



S A N M I N ASEVEN TOOLSOFQUALITY(part 2)PROCESS FLOW CHARTSS A N M I N ATable of Contents1. Prerequisites2. Goals and Objectives3. Introduction4. Process Flow Charts5. ExercisePrerequisites1. TL-120, Seven Tools Of Quality (pt 1) Data CollectionS A N M I N AGoal:Upon successful completion of this class the student will be able create and use process flow charts in the TQM and Problem Solving processes.Objectives:1. The student will be able to construct a process flow chart.2. The student will be able to use process flow charts to define and clarify processes.3. The student will be able to use process flow charts to help solve problems and to improveprocesses.S A N M I N AIntroduction1. A process is a series of actions taken to produce a specific product or service. Example oftypical processes are:a. Word Processingb. Shipping a productc. Preparing and processing an expense reportd. Designing a producte. Manufacturing a product2. Process flow charts show:a. The sequence of operations of the processb. The decisions made within the processc. The resulting actions3. A process flow chart provides a visual illustration of the process. It uses a specific type of box orsymbol to represent each step, and arrows connecting the symbols to show the sequence of operations. (See the example on the following page)Process Flow ChartsUses of Process Flow Charts1. Process Flow charts are a key tool used with Process Management and can achieve manygoals.2. Achieve a Common Understanding of the Processesa. A process flow chart can be used to describe a process and to achieve consensus on itssteps. This is useful because people often have different ideas of how a process should be done.S A N M I N AExample Of Process Flow ChartS A N M I N A3. Identify Customers and Suppliersa. Understanding the sequence of process steps helps people communicate more effectivelywith suppliers and customers.4. Identify Redundant or Unnecessary Stepsa. The process may contain unproductive steps which should be eliminated.5. Identify Areas Where Data is Neededa. Data may need to be collected to clarify whether or not a particular step is a problem, orbecause of concerns about product quality. The process flow chart is useful in identifying"control points", or steps where a specific check or measurement should be made.b. Note: One application of flow charting to a work process is often referred to as "processmapping". A process map is an elaborate process flow chart, showing activities, flow,requirements, measurements, times, work areas, and other process information.Types of Process Flow Charts1. It is helpful to identify some broad categories of process flow charts. These categories reflectdifferent uses or purposes for constructing the charts.2. Systems or Data Flowa. This type of chart shows only the flow or sequence of steps. It shows what, but provides noinformation as to how or by whom a particular step is performed. This type of chart is usuallya "macro" chart. For example, it may show a flow of a product through a manufacturingoperation.3. Task or Activity Flowa. This type of chart is similar to the systems or data flow chart, but reflects a more detailedlevel of a process, and may show actions to be performed by various individuals at someprocess segment.4. Procedural Flowa. This type of chart is on a "micro" level, showing the detailed steps of how and by whom atask is carried out.5. Value/Cost Addeda. This type of chart shows each step of the process, and the cost and/or value it adds. This isparticularly useful in identifying steps to be eliminated. Examples of where this chart can be useful include document sign-off loops and inspection plans.6. We will concentrate primarily on the Systems and Task Flow charts.S A N M I N AConstruction Steps1. Constructing a process flow chart involves the following ten steps:a. Identify the process to be studied.1. Give a statement of the process to be analyzed. Be as specific as possible, keeping inmind the reason for constructing the flow chart.Example:Sales/Marketingb. Determine the process purpose, scope, outputs, and inputs.1. Process purpose: the reason the process exists.2. Process flow charting purpose: the reason for constructing the process flow chart. Thepurpose for constructing the process flow chart is usually to solve a problem, improve aprocess, or define a new process.3. Scope: the start and stop points of the process flow. Include only the part of the processwhich may be critical to the purpose. The process flow may not include an entireprocess.4. Outputs: The product, service, or information produced by the process within the scopebeing studied. The outputs are the things which are passed on to the customer of theprocess. In studying a process, it is often helpful first to consider the outputs (what theprocess is supposed to produce) rather than starting with the inputs.5. Inputs: the information or materials which come into the process at the first step. Inputsare produced before the beginning step of the process. They are provided by suppliers tothis process.Example:Process purpose: to show how an order is processed.Process flow: to define the Sales/Marketing flowScope: From receipt of RFQ to a Final Sales EstimateOutputs: Prepared final sales estimate for Customer and SalesInputs: Customer RFQ (request for quote)c. Determine the level of detail for the flow.1. Determining the correct level of detail can be difficult. If the chart becomes to detailed, itmay be too difficult to follow and use. If it does not show enough detail, it may notprovide the information needed.S A N M I N A2. The key to deciding on the level of detail is to carefully identify and keep in mind thepurpose for doing the process flow chart.3. It is common to start at a general level, with a "top-level" flow chart, and add to details asnecessary. i.e., a single step in the initial chart may be broken down into two or threesteps to provide a more detailed flow in critical areas.Example:The level of detail must be sufficient to show each step and the organization (Sales, Accounting, Quoting) responsible for itd. Determine the basis for the flow.1. Before constructing the flow, it is necessary to define exactly what is flowing through theprocess: that is, what we are tracking. If this is not identified and kept in mind, the flowchart will not be meaningful.2. Usually the basis for the flow chart is one of the following:a. Material, such as a document or a printed circuit boardb. Information, such as a test result or a customer questionc. People, such as job candidate or an employee being trained.3. In some cases, a process flow chart may have more than one basis; i.e., it may followboth material and information.Example:The basis of the flow is information, in the form of the customers RFQ to the finalsales estimate.e. List the process steps.1. The steps should be listed in chronological order. For an existing process, list the stepsas they are actually performed, not as the process should operate. We will addressredesigning a bit later on.2. For complex processes, one of the following may be helpful:a. Start with the outputs and work backwards to the inputsb. List the steps on cards or Post-It TM notes and arrange them sequentially.Example:Review the Example on page 5.S A N M I N Af. Add symbols to indicate the types of steps.1. A set of standards symbols is provided by the American national Standards Institute(ANSI). These symbols provide additional information about the type of activityrepresented by each step. (See Example of Common Symbols - below and the example of Adding Symbols on the next page)S A N M I N AExample of Adding Symbols to Indicate the Types of Stepsg. Add arrows to show the basic sequence.1. Every step of the process, regardless of the type, should have connecting arrows toshow the basic flow or sequence. Charts are easiest to follow if the arrows all point in the same direction where possible. (See the example on the next page)S A N M I N AExample with Arrows Addedh. Add arrows to show multiple paths.1. Additional lines and arrows are added beyond the basic sequence to show multiplepaths, decisions, and loops.a. Multiple Paths: there are two or more directions of flow for a process step orsegment.b. Decision point: a decision is made which results in the selection of one of thepossible paths.c. Loops: a return to an earlier process step.i. Check the level of detail.1. Check the process flow chart against the purpose for constructing it and determine theextent to which the chart helps to meet the objective.2. If there are areas which require clarification, it may be necessary to expand certain stepsto include more detail.S A N M I N Aj. Fully label the chart.1. Complete labeling of the chart includes the following items:a. Titleb. Revision/Datec. Depending on use, the originator or process ownerd. File extension number2. Labeling of process flow and other charts is often inadequate. Groups sometimes lose alot of time working with and updating charts only to find that they did not have a currentversion. A good rule is the "two year" test: anyone involved should be able to pick up achart within two years of its construction and be able to identify what it refers to andwhere to go for further information.S A N M I N AInterpretation1. The interpretation of the flow chart depends on the purpose for preparing it and the specificproblem to be solved. Be sure to consider the following issues.2. It is often necessary to gather additional data to determine which parts of the process fit thecategories below. It is important that decisions about the process are based on facts and data rather than on intuition or opinions.a. Identify the Critical Steps1. Critical steps are key steps which can have a great impact on successful operation of theprocess.b. Identify the Problem Steps1. Problem steps are those steps where problems are known to occur. This may bebecause a particular process step is difficult to perform or is not well defined. Capacityproblems or equipment maintenance problems may create bottlenecks and increasecycle time.c. Identify Control Points1. Control points are steps in the process where special checks or measurements may behelpful. From the standpoint of product quality, checks should be done as early in theprocess as possible, particularly on critical and problem steps.2. Measurement and data collection methods should be carefully considered to produce therequired information at as low a cost as possible.d. Consider Process Changes1. Having carefully defined the process and identified critical steps, problem steps andcontrol points, we now should consider alternate methods of completing the process.Better ways may be found for one or more process steps.2. This activity is often referred to as "re-engineering", or designing the ideal process.Questions which might be asked include:a. Are there steps which are redundant, unnecessary, or do not add value?b. Are there steps which can be done in a better, easier, or more cost-effective way?c. Is there a need to better define or redefine certain steps?S A N M I N A3. In considering possible process changes, remember the five W's and an H questions:a. Whob. Whatc. Whered. Whene. Whyf. How4. See the following example:Example - Challenging the Status QuoS A N M I N AProblems and Pitfalls1. The following are some of the problems and pitfalls often encountered in the construction anduse of process flow charts:a. Failing to involve the process experts1. The failure to involve those who are closest to the process results in a flow chart which isinaccurate or does not show the actual process.b. Defining the process as it is supposed to be rather than as it is actually being done.1. Defining a new process or an ideal process is a valuable application of this tool.However, if the process already exists, you must understand how it is currently beingdone before attempting to improve it.c. Failing to include the correct level of detail.1. As previously mentioned, an adequate level of detail is necessary to fulfill the purpose forwhich the flow chart is constructed.d. Failure to keep track of the revision/date.1. Working with outdated versions of documents causes problems and wastes time.e. Are there any other problems or pitfall that you may be aware of?S A N M I N AExercise1. Develop a process flow chart for you work area or a problem in your area.。



