6-酸性树脂催化下液相反应动力学Kinetic of liquid-phase reactions catalyzed by acidic resins
要 :为了获得 D0 2型强 酸性 离子交换树脂催化剂合成 乙酸正丁酯反应动力学方程,在间歇釜式反应器中 ,消除 7
内外扩 散后,测定不同反应条件下 乙酸浓度随时间的变化,反应体系按拟均 相处理,用初始速率法回归估算动力学模 型参数。在催化 剂平 均粒度 小于 004m . m,搅拌速度 大于 l0 . i 7 5 m n r 时,可基本消除内外扩 散的影响。在常压 ,催化 荆用量为 O 1 6  ̄0 8 3 g~ . 6 5 . 3 3虽 . ,温度为 3 6 一 5 . K 的条件 范围,获得 的动力学模型 参数 为: =8 6 O 0 0 A 2 .一 8 23 2 . ×l 8 L o-mi L a ,E= 0 2 . m l ,平衡常数受温度 的影响不大 。在实验条件范 围对获得的动力学方程进行 了验 ・ l. n g. o t 1 - . ~ , 78 6 .o 6 8J ~
第2 6卷 第 2期 2 1 年 4 月 02
高 校
学 报
No. 、 . 2 26
J u a fCh mia gn eigo n s ieste o r lo e c l n En ie rn fChieeUnv riis
Ap . 2 2 r 01
文章编号 :10 ・0 52 1)20 5 .5 0 39 1(0 20 .2 40
t uig te l ud p ae s nh sso / u la eae wa x e i nal eem ie n a si ete i fFb t ctt me q - y se pr me tl d tr n d i t rd b th y r
( . a g i yL bo er c e c l s uc rc siga dP o esItn ic t nT c n lg , c o l f 1Gu n x a f t h mia Reo reP o e s n rc s e s ai e h oo y S h o Ke P o n n i f o o
Olefin oligomerization via new and efficient Brönsted acidic ionic liquid catalyst systems
Guoqin Wang a,b, Heyuan Song a,b, Ruiyun Li a,b, Zhen Li a, Jing Chen a,*
© 2018, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
It is well known that the oligomerization of light olefins to higher oligomers is one of the most important areas in chemical industry and academia. Olefins, especially ethylene, propylene, and butene are the basic materials of the petrochemical indus‐ try [1]. The main products of these light olefins, heavier olefins, are valuable building blocks for a range of useful products such as additives, lubricants, comonomers, surfactants, and many other useful chemical products [2–4].
为了明确 AC 水合过程是否在反应条件下存 在可逆反应 ,结合反应的工艺条件 , 从热力学角度 来分析可逆反应的可行性 。 ΔG = - R Tln K K =
( 1) ( 2)
收稿日期 :2005203216 ; 修改稿收到日期 :2005206208 。 作者简介 : 俞峰松 (1971 - ) ,工程师 , 工学硕士 , 从事化工工艺 的研究工作 。
15 ℃、 少量水合催化剂存在下 ,观察反应液中 H PA
d CAC2Cat = k1 CAC CCat + k - 2 CHPA2Cat dt
k2 CAC2Cat CW - k4 CHPA CAC2Cat
d CHPA2Cat = k2 CAC2Cat CW - k - 2 CHPA2Cat dt
( kmol ・ g・ s) , EHPA = 7. 143 × 10 J/ mol 。
表1 不同反应温度下的反应速率常数
温度/ K
314. 21 318. 56 322. 61 326. 19 330. 13
kAC × 10 3
j =1
∑C2j exp M j =1
j =1
∑( Cj exp - Cj cal ) 2
图 1 H PA 的稳定性试验
□- HPA ; ●- AC
k1 CAC CCat k2 CW
( 12)
再将式 ( 12) 代入式 ( 10) 后有 :
CHPA2Cat = k2 CAC2Cat CW k2 k1 CAC CCat CW = k3 + k - 2 k2 CW ( k3 + k - 2 ) k1 CAC CCat k3 + k - 2
Activation of peroxymonosulfate by hydrogel supported BiOI for methylparaben degradation. HU You-you, LI Zheng-kui* (State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China). China Environmental Science, 2019,39(8):3249~3254 Abstract:P(HEA-APTMACl)-BiOI was prepared by chemical precipitation method and the hydrogel synthesized by radiation polymerization was used as catalyst carriers. The catalyst was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). These results showed that BiOI was successfully loaded on the hydrogel. The p(HEA-APTMACl)-BiOI/peroxymonosulfate (PMS) presented high methylparaben (MP) degradation efficiency under visible light, and the effects of several operating parameters (PMS dosage, BiOI loadings and initial MP concentration) on the MP degradation efficiency were also explored. The results demonstrated that there was a synergistic effect between p(HEA-APTMACl), BiOI and PMS. In addition, the MP (0.328mmol/L) degradation efficiency reached 99% within 2h when PMS concentration was 1.5mmol/L and the catalyst dosage was 0.1g. The addition of Cl- accelerated the degradation rate of MP, while the SO42- lead to hysteresis in MP degradation. Moreover, the MP degradation efficiency was reduced by the presence of HCO3-, but it was little influenced by NO3- and H2PO4-. Key words:hydrogel;BiOI;peroxymonosulfate;methylparaben
二、研究内容和方法1. 研究内容本论文拟以强酸性离子交换树脂为催化剂,以醇酸为反应物,开展乙酸酯合成的实验研究。
2. 研究方法(1)催化剂的制备:采用溶胶-凝胶法制备强酸性离子交换树脂。
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第 37 卷 第 2 期 2019 年 3 月
石化技术与应用 Petrochemical Technology & Application
Vol. 37 No. 2 Mar. 2019
摘要: 综述了 Lewis 酸性离子液体、Brnsted 酸性离子液体和金属氧酸盐离子液体在催化氧化脱硫 中的应用技术,对上述 3 种酸性离子液体的脱硫作用机理、催化效率、应用条件及成本等进行了介绍,并 指出克服腐蚀是酸性离子液体未来的主要研究方向,与酸性离子液体相比,金属氧酸盐离子液体在催化 氧化脱硫领域具有更广泛的应用前景。
关键词: 催化氧化; 脱硫; 酸性离子液体; 金属氧酸盐离子液体; 催化剂; 萃取剂 中图分类号: TQ 113. 26 + 4. 1 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1009 - 0045( 2019) 02 - 0144 - 05
随着汽车行业迅速发展,汽车尾气排放造成 的污染也越来越受到关注。燃油中的硫氧化物 会导致酸 雨、雾 霾 等 严 重 污 染[1],硫 化 物 会 腐 蚀 设备,硫可 毒 化 贵 金 属 催 化 剂。 因 此,降 低 汽 油 中的硫含量是减少汽车尾气污染物排放的有效 手段之一[2],其主要方法有加氢脱硫和非加氢脱 硫,后者中 催 化 氧 化 的 脱 硫 操 作 条 件 温 和,除 硫 效率高[3],是很有前景的一项脱硫技术[4]。
摘 要: 采用硫酸浸出含锂废渣中的锂,考察了温度、液固比、硫酸浓度和搅拌速率对浸出过程的影响。 结果表明,在液固比 5 ∶ 1、硫
酸浓度 10%、搅拌速率 400 r / min、反应温度 70 ℃ 、反应 120 min 时,锂浸出率达到 94.63%。 通过正交实验和动力学推导,确认含锂
废渣中硫酸浸出锂的动力学模型为收缩核模型,浸出表观活化能为 10.39 kJ / mol,浸出过程中速度控制步骤是固膜扩散。
Abstract: Lithium was leached from lithium containing waste residue with sulfuric acid to investigate effects of temperature, liquid⁃solid ratio, sulfuric acid concentration and stirring rate on the leaching process. Results showed that the leaching rate of lithium reached 94.63% after the reaction at 70 ℃ for 120 min, with liquid⁃solid ratio at 5 ∶1 and sulfuric acid concentration of 10%. Based on orthogonal experiment and dynamic deduction, it is found that the kinetic model of lithium leaching from waste residue was a shrinking core model. The apparent activation energy of leaching was 10.39 kJ / mol and the rate controlling step was solid⁃film diffusion. Key words: spent battery; sulfuric acid leaching; lithium; comprehensive recovery; lithium⁃containing waste residue; leaching kinetics; shrinking core model; activation energy
