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I 注意力 的分散会导致行为效率 的下降 , 但焦虑者可能
: 尝试通过额外努力来弥补 自己的低效行为。 如果额外 外 语 焦 虑 与外 语 学 习关 系的 理 论解 释

1 . 语 言编码 能力欠 缺假设 ( L a n g u a g e C o  ̄n g 1 努力 的补偿作用超过了焦虑的负面效应 , 焦虑就显示
的理论解释 以及治疗方法 。 笔者在本 文中首先综述外 1 治疗 ” 原理。

E y s e n c k t  ̄ 提 出的认知干 扰补偿假设 与 T o b i a s的
语焦虑的基本理论阐释, 然后讨论外语焦虑的“ 标本 f 理论类似 , 但 向前迈进一步 。 他 指出, 焦虑者知道 自己
D e t f c i e n c y H y p 。 t h e s i S )
促进效果 ; 否则 , 焦虑只能对行 为产生衰减作用。 f
5 . 多元 n s c h o w册 曾提 出语 言编码 能力欠缺
p i e 】 b e 群, 提出了一个多元综合模型 , 该模 型考 假设。 该理论认为, 语言学习需要各种类型的编码 , 包} S 括语音、 语义、 语法等方面的编码。编码能力的欠缺, l 虑了智力因素 、 学习阶段以及任务的难度。 模 型认为 ,
损。但是经过对任务的反复接触, 高焦虑最终能促成 I
高水平的行为 。 二 、外语焦虑 的“ 标本治疗” 原理 f :
3 . 认 知 干 扰 假 设 ( C o g n i t i v e I n t e r f e r e n c e
特质焦虑, 有人测量状态焦虑, 还有人测量情景焦虑。 f Hy p o t h e s i s ) 测量情景焦虑的研究者倾向于获得统一的结果: 焦虑 f 该假设 由 T o b i a s t 4  ̄ 提出 , 从认 知心理学角度 阐述



