
杰美特 温州嘉盛(卓一) 温州润泰 福建东泰 罗星化工 温州新瑞泰 恒邦化工 乐清郡海 纬庆化工 艾特化工 宁波诺尔丽 双祥化工 福建朗普 饶金田 山东顺发 三明新元 温州新虹 上海智波 南昌德盛 徐金龙 菏泽万利 上海皇普 湖北荆楚达 平阳光明 德清知友(好欣威) 上海商发 德清亿源/林斌强 无锡格莱特 温州酯源 正旺 张延富 平阳友邦(新涵) 奥奇 爱华塑料 祥舟化工 常州小张 深圳嘉联泽 厦门硕众 海盐恒丰 美乐仕 仞道化工 金港化工(宇杰) 江苏宝泽 天宇工贸 曾步泽 天津渤天化工 烨扬贸易
0 -84946 -456675 -94515 -157169.8 -319786 0 -161984 0 -91208 -8988 -167089 -406059 -130530.4 -17226 6000 -223937.5 -158801.5 -54461.5 -109165.2 -415445 -120144 -380500.6 -344767 -451621 -46750 -180220 -19870 0 0 0 -451763 -584570 0 -29377.5 -29000 -11240 -109464 0 -235629 -39260 -130695 0 0 0 3790 0

Journal Title
Journal Abbreviation (Note: One word titles are not abbreviated. Publication locations are included if journals of the same name are published in more than one city)
An. Bromatol
Anales de Quimica
An. Quim.
Analyst (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.)
Analytica Chimica Acta
Anal. Chim. Acta
Adv. Phys. Org. Chem.
Advances in Polymer Science
Adv. Polym. Sci.
Advances in Polymer Technology
Adv. Polym. Technol.
Advances in Powder Metallurgy
Adv. Powder Metall.
Alcohol (N.Y.)
Alcohol and Alcoholism
Alcohol Alcohol.
Aluminium (Duesseldorf)
Aluminium (Duesseldorf)
Aluminum Transactions

Journal of the American Chemical SocietyAcc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical ResearchACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in ChemistryACI Mater. J. ACI Materials JournalACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium SeriesActa Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica PolonicaActa Biotechnol. Acta BiotechnologicaActa Chem. Scand. Acta Chemica ScandinavicaActa Chim. Sinica Acta Chimica Sinica 化学学报(中国)Acta Cienc. Indica, Chem. Acta Cienceia Indica ChemistryActa Cienc. Indica, Phys. Acta Ciencia Indica PhyicsActa Crystallogr., Sect. A: Found. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section A: FoundationsActa Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural ScienceActa Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun. Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure CommunicationsActa Crystallogr., Sect D: Biol. Crystallogr. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological CrystallographyActa Crystallogr. Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports OnlineActa Hydroch. Hydrob. Acta Hydrochimica et HydrobiologicaActa Mater. Acta MaterialiaActa Metall. Acta MetallurgicaActa pharm. Sinica acta pharmaceutica sinica 中国药理学报Acta Phys. Pol., A Acta Physica Polonica AActa Phys. Pol., B Acta Physica Polonica BActa Polym. Acta PolymericaActa Polytech. Scand., Chem. Technol. Ser Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica - Chemical Technology SeriesAdhes. Age Adhesives AgeAdsorpt. Sci. Technol. Adsorption Science and TechnologyAdv. Appl. Microbiol. Advances in Applied MicrobiologyAdv. At. Mol. Opt. Phy. Advances in Atomic Molecular and Optical PhysicsAdv. Biochem. Eng./Biotechnol. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / BiotechnologyAdv. Carbohydr. Chem. Biochem. Advances in Carbohydrate Chemistry and BiochemistryAdv. Chem. Phys. Advances in Chemical PhysicsAdv. Chem. Ser. Advances in Chemistry SeriesAdv. Chromatogr. Advances in ChromatographyAdv. Colloid Interface Sci. Advances in Colloid and Interface ScienceAdv. Compos. Mater Advanced Composite MaterialsAdv. Cryog. Eng. Advances in Cryogenic EngineeringAdv. Eng. Mater. Advanced Engineering MaterialsAdv. Enzyme Regul. Advances in Enzyme RegulationAdv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular BiologyAdv. Filtr. Sep. Technol. Advances in Filtration and Separation TechnologyAdv. Funct. Mater. Advanced Functional MaterialsAdv. Heterocycl. Chem. Advances in Heterocyclic ChemistryAdv. Inorg. Chem. Advances in Inorganic ChemistryAdv. Mass Spectrom. Advances in Mass SpectrometryAdv. Synth. Catal. Advanced Synthesis and CatalysisAdv. Mater. Advanced MaterialsAdv. Mater. Opt. Electron. Advanced Materials for Optics and ElectronicsAdv. Mater. Processes Advanced Materials and ProcessesAdv. Mater. Res. Advances in Materials ResearchAdv. Organomet. Chem. Advances in Organometallic ChemistryAdv. Phys. Org. Chem. Advances in Physical Organic ChemistryAdv. Polym. Sci. Advances in Polymer ScienceAdv. Polym. Tech. Advances in Polymer TechnologyAdv. Powder Technol. Advanced Powder TechnologyAdv. Powder. Metall. Part. Mater. Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particulate MaterialsAdv. Protein Chem. Advances in Protein ChemistryAdv. Quantum Chem. Advances in Quantum ChemistryAdv. Second Messenger Phosphoprotein Res. Advances in Second Messenger and Phosphoprotein ResearchAdv. Space Res. Advances in Space ResearchAdv. X-Ray Anal. Advances in X-Ray AnalysisAdverse Drug React. Toxicol. Rev. Adverse Drug Reactions and Toxicological ReviewsAerosol Sci. Technol. Aerosol Science and TechnologyAlChE J. AIChE JournalAlChE Symp. Ser. AIChE Symposium SeriesAm. Ceram. Soc. Bull. American Ceramic Society BulletinAm. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J. American Industrial Hygiene Association JournalAm. J. Respir. Cell Mol. Biol. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular BiologyAm. Lab. American LaboratoryAm. Mineral. American MineralogistAmmonia Plant Saf. Relat. Facil Ammonia Plant Safety and Related FacilitiesAn. Asoc. Quim. Argent. Anales de la Asociacion Quimica ArgentinaAn. Quim. Anales de QuimicaAnal. Biochem. Analytical BiochemistryAnal. Chem.Analytical ChemistryAnal. Chim. Annali di ChimicaAnal. Chim. Acta Analytica Chimica ActaAnal. Commun. Analytical CommunicationsAnal. Lett. Analytical LettersAnal. Sci. Analytical SciencesAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. Angewandte Chemie International EditionAngew. Makromol. Chem. Angewandte Makromolekulare ChemieAnn. Chim. (Rome) Annali di ChimicaAnn. Chim. - Sci. Mat. Annales de Chimie - Science des MateriauxAnn. Clin. Biochem. Annals of Clinical BiochemistryAnn. N.Y. Acad. Sci. Annals of the New York Academy of SciencesAnnu. Rep. Med. Chem. Annual Reports in Medicinal ChemistryAnnu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. A: Inorg. Chem. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic ChemistryAnnu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. B: Org. Chem. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section B: Organic ChemistryAnnu. Rep. Prog. Chem. Sect. C: Phys. Chem. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical ChemistryAnnu. Rev. Biochem Annual Review of BiochemistryAnnu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular StructureAnnu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology Annu. Rev. Energy Env. Annual Review of Energy and the EnvironmentAnnu. Rev. Mater. Sci. Annual Review of Materials ScienceAnnu. Rev. Pharmacool. Toxicol. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. Annual Review of Physical ChemistryAnti-Cancer Drug Des. Anti-Cancer Drug DesignAnticancer Res. Anticancer ResearchAntimicrob. Agents Chemother. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Antisense Nucleic Acid Drug Dev. Antisense and Nucleic Acid Drug Development Antiviral Chem. Chemother. Antiviral Chemistry and ChemotherapyAppita J. Appita JournalAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol. Applied Biochemistry and BiotechnologyAppl. Catal., A Applied Catalysis AAppl. Catal., B Applied Catalysis BAppl. Compos. Mater. Applied Composite MaterialsAppl. Environ. Microbiol. Applied and Environment MicrobiologyAppl. Geochem. Applied GeochemistryAppl. Magn. Reson. Applied Magnetic ResonanceAppl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. Applied Microbiology and BiotechnologyAppl. Opt. Applied OpticsAppl. Organomet. Chem. Applied Organometallic ChemistryAppl. Phys. A Applied Physics AAppl. Phys. B Applied Physics BAppl. Phys. Lett. Applied Physics LettersAppl. Radiat. Isot. Applied Radiation and IsotopesAppl. Sci. Res. Applied Scientific ResearchAppl. Spectrosc. Applied SpectroscopyAppl. Supercond. Applied SuperconductivityAppl. Surf. Sci. Applied Surface ScienceAppl. Therm. Eng. Applied Thermal EngineeringAquat. Toxicol. Aquatic ToxicologyArch. Biochem. Biophys. Archives of Biochemistry and BiophysicsArch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Archives of Environment Contamination and ToxicologyArch. Environ. Health Archives of Environment HealthArch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology Arch. Microbiol. Archives of MicrobiologyArch. Pharm. Archiv der PharmazieArch. Pharmacal Res. Archives of Pharmacal ResearchArch. Physiol. Biochem. Archives of Physiology and BiochemistryArch. Toxicol. Archives of ToxicologyArch. Virol Archives of VirologyArtif. Cells, Blood Substitues, Immobilization Biotechnol. Artificial Cells Blood Substitutes and Immobilization BiotechnologyArzneim.-Forsch. Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug ResearchAsian J. Chem. Asian Journal of ChemistryAsian J. Spectro. Asian Journal of SpectroscopyASTM Spec. Tech. Publ. ASTM Specical Technical PublicationAstron. Astrophys. Astronomy and AstrophysicsAstron. J. Astronomy JournalAstrophys J. Astrophysics JournalAt. Data Nucl. Data Tables Atomic Data and Nuclear Data TablesAt. Energ. Atomic EnergyAt. Spectrosc. Atomic SpectroscopyAtmos. Environ. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtomization Sprays Atomization and SpraysAust. J. Chem. Australian Journal of ChemistryBehav. Pharmacol. Behavioural PharmacologyBer. Chemische BerichteBer. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft Physical Chemistry Chemical PhysicsBiocatal. Biotransform. Biocatalysis and BiotransformationBiochem. Arch. Biochemical ArchivesBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsBiochem. Cell Biol. Biochemistry and Cell Biology-Biochimie et Biologie Cellulaire Biochem. Eng. J. Biochemical Engineering JournalBiochem. Genet. Biochemical GeneticsBiochem. J Biochemical JournalBiochem. Med. Metab. Biol. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International Biochem. Mol. Med. Biochemical and Molecular MedicineBiochem. Pharmacol. Biochemical PharmacologyBiochem. Soc. Symp. Biochemical Society SymposiumBiochem. Soc. Trans. Biochemical Society TransactionsBiochem. Syst. Ecol. Biochemical Systematics and EcologyBiochim. Biophys. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica ActaBioconjugate Chem. Bioconjugate ChemistryBioelectrochem. Bioenerg. Bioelectrochemistry and BioenergeticsBiog. Amines Biogenic AminesBiol. Chem. Biological ChemistryBiol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler Biological Chemistry Hoppe-SeylerBiol. Membr. Biological MembranesBiol. Pharm. Bull. Biological and Pharmaceutical BulletinBiol. Trace Elem. Res. Biological Trace Element ResearchBiomass Bioenergy Biomass and BioenergyBiomed. Chromatogr. Biomedical ChromatographyBio-Med. Mater. Eng. Bio-Medical Materials and EngineeringBiomed. Microdevices Biomedical MicrodevicesBiomol. Eng Biomolecular EngineeringBioorg. Chem. Bioorganic ChemistryBioorg. Khim Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Bioorganic and Medicinal ChemistryBioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Biopharm. Drug Dispos. Biopharmaceutics and Drug DispositionBiophys. Chem. Biophysical ChemistryBiophys. J . Biophysical JournalBioprocess. Eng. Bioprocess EngineeringBiorem. J. Bioremediation JournalBioresour. Technol. Bioresource TechnologyBiosci. Rep. Bioscience ReportsBiosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Biosens. Bioelectron. Biosensors and BioelectronicsBiotech. Histochem. Biotechnic and HistochemistryBiotechnol. Adv. Biotechnology AdvancesBiotechnol. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry Biotechnol. Bioeng. Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment Biotechnol. Lett Biotechnology LettersBiotechnol. Progr. Biotechnology ProgressBiotechnol. Tech. Biotechnology TechniquesBol. Soc. Chil. Quim. Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de QuimicaBr. Ceram. Trans. British Ceramic TransactionsBr. Corros. J. British Corrosion JournalBr. J. Pharmacol. British Jornal of PharmacologyBrennst.