



部编人教版八年级英语上册第二单元测试卷含答案Part 1 Listening (30 points)Section A1. B2. C3. C4. A5. ASection B6. B7. B8. C9. A10. ASection C11. encourage12. gently13. courage14. response15. mistakePart 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)Section A16. has been waiting17. were playing18. to finish19. will have20. was singingSection B21. as much as22. went away23. should go24. has been25. to tellSection C26. is27. largest28. whether29. is studying30. easyPart 3 Reading and Writing (40 points)Section A31. C32. D33. F34. G35. ASection B36. excitedly37. enjoyed38. quickly39. friendly40. more carefullySection C41. Dear Jane,42. I’ve been missing you and I hope everything is fine with you. I’m writing to tell you that our school is organizing a trip to the mountains next month. The trip is for three days and two nights. I’ve already asked my parents and they allowed me to attend. I hope you can join. I can’t imagine going on this trip without you.43. First of all, we will visit a famous waterfall, which is surrounded by mountains and forests. The scenery there is breathtaking. After that, we will go for hiking on the mountain trails. Finally, we will have a campfire at night and enjoy some traditional food.44. The trip will be a great opportunity for us to explore nature and bond with our classmates. Moreover, I believe that the trip will be a chance for us to have fun and create some unforgettable memories.Section D46. two47. consists48. selected49. raise50. support答案仅供参考,希望同学们认真做卷子,不要抄袭。

初中英语八年级上册 Unit 2经典测试卷(含答案解析)

初中英语八年级上册 Unit 2经典测试卷(含答案解析)

一、选择题1.I improve my writing by ________ an English diary every day.A.write B.wrote C.to write D.writing D解析:D【解析】【详解】句意:我通过每天写英语日记来提高我的写作。

A. write写,动词原形;B. wrote写,一般过去时;C. to write写,不定式;D. writing写,动名词。


2.I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get ______the window.A.in B.through C.over D.across B解析:B【解析】试题分析:句意:昨天我把钥匙落在房间里啦。


A .In 在……里;B. through在里面通过;C. over 在……上方;D. across在表面穿过。



3.Reading aloud is the best way English.A.to learn B.learning C.to learning D.learns A解析:A【解析】试题分析:句意:大声读是学习英语的最好的方法。

……的方法/钥匙/答案/票是way/key/answer/ticket to +do /名词,不用of。



4.—__________do you watch TV every week?—Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do.A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often C解析:C【详解】句意:——每个星期你看多久电视?——不到两个小时。

How many多少,询问数量多少;How much多少,询问数量多少;How long多长时间;How often多久一次。



语文八年级上册第二单元测试卷(含答案)一、选择题(共10题,每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个词的读音与其他三个不同?A. 洲B. 州C. 粥D. 侯答案:C2. 以下名言中,与“做事不拖沓”意思最接近的是:A. 有志者,事竟成B. 熟能生巧C. 无事不登三宝殿D. 借力使力答案:A3. 下面哪个词的解释不正确?A. 锦鲤:形容鲤鱼,色彩斑斓B. 地壳:构成地球表面的岩石薄壳C. 奄奄一息:形容人将要死亡,濒临死亡D. 时光荏苒:形容时间过得很快答案:D4. 下列句子中的“草”字意义不同的一项是:A. 草稿B. 草地C. 高楼大厦拔地而起D. 草率答案:C5. 下列句子中的成语使用不正确的一项是:A. 陶醉在美丽的音乐中B. 拐弯抹角地说别人的坏话C. 总是以小事烦恼D. 这个问题牵强附会答案:B6. 下列词语中,注音不正确的一项是:A. 律诗B. 书琴C. 歌莲D. 画宝答案:C7. “知识改变命运”这句话,理解不正确的一项是:A. 知识可以带来智慧B. 有知识才能改变现状C. 知识可以帮助人实现梦想D. 只有知识若干才能改变命运答案:D8. 下列词语中,意思相同的一项是:A. 心满意足B. 心满如意C. 心花怒放D. 心疼答案:B9. 下列词语中,与其他三个意思不同的一项是:A. 恍然大悟B. 恍若隔世C. 恍惚D. 恍惚之间答案:A10. 下列哪个成语中的字都是画出来的?A. 画龙点睛B. 画蛇添足C. 画饼充饥D. 画地为牢答案:A二、填空题(共5题,每题3分,共15分)1. “人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺。

”这句话出自《唐诗三百首》的第几首诗?答案:第一首2. “四月的太阳照在草地上,硕大的影子就掉落在那里。

”这句话出自季羡林的哪本作品?答案:《春》3. “一年中又到了那个分别的日子,我们既欢笑又难过。

” 这句话中表达了哪种情感?答案:别离的情感4. “初出茅庐”这个成语的意思是指什么?答案:比喻刚进入社会,没有经验。



八年级上册第二单元测试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是八年级上册第二单元的课文主题?A. 环境保护B. 科技发展C. 传统节日D. 个人成长2. 根据第二单元的课文内容,以下哪个选项是正确的?A. 科技发展总是带来积极的影响。