Amberlyst 36磺 酸 树 脂 催 化 环 己酮 肟 液 相 重 排 制 己 内酰胺
周 云 ,Satmon John,陈亨权 ,朱 明乔
(浙江大学 化学工程与生物工程学院 ,浙江 杭 州 310027)
合 成 纤 维 工 业
2016年第 39卷
1.2 液 相 贝克曼 重 排反应
团 ,影 响 了磺 酸树 脂 的酸性 中心 ;乙醇和 乙腈 因为
将 CHO、溶剂和催化剂按一定 的比例加入到 沸 点较 低 ,在 相 应 的反 应 温 度 下 还没 有 达 到 Am.
收稿 日期 :2015—11-11;修改稿收到 日期 :2016—03—15。 作者简介 :周 云(1989一 ),女 ,硕 士研究 生 ,主要从 事催化 剂 工 程 研 究 。 E-mail:21328088@ziu.edu.cn.。 基金项 目:浙江省 自然科学基金(Y4080247)。 ¥ 通 讯 联 系 人 。 E—mail:zhumingqiao@ zju.edu.CN。
使 用 6次后 , 乙酸 芳樟 酯的 产率仍 可达 8 .% 。 62
关键 词 :酸 性 离子液体 ; 乙酸 芳樟 酯 ; 化 ; 酯 芳樟醇 中图分类 号 : Q 6 6 文献标 识码 : 文章 编号 :6 1—7 4 (0 0 0 T 5 A 17 17 2 1 )6—0 9 6 0—0 5
醇和 乙酸酐酯化反应 中的催化 活性。 结果表 明, 离子液体 [ M M] H O ]的催化性 能最高, H I [ S 当 [ MI [ S H M] H O ]的用量 为反 应物 总质 量的 1 % , ( 0 i 芳樟 醇 ) n 乙酸 酐 )=l 2 反应 温度 9 r t :( :, 0o C, 反 应 时 间2h乙酸 芳樟 酯的产 率 可达 9 . % , 14 选择 性 为 10 。 0 % 反应 结束 后 , 减压脱 去过 量 的酸 酐和
i d zl uft [ miaoesl e( HMI [ S 4 )w r snh s e n h rcei d h aayi a t ie f a M] Ht s z z c vi o
t c d c i n c lqu d o he s n he i flna y c t t r l o i v si a e he a i i o i i i sf rt y t sso i lla ea e we e a s n e tg t d.Th e u t h we e r s lss o d
a d t e e a i n fa e i a i we e r m o e sil to u e e u d pr s u e t e o i n he g n r to o c tc c d r e v d by ditla in nd r r d ce e s r h i n c
化工进展Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress2024 年第 43 卷第 4 期新兴湿法退役锂电池正极材料回收技术研究进展马文君,张旭,刘孟顺,梁志远(西安交通大学热流科学与工程教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049)摘要:退役锂电池中的钴、镍、锂等稀有金属的绿色高效回收利用逐渐成为国内外研究的重点。
本文总结了传统酸浸法中绿色浸取剂和还原剂以及低共熔溶剂(DES )和超临界流体(SCF )两种新兴的湿法冶金技术对高效绿色回收锂电池正极材料的应用。
并重点介绍了超临界水(SCW )和超临界二氧化碳(SC-CO 2)两种超临界流体降解有机污染物、回收稀有金属并改善合成正极材料的应用,为高效、绿色、低成本回收退役锂电池中稀有金属提供了重要参考价值。
关键词:浸取;超临界流体;选择性;回收;湿法冶金;锂电池;低共熔溶剂中图分类号:TD982;X773 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-6613(2024)04-2077-14Research progress of novel hydrometallurgy in recycling cathodematerials from spent lithium -ion batteriesMA Wenjun ,ZHANG Xu ,LIU Mengshun ,LIANG Zhiyuan(Key Laboratory of Thermal Fluid Science and Engineering of MOE, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, Shaanxi, China)Abstract: The green and efficient recycling of cobalt, nickel, lithium and other rare metals in spent lithium batteries has gradually become the focus of research at home and abroad. Traditional acid leaching owns the advantages of low energy cost, high purity of metal recovery and high efficiency. However, traditional acid leaching uses caustic acids and expensive extracts, takes a long time and produces secondary waste such as waste acids, sludge and highly saline solutions. Therefore, this paper focused on the application of green leaching agent and reducing agent in traditional acid-leaching and two novel green solvents of deep eutectic solvent (DES) and supercritical fluid (SCF) in the green and efficient recovery of cathode materials of lithium batteries. The important effects of selective leaching technology on simplifying recovery procedures and assisted means like microwave or ultrasonic on improving leaching conditions were reviewed. The application of supercritical water (SCW) and supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO 2) to degrade organic pollutants, recover rare metals, and improve the synthesis of cathode materials was emphasized, which provided important reference value for efficient, green and low-cost recovery of valuable metals from spent lithium batteries.Keywords: leaching; supercritical fluid; selectivity; recovery; hydrometallurgy; lithium-ion batteries; deep eutectic solvent综述与专论DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2023-0547收稿日期:2023-04-07;修改稿日期:2023-05-04。
dα/dt = k(T) f(α)。
dα/dt = k(T) (1-α)。
结果表明,基于“贮存-生长”策略,沉淀筛选加速了贮存细菌的富集过程但不影响稳定后的PHA贮存性能;2.富集所得PHA贮存细菌的实验结果表明,在饱食期,PHA贮存产率系数(Y_(PHA/S))为0.60Cmol PHA/Cmol S,PHA最大贮存含量为70%,饱食期平均贮存速率为13.45 Cmol PHA/L/h。
2017年第36卷第7期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·2497·化 工 进展聚离子液体固体酸催化剂的制备及催化甘油乙酰化性能张吕鸿,王瑞瑾,姜斌,孙永利,杨华伟(天津大学化工学院,天津 300072)摘要:通过自由基共聚,质子化及离子交换两步法合成聚咪唑基离子液体固体酸催化剂(PILs )。
采用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR )、扫描电镜(SEM )、透射电镜(TEM )、X 射线光电子能谱分析(XPS )、热重分析(TGA )、元素分析和电位滴定的方法对该催化剂的结构和性能进行了表征。
结果表明该PILs 固体酸催化剂具有良好的选择催化活性,在酸醇摩尔比为6∶1、催化剂用量4%(质量分数)、120℃、4h 的最优条件下,甘油转化率达98.2%,单乙酸甘油酯的选择性为11.6%,二乙酸甘油酯和三乙酸甘油酯的总选择性高达88.4%,优于Amberlyst-15的催化效果。
