







2.过程与方法:(1) 通过歌曲教唱,展开联想与想象,从中进行思考探索与体验。

(2) 通过欣赏,让学生体会艺术表达的不同形式。

(3) 、了解亚洲不同地区和国家音乐的主要特色,并能以歌唱和语言形式作不同的表达。

3.情感、态度与价值观:(1) 能在与他人共同创造演练中感受到合作的愉快。

(2) 引导学生了解亚洲不同地区和国家音乐的主要特色,并能以歌唱和语言形式作不同的表达。

[教学重点、难点]1.教学重点及其教学策略:教学重点:了解亚洲不同地区和国家音乐的主要特色,并能以歌唱和语言形式作不同的表达施教策略:1、过本章图文、曲谱、音乐相结合的形式学习,形成生动直观的亚洲主要国家的音乐教材内容;2、以知识讲授、唱歌、欣赏结合的形式学习,了解亚洲音乐;2.教学难点及其突破策略:教学难点: 1、各国音乐特征。



[教学资源] 1、多媒体教室的有关装置等。








Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero I.单元教学目标II.目标语言III. 教材分析和教材重组I. 教材分析本单元以Nelson Mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。

1.1 Warming Up列出一些形容词让学生判断一下哪些可以用来描述伟大的人,一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质。

1.2 Pre-reading给学生提供了六个名人的图片,要求利用图片下面标注的人物的重要事迹以及学生对他们的了解,来判断这六个人谁是伟人,谁是重要的人但不是伟人。

1.3 Reading介绍Elias的生平,向学生展示Nelson Mandela是一个怎样的人。


1.4 Comprehending练习1和3帮助学生利用判断正误和时间顺序来整体理解课文。


1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。

其中Discovery useful words and expressions是根据课文语境在运用中掌握词汇,Grammar是有关关系副词where, when, why以及“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句的用法,并通过练习加以巩固。

1.6 Using Language分为三部分,一是Listening,练习听力可配合P72的Listening Task进行。



2. 教材重组2.1 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Reading, Comprehending,Using Language 中的Reading合在一起设计成一节“阅读课”(一)(精读课)。




二、教学内容2.1 曼德音乐概述1.曼德音乐的发源地、历史背景;2.曼德音乐的特点:通俗性、民间性、民族性。

2.2 曼德音乐基本乐器的认识和演奏技巧的了解1.曼德琴:琴体结构(颈、胴、弦)、弹奏技巧;2.马头琴:琴体结构(面、底、颈)、弹奏技巧;3.吉他:琴体结构(颈、胴、弦)、弹奏技巧。

2.3 曼德音乐的演奏实践1.学生分组练习简单的曼德音乐演奏;2.教师演示曼德音乐演奏技巧和和弦;3.学生实践演奏曼德音乐,掌握节奏感和和谐美感。





七、教学流程时间教学内容教学方法10 min 曼德音乐的概述演示-讲解20 min 曼德音乐基本乐器的认识和演奏技巧的了解演示-实践50 min 曼德音乐的演奏实践小组练习-展示-评价10 min 总结讲评演示-评价八、教学评估通过学生的曼德音乐演奏实践情况、学习笔记和小组评价等多种方式来评估学生的学习成果。


《第五单元 曼德》教学设计教学反思-2023-2024学年初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《第五单元 曼德》教学设计教学反思-2023-2024学年初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《曼德》教学设计方案(第一课时)一、教学目标:1. 理解并感受曼德音乐文化的背景和内涵。

2. 掌握曼德音乐的基本节奏和旋律。

3. 通过曼德音乐,培养学生的音乐感知能力和审美能力。

二、教学重难点:1. 教学重点:引导学生深入了解曼德音乐的历史、风格和特点,并通过实践掌握其基本节奏和旋律。

2. 教学难点:如何让学生准确把握曼德音乐的节奏和旋律,以及如何通过曼德音乐培养学生的审美能力。

三、教学准备:1. 准备相关曼德音乐的音频和视频素材。

2. 准备用于教学的乐器或工具。

3. 提前设计教室互动环节,引导学生积极参与。

4. 了解学生已有的音乐知识水平,以便因材施教。

四、教学过程:1. 导入新课:播放一段欢快的音乐,请学生欣赏并猜一猜这是什么音乐。




2. 传授新课:请学生听录音,跟着节奏朗读歌词。




3. 欣赏歌曲:播放歌曲录音,请学生说出歌曲的旋律和情感表达。




4. 实践活动:请学生分组创作一首以“曼德”为主题的歌曲,可以应用任何乐器或歌唱形式。




5. 教室小结:教师总结本节课的内容,并请学生分享自己在本节课的收获和感受。



《第五单元 曼德》教学设计教学反思-2023-2024学年初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《第五单元 曼德》教学设计教学反思-2023-2024学年初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《曼德》教学设计方案(第一课时)一、教学目标1. 通过对曼德歌曲的学习,了解非洲曼德文化的背景和特点。

2. 培养学生的节奏感和音乐感知能力。

3. 提高学生的团队合作意识和沟通能力。

二、教学重难点1. 重点:学会演唱曼德歌曲,理解曼德文化的内涵。

2. 难点:掌握曼德音乐的节奏特点和演奏技巧。

三、教学准备1. 准备非洲曼德文化的相关资料,包括图片、视频等。

2. 准备乐器(如沙锤、手鼓等)和音乐器材(如麦克风)。

3. 安排小组活动,确定小组任务和要求。

4. 设计课堂互动环节,鼓励学生积极参与。

四、教学过程:(一)组织教学1. 师生问好2. 介绍本节课所学乐曲的相关知识(二)导入新课1. 播放《曼德》乐曲,学生欣赏2. 简要介绍乐曲背景,引导学生简要复述曼德节及其宗教内涵3. 提出本节课要完成的任务:初步掌握乐曲结构、理解其内涵(三)新课教授任务一:初步掌握乐曲结构1. 再次播放乐曲,要求学生认真聆听,感受乐曲结构2. 组织学生讨论,交流自己的感受,引导学生归纳乐曲结构3. 教师总结,强调乐曲的基本结构4. 通过器乐演奏示范,帮助学生加深理解任务二:理解曼德内涵1. 播放《曼德》伴奏音乐,组织学生低声吟唱2. 引导学生讨论曼德节的宗教意义及歌曲的情感表达,教师参与讨论并给予指导3. 教师总结,强调曼德节的精神内涵及歌曲的情感表达4. 组织学生结合自己的理解,尝试用自己的语言描述曼德节的精神内涵任务三:音乐知识拓展1. 介绍欧洲宗教音乐的相关知识,引导学生了解欧洲宗教音乐的风格特点及发展历程2. 组织学生讨论欧洲宗教音乐对欧洲文化的影响,教师给予指导并总结3. 引导学生思考现代社会中宗教音乐的发展趋势及意义(四)课堂小结1. 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点、难点2. 鼓励学生交流学习心得,分享学习收获3. 布置课后作业,要求学生复习本节课所学内容,为第二课时做好准备。