B. 环境保护是个人的责任。

C. 传统节日与现代社会无关。

D. 个人成长不需要社会环境的支持。

3. 以下哪个成语与“环境保护”有关?A. 绿水青山B. 金榜题名C. 一帆风顺D. 龙飞凤舞4. 第二单元中,关于“科技发展”的讨论主要关注了什么?A. 科技的负面影响B. 科技的积极作用C. 科技与日常生活的联系D. 科技与未来的展望5. 根据第二单元的课文,以下哪个选项是关于“传统节日”的正确描述?A. 传统节日是历史遗留下来的习俗,应该被淘汰。

B. 传统节日是民族文化的重要组成部分。

C. 传统节日只与宗教有关。

D. 传统节日只在农村地区庆祝。

6. 个人成长的过程中,以下哪个因素不是必要的?A. 家庭的支持B. 良好的教育C. 个人的努力D. 过度的保护7. 第二单元的课文中,提到了哪些关于“环境保护”的措施?A. 减少塑料使用B. 增加工业排放C. 过度开发自然资源D. 忽视垃圾处理8. 在讨论“科技发展”时,课文提到了哪些可能的挑战?A. 信息安全问题B. 人工智能取代人类工作C. 科技导致人际关系疏远D. 所有以上选项9. 课文中提到的“传统节日”有哪些共同特点?A. 都有特定的庆祝日期B. 都与宗教仪式有关C. 都需要政府的批准才能庆祝D. 都只限于特定地区庆祝10. 对于“个人成长”,课文强调了哪些方面的平衡?A. 知识与技能B. 情感与理性C. 个人与社会D. 所有以上选项二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. 第二单元的课文中,提到了环境保护的重要性,其中提到了“______”是保护环境的关键。

12. 在讨论科技发展时,课文指出了科技的双刃剑特性,即科技既能带来便利,也可能带来“______”。




(24分)1.下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是(3分)()A .甲胄.(zhòu)诘.责(jí)妯.娌(zhóu)支撑.(C hēng)B .胡髭.(zì)黝.黑(yǒu)一绺.绺(lǚ)颔.首(hàn)C .解剖.(pōu)锃.亮(zèng)禁锢.(gù)炽.热(zhì)D.绯.红(fēi)粲.然(C àn)不辍.(C huò)脊.背(jǐ)2.下列成语中没有错别字的一项是(3分)()A .成群接队器宇轩昂油光可鉴任劳任怨B .抑扬顿挫杳无消息文质彬彬和颜悦色C .正襟危坐诚惶诚恐粗制乱造藏污纳垢D.黯然失色不可明状美不胜收油光可鉴3.下列加点的词语运用不恰当的一项是(3分)()A .周末参加社区志愿服务的华西医院的医生们表示,他们所做的事情是不值一提....的。

B .当敌人冲进大厅的时候,只见他正襟危坐....,那种处变不惊、视死如归的气节真让人敬佩。

C .托尔斯泰一直都长相平平,鹤立鸡...群.,混在人群里都找不出来。


4.下列句子中标点符号使用有误的一项是(3分)()A .小而言之,是为中国,就是希望中国有新的医学。


B .他们也何尝不酒醉似的喝采,——呜呼,无法可想!C .十天之中,总有八九天我是第一个去开学堂门的。

D.什么?就这么个侏儒!这么个小巧玲珑的家伙,难道真的是列夫·尼克拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰吗?5.下列表述不完全正确的一项是(3分)()A .《藤野先生》是鲁迅先生写的一篇小说,它是以作者与藤野先生的交往为叙事线索,表达了作者对藤野先生的感激、敬爱和怀念之情。