-Warme-Kraft Brennstoff-Warme-KraftBull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of JapanBull. Electrochem. Bulletin of ElectrochemistryBull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Bulletin of Environment Contamination and ToxicologyBull. Hist. Chem. Bulletin for the History of ChemistryBull. Exp. Biol. Med.Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical SocietyBull. Mater. Sci. Bulletin of Materials ScienceBull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Chem. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Chemistry 作者: zwz1012 发布日期: 2006-4-03C.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. III Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie III: Sciences de la VieC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIa: Sci. Terre Planets Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIa:Sciences de la Terre et des PlanetsC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIb: Mec., Phys., Chim., Astron. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIb:Mecanique Physique Chimie AstronomieC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIc: Chim. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIc:ChemieCah. Inf. Tech./Rev Metall Cahiers d Informations Techniques / Revue de MetallurgieCalphad Calphad - Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry Can. Ceram. Q. Canadian Ceramics QuarterlyCan. J. Anal. Sci. Spectros. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and SpectroscopyCan. J. Biochem. Canadian Journal of BiochemistryCan. J. Chem. Canadian Journal of ChemistryCan. J. Chem. Eng. Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringCan. J. Microbiol. Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCan. J. Phys. Canadian Journal of PhysicsCan. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology Can. Metall. Q. Canadian Metallurgical QuarterlyCan. Min. J. Canadian Mining JournalCan. Mineral. Canadian MineralogistCarbohydr. Chem. Carbohydrate ChemistryCarbohydr. Lett. Carbohydrate LettersCarbohydr. Polym. Carbohydrate PolymersCarbohydr. Res. Carbohydrate ResearchCat. Rev. - Sci. Eng. Catalysis Reviews - Science and Engineering Catal. Commun. Catalysis CommunicationsCatal. Lett. Catalysis LettersCatal. Today Catalysis TodayCell Biochem. Funct. Cell Biochemistry and FunctionCell. Physiol. Biochem. Cellular Physiology and BiochemistryCell. Polym. Cellular PolymersCellul. Chem. Technol. Cellulose Chemistry and TechnologyCem. Concr. Compos. Cement and Concrete CompositesCem. Concr. Res. Cement and Concrete ResearchCeram. Int. Ceramics InternationalCeram. Silik. Ceramics - SilikatyCeram. Trans. Ceramic TransactionsCereal Chem. Cereal ChemistryChem. -Anlagen Verfahren Chemie Anlagen und VerfahrenChem. Anal. (Warsaw) Chemia AnalitycznaChem. Aust. Chemistry in AustraliaChem. Ber. Chemische BerichteChem. Ber. Recl. Chemische Berichte-RecueilChem. Biochem. Eng. Q. Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly Chem. Biol. Interact. Chemico-Biological InteractionsChem. Br. Chemistry in BritainChem. Commun. Chemical CommunicationsChem. Eng. (London) Chemical Engineer (London)Chem. Eng. (New York) Chemical Engineering (New York) Chem. Eng. Commun. Chemical Engineering Communications Chem. Eng. J. Chemical Engineering JournalChem. Eng. News Chemical and Engineering NewsChem. Eng. Process. Chemical Engineering and Processing Chem. Eng. Prog. Chemical Engineering ProgressChem. Eng. Res. Des. Chemical Engineering Research and Design Chem. Eng. Sci. Chemical Engineering ScienceChem. Eng. Technol. Chemical Engineering and Technology Chem. Eur. J. Chemistry- A European JournalChem. Express Chemistry ExpressChem. Fibers Int. Chemical Fibers InternationalChem. Eur. J. Chemistry A European JournalChem. Geol. Chemical GeologyChem. Heterocycl. Compd. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds Chem. Ind. (london) Chemistry and IndustryChem. Ing. Tech. Chemie Ingenieur TechnikChem. Lett. Chemistry LettersChem. Listy Chemicke ListyChem. Mater. Chemistry of MaterialsChem. Nat. Compd. Chemistry of Natural CompoundsChem. Pap. - Chem. Zvesti Chemical Papers - Chemicke ZvestiChem. Pharm. Bull. Chemical and Pharmaceutical BulletinChem. Phys. Chemical PhysicsChem. Phys. Carbon Chemistry and Physics of CarbonChem. Phys. Lett. Chemical Physics LettersChem. Phys. Lipids Chemistry and Physics of LipidsChem. Process. Chemical ProcessingChem. Res. Toxicol. Chemical Research in ToxicologyChem. Rev. Chemical ReviewsChem. Senses Chemical SensesChem. Soc. Rev. Chemical Society ReviewsChem. Speciation Bioavailability Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability Chem. Tech. ChemTechChem. Tech. (Leipzig) Chemische TechnikChem. Technol. Fuels Oils Chemistry and Technology of Fuels and Oils Chem. Vap. Deposition Chemical Vapor DepositionChem. Week Chemical WeekChem. unserer Zeit Chemie in unserer ZeitChemom. Intell. Lab. Syst. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laborary Systems Chin. Chem. Lett. Chinese Chemical Letters 中国化学快报Chin. J. Chem . Chinese Journal of Chemistry 中国化学Chin. J. Chem. Eng. Chinese Journal of Chemical EngineeringChin. J. Nucl. Phys. Chinese Journal of Nuclear PhysicsChin. J. Polym. Sci. Chinese Journal of Polymer ScienceChin. Sci. Bull. Chinese Science Bulletin 中国科学通报Chromatogr. Sci. Ser. Chromatographic Science SeriesCIM Bull. CIM BulletinClays Clay Miner. Clays and Clay MineralsClin. Biochem. Clinical BiochemistryClin. Chem. Clinical ChemistryClin. Chim. Acta Clinica Chimica ActaCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsColloid J. Colloid JournalColloid. Polym. Sci. Colloid and Polymer ScienceColloids Surf., A Colloids and Surfaces AColloids Surf., B Colloids and Surfaces BComb. Chem. High Throughput Screening Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput ScreeningCombust. Flame Combustion and FlameCombust. Sci. Technol. Combustion Science and TechnologyComments Inorg. Chem. Comments on Inorganic ChemistryComp. Biochem. Physiol. A: Physiol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: PhysiologyComp. Biochem. Physiol. B: Biochem. Mol. Biol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyComp. Biochem. Physiol. C: Pharmacol. Toxicol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C: Pharmacology Toxicology and EndocrinologyCompos. Eng. Composites EngineeringCompos. Interfaces Composite InterfacesCompos. Sci. Technol. Composites Science and TechnologyCompos. Struct. Composite StructuresComposites Part A Composites Part A Applied Science and Manufacturing Composites Part B Composites Part B EngineeringComput. Chem. (Oxford) Computers and ChemistryComput. Chem. Eng. Computers and Chemical EngineeringComput. Mater. Sci. Computation Materials ScienceComput. Phys. Commun. Computer Physics CommunicationsComput. Theor. Polym. Sci. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science Concepts Magn. Reson. Concepts in Magenetic ResonanceConcr. Eng. Int. Concrete Engineering InternationalConcr. Int. Concrete InternationalConcr. Sci. Eng. Concrete Science and EngineeringCondens. Matter Phys. Condensed Matter PhysicsCondens. Matter Theor. Condensed Matter TheoriesContinuum Mech. Thermodyn. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. Contributions to Mineralogy and PetrologyCoord. Chem. Rev. Coordination Chemistry ReviewsCorros. Rev. Corrosion ReviewsCorros. Sci. Corrosion ScienceCPP Chem. Plants and Process. CPP Chemical Plants and ProcessingCrit. Rev. Anal. Chem. Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCrit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyCrit. Rev. Env. Sci. Technol. Critical Reviews in Environment Science and Technology Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials SciencesCrit. Rev. Toxicol. Critical Reviews in ToxicologyCroat. Chem. Acta Croatica Chemica ActaCryst. Eng. Crystal EngineeringCryst. Growth Des. Crystal Growth and DesignCryst. Res. Technol. Crystal Research and TechnologyCurr. Opin. Biotechnol. Current Opinion in BiotechnologyCurr. Opin. Chem. Biol. Current Opinion in Chemical BiologyCurr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. Current Opinion in PharmacologyCurr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials ScienceCurr. Org. Chem. Current Organic ChemistryCurr. Plant Sci. Biotechnol. Agric. Current Plant Science in Biotechnology and AgricultureCurr. Top. Membr. Current Topics in MembranesCurr. Top. Med. Chem. Current Topics in Medicinal ChemistryDent. Mater. Dental MaterialsDiamond Films Technol. Diamond Films and TechnologyDiamond Relat. Mater. Diamond and Related MaterialsDokl. Akad. Nauk Doklady Akademii NaukDrug Chem. Toxicol. Drug and Chemical ToxicologyDrug Dev. Ind. Pharm. Drug Development and Industrial PharmacyDrug Dev. Res. Drug Development ResearchDrug Discovery Today Drug Discovery TodayDrying Technol. Drying TechnologyEarth. Planet. Sci. Lett. Earth and Planetary Science LettersEcol. Eng. Ecological EngineeringEcon. Geol. Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEcotoxicol. Environ. Saf. Ecotoxicology and Environment SafetyEduc. Chem. Education in ChemistryElectro- Magnetobiol. Electro- and MagnetobiologyElectrochem. Commun. Electrochemistry CommunicationsElectrochem. Soc. Interface Electrochemical Society InterfaceElectrochem. Solid-State Lett. Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters Electrochim. Acta Electrochimica ActaElectron. Lett Electronics LettersElectron Technol. Electronic TechnologyEMBO J. EMBO JournalEnergy Convers. Manage. Energy Conversion and ManagementEnergy Fuels Energy and FuelsEng. Min. J. Engineering and Mining JournalEnviron. Carcinog. Ecotoxicol. Rev. Environment Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology ReviewsEnviron. Geochem. Health Environmental Geochemistry and HealthEnviron. Geol. Environmental GeologyEnviron. Health Perspect. Environmental Health PerspectivesEnviron. Microbiol. Environmental MicrobiologyEnviron. Monit. Assess. Environmental Monitoring and AssessmentEnviron. Pollut. Environmental PollutionEnviron. Prog. Environmental ProgressEnviron. Res. Environmental ResearchEnviron. Sci. Technol. Environmental Science and TechnologyEnviron. Technol. Environmental TechnologyEnviron. Toxicol. Chem. Environmental Toxicology and ChemistryEnviron. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. Environmental Toxicology and Water Quality Enzyme Microb. Technol. Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyEnzyme Protein Enzyme and ProteinErdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochem. Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, PetrochemieEur. J. Biochem. European Journal of BiochemistryEur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical BiochemistryEur. J. Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Inorganic ChemistryEur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology Eur. J. Mass Spectrom. European Journal of Mass SpectrometryEur. J. Med. Chem. European Journal of Medical ChemistryEur. J. Mineral. European Journal of MineralogyEur. J. Org. Chem. European Journal of Organic ChemistryEur. J. Pharmacol. European Journal of PharmacologyEur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic ChemistryEur. Mass Spectrom. European Mass SpectrometryEur. Polym. J. European Polymer JournalEurophys. Lett. Europhysics LettersExp. Fluids Experiments in FluidsExp. Therm Fluid Sci. Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceExplor. Min. Geol. Exploration and Mining GeologyFaraday Discuss. Faraday DiscussionsFASEB J. FASEB JournalFatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and StructuresFEBS Lett. FEBS LettersFEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. FEMS Immunology And Medical Microbiology FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. FEMS Microbiology EcologyFEMS Microbiol. Lett. FEMS Microbiology LettersFEMS Microbiol. Rev. FEMS Microbiology ReviewFerroelectr. Rev. Ferroelectrics ReviewFerroelectr. Lett. Ferroelectrics LettersFett - Lipid Fett - LipidFiber Integr. Opt. Fiber and Integrated OpticsField Anal. Chem. Technol. Field Analytical Chemistry and Technology.Filtr. Sep. Filtration and SeparationFiz. Met. Metalloved. Fizika Metallov i MetallovedenieFluid/Part. Sep. J. Fluid/Particle Separation JournalFluid Phase Equilib. Fluid Phase EquilibriaFold Des. Folding and DesignFood Addit. Contam. Food Additives and ContaminantsFood Biotechnol. Food Biotechnology作者: zwz1012 发布日期: 2006-4-03Food Chem. Food ChemistryFood Chem. Toxicol. Food and Chemical ToxicologyFood Sci. Technol. Int. Food Science and Technology International Free Radical Biol. Med. Free Radical Biology and MedicineFree Radical Res. Free Radical ResearchFresenius Environ. Bull. Fresenius Environment bulletinFresenius J. Anal. Chem. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry Front Sci. Ser. Frontier Science SeriesFuel Process. Technol. Fuel Processing TechnologyFuel Sci. Technol. Int. Fuel Science and Technology International Fullerene Sci. Technol. Fullerene Science and TechnologyFunct. Integr. Genomics Functional and Integrative Genomics Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. Fundamental and Applied ToxicologyFusion Eng. Des. Fusion Engineering and DesignFusion Technol. Fusion TechnologyGalvanotechnik GalvanotechnikGas Sep. Purif. Gas Separation and PurificationGazz. Chim. Ital. Gazzetta Chimica ItalianaGefahrstoffe - Reinhalt. Luft Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung der Luft Genet. Anal. - Biomol. Eng. Genetic Analysis - Biomolecular EngineeringGeochem. Geophys. Geosyst. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems Geochem. J. Geochemical JournalGeochem. Trans. Geochemical TransactionsGeochem.: Explor. Environ., Anal. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta Geochimica et Cosmochimica ActaGeol Geofiz Geologiya i GeofizikaGeomicrobiol. J. Geomicrobiology JournalGlass Ceram. Glass and CeramicsGlass Phys. Chem Glass Physics and ChemistryGlass Res. Glass ResearchGlass Sci. Technol. Glass Science and TechnologyGlass Technol. Glass TechnologyGlobal Biogeochem. Cycles Global Biogeochemical CyclesGlobal J. Pure Appl. Sci. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Glycoconjugate J. Glycoconjugate JournalGreen Chem. Greem ChemistryGround Water Monit. Rem. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation Handb. Exp. Pharmacol. Handbook of Experimental PharmacologyHazard. Waste Hazard. Mater. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials HeIv. Chim. Acta HeIvetica Chimica ActaHealth Phys. Health PhysicsHeat Mass Transfer. Heat and Mass TransferHeat Treat. Met. Heat Treatment of MetalsHeteroat. Chem Heteroatom ChemistryHeterocycl. Commun. Heterocyclic CommunicationsHeterogen. Chem. Rev. Heterogeneous Chemistry ReviewsHigh Energ. Chem. High Energy ChemistryHigh Perform. Polym. High Performance PolymersHigh Temp. Mater. Processes (London) High Temperature Materials and Processes High Temp. Mater. Processes (New York) High Temperature Material Processes Holz Roh Werkst. Holz als Roh und WerkstoffHoppe-Seyler s Z. Physiol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler s Zeitschrift fur Physiologische ChemieHRC J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. HRC Journal of High Resolution Chromatography Hung. J. Ind. Chem. Hungarian Journal of Industrial ChemistryHydrocarbon Process., Int. Ed. Hydrocarbon Processing, International Edition Hyperfine Interact. Hyperfine InteractionsInd. Diamond Rev. Industrial Diamond ReviewInd. Eng. Chem. Fundam. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research FundamentalsInd. Eng. Chem. Res. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry ResearchIndian J. Biochem. Biophys. Indian Journal of Biochemistry and BiophysicsIndian J. Chem. Technol. Indian Journal of Chemical TechnologyIndian J. Chem., Sect A Indian Journal of Chemistry Section A: Inorganic,Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical ChemistryIndian J. Chem., Sect B Indian Journal of Chemistry Section B: Organic Chemistry including Medicinal ChemistryIndian J. Eng. Mater. Sci. Indian Journal of Engineering and Materials Science Indian J. Heterocycl. Chem. Indian Journal of Heterocyclic ChemistryIndian J. Pure Appl. Phys. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied PhysicsIndian J. Technol. Indian Journal of TechnologyIng. Quim. Ingeniera Quimica (Madrid)Infrared Phys. Technol. Infrared Physics and TechnologyInorg. Chem. Inorganic ChemistryInorg. Chem. Commun. Inorganic Chemistry CommunicationsInorg. Chim. Acta Inorganica Chimica ActaInorg. Mater. Inorganic MaterialsInorg. React. Mech. Inorganic Reaction MechanismsInorg. Synth. Inorganic SynthesesInsect Biochem. Mol. Biol. Insect Biochemisry and Molecular BiologyInstrum Sci. Technol. Instrumentation Science and TechnologyInt. Biodeterior. Biodegrad. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Int. DATA Ser., Sel. Data Mixtures, Ser. A International DATA Series, Selected Data on Mixtures, Series AInt. J. Adhes. Adhes. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives。

各种术语的“简写”与“全称”一、电视手机通信术语二、职称三、物理类四、组织类BSc 【Bachelor of Science】理学士CA 【Chartered Accountant】会计师DCL 【Dorctor of Civil Law】罗马法博士DD 【Doctor of Divinity】神学博士DLitt 【Doctor of Litorature】文学博士DPh,DPhil 【Doctor of Philosophy】哲学博士DSc 【Doctor of Science】理学博士HM 【Her/His Majesty】陛下PbD 【Doctor of Philosophy】哲学博士CT 【computerized tomography】⑴X射线电子计算机断层扫描;⑵X射线电子计算机断层扫描仪。
DC 【Direct Current】直流电DOS 【disk operation system】磁盘操作系统。
DVD 【digital video disk】数字式激光视盘。
F 【Fahrenheit】华氏(温标)FAX 【facsimile】传真系统。
GMT 【Greenwich Mean Time】格林威治标准时间hp 【horse-power】马力VCD 【video compact disc】激光视盘。
TNT 【trinotrototuol(an explosive)】梯恩梯(炸药)四、组织类:BBC 【British Broadeasting Corporation】英国广播公司HQ 【Headquaters】总部ISO 【International Organization for Standardization】国家标准化组织。
NATO 【North Attantic Treaty Organization】北大西洋公约组织PO 【Post Office】邮局UK 【United Kingdom】联合王国CAC 【Codex Alimentarius Commission】食品法典委员会CDB 【Caribbean Development Bank】加勒比开发银行CFC 【Common Fund for Commodities 】商品共同基金CSD 【Commission on Sustainable Development】联合国可持续发展委员会EBRD【European Bank for Reconstruction and Development】欧洲复兴发展银行ECLAC【UN Economic Commission for Latin America and Caribbean】联合国拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会IBRD【International Bank for Reconstruction and Development】国际复兴开发银行/世界银行ICAO【International Civil Aviation Organization】国际民航组织ICC【The International Chamber of Commerce】国际商会ICO【International Coffee Organization】国际咖啡组织ICSID【International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes】国际投资争端解决中心IDA【International Development Association】国际开发协会IDB【Inter-American Development Bank】美洲开发银行六、生物及生理术语:DNA 【deoxyribonucleic acid】脱氧核糖核酸。

简写-全称对照表ACRONYMS FULL SPELLINGACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (先进设置和电源管理) AGP Accelerated Graphics Port (加速图形接口)AML Approved Material ListATX ATExtend(扩展型AT)AVL Approved Vendor ListBGA Ball Grid Array (球形栅格阵列)BIOS Basic Input/Output System (基本输入/输出系统)BOM Bill of MaterialBPM Business Program ManagerBTO Build To OrderCCC China Quality Certification Centre (中国品质验证中心)CPU Central Processor Unit (中央处理器)CTO Configure To OrderD/B Data Base (资料库)DDR Double Data RateDIMM Dual Inline Memory ModuleDMA Direct Memory Access (直接存储器存取)DMI Desktop Management Interface (桌式管理界面)DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory (动态随机存取存储器)DUT Device Under Test (在测试设备)DVD Digital Video Disk or Digital Versatile Disk (数字化视频光盘)EB Expansion Bus (扩展总线)EDI Electronic Data Interchange (电子数据交换)EFI Extensible Firmware Interface (可扩张固件接口)EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility (电磁兼容性)EMI Electromagnetic Interference (电磁干扰性)EMS Electromagnetic Susceptibility (电磁磁化性)EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (可擦可编程只读存储器) ESCD Extended System Configuration Data (可扩展系统配置数据)ESD Electrostatic Discharge (静电放电)ETM Environmental Test Manual (环境测试手册)EVT Engineering Verification Testing (工程验证测试)F/A Failure Analysis (故障分析)FDD Floppy Disk Driver (软盘驱动器)FIFO First Input First Output (先入先出队列)FireWire(火线,即IEEE1394标准)FMB Flexible Motherboard (弹性主板)FMBx Flexible Motherboard Guideline (弹性主板方针)FPGA Field Programmable Gate ArrayFSB Front-Side-Bus (前置总线,即外部总线 )FT Functional Test (功能测试)FWH Firmware Hub (固件中心)GMCH Graphics & Memory Controller Hub (图形和内存控制中心)GND Ground (地)GSE General Specifications for the EnvironmentHCL Hardware Compatibility List (硬件兼容性清单)HCT Hardware Compatibility Test (硬件兼容性测试)HDD Hard Disk Driver (硬盘驱动器)HW Hardware (硬件)IA Intel Architecture (英特尔架构)ICH Input/Output Controller Hub (输入/输出控制中心)IDE Intelligent Drive Electronics (智能磁盘设备)IEC International Electrotechnical Commission (国际电工委员会)IF Forward Current (正向电流)IFRM Repetitive Peak Forward Current (重复峰值正向电流)I/O Input/Output (输入/输出)IR Infrared Ray (红外线)IRQ Interrupt Request (中断请求)ISA Industry Standard Architecture (工业标准架构)ISA Instruction Set Architecture (工业设置架构)ISO International Organization for Standardization (国际标准化组织) IUR Internal Unit Requisition (内部物料需求)KBC KeyBroad Control (键盘控制器)LAN Local Area Network (局域网)LCD Liquid Crystal Display (液晶显示屏)LED Light Emitting Diode (发光二级管)LOM LAN on MotherboardLSI Large Scale Integration (大规模集成(电路))MCH Memory Controller Hub (内存控制中心)MH Mounting Hole (安装孔,固定孔)MHz Million Hertz (兆赫兹)MM Millimeters (毫米)MMU Multimedia Unit (多媒体单元)MMX MultiMedia Extensions (多媒体扩展指令集)MO Manufacturing Order (生产任务书)MOL Module Option List (模块选择清单)MP Multi-Processor (多重处理器架构)MPS MultiProcessor Specification (多重处理器规范)MPT Mechanical, Power, ThermalMTBF Mean Time Between Failure (平均故障间隔时间)MTH Memory Transfer Hub (内存转换中心)NBC North Bridge Chip (北桥芯片)NGIO Next Generation Input/Output (新一代输入/输出标准)NIC Network Interface ControllerNPI New Product Introduction (新产品导入)ODD Optical Disk Driver (光盘驱动器)ODM Original Design and ManufactureOE Output Enable (输出使能端)OEM Original Equipment Manufacture (原始设备制造商)OPM Operation Program ManagerOS Operating System (操作系统)PCA Printed Circuit AssemblyPCB Printed Circuit Board (印刷电路板)PCBA Printed Circuit Board Assembly (印刷电路板装配)PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect (周边元件扩展接口)PD Power Dissipation (功率耗散, 功率消耗)PN Part NumberPO Purchase OrderPOT Power on TestPower Cord电源线PR Purchase RequestPOST Power On Self Test (加电自测试)PSU Power Supply Unit (电源)PSN Processor Serial numbers (处理器序列号)QVL Qualified Vendor ListR/W Read/Write (读/写)RMA Returned Material ApprovalRNG Random number Generator (随机数字发生器)RT Regression Test (衰减测试)RTC Real-Time Clock (实时时钟)SATA Serial Advanced Technology AttachmentSBC South Bridge Chip (南桥芯片)SCIT System Compability Integration Testing (系统整合测试)SCSI Small Computer System Interface (小计算机系统接口)SFF Small Form Factor ()SI System Integration (系统整合)Sim Simulation (仿真)SIO Supper Input/Output (超高速输入/输出控制芯片)SIT System Integration Test (系统整合测试)SMB Server Message Block (服务器信息块)SMBus System management Bus (全系统管理总线)SMD Surface Mount Device (表面贴片设备)SMI System Management Interrupt (系统管理中断)SMM System Management Mode (系统管理模式)SMT Surface Mount Technology (表面贴片技术)SN Serial Number (零件号码)SO Sales Order (销售定单)SOIC Small Outline Integrated CircuitSONC System on a chip (系统集成芯片)SOP Standard Operating Procedure (标准操作程序)SPD Serial Presence Detect SPD (内存内部序号检测装置)SPI Serial Peripheral InterfaceSPS Switching Power Supply (开关电源)SRT Software Regression Test (软件衰减测试)SSB Super South Bridge (超级南桥芯片 )SSIT System Software Integration Testing (系统软件整合测试) SW Software (软件)TDC Thermal Design Current (散热设计电流)TDP Thermal Design Power (散热设计功率)TTK Thermal Test Kit (热量测试工具)TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic (晶体管-晶体管逻辑(电路))USB Universal Serial Bus (通用串行总线)UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply (无间断电源)USDT Ultra Slim Desk Top (超小型台式机)UUT Unit Under Test (在测试装置)VESA Video Electronics Standards Association (视频电子标准协会) VF Forward Voltage (正向电压)VGA Video Graphic Array (视频图形阵列)VID Voltage Identification Definition (电压识别认证) VMA Virtual Memory Address (虚拟内存地址)VR Reverse Voltage (反向电压)VRM Voltage Regulation Module (电压调整模块) VSIS Video Signal Standard (视频信号标准)。

