
vue-video-player视频播放器使⽤配置详解本⽂实例为⼤家分享了vue-video-player视频播放器的使⽤配置,供⼤家参考,具体内容如下1、安装npm install vue-video-player -save2、在main.js中添加import VueVideoPlayer from 'vue-video-player' // 视频播放器import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'e(VueVideoPlayer)3、新建⼀个vueVideoPlayer.vue组件供调⽤<template><div id="vueVideoPlayer"><video-player class="video-player vjs-custom-skin" ref="videoPlayer" :playsinline="true" :options="playerOptions"></video-player></div></template><script>export default {name: 'vueVideoPlayer',props: {src: {type: String},cover_url: {type: String}},data () {return {// 配置信息playerOptions: {playbackRates: [0.7, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0], // 播放速度autoplay: false, // 如果true,浏览器准备好时开始回放。
muted: false, // 默认情况下将会消除任何⾳频。

video-player组件的使用方法(实用版2篇)目录(篇1)1.引言 组件的功能和特点 组件的基本使用方法 组件的属性设置 组件的实例6.结语正文(篇1)【引言】在现代网页设计中,视频播放器已经成为了必不可少的组成部分。
其中,video-player 组件就是一个很好的选择。
本文将为大家介绍 video-player 组件的使用方法。
【video-player 组件的功能和特点】video-player 组件是一款功能齐全、操作简便的视频播放器。
它具有以下特点:1.支持多种视频格式,包括 mp4、webm、ogg 等。
【video-player 组件的基本使用方法】要在网页中使用 video-player 组件,首先需要引入相应的 CSS 和JavaScript 文件。
具体做法如下:1.在 HTML 文件中引入 video-player 组件的 CSS 文件。
例如:```html<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/video-player.css"> ```2.在 HTML 文件中引入 video-player 组件的 JavaScript 文件。
例如:```html<script src="path/to/video-player.js"></script>```3.在 HTML 文件中创建一个用于存放视频播放器的容器。

1. 引入video-player组件:在需要使用video-player组件的页面中,通过import引入video-player组件。
2. 创建video-player实例:在页面中创建一个video-player实例,可以通过new VideoPlayer()来创建。
3. 设置视频路径:通过实例的setOptions方法,设置视频的路径以及其他相关参数。
4. 渲染video-player组件:将创建的video-player实例渲染到页面中。
5. 控制播放:通过实例的play、pause等方法,控制视频的播放和暂停。
6. 监听视频播放状态:通过实例的onPlay、onPause等方法,监听视频的播放状态。
7. 销毁video-player组件:在组件不再使用时,通过实例的destroy 方法销毁组件,释放资源。

vue 视频播放插件vue-video-player 的具体使⽤⽅法可以全局引⼊插件,也可以在需要⽤到该插件的组件内单独引⼊(⼆选⼀)【1】全局引⽤, 在main.js ⾥⾯导⼊并引⽤1234import VideoPlayer from 'vue-video-player'import 'vue-video-player/src/custom-theme.css'import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css'e(VideoPlayer)【2】组件内引⽤import { videoPlayer } from 'vue-video-player'123456import 'video.js/dist/video-js.css' export default { components: { videoPlayer}}使⽤【1】html 部分12345678<template> <div class='demo'> <video-player class="video-player vjs-custom-skin" ref="videoPlayer" :playsinline="true" :options="playerOptions"></video-player></div> </template>【2】js 部分123456789export default { data() { return { playerOptions: { playbackRates: [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0], // 可选的播放速度 autoplay: false, // 如果为true,浏览器准备好时开始回放。
unity videoplayer 的使用案例