Unit 2 How often do you exercise?班级:____________:_____________考号:____________一、单项选择(15分)( )1.It's necessary for you ____ exercise every day.A.takingB.to takeC.takeD.takes( )2.Liang Li always helps others ____ she is very busy.A.butB.andC.althoughD.because( )3.Doing morning exercises can keep us ____.A.healthB.healthyC.healthilyD.healthiest( )4.—____ does Sally go shopping?—Once a week.A.WhenB.HowC.How oftenD.What time( )5.—____ do you usually eat junk food?—I ____ eat it, so I'm healthy.A.How often; alwaysB.How long; oftenC.How often; hardly everD.How long; always( )6.People who often sleep a lot but don't do a lot of ___ will not be very healthy.A.exerciseB.exercisingC.exersisesD.to exercise( )7.___ I have one healthy habit, ____ I'm not very healthy.A.Because ; /B.Although; /C./; soD./; but( )8.Eating more vegetable ____ good ____ your health.A.are; toB.is; toC.are; forD.is; for( )9.—____ did you go to Beijing?—I went there only once.A.WhenB.How oftenC.How many timesD.How much( )10.Jim has many hobbies, ____ swimming, hiking and playing badminton.A.for exampleB.such asC.such forD.as a result( )11.You should get up earlier, ____ you can't catch the early bus.A.andB.butC.orD.so( )12.—How often does she have dancing classes?—____.A.On Saturday afternoonB.At 9 o'clockC.Once a weekD.Three times( )13.It's raining ____ and people can ____ go out.A.hardly; hardB.hard; hardlyC.hard; hardD.hardly; hardly( )14.—____ is it from your home to your school?—It is about twenty minutes by bike.A.How farB.How longC..How manyD.How often( )15.Daming spends lots of time ____ computer games.A.playB.to playC.playingD.plays二、完形填空(10分)What should we do to 1 healthy? One important rule is to exercise every day.The Smiths try to 2 every day. Mr. Smith 3 not exercise in the morning 4 he must get to his office before seven o'clock, so he runs every evening.Mrs. Smith likes sports, 5 . She walks to work every day and after work she plays different 6 with her friends. She likes yoga (瑜伽) very much and she goes to yoga class 7 .Bob, their 8 , also loves sports. He often goes to school 9 .His favorite sport is 10 . He wants to be a famous player like Yao Ming.( )1.A.keep B.make C.do D.need( )2. A.exercise B.swim C.skateboard D.walk( )3. A.may B.must C.can D.should( )4. A.but B.and C.although D.because( )5. A.also B.either C.so D.too( )6. A.sports B.games C.basketball D.ping-pong( )7. A.in two weeks B.after two weeksC.twice a weekD.for two weeks( )8. A.friend B.son C.daughter D.teacher( )9. A.by bus B.on foot C.by taxi D.by car( )10.A.running B.basketball C.badminton D.soccer三、阅读理解(40分)A"Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise." This is an old English saying. It means that when we go to bed early, we can get up early the next morning. Then we will become healthy. We will also become rich and clever.This is true. To keep healthy, we must have enough sleep. Experts (专家) say that adults should get seven to eight hours of sleep a night. Teenagers need nine to ten hours. And school-aged children may need more than ten hours of sleep. Children who do not have enough sleep can't do their work very well. They won't be wise and they may not become wealthy!We also need exercise. Walking, running, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps us strong. It also helps the blood to move around the body. This is very important. Our blood takes the nutrition (营养) from food to all parts of our body.The head also needs blood. So exercise that moves the blood to our head helps us think better!( )1.If we get up early and go to bed early, we'll ____.A.become weakB.have more timeC.be healthyD.have more work to do( )2.Who needs most hours of sleep to keep healthy?A.Adults.B.Teenagers.C.Experts.D.School-aged children.( )3.A child ____ when he does not have enough sleep.A.can't study wellB.will be wiseC.will be wealthyD.will be active in class( )4.A person needs exercise because ____.A.he is not strong enoughB.it helps make him healthyC.he has a lot of homework to doD.it can bring him much blood( )5.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Exercise helps the blood to move.B.Exercise is good for a person's head.C.If we have enough blood, we'll be wise.D.It's good for us to get up early and go to bed early.BEveryone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it's good for us. It keeps body strong.When the daytime comes, we must get up. This is the time for exercise. Exercise means doing things with the body. There're many ways to exercise. You can walk, run, swim, skate, or play ball games. Make sure you exercise in the following ways: you have to like what you are doing. Exercise enough but not too much. It's good to exercise three times a week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or three sports that feel right for you.You can exercise at fitness centers. They have a lot of equipment (设备) there. The equipment will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of body to make you fit. Some people buy equipment for their homes. But it is very expensive.Exercising can be fun. Friends can exercise together at a fitness center, or they can play sports together. How do you exercise?( 1.)In the passage, the writer tells us that we all need to ____.A.drinkB.relaxC.exerciseD.work( )2.Which of the following sports can not be found in the passage?A.FishingB.RunningC.SwimmingD.Walking( )3.What does exercise mean?A.It means doing things with the body.B.It means studying.C.It means doing lessons.D.It means playing.( )4.What can exercise do to the body?A.It can make the body weak.B.it can make the body strong.C.It can make us sick.D.It can make us sleep more.( )5.The underlined words "fitness center" in the passage mean "____".A.商业中心B.健身中心C.购物中心D.医疗中心CEvery time we walk, sit down or hold a book, we are using our bones. Bones are important because they hold up our bodies and help us move freely.Bones are hard on the outside, but they are soft on the inside. The soft part of the bone makes our blood (血). Blood carries things we need through our bodies. It also helps move away the things that are not useful for our bodies, so we can stay healthy.Calcium (钙) makes our bones solid (坚固的), so we need to get enough of it each day. We can get calcium easily from milk, some vegetables and other foods.Vitamin D is also important because it helps calcium work well in our bodies. We can get vitamin D from food like fish and eggs, and we can also get it from the sun! Try to get a little sun every day so you can have healthier bones!Exercise improves our bone health too, so make it a habit. Running, jumping and dancing are all good exercise, but even daily activities like walking and climbing mountains can help keep our bones healthy and strong!( )1.What can make our bones solid according to the passage?A.Exercise.B.Vitamin.C.Calcium.D.Sun.( )2.In order to keep our bones healthy, what should we do?① hold a book ② get calcium ③ get a little sun ④ do some exerciseA.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①③④( )3.The underlined word "soft" means ____ in Chinese.A.笔直的B.柔软的C.弯曲的D.坚硬的( )4.What does the text mainly tell us about?A.What the bones are.B.When to use our bones.C.How to keep our bones strong.D.Why we need bones.( )5.In which part of the newspaper can you find this passage?A.Sports.B.News.C.Health.D.Music.DAll of us want to be healthy. To keep healthy, more and more people are doing sports. Do you like sports? If yes, which is your favorite sport? Look at the ads, they may help you.Nancy's Gym Keep fit! Lose weight! $25/hourOpening time: Saturday and SundayTel: 455-6223Ice WorldHave fun skating here!$20/hour for children$30/hour for adultsTel: 886-8252Water WorldOpening time: 9:00 a.m.~9:00 p.m. everydayAdults: $10Children (aged 15 and under): $7Tel: 215-1829Come to Water World!Two pools for childrenTwo large pools for adultsTwo restaurants( )1.What do people in Nancy's Gym want to do?A.To enjoy swimming.B.To learn to skate.C.To keep healthy.D.To eat delicious food.( )2.If Mr. Smith goes skating with his little son, they need to pay ____ for twohours' skating.A.$50B.$60C.$80D.$100( )3.People can go to Water World at ____.A.8:00 a.m.B.1:30 p.m.C.9:30 p.m.D.10:00 p.m.( )4.You can call ____ if you want to swim.A.215-1892B.886-8252C.215-1829D.455-6223( )5.Which of the following is TRUE?A.There are four large pools in Water World.B.Ice World is only for adults.C.People can go to Nancy's Gym on Sunday.D.A ten-year-old boy needn't pay to go swimming.四、补全对话,其中有两项多余(10分)John: Look at yourself, Tom. You are too fat. You are not fit. 1__________________ Tom: What food should I eat then?John: You should stop eating sweets. 2 ____________________________________ Tom: 3 _________________ I like them very much.John: No, you can't. 4 ________________________Tom: OK. I will try not to eat them.John: 5 ___________________Exercise can help you keep fit, too.五用所给词的适当形式填空,每空不超过三个单词(5分)(1)Brush your teeth at least (two) a day: in the morning and before bedtime.(2)I went (shop) with my mother last weekend.(3)It is very important for us (learn) English well.(4)My parents want me (not smoke) because it's bad for my health.(5)Mike hardly ever (exercise) on weekends.六、书面表达(20分)假如你是明,你在微信上认识了一位美国朋友Lily,她很喜欢中国,很想了解中国的中学生生活。

