






2. 工作压力范围:该系列电磁阀的工作压力范围一般为0-10 bar。
















1Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products.Intel assumes no liability whatsoev-er,including infringement of any patent or copyright,for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of Sale for such products.Intel retains the right to make changes to these specifications at any time,without notice.Microcomputer Products may have minor variations to this specification known as errata.*Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.†Since publication of documents referenced in this document,registration of the Pentium,OverDrive and iCOMP trademarks has been issued to Intel Corporation.Contact your local Intel sales office or your distributor to obtain the latest specifications before placing your product order.Copies of documents which have an ordering number and are referenced in this document,or other Intel literature,may be obtained from:Intel CorporationP.O.Box7641Mt.Prospect,IL60056-7641or call1-800-879-4683COPYRIGHT©INTEL CORPORATION,20042MCS-51and MCS-96Packaging Information CONTENTS PAGE Product Identification Codes (5)40-Lead Plastic DIP (6)40-Lead Cerdip (7)44-Lead QFP (8)48-Lead Plastic DIP (9)48-Lead Ceramic DIP (10)64-Lead Plastic Shrink DIP (11)68-Lead LCC (12)68-Lead PGA (13)80-Lead QFP (14)100-Lead PQFP (15)44/52/68/84-Lead PLCC (16)34Note: Package type and temperature variables have changed. They are now indicated by x.5MCS-51AND MCS-96PACKAGING INFORMATION64-LEAD PLASTIC DUAL IN-LINE PACKAGE(SHRINK)272118±6Family:Plastic Dual In-Line PackageSymbolMillimeters Approx Inches ApproxA60.3D59 2.3E 1180.7e 11.80.07L 30.1For exact dimensions consult the Packaging Handbook ( 240800).11元器件交易网元器件交易网。



Chapter 1:Configuration OverviewCreating an Encrypted BitstreamBitGen, provided with the Xilinx ISE software, can generate encrypted as well as non-encrypted bitstreams. For AES bitstream encryption, the user specifies a 256-bit key as aninput to BitGen. BitGen in turn generates an encrypted bitstream file (BIT) and anencryption key file (NKY).For specific BitGen commands and syntax, refer to the Development System Reference Guide.Loading the Encryption KeyThe encryption key can only be loaded onto a Virtex-5 device through the JTAG interface.The iMPACT tool, provided with the Xilinx ISE software, can accept the NKY file as aninput and program the device with the key through JTAG, using a supported Xilinxprogramming cable.To program the key, the device enters a special key-access mode using theISC_PROGRAM_KEY instruction. In this mode, all FPGA memory, including theencryption key and configuration memory, is cleared. After the key is programmed andthe key-access mode is exited, the key cannot be read out of the device by any means, andit cannot be reprogrammed without clearing the entire device. The key-access mode istransparent to most users.Loading Encrypted BitstreamsOnce the device has been programmed with the correct encryption key, the device can beconfigured with an encrypted bitstream. After configuration with an encrypted bitstream,it is not possible to read the configuration memory through JTAG or SelectMAP readback,regardless of the BitGen security setting.While the device holds an encryption key, a non-encrypted bitstream can be used toconfigure the device; in this case the key is ignored. After configuring with a non-encrypted bitstream, readback is possible (if allowed by the BitGen security setting). Theencryption key still cannot be read out of the device, preventing the use of Trojan Horsebitstreams to defeat the Virtex-5 encryption scheme.The method of configuration is not affected by encryption. The configuration bitstream canbe delivered in any mode (Serial, JTAG, or any x8 parallel modes) from any configurationsolution (PROM, System ACE™ controller, etc.). The x16 and x32 bus widths are notsupported for encrypted bitstreams. Configuration timing and signaling are alsounaffected by encryption.The encrypted bitstream must configure the entire device because partial reconfigurationthrough any configuration interface is