国际问题专业英语词汇表Absolute/Simple/Relative majority AbolitionismAbsolutismAd hocAdverse shocksAggregation of different interests Agnostic political temper Alleviation of humanitarian disaster Amnesty internationalAnomalous periodsAppeasement policy Appropriation committeeArmisticeArmed confrontationArm to teethArms control~ dealer/merchant of death~ raceArticulation of interests Asymmetric shocks/threat AuthoritarianismAutocracy(The) Axis powersBalance of powerBank liquidityBargaining chipsBehind closed doorsBi (tri-, multi-) lateral relations~ economic cooperation~ tradeBilliard ball gameBipartisan supportBlackmailBlockadeBond market and equity market Bordering subjectsBoundary negotiationBrainchildBraindrain~washBring all positive factors into full play Bring to justice~ fruitionBubble economyBudget surplus~ deficitBuffer zoneBusiness cycle(to) Carve out sphere of influenceCaste societyCatastrophic changeCapital accountCapital accumulationCapital flightCatholic CeasefireCenter-bordering areaCivil rights movementsClash of civilizationCoalition buildingCollective securityColonialism & neo-colonialismCommand economy~ massive media attentionCommon destinyCommunal disintegrationComplete prohibition & thoroughdestruction of nuclear weapons Concessional loan 优惠贷款Conciliatory mannerConflict & compromiseConsent of the governedConservative authoritarianism ConservatismConsociational democracyContested/competitive election 差额选举(equal-number /single-candidate election:等额选举)ConstructionismConsultationsContainment policyContingencyConstitutional monarchy system~ amendmentCosmopolitan communityCosmopolitanismCovenant(盟约)Conventional weaponsConvertible hard currencyCountry of one’s residence Counterbalance Counterproductive crusadeCredible monetary policyCrisis confidenceCross-border organized crime~ transactionCultural hegemonyCultural relicCurrent account(to) Deal a severe blow to DecentralizationDecision making procedureDeep-rooted/seated habitDe facto (de jure)Defense alliance(to) Defer debts(De)CentralizationDelayed repayment of capital & interest DependencyDepression, recessionDeregulated worldDerivative marketDespotism DétenteDeveloped countriesDeveloping ~Underdeveloped ~Less developed ~Direct democracyDisarmament and arms control Discernible national interest Disparity of wealthDispersed structure of power Disputed areasDistribution of benefitsDivision, tension & conflict DomesticationDomestic consensus oninternational objectives Double-edge sword functionDraft treaty 草约Drug smuggling/trafficking/pushingDual nationalityDurable goodsDuring a period of similar duration in Dutiable goods/duty-free goods(应/免税物品)Dysfunctional institutionEarly warning systemEcocideEconomic sanction~ bottom up/out~ take-off~ recessionEco-system disasterEgalitarian divisionElectoral CollegeEmpirical investigationEndangered speciesEpic-making importanceEqual opportunityEquality of economic opportunity Established principle of international law Establishment of diplomatic relationsEthnic cleansing (apartheid)Excess democracyExchange rate mechanismExchange of needed goodsExclusive economic zoneExtensive obligationsExtraditionExtraterritorial rightExtreme alternativesFundamental rightsFair economic competitionFailed paradigmFar-reaching implicationsFascismFeasibility studyFederal expenditureFeminismFinancial constraint~ industry~ sectorFiscal crisis财政危机~ stimulusFlightism(逃跑主义)Fluctuating rateForeign currency reserveForensic mattersForestallForward deployed military strategy Founding fatherFragmentationFree riderFrictionFull employment~ diplomatic relationsFully-fledged powerGenocideGeographical strategyGlobal governanceGlobalizationGross domestic productHead-on confrontationHealth CertificateHegemonic stabilityHeir apparentHolocaustHostile hegemonsHorizontal/Vertical proliferationIdeological hegemony of classical liberalism Incumbent partyIn consideration of the actual conditions IncrementalismIndividualismIntegrationInterest groupsInternationalizationInternational criminal courtInternational status~ waters~ situationIntellectual property rightsInter-bank market Interdisciplinary subjects Indiscriminate killingIndustrial revolutionImminent threat(to) Impose unilateral restrictions on Iron trianglesIrreversible natureLaunch a new initiativeLegacyLeague of NationsLandslide victory/defeatLife laneLip serviceLiquidationism (流寇主义)Low/high policy/politicsMacroeconomic policyMight is rightMainstream cultureMajority tyranny~ ruleMajoritarian democracyManifest destinyMaritime resourcesManeuverMarket accessMatters of mutual interest Maverick geniusMcCarthyismMedium-term objectivesMergers and acquisitionsMigrant workersMilestone/cornerstone/Military-industrial complex Military junta~ regime~ intervention~ encirclement~ build-up~ exercise~provocationMilitary-KeynesianismMonetary stabilityMoney launderingMulti-dimensional chess gameMutual surveillanceMutually exclusive interestsNational power and prestige~ self-determination~ comprehensive strength~ competition strength~ treatment~ referendum~ identity~ sovereignty~ mergeNazismNegative income taxNeo-liberalismNeo-realismNon-aligned movementsNordic countriesNuclear arsenalOil embargoOpportunitistOrthodoxOverseas marketPacifismPanaceaParliamentary democracyParochial prejudice ParticularizationPartisan alignmentsPatrimonial sea (承袭海)Pax-Americana美利坚治下的和平Peaceful handover of power Peacekeeping operationPer capita income/GDPPPP Purchase parity power 购买力平价Peripheral countriesPluralism Policy stasis~ mix~ instrumentsPolitical authority~ attitude~ asylum~ consensus~ consultation~ culture~ democratization~ disequilibrium~ distemper/temper~ elites~ entrepreneurs~ feasibility~ fugitive(政治逃犯)~ institutions~ isolation~ legitimacy/legitimation~ offender(政治犯)~ power~ structure~subversionPolarization of societyPopular movementPopulismPositivismPostindustrial societyPotential security concerns~ adversaryPower politics 大国政治Precision-guided bombsPredominant opinionPreemptive strikePremature conclusionPress conference 新闻发布会Primitive capital accumulationPrivate sector~ propertyProliferation of weapons of mass destruction Prospective customersProtestantPublic goods theory~ sector (private ~)Pure fabrication~ realpolitikQuarantine Office (检疫所)Racial discriminationRational allocation of resources Rationalism 理性主义Real/constant dollarReal estate speculationRecipientRegional conflict 地区冲突~ economic cooperation 地区经济合作Regionalization 地区化Regular consultationsRegulatory bureaucracyRehabilitation CenterRepressive regimeRevisionismRights and obligationsRotating chairmanSacred and inviolable rightScale economyScapegoatSecondary marketSecret ballotSeek a fair and reasonable solution Segmented marketSelf-fulfilling prophecySelf-imposed obligationSeparation of powerService the debt(to) shape the policy agendaShock therapyShort-term deficitSkepticsSlim majority in favorSlippery conceptSocial bargain~ buffer~ infrastructureSocialization(to) Solve disputes by peaceful means Spillover effectSpecial-operations forcesStaff writer 特约撰稿人Staggered electionStaple food 主食StanceStanding army~ committee(to) Start from scratchState/private sectorState/national sovereigntyStatic pie/growing pieStatus quo power (potential power) Strategic defense 战略防御~ intention~ reserve~ position~ key areaStreamlineStructural unemploymentSubmerged convictionSummit meetingSunk costSupply-side economySupranational community Suspension of negotiationsSustained/sustainable development mode Swap marketSynchronous business circlesSystem overloadTangible assetTax evasion/cut/reduction/revenue Technocrat governanceTelepathyTerritorial air~ contiguity~ dispute~ integrity~ jurisdiction~ sea~ waterslimits of ~breadth of ~Territorial and power ambition Territory properTerritorial seaTertiary industry TotalitarianTrading blocTransaction cost(to) Trigger a chain reaction Triple Entente 三国协约Twofold realizationUltimatumUnconditional surrender Universally recognized norms UniversalizationUpward social mobility~ redistribution of wealth UtilitarianismUtterly destituteVested interestV oice voteVirtuous/vicious cycleWin-win propositionZero-sum gameWaves of labor displacement ~ of business cycleXenophobiaYear-on-year growth Zionism外交机构/事务专有名词Announcement宣言Appointed ambassador to Bretton Woods Pact CommuniquéCommercial counselor’s office Consulate-general ConsulateCircular noteDe jure recognition De facto recognitionCertificate of appointmentDeclaration, manifestoDiplomatic practice~ bag, pouch(外交邮袋)~ channels~ courier(外交信使)~ envoy mission~ immunities~ personnel~ policy~ practice(外交惯例)~ privileges~ rank~ representative~ strategyBalance of power diplomacyCultural ~Energy ~Head of the state ~Human rights ~Multilateral ~During one’s absenceMinistry of Foreign AffairsEmbassy(大使馆)Legation (公使馆)Consulate-general (总领事馆)ConsulateOffice of the charge d’affaires (代办处) Accredited to …ambassador (extraordinary & plenipotentiary) 向…派(特命全权)大使Minister-counselor charge d’affaires(公使衔参赞)Military attache’s office (武官处) Commercial counselor’s office (商务处)Press section; information service (新闻处)Protocol Department (礼宾司)Information Department(新闻司)Press section, information serviceLiaison office (联络处)Ad hoc committee(特别委员会)Interim committee(临时委员会)Appropriate body(主管机构)Auxiliary body(辅助机构)Interim counselor (临时代办)Consul-general(总领事)Doyen (dean) of the diplomatic corps(外交使团团长)Roving ambassador(巡回大使)Ambassador-at-large(无任所大使)Special envoy(特使)Charge d’affaire (代办)Attache (随员)Permanent representative(常任/常驻代表)Alternate; deputy; substitute(副代表)Plenipotentiary(全权代表)Chief delegate(首席代表)Observer(观察员)Military/naval/air attaché(陆/海/空武官)His (Her, Your) Majesty(陛下)His (Her, Your) Excellency(阁下)His (Her, Your) Royal Highness(殿下)Exequatur(驻在国发给领事或商务人员的)许可证书Formal noteForeign affairsLetter of appointmentLetter of credence, credentials(国书)Memorandum, aidememoire(备忘录)Letter of introductionLetter of recall(召回公文)Mutual recognitionNormalizationTerms of reference(职权范围)Formal note(正式照会)Verbal note(普通照会)Circular note(通知照会)Summary record(摘要记录)Verbatim record(逐字记录)Persona non-grat(不受欢迎的人)Persona grata(受欢迎的人)StatementAn absolute majority(绝对多数)Simple majority(简单多数)Relative majority(相对多数)Qualified majority(特定多数)To serve as……in rotation(轮流担任)To develop the national economy To develop relations of peace & friendship, equality & mutualbenefit & prolonged stabilityTo establish consular relations建立领事关系To establish normal state relationsTo exchange ambassadors互换大使To make representations to,to take up a (the) matter with(向…交涉)To lodge a protest with(向……提出抗议)To express regret(表示遗憾)To take exception to; to object to(提出异议)An atmosphere of cordiality(诚挚友好的气氛)To make up for each other’s deficienciesTo negotiate thru diplomatic channelsTo peddle munitionsTo proceed to take up one’s post(赴任)To assume one’s post(就任)To resume charge of the office/to return to one’s post(返任)To present one’s credentialsTo request the consent ofTo resume charge of the office,to return to one’s postTo resume diplomatic relationsat ambassadorial levelTo review the guard of honor(检阅仪仗队)To safeguard national sovereignty & resources To safeguard national independence &the integrity of sovereigntyTo safeguard world peaceTo seek a fair & & reasonable solutionTo sever diplomatic relationsTo solve disputes by peaceful meansTo suspend/sever diplomatic relationsTo take concerted stepsTo take exception to, to object toTo undertake obligations in respectof the nuclear-free zoneTo upgrade diplomatic relationsTo be shocked to learn of(惊悉)To be distressed by the unhappy news of; to be deeply grieved by(恸悉)Welcoming banquet欢迎宴Reciprocal banquetReceptionCocktail partyLuncheon(午宴)All countries, big or small, should be equal.国际关系Fishery resourcesFriendly exchangesFrontier region, border region Fundamental rightsInalienability of territory(领土不可割让)Joint actionLoans with no or low interest无息贷款Maritime resourcesMerger of statesMutual understanding &mutual accommodationNational boundaryNeutral state/countrySponsor country(发起国)Host country(东道国)Inviting country(邀请国)Never to attach any conditions Normalization of relationsOuter spacePatrimonial seaPeople-to-people contacts & exchanges Plebiscite(公民投票)ProtectoratePractical, efficient, economical & convenient for use200 nautical-mile maritime rights Reduction or cancellation of debts Refugee campRight of residenceRudimentary code of international relations Secretariat(秘书处)Sole legal governmentStatus quo of the boundarySuzerain stateSuzeraintyTrusteeship 和平共处the five Principles of Peaceful coexistence mutual respect for sovereignty &territorial integritymutual non-aggressionnon-interference in each other’sinternal affairsequality & mutual benefitpeaceful coexistence国际组织ASEANAsian & Pacific CouncilCaribbean Common Market/Community Central American MarketCommunityConference of Heads of State & Government of the Organization of African Unity Conference of Developing Countries(the 77-nation group)International Confederation ofFree Trade UnionInternational Court of JusticeInternational Organization of Journalists International Red Cross ConferenceInter-Parliamentary UnionLeague of Red Cross SocietiesWorld Peace CouncilWorld Confederation of LaborNordic Council活在美国:你得知道,海外学历的英语表达方法ACCAC威尔士学历管理、教学大纲与评估委员会AICE国际高级教育证书A-level中学高级水平考试ARELS(Association of Recognised English Language Services)英语语言认证教学机构联合会AS-level中学准高级水平考试BA(Bachelor of Arts)文学学士BAC(British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education)英国私立延续教育及高等教育认证委员会BALEAP(British Association of Lecturers in English for Academic Purposes)英国学术英语讲师协会BASELT(British Association of State English Language Teaching)英国公立英语语言教学机构协会BATQI(British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions)英国英语教学合格院校联合会B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering)工程学士B.Sc.(Bachelor of Science)理学学士BTEC(Business and Technology Education Council)工商及技术教育委员会CCEA(Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum,Examinations and Assessment)北爱尔兰教学大纲、考试与评估委员会CIFE(Conference for Independent Further Education)私立延续教育联合会COSHEP(The Committee of Scottish Higher Education Principals)苏格兰高等教育校长委员会CVCP(Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals)大学校长委员会DENI (Department of Education Northern Ireland)北爱尔兰教育部DfEE(Department for Education and Employment)教育与就业部D.Phil(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士EAP(English for Academic Purposes)学术英语EAQUALS(European Association for Quality Language Service)欧洲语言教学质量服务机构EiBA( English in Britain Accreditation Scheme)英国英语认证计划EEA(European Economic Area)欧洲经济区EIS(Education In????ation Service)教育信息服务处ELSIS(English Language Service for International Students)外国学生英语语言教学ELT(English Language Training)英语语言培训ESL(English as a Second Language)英语外语教学ESP(English for Specific Purposes)专用英语FE(Further Education)延续教育GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education)普通中等教育证书GMAT(General Management Admission Test)管理专业入学考试GNVQ(General National Vocational Qualification)全国通用职业资格GSVQ(General Scottish Vocational Qualification)苏格兰通用职业资格GTTR(Graduate Teacher Training Registry)毕业教师培训注册处HE(Higher Education)高等教育HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会HND(Higher National Diploma)国家高等教育文凭IB(International Baccalaureate)国际高中毕业考试IELTS(International English Language Testing System)国际英语语言测试系统(简称雅思)ISC(Independent Schools Council)私立学校委员会IGCSE(International GCSE)国际普通中等教育证书Independent Schools Council私立学校委员会ISIS(Independent Schools In????ation Service)私立学校信息服务处LCCI(London Chamber of Commerce & Industry)伦敦工商会LEA(Local Education Authority)地方教育局LLM(Master of Law) 法学硕士MA(Master of Arts)文学硕士MBA(Master of Business Administration)工商管理硕士M.Chem(Master of Chemistry)化学硕士M.Ed(Master of Education)教育硕士M.Eng. (Master of Engineering)工程硕士M.Phil.(Master of Philosophy)研究硕士M.Phys(Master of Physics)物理硕士M.Sc.(Master of Science)理学硕士M.Res.(Master of Research)研究硕士M.Sci(Master of Science)理学硕士(本科水平)NARIC(National Academic Recognition In????ation Centre)全国学术认证信息中心NHS(National Health Service)国民保健体系NISS(National In????ation Services and Systems)全国信息服务系统NUS(National Union of Students)全国学生联合会NVQ(National Vocational Qualification)全国职业证书ODA(Overseas Development Administration)海外发展管理局OFSTED(Office for Standards in Education)教育标准办公室PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)教育学研究生证书PAM (Professions Allied to Medicine)医学有关职业PGCE(Postgraduate Certificate in Education)(教育学研究生文凭)PG Cert(Postgraduate Certificate)研究生文凭PG Dip.(Postgraduate Diploma)研究生文凭Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy)哲学博士QAA(Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education)高等教育质量保障局QCA(Qualifications and Curriculum Authority)教学大纲和学历管理委员会RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)科研水平评估SCE(Scottish Certificate of Education)苏格兰教育证书SEED(Scottish ????utive Education Department)苏格兰执行教育部SCE (Scottish Certificate of Education )苏格兰教育证书SHEFC(Scottish Higher Education Funding Council)苏格兰高等教育基金管理委员会SQA(Scottish Qualifications Authority)苏格兰学历管理委员会SVQ(Scottish Vocational Qualifications)苏格兰职业资格TQA( Teaching Quality Assessment)教学质量评估TEFL(Teaching English as a ForeignLanguage)英语外语教学TAE(Teaching Assessment Exercise)教学质量评估TESOL (Teaching English to Speakersof Other Language )面向母语为非英语者的英语教学课程TOEFL(Test of English as a ForeignLanguage)英语外语考试(简称托福)TOEIC (Test of English forInternational Communication)国际英语考试UCAS((Universities and CollegesAdmission Service)高等院校招生办公室UKCOSA (The Council forInternational Education)英国国际教育委员11。