教学设计方案(第二课时)一、教学目标1. 学生能够理解并掌握曼德音乐的节奏和旋律特点,能够准确演奏曼德音乐。

七年级音乐上册 第5单元 欣赏《短颈乌德》教案 新人教版.doc

七年级音乐上册 第5单元 欣赏《短颈乌德》教案 新人教版.doc















初中音乐教案——曼德一、教学目标1. 让学生了解曼德这个音乐家及其作品,感受其独特的音乐风格。

2. 培养学生对音乐的欣赏能力,提高音乐素养。

3. 通过学习曼德的作品,培养学生热爱生活、积极向上的精神风貌。

二、教学内容1. 曼德的音乐生涯简介2. 曼德的代表作品欣赏3. 曼德的音乐风格特点三、教学重点、难点1. 重点:了解曼德的音乐生涯,欣赏其代表作品,掌握其音乐风格特点。

2. 难点:对曼德音乐风格特点的理解和把握。

四、教学过程1. 导入:播放曼德的歌曲《某某》,引导学生关注这首歌曲的特点,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 介绍曼德的音乐生涯:讲解曼德的成长经历、音乐创作背景等,使学生了解曼德的音乐道路。

3. 欣赏曼德的代表作品:播放曼德的经典歌曲,如《某某》、《某某某》等,让学生在欣赏中感受曼德的音乐风格。

4. 分析曼德的音乐风格特点:引导学生从旋律、节奏、歌词等方面分析曼德的音乐风格,讨论其独特之处。

5. 实践活动:让学生模仿曼德的演唱风格,尝试演唱一首曼德的歌,体会曼德的音乐魅力。

6. 总结:回顾本节课的学习内容,强调曼德的音乐风格特点,鼓励学生在日常生活中关注音乐,培养音乐素养。




六、课后作业1. 深入了解曼德的音乐作品,挑选一首自己喜欢的歌曲进行学习,感受曼德的音乐风格。

2. 结合曼德的音乐作品,谈谈自己对生活的态度和感悟。




《曼德》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标本作业设计旨在通过《曼德》这一音乐课程的第一课时,使学生能够:1. 了解音乐作品《曼德》的背景及文化内涵。

2. 掌握音乐基础理论知识,如节拍、节奏、旋律等。

3. 培养学生的音乐欣赏能力,能够感受音乐所表达的情感。

4. 激发学生对音乐课程的兴趣和热爱。

二、作业内容1. 预习任务学生需在课前自主预习《曼德》的歌词及作者简介,了解歌曲的创作背景及文化内涵。

2. 听歌识谱课堂上,学生将通过听歌识谱的方式,学习《曼德》的旋律和节奏。


3. 音乐理论学习学生需掌握音乐理论知识,包括音符、节拍、调式等基本概念,并能够运用这些知识分析《曼德》的曲式结构。

4. 创作实践学生将分组进行创作实践,根据《曼德》的节奏和旋律,尝试创作一段简单的音乐片段或歌词。

三、作业要求1. 预习任务要求学生需认真预习,并记录下对歌曲背景及文化内涵的理解。

2. 听歌识谱要求学生需认真听歌,准确识别歌曲的节拍和旋律,并记录下自己的感受。

3. 音乐理论学习要求学生需掌握并理解音符、节拍、调式等基本概念,能够准确分析《曼德》的曲式结构,并完成相关练习题。

4. 创作实践要求学生需在小组内充分讨论,根据《曼德》的节奏和旋律,创作出有创意的音乐片段或歌词。








新人教版音乐七年级上册第五单元 教案

新人教版音乐七年级上册第五单元 教案
























Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero I.单元教学目标1.4 Comprehending练习1和3帮助学生利用判断正误和时间顺序来整体理解课文。


1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。

其中Discovery useful words and expressions是根据课文语境在运用中掌握词汇,Grammar是有关关系副词where, when, why以及“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句的用法,并通过练习加以巩固。

1.6 Using Language分为三部分,一是Listening,练习听力可配合P72的Listening Task 进行。



2. 教材重组2.1 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Reading, Comprehending,Using Language 中的Reading合在一起设计成一节“阅读课”(一)(精读课)。

2.2 从训练目的上看,Warming up,Pre-reading,Talking, Speaking task都是一致的,可将三者结合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。

