



ih交易规则摘要:一、引言二、ih 交易规则简介1.交易时间2.交易单位3.最小变动价位4.每日价格最大波动限制5.持仓限制三、ih 合约规格1.合约标的2.合约月份3.交易代码四、ih 交易指令1.限价指令2.市价指令3.停损指令4.停利指令5.限时指令五、ih 交易费用1.交易手续费2.结算手续费六、ih 交易风险管理1.保证金制度2.强制平仓制度七、结论正文:一、引言ih 交易规则是指在上海期货交易所交易的ih 期货合约所遵循的交易规定。

了解这些规则对于参与ih 期货交易的投资者至关重要。

本文将详细介绍ih 交易规则的相关内容。

二、ih 交易规则简介1.交易时间ih 期货交易时间为每周一至周五的上午9:00 至11:30 和下午1:30 至3:00。




4.每日价格最大波动限制每天ih 期货合约的价格最大波动限制为上一交易日结算价的±4%。



6.合约规格ih 合约的标的为人民币货币篮子指数,交易代码为“ih”。

三、ih 合约规格1.合约标的ih 合约的标的为人民币货币篮子指数。

2.合约月份ih 合约的合约月份为当月、下月及随后两个季月。

3.交易代码ih 合约的交易代码为“ih”。

四、ih 交易指令1.限价指令投资者可以设定一个价格,按照该价格成交。





五、ih 交易费用1.交易手续费投资者在进行ih 期货交易时需要支付一定比例的手续费。



ILC2参与哮喘发病机制的研究进展蒋芹【摘要】Ⅱ型固有淋巴样细胞(ILC 2)是ILC家族中最近发现的一个新成员.抗原暴露后,ILC 2被上皮细胞来源的细胞因子、脂质递质和肿瘤坏死因子家族成员TL 1 A激活,促进气道结构细胞和免疫细胞反应.ILC 2是固有免疫应答的关键部分,且与支气管哮喘的发病机制有关.文章就ILC 2参与哮喘发病机制的研究进展作了综述.%Type 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2) is a new member of the innate lymphoid cell family discovered recently. After being exposed to antigens, ILC2 was activated by epithelial cell-derived cytokines, lipid mediators and TNF family member TL1A to promote structural and immune cell responses in the airways. These cells are critical components of the innate immune response involved in the pathogenesis of asthma. This paper summarizes the progress on the roles of type 2 innate lymphoid cells in the pathogenesis of asthma.【期刊名称】《临床儿科杂志》【年(卷),期】2017(035)002【总页数】5页(P148-152)【关键词】Ⅱ型固有淋巴样细胞;哮喘;发病机制【作者】蒋芹【作者单位】上海交通大学医学院上海 200233【正文语种】中文固有淋巴样细胞(innate lymphoid cell,ILC)是一类新型的非B 细胞、非T 细胞家族,与适应性免疫细胞平行的一类细胞,在组织重塑、修复及固有免疫应答中起重要作用。