变态心理学Abnormal Psychology1.精神分裂症 schizopheriaDementia 精神错乱Psychotic disorder 精神异常Paranoid 偏执狂Catatonic 紧张性的Disorganized 无组织的、没有条理的Undifferentiated 未分化的Delusion 妄想Hallucination 幻觉Delusional disorder 妄想症Monozygotic twin 同卵双胞胎Dizygotic twin 异卵双胞胎Dopamine 多巴胺Overactive 过度活跃的Matarepresentation system 元表征系统central monitor system 中心控制系统Receptor 接收器Antipsychotics 抗精神病药ECT 电击疗法Token economy 代币性经济Cognitive behavior therapy 认知行为疗法2.双相情感障碍 Bipolar and related behaviors Depression 抑郁症Mania 躁狂症Unipolar 单向的Bipolar 双向的Norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素Serotonin 血清素Learned helplessness 习得性无助Attributional style 归因风格Antidepressants 抗抑郁药物Cognitive restructure 认知重构Rational emotive behavior therapy 理性情绪疗法3.冲动控制障碍 Impulse control disorders Salience 显著Euphoria 兴奋Tolerance 宽容Withdrawal 戒断Conflict 矛盾Relapse 复发Keptomania 盗窃癖Gambling disorder 赌博障碍Pyromania 纵火癖Postive reinforcement 正向激励Feeling state theory 感觉状态理论Opiate antagonist 类鸦片拮抗剂Covert sensitisation 内隐致敏法Imaginal desensitation 系统脱敏法Implulse control therapy 冲动控制疗法4.焦虑症 Anxiety disorderGeneralized Anxiey disorder 广泛焦虑障碍Apphrehension 恐惧,忧虑Motor tension 运动紧张Autonmic overactivity 自主神经过度活跃Agoraphobia 广场恐惧症Phobia 恐惧症Blood phobia 血液恐惧症Classical conditioning 经典条件反射Generalisation 泛化Extinction 消失Psychoanalytic 精神分析的Oedipus Complex 俄狄浦斯综合症Systematic desensitisation 系统脱敏疗法Applied tension 外施张力Applied relaxation 外施放松5.强迫症 Obsessive compulsive disorders Obsession 痴迷Compulsion 冲动Body dismorphic disorder 躯体变形障碍Neurological 神经系统的Orbitofrontal cortex 前额皮质Urge 冲动Circuit 电路Psychodynamic 精神动力学的Traumatic experience 创伤经历Anal stage 肛欲期Psychosexual development 性心理发展阶段ID 本我Ego 自我Superego 超我Potty training 入厕训练Exposure and response prevention 暴露和反应干预消费心理学Consumer psychology1.物理环境 Physical environmentRetail 零售Leisure 休闲External 外部的Interior 内部的Layout 布局Freeform layout 自由布局Grid layout 网格布局Open air market 露天市场Ambience 气氛Pleasure arousal 兴奋冲动Submissiveness 柔顺Mediating effect 调节效应2.心理环境 Psychological environmentCognitive map 认知地图Graphic 图像的Multidimensional scaling 多维标度Spatial configuration 空间配置Menu design 菜单设计Eye magnet 眼睛磁铁Incongruent 不一致Primacy effect 首因效应Recency effect 近因效应Sensory perception 感官知觉Behavior constraint 行为约束Defending place 保护的地方Queue 队列Instrusion 侵入3.消费者行为 Consumer behaviorUtility 实用功效Endowment 养老Precious 珍贵的Compensatory 补偿Lexigraphic 词素文字的Availability 可用性Representativeness 代表性Anchors 锚Insula 脑岛Nucleus accumben 伏隔核Mesial prefrontal cortex 前额皮质内侧Deactivation 失活Intuitive 直观的Conscious 有意识的Unconscious 无意识的Choice blindness 选择失明False memory 错误的记忆Detector 探测器4.产品 ProductGift wrapping 礼物包装Reveal 揭示Associative learning 联想学习Color association 颜色关联Cultural association 文化关联Horizontal centrality 水平中心Visual attention 视觉注意力Gaze 凝视Cascade 级联Interpersonal influence 人际关系的影响Disrupt 破坏Reframe 重新定义Purchase decision 购买决策Subjective norm 主观规范Planned behavior 计划的行为Intention 意图Divestment 撤资5.广告 AdvertisingPersuasive techique 说服技术Elaborate 精心的Personal relevance 个人的相关性promotion 促销活动Explicit memory 外显记忆Implicit memory 内隐记忆Mental suspicion 精神的怀疑Mental conviction 精神信念Brand recognition 品牌认知度Self monitor 自我监控Slogan 口号健康心理学Health psychology1.医患关系 The patient-practitioner relationship Non-verbal communication 非语言交流Cardigan 开襟羊毛衫Verbal communication 语言交流Directing style 主导风格Sharing style 分享风格Consultation 咨询Practitioner diagnosis 医生诊断Disclosure 信息披露Appraisal 评估Utilisation 利用Hypochondriasis 疑病症Munchausen syndrome 孟乔森综合病征2.遵从医疗建议 Adherence to medical advice Preventative measure 预防措施Acute 急性的Chronic 慢性的Overestimate 高估Incur 承担Adherence 依从性Rational 理性的Health belief model 健康信念模型Vulnerability 脆弱性Severity 严重程度Self efficacy 自我效能Modifying 修改Compliance 合规Antacid 抗酸剂Replenish 补充Prescription 处方Asthma 哮喘Intervention 干预3.疼痛 PainPhysiological response 生理反应tissue 维织dissipate 消散Helplessness 无助Psychogenic pain 心因性疼痛Specificity theory 特异性理论Gate control theory 闸门控制理论Peripheral fibre 外周纤维Spinal cord 脊髓Pain fibre 疼痛纤维Clinical interview 临床访谈Psychometric measure 心理测量Analgesics 止痛剂Anaesthetic 麻醉Attention diversion 注意力转移Cognitive redefinition 认知重新定义Acupuncture 针灸4.压力 stressPhysiology 生理学Autonomic nervous system 自主神经系统Endocrine system 内分泌系统Sympathetic 交感神经的Parasympathetic 副交感神经的Adrenal medullary system 肾上腺髓质系统Cardiovascular problem 心血管问题Gastrointestinal disorder 肠胃失调General adaption syndrome 广泛适应综合征Resistance 阻力Exhaustion 疲惫Cerebral blood flow 脑血流Prefrontal cortex 前额叶皮层Saliva 唾液Persistance 暂留Semantic 语义的Cortisol 皮质醇Beta blocker 受体阻滞药Biofeedback 生物反馈Conceptualisation 概念化Rehearsal 重复5.健康促进 Health promptionFear arousal 恐惧唤起Comprehension 理解Acceptance 接收Medium 媒介Angina pectoris 心绞痛Hyperventilation 换气过度Panic attack 恐惧症Token economy 代币制经济Stroke 中风Coronary heart disease 冠心病Plasma 等离子体Cholesterol 胆固醇Blood pressure 血压Unrealistic optimism 不切实际的乐观Contemplation 沉思Termination 终止组织心理学Psychology and organisation1.工作动力 Motivation to work Hierarchy of need 需求层次Esteem 尊重Self-actualisation 自我实现Existence need 生存需要Relatedness need 联系需要Affiliation 联系Interpersonal relationship 人际关系Thematic 主题Apperception 统觉Expectancy 预期寿命Instrumentality 手段Valence 价Equity 股本Underpayment 缴付不足Overpayment 缴付盈余Instrinsic motivation 内驱动机Extrinsic motivation 外驱动机Bonus 奖金Praise 赞美Empowerment 赋权2.领导力和管理 Leadership and management Universalist 普世的Transformational 转型Charismatic 有魅力的Fostering 培养Initiating 启动Contingency 连续性Permissive 宽容的Autocratic 独裁Followership 追随Alienated 疏远Conformist 墨守成规Pragmatic 务实的3.组织中的小组行为 Group behavior in organisations Storming风暴Norming规范化Adjourning延期Cohesiveness凝聚力Intra内部Cohesion 凝聚力Allowable 允许的Specialist 专家Inventory 库存Illusion 错觉Invulnerability 刀枪不入Morality 道德Censorship 审查Rationalisation 合理化Unanimity 一致Shortcoming 缺点Commission 委员会Omission 遗漏Heuristics 启发式Perseverance 毅力Evidentiary 证据的Hindsight bia 事后偏见Conjunctive bia 连接偏见Availability heuristic 启发可用性Representativeness heuristic 代表启发式Compromise 妥协Avoidance 避免Collaboration 协作Superordinate 地位高的4.组织工作情况 Organisational work condition Hawthorne effect 霍索恩效应Illumination 照明Supervisor 主管Deficiency 缺乏Autonomy 自治Intra departmental 内部部门Inter departmental 国际部门Temporal condition 时间条件Rotation 旋转Metropolitan rota 都市轮值Metropolitan 大都会Slow rotation 慢旋转Mortality 死亡率Diabete 糖尿病Pregnancy 怀孕Visual display 视觉呈现Auditory display 听觉呈现Operator machine system 操作机系统5.工作满意度 Satisfaction at work Motivator 动力源Hygiene 卫生Supervision 监督Autonomy 自治Dimension 维度Enrichment 丰富Job rotation 工作轮换Enlargement 扩大Integration 集成Job sabotage 工作破坏Revenge 复仇Compensation 补偿Absenteeism 旷工Commitment 承诺如何高效记忆心理学学术名词?1.巧用单词卡大家可以回想一下我们小时候是怎么学习英语单词的,幼儿园或者小学的老师会帮助大家把新学的单词记在一张卡片上,然后在卡片的背面标上对应的中文意思或者对应的图片。