not permitted for encrypted bitstreams. Afterconfiguration, the device cannot be reconfigured without toggling the PROGRAM_B pin,cycling power, or issuing the JPROGRAM instruction. Fallback reconfiguration andIPROG reconfiguration (see “Fallback MultiBoot,” page153) are disabled after encryptionis turned on. Readback is available through the ICAP primitive (see “Bitstream Encryptionand Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP)”). None of these events resets the key ifV BATT or V CCAUX is maintained.A mismatch between the key in the encrypted bitstream and the key stored in the devicecauses configuration to fail with the INIT_B pin going Low and the DONE pin remainingLow.Bitstream EncryptionBitstream Encryption and Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) The Internal Configuration Access Port (ICAP) primitive provides the user logic withaccess to the Virtex-5 configuration interface. The ICAP interface is similar to theSelectMAP interface, although the restrictions on readback for the SelectMAP interface donot apply to the ICAP interface after configuration. Users can perform readback throughthe ICAP interface even if bitstream encryption is used. Unless the designer wires the ICAPinterface to user I/O, this interface does not offer attackers a method for defeating theVirtex-5 AES encryption scheme.Users concerned about the security of their design should not:∙Wire the ICAP interface to user I/O-or-∙Instantiate the ICAP primitive.Like the other configuration interfaces, the ICAP interface does not provide access to thekey register.V BATTThe encryption key memory cells are volatile and must receive continuous power to retaintheir contents. During normal operation, these memory cells are powered by the auxiliaryvoltage input (V CCAUX), although a separate V BATT power input is provided for retainingthe key when V CCAUX is removed. Because V BATT draws very little current (on the order ofnanoamperes), a small watch battery is suitable for this supply. (To estimate the battery life,refer to V BATT DC Characteristics in DS202, Virtex-5 Data Sheet: DC and SwitchingCharacteristics and the battery specifications.) At less than a 100nA load, the endurance ofthe battery should be limited only by its shelf life.V BATT does not draw any current and can be removed while V CCAUX is applied. V BATTcannot be used for any purpose other than retaining the encryption keys when V CCAUX isremoved.Chapter 1:Configuration OverviewSelectMAP Configuration Interface PROM files for ganged serial configuration are identical to the PROM files used toconfigure single devices. There are no special PROM file considerations.SelectMAP Configuration InterfaceThe SelectMAP configuration interface (Figure2-6) provides an 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bitbidirectional data bus interface to the Virtex-5 configuration logic that can be used for bothconfiguration and readback. (For details, refer to Chapter7, “Readback and ConfigurationVerification.”) The bus width of SelectMAP is automatically detected (see “Bus Width AutoDetection”).CCLK is an output in Master SelectMAP mode; in Slave SelectMAP, CCLK is an input. Oneor more Virtex-5 devices can be configured through the SelectMAP bus.There are four methods of configuring an FPGA in SelectMAP mode:∙Single device Master SelectMAP∙Single device Slave SelectMAP∙Multiple device SelectMAP bus∙Multiple device ganged SelectMAPTable2-4 describes the SelectMAP configuration interface.Figure 2-6:Virtex-5 Device SelectMAP Configuration InterfaceTable 2-4:Virtex-5 Device SelectMAP Configuration Interface PinsPin Name Type Dedicatedor Dual-PurposeDescriptionM[2:0]Input Dedicated Mode pins - determine configuration modeCCLK Input andOutputDedicatedConfiguration clock source for all configurationmodes except JTAGD[31:0]Three-StateBidirectionalDual-PurposeConfiguration and readback data bus, clockedon the rising edge of CCLK. See “Parallel BusBit Order” and Table1-2.BU S YDONECCLKPROGRAM_BINIT_BD[31:0]M[2:0]C S_BRDWR_BC S O_BUG191_c2_10_072407Board Layout for Configuration Clock (CCLK)。