CONTINUED...Accessories and Modifications .152................................Accessories .152.Additional Safety Precautions .153............................Modifications .153ACCESSORY (Ignition Key.......................................Position).87.............Accessory Power Socket .103....................Additives,Engine Oil .196.............................Airbag (SRS) . 10, 48.....................Air Cleaner Element .211..............Air Conditioning System .108..............................Maintenance age .110.......................Air Outlets (Vents).108.......................Air Pressure,Tires .225..................High Speed Driving .226.........................Normal Driving .226.......................Alcohol in Gasoline .292......................................Antifreeze .199Anti-lock Brakes (ABS)...............................Indicator . 62, 177...................................Operation .175..............Anti-theft,Audio System .137Anti-theft Steering Column..............................................Lock .86..........................Appearance Care .245................................Audio System .118........................Auto Idle Stop . 163, 171.............................Indicator . 164, 172...Automatic Seat Belt Tensioners .46.............Automatic Speed Control .139.Automatic Transmission (CVT).166..........................Capacity,Fluid .288...............Checking Fluid Level .206.......................................Shifting .167.Shift Lever Position Indicator .166................Shift Lever Positions .167....................Shift Lock Release .170BatteryCharging System...........................Indicator . 62, 272............................Jump Starting .265.................................Level Gauge .72..............................Maintenance .216............................Specifications .289..............................Before Driving .143....................................Belts,Seat .8,45...........................Beverage Holder .102.................................Body Repairs .253Brakes...........Anti-lock System (ABS).175.............Break-in,New Linings .144....................Bulb Replacement .237...........................................Fluid .209.......................................Parking .100.................System Indicator . 62, 275........................Wear Indicators .174.............................Braking System .174........................Break-in,New Car .144..Brightness Control,Instruments .77........................Brights,Headlights .75ABIBulb Replacement..........................Back-up Lights .238..............................Brake Lights .237..............................Ceiling Light .241................Front Parking Lights .235........Front Side Marker Lights .235.................................Headlights .234.........High-mount Brake Light .238.................License Plate Lights .239.........Rear Side Marker Lights .237............................Specifications .289...................................Spotlights .242...............................Trunk Light .240....................Turn Signal Lights .235..............................Bulbs,Halogen .234............................Capacities Chart .288.............Carbon Monoxide Hazard .54.............................Carrying Cargo .154Cassette Player............................................Care .136...................................Operation .133..............CAUTION,Explanation of .ii ...................................CD Changer .129.......................................CD Player .127..................................Ceiling Light .104........................Certification Label .286............................................Chains .231....................Changing a Flat Tire .257............Changing Engine Coolant .201Changing Oil........................................How to .197......................................When to .186....................Charge/Assist Gauge .73...Charging System Indicator .62,272............Checklist,Before Driving .160.....................................Child Safety .22Child SeatsTCH Anchorage System .43...........................Lower Anchors .43..........Tether Anchorage Points .42..................Childproof Door Locks .92....................Cleaner Element,Air .211Cleaning....................Aluminum Wheels .248......................................Exterior .246.......................................Interior .249...................................Seat Belts .250...........................................Vinyl .250....................................Windows .251.........................Clock,Setting the .123...................................Clutch Fluid .210........................CO in the Exhaust .294............Cold Weather,Starting in pact Spare .256...............Consumer Information .300Continuously Variable................Transmission (CVT).166.............Controls,Instruments and .57Coolant........................................Adding .199....................................Checking .149.........................Proper Solution .199...................................Replacing . 201...................Temperature Gauge . 71....................Corrosion Protection .252Crankcase Emissions Control........................................System .294............Cruise Control Operation .139.....................Current Fuel Mileage .70..........Customer Relations Office .300................DANGER,Explanation of .ii ...................................Dashboard . 2, 58CDIICONTINUED................Daytime Running Lights .76............Defects,Reporting Safety .302........................Defog and Defrost .116................Defogger,Rear Window .81..............Defrosting the Windows .116....................................Dimensions .288...............Dimming the Headlights .75DipstickAutomatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).206..................................Engine Oil .148..........................Directional Signals .78........Disc Brake Wear Indicators .174.....................Disposal of Used Oil .198Doors..............Locking and Unlocking .87......................Power Door Locks .87..........DOT Tire Quality Grading .290Downshifting,5-speed Manual.............................Transmission .162.......................................Drive Belt .224...........Driver and Passenger Safety .5...........................................Driving .159....................................Economy .150.........................In Bad Weather .178................In Foreign Countries .293..................Dust and Pollen Filter .222............................Fabric,Cleaning .250...................................Fan,Interior .113Features,Comfort and..............................Convenience .107....................Filling the Fuel Tank .145Filters................................Air Cleaner .211.........................Dust and Pollen .222...............................................Oil .197..............................Economy,Fuel .150............Emergencies on the Road .255.............Battery,Jump Starting .265...........Brake System Indicator .275................Changing a Flat Tire .257.....Charging System Indicator .272..................Checking the Fuses .277.....Low Oil Pressure Indicator .271...Malfunction Indicator Lamp .273..................Overheated Engine .268.........................Emergency Brake .100......................Emergency Flashers .80......................Emergency Towing .282............Emergency Trunk Opener .93.......................Emissions Controls .294.............Emissions Testing,State .297Engine....Coolant Temperature Gauge .71...................................Drive Belt .224......Engine Speed Limiter . 165, 169Malfunction Indicatormp .62,273........Oil Pressure Indicator . 