2.3 将Learning about language,Using structures合在一起,设计成一节“语法课”(既有2.4 ”(二)2.5 ”。

2.6 写作课”。

3.IV.a.period, advise...on, continue, fee, fare, gold/golden, be worried about, out of work, stage, vote, position, accept, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, put in prison, equal, make +O +adj., as...imagine, in one way, blankets, degree, allow sb. to do sth., guard, stop...from, educated, come to power, beg for, terror, fear, cruelty, reward, rights, be proud to do/be proud ofb. 重点句子It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems. P34 After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. P34He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. P34I joined it as soon as I could. P34The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress... P34 We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. P34But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal. P34Step I RevisionCheck the homework of Unit 4.Step II ReadingGet the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Read the passage on page 34 to get the answers to the exercises of Comprehending.T: So much for the homework of Unit 4. Boys and girls, I’d like to ask you some questions: Who do youadmire greatly? Why?Sa: Yao Ming. In my opinion, he is the best basketball player in our country.Sb: Lu Xun. He is a great writer and revolutionary. He wrote many excellent articles.Sc: Newton. He is an English great physicist, mathematician and astronomer. He discovered the law of universal gravitation, developed calculus (微积分) and discovered that white light is composed of every color in the spectrum (光谱).Sd: Chairman Mao. He is the greatest person in my eyes. He led the people of China to get the freedom,T:T: Let’T:T:Let’decided to answer violence with violence.6. False. Because at first they broke the law in a way which was peaceful, but when they failed, theydecided to answer violence with violence.T: Let’s come to Part 3 of Comprehending. Read the text again and try to finish the timeline of Elias’ life. Five minutes later.Suggested answers— 1940 ........He was born.— 1942 ....... He was a two years old baby.— 1944 ....... He was four years old.— 1946 ....... He began school.— 1948 ....... He left school.— 1950 ....... Nelson Mandela opened his law firm.— 1952 ....... He was 12 and met Mandela.— 1954 ....... He was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela.T:T:Now WhilePart IPart IIdid.T:please.T: Let’Step IIIT:Ss: Yes.T: Let’Three minutes later.T: Please read the text carefully, and do the exercise one on Page 39.Two minutes later.T: Let’s check your work.Check the answers with the students together.Suggest answersGood thingsHe became a good student.He felt good about himself.Bad thingsHe was not allowed to study for his degree.T: Please discuss the two questions on the slide with your partner.1. What would you have done if you were Elias?2. How do you think his wife and family felt when he was in prison?T: Who’S1: If I were Elias, I would have make more efforts to study for my degreeT: Then the second?S2: I think his family may feel very sad, but a bit comforted that he could be educated in prison.T: Good, thanks!Step IVT:T:今Then were lesswhich was peaceful; when this was not allowed… only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. From these sentences we know that they had tried to gain their equal rights in peaceful way, but it was in vain. So they turned to violence. In this sentence,in which we had either to accept…is an attributive clause, which is used to modify a position. And which was peaceful…is also an attributive clause, which is used to modify a way. Another example: I don’t like the way in which he talks.Step V Homework1. Recite the key sentences in the two texts.2. Preview Warming up and Pre-reading on Pages 33.The Second Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语quality, get on well with, be willing to do, be active in, lose heart, in trouble, Bible, fight against/for/with, invader, the German Nazis, republic, principle, nationalism, livelihood, peaceful,b.I’What’T e a c h i nT e a c h i n g d i f f i c u l t p o i n t s教学难点How to tell an important person from a great person.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d s教学方法Looking at the diagram and pictures (individuals).Pairs work to discuss (cooperative learning).T e a c h i n g a i d s教具准备A computer and a projector.T e a c h i n g p r o c e d u r e s&w a y s教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework of last class.T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Please let me check your homework of the last class. I will have a dictation and ask two students to write them down in the blackboard. Now, let’s begin.The teacher speak them in Chinese, the students write them down in English.1. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.4. We fight theT:Step IIT:6. Your friend needs bus fare home but you want to buy something to eat. Would you refuse to help?7. Are you active in school activities?8. Do you have hobbies?9. Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?10. Do you often help old people or little children when they need help?T: You can answer them with Yes or No.(Five minutes later)T: According to your answers, decide what kind of person you are. Perhaps you are or not. Now, according to the questions and answers, can you find out what qualities there are in a great person? You can choose words from the adjectives on page 33 and have a discuss with your parter. DiscussionSa: To my understanding, a great person is someone who should be hard-working, determined, unselfish and generous. If he/she works hard, however great the difficulty he/she meets is, he/she will go on working hard. If he/she is unselfish and generous, he/she will help others without pay and get respectSb: To and…T:Step IIIT:Sa: Yes, and NeilT:Sb:T: Why?Sb: Because he only landed on the moon, which is not only his work, but the work of many people.T: Any other opinions?Sc: I agree with him.T: Now, let’s discuss in pairs and decide who is a great man. Please give your reasons for your opinions. Five minutes later.T: Who can answer the questions voluntarily?Sa:I think Norman Bethune is a great man. He developed several innovative (革新的) surgical instruments which are still in use today. Norman Bethune is best known in China for his work as a field surgeon with the Eight Route Army from 1937-1939. During this time he invented mobile blood banks to provide blood transfusions to wounded soldiers in the field. Dr. Bethune died on November 12, 1939 in China. His sacrifice (牺牲) was commemorated by Mao Zedong in his essay "In Memory of Norman Bethune". Bethune’s spirit of service, courage and innovation continues to inspire Canada-China innovative partnerships today. He is a great internationalist.Sb:Sc:Mr. in theHe put—Sd:father Indians’the time of his death, Albert Einstein praised him as follows: Future generations, it may be, will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth.Se: I think Nelson Mandela is a great man. He is the former South African president. In order to make the black people get the freedom, he fought many years and was put in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to realize the dream of making black and white people equal.Sf: In my view, Neil Armstrong is a great man. Neil Alden Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. As spacecraft commander for Apollo XI, the first manned lunar landing mission, Armstrong was thefirst man to walk on the Moon. "That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." With these historic words, man’s dream of the ages was fulfilled.T: According to what you said just now, I think all the people on our book are great people.Step III TalkingTalk about your hero/ heroine.T: Let’s come to Page 69. Please look at the four pictures and answer the following questions, you can talk about each in pairs.T: OK, I’Sa:Sb: wiseSc: He putabout theSd: My hero is Qian Xuesen who is "the father of China’s aerospace" and "king of rockets". He is also one of the pioneers of China’s apace science. Because of his contributions, China launched its first manned spacecraft ——the Shenzhen V.Step IV Speaking TaskT: Work in pairs and think of a person you both agree is a great person. You can consider some possibilities on page 74. Then consider whether a great man has to be perfect? Do bad qualities make a person less great? And explain why. Minutes later I will ask one pair to report your choice and giveyour reasons.Five minutes later.T: Are you ready? Who’d like to tell us your choice?Sa: Li Shizhen is our hero. He developed BEN CAO GANG MU by traveling around the country in that undeveloped times. He is determined, brave and devoted.Sb: Marie Curie is our heroine. She studied radioactive materials and discovered radium. I like her because her discovery of radioactive elements laid the foundation for future discoveries in nuclearSc:isn’T:Step VT e a c h i na.b.The date when I joined the ANC Youth League was the 5th of August.The person to whom Elias could turn for help is Nelson Mandela.2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn the attributive Clause with prep+ the Relative Pronouns. And the Relative Adverbs: Where, when and why.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Let the Ss learn how to use the relative Adverb to unite an Attributive Clause.T e a c h i n g i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s教学重点The use of the Relative clause: where, when and why.T e a c h i n g d i f f i c u l t p o i n t s教学难点The differences between where /when/why and that/which.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d s教学方法Explanation, study independently, practice.T e a c h i n g a i d s教具准备T e a c h i nT:S:Finn. InSb:Nobel I like hernuclear Step IIT:about Language". First let’s do Part 1 of Discovery Useful words and expressions.T:Now, please read the passage on Page 34 again and find the words that mean the same as the following expressions.Three minutes later.T: I will ask one student to tell us his or her answers. Volunteer!Sc: My answers are:1 league2 guidance3 out of work4 devoted5 mean6 stage7 the school fees8 fact9 mankind 10youth.T: Right. Thanks!T: I will give you two minutes to finish Part 2. OK, begin!Three minutes later, check the answers together.T: Now, please complete the passage in part 3.Five minutes later, check the answers together.T: Now, please turn to Page 70, let’s do exercises of "Using words and expressions". Please finish themStep IIIT: Let’cases,T:I’注意:就要用关系代词which /that来引导定语从句。

