四年级英语下册第十模块 Module 10 Accidents教学设计
外研社版三起小学英语四年级下册教材分析及教案 全册

Module1 FriendsModule2 LondonModule3 PicnicModule4 RobotsModule5 SizeModule6 MusicModule7 CountriesModule8 ChangesModule9 WeekendModule10 AccidentsReview Module教材分析:本册教材是供小学四年级下学期使用的。
各单元教学目标解析:Module1 Friends(朋友)题材内容熊猫Panpan向大家一一介绍他的家人、朋友还有老师。
他们性格特征不一,有的友善,有的调皮,有的聪明,也有的害羞……教学目标语言知识目标句子:1、This is Ms Smart.2、She’s a nice teacher.3、He’s very nice.词汇:听能在句子中听懂单词:nice, shy, naughty, clever, cool, cute, good, bad, friendly, little, a bit, very说能够看图或指着实物或人物说出单词:nice, shy, naughty, clever, cool, cute, little, a bit, very读能在图片或实物的提示下,认读单词:nice, shy, clever, cool, cute, little, a bit, very写会写单词:nice, shy, cool, cute情感态度1、对待他人应该客观、公正、友善;5、养成良好的行为习惯和学习习惯;Module 2 London(伦敦)题材内容Amy和Lingling在一起看一本有关英国首都伦敦的画册。

1学习Sam fell off his bike.这类句型
2、学习单词:happen ride then thirsty watermelon carry bump
fell off went bought stomachache head fever have并识别单词。书写单词:cold
Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike
单词:happen .ride. then .thirsty .watermelon .carry. bump. fell off.
语句:Sam fell off his bike.And the watermelon bumped my head.
【学习实践】四年级英语下册第十模块 Module 10 Accidents教学设计

四年级英语下册第十模块 Module 10 Accidents教学设计第十模块module10Accidents教学目标1、能够掌握本模块词汇并能书写单词“ridecold”2、能够运用一般过去式来描述发生的意外事件,了解动词过去式的基本变化规则.3、能够口头运用“havegot”进行表达:如:He’sgotastomachache.4、能初步感受歌谣:LittleTommyhadahorriblecold.中的语音特点。
2、采用表演形式训练句型“……havegot……”3、在巩固识别动词:“happen gowerebuycarryfalloffbumphave”的过去式时,可利用卡片,让学生以找朋友的方式进行。
课题module10Unit1Samfelloffhisbike.课时新授教学目标1.Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast2.Beabletounderstandthepasttense.3.Beablet oworkinpairsandlistentothetape.教学重难点Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast准备arecorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iwarmer1.Singsongs2.freetalk:saysomethinghappenedin thepast.Ⅱ.Newteaching.1.Saysomethinghappenedinthepast.T:cl ass,yesterday,SamandDamingwentforabikeride.Samfello ffhisbike.whathappenedtoDaming’shead?Pleasereadafterme.singlearntosaysthhappenedinthepast.Goontopractisethepasttense.canuse“and”,”then”saysomethinginthepast.Leadtotoday'snewlessonstudentscanunderstandthepasttenseandgoonto learnthepasttense..教师活动学生活动设计意图2.Listentothetapeandreadafterthetape.3Askandansweri npairs:practisethetextintheworkgroups.Trytosaysomethinghappenedinthepast.ⅢSummuryandhomework.Listenandreadafterthetape.workin pairs.SummuryThiscanimprovethepupils'hearing.Thestudentscanpract isetheiroralEnglish.Practisestudents’oralEnglish LearntosayEnglishwell课后反思It’saninteresingstory.studentswereinteresteninit.Butno teasytoread.板书设计module10Unit1Iamfelloffhisbike.yesterdaywentforabikeridehungrythirstyboughtawatermeloncatrrieditonthebikefelloffhisbikewatermelonbumpedDaming’shead课题module10Unit2Samhadlotsofchocolatebiscuits.课时拓展教学目标1.Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast2.Beabletounderstandthepasttense.3.Beablet oworkinpairsandlistentothetape.教学重难点Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast准备arecorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iwarmer1.Singsongs2.freetalk:saysomethinghappenedin thepast.Ⅱ.Newteaching.1.Saysomethinghappenedinthepast.T:cl ass,today,Samhasgotastomachache.Daminghasgotastomac hache.Amyhasgotaheadache.Linglinghasgotafever.why?whathappenedtothem?Pleasereadafterme.singlearntosaysthhappenedinthepast.Goontopractisethepas ttense.canuse“headache”,“stomachache”“fever”saysomethinginthepast.Leadtotoday'snewlessonstudentscanunderstandthepasttenseandgoonto learnthepasttense..教师活动学生活动设计意图2.Listentothetapeandreadafterthetape.3Askandansweri npairs:practisethetextintheworkgroups.Trytosaysomethinghappenedinthepast.ⅢSummuryandhomework.Listenandreadafterthetape.workinpairs.practisetheiroralEnglish.SummuryThiscanimprovethepupils'hearing.Thestudentscanpract isetheiroralEnglish.Practisestudents’oralEnglish LearntosayEnglishwell课后反思Somanywordsaboutillness.Studentscanexpressit.板书设计module10Unit2Samhadlotsofchocolatebiscuits.headache stomachachefever课题Accidents课时综合教学目标1.Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast2.Beabletounderstandthepasttense.3.Learnto saythechant教学重难点Beabletosay:thethingsinthepast准备arecorder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iwarmer1.Singsomesongs.2.freetalk:saysomethinghappenedinthepast.Ⅱ.Newteaching.1.class,lastweekwelearnsomethingsabo utaccidents.Thistimewe’llrevivethem.Fromthis,let’slearnthechanttogether.Pleaselistentothetape.singlearntosaysthhappenedinthepast.LearnthechantListent othetape.Leadtotoday'snewlessonstudentscanunderstandthepasttenseandgoonto learnthepasttense..教师活动学生活动设计意图2.Listentotextagain.3Askandanswerinpairs:practiseth etextintheworkgroups.Trytosaysomethinghappenedinthepast.ⅢSummuryandhomework.Listenandreadafterthetape.workin pairs.practisetheiroralEnglish.SummuryThiscanimprovethepupils'hearing.Thestudentscanpract isetheiroralEnglish.Practisestudents’oralEnglish LearntosayEnglishwell课后反思Imustadmirethepasttenseisadifficultpointstoallthest udents.Ihopethencanunderstanditanduseitfreely.板书设计Accidentsfallofffelloff课题Reviewmodule课时综合教学目标1.Gooverthecontenofthewholebook.2.completeeachactivityandeachpracticetoconsolidatethe knowledgelearntthisterm.3.Beabletouseallkindsofdrillsandconversation.重点Havethestudentscompleteeachactivityrightly.教具cardstape-recorderpictures难点Useallkindsofdrillsanddialogue.教学过程Step1:warmer.Putthestudentsintogroupsoffourorfive.Tellthemt othinkofallthewordstheyknowforEachofthesecategories:countries,clothes,sports,jobs …2.onlyonestudentineachgroupneedstowritedowntheideas ofthegroup.3.Nowgetthestudentstoreadouttheirideasandputtheword sundereachcategory.Step2:Doactivitiesinthebook.1.Haveagame:Doandanswer.Beforestartingthegamedoaquick brainstorm.2.Tellthestudentsthattheteacherisgoingtocalloutacateg oryandthestudentshavetothinkofallthethingstheyknowi nthatcategory.3.Don’twritetheanswersontheboardbecausethisisjustaquickbr ainstormtorefreshtheirmemories.Examples:T:Sports.S: Football,tennis,basketball,tabletennis,volleyball.T :jobs.S:Teacher,doctor,nurse,taxidriver,busdriver,d ancer.T:cities.S:Beijing,London,Newyork.4.continuelikethis:veryquicklyrevisethecategoriesbefo restartingtheactivity.Thenthestudentshavetoplayingr oups.5.ontheboardwritedownthefollowingcategories:number,co lour,country,subject,month,food,toy,day,sport6.Nowtellthestudentstoworkinpairs.onestudenthastosayanitemfromoneofthecategoriesandtheotherstudenthastos aythecategory.Examples:S1;Red.S2:colour.S1:Noodles.S2:Food.7.Getthestudentstocontinuelikethis.Itwillgivethemlots ofpracticeandhelpthemreviselotsofwords.Step3:Summar izethismoduleTellthestudentstheyreviewthecontentofthewholebookfr omthismodule.Step4:Homeworkwritealettertooscarandtellhimwhatyoudidandwhatyoudi dn’tdoyesterday.writedowntheideasofthegroup.refreshthe irmemories.workinpairsreviselotsofwords.板书设计Sports.Football,tennis,basketball,tabletennis,volleyball.jobs.Teacher,doctor,nurse,taxidriver,busdriver,dancer.cities.Beijing,London,Newyork.教后记Studentscanmastthewordsandsentences.Butnofreely.第一模块module1FriendsmoduleoneFriendUnit1sheisaniceteacherUnit2He 'scool第二模块module2LondonUnit1LondonisthecapitalofEnglandUnit2:Thisist heriverThames.第三模块module3PicnicUnit1:willyoutakeyourkite?Unit2:onmondayI’llgoswimming.第四模块module4RobotsUnit1:RobotswilldoeverythingUnit2:willitbewin dyinBeijing?第五模块module5SizeUnit1:Amy’stallerthanLingling.Unit2:BeijingisbiggerthanTianji ng.第六模块module6musicUnit1Thisgirlisgood.Unit2:Linglingisbet terthanDaming.第七模块module7countriesUnit1:Newyorkisintheeast.module7Unit2Beiji ngisthecapitalofchina.第八模块module8changesmodule8Unit1Iwastwo.module8Unit2Theywereyoung.第九模块module9weekendmodule9Unit1Ihelpedmum.module9Unit2DidDadcooklunch?第十模块module10Accidentsmodule10Unit1Samfelloffhisbike.module10Uni t2Samhadlotsofchocolatebiscuits.Reviewmodule。