下面是店铺给大家整理了1号至31号的英文全称和缩写,供大家参阅!1号到31号的英文全称和简写1日 first 1st2日 second 2nd3日 third 3rd4日 fourth 4th5日 fifth 5th6日 sixth 6th7日 seventh 7th8日 eighth 8th9日 ninth 9th10日 tenth 10th11日 eleventh 11th12日 twelfth 12th13日 thirteenth 13th14日 fourteenth 14th15日 fifteenth 15th16日 sixteenth 16th17日 seventeenth 17th18日 eighteenth 18th19日 nineteenth 19th20日 twentieth 20th21日 twenty-first 21st22日 twenty-second 22nd23日 twenty-third 23rd24日 twenty-fourth 24th25日 twenty-fifth 25th26日 twenty-sixth 26th27日 twenty-seventh 27th28日 twenty-eighth 28th29日 twenty-ninth 29th30日 thirtieth 30th31日 thirty-first 31st1号的英语例句1. In 1957, the Soviets launched Sputnik 1 into outer space.1957年,苏联人将“斯普特尼克1号”人造卫星送入了外层空间。
2. Open 1 April to 31 October incl.从4月1号到10月31号每天营业。
3. On 1 October the US suspended a proposed $574 million aid package for 1991. Of this amount, $250 million is for military purchases.10月1号,美国暂停了拟议中的一项1991年度总计5.74亿美元的一揽子援助方案,这其中有2.5亿美元是用于军事采购的。

J. Contam. Hydrol. Journal of Contaminant HydrologyJ. Controlled Release Journal of Controlled ReleaseJ. Coord. Chem. Journal of Coordination ChemistryJ. Cryst. Growth Journal of Crystal GrowthJ. Dairy Sci. Journal of Dairy ScienceJ. Dispersion Sci. Technol. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology J. Elastomers Plast. Journal of Elastomers and PlasticsJ. Electroanal. Chem. Journal of Electroanalytical ChemistryJ. Electroceram. Journal of ElectroceramicsJ. Electrochem. Soc. Journal of the Electrochemical SocietyJ. Electron. Mater. Journal of Electronic MaterialsJ. Electron Microsc. Journal of Electron MicroscopyJ.Electron.Spectrosc.Relat.Phenom.Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related PhenomenaJ. Endocrinol. Journal of EndocrinologyJ. Endotoxin Res. Journal of Endotoxin ResearchJ. Eng. Mater. Technol. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology J. Environ. Biol. Journal of Environment biologyJ. Environ. Eng. Journal of Environment EngineeringJ. Environ. Health Journal of Environment HealthJ. Environ. Manage. Journal of Environment ManagementJ. Environ. Monit. Journal of Environmental MonitoringJ. Environ. Qual. Journal of Environment QualityJ. Environ. Radioact. Journal of Environment RadioactivityJ. Environ. Sci. Health., Part A Journal of Environment Science and Health, Part A Environmental ScienceJ. Environ. Sci. Health., Part B Journal of Environment Science and Health, Part B PesticidesJ. Enzym Inhib. Journal of Enzyme InhibitionJ. Essent. Oil Res. Journal of Essential Oil ResearchJ. Ethnopharmacol. Journal of EthnopharmacologyJ. Eur. Ceram. Soc. Journal of the European Ceramic SocietyJ. Exp. Biol. Journal of Experimental BiologyJ. Exp. Bot. Journal of Experimental BotanyJ.Exposure Anal.Environ.Epidemiol.Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environment EpidemiologyJ. Ferment. Bioeng. Journal of Fermentation and BioengineeringJ. Fire Sci. Journal of Fire SciencesJ. Fluid Mech. Journal of Fluid MechanicsJ. Fluids Eng. 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Photochem. Photobiol., A Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A J. Photochem. Photobiol., B Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol. Journal of Photopolymer Science and Technology J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. Journal of Physics A:Mathematical and General J.Phys.B:At.,Mol.Opt.Phys.Journal of Physics B:Atomic Molecular and Optical PhysicsJ. Phys. Chem. Journal of Physical ChemistryJ. Phys. Chem. A Journal of Physical Chemistry AJ. Phys. Chem. B Journal of Physical Chemistry BJ. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data J. Phys. Chem. Solids Journal of Physics and Chemistry of SolidsJ. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. Journal of Physics D:Applied PhysicsJ. Phys. G:Nucl. Part. Phys. Journal of Physics G:Nuclear and Particle Physics J. Phys. I Journal de Physique IJ. Phys. II Journal de Physique IIJ. Phys. III Journal de Physique IIIJ. Phys. IV Journal de Physique IVJ. Phys. Org. Chem. Journal of Physical Organic ChemistryJ. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 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Journal of Toxicology - Clinical Toxicology J.Toxicol.,Cutaneous Ocul.Toxicol.Journal of Toxicology -Cutaneous and Ocular ToxicologyJ. Toxicol., Toxin Rev. Journal of Toxicology - Toxin ReviewsJ. Trace Elem. Exp. Med. Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine J. Trace Elem. Med Biol. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology J. Trace Microprobe Tech. Journal of Trace and Microprobe Techniques J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology AJ. Vac. Sci. Technol., B Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology BJ. Wood Chem. Technol. Journal of Wood Chemistry and TechnologyJACS Journal of the American Chemical SocietyJOM JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials SocietyJPC J. Planar Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC JPC Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLCJpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2Jpn. J. Cancer Res. Japanese Journal of Cancer ResearchJpn. J. Pharmacol. Japanese Journal of PharmacologyJpn. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Japanese Journal of toxicology and Environment healthJSME Int J., Ser. A JSME International Journal Series A:Mechanics and Material EngineeringJSME Int J., Ser. B JSME International Journal Series B:Fluids and Thermal EngineeringJSME Int J.,Ser.C JSME International Journal Series C:Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing11/ 11。

常见的英文字母缩写集团企业公司编码:(LL3698-KKI1269-TM2483-LUI12689-ITT289-常见的英文字母缩写及其全称国家、地区及国际组织类PRC 中华人民共和国the People’s Republic of ChinaHK 香港 Hong KongUN 联合国 United NationsUS 美国 United States (或者the USA --- the United States of America)UK 英国United KingdomRUSS 俄罗斯 RussiaEU 欧洲联盟European UnionUNESCO 联合国教科文组织United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationWTO 世界贸易组织 World Trade OrganizationWHO 世界卫生组织World Health OrganizationOPEC 石油输出国Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries APEC 亚太经济合作组织Asia Pacific Economic CooperationCIA 美国中央情报局 Central Intelligence AgencyFBI 美国联邦调查局Federal Bureau of investigation机构、公司和协会类:BBC 英国广播公司British Broad-casting CorporationVOA 美国之音Voice of AmericaNBA美国篮球协会 National Basketball AssociationCBA中国篮球协会 Chinese Basketball AssociationCAAC中国民航总局 Civil Aviation Administration of China现为中国民用航空总局 (General Administration of Civil Aviation of ChinaCCTV 中国中央电视台China Central TelevisionEMS 邮政特快专递Express Mail ServiceIOC 国际奥委会International Olympic CommitteePLA 中国人民解放军People’s Liberation Army电脑网络、科技类:IT 信息技术InformationTechnologyPC 个人电脑Personal ComputerCPU 中央处理器central processing unitCD 光盘,激光唱片Compact DiskDJ 唱片骑士Disco JockeyGPS 全球定位系统 Global Positioning SystemVCD 录像光盘 Video Compact DiskDVD 数字录像光盘Digital Video DiskMTV 音乐视频MusicTelevisionKTV 卡拉OK Karaok TVBBS 论坛 Bulletin SystemTV电视生活常识类ABC 基础知识ATM 自动取款机AutomaticTellerMachineAD 广告AdvertisementAD 公元Anno Domini(=in the year of the)BC 公元前before ChristAM 上午ante meridiem(before noon)PM 下午post meridiem(=afternoon)BBQ 烧烤BarbecueCEO 首席执行官Chief Executive OfficerCFO 首席财务官 Chief Finance OfficerDNA 遗传基因组织deoxyridonucleic acid 中文名称脱氧核糖核酸DIY 自己动手Do it YourselfET 外星人Extra TerrestrialID 身份证Identification CardIQ 智商 Intelligence QuotientEQ 情商 Emotional QuotientKFC 肯德基 Kentucky Fried ChickenGMT 格林威治时间Greenwich Mean Time国际标准时间GDP 国内生产总值 Gross Domestic ProductISBN国际标准书号international Standard Book NumberSOS 求救 Save Our SoulPE体育 Physical EducationPh.D博士Philosophy DoctorRMB 人民币UFO不明飞行物Unknown/ unidentified flying objectVIP重要人物very important personVS/PK 对比WC厕所water closetBS理科学士Bachelor of ScienceMS 理科硕士Master of ScienceBA文科学士Bachelor of ArtsMA文科硕士Master of ArtsMBA 工商管理硕士 Master of Business Administration Mr. 先生MisterMrs. 夫人,太太MistressMs. 女士Mrs. or Miss银行缩写PBC 中国人民银行The People’s Bank of ChinaCCB 中国建设银行 China Construction BankABC中国农业银行Agriculture Bank of ChinaICBC中国工商银行Industrial & Commercial Bank of china BC交通银行Bank of CommunicationsBC 中国银行Bank of China月份缩写一月:January 简写:Jan.二月:February 简写:Feb.三月:March 简写:Mar.四月:April 简写:Apr.五月:May 简写:May.六月:June 简写:Jun.七月:July 简写:Jul.八月:August 简写:Aug.九月:September 简写:Sep.十月:October 简写:Oct.十一月:November 简写:Nov.十二月:December 简写:Dec.星期缩写星期一:Mon.=Monday 星期二:Tues.=Tuesday 星期三:Wed.=Wednesday 星期四:Thur.=Thursday 星期五:Fri.=Friday 星期六:Sat.=Saturday 星期天:Sun.=Sunday常用度量衡英文名称和简写克 Gram g.公斤 Kilogram Kg.公吨 Metric ton m.t.米 Metre m.公里 Kilometre Km.厘米 Centimetre cm.毫米 Milimetre mm.码 Yard Yd.英尺 Foot Ft.英寸 Inch In.平方米 Square metre Sq.m. 立方米 Cubic metre Cu.m. 升 Litre l.毫升 Millilitre Ml.加仑 Gallon Gal.马力 Horse Power h.p.千瓦 Kilowatt Kw.。

AE United Arab Emirates 阿联酋AF Afghanistan 阿富汗AL Albania 阿尔巴尼亚AO Angola 安哥拉AT Austria 奥地利AZ Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆BD Bangladesh 孟加拉BE Belgium 比利时BG Bulgaria 保加利亚BM Bermuda 百慕大BN Brunei 文莱BO Bolivia 玻利维亚BT Bhutan 不丹CG Congo 刚果CH Switzerland 瑞士CL Chile 智利CM Cameroon 喀麦隆CO Colombia 哥伦比亚CR Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加CY Cyprus 塞浦路斯CZ Czech 捷克共和国EC Ecuador 厄瓜多尔EE Estonia 爱沙尼亚ET Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚GH Ghana 加纳GN Guinea-Bissau 几内亚GQ Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚GT Guatemala 危地马拉GU Guam 关岛HN Honduras 洪都拉斯HR Croatia 克罗地亚HT Haiti 海地HU Hungary 匈牙利ID Indonesia 印度尼西亚IL Israel 以色列IR Iran 伊朗IS Iceland 冰岛JM Jamaica 牙买加JO Jordan 约旦KE Kenya 肯尼亚KH Cambodia 柬埔寨KW Kuwait 科威特KZ Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦LA Laos 老挝LB Lebanon 黎巴嫩LT Lithuania 立陶宛LU Luxembourg 卢森堡LV Latvia 拉托维亚LY Libya 利比亚MA Morocco 摩洛哥MC Monaco 摩纳哥MG Madagascar 马达加斯加ML Mali 马里MR Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚MT Malta 马耳他MU Mauritius 毛里求斯MV Maldives 马尔代夫MY Malaysia 马来西亚NA Namibia 纳米比亚NG Nigeria 尼日利亚NP Nepal 尼泊尔PA Panama 巴拿马PE Peru 秘鲁PH Philippines 菲律宾PY Paraguay 巴拉圭QA Qatar 卡塔尔RO Romania 罗马尼亚RW Rwanda 卢旺达SA Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯SE Sweden 瑞典SK Slovakia 斯洛伐克SM San Marino 圣马力诺SN Senegal 塞内加尔SO Somalia 索马里SY Syria 叙利亚TJ Tadzhikistan 塔吉克斯坦TM Turkmenistan 土库曼斯坦TO Tonga 汤加TZ Tanzania 坦桑尼亚UA Ukraine 乌克兰UG Uganda 乌干达UY Uruguay 乌拉圭UZ Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦VA Vatican City 梵蒂冈VE Venezuela 委内瑞拉YU Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫ZM Zambia 赞比亚ZW Zimbabwe 津巴布韦。

各种银行的英语简写及全称As the world becomes more globalized, banking is playing an increasingly important role in modern society. Banking has become essential in daily life, with various types of banks providing a variety of banking services to meet the needs of individuals and businesses. In this article, we will discuss the abbreviations and full names of various banks.1. Commercial Banks:Commercial banks are privately owned financial institutions that accept deposits from the public and offer lending services. They are usually the most well-known type of banks and play a vital role in the economy.1.1. ABC – Agricultural Bank of China1.2. BOC – Bank of China1.3. CCB – China Construction Bank1.4. HSBC – Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited1.5. ICBC – Industrial and Commercial Bank of China1.6. JPM – JPMorgan Chase & Co.1.7. MS – Morgan Stanley1.8. WFC – Wells Fargo & Co.2. Investment Banks:Investment banks help companies and governments raise capital by underwriting and selling securities. They also provide strategic advice to businesses seeking to grow or expand their operations.2.1. Citi – Citibank2.2. GS – Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.2.3. JEF – Jefferies Financial Group Inc.2.4. MS – Morgan Stanley2.5. UBS – Union Bank of Switzerland3. Central Banks:Central banks play a crucial role in monetary policy, maintaining economic stability, and regulating the money supply. These banks are usually owned by the government and primarily responsible for setting interest rates.3.1. ECB – European Central Bank3.2. BOE – Bank of England3.3. BOJ – Bank of Japan3.4. FED – Federal Reserve System3.5. PBOC – People's Bank of China4. Development Banks:Development banks are specialized financial institutions that provide long-term capital for infrastructure developments and social welfare programs.4.1. ADB – Asian Development Bank4.2. EBRD – European Bank for Reconstruction and Development4.3. IDB –Inter-American Development Bank4.4. World Bank – International Bank for Reconstruction and Development5. Private Banks:Private banking is a specialized banking service that caters to high-net-worth individuals and provides personalized investment advice and financial planning.5.1. JPMS – JPMorgan Private Bank5.2. GSAM – Goldman Sachs Asset Management5.3. MSWM – Morgan Stanley Wealth Management5.4. UBSWM – UBS Wealth Management6. Cooperative Banks:Cooperative banks are owned by their members, who are also customers that have the ability to vote on decisions concerning the bank. They provide financial services to the members of the cooperative.6.1. RRBs – Regional Rural Banks6.2. CoopBank – Cooperative BankIn conclusion, understanding the abbreviations and full names of various banking institutions is essential in ensuring efficient communication and decision-making in modern society. We hope this article provided valuable insights into the world of banking and helps you navigate through the banking industry with ease.。