第二章流程与设计・流程概念过程的全部,包容了假设干个小过程.也就是说:活动或事件在其开展的过程中,依据某种特征或方式,可将该过程分解为假设干个小过程,称这些小过程为肛].比方马铃薯的播种流程有切种环节、布种环节、掩种环节等.过程的经历中,各环节根据一定的时间所而后出现、完成.这种时间顺序关系,称为叵.如:马铃薯播种流程中,先切种一再布种一后掩种.具有以上两大特征的过程,即假设干环节随着时间的变化,依序完成的进程流,称为流程.二.流程图:表述流程的图形,叫流程图.三.流程设计应考虑的因素:研究内在的属性与规律,就是流程设计应考虑的因素.流程设计中的根本因素:生产活动的流程设计的根本因素主要有材料、工艺、设备、人员、资金和环境.四.生活和生产中流程的设计有两种情况:一是流程的假设干环节是呈世的,也就是事物开展的规律较容易描述,如邮寄包裹的流程:取包裹单一购置标准包装箱一包装密封好一填写包裹单一交寄一收好回执.另一种流程的设计是n世的,要通过进行大量的试验和漫长的探究才能得出的,例如,合成氨的工艺流程案例.五 .流程设计的步骤:1 .首先要明确设计的目的和任务,明确流程所应遵循的内在变化规律.2 .要分析现有材料、设备、资金、人员、工艺和环境等因素.3 .列出流程涉及的主要事项,并进行初步的排列.4 .分析各事项〔步骤〕之间先后顺序,合理地安排流程的时序和环节.六 .流程优化的目的:不管是对流程整体的优化,不是对其中局部的改良,如减少环节、改变时序, 其目的都是为了提高工作效益、提升工作或产品质量,降低生产本钱、节约能耗、保护环境,或者是为了进一步提升学习和工作的自觉性,提升办事效率.一般地说,改良后的流程在环节上都趋向简化,但也不尽然.有时,增加环节,也是优化.七 .流程优化的条件:从外部条件的需要看,要建立在设备或工艺水平的提升或完善的根底之上.比方,储蓄所取款流程的改良.从内部条件的需要看要建立在对流程内在机理的进一步研究和实现的根底之上.比方说,洗衣机工作流程的改良.八 .流程优化的主要内容有:工期优化、工艺优化、本钱优化、技术优化、质量优化.1 .我们每周都按课程表来进行学习,课程表属于流程图中的哪种表达方式〔〕A .文字B.模型C.表格D.动画2 .对油罐车进行焊接时, 应先将罐内残留的油气全部抽走, 然后灌满水,翻开油罐上的圆孔盖再焊接,否那么有可能引发爆炸.从流程的角度来说,以下观点错误的选项是〔〕A .任何流程的时序都是可以更改的B.不可颠倒的时序往往反映了事物的内在规律C.合理正确的流程引导我们正确做事D.生活中处处有流程3 .裁剪是制衣过程的一个环节,传统的裁剪流程是:整理布料一划线一裁剪,现代服装生产将裁剪流程优化为:将多层布料叠放整洁后直接用电脑限制自动裁剪.此流程优化的目标主要是〔C 〕A.平安生产B.节省布料C.提升效率D.方便缝制4 .指纹锁的工作原理是通过提取指纹图像的特征进行身份识别.指纹锁的工作流程可以分为以下几个步骤,正确的顺序应该是〔〕①指纹图像采集②指纹图像处理③限制门锁开启④指纹图像特征的匹配⑤指纹图像特征提取.A .①②⑤④③B .①⑤②④③C .①②③④⑤D .①④⑤②③5 .小王在锯割操作中折断了锯条,现在需要更换新锯条,正确的流程是〔〕A .旋松螺母一取下断锯条一安上新锯条一旋紧螺母B .取下断锯条一旋松螺母一安上新锯条一旋紧螺母C.旋紧螺母一取下断锯条一安上新锯条一旋松螺母D.旋紧螺母一取下断锯条一旋松螺母一安上新锯条6 .以下图所示的是奶粉生产流程,有人要对其生产工艺流程进行改良,说法正确的选项是原料乳验收I—-,画一—^瓯A. 5个环节一个也不能少,时序不可随意变动B.去掉杀菌环节,由于在喷雾枯燥环节就可以把细菌杀死C.去掉浓缩环节可以提升工作效率D.把杀菌环节放到出粉前,效果可能会更好7 .在一般医院门诊看病需诊断、检查、取药等,请把医院就诊流程环节合理排列:a交款b诊断c再诊断d取药e再交费f挂号g检验h打针8 .公共汽车门口写有“先下后上〞的字样,其道理是〔〕A.提醒乘客注意平安B.为了提升速度C.减轻负载D.请乘客遵守流程9 .人们邮寄包裹的流程一般是: |取包裹单+啦标准包装箱-虱装♦封-填写包|裹单〉交寄济续一收回执单.|这其中包含的小过程称为〔〕A.步骤B.时序C.环节D.顺序10 .煮饭时要先洗米、添水、插电,按开关,这是一个简单的流程. 这种做事时间上的先后顺序称〔〕A.次序B.先后C.时序D.顺序11 .我国古代中医经过长期的实践,总结出了一套比拟科学的诊断工作流程:望诊一闻诊一问诊一切诊一处方;但是现在,中医的诊断也借助西医的物理检验手段来增强中医的诊断准确度,这样的流程优化属于:〔〕A.工期优化B.技术优化C.本钱优化D.质量优化12 .以下图表中,不是流程图的是〔〕.A.列车运行时刻表B.学校课程表C.产品加工工序表D.零件的三视图13 .流程设计应考虑的根本因素是〔〕.A.材料B.资金C.设备D.内在属性和规律.14 .以下有可能属于流程优化目的的是〔〕.①提升工作效率.②提升产品质量.③保护环境.④节约本钱.A.①②B.①③C.④②D.①②③④15 .原先,人们到银行或储蓄所存取款需要人单,记财等工作,自从引入计算机治理系统后,大大提高了工作效率,请问,这种流程优化属于:A.工期优化B.技术优化C.本钱优化D.质量优化16 .上题中储蓄所存取款的流程的改良是通过〔〕来实现的.A .增加工作人员 B.采用先进技术C.减少记账手续 D.减少中间环节17 . 2005年山东移动从建立效劳体系、完善效劳流程入手,实施了“流程穿越〞工程.让公司的决策者、治理者和流程制订者深入基层,亲身体验业务受理的全过程,查找效劳流程中存在的问题,从而来推动业务流程的优化及再造.该案例说明该公司重点在进行〔〕A.工期优化B.技术优化C.本钱优化D.质量优化18 .下面关于流程中环节和时序的说法正确的选项是〔〕A .任何流程环节的顺序〔时序〕都是可以调整的B.任何流程环节的顺序〔时序〕都是不可以调整的C.有的时序可调,有的时序不可调D.环节多的流程才能调整. 匚二!匚口与7 VA B C D19 .在方框流程图中,用来表示开始或结束的图形是〔〕20 .任何一项生产或生活活动都有一定的时序.时序表达了具体活动内容的先后关系,在这种关系中, 有些步骤之间的时序是不可颠倒的.下面是邮寄包裹的工作流程,哪一个是正确的流程:〔〕A.包装密封好;收好回执;交寄;购置标准包装箱;取邮寄包裹单;填写邮寄包裹单B.收好回执;交寄;填写邮寄包裹单;购置标准包装箱;包装密封好;取邮寄包裹单;C.取邮寄包裹单;购置标准包装箱;包装密封好;填写邮寄包裹单;交寄;收好回执;D.包装密封好;购置标准包装箱;取邮寄包裹单;收好回执;填写邮寄包裹单;交寄;21 .以下流程安排,合理的是:〔〕B .青霉素皮试一观察20分钟-元过敏反响一注射青霉素C.柠藏螺钉子取|出螺钉并快速送装配车间-隔禾葬配D.卜买电器元件」调广吊底座司组从而:22.某班同学,在学习流程中的环节时产生了争论, 〔上午的课程依次安排为:数学、物理、化学、体育)A 同学说:今天上午的课应该划分为 2个环节,从中间大休息的地方为界限;B 同学说:今天上午的课应该划分为3个环节;你认为哪个同学说的有道理,为什么? 23 .某科技小组制作一只台灯的工序和所需时间如以下图坪底座2小时(1)这一流程是可以改良的,为什么? ( 2分)柒电那元件24 .请完成以下题目的流程图,任选出 4组. (1)小明到医院看病;(2)小华到学校图书馆借书;(3)给在 163 ,用户名为ABC 的用户发送一份电子邮件;(4)编程:S=1+2+3+…+50; (5)自行车补胎;(6)十字路口红绿灯. 答:25 .学校每个学期都要组织测试,请你帮学校教导处设计一个学校组织期末测试的工作流程. 26 .阅读案例,并答复以下问题合成氨的生产工艺流程首先用适当的方法生产出合成氨的原料一一氮气和氢气.氮气和氢气的混合气体在合成塔内 500c 和300atm 条件 下,通过催化剂的作用产生氨气,再通过氨别离气不断地把生成的氨别离出来,同时未转化的反响气体再进入合成塔循 环加工,这就是合成氨的工艺流程.合成氨的工艺流程的产生是一个对其内在属性和规律探索的过程, 19世纪初,经过化学家上万次的试验,最终才得 出在500 c 高温下和300atm 的条件下能合成出氨,但转化率仅有 2%〜8%的试验结论,后来又经过不断的试验才形成现 在工业生产上使用的较为成熟的合成氨生产工艺流程.①这个案例包括了哪些环节,它们的时序如何?②画出将氨合成的流程图,并说明可以用什么方式来表达这个流程? ③画流程图关键要注意什么?④合成氨的流程设计与前面提到的邮寄包裹的流程设计相比,有什么特点?27 .用数控机床进行机械加工,首先要根据图纸要求,在电脑上编写加工程序,然后机床自动按程序 进行加工,保证加工质量,提升生产效率.这一优化的条件是什么?28 .处于城乡结合地带的某乡,现要新建一小化肥厂,在流程设计上应考虑哪些因素?组装 现试(2)用图示法描述改良的流程(3分)坪底座29 .把北方大豆移植到南方,在流程设计上需要考虑哪些相关因素?30.马铃薯的播种一般有三个工作过程,即切种、布种、掩种.实际上,长期的农业生产实践与研究, 发现马铃薯具有退化特性,即年复一年的都在本地产的马铃薯中选留种子传代繁殖,其后果是经过几年后马铃薯品质明显退化变差.长期的试验研究,也找到了解决途径一一换种,即隔几年后就要到外地选好种到本地来种.因此,马铃薯播种流程实际上应是四个环节.①1993年,我国首批转基因植物中有马铃薯和〔〕A.番茄 B.油菜C.烟草 D.棉花②画出马铃薯播种过程的流程图:31 .网上购物成为现代人的一种购物方式,下面是一个网上购物付款过程流程图,请用以下括号内提供的词语填写完整.〔一卡通、订单查询、货到付款、付款方式、订单完成、汇款〕技术与设计2第二章流程与设计参考答案1B 2A 3C 4 A 5A 6A7 fbagcedh 8D 9C 10C 11B 12D 13D 14D 15B 16B 17D 18C 19B 20C 21B 22 做题要点:a、两个人的观点都是对的b、环节是个相对的概念23(1)答:作为一个小组,在工作过程中买电子元件、焊底座、做灯罩这三个工作环节可以同时并行进行. 24答:1(2)行号>[阅并选择书籍T片书怔录-离疗匚(3)翻开自己的信箱—后借―匆信阿ABC@163.co|m悭成(4)略⑸即讣叶工具扒昭曰加内胎-脚:中网-附|(6)杠灯十^灯串仃|25答案:传试科目时间妥g考场妥产弭考悭师安排引唱 | 学生安叶军司发/斗甲阅]口隆卜印卷J成绩分析—|26答案:①包含如下环节:先进行原料气( Nk、HO的制取一一制取环节;气(Nk、H0的净化,除杂质一一净化环节;用压缩机压缩(至高压状态)一一压缩环节;氨合成一一合成环节;最后进行氨分离,得到浓氨并将未完全反响的N2、H2送回合成塔,再循环加工利用一一别离环节.②如果用框图表达流程,合成氨的流程设计可以如以下图:原料气制取(N 2> IH2)告,化彳压^缩—曷堪、N2、H2③画流程图关键就是要把环节以及各个环节的时序找出来.④合成氨的流程设计是化学家通过进行大量的试验和漫长的探究才能得出的,它的规律是不容易描述的.27答案:设备需要改良,要进行程序设计及需要自动化限制思想.28答案:设计上需要考虑提升效率,提升产品的质量,降低能源和原材料消耗、减少污染排放、在资金允许的情况下选用精良设备和技术人员以提升生产效率以及平安生产等. 29答案:将北方大豆移栽到南方,从种植流程上需要考虑适合种植的季节、气温、湿度、土壤、病虫害等因素,还有,要注意是否会引起生态不平衡. 30①C②答案:笆叶亚日布怔*忙二|31。