(外研版三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit2 教案教学内容:本节课是外研版三起四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 2的教学内容。
教学目标:1. 知识与技能:学生能够掌握本节课的生词和句型,能够运用所学知识描述交通事故的发生过程,以及如何寻求帮助。
2. 过程与方法:通过故事情境的创设,培养学生阅读理解能力,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:培养学生关爱他人、乐于助人的品质,增强学生的安全意识。
教学难点:1. 词汇的掌握和运用:本节课的生词较多,学生需要通过反复练习来掌握。
2. 句型的运用:学生需要学会如何运用所学句型描述交通事故的发生过程,以及如何寻求帮助。
3. 阅读理解能力的培养:学生需要通过故事情境的创设,提高阅读理解能力。
教具学具准备:1. 教学课件:包括故事情境的创设、生词和句型的展示等。
2. 教学卡片:包括本节课的生词和句型。
3. 录音机:播放课文录音,帮助学生纠正发音。
教学过程:1. 导入:通过图片展示交通事故的场景,引导学生谈论自己对交通事故的了解,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 新课呈现:通过故事情境的创设,引导学生学习本节课的生词和句型。
3. 练习:通过角色扮演、小组讨论等形式,让学生运用所学知识描述交通事故的发生过程,以及如何寻求帮助。
4. 巩固:通过听课文录音、完成练习题等形式,巩固所学知识。
6. 作业布置:布置课后作业,让学生进一步巩固所学知识。
板书设计:1. Module 10《Accidents》Unit 22. 生词和句型:用不同颜色的粉笔书写,突出重点。
3. 故事情境:用简笔画或图片展示,帮助学生理解课文内容。