12份的各个 英文简写 英文全称以及介绍每一个

一月 Jan. January二月 Feb. February三月 Mar. March四月 Apr. April五月 May. May六月 June. June七月 July. July八月 Aug. Aguest九月 Sept. September十月 Oct. October十一月 Nov. November十二月 Dec. December注意:正规的英语中六月,七月,九月的缩写是4个字母,其他月份3个字母。
July ——七月罗马统治者朱里斯·凯撒大帝被刺死后,著名的罗马将军马克·安东尼建议将凯撒大帝诞生的七月,用凯撒的名字——拉丁文Julius(即朱里斯)命名之。
August ——八月朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。
September ——九月老历法的七月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的九月,拉丁文Septem是“七”月的意思。
October ——十月英语十月,来自拉丁文Octo,即“八”的意思。

刊名简称刊名全称ISSN大类名称2008年影响因2006年影响因子2007年影响因ATMOS CHEM ATMOSPHERIC1680-7316地学 4.927 4.865 4.362B AM METEOR BULLETIN OF0003-0007地学 5.252 3.475 3.728CLIM DYNAM C LIMATE DYN0930-7575地学 4.046 3.961 3.344 CONTRIB MIN CONTRIBUTIO0010-7999地学 3.853 3.216 2.754 EARTH PLANE EARTH AND P0012-821X地学 3.955 3.873 3.887 EARTH-SCI R EARTH-SCIEN0012-8252地学 6.558 4.31 3.989 GEOCHIM COS GEOCHIMICA 0016-7037地学 4.235 3.665 3.751 GEOLOGY GEOLOGY0091-7613地学 3.887 3.754 3.477J CLIMATEJOURNAL OF 0894-8755地学 4.307 3.55 3.419J PETROL JOURNAL OF 0022-3530地学 4.289 3.806 3.246 LIMNOL OCEA LIMNOLOGY A0024-3590地学 3.663 3.277 3.287 PALEOCEANOG PALEOCEANOG0883-8305地学 3.626 3.391 3.018 PRECAMBRIAN PRECAMBRIAN0301-9268地学 3.736 3.247 2.949 QUATERNARY QUATERNARY 0277-3791地学 3.693 4.11 4.113REV GEOPHYS REVIEWS OF 8755-1209地学7.114 6.98.375AM J SCI AMERICAN JO0002-9599地学 2.27 2.375 2.453AM MINERAL A MERICAN MI0003-004X地学 1.962 2.203 1.977 BASIN RESBASIN RESEA0950-091X地学 2.086 2.31 2.129 BOREAS BOREAS0300-9483地学 2.227 2.062 1.812 BOUND-LAY M BOUNDARY-LA0006-8314地学 2.81 2.02 2.054B VOLCANOL B ULLETIN OF0258-8900地学 2.735 2.065 2.054 CHEM GEOLCHEMICAL GE0009-2541地学 3.531 3.231 2.716CLIM PAST Climate of 1814-9324地学 2.542 1.450 ELEMENTS Elements1811-5209地学 3.069 2.232 1.562 GEOCHEM GEO GEOCHEMISTR1525-2027地学 2.979 2.354 2.384 GEOL SOC AM GEOLOGICAL 0016-7606地学 3.032 3.354 2.82 GEOPHYS J I GEOPHYSICAL0956-540X地学 2.219 2.112 2.353 GEOPHYS RES GEOPHYSICAL0094-8276地学 2.959 2.744 2.602 GEOSTAND GE GEOSTANDARD1639-4488地学 2.4633 2.049 GEOTEXT GEO GEOTEXTILES0266-1144地学 3.701 3.05 1.167 GONDWANA RE GONDWANA RE1342-937X地学 3.728 1.357 1.25 HOLOCENE HOLOCENE0959-6836地学 2.167 2.3432INT J CLIMA INTERNATION0899-8418地学 1.971 2.61 2.332J GEOL JOURNAL OF 0022-1376地学 3.035 2.607 1.898J GEOPHYS R JOURNAL OF 0148-0227地学 3.147 2.953 2.8J HYDROL JOURNAL OF 0022-1694地学 2.305 2.161 2.117J HYDROMETE JOURNAL OF 1525-755X地学 2.953 2.195 2.387J METAMORPH JOURNAL OF 0263-4929地学 3.34 2.753 2.35J PALEOLIMN JOURNAL OF 0921-2728地学 2.16 2.287 3.016J PHYS OCEA JOURNAL OF 0022-3670地学 2.375 2.185 1.838J QUATERNAR JOURNAL OF 0267-8179地学 2.976 2.496 1.906J SEA RESJOURNAL OF 1385-1101地学 2.065 2.204 1.765J ATMOS SCI JOURNAL OF 0022-4928地学 2.989 2.755 2.163J GEOL SOC JOURNAL OF 0016-7649地学 2.797 2.304 2.287J VOLCANOL JOURNAL OF 0377-0273地学 2.488 1.742 1.685 LIMNOL OCEA LIMNOLOGY A1541-5856地学 1.832 2.106 2.322LITHOS LITHOS0024-4937地学 3.303 2.937 2.203 MAR GEOL MARINE GEOL0025-3227地学 2.1 1.975 2.029 MON WEATHER MONTHLY WEA0027-0644地学 2.358 2.267 1.927 OCEAN MODEL OCEAN MODEL1463-5003地学 2.225 2.614 2.897 ORG GEOCHEM ORGANIC GEO0146-6380地学 2.364 2.114 2.331 PALAEOGEOGR PALAEOGEOGR0031-0182地学 2.405 2.162 1.822 PALEOBIOLOG PALEOBIOLOG0094-8373地学 2.8 3.225 2.405 PROG OCEANO PROGRESS IN0079-6611地学 3.166 2.102 2.264 PROG PHYS G PROGRESS IN0309-1333地学 3.014 2.377 1.278 Q J ROY MET QUARTERLY J0035-9009地学 2.05 2.893 2.045 QUATERNARY QUATERNARY 0033-5894地学 2.457 2.224 2.319 REV MINERAL REVIEWS IN 1529-6466地学 2.069 2.188 3.472 SEISMOL RES SEISMOLOGIC0895-0695地学 1.826 1.916 2.21 TECTONICSTECTONICS0278-7407地学 2.702 2.398 3.143 TELLUS A TELLUS SERI0280-6495地学 1.965 1.991 2.245 TELLUS B TELLUS SERI0280-6509地学 2.356 2.22 2.543 TURK J EART TURKISH JOU1300-0985地学1 2.481 2.536 ACTA GEOL S ACTA GEOLOG1000-9515地学 1.431 1.781 1.121 ADV GEOPHYS ADVANCES IN0065-2687地学 2.10 1.75 ANN GEOPHYS ANNALES GEO0992-7689地学 1.66 1.427 1.293 ANTARCT SCI ANTARCTIC S0954-1020地学 1.496 1.265 1.573 APPL CLAY S APPLIED CLA0169-1317地学 2.005 1.861 1.652 APPL GEOCHE APPLIED GEO0883-2927地学 1.857 1.744 1.866 AQUAT GEOCH AQUATIC GEO1380-6165地学 1.353 1.412 1.969 ATMOS OCEAN ATMOSPHERE-0705-5900地学 1.273 1.921 ATMOS RESATMOSPHERIC0169-8095地学 1.456 1.786 1.304 B SEISMOL S BULLETIN OF0037-1106地学 2.199 1.743 1.828 CHEM ERDE-G CHEMIE DER 0009-2819地学 1.139 1.179 1.824 CLAY CLAY M CLAYS AND C0009-8604地学 1.171 1.375 1.423 CLIM RES CLIMATE RES0936-577X地学 1.725 1.307 1.519 CONT SHELF CONTINENTAL0278-4343地学 2.136 1.684 2.03 DEEP-SEA RE DEEP-SEA RE0967-0645地学 1.411 1.172 1.358 DEEP-SEA RE DEEP-SEA RE0967-0637地学 1.791 1.795 2.214 DYNAM ATMOS DYNAMICS OF0377-0265地学 1.97 1.30.925 EARTH INTER Earth Inter1087-3562地学 1.911 1.8080 EARTH SURF EARTH SURFA0197-9337地学 1.716 1.917 1.784 ECON GEOLECONOMIC GE0361-0128地学 1.265 1.776 1.345 EPISODES EPISODES0705-3797地学 1.870.868 2.35 ESTUAR COAS ESTUARINE C0272-7714地学 2.072 1.799 1.733 GEOCHEM TGEOCHEMICAL1467-4866地学 2.125 1.842 1.857 GEOL ACTA GEOLOGICA A1695-6133地学 2.245 1.1920 GEOL MAG GEOLOGICAL 0016-7568地学 1.853 1.584 1.376 GEOMORPHOLO GEOMORPHOLO0169-555X地学 2.339 1.854 1.698 GEOSPHEREGeosphere1553-040X地学 1.62700 HELGOLAND M HELGOLAND M1438-387X地学 1.591 1.377 1.176 HYDROL EART HYDROLOGY A1027-5606地学 2.167 2.27 1.333 INT GEOL RE INTERNATION0020-6814地学 1.42 1.55 1.341INT J APPL Internation0303-2434地学 1.947 1.5340 INT J BIOME INTERNATION0020-7128地学 2.084 1.562 1.568 INT J EARTH INTERNATION1437-3254地学 1.97 1.719 1.905 INT J GEOGR INTERNATION1365-8816地学 1.596 1.822 1.36 J APPL METE Journal of 1558-8424地学 1.761 1.888 1.736 J ARCHAEOL JOURNAL OF 0305-4403地学 1.779 1.439 1.322 J ASIAN EAR JOURNAL OF 1367-9120地学 1.342 1.714 1.556 J ATMOS OCE JOURNAL OF 0739-0572地学 1.699 1.564 1.298 J ATMOS SOL JOURNAL OF 1364-6826地学 1.667 1.566 1.448 J ATMOS CHE JOURNAL OF 0167-7764地学 1.478 1.64 1.322 J FORAMIN R JOURNAL OF 0096-1191地学 1.14 1.875 1.791 J GEODESYJOURNAL OF 0949-7714地学 1.689 1.636 1.21 J GEODYN JOURNAL OF 0264-3707地学 1.692 1.321 1.545 J GLACIOLJOURNAL OF 0022-1430地学 1.496 1.881 1.446 J LIMNOL JOURNAL OF 1129-5767地学0.684 2.3750 J MAR RESJOURNAL OF 0022-2402地学 1.657 1.565 1.125 J MARINE SY JOURNAL OF 0924-7963地学 2.255 1.772 1.447 J SEDIMENT JOURNAL OF 1527-1404地学 1.755 1.89 1.567 J STRUCT GE JOURNAL OF 0191-8141地学 1.427 1.66 2.118 J SYST PALA JOURNAL OF 1477-2019地学 2.375 1.6470.95 J VERTEBR P JOURNAL OF 0272-4634地学 1.548 1.376 1.418 LETHAIA LETHAIA0024-1164地学 1.567 1.185 1.8 MAR PETROL MARINE AND 0264-8172地学 1.358 2.346 2.013 MAR MICROPA MARINE MICR0377-8398地学 1.954 1.505 1.973 MINER DEPOS MINERALIUM 0026-4598地学 2.037 1.248 1.656 OCEAN DYNAM OCEAN DYNAM1616-7341地学 2.468 1.625 1.165 ORE GEOL RE ORE GEOLOGY0169-1368地学 2.3740.9870.877 PALAIOS PALAIOS0883-1351地学 1.604 1.919 1.512 PERMAFROST PERMAFROST 1045-6740地学 2.211 1.633 1.355 PHOTOGRAMM PHOTOGRAMME0099-1112地学 1.846 1.103 1.284 PHYS CHEM M PHYSICS AND0342-1791地学 1.524 1.238 1.517 QUAT GEOCHR Quaternary 1871-1014地学 2.641 1.1790 QUATERN INT QUATERNARY 1040-6182地学 1.482 1.468 1.607 RADIOCARBON RADIOCARBON0033-8222地学0.781 1.164 2.538 SEDIMENT GE SEDIMENTARY0037-0738地学 1.737 1.757 1.313 SEDIMENTOLO SEDIMENTOLO0037-0746地学 1.937 1.667 1.746 SURV GEOPHY SURVEYS IN 0169-3298地学 2.733 1.17 1.452 TECTONOPHYS TECTONOPHYS0040-1951地学 1.677 1.729 1.675 TERRA NOVA T ERRA NOVA0954-4879地学 1.899 2.065 1.721 THEOR APPL THEORETICAL0177-798X地学 1.621 1.674 1.566 ACTA GEOL P ACTA GEOLOG0001-5709地学0.5810.7860.737 ACTA GEOPHY Acta Geophy1895-6572地学0.30800 ACTA OCEANO ACTA OCEANO0253-505X地学0.4410.7160.54 ACTA PALAEO ACTA PALAEO0567-7920地学 1.128 1.067 1.076 ADV ATMOS S ADVANCES IN0256-1530地学0.6790.9020.579 ALCHERINGA A LCHERINGA0311-5518地学0.5120.4880.469 AMEGHINIANA AMEGHINIANA0002-7014地学0.7410.5770.573ANN LIMNOL-ANNALES DE 0003-4088地学0.7680.4820.579 ANN PALEONT ANNALES DE 0753-3969地学0.20.3330 ANN GEOPHYS ANNALS OF G1593-5213地学0.4180.2980.441 APPL OCEAN APPLIED OCE0141-1187地学0.7890.310.551 ARCHAEOL PR Archaeologi1075-2196地学 1.3040.660 ARCHAEOMETR ARCHAEOMETR0003-813X地学 1.4790.883 1.29 ARCTIC ARCTIC0004-0843地学 1.2640.877 1.423 ARCT ANTARC ARCTIC ANTA1523-0430地学 1.190.9650.931 ATMOSFERAATMOSFERA0187-6236地学0.50.6880.344 AUST J EART AUSTRALIAN 0812-0099地学 1.683 1.211 AUST METEOR AUSTRALIAN 0004-9743地学0.8430.8040.948 B SOC GEOL BOLLETTINO 0037-8763地学0.6030.5530 BRAZ J OCEA BRAZILIAN J1679-8759地学0.4820.2310 B SOC GEOL BULLETIN DE0037-9409地学0.8640.750.753 B MAR SCIBULLETIN OF0007-4977地学0.9290.799 1.093 B GEOL SOC BULLETIN OF0011-6297地学 1.20.560.517 CAN GEOTECH CANADIAN GE0008-3674地学0.6750.5420.358 CAN J EARTH CANADIAN JO0008-4077地学0.9220.9550.943 CAN MINERAL CANADIAN MI0008-4476地学 1.136 1.0570.972 CARBONATE E CARBONATES 0891-2556地学0.3210.1940.29 CHINESE J G CHINESE JOU0001-5733地学0.6390.6620.559 CLAY MINER C LAY MINERA0009-8558地学0.50.7070.974 CR GEOSCICOMPTES REN1631-0713地学 1.0480.880.974 CR PALEVOL C OMPTES REN1631-0683地学0.630.889 1.152 COMPUTAT GE COMPUTATION1420-0597地学 1.2220.7421 COMPUT GEOS COMPUTERS &0098-3004地学 1.1880.8930.802 COMPUT GEOT COMPUTERS A0266-352X地学0.4810.570.573 CRETACEOUS CRETACEOUS 0195-6671地学0.938 1.0450.933 DOKL EARTH DOKLADY EAR1028-334X地学0.2680.4340.13 ECLOGAE GEO ECLOGAE GEO0012-9402地学0.6220.677 1.23 ENG GEOL ENGINEERING0013-7952地学 1.1970.9510.9 ENVIRON ENG ENVIRONMENT1078-7275地学0.360.2710.298 ERDKUNDE Erdkunde0014-0015地学0.54300 EST J EARTH Estonian Jo1736-4728地学0.0800 EUR J MINER EUROPEAN JO0935-1221地学 1.22 1.206 1.219 FACIES FACIES0172-9179地学 1.2880.9890.788 FUND APPL L Fundamental1863-9135地学0.55800 GEMS GEMOL G EMS & GEMO0016-626X地学 1.172 1.227 1.381 GEOARABIAGEOARABIA1025-6059地学0.875 1.3810 GEOARCHAEOL GEOARCHAEOL0883-6353地学0.7660.7160.533 GEOBIOS-LYO GEOBIOS0016-6995地学 1.0890.6580.797 GEOCHEM JGEOCHEMICAL0016-7002地学0.7980.68 1.01 GEOCHEM INT GEOCHEMISTR0016-7029地学0.3670.5020.108 GEOCHEM-EXP GEOCHEMISTR1467-7873地学0.2760.2270.213 GEOCHRONOME GEOCHRONOME1733-8387地学0.3180.6670 GEODIN ACTA GEODINAMICA0985-3111地学 1.058 1.5290.725 GEODIVERSIT GEODIVERSIT1280-9659地学0.9790.630.717GEOFLUIDSGEOFLUIDS1468-8115地学 1.293 1.333 1.25 GEOGR ANN A GEOGRAFISKA0435-3676地学 1.042 1.50.864 GEOINFORMAT GEOINFORMAT1384-6175地学 1.0980.8650.733 GEOL BELGGEOLOGICA B1374-8505地学0.5220.3960 GEOL CARPAT GEOLOGICA C1335-0552地学 1.0810.5170.364 GEOL J GEOLOGICAL 0072-1050地学 1.569 1.0170.926 GEOL Q GEOLOGICAL 1641-7291地学0.8920.7120.846 GEOL SURV D GEOLOGICAL 1603-9769地学0.1210.1130 GEOL ORE DE GEOLOGY OF 1075-7015地学0.3140.40.125 GEO-MAR LET GEO-MARINE 0276-0460地学 1.1860.8110.677 GEOMORPHOLO Geomorpholo1266-5304地学0.45200 GEOPHYS PRO GEOPHYSICAL0016-8025地学0.8520.731 1.046 GEOPHYSICS G EOPHYSICS0016-8033地学 1.349 1.167 1.228 GEOSCI CAN G EOSCIENCE 0315-0941地学0.2500 GEOSCI J GEOSCIENCES1226-4806地学0.4120.5660.625 GEOTECTONIC GEOTECTONIC0016-8521地学0.7380.5570.239 GEOTIMES GEOTIMES0016-8556地学0.0810.1650.164 GFF GFF1103-5897地学 1.0120.5070.51 GISCI REMOT GIScience &1548-1603地学0.70700 HYDROGEOL J HYDROGEOLOG1431-2174地学 