a+hMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -15Defining the Remainder (cont)Recall our example y (x ) = ln(1+x )with the 4-th order Taylor Series aboutx = 0The remainder becomesCombining these equations givesFor x = 1, we obtainthen or which satisfies the condition 4432413121)(R x x x x x y 55432)1(151413121)1ln(x x x x x x 555554)1(151)0())1(ln(!51x x x dx d R x 12739.058333.0413121)(69315.0)(4324x x x x x y x y 105544)1()1(15110981.058333.069315.0)1()1(y y R MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -16Defining the Remainder (cont)NOTE:•Determining the number of terms required for a Taylor series torepresent a function of interest is based on the remainder.•Unfortunately, ξis not known exactly but merely lies somewherebetween a and x = a + h (or x i and x i+1).•Also, R n requires derivatives of f (x ),which are not generally known.•Despite this, R n is still useful for gaining insight into truncationerrors.•Recall that we do have control over h and can therefore assess whathappens as we change h , i.e.,1)1(1)1()!1()()()!1()(n n nn n h n f a x n f R )())((11n n n h O a x O R xa a+h hMAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -17Using the Remainder R n1)Establish order of error (from definition)2)Verify order of error estimate*> at h = 0.5 > at h = 1.03) Provide error estimate when h is increased or reduced*at h = 0.5, we computed R 4= 0.00442344then at h = 1.0 (doubled), we estimate R 4(0.00442344)(25) = 0.141550))(()()!1()(11)1(n n n n a x O a x n f R 0.109814)1()1(44y y R 0.00442344)5.0()5.0(44y y R 2X ~25X note: 25= 32X*For y (x ) = ln(1+x )about x = 0MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -18Using the Remainder R n (cont)4)Calculate value of ξwhen exact function value is known*Recall for h = 1and 5)Establish upper or lower bound on error*Recall that when h = 1, we obtain and Then the upper bound of the error may becalculated as the maximum R 4over the validrange of ξas 0.109814)1()1(44y y R *For y (x ) = ln(1+x )about x = 0554)1()1(151R Equating andsolving for ξgives12739.01054)1(151R 51)1(151)1(15110max 055max 4R maxξR 4MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -19Numerical DifferentiationDerivatives may be evaluated numerically withthe Finite (Divided) Difference method.1.Forward Difference (error is O (h ))2.Backward Difference (error is O (h ))3.Central Difference (error is O (h 2))hx f h x f x f )()()(hh x f x f x f )()()(hh x f h x f x f 2)()()(MAE3100Prof. D.E. SmithLECTURE 2 -20Remainder w/ Finite DifferenceConsider the 1st order Taylor Series and Remainder for f (x )expandedabout a = x (note h = x )which can be rearranged to give forward differenceExample problem: consider f (x ) = sin(x ) at x = /4exact derivative:forward finite difference:error bounded by remainder:2!2)()()()(xf x x f x f x x f R 1xf x x f x x f x f 2)()()()(O (x )7071067811.0)cos()(4/x x x f 6706029729.01.0)4/sin()1.04/sin()(x f (with x = 0.1)error = 0.0370781.04/at 0.0387084/at 0.035355)(2)sin(2)(x x f。
BellSouth 地区交换电话运营商(CLEC)更新:本地订购手册(LOH)版本24.0C、新的地
BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.675 West Peachtree StreetAtlanta, Georgia 30375CarrierNotificationSN91087045Date: March 23, 2007To: Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLEC)Subject: CLECs – (Documentation/Guides) - Update to the Local Ordering Handbook (LOH), Version 24.0C, New Local Service Ordering Guide 6 (LSOG 6) and EDI LocalMechanization Specifications 06 (ELMS 06) for Release 24.0BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T Southeast (AT&T) will implement the following changes to update documentation in the LOH, Version 24.0C, ELMS 06 for Release 24.0.CCPNumberDescription Of The Change2479 DES field (DL Form/Screen): Update Conditional Usage Note 2 to read: “When TOS=2 and DES is populated, the end user state must be Louisiana or Kentucky, or the STYC must = SI or CI.”2480 SASN, CITY, STATE and ZIP fields R/C/O xDSL Loops ACT = D table. Updated R/C/O table to move CITY, STATE and ZIP fields from ‘Required’ to “Conditional,” and to move the SASN field from ‘Conditional’ to “Optional.”Please refer to the attachments for specific details of the changes listed above.These changes will be reflected in the next update of the ELMS 06, Release 24.0/LOH Version 24.0D, scheduled to be posted on Friday, April 13, 2007.A summary of all changes within this document will be listed in the Summary of Changes section. This update can be found on the BellSouth Interconnection Services Web site in the Local Exchange Ordering (LEO) Guides at:/reference_library/guides/html/leo.html#lohPlease contact your AT&T local support manager with any questions.Sincerely,ORIGINAL SIGNED BY KRISTEN E. SHOREKristen E. Shore – DirectorBellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. d/b/a AT&T SoutheastAttachmentsCCP 2479 Attachment Listed BelowLOH-24.0-ELMS06CRB: 5004CCP: 2479MAP: ELMS6Release: 24DL:DES fieldDESDesignationDL Form / ScreenLSOG6 / ELMS6DefinitionIndicates the professional designation phrase of a business listing.Definition NotesNote 1:Typically prints in the white pages and is used to identify the type of business when it is notinherently obvious from the name (e.g., Bob Smith and Daughters plmbr).Valid EntriesDesignation abbreviationsValid Entry NotesNote 1:Allowable values provided in yellow page header book (YPH). BAPCO-BellSouth®Advertising and Publishing Company.Data CharacteristicsUp to 25 alpha/numericExamplesattyConditional Usage NotesNote 1:Prohibited when the LACT field is Z.Note 2:Prohibited when the 1st character of the TOS is 2 and the State on the EU form is notKentucky or Lousiana and/or when the STYC is not SI or CI.When TOS=2 and DES is populated, the end user state must be Louisiana or Kentucky, or the STYC must = SI or CI.Business RulesRule 1:Designation will print in the white pages of the directory.Rule 2:Designation will print in lower case letters.Rule 3:Designation will not print, or affect placement in the yellow page section of the directory.Rule 4:Not allowed on Residence accounts except when the residence telephone number isindented in an arrangement with a business listing.* * * * * * * * * * End of definition for field DES * * * * * * * * * *CCP 2480 Attachment Listed BelowLOH-24.0-ELMS06CRB: 5005CCP: 2480MAP: ELMS6Release: 24xDSL R/C/O TablesxDSL LoopsProduct ListingxDSL LoopsThe xDSL Loops are capable loops providing a transmission path between a Collocation agreement and a customer premises, between two customer premises, or between two Collocation arrangements.Currently, three offerings are available for xDSL Loops:•2-Wire ADSL Capable Loop w/Network Interface Device (NID)•2-Wire HDSL Capable Loop w/NID•4-Wire HDSL Capable Loop w/NIDAsynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a 2-wire Metallic Interface consisting of metallic facilities only. ADSL is a transport technology only and cannot be transported over Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) or interoffice facilities. High-Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line (HDSL) is a transport technology that can either be 2-wire or 4-wire. The loop facility consists of only metallic facilities and cannot be transported over Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) or interoffice facilities.Ordering Forms/ScreensThe following chart illustrates the required, conditional and optional forms/screens for ordering this service. Detailed information will follow to assist you in filling out each of these forms/screens.Forms/ScreensxDSL LoopsSI LSR Hunting EU DL RS DRS PS NP LS LSNP RPL Proprietary R R R RR = Required C = Conditional O = OptionalService Inquiry Form InstructionsThe following two subsections provide instructions for the SI Process. The SI form is reproduced at the end of this section.SI Process for ADSL and HDSL Loops:Manual Service Inquiry Process1. CLEC will send manual SI (Service Inquiry) and LSR for ADSL or HDSL Loop setup to the UNE CRSG.2. UNE CRSG will forward the SI to OSPE.3. The completed SI and LSR will then be forwarded to the LCSC to process the service order to bill the CLEC for appropriate charges and provision the LSR.Electronic Loop Make UpThe Service Inquiry Form is not required when the CLEC uses the Electronic Loop Make Pre-order Function to qualify the loop. Refer to the BellSouth® Pre-Order Business Rules.If a new facility is being requested, the CLEC must obtain Loop Make-up (LMU) information (either manually or electronically), a Facility Reservation Number and populate the reservation number in the RESID field on the LSR.If the loop being ordered is a reuse of an existing facility and the CLEC has determined that the facility is compatible to the loop type being ordered, it is not necessary to obtain a RESID. Populate the RESID field with all "X's" and submit the electronic order.If Loop Modifications are required, a SI and LSR must be submitted manually, following the guidelines in theADSL/HDSL CLEC information Package.Service Inquiry FormNote:The Service Inquiry form is not included in this document. Contact your Local Support Manager (LSM)to obtain the form.Completing the DL Form/ScreenIf directory listings are required, refer to REQTYP J for more information on completing the DL form/screen.Completing the LSR and EU Forms/ScreensAccount level activities (ACT) apply to the entire account. A complete list of ACTs and their definition can be found in the Data Dictionary entry for ACT.The following chart shows all of the valid account level activities for this service.Valid Account Level ActivitiesxDSL LoopsN C D T R V S B W L YX X X X - X - - X - - “X” denotes valid account level activities. A dash (-) indicates a non-valid account level activity.The Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields on the LSR and EU forms/screens will be given for every validACT code in the ACT Tables section.Completing the LS Form/ScreenThe Loop Service (LS) form/screen may be required or invalid depending on the account level activity. Each accountlevel activity has valid Line Level Activities (LNAs). These LNAs determine how, or if, the LS form/screen should bepopulated. A complete list of LNAs and their definition can be found in the Data Dictionary entry for LNA.The following chart gives the valid LNAs for each account level activity (ACT) and the associated LS form/screenusage for this service.If ACT is: Then LNA is: And LS form/screen is:N N RequiredC N &D for electronic orders; C for manual orders RequiredD D RequiredT N or T RequiredV N, V or D RequiredW W Required The Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields for the Loop Service (LS) form/screen are listed according tothe Line Level Activity (LNA) in the LNA Tables Section.RCO TablesThe following tables show the Required, Conditional and Optional (R/C/O) fields on the validforms/screens for this product. All unmentioned fields are either invalid, not applicable, prohibited or not supported. When fields are populated which are not supported by BellSouth, these not supported fields will be ignored. Populating any other fields may result in a fatal reject or a clarification of the service request. Please note the following codes:- Optional fields marked with an asterisk (*) force at least one of the conditional fields to become required when populated.- Fields used only for manual orders are followed by (M).- Fields used only for electronic orders are followed by (E).- For fields marked with a DOUBLE asterisk (**) please refer to the Data Dictionary for clarification. See the Data Dictionary Section for additional information on each field.ACT= D: LSRRequiredACNA ACT ACTLAN BAN1CCCCNA D/TSENT DDDIMPCON IMPCON-TEL NO.INITINIT-FAX NO.INIT-TEL NO.NCNCI PG_OF_ (M)PONREQTYP SC SECNCITOSConditionalCUST LSO (E)NORPROJECT PROJINDR RCC (E)RPON SUP VEROptionalCIC REMARKS RORD (M)SN91087045 ACT Tables: Reqtyp A, xDSL LoopsACT= D: EURequiredAN (M)CITY NAMEPG_OF_ (M)PON (M)SASNSTATE ZIPConditionalAAI LD1LD2LD3LV1LV2LV3SANO SASDSASF SASS SATHVER (M)CITY STATEZIPOptionalLCON-NAME LCON-TEL NO.SASN*。
not for a long time. As: Automatic timing switching Water pumps automatically switch per the set time,suitable for the system of a long-time drainage. Not marked: switching specially for fire-fighting Note: the spare pumps can be continually put into work automatically once a failure occurs with the main ones
1 1 2 4 6 8 9 23
LEC series electric control cabinet is meticulously designed and manufactured b y Liancheng C o . b y m e a n s o f f u l l y absorbing the advanced experience on water pump control both at home and abroad and continual perfecting and optimizing during both production and application in many years. This product is durable with the choice of both domsetic and imported excellent components and has the functions of overload, short-circuit, overflow, phase-off, water leak protection and automatic timing switch,alternatice switch and starting of the spare pump at a failure and can be used for water supply for high buildings, fire-fighting, residential quarters, boilers, air-conditioning circulation, cooling system and for sewage drainage etc.many fileds. Besides, those designs, installations and debuggings with special requirements can also be provided for the u s er s . Th i s C o . h o l d s complete design technologies, advanced pr o d u c t i o n an d d e t e c t i o n equipments and strict quality guarantee system and post-sale service and will provide users with better services to get rid of their troubles back at bome while making the products perfected day by day.