班级姓名学号第2/9章电力电子器件课后复习题第1部分:填空题1. 电力电子器件是直接用于主电路中,实现电能的变换或控制的电子器件。

2. 主电路是在电气设备或电力系统中,直接承担电能变换或控制任务的电路。

3. 电力电子器件一般工作在开关状态。

4. 电力电子器件组成的系统,一般由控制电路、驱动电路、主电路三部分组成,由于电路中存在电压和电流的过冲,往往需添加保护电路。

5. 按照器件能够被控制的程度,电力电子器件可分为以下三类:不可控器件、半控型器件和全控型器件。


7. 电力二极管的工作特性可概括为单向导电性。

8. 电力二极管的主要类型有普通二极管、快恢复二极管、肖特基二极管。

9. 普通二极管又称整流二极管多用于开关频率不高,一般为1K Hz以下的整流电路。






13.通常取晶闸管的U DRM和U RRM中较小的标值作为该器件的额定电压。

选用时,一般取为正常工作时晶闸管所承受峰值电压2~3 倍。



对同一晶闸管来说,通常I L约为I H的称为2~4 倍。


16. 普通晶闸管关断时间数百微秒,快速晶闸管数十微秒,高频晶闸管10微秒左右。

2017年中国国际收支报告发布 国际收支呈现基本平衡

2017年中国国际收支报告发布 国际收支呈现基本平衡

比 J 涨2.1_】 __.网象 统 汁硒 城 rts-¨ 级统 汁师绳 围庆 对相 关 数 据进 行斛 读
从环比看,【’l I由上月 L涨转 为 卜断,t-:要受 “节日因素”消退影响。一是食品价格节后回落较多,由 I
l 涨 1 蟠々为 F降4.2%,影响(、l I H寄约O.86个百分点。其中,鲜菜和鲜果价格g,)- ̄lJ F降14.8%和2.4%;{蠢
琏 ,女{’?净 利 润 超 过 16{L儿 ,『i1比 增 加 12%:其次 是
埸方达 琏 金 ,净 ,71 J润 达 到 】,1亿 , ,同 比 略 增 近 5%;净 利 润 为 13.7亿 元 的华 夏 耩金 紧 随 』 , 过 je同 比数
{= II 仃 昕 下滑 .为 6%。此 外 ,墟 氽 以1 l ‰的增 幅 迈 入
资 小 流 动 保持 总体 稳 定 。在 图 内经 济 平 稳运 行 、改 革开 放 深 入推 进 、人 民币汇 率 双 『 波 动
环境 F,我圈跨境资金双 向流动 、总体平衡的格局订望进一步巩固。
文帐 乐
环 比 F降 ,同比 上涨
l JJ11 嘲 家统 计 局 发  ̄'li2018,Q ̄3I]份 全阳 居 民消 费价 格 指 数 (CPI).数 据 示 ,c PI坏 比下降 1.1%,
肉 和 水 产 .… 介格 分 别 卜降 8.q% 3 2%:鸡 蛋 价格 下 降 9.2%一 述 五 类 生鲜 食品 合 计彤 nl ̄CP【下 降 约 0。81个
分 .足 … 舌集 中出 行减 少 ,变通 旅 游 价 格 大 幅 F降 ,飞 机 票 、旅 行 社收 费 和 长途 汽 车票 价 格 分 别 下 降
Байду номын сангаас