八年级英语上册《Unit 2》单元测试卷(含答案)

八年级英语上册《Unit 2》单元测试卷(含答案)

人教新版八年级上册《Unit2How often do you exercise》单元测试卷(2)一、单项选择题:1.(3分)The old woman__________leaves her house because she can't walk far.()A.usually B.ever C.hardly D.always2.(3分)How many hours do you exercise every day?________()A.Twice a day B.Twice a weekC.Two D.Once3.(3分)﹣How often do you exercise?﹣.()A.Two times a day B.Twice a weekC.Twice D.Once4.(3分)Tom studies_______.He_______plays with his friends.()A.hard;hard B.hardly;hardlyC.hard;hardly D.hardly;hard5.(3分)_____it was very cold,_____my friend still went swimming in Jialing River this morning.()A.Although;but B.Although;/C.But;although D./;although6.(3分)10%of the students________to school on foot.()A.goes B.go C.going D.to go7.(3分)The fishes in the river________water pollution(污染).()A.blew out B.woke up C.gave in D.died from 8.(3分)﹣Is there any bread left?﹣No,at all.()A.many B.some C.none D.few9.(3分)I eat fruit and drink milk every day to keep me______.()A.health B.healthily C.healthy D.unhealthy 10.(3分)﹣?﹣He usually watches morning news.()A.Where does Joe watch morning newsB.How does Joe watch morning newsC.What does Joe do before breakfastD.Why does Joe do that before breakfast11.(3分)﹣My father often relaxes himself by______to music after work ﹣How about your mother?()A.listen B.listened C.to listen D.listening 12.(3分)﹣How often do the children play sports?﹣()A.Twice a day B.For two hoursC.Since last weekend D.Three days ago13.(3分)Peter is my best friend.He often helps science.()A.me with B.my with C.me on D.me of14.(3分)Did you find the answer_____the question about_____TV very interesting?()A.to,watching B.of,watchingC.to,watched D.of,watched15.(3分)Don't spend too much time_______TV()A.to watch B.watch C.for watch D.watching二、完形填空:16.(3分)Experts(专家)say that students usually need eight to ten hours'sleep at night,but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep.Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see(1)children study late.They will think their children work very(2),but not all parents are happy about this.Once a mother told us that every morning her10﹣year﹣old boy put up one finger with his eyes still(3),begging(请求)for one(4)minute to sleep.Like thousands of students who are called"early birds"in China,he has to get up before six every (5).A report(6)that without a good night's sleep,students seem to be weaker thanthey should be.Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another,Too much homework is not the only(7)why students stay up late.Some watch TV or play the computer games(8)into the night.Experts have once said that the students should develop(9)study habits.So some clever students(10)study late,and they are able to work well in class.(1)A.my B.his C.our D.their(2)A.fast B.hard C.well D.hard﹣working(3)A.closed B.open C.tired D.close(4)A.each B.more C.many D.little(5)A.afternoon B.evening C.morning D.night(6)A.reads B.watches C.shows D.asks(7)A.reason B.time C.lesson D.way(8)A.early B.late C.quickly D.slowly(9)A.good B.bad C.easy D.relaxed(10)A.once B.often C.always D.never三、阅读理解:17.(3分)A healthy eating habit along with enough exercise can help you keep healthy.When you are young,it is important to give your body what it needs,If you skip meals,you can't get enough calories(卡路里).And then you may feel tired.By the way,the calorie is just another word for energy.About50%of your calories should come from rice,bread,vegetables and fruit.You also need to drink a lot of water,6to8glasses a day.Drinking enough water can make your body work better and make you healthy.Exercise can help to make you look good,feel good and be healthy.Scientists say that kids should spend at least30minutes exercising a day,five times a week.It is easy to do! You can walk or ride your bike to school,and play sports at school.However,kids often give up sports,saying they have no time left after finishing their homework.In fact,doing exercise can help them sleep better and do better in their lessons.If you follow the advice above,you will look and feel much better and become healthier.(1)The underlined word"skip"means""in Chinese.A.询问B.略过C.阻止D.转移(2)According to the scientists,kids should spend at least minutes exercising every week.A.30B.50C.100D.150(3)Why do many kids give up sports according to the passage?A.Because they are too lazy to exercise.B.Because they feel great after giving up sports.C.Because they are busy with their studies.D.Because they don't like playing sports at all.