Unity VideoPlayer 的使用案例1. 引言在现代的游戏开发中,视频播放已经成为游戏中不可或缺的一部分。
而 Unity 提供的 VideoPlayer 组件可以方便地实现视频播放功能。
在本文中,我们将探讨 Unity VideoPlayer 的使用案例,以便更好地理解如何在游戏中使用这一功能。
2. VideoPlayer 的基本介绍Unity 的 VideoPlayer 组件可以让我们在游戏中播放视频,支持多种视频格式,并且可以以纹理形式展示在游戏场景中。
3. 视频背景动画一种常见的使用案例是将视频作为游戏的背景动画。
通过VideoPlayer 组件,我们可以在游戏开始页面或者选关页面播放一个精美的视频,来吸引玩家的注意,为游戏增加更多的视觉效果。
4. 游戏剧情展示在游戏中加入视频可以更好地讲述游戏的剧情。
5. 游戏广告内容在一些免费游戏中,开发者需要通过游戏中的广告来获得收益。
而VideoPlayer 组件可以很方便地实现在游戏中播放广告视频的功能。
6. 个人观点和理解对于我个人来说,我认为 Unity VideoPlayer 的使用案例是非常丰富多样的。
7. 总结与回顾通过本文的探讨,我们更深入地了解了 Unity VideoPlayer 的使用案例。
在游戏开发中,我们可以根据游戏的需求,灵活地运用 VideoPlayer 组件,为游戏增添更多的精彩内容。

VideoPlayer播放视频VideoPlayer的使用方法(Unity5.6以后才能使用)经测试之后,暂时仅支持的视频格式(格式工厂里面的)有avi,mp4,mov,wmv,webm (格式有问题,暂不支持音频,无声)。
使用步骤:(无需脚本即可播放)1.创建一个用于显示视频的“屏幕”,Hierarchy视图里面创建一个Plane,添加渲染纹理(在Assets里面创建,右键Create—>Render Texture,拖给Plane。
)2.Hierarchy视图里面右键Video—>VideoPlayer,在Video Player组件里面有个属性Source,有两个值VideoClip和URL,分别表示视频文件、视频文件路径。
3.赋值完成后,播放会没有声音,需要添加一个Audio Source组件,拖到指定位置进行赋值。
即可播放代码控制:publicclass Test : MonoBehaviour {//public VideoClipvideoToPlay;private VideoPlayer videoPlayer;private VideoSource videoSource;private AudioSource audioSource;// Use this for initializationvoid Start(){Application.runInBackground = true;StartCoroutine(playVideo());}IEnumerator playVideo(){videoPlayer = gameObject.AddComponent();//用于播放音频audioSource = gameObject.AddComponent();videoPlayer.playOnAwake = false;audioSource.playOnAwake = false;//We want to play from video clip not from urlvideoPlayer.source = VideoSource.VideoClip;//将视频设置为播放,然后准备音频以防止缓冲// videoPlayer.clip = videoToPlay;videoPlayer.url = Application.dataPath + "/videos/2.mp4"; videoPlayer.source = VideoSource.Url;VideoClip clip = new VideoClip();//设置音频输出模式为AudioSourcevideoPlayer.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource;//将视频中的音频分配给要播放的音频源videoPlayer.EnableAudioTrack(0, true);videoPlayer.SetTargetAudioSource(0, audioSource);videoPlayer.Prepare();while (!videoPlayer.isPrepared){Debug.Log("正在准备");yieldreturnnull;}Debug.Log("准备完成");videoPlayer.loopPointReached += EndReached;videoPlayer.Play();audioSource.Play();Debug.Log("播放中");while (videoPlayer.isPlaying){yieldreturnnull;}//会先打印End reached 再打印播放结束Debug.Log("播放结束");}void EndReached(VideoPlayer vPlayer) {Debug.Log("End reached!");}}。