外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案(一)(外研版)四年级英语下册教案Module10Module 10 AccidentsUnit 1 Sam fell off his bike.Teaching aims:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.and then...?Teaching importance:Describing an accidentTeaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of irregular and regular verbs to talk about past activities. Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:listen and point1 Ask questions about the pictures inChinese,e.g. What was Daming thinking about in Picture 1? What was he thinkingabout in picture2?What was Daming thinking about in picture3? How did Sam carry the watermelon in picture4?What happened to Daming in the last picture? What did the girls do in the last picture?2 Write thewords'then','and' and'so'on theboard.Explainthat these words link sentences or clauses together.Say that 'so'indicates result,e.g. I went to bed at 11p.m.,so I was late for school.Point out that 'and' means 'following this'Show the example in Pictures5and 6,i.e.Then Sam fell off his bike!And the watermelon bumped my head! Theadverb'then'means'after that'.We often use'then'when we are givinga sequence of instructions.Step three:Tell the story1)Write the following on the board:I ate ten nangoes,so...I didn't do my homework,so...I cleaned my teeth and then I...I fell over and...2)Have the students work in pairs and complete the sentences.Explain that there is no one correct answer forthis exercise,however,the sentences must be grammatically corret and they must make sense.Example Answers:I ate ten mangoes, so I wassick/went to bed/went to the doctor.I didn't do my homework, so my mother was angry/the teacher was angry.I cleaned my teeth and then I went to bed/watched TV/read a book.I fell over and hurt my knee/I cried.Step four: Homework【外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案】Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.Teaching aims:Sam had lots ofchocolate biscuits yesterday,【外研版四年级下册英语教案module10教案】so today he's got a stomachache.Teaching importance:Talking about illnessesTeaching difficulities:Using conjunctions 'so'and'and' to link ideasTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:Listen and pointExplain to the students that you are going to call out the names of the characters and they have to say what they did or had yesterday.Examples:T:Lingling.S:Lingling had a headache.T:Sam.S:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.Follow the same procedure but ask about today.Examples:T:Lingling.S:Lingling has got a fever.T:Sam.S:Sam has got a stomachache.Step three:Let's chant.1)Free talk:Have the students look at the pictures and say what the chant is about.Ask the students what they do when they are sickbut not seriouslyill,e.g.go to bed, take medicine,go to the doctor.2)Play the spoken version of the chant and get the students to repeat the words.3)Play the second version and let the students listen or they can say the chant along with the music.4)Divide the class into three groups.Each group has to say one verse of the chant.5)Have each student get a large piece of paper.The studnets in each group should look at their verse and write thelast word in the verse on their piece of paper,e.g. Group A shouldwrite'cold'.6)Tell the studetns that when they say their verse,they haveto hold up their word when it is repeated in the last line.7)Get the class to say the chant with each group saying theirverse and holding up their word at the appropritate time.8)Have the students change the names in the chant.As'Tommy'and'Lingling 'each have two syllables,you must use two-syllable names as substitutes,e.g.Amy,Daming.Thename 9;Ben'has one syllable so you can use 'Tom'or'Sam'as a substitute.Then have the students say the chant again with the new names.Step four: HomeworkModule 9 教材分析:在之前学习的基础上,开始对一般过去时的问句进行学习。
外研版英语四下《Module 10 Accidents》(unit1)word教案

(外研版)四年级英语下册教案Module10Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.Teaching aims:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.and then...?Teaching importance:Describing an accidentTeaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense of irregular and regular verbs to talk about past activities.Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:listen and point1. Ask questions about the pictures in Chinese,e.g. What was Daming thinking about in Picture 1? What was he thinking about in picture2?What was Daming thinking about in picture3? How did Sam carry the watermelon in picture4? What happened to Daming in the last picture? What did the girls do in the last picture?2. Write the words'then','and' and'so'on the board.Explain that these words link sentences or clauses together.Say that 'so'indicates result,e.g. I went to bed at 11p.m., so I was late for school.Point out that 'and' means 'following this' Show the example in Pictures5and 6,i.e.Then Sam fell off his bike!And the watermelon bumped my head! The adverb 'then'means'after that'.We often use 'then'when we are giving a sequence of instructions.Step three:Tell the story1)Write the following on the board:I ate ten nangoes,so...I didn't do my homework,so...I cleaned my teeth and then I...I fell over and...2)Have the students work in pairs and complete the sentences.Explain that there is no one correct answer for this exercise,however,the sentences must be grammatically corret and they must make sense.Example Answers:I ate ten mangoes, so I was sick/went to bed/went to the doctor.I didn't do my homework, so my mother was angry/the teacher was angry.I cleaned my teeth and then I went to bed/watched TV/read a book.I fell over and hurt my knee/I cried.Step four: HomeworkReview Module( Unit 1)Teaching aims:ReviewTeaching importance:ReviewTeaching difficulities:ReviewTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:Look at the map and say.1)Tell the students to imagine that the top of their desk (the flat part that they writeon )is like a map with north at the top(this is the ide of the desk farthest away from the students),south at the bottom (this is the side closest to the students),west to the left and east to the right.2)Have the students get out their coloured pencils.3)Explain to the students that you are going to give instructions on where to place the pencils and they have to follow those instructions.e.g.put a red pencil in the south,please.Put a blue pencil in the north ,please.Do a lot of examples with the students.Step three:What will they do?1)Tell the students that you are going to choose a student and then say a day. The student has to say what he or she will do on that day.e.g.T:Sunday.S:I will visit my grandmother.T:Tuesday.S:I will play football.2)Do a lot of examples.Then have the students continue the activity in pairs. They should take turns to say the days.3)Point out that they can make up what they will do ; it doesn't have to be true. Step four: Homework。
(外研版 三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 2 教案-最新教育文档