ultra96 入门指南说明书

ultra96 入门指南说明书

Page 1Ultra96 Getting Started GuideVersion 1.0Document ControlDocument Version: 1.0Document Date:27 June 2018Page 2Contents1Getting Started with Ultra96 (5)2What’s Inside the Box? (5)2.1Optional add-on items: (5)3What’s on the Web? (6)3.1Official Documentation: (6)3.2Tutorials and Reference Designs: (6)3.3Trainings and Videos: (6)4Ultra96 Key Features (7)5Ultra96 Basic Setup and Operation (9)6Example Design (10)7Hardware Setup (10)8Connect to Webserver (11)9Ultra96 GPIO LEDs Example Project (13)10OpenAMP Matrix Multiplication (14)11Additional Example Projects (14)12Custom Content Tutorial (15)13Smart Tutorial (16)14Using Ultra96 Tutorial (16)15Access Ultra96 Linux Terminal over SSH (17)16INA226 Current Sensor (19)17Power Off (20)18Getting Help and Support (21)18.1Avnet Support (21)18.2Xilinx Support (22)19Installing and Licensing Xilinx Software (23)19.1Install Vivado Design Suite, Design Edition (23)20Certification Disclaimer (27)21Safety Warnings (27)22RF Certification (27)Page 3FiguresFigure 1 – Ultra96 (5)Figure 2 – Ultra96 Block Diagram (8)Figure 3 – Ultra96 Topology (9)Figure 4 – Ultra96 Switch Location (10)Figure 5 – MicroSD Card Boot Mode (11)Figure 6 – Connect to Ultra96 Webserver (12)Figure 7 – Ultra96 GPIO LEDs (13)Figure 8 – OpenAMP Matrix Multiplication (14)Figure 9 – Ultra96 Tutorials/Guides (15)Figure 10 – TeraTerm New Connection (17)Figure 11 – SSH Terminal Settings (18)Figure 12 – SSH Authentication (18)Figure 13 – Ultra96 Terminal (19)Figure 14 – I2Cdetect (19)Figure 15 – Reading INA226 Device (20)Figure 16 – Voucher Confirmation (24)Figure 17 – Generate Node-Locked (24)Figure 18 – Select Host Information (25)Page 4Page 5 1 Getting Started with Ultra96The Avnet Ultra96 enables hardware and software developers to explore the capabilities of the Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC . Designers can create or evaluate designs for both the Zynq Processor Subsystem (PS) and the Programmable Logic (PL) fabric.Figure 1 – Ultra96This Getting Started Guide will outline the steps to setup the Ultra96 hardware. It documents the procedure to run a PetaLinux design running on the Quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 MPCore Processing System (PS).2 What’s Inside the Box?∙Ultra96 development board ∙Pre-programmed 16GB microSD card with SD adapter and jewel case ∙Voucher for SDSoC license from Xilinx ∙Quick Start Instruction card 2.1 Optional add-on items: ∙External 96Boards compliant power supply kit (12V, 2A, US plug) (AES-ACC-U96-PWR) ∙USB-to-JTAG/UART pod for Ultra96 (AES-ACC-U96-JTAG) ∙∙3 What’s on the Web?Ultra96 is a community-oriented kit, with all materials being made available through the community website.3.1 Official Documentation:∙Getting started guide∙Hardware user guide∙Schematics∙Bill of materials∙Layout∙PCB net lengths∙Mechanical drawing∙3D Model∙Board definition files for Vivado integration∙Programmable logic (PL) master user constraints3.2 Tutorials and Reference Designs:∙Ultra96 Bare Metal Hardware Platform Creation∙Ultra96 Bare Metal Microchip USB-UART∙Ultra96 Bare Metal Test Application Development∙Ultra96 Bare Metal Boot Techniques∙Ultra 96 Factory Restore Image∙Ultra96 Accelerated Image Classification3.3 Trainings and Videos:∙Introduction to Ultra96Page 64 Ultra96 Key Features∙Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC ZU3EG SBVA484∙Memoryo Micron 2 GB (512M x32) LPDDR4 Memoryo MiroSD SocketShips with Delkin Utility MLC 16GB card∙ Wi-Fi / Bluetooth∙ DisplayPort∙ 1x USB 3.0 Type Micro-B upstream port∙ 2x USB 3.0 Type A downstream ports∙ 40-pin Low-speed expansion header∙ 60-pin High speed expansion header∙ Mounted on thermal bracket with fanNote that there is no on-board, wired Ethernet interface. All communications must be done via USB, Wi-Fi, JTAG, or expansion interface.Page 7Page 9 5 Ultra96 Basic Setup and OperationThe functionality of the Ultra96 is determined by the application booted from the non-volatile memory – by default that is the SD Card. This Getting Started Guide allows system developers to exercise and demonstrate multiple circuits through PetaLinux, including:∙SSH Terminal Access ∙GPIO LEDs ∙Wi-Fi ∙ I2C Sensor DetectIn addition to the items included in the kit, you will also need the following to complete the exercises in this tutorial.∙ Wi-Fi connectionAn Ultra96 image in its expected out-of-box configuration is shown below along with various topology components highlighted.Figure 3 –Ultra96 Topology6 Example DesignThe Ultra96 ships with an example image loaded in the 16GB microSD Card. If your microSD Card image has been corrupted or deleted, there is Ultra 96 Factory Restore available at that will go into detail on how to restore your factory image.7 Hardware Setup1. A terminal program is required. TeraTerm was used in this example which can bedownloaded from the TeraTerm project on the SourceForge Japan Install TeraTerm or another terminal program of your choice.2. Plug in your 12V Barrel Jack power supply into a wall outlet and then connect the barreljack to J5 on your Ultra96. Your Ultra96 should be powered down at this point. Note: DC power supply is not included in the Ultra96 kit but can be purchased separately.3. Set the Ultra96 boot mode switch SW2 to SD Card boot mode as shown below.Figure 4 – Ultra96 Switch LocationPage 108 Connect to Webserver1. Press and release the power button (SW3). The Green Power On LED (DS9), RedINIT_B LED (DS7) and the Green User LEDs should illuminate. After a few seconds, INIT_B LED will turn off and the Green DONE LED (DS6) will illuminate. At 15 seconds, the Blue Bluetooth Enable LED (DS1) will illuminate. At 30 