2.8.1 析氢腐蚀的阴极过程步骤 在酸性溶液中,析氢过程步骤: (1)水合氢离子向阴极表面扩散并脱水: H3O+ → H+ + H2O (2)H+与电极表面的电子结合放电,形成吸附氢原子: H+ + e→Hads (3)吸附态氢原子通过复合脱附,形成H2分子: Hads + Hads → H2 或发生电化学脱附,形成H2分子: Hads + H+ + e → H2 (4)H2分子形成氢气泡,从电极表面析出。 各过程连续进行,最慢的过程控制整个反应过程。 通常(2)过程为控制过程。
电流通过腐蚀电池时,阳极的电极电位向正方向移动(升 高)的现象,称为阳极极化。 电流流过腐蚀电池时,阴极的电极电位向负方向移动(降 低)的现象,称为阴极极化。 (1)电化学极化或活化极化 在金属阳极溶解过程中,由于电子从阳极流向阴极的速度 大于金属离子放电离开晶格进入溶液的速度,因此阳极的正 电荷将随着时间发生积累,使电极电位向正方向移动,发生 电化学阳极极化。 由于电子进入阴极的速度大于阴极电化学反应放电的速度, 因此电子在阴极发生积累,结果使阴极的电极电位降低,发 生电化学阴极极化。
2.6 腐蚀电池的电极过程
2.6.1 阳极过程
M晶格 → M吸附 (2)表面吸附原子越过双电层进行放电转变为水化阳离子: M吸附+mH2O → Mn+•mH2O + ne (3)水化金属离子Mn+•mH2O从双电层溶液侧向溶液深处迁移。
2.8.2 析氢腐蚀发生的条件与特征


B u M e 2 S iC l
O S iM e 2 B u t
(三)α, β-不饱和醛酮的共轭加成反应 1.1,4-氢硅化反应
4 3
E t 3 S iH CHO 2 1 (P h 3 P ) 3 R h C l
1 ,4 -加 成
H 2O O S iM e 3 C H 3 O H CHO
COOEt Na 甲苯 COOEt ONa O S iM e 3 ONa TM S Cl O S iM e 3
L i/N H 3 , t B u O H 2. T M S C l/E t N
M e 3 S iO
Li O O O Li
C H 2P P h3 W ittig 反 应 P h3S i R C CH2
O C H 3 (C H 2 ) C S iM e 3 M gBr C H 3 (C H 2 ) 2
OH C S iM e 3 R Li
O S iM e 3
A g (0 )
3、制备α -乙酰氧基酮和α -羟基酮
O S iM e 3 P b (O A c ) 4 Cl Cl O S iM e 3 C H 2O A c OAc H 2O + H Cl O C H 2O A c
α-乙酰氧基 酮
CH3 O O S iM e 3 P b (O A c ) 4 CH3 O C H 3C O O O H3 O O



O2 + e →
+ H+ → HO2

+ H+ → H2O2
H2O2 + H+ + e → H2O + HO
HO + H+ + e → H2O
2.9.2 扩散控制——浓差极化

dC dx
id nFJ
dC dx

析氢腐蚀反应类型: 在酸性溶液中,反应物来源于水合氢离子(H3O+),它在阴极 上放电,析出氢气:H3O+ + 2e → H2 + 2H2O
在中性或碱性溶液中,则是水分子直接接受电子析出氢气: 2H2O + 2e → H2 + 2OH-
2.8.1 析氢腐蚀的阴极过程步骤
在酸性溶液中,析氢过程步骤: (1)水合氢离子向阴极表面扩散并脱水: H3O+ → H+ + H2O (2)H+与电极表面的电子结合放电,形成吸附氢原子: H+ + e→Hads (3)吸附态氢原子通过复合脱附,形成H2分子: Hads + Hads → H2 或发生电化学脱附,形成H2分子: Hads + H+ + e → H2 (4)H2分子形成氢气泡,从电极表面析出。 各过程连续进行,最慢的过程控制整个反应过程。
2.9.2 耗氧腐蚀的步骤



电能质量公用电网谐波 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998中华人民共和国标准电能质量公用电网谐波 GB/T 14549—93Quality of electric energy supplyHarmonics in public supply network1、主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了公用电网谐波的允许值及其测试方法。

本标准适用于交流额定频率为50H Z,标称电压110kV及以下的公用电网。



2、引用标准GB 156 额定电压3、术语公共连接点 point of common coupling用户接入公用电网的连接处谐波测量点 harmonic measurement points对电网和用户的谐波进行测量之处。

基波(分量) fundamental (component)对周期性交流量进行傅立叶级数分解,得到的频率与工频相同的分量。

谐波(分量) harmonic (component)对周期性交流量进行傅立叶级数分解,得到频率为基波频率大于1整数倍的分量。

谐波次数(h) harmonic order(h)谐波频率与基波频率的整数比。

谐波含量(电压或电流) harmonic content (for voltage or current)从周期性交流量中减去基波分量后所得的量。

谐波含有率 harmonic retio (HR)周期性交流量中含有第h次谐波分量的方均根值与基波分量的方均根值之比(用百分数表示)第h次谐波电压含有率以HRU h表示,第h次谐波电流含有率以HRI h表示。

总谐波畸变率 total harmonic distortion (THD)周期性交流量中谐波含量的方均根值与其基波分量的方均根值之比(用百分数表示)电压总谐波畸变率以THD u表示,电流总谐波畸变率以THD i表示。