Module 10 AccidentsUnit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.一、教学目标1.熟练运用句子:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.So today he’s got a stomachache.2.谈论事情的起因和结果3.谈论疾病二、教学程序(一)、热身T: Hi, boys and girls.T: Let’s sing a song, ok?Ss: Ok.T: Ok! London Bridge is falling down…. (Ss sing the song)T: You are clever boys and girls. Now let’s have a Free Talk “What I did yesterday”, Ok?Ss introduce what they did yesterday(二)、导入T: Who can tell me what happen to Daming in last Unit.Ss: D aming’s head was bumped.T: Let’s play this story, ok?Ss: Ok.(Two students play in roles of “Daming” and “Sam”, others describe the story, the two students do the actions)The teacher writes the word “today” on the blackboard. What happened to Daming, S am, Amy and Lingling? Lead the students to use “to” and “and” to connect the two sentences.(三)、新授1、T: Now, this class we are going to learn Module 10 Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits .First, listen to the tape and underline the new words.(Teach the new words’ cards)2、T: Now listen to the tape and repeat it. Are you clear?(The teacher writes these sentences on the blackboard)Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.So today he’s got a stomachache.3、T: Now listen to the tape again and tell me what happened to Sam, Lingling, Amy and Lingling.4、T: Look at these words: had, ate5、T: Look at Part 4, answer these questions:1. What is wrong with Little Tommy?2. What’s wrong with Little Lingling?3. What’s wrong with Little Ben?6、T: Listen to the tape and repeat it.7、T: Let’s read the poem together and do the actions, ok?Ss: Ok.(四)、练习1、T: Let’s play a game, ok? Ss: Ok.2、T: Let’s play “I do you say”. I’ll ask four students to come to the front of the class, one student performs Daming eating chocolate biscuits and then having a stomachache, and others describe it, and so on.三、板书设计Unit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuitsSam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday.So today he’s got a stomachache.。

(外研版三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit1 教案一、教学内容本课为外研版《英语》四年级下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 1。
教学内容主要包括:词汇:hurt, cut, fall, get up, hospital, blood等;句型:What's wrong with you? I ;日常交际用语:Can I help you? Yes, please./No, thank you.;语法:一般过去时态的运用。
二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:学生能够听懂、会说、会读本课词汇和句型,并能运用一般过去时态描述过去发生的事情。
2. 过程与方法:通过小组合作、情境模拟等教学活动,培养学生英语听说能力和合作意识。
3. 情感态度价值观:培养学生关爱他人、乐于助人的品质,提高学生的安全意识。
三、教学难点1. 词汇:hurt, cut, fall, get up, hospital, blood的正确发音和运用。
2. 句型:What's wrong with you? I 的运用。
3. 语法:一般过去时态的运用。
四、教具学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:学生用书、练习册、英语词典、彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过播放与Accidents相关的视频,激发学生的学习兴趣,引导学生进入本课主题。
2. 新课呈现:教师通过图片、实物等教学手段,呈现本课词汇和句型,并进行讲解和示范。
3. 小组合作:学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟Accidents情境,运用本课所学词汇和句型进行交流。
4. 巩固练习:教师设计练习题,检测学生对本课内容的掌握程度,并进行讲解和指导。
六、板书设计1. 本课Module 10《Accidents》Unit 12. 词汇:hurt, cut, fall, get up, hospital, blood3. 句型:What's wrong with you? I4. 语法:一般过去时态的运用七、作业设计1.抄写本课词汇和句型。

最新外研版小学英语四年级下册第10模块公开课教学设计教学设计:最新外研版小学英语四年级下册第10模块公开课一、教学目标:1. 学习并掌握本模块的生词和词组。
2. 能够听懂、理解并运用本模块的对话和短文。
3. 能够流利地运用本模块的语言知识进行口语表达。
4. 培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合语言能力。
二、教学内容:本课程将主要涵盖以下内容:1. 生词和词组:apple, banana, orange, pear, watermelon, pineapple, grapes, fruit salad, like, don't like, I like bananas, I don't like apples.2. 对话和短文:学习如何询问喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并回答。
3. 句型:I like bananas. I don't like apples.三、教学准备:1. 教材:最新外研版小学英语四年级下册。
2. 教具:多媒体设备,课件,图片,水果模型。
四、教学过程:1. 导入(5分钟):教师用图片或实物引导学生回顾已学过的水果名称,如apple, banana, orange等。
2. 新课呈现(10分钟):教师通过多媒体设备和课件展示新的水果单词,如watermelon, pineapple, grapes等,并教授相应的发音。
3. 对话练习(15分钟):教师设计一段对话,模拟询问学生喜欢和不喜欢的水果,并引导学生用"I like..."和"I don't like..."进行回答。
4. 听力训练(10分钟):教师播放一段关于水果的短文,要求学生仔细听并回答问题。

最新外研版小学英语四年级下册第10模块公开课教学设计第10模块公开课教学设计一、教学目标:1. 语言目标:a. 学习掌握本模块的重点词汇和句型;b. 能够听懂、会说、会读、会写与本模块相关的日常用语;c. 能够正确运用所学知识进行简单的对话交流。
2. 情感目标:a. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣和自信心;b. 培养学生的合作意识和团队精神;c. 培养学生的观察力和思维能力。
二、教学重点:1. 学习掌握本模块的重点词汇和句型;2. 能够正确运用所学知识进行简单的对话交流。
三、教学准备:1. 外研版小学英语四年级下册第10模块教材;2. 多媒体设备;3. 教学课件和教学素材。
四、教学过程:1. 导入(5分钟)a. 利用图片和实物引导学生回忆上一模块所学的内容;b. 利用问题引导学生进入新的学习主题。
2. 新课呈现(10分钟)a. 利用多媒体设备展示本模块的主题内容和教学目标;b. 引导学生观察图片,学习新的词汇和句型;c. 利用教学课件和教学素材进行互动教学,帮助学生理解和掌握所学内容。
3. 听说训练(15分钟)a. 播放相关录音,让学生跟读;b. 利用问题和图片引导学生进行听力训练;c. 分组进行对话练习,培养学生的口语表达能力。
4. 读写训练(20分钟)a. 利用教学课件和教学素材进行读写训练;b. 分组进行阅读理解练习,提高学生的阅读能力;c. 进行书写训练,培养学生的书写能力。
5. 拓展活动(10分钟)a. 利用游戏和歌曲等形式进行拓展活动,巩固所学内容;b. 引导学生进行创意表演,提高学生的综合运用能力。
6. 总结归纳(5分钟)a. 与学生一起回顾本节课所学的内容;b. 引导学生总结归纳,巩固所学知识。
五、作业布置:1. 完成课堂上未完成的练习;2. 完成课后作业,巩固所学知识。

3.学习询问和回答关于食物的问题,如“What's this?”(这是什么?),“It's a/an...”(它是一个/一个...),“What color is it?”(它是什么颜色的?),“It's...”(它是...)等。
2.能够运用英语描述食物的颜色和味道。通过课堂活动的参与和实践,学生将能够运用所学词汇和形容词,如“It's a red apple.”(这是一个红色的苹果。),“I like sweet bananas.”(我喜欢甜的香蕉。)等,来描述食物的特性。