62, 271..............Oil,What Kind to Use .195...............................Overheating .268............................Specifications .288.......................................Starting .161......................Ethanol in Gasoline .292.Evaporative Emissions Controls .294...............................Exhaust Fumes .54Expectant Mothers,Use of Seat........................................Belts by .20..................Exterior,Cleaning the .246EFIII.............Halogen Headlight Bulbs .234..............Hazard Warning Flashers .80Headlights........................................Aiming .234............Daytime Running Lights .76..................High Beam Indicator .64........................Reminder Beeper .75........Replacing Halogen Bulbs .234...................................Turning on .75..............................Head Restraints .96.....................Heating and Cooling .108.............High Altitude,Starting at .161.................High-Low Beam Switch .75..............High-mount Brake Light .238....................................Hood Latch .212.......................Hood,Opening the .146..................................................Horn .74...........................Hydraulic Clutch .210.................................Hydroplaning .179...Identification Number,Vehicle .286Ignition..............................................Keys .83...........................................Switch .86............Timing Control System .2955-speed Manual Transmission...............Checking Fluid Level .208................................Shifting the .162.............Flashers,Hazard Warning .80...................Flat Tire,Changing a .257FluidsAutomatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).206..........................................Brake .209.........................................Clutch .210..............Manual Transmission .208..................Windshield Washer .205FM Stereo Radio...................................Reception .125.....Foreign Countries,Driving in .293..........................Four-way Flashers .80............................Front Airbags . 10, 48.................................................Fuel .144......................Fill Door and Cap .145...........................................Gauge .71................Octane Requirement .144...............................Oxygenated .292........................Reserve Indicator .65........................Tank,Filling the .145.....................Fuses,Checking the .276...............Gas Mileage,Improving .150..........................................Gasohol .292.........................................Gasoline .144...............Fuel Reserve Indicator .65...........................................Gauge .71................Octane Requirement .144........................Tank,Filling the .145................Gas Station Procedures .145Gauges...Engine Coolant Temperature .71...............................................Fuel .71...............................Speedometer .69.................................Tachometer .69Gearshift Lever Positions Automatic Transmission.....................................(CVT).1675-speed Manual.........................Transmission .162..............................Glass Cleaning .251......................................Glove Box .101GHIIVCONTINUED.........Important Safety Precautions .6Indicators,Instrument.............................................Panel .59...............................Infant Restraint .31Infant Seats TCH Anchorage System . 43...........................Lower Anchors . 43..........Tether Anchorage Points . 42...................Inflation,Proper Tire .225..................High Speed Driving .226.........................Normal Driving .226...................................Inside Mirror . 99.............................Inspection,Tire .227........................Instrument Panel . 2, 58........Instrument Panel Brightness .77...........................Interior Cleaning .249...............................Interior Lights .104........................................Introduction .i........................Jacking up the Car .259.......................................Jack,Tire .258................................Jump Starting .265..................................................Keys bel,Certification ne Change,Signaling p/Shoulder Belts . 16, TCH Anchorage System .43Lights....................Bulb Replacement .234.......................................Indicator .59.........................................Parking .75..................................Turn Signal .78.....................................Load Limit .155......LOCK (Ignition Key Position).86Locks.......Anti-theft Steering Column .86............................Fuel Fill Door .145.................................Power Door .87...........................................Trunk .92........................Low Coolant Level .149.........................Low Fuel Indicator .65................................Lower Anchors .43...Lower Gear,Downshifting to a .165...Low Oil Pressure Indicator . 62, 271...Lubricant Specifications Chart .288.........................................Luggage .154..................................Maintenance .181...Owner Maintenance Checks .193.................................Record . 191-192......................Required Indicator .66..........................................Safety .182.............................Schedule .184-190.Malfunction Indicator Lamp .62,273...................Manual Transmission .162........Manual Transmission Fluid .208...............................Meters,Gauges .67...................Methanol in Gasoline .292..........................Mirrors,Adjusting .99...................Neutral Gear Position .168..................New Vehicle Break-in .144...................NOTICE,Explanation of .i ...............Numbers,Identification .286LMJKNV.............................. Paint Touch-up.248.............. Panel Brightness Control.77........................ Park Gear Position.167...........................................Parking.173...............................Parking Brake.100Parking Brake and Brake System...............................Indicator . 62,275.................................Parking Lights.75..Parking Over Things that Burn.296.............................PGM-FI System.295..................Polishing and Waxing.247............Pre-Drive Safety Checklist.12.........Pregnancy,Using Seat Belts.20............................Protecting Adults.13...Additional Safety Precautions.20.....Advice for Pregnant Women.20........................Protecting Children.22.......................Protecting Infants.31.......Protecting Larger Children.38.........Protecting Small Children.35Using Child Seats with.....................................Tethers.42.............................Using LATCH.43...................Radiator Overheating.268Radio/CD/Cassette............................Sound System.118...................Readiness Codes . 274,297Rear Lights,Bulb......................Replacement . 237,238............................Rear View Mirror.99.................Rear Window Defogger.81...............Reclining the Seat Backs.94.............................Reminder Lights.59.......................Remote Transmitter.89Replacement Information.................Air Cleaner Element.211..............Dust and Pollen Filter.222..........................Engine Coolant.201................Engine Oil and Filter.197..........................................Fuses.277................................Light Bulbs.234....................................Schedule.184................................Spark Plugs.213...........................................Tires.229.............................Wiper Blades.219Replacing Seat Belts After a............................................Crash.47Reserve Tank,Engine...............................Coolant . 