在⼼理学中,是指每个⼈实际的和潜在的能⼒,积极⼼理学0(positive psycholo-gy)是宾西法尼亚⼤学教授Martin E1 Seligman于1998年出任美国⼼理学会主席时倡议及定位的,是Seligman和Csik-szentmihalyi于2000年在美国⼼理学家6(American Psychologist)上刊登的积极⼼理学导论⼀⽂中正式提出来的。













与心理学有关的SSCI和SCI一区期刊与心理学有关的学科期刊及其分区应用语言学Journal of Memory and Language 0749-596X3170一区1 Brian and Language0093-934X3572一区2 Language and Cognitive Processes0169-0965789一区3 Journal of Speech,Language,andHearing Research1092-43881370一区4Demography0070-33701687一区2教育和教育研究Review of Educational Research0034-65431323一区1American Educational ResearchJournal0002-83121175一区2Reading Research Quarterly0034-05531089一区3 Health Education Research0268-11531025一区4Journal of Research in ScienceTeaching0022-43081199一区5Journal of American CollegeHealth0744-*******一区6Journal of the LearningSciences,The1050-8406347一区7Harvard Educational Review0017-8055701一区8Educational Evaluation and PolicyAnalysis0162-3737399一区9AIDS Education and Prevention0899-*******一区10Sociology of Education0038-0407728一区11特殊教育American Journal on MentalRetardation*************一区1Journal of Learnning Disabilities0022-21941448一区2Journal of Inellectual DisabilityResearch************一区3家庭研究Perspectives on Sexual andReproductive Health1538-63411331一区1Journal of Marriage and the Family0022-24453705一区2 Child Abuse & Neglect0145-21342299一区3 Journal of Labor Economics0734-306X1000一区2精神病学Archives of General Psychiatry0003-990X25635一区1American Journal of Psychiatry,The0002-953X29883一区2British Journal of Psychiatry, The0007-125014684一区3 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry0160-668911358一区4Journal of the American Academyof Child and Adolescent Psychiatry0890-856710771一区5应用心理学Journal of Applied Psychology0021-90107246一区1 Human Resource Management0090-4848756一区2 Organizational Behavior andHuman Decision Processes*************一区3Jouranl of Counseling Psychology0022-01672084一区 4 Jouranl of Vocational Behavior0001-87911502一区5 PersonnelPsychology0031-58261881一区6Journal of Organizational BehaviorManagement0160-8061197一区7International Journal of Selectionand Assessment0965-075X189一区8生物心理学Behavioral and Brain Science, The0140-525X3575一区1临床心理学Journal of Clinical Psychiatry0160-668911358一区1Journal of Consulting and ClinicalPsychology0022-006X12595一区2Journal of Abnormal Psychology0021-843X7674一区 3 Psychology Medicine0033-29178130一区4Journal of Clinical Child andAdolescent Psychology1537-44161667一区5Health Psychology0278-61334071一区6Behaviour Research and Therapy0005-79674328一区7 Clinical Psychology Review0272-73582100一区8Psychological Assessment1040-35902106一区9发展心理学Child Development 0009-392012358一区1Journal of the American Academyof Child and Adolescent Psychiatry0890-856710771一区2Monographs of the Society forResearch in Child Development0037-976X1182一区3Developmental Psychology0012-16497520一区4教育心理学Child Development 0009-392012358一区1Journal of Educational Psychology0022-06633892一区2Educational Psychologist0046-15201018一区3Journal of Counseling Psychology0022-01672084一区4实验心理学Trends in Cognitive Sciences1364-66132720一区1Advances in Experimental SocialPsychology0065-26011669一区2Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience0898-929X5009一区3Neuropsychologia0028-39328745一区4 Cognition0010-02774453一区5Journal of ExperimentalPsychology. Human Perceptionand Performance0096-15236823一区6Journal of ExperimentalPsychology. General0096-34453408一区7Journal of ExperimentalPsychology. Learning, Memory,and Cognition0278-73935933一区8数学心理学Psychonomic Bulletin & Review1069-93841850一区1多学科心理学Psychological Bulletin0033-290915062一区1 Psychological Review0033-295X12023一区2 Annual Review of Psychology0066-43083245一区3American Psychologist, The0003-066X9313一区4精神分析心理学Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics0033-31901462一区1 社会心理学Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology0022-351425072一区1Advances in Experimental SocialPsychology0065-26011669一区2Personality and Social PsychologyReview1088-8683520一区3Child Abuse & Neglect0145-21342299一区2 Journal of Social Policy0047-2794317一区3Family Relations0197-6664870一区4神经科学Annual Review of Neuroscience0147-006X7925一区1 Journal of Neuroscience,The0270-647486508一区2Nature Reviews Neuroscience1471-003X4657一区3 Neuron0896-627340833一区4Nature Neurosciences1097-625613425一区5 Brain Research0006-899358758一区6 Trends in Neurosciences0166-223614558一区7 Priogress in Neurobiology0301-00827047一区8Annals of Neurology0364-513424887一区9 Brain0006-895020465一区10 Journal of Neurochemistry0022-304231334一区11Journal of Comparative Neurology0021-996734247一区12 Journal of Neurophysiology0022-307733076一区13 Current Opinion in Neurobiology0959-43887432一区14 Behavioral and Brain Sciences,The0140-525X3575一区15行为科学Behavioral and Brain Sciences,The0140-525X3575一区1Animal Behaviour0003-347213092一区2Trends in Cognitive Sciences1364-66132720一区3Pharmacology,Biochemistry andBehavior0091-305710461一区4Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 0149-76344056一区5。