关键词:催化剂;聚合;离子液体;选择性;甘油;乙酰化中图分类号:TQ032.4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2017)07–2497–07 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-0104Synthesis of poly(ionic liquid)s solid acid catalyst and its catalyticperformance in glycerol acetylationZHANG LÜhong ,WANG Ruijin ,JIANG Bin ,SUN Yongli ,YANG Huawei(School of Chemical Engineering and Technology ,Tianjin University ,Tianjin 300072,China )Abstract : A functional poly(ionic liquid)s (PILs )solid acid catalyst was prepared through free radical copolymerization of ionic liquids precursor and the subsequent protonation and ion-exchange with concentrated sulfuric acid. The as-prepared acidic catalyst was characterized by FTIR ,SEM ,TEM ,XPS ,TGA ,elemental analysis and potentiometric titration. It was found that the acid PILs had a multi-layer microstructure with favorable thermal stability and high Brønsted acid site density. Its performance was evaluated in the acetylation of glycerol without any water-carrying agent. It exhibited high catalytic activity and selectivity. Glycerol conversion of 98.2%,monoacetin selectivity of 11.6% and total diacetin and triacetin selectivity of 88.4% were obtained under the optimum reaction conditions of n (acetic acid)∶n (glycerol) =6,catalyst dosage=4% of glycerol ,120℃,4h. The catalytic performance was better than that using Amberlyst-15. The PILs solid acid catalyst was easily recovered and had good hydrothermal stability. A further exchanging of used PILs with H 2SO 4 could make the catalyst restore its catalytic performance and it could be reused for 4 times.Key words :catalyst ;polymerization ;ionic liquids ;selectivity ;glycerol ;acetylation生物柴油作为一种绿色可再生替代能源得到了国内外的广泛关注[1-2],其合成过程伴随着副产物甘油的积累[3]。
仪器:Nicolet 330傅立叶红外光谱仪,X-4型数显熔点测定仪,DF-101S集热式恒温加热磁力搅拌器等。
实验结果表明:四种吸附树脂对间苯二胺均具有较好的吸附效果,经318K平衡吸附后降到288K (288K*)时树脂对间苯二胺的吸附量最大,该过程包含物理吸附和化学吸附。
热力学研究结果表明间苯二胺在LAS上的ΔH是负值且其绝对值小于42 KJ/mol,说明此吸附过程是放热的过程,以物理吸附为主。
准一级动力学方程的R21 均大于0.99,表明间苯二胺在AJHS树脂上的吸附动力学过程更符合准一级动力学方程。
【总页数】8页(P276-283)【作者】李剑楠【作者单位】[1]南京工业大学环境科学与工程学院,江苏南京【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O64【相关文献】1.对甲基苯甲酸在大孔吸附树脂上的吸附热力学及动力学研究 [J], 代喃喃;刘玉林;董庆华;唐树和2.复合功能超高交联吸附树脂对氨基萘酚磺酸的静态吸附热力学及动力学特征 [J], 刘福强;陈金龙;费正皓;葛俊杰;李爱民;张全兴3.邻-氨基酚修饰吸附树脂对2-氨基吡啶的静态吸附热力学及动力学特征 [J], 唐树和;费正皓;陈建;刘总堂4.超高交联吸附树脂对水中对甲苯胺的吸附热力学与动力学研究 [J], 王海玲;陈金龙;翟志才;陈一良;张全兴5.大孔吸附树脂对杜仲叶总黄酮的吸附热力学和动力学研究 [J], 熊利芝;王溶;田伟;何则强因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
1.强酸性阳离子交换树脂催化合成棕榈酸甲酯 [J], 孔维宝;张娟;景洋;来宝鹏;张继
2.强酸性阳离子交换树脂催化涤纶合成对苯二甲酸二辛酯的研究 [J], 张佳
3.强酸性阳离子交换树脂催化合成氯乙酸异辛酯的研究 [J], 彭辉;揭嵘
4.强酸性阳离子交换树脂催化酯化丙烯酸和甲醇合成丙烯酸甲酯的反应动力学 [J], 潘佳佳;张贝克;卢秉南
5.SnCl_4/强酸性离子交换树脂催化合成乙酸甲酯研究 [J], 仝海娟;左卫元;史兵方;段艳;陈盛余
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Applied Catalysis A:General197(2000)165–173Kinetic of liquid-phase reactions catalyzed by acidic resins:the formation of peracetic acid for vegetable oil epoxidationR.L.Musante1,R.J.Grau2,M.A.Ba1tanás∗Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Qu´ımica(INTEC)Güemes3450,3000Santa Fe,ArgentinaAbstractA heterogeneous kinetic model which takes into account the complete physicochemical interaction of reactive species in a polar liquid phase with an ion-exchange resin acting both as selective sorbent and heterogeneous catalyst has been employed to analyze the peracetic acid synthesis from acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in an aqueous solution.Model parameters were estimated using uncoupled data from phase equilibria,polymer sorption,chemical equilibrium and reaction kinetics.Activities rather than molar concentrations in the polymer phase and specific(dry weight of catalyst basis)rather than volume-based expressions were found to give the best constitutive equations for the heterogeneous reaction rate.©2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Vegetable oil epoxidation;Heterogeneous models;Acidic resins1.IntroductionThe epoxidation of unsaturated triglycerides with percarboxylic acids is a common practice for obtain-ing low cost plasticisers of good performance from natural and renewable sources such as vegetable oils. Cost constrictions dictate the use of inexpensive per-acetic acid(PAA)as the active reagent,while safety concerns demand an in situ preparation of the reagent, to avoid the handling of a pre-formed concentrated peracid.The in situ process involves a heterogeneous system,as epoxidation reaction occurs in the organic phase whereas the formation of PAA takes place ∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+54-342-4559175;fax:+54-342-4550944.E-mail address:tderliq@.ar(M.A.Ba1tan´a s)1Research Assistant of U.N.L.2Professor at U.N.L.and member of CONICET research staff.in an aqueous medium.The latter step is slow and controls the overall reaction rate;then,high conver-sions are generally achieved after several hours of reaction.Traditionally,homogeneous acidic catalysts(e.g. sulfuric acid)have been used to facilitate the forma-tion of peracetic acid by reacting acetic acid(AA) and hydrogen peroxide(HP):CH3COOH(AA)+H2O2(HP)H+←−−→CH3COOOH(PAA)+H2O(W) Hydrogen peroxide(an oxygen source)reacts with acetic acid(an oxygen carrier)in the aqueous phase in the presence of the acidic catalyst(solvated pro-tons)to give peracetic acid(PAA).The latter,in turn, transfers to the organic phase and quickly attacks the double bonds of the unsaturated vegetable oil(VO)to form the oxirane ring in the homogeneous epoxidation0926-860X/00/$–see front matter©2000Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved. PII:S0926-860X(99)00547-5166R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General197(2000)165–173 reaction:R1CH=CHR2 (VO)+CH3COOOH (PAA)→R1CHOCHR2(EVO)+CH3COOH (AA)The co-produced AA returns to the aqueous phase to close the sequence and re-start the production cycle. Mass and heat transfer limitations may impose severe process