⾸先 npm install vue-video-player -S;
2020.1.13 补充:
iXVL Player操作手册说明书

iXVL Player Ver. 2.0 Operation ManualFunctions and Operations of iXVL Player July 2012T able of Contents1Introduction (3)1.1 iXVL Player overview and purpose of operation manual (3)1.2 System requirements (3)1.3 Sample data (3)2Major Functions (3)2.1 Major functions of iXVL Player (3)2.2 Restrictions (4)2.3 Known issues (4)3How to operate iXVL Player (5)3.1XVL file copy (5)3.2File list operation (7)3.3File download and link saving from W eb pages (Player) (8)3.43D view window operation #1 (Player) (10)3.53D view window operation #2 (Player) (13)4F AQ and Inquiry (20)4.1 F AQ (20)4.2Inquiry (21)5Release Information (21)6Copyrights (21)1 Introduction1.1 iXVL Player overview and purpose of operation manualiXVL Player is an iPad / iPhone application for browsing XVL files output by iXVL Publisher. IiXVL Player is provided for free in the App S tore of Apple Inc or distributed based on the iOS Developer Enterprise Program if you have made a contract with Apple Inc. This document introduces the main functions and how to operate iXVL Player. Note that some of the functions described in this document are not available on iPhone.1.2 System requirements・OS: iOS 4 (4.3 or later), iOS 5・Device: iPad, iPad 2, New iPad (3rd generation), iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod T ouch (4th generation)1.3 Sample dataThe sample files used in this document are included with iXVL Player and they will be installed during the application installation. Y ou can also download them and other samples from the iXVL product information site: /products/ixvl/index.html2 Major Functions2.1 Major functions of iXVL PlayeriXVL Player is an iPad / iPhone application for browsing XVL files output by iXVL Publisher. On the iPad, you can use various 3D viewer functions such as rotation, translation and zoom as well as other operations such as assembly tree display, control an element’s visibility, check element properties or view snapshots saved in the XVL files. iXVL Player enables you to browse 3D data and the technical information anywhere you want and it enhances iPad / iPhone use for manufacturing services.・View XVL files created using iXVL Publisher. XVL files are typically less than 1% of the original CAD file size. (Only XVL files created with iXVL Publisher are supported.) ・Easy, intuitive multi-touch operation to rotate, pan and zoom in/out (Drag to rotate, T wo-finger drag to pan and pinch to zoom in/out).・Fit the screen to portrait and landscape according to the iPad / iPhone position.・Apply snapshots created by XVL S tudio.・Show assembly tree.・Select assembly / parts.・Show / Hide the selected assembly / parts.・Show Properties of selected assembly / parts.・Application includes icons to fit to screen and selected assembly / parts, restore original viewpoint and select shaded or shaded with wire display mode.・Switch the display accuracy using 3 different levels.・Easily copy files to your iPad using the iT unes file transfer function.・Download XVL files and save their URLs from any web server.・List XVL files on your iPad / iPhone.・Delete XVL files by swiping the file name.・Six XVL sample files are included.・Available on iPad / iPad 2 / iPhone 4 / iPhone 4S / iPod T ouch (4th Generation).2.2 Restrictions・XVL assembly files with the extension xv0 and encrypted XVL files cannot be shown.・Signed XVL files can be imported but the signatures are not shown.・Notes and dimensions are not shown.・The initial background color, visibility, layout and viewpoint saved in XVL files are applied to iXVL Player.・Some very large XVL files may not show correctly in iXVL Player. Such files may cause iXVL Player to close because of insufficient memory or the shape may not be shown correctly.・V-XVL Ver. 5 and Ver. 7 cannot be read.・T exture images and image notes can be used only if they are embedded in data files.・If Web files are opened in iXVL Player immediately after the iPad is turned on, the error message “No Internet connection” (on iOS4 only) appears. The files can be openedafter accessing to the Internet in Safari or other applications.・Fonts unavailable on the iPad or iPhone are not displayed.2.3 Known issues・Environmental texture mapping is disabled.・XVL data signed as browsable and measurable cannot be read.・Repeated file reading may cause a black screen or corrupt the display.・Japanese characters may not be displayed correctly in environments where languages other than Japanese and English are used.・Note and dimension views are listed as “Unknown” in the snapshot list.・3D notes may not be selectable in some cases.・Elements selected in the 3D view may not be reflected in the assembly tree.・Operating with three or more fingers to operate models may cause them to be hidden on the screen.・Notes or markups corresponding to annotation views applied may not be correctly reflected.・Changing display accuracy may cause parts of shapes to be hidden.・Snapshots added via automatic update may not be applied correctly.・When snapshots are applied, the display settings for cross sections, clipping and view areas may not be applied.・The display of the elements listed below is different from that in XVL S tudio and XVL Player.Rims of notes and trace linesInfinite lines, infinite points, user coordinate systemsTrace line typesBackgrounds of circle frames for notesEdges, wireframes, markups, bounding boxes with the same black or white status as the view backgroundParts to which transparent textures are set3 How to operate iXVL Player3.1XVL file copyXVL files are copied to the iXVL Player file list by using the file sharing function of iTunes.Connect iPad / iPhone with the PC where iTunes has been installed using a USB cable, and iT unes will start. Select the iPad / iPhone device from the iT unes screen.1. Se lect a device.Select “App” and scroll down the pane to show “File sharing.”From the “App ” list, select “iXVL Player .” T o add XVL files, drag and drop XVL files to the “Document” section.In the “Documents” section, the files can be deleted or renamed and files in iPad / iPhone can be saved in the PC.