seconds, the Yellow Wireless LAN Enable LED (DS8) will illuminate.2. After about 40 seconds, a new Wi-Fi SSID will be discoverable, named“Ultra96_<MAC_ID>” which is unique for each board. Connect the Wi-Fi on your PC to this SSID.Page 11Figure 6 – Connect to Ultra96 Webserver3. Now that we are connected to the Ultra96, we should open up the webserver. Open aninternet browser window and navigate to the following address : You will be directed to the webserver’s home page for Ultra96. Here you will be able toview example projects, custom contents and various tutorials for Ultra96.Page 129 Ultra96 GPIO LEDs Example Project1. Next we want to access the Ultra96 GPIO LEDs example project. From the Ultra96 homepage select Ultra96 GPIO LEDs example projectFigure 7 – Ultra96 GPIO LEDs2. All LEDs will be at an unknown state to begin with. Select the drop down menus andbegin changing the status of the GPIO LEDs. You will notice that the four LEDs (located in between the two USB connectors J8/J9) update in real time.3. Scroll to the bottom of the webpage and you will see a definition table for various LEDselection options.4. Something of interest may be setting LEDs 0 and LEDs 1 to phy0tx and phy0rxrespectively.5. Now as you navigate throughout this webserver you will notice the Wi-Fi transmitting andreceiving LEDs flickering as you are sending and receiving data from the Ultra96.Page 1310 OpenAMP Matrix Multiplication1. Select Example Projects up at the top of the page. You will see a list of projects alongwith descriptions of each.2. Select OpenAMP Matrix Multiplication which is the second in the list.Figure 8 – OpenAMP Matrix Multiplication3. Read through the description which goes over what is going to happen in the OpenAMPMatrix Multiplication Design and then select Run Project4. In the Output section you will see the two input matrices and then the matrix multiplicationresults.11 Additional Example Projects1. Return back to the Example Projects page by selecting the Example Project tab at thetop.2. As you can see there are seven additional example projects available to you. Feel freeto explore them. However some require additional hardware such as the Grove Starter Kit to complete.Page 1412 Custom Content Tutorial1. Now select the Tutorial tab at the top of the page. You will be directed to aTutorials/Guides pageFigure 9 – Ultra96 Tutorials/Guides2. This sections goes into how to get started with the out of box microSD card image wehave been exploring up to this point. As of now we have explored the Run Example Projects section.3. Let’s take a look at the Custom Content tutorial. Select Custom Content.4. This Tutorial goes over the three different ways custom content can be added to this outof box image. The three different ways being1) Uploading custom files2) Making custom webpages3) Making custom projects5. To access these options select the Custom Content tab at the top of the webpage.Page 1513 Smart Tutorial1. Now return back to the Ultra96 Tutorials page. This time select Smart from the tutoriallist2. This tutorial goes into explaining how to use the Smart Package Manager (smart) toupdate/install packages.3. This tutorial also provides an example that you can follow along with that will showcasea use case of how to write a simple “Hello World” application, compile it, create a RPMpackage with CMake, install/remove it with smart, and then run it.14 Using Ultra96 Tutorial1. Return back to the Tutorials page and now select the Using Ultra96 tutorial2. This tutorial goes over the various ways you can interact with the Ultra96. As of now wehave only done this using the Webapp.3. We will not be exploring accessing your Ultra96 over miniDP or UART since by defaultyou would need additional hardware to access it through these two peripherals.4. Read through the SSH section, it states we can access the Ultra96 terminal usingTeraTerm or a PuTTY terminal application.5. Since we have already downloaded and installed TeraTerm at the beginning of this guidelet’s access the Ultra96’s Linux terminal over SSH using TeraTermPage 1615 Access Ultra96 Linux Terminal over SSH1. Verify that your PC is still connected to the Ultra96 Websever by checking your wirelessnetwork.2. Open TeraTerm and then select File New connection… as seen in the image below.Figure 10 – TeraTerm New ConnectionPage 17Page 183. A new TeraTerm: New connection window will open. We now want to connect to Ultra96over SSH, select TCP/IP and then configure your Terminal settings the same as the below figure.Figure 11 – SSH Terminal Settings4. Select OK5. You will then be prompted to enter SSH Authentication information. In our case it islooking for the Linux terminal ’s user name and passphrase which are root and root .6. Please type in root for the User name and then type in root for the Passphrase as well.Then select OK .Figure 12 –SSH Authentication7. You now have access to the Ultra96 Terminal!Figure 13 – Ultra96 Terminal16 INA226 Current Sensor1. Now that we have access to the Linux Terminal let’s try and read from the INA226 CurrentSensor on our board.2. Type in your console i2cdetect –y –r 1Figure 14 – I2Cdetect3. As you can see some devices are coming back as unavailable under I2C detect, thismeans they may already be monitored by some other driver within the system. That is the case for the INA226 Current Sensor on Ultra964. It turns out there is a Linux sysfs drive for INAxxx devices that is already built into thekernel:Page 19https:///pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/hwmon/ina2xx5. Based on this it turns out that you can actually just read the system current from theINA226 device by using the sensor