美国心理学会(APA)分会1. Society for General Psychology普通心理学2. Society for the Teaching of Psychology心理学教学3. Experimental Psychology实验心理学4. There is no Division 4 [more info]5. Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics测量与统计6. Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology 行为神经科学与比较心理学7. Developmental Psychology发展心理学8. Society for Personality and Social Psychology人格与社会心理学9. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)社会问题10. Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts美学创造与艺术心理学11. There is no Division 11 [more info]12. Society of Clinical Psychology临床心理学13. Society of Consulting Psychology咨询心理学14. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology工业与组织心理学15. Educational Psychology教育心理学16. School Psychology学校心理学17. Society of Counseling Psychology辅导心理学18. Psychologists in Public Service公共服务心理学家19. Military Psychology军事心理学20. Adult Development and Aging成人发展与老年化21. Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology应用实验与工程心理学22. Rehabilitation Psychology康复心理学23. Society for Consumer Psychology消费者心理学24. Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology理论与哲学心理学25. Behavior Analysis行为分析26. History of Psychology心理学史27. Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology团体心理学28. Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse心理药理学与药物滥用29. Psychotherapy心理治疗30. Society of Psychological Hypnosis心理催眠31. State Psychological Association Affairs州心理学会事务32. Humanistic Psychology人本心理学33. Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities心智延迟与发展失能34. Population and Environmental Psychology人口与环境35. Society for the Psychology of Women女性心理学36. Psychology of Religion宗教心理学37. Child, Youth, and Family Services儿童青少年与家庭服务38. Health Psychology健康心理学39. Psychoanalysis心理分析40. Clinical Neuropsychology临床神经心理学41. American Psychology-Law Society法律42. Psychologists in Independent Practice独立开业心理学家43. Family Psychology家庭心理学44. Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues同性恋45. Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues少数民族46. Media Psychology媒体心理学47. Exercise and Sport Psychology运动心理学48. Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence:Peace Psychology Division和平冲突与暴力49. Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy群体与群体治疗50. Addictions上瘾51. Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity男性心理学52. International Psychology国际心理学53. Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology临床儿童与青少年心理学54. Society of Pediatric Psychology儿科心理学55. American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy药物治疗。



1 Society for General Psychology普通心理学2. 2 Society for the Teaching of Psychology 教学心理学3. 3 Experimental Psychology 实验心理学4. 5 Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics 统计测量5. 6 Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology 行为认知神经与比较心理学6. 7 Developmental Psychology 发展心理学7. 8 Society for Personality and Social Psychology 人格与社会心理学8. 9 Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) 社会问题心理研究9. 10 Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts 艺术、创造性心理研究10. 12 Society of Clinical Psychology 临床心理学11. 13 Society of Consulting Psychology 咨商心理学12. 14 Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology 工业组织心理学13. 15 Educational Psychology 教育心理学14. 16 School Psychology 学校心理学15. 17 Society of Counseling Psychology 咨询心理学16. 18 Psychologists in Public Service 公共服务心理学17. 19 Society for Military Psychology 军事心理学18. 20 Adult Development and Aging 成人发展与老化心理学19. 21 Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology 应用实验与工程心理学20. 22 Rehabilitation Psychology 康复心理学21. 23 Society for Consumer Psychology 消费心理学22. 24 Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 理论与哲学心理学23. 25 Behavior Analysis 行为分析学24. 26 Society for the History of Psychology 心理学史25. 27 Society for Community Research and Action: Division of CommunityPsychology 社区心理26. 28 Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse 精神药物学与物质滥用27. 29 Psychotherapy 心理治疗学28. 30 Society of Psychological Hypnosis 心理催眠29. 31 State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs 区域心理学事务30. 32 Society for Humanistic Psychology 人本主义心理学31. 33 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 智力与发展障碍心理学32. 34 Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology 人口与环境心理学33. 35 Society for the Psychology of Women 女性心理学34. 36 Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality 宗教心理学35. 37 Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice 儿童与家庭政策心理学36. 38 Health Psychology 健康心理学37. 39 Psychoanalysis 精神分析38. 40 Society for Clinical Neuropsychology 临床神经心理学39. 41 American Psychology-Law Society 法律心理学40. 42 Psychologists in Independent Practice 心理学家独立实践41. 43 Society for Family Psychology 家庭心理学42. 44 Society for the Psychological Study of LGBT Issues LGBT心理研究43. 45 Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity and Race 文化、伦理与民族心理44. 46 Society for Media Psychology and Technology 传媒心理与技术45. 47 Exercise and Sport Psychology 运动与体育心理46. 48 Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and Violence: Peace PsychologyDivision 和平心理47. 49 Society of Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy 团体心理与治疗48. 50 Society of Addiction Psychology 成瘾心理学49. 51 Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity 男性心理学会50. 52 International Psychology 国际心理学51. 53 Society of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 临床儿童与青少年心理52. 54 Society of Pediatric Psychology 儿科心理学53. 55 American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy 药物治疗进展54. 56 Trauma Psychology 创伤心理学。



排名前⼗的学校 10. 埃克塞特⼤学 去年的时候和前⼗擦肩⽽过了⼀次,今年,埃克塞特⼤学的⼼理学⼜杀回英国⼤学前⼗了。




推荐专业: Psychological Research Methods(⼼理学研究⽅向) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 Social and Organisational Psychology(社会和组织⼼理学) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 Psychology(⼼理学) 学位类型:MPhil 专业⽅向:社会科学 9.布⾥斯托⼤学 布⾥斯托⼤学的⼼理学主攻实验⼼理学。



推荐专业: Research Methods in Psychology(⼼理学研究⽅向) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 Psychology(Experimental)(⼼理学(实验)) 学位类型:PhDMSc(by Research) 专业⽅向:社会科学 Neuropsychology(神经⼼理学) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:医药学 Educational Psychology(教育⼼理学) 学位类型:DEdPsy 专业⽅向:社会科学 Psychology of Education(教育⼼理学) 学位类型:MEd 专业⽅向:社会科学 Applied Neuropsychology(应⽤神经⼼理学) 学位类型:PGDip 专业⽅向:社会科学 Applied Neuropsychology(应⽤神经⼼理学) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 Clinical Neuropsychology(临床神经⼼理学) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 Education (Psychology of Education)(教育(教育⼼理学)) 学位类型:MSc 专业⽅向:社会科学 8.伯明翰⼤学 伯明翰⼤学的⼼理专业在国际上都很有地位。