《Module10Accidents》优秀教案—新规范英语四年级下册教学设计Module 10 AccidentsUnit 1 Sam fell off his bike.优秀教案Teaching aims:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.and then...?Teaching importanceescribing an accidentTeaching difficulities:Using the simple past tense ofirregular and regular verbs to talk about past activities.Teaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:listen and point1Ask questions about the pictures in Chinese, What wasDaming thinking about in Picture 1? What was he thinkingabout in picture2?What was Daming thinking about inpicture3? How did Sam carry the watermelon in picture4?What happened to Daming in the last picture? What did thegirls do in the last picture?2Write the words'then','and' and'so'on thethat these words link sentences or clausesthat 'so'indicates result, I went to bed at ,so I waslate for out that 'and' means 'following this' Show the example in Pictures5and, Sam fell offhis bike!And the watermelon bumped my head! The adverb'then'means'after that'.We often use 'then'when we are givinga sequence of instructions.Step three:Tell the story1)Write the following on the board:I ate ten nangoes,so...I didn't do my homework,so...I cleaned my teeth and then I...I fell over and...2)Have the students work in pairs and complete thethat there is no one correct answer forthis exercise,however,the sentences must be grammaticallycorret and they must make sense.Example Answers:I ate ten mangoes, so I was sick/went to bed/went to thedoctor.I didn't do my homework, so my mother was angry/theteacher was angry.I cleaned my teeth and then I went to bed/watched TV/reada book.I fell over and hurt my knee/I cried.Step four: HomeworkUnit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.优秀教案Teaching aims:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday,so today he's got a stomachache.Teaching importance:Talking about illnessesTeaching difficulities:Using conjunctions 'so' and'and' tolink ideasTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step twoisten and pointExplain to the students that you are going to call out thenames of the characters and they have to say what they didor had yesterday.Examples:Tingling.S:Lingling had a headache.T:Sam.S:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits.Follow the same procedure but ask about today.Examples:T:Lingling.S:Lingling has got a fever.T:Sam.S:Sam has got a stomachache.Step three:Let's chant.1)Free talk:Have the students look at the pictures and say what the chantis the students what they do when they are sick but not seriously ill, to bed, take medicine,go to thedoctor.2)Play the spoken version of the chant and get the studentsto repeat the words.3)Play the second version and let the students listen or theycan say the chant along with the music.4)Divide the class into three group has to sayone verse of the chant.5)Have each student get a large piece of studnetsin each group should look at their verse and writethe lastword in the verse on their piece of paper, Group Ashould write'cold'.6)Tell the studetns that when they say their verse,they haveto hold up their word when it is repeated in the last line.7)Get the class to say the chant with each group saying theirverse and holding up their word at the appropritate time.8)Have the students change the names in the'Tommy'and'Lingling'each have two syllables,you must usetwo-syllable names as substitutes,,name'Ben'has one syllable so you can use 'Tom'or'Sam'as ahave the students say the chant again withthe new names.Step four: HomeworkReview Module( Unit 1)Teaching aims:ReviewTeaching importance:ReviewTeaching difficulities:ReviewTeaching Tools:RecorderTeaching Steps:Step one : Warm upsing a song.Step two:Look at the map and say.1)Tell the students to imagine that the top of their desk (theflat part that they write on )is like a map with north at thetop(this is the ide of the desk farthest away from thestudents),south at the bottom (this is the side closest to thestudents),west to the left and east to the right.2)Have the students get out their coloured pencils.3)Explain to the students that you are going to giveinstructions on where to place the pencils and they have tofollow those instructions.a red pencil in the south,please.Put a blue pencil in the north ,please.Do a lot of examples with the students.Step three:What will they do?1)Tell the students that you are going to choosea studentand then say a day. The student has to say what he or shewill do on that day.:Sunday.S:I will visit my grandmother.T:Tuesday.S:I will play football.2)Do a lot of have the students continue theactivity in pairs. They should take turns to say the days.3)Point out that they can make up what they will do ; itdoesn't have to be true.Step four: Homework。
《Module 10 Accidents》教学设计

《Module 10 Accidents》教学设计-四年级Teaching aims:Sam and I went for a bie ride yesterdayand thenTeaching imust be grammaticallycorret and they must mae senseEamangoes, so I was sic/went to bed/went to thedoctorI didn't do my homewor, so my mother wasangry/theteacher was angryI cleaned my teeth and then I went to bed/watched TV/reada booI fell over and hurt my nee/I criedSteeworUnit 2 Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits教学设计Teaching aims:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday,so today he's got a stomachacheTeaching im ues of the characters and they have to say what they didor had yesterdayEamS:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuitsFollow the sameS:Sam has got a stomachache#edicine,go to thedoctor2usic4Divide the class into three groue8Have the students change the names in the'Tommy'and'Lingling'each have two syllables,you must usetwo-syllable names as substitutes,,name'Ben'has one syllable so you can use 'Tom'or'Sam'as a have the students say the chant again withthe new names SteeworReview Module Unit 1Teaching aims:ReviewTeaching im uaagine that the toa thestudents,south at the bottom this is the side closest to thestudents,west to the left and east to the right 2Have the students get out their coloured y grandmotherT:TuesdayS:I will ae uewor。
四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版