1.1 1.122 1.288 INDIAN J MA INDIAN JOUR0379-5136地学0.310.3020.209 ISL ARC ISLAND ARC1038-4871地学 1.0380.8370.762 IZV ATMOS O IZVESTIYA A0001-4338地学0.4570.4240.073 IZV-PHYS SO IZVESTIYA-P1069-3513地学0.4410.4390.092 JOKULL Jokull0449-0576地学 1.200 J AFR EARTH JOURNAL OF 1464-343X地学 1.219 1.0890.982 J APPL GEOP JOURNAL OF 0926-9851地学 1.3330.938 1.065 J CAVE KARS JOURNAL OF 1090-6924地学0.53210.576 J CHINA UNI JOURNAL OF 1002-0705地学0.15100 J COASTAL R JOURNAL OF 0749-0208地学0.5170.3830.665 J EARTH SYS Journal of 0253-4126地学0.7860.4760.213 J EARTHQ TS Journal of 1793-4311地学0.15800 J ENVIRON E JOURNAL OF 1083-1363地学0.4720.750.878 J GEOCHEM E JOURNAL OF 0375-6742地学0.8780.5950.922 J MINER PET Journal of 1345-6296地学0.7960.872 1.583 J OCEANOGR J OURNAL OF 0916-8370地学 1.1890.731 1.06 J PALEONTOL JOURNAL OF 0022-3360地学0.94 1.0870.834 J PETROL GE JOURNAL OF 0141-6421地学0.727 1.0910.727 J SEISM EXP JOURNAL OF 0963-0651地学0.0980.2240.244 J SEISMOLJOURNAL OF 1383-4649地学 1.0910.7690.691 J S AM EART JOURNAL OF 0895-9811地学 1.3750.8730.705 J GEOL SOC JOURNAL OF 0016-7622地学0.3550.3680.296 J METEOROL JOURNAL OF 0026-1165地学0.9510.7930.797 LANDSLIDES L andslides 1612-510X地学0.7540.9860 LIMNOLOGYLIMNOLOGY1439-8621地学0.9080.7120.682 LITHOL MINE LITHOLOGY A0024-4902地学0.4880.3780.202 MAR GEOPHYS MARINE GEOP0025-3235地学0.940.6890.714MATH GEOLMATHEMATICA0882-8121地学0.8830.7650.857 MATH GEOSCI Mathematica1874-8961地学000 METEOROL AP METEOROLOGI1350-4827地学0.5830.5940.453 METEOROL Z M ETEOROLOGI0941-2948地学 1.2570.986 1.007 METEOROL AT METEOROLOGY0177-7971地学 1.034 1.1490.981 MICROPALEON MICROPALEON0026-2803地学0.4480.6470.789 MINERAL MAG MINERALOGIC0026-461X地学0.81 1.269 1.064 MINER PETRO MINERALOGY 0930-0708地学 1.5110.907 1.038 MT RES DEV M OUNTAIN RE0276-4741地学0.3470.350.204 NAT HAZARD NATURAL HAZ1561-8633地学 1.345 1.0210.884 NAT GEOSCI N ature Geos1752-0894地学000 NEAR SURF G Near Surfac1569-4445地学0.8050.9850 NETH J GEOS NETHERLANDS0016-7746地学0.750.8330.18 NEUES JAHRB NEUES JAHRB0077-7749地学0.4230.496 1.319 NEUES JAHRB NEUES JAHRB0028-3630地学00.0210.229 NEUES JB MI NEUES JAHRB0077-7757地学0.390.5740.577 NEW ZEAL J NEW ZEALAND0028-8306地学0.620.80.822 NEWSL STRAT NEWSLETTERS0078-0421地学0.3330.2580.919 NONLINEAR P NONLINEAR P1023-5809地学 1.022 1.314 1.312 NORW J GEOL NORWEGIAN J0029-196X地学0.5480.950.868 OCEANOLOGIA OCEANOLOGIA0078-3234地学 1.0380.7440.87 OCEANOLOGY+OCEANOLOGY0001-4370地学0.3430.4490.1 OFIOLITI OFIOLITI0391-2612地学 1.310.710.71 PALAEONTOGR PALAEONTOGR0375-0442地学0.50.306 1.083 PALAEONTOGR PALAEONTOGR0375-0299地学0.3120.3330.368 PALAEONTOL PALAEONTOLO1094-8074地学10.8810 PALAEONTOL Palaeontolo0031-0220地学0.4190.5090.833 PALAEONTOLO PALAEONTOLO0031-0239地学 1.517 1.025 1.091 PALEONTOL J PALEONTOLOG0031-0301地学0.3690.5470.131 PALYNOLOGY P ALYNOLOGY0191-6122地学0.3040.2350 PETROL GEOS PETROLEUM G1354-0793地学0.8080.8420.717 PETROLOGY+P ETROLOGY0869-5911地学 1.031 1.0620.194 PETROPHYSIC Petrophysic1529-9074地学0.3040.2180 PHOTOGRAMM PHOTOGRAMME0031-868X地学 1.4170.8890.457 PHYS GEOGR P HYSICAL GE0272-3646地学0.6130.4190.333 PHYS CHEM E PHYSICS AND1474-7065地学 1.1380.6530.846 POLAR RESPOLAR RESEA0800-0395地学 1.2760.778 1.074 P GEOLOGIST PROCEEDINGS0016-7878地学0.6380.8541 P YORKS GEO PROCEEDINGS0044-0604地学0.1820.2080.263 PURE APPL G PURE AND AP0033-4553地学 1.0040.86 1.171 Q J ENG GEO QUARTERLY J1470-9236地学0.9190.6850.778 RESOUR GEOL RESOURCE GE1344-1698地学0.3770.808 1.133 REV PALAEOB REVIEW OF P0034-6667地学 1.325 1.226 1.17 REV GEOL CH REVISTA GEO0716-0208地学0.5670.567 1.147 REV MEX CIE REVISTA MEX1026-8774地学 1.2240.5860.682 RIV ITAL PA RIVISTA ITA0035-6883地学0.7660.4830.49 RUSS GEOL G Russian Geo1068-7971地学0.850.830.405SCI CHINA S SCIENCE IN 1006-9313地学0.7250.7180.636 SCOT J GEOL SCOTTISH JO0036-9276地学0.4240.7220.447 S AFR J GEO SOUTH AFRIC1012-0750地学0.8540.6021 SPEC PAP PA SPECIAL PAP0038-6804地学0.8570.7140.857 STRATIGR GE STRATIGRAPH0869-5938地学0.6020.6820.27 STUD GEOPHY STUDIA GEOP0039-3169地学0.770.7330.603 SURV REV SURVEY REVI0039-6265地学0.4550.1560.231 SWISS J GEO Swiss Journ1661-8726地学0.78800 TERR ATMOS TERRESTRIAL1017-0839地学0.5940.4070.856 WEATHER FOR WEATHER AND0882-8156地学 1.376 1.375 1.055 Z GEOMORPHO ZEITSCHRIFT0372-8854地学0.614 1.250.912 ANNU REV AS ANNUAL REVI0066-4146地学天文25.82620.2916.914 ASTROPHYS J ASTROPHYSIC0067-0049地学天文13.997.8988.627 ANNU REV EA ANNUAL REVI0084-6597地学天文 6.3647.7327.683 ASTRON ASTR ASTRONOMY A0935-4956地学天文7.5613.667 ASTROPHYS J ASTROPHYSIC0004-637X地学天文 6.331 6.405 6.119 J COSMOL AS JOURNAL OF 1475-7516地学天文 6.389 6.067 6.175 MON NOT R A MONTHLY NOT0035-8711地学天文 5.185 5.249 5.057 ASTRON J ASTRONOMICA0004-6256地学天文 4.769 5.019 4.854 ASTRON ASTR ASTRONOMY &0004-6361地学天文 4.153 4.259 3.971 ASTROPART P ASTROPARTIC0927-6505地学天文 3.388 3.483 3.865 GLOBAL PLAN GLOBAL AND 0921-8181地学天文 2.67 2.311 2.06 ICARUS ICARUS0019-1035地学天文 3.268 2.869 3.151 PUBL ASTRON PUBLICATION0004-6264地学天文 4.429 2.525 2.106 PUBL ASTRON PUBLICATION0004-6280地学天文 3.232 3.737 4.035 SOL PHYS SOLAR PHYSI0038-0938地学天文 2.774 2.479 1.887 SPACE SCI R SPACE SCIEN0038-6308地学天文 2.372 2.954 3.789 ACTA ASTRON ACTA ASTRON0001-5237地学天文 1.778 1.98 2.039 ADV SPACE R ADVANCES IN0273-1177地学天文0.860.7740 ASTRON NACH ASTRONOMISC0004-6337地学天文 1.261 1.461 1.399 ASTRON GEOP ASTRONOMY &1366-8781地学天文0.5570.5340.438 ASTRON LETT ASTRONOMY L1063-7737地学天文 1.0050.943 1.193 ASTRON REP+ASTRONOMY R1063-7729地学天文0.8090.7420.676 ASTROPHYSIC ASTROPHYSIC0571-7256地学天文0.4470.7690.586 ASTROPHYS S ASTROPHYSIC0004-640X地学天文 1.2830.8340.771 BALT ASTRON BALTIC ASTR1392-0049地学天文0.9190.590.13 CELEST MECH CELESTIAL M0923-2958地学天文 1.5620.844 1.175 CHINESE J A CHINESE JOU1009-9271地学天文0.6890.6520.746 COSMIC RES+COSMIC RESE0010-9525地学天文0.410.3680.283 EARTH MOON EARTH MOON 0167-9295地学天文 1.0330.5580.252 EARTH PLANE EARTH PLANE1343-8832地学天文0.794 1.1880.954 EXP ASTRON E XPERIMENTA0922-6435地学天文 2.0830.5430.184 GEOPHYS AST GEOPHYSICAL0309-1929地学天文 1.56 1.0190.74 INT J MOD P INTERNATION0218-2718地学天文 1.968 1.87 1.651 JBIS-J BRIT JBIS-JOURNA0007-084X地学天文0.3110.1880.242 J HIST ASTR JOURNAL FOR0021-8286地学天文0.2960.1920.122 J ASTROPHYS JOURNAL OF 0250-6335地学天文0.6670.4390.818METEORIT PL METEORITICS1086-9379地学天文 1.993 2.371 2.524 NEW ASTRON N EW ASTRONO1384-1076地学天文 1.784 1.714 2.22 NEW ASTRON NEW ASTRONO1387-6473地学天文1 1.08 1.914 NUOVO CIMEN NUOVO CIMEN1124-1896地学天文0.2770.3470.294 OBSERVATORY OBSERVATORY0029-7704地学天文0.6790.5280.268 PHYS EARTH PHYSICS OF 0031-9201地学天文 2.353 2.026 2.44 PLANET SPAC PLANETARY A0032-0633地学天文 2.506 1.842 1.509 PUBL ASTRON PUBLICATION1323-3580地学天文 2.564 1.39 1.588 REV MEX AST REVISTA MEX0185-1101地学天文 1.807 1.344 2.094 SOLAR SYST SOLAR SYSTE0038-0946地学天文0.1980.2530.226 SPACE WEATH SPACE WEATH1542-7390地学天文 1.432 1.06 1.61 ACM COMPUT ACM COMPUTI0360-0300工程技术9.92 5.25 4.13 ACM T GRAPH ACM TRANSAC0730-0301工程技术 3.383 3.413 4.081 ACS NANO ACS Nano 1936-0851工程技术 5.47200 ACTA BIOMAT Acta Biomat1742-7061工程技术 3.727 3.113 2.132 ACTA MATER A CTA MATERI1359-6454工程技术 3.729 3.624 3.549 ADV FUNCT M ADVANCED FU1616-301X工程技术 6.8087.496 6.779 ADV MATERADVANCED MA0935-9648工程技术8.1918.1917.896 ADV APPL ME ADVANCES IN0065-2156工程技术505 ANNU REV BI ANNUAL REVI1523-9829工程技术10.78911.56710.533 ANNU REV MA ANNUAL REVI1531-7331工程技术7.947 4.76510.4 APPL SPECTR APPLIED SPE0570-4928工程技术 4.114 4.25 3.846 ARTIF INTEL ARTIFICIAL 0004-3702工程技术 3.397 3.008 2.271 BIOMATERIAL BIOMATERIAL0142-9612工程技术 6.646 6.262 5.196 BIOMECH MOD Biomechanic1617-7959工程技术 3.129 2.6040 BIOMED MICR BIOMEDICAL 1387-2176工程技术 2.924 3.073 2.551 BIORESOURCE BIORESOURCE0960-8524工程技术 4.453 3.103 2.18 BIOSENS BIO BIOSENSORS 0956-5663工程技术 5.143 5.061 4.132 BIOTECHNOL BIOTECHNOLO0734-9750工程技术 6.11 5.236 4.943 BIOTECHNOL BIOTECHNOLO0006-3592工程技术 2.936 3.037 2.999 CARBON CARBON0008-6223工程技术 4.373 4.26 3.884 CHEM MATER C HEMISTRY O0897-4756工程技术 5.046 4.883 5.104 CRIT REV BI CRITICAL RE0738-8551工程技术 4.462 4.25 2.889 CRIT REV FO CRITICAL RE1040-8398工程技术 4.154 4.211 3.805 CURR OPIN B CURRENT OPI0958-1669工程技术7.4857.37 6.949 ELECTROCHEM ELECTROCHEM1388-2481工程技术 4.194 4.186 3.484 ELECTROCHIM ELECTROCHIM0013-4686工程技术 3.078 2.848 2.955 GOLD BULLGOLD BULLET0017-1557工程技术2 1.45 6.029 IEEE SIGNAL IEEE SIGNAL1053-5888工程技术 3.758 2.907 2.655 IEEE T AUTO IEEE TRANSA0018-9286工程技术 3.293 2.824 2.772 IEEE T EVOL IEEE TRANSA1089-778X工程技术 3.736 2.426 3.77 IEEE T NEUR IEEE TRANSA1045-9227工程技术 3.726 2.769 2.62 IEEE T PATT IEEE TRANSA0162-8828工程技术 5.96 3.579 4.306 INT J COMPU INTERNATION0920-5691工程技术 5.358 3.381 6.085 INT J HYDRO INTERNATION0360-3199工程技术 3.452 2.725 2.612 INT J NONLI INTERNATION1565-1339工程技术8.479 5.099 4.386 INT J PLAST INTERNATION0749-6419工程技术 3.875 4.516 4.113INT MATER R INTERNATION0950-6608工程技术 3.462 3.5 5.382 J CATAL JOURNAL OF 0021-9517工程技术 5.167 4.737 4.533 J MATER CHE JOURNAL OF 0959-9428工程技术 4.646 4.339 4.287 J MEMBRANE JOURNAL OF 0376-7388工程技术 3.247 2.432 3.442 J POWER SOU JOURNAL OF 0378-7753工程技术 3.477 2.809 3.521 J WEB SEMAN Journal of 1570-8268工程技术 3.023 3.410 LAB CHIP LAB ON A CH1473-0197工程技术 6.478 5.068 5.821 MACROMOL RA MACROMOLECU1022-1336工程技术 3.907 3.383 3.164 MACROMOLECU MACROMOLECU0024-9297工程技术 4.407 4.411 4.277 MAT SCI ENG MATERIALS S0927-796X工程技术12.61914.417.731 MATER TODAY Materials T1369-7021工程技术12.92900 MED IMAGE A MEDICAL IMA1361-8415工程技术 3.602 3.505 3.256 METAB ENGMETABOLIC E1096-7176工程技术 4.144 3.444 3.012 MIS QUARTMIS QUARTER0276-7783工程技术 5.183 5.826 4.731 MOL NUTR FO MOLECULAR N1613-4125工程技术 3.308 3.439 2.687 MRS BULL MRS BULLETI0883-7694工程技术 5.29 5.168 5.671 NANO LETTNANO LETTER1530-6984工程技术10.3719.6279.96 NANO TODAY N ano Today1748-0132工程技术8.795 5.9290 NANOTECHNOL NANOTECHNOL0957-4484工程技术 3.446 3.31 3.037 NAT BIOTECH NATURE BIOT1087-0156工程技术22.29722.84822.672 NAT MATERNATURE MATE1476-1122工程技术23.13219.78219.194 NAT NANOTEC Nature Nano1748-3387工程技术20.57114.9170 ORG ELECTRO ORGANIC ELE1566-1199工程技术 3.59 3.879 3.418 PLASMONICS P lasmonics 1557-1955工程技术 3.488 2.7650 POLYM REVPolymer Rev1558-3724工程技术 4.829 3.1580 P IEEE PROCEEDINGS0018-9219工程技术 4.613 3.82 3.686 PROG ENERG PROGRESS IN0360-1285工程技术8 5.269 4.333 PROG MATER PROGRESS IN0079-6425工程技术18.13220.84610.229 PROG QUANT PROGRESS IN0079-6727工程技术 4.75 2.636 4.5 PROG SURF S PROGRESS IN0079-6816工程技术 5.429 6.522 5.968 RENEW SUST RENEWABLE &1364-0321工程技术 4.075 3.774 1.754 SMALL SMALL1613-6810工程技术 6.525 6.408 6.024 SOFT MATTER Soft Matter1744-683X工程技术 4.586 4.703 4.391 TRENDS BIOT TRENDS IN B0167-7799工程技术 6.6247.617.843 TRENDS FOOD TRENDS IN F0924-2244工程技术 3.85 3.739 2.861 VLDB J VLDB JOURNA1066-8888工程技术 6.8 3.818 3.289 ACM T COMPU ACM Transac1529-3785工程技术 2.76600 ACM T COMPU ACM TRANSAC0734-2071工程技术 2.391 1.917 1.409 ACM T DATAB ACM TRANSAC0362-5915工程技术 1.613 2.078 2.143 ACM T INFOR ACM TRANSAC1046-8188工程技术 1.472 1.969 5.059 ACM T MATH ACM TRANSAC0098-3500工程技术 2.197 1.714 1.298 ACM T MULTI ACM Transac1551-6857工程技术 2.46500 ACM T SOFTW ACM TRANSAC1049-331X工程技术 3.958 2.792 1.636 ADV BIOCHEM ADVANCES IN0724-6145工程技术 2.569 3.253 2.495 AICHE J AICHE JOURN0001-1541工程技术 1.883 1.607 2.153 ANN BIOMED ANNALS OF B0090-6964工程技术 2.605 2.346 2.276 ANNU REV IN ANNUAL REVI0066-4200工程技术 2.5 1.963 1.385APPL MICROB APPLIED MIC0175-7598工程技术 2.569 2.475 2.441 APPL PHYS A APPLIED PHY0947-8396工程技术 1.884 1.857 1.739 APPL SPECTR APPLIED SPE0003-7028工程技术 2.062 1.902 1.879 ARTIF INTEL ARTIFICIAL 0933-3657工程技术 1.96 1.825 1.634 ARTIF ORGAN ARTIFICIAL 0160-564X工程技术 2.131 1.835 1.903 AUST J GRAP AUSTRALIAN 1322-7130工程技术 1.848 2.132 2.231 AUTOMATICA A UTOMATICA0005-1098工程技术 3.178 2.083 2.273 AUTON AGENT AUTONOMOUS 1387-2532工程技术 2.125 1.34 1.974 BIOCHEM ENG BIOCHEMICAL1369-703X工程技术 1.889 1.872 1.608 BIODEGRADAT BIODEGRADAT0923-9820工程技术 2.055 2.187 1.579 BIOL CYBERN BIOLOGICAL 0340-1200工程技术 1.935 1.694 1.474 BIOMASS BIO BIOMASS & B0961-9534工程技术 2.54 1.779 1.483 BIOMED ENG Biomedical 1475-925X工程技术 1.800 BIOTECHNIQU BIOTECHNIQU0736-6205工程技术 2.587 2.759 2.462 BIOTECHNOL BIOTECHNOLO8756-7938工程技术 2.108 2.224 2.102 BMC BIOTECH BMC BIOTECH1472-6750工程技术 2.383 2.747 2.742 CHEM ENG J C HEMICAL EN1385-8947工程技术 2.813 1.707 1.594 CHEM ENG SC CHEMICAL EN0009-2509工程技术 1.884 1.775 1.629 CHEM VAPOR CHEMICAL VA0948-1907工程技术 1.483 1.936 1.679 CHEMOMETR I CHEMOMETRIC0169-7439工程技术 1.94 2.063 2.45 CMES-COMP