1 Journal of personality and social psychology 个性与社会心理学杂志美2 Psychological bulletin心理学公报美(11)3 Psychological review心理学评论美4 Behavioral & brain sciences 行为与大脑科学英5 Psychological reports 心理学报告美6 Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 咨询心理学与临床心理学杂志美7 Perceptual motor skills 感知与运动技能英8 Psychological medicine 心理医学美9 Journal of cognitive neuroscience 认知神经科学杂志美10 Journal of experimental psychology.Learning,memory,and cognition 实验心理学杂志.学习、记忆和认识美11 Journal of abnormal psychology 变态心理学杂志美12 Developmental psychology 发展心理学美13 Psychosomatic medicine 身心医学美14 Journal of experimental psychology.Human perception and performance实验心理学杂志.人类知觉与行为美15 Personality and individual differences 个性与个体差异英16 Psychophysiology 心理生理学英17 Annual review of psychology 心理学年度评论美18 Behaviour research and therapy 行为研究和治疗英19 Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior 药理学、生物化学和行为美20 Journal of applied psychology 应用心理学杂志美21 Journal of memory and language 记忆与语言杂志美22 The Journal of child psychology and psychiatry & allied disciplines 儿童心理学、精神病学及相关学科杂志英23 Journal of affective disorders 情感紊乱杂志荷兰24 Cognitive psychology 认知心理学美25 Psychological science 心理科学美26 Cognition 认知荷兰27 Health psychology 健康心理学美28 Brain research 大脑研究荷兰29 Perception & psychophysics 知觉与心理学美30 Personality & social psychology bulletin 个性与社会心理学公报美31 Vision research 视觉研究英32 Psychopharmacology bulletin 精神鞠理学公报美33 Journal of studies on alcohol 酒精研究杂志美34 Psychology and aging 心理学与衰老美35 Brain and language 大脑与语言美36 Memory and cognition 记忆与认知美37 Journal of psychosomatic research 身心研究杂志美38 Journal of experimental psychology. General 实验心理学杂志.总论美39 International journal of eating disorders 国际进食障碍杂志美40 Journal of educational psychology 教育心理学杂志美41 American psychologist 美国心理学家美42 Professional psychology, research and practice专业专理学,研究及实践美43 Child abuse & neglect 虐待与忽视儿童研究英44 Neuropsychology 神经心理学美45 Organizational behavior and human decision processes 组织行为与人类决策过程美46 Behavioural brain research 行为大脑研究荷兰47 Journal of applied behavior analysis应用行为分析杂志美48 Perception 知觉英49 Behavior therapy 行为治疗美50 Psychological assessment 心理评价美51 Journal of abnormal child psychology 变态儿童心理学杂志美52 Journal of counseling psychology 咨询心理学杂志美53 Journal of personality assessment 个性评估杂志美54 Journal of traumatic stress 创伤应激反应杂志美55 Cognitive neuropsychology 认知神经心理学英56 Ethology 行为学德57 Ergonomics 人机学英58 Journal of experimental child psychology 实验儿童心理学杂志美59 Law and human behavior 法律和人类行为美60 Sex roles 性别作用美61 Journal of vocational behavior 职业行为杂志美62 Journal of personality 个性杂志美63 Addictive behaviors 成瘾行为英64 Journal of experimental social psychology 实验社会心理学杂志美65 Journal of comparative psychology 比较心理学杂志美66 The International journal of psycho-analysis 国际心理分析杂志英67 Cognitive therapy and research 认知治疗与研究美68 Clinical psychology review 临床心理学评论英69 Journal of sport & exercise psychology运动与训练心理学杂志美70 Educational and psychological measurement 教育与心理测量英71 British journal of clinical psychology英国临床心理学杂志英72Journal of experimental psycholoy Animal behaviorprocesses 实验心理学杂志.动物行为过程美73 British journal of psychology 英国心理学杂志英74 Behavior researchmethods,instruments & computers 行为研究方法、仪器与计算机英75 Social psychology quarterly 社会心理学季刊美76 European journal of social psychology欧洲社会心理学杂志英77 Infant behavior & development 婴儿行为与发育美78 Neuropsychologia 神经心理学英79 Journal of pediatric psychology 儿科心理学杂志英80 Behavioral neuroscience 行为神经科学美81 The Journal of social psychology 社会心理学杂志美82 Cognitive science 认知科学美83 Journal of clinical child psychology临床儿童心理学杂志美84 Biological psychology 生物心理学荷兰85 Psychobiology 心理生物学美86 American journal of psychology 美国心理学杂志美87 Brain and cognition 大脑与认知美88 Language and cognitive processes 语言与认知过程英89 Memory 记忆英90 Scandinavian journal of psychology 斯堪的纳维亚心理学杂志英。



routine练习题一、词汇练习1. 选择正确的单词填空:1. I usually _______ to work bus.2. She _______ her homework every evening.A. doesB. doC. does not doD. doesn't do3. They _______ a movie last night.A. watchB. watchesC. watchedD. watching2. 选择正确的词组:1. I _______ (go, going) to the gym this morning.2. He _______ (be, is) late for school again.3. She _______ (do, does) her homework every day.3. 选择正确的形容词:1. This is a _______ (good, bad) book.2. She is a _______ (smart, silly) girl.3. The weather is very _______ (hot, cold) today.二、语法练习1. 选择正确的时态:1. I _______ (go, went) to the park yesterday.2. She _______ (be, was) happy when she received the gift.3. They _______ (do, did) their homework last night.2. 选择正确的语态:1. The teacher _______ (teach, is taught) Mr. Wang.2. The book _______ (write, is written) a famous author.3. The letter _______ (send, is sent) to her last week.3. 选择正确的连词:1. I _______ (go, am going) to the movies, _______ (because, because of) I have free time.2. She _______ (like, likes) coffee, _______ (but, but) she doesn't like tea.3. I _______ (finish, finished) my homework, _______ (so, so) I can go out now.三、阅读理解1. 阅读短文,回答问题:1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. Who is the main character in the story?3. What happens at the end of the passage?2. 阅读文章,判断正误:1. The story is about a boy who goes to the park every weekend.2. The boy meets his friends at the park and they play games together.3. The boy goes home after playing games with his friends.3. 阅读文章,找出关键信息:1. What is the author's favorite color?2. Why does the author like this color?3. What does the author think about other colors?四、写作练习1. 介绍动物的名字和种类。