149,199...............................Restraint,Child.22..................Reverse Gear Position.168................................Roof Antenna.247...Octane Requirement,Gasoline.144......................................... Odometer.69............................... Odometer,Trip.69Oil........................ Change,How to.197...................... Change,When to.186......................Checking Engine.148..............Pressure Indicator . 62,271 Selecting Proper Viscosity......................................Chart.196...........ON(Ignition Key Position).87 Onboard Refueling Vapor.................................... Recovery.294..Operation in Foreign Countries.293..............................Outside Mirrors.99.................... Overheating,Engine.268.......Owner Maintenance Checks.193......................... Oxygenated Fuels.292P R OVICONTINUED................................Rotation,Tire .228..................................Safety Belts . 8, 45.........Safety Defects,Reporting .302.................................Safety Features .7.........................................Airbags .10..................................Door Locks .11..........................Head Restraints .11.......................................Seat Belts .8.....................Seats &Seat-Backs .11.............Safety Labels,Location of .55...............................Safety Messages .ii .....................................Seat Belts . 8, 45...............Additional Information .45Automatic Seat Belt...............................Tensioners .46.....................................Cleaning p/Shoulder Belt . 16, 45................................Maintenance .47......Reminder Light and Beeper .61...................System Components e During Pregnancy .20...Wearing a Lap/Shoulder Belt .16........................Seats,Adjusting the .94...............................Serial Number .286...........................Service Intervals .184...........................Service Manual .303.........Service Station Procedures .145..........................Setting the Clock .123.....Shift Lever Position Indicator .166........................Shift Lock Release .170..Shift Up/Shift Down Indicators .165..............................Side Airbags . 10, 50....................Cutoff Indicator . 52, 61Side Marker Lights,Bulb ......................Replacement . 235, 237...............................Signaling Turns .78.....................................Snow Tires .230...................Solvent-type Cleaners .246................................Sound System .118Spare Tire......................................Inflating .256............................Specifications .289................Spark Plugs,Replacing .213....................Specifications Charts .288................................Speed Control .139...................................Speedometer .69.......................................Spotlights .104..........SRS,Additional Information .48...Additional Safety Precautions .53.............................Airbag Service .53How the Side Airbag Cutoff...........Indicator Light Works .52How the SRS Indicator.......................................Works .51How Your Front Airbags.........................................Work .48...How Your Side Airbags Work .50........................SRS Components .48.............................SRS Indicator .51,61....START (Ignition Key Position).87..............State Emissions Testing .297.......................Starting the Engine .161In Cold Weather at High..................................Altitude .161................With a Dead Battery .265........Steam Coming from Engine .268Steering Wheel..................................Adjustment .82.............Anti-theft Column Lock .86...................Stereo Sound System .118...........................Storing Your Car .243SVIISupplemental Restraint................................System . 10, 48......................................Servicing .53.........................SRS Indicator .51,61...................System Components .48..................................Synthetic Oil .196.....................Underside,Cleaning .252Unexpected,Taking Care..........................................of the .255....Uniform Tire Quality Grading .290........................Unleaded Gasoline .144.....................Upholstery Cleaning ed Oil,How to Dispose of .198.................Vehicle Capacity Load .155......................Vehicle Dimensions .288....Vehicle Identification Number .286.....................................Tachometer .69Taillights,Changing..................................Bulbs . 237, 238.Taking Care of the Unexpected .255....................................Tape Player .133Technical Descriptions......DOT Tire Quality Grading .290.....Emissions Control Systems .294.....................Oxygenated Fuels .292Three Way Catalytic...............................Converter .296.......................Temperature Gauge .71..............Tether Anchorage Points .42............................Theft Protection .137..Three Way Catalytic Converter .296..........................Time,Setting the .123....................................Tire Chains .231.........Tire,How to Change a Flat .257...............................................Tires .225..............................Air Pressure .225.........................Checking Wear pact Spare .256......DOT Tire Quality Grading .290......................................Inflation .225..................................Inspection .227..............................Maintenance .227...................................Replacing .229......................................Rotating .228...........................................Snow .230............................Specifications .289................................Tire Chains .231...................Tools,Tire Changing .258Towing.....................................A Trailer .179..................Emergency Towing .282...........................Traction Devices .231TransmissionChecking Fluid Level,..................Automatic (CVT).206Checking Fluid Level,...................................Manual .208..................Fluid Selection . 207, 208..............Identification Number .287Shifting the Automatic.....................................(CVT).167..................Shifting the Manual .165.....................................Treadwear .290.......................................Trip Meter .69....................................Trip Mileage .70................................................Trunk .92........................................Opening .92...................Open Monitor Light .65....................................Turn Signals .78UVTVIII.............................Vehicle Storage .243.....................................Ventilation .109.................................................VIN .286...............................Vinyl Cleaning .250..................................Viscosity,Oil .196.............WARNING,Explanation of .ii .........Warning Labels,Location of .55..................Warranty Coverages .301Washer,Windshield........Checking the Fluid Level .205.......................................Indicator .65.....................................Operation .80.........................................Washing .246..................Waxing and Polishing .247Wheels...............Adjusting the Steering .82............Alignment and Balance .227....................Aluminum Wheels pact Spare .256......................................Wrench .258Windows.....................................Cleaning .251..................Operating the Power .97...........................Rear,Defogger .81Windshield.......................................Cleaning .78...................................Defroster .116.......................................Washers .80Wipers,Windshield.......................Changing Blades .219.....................................Operation .78....................................Worn Tires .227.....Wrecker,Emergency Towing .282:U.S.and Canada onlyWIX。