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero I.单元教学目标I. 教材分析本单元以Nelson Mandela —— a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人。

1.1 Warming Up列出一些形容词让学生判断一下哪些可以用来描述伟大的人,一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质。

1.2 Pre-reading给学生提供了六个名人的图片,要求利用图片下面标注的人物的重要事迹以及学生对他们的了解,来判断这六个人谁是伟人,谁是重要的人但不是伟人。

1.3 Reading介绍Elias的生平,向学生展示Nelson Mandela是一个怎样的人。


1.4 prehending练习1和3帮助学生利用判断正误和时间顺序来整体理解课文。


1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。

其中Discovery useful words and expressions是根据课文语境在运用中掌握词汇,Grammar是有关关系副词where, when, why以及“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句的用法,并通过练习加以巩固。

1.6 Using Language分为三部分,一是Listening,练习听力可配合P72的Listening Task进行。



2. 教材重组2.1 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Reading, prehending, Using Language 中的Reading合在一起设计成一节“阅读课”(一)(精读课)。

2.2 从训练目的上看,Warming up, Pre-reading,Talking, Speaking task都是一致的,可将三者结合在一起,设计成一节“口语课”。

新人教版音乐七年级上册第五单元 教案

新人教版音乐七年级上册第五单元 教案

环球之旅(一)——亚洲之声第五单元第一课时教学内容:、学唱歌曲《樱花》1 。

、欣赏歌曲《阿里郎》2 教学目标:、在主动探寻中了解东亚——日本和朝鲜音乐文化特点,开阔视野,1激发民族同时见证中国文化对其深刻的影响,学习尊重世界文化的多样性;自豪感。

、通过欣赏,进一步区分日本都节调式和朝鲜五声调式,体会朝鲜民2 歌的特点。

,了解日本都节调式和主要乐器;了解朝鲜音乐的、准确演唱《樱花》3 节奏、调式及乐器特点。




、教师:今天我们就先来听一首歌曲,请同学们判断它是亚洲哪个地2 区、哪个国家的民歌?学生听后回答。

《樱花》歌曲学习二、、学唱《樱花》1 )初听歌曲《樱花》1(教师简介日本及其文化艺术。

















人音版初中音乐七年级上册全册教案音乐教学设计第13册(人音版)义务教育课程标准实验教科书音乐教学设计第13册(人音版)第一单元《七子之歌》(二课时)第二单元《天山之春》(三课时)第三单元《欧洲风情》 (二课时)第四单元《行进中的歌》(二课时)第五单元《金色乐章》(二课时)第六单元《荧屏乐声》(二课时)第一单元《七子之歌》(二课时)第一课时教学内容:歌曲《七子之歌》教学目标:1、明白七子的地理位置及相关历史。
















人教版七上英语u5阅读教学设计Title: Teaching Design for Reading in Unit 5 of Grade 7 English Textbook (People's Education Press)Introduction:The following teaching design aims to enhance students' reading skills in Unit 5 of the Grade 7 English textbook. The design incorporates various activities and strategies to engage students in meaningful reading experiences and promote their comprehension abilities. By implementing this teaching plan, students will develop not only their reading skills but also their critical thinking and language acquisition.Objective:- Improve students' reading comprehension skills.- Enhance students' vocabulary acquisition and usage.- Develop students' critical thinking abilities.- Encourage students to actively engage in reading and discussion.Pre-reading Activities:1. Word Splash: Display a word cloud containing key vocabulary from the reading passage. Ask students to identify words they already know and discuss the possible meanings of unfamiliar words. This will help activate their prior knowledge and build anticipation for the reading task.2. Predicting: Show a series of pictures related to the topic of the reading passage. Ask students to predict what the article may be about based on the visuals. Encourage them to share their ideas and reasoning with their peers.While-reading Activities:1. Skimming and Scanning: Direct students to read the passage quickly (skimming) to get a general idea of the content. Then, assign specific questions (scanning) for them to locate specific information within the text. This activity will train students' ability to extract information efficiently.2. Highlighting Key Ideas: Provide students with highlighters and instruct them to mark important details, examples, or evidence supporting the main ideas presented in the text. Encourage them to actively interact with the text by underline or circling relevant information.3. Graphic Organizers: Provide students with graphic organizers such as Venn diagrams, charts, or mind maps. Ask them to identify main ideas, supporting details, cause-effect relationships, or compare and contrast information from the reading passage. This will help them organize their thoughts and understand the structure of the text.4. Think-Pair-Share: Pause at certain points in the reading and assign students specific comprehension questions. Ask them to think about their answers individually, then discuss their responses with a partner. Finally, conduct a class discussion to encourage active participation.Post-reading Activities:1. Discussion and Reflection: Engage students in a whole-class discussion to reflect on the reading passage. Encourage them to share theirthoughts, opinions, and personal connections to the text. Ask open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking and foster deeper understanding.2. Vocabulary Expansion: Provide students with a list of selected vocabulary words from the reading. Engage them in activities such as creating flashcards, using the words in sentences, or playing vocabulary games to reinforce the new vocabulary and improve retention.3. Extension Task: Assign a follow-up task, such as writing a summary or opinion piece related to the reading passage. This will provide an opportunity for students to apply their comprehension skills and demonstrate their understanding of the text.Conclusion:By implementing this teaching design, students will not only improve their reading skills but also develop critical thinking abilities and enhance their language acquisition. The varied activities and strategies incorporated in the design aim to engage students actively, promote comprehension, and foster a love for reading. Regular practice and support from the teacher will ensure students' continuous progress in their reading abilities.。

《第五单元 曼德》作业设计方案-初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《第五单元 曼德》作业设计方案-初中音乐人教版七年级上册