磷酸氢二钠L i n s u a n q i n ge r n a D i s o d i u m H y d r o g e nP h o s p h a t eD o d e c a h yd r a te N a 2H P O 4㊃12H 2O358.14[10039-32-4]本品按干燥品计算,含N a 2H P O 4不得少于98.0%㊂ʌ性状ɔ本品为无色或白色结晶或块状物;无臭;常温置空气中易风化㊂本品在水中易溶,在乙醇中几乎不溶㊂ʌ鉴别ɔ本品的水溶液显钠盐与磷酸盐的鉴别反应(﹏附录﹏﹏Ⅲ通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0301)㊂ʌ检査ɔ碱度 取本品1.0g,加水20m l 溶解后,依法测定(附录﹏﹏﹏﹏V IH 通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0631),p H 值应为9.0~9.4㊂溶液的澄清度与颜色 取本品1.0g,加水10m l ,充分振摇使溶解,溶液应澄清无色㊂氯化物 取本品5.0g ,依法检査(附录Ⅷ﹏﹏﹏﹏A ﹏﹏通则﹏﹏0801),与标准氯化钠溶液5.0m l 制成的对照液比较,不得更浓(0.001%)㊂硫酸盐 取本品2.0g ,依法检査(附录Ⅷ﹏﹏﹏﹏B ﹏﹏通则﹏﹏0802),与标准硫酸钾溶液2.0m l 制成的对照液比较,不得更浓(0.01%)㊂碳酸盐 取本品2.0g,加水10m l ,煮沸,冷却后,加盐酸2m l,应无气泡产生㊂水中不溶物 取本品20.0g ,加热水100m l 使溶解,用经105ħ干燥至恒重的4号垂熔坩埚滤过,沉淀用热水200m l 分10次洗涤,在105ħ干燥2小时,遗留残渣不得过10m g (0.05%)㊂还原物质 取本品5.0g ,加新沸过的冷水溶解并稀释至50m l ,摇匀,量取5.0m l ,加稀硫酸5m l 与高锰酸钾滴定液(0.02m o l /L )0.25m l ,在水浴加热5分钟,溶液的紫红色不得消失㊂磷酸二氢钠 取含量测定项下测定结果并按下式计算,含磷酸二氢钠应不得过2.5%㊂N 2-N 3N 3-N 1ˑ100%干燥失重 取本品,在130ʎC 干燥至恒重,减失重量应为55.0%~64.0%(附录Ⅷ﹏﹏﹏﹏L 通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0831)㊂铁盐 取本品0.50g ,加水20m l 使溶解,加盐酸溶液(1ң2)l m l 与10%磺基水杨酸溶液2m l ,摇匀,加氨试液5m l ,摇匀,如显色,与标准铁溶液(附录Ⅷ﹏﹏﹏﹏G 通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0807)1.0m l 用同一方法制成对照液比较,不得更深(0.002%)㊂重金属 取本品2.0g ,加水15m l 溶解后,加盐酸适量调节溶液p H 值约为4,加醋酸盐缓冲液(p H 3.5)2m l 与㊃892㊃磷酸氢二钠水适量使成25m l ,依法检査(附录ⅧH ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏第一法通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0821﹏﹏﹏第一法),含重金属不得过百万分之十㊂砷盐 取本品1.0g ,加水23m l 溶解后,加盐酸5m l ,依法检査(附录ⅧJ ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏第一法通则0822﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏第一法),应符合规定(0.0002%)㊂ʌ含量测定ɔ取本品约4.0g ,精密称定,加新沸过的冷水25m l 溶解后,精密加入盐酸滴定液(1m o l /L )25m l ,照电位滴定法(附录Ⅶ﹏﹏﹏﹏A 通则﹏﹏﹏﹏0701),用氢氧化钠滴定液(l m o l /L )滴定,记录第一突跃点消耗氢氧化钠滴定液体积N 1与第二突跃点消耗氢氧化钠滴定液总体积N 2,以第一个突跃点消耗的氢氧化钠滴定液体积计算含量,并将滴定的结果用空白试验校正N 3㊂每1m l 盐酸滴定液(1m o l /L )相当于142.0m g 的N a 2H P O 4㊂ʌ类别ɔ药用辅料,p H 值调节剂和缓冲剂等㊂ʌ贮藏ɔ密封保存㊂㊃992㊃磷酸氢二钠。














在各侧各相电压电流中加入额定电压、电流,查看装置采样;在各侧各相加入不平衡的电压、电流,查看装置采样;1.4开关量输出检查(1)跳闸矩阵整定装置各元件的跳闸矩阵如下:假设差动保护整定为跳三侧(低压侧两分支),则对应位置为1,其它位为0,则二进制为0000 0000 0101 0101,转换为16进制为0055。

(2)跳闸出口检查 为方便检查全部跳闸出口,将差动保护的跳闸矩阵整定为FFFF ,即跳所有出口。




u rms
2 6.0221023 6.2110 21 2 Βιβλιοθήκη 483 . 46 m/s 32103
气体分子运动论 一
第十二章 气体动理论
4.在一个具有活塞的容器中盛有一定的气体。如果压 缩气体并对它加热,使它的温度从27℃升到177℃,体 积减少一半,(1) 求气体压强变化多少?(2) 这时气体分 子的平均平动动能变化多少? 解:
气体分子运动论 一
第十二章 气体动理论
2. 三个容器内分别贮有1mol氦(He)、1mol氢(H2)和1 mol氨(NH3)(均视为刚性分子的理想气体).若它们的温 度都升高1 K,则三种气体的内能的增加值分别为:(普 适气体常量R = 8.31 J· mol-1· K-1) 3R/2 = 12.465J 氦:DE=___________________ ; 氢:DE=___________________ ; 5R/2 = 20.775J 氨:DE=____________________ . 6R/2 = 24.93J
p nkT n p kT EK n k n 3kT 2
r nm
气体分子运动论 一
第十二章 气体动理论
1.某容器内分子数密度为1026m-3,每个分子的质量 为3×10-27kg,设其中1/6分子数以数率u=200m/s垂直地 向容器一壁运动,而其余5/6分子或者离开此壁,或者 平行此壁方向运动,且分子与容器壁的碰撞为完全弹 性.则(1)每个分子作用于器壁的冲量Dp = . (2)每秒碰在器壁单位面积上的分子数n0= . (3)作用在器壁上的压强P= .
3 k O2 kT O2 2 2 T O2 k O2 3k 3 kT H 2 k H 2 6.2110 21 J 2 2 6.2110 21 300K 23 3 1.3810



Eˆ Cˆ 1 Cˆ 1 Eˆ2
乘法表: 把全部对称操作的乘积列成表(按列×行的次序)
C3v Eˆ
Cˆ 31
Cˆ 32
a v
b v
c v
Eˆ Eˆ
Cˆ 31
Cˆ 32
a v
b v
Dnh、Dnd及高阶群T 、Td 、Th 、 O、 Oh 、 I 、Ih;
1. Cn 群:只有1个Cn
H2O2 R2
R1 R1
既不交叉也不重 叠的CH3CCl3 C3通过分子中心且垂直于荧光屏
2. Cnh群 : Cn + σh C1h点群为只含有一个镜面的点群,用Cs 记号。
c v
Cˆ31 Cˆ31 Cˆ32