SESAM Release Note SIMA V4.1.0说明书
SESAM RELEASE NOTESIMASima is a simulation and analysis tool for marine operations and floating systems — from modelling to post-processing of results.Valid from program version 4.1.0SAFER, SMARTER, GREENERSesam Release NoteSimaDate: 19 Apr 2021Valid from Sima version 4.1.0Prepared by DNV GL – Digital SolutionsE-mail sales: *****************© DNV GL AS. All rights reservedThis publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including copying or recording, without the prior written consent of DNV GL AS.DOCUMENTATIONInstallation instructionsRequired:•64 bit Windows 7/8/10•4 GB RAM available for SIMA (e.g. 8 GB RAM total in total on the computer)•1 GB free disk space•Updated drivers for graphics cardNote that Windows Server (all versions), Windows XP, Windows Vista, and any 32-bit Windows are not supported.Recommended:•64-bit Windows 10•16 GB RAM•Fast quad core processor (e.g. Intel i7)•High-resolution screen (1920 × 1200 / 1080p)•Graphics card: DirectX 10.1 or 11.X compatible; 512 MB or higher•F ast SSD disk, as large as possible (capacity requirements depends heavily on simulation settings, e.g. 500 GB is a good start)•3-button mouseHigh disk speed is important if running more than 2 simultaneous simulations in parallel. Example: If the user has enough SIMO-licenses and has configured SIMA to run 4 SIMO-calculations in parallel, then the simulations will probably be disk-speed-bound, and not CPU bound (with the above recommended hardware). Note that this is heavily dependent on the simulation parameters, so the result may vary. The default license type should now allow for unlimited parallel runs on one PC, workstation of cluster.Updated Drivers for Graphics CardThe driver of the graphics card should be upgraded to the latest version. This is especially important if you experience problems with the 3D graphics. Note that the version provided by Windows update is not necessarily up to date – download directly from your hardware vendors web-site.Installing graphics drivers may require elevated access privileges. Your IT support staff should be able to help you with this.SIMA should work with at least one graphics-mode (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9 or DirectX 11) for all graphics cards that can run Windows 7 or 8. However, graphics cards can contain defects in their lower-level drivers, firmware and/or hardware. SIMA use the software “HOOPS” from the vendor “Tech Soft 3D” to draw 3D-graphics. For advanced users that would like more information on what graphics cards and drivers that does not work with SIMA (and an indication on what probably will work), please see the web page /hoops/hoops-visualize/graphics- cards/ .Before reading the compatibility table you may want to figure out which version of HOOPS SIMAis using. To do this open Help > About > Installation Details, locate the Plug-ins tab and look for the plug-in provider TechSoft 3D (click the Provider column title twice for a more suitable sort order). The version number is listed in the Version column. Also remember that all modes (OpenGL, OpenGL2, DirectX 9, DirextX 11) are available in SIMA.Upgrading from Earlier VersionsAfter upgrading to a newer version of SIMA, your workspaces may also require an update. This will be done automatically as soon as you open a workspace not created with the new version. You may not be able to open this workspace again using an older version of SIMA.Preference settings should normally be retained after upgrading, however you may want to open the preference dialog ( Window > Preferences ) in order to verify this.Verify Correct InstallationTo verify a correct installation of SIMA, perform the following steps:1.Start SIMA (by the shortcut created when installing, or by running the SIMA executable)a.If you are prompted for a valid license, specify a license file or license server. (If you needadvanced information on license options, see “License configuration”).b.SIMA auto-validates upon startup: A successful installation should not display any errorsor warnings when SIMA is started.2.Create a new, empty workspace:a.You will be prompted to Open SIMA Workspace: Create a new workspace by clicking New,select a different folder/filename if you wish, and click Finish.3.Import a SIMO example, run a SIMO simulation, and show 3D graphics:a.Click the menu Help > Examples > SIMO > Heavy lifting operationb.Expand the node Condition in the Navigator in the upper left cornerc.Right-click Initial, and select Run dynamic analysis. After a few seconds, you will see themessage Dynamic calculation done. No errors should occur.d.Right-click HeavyLifting in the Navigator in the upper left corner, and select Open 3DView. 3D-graphics should be displayed, showing a platform and a crane.4.If there were no errors when doing the above steps, then SIMA can be assumed to becorrectly installed.Changing Default Workspace Path ConfigurationWhen creating a new workspace SIMA will normally propose a folder named Workspace_xx where xx is an incrementing number; placed in the users home directory under SIMA Workspaces.The proposed root folder can be changed by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to the SIMA executable). The file must contain a property sima.workspace.root and a value. For example:sima.workspace.root=c:/SIMA Workspaces/A special case is when you want the workspace root folder to be sibling of the SIMA executable. This can be achieved by setting the property as follows:sima.workspace.root=.License ConfigurationSIMA will attempt to automatically use the license files it finds in this order:e path specified in the file “.simarc” if present. See details below.e the path specified in the license wizard.e the system property SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e the environment variable SIMA_LICENSE_FILE.e all “*.lic” files found in C:/flexlm/ if on Windows.e all “*.lic” files found in the user home directory.If any of the above matches, the search for more license files will not continue. If there are no matches, SIMA will present a license configuration dialog.The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. Note that a license segment value does not have to point to a particular file – it could also point to a license server. For example:c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverIn this case the path is composed on one absolute reference to a file. F ollowed by the license server at port 1234 and another license server using the default port number.RIFLEX and SIMO LicenseWhen starting SIMO and RI F LEX from SIMA the environment variable MARINTEK_LICENSE_F ILE will be set to the home directory of the user. This means that a license file can be placed in this directory and automatically picked up.Specifying a License pathWhen starting SIMA without a license the dialog below will pop up before the workbench is shown. If you have a license file; you can simply drag an drop it into the dialog and the path to this file will be used. You may also use the browse button if you want to locate the file by means of the file navigator. If you want to use a license server; use the radio button and select License server then continue to fill in the details. The port number is optional. A host must be specified, however. Note that the host name must be in the form of a DNS or IP-address.You can now press Finish or if you want to add more path segments; you can press Next, this will bring up the second page of the license specification wizard. The page will allow you to add and remove licence path segments and rearrange their individual order.Modifying a License PathIf the license path must be modified it can be done using the dialog found in the main menu; Window >Preferences > License. This preference page works the same as the second page of the wizard.Specifying License Path in .simarcThe mechanism described here works much like specifying the environment variable, however it will also lock down the SIMA license configuration pages, thus denying the user the ability to change the license path. This is often the better choice when installing SIMA in an environment where the IT-department handles both installation and license configuration.The license path can be forced by creating a file named .simarc and place it in the users home directory or in the application installation directory (next to sima.exe). The latter is probably the better choice as the file can be owned by the system and the user can be denied write access. The license path must be specified using the sima.license.path key and a path in the F LEXlm Java format. The license path can consist of several segments separated by an ampersand character. For instance:sima.license.path=c:/licenses/sima.lic&1234@my.license.server&@another.license.serverNote that the version of FLEXlm used in SIMA does not support using Windows registry variables. It also requires the path to be entered in the F LEXlm Java format which is different from the normal F LEXlm format. Using this mechanism one can also specify the license path for physics engines such as SIMO and RIF LEX started from SIMA. This is done by specifying the key marintek.license.path followed by the path in normal FLEXlm format. For example:marintek.license.path=c:/licenses/ sima.lic:1234@my.license.server:@another.license.server Viewing License DetailsIf you would like to view license details, such as expiration dates and locations you will find this in the main menu Help > License.New Features - SIMONew Features - RIFLEXNew Features - OtherBUG FIXESFixed bugs - SIMOFixed bugs - RIFLEXFixed bugs - OtherREMAINING KNOWN ISSUESUnresolved Issues - SIMOUnresolved Issues - RIFLEXUnresolved Issues - OtherABOUT DNV GLDriven by our purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment, DNV GL enables organizations to advance the safety and sustainability of their business. We provide classification and technical assurance along with software and independent expert advisory services to the maritime, oil and gas, and energy industries. We also provide certification services to customers across a wide range of industries. Operating in more than 100 countries, our 16,000 professionals are dedicated to helping our customers make the world safer, smarter and greener. DIGITAL SOLUTIONSDNV GL is a world-leading provider of digital solutions for managing risk and improving safety and asset performance for ships, pipelines, processing plants, offshore structures, electric grids, smart cities and more. Our open industry platform Veracity, cyber security and software solutions support business-critical activities across many industries, including maritime, energy and healthcare.。