Madison_ETO - Process Flow Chart

Madison_ETO - Process Flow Chart

Duty Parameters Special Requirements API Nuclear Sub-sea Misc. (Petro-chemical, etc..)
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Inputs: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Engineering drawings Drawing (BoM) on the drawing sheet Specification sheet/drawing Production schedule Machine capacities/capabilities (and any unique features) Part geometry (2-D or 3-D)
Inputs: 1. 2. Special Material requirement (customer/AE) Any special requirement depending on the application (surface finish, paint, weld maps requirement) Whether if it is 3rd party, customer or internal quality check Verify if any part of the inspec-
Inputs: Inputs: 1. Formal test request (WSI) 1. Approval for construction (note, approved GA drawing)
Inputs: 1. 2. 3. 4. Drawings BoM Production schedule IOMs

Flow Chart 流程图分享

Flow Chart 流程图分享


• 管员查阅库存台帐 如果有货则向用户发货 如果缺货,则通知车间
1. 泳道图
2. 任务流程图
业务 经理
保管 员

单个文件/表 单
多个文件/ 表单
联 系
起始 终止
顺序结构 选择结构

本分享不负责具体讲解各种工具的使用方法。 可自助查询帮助文档或自助研究。
什么是流程图(Flow Chart)?
流程是指特定主体为了 满足特定需求而进行的

Chart & Diagram
通过简单且标准化的 符号及连线将流程显性 表达出来的形式

Process Flow Chart

Process Flow Chart
Input of step 9~12 N Hot coffee C Serving tray C Bill
** INPUT ** INPUT C No. of full spoon N Feeling on full C Thermometer N Feeling
C Walking C Hand carry C Progrm key
Input of Input of step 2~6 step 2~6 N Visual N Feeling C Tally lable w order C Tally lable w order C No. of full spoon C No. of full spoon
MAN (What skill?)
FILE : 221686533.xlsx
Page : 2 of 2
13 Inspect the coffee produced 14 Deliver the coffee to customer 1
0.01 1 Right sweetness & thickness 0.00 Enough hotness Right delivery time Acceptable price C Fast waiter C Hand no shiver C Casher

Flow chart

Flow chart

1> DIP Dual In-line Package
2> BGA Ball Grid Array
3> QFP Quad Flat Package
4> SOP Small Out-line Package
3 .1 > 对于一些电子免检物料, IQC仅检查它的Ordering. No是否符合 SPEC要求, 外观和功能不作检测,
3 . 2 > “25(ART), 90-98, 30, 31”字头VC部检查的物料, IQC也将免去外 观、尺寸检查, 由貨仓直接入仓.
4 > 对于一些新建的料号或客提供的物料,则要跟据Q卡要求正常检查. 如 验货时沒有SPEC,APP, FORM或样板,则要追 DE 部提供相关资 料。
7> 如果送检物料是S.I Team来不及检查的紧急物料,或来料太多而 不能如期完成检查,S.I Team负责人根据具体情况,将Vendor所 送S.I检查的物料转送Vtech/CMS IQC处理,但这类转移检查的物 料必须贴有I.I.R Label,否则Vtech/CMS收货部将拒收此物料。
CMS Source Inspection Process flow chart
5> SOJ Small Out-line J-lade Package J形引脚小外型封装IC
6> QFN Quad Flat Non-lead Package 四侧无引脚IC
7> PLCC Plastic Lead Chip Carrier

APQP process flow chart ENG

APQP process flow chart ENG
APQP Process Flow Chart
Organize the team Implement simultaneous engineering Define the scope Develop control plan format Establish Team-to-Team communication Decide on concern resolution Provide core tools training Develop product quality timing plan Involve customers and suppliers Design goals Reliability and quality goals Preliminary bill of material Preliminary process flow chart Preliminary listing of special product and process characteristics Product assurance plan Management support
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Production trial run Measurement system evaluation Preliminary Process capability study production part approved Production validation testing Packaging evaluation Production control plan Quality planning sign-off and management support

D1-M07 APQP Element 14 Process Flow Chart v01

D1-M07 APQP Element 14 Process Flow Chart v01

C N C Lat he ( t wi n spi ndl e) - D r i l l i ng
- Over al l Lengt h - O. D . T ur ni ng - C h a mf e r a n d P r e - b o r e - Fi nal B o F ur nace
T r ansp o r t t o Heat T r eat l o ad i ng ar ea
T emp er
Sup er f i ni sh
St o r ag e
C o nf i r m p i ns i n p r o p er b asket
I nsp ect i o n
I nsp ect i o n
T r ansf er t o T r o l l ey
B uf f er O p er at i o n
M o ve t o C N C St ag i ng
2 0
T r ansf er t o W asher / D r yer
Par t # Et chi ng
Supplier Quality Improvement Engineer Quality College
APQP – Element 14 Process Flow Chart 过程流程图
Process Flow Chart 过程流程图