constraints(epoxidations are highly exothermic)or may lead to undesirable side reac-tions.So,numerous workers have studied the epoxi-dation reaction pathway and a qualitative picture of it was agreed upon in the past decades[1–3].The rate-limiting step of the in situ process is the forma-tion of PAA in the aqueous phase.However,quan-titative determination of the kinetic parameters was lacking,and only for two-phase epoxidations using homogeneous mineral acids more rigorous kinetic models had begun to emerge in the recent past[4,5]. As mentioned,secondary(acid-catalyzed)side re-actions do appear.Invariably,they involve an opening of the oxirane ring and,consequently,lower yields of epoxidized vegetable oil[5]:R1CHOCHR2+CH3COOHH+→R1CH(OH)CH(OOCH3)R2R1CHOCHR2+CH3COOOHH+→R1CH(OH)CH(OOOCCH3)R2R1CHOCHR2H +→R1COCH2R2R1CHOCHR2+H2O H+→R1CH(OH)CH(OH)R2R1CHOCHR2+H2O2H+→R1CH(OH)CH(OOH)R2 Heterogeneous catalysts such as functionalized micro-reticular ion-exchange resins(IER)can be advanta-geously used instead,since only the small carboxylic acid molecules can enter into their gel-like structure, while the bulky epoxidized triglyceride molecules cannot.The oxirane ring can thence be protected from the attack of the protons which are confined inside the gel matrix and,as a result,further ring decomposition is prevented.Also,catalyst recovery and/or regeneration is much easier then.Several such strongly acidic sulfonic IER(e.g.Dowex50;Am-berlite IR120,Chempro C20)have been reported to contribute to minimizing oxirane ring opening[6–9]. Three phases are present in the in situ processes cat-alyzed by IER:(1)a polymer phase,whose behavior (notably its swelling properties)is highly dependent on the physicochemical properties of the system,to-gether with(2)an aqueous phase,immiscible with(3) the organic phase.A heterogeneous kinetic model of this three-phase system using IER has not been pre-sented so far.We are presently developing a complete study of the epoxidation process,uncoupling the reac-tion and transport system into sub-systems of increas-ing complexity to allow a better quantification of the relevant process parameters.This piece of work presents the modeling of one of these sub-systems whose understanding is crucial: the kinetics of formation of PAA in the heteroge-neous aqueous phase-polymer(acidic catalyst)phase system.For this,the partition of each component between the two phases,as well as the swelling ra-tio(relative increase of the volume of the resin)are first quantified.Selective sorption/swelling leads to values of the relative compositions in the reaction locus(i.e.the polymer resin)and of the reactants’polymer-phase concentration which are different from those in the liquid phase.Both aspects are taken into account in the modeling.Then,the chemical equilibrium constant and kinetic parameters are esti-mated from the equilibrium and kinetics experimental data,respectively,using operating conditions typical of the industrial stly,the activation en-ergy of the acid-catalyzed reaction is estimated from non-isothermal experimental data.The appropriate-ness of managing the kinetic equations in terms of activities,rather than concentrations,and mass of dry resin,rather than its volume,are discussed.2.Experimental2.1.Activation and conditioning of the ion-exchange resinRohm&Haas Amberlite IR-120microreticular gel-type resin,DVB-styrene matrix,8%cross-linking, d p(dry)=215–775m(54.5%<530m;75.3%<R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General197(2000)165–173167600m;94.8%<670m),functionalized withsulfonic groups,was used throughout this work.AsIER is commercially available in sodium form,hy-drochloric acid(10%w/w)was used to fully activateit in successive ion-exchange steps(7in total),withfurther washing(1:10w/w)using distilled demineral-ized water until complete elimination of the residualstly,glacial acetic acid(purity:>99.7%w/w)was used to replace water inside the ion ex-change resin.The exchange capacity of the resin,as determinedby titration using conventional volumetric tech-niques,was:[H+]o=4.507meq/g(dry basis).The dry polymer density,as measured by pycnometry usingn-heptane[10],was1.437kg/m3.A portion of the dryresin was crushed and sieved;successive washing anddecantation in distilled demineralized water allowedthe removal of undesiredfines adhered to the crushedparticles.Two fractions,<53and>595m,wereused to evaluate the possible impact of mass-transferresistances on the process rate.2.2.Determination of phase equilibrium partitioningof reactants between the aqueous and polymericphasesDifferent dilutions of either acetic acid or hydro-gen peroxide in water(40g)were added to the dryresin(15g).The system was kept at333K with occa-sional stirring until physicochemical equilibrium wasachieved in about4h.The equilibrium compositionof the liquid phase was measured by volumetric tech-niques(see below).A portion of the swollen resin wascentrifuged at2000g for5min to eliminate any resid-ual interstitial liquid[10].The amount of sorbed liq-uid retained by the resin was found by weighting thecentrifuged resin before and after drying in a stove at378K for12h[11].2.3.Reactor and experimental proceduresThe rate of formation