c v
a v
b v
Cˆ32 Cˆ32

Cˆ 31
b v
c v
a v
a v
a v
b v
c v

Cˆ31 Cˆ32
b v
b v
c v
a v
Cˆ 32

Cˆ 31
c v
c v



根据单词后缀判断词性1)具有某种职业或动作的人1)-an,-ain,表示\地方的人,精通……的人”American,hitorian,2)-al,表示\具有……职务的人\3)-ant,-ent,表示\者”merchant,agent,ervant,tudent,4)-ar,表示\的人”cholar,liar,peddler5)-ard,-art,表示\做……的人”coward,laggard,braggart(夸张者)6)-arian,表示\派别的人,……主义的人”humanitarian,vegetarian7)-ary,表示\从事……的人\8)-ant,表示\具有……职责的人\9)-ator,表示\做……的人\,peculator(投机者)10)-crat,表示\某种政体,主义的支持者\11)-ee,表示\动作承受者\12)-eer,表示\从事于……人\,volunteer13)-er,表示\从事某种职业的人,某地区,地方的人\,oberver,Londoner,villager14)-ee,表示\国人,…..地方的人”Japanee,Cantonee15)-e,表示\阴性人称名词,actre,hote,managere16)-eur,表示\家”amateur,littérateur17)-ian,表示\地方人,信仰…….教的人,从事……职业的人”Chritian,phyician(内科医生),muician18)-ician,表示\精通者,……家,”electrician,magician,technician19)-icit,表示\家,…….者,…….能手”phyicit,phoneticit,technicit20)-ic,表示\者,……师\21)-ie,表示\爱,指小\小姑娘)22)-ier,表示\从事……职业”cavalier,clothier,brazier(黄铜匠)23)-ine,ian,表示\阴性人称\26)-logit,表示\学家,研究者\地质学家)27)-or,表示\者\,doctor,operator,28)-ter,表示\做…….事情的人”youngter,gameter(赌徒),ongter29)-yer,表示\从事……职业者”lawyer(2).构成,具有抽象名词的含义1)-acy,表示\性质,状态,境遇\2)-age,表示\状态,行为,身份及其结果,总称\3)-al,a)表示\事物的动作,过程”refual,arrival,urvival,denial,approvalb)表示具体的事物manual,ignal,editorial,journal4)-ance,-ence表示\性质,状况,行为,过程,总量,程度”endurance,importance,diligence,difference,obedience5)-ancy,-ency,表示\性质,状态,行为,过程\6)-bility,表示\动作,性质,状态\7)-craft,表示\工艺,技巧”woodcraft,handicraft,tatecraft(治国策)8)-cracy,表示\统治,支配\9)-cy,表示\性质,状态,职位,级别\破产),upremacy10)-dom,表示\等级,领域,状态\11)-ery,-ry,表示\行为,状态,习性\12)-ety,表示\性质,状态”variety,dubiety(怀疑)13)-faction,-facture,表示\作成,……化,作用\14)-hood,表示\资格,身份,年纪,状态\15)-ice,表示\行为,性质,状态\16)-ine,表示\带有抽象概念\17)-ing,表示\动作的过程,结果\18)-ion,-ion,-tion,-ation,-ition,表示\行为的过程,结果,状况\action,olution,concluion,detruction,e某preion,correction19)-ie,表示\性质,状态”e某ercie,merchandie(商业)20)-im,表示\制度,主义,学说,信仰,行为\heroim21)-ity,表示\性质,状态,程度”purity,reality,ability,calamity22)-ment,表示\行为,状态,过程,手段及其结果treatment,movement,judgment,punihment,argument23)-mony,表示\动作的结果,状态\24)-ne,表示\性质,状态,程度\25)-or,-our,表示\动作,性质,状态\,error,26)-oity,表示\动作,状态”curioity27)-hip,表示\情况,性质,技巧,技能及身份,职业”hardhip,memberhip,friendhip28)-th,表示\动作,性质,过程,状态\29)-tude,表示\性质,状态,程度\海拔)30)-ure,表示\行为,结果\手续),31)-y,表示\行为的结果,状态,性质”glory,hitory,victory,inquiry(3)带有场所,地方的含义1)-age,表示\住所,地点\2)-ary,表示\住所,场地\谷仓)3)-ery,ry,表示\工作场所,饲养所,地点\手术室)4)-ory,表示\工作场所,住处\(4)带有学术,科技含义1)-grapy,表示\学,写法”biography,calligraphy,geography2)-ic,ic,表示\学……法\3)-ology,表示\学……论”biology,zoology,technology(工艺学)4)-nomy,表示\学……术\生态学)5)-ery,表示\学科,技术\6)-y,表示\学,术,法”photography,philoophy(5)表示人和事物的总和,集合含义1)-age,baggage,tonnage2)-dom,newpaperdom(新闻界)3)-hood,neighbourhood,womanhood4)-ery,cavalry,minitry(内阁)5)-ure,legilature,judicature(6)表示物品和物质名称的含义1)-ant,ent,olvent,contant2)-al,ignal,pictorial(画报)3)ar,collar,pillar(石柱)6)-ing,clothing,matting,7)-ment,intrument,equipment,attachment(7)表示“细小”的含义1)-cle,particle,2)-cule,molecule(分子)3)-el,parcel4)-en,chicken,maiden5)-et,pocket,ticket6)-etta,-ette,etto,cigarette,eayette(短文)7)-kin,napkin8)-ling,duckling,9)-let,booklet10)-y,baby,doggy(1)带有“属性,倾向,相关”的含义7)-ice,-atie,ical,politic,ytematic,hitoric,phyical,8)-ine,maculine,feminine,marine9)-ing,moving,touching,daring10)-ih,foolih,bookih,elfih13)-il,-ile,-eel,fragile,genteel(文雅的)(2)表示“相象,类似”的含义1)-ih,boyih,childih2)-eque,pictureque3)-like,manlike,childlike4)-ly,manly,fatherly,cholarly,motherly5)-ome,troubleome,handome6)-y,milky,paty(3)表示“充分的”含义1)-ful,beautiful,wonderful,helpful,truthful2)-ou,dangerou,generou,courageou,variou3)-ent,violent (4)表示由某种物质形成,制成或生产的含义1)-en,wooden,golden,woolen2)-ou,gaeou3)-fic,cientific (5)表示方向的含义1)-ern,eatern,wetern2)-ward,downward,forward(6)表示“倍数”的含义1)-ble,double,treble2)ple,triple3)-fold,twofold,tenfold(7)表示“数量关系”的含义1)-teen,thirteen2)-ty,fifty3)-th,fourth,fiftieth(8)表示国籍,语种,宗教的含义1)-an,Roman,European2)-ee,Chinee,3)-ih,Englih,Spanih(9)表示“比较程度”的含义1)-er,greater2)-ih,reddih,yellowih3)-et,highet4)-mot,foremot,topmot(10)其他的含义-le,表示否定,countle,tainle,wirele3.动词后缀1)-ize,ie,表示\做成,变成,……化“modernize,mechanize,democratize,organize2)-en,表示\使成为,引起,使有”quicken,weaken,often,harden3)-fy,表示\使……化,使成”beautify,purify,intenify,ignify,implify4)-ih,表示\使,令”finih,abolih,diminih,etablih5)-ate,表示“成为……,处理,作用”eparate,operate,indicate4.副词后缀1)-ly,poibly,wiftly,imply2)-ward,-ward,downward,inward,upward3)-way,alway,ideway4)-wie,otherwie,clockwie。



