



Lay the victim down and keep him still.Don’t try to suck out the venom (毒液); Don’t apply a tourniquet (止血带). Apply pressure to the bitten area with your hands and then with a bandage firmly over the bite. Do not move the victim. Call medical help.
She has cut her arm with some broken glass and bleeding badly
a sprained ankle
He is holding on to his ankle. He has badly sprained his ankle.
a nosebleed
He has a nosebleed. The blood is dripping out onto ho sit down, tilt(倾斜) his/her head forward slightly and gently pinch(捏) the soft part of the nose below the bridge (鼻梁).
English Book 5
New Words
first aid bleed v. 急救 流血 sprain v. ankle n. 扭伤 踝关节 窒息, 哽住 液体
temporary adj. 暂时的
bandage n. 绷带
choke v. liquid v. mildly
injury n.



根据题目要求的每一个要点以及图画的内容列 出提纲:
1. 现在学生的视力都很差,几乎没有不戴眼镜 的。
2. 保护视力的具体做法:1)限制阅读时间,保 证充足的睡眠;2)阅读时要注意劳逸结合;3) 在明亮的光线下读书;4)坚持做眼保健操;5) 饮食要合理、健康。
3. 结构:先对需要说明的对象作总的概括 介绍,然后导入具体的说明,也就是在文 章开头提出需要说明的事物或观点,然后 加以列举说明,使文章表达清晰、条理清 楚、层次分明。一般可采用“总---分---总” 的形式,具体的说明可通过举例子、作比 较、列数字等。 4. 选好说明顺序。根据说明对象的不同可 采202用1/1/27时间、空间、逻辑- 等的说明顺序。 4
bleeding, we need stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound with a clean cloth. All the above done, we can stay with the person until the police and ambulance arrive.
to all, first aid in fires is of vital importance, so
we all should know something about it, which
may help us escape from fires. When trapped
in a fire, we shouldn't panic. Firstly, we should

人教版高中英语必修五:Unit5 Writing课件

人教版高中英语必修五:Unit5 Writing课件

一、写作分析 1.写作思路:这是一篇地点介绍类说明文。这类 说明文的写作内容通常包括:地理位置、面积、 人口、著名城市、与众不同之处等,有时还会涉 及这个地区的教育医疗等方面。写作前,我们可 根据题目提供的信息首先列出所需要的单词和短 语;然后把这些词语扩充成句子;最后根据所给 信息,使用适当的过渡词语把这些句子连成一篇 短文。 2.时态与人称分析:介绍一个国家的基本情况以 一般现在时为主;人称用第三人称。
Canada, situated in the north of North America, is the world’s second largest country with a total area of about 9.98 million square kilometers. Canada has a population of about 35 million, about 40% of which are of British descent while about 27% are of French descent. Canada’s capital is Ottawa and its largest city is Toronto, one of the world’s largest financial centers as well. Speaking of natural resources, Canada has rich mineral resources like coal, oil, natural gas and so on, and 1/3 of the world’s supply of fresh water. As a leader in the global economy and one of the wealthiest countries in the world, Canada provides free primary and secondary education as well as free medical care.

高中英语必修五 第五单元 教学课件 PPT(全)

高中英语必修五 第五单元   教学课件 PPT(全)

If the injuries are second degree or third degree burns, get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.
Fast reading
1. What will the passage be about? First aid for burns.
__3__ the three types of burns _5___ what to do if someone gets burned __1__ the purpose of skin _4___ the symptoms of burns
__2__ how we get burns
Read the text again and then find out how many parts there are and the main idea of each part:
What kind of first aid would you perform?
Place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes.
Take clothing off the burned area unless it is stuck to the burn.
the kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.
Why is first aid important?
The prompt care sometimes draws the line between life and death.



What must you do if you are badly burnt? Cool the area of skin at once .Wash the area of skin under the cold tap for several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn.
Say what you want the principal to do.
Say again why a first aid course would be a good thing to do.
Sign your names
Unit 5 Workbook Reading task
What things at home can be dangerous?
electrical equipment electric wires poisons ladders
knives hot water windows
Dear ___________, Our class has been studying a unit on first aid.
Write your principal’
s name
_I_t _h_a_s_b_e_en__v_e_ry__u_se_f_u_l _b_e_ca_u_s_e w_e_h_ave learnt about what to
smoke in bed.
In the bathroo m
I always
We shouldn’t
unplug the take an eleห้องสมุดไป่ตู้tric



Summary of first aid treatment
1.T_a_k__e_o__ff_ clothing and jewellery near the burns. 2. __C_o_o_l_ the burns with cool water. 3. P__la_c_e__ cool, clean wet cloths on the burns.
First Aid for Burns
What kind of first aid would you perform in this situation? Make a list of your ideas.
the wound and apply pressure to reduce the bleeding.
A. True
B. False
6. To treat a broken arm, you: A. move the broken bone in no time.
B. keep the arm still using a sling to support the broken arm
2. Finish the exercise on the paper.
2. Finish the exercise on page35
first aid
before a doctor can be found.
First Aid Quiz