of PAA was studied in exper-imental runs conducted in a1000cm3closed cylin-drical Pyrex reactor,furnished with a variable speed(0–1000rpm)mechanical stirrer.The device had fourteflon baffles to eliminate vorticity,an overhead re-flux condenser and a fast-sampling device for collect-ing representative liquid-resin samples of the reacting system.An internal cooling coil(OD:1/4 ;316SS), combined with an external cylindrical heating mantle (400W)linked to a PID temperature controller,en-sured operating within±0.1K.In a typical experiment,glacial AA and pre-activated IER were added to the empty reactor and slowly heated to the reaction temperature under stirring.Si-multaneously,the desired volume of a solution of HP (30%w/w)was also heated to that temperature,under reflux,and then added,at once,to the reactor(zero time of the reaction).Samples were periodically taken and immediatelyfiltered to separate the resin and stop the reaction.Next,aliquots of thefiltrates(1cm3) were diluted in ethanol(100cm3)and refrigerated for further analysis by GLC.2.4.Analytical techniquesThe concentration of AA and HP were measured by volumetric titration,using NaOH(0.l N)and KMnO4 (0.1N),respectively.The contents of PAA acid in the reaction samples was determined by GLC after a previous derivatization with methyl p-tolyl sulphide; n-octadecane was used as internal standard[12].A glass column(500×2mm)packed with3%FFAP on Chromosorb W AW DMCS(80–100mesh)was em-ployed.3.Results and discussion3.1.Intra-and extra-particle mass-transfer resistancesThe absence of intra-particle mass-transfer resis-tances to any significant extent was experimentally corroborated using two widely differing particle sizes of the resin:>595and<53m,under typical reaction conditions of the well-stirred mixture(375rpm).Both runs gave identical results as is shown in Fig.1.Also, the ratio of initial rates was close to unity even though particle diameters differed by more than10-fold. Hence,extra-particle mass-transfer resistances are of no concern either and,thus,the commercial un-crushed lER beads were used to perform the kinetic study.168R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General 197(2000)165–173Fig.1.Influence of particle size of the ion-exchange resin (Amberlite IR-120)on the reaction rate and final concentration of PAA at 333K (reactants molar ratio:H 2O 2/HOAc =1.1/0.5).The full line corresponds to model predictions.3.2.Kinetic modelAs we have pointed out in Section 1,the selec-tive sorption and swelling of the resin can have a strong influence on the observable reaction rate of this two-phase system,even though no change in the se-quence of involved reaction steps (as compared to the homogeneous reaction)is to be expected for a strongly acidic material being the active catalyst.Then,a pseu-dohomogeneous kinetic model such as the following:dd t C PAA =k 1C IER C HP C AA −1K C PAA C W(1)which considers IER merely as a source of protons in the multicomponent liquid mixture would be certainly insufficient.In fact,for the set of experimental runs summarized in Table 2,every attempt we made to get satisfactory data fittings by means of a non-linear re-gression algorithm was unacceptable.So,a new model was developed to include explicitly the presence of the polymer phase.Two approaches can be followed to solve this hur-dle.The first one focuses exclusively on the catalytic reaction pathway at the reaction locus,where two ex-treme situations are recognizable according to whether slightly dissociated sulphonic groups or free solvated protons are the catalytic agents [13–15].The first case applies whenever the resin is imbedded into a slightly polar medium;the classic LHHW formalism can then be applied to model the reaction kinetics [16,17].Here,the inclusion of adsorption parameters is both justifi-able and flexible enough so as to fit up any observ-able changes in catalytic activity due to the presenceof polar components in minor amounts.If the resin operates into a strongly polar solvent such as water,the sulphonic groups are fully dissociated and the free solvated protons catalyze the reaction through ionic mechanisms of protonation.In many such situations,specially if just small amounts of resin are used,a pseudohomogenous model describing the reaction rate in terms of power-law kinetics suffices,as it does in homogeneous catalysis.However,none of these models takes into account the selective sorption and swelling of the resin,which leads to values of the reactants’polymer-phase con-centration and of the relative composition of both reactants and products in the polymer phase (i.e.the reaction locus)that are different from those in the liquid phase.A second approach is then needed,to ex-plicitly differentiate the compositions of the aqueous and polymer phases whenever a significant amount of resin is used as a catalyst.For such purposes,the overall system can be considered as a two-phase sys-tem composed of a highly viscous multicomponent fluid phase containing N +l species (with the swollen polymer as (N +1)th species,)in physicochemical equilibrium with the N -component liquid phase,since the characteristic time for reaching phase-equilibrium conditions between them is usually of the order of a few minutes [18].3.3.Activities of the species in the liquid phase A predictive model is needed to compute the ac-tivity of the four species in the aqueous phase,rather than a correlative one,due to the scant informationR.