AUTODOME 4000 NDA-4020-PIP 接口挂件 - 布朗安全商品说明书
uPlaque d’interface suspendue pour FLEXIDOME IP 4000iuConception modulaire pour une installation facile et rapideuFinition résistante aux intempéries pour un maintien de l'aspect esthétiqueCet accessoire spécifique à la caméra est conçu pour une utilisation avec la nouvelle gamme d"accessoires universels de Bosch.Les supports de montage et accessoires de caméra modulaire constituent une gamme de supports demontage, adaptateurs de montage, plaques d’interface suspendues et boîtiers de surveillance qui peuvent être utilisés avec une large gamme de caméras Bosch.Les accessoires sont faciles à installer et peuvent être combinés afin de simplifier l'installation dans des endroits différents, tout en restant inchangés en apparence.FonctionsCette plaque d’interface suspendue est conçue pour permettre une installation en intérieur de l'AUTODOME IP 4000i dans les montages suspendus modulaires de Bosch ou tout autre montage tiers avec filetages NPT de 1,5 pouces.Fournit une solution sûre et robuste pour le montage de la caméra sur :•Support de montage mural NDA-U-WMT •Montage suspendu au plafond NDA-U-PMTCertifications et homologationsComposantsCaractéristiques techniquesPlaque d’interface suspendue NDA-4020-PIP Dimensions en mmInformations de commandeNDA-4020-PIP Plaque interface susp. AUTODOME 4000 Plaque d'interface suspendue pour AUTODOME IP 4000i.Numéro de commande NDA-4020-PIPAccessoiresNDA-U-PMT Montage suspendu plafond 31cm Montage sur tube universel pour caméras dôme,31 cm, blancNuméro de commande NDA-U-PMTNDA-U-PMTE Extension pour suspension 50cm Extension pour montage sur tube universel, 50 cm, blancNuméro de commande NDA-U-PMTENDA-U-WMT Montage mural suspenduMontage mural universel pour les caméras dôme, blanc Numéro de commande NDA-U-WMT2Représenté par :Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:Bosch Security Systems B.V.P.O. Box 800025600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284****************************** Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Ring 585630 GrasbrunnGermany© Bosch Security Systems 2017 | Les données sont susceptibles d'être modifiées sans notification préalable. 23065136779 | fr, V5, 18. Oct 2017。
test.txt.个人觉得直接保存成txt比较方便,改成test.in可能是为了和结果输出文件 READ.OUT保持一致吧。
!example.in, an building evacuation exampleENHA1.1,66HA2.1,117HA3.1,19LO1.1,124WP1.1,262,72HA1.2,133LA1.2,25LA2.2,16SW1.2,29SW2.2,23WP1.2,211,36WP2.2,192,34HA1.3,133LA1.3,25LA2.3,16SW1.3,22SW2.3,13WP1.3,211,36WP2.3,92,16WP3.3,98,18DS1.1DS2.1ENDEAHA1.1-DS2.1,3,3HA2.1-HA3.1,6,4HA2.1-LO1.1,14,4HA3.1-DS2.1,3,1LO1.1-DS1.1,8,1LO1.1-HA1.1,6,4LO1.1-HA2.1,14,4WP1.1-HA2.1,6,4WP1.1-HA3.1,3,3WP1.1-LO1.1,6,3HA1.2-LA1.2,3,3HA1.2-LA2.2,3,3LA1.2-SW1.2,5,4LA2.2-SW2.2,3,4SW1.2-LO1.1,5,5SW2.2-HA2.1,2,9SW2.2-HA3.1,2,5WP1.2-HA1.2,7,1WP2.2-HA1.2,7,1HA1.3-LA1.3,3,3HA1.3-LA2.3,3,3LA1.3-SW1.3,5,4LA2.3-SW2.3,3,4SW1.3-LA1.2,5,4SW2.3-LA2.2,3,4WP1.3-HA1.3,6,1WP2.3-HA1.3,5,1WP3.3-HA1.3,5,1END!example.in, an building evacuation example这句话好像没有实际用处,可能是自己给个说明吧。
5模拟计算开始->运行->cmd->转换到evacnet的目录下:输入EVACNET4.EXE,回车;显示:读输入文件:READ test.in注意大小写,这个程序是区分大小写的;读入文件后,程序跳回上面的界面,这时可以通过输入LN,或者LA命令来查看读入的节点和连接;例如使用命令LA查看所有的连接:如果读取不成功,则显示错误提示;如果读取成功则显示下面的界面:这里可以通过输入命令A来列表显示所有的边,如下图:因为一屏显示不全,输入C则继续显示,直到全部输出;显示完之后可以输入END返回到主界面;同样的方法可以使用命令LN查看所有的节点。
pressure,this is used a lot for the living water supply system and fire-fighting boosting system. S: specially used type for the submerged sewage pump This type is compatible with the all characters of liquid level control and also has the water-leak, motor s winding overheat
1 1 2 4 6 8 9 23
LEC series electric control cabinet is meticulously designed and manufactured b y Liancheng C o . b y m e a n s o f f u l l y absorbing the advanced experience on water pump control both at home and abroad and continual perfecting and optimizing during both production and application in many years. This product is durable with the choice of both domsetic and imported excellent components and has the functions of overload, short-circuit, overflow, phase-off, water leak protection and automatic timing switch,alternatice switch and starting of the spare pump at a failure and can be used for water supply for high buildings, fire-fighting, residential quarters, boilers, air-conditioning circulation, cooling system and for sewage drainage etc.many fileds. Besides, those designs, installations and debuggings with special requirements can also be provided for the u s er s . Th i s C o . h o l d s complete design technologies, advanced pr o d u c t i o n an d d e t e c t i o n equipments and strict quality guarantee system and post-sale service and will provide users with better services to get rid of their troubles back at bome while making the products perfected day by day.
美国数学评论(Math. Review):“This is one of the long-awaited foundational papers on the new theory of geometric invariants that is alreadywell known as FJRW theory…The paper, which is over 100 pages…opens the door to a vast new territory”(“这是一篇等待已久的定义新的几何不变量的奠基性文章,现在以FJRW理论而闻名…这篇超过100页的文章…开启了一扇通向广阔领域的大门”)
Lecture4-PN Junction and MOSElectrostatics(I)Semiconductor Electrostaticsin Thermal EquilibriumSeptember20,2005Contents:1.Non-uniformly doped semiconductor in thermal equi-librium2.Quasi-neutral situation3.Relationships betweenφ(x)and equilibrium carrierconcentrations(Boltzmann relations),”60mV Rule”Reading assignment:Howe and Sodini,Ch.3,§§3.1-3.2Key questions•Is it possible to have an electricfield inside a semicon-ductor in thermal equilibrium?•If there is a doping gradient in a semiconductor,what is the resulting majority carrier concentration in ther-mal equilibrium?1.Non-uniformly doped semiconductor in ther-mal equilibriumConsiderfirst uniformly doped n-type Si in thermal equi-librium:N dN d(x)=N dxn-type⇒lots of electrons,few holes⇒focus on electronsn o=N d independent of xVolume charge density[C/cm3]:ρ=q(N d−n o)=0Next,consider piece of n-type Si in thermal equilibrium with non-uniform dopant distribution:N dN d(x)x What is the resulting electron concentration in thermal equilibrium?Option1:Every donor gives out one electron⇒n o(x)=N d(x)n o,N dn o(x)=N d(x)?N d(x)xGradient of electron concentration:⇒net electron diffusion⇒not thermal equilibrium!Option2:Electron concentration uniform in space:n o=n ave=f(x)n o,N dN d(x)n o=f(x)?x Think about space charge density:ρ(x)=q[N d(x)−n o(x)]If N d(x)=n o(x)⇒ρ(x)=0⇒electricfield⇒net electron drift⇒not thermal equilibrium!Option 3:Demand J n =0in thermal equilibrium (and J p =0too)at every x ⇒Diffusion precisely balances drift:J n (x )=J drift n (x )+J diff n (x )=0What is n o (x )that satisfies this condition?n o, N d n o (x)N d (x)+-net electron chargepartially uncompensated donor chargexIn general,then:n o (x )=N d (x )What are the implications of this?•Space charge density :ρ(x )=q [N d (x )−n o (x )]n o,N d n o (x)N d (x)+-net electron charge partially uncompensated donor chargeρ−+xx•Electricfield: Gauss’equation:dE dx =ρsIntegrate from x=0to x:E(x)−E(0)=1sxρ(x)dxn o,N dn o(x)N d(x)+-ρ−+xxxE•Electrostatic potential:dφdx=−EIntegrate from x=0to x:φ(x)−φ(0)=− xE(x)dxNeed to select reference(physics is in potential difference,not in absolute value!);selectφ(x=0)=φref:n o,N dn o(x)N d(x)+-ρφ−+xxxEGiven N d(x),want to know n o(x),ρ(x),E(x),andφ(x). Equations that describe problem:J n=qµn n o E+qD n dn odx=0dE dx =qs(N d−n o)Express them in terms ofφ:−qµn n o dφdx+qD ndn odx=0(1)d2φdx2=qs(n o−N d)(2)Plug[1]into[2]:d2(ln n o) dx2=q2s kT(n o−N d)(3)One equation with one unknown.Given N d(x),can solve for n o(x)and all the rest,but......no analytical solution for most situations!2.Quasi-neutral situationd2(ln n o) dx2=q2s kT(n o−N d)If N d(x)changes slowly with x:⇒n o(x)also changes slowly with x⇒d2(ln n o)dx2small=⇒n o(x) N d(x)n o(x)tracks N d(x)well⇒minimum space charge⇒semiconductor is quasi-neutraln o,N dQuasi-neutrality good if:|n o−N dn o| 1or|n o−N dN d| 13.Relationships betweenφ(x)and equilibrium carrier concentrations(Boltzmann relations) From[1]:µn D n dφdx=1n odn odxUsing Einstein relation:q kT dφdx=d(ln n o)dxIntegrate:q kT (φ−φref)=ln n o−ln n o(ref)=lnn on o(ref)Then:n o=n o(ref)e q(φ−φref)/kTAny reference is good.In6.012,φref=0at n o(ref)=n i.Then:n o=n i e qφ/kTIf do same with holes(starting with J p=0in thermal equilibrium,or simply using n o p o=n2i):p o=n i e−qφ/kTCan rewrite as:φ=kTqlnn on iandφ=−kTqlnp on i2”60mV”Rule:At room temperature for Si:φ=(25mV)ln n on i=(25mV)ln(10)logn on iOrφ (60mV)logn o 1010For every decade of increase in n o,φincreases by 60mV at300K.•Example1:n o=1018cm−3⇒φ=(60mV)×8=480mVWith holes:φ=−(25mV)ln p on i=−(25mV)ln(10)logp on iOrφ −(60mV)logp o 1010•Example2:n o=1018cm−3⇒p o=102cm−3⇒φ=−(60mV)×(−8)=480mVRelationship between φand n o and p o :n o (cm -3)p o (cm -3)1020101810161014101210101081061041021001010101010101010101010φ(mV)Note:φcannot exceed 550mV or be smaller than −550mV (beyond these points,different physics come into play).•Example3:Compute potential difference in thermal equilibrium between region where n o=1017cm−3and region where p o=1015cm−3:φ(n o=1017cm−3)=60×7=420mVφ(p o=1015cm−3)=−60×5=−300mVφ(n o=1017cm−3)−φ(p o=1015cm−3)=720mV •Example4:Compute potential difference in thermal equilibrium between region where n o=1020cm−3and region where p o=1016cm−3:φ(n o=1020cm−3)=φmax=550mVφ(p o=1016cm−3)=−60×6=−360mVφ(n o=1020cm−3)−φ(p o=1016cm−3)=910mVBoltzmann relations readily seen in device behavior! 2pn diode current-voltage characteristics:2Bipolar transistor transfer characteristics:Key conclusions•It is possible to have an electricfield inside a semicon-ductor in thermal equilibrium⇒non-uniform doping distribution.•In a slowly varying doping profile,majority carrier concentration tracks well doping concentration.•In thermal equilibrium,there are fundamental rela-tionships betweenφ(x)and the equilibrium carrier concentrations⇒Boltzmann relations(or”60mV Rule”).。
terminals and the charging area are exposed. This may result in an electric shock. Keep the driver and actuator combined as delivered for use. The driver is set with parameters for the actuator it is shipped with.