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A.About80%of your calories should come from rice,bread,vegetables and fruit.B.You need to drink three to four glasses of water every day to keep healthy.C.Students should exercise at least twice a week to keep healthy and happy.D.Doing exercise can help kids sleep better and do better in their lessons.(5)What's the main idea of this passage?A.How to eat healthily.B.How to exercise.C.How to look thinner.D.How to keep healthy.18.(3分)People want to pull down(拆除)an old house in Harlem and build a library there.They will talk about it on Monday night.But some people want to keep the house.It stands there for about100years and it's a part of the city.Janet Short is one of them.She doesn't want to pull down the house."It would be a very sad(令人悲伤的)thing for Harlem,"said Short."We have enough places to build a library.I still want to have art classes here on weekends.""That place is really special to me.I just think there's a better use of this place,"said Rizner."I think we should make good use of(充分利用)this building,"said Short.Rizner says if most of the people want to pull down the house at Monday night's meeting,it will take four to six weeks to pull it down.(1)When will the people in Harlem have a meeting?A.On Monday night.B.On Monday morning.C.On Sunday night.D.On Saturday morning.(2)Why do some people want to keep the house in Harlem?A.Because it is beautiful.B.Because they live in it.C.Because it has a long history.D.Because it can bring them money.(3)What does Janet Short think of pulling down the house?A.She thinks it will take a long time.B.She feels happy.C.She feels sad.D.She thinks it's hard.(4)What can we learn from this passage?A.Janet Short doesn't want to have a new library.B.Different people think differently on this house.C.It takes eight weeks to pull down the house.D.Janet Short dislikes having art classes in the house.(5)What is the passage about?A.The use of an old house.B.The history of an old house.C.How to save an old house.D.Some people's feelings about an old house.四、词汇运用:19.(3分)He never goes to a d for teeth cleaning.20.(3分)Don't eat too much j food.It's bad for your health.21.(3分)﹣What's your favorite p?﹣Animal World.22.(3分)He watches TV t a week,on Saturday and Sunday.23.(3分)After the accident,she could h speak.24.(3分)Exercise is(health)for the mind and the body.25.(3分)How about(go)shopping on Sundays?26.(3分)We think the best way(relax)is through exercise.27.(3分)It's a good habit to brush your(tooth)every day.28.(3分)To keep healthy,I decide(exercise)half an hour every day.五、任务型阅读:29.(3分)①Mary is reading information about how to keep healthy on the Internet.Good sleep is important for your health.You need about eight hours'sleep a night.Don't eat or read in bed.A cup of milk before sleep may help you get a good sleep.Go to bed at the same time before midnight(午夜)and get up at the same time every morning.For more information,please visit www.sleep.com.How often do you exercise?If you want to stay healthy,try to②每天锻炼一小时,每周三、四次.For more information,please call Health Line at180﹣2000.Studies show that the flu virus(流感病毒)can live on our hands for long.So you should wash your hands often with soap and water.If you want to know more,please call Health Line at180﹣1313.③You can brush your teeth twice a day and see a dentist at least once a year.The oral examination(口腔检查)is not only for the health of teeth,but also for the whole body.Please visit www.mydr.com for more information.(1)将①处句子翻译成汉语.(2)将②处内容翻译成英语.(3)对③处句子的画线部分提问.(4)What can you do every day if you want a good sleep?(5)What can you do if you want to know more about flu?六、完成句子:30.(3分)"你的父母做体育运动吗""不,他们不.他们太忙了"﹣Do your parents?﹣NO,they don't.They're.31.(3分)他经常熬夜上网.He often to go online.32.(3分)通过看足球比赛来放松很不错.good to relax soccer games.33.(3分)70%的学生一星期看4次电视.the students watch TV a week.34.(3分)他的姑姑在这所学校工作三年多了.His aunt works in this school for three years.七、书面表达35.(3分)"读万卷书,行万里路",研学旅行(Research travel)现在受到教育部门和学校的高度重视,也深受学生和家长的欢迎.假如你们学校的英文网站就研学活动需要注意的事项发帖子,征集意见.请你根据以下要点,进行跟帖回复.词数不少于60个单词.(1)要点:研学旅行,健康饮食;安全出行;遇险报警…(2)要求:不能出现真实校名和姓名等;语言通顺,表达正确;要求包含所有要点提示,可适当增加要点.______人教新版八年级上册《Unit2How often do you exercise》单元测试卷(2)参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择题:1.(3分)The old woman__________leaves her house because she can't walk far.()A.usually B.ever C.hardly D.always【考点】副词的词义辨析.【分析】这位老太太几乎没有离开家,因为她走不了多远.【解答】答案:C.usually通常;ever曾经;hardly几乎不;always总是.根据because she can't walk far,可知因为她走不了多远,所以这位老太太几乎没有离开家.故选C.2.(3分)How many hours do you exercise every day?________()A.Twice a day B.Twice a weekC.Two D.Once【考点】程度副词.【分析】你每天锻炼几小时?两个.【解答】句意:你每天锻炼几小时?两个,从how many判断这里询问数量,直接用基数词表示.故选:C.3.(3分)﹣How often do you exercise?﹣.()A.Two times a day B.Twice a weekC.Twice D.Once【考点】特殊疑问句.【分析】﹣你多久锻炼一次?﹣一周两次。