外国心理学期刊排名分类整理一、总论2《Psychological bulletin》(心理学公报)【美】3《Psychological review》(心理学评论)【美】5《Psychological reports》(心理学报告)【美】17《Annual review of psychology》(心理学年度评论)【美】25《Psychological science》(心理科学)【美】41《American psychologist》(美国心理学家)【美】42《Professional psychology, research and practice》(专业心理学,研究及实践)【美】73《British journal of psychology》(英国心理学杂志)【英】86《American journal of psychology》(美国心理学杂志)【美】90《Scandinavian journal of psychology》(斯堪的纳维亚心理学杂志)【英】---------------------二、实验10《Journal of experimental psychology.Learning,memory,and cognition》(实验心理学杂志.学习、记忆和认识)【美】14《Journal of experimental psychology.Human perception and performance》(实验心理学杂志.人类知觉与行为)【美】38《Journal of experimental psychology. General》(实验心理学杂志.总论)【美】74《Behavior research methods,instruments & computers》(行为研究方法、仪器与计算机)【英】72《Journal of experimental psycholoy Animal behavior processes》(实验心理学杂志.动物行为过程)【美】----------------------三、测量50《Psychological assessment》(心理评价)【美】(?)70《Educational and psychological measurement》(教育与心理测量)【英】---------------四、个性与社会性(一)社会心理81《The Journal of social psychology》(社会心理学杂志)【美】75《Social psychology quarterly》(社会心理学季刊)【美】76《European journal of social psychology》(欧洲社会心理学杂志)【英】64《Journal of experimental social psychology》(实验社会心理学杂志)【美】(二)个性与社会性1《Journal of personality and social psychology》(个性与社会心理学杂志)【美】15《Personality and individual differences》(个性与个体差异)【英】30《Personality & social psychology bulletin》(个性与社会心理学公报)【美】53《Journal of personality assessment》(个性评估杂志)【美】62《Journal of personality》(个性杂志)【美】----------------五、发展教育12《Developmental psychology》(发展心理学)【美】40《Journal of educational psychology》(教育心理学杂志)【美】43《Child abuse & neglect》虐待与忽视儿童研究【英】65《Journal of comparative psychology》(比较心理学杂志)【美】58《Journal of experimental child psychology》(实验儿童心理学杂志)【美】77《Infant behavior & development》(婴儿行为与发育)【美】-------------------六、行为(一)行为研究及应用47《Journal of applied behavior analysis》(应用行为分析杂志)【美】56 《Ethology》(行为学)【德】(二)认知行为学4《Behavioral & brain sciences》(行为与大脑科学)【英】80《Behavioral neuroscience》(行为神经科学)【美】------------------七、精神分析66《The International journal of psycho-analysis》(国际心理分析杂志)【英】-----------------八、认知(一)认知总论24《Cognitive psychology》(认知心理学)【美】26《Cognition》(认知)【荷兰】82《Cognitive science》(认知科学)【美】(二)生物心理学9《Journal of cognitive neuroscience》(认知神经科学杂志)【美】16《Psychophysiology》(心理生理学)【英】28《Brain research》(大脑研究)【荷兰】37《Journal of psychosomatic research》(身心研究杂志)【美】(?)44《Neuropsychology》(神经心理学)【美】46《Behavioural brain research》(行为大脑研究)【荷兰】55《Cognitive neuropsychology》(认知神经心理学)【英】78《Neuropsychologia》(神经心理学)【英】84《Biological psychology》(生物心理学)【荷兰】85《Psychobiology》(心理生物学)【美】87《Brain and cognition》(大脑与认知)【美】(三)具体认知运用7《Perceptual motor skills》(感知与运动技能)【英】21《Journal of memory and language》(记忆与语言杂志)【美】23《Journal of affective disorders》(情感紊乱杂志)【荷兰】29《Perception & psychophysics》(知觉与心理学)【美】31《Vision research》(视觉研究)【英】35《Brain and language》(大脑与语言)【美】36《Memory and cognition》(记忆与认知)【美】48《Perception》(知觉)【英】88《Language and cognitive processes》(语言与认知过程)【英】89《Memory》(记忆)【英】(四)社会认知与治疗45《Organizational behavior and human decision processes》(组织行为与人类决策过程)【美】67《Cognitive therapy and research》(认知治疗与研究)【美】-----------------九、应用(一)咨询与应用6《Journal of consulting and clinical psychology》咨询心理学与临床心理学杂志【美】20《Journal of applied psychology》(应用心理学杂志)【美】52《Journal of counseling psychology》(咨询心理学杂志)【美】(二)临床8《Psychological medicine》(心理医学)【美】13《Psychosomatic medicine》(身心医学)【美】18《Behaviour research and therapy》(行为研究和治疗)【英】19《Pharmacology, biochemistry and behavior》(药理学、生物化学和行为)【美】22《The Journal of child psychology and psychiatry & allied disciplines》(儿童心理学、精神病学及相关学科杂志)【英】32《Psychopharmacology bulletin》(精神鞠理学公报)【美】33《Journal of studies on alcohol》(酒精研究杂志)【美】83《Journal of clinical child psychology》(临床儿童心理学杂志)【美】(临床)79《Journal of pediatric psychology》(儿科心理学杂志)【英】71《British journal of clinical psychology》(英国临床心理学杂志)【英】68《Clinical psychology review》(临床心理学评论)【英】(三)其他领域11《Journal of abnormal psychology》(变态心理学杂志)【美】51《Journal of abnormal child psychology》(变态儿童心理学杂志)【美】27《Health psychology》(健康心理学)【美】34《Psychology and aging》(心理学与衰老)【美】39《International journal of eating disorders》(国际进食障碍杂志)【美】54《Journal of traumatic stress》(创伤应激反应杂志)【美】69《Journal of sport & exercise psychology》(运动与训练心理学杂志)【美】63《Addictive behaviors》(成瘾行为)【英】61《Journal of vocational behavior》(职业行为杂志)【美】59《Law and human behavior》(法律和人类行为)【美】60《Sex roles》(性别作用)【美】57《Ergonomics》(人机学)【英】注:原始数据来源于网络,保留排名顺序后自己进行了分类。



完整版《临床实践指南》列出了完整的方法程序。美国压疮咨询委员会(NPUAP),欧 洲压疮咨询委员会(EPUAP)和泛太平洋压力损伤联盟(PPPIA)彼此协作,更新了压疮预 防与治疗的各项指南,将原有两个版本的指南(预防与治疗)整合入一个综合性临床实践指 南中。
本指南由一个跨专业指南制定小组(GDG)和多个工作小组(SWG)制定,每个小组 都由上述三家机构的数名代表组成。
本指南的目的仅限教学和提供信息。 本指南所含信息在发表之时是准确的。科研技术飞速变化,本指南所含信息可能会与今
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“指南”是系统性制定的表述,用来帮助医疗从业者和患者对于特定的临床条件判断应当 采取哪些正确的卫生护理措施。推荐意见可能并不适用于所有情况。
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本指南的推荐意见是正确临床实践的总体指导,要由符合资质的医疗从业者根据自己对 具体病例所作临床判断且考虑到患者的个人意愿和可供使用的资源,予以执行。本指南的 执行要有文化意识,严肃认真,并遵照“保护、参与、合作”的宗旨。

当代心理学 ssci

当代心理学 ssci

当代心理学 ssci英文回答:Contemporary psychology is a diverse field that encompasses various theories, approaches, and research methods. It seeks to understand and explain human behavior, cognition, emotions, and mental processes. As a discipline, it has made significant contributions to our understanding of the human mind and has practical applications in various domains such as education, healthcare, and business.One of the key areas of study in contemporary psychology is cognitive psychology, which focuses on understanding mental processes such as perception, attention, memory, and problem-solving. For example, researchers in this field may investigate how individuals perceive and interpret visual information or how memory processes work. By understanding these processes, psychologists can develop interventions and strategies to improve cognitive functioning and address cognitivedeficits in individuals with conditions such as Alzheimer's disease or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).Another important area of study in contemporary psychology is social psychology, which examines how individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by social factors. For instance, social psychologists may investigate how conformity, obedience, and persuasion affect human behavior in group settings. They may also study topics such as stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, aiming to understand the underlying processes and develop interventions to reduce these negative social phenomena.In addition to cognitive and social psychology, contemporary psychology also includes other subfields such as developmental psychology, personality psychology, and clinical psychology. Developmental psychology focuses on the study of human development across the lifespan, examining how individuals change and grow physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Personality psychology, on the other hand, investigates individual differences intraits, characteristics, and behavior patterns. Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders.Contemporary psychology relies on rigorous research methodologies to gather empirical evidence and test theories. Researchers may use various methods such as experiments, surveys, observations, and interviews to collect data. They analyze and interpret the data using statistical techniques to draw conclusions and make informed decisions. By employing scientific methods, psychologists can ensure the reliability and validity of their findings, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.In conclusion, contemporary psychology is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses various subfields and research methodologies. It seeks to understand and explain human behavior, cognition, emotions, and mental processes. Through the application of scientific methods, psychologists strive to improve our understanding of the human mind and develop interventions to addresspsychological issues and enhance well-being.中文回答:当代心理学是一个多样化的领域,涵盖了各种理论、方法和研究方法。





1. 美国:美国心理学协会(APA)认可的等级包括:本科学士学位(Bachelor's Degree)、硕士学位(Master's Degree)以及博士学位(Doctoral Degree:Ph.D.或Psy.D.)。

此外,还有美国心理学会(APS)认可的职业资格证书,例如国家执业心理学家(Licensed Psychologist)等级。

2. 英国:英国心理学协会(BPS)认证的等级包括:本科学士学位(Bachelor's Degree)、硕士学位(Master's Degree)以及博士学位(Doctoral Degree:Ph.D.或D.Phil.)。


3. 加拿大:加拿大心理学会(CPA)承认的等级包括:本科学士学位(Bachelor's Degree)、硕士学位(Master's Degree)和博士学位(Doctoral Degree)。






心理学认定国际学术会议表格-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述随着全球化的不断发展,国际学术会议在学术交流中扮演着越来越重要的角色。
