・ In the “Documents” section, pre-installed sample files or the ones downloaded in the proceduredescribed in 3.3 are not shown.2. Scroll down.1. Se lect “iXVL Play er .”ToyTractor.xv22. Drag and drop an XVL file to here.・ The files copied using iTunes can be deleted or renamed. ・ XVL assembly files (*.xv0) cannot be browsed on iXVL Player .After XVL file copy finishes, you may terminate iTunes and disconnect the iPad / iPhone.3.2File list operationT ap the iXVL Player icon on iPad / iPhone. As iXVL Player starts, the file list will be shown.In the list, six sample files are shown. (T o open C01-Digital_Camera.xv2, your iPad / iPhone must be connected to the internet.)T apping a file name opens the file to browse it.T apping shown in the top right of the title bar opens the message box, in which the iXVL Player version can be confirmed.If you swipe a file (set your finger on a file and slide it horizontally on the screen), the “Delete ” button appears to delete the selected file from iPad / iPhone.※ File deletion cannot be undone. If you have deleted a sample file and want to replace it,download it from the iXVL information site (/products/ixvl/index.html) and copy the file to iXVL Player as described in section 3.1 or in section 3.3.T ap a file: Browsing the selected XVL file.1. Swipe the file to be deleted.2. T ap “Delete.”3.3File download and link saving from Web pages (Player)XVL files on any Web pages can be downloaded or the URLs of the files can be saved.T apping shown in the top right of the title bar opens the web browser. T apping the “”button opens the iXVL information page. (/products/ixvl/index2.html)Open Web BrowserEnter the URL of the Web page of XVL files and tap the link to an XVL file on the Web page, and the dialog box shown below opens.If you want to view the latest file via Wifi network, “Add as a link” is recommended. If you take your iPad to somewhere where you can’t use a Wifi network, but would like to show 3D files with iXVL Player, “Download” is recommended.Selecting “Add as a link”, the file name and its URL are saved and then appear on file list. On the file list, the file name is shown in blue with the URL.Selecting “Download”, the file has downloaded and saved on your iPad / iPhone with the URL. On the file list, the file name is shown in black with the URL.If you don’t want to “add as a link” or “download”, tap the outside of the dialog. (With iPhone, “Cancel” button appears and tap it.)When using “Download” and both the XVL file and URL are saved, tapping,the files are automatically replaced with the latest files on that web site. It is useful when you need to update the files when connected to a network and then display the files in an area when not connected.iXVL product information site (http://www /products/ixvl/index.html ) provides some sample files for iXVL Player . Downloaded fileA dded as a linkiXVL Player Operation Manual3.4 3D view window operation #1 (Player)T apping a file as described in 3.2 opens the 3D view window . The XVL file can be browsed in the window by using the operations listed below:Tapping initializes the viewpoint and layout.The 3D view window appears as shown below . Use the icons to browse the model.iPadShows the current f ile name.Goes back to the file list. Shows the version information. Initia lizes the v ie wpoint and lay out.iPhoneSome of the functions are available on the iPhone.Even if the iPad / iPhone is rotated, the view is shown in the same direction.3.53D view window operation #2 (Player)On iXVL Player, as well as the basic view functions as described in 3.4, additional functions can be used for browsing manufacturing information.・Showing and hiding wireframe displayT apping opens the dialog box to show or hide the wireframe display.・ Selecting the display accuracyOn iXVL Player , the display accuracy can be selected. When is tapped, the dialog box opens. “Normal ” is selected by default. Selecting “Fine” or “Extra Fine” shows 3D models with a finer display .※ For large-size 3D data, switching the display accuracy may take a long time to refresh theview .・Applying snapshotsT apping shown at the bottom right of the screen shows the list of snapshots saved in the file created by XVL S tudio. Selecting a snapshot from the list applies it to the 3D view.shot with opens it・Browsing the assembly tree and selecting assemblies/parts (or parts in the following description)T apping in the bottom right of the 3D viewer shows the assembly tree. In the tree, tapping on the left expands the hierarchy and the child hierarchies will be opened. T apping a part name highlights it both in the tree and on the 3D view shown in the bounding box. When the assembly tree is open, tapping a part in the 3D view selects and highlights it in the assembly tree. The selected part name is shown at the bottom of the screen.T o close the assembly tree, tap again. T o cancel the part selection, tap anywhere in the background.Note that the assembly tree shows only assemblies and parts and subordinate bodies or shells arenot shown.T apping the same part twice or more in the 3D view changes the selection to the upper assemblies.・Fitting the entire model or the selected part to the screenWhen a part is selected and is tapped, the selected part is shown to fit it to the screen. T appingwithout selecting a part shows the entire model to fit it to the screen.・ Showing and hiding the selected part2. T ap the icon.Selecting a part and tapping hides the part. T apping the icon again shows the part.In the assembly tree, the names of hidden parts are shown in gray . If a hidden part is selected in the assembly tree and is tapped, the part will be shown.1. Se lect a p art.2. T ap the icon.・ Checking the properties of the selected partSelecting a part and tap shows its properties set by a CAD system or XVL S tudio. When a part of the properties is shown in the dialog box, tap the item to show all the information.3. T ap the ite m to show all the information.1. Se lect a p art.・External LinkIf a link is set to assemblies, parts or notes, tapping these elements opens Safari andshows the link destination. If the destination is an XVL file, tapping an element does notcause Safari to open.If the iXVL Player screen does not appear when Safari opens, swipe the window with fouror five fingers to return to the iXVL Player screen. This function is available if [MultitaskingGestures] on the [General] tab of the setting application is checked.