外研版四年级下册英语Module 10 AccidentsUnit1 Sam fell off his bike.一、语言知识目标:1.使学生掌握用过去式描述一件意外。
2.学习认读单词:happened(happen), bought(buy), fell(fall),went(go) bumped(bump), carried(carry), ride, hungry , thirsty, watermelon3.能够理解课文内容,能够大声、流利地朗读课文。
四、教学过程Ⅰ.Warming up1.Greet to SsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, (teacher)T: How are you?Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?T: I’m fine, too.2.Say a chant and do actions: We walked and walked.Ⅱ.Introduction1. Get Ss pay attention to the verbs with “-ed” in the chant .Show some cards with pictur es and get Ss read the words (draw Ss’ atterntion to the prouniciation of “ed”: walked, talked, looked, laughed, played, danced, jumped ( Colour “ed” and “d” )2. Chain gameT : What did you do?S1: I walked.S2: I walked and talked.S3 : I walked and talked and looked.S4 : …Ⅲ. Presentation1. Talk abut what happened. By the way, lead Ss to learn the new words.(1)T: Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: Me. too. But Xiaoyong(a student)is not happy. (让一个学生头上裹上一层纱布,拿者一个足球,走进教室)What happened to him?(empharize the word” happened” and try to get Ss understand the meaning)Ss: He played football.T: And what happened?The football bumped his head. (Emphasize the word “bumped” and show the word card and teach the word)(2) Show some photos and get Ss guess what happened.① A student carried lots of books . Then the books fell offT: What did she carry? (Do action and get understand the word” carry” and teach the word) Ss: Some books.T: What happened to the books?(Invite a good student to answer)S: They fell off.T: Yes.(Take a book and let it fall off. Teach, “fall off”. Then teach the past tense form “fell off”)② A boy went for a bike ride. He fell off his bike.T: What happened to the boy?S: He fell off his bike.T: and why? He went for a bike ride..③ A girl was hungry. She bought a cake.T: What happened to the girl?S: The girl was hungry. She bought a cake.④ A boy was thirsty. He bought juice.(3) Make a summary of the new words.happen ( happened) bump (bumped) carry ( carried)go (went) buy ( bought) fall (fell)(Explain the general rule “-ed” and the special transformation of the verbs with past tense)(4) Disorder these words and get Ss find out the right match.(5) Guess the words (Get Ss guess the words just from the shape of your mouth without any voice)(5) Girls Vs Boys① Point and Say ( To see who can learn better, b oys or girls?)② Invite a group of boys and a group of girls to line up before the blackboard and point to the words one by one after Teacher say the words.③ Praise the quicker group.3.Teach the text(1)Get Ss guess what happened between Daming and the watermelon.( Take out a picture ofa watermelon and a headgear of Daming.)①T: look, here is a watermelon. (Teach” watermelon”) What happened between Damingand the watermelon?②Prepare some pictures according to the following sentences for each group.A.Sam and Daming went for a bike ride yesterdayB. They were hungry and thirsty,C. They bought a watermelon.D.Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.E. Sam fell off his bike.F.The watermelon bumped my head.ⅰ.Discuss in groups of four.ⅱ.Order the pictures according to the discussion.ⅲ. Get some Ss share their answer before the class.(2)Listen to the tape and order the pictures again in groups.① Get Ss put the right sentences under the pictures and then check the answers.② Get Ss read the sentences in groups. (Help eac h other)③ Invite Ss to read and make a competition between boys and girls.(3)Read after the tape twice.(4)Role-play4.Consolidation: play performanceEmploy Ss’ imagination to make stories in groups of four.① Teacher begin the story with “② Get Ss work in group to make a story③5.Homework(1)Read the text five times(2)Copy the new words(3)Play performanceEmploy Ss’ imagination to make stories in groups of four. Then play before class next period.The story is begun with “ It was a nice day on Sunday. …”7. Teaching Note:。
四年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1(2)教案 外研版

外研版四年级下册英语Module 10 AccidentsUnit1 Sam fell off his bike.一、语言知识目标:1.使学生掌握用过去式描述一件意外。
2.学习认读单词:happened(happen), bought(buy), fell(fall),went(go) bumped(bump), carried(carry), ride, hungry , thirsty, watermelon3.能够理解课文内容,能够大声、流利地朗读课文。
四、教学过程Ⅰ.Warming up1.Greet to SsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, (teacher)T: How are you?Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?T: I’m fine, too.2.Say a chant and do actions: We walked and walked.Ⅱ.Introduction1. Get Ss pay attention to the verbs with “-ed” in the chant .Show some cards with pictur es and get Ss read the words (draw Ss’ atterntion to the prouniciation of “ed”: walked, talked, looked, laughed, played, danced, jumped ( Colour “ed” and “d” )2. Chain gameT : What did you do?S1: I walked.S2: I walked and talked.S3 : I walked and talked and looked.S4 : …Ⅲ. Presentation1. Talk abut what happened. By the way, lead Ss to learn the new words.(1)T: Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: Me. too. But Xiaoyong(a student)is not happy. (让一个学生头上裹上一层纱布,拿者一个足球,走进教室)What happened to him?(empharize the word” happened” and try to get Ss understand the meaning)Ss: He played football.T: And what happened?The football bumped his head. (Emphasize the word “bumped” and show the word card and teach the word)(2) Show some photos and get Ss guess what happened.① A student carried lots of books . Then the books fell offT: What did she carry? (Do action and get understand the word” carry” and teach the word) Ss: Some books.T: What happened to the books?(Invite a good student to answer)S: They fell off.T: Yes.(Take a book and let it fall off. Teach, “fall off”. Then teach the past tense form “fell off”)② A boy went for a bike ride. He fell off his bike.T: What happened to the boy?S: He fell off his bike.T: and why? He went for a bike ride..③ A girl was hungry. She bought a cake.T: What happened to the girl?S: The girl was hungry. She bought a cake.④ A boy was thirsty. He bought juice.(3) Make a summary of the new words.happen ( happened) bump (bumped) carry ( carried)go (went) buy ( bought) fall (fell)(Explain the general rule “-ed” and the special transformation of the verbs with past tense)(4) Disorder these words and get Ss find out the right match.(5) Guess the words (Get Ss guess the words just from the shape of your mouth without any voice)(5) Girls Vs Boys① Point and Say ( To see who can learn better, b oys or girls?)② Invite a group of boys and a group of girls to line up before the blackboard and point to the words one by one after Teacher say the words.③ Praise the quicker group.3.Teach the text(1)Get Ss guess what happened between Daming and the watermelon.( Take out a picture ofa watermelon and a headgear of Daming.)①T: look, here is a watermelon. (Teach” watermelon”) What happened between Damingand the watermelon?②Prepare some pictures according to the following sentences for each group.A.Sam and Daming went for a bike ride yesterdayB. They were hungry and thirsty,C. They bought a watermelon.D.Sam carried the watermelon on the bike.E. Sam fell off his bike.F.The watermelon bumped my head.ⅰ.Discuss in groups of four.ⅱ.Order the pictures according to the discussion.ⅲ. Get some Ss share their answer before the class.(2)Listen to the tape and order the pictures again in groups.① Get Ss put the right sentences under the pictures and then check the answers.② Get Ss read the sentences in groups. (Help eac h other)③ Invite Ss to read and make a competition between boys and girls.(3)Read after the tape twice.(4)Role-play4.Consolidation: play performanceEmploy Ss’ imagination to make stories in groups of four.① Teacher begin the story with “② Get Ss work in group to make a story③5.Homework(1)Read the text five times(2)Copy the new words(3)Play performanceEmploy Ss’ imagination to make stories in groups of four. Then play before class next period.The story is begun with “ It was a nice day on Sunday. …”7. Teaching Note:。
(外研版 三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 1 教案