3. To treat a burn, you: A. Rub(擦)some butter on it. B. Hold the burnt part under cold running water. C. Put salt on the burnt part.
4. You should wait at least five minutes before touching somebody who has been struck by lightening, or you might get a shock (打击).
ankle. C. Keep on walking and jumping.
2. If you get a nosebleed, gently let your head back to stop the bleeding.
A. True
B. False (It may lead the blood into the throat and easily cause choking.)
__•_h_o_t__l_i_q_u_i_d_s_,______________ __•_s_t_e_a__m_,___________________ __•_f_i_r_e_,_____________________ __•_r_a_d__ia__t_io_n__,_______________ __•_t_h_e___s_u_n_,____________________ __•_e_l_e_c_t_r_i_c_i_t_y__a__n_d__c_h__e_m__ic__a_ls__
A. True
B. False
5. Your friend has an asthma(哮喘) attack, but she doesn’t have her medicine. You’d better: A. Get a paper bag for her to breathe into. B. Get her a cup of coffee. C. Take her outside for fresh air. (caffeine咖啡因 can help to dilate扩大 the windpipe气管)

人教版英语必修五Unit5 说课课件 (共30张PPT)

人教版英语必修五Unit5 说课课件 (共30张PPT)
完形 填空 语言 知识 阅读表达
建议:学生完成prereading 后注意文章 标题和插图思考文章 大意。 对
同 一 内 容 的 不 同 处 理
三 说建议
紧密结合词汇, 语法,听力, 阅读等教学进 行 语音教学
三个听的活动培 养学生的各种技 巧和能力 鼓励学生发挥创造 力,口头抒发各自 的思想和感情
注重学习策略 和文化意识的 培养,组织和 安排听说读写 的活动
注重过程评价, 以激发学生学 习的积极性和 自信心,促进学 生发展
以话题为核心, 以结构和功能 项目为主线, 渗透情感态度 价值观的教育
编 写 意 图
积极开发教学配套 资源,使教材具有 弹性、 灵活性、 开放性和拓展性, 以便学生更好地发 挥潜力,发展个性
The basic procedures of making the news; newspapers and TV programmes
第 四 单 元
1. First aid 2. Heroic teenager receives award Giving instructions
Ellipsis 省略
1.观念的转变(教教材---用教材教) 2.思想性和人文性(u1u5) 3.语言真实文化多元(u2了解英国) 4.自主发展性(u3设计未来的生活) 5.灵活性和选择性(每单元都有学生自我评价) 6.趣味性(每单元都有趣味阅读)
教学 要求 和目 标
教学 建议
教师用书 教师用 教师用书 书 学生用 学生用书 书(SB) 练习册 (WB)



Second Reading:
1. What saved Anne’s life?
It was John’s quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved her life.
Cleft sentence(强调句型): It + be + … + that …
We would like to request that the school organize a first aid course. We think that a
first aid course at school (Say why you think iห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ is worthwhile to take a course in first aid.)
Second Reading:
2. What first aid did John perform on Anne?
asked a number of… , but …put their hands on any;
used …to treat…; slowed …by applying pressure to …
Storms gather without warning and bad luck befalls men overnight.
Discussion: You can hear a woman screaming.
You find her sitting on the ground, bleeding heavily from knife wounds. Would you help her? What do you do ?

人教版高中英语必修5教学课件:unit 5-4 Writing

人教版高中英语必修5教学课件:unit 5-4 Writing
注意:1.词数:100个左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
体裁 时态
记叙文 一般过去时 首段:总述 中段:具体介绍屠呦呦的经历及成就
话题 人称
人物简介 第三人称
1.完成句子 (1)1951年她被北京大学录取,1955年以优异的成绩毕业于北京医学院。 She___w_a_s__ad_m__it_t_ed__i_n_to___ Beijing University in 1951 and___g_ra_d_edical College in 1955 with excellent results. (2)毕业后她一直致力于中医的研究。 After graduation, she__d_e_v_o_t_e_d_a_ll_h_e_r__li_fe__to__ the research of Chinese medicine.
Unit 5
2.亮点句式 (1)She/He is such a learned/strongwilled person that we all admire her/him very much. (2)She/He studied at a local high school and graduated from Beijing University. (3)She/He set a good example to us. (4)She/He devoted all her/his life to the work. (5)She/He was highly thought of by many people.
5.2011年屠呦呦获得拉斯克奖,是世界上最受推崇的科学奖之一。2015 年,她获得了诺贝尔医学奖。她成为了首个获科学家类诺贝尔奖的中国科学 家。