・Specifying the center of view rotationLong-touching a point with a finger moves the screen center to the point. After that, 3Dmodels are rotated with the center lying on this point.4 FAQ and Inquiry4.1 F AQWhat size XVL file can be read?XVL files up to approximately 15MB in size can be opened and viewed on iPad 2. Actual performance may vary depending on the features of the model and the spec of devices. T ypically, 15MB XVL files can represent a CAD file of approximately 1GB or larger.I have XVL files copied or downloaded via iT unes and they are shown in the file list, but themessage ”iXVL Player cannot load an XVL which is not processed by iXVL Publisher.” appears to result in an error to open the files.iXVL Player can show only XVL files output by iXVL Publisher. XVL files output by XVL Converter or XVL S tudio can be shown on iXVL View.Although the XVL file was copied by iT unes, it is not displayed on the iXVL Player file list.Only XVL files with the extension .xv2 and .xv3 are supported by iXVL Player. xv2 and .xv3 is the extension used by P-XVL / V-XVL / U-XVL files. .xv0 files must be converted to .xv2 or .xv3 before viewing with iXVL Player.iXVL Player fails to open the file.This may occur when the XVL file is too large to process. If you encounter this, we recommend using XVL S tudio to create smaller files (e.g. sub-assemblies) from the larger file.Although I was able to open the file, not all of the data is displayed.This may occur in XVL files including a shape with an extremely large amount of display polygons.There is not solution at this time and we recommend using CAD system or XVL S tudio to divide the model into smaller segments.I restored iPad / iPhone from the backup file and the file name disappeared.When iPad / iPhone is restored from the backup file or the free storage space is running short, the XVL files with URLs downloaded from the Web site will disappear from the file list. This is the currentspecifications of iXVL Player. Please access to the Web site and download the files again.Is technical support available?T elephone support is not available for the free iXVL Player product. Y ou can submit support requests via email and tell us your opinion via the Lattice T echnologywebsite. /support/support_request.htmAre there any plans to add more features/function to iXVL Player?There are plans for future updates. We will announce updates via our website when they areavailable. /products/ixvl/index.htmlAre there any plans to support other mobile devices (Android, etc.)?We are looking at the possibility of developing other versions of iXVL Player. Additionally, with XVLS tudio 10.1 or later, it will be possible to save data in an HTML5 compatible form. This will allow 3D data to be viewed in any environment that supports HTML5 (Windows, Android, etc.). Please look for details at /products/ixvl/index.html4.2InquiryIf you have any issue or inquiry related with iXVL products, you can submit support requests via email and tell us your opinion via the Lattice T echnology website.Lattice T echnology Website /products/ixvl/index.html5 Release InformationJuly 27, 2012 iXVL Player Ver. 2.0・Enabled external linking.・Enabled specification of the center for view rotation.March 23, 2011 iXVL Player V er. 1.1・Reflected “Display view with its upper direction fixed” set by XVL Studio.・Changed the contents in the Information dialog box.・Changed the default Web page opened by clicking the “+” button.・Fixed bugs.January 27, 2011 iXVL Player V er. 1.0・First release.6 CopyrightsiXVL Player V er. 2.0Copyright (C) 2012 Lattice T echnology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.iXVL Player V er. 1.1Copyright (C) 2012 Lattice T echnology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.iXVL Kernel V er. 7.4aCopyright (C) 1998-2011 Lattice T echnology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.Zlib version 1.1.3Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler.All rights reserved.The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software release 6bCopyright (C) 1991-1998, Thomas G. Lane. All rights reserved.Libpng version 1.2.6 - August 15, 2004Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Glenn Randers-PehrsonCopyright (c) 1996-1997 Andreas DilgerCopyright (c) 1995-1996 Guy Eric Schalnat, Group 42, Inc.Libtiff version 3.5.7Copyright (c) 1988-1997 Sam LefflerCopyright (c) 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software andits documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, providedthat (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear inall copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the namesof Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics may not be used in any advertising orpublicity relating to the software without the specific, prior writtenpermission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.THE SOFTW ARE IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT W ARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHER WISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMIT A TION, ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANT ABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PURPOSE.IN NO EVENT SHALL SAM LEFFLER OR SILICON GRAPHICS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENT AL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHA TSOEVER RESUL TING FROM LOSS OF USE, DA T A OR PROFITS, WHETHER OR NOT ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF DAMAGE, AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTW ARE.Lattice T echnology, Inc.582 Market S treet, Suite 1215San Francisco, CA 94104+1 415- 274-1670******************※All trademarks belong to their respective owners.※It is prohibited to copy or distribute pictures, text or any other materials which appear in this document, in any form or by any means, including electronic or technical means, without written permission from Lattice T echnology.Copyright © Lattice T echnology Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.。
flutter videoplayer实现原理