人教版历史八年级上册-第二单元-测试卷(含答案)选择题1. 以下哪一个是人们理解历史事件的基本方式?A. 逆向思维B. 正向思维C. 俯视思维D. 估算思维答案:B2. 黄河是中国母亲河,被称为中国的____。

A. 经济动脉B. 政治中心C. 文化根源D. 军事要塞答案:C填空题1. 中国古代孔子的学生是__曾皙__。

2. 中国古代名将__岳飞__是南宋时期的人物。

简答题1. 请简要介绍中国的封建等级制度。




2. 请简要描述黄河对中国的重要性。




解答题1. 请分析中国古代孔子的教育思想对后世的影响。





参考答案选择题答案:1. B,2. C填空题答案:1. 曾皙,2. 岳飞答案仅供参考,具体解析可能因版本和教材的不同而略有出入。

人教版语文八年级上册 第二单元测试卷(含答案)

人教版语文八年级上册  第二单元测试卷(含答案)

第二单元测试卷班级得分学号姓名一、积累(20分)802 班将开展主题为“我们的时代”的综合性学习,请你完成下列任务。


在《藤野先生》中,鲁迅为逃避留着小姑娘发髻一般油光可 jiàn( )的辫子的东京“清国留学生”,来到了仙台的课堂。

藤野先生yì( )扬顿挫、仔细认真的讲解,增强了鲁迅学医救国的信心,可那封匿名信和看时事片时的喝彩声让他拿起笔同反动势力进行着毫不妥协的斗争。

朱德bá( )涉在人生路上,忘不了母亲对自己的影响。



(3分)(1)油光可 jiàn( ) (2) yì( )扬顿挫 (3) bá( )涉2.填入语段横线处的词语,恰当的一项是( )(2分)A.坚毅B.刚毅C.毅然D.猛然【走近玛丽·居里】3.作为本次活动的主持人,请你拟写一则宣传标语。


(3分)【材料一】除获诺贝尔奖外,玛丽·居里的荣誉还有:会员 56个,会长2个,院士19个,院长1个,博士20个,教授1个,荣誉市民3个;另外获得奖金10项,奖章16枚。







(5分)(1) ,。






(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)( )1. Although he is very old, he works very hard.A. andB. butC. /D.so( )2. Here my favorite comic books. They're really interesting.A. isB. areC. amD. be( )3. The girl is my sister.A. 14 years oldB. 14 year oldC.14-years-oldD. 14-year-old ( )4. -Would you like something to drink?-Yes. I'd like some .A.riceB. juiceC. fruitD. vegetables( )5. The food I cook isn't delicious, but I can look after myself.A. at firstB.at lastC. at leastD.more than ( )6. -What does Jenny always do on weekends?-She always .A. do some cookingB. does some readingC. watched TVD.exercise( )7. He was born in 1913 and in 1947.A. deathB.deadC. diedD. die( )8. My father a lawyer when I grow up.A. wants me toB. wants me to beC.becameD. wanted ( )9. Thank you for me my lessons.A. help; withB. help; ofC. helping; withD. helping; of ( )10. The old man is well because he often .A.exercisesB. drinksC. sleepsD. plays ( )11. -I wonder you exercise.-Once a weeA. how oftenB. how longC. how soonD. how much ( )12. -Would you like some coffee?一No,thanks.I drink coffee. I feel it tastes terrible.A.almostB. alwaysC. hardlyD. sometimes ( )13. I learn English .A. everyday; every dayB.everyday; everydayC.every day; every dayD.every day; everyday( )14. Cola is and it's not good for your .A. healthy; healthB. unhealthy; healthyC. unhealthy; healthD. health; health( )15. You wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health.A.mayB.canC. have toD. must二、完形填空。