command.6. In your terminal type sensorsFigure 15 – Reading INA226 Device7. As you can see the current, voltage, and temperature measurements are reported back.8. This is one of the lesser known but highly useful Linux subsystems.17 Power Off1. When you are done experimenting with your Ultra96 and wish to power off the board,press and release the Power button (SW3) located on the top side of your Ultra96 next to the barrel jack.2. You will notice your board does not power down immediately. It will take roughly 10-20seconds for your board to completely power down. The reason behind this is it is adhering to the various power down sequencing requirements.3. Please note, if you do not let your Ultra96 power off as per the power down sequencingrequirements (such as unplugging the barrel jack), your SD Card may get corrupted or damaged.4. To power off the Ultra96 you can also press and hold Sw3 for 10 seconds to force apower off. This is useful for when the soft power-off appears to no work.Page 2018 Getting Help and Support18.1 Avnet SupportThe Ultra96 is a versatile development kit that allows evaluation of the Zynq MPSoC, which can help you adopt Zynq into your next design. All technical support is offered through website support forums. Ultra96 users are encouraged to participate in the forums and offer help to others when possible./forums/zed-english-forumTo access the most current collateral for Ultra96 please visit the community support page at: /content/support –Hardware/Vivado Support–Software SupportOnce on the support page:To access the latest Ultra96 documentation, click on the Documentation link:To access the latest reference designs for Ultra96, click on the following link:To access the Ultra96 technical forums, click on the following link:Page 21To view online training and videos, click on the following link:18.2 Xilinx SupportFor questions regarding products within the Product Entitlement Account, visit the Contact Support site for Xilinx:https:///support/service-portal/contact-support.htmlFor technical support including the installation and use of the product license file, contact Xilinx Online Technical Support at /support. The following assistance resources are also available on the website:∙Software, IP and documentation updates∙Access to technical support web tools∙Searchable answer database with over 4,000 solutions∙User forumsPage 2219 Installing and Licensing Xilinx Software19.1 Install Vivado Design Suite, Design EditionThe Zynq device on the Ultra96 is supported in Vivado Design Suite, Design Edition. Version 2018.1 or later is required to use the pre-installed board definition file.You must license your Vivado Design Suite, Design Edition with the license that came with your Ultra96. To obtain your free license, visit the following website and insert the voucher code from the certificate included in your kit:/getlicense1. Log in2. Fill out information at Product Licensing - Name and Address Verification, then clickNext3. Select your Account4. Enter your voucher code here, then click Redeem Now.Page 235. At the confirmation screen, click Yes.Figure 16 – Voucher Confirmation6. Under Certificate Based Licenses, find OEM Zynq ZU3 Ultra96 Vivado Design EditionVoucher pack and check the box. Now click Generate Node-Locked License.Figure 17 – Generate Node-LockedPage 247. Create or select your Host ID. Click Next.Figure 18 – Select Host InformationPage 258. Review the license request, then click Next again.If a full seat of Vivado System or Design Edition has already been installed, then no further software will be needed. Please check online for any updates at:/support/download/index.htmFor detailed instructions on installing and licensing the Xilinx tools, please refer to the latest version of Vivado Design Suite User Guide Release Notes, Installation, and Licensing (UG973).Page 2620 Certification DisclaimerBoth CE and FCC certifications are necessary for system level products in those countries governed by these regulatory bodies.Because Avnet boards are intended for evaluation kits only and destined for professionals (you) to be used solely at research and development facilities for such purposes, they are considered exempt from the EU product directives and normally are not tested for CE or FCC compliance.If you choose to use your board to transmit using an antenna, it is your responsibility to make sure that you are in compliance with all laws for the country, frequency, and power levels in which the device is used. Additionally, some countries regulate reception in certain frequency bands. Again, it is the responsibility of the user to maintain compliance with all local laws and regulations.This board should be used in a controlled lab environment by professional developers for prototype and development purposes only. The board included in the kit is not intended for production use unless additional end product testing and certification is performed.21 Safety WarningsThis product shall only be connected to an external power supply that is 96boards compliant.Only compatible plug-in modules shall be connected to Ultra96. The connection of incompatible devices may affect compliance or result in damage to the unit and void the warranty.This product shall be operated in a well-ventilated environment. If a case is used, it shall have adequate ventilation.22 RF CertificationThe frequency range is 2.4 to 2.4835GHz.The max power complies with 802.11b, which is 17dBm (typ).More information on RF certification for the TI WiLink8 module is available here:/index.php/WL18xxMOD_Regulatory_Product_Certification#Countri es_Accepting_FCC.2FIC.2FCE.2FMIC_ReportsPage 27。