文章标题:深度剖析Flutter Videoplayer实现原理与应用一、引言在当今移动应用开发领域,视频播放已成为不可或缺的功能之一。
本文将深入探讨Flutter Videoplayer的实现原理,并结合实际应用,从浅入深地解析其内部机制和功能。
三、Videoplayer实现原理1. 插件封装在Flutter中,Videoplayer是通过Platform Channel封装的,通过与原生评台的交互实现视频播放功能。
在Android评台上,Videoplayer使用的是Android MediaPlayer或ExoPlayer来实现视频播放;而在iOS评台上,则是通过AVPlayer来实现。
Flutter的Platform Channel机制提供了良好的接口,使得Videoplayer能够与原生评台无缝对接,实现跨评台的视频播放功能。
2. 视频播放控制Videoplayer提供了丰富的API,用于控制视频的播放状态,包括播放、暂停、停止、快进、倒退等功能。
3. 媒体资源加载在实际应用中,Videoplayer需要能够加载各种类型的媒体资源,包括本地文件、网络视频、直播流等。

视频播放软件操作指南第一章: 软件介绍视频播放软件是一种用于播放各种格式视频文件的工具。
第二章: 安装与卸载首先,用户需要下载并安装视频播放软件。
第三章: 导入和管理视频文件当软件安装完成后,用户可以通过导入视频文件来开始使用它。
第四章: 播放和控制视频点击视频文件后,软件会自动开始播放视频。
第五章: 配置视频画面音频播放软件通常提供了一些选项来调整视频的画面效果。
philips dvd-video player dvd 952 产品讲解 说明书