Absolute 20-bit encoder (Resolution: 1048576 pulse/rev.)
3 phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)
3 phase 170 to 253 VAC
1 phase 200 to 230 VAC (50/60 Hz)
1 phase 170 to 253 VAC
Design the installation so that the temperature surrounding the driver is within the specified operating temperature. Leave enough space between the drivers so that the operating temperature of the drivers remains within the specification range.
IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements) ISO 10218-1: Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial robots - Part 1: Robots. Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Card Motor Controller Controller Setting Software for LATCA(For Windows®7)LATC-Configurator[Before using this product]Read the "End-User License Agreement" shown on the next page carefully and accept the terms before using this software.End-User License AgreementSMC Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "SMC") grants the user (regardless the user is a corporation or an individual) a license to use this software "Controller Setting Software LATC-Configurator" (hereinafter referred to as "Software") provided according to this End-User License agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement") under the articles listed below.The user is considered to have agreed to the terms of this Agreement by installing, copying or using this Software. Do not install, copy or use this Software if the terms of this Agreement cannot be accepted.The terms of this Agreement must be accepted by the user before downloading this Software if this Software has been supplied by SMC via the Internet or any other means. Do not download this Software if you cannot accept the terms of this Agreement.Article 1 (Grant of license)1. This Software is to be used in accordance with this Agreement non-exclusively for the limitedpurpose of using or setting SMC electrical actuators.2. This software can be installed and saved on a PC for the sole purpose specified in thepreceding paragraph.Article 2 (Restrictions)1. This software is not to be copied, except as specified in Articles 1-2.2. This software license is not to be transferred or lent wholly or in part to a third party, eitherfree of charge or for payment.3. Modification, translation, adaptation or reverse engineering of this software is not permitted. Article 3 (Other notices)1. Read the "Safety Instructions", "Precautions", "Specific Product Precautions" and"Specifications" described in the manual for the equipment when using any equipment controlled by this Software.2. This Software and the equipment controlled by it are subject to change without prior notice. Article 4 (Exemption of liability)SMC cannot take any responsibility for any damage incurred by the use of this Software. Article 5 (Termination)1. SMC has the full authority to terminate this agreement in the event of any terms andconditions have been breached.2. This Software and any copies thereof must be destroyed when this Agreement isterminated.Article 6 (Rights of this Software)The copyright and any other rights of this Software are owned by SMC, and protected by Japanese copyright laws and international treaty provisions.Article 7 (Governing law and jurisdiction)1. This Agreement shall be governed by Japanese laws.2. Any dispute arising from this Agreement shall be submitted in the first instance to theexclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or the Tokyo Summary Court primarily.3. This Agreement has been made in the Japanese language as well. The Japanese text shallprevail over any inconsistencies between the Japanese and any translations thereof.1. ForewordPrepare the following before using this software (LATC-Configurator).1.1. Applicable computer-This software can be used on a computer with a Windows® 7 32bit or 64bit operating system.(Administrator rights are required to install the software and the drivers for the communication cable and virtual COM port.)-The computer screen resolution should be 1024 x 768 DPI or more.1.2. Preparation of communication cable and USB cablePrepare the communication cable (LEC-W2-C) and USB cable (LEC-W2-U) for connecting the Card Motor Controller to the PC.2. Installation procedures2.1. Installation of the USB drivers for the communication cablei. Insert the LATC-Configurator CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your computer.Alternatively, after downloading the USB driver from our website, create a folder on the PC to unzip the USB driver.ii. Connect the communication cable LEC-W2-C to the USB port of the PC using the USB cable (LEC-W2-U). The message shown below will appear, as the driver has not yet been installed.iii. Open the Windows “Start” menu, right-click on “Computer”, select“Properties” and thereafter “Device Manager”.(Alternatively, open the Windows “Start” menu, select “Control Panel” and “System and Security” and click “Device Manager” in the “System” section.)iv. Double-click “Other Devices”, select the “SMC Serial Converter” with the“!”symbol and right-click to open the menu shown below on the left. Select“Update Driver Software”.v. Select the “Browse my computer for driver software” option when the dialog box shown below on the right appears.vi. When the dialog box shown below on the left appears, click "Browse", select the CD-ROM drive or the folder unzipped after downloading and the "¥Drivers¥32bit"folder for Windows7(32bit) and "¥Drivers¥64bit" for Windows7(64bit). Click "Next". vii. The warning message shown below on the right will appear. Select “Install this driver software anyway” to proceed with the installation.¥Drivers¥32bitviii. The following dialog box will appear when the SMC Serial Converter driver installation has been completed. Click the “Close” button.ix. Next the "virtual COM port driver" for the communication cable needs to be installed for the software to function properly.The “USB Serial Port” device should now appear in the “Device Manager” as shown below. Right-click on it and select “Update Driver Software”.Continue the installation of the "virtual COM port driver" following the same procedure beginning from step v.x. The following dialog box will appear when the installation has been completed.Click the “Close” button.2.2. Installation of the softwareCopy the controller setting software “LATC_Configurator.exe” on the CD-ROM or downloaded from our website to your PC or desktop computer.Double-click the copied file to start the software.CautionRead chapter "3. Check of the Communication Port" before starting the software.3. Check of the Communication PortWhen starting the LATC-Configurator software it is required to set the communication port number (COM no.) that has been assigned to the communication cable.Check the communication port number using the Windows “Device Manager” as follows. i. Connect the communication cable LEC-W2-C to the USB port of the PC using theUSB cable (LEC-W2-U).ii. Open the Windows Start menu, right-click on “Computer”, select “Properties” and thereafter “Device Manager”.(Alternatively, open the Windows “Start” menu, select “Control Panel” and “System and Security” and click “Device Manager” in the “System” section.)iii. Check in the “Device Manager” that the two driv ers have been installed as shown below.Check the COM number for the RS485 communication from the “Ports (COM & LPT)” device “SMC Serial Port”. In this example it is shown as COM3.The communication port number is needed when starting this software.CautionCheck the communication port number after connecting the communication cable.The communication port number depends on the USB port the communication cable is currently connected to.4. Starting the softwareWhen the "LATC-Configurator.exe" icon is double-clicked, the dialog box shown below will appear. Set the COM port number as confirmed according to the instructions in chapter "3. Check of the Communication Port".*If "COM port Not Available" is displayed and/or the number of COM port to which a controller setting cable is connected is not displayed as shown above, the controller setting cable is not recognised. Confirm that the wiring and two drivers are properly installed (Refer to "3. Check of the Communication Port ").5. Communication with the controllerThe connected controller is automatically detected when starting this software. However, if the communication settings, such as COM port number, are incorrect, communication cannot be established. Confirm the following before starting the communication.-That power is supplied to the connected controller.-That the controller and the computer are connected to each other via the communication cable.*If the dialog box shown, the controllerhas not been detected.Check the communication port setting,wiring, power supply to the controller andany other matter that may affect thecommunication with the controller.6. Functions of each functionRefer to the controller operation manuals for details of the controller and software functions.CautionDo not connect or disconnect the controller setting cable whilst theLATC-Configurator application is running.Disconnecting the cable during communication may cause a software corruption.The latest Operation Manual can be downloaded from the SMC's website shown below. Refer to SMC website for version update information.https:///4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0021 JAPANTel: + 81 3 5207 8249 Fax: +81 3 5298 5362URL: https://Note: Specifications are subject to change without prior notice and any obligation on the part of the manufacturer.Windows is the registered Trademark or the Trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States or other countries.© 2019 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved。