1. 政治学研究的是()。

A. 社会规律
B. 政治活动
C. 经济制度
D. 科学发展
2. 人口老龄化是指()。

A. 所有年龄段人口比例都下降了
B. 中老年人口比例上升了
C. 所有年龄段人口比例都上升了
D. 青少年占比增加了
1. 中国地图上“南北长,东西狭”的地区是()。

2. 人口老龄化就是()。

1. 根据你对政治学的了解,请谈谈你对“政治学研究的是社会




1. 什么是人口老龄化?有什么影响?

- 社会养老负担加重:随着老年人口比例的增加,社会养老支出会增加,给社会带来压力。

- 劳动人口减少:老年人口增加,劳动力人口减少,可能导致劳动力供给不足,影响国家经济发展。

- 医疗健康压力增加:老年人健康需求较高,人口老龄化会增加医疗健康压力。




八年级上册英语第二单元试卷一、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)1. —How often do you exercise?—____.A. Two.B. Twice a week.C. Second.D. Two times.2. My mother wants me ____ more vegetables.A. eat.B. eats.C. to eat.D. eating.3. —____ do you go to the movies?—Once a month.A. How long.B. How often.C. How soon.D. How far.4. Good food and exercise ____ me to study better.A. help.B. helps.C. helping.D. to help.5. Is her lifestyle the same ____ yours or different?A. as.B. in.C. at.D. to.6. —What does your father do in the evening?—He usually ____.A. watches TV.B. exercise.C. read books.D. go for a walk.7. —____ do you sleep every night?—About eight hours.A. How far.B. How often.C. How long.D. How much.8. Here ____ the results of the student activity survey.A. is.B. are.C. have.D. has.9. Most students in my class exercise ____.A. three or four time a week.B. three or four times a week.C. three time or four a week.D. three or four times week.10. —____ do you play football?—On weekends.A. What.B. When.C. Which.D. Why.11. She tries ____ a lot of vegetables.A. eat.B. to eat.C. eats.D. ate.12. My sister is ____. She likes making friends with others.A. shy.B. quiet.C. athletic.D. outgoing.13. —How many hours do you watch TV every week?—____ two hours.A. At first.B. At last.C. At least.D. At once.14. Drinking milk is good ____ our health.A. for.B. to.C. with.D. at.15. —I'm a little fat. What should I do?—You should eat ____ junk food and exercise more.A. less.B. more.C. fewer.D. little.二、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)Most people want to be healthy. There are four people in my family. My grandfather exercises every day. He eats _16_ vegetables a day, but he hardly ever drinks milk. And he _17_ watches TV at night. He says he can't stand it. My father is a taxi driver. He's very _18_. He never exercises, but he sometimes smokes. My mother is a housewife(家庭主妇). She watches TV twice a day. She doesn't exercise, _19_ she sometimes goes shopping. She eats vegetables once a day, but she drinks milk three times a week. _20_ is me. I'm a middle school student. I go to school from Monday to Friday. I often exercise. But on weekends, I don't exercise because I have too much homework to do. I watch TV only on Sunday evenings. I drink milk every day, but I don't like vegetables. My mother often says to me, "You should eat more vegetables, my dear son. They are good for your health."16. A. a lot.B. lot of.C. a lot of.D. a lots of.17. A. always.B. often.C. sometimes.D. never.18. A. lazy.B. busy.C. relaxing.D. interesting.19. A. but.B. and.C. so.D. or.20. A. It.B. This.C. He.D. There.三、阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A.I'm Mary. I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. Lily is a healthy girl. She has good eating habits. For breakfast, she likes eggs, bread and milk. For lunch, she has rice, fish and vegetables. For dinner, she has some porridge and fruits. She never eats junk food.Lily also likes sports. She exercises every day. In the morning, she runs for half an hour. In the afternoon, she often plays volleyball with her friends. In the evening, she sometimes takes a walk after dinner.21. What does Lily like for breakfast?A. Eggs, bread and milk.B. Rice, fish and vegetables.C. Porridge and fruits.D. Junk food.22. How long does Lily run in the morning?A. For an hour.B. For half an hour.C. For two hours.D. For fifteen minutes.23. What does Lily do in the afternoon?A. She runs.B. She takes a walk.C. She plays volleyball.D. She eats fruits.B.A healthy lifestyle is important to us. Here are some ways to have a healthy lifestyle.First, we should eat a balanced diet. We should eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and less meat and junk food. Second, we should exercise regularly. We can walk, run, swim or play ball games. Third, we should get enough sleep. Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep every night. Fourth, we should reduce stress. We can listen to music, read books or do some other relaxing things.24. What should we eat more according to the passage?A. Meat and junk food.B. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains.C. Only fruits.D. Only vegetables.25. How can we reduce stress?A. By eating more.B. By exercising less.C. By listening to music, reading books or doing other relaxing things.D. By sleeping less.C.Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities of the day. TV brings the outside world closer to people's homes. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of TV.What's on TV? There are a lot of different kinds of shows. There are news shows, sports shows, game shows, talk shows and so on.Most children like to watch cartoons. Cartoons are very interesting. They can make children laugh.However, watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. We should watch TV in moderation(适度).26. Why do some people say the world is smaller than before?A. Because there are fewer people in the world.B. Because of TV.C. Because the earth is getting smaller.D. Because people don't like to travel.27. What kinds of shows are mentioned in the passage?A. News shows, sports shows, game shows, talk shows and cartoons.B. Only news shows.C. Only sports shows.D. Only talk shows.28. What can cartoons do?A. They can make children laugh.B. They can make children sad.C. They can make children angry.D. They can make children sleepy.四、词汇运用(每题1分,共10分)1. My sister has a good _lifestyle_ (生活方式).2. He _hardly_ (几乎不) ever eats junk food.3. How often do you _exercise_ (锻炼)?4. The results of the _survey_ (调查) are very interesting.5. She tries _to eat_ (吃) more fruits.6. Drinking milk is good for our _health_ (健康).7. I go to the movies _once_ (一次) a month.8. He is an _outgoing_ (外向的) boy. He has many friends.9. My mother wants me to drink milk at _least_ (最少) three times a week.10. She _watches_ (看) TV every night.五、句型转换(每题2分,共10分)1. He exercises three times a week. (对划线部分提问)How often does he exercise?2. My mother goes shopping once a week. (对划线部分提问)How often does your mother go shopping?3. She eats junk food sometimes. (改为否定句)She hardly ever eats junk food.4. They play basketball on weekends. (对划线部分提问)When do they play basketball?5. I usually watch TV for two hours every day. (对划线部分提问)How long do you usually watch TV every day?六、书面表达(15分)请根据以下提示,写一篇关于自己健康生活方式的短文,不少于60词。










