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General197(2000)165–173169 available in the open literature about this reactingsystem.For these components,just a pair of binarydata is available:water–hydrogen peroxide[19]andwater–acetic acid[20].Then,the UNIFAC group con-tribution method[21]is a suitable tool,as it does notinvolve any adjustable parameter.The central con-cept of the method rests on considering any mixtureas a solution of functional groups interacting amongthemselves.Most of the extensions and refinementof the original concept have rested onfinding newprocedures for calculating the molecular interactionparameters between components,which initially camefrom vapor–liquid equilibrium data(UNIFAC VLE).Later,a new set of interaction parameters has beenderived from the liquid–liquid equilibrium data(UNI-FAC LLE)for making predictions related to thesesystems[22].More recently,the dependence of theinteraction parameters with temperature has also beenincluded,in the Modified UNIFAC method[23].We used each of these methods to predict the activ-ities in the aqueous phase.The UNIFAC LLE methodwas found to give the closestfit when a comparison ofmodel predictions with experimental data taken fromthe available vapor–liquid equilibria was made.It wasthen adopted for further use in our calculations.3.4.Activities of the species in the polymer phaseThe activity a P i of the i th species of a multicompo-nent polymeric solution can be evaluated in the frame-work of the extended Flory–Huggins model[25]:ln a P i=1+ln v i−N+1j=1m ij v j+N+1j=1χij v j−N+1j=1j−1k=1m ik v j v kχkj+ηV i53v1/3P−76v P(2)where N is the number of components excluding thepolymer,which is the(N+l)th species;νandνP are thevolume fractions of the i th species and of the polymerin the polymer phase,respectively;m ij is the ratio ofmolar volumes of the i th and j th species(m iP=0); V i is the molar volume of i th species;ηrepresentsthe number of moles of active elastic chains per unitvolume andχij represents the molecular interaction between components i and j.The latter parameters are known to be temperature-dependent[24]. According to Eq.(2),11adjustable parameters would have to be determined for calculating the set of a P i of the four species in the polymer phase:η,and 10molecular interaction parameters,four of them corresponding to interactions between the polymer and the other species(χiP)and six binary interaction parameters among the liquid phase components(χij), sinceχij=χji andχii=0(see Ref.[18]for a full discussion on the subject).The elasticity parameter andfive of the binary interaction parameters were found independently (i.e.uncoupled),from the sorption equilibria of the water–acetic acid and water–hydrogen peroxide bi-nary mixtures in contact with the resin.For this purpose,the activities of each pair of components in the aqueous phase were calculated using the UNIFAC LLE routine,which does not involve any adjustable parameter.Next,as in thermodynamic equilibriuma L i=a P i(3) Eq.(2)was used for each binary mixture,using the Levemberg–Marquardt algorithm,to estimate the cor-responding interaction parameters.Fig.2shows representative sets of tie lines,in adsorbent-free mass coordinates(N=g dry resin/g ad-sorbate),obtained experimentally at333K.These data clearly indicate that water is more strongly sorbed than either acetic acid or hydrogen peroxide,and that the resin swelling is much higher in water than in acetic acid.It is also apparent that the polymer beads can expand even more(albeit slightly)with higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide.Fig.3re-plots the experimental data(tie lines) shown in Fig.2,as molar fractions in the polymer and liquid phases,for the water–acetic acid and water–hydrogen peroxide binary pairs,together with model predictions using the calculated parameters (the latter are included in Table1).The agreement is satisfactory.The experimental determination of the partition of PAA was not made owing to the obvious experi-mental difficulties and hazards involved in handling a highly concentrated peracid.Instead,the heuristic assumption was made that in the polymer phase the analogs—carboxylic acids(acetic and peracetic)—can be assumed to behave as identical molecules,as170R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General 197(2000)165–173Fig.2.Binary sorption and phase partition equilibria on Amberlite IR-120of (a)water–acetic acid and (b)water–hydrogen peroxide binary mixtures,obtained experimentally at 333K,in adsorbent-free mass coordinates (N =g dry resin/gadsorbate).parison of experimental data and model predictions for the water–acetic acid (a)and water–hydrogen (b)binary pairs shown in Fig.2(333K).far as their molecular interactions are concerned,and so χAA −PAA =0.Likewise,an uncoupled estimation of the interaction parameters of the reactive binary pairs,PAA–water and acetic acid–hydrogen peroxide cannot be made,for obvious reasons.Nevertheless,under the previous hypothesis χW −PAA is identical to χW −AA .Lastly,the remaining interaction parameter can be estimated from chemical equilibrium data us-Table 1Estimated values of the interaction parameters of the extended Flory–Huggins model [Eq.