过程流程图 Process flow chart

过程流程图 Process flow chart

操作Operate □检验Inspect ◇储存Storage ■返工Rework ○10原料采购□10-1检验◇包装、批号、外观、特性10-2原料入库■10-3配料□20注塑加工□注塑机20-1原料干燥□干燥机烘料温度、时间产品气泡、银丝F20-2模具安装□20-3工艺调试□温度、压力、时间产品外观、尺寸骨架注塑温度、压力、时间与铁支架装配F覆层注塑□注塑机温度、压力、时间外观20-5修边□美工刀产品无飞边,浇口修平F30检验◇○卡尺、对手件1、外观符合要求2、尺寸合格3、与铁支架装配OK40包装□胶带装箱数量50入库■堆放层数备注/Remarks :1.原材料、半成品、成品移动说明:"→"表示搬运,装入物料箱后由人工或使用推车来移动。

Raw materials, semi-finished and finished products moving statement: "→" represented the handling2.D 表示影响产品的安全性或法律法规要求的综合性的产品特性或过程特性。

D express that affect product safety or laws and regulations requirements of the integrated product characteristics or process characteristics.3.F 表示影响产品配合/功能的产品或过程特性。

F express that product fitting / functional characteristics of the product or process.编制/日期: 审核/日期: 批准/日期:Draw up/Date : Verify/Date : Approve/Date :过程编号Process No.20-4过程名称Process Name 机器设备、工装、测量设备Machine equipment、tooling、measuringequipment 变差源Variation Source 产品特性Product Characteristics 分类Class 所需劳保用品Labor protectionsupplies 过程流程图 Process flow chart QR7.3-20.2014供应商名称Supplier Name : xxx汽车零部件有限公司 产品名称Product Name: 塑料手柄本体 产品代号Product Code: 8060010过程流程/Process Flow。



運用之 原則

• • • • •
平衡两手动作,减少疲劳。 删除或减少非生产性的动作。 缩短生产操作之时间,增加产量。 训练新进员工使用理想之操作方法。 引发并推展新的方法。
一般 人-机 操作状况会发生四种情形: 1.装料 2.机器加工
因工程能量不平衡而发生空闲 (一)机器空闲 停止时间
待工人 停电 定期保养 准备时间
(二)工人闲余 a.操作
‧放入模子(放模) ‧开动机器(开机) ‧加工(机器加工) ‧停止(停止) ‧取出模子(取模) ‧等待放入模子
16秒 13秒 90秒 8秒 12秒 -----
(作业员) 放模 开机 停机 取模
—————— —————— —————— ——————
二. 附属操作能否删除?
□ 1.视同不必要而删除。 □ 2.以改变工作次序而删除。 □ 3.使用新或不同之设备而删除。 □ 4.以改变布置而删除。
三. 移物能否删除?
□ 1.随操作之删除而删除。 □ 3.改变设备。 □ 5.改变工作次序。 □ 2.合并。 □ 4.改变布置。 □ 6.使用输送带

Process flow chart 工艺流程图

Process flow chart 工艺流程图
S 不合格
Connector pin block separation/ 分pin块
Rject 不合格
合格 MRB
Manual Insert
Wave Solder
Post Wave Solder inspection/焊点检查
S/N, P/N&Revision Label printing打印S/N,
Scan S/N/ 扫描S/N
Clean PCB 清洗PCB 030
Rject 不合格
管审查 配料倉 品管审查
合格 Rject
Final Visual
PCBA Packing/ PCBA 包装
PCBA Shipment/ PCBA 出货
verification/终检&标签 PCBA
CBA 出货
Screen Printing PCB Loading (Top side)

工艺流程图Process flow chart

工艺流程图Process flow chart

目测 目测
1次 AQL=0.4
按照物料规格书要 千分尺、卡尺、高度
尺 塞规、螺纹规
表面有害物质是否 超标
测试要求是否达到规 格书时的要求
每批 每批 每批 每批 每批 每批
按照SIP检验 进料检验记录
物料规格书 进料检验记录
外观检验标准 进料检验记录 外观检验标准 进料检验记录 来料不良处理 单 外观检验标准 进料检验记录 来料不良处理 单 外观检验标准 进料检验记录 来料不良处理 单
Control Plan 控制计
Control Plan Category / 控制计划阶段
Part No.零件编号: DWG REV.图纸版本 号: Part name零件名:
Supplier Code
供应商代码 :


Control Plan 控制计划
o.Of CP/控制计划编号 CP 0001
ntact Name / 关键联络人:
Prepared by Date/编制日期
Date (Rev)/修订日期
Form No.:
Reaction Plan 反应计划

flow chard1

flow chard1

程序分析技術常用之符號.(by ASME 1947)
均謂之” 操作”
讀書、寫字、打字、蓋筆…等 。
1.組成產品之零件及數量. 2.自製零件之材料、規格. 3.零件之製造與先後組成順序. 4.外購零件之規格與需用時機.
1.操作分析—是否能合併操作或增加刀具 speed.
2.搬運分析—layout之改變運送者之替代 3.檢驗分析—可否以操作者替代檢驗員,設
計良好之丈具. 4.儲存分析—材料未到,加工機具不足負荷. 5.延遲分析—人員調配,閒餘能量分析.
☆ 操作程序圖(Operation process Chart) *在於了解各製程之間的相互關係與通盤概況。 *依照須序編製,並表明所需時間,因此半製品之 資料可輕易取得。 *協助控制材料及外購零件之購入期,此種控制對
於整個生產期與完工交貨日期影響至大。 *將整個製造程序的輪廓清晰露出,易於發掘問題,
2.匯流型:二個以上之多零件,於製程中途若干零件組合 成一半成品的情況或成品的情況.
零件#3 開始組製的
外購零件 #4
3.分流型:零件或產品由於客戶之需求不同,加工過程因而 改變.即不同的批零件或產品,在中途的製造程有差異.
Ex:如傢俱短櫃之製造 零件#1
以人為主—按工作人之動作來加以記錄 以物為主—按加諸工作物上之動作