八年级上册第二单元测试卷一、语言运用(30分)1、下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是()(2分)A 阻遏.(è)歼.灭(qīan)绥靖.jìng锐不可当.(dāng)B 疟疾(nüè)提防(tí)寒噤(jìn )转弯抹角(mò)C 荒谬(miù)塌败(tā)尴尬(gà)杯盘狼藉(jí)D 瞥见(piě)颓唐tuí吊唁(yàn)跋山涉水( bá)2、将下面的成语补充完整。

(4分)鸡()狗碎低眉()眼连声()() ( )沛流离大()广众()目伤怀()不足道穷愁( )倒3.下面加点字解释有误的一项是( )(2分)A触目伤怀.(心,心中) 人头济济..昏厥(出乎意料) C·情郁.于中..(形容人多) B情不能已.(停止) 猝然(聚集) 犹豫再三..不迫(不慌不忙)..(.重复三次) D·识文断.字(判断) 从容4、下列说法有错误的一项是()(2分)A余秋雨是当代著名的学者、作家。


B 《台阶》以“台阶”为线索,来反映父亲为了建造高台阶的新屋而付出了艰苦的代价。

C 《阿长与<山海经>》是鲁迅写的一篇怀念保姆的文章。



D 《老王》一文描写老王,主要从两个方面来写:一是写他的“善”;一是写他的苦。





6、文后的四个句子依次填入横线处,恰当的一组是()(2分)_____ ,你尽可流动明眸,欣赏白云蓝天,飞流激湍;____ ,你尽可闭目凝神,倾听莺歌燕语,春水潺潺;____ ,你尽可翕动鼻翼,呼吸牡丹的浓香,黄菊的清爽;____ ,你尽可品评自娱,把玩深尝。








3.下面有关文学常识的表述不正确的一项是 ( )A.列夫·托尔斯泰,19世纪中期俄国批判现实主义作家、思想家,哲学家,代表作有《战争与和平》《安娜·卡列尼娜》《复活》等。





4.阅读下面的语段,找出表述有误的一项( )父母无私的爱的养育;经历苦难之后的成长;不断地学习积累下来的智慧,这都是最好的礼物;就像诺贝尔文学奖获得者切·米沃什在诗歌《礼物》当中所写到的:这是幸福的一天,我漫步在花园,对于这个世界,我已一无所求。






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我看见老王直僵僵地镶qiàn( )在门框里。

往常他抱着冰yǔ ( )着身子进我家来,不显得那么高。















(5)杜甫《春望》一诗中移情于景,表达自己感时伤别之情的诗句是:________________ ___ ,________________________。

















我大吃一惊之后,也就忽而记得,这就是所谓福橘 (1)