(2)],at 333K.χij j i AA HP Water PAA Resin AA 0−0.00880.339000.1592HP −0.00360−1.9670−0.00360.8809Water 0.1039−1.488600.1039−0.6673PAA−0.00880.33900.1592ing asymptotic compositions (i.e.after long enough contact times)of the experimental runs.The proce-dure is described below,in Section 3.5.As is shown in Table 1,the complete set of χij inter-action parameters indicates relatively low interaction between acetic acid,PAA and hydrogen peroxide,and moderate interactions of these with water and of the four liquid components with resin.The value obtained for the elasticity parameter was:η=0.022mol/cm 3,which is about one order of magnitude higher than the theoretical one.However,by imposing progres-sively lower values to this parameter there is worse agreement between model predictions and experimen-tal data results,owing to the tight correlation among the parameters in Eq.(2).This problem has been dis-cussed in a recent work on the kinetics of liquid-phase esterification of acetic acid with ethanol using Am-berlyst 15,where about two orders of magnitude dif-ferences were encountered [18].Despite these shortcomings of presently available phase partition equilibrium models,they allow one to reproduce rather satisfactorily the experimental data and seem sufficient to help in describing the kinetic behavior of these systems under reaction conditions.3.5.Chemical equilibriumBy solving the set of multicomponent sorption equi-librium equations,Eq.(3),together with the mass bal-ances of each of the i th species:n L i +n P i =n 0i +νi ξ(4)R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General 197(2000)165–173171Table 2Initial loading and operating conditions of the batch experimental runs Run Temp (K)AA (moles)HP (moles)Water (moles)Resin mass (g)13331.329 2.73411.4707.44723331.345 3.48015.2058.66733332.783 2.73411.945.22643335.497 2.73411.9474.820533310.945 2.73411.9475.61663330.768 2.73411.94711.99373330.574 2.73411.94721.37583231.329 2.73411.9477.44793431.3292.73411.9477.447and the condition of chemical equilibrium:K =(a P PAAa P W /a P AA a PHP )eq (5)it is possible to jointly estimate the interaction param-eters for the reactive couple acetic acid–hydrogen per-oxide and the equilibrium constant,K .Indeed,owing to a lack of reliable data,it was impossible to estimate K from G 0data,as the standard free energy of the formation of PAA is known within broad uncertainty limits.The calculated value of χHP −AA is given in Table 1.At 333K the equilibrium constant was found to be K =2.18.Values ranging from 0.7to 5,which were found to be dependent both on the initial molar ratio of reac-tants and on the catalyst concentration,calculated from the equilibrium concentrations,have been reported by Rangarajan et al.[5].With our approach,for the broad set of experimental conditions given in Table 2,a good fit of the data could be achieved using a single value of K ,as is shown in Fig.4.The values of K at 323and 343K,obtained exper-imentally,were 1.911and 2.778,respectively.Fig.4.Experimental and calculated concentrations of PAA in liquid phase at equilibrium conditions (333K).3.6.Kinetic equationFrom Eq.(4)it is straightforward to recognize thatin the well-mixed isothermal batch reactor the time rate of change of the observable degree of advance-ment of the reaction (ξ)is sufficient to fully describe the reaction process whenever equilibrium conditions between the bulk liquid and the polymer phase hold.Also,because the catalyzed reaction proceeds only in-side the polymer phase:dd tξ=W P R P (6)where W P indicates mass of dry resin placed in the system (an invariable property)and R P is the specific reaction rate (dry weight basis).Another choice,which is to write Eq.(6)in terms of a volumetric reaction rate,leads to awkward rate ‘constants’,as the volume of the polymer phase continuously changes during the reaction owing to the swelling properties of the resin.In addition,as the system is highly non-ideal,the kinetic equation describing the reaction rate has to be written in terms of activities [26],accounting for the172R.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General 197(2000)165–173Fig.5.Concentration of PAA in the liquid phase as a function of time for various values of the initial composition of the reacting mixture:(a)Run 7;(b)Run 6;(c)Run 3.Full lines represent model predictions.chemical equilibrium as well (Eq.(5)).The simplest expression which satisfies these requirements is the following:R P =ka P AA a P HP [1−K −1a P PAA a P W /a P AA a PHP ](7)where k [mol s −1(g dry resin)−1]=k 0[H +]0.Its value was estimated by means of the Marquardt–Levemberg algorithm,solving for Eqs.