IH加热,即Induction Heating,是指利用电磁感应原理,将电能转换成热能的过程。


1. 加热均匀性:IH加热技术可以使内锅中的食物均匀受热,避免了传统底盘加热方式中出现的受热不均问题。

2. 高效节能:由于IH加热效率高,因此可以节约能源,降低能耗成本。

3. 安全可靠:IH加热技术不直接与食物接触,因此不会出现传统电饭煲中可能出现的触电或烫伤等安全隐患。

4. 耐用性:IH加热系统的结构相对简单,因此其耐用性较好,使用寿命较长。

5. 价格:相对于传统底盘加热电饭煲,IH加热电饭煲的价格较高,但是其性能和使用体验也更加优秀。




ih加热的原理IH(Induction Heating)是一种利用电磁感应原理来加热物体的技术。












二、IH加热的优势1. 高效率:IH加热的效率非常高。



2. 环保节能:IH加热过程中没有明火和燃烧产物的产生,不会产生废气、废水、废渣等污染物,对环境友好。


3. 精确控制:IH加热可以通过调节功率电源的输出和工作线圈的设计来实现对加热过程的精确控制。


4. 安全可靠:IH加热不直接接触物体,避免了直接火焰引燃和触电的风险。


三、IH加热的应用1. 工业领域:IH加热在工业领域中得到广泛应用。




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Res earch on Information Hiding Theoretic ModelGe Xiuhui Tian Hao(Hebei University of Economic and Business, Shijiazhuang, China)Abstract: With the development of Internet, People have paid more attention on one branch of security-information hiding. The paper study the present information hiding mode, gives new kinds of information hiding secure model. Then the paper analyzes the existed communication model of information hiding system and provides a new model, which improved Waston model. We discuss the characteristic of the model. At the end, the paper gives the broad perspective of the research. Keywords: Information Hiding, Theoretic Model, Perceptual Model, Steganography, Waston Model.1 IntroductionAccording to communication theory and information theory viewpoint, this paper proposed information hiding technique theoretic model. Through establishing information perceptual modelto make up the flaws based on the communications system model. This model use discrete cosine transform to divide the image into block, then estimate change perceptual, at end, merges these estimate results to the estimate perceptual distance individually, original perceptual model, which MSE frequently can make many errors, we proposed the model, which through embedding strength repeatedly test and realization, from the result analysis, this model precision is higher, because each model precision all limits in certain distorted scope. At same time, the model adjust the public embedding strength, as well as through embedding symbol to distort the specific perceptual effect maximization, in this foundation, carried on perceive forming embedding on the perceptual model, thus make information hiding technique fundamental research to achieve a new theory altitude.2 Present Theoretic ModelIn the information hiding related literature, it generally uses Simmons proposed model and this model’s variety, the information hiding theoretical model is the foundation of research the information hide. In early time, information hiding research is directly adds secret information to the carrier information, regards the carrier data as noise, if the decoder understand the noise, then during extract step, covert carrier data subtracts the noise namely get secret information. At present, the information hiding is one kind of covert communication model. We need further study the information hiding system model theory, the inspection theory. This has formed the information hiding fundamental research.2.1 Simmons Theoretic ModelIn 1983, Simmons proposed the first information hiding scene description-prisoner question in view of the covert communication. Supposes Alice and Bob is separately prisoner in different prison room, in order to plot escapes from prison, they need mutually secret communication, but all communication must pass through guard Wendy. Wendy may read all prisoner's letter, and decided whether transmits or does not transmit these letters, and he has rights to carry on the revision to the letter, but certainly does not change letter’s content. In order to making Wendy not suspects the communication, Alice and Bob cannot use the commonly encryption coding communication technology, because after encryption, the letter is semantic chaotic, although possibly cannot reveal the plan, but it become the confidential letter, it already sufficiently took two criminals plot or conspire evidence. Therefore in the2-227 1-4244-1135-1/07/$25.00 ©2007 IEEE.prisoner question, Alice and Bob not only must guarantee the confidential letter cannot explain, moreover must use covert communication in the fact. Prisoner question like fig 1 shows.Fig 1 Prisoner ProblemThis is the typical information hiding questionfigure of symbols. This model emphasize how to guaranteed covert communication’s realization, but it hasn’t certainly proposed the realization information hiding principle, therefore in fact, this model is covert communication model. We usually called the covert information as secret information, the carrier has embedded secret information to be called stego-carrier, information hiding process which generally control by stego-key, through embedding stego-algorithm, which can embedded the secret information in the public information, then through covert channel to transmit the covert carrier. The receiver of communication opposite party uses secret key with detector to restore from covert carrier to extract secret information. The secret information may be the copyright information or the secret data of sequence number and so on; but the public information is called carrier information like video, audio, image and so on.From above analysis, we may know information hiding technology mainly is composed by two parts: information embedding stego-algorithm, it realizes the secret information hiding using the key. The covert information inspection/extraction algorithm (detector), it uses the key to inspect from the hiding carrier/restores the secret information. Under the key unknown premise, it is very difficult to the third party obtains/deletes secret information from covert carrier, even it has discover secret information.3 CommunicationSystemModelFig 2 has introduced a tradition communications system basics structure. M is prepares transmission information, to information M, channel encoder carries on coding, then prepare transmission, it will mapping all possess possible information into symbol, in this set, the latter can be obtain from the coding set through communicationchannel. The symbol sequence usual mark is X. Standard communication model like fig 2 shows.Fig 2 Standard Model of Communication SystemIn order to further guaranteed transmission information security, it may use password technology to improve the standard model, based on key channel encoded communications channel basic model like fig 3 shows.Fig 3 Communication Channel Model Based on SecretKeyBut in the information hiding communication also should consider likes the Wendy such initiative attack existence, therefore basic information hiding model like fig 4 shows:2-228Fig 4 Basis Information Hiding Theoretic ModelIn fig 4, we discusses system conforms to the Kerchoff criterion, namely the encryption function, the decipher function as well as hiding information embed function and extract functionispublic.4 Secure Model AnalysisRegarding information hiding, multilayer safetymechanism can make secret information safer. In information hiding, encrypts, embedding algorithm as well as covert communication is very important. Maintains secret key algorithm is very difficult. Because outstanding cryptographic system follows the K erchoff principle, the algorithm safely is decided by the key, if does not have the security key, any attack can break through embedding algorithm probability to be very low. Therefore, many encryption algorithm is publicizes uses. If text information through unsafe channel, and the text information already passed covert processing, so it certainly could not suspect between communication both sides carried on covert communication. Moreover, if carries on multilayered safe processing to the text; then text information security will be higher. To encrypted information, then use information hiding tool to carry on processing, at the end, using covert channel to transmit the text. Ifattackers examine secret information existence, he needs to extract primary information, like above description, extracting primary information probability to be very low. If attackers extract primary information, but he also need secret key to decipher, then he can obtains primary information.Although he had discovered secret existence, whichcaused information hiding defeat, but this still could protect covert information not to explain.According to the above basis theory, we propose information hiding security model like fig 5 shows:Fig 5 Information Hiding Security Model5 Present Model DefectsInformation hiding theoretical model Based on information theory has important theory significance. Above we discuss each kind of model to accomplish different research instruction function in different times. What is the modern information hiding theory basis? Is the noise theory or measured does not permit the principle? Does the Shannon information theory model whether complete solution interpret information hiding? Has limited researcher's mentality to this kind of question wrong model, has following several important deficiency based on the information theory model:(1) First model emphasize how to guard covert communication realization, it has not certainly proposed realization information hiding principle, therefore in fact, this model is covert communication model.