M CMES-COMPUT1526-1492工程技术 4.785 1.653 2.038 COMBUST FLA COMBUSTION 0010-2180工程技术 2.16 2.184 1.828 COMMUN ACM C OMMUNICATI0001-0782工程技术 2.646 1.593 1.509 COMPOS PART COMPOSITES 1359-835X工程技术 1.951 1.662 1.875 COMPOS SCI COMPOSITES 0266-3538工程技术 2.533 2.171 2.027 COMPR REV F COMPREHENSI1541-4337工程技术 3.526 2.211 2.118 COMPUT INTE COMPUTATION0824-7935工程技术 3.31 1.972 1.415 COMPUT LING COMPUTATION0891-2017工程技术 2.656 2.367 1.8 COMPUT METH COMPUTER ME0045-7825工程技术 2.129 1.488 2.015 COMPUT VIS COMPUTER VI1077-3142工程技术 2.22 1.417 1.548 COMPUT EDUC COMPUTERS &0360-1315工程技术 2.19 1.602 1.085 CORROS SCI C ORROSION S0010-938X工程技术 2.293 1.895 1.885 CURR NANOSC Current Nan1573-4137工程技术 2.437 2.793 2.08 CURR OPIN S CURRENT OPI1359-0286工程技术 2.976 1.677 2.662 DATA MIN KN DATA MINING1384-5810工程技术 2.421 2.42 2.295 DENT MATER D ENTAL MATE0109-5641工程技术 2.941 2.99 2.381 DIAM RELAT DIAMOND AND0925-9635工程技术 2.092 1.788 1.935 DYES PIGMEN DYES AND PI0143-7208工程技术 2.507 2.796 1.909 ELECTROCHEM ELECTROCHEM1099-0062工程技术 2.001 2.109 2.009 ENERG FUEL E NERGY & FU0887-0624工程技术 2.056 1.679 1.519 ENVIRON MOD ENVIRONMENT1364-8152工程技术 2.659 2.099 1.992 ESA BULL-EU ESA BULLETI0376-4265工程技术 2.561 1.959 3.575 EUR PHYS J EUROPEAN PH1292-8941工程技术 1.943 2.025 2.373 EVOL COMPUT EVOLUTIONAR1063-6560工程技术3 1.575 1.325 FLUID PHASE FLUID PHASE0378-3812工程技术 1.699 1.506 1.68 FOOD ADDIT FOOD ADDITI0265-203X工程技术 1.81 2.045 1.78 FOOD CHEM T FOOD AND CH0278-6915工程技术 2.321 2.186 2.393FOOD CHEMFOOD CHEMIS0308-8146工程技术 2.696 3.052 2.433 FOOD CONTRO FOOD CONTRO0956-7135工程技术 1.98 1.823 1.579 FOOD HYDROC FOOD HYDROC0268-005X工程技术 2.511 2.492 2.284 FOOD MICROB FOOD MICROB0740-0020工程技术 2.847 2.039 2.137 FOOD QUAL P FOOD QUALIT0950-3293工程技术 2.006 1.796 1.365 FOOD RES IN FOOD RESEAR0963-9969工程技术 2.073 2.271 1.652 FUEL FUEL0016-2361工程技术 2.536 1.829 1.358 FUEL CELLS F uel Cells1615-6846工程技术 2.194 3.2730 FUEL PROCES FUEL PROCES0378-3820工程技术 2.066 1.883 1.323 HUM-COMPUT HUMAN-COMPU0737-0024工程技术 2.905 2.476 2.391 IBM J RES D IBM JOURNAL0018-8646工程技术 3.722 2.906 1.483 IEE P-NANOB IEE Proceed1478-1581工程技术 1.7 1.8220 IEEE COMMUN IEEE COMMUN0163-6804工程技术 2.799 1.704 1.678 IEEE COMPUT IEEE Comput1556-603X工程技术 2.535 1.2860 IEEE CONTR IEEE CONTRO1066-033X工程技术 2.827 1.19 1.366 IEEE ELECTR IEEE ELECTR0741-3106工程技术 3.049 2.486 2.716 IEEE INTELL IEEE INTELL1541-1672工程技术 2.278 1.438 2.413 IEEE INTERN IEEE INTERN1089-7801工程技术 2.309 1.551 1.935 IEEE J QUAN IEEE JOURNA0018-9197工程技术 2.413 2.36 2.262 IEEE J SEL IEEE JOURNA1077-260X工程技术 2.518 2.384 2.842 IEEE J SOLI IEEE JOURNA0018-9200工程技术 3.466 2.254 2.002 IEEE J SEL IEEE JOURNA0733-8716工程技术 4.249 1.799 1.816 IEEE MICRO I EEE MICRO0272-1732工程技术 2.565 1.7010.958 IEEE MICROW IEEE MICROW1531-1309工程技术 2.302 1.725 1.424 IEEE NETWOR IEEE NETWOR0890-8044工程技术 3.068 1.609 2.211 IEEE PERVAS IEEE PERVAS1536-1268工程技术 2.615 2.293 2.062 IEEE PHOTON IEEE PHOTON1041-1135工程技术 2.173 2.015 2.353 IEEE T ANTE IEEE TRANSA0018-926X工程技术 2.479 1.636 1.48 IEEE T BIO-IEEE TRANSA0018-9294工程技术 2.496 1.622 2.302 IEEE T CIRC IEEE TRANSA1051-8215工程技术 2.951 1.685 1.743 IEEE T COMP IEEE TRANSA0018-9340工程技术 2.611 1.68 1.426 IEEE T DEPE IEEE Transa1545-5971工程技术 2.093 1.161 1.762 IEEE T ELEC IEEE TRANSA0018-9383工程技术 2.73 2.165 2.052 IEEE T FUZZ IEEE TRANSA1063-6706工程技术 3.624 2.137 1.803 IEEE T GEOS IEEE TRANSA0196-2892工程技术 3.157 2.344 1.752 IEEE T IMAG IEEE TRANSA1057-7149工程技术 3.315 2.462 2.715 IEEE T IND IEEE TRANSA0278-0046工程技术 5.468 2.2160.59 IEEE T INF IEEE Transa1556-6013工程技术 2.23 1.0890 IEEE T INF IEEE TRANSA1089-7771工程技术 1.939 1.436 1.542 IEEE T INFO IEEE TRANSA0018-9448工程技术 3.793 2.315 1.938 IEEE T INTE IEEE TRANSA1524-9050工程技术 2.844 1.689 1.434 IEEE T KNOW IEEE TRANSA1041-4347工程技术 2.236 1.896 2.063 IEEE T MICR IEEE TRANSA0018-9480工程技术 2.711 1.907 2.027 IEEE T MOBI IEEE TRANSA1536-1233工程技术 3.352 1.716 2.55 IEEE T MULT IEEE TRANSA1520-9210工程技术 2.288 1.518 1.511 IEEE T NANO IEEE TRANSA1536-1241工程技术 1.341 1.899 2.592 IEEE T NANO IEEE TRANSA1536-125X工程技术 2.154 2.11 1.909IEEE T POWE IEEE TRANSA0885-8993工程技术 3.483 1.753 1.029 IEEE T SIGN IEEE TRANSA1053-587X工程技术 2.335 1.64 1.57 IEEE T SOFT IEEE TRANSA0098-5589工程技术 3.569 2.105 2.132 IEEE T SYST IEEE TRANSA1083-4419工程技术 2.361 1.353 1.538 IEEE T ULTR IEEE TRANSA0885-3010工程技术 2.16 1.654 1.729 IEEE T VIS IEEE TRANSA1077-2626工程技术 2.445 1.6 1.794 IEEE WIREL IEEE WIRELE1536-1284工程技术 3.182 2.577 IEEE ACM T IEEE-ACM Tr1545-5963工程技术 1.866 1.803 2.283 IEEE ACM T IEEE-ACM TR1063-6692工程技术 2.576 1.831 1.789 IND ENG CHE INDUSTRIAL 0888-5885工程技术 1.895 1.749 1.518 INFORM MANA INFORMATION0378-7206工程技术 2.358 1.631 2.119 INFORM FUSI Information1566-2535工程技术 2.05700 INFORM PROC INFORMATION0306-4573工程技术 1.852 1.5 1.546 INFORM SCIE INFORMATION0020-0255工程技术 3.095 2.147 1.003 INFORM SYST INFORMATION0306-4379工程技术 1.66 1.681 1.887 INTERMETALL INTERMETALL0966-9795工程技术 2.034 2.219 1.943 INT DAIRY J INTERNATION0958-6946工程技术 2.421 2.198 2.519 INT J NUMER INTERNATION0029-5981工程技术 2.229 1.612 1.497 INT J COAL INTERNATION0166-5162工程技术 1.768 1.625 1.667 INT J FOOD INTERNATION0168-1605工程技术 2.753 2.581 2.608 INT J HEAT INTERNATION0017-9310工程技术 1.894 1.5 1.482 INT J INNOV Internation1349-4198工程技术 2.791 1.5370.724 INT J ROBOT INTERNATION0278-3649工程技术 2.882 1.318 1.591 INT J SEMAN Internation1552-6283工程技术 1.89300 J BIOMAT SC JOURNAL OF 0920-5063工程技术 2.158 1.862 1.607 J BIOMED MA JOURNAL OF 1549-3296工程技术 2.706 2.612 2.497 J BIOMED MA JOURNAL OF 1552-4973工程技术 2.03 1.933 1.778 J BIOTECHNO JOURNAL OF 0168-1656工程技术 2.748 2.565 2.6 J CEREAL SC JOURNAL OF 0733-5210工程技术 3.026 1.905 2.046 J CHEM ENG JOURNAL OF 0021-9568工程技术 2.063 1.729 1.642 J CHEM THER JOURNAL OF 0021-9614工程技术 1.876 1.939 1.842 J CRYPTOLJOURNAL OF 0933-2790工程技术 2.265 1.824 2.833 J DATABASE JOURNAL OF 1063-8016工程技术2 1.854 1.525 J ENG EDUC J OURNAL OF 1069-4730工程技术 1.0933 1.515 J FIELD ROB Journal of 1556-4959工程技术 2.6840.960 J FOOD COMP JOURNAL OF 0889-1575工程技术 2.457 2.106 1.655 J FOOD ENG J OURNAL OF 0260-8774工程技术 2.081 1.848 1.696 J FOOD PROT JOURNAL OF 0362-028X工程技术 1.763 1.886 1.921 J HAZARD MA JOURNAL OF 0304-3894工程技术 2.975 2.337 1.855 J IND MICRO JOURNAL OF 1367-5435工程技术 1.919 1.681 1.416 J LIGHTWAVE JOURNAL OF 0733-8724工程技术 2.736 2.196 2.824 J MACH LEAR JOURNAL OF 1532-4435工程技术 3.116 2.682 2.255 J MANAGE IN JOURNAL OF 0742-1222工程技术 2.358 1.867 1.818 J MATER RES JOURNAL OF 0884-2914工程技术 1.743 1.916 2.354 J MICROELEC JOURNAL OF 1057-7157工程技术 2.226 1.964 2.659 J MICROMECH JOURNAL OF 0960-1317工程技术 2.233 1.93 2.321 J MICROSC-O JOURNAL OF 0022-2720工程技术 1.409 1.565 1.947。

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I Journal de Physique IJ. Phys. II Journal de Physique IIJ. Phys. III Journal de Physique IIIJ. Phys. IV Journal de Physique IVJ. Phys. Org. Chem. Journal of Physical Organic ChemistryJ. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Journal of the Physical Society of JapanJ. Phys.: Condens. Matter Journal of Physics: Condensed MatterJ. Planar. Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol. Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology J. Polym. Eng. Journal of Polymer EngineeringJ. Polym. Environ. Journal of Polymers and the EnvironmentJ. Polym. Mater. Journal of Polymer MaterialsJ. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer ChemistryJ. Polym. Sci., Part B: Polym. Phys. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer PhysicsJ. Porous Mater. Journal of Porous MaterialsJ. Porphyrins Phthalocyanines Journal of Porphyrins and PhthalocyaninesJ. Power Sources Journal of Power SourcesJ. Prakt. Chem. /Chem-Ztg Journal fur Praktische Chemie - Chemiker ZeitungJ. Propul. Power Journal of Propulsion and PowerJ. Protein Chem. Journal of Protein ChemistryJ. Pulp Pap. Sci. Journal of Pulp and Paper ScienceJ. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative TransferJ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear ChemistryJ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Art. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry ArticlesJ. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem. Lett. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry LettersJ. Raman Spectrosc. Journal of Raman SpecroscopyJ. Rapid Methods Autom. Microbiol. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in MicrobiologyJ. Reinf. Plast. Compos. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and CompositesJ. Rheol. Journal of RheologyJ. S. Afr. Inst. Min. Metall. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and MetallurgyJ. Sci. Food Agric. Journal of the Science of Food and AgricultureJ. Sci. Ind. Res. Journal of Scientific and Industrial ResearchJ. Serb. Chem. Soc. Journal of the Serbian Chemical SocietyJ. Sep. Sci. Journal of Separation ScienceJ. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and TechnologyJ. Solid State Chem. Journal of Solid State ChemistryJ. Solid State Electrochem. Journal of Solid State ElectrochemistryJ. Solution Chem. Journal of Solution ChemistryJ. Steroid Biochem. Mol. Biol. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology J. Strain Anal. Eng. Des. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering DesignJ. Struct. Chem. Journal of Structural ChemistryJ. Supercrit. Fluids Journal of Supercritical FluidsJ. Synth. Org. Chem Jpn. Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, JapanJ. Test. Eval. Journal of Testing and EvaluationJ. Therm. Anal. Journal of Thermal AnalysisJ. Therm. Anal. Calorim. Journal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryJ. Therm. Spray Technol. Journal of Thermal Spray TechnologyJ. Thermophys Heat Transfer Journal of Thermophysics and Heat TransferJ. Thermoplast. Compos. Mater. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Journal of Toxicology and Environment HealthJ. Toxicol., Clin. Toxicol. Journal of Toxicology - Clinical ToxicologyJ. Toxicol., Cutaneous Ocul. Toxicol. Journal of Toxicology - Cutaneous and Ocular ToxicologyJ. Toxicol., Toxin Rev. Journal of Toxicology - Toxin ReviewsJ. Trace Elem. Exp. Med. Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine J. Trace Elem. Med Biol. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and BiologyJ. Trace Microprobe Tech. Journal of Trace and Microprobe TechniquesJ. Vac. Sci. Technol., A Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology AJ. Vac. Sci. Technol., B Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology BJ. Wood Chem. Technol. Journal of Wood Chemistry and TechnologyJACS Journal of the American Chemical SocietyJOM JOM Journal of the Minerals Metals and Materials SocietyJPC J. Planar Chromatogr. - Mod. TLC JPC Journal of Planar Chromatography Modern TLCJpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 1 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 1Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Part 2 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Part 2Jpn. J. Cancer Res. Japanese Journal of Cancer ResearchJpn. J. Pharmacol. Japanese Journal of PharmacologyJpn. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Japanese Journal of toxicology and Environment healthJSME Int J., Ser. A JSME International Journal Series A: Mechanics and Material EngineeringJSME Int J., Ser. B JSME International Journal Series B: Fluids and Thermal EngineeringJSME Int J., Ser. C JSME International Journal Series C: Mechanical Systems Machine Elements and Manufacturing。

月份的各个月-英文简写-英文全称以及介绍每一个月————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ12月份的各个月英文简写英文全称以及介绍每一个月一月 Jan.January二月Feb. February三月 Mar. March四月Apr. April五月 May. May六月June. June七月July. July八月 Aug. Aguest九月Sept. September十月Oct. October十一月Nov.November十二月Dec. December注意:正规的英语中六月,七月,九月的缩写是4个字母,其他月份3个字母。
August ——八月朱里斯·凯撒死后,由他的甥孙屋大维续任罗马皇帝。
September ——九月老历法的七月,正是凯撒大帝改革历法后的九月,拉丁文Septem是“七”月的意思。