(外研版三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 1 教案Module 10 AccidentsUnit 1 Sam fell off his bike.一、教学目标1.熟练运用句子:Sam and I went for a bike ride yesterday.And then ……?2.描述一个意外事件3.用过去时描述体育课上发生的小事故二、教学程序(一)、热身A Songs: Oh, we love holidays.B Free talk: I did ……yesterday.(二)、导入On the cards, write the present and past tense forms of some irregular verbs.Examples: go---went are---were buy---bought fall-----fellT: Today, We’ll learn the new verbs and their past tense forms.Then teach: happen----happened bump-----bumped carry-----carried (三)、新授1、T: We did many things yesterday. Who can tell me who you did yesterday?2、T: What did you do yesterday, A?Sa: I played basketball yesterday.3、T: What did Sa do yesterday?Sb: He/She played basketball yesterday.Then ask several the other students like this.4、T: Now, look at your books. Module 10 Accidents Unit 1 Sam fell of his bike.Listen to the tape and underline the new words. (Show the cards of new words)5、Teach the new words.6、T: Now listen to the tape again and repeat it .Are you clear?。
(外研版 三起)四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 1 教案

外研版三起四年级英语下册Module 10《Accidents》Unit 1教案教学目标1.能够听懂并理解有关交通事故的基本单词和句子。
教学内容课文词汇1.accident2.fall3.break4.hurt5.bump6.cut7.burn8.bruise句型1.What’s the matter?2.I fell off my bike.3.I broke my arm.4.I hurt my leg.5.I bumped my head.6.I cut my finger.7.I burnt my hand.8.I have a bruise on my arm.情境对话句型1.Are you OK?2.Be careful!3.Look out!4.Watch where you’re going!5.Slow down!6.Don’t run!7.Don’t ride your bike too fast!8.Don’t play with fire!9.Don’t touch that, it’s hot!10.Wear a helmet when you ride your bike!词汇1.car2.bike3.skateboard4.scooter5.fire6.stove7.knife交通安全小贴士1.穿上安全带。
教学过程导入教师做Lead-in的活动,让学生过来,听听音乐就好了,歌曲是Michael Jackson的黑白舞,当学生兴致高涨时,提问看对。
Module 10 AccidentsUnit1教案新部编本

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________xx市实验学校Module 10 AccidentsUnit 1 Sam fell off his bike.教学内容;课本第38页Module 10 Unit 1部分Studying aims:(学习目标)a、能够听、说、认读单词happen, ride, then, thirty, watermelon, carry, bumpb、能够正确抄写单词:ride, thirsty教学重点、难点重点:本单元单词及动词过去式。
句型:Sam and I went for a bike ride. And then…难点:听懂对过去发生的事故进行描述的句子,并能够向别人描述过去发生的事故教学手段:多媒体课件教学过程:一、板书课题Unit 1 Sam fell off his bike.二、出示学习目标(停留,让学生看清。
B.小组内交流,互读课文,(先小组后全班)展示交流学习情况,(eg. happened went for a bike ride, bought, then, thirsty, watermelon, carried, fell off, bumped)C.师领读课文,之后听录音。
第一遍,听并注意所学单词及句型;第二遍,听并小声跟读后copy:We went for a bike ride yesterday. We bought a watermelon. Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. Sam fell off his bike. The watermelon bumped Daming.第三遍just listen and point.4Show the four pictures again.鼓励学生把图片联系起来讲述一个事故。