流程:技术培训材料版本控制流程流程负责人:大学QC Administrator流程产品:流程客户:客户合理需求:流程输出(结果)衡量:技术培训材料技术培训教材开发人员技术材料保持同步更新(Q1)Q1 =技术培训材料是否更新部门/人IC PM UU UU PM 流程控制控制极限步骤/时间UM 编写人员总监课程开发主管课程开发人员项目负责人PI / QI目标Gate 1P1=从发布UM draft 到正>=1~2个月从发布UM draft 到正式每次 1. IC 提供更初级的材料 式实施培训的时间间实施培训的时间间隔2. 要求R&D/PT 人员协助 隔设计P2=从最后一次系统测试>=1~2个月从最后一次系统测试到每次 1. 要求R&D/PT 人员协助 到正式实施培训的时正式实施培训的时间间 设计间间隔隔2. 采用其它变通方式 (利 用测试环境演示, 电脑 仿真模拟等)Q1=技术培训材料是否更新Yes 最终培训材料的技术版月/季度 1. 提供多种形式的补充本教材Gate 5修订号#修订日期修订人UT 斯达康大学业务流程图表流程图过程衡量(PI)/结果衡量(QI)定期检测其他信息检测项目检测频率负责人后备计划包括: 缩写, 备注说明等修订原因批准人P R O D U C T R E A L I Z A T I O N P R O C E S SGate 2Gate 3Gate 4Gate 6Gate 7获取项目初期信息制定资源计划/时间表了解产品基本技术信息现场了解 SystemTest发布Slides(R&D)培训通知参加R&D 培训编写UM Draft编写培训 材料Draft修订培训 材料最终培训材料最终UMP1Q1P2更新/分发项目整体计划。

APQP flow chart

APQP flow chart

PPAP 的批准
制造FMEA 表
# 12
制造FMEA 修定制造能力讨论制程设备讨论生产问题点提出控制计划表定案作业标准书修正定案检查基准书修正定案报告报告# 13
# 14
启动Safe launch 程序 1.初期流动管理计
划客 户
初期交货特别管理制订表# 15制造商品质检讨 1. 对策报告
# 16市场、制造、质量、交管理报表
KPI 要全面
,KPI 趋势中的事实描述,问题的“三现主义”