组织、协会EIA(Energy Information Administration)美国能源资料协会API(American Petroleum Institut)美国石油协会NAR (National Association of Realtors) 全美房地产协会ISM (the Institute for Supply Management ) 美国供应管理协会ADP(Automatic Data Processing)美国自动数据处理公司(发布的就业人数比较权威)IMF(International Monetary Fond)国际货币基金组织OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries)石油输出国组织FED (Federal Reserve Board) 美国联邦储备委员会OECD(Organization for Economic cooperation and Development)经济合作发展组织NFA(NATIONAL FUTURES ASSOCIATION)美国国家期货协会ILO(International Labour Organization)国际劳工组织NAPM(the National Associate of Purchasing Management)美国采购管理协会房利美(Fannie Mae)联邦国民抵押贷款协会房地美(Federal Home Loan Mortage Corporation, 简称Freddie Mac) 联邦住房贷款抵押公司The Conference Board 美国经济咨商局Fed (Federal Reserve System)美国联邦储备系统指数简称PCE(Personal Consumption Expenditure)个人消费支出物价指数CPI(Customer Price Index)消费者物价指数PPI(Producer Price Indexes)生产者物价指数GDP(Gross Domestic Product)国内生产总值。
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Pharmacol. Behavioural PharmacologyBer. Chemische BerichteBer. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaf t Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Biocatal. Biotransf orm. Biocatalysis and Biotransf ormationBiochem. Arch. Biochemical ArchivesBiochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications Biochem. Cell Biol. Biochemistry and Cell Biology-Biochimie et Biologie CellulaireBiochem. Eng. J. Biochemical Engineering JournalBiochem. Genet. Biochemical GeneticsBiochem. J Biochemical JournalBiochem. Med. Metab. Biol. Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic BiologyBiochem. Mol. Biol. Int. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology InternationalBiochem. Mol. Med. Biochemical and Molecular MedicineBiochem. Pharmacol. Biochemical PharmacologyBiochem. Soc. Symp. Biochemical Society SymposiumBiochem. Soc. Trans. Biochemical Society TransactionsBiochem. Syst. Ecol. Biochemical Systematics and EcologyBiochim. Biophys. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica ActaBioconjugate Chem. Bioconjugate ChemistryBioelectrochem. Bioenerg. Bioelectrochemistry and BioenergeticsBiog. Amines Biogenic AminesBiol. Chem. Biological ChemistryBiol. Chem. Hoppe-Seyler Biological Chemistry Hoppe-SeylerBiol. Membr. Biological MembranesBiol. Pharm. Bull. Biological and Pharmaceutical BulletinBiol. Trace Elem. Res. Biological Trace Element ResearchBiomass Bioenergy Biomass and BioenergyBiomed. Chromatogr. Biomedical ChromatographyBio-Med. Mater. Eng. Bio-Medical Materials and EngineeringBiomed. Microdevices Biomedical MicrodevicesBiomol. Eng Biomolecular EngineeringBioorg. Chem. Bioorganic ChemistryBioorg. Khim Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya (Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry) Bioorg. Med. Chem. Bioorganic and Medicinal ChemistryBioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry LettersBiopharm. Drug Dispos. Biopharmaceutics and Drug DispositionBiophys. Chem. Biophysical ChemistryBiophys. J . Biophysical JournalBioprocess. Eng. Bioprocess EngineeringBiorem. J. Bioremediation JournalBioresour. Technol. Bioresource TechnologyBiosci. Rep. Bioscience ReportsBiosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry Biosens. Bioelectron. Biosensors and BioelectronicsBiotech. Histochem. Biotechnic and HistochemistryBiotechnol. Adv. Biotechnology AdvancesBiotechnol. Appl. Biochem. Biotechnology and Applied BiochemistryBiotechnol. Bioeng. Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip. Biotechnology and Biotechnological Equipment Biotechnol. Lett Biotechnology LettersBiotechnol. Progr. Biotechnology ProgressBiotechnol. Tech. Biotechnology TechniquesBol. Soc. Chil. Quim. Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de QuimicaBr. Ceram. Trans. British Ceramic TransactionsBr. Corros. J. British Corrosion JournalBr. J. Pharmacol. British Jornal of PharmacologyBrennst.-Warme-Kraf t Brennstoff-Warm e-Kraf tBull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of JapanBull. Electrochem. Bulletin of ElectrochemistryBull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. Bulletin of Environment Contamination and Toxicology Bull. Hist. Chem. Bulletin f or the History of ChemistryBull. Exp. Biol. Med.Bull. Korean Chem. Soc. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical SocietyBull. Mater. Sci. Bulletin of Materials ScienceBull. Pol. Acad. Sci., Chem. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences ChemistryBull. Soc. Chim. Belg. Bulletin des Societes Chimiques BelgesBull. Soc. Chim. Fr. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de FranceC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. III Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie III: Sciences de la V ieC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIa: Sci. Terre Planets Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIa:Sciences de la Terre et des PlanetsC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIb: Mec., Phys., Chim., Astron. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIb:Mecanique Physiqu e Chimie AstronomieC.R. Acad. Sci., Ser. IIc: Chim. Comptes Rendus de l Academie des Sciences Serie IIc:ChemieCah. Inf. Tech./Rev Metall Cahiers d Inf orm ations Techniques / Revue de MetallurgieCalphad Calphad - Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and ThermochemistryCan. Ceram. Q. Canadian Ceramics QuarterlyCan. J. Anal. Sci. Spectros. Canadian Journal of Analytical Sciences and SpectroscopyCan. J. Biochem. Canadian Journal of BiochemistryCan. J. Chem. Canadian Journal of ChemistryCan. J. Chem. Eng. Canadian Journal of Chemical EngineeringCan. J. Microbiol. Canadian Journal of MicrobiologyCan. J. Phys. Canadian Journal of PhysicsCan. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. Canadian Journal of Physiology and PharmacologyCan. Metall. Q. Canadian Metallurgical QuarterlyCan. Min. J. Canadian Mining JournalCan. Mineral. Canadian MineralogistCarbohydr. Chem. Carbohydrate ChemistryCarbohydr. Lett. Carbohydrate LettersCarbohydr. Polym. Carbohydrate PolymersCarbohydr. Res. Carbohydrate ResearchCat. Rev. - Sci. Eng. Catalysis Reviews - Science and EngineeringCatal. Commun. Catalysis CommunicationsCatal. Lett. 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Sci. Bull. Chinese Science Bulletin 中国科学通报Chromatogr. Sci. Ser. Chromatographic Science SeriesCIM Bull. CIM BulletinClays Clay Miner. Clays and Clay MineralsClin. Biochem. Clinical BiochemistryClin. Chem. Clinical ChemistryClin. Chim. Acta Clinica Chimica ActaCollect. Czech. Chem. Commun. Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical CommunicationsColloid J. Colloid JournalColloid. Polym. Sci. Colloid and Polymer ScienceColloids Surf., A Colloids and Surf aces AColloids Surf., B Colloids and Surf aces BComb. Chem. High Throughput Screening Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput ScreeningCombust. Flame Combustion and FlameCombust. Sci. Technol. Combustion Science and TechnologyComments Inorg. Chem. Comments on Inorganic ChemistryComp. Biochem. Physiol. A: Physiol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: PhysiologyComp. Biochem. Physiol. B: Biochem. Mol. Biol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B: Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyComp. Biochem. Physiol. C: Pharmacol. Toxicol. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C: Pharmacology Toxicology and EndocrinologyCompos. Eng. Composites EngineeringCompos. Interf aces Composite Interf acesCompos. Sci. Technol. Composites Science and TechnologyCompos. Struct. Composite StructuresComposites Part A Composites Part A Applied Science and Manuf acturing Composites Part B Composites Part B EngineeringComput. Chem. (Oxf ord) Computers and ChemistryComput. Chem. Eng. Computers and Chemical EngineeringComput. Mater. Sci. Computation Materials ScienceComput. Phys. Commun. Computer Physics CommunicationsComput. Theor. Polym. Sci. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science Concepts Magn. Reson. Concepts in Magenetic ResonanceConcr. Eng. Int. Concrete Engineering InternationalConcr. Int. Concrete InternationalConcr. Sci. Eng. Concrete Science and EngineeringCondens. Matter Phys. Condensed Matter PhysicsCondens. Matter Theor. Condensed Matter TheoriesContinuum Mech. Thermodyn. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. Contributions to Mineralogy and PetrologyCoord. Chem. Rev. Coordination Chemistry ReviewsCorros. Rev. Corrosion ReviewsCorros. Sci. Corrosion ScienceCPP Chem. Plants and Process. CPP Chemical Plants and ProcessingCrit. Rev. Anal. Chem. Critical Reviews in Analytical ChemistryCrit. Rev. Biochem. Mol. Biol. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Crit. Rev. Biotechnol. Critical Reviews in BiotechnologyCrit. Rev. Env. Sci. Technol. Critical Reviews in Environment Science and Technology Crit. Rev. Solid State Mater. Sci. Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences Crit. Rev. Toxicol. Critical Reviews in ToxicologyCroat. Chem. Acta Croatica Chemica ActaCryst. Eng. Crystal EngineeringCryst. Growth Des. Crystal Growth and DesignCryst. Res. Technol. Crystal Research and TechnologyCurr. Opin. Biotechnol. Current Opinion in BiotechnologyCurr. Opin. Chem. Biol. Current Opinion in Chemical BiologyCurr. Opin. Colloid Interf ace Sci. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interf ace Science Curr. Opin. Pharmacol. Current Opinion in PharmacologyCurr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science Curr. Org. Chem. Current Organic ChemistryCurr. Plant Sci. Biotechnol. Agric. Current Plant Science in Biotechnology and Agriculture Curr. Top. Membr. Current Topics in MembranesCurr. Top. Med. Chem. Current Topics in Medicinal ChemistryDent. Mater. Dental MaterialsDiamond Films Technol. Diamond Films and TechnologyDiamond Relat. Mater. Diamond and Related MaterialsDokl. Akad. Nauk Doklady Akademii NaukDrug Chem. Toxicol. Drug and Chemical ToxicologyDrug Dev. Ind. Pharm. Drug Development and Industrial PharmacyDrug Dev. Res. Drug Development ResearchDrug Discovery Today Drug Discovery TodayDrying Technol. Drying TechnologyEarth. Planet. Sci. Lett. Earth and Planetary Science LettersEcol. Eng. Ecological EngineeringEcon. Geol. 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Environmental Monitoring and AssessmentEnviron. Pollut. Environmental PollutionEnviron. Prog. Environmental ProgressEnviron. Res. Environmental ResearchEnviron. Sci. Technol. Environmental Science and TechnologyEnviron. Technol. Environmental TechnologyEnviron. Toxicol. Chem. Environmental Toxicology and ChemistryEnviron. Toxicol. Pharmacol. Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyEnviron. Toxicol. Water Qual. Environmental Toxicology and Water QualityEnzyme Microb. Technol. Enzyme and Microbial TechnologyEnzyme Protein Enzyme and ProteinErdol and Kohle Erdgas, Petrochem. Erdol and Kohle Erdgas, PetrochemieEur. J. Biochem. European Journal of BiochemistryEur. J. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. European Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Inorganic ChemistryEur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. European Journal of Lipid Science and TechnologyEur. J. Mass Spectrom. European Journal of Mass SpectrometryEur. J. Med. Chem. European Journal of Medical ChemistryEur. J. Mineral. European Journal of MineralogyEur. J. Org. Chem. European Journal of Organic ChemistryEur. J. Pharmacol. European Journal of PharmacologyEur. J. Solid State Inorg. Chem. European Journal of Solid State and Inorganic Chemistry Eur. Mass Spectrom. European Mass SpectrometryEur. Polym. J. European Polymer JournalEurophys. Lett. Europhysics LettersExp. Fluids Experiments in FluidsExp. Therm Fluid Sci. Experimental Thermal and Fluid ScienceExplor. Min. Geol. Exploration and Mining GeologyFaraday Discuss. Faraday DiscussionsFASEB J. FASEB JournalFatigue Fract. Eng. Mater. Struct. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures FEBS Lett. FEBS LettersFEMS Immunol. Med. Microbiol. FEMS Immunology And Medical MicrobiologyFEMS Microbiol. Ecol. FEMS Microbiology EcologyFEMS Microbiol. Lett. FEMS Microbiology LettersFEMS Microbiol. Rev. FEMS Microbiology ReviewFerroelectr. Rev. Ferroelectrics ReviewFerroelectr. Lett. 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