1. 遥控器概述\nX96遥控器是一款多功能遥控器,适用于各种电视、机顶盒、音响和其他家电设备。


2. 遥控器布局\n2.1 按键布局\nX96遥控器的按键布局简洁明了,易于操作。

以下是主要按键的功能介绍:\n- 电源按钮:用于开启或关闭设备。

\n- 方向键:用于在菜单中上下左右移动。

\n- OK按钮:用于确认选择或进入菜单项。

\n- 返回按钮:用于返回上一级菜单或退出当前应用程序。

\n- 音量加减按钮:用于调节音量大小。

\n- 静音按钮:用于静音或取消静音。

\n- 数字键盘:用于直接输入频道号码或密码。

2.2 其他功能按键\n除了主要按键外,X96遥控器还具有其他一些常用功能按键:\n- 菜单按钮:打开设备菜单。

\n- 播放/暂停按钮:用于播放或暂停媒体内容。

\n- 快进/快退按钮:用于快进或快退媒体内容。

\n- 频道加减按钮:用于切换频道。

3. 遥控器使用方法\n3.1 配对遥控器\n在使用X96遥控器之前,您需要将其与设备进行配对。


3.2 操作设备\n一旦完成配对,您可以开始操作设备。



3.3 调节音量和频道\n使用音量加减按钮可以调节音量大小。


3.4 媒体播放控制\n当您观看媒体内容时,可以使用播放/暂停、快进/快退等按键来控制媒体的播放进度。

4. 电池更换\n当遥控器的电池电量低时,指示灯会闪烁提醒您更换电池。


5. 注意事项\n- 遥控器应避免暴露在高温、潮湿或阳光直射的环境中。

epc-96 编码结构

epc-96 编码结构

epc-96 编码结构
EPC-96(Electronic Product Code-96)是一种用于标识物联网设备和物品的编码结构。



1. Header(8位),用于指示编码的类型和版本,以及编码长度。


2. Filter(3位),用于指定EPC编码的过滤条件。


3. Partition(28位),用于指定EPC编码的分区方案。



根据不同的分区方案,可以将EPC 编码划分为公司前缀(Company Prefix)、物品参考(Item Reference)和序列号(Serial Number)等部分,以满足不同物品的唯一标识和追踪需求。



LC96 软件中文说明书维护SOP-20121207

LC96 软件中文说明书维护SOP-20121207





Standby状态表示加热模块盖关闭,可以通过点击Heat lid激活Start运行实验。



电脑和仪器成功连接后也可以通过Instrument Manager共享数据。

7.LC96 背后有两个USB接口,上面用于连接U盘,下面用于连Barcode,请不要交换使用。



维护SOPLightCycler 96是一台免维护的仪器。


预防性维护:1.检查LightCycler 96主机两侧与背后空间,确保无任何阻碍空气流通的物品,包括书本、纸张或窗帘等;2.若需清洁主机表面或触摸屏,用不起毛的软布蘸少量灭菌水擦拭即可。


清洁性维护:若有需要,可用性质温和的商品化清洁剂或70%的乙醇溶液对LightCycler 96主机表面、热循环96孔模块进行清洁。

清洁96孔热循环模块:1.打开抽屉,关闭仪器,2.用移液器移取125μl 70%乙醇溶液或异丙醇至所有孔内;3.15分钟后,使用移液器对孔内溶液进行多次吹洗;4.移除孔内的液体,并使96孔模块孔内自然风干;注意操作时不要让清洗液腐蚀热循环模块的涂层。

售后服务:1.故障报修:仪器开机自检不通过,点击LC96仪器触摸屏下方Generate Error生成错误报告,将其发给罗氏相关工程师,或致电800-820-8864或者400-820-8864。



造纸机械设备名词1000条01备料起重机饥crane龙门式桥式起重机gentry bridge crane羊角式桥式起重机railroad bridge crane固定起重机fixed crane抓斗式起重机clamp crane斗式提开机bucker elevator纷车式堆垛机winch yarder劈木机log splitter立式单斧劈木机vertical single axe splitter立式双斧劈木机vertical double axe splitter卧式劈木机horizontal splitter拉木机log baul (即原木装载机)卷扬机windlass剥皮机backer(又称原木剥皮机)水力剥皮机hydraulic barker袋式剥皮机bag barker链式剥皮机chain baker环式剥皮机ring barker滚刀式剥皮机cutterhead barker凸轮式刹皮机hammer barker圆筒式剥皮机rotary barker干法鼓式剥皮机dry drum barker鼓式剥皮机drum barker小径材剥皮机smallwood barker枝材圆筒剥皮机banch wood barking drum圆锯circular saw带锯belt saw (bend saw)链铭chain saw摆锯swing saw去皮机bark peeler摩擦去皮机fractional barker圆简去皮机barking drum去节机knot boring machine翻滚式圆筒剥皮机tumbling drum平衡式圆锯饥dix saw with balance construction 削片机chipper三刀削片机three-knife chipper大口径削片机the large spout chipper双锥盘削片机double conical disc chipper刀辊式削片机drum chipper刀盘式削片机disc chipper板皮削片机slab chipper倾斜喂料虎口削片机inclined feed chipper(分上出料或下出料) 水平喂料虎口削片机horizontal feed chipper刀盘chipper disc削片刀chipper knife木片再碎机chip crusher捧式再碎机disintegrator锤式粉碎机hammer mill盘式粉碎机disc crusher鼠笼式再碎机squirrel-cage chip crusher木片筛chip screen八角形振动式木片筛octagonal vibrating chip screen凸轮式振动木片筛cam type vibrating screen(即木片厚度筛)圈筒形低频摇摆式木片筛rotary low frequency swinging screen 半振动筛semi-vibrating screen摇振筛shaking screen输送机conveyer皮带精送机belt conveyer链式输送机chain conveyer快速输送机speed-up conveyer带式输送机band conveyer辊式输送机rotary conveyer螺旋输送机screw conveyer刮板输送机scraper conveyer埋刮板输送机continuous flow conveyer链条耙式输送机fight & drag振动式输送挑shaking mn .eye,以一。