《曼德》作业设计方案(第一课时)一、作业目标1. 通过对《曼德》音乐的欣赏,使学生能够了解非洲音乐文化特点,感受非洲音乐独特的节奏和旋律。

2. 通过小组合作,培养学生的团队协作能力和音乐鉴赏能力。

3. 引导学生关注世界多元文化,培养他们的文化包容性和跨文化交流能力。

二、作业内容1. 小组任务:每个小组选择一首《曼德》音乐进行深入研究和表演。


2. 个人任务:每个学生需阅读与非洲音乐相关的书籍或文章,了解非洲音乐的历史、文化和社会背景,并撰写一篇短文,介绍自己对非洲音乐的感受和认识。

3. 作业提交:作业以小组或个人的形式提交,包括表演脚本、阅读笔记和短文。

三、作业要求1. 小组任务需分工明确,确保每个成员都有参与和贡献;2. 个人任务需独立完成,保证资料真实可靠;3. 提交作业应在规定时间内完成,并在作业中注明作业来源(即本课程《曼德》音乐的课堂);4. 提交的作业应规范,格式清晰,字迹工整。

四、作业评价1. 评价标准:根据提交的作业质量进行评价,包括资料收集、分析、理解和写作能力,以及小组合作和表演表现等;2. 评价方式:教师评价和学生互评相结合。

教师根据作业的整体质量和规范性进行评价,而学生互评则根据个人和小组任务的完成情况给出意见和建议;3. 评价结果:将根据评价标准对每个学生的作业进行评价打分,并将结果纳入学期成绩评定。

五、作业反馈1. 学生在完成作业后,应及时反思自己在作业中遇到的问题和不足,总结经验教训,不断提高自己的学习能力和素养;2. 学生可以通过网络平台或课堂讨论等形式,与其他同学分享自己的学习经验和成果,互相学习和借鉴;3. 教师将定期收集学生的作业反馈,了解学生的学习情况和问题,以便更好地调整教学策略和方法,提高教学质量。