0.45 (VCD/CD)
• Wavelength
650 nm (DVD)
780 nm (VCD/CD)
Audio performance (typical)
• D/A converter
24 bits
Fs 96 kHz 4 Hz- 44 kHz
Fs 48 kHz 4 Hz- 22 kHz
Video CD:
• Easy Jog • Stop/ play/ pause • Fast forward/ backward • Time search • Step forward/ backward • Slow motion • Title / chapter/ track select • Skip next / skip previous • Repeat (Chapter/ title/ all) or (Track / all) • A-B repeat, Shuffle & Scan • Enhanced ease of use graphical interface • Perfect still with digital multi-tap filter • Zoom (x1.33, x2, x4) with picture enhancement • 3D sound • Smart picture • Screen saver (dim 75% after 15 min.) • Cinemalink interconnection for plug & play • 5.1 Channels user defined speaker settings • Virtual Jog Shuttle • Audio and video bit rate indicator • Beeper
PHILIPS DVP 3960 DVD Video Player 快速说明书 (英文)

C Press S T to select a language and press OK.
Note The On-screen language for the setup menu will remain once you set it, regardless of various disc languages.
Basic Connection
A Audio/Video connection to TV
A Use the supplied composite video cable (yellow plug) to connect the DVD player’s TV Out (CVBS) jack to the Video In jack (or labeled as A/V In, Video In, Composite or Baseband) on the TV.
Selecting On-screen language A Press SETUP on the DVD player’s remote control. B Press T to highlight {OSD Language}, then press X.
General Setup Page
Disc Lock Display Dim Program OSD Language Sleep Lip Sync Volume DivX(r) VOD Cod
B Press PLAY/PAUSE u to start playback.
C To stop playback, press STOP Ç.
D Press DISC MENU to go back to the disc menu anytime.