(2)In information theory, entropy is the solution indefinite question data tool, but certainly cannot determine each image’s entropy, therefore entropy certainly cannot examine in the image whether contains secret information, therefore this model is only theoretically model, in actual realization, has many defects.(3) Majority of model don’t make quantitative analysis to robustness. At present majority of2-229models all strength to hiding volumetric analysis, but has not been able to robustness, the hiding and secure and so on important target carries on the quantitative analysis.In order to solve information hiding’s actual problem which in the model exists, this paper according to states the knowledge, has proposed pointed and operational information hiding perceptual model.6 Perceptual ModelThe perceptual model carries on analysis to information hiding object, describes information hiding basic question using through human vision perceptual characteristic and matrix theory. The perceptual model carries on description to information hiding process, thus it has established information hiding appraisal quantitative analysis. Distinguishes to other theoretical models is, incompletely borrows communication and information theory conclusion, the model has pointed and may be operational.6.1 Human perceiveThe human eye is extremely sensitive in wavelength, which range from 400 to 770 electro -magnetic radiations. The color image may use function to express. This function can express position, in reflected light wave length and the dynamic image situation time. Regarding color vision, the spectrum sensitivity function sum which some three foundations may use. The object carries on perceptual through human eye or photographic camera system to the scene in mainly passes its radiation. Between illumination and subjective human perceptual, as well as responds with humanity has direct relation. In the Weber law, first formulation has produced this kind of relations. The formula expression is:The experiment investigates indicated that Weber decides law to be only suitable for middle illumination value, low illumination value is not suitable very much regarding highest and lowest illumination. But perceptual brightness and with illumination relations is logarithm relations. According to Thomas Young tertiary color theory, our vision system perceptual all colors are basic color linear combinations. If between two kind of colors exists slightly may just noticeable difference, actually smallest may sense difference value not be constant, this mainly because of human vision non-linearity and the RGB space uniformity. If person eye color perceptual ability also not saturated, when stronger illumination, human eye color perceptual ability is better. Buchsbaum has considered eye adaption condition and illumination condition in of non-linear equality constant. Buchsbaum started his research in Weber research’s foundation analysis has obtained logarithm form visual non-linearity.6.2 Estimation Basic FactorsIt use a function to realize theperceptual model, after this function is calculates, the source image and information hiding between image perceptual distance, the traditional use MSE mean-square deviation is simplest distance function. The perceptual model basic factors are sensitivity, concealed and merge.(1)Sensitivity: Regarding visual perceptual, with input signal frequency correlation. The frequency response mainly refers to spatial frequency, spectral frequency and temporal frequency. The spatial frequency usually refers to brightness sensitivity, spectral frequency by color form perceptual, generally is low-frequency response, temporal frequency response by movement form perceptual.(2) Concealed: there has two kinds in vision concealed, frequency concealed and brightness concealed, the former is section of frequencies, another section of frequencies perceptual concealed, the latter is partial brightness, which meets the2-230concealed contrast gradient change.(3)Merges: it is away from in perceptual model, turns over to many different distorted perceptual synthesis one for to covert carrier appraisal, is called merge, the formula is:(4) merges, compares to the primitive image and the covert image, the computation corresponds the DCT coefficient the bad value, then team by contrast gradient concealed, obtains each item to be possible the perceptual distance, then merges an always perceptual distance is:6.3 Watson Perceptual ModelWatson proposed a survey vision fidelity model, it had estimated between source image and covert image JND value, joins influence after noise which image produces to estimate, this model must be better than MSE effect. The model basic principle is separated DCT estimate change according to image block perceptual, then double perceptual distance individually estimate these estimate merges. This model based on DCT domain, most melts processing after piecemeal, image energy concentrates in each together low frequency part, like this can estimate quantification noise perceptual, may act according to each image concrete characteristic to change equation length of stride. The present paper needs to use this model appraisal and control information hiding algorithm The Watson model by an sensitivity function, two concealed and merge partially is composed based on brightness and contrast gradient.(1)the model defined frequency sensitivity table, in the table each element expressed in each when did not have any concealed noise, but perceptual DCT coefficient smallest scope value.(2)Brightness concealed, if DCT block average brightness value higher, a DCT coefficient bigger revision is not easy to realize, the Watson model to each image element block, carries on the adjustment according to sensitivity table value, brightness concealed threshold valueis:TL C k C j i t k j i t D )/],0,0[](,[],,[0,00 (3)The above brightness concealed value also comes under contrast gradient concealed influence,the contrast gradient concealed threshold value is:6.4 Watson Perceptual Model ImprovementThis model exist many defects, which must rely on correct synchronization and overestimate translation effect, simultaneously also can underestimate influence which certain noises brings. Therefore in view of to Watson perceptual model, the present paper has pointed performs improvement. May to template which joins carry on according to perceptual model adjusts realizes auto-adapted Watson perceptual model. In other words acts according to anticipated perceptual to beaway from to embedment strength carries on automatic control. Proposed in Podilchuk and Zeng in algorithm foundation, we proposed one kind inserts based on perceptual forming Watson perceptual model. It acts according to perceptual distance which model surveys to carry on embed, simultaneously chooses embed different intensity, simultaneously the information symbolized information for changes into perceptual forming symbol. Improvement model as follows:Fig 6 Based on Perceptual Formed Perceptual Model2-2317 ConclusionThe present paper based on existing information hiding model analysis, had pointed out theoretical model existence shortcoming, in perceptual model foundation which proposed according to Watson, improved theoretical model, from fundamental research, has opened up the research information hiding model mentality, simultaneously the further work consummates this model, then carries on modeling ,and further quantitative analysis.Reference[1]IJ.Cox, Watermarking as communications with side information[j], procedding of the IEEE, 1999:1127-1141.[2] C Cachin, An imformation theoretic model for steganography[c], proceeding of the 2nd workshop on information hiding,lecture notes in computer science, springer,1998,57-78.[3]H. V. Poor, An introduction to signal detection and estimation, Springer, NY, 2000[4]P. Moulin and J.A. O’sullivan, “Information-theoretic analysis of Steganography,” preprint, Dec. 2001[5]K. Sullivan, O. Dabeer, U. Madhow, B. S. Manjunath, andS. Chandrasekaran, “LLRT based detection of LSB hiding,” submitted to ICIP 2003Author BiographyGe xiuhui˖ Female, engineer, Doctor of Engineering, research direction: Network security direction, information hiding.2-232。