小学六年级上册英语第六单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Which of these animals can swim?A. ElephantB. DogC. FishD. Bird2.Which sentence uses the article correctly?A. I want a apple.B. I want an apple.C. I want the apple.D. I want apple.3.Every summer, we ______ (go) to the beach. Last year, we ______ (swim) in the sea and ______ (build) a big sandcastle. We ______ (stay) at the beach for the whole afternoon.4.My family and I ______ (love) going to the beach in the summer. We often ______ (swim) in the sea and ______ (build) sandcastles. My little brother ______ (enjoy) collecting seashells along the shore.5.Which of these is a fruit?A. CucumberB. CarrotC. AppleD. Onion6.Which of these is a color?A. ChairB. RedC. DogD. Table7.Which one is the opposite of "up"?A. DownB. TallC. SmallD. Fast8.Which of these is a fruit?A. CarrotB. AppleC. CucumberD. Lettuce9.In the morning, I always ______ (wake) up early. After I ______ (get) up, I ______ (eat) breakfast and ______ (leave) for school. This morning, I ______ (wake) up late, so I ______ (miss) the bus. I ______ (decide) to walk to school instead.10.Which one is a shape?A. SquareB. ChairC. SpoonD. Knife11.Which of these is a day of the week?A. JanuaryB. SaturdayC. SummerD. December12.Which one is a vegetable?A. BananaB. TomatoC. CarrotD. Mango13.When I ______ (be) younger, I ______ (dream) of becoming a doctor. I ______ (think) that helping people ______ (be) very important. Now, I ______ (want) to be a teacher because I ______ (love) working with children.14.Which of these is a shape?A. CircleB. AppleC. PlateD. Dog15.Which of the following is a good habit for staying healthy?A. Eating lots of candy.B. Sleeping late every night.C. Washing your hands before eating.D. Playing video games all day.16.Which of these animals can fly?A. CatB. BirdC. DogD. Fishst Saturday, my family __________ (1) to the beach. We __________ (2) a picnic near the water. I __________ (3) some sandwiches and fruit. My brother__________ (4) a soccer ball, and we __________ (5) a game on the sand. We__________ (6) a lot of fun and __________ (7) to go again next month.18.Which of these is a part of the plant?A. LeafB. PlateC. KnifeD. Fork19.Which animal is known for its long neck?A. GiraffeB. ElephantC. TigerD. Monkey20.Which of these is a school subject?A. CarB. MathematicsC. PizzaD. Chair21.What is the opposite of big?A. SmallB. TallC. ShortD. Long22.My parents __________ (work) in the city. They __________ (leave) for work early in the morning and __________ (come) back in the evening. I __________ (stay) at home with my brother and sister.23.My family is going to have a barbecue this weekend. We will grill __ and __ on the barbecue. My mom will make a big salad with __ and __. After eating, we will enjoy some __ for dessert.24.Every morning, I ______ (wake) up early. After I ______ (brush) my teeth, I______ (eat) breakfast. Yesterday, I ______ (eat) toast and eggs. After breakfast, I______ (go) to school. It ______ (be) a busy morning.25.What do you wear in winter to keep warm?A. ShortsB. SweaterC. SandalsD. Tshirt26.What is the opposite of "hot"?A. ColdB. WarmC. FastD. Heavy27.Anna is reading a book in the library. She loves books about __________, especially ones with pictures of __________. After she finishes reading, she will go to the __________ to find some books about __________, which is her favorite subject.28.Which of these is a part of the body?A. ArmB. TableC. TreeD. Pencil29.Ben and his family are going on a hiking trip today. They will walk through the__________ and look for interesting plants and animals. Ben packs his __________ with a sandwich, fruit, and a bottle of water. He also brings a __________ to take photos of the beautiful scenery. They are going to visit a __________ where they can see many different types of trees and flowers.30.Sarah and her brother Ben are at the zoo today. They are looking at the __________ (1) and __________ (2). Sarah loves the __________ (3) because it has a long neck. Ben is fascinated by the __________ (4) because it is so big. After the zoo visit, they will go to the __________ (5) to have lunch.31.Which of these is used to cut food?A. SpoonB. PlateC. KnifeD. Cup32.What color is an apple?A. GreenB. RedC. YellowD. All of the above33.What do you need to write?A. knifeB. pencilC. spoonD. plate34.Which of these is used to open a door?A. KeyB. PlateC. KnifeD. Spoon35.Which one is a day of the week?A. MondayB. SummerC. JanuaryD. Winter36.Sophie is at the zoo. She is looking at the __________ (1) and the __________ (2). The giraffe is very __________ (3), and the zebra has __________ (4) stripes.37.David and his family are planning a trip to the __________ for their summer vacation. They will spend a week in a __________, where they can swim, go hiking, and have picnics by the __________. David is excited to try new activities like fishing and canoeing. His sister wants to take lots of __________ to remember the trip. Before they leave, David makes sure to pack his __________ to protect his skin from the sun.38.How many months are in a year?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1339.It’s a r ainy day today. I ______ (not go) to school by bike because the weather is bad. My mom ______ (drive) me to school. We ______ (arrive) at school just in time. When I ______ (enter) the classroom, my teacher ______ (ask) me if I ______ (forget) to bring my homework. I ______ (say) no, and I ______ (sit) down quickly.40.What do you use to brush your teeth?A. SpoonB. ToothbrushC. PlateD. Knife41.Sally is cooking dinner for her family. She is making __________ with some__________, carrots, and __________. Sally adds some __________ to the soup to make it taste better. After cooking, the family sits down to enjoy the meal together.42.Yesterday, my family and I __________ (1) to the zoo. It __________ (2) a sunny day, and we __________ (3) many animals. The lions __________ (4) in their cages, and the monkeys __________ (5) from tree to tree. I __________ (6) my favorite animal, the panda, which __________ (7) eating bamboo. We __________ (8) a great time, and I__________ (9) to visit the zoo again soon.43.What do we use to write on a notebook?A. KnifeB. PencilC. SpoonD. Plate44.Yesterday, we __________ (1) a birthday party for my friend Anna. She__________ (2) a lot of presents. We __________ (3) cake and ice cream, and we__________ (4) music. It __________ (5) a fun party, and everyone __________ (6) happy.45.Which one is the correct spelling of the word for "狗"?A. dogB. digC. dodgeD. dock46.We ______ (visit) the museum last weekend. We ______ (see) many interesting exhibits, including dinosaur bones and ancient pottery. I ______ (take) a lot of pictures, and my friend Lily ______ (buy) a souvenir from the gift shop.47.Which one is the correct spelling?A. AppleB. ApplleC. ApleD. Appel48.What is the past tense of "run"?A. RunningB. RanC. RunedD. Runs49.My mom __________ (1) breakfast for the family every morning. She __________ (2) us eggs, toast, and fruit. We __________ (3) the food together at the table and__________ (4) to school after that.50.We went on a school field trip to the __. We saw different kinds of plants and animals. Our guide explained how __ help trees grow. We also saw a small __ and learned about how it lives in the wild. At the end of the trip, we took some __ to remember the day.(答案及解释)。
12Releasedate:217-1-2415:34Dateofissue:217-1-2418113_eng.xml L+L-1 BN2 BUWire colors in accordance with EN 60947-5-6(brown)(blue)3R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-01-24 15:34D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-01-24181103_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 1Gfor use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist EC-T ype Examination CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G a The Ex-related marking can also be printed on the enclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety" Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Appropriate typeNCN4-12GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 95 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i ≤ 100 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual.The EU-type examination certificate has to be observed. The special conditions must be adhered to!The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfaces by the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Ambient temperatureDetails of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate. Note: Use the temperature table for category 1 The 20 % reduction in accordance with EN 1127-1 has already been applied to the temperature table for category 1.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed.The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appropriate related appara-tus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.The associated apparatus must satisfy the requirements of category ia.Due to the possible danger of ignition, which can arise due to faults and/or transient currents in the equipotential bonding system, galvanic isolation of the power supply and signal circuit is preferable. Associated apparatus without electrical isolation must only be used if the appropriate requirements of IEC 60079-14 are met. If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must be attached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the label must be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indelible, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsThe connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical dangerWhen using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensor against the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure.The information regarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as pro-vided in the datasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic chargeElectrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.4Releasedate:217-1-2415:34Dateofissue:217-1-2418113_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 2G for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mistEC-T ype Examination CertificateCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 1G Ex ia IIC T6…T1 G aThe Ex-significant identification is on the enclosed adhesive labelStandards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsAppropriate type NCN4-12GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 95 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 100 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual. The EU-type examination certificate has to beobserved. The special conditions must be adhered to!The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfacesby the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T amb Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the temperature class, and the effective internal reac-tance values can be found on the EC-type examination certificate.Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed. The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appro-priate related apparatus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must beattached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the labelmust be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditions The connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical danger When using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensoragainst the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The informationregarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in thedatasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components.Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can beavoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.5R e l e a s e d a t e : 2017-01-24 15:34D a t e o f i s s u e : 2017-01-24181103_e n g .x m lInstructionManual electrical apparatus for hazardous areas Device category 3G (ic) for use in hazardous areas with gas, vapour and mist CertificateCE marking ATEX marking ¬ II 3G Ex ic IIC T6…T1 GcThe Ex-significant identification is on the enclosed adhesive labelStandardsEN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection category "ic" Use is restricted to the following stated conditions Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 95 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 100 µH ; A cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneralThe apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheet and in this instruction manual. The data stated in the data sheet are restricted by this operating instruction!The special conditions must be observed!The ATEX Directive applies only to the use of apparatus under atmospheric condi-tions.If you use the device outside atmospheric conditions, consider that the permissible safety parameters should be reduced.Installation, commissioningLaws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goal must be observed. The sensor must only be operated with energy-limited circuits, which satisfy the requirements of IEC 60079-11. The explosion group complies with the connected, supplying, power limiting circuit. If the Ex-relevant identification is printed exclusively on the adhesive label provided, this label must be affixed in the immediate vicinity of the sensor! The background surface to which the adhesivelabel is to be applied must be clean and free from grease! The applied label must be dura-ble and remain legible, with due consideration of the possibility of chemical corro-sion!Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditionsfor Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=34 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T6 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T5 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=64 mW, Ii=25 mA, T4-T1 55 °C (131 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T6 52 °C (125.6 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T5 52 °C (125.6 °F) for Pi=169 mW, Ii=52 mA, T4-T1 52 °C (125.6 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T6 44 °C (111.2 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T5 44 °C (111.2 °F) for Pi=242 mW, Ii=76 mA, T4-T1 44 °C (111.2 °F)Protection from mechanical dangerThe sensor must not be mechanically damaged.When used in the temperature range below -20 °C the sensor should be protected from knocks by the provision of an additional housing.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components. Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can be avoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.Connection partsThe connection parts are to be installed, such that a minimum protection class of IP20 is achieved, in accordance with IEC 60529.6Releasedate:217-1-2415:34Dateofissue:217-1-2418113_eng.xml Instruction Manual electrical apparatus for hazardous areasDevice category 1D for use in hazardous areas with combustible dustEC-T ype Examination CertificateCE markingATEX marking ¬ II 1D Ex ia IIIC T135°C Da The Ex-related marking can also be printed on theenclosed label.Standards EN 60079-0:2012+A11:2013 EN 60079-11:2012 Ignition protection "Intrinsic safety"Use is restricted to the following stated conditionsAppropriate type NCN4-12GM...-N0...Effective internal inductivity C i≤ 95 nF ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.Effective internal inductance L i≤ 100 µH ; a cable length of 10 m is considered.G eneral The apparatus has to be operated according to the appropriate data in the data sheetand in this instruction manual.The EU-type examination certificate has to be observed.The ATEX directive and therefore the EU-type examination certificates apply in gen-eral only to the use of electrical apparatus under atmospheric conditions.The use in ambient temperatures of > 60 °C was tested with regard to hot surfacesby the mentioned certification authority.If the equipment is not used under atmospheric conditions, a reduction of the permis-sible minimum ignition energies may have to be taken into consideration.Maximum permissible ambient temperature T amb Details of the correlation between the type of circuit connected, the maximum per-missible ambient temperature, the surface temperature, and the effective internalreactance values can be found on the EC-type-examination certificate.The maximum permissible ambient temperature of the data sheet must benoted, in addition, the lower of the two values must be maintained. Installation, commissioning Laws and/or regulations and standards governing the use or intended usage goalmust be observed.The intrinsic safety is only assured in connection with an appropriate related appara-tus and according to the proof of intrinsic safety.If the Ex-related marking is printed only on the supplied label, then this must beattached in the immediate vicinity of the sensor. The sticking surface for the labelmust be clean and free from grease. The attached label must be legible and indeli-ble, including in the event of possible chemical corrosion.Maintenance No changes can be made to apparatus, which are operated in hazardous areas.Repairs to these apparatus are not possible.Special conditions The connecting parts of the sensor must be set up in such a way that degree of pro-tection IP20, in accordance with lEC 60529, is achieved as a minimum.Protection from mechanical danger When using the device in a temperature range of -60 °C to -20 °C, protect the sensoragainst the effects of impact by installing an additional enclosure. The informationregarding the minimum ambient temperature for the sensor as provided in thedatasheet must also be observed.Electrostatic charge Electrostatic charges must be avoided on the mechanical housing components.Dangerous electrostatic charges on the mechanical housing components can beavoided by incorporating these in the equipotential bonding.Do not attach the nameplate provided in areas where electrostatic charge can buildup.。
Electric Heating and ControlsSept 2002TEL: 514-336-9130FAX: 514-336-3270Installation, Operating and Maintenance Instructions forTHERMOLEC electric heaters -type FC & SC -(or tubular FT & ST).1- Mechanical Installation of THERMOLEC heaters.1.1Handling.1. Remove the shipping covers just before installation.2. Inspect the heater carefully and report any damage to the manufacturer.DO NOT INSTALL A DAMAGED HEATER.1.2Installation.Heater Position1.2.1The axis of the duct must always be perpendicular to the face of the heater.1.2.2The heating elements must always be installed horizontally.Model SC or ST (Slip-in type) (Please see drawings page 4).1.2.3Cut an opening in the side of the duct.1.2.4Slip the heater into the duct until the hole is completely covered by flanges around the heater.1.2.5Fasten the heater to the duct with sheet metal screws and seal openings with a suitable sealing compound.1.2.6If the heater is heavy, use additional hangers to support the heater.Model FC or FT (Flanged type) (Please see drawings page 4).1.2.7Flange both ends of the duct outwards on three sides to match the heater’s flanges.1.2.8Fasten the heater to the duct with sheet metal screws. (For heavy heaters, use nuts and bolts and additional hangers to support the heater).1.2.9Seal openings with a suitable sealing compound.1.2.10Spacing Requirements to obtain Optimal Operating Conditions (Please see drawings page 4).• 24 inches between the heater and filter frames.** inches between the heater and elbows in the duct.** inches between the heater and branches in the duct.** inches between the heater and sharp transitions of the duct.** = minimum distance = the largest of two dimensions (W or H ) up to 48”.Examples:heater of 12” x 12”minimum distance 12”.heater of 30” x 12”minimum distance 30”.Heater of 60” x 30”minimum distance 48”.• 48 inches between the heater and a double outlet fan, (except with split duct design)• 24 inches between the heater and access doors or diffusers, (except if a metal screen is supplied with the heater.• 1 inch between the duct at the outlet side and combustible materials for a length of 72”, (for vertical ducts only).• For the flanged type, 24 inches between the control box cover and obstructions to allow space for installation and service.• For the slip-in type, width of the duct (dimension W) + depth of the control box + ten (10) inches between the control box cover and obstructions to allow slipping the heater out the duct and to allow safe servicing.THERMOLEC2060, rue Lucien-Thimens,Montréal, Québec, Canada H4R 1L112.12Important Notes• Do not install a duct heater in a vertical duct directly above a ceiling diffuser or an opening in the ceiling.• Do not install standard heaters outdoors. Order a heater with weatherproof control box instead.• Do not install spray humidifiers upstream of duct. Install it downstream instead.• Do not cover the control box with thermal insulating materials.