AVMoviePlayer视频播放器AVMoviePlayer 是使⽤系统框架 MPMoviePlayerController 封装的视频播放器⼀、功能:1.根据⼿机旋转⾃由切换横竖屏;2.⼿势轻点显⽰/隐藏topView/bottomView;3.视频开始播放⼏秒后topView/bottomView⾃动隐藏;4.⼿势左右滑动加载视频快进/快退;5.格式⽀持:MOV、MP4、M4V、3GP、M3U8等。
⼆、使⽤:- (void)viewDidLoad {[super viewDidLoad];// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.//把使⽤视频播放View的控制器设置背景⾊为⿊⾊self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;[self playVideo];}#pragma mark - 播放视频- (void)playVideo {NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"/iphone/samples/bipbop/gear1/prog_index.m3u8"];[self addVideoPlayerWithURL:url];}- (void)addVideoPlayerWithURL:(NSURL *)url {if (!self.videoController) {self.videoController = [[AVMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, KSCREEN_WIDTH, KSCREEN_HEIGHT) movieTitle:@"播放时间.M3U8格式"]; __weak typeof(self)weakSelf = self;[self.videoController setWillBackOrientationPortrait:^{[weakSelf toolbarHidden:NO];}];[self.videoController setWillChangeToFullscreenMode:^{[weakSelf toolbarHidden:YES];}];[self.view addSubview:self.videoController.view];}self.videoController.contentURL = url;}/*** 隐藏navigation tabbar 电池栏** @param Bool YES/NO*/- (void)toolbarHidden:(BOOL)Bool {self.navigationController.navigationBar.hidden = Bool;self.tabBarController.tabBar.hidden = Bool;[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:Bool withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationFade];}三、plist⽂件添加相关key四、添加系统依赖框架:AVFoundation.frameworkMediaPlayer.framework版权声明:本⽂为博主原创⽂章,未经博主允许不得转载。

video 使用方法

video 使用方法
2. 点击播放按钮开始观看视频。
3. 如果需要暂停或继续播放视频,可以点击播放器上的暂停或播放按钮。
4. 如果需要调整视频的音量大小,可以在播放器上找到音量调节按钮进行调整。
5. 如果需要全屏观看视频,可以点击播放器上的全屏按钮。
6. 如果需要跳过视频中的某一段内容,可以拖动播放条进行快进或后退。
7. 如果需要分享视频,可以在播放器下方找到分享按钮并选择分享的渠道。
8. 视频观看完毕后,关闭播放器即可。
- 1 -。
Philips DVD-Video Player DVD 712用户指南说明书

100 dB
• Dynamic Range (1kHz) 97 dB
• Crosstalk (1kHz)
110 dB
• Distortion/noise (1kHz) 88 dB
• MPEG MP3 MPEG Audio L3
• Scart • S-Video output • Video output • Audio L+R Output • Audio Centre • Audio Subwoofer • Digital Output
Power supply
• Power inlet • Power usage • Power usage standby
230 V, 50 Hz 20 watt less than 5 watt
• Dimension
• Weight
435 x 92 x 320 mm (w x h x d) Approx. 4 kg
multi-channel sound
• 3D sound for virtual 5.1 channel sound on 2
General functionality
• Stop/ play/ pause • Fast forward/ backward • Time search • Step forward/ backward • Slow motion • Title / chapter/ track select • Skip next / skip previous • Repeat (Chapter/ title / all) or (Track / all) • A-B repeat • Shuffle • Scan • New enhanced user graphical interface • Perfect still with digital multi-tap filter • Zoom (x1.33, x2, x4) with picture enhancement • Screen saver (dim 75% after 15 min.) • Cinemalink interconnection for plug & play • 3D sound • Virtual Jog Shuttle • Audio and video bit rate indicator • Smart Picture

1. 安装VUPlayer。
2. 启动VUPlayer:安装完成后,启动VUPlayer 应用程序。
3. 添加音频文件:在VUPlayer 中,你可以通过以下方式添加音频文件:
-点击界面上的"Open" 按钮,选择要播放的文件。
-拖动音频文件直接拖放到VUPlayer 窗口。
4. 播放音频文件:选中要播放的文件后,点击播放按钮(通常是一个播放箭头图标),或者按下键盘上的空格键开始播放音频。
5. 调整音量:你可以使用VUPlayer 界面上的音量滑块或调整系统音量来控制音量大小。
6. 调整均衡器:VUPlayer 提供了一个均衡器,允许你调整音频的频谱。
7. 其他功能:VUPlayer 还提供了一些其他功能,如快进、快退、循环播放、随机播放等。
请注意,VUPlayer 的确切功能和界面可能会因版本而异,因此建议查阅VUPlayer 的官方文档或帮助手册,以获取关于特定版本的详细信息。