1.3 目的本文的目的是通过探讨心理学认定国际学术会议表格的设计与应用,深入了解其在心理学研究领域中的重要性。





数据库与检索一综合NatureSciencePNASNature communication Scientific Reports PloS one二神经科学Nature Neuroscience NeuronJournal of Neuroscience BrainCortexJournal of NeurophysiologyNeuroscieneNeuroscience LettersNeuroscience ResearchFrontiers in Human Neuroscience三综述、回顾类Trends in NeuroscienceTrends in Cognitive ScienceNature reviews: NeuroscienceProg NeurobiolCurrent Opinion in NeurobiologyBrain Res RevPsychological bulletinPsychological InquiryPsychological ReviewPsychological reportsReview of General PsychologyCurrent Directions in Psychological Science Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews四认知神经科学Brain ResearchJournal of Cognitive Neuroscience PsychophysiologyBiological PsychologyAnnual Review of NeuroscienceHUMAN NEUROBIOLOGY五认知心理学Journal of Experimental PsychologyAnimal BehavProcAppliedHuman Percep PerfCanadian Journal of Experimental Psychology Cognitive psychologyPsychological ScienceCognitive ScienceCognitiveMemory and CognitionPerception and PsychophysicsQuarterly Journal of Experimental PsychologyCognition and EmotionSocial Cognitive and Affective NeuroscienceJournal of Experimental social psychologyEmotionDevelopmental NeuroscieneTHE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE SOCIETY FOR NEUROSCIENCE ABSTRACTS六实验Journal of experimental psychology.Learning,memory,and cognitionJournal of experimental psychology.Human perception and performanceJournal of experimental psychology. General六其他Journal of Applied Behavior AnalysisPerception & psychophysicsVision researchPerceptionAmerican Sociological ReviewJournal of Consumer PsychologyJournal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & PerformanceActa PsychologicalNeuroimageFront PsychologyHuman Brain MappingCerebral CortexINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGYB版(文章影响力排名)综合Annual Review of PsychologyPsychological MethodsPerspectives on Psychological SciencePsychological InquiryAmerican PsychologistJournal of Abnormal Psychology生理Behavioral and Brain SciencesBehavioral neuroscienceEvolution and Human BehaviorPhysiology & BehaviorBehavioural Processes社会Personality and Social Psychology ReviewAdvances in Experimental Social PsychologyJournal of Personality and Social PsychologyOrganizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesEuropean Review of Social PsychologyJournal of Health and Social BehaviorPersonality and Social Psychology BulletinSocial Psychology QuarterlyJournal of PersonalityEuropean Journal of PersonalityBritish Journal of Social Psychology应用Journal of ManagementPersonnel Psychology其他Psychological ReviewPersonality & Social Psychology BulletinCognitive neuropsychologyJournal of Applied PsychologyAmerican Journal of PsychologyEncyclopedia of Applied PsychologyQuarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A Human Experimental Psychology Neuroreport营销广告类journal of consumer research Journal of consumer psychology Journal of consumer behaviorJournal of marketingJournal of marketing research Marketing scienceJournal of international marketing Marketing insightsMarketing newsJournal of advertisingJournal of advertising research International journal of advertisingTop-down selective attention。



美国的心理咨询行业:来自从业者视角的观察(上)发布时间:2021-07-21作者:Magnolia来源:北京心舍(ID:psychouse)原文标题:说一说美国的心理咨询行业:来自从业者视角的观察希望通过这个文章,给大家提供一下美国心理健康系统(mental health system)专业人员(professionals)所属学科专业(discipline)、从事咨询类工作相关的相关职业名称(title),学历教育、督导下的临床小时(supervised clinical hours)要求、相关执照/认证的过程说明,以及行业发展极简史。




由于心理健康服务涉及生理、心理、社会环境各个层面,各个国家地区的历史文化和社会环境不同,笔者希望提供当地的背景,供读者们更清晰地了解一些概念的内涵,从而帮助自己进行知情决策(informed decision-making)。



所有文中涉及专业工作者在笔者所在州都不提供药物管理(medication management)服务,也不能进行医学操作(perform medical procedure)。



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Administrative Staff
Dolores McMahon – EO Brigid Sexton -CO
Teresa O’Dea John McDermott Annette Corkery
Mary Christian – CO
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
NCGE Fact Sheet 6
North-Western Region
Regional Office Westward Centre Bridge Street Sligo Tel: 071 9141322 Regional Director: Maureen Costello (Tel: 071 9141322)
Bríd Uí Uiginn – EO Philomena Mooney – CO (J/S) Maureen Davis – CO (J/S)
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
Eastern Region (East Coast Area)
Regional Office Third Floor Trident House Blackrock Co Dublin Tel: 01 283 3028 Regional Director: Breda Cotter
Local Offices
Administrative Staff
Bridget Tiernan - CO
Donore Road Industrial Estate Drogheda Co Louth Tel: 041 9876940
Mary Coyle Helen Hinfey
Fiona Walsh – CO
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
Austin Vaughan Paula Dunne Sharon Eustace Bridget Egan
Yvonne Mullan Theresa Newman Michelle Ranaghan Christina Byrne Niamh Ní Aogáin Tomás Mac an Bhreithiun Anne O’Leary Brenda Hughes
Mary Mullany Anne Tansey Rory Tierney
Administrative Staff
Susan Wolfe – EO (J/S) Mary Doyle - EO (J/S) Helen Boyle – CO
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
Local Offices
Friars Mill Road Mullingar Co Westmeath Tel: 044 37004 Fax: 044 37071
Senior Psychologists
Michael Cullinane Bernie Purcell
Anne Brady Mary Peelo Breda Hand Jo Moore Avril Burgess Michael Cullinane
Local Offices
108 The Quay Waterford (Temporary Acc) c/o Vocational School Raheen Road Clonmel Co Tipperary Tel: 052 25833 The Bushels Cornmarket Wexford Tel: 053 43300 (Temporary Acc) c/o VEC Admin Offices Athy Road Carlow Tel: 059 9138582
Third Floor Trident House Blackrock Co Dublin Tel: 01 283 3028
Senior Psychologists
Mairead Clifford John Culbert Feargus ÓCasaide John O’Leary Bríd Clancy Richard Hennessy Maire Dooey
NCGE Fact Sheet 6
Eastern Region (Northern Area)
Regional Office Frederick Court 24/27 North Frederick St., Dublin 1 Tel:01 889 2787/89 Regional Director: Maire Leahy
Anne Marie Cummings
Administrative Staff
Gabrielle Greene Carmel McKeon
Richard Egan
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
Local Offices
50 Tower Road Clondalkin Dublin 22 Tel: 01 461 4824 Fax: 01 461 4868 The Maudlins Naas Co Kildare Tel: 045 848 504 Fax: 045 848 598
Senior Psychologists
Local Offices
Frederick Court 24/27 North Frederick St., Dublin 1 Tel: 01 889 2787 FAX: 01 8892755
Senior Psychologists
Aine Dillon Nuala Roche Brenda Lynch Seosamh MacIonmhain Erland O’Neill
Local Offices
Punches Cross Rossbrien Road Limerick Tel: 061 430004 Francis Street Ennis, Clare Tel: 065 6865904
Senior Psychologists
Marie McNamara
Administrative Staff
Marian Cox- COegional Office Punches Cross Rossbrien Road Limerick Tel: 061 430004 Regional Director: Michael Sheehan (Tel: 021 4536358)
Local Offices
Westward Centre Bridge Street Sligo Tel: 071 9141322 c/o Government Buildings High Road Letterkenny Co Donegal Tel: 074 9121421
Senior Psychologists
NCGE Fact Sheet 6
Eastern Region (South Western Area)
Regional Office 50 Tower Road Clondalkin Dublin 22 Tel: 01 461 4824 Regional Director: Ann Marie Sheehan
NCGE Fact Sheet 6
Midlands Region
Regional Office Friars Mill Road Mullingar Co Westmeath Tel: 044 37004 Fax: 044 37071 Regional Director: Margaret Grogan
Maria Donnelly Alan Gregory
Eadaoin O’Brien Maria McAllister
Administrative Staff
Ann McHugh – EO
Deirdre McHugh
Theresa McLaughlin
Fact Sheet revised May 2006. The information in this fact sheet was accurate at the time of going to print.
Philip Clarke Rena Forrestal Judith Leslie Eithne Shalloo Pauline Walshe Fiona Clancy Sarah Callanan Nollaig Carberry
Administrative Staff
Local Offices
43 Cannon Row Navan Tel: 046 9093310
Senior Psychologists
Paula Long