• Use special air intake louvers of weatherproof construction for preheat duct heaters to avoid intake of water or snow particles.Make sure that motorized damper blades are not blocked with snow or dirt. Inspect the dampers regularly to ensurea suitable airflow.2- Electrical Installation of THERMOLEC heaters.2.1Disconnect all power sources before opening the control box and working within.2.2Read the nameplate carefully and consult wiring diagram before starting to wire.2.3Supply wires:Use only wires suitable for 75°C. Wires shall be sized according to the Canadian Electrical Code requirements.All wires must be brought in through knock-outs.2.4Disconnecting means:Install a disconnect switch close to the heater according to the code unless a disconnect switch is already built intothe heater.2.5Control circuit wiring:Use class 2 wiring for control circuit connections to the duct heater.2.6Magnetic contactors:If magnetic contactors are mounted outside of the duct heater, use only contactors approved for:• 250,000 operations when controlled by auto-reset thermal cut-out (A) and by other switching devices in series with this cut-out (thermostat, step controller, air flow switch, etc.).• 100, 000 operations when controlled by auto-reset thermal cut-out (A) alone.• 100,000 operations when controlled by auto-reset thermal cut-out (A) plus manual reset cut-out in series.(A&M).• 6,000 operations when controlled by manual reset cut-out (M) alone.2.7External Controls ratings:Rating of external control devices shall be suitable for handling the VA ratings as marked on the nameplate,otherwise, a back-up relay must be used.2.8Air Flow Interlock:Heaters are generally supplied with one extra terminal marked (1) for fan interlock or air sensing device connection.Remove jumper between terminals I and C before connecting the fan interlock, Select a suitable air flow sensingdevice of the differential pressure sensing type, with snap acting contacts. A slow make, slow brake device maycause undue cycling and in some instances chattering of the contactors. When fresh air dampers are used, makesure the heater is properly interlocked to prevent it from being energized before the damper is fully open.3- Operating THERMOLEC Heaters.3.1Minimum air flow.Ensure that sufficient air flow as marked on the nameplate is passing through the heater. Air flow should be evenlydistributed across the entire face of the heater. Use air turning vane at duct elbows and splitter damper at ductbranch-offs to streamline the air flow in the heater. Use suitable air flow sensing device or interlock the heater withfan. An insufficient air flow will lead to the opening of the auto-reset thermal cut-out or damage to the heatingelements.3.2Warning.The air flowing through the duct where the heater is installed shall not contain any combustible particles, nor anyflammable vapor or gas.3.3Air Temperature.The air temperature should not exceed 27°C (81°F) at the heater inlet and 66°C (151°F) at the outlet.3.4Minimum static pressure and air direction.The heater is protected by a differential pressure switch. To keep the contact of this switch closed, it is necessary tomaintain a minimum total pressure of 0,07 inches of water for a constant flow.Unless otherwise specified, all Thermolec heaters operate horizontally or vertically with the airflow in eitherdirection. This unique feature allows the contractor maximum flexibility in installation and avoidance of problems.(Please see drawings page 4)3.5Manual-reset thermal cut-outThis protection device is standard on all heaters of less than 300V and 30 KW and is optional on all other heaters.Please check the auto-reset thermal cut-out BEFORE re-setting the manual thermal cut-out. If any defest has beendetected in the auto-reset thermal cut-out, it will be necessary to replace it before re-setting the manual-resetthermal cut-out.4- Maintenance.All THERMOLEC heaters have been designed to operate long term without problems. Those responsible for equipment and maintenance should be aware of the following suggestions.,4.1Visual Inspection.THERMOLEC strongly recommends a periodic inspection. This precautionary step will help to keep your installationsoperating well. Note these eventual first signs of problems: Accumulation of dust on the heating elements, signs ofoverheating on the heater frame, traces of water or rust on the control box4.2Electrical Inspection.Two weeks after startup , all electric connections to contactors should be checked and tightened up. Before eachheating season, check the resistance between the heating elements and ground.It is also recommended to check the electrical connections to heating elements, magnetic contactors, and mainpower lugs. This inspection is recommended monthly during the first four months of operation. After that, twoinspections per heating season are sufficient4.3What are the checkpoints?-Check all fuses;-Check the resistance to ground for each circuit;-Check the resistance phase to phase for each circuit;-Check the tightening of connections at all contactors and heating elements;-Check all contactors.4.4Off-season maintenanceWhere tubular heating elements are used, THERMOLEC strongly recommends that you start the heating systemfrom time to time. This precaution will prevent moisture from percolating through the terminal gaskets intothe heating element and accumulating in the insulating powder.Should a heater be shut off for a long period, we recommend that you check carefully the resistance to ground for eachcircuit. It is important not to power a heater when too a low resistance to ground has been measured. It is alsorecommended to pay attention to any other heater operating in normal conditions.Control components such as step controllers or modulating valves (SCR) should be maintained and checked according to respective manufacturers instructions. Any defective components should be replaced only with identical origin parts.Warranty1 -THERMOLEC LTD guarantees it’s heater resistance elements against any defect in workmanship and material for a period of two years and other built-in components for a period of one year, starting from the date of shipment from it’s factory.2 -THERMOLEC LTD will repair or replace without charge, in its factory or in the field at its own discretion, the heater or part, which upon manufacturer examination, is considered to be defective.3 -Misuse of this product, or repairs made by others without THERMOLEC LTD’s authorization, will void this warranty.4 -THERMOLEC LTD shall not be held responsible for damage or delay and shall not be held liable for any charges resulting from the removal or replacement of the allegedly defective heater.5 -THERMOLEC LTD shall not be held responsible for any incidental orconsequential damage or delay due to workmanship or material. No additional charge will be accepted for repair, replacement or modification if prior written authorization was not obtained from THERMOLEC LTD.6 -Any control device or accessory, supplied with the heater, to be mounted orconnected remotely, will only be guaranteed by the manufacturer per conditions stated in paragraph 5.Installation of the FLANGED type FC or FTInstallation of the SLIP-IN type SC or STHeaterHeater Heater too close to a fan Heater too close to a filter Filtre frameHeater too close to an elbowAvoidthese overheatingconditlionsHeater too close to a transitionMinimum recommended distancefor safety and serviceObstructionObstruction24”Type FC or FTType SC or STDimension “W” + 10”Dim. “W”Universal mounting of Thermolec heatersAir DirectionTHERMOLEC HEATERAir DirectionTHERMOLEC HEATER。
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QLABEL-IV (1)第一篇:QL ABEL-IV概論 (1)1:簡介 (1)2:安裝 (1)第二篇:建立第一張標籤 (4)3:啟動QL ABEL-IV (4)4:工作環境介紹 (4)5:工具列的介紹 (5)6:第一張標籤的製作和儲存 (6)7:在標籤中輸入文字 (9)8:在標籤中加入條碼 (11)9:畫線、畫框和畫圓 (12)10:在標籤中加入MAXICODE (13)11:在標籤中加入PDF417 (14)12:在標籤中加入D ATA M ATRIX (14)13:在標籤中加入QR碼 (15)14:在標籤中加入圖形 (15)15:使用變數和序列號 (17)16:續印前一次列印的標籤 (19)17:條碼機的計時器 (19)18:資料庫的連結 (20)19:列印標籤 (22)20:A DVANCE功能表的說明 (23)QLabel-IV第一篇:QLabel-IV 概論1: 簡介作業環境:Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME/XP適用機種:EZ系列中屬於頁編輯模式 (Page mode) 的條碼機QLabel-IV除了具有標籤設計的多種功能之外,還可以產生純文字模式的條碼機內建命令檔。
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Gas Logs Fireplace 产品说明书
C60FIREPLACE Installation Reference GuideNon-Combustible Board PlacementMantel ProjectionsMantel graph dimensions are measured from the bottom of the fireplace, if you wish to reference the mantel height from the tiling edge subtract 15 inches (381mm) from the mantel height depicted on the graph. If you plan to install a TV above your fireplace refer to the appropriate section of the owner’s manual for available options. It is acceptable to install a combustible mantel over top of the non-combustible board. If y ou are activating the Cool Surface System you are eligible to subtract 12” (305mm) from the mantel height shown in this diagram.Minimum Venting RequirementsMinimum venting is shown in figure 20. the framing height to the center of the thimble is 62”. Minimum venting must include a 24” vertical section and a 90 degree elbow which is then terminated horizonta lly. For a vertica l termina tion plea se follow the vent pipe ma nufa cturer’s insta lla tion instructions for vertica l vent termination framing. A minimum of 1 in. (25 mm) clearance on all sides of the vertical vent pipe must be maintained. For every 12” of horizontal run there must be a 1/4” of rise. 1” of clearance between framing and venting must be maintained at all times. 