二、新课学习1. 印度的歌舞。










2. 印度的乐器。





3. 总结印度音乐的知识点。

(1)拉格Raga (印度音乐旋律的原型)。







Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela 教案

Unit 5 Nelson Mandela -a modern hero I.单元教学目标II.目标语言III. 教材分析和教材重组I. 教材分析本单元以Nelson Mandela - - a modern hero 为话题,目的在于使学生了解一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质,学会表达自己的观点,并用所学的句型来描写一个伟人.1.1 Warming Up列出一些形容词让学生判断一下哪些可以用来描述伟大的人,一个伟大的人应具备怎样的品质.1.2 Pre -reading给学生提供了六个名人的图片,要求利用图片下面标注的人物的重要事迹以及学生对他们的了解,来判断这六个人谁是伟人,谁是重要的人但不是伟人.1.3 Reading介绍Elias的生平,向学生展示Nelson Mandela是一个怎样的人.这是一篇记叙文,让学生学会利用时间顺序描述一个人一生的主要活动.1.4 Comprehending练习1和3帮助学生利用判断正误和时间顺序来整体理解课文.练习2和4要求学生进一步了解课文细节.1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两局部.其中Discovery useful words and expressions是根据课文语境在运用中掌握词汇,Grammar是有关关系副词where, when, why以及"介词+关系代词〞引导定语从句的用法,并通过练习加以稳固.1.6 Using Language分为三局部,一是Listening ,练习听力可配合P72的Listening Task进行.二是Reading ,这也是一篇精读文章,更详细地了解曼德拉.三是Writing ,要求利用时间顺序简要地描述一个人.2. 教材重组2.1 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Reading, Comprehending , Using Language 中的Reading合在一起设计成一节"阅读课〞(一) (精读课) .2.2 从训练目的上看,Warming up , Pre -reading ,Talking, Speaking task 都是一致的,可将三者结合在一起,设计成一节"口语课〞.2.3 将Learning about language , Using structures合在一起,设计成一节"语法课〞(既有词汇又有语法) .2.4 本教材除强调精读外,还特别重视泛读,故将Reading task设计成一节"阅读课〞(二) (泛读课) ,旨在从整体上理解课文.2.5 将Using Language中的Listening , Listening和Listening task合成一节"听力课〞.2.6 将Using Language中的Writing ,Writing task (P75 )和Project合成一节"写作课〞.3. 课型设计与课时分配(经教材分析,根据学情,本单元可以用六课时教完)1st period Reading2nd period Speaking3rd period Grammar4th period Extensive Reading5th period Listening6th period WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语period, advise...on, continue, fee, fare, gold/golden, be worried about, out of work, stage, vote, position, accept, violence, as a matter of fact, blow up, put in prison, equal, make +O +adj., as...imagine, in one way, blankets, degree, allow sb. to do sth., guard, stop...from, educated, come to power, beg for, terror, fear, cruelty, reward, rights, be proud to do/be proud ofb. 重点句子It was in 1952 and he had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on their problems. P34After trying hard, I got a job in a gold mine. P34He told me how to get the correct papers so I could stay in Johannesburg. P34I joined it as soon as I could. P34The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress... P34We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. P34But I was happy to help because I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal. P34It was a prison from which no one escaped. P38When I got there Nelson Mandela was also there and in one way it helped me. P38 2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to describe a great person with the order of time.3. Learning goals 学能目标Help the Ss how to describe a great person.Teaching important points教学重点The general idea of the text.Teaching difficult points教学难点The characteristic of the writing in this unit.Teaching methods教学方法Skimming method.Task -based method.Explaining method.Teaching aids教具准备A recorder, a projector and some slides.Teaching procedures and ways教学过程和方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework of Unit 4.Step II ReadingGet the students to comprehend the passage quickly and accurately, and meanwhile help the students to form a good habit of reading. Read the passage on page 34 to get the answers to the exercises of Comprehending.T: So much for the homework of Unit 4. Boys and girls, I ,d like to ask you some questions: Who do you admire greatly? Why?Sa: Yao Ming. In my opinion, he is the best basketball player in our country.Sb: Lu Xun. He is a great writer and revolutionary. He wrote many excellent articles. Sc: Newton. He is an English great physicist, mathematician and astronomer. He discovered the law of universal gravitation, developed calculus (微积分) and discovered that white light is composed of every color in the spectrum (光谱).Sd: Chairman Mao. He is the greatest person in my eyes. He led the people of China to get the freedom, build up our own country and make us lead a happy life.T: You are all right. The person whom I admire is a modern hero - Nelson Mandela. He is the former South African president, who realized the dream of making blackand white people equal.At the same time, show the picture of him on the slide.T: Let , s come to Unit 5. It is about Nelson Mandela - a modern hero. After learning this lessen you will know him very well.T: Now, first let ,s listen to the tape. While listening, pay more attention to the correct pronunciation and try to get the main idea. (Six minutes later) Then read the text again by yourselves to get the answers to Part 1 and Part 3 of Comprehending on Page 35.Three minutes later.T: Let ,s check your work of Part 1 together.Suggested answers:1. True. Because Elias met Nelson Mandela at work.2. False. Because his family could not continue to pay the school fees and the busfare.3. True. Because Mandela told Elias how to get the correct papers so he could stayin Johannesburg.4. True.5. False. Because at first they broke the law in a way which was peaceful, butwhen they failed, they decided to answer violence with violence.6. False. Because at first they broke the law in a way which was peaceful, butwhen they failed, they decided to answer violence with violence.T: Let ,s come to Part 3 of Comprehending. Read the text again and try to finish the timeline of Elias , life.Five minutes later.Suggested answers- 1940 ........He was born.- 1942 ....... He was a two years old baby.- 1944 ....... He was four years old.- 1946 ....... He began school.- 1948 ....... He left school.- 1950 ....... Nelson Mandela opened his law firm.- 1952 ....... He was 12 and met Mandela.- 1954 ....... He was fourteen and encouraged by Mandela.T: According to the timeline, we can better understand the life of Elias.T: Now please skim the passage fast to obtain a general understanding of the whole passage. While reading, see how many parts the text can be divided into, and give the general idea of each part.Five minutes later.Suggested answersPart I Paragraph 1 - -2 The Life of Elias , life before he met Nelson Mandela. Part II Paragraph 3 - -5 The change of Elias , life after he met Nelson Mandela and what Mandela did.T: In order to better understand the text, please answer the following questions in Ex 2. Work in pairs please.Three minutes later.T: Let ,s check the answers together.Step III Extensive ReadingGet the students to learn more about Nelson Mandela.T: So much for the text. Do you want to know more about Nelson Mandela?Ss: Yes.T: Let ,s come to Reading on Page 38: The REST OF ELIAS , STORY. Please listen to the tape.Three minutes later.T: Please read the text carefully, and do the exercise one on Page 39.Two minutes later.T: Let ,s check your work.Check the answers with the students together.Suggest answersGood thingsHe became a good student.He felt good about himself.Bad thingsHe was not allowed to study for his degree.T: Please discuss the two questions on the slide with your partner.1. What would you have done if you were Elias?2. How do you think his wife and family felt when he was in prison?Four minutes later.T: Who ,d like to tell us your answer to Question one?S1: If I were Elias, I would have make more efforts to study for my degreeT: Then the second?S2: I think his family may feel very sad, but a bit comforted that he could be educated in prison.T: Good, thanks!Step IV Listening and Explanations of some language pointsT: Listen to the tape paying attention to pauses in the long sentences.After listening,T:Now let ,s deal with some language points. Turn to Page 34. Let ,s look at the sentences. The first: The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress, until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all. In this sentence, see means be the time when (an event) happens; witness. For example: This year sees the tercentenary of Handel ,s birth. (今年是韩德尔诞辰三百周年) where we have ....is an attributive clause, which is used to modify a stage. For example: This is the old house where my grandfather lived ten years ago.Then the second: We were put into a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the government. We chose to attack the laws. We first broke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was not allowed…only then did we decide to answer violence with violence. From these sentences we know that they had tried to gain their equal rights in peaceful way, but it was in vain. So they turned to violence. In this sentence, in which we had either to accept…is anattributive clause, which is used to modify a position. And which was peaceful…is also an attributive clause, which is used to modify a way. Another example: I don ,t like the way in which he talks.Step V Homework1. Recite the key sentences in the two texts.2. Preview Warming up and Pre -reading on Pages 33.The Second Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语quality, get on well with, be willing to do, be active in, lose heart, in trouble, Bible, fight against/for/with, invader, the German Nazis, republic, principle, nationalism, livelihood, peaceful, prison, determined, generous, confidentb. 