1. The best way to treat a sprained ankle is to:
A. Put some ice on your ankle. B. Put a heating pad(垫子)around your
ankle. C. Keep on walking and jumping.
Read Part 2 and find out the causes of burns
You can get burnt by :
__1_._h_o__t _l_iq__u_i_d_s______________ __2_._s_t_e_a_m____________________ __3_._f_i_re______________________ __4_._r_a_d_i_a_t_i_o_n________________ __5_._t_h_e__s_u_n_____________________ __6_._e_l_e_c_t_r_ic__it_y__a_n_d__c_h__e_m__i_c_a_l_s__
Read the fifth paragraph and do the following exercises.
Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following? You can take off clothing if it doesn’t remain fixed on the burns; if it is necessary, you can use scissors.
a snake bite

高二英语必修五unit 5Grammar优秀课件

高二英语必修五unit 5Grammar优秀课件

P37 4. These sentences are correct. However, one or more words have been left out. Can you tell your partner which words are missing ? 1) The temple surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government. The temple (which is) surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government.
3) To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than expected. To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her first aid exam than (she was) expected (to do).
Now it’s your turn to find out what have been left out. 1. Haven’t seen you for ages. I haven’t seen you for ages. 2. Some more tea? Would you like some more tea? 3. Sounds like a good idea. That/It sounds like a good idea.
6. She could not decided whether to send him to hospital or not to send him to hospital . 7. When your nose is bleeding, you should bend forward so that the blood runs out of your nose and the blood doesn’t run down youryour throat. not down throat. 8. Only some of the students have done a first aid course but most of the students haven’t done a first aid course .
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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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注意: 1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连 贯; 2. 词数不少于100。
【参考范文】 First aid for accidents
If we happen to witness an accident, what should we do to save other people’s lives? Knowing how to respond properly can make a big difference. Here are some rules that we can follow.
3. 坚持以上做法,就会告别眼镜。
How to Protect Our Eyesight
Nowadays, when you enter any middle school classroom, you can hardly find any students without glasses on their noses, as we can see from the picture above. How to protect our eyesight has become an important lesson that every teenager should learn.
如何写指导性说明文 说明文是以说明为主要表达方式对 事物的状态、性质、功能等进行介绍, 或是阐明事理,给人提供知识的一种文 体。知识性、科学性是说明文的主要特 点。指导性说明文属于说明事理类文体, 它旨在为读者提供未知的知识和原
理,使读者阅读后对文章所写事物有所 了解,或掌握解决问题的方法,是一种 实用性很强的文体。
结尾常用表达: We can draw the conclusion that ... In short / In brief / In a word, ... It seems clear that ... We can know / learn that ...
1. 首先保持镇静;
2. 检查伤者呼吸情况,呼吸困难要实
3. 如伤者有出血情况要用布按压止 血,然后等候救护车及警察的帮助。
To begin with, students must set a limit on their reading time and guarantee enough sleep. Remember to take a break every now and then while reading. In addition, avoid r2e02a1/1d/27ing in the dim light-which will do harm to 9
【写作指导】 1. 时态:说明文的时态常用一般现在时。 2. 语言:语言要准确、简洁、周密。语 言风格可以生动活泼,也可以平实简明, 但必须以准确为前提。注意句子类型, 适当运用多样化的句子。
3. 结构:先对需要说明的对象作总的概括 介绍,然后导入具体的说明,也就是在文 章开头提出需要说明的事物或观点,然后 加以列举说明,使文章表达清晰、条理清 楚、层次分明。一般可采用“总---分---总” 的形式,具体的说明可通过举例子、作比 较、列数字等。 4. 选好说明顺序。根据说明对象的不同可 采202用1/1/27时间、空间、逻辑- 等的说明顺序。 4
First, we should stay calm. Next, we
can ask simple questions such as “Are
you OK?” to make the person’s
condition clear. Then, we need to check
根据题目要求的每一个要点以及图画的内容列 出提纲:
1. 现在学生的视力都很差,几乎没有不戴眼镜 的。
2. 保护视力的具体做法:1)限制阅读时间,保 证充足的睡眠;2)阅读时要注意劳逸结合;3) 在明亮的光线下读书;4)坚持做眼保健操;5) 饮食要合理、健康。
our eyes. What's more, it is also important to do eye exercises and have a healthy diet.
If we can do what has been mentioned above, we can protect our eyesight and say farewell to glasses.
the person’s breathing. If it is difficult
for him to breathe, we should try to start
his breathing right away with the mouth-
to-mouth method. Also, if a person is
【常用表达】 下列这些表达可以使你的说明更有条理: First, second, third, at last ... First, next, then, finally ... Firstly / First of all / To begin with, ... Secondly, .... Besides / In addition, ... Last but not least ...
bleeding, we need stop the bleeding by pressing on the wound with a clean cloth. All the above done, we can stay with the person until the police and ambulance arrive.