2” above the venting and 3” above an elbow.Fireplace Dimensions1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14M A N T L E H E I G H TM A N T L E D E P T HMinimum Mantle Clearances8” MANTLE4”MANTLE47”46”45”44”43”42”41”39”40”12” MANTLE56 1/2”13 3/4”10”COMBUSTIBLENON COMBUSTIBLEFramingMetalStud Drywall Concrete BoardSidewall7”5 3/1672714"186mm3034"779mm 62"1575mm 65"1651mm 914"235mm 1612"422mm 1214"308mm 4"103mm 914"232mm 38"965mm 3"73mm 914"232mm 7"176mm 314"81mmGas Inlet Bottom (Optional)20"507mm12"13mm7034"1797mm1734"453mm Figure 1. Unit Dimensions714"186mm 3034"779mm 62"1575mm 65"1651mm914"235mm1612"422mm 1214"308mm 4"103mm 914"232mm 38"965mm 3"73mm 914"232mm 7"176mm 314"81mmGas InletBottom (Optional)20"507mm 12"13mm 7034"1797mm1734"453mmElectrical Inlet Left Side Figure 1. Unit Dimensions714"186mm 3034"779mm 62"1575mm 65"1651mm 914"235mm 1612"422mm 1214"308mm 4"103m 914"232mm 38"965mm 3"73mm914"232mm 7"176mm 314"81mmGas Inlet Bottom (Optional) 20"507mm12"13mm 7034"1797mm 1734"453mm Figure 1. Unit Dimensions 714"186mm3034"779mm 62"1575mm 65"1651mm 914"235mm1612"422mm1214"308mm 4"103mm 914"232mm 38"965mm 3"73mm 914"232mm 7"176mm 314"81mm Gas Inlet Bottom (Optional)20"507mm12"13mm7034"1797mm1734"453mm9"231mm15"378mmFigure 1. Unit Dimensions714"186mm3034"779mm62"1575mm65"1651mm914"235mm1612"422mm1214"308mm4"103mm 914"232mm38"965mm3"73mm914"232mm7"176mm314"81mm Gas Inlet Bottom (Optional)20"507mm12"13mm7034"1797mm1734"453mmGas Inlet Right Side Figure 1. Unit Dimensions20"509mm62"[1575mm]*Do not use two 12” vent sections or this dimension will not e one 24”section.Dimensions758"(19.4 cm)45" (114.3 cm) 3134" (80.6 cm)25" (63.5 cm)5" Vent Collars40" (101.6 cm) 938"(23.8 cm)234" (7 cm) Standoff212" (6.6 cm) Standoff1178"(30.2 cm)738"(18.7 cm)218"(5.4 cm)12"(1.3 cm)312" (8.9 cm)258" (6.7 cm)CSS Front Vent - Overall Dimensions (C34/C44/C60)CSS Side Vent - Dimensions938"237mm1178"301mm7178"1825mm234"70mm212"64mm7678"1952mm5112"1308mm758"192mm5" Vent Collars218"53mm12"13mm312"89mm258"67mm714"185mm53"1346mmFigure 4. Cool Surface System Front Vent - Overall Dimensions (C72) 11.746.074.6510.727.670.5012.1814.921.3912.2413.644.754.759.9526.0036.004.7536.009.752. .50.492.48Figure 5. Cool Surface System Combustible Facing Kit DimensionsFraming & Rough Opening – Side VentFraming & Rough Opening – Front VentCSS Outlet Min. Top and Bottom standoff = 25/8” (6.7 cm) *All C Series*7 1/2"(2.5 cm)45" (114 cm)37 1/4"(94.6 cm)Min.Height2 x 4 (On Edge)2 x 4 (O n E d g e )C347 1/2"(2.5 cm)C44/60 = 45" (114 cm)2 x 4 (O n E d g e )37 1/4" (94.6 cm) Min.Height C60 = 71" (180 cm)C44 = 55" (140 cm)Steel Stud - C60 & C72 ONLYSteel Stud - C60 & C72 ONLYC72 = 83" (211 cm)46 1/2" (118 cm)Min. HeightC72C34 C60C44C72 = 77 1/4" (196 cm)C44/C60/C72CSS Outlet Min. Top and Bottom standoff = 25/8” (6.7 cm) *All C Series*Min. Height 51-3/8”( 130cm)C34 = 45” (114cm)C44 = 55” (140cm)C60 = 71” (180cm)C72 = 83” (211cm)Revised Mantel Requirements:Note: Minimum height of mantle if you intend on using a surround is 31”1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14M A N T L E H E I G H TM A N T L E D E P T HMinimum Mantle Clearances8” MANTLE4”MANTLE35”34”33”32”31”30”29”27”28”12” MANTLEVenting Clearances - Front VentShown here are the minimum framing and clearances for the CSS when the fireplace is installed with the minimum allowable vent length:Min. Ceiling Clearance from top of CSS outlet = 4” (10.2 cm)Min. Ceiling Clearance in wall from top of CSS Body = 55/8” (14.3 cm)CSS Body Min. Rear standoff = 2¾” (69.8 cm)558" (14.3 cm)4" (10.2 cm)234" (69.8 cm)7314"(174.9 cm)Side Brace Min. Height20" (50.8 cm)Min. Depth39” (99 cm) Min. Length 5” dia. flex vent(not supplied)80” (203 cm) C34/44/60 Min. CeilingMin. Vent82 3/8”(212 cm) Side Brace Min. Height91” (231 cm)C72 Min. CeilingC34C44C60C72Venting Clearances – Side VentCSS Horizontal Vent - Min. Framing & Clearances CSS Vertical Vent - Min. Framing & Clearances15.00” (38cm)11.50”(29cm)Min. Height to Ceiling 14.50Min. Height 66.00”(168cm)Min. to Ceiling 5” (12.5cm)Min. Height from oor69.5” (176.5cm)39” (99 cm) Min. Length 5” dia. flex vent(not supplied)Min. VentMin. Distance to wall from standoff 5.00” (13cm)Min. Ceiling Height 18.75”(48cm)*15.75” (40c m )11.5” (29cm)Min. Dist 61.75”(157cm)*NOTE: 15.75” from the header is required for min. ceiling height. Rest unit on lower standoff. There will be a 3/4“ (2cm) gap on from the top standoff to the header in this confirguration. Min Framing is 15” x 11.5”3/4” (2cm) Gap ShownMin. Distance to Ceiling 4.5” (11.5cm)Min. Distance to oor64” (162.5cm)39” (99 cm) Min. Length 5” dia. flex vent (not supplied)TV Installation Considerations:If you are planning to mount a TV above your fireplace some considerations must be made to ensure it is protected from the heat.During testing temperatures did not exceed 121°F (49°C) midway up the front wall (Figure 12 & 13). There is no guarantee that these temperatures will not harm the longevity of your TV. Make sure to consult your TV manufacturer’s specifications to find the maximum allowable operatingtemperature. Since every home and installation is unique, temperatures should be verified at the time of install if possible. If desired, front walltemperatures can be lowered to 104°F (40°C) with the use of a mantle (Figure 13). Refer to page 7 for revised mantle clearances. A TV should not be installed if temperatures exceed the manufacturers maximum allowable temperature.Figure 12. CSS - TV Clearances Figure 13. CSS - TV Clearances29°F 41”21°F 35”21°F 29”24°F 23”17°F 17”20°F 11”30°F 5”0”A b o v e A m b i e n tH e i g h t f r o m O p e n i n g4” Mantle 29” from oor.Combustible Facing Kit1/2” Combustible Base Material (Drywall)Up to 1” Combustible Material.NOTE: You cannot install a Surround with the mantle at its lowest position.Install mantle at 31” for a SurroundMin. 2-1/2” (6.4cm)Min. 2” (5cm)Gap Combustible Facing Kit1/2” Combustible Base Material (Drywall)Up to 1” Combustible Material 29°F 41”29°F 35”29°F 29”27°F 23”35°F 17”38°F 11”49°F 5”0”A b o v e A m b i e n tH e i g h t f r o m O p e n i n g1-1/2” Air Gap behind the TV.(Typically provided by a wall mount)TV must be 5” min from discharge if no mantleFraming Clearances - Front VentFraming Clearances - Side Vent29 “(74cm)31 “(79cm)Min. Height For Surround33“(84cm)4” (102mm)8” (203mm)12” (305mm)2-1/16”(75cm)Min. Height to Ceiling 55-1/16” (1399cm)Min. Height to Ceiling 64 1/8”(1630mm)C34C44C60C7229 “(74cm)31 “(79cm)Min. Height For Surround33“(84cm)4” (102mm)8” (203mm)12” (305mm)2-1/16”(75cm)Min. Height to Ceiling 55-1/16” (1399cm)。
二、主要角色以下是《越狱》中一些重要的主要角色和他们的扮演者:1. 迈克尔·斯科菲尔 (Michael Scofield) - 温特沃斯·米勒 (Wentworth Miller)•迈克尔·斯科菲尔是本剧的主角,是一位天才工程师和计划者。
2. 林肯·伯勒 (Lincoln Burrows) - 多米尼克·珍尼斯 (Dominic Purcell)•林肯·伯勒是迈克尔的兄弟,被错误地判定为谋杀罪。
3. 萨拉·坎菲尔德 (Sara Tancredi) - 莎拉·韦恩·卡利斯 (Sarah Wayne Callies)•萨拉·坎菲尔德是《越狱》中的一名医生,迈克尔的心上人。
4. 阿布·“斯雷德”·费林 (Alexander Mahone) - 威廉·菲奥奇纳 (William Fichtner)•阿布·斯雷德是一名联邦调查局特工,负责追捕逃犯。
5. 弗朗西斯·“T·巴格韦尔”·马利克(Theodore “T-Bag” Bagwell) - 罗伯特·卿尼 (Robert Knepper)•T·巴格韦尔是一位罪犯,拥有让人闻之色变的邪恶本性。
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并行算法的运算量≥串行算法的运算量:在素数问题的并行算法中,增 加 计算一个待搜索区域的边界 如果采用VERSION2(每次计算一个区域的素数前,先看看是否需要使 用未排序的素数)和VERSION3(先求一组素数,使得后面区间的计算 只需要这一组素数即可),增加对各个子任务所求素数进行排序的操 作 并非所有的运算都可以并行,总是存在一些超级计算步,其中只有一个 子任务:在素数问题中 要先求出一组素数,后面的搜索才可能并行 在每个超级计算步上,让各个处理器/执行核都承担相同的计算量是很困 难的:部分处理器/执行核在一段时间里处于空闲状态 各个超级计算步上,并行子任务的数量不同 各个子任务本身的计算量也不同 例如求素数问题
加速比是一个针对性很强的概念:应用问题A、问题规模W和处理器/执 行核数量P 同样的A和P,不同的W常导致不同的加速比 并行程序的启动开销不变 一个超级计算步中可并行执行的子任务数量增加了,可提高负载 均衡性、问题域资源竞争引起的性能瓶颈也更突出了 …… 用加速比度量计算性能时,需要考虑P的大小 一般地,我们想象“2>1+1>1” 但“1+1>2”是有可能的 不幸的是,经常可能会有“1+1<1” 现实生活中会出现1+1>2 优势互补:一件工作可能需要不同背景的人来一起完成 缺点克服:由于合作者的出现,自己原来的缺点表现不出来了(表现 缺点的条件消除了!);良好的环境可以使不良行为收敛。
Efficiency用于度量并行计算过程中处理器/执行核的有效利 有效利 有效 用率: 用率:这是一个与串行计算相对的度量,有多少时间用在问 题域本身的数据处理上 有多少时间在空闲等待 有多少时间用于与其它处理器进行通信和同步 有多少时间用于重复与其它处理器相同的计算任务 有多少时间用在执行并行算法带来的额外计算 Efficiency(p)=Ts÷(p×Tp) p:处理器/执行核的数量 Ts:串行执行的时间 Tp:并行执行的时间 Efficiency v.s. Speedup Speedup度量并行计算获得的运算速度提高 Efficiency度量并行计算带来的额外开销:通信、同步、 重复计算、空闲等待
并行子任务对问题域数据结构的排它性访问:问题域资源的竞争 增加协调开销 访问操作是不可并行的 例如:求素数问题,每个子任务将计算结果写到一个总的素数集合 (用数组实现的)中 并行算法实现过程中,子任务数据交换、同步引起的额外计算量:执行 数据通信和同步的指令 求素数问题中的Mutex操作、各子任务所求素数到素数集合的赋值运 算 …… 并行程序的启动开销>串行程序的启动开销 并行程序使用更多的系统资源:系统资源管理的开销 并行程序需要多个进程/线程:进程、线程的创建和管理开销 并行程序的数据和指令存取速度≤串行程序的数据和指令存取速度:计 算平台的系统资源竞争 多个进程/线程分享CACHE、前端总线FSB、系统总线System Bus 增加协调开销:数据一致性维护、FSB分享、…… 被处理的数据规模大时,降低CACHE命中率 ……
1+1>1并不总是成立! 系统资源管理有成本:简单的事情,用并行不划算 进程/线程创建的开销超过所完成计算量的开销 问题各部分的关系太密切:通信、同步、协调开销过大(现实 生活中也如此)。例如:非重叠通信的双机R/C模型 将M个子任务分到两个处理器系统上执行。每个子任务执 行时间为R,假设子任务间两两有通信,若在同一个处理 器,没开销,否则开销为C。通信串行发生,且和计算不 重叠 设k个子任务被分配到P1,则计算时间:T(k) = R×max{M-k, k} + C×(M-k)×k 不失一般性,取0≤k≤M/2: T(k) = R×(M-k) + C×(M-k)×k 当M < R/C 时,k=M/2为优,即P1和P2均分任务 当M ≥ R/C 时,若M-R/C>k>0,则T(0)<T(K)
每个并行算法,总可以表示成一组串行执行的supersteps 一些supersteps上只有一个子任务:串行计算量 一些supersteps上有多个子任务:并行计算量,假设一个superstep上最 多有M个子任务 最多可使用M个处理器/执行内核:每个处理器/执行内核至少要完成一个子 任务,才能对性能的提高有贡献 当使用M个处理器/执行内核时,并行程序的运行时间>其中串行分量的执 行时间 加速比<W/Ws : W代表总的运算量;Ws代表串行运算总量 加速比<M 处理器/执行内核的数量在[1 M]之间时,通过增加处理器/执行内核,总是 可以 在包含最多并行子任务的superstep上,减少单个处理器/执行内核承担的 问题域计算量 在其它superstep上,保持单个处理器/执行内核承担的问题域计算量不变
加速比度量一个程序开发运行平台处理器计算能力的程度:这是并行程 这是并行程 序设计的重点 串行程序与并行程序运行在同一个计算平台上 计算平台提供多个执行内核时,各个执行核本身的性能(主频、主存 数据访问机制等)是相同的 在并行程序设计中,如何观测加速比 给定一个数据规模,在这个平台上最快多长时间能完成计算 给定一个数据规模,在这个平台上,使用不同数量的执行内核,分别 需要多长时间完成计算 并行进程/线程的数量代表使用的处理器内核数量:条件是平台可 提供的处理器内核数量不小于并行进程/线程的数量 不同数据规模情况下,上述两项如何变化 理想情况下:对任意的数据规模,加速比总是与使用的处理器执行核数 量相同
超线性加速比(superlinear speedup):1+1>2
问题本身。例如二分查找问题,对部分查询条件 串行程序需要执行M( <= log N)次比较,N是查找空间的大小 并行程序将这个空间划分成了P(<M)份,每一份分别由一个执行核负 责。某个执行核在第一次比较时就找到了目标 高速缓存(cache)的影响 问题的数据规模大 : 一台处理机的cache放不下,多台处理机的cache 分摊能够容纳;命中与否对应的访问时间有很大差别 访问模式随机: 一台处理机也就没有“局部性”可利用 数据并行问题: 多处理机之间没有太多的通信 在这个数据集上的反复循环迭代操作 I/O影响:频繁访问磁盘文件数据 并行计算有更大的内存空间,减少磁盘访问的次数 每个处理器有自己的具备磁盘,可以并行访问磁盘文件 ……
伸缩性能(scalability):从速度、系统规模、数据规模三个方 面综合度量并行计算系统的性能 固定数据规模W,增加系统的规模P(处理器/执行核数量), 是否能够按比例地提高处理速度speedup? 固定系统的规模P(处理器/执行核数量),处理的速度 speedup是否与数据规模W是某种比例关系? 比例:线性比例、对数比例、 …… 从系统设计的角度看,“执行时间”对“性能”来说是一个 力度不够的概念,关心它在系统规模和应用数据规模变化时 的执行时间往往更有意义 Scalability的判定标准(等效率度量标准 等效率度量标准):当系统规模扩大时, 等效率度量标准 希望系统的处理能力能按比例增强,或者说能够基本保持 efficiency稳定(不随系统规模P或问题规模W变化) 同样的时间能处理更多的数据 处理同样的数据花更少的时间
串行计算时,只有一个进程,这个进程内只有一个线程 并行计算 线程并行:一个进程,进程里同时创建多个线程,每个线程分别处理 不同的数据、或者执行不同的运算指令 在POSIX线程模型中,每个线程都可以直接访问整个进程的地址 空间,从而实现子任务数据的交换 (在CELL BE线程模型中,SPE上运行的线程可以通过DMA访问整 个进程的地址空间) ) 进程并行:同时运行多个进程,每个进程分别处理不同的数据、或者 执行不同的运算指令 同一台机器上的不同进程,可以通过管道(Pipe)进行通信 不同机器上的进程,可以通过套接字 (socket)进行通信 加速比度量一个系统的性能(latency, throughput) 在CELL BE处理器上、Intel Core 2处理器上,完成一个MPEG计算, 分别用了多少时间:为了说明CELL BE处理器的性能 在PE2950服务器上、北京大学计算网格上,完成人类基因组的一次 可变剪接计算,分别用了多少时间:说明北京大学计算网格的性能
第四讲 并行程序性能分析基础
概念 计算并行性(parallelism) 计算性能(performance) 并行程序性能分析方法 加速比 Amdahl定律:1<1+1<2 1+1<1 1+1>2 Gustafson定律:1+1>1 如何使得1&ance)指什么:完成任务的速度、对用户的响应时间、 …… ? 在高性能计算(HPC:High Performance Computing)中度量计算性能时, 经常出现的词汇 Efficiency:效率 Speedup:加速比 Throughput:吞吐率 Scalability:伸缩性 Fault-tolerance:容错性 Availability:可获得性 Reliability:可靠性 Robustness:鲁棒性 HPC 并行计算:speedup、efficiency、scalability 容错计算:fault-tolerance、reliability、availability、robustness 实时计算:speedup、efficiency、scalability
Amdahl’s law:加速比的极限
W固定,可以看作是输入数据量或者是总的计算量。Ws和 Wp分别为其中的串行分量和可并行分量,W = Ws+Wp 记f = Ws/W,表示串行分量所占比;1-f表示并行分量所占的 比例 Speedup(p) ≤ (Ws+Wp) / (Ws+Wp/p) 其中p是处理器的数量 p Speedup(p) ≤ [f+(1-f)] / [f+(1-f)/p] = 1/[f+(1-f)/p] < 1/f 即加速比受限于问题算法的串行分量所占比例 例如,如果问题计算量的5%必须串行,则加速比最多不过20, 无论用多少个处理器/执行核