交际用语Expressing points of view about great peopleI think/ don ,t think...I ,m afraid...Why do you think so?What do you think of?What ,s your opinion?I agree/don ,t agree.In my opinion, ...I think ... because ....2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to tell what a great person is and help the Ss develop a good quality.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to tell what a great person is.T e a c h i n g i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s教学重点Let the students learn to use the structures of expressing points of view.T e a c h i n g d i f f i c u l t p o i n t s教学难点How to tell an important person from a great person.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d s教学方法Looking at the diagram and pictures (individuals).Pairs work to discuss (cooperative learning).T e a c h i n g a i d s教具准备A computer and a projector.T e a c h i n g p r o c e d u r e s&w a y s教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck the homework of last class.T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Please let me check your homework of the last class. I will have a dictation and ask two students to write them down in the blackboard. Now, let ,s begin.The teacher speak them in Chinese, the students write them down in English.1. The time when I first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of my life.2. Mandela had opened a black law firm to advise poor black people on theirproblems.3. I was worried about whether I would be out of work.4. We were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were less important,or fight the Government.5. It was very dangerous because if I was caught I could be put in prison for years.6. I knew it was to realize our dream of making black and white people equal.T: So much for the dictation. Today we ,ll have a speaking English class, let ,s come to Warming up on Page 33.Step II Warming upT: Look at the sentences on the slide. Please answer the following questions, decide what kind of person you are.Questions:1. Do you always do your own homework?2. Do you ask for help when you think it necessary?3. Do you help others with their work if they ask you?4. Do you get on well with your classmates?5. Are you willing to do public service work without pay?6. Your friend needs bus fare home but you want to buy something to eat. Wouldyou refuse to help?7. Are you active in school activities?8. Do you have hobbies?9. Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?10. Do you often help old people or little children when they need help?T: You can answer them with Yes or No.(Five minutes later)T: According to your answers, decide what kind of person you are. Perhaps you are or not. Now, according to the questions and answers, can you find out what qualities there are in a great person? You can choose words from the adjectives on page 33 and have a discuss with your parter.DiscussionSa: To my understanding, a great person is someone who should be hard -working, determined, unselfish and generous. If he/she works hard, however great the difficulty he/she meets is, he/she will go on working hard. If he/she is unselfish and generous, he/she will help others without pay and get respect from others. If he/she is determined, he/she will never give up when he/she is in great trouble. Sb: To my understanding, a great person is someone who should be kind, brave, determined and confident. As a great person, he /she first should be kind -hearted.Only when he /she is kind -hearted, he/she can help others when they are in trouble. Second he/she should be brave, when he /she are facing the danger, fear or terror, he won ,t be afraid. Lat he/she should be determined and confident, when he/she has confidence, he will never lose heart in front of failure. In a word,I think a kind heart, bravery, determination and confidence can make a greatperson.…T: Now, let ,s have a summary. As a great person, he/she should help others, get on well with others, be willing to do public service, be active in society activities and never lose heart when he /she is in great trouble and so on.Step III Pre -readingT: Now, please look at the screen. Can you recognize who they are?Sa: Yes, they are William Tyndale, Norman Bethune, Sun Yat -sen, Gandi, Nelson Mandela and Neil Armstrong. They are all important people.T: Are they all great people?Sb: No. In my opinion, Neli Armstrong is not a great person.T: Why?Sb: Because he only landed on the moon, which is not only his work, but the work of many people.T: Any other opinions?Sc: I agree with him.T: Now, let ,s discuss in pairs and decide who is a great man. Please give your reasons for your opinions.Five minutes later.T: Who can answer the questions voluntarily?Sa: I think Norman Bethune is a great man. He developed several innovative (革新的) surgical instruments which are still in use today. Norman Bethune is best known in China for his work as a field surgeon with the Eight Route Army from 1937 -1939. During this time he invented mobile blood banks to provide blood transfusions to wounded soldiers in the field. Dr. Bethune died on November 12, 1939 in China. His sacrifice (牺牲) was commemorated by Mao Zedong in his essay "In Memory of Norman Bethune". Bethune ,s spirit of service, courage and innovation continues to inspire Canada -China innovative partnerships today. He is a great internationalist. Sb: I think William Tyndale is a great man. He gave us our English Bible. Forbidden to work in England, Tyndale translated and printed in English the New Testament and half the Old Testament between 1525 and 1535 in Germany and the Low Countries. He worked from the Greek and Hebrew original texts when knowledge ofthose languages in England was rare. But he was condemned as a heretic, Tyndale was strangled and burned outside Brussels in 1536.Sc: I think Sun Yat -sen is a great man. He is the great pioneer of Chinese democratic (民主)revolution. Mr. Sun ,s original name is Sun Wen and styled himself Yat -sen. When he took part in the revolutionary activities, he was respectfully and widely called Mr. Sun Zhongshan in China. He put forward the famous guiding principle - "driving the invaders out, restoring the sovereignty of China, establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership〞and the Three People ,s Principle - "nationalism; people ,s rights; people ,s livelihood". He founded the first Republic in China in 1911 after many years , fighting.Sd: In my opinion, Gandi is a great man. He was called "Bapu", meaning "Father" - because he was the father of the Indian nation of the twentieth century. He formed an organization leading the Indians , struggle for equal rights. He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader. He was a model of a different kind of political leader. At the time of his death, Albert Einstein praised him as follows: Future generations, it may be, will hardly believe that such a person as this walked upon this earth.Se: I think Nelson Mandela is a great man. He is the former South African president. In order to make the black people get the freedom, he fought many years and was put in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to realize the dream of making black and white people equal.Sf: In my view, Neil Armstrong is a great man. Neil Alden Armstrong is the first man to walk on the moon. As spacecraft commander for Apollo XI, the first manned lunar landing mission, Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon. "That ,s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." With these historic words, man ,s dream of the ages was fulfilled.T: According to what you said just now, I think all the people on our book are great people.Step III TalkingTalk about your hero/ heroine.T: Let ,s come to Page 69. Please look at the four pictures and answer the following questions, you can talk about each in pairs.Who is your hero/heroine?Why do you like him/her so much?Did he/she do anything for others?What are his/her best qualities?Five minutes later.T: OK, I ,ll ask fours students to speak.Sa: Abraham Lincoln is my hero. He is one of the greatest presidents of the USA. He ended the slavery of the South America and united the South and the North America into a whole state. His best qualities are bravery, confidence and leadership.Sb: Confucius is my hero. He was a well -known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human's behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government.Sc: Albert Einstein is my hero. He is one of the greatest scientists of the century in the world. He put forward the theories of relativity. His theory in physics helped the world to know more about the universe, so he was given the Nobel Prize in 1921. He proved that light does not travel in a straight line, but bends as it passes the sun. Sd: My hero is Qian Xuesen who is "the father of China ,s aerospace" and "king of rockets". He is also one of the pioneers of China ,s apace science. Because of his contributions, China launched its first manned spacecraft - -the Shenzhen V. Step IV Speaking TaskT: Work in pairs and think of a person you both agree is a great person. You can consider some possibilities on page 74. Then consider whether a great man has to be perfect? Do bad qualities make a person less great? And explain why. Minutes later I will ask one pair to report your choice and give your reasons.Five minutes later.T: Are you ready? Who ,d like to tell us your choice?Sa: Li Shizhen is our hero. He developed BEN CAO GANG MU by traveling around the country in that undeveloped times. He is determined, brave and devoted.Sb: Marie Curie is our heroine. She studied radioactive materials and discovered radium. I like her because her discovery of radioactive elements laid the foundation for future discoveries in nuclear physics and chemistry. Her best qualities are persistence, determination and modestySc: And I think a great man needn ,t to be perfect. Of course bad qualities do influence a person, but there isn ,t a perfect man on the earth. When one do a great more good and something bad of no importance, we needn ,t focus on his badness. T: I think that both of you are right. Thank you!Step V Homework1. Tell the students to speak who is the great man in their eyes except the ones in our texts and give their reasons.2. Preview Learning about language on Page 36.The Third Period GrammarT e a c h i n g g o a l s教学目标1.Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语right away, attract, continue, come to powerb. 重点句子The mines where I worked were 9 km from my house.The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.The date when I joined the ANC Youth League was the 5th of August.The person to whom Elias could turn for help is Nelson Mandela.2. Ability goals 能力目标Learn the attributive Clause with prep + the Relative Pronouns. And the Relative Adverbs: Where, when and why.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Let the Ss learn how to use the relative Adverb to unite an Attributive Clause.T e a c h i n g i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s教学重点The use of the Relative clause: where, when and why.T e a c h i n g d i f f i c u l t p o i n t s教学难点The differences between where /when/why and that/which.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d s教学方法Explanation, study independently, practice.T e a c h i n g a i d s教具准备A blackboard.T e a c h i n g p r o c e d u r e s&w a y s教学过程和方式Step I RevisionCheck the students , homework.T: Who can tell us a great man?S: Mark Twain is a great man in my eyes. He is an American writer, journalist, humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. In Green Hills of Africa, Ernest Hemingway wrote: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn..." His main works are TOM SAWYER, THE PRINCE AND THE P AUPER, LIFE ON THE MISSISSIPPI and HUCKLEBERRY FINN.Sb: Marie Curie is my heroine. She is a famous chemist and physicist and the first person to won two Nobel Prizes for her work on radioactivity and her discovery of polonium and radium. I like her because her discovery of radioactive elements laid the foundation for future discoveries in nuclear physics and chemistry. Her best qualities are persistence, determination and modesty.Step II Discovering useful words and expressions (P36)Ask the students to finish the following form.T: So much for the Speaking, now please open your books and turn to Page 36. Let ,s learn "Learning about Language". First let ,s do Part 1 of Discovery Useful words and expressions.T: Now, please read the passage on Page 34 again and find the words that mean the same as the following expressions.Three minutes later.T: I will ask one student to tell us his or her answers. Volunteer!Sc: My answers are:1 league2 guidance3 out of work4 devoted5 mean6 stage7 the school fees8 fact9 mankind 10 youth.T: Right. Thanks!T: I will give you two minutes to finish Part 2. OK, begin!Three minutes later, check the answers together.T: Now, please complete the passage in part 3.Five minutes later, check the answers together.T: Now, please turn to Page 70, let ,s do exercises of "Using words and expressions". Please finish them as soon as possible.About twelve minutes later. The teacher checks the answers to the first and third parts together and then ask four students to write down the answers to the translation of the second part on the blackboard. Then check them.Step III Discovering Useful StructuresT: Let ,s come to Discovering Useful Structures on Page 37.In this part, teacher should tell the Ss the usage of where, when, and why in attributive clause. In most cases, where, when and why can be changed into prep + which/whom.T: Today we ,ll learn the Attributive Clause with when, where and when.关系副词where/when/why在定语从句中分别作地点状语、时间状语和原因状语.如:I ,ll never forget the time when we worked on the farm.我将永远也忘不了我们在农场工作的日子. (when = in which )The factory where his father works is in the west of the city.他父亲工作的工厂在城市的西边. (where = in which )This is the reason why he came late.这就是他为什么迟到的原因. (why = for which )注意:领先行词为时间、地点原因名词时, 假设它们在定语从句中不作状语,而作主语或宾语时, 就要用关系代词which /that来引导定语从句.如:The museum which/that he visited has a long history.他参观的那个博物馆有很久的历史. (the museum 作了动词visited的宾语)I will never forget the days that/ which I spent with your family. 我永远也忘不了与你的家人一起度过的时光. (the days 作了动词spent的宾语)The reason that/ which he gave us was not reasonable.他给我们的理由一点也不合理. (the reason 作了动词gave的宾语)T: Let ,s do the following exercises on Pages 37. Please finish them individually. We will check the answers together.Suggested answers:Part 1:1. The day when I met Nelson Mandela was a very exciting time.2. South Africa is now a country where the black people got the same rights as white people.3. There is the government building in which we voted for the rights of the black people.4. The person to whom Elias could turn for help is Nelson MandelaPart 2:1. The mines where I worked were 9 km from my house.2. The reason why I got a job was because of my hard work.3. The date when I joined the ANC Youth League was the 5th of August.4. The government building where we voted was very grand.5. The time when I arrived was late at night.Part 4: Ask the students to do by themselves, and then give examples.Example 1:S1: The factory is very large and modern.S2: The factory where my father is working is a large and modern.S3: The factory where we visited its machine is a large and modern.S4: The factory where you can see many tall buildings is large and modern. Example 2:S1: The day was a very exciting time.S2: The day when I met my old school friend in the street was a very exciting time.S3: The day when the China football team beat the Japanese football team was a very exciting time.S4: The day when I began school was a very exciting.Step IV Using StructuresLet the students do Part 2. Join two simple sentences to make a complex sentence with an attributive clause. Then put them in the correct order to make a story.T: Now, let ,s turn to Using Structure on page 71. There are exercises. We do Part 2 now, you can do part 1 after class.Five minutes later, check the answers together and ask one student to report his story. Step V Homework1. Finish Part 1 on Page 71.2. Remember the usage of the Attributive Clause with where/ when/ why.3. Preview the Reading on Page 73.The Forth Period Extensive ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标Integrating skills on reading1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语criminal, leader, software, jealous, be against, break into, unfair, competitor, generous, bullyb. 重点句子He is very good at writing computer languages and almost all computers now use Microsoft software.Everyone should be able to do what they can to make their company bigger.2. Ability goals 能力目标According to what they said, decide whether Bill Gates is a great man or not.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the Ss to comprehend the text about Bill Gates and look up useful information about him.T e a c h i n g i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s教学重点Different great people in different fields.T e a c h i n g d i f f i c u l t p o i n t s教学难点Let Ss tell different great people in different fields.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d s教学方法Listening and fast reading.T e a c h i n g a i d s教具准备A recorder and a projector.T e a c h i n g p r o c e d u r e s a n d w a y s教学过程与方式Step I RevisionCheck homework: Part 1 of Using Structure on Page 71.Suggested answers1.That was the reason why I came back suddenly and I could not go on my holidayto Britain.2.Mary Brown moved to a place where there is a river, so he could go swimmingevery day.3.This was the time when the war broke out and everyone was cold and hungry.4.It was the year where there was no electricity and everybody had to cook theirdinner by candlelight.5.I went back to town where I was born, so I could see the house where I used tolive.6.He will never forget the park where he met his wife for the first time.Step II Reading Task P73Get the students to know whether Bill Gates is a great man or not.Show the pictures of Bill Gates on the screen.T: Boys and girls, do you know who he is?Ss: Bill Gates.。

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1. 印度的歌舞。










2. 印度的乐器。





3. 总结印度音乐的知识点。

(1)拉格Raga (印度音乐旋律的原型)。