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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S A N M I N ASEVEN TOOLSOFQUALITY(part 2)PROCESS FLOW CHARTSS A N M I N ATable of Contents1. Prerequisites2. Goals and Objectives3. Introduction4. Process Flow Charts5. ExercisePrerequisites1. TL-120, Seven Tools Of Quality (pt 1) Data CollectionS A N M I N AGoal:Upon successful completion of this class the student will be able create and use process flow charts in the TQM and Problem Solving processes.Objectives:1. The student will be able to construct a process flow chart.2. The student will be able to use process flow charts to define and clarify processes.3. The student will be able to use process flow charts to help solve problems and to improveprocesses.S A N M I N AIntroduction1. A process is a series of actions taken to produce a specific product or service. Example oftypical processes are:a. Word Processingb. Shipping a productc. Preparing and processing an expense reportd. Designing a producte. Manufacturing a product2. Process flow charts show:a. The sequence of operations of the processb. The decisions made within the processc. The resulting actions3. A process flow chart provides a visual illustration of the process. It uses a specific type of box orsymbol to represent each step, and arrows connecting the symbols to show the sequence of operations. (See the example on the following page)Process Flow ChartsUses of Process Flow Charts1. Process Flow charts are a key tool used with Process Management and can achieve manygoals.2. Achieve a Common Understanding of the Processesa. A process flow chart can be used to describe a process and to achieve consensus on itssteps. This is useful because people often have different ideas of how a process should be done.S A N M I N AExample Of Process Flow ChartS A N M I N A3. Identify Customers and Suppliersa. Understanding the sequence of process steps helps people communicate more effectivelywith suppliers and customers.4. Identify Redundant or Unnecessary Stepsa. The process may contain unproductive steps which should be eliminated.5. Identify Areas Where Data is Neededa. Data may need to be collected to clarify whether or not a particular step is a problem, orbecause of concerns about product quality. The process flow chart is useful in identifying"control points", or steps where a specific check or measurement should be made.b. Note: One application of flow charting to a work process is often referred to as "processmapping". A process map is an elaborate process flow chart, showing activities, flow,requirements, measurements, times, work areas, and other process information.Types of Process Flow Charts1. It is helpful to identify some broad categories of process flow charts. These categories reflectdifferent uses or purposes for constructing the charts.2. Systems or Data Flowa. This type of chart shows only the flow or sequence of steps. It shows what, but provides noinformation as to how or by whom a particular step is performed. This type of chart is usuallya "macro" chart. For example, it may show a flow of a product through a manufacturingoperation.3. Task or Activity Flowa. This type of chart is similar to the systems or data flow chart, but reflects a more detailedlevel of a process, and may show actions to be performed by various individuals at someprocess segment.4. Procedural Flowa. This type of chart is on a "micro" level, showing the detailed steps of how and by whom atask is carried out.5. Value/Cost Addeda. This type of chart shows each step of the process, and the cost and/or value it adds. This isparticularly useful in identifying steps to be eliminated. Examples of where this chart can be useful include document sign-off loops and inspection plans.6. We will concentrate primarily on the Systems and Task Flow charts.S A N M I N AConstruction Steps1. Constructing a process flow chart involves the following ten steps:a. Identify the process to be studied.1. Give a statement of the process to be analyzed. Be as specific as possible, keeping inmind the reason for constructing the flow chart.Example:Sales/Marketingb. Determine the process purpose, scope, outputs, and inputs.1. Process purpose: the reason the process exists.2. Process flow charting purpose: the reason for constructing the process flow chart. Thepurpose for constructing the process flow chart is usually to solve a problem, improve aprocess, or define a new process.3. Scope: the start and stop points of the process flow. Include only the part of the processwhich may be critical to the purpose. The process flow may not include an entireprocess.4. Outputs: The product, service, or information produced by the process within the scopebeing studied. The outputs are the things which are passed on to the customer of theprocess. In studying a process, it is often helpful first to consider the outputs (what theprocess is supposed to produce) rather than starting with the inputs.5. Inputs: the information or materials which come into the process at the first step. Inputsare produced before the beginning step of the process. They are provided by suppliers tothis process.Example:Process purpose: to show how an order is processed.Process flow: to define the Sales/Marketing flowScope: From receipt of RFQ to a Final Sales EstimateOutputs: Prepared final sales estimate for Customer and SalesInputs: Customer RFQ (request for quote)c. Determine the level of detail for the flow.1. Determining the correct level of detail can be difficult. If the chart becomes to detailed, itmay be too difficult to follow and use. If it does not show enough detail, it may notprovide the information needed.S A N M I N A2. The key to deciding on the level of detail is to carefully identify and keep in mind thepurpose for doing the process flow chart.3. It is common to start at a general level, with a "top-level" flow chart, and add to details asnecessary. i.e., a single step in the initial chart may be broken down into two or threesteps to provide a more detailed flow in critical areas.Example:The level of detail must be sufficient to show each step and the organization (Sales, Accounting, Quoting) responsible for itd. Determine the basis for the flow.1. Before constructing the flow, it is necessary to define exactly what is flowing through theprocess: that is, what we are tracking. If this is not identified and kept in mind, the flowchart will not be meaningful.2. Usually the basis for the flow chart is one of the following:a. Material, such as a document or a printed circuit boardb. Information, such as a test result or a customer questionc. People, such as job candidate or an employee being trained.3. In some cases, a process flow chart may have more than one basis; i.e., it may followboth material and information.Example:The basis of the flow is information, in the form of the customers RFQ to the finalsales estimate.e. List the process steps.1. The steps should be listed in chronological order. For an existing process, list the stepsas they are actually performed, not as the process should operate. We will addressredesigning a bit later on.2. For complex processes, one of the following may be helpful:a. Start with the outputs and work backwards to the inputsb. List the steps on cards or Post-It TM notes and arrange them sequentially.Example:Review the Example on page 5.S A N M I N Af. Add symbols to indicate the types of steps.1. A set of standards symbols is provided by the American national Standards Institute(ANSI). These symbols provide additional information about the type of activityrepresented by each step. (See Example of Common Symbols - below and the example of Adding Symbols on the next page)S A N M I N AExample of Adding Symbols to Indicate the Types of Stepsg. Add arrows to show the basic sequence.1. Every step of the process, regardless of the type, should have connecting arrows toshow the basic flow or sequence. Charts are easiest to follow if the arrows all point in the same direction where possible. (See the example on the next page)S A N M I N AExample with Arrows Addedh. Add arrows to show multiple paths.1. Additional lines and arrows are added beyond the basic sequence to show multiplepaths, decisions, and loops.a. Multiple Paths: there are two or more directions of flow for a process step orsegment.b. Decision point: a decision is made which results in the selection of one of thepossible paths.c. Loops: a return to an earlier process step.i. Check the level of detail.1. Check the process flow chart against the purpose for constructing it and determine theextent to which the chart helps to meet the objective.2. If there are areas which require clarification, it may be necessary to expand certain stepsto include more detail.S A N M I N Aj. Fully label the chart.1. Complete labeling of the chart includes the following items:a. Titleb. Revision/Datec. Depending on use, the originator or process ownerd. File extension number2. Labeling of process flow and other charts is often inadequate. Groups sometimes lose alot of time working with and updating charts only to find that they did not have a currentversion. A good rule is the "two year" test: anyone involved should be able to pick up achart within two years of its construction and be able to identify what it refers to andwhere to go for further information.S A N M I N AInterpretation1. The interpretation of the flow chart depends on the purpose for preparing it and the specificproblem to be solved. Be sure to consider the following issues.2. It is often necessary to gather additional data to determine which parts of the process fit thecategories below. It is important that decisions about the process are based on facts and data rather than on intuition or opinions.a. Identify the Critical Steps1. Critical steps are key steps which can have a great impact on successful operation of theprocess.b. Identify the Problem Steps1. Problem steps are those steps where problems are known to occur. This may bebecause a particular process step is difficult to perform or is not well defined. Capacityproblems or equipment maintenance problems may create bottlenecks and increasecycle time.c. Identify Control Points1. Control points are steps in the process where special checks or measurements may behelpful. From the standpoint of product quality, checks should be done as early in theprocess as possible, particularly on critical and problem steps.2. Measurement and data collection methods should be carefully considered to produce therequired information at as low a cost as possible.d. Consider Process Changes1. Having carefully defined the process and identified critical steps, problem steps andcontrol points, we now should consider alternate methods of completing the process.Better ways may be found for one or more process steps.2. This activity is often referred to as "re-engineering", or designing the ideal process.Questions which might be asked include:a. Are there steps which are redundant, unnecessary, or do not add value?b. Are there steps which can be done in a better, easier, or more cost-effective way?c. Is there a need to better define or redefine certain steps?S A N M I N A3. In considering possible process changes, remember the five W's and an H questions:a. Whob. Whatc. Whered. Whene. Whyf. How4. See the following example:Example - Challenging the Status QuoS A N M I N AProblems and Pitfalls1. The following are some of the problems and pitfalls often encountered in the construction anduse of process flow charts:a. Failing to involve the process experts1. The failure to involve those who are closest to the process results in a flow chart which isinaccurate or does not show the actual process.b. Defining the process as it is supposed to be rather than as it is actually being done.1. Defining a new process or an ideal process is a valuable application of this tool.However, if the process already exists, you must understand how it is currently beingdone before attempting to improve it.c. Failing to include the correct level of detail.1. As previously mentioned, an adequate level of detail is necessary to fulfill the purpose forwhich the flow chart is constructed.d. Failure to keep track of the revision/date.1. Working with outdated versions of documents causes problems and wastes time.e. Are there any other problems or pitfall that you may be aware of?S A N M I N AExercise1. Develop a process flow chart for you work area or a problem in your area.。