1. 热身:2. 让同学们用上次准备好的动词过去式卡片叙述小故事。
3. 课文导入:a. 在黑板上贴四幅图画aming吃了两个西瓜,Sam吃了很多巧克力饼干,Amy打喷嚏,Lingling头疼并在这些图片上方写出yesterday . 让学生描述图片 , 提示词 ate . ( had )b. 在图片下方写出today , 猜测Daming , Sam ,Lingling , Amy 昨天的行为或状况会引发今天的什么后果,用英语再次描述时,尽可能用 so 和 and 来连接。
3. 课文教学。
c.请学生找出课文中的生词“stomachache, cold, headache, fever”等,使用单词卡片或是通过模仿动作向学生进行讲解。
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四年级英语下册第十模块 dule 10Aidents教学设计第十模块dule10Aidents教学目标1、能够掌握本模块词汇并能书写单词“rideld”2、能够运用一般过去式来描述发生的意外事,了解动词过去式的基本变化规则3、能够口头运用“havegt”进行表达:如:He’sgtastahahe4、能初步感受歌谣:LittleThadahrribleld中的语音特点。
题dule10Unit1Safellffhisbie时新授教学目标1Beabletsa:thethingsinthepast2Beabletunderstandthepasttense3Beabletrinp airsandlistentthetape教学重难点Beabletsa:thethings inthepast准备arerder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer1Singsngs2freetal:sasethinghappenedinthepastⅡNeteahing1SasethinghappenedinthepastT:lass,esterda, SaandDaingentfrabierideSafellffhisbiehathappenedtDaing’shead?PleasereadafteresinglearntsasthhappenedinthepastGntpratisethepasttensea nuse“and”,”then”sasethinginthepastLeadttda'snelessnstudentsanunderstandthepasttenseandgntlearnthepasttense教师活动学生活动设计意图2Listentthetapeandreadafterthetape3Asandanserinpair s:pratisethetextinthergrupsTrtsasethinghappenedinthepastⅢSuurandherListenandreadafterthetaperinpairs SuurThisaniprvethepupils'hearingThestudentsanpratisethe irralEnglishPratisestudents’ralEnglishLearntsaEnglishell后反思It’saninteresingstrstudentsereinteresteninitButnteastr ead板书设计dule10Unit1IafellffhisbieesterdaentfrabieridehungrthirstbughtaaterelnatrrieditnthebiefellffhisbieaterelnbupedDaing’shead题dule10Unit2Sahadltsfhlatebisuits时拓展教学目标1Beabletsa:thethingsinthepast2Beabletunderstandthepasttense3Beabletrinp airsandlistentthetape教学重难点Beabletsa:thethings inthepast准备arerder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer1Singsngs2freetal:sasethinghappenedinthepastⅡNeteahing1SasethinghappenedinthepastT:lass,tda,Saha sgtastahaheDainghasgtastahaheAhasgtaheadaheLingling hasgtafeverh?hathappenedtthe?PleasereadafteresinglearntsasthhappenedinthepastGntpratisethepasttensea nuse“headahe”,“stahahe”“fever”sasethinginthepastLeadttda'snelessnstudentsanunderstandthepasttenseandgntlearnt hepasttense教师活动学生活动设计意图2Listentthetapeandreadafterthetape3Asandanserinpair s:pratisethetextinthergrupsTrtsasethinghappenedinthepastⅢSuurandherListenandreadafterthetaperinpairspratiset heirralEnglishSuurThisaniprvethepupils'hearingThestudentsanpratisethe irralEnglishPratisestudents’ralEnglishLearntsaEnglishell后反思SanrdsabutillnessStudentsanexpressit板书设计dule10Unit2Sahadltsfhlatebisuitsheadahestahahefever 题Aidents时综合教学目标1Beabletsa:thethingsinthepast2Beabletunderstandthepasttense3Learntsathe hant教学重难点Beabletsa:thethingsinthepast准备arerder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer1Singsesngs2freetal:sasethinghappenedinthepastⅡNeteahing1lass,lasteeelearnsethingsabutaidentsThist iee’llrevivetheFrthis,let’slearnthehanttgetherPleaselistentthetapesinglearntsasthhappenedinthepastLearnthehantListentthet apeLeadttda'snelessnstudentsanunderstandthepasttenseandgntlearnt hepasttense教师活动学生活动设计意图2Listenttextagain3Asandanserinpairs:pratisethetexti nthergrupsTrtsasethinghappenedinthepastⅢSuurandherListenandreadafterthetaperinpairspratiset heirralEnglishSuurThisaniprvethepupils'hearingThestudentsanpratisethe irralEnglishPratisestudents’ralEnglishLearntsaEnglishell后反思Iustadirethepasttenseisadiffiultpintstallthestudent sIhpethenanunderstanditanduseitfreel板书设计Aidentsfallfffellff题Reviedule时综合教学目标1Gverthentenfthehleb2pleteeahativitandeahpratietnslidatethenledgelearntt hister3Beabletuseallindsfdrillsandnversatin重点Havethestudentspleteeahativitrightl教具ardstape-rerderpitures难点Useallindsfdrillsanddialgue教学过程Step1:arerPutthestudentsintgrupsffurrfiveTellthetthinfallther dsthenfrEahftheseategries:untries,lthes,sprts,bs…2nlnestudentineahgrupneedstritedntheideasfthegrup3Ngetthestudentstreaduttheirideasandputtherdsundere ahategrStep2:Dativitiesintheb1Haveagae:DandanserBefrestartingthegaedaquibrainstr2Tellthestudentsthattheteaherisgingtallutaategrandth estudentshavetthinfallthethingstheninthatategr3Dn’tritetheansersnthebardbeausethisisustaquibrainstrtr efreshtheireriesExaples:T:SprtsS:Ftball,tennis,base tball,tabletennis,vlleballT:bsS:Teaher,dtr,nurse,ta xidriver,busdriver,danerT:itiesS:Beiing,Lndn,Ner4ntinueliethis:verquilrevisetheategriesbefrestarting theativitThenthestudentshavetplaingrupsnthebardritednthefllingategries:nuber,lur,untr,subet,nth,fd,t,da,sprt6Ntellthestudentstrinpairsnestudenthastsaanitefrneft heategriesandthetherstudenthastsatheategrExaples:S1 ;RedS2:lurS1:NdlesS2:Fd7GetthestudentstntinueliethisItillgivetheltsfpratiea ndhelpthereviseltsfrdsStep3:SuarizethisduleTellthestudentsthereviethententfthehlebfrthisduleSt ep4:Herritealettertsarandtellhihatudidandhatudidn’tdesterdaritedntheideasfthegruprefreshtheireriesrin pairsreviseltsfrds板书设计SprtsFtball,tennis,basetball,tabletennis,vlleballbsTeaher,dtr,nurse,taxidriver,busdriver,daneritiesBeiing,Lndn,Ner教后记StudentsanasttherdsandsentenesButnfreel第一模块dule1FriendsduleneFriendUnit1sheisanieteaherUnit2He'sl第二模块dule2LndnUnit1LndnistheapitalfEnglandUnit2:Thisistherive rThaes第三模块dule3PiniUnit1:illutaeurite?Unit2:nndaI’llgsiing第四模块dule4RbtsUnit1:RbtsilldeverthingUnit2:illitbeindinBeiing?第五模块duleSizeUnit1:A’stallerthanLinglingUnit2:BeiingisbiggerthanTianing第六模块dule6usiUnit1ThisgirlisgdUnit2:Linglingisbetterthan Daing第七模块dule7untriesUnit1:Nerisintheeastdule7Unit2Beiingistheapi talfhina第八模块dule8hangesdule8Unit1Iastdule8Unit2Theereung第九模块dule9eeenddule9Unit1Ihelpedudule9Unit2DidDadlunh?第十模块dule10Aidentsdule10Unit1Safellffhisbiedule10Unit2Sahadlts fhlatebisuitsReviedule。