96 孔微量血凝板概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述本文将会对96孔微量血凝板进行全面的介绍和解释。




1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分来详细介绍96孔微量血凝板技术。






1.3 目的本文的目的是全面概述96孔微量血凝板技术,并阐明其在不同应用领域中的重要性和优势。




2. 96孔微量血凝板2.1 定义96孔微量血凝板是一种实验室用具,用于研究和测定血液中的血小板功能。


2.2 原理和设计96孔微量血凝板的设计基于传统血凝检测方法的原理,它利用血小板在触发因子作用下释放活化因子从而启动血液凝固过程。





有什么问题可交流;QQ:1294004728首先介绍相关参数:96孔聚苯乙烯微孔板*U型底微孔底为圆形,适用于进行凝聚实验;无死角,适用于移取液体;直径:6.94mm,孔高:10.3mm, 板高:14.2mm总体积:323 μl ;工作体积:40-280 μl*V 型底微孔底部为V型,适用于精准取样;适用于存储微量样品。

直径:6.18mm,孔高:10.8mm, 板高:14.1mm总体积:324 μl ;工作体积:40-200 μl*平底底部是水平的,光透底部不会发生偏折,适用于精密光学实验(底部读取信号);口直径:6.96mm,底直径:6.39mm;孔高:10.9mm, 板高:14.6mm总体积:382 μl ;工作体积:25-340 μl ;底面积:32mm2.*平底/独立柱状孔与孔之间距离大些,独立分开,能最大程度地减少交叉污染;口直径:6.96mm,底直径:6.58mm;孔高:10.9mm, 板高:14.4mm总体积:392 μl ;工作体积:25-340 μl ;底面积:34mm2.* μClear&reg;(软)底为透明,底部厚度为190μm+20μm,自发荧光极小,在激发波长470nm----590nm之间,最大自发荧光值是10100RFU;适用于荧光显微镜技术,偏振光透过板子时只有极少部分去偏振化。

*白色板主要用于自发光分析检测,底物显色(如双荧光素酶报告基因分析);*黑色板主要用于荧光检测分析,观察带荧光蛋白标签细胞(如绿色荧光检测分析);*LUMITRACTM 是白色微孔板,主要用于自发光检测分析;*FLUOTRACTM 是黑色微孔板,主要用于荧光检测分析;LUMITRACTM200,FLUOTRACTM200 中结合力板,聚苯乙烯微孔板中结合力比高结合力表面更疏水,故更适用于无极性的蛋白质和多肽,在ELISA实验中具有高度一致性和可重复性。



AKE RKN 156 X 153X 163 X 201 通用、下货舱、半型
318 X 153 X 163 X 407 通用、下货舱、全型
LD29 M1 LD2 LD8
318 X 224 X 163 X 473 318 X 244 X 244 120 X 1563 X 163 X156 244 X 153 X 163 X 318
747下货舱、全型 747主货舱 767下货舱、半型 767下货舱、全型
• 集装箱类型: ALF • ATA 代码: LD6 • 集装箱容量: 310 cu. ft., 8.78 mc集装箱重量: 155 kg • 集装箱最高可容重量[包括集装箱重量]: 3,175 kg • 集装箱适载机型: 747, 747F, 777, Airbus
• 集装箱分为半型集装箱和全型集装箱,其中半型集装箱指在货舱内需要左 右各放一个,而全型集装箱指在货舱内只能横向放置一个。
• 也就是两个半型集装箱和一个全型集装箱在货舱内所占位置是一样的,如 两个AKE和一个ALF,两个DPE和一个DQF。
224cm X 318cm
88in X 125in
244cm X 318cm
95in X 125in
244cm X 498cm
244cm X 606cm
96x196in 96in X 238.5in



ִ其中低位表示本引脚上是否有事件发生; ִ高位表示本引脚的现行状态。
三.HSI的控制和操作 HSI的控制和操作
有 关 控 制 见 HSI_MODE 、 IOC0 、 IOC1 、 INT_MASK、INT_PENDING以及中断向量。 中断发生后:先读HSI的状态,后读其中断 时间。(两者均得读,且顺序读)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HSO.0 现行状态 HSO.1 现行状态 HSO.2 现行状态 HSO.3 现行状态 HSO.4 现行状态 HSO.5 现行状态 CAM 或保持寄存器满 HSO 保持寄存器满 图 3.7 I/0 状态寄存器 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
软件定时器 0 到时 软件定时器 1 到时 软件定时器 2 到时 软件定时器 3 到时 定时器 2 溢出 定时器 1 溢出 HSI FIFO 已满 HSI 保持寄存器数据可用 图 3.8 I/0 状态寄存器 1
8098为3分频结构,即每3个时钟周期为1个 状态周期,在12M的晶振下:
ִ ִ1个状态周期=3个时钟周期 =1/12000000*3s=1/4μs (8T)
ִ1个状态周期=2个时钟周期 =1/12000000*2s=1/6μs
ִIOC0控制定时器2和高速输入线。 ִIOC1控制某些引脚功能、中断源和两个HSO引 脚。
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HSI.0 输入/分断 定时器2 复位,写1 使之复位 HSI.1 输入/分断