(2),(3),(5)-(7)and using the experimental data from the runs indicated in Table 2,all of them obtained in the absence of mass-transfer limitations.The previous calculation of the interaction parameters and of the chemical equilibrium constants at each temperature allowed the uncoupled estimation of k .The values of the interaction parameters at 323and 343K were obtained from those at 333K using the well-tested derivation of Flory [24]:χ(T )T =χ(T )T .The estimated values of the pre-exponential factor and activation energy of k are (8.48±l.l6)×10mol s −1(g dry resin)−1and 48.4±0.47kJ mol −1,respectively,for a 95%confidence level.Given that the absence of mass transfer constraints was corroborated,this some-what low E act value,as compared with the onereportedFig.6.Concentration of PAA in the liquid phase as a function of time for various values of the reaction temperature:(a)Run 8;(b)Run 1;(c)Run 9.Full lines represent model predictions.in homogeneous systems,might be due to the steric constraints imposed on the acid-catalyzed bimolecu-lar rds of the reaction [3,4]by the microreticular resin rather than an incomplete degree of solvation [27].Figs.5and 6compare experimental results and model predictions which are fair.Additional fittings were made using empirical kinetic expressions for:(a)the specific reaction rate (dry weight basis)in terms of molar concentrations instead of activities of the re-actants,and (b)the volumetric reaction rate in terms of activities of the components,factorized by the resin volume.In both such cases the new predictions were poorer than the one using the more sound Eq.(7),as the residual sum of squares were 58and 238%higher,respectively.4.ConclusionsA two-phase model has been proposed to describe the catalyzed reaction of the formation of PAA from acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide under a broadR.L.Musante et al./Applied Catalysis A:General197(2000)165–173173range of conditions,using a sulphonated ion-exchange resin acting as both a sorbent and a heterogeneous catalyst.The developed model incorporates relevant aspects with regard to the different affinities of the reactive species toward the liquid and resin phases. The selective partitioning of each component be-tween the two phases and the relative increase of the volume of the resin(i.e.its swelling ratio)with vary-ing composition were corroborated,quantified and taken into account in kinetic modelling.These fea-tures,which have adequate literature support,had not been previously considered for this particular reactive system.A progressive,uncoupled estimation of the model parameters was made using:(a)phase equilib-rium/sorption data of unreactive pairs of components, to obtain the binary interaction parameters;(b)chem-ical equilibrium data,to estimate the thermodynamic equilibrium constant and binary interaction parame-ters of the reactive pairs,and(c)reaction rate data in absence of mass-transfer resistances to estimate the specific kinetic rate constant.Activities rather than molar concentrations and specific(dry weight of cat-alyst based)rather than volume-based reaction rates were used throughout the work.For processing purposes the preferential partition of water inside the catalytic polymer phase(the reaction locus)is inconvenient because,being both a diluent and a reaction product,water lowers the rate of for-mation of PAA from the reversible reaction which is involved.Yet,the use of microreticular ion-exchange resins as heterogeneous catalysts for epoxidizing un-saturated triglycerides is desirable.Protons are then confined inside the polymer phase,which prevents their further attack on the oxirane ring and,so,higher oxirane indexes than those achievable in homogeneous catalytic processes can be realised. AcknowledgementsThanks are given to Leonardo Machaca González and Adolfo Larese for their dedicated experimen-tal work and to Dante L.Chiavassa for his selfless help in handling the computer programs.Thefi-nancial help of Universidad Nacional del Litoral,CONICET,ANPCyT(PD No.019)and JICA is grate-fully acknowledged.References[1]F.Greenspan,R.Gall,JAOCS33(1956)391.[2]H.Wohlers,M.Sack,H.LeVan,Ind.Eng.Chem.50(11)(1958)1685.[3]M.Abraham,R.Benenati,AIChE J.18(4)(1972)807.[4]T.Chou T,J.Chang,mun.41(1986)253.[5]B.Rangarajan,A.Havey,E.Grulke,P.D.Culnan,JAOCS72(10)(1995)1161.[6]R.Gall,F.Greenspan,JAOCS34(1957)161.[7]V.Nagiah,H.Dakshinamurthy,J.Aggarwal,Indian J.Technol.4(1966)280.[8]J.Wisniak,E.Navarrete,Ind.Eng.Chem.Prod.Res.Dev.9(1970)33.[9]B.M.Badran,F.M.El-Mehelmy,N.A.Ghanem,J.Oil ColourChem.Assoc.59(8)(1976)291.[10]B.M.P.Cornel,F.M.H.Sontheimer,Chem.Eng.Sci.41(7)(1986)1791.[11]M.Iborra,C.Fité,J.Tejero,F.Cunill,J.Izquierdo,ReactivePolymers21(1993)65.[12]F.Di Furia,M.Prato,U.Quintily,S.Salvagno,G.Scorrano,Analyst109(1984)985.[13]B.Gates,W.Rodr´ıguez,J.Catal.31(1973)27.[14]J.Tejero,F.Cunill,M.Iborra,J.Mol.Catal.42(1987)257.[15]J.Aragón,J.Vegas,L.Jodra,Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.32(1993)2555.[16]A.AI-Jarallah,A.Siddiqui,K.Lee,Can.J.Chem.Eng.66(1988)802.[17]A.Rehfinger,U.Hoffmann,Chem.Eng.Sci.456(1990)1605.[18]M.Mazzotti,B.Neri,D.Gelosa,A.Kruglov,M.Morbidelli,Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.36(1997)3.[19]G.Scatchard,G.Kavanagh,L.Ticknor,J.Am.Chem.Soc.74(15)(1952)3715.[20]J.Gmehling,U.Onken,Vapor–Liquid Equilibria DataCollection V ol I,Part I,DECHEMA,Frankfurt,1977. 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