30–100℃ 1–24℃ 6个带滤光片的LED 6个带滤光片的光敏二极管 450–730nm 单拷贝人基因组基因组DNA 10数量级 0.1℃ 12秒 3秒 每孔最多5个目标基因 TM 高分别率溶解曲线(HRM)功能 Precision Melt Analysis 软件,可进行 HRM分析 样品容量 96孔 样品体积 1–50ul 通信接口 USB2.0 Excel,Word或PowerPoint用户报告包含运 数据导出 行设置,图形和表格数据结果,可直接打 印或保存为PDF格式;可接驳LIMS系统 操作软件 配置专业中文软件 操作系统 Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows7 电气认证 IEC,CE 尺寸(宽 x 深 x 高) 33x46x36cm 重量, 21kg
显示屏 热循环底座 最大升降温速率 平均升降温速率 热循环方式 热盖 温度范围 温度准确度 温度均一性
CFX96TM技术参数 液晶控制屏,可进行不接电脑操作 C1000 5℃/S 3.3℃/S Peltier 最高加热至105℃ 0–100℃ ±0.2℃ ±0.4℃(10秒内达到90℃)
温度梯度范围 温度梯度温差范围 激发 检测 激发/检测波长范围 灵敏度 动态范围 溶解分析








1. 高通量:96孔板可以同时处理96个样品,提高工作效率。

2. 精准容积控制:每个孔的容积通常在几十到几百微升范围内,容积准确可靠。

3. 多样化材质选择:质谱96孔板可使用不同的材料制成,例如聚丙烯、聚碳酸酯等,以满足不同实验需求。

4. 耐化学腐蚀性:质谱96孔板通常具有良好的耐化学

5. 自动化兼容性:质谱96孔板常与自动化设备配合使用,如液体处理工作站(LHWS)等,可以进行高通量、高度自动化的分析操作。






一、96孔发光检测仪1.1 型号:GL96-1001.2 技术参数•孔数:96孔•检测方式:荧光检测•激发光源:LED•发射光源:荧光分子•波长范围:400-750nm•敏感度:10^-18mol/L•动态范围:5个数量级•温度控制范围:25-85℃•数据处理:自动数据计算、分析•连接电脑方式:USB2.01.3 应用领域96孔发光检测仪广泛应用于分子生物学、微生物学、免疫学等领域,如荧光定量PCR、蛋白质结构分析等。

二、相关设备2.1 PCR仪•型号:PC-96•孔数:96孔•温度控制方式:热电偶温控•温度调节范围:4-99℃•温度均匀性:±0.2℃2.2 冰箱•型号:BR-200•温度控制方式:微电脑自控制•温度调节范围:-86℃•控温精度:±0.5℃2.3 离心机•型号:LC-150•最大转速:14000r/min•最大离心力:20000xg•孔数:12孔三、操作要点3.1 GL96-100操作要点•保持仪器水平,避免移动和震动。





3.2 PCR仪操作要点•打开电源开关,将PCR试板放置于样品台上。




3.3 冰箱操作要点•打开电源开关并设置温度。



3.4 离心机操作要点•打开电源开关并设置速度和时间。









96孔深孔板执行标准摘要:1.96 孔深孔板的概述2.96 孔深孔板的执行标准3.96 孔深孔板的应用领域4.96 孔深孔板的优势5.结论正文:一、96 孔深孔板的概述96 孔深孔板是一种流量测量工具,它由一次检测件(节流件)和二次装置(差压变送器和流量显示仪)组成。


二、96 孔深孔板的执行标准96 孔深孔板的执行标准主要包括国家标准GB2624-81《流量测量节流装置的设计安装和使用》、国际标准ISO5167《国际标准组织规定的各种节流装置》以及化工部标准GJ516-87-HK06。

这些标准为96 孔深孔板的生产、使用和检测提供了详细的指导。

三、96 孔深孔板的应用领域96 孔深孔板广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、水处理等领域。

在这些行业中,96 孔深孔板凭借其出色的流量测量性能,为保证生产过程的顺利进行和产品质量的稳定提供了重要支持。

四、96 孔深孔板的优势96 孔深孔板具有以下优势:1.高精度:96 孔深孔板的设计充分考虑了流体的动力学特性,能够实现高精度的流量测量。

2.稳定性:96 孔深孔板采用一次检测件和二次装置的组合,能够有效消除外界因素对流量测量的影响,保证测量结果的稳定性。

3.适用性广泛:96 孔深孔板可以测量多种流体,包括气体、蒸汽和液体,满足不同行业的需求。

4.安装维护方便:96 孔深孔板的结构简单,安装和维护十分方便。


五、结论总之,96 孔深孔板作为一种流量测量工具,具有结构简单、维修方便、性能稳定和使用可靠等优点,广泛应用于石油、化工、冶金、电力、水处理等领域。

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