Windows Embedded Standard 7与Windows Embedded Standard 2009在组件化、工具和映像创建等方面的对比概述本文介绍了Windows Embedded Standard 2009和Windows Embedded Standard 7在组件化、工具和映像构建流程等方面的部分不同。
组件化对比本文将比较Windows Embedded Standard 2009和Windows Embedded Standard 7在以下方面的不同:•组件架构•功能集包•驱动程序包•语言包•组件依赖关系•宏组件与模板•SMI(Settings Management Infrastructure,设置管理架构)的设置与配置设置•嵌入式功能(EEFs)•客户化组件支持•组件架构Windows Embedded Standard 2009和Windows Embedded Standard 7具有相似的组件化概念,即将注册表信息、依赖关系和其他资源定义在一个统一的二进制文件集中,所有这些数据都作为一个集合安装在运行的映像中。
对于Windows Embedded Standard 2009而言,其组件的实现是从头开始的。
因为Windows Embedded Standard 2009从Windows XP Pro继承来的二进制文件并未进行组件化。
因此,Windows Embedded Standard 2009的组件无法与包括Windows Embedded Standard 7在内的新推出的操作系统兼容。
此外,这些组件只是用来导入到用于开发的Windows Embedded Standard 2009的组件数据库中,而无法导入到嵌入式设备中。
WES7 技术概述目录一、技术规范 (1)1.1操作系统开发工具 (1)1.2应用程序工具 (2)1.3中间件 (2)1.4开发工具规范 (2)1.5提供每个SKU系统元件(针对不同应用的三种License) (3)二、嵌入式设备定义 (3)三、Windows Embedded产品家族 (3)四、WES 7 技术概览 (6)五、WES7 新的嵌入式特性 (10)5.1EWF\FBWF (写过滤器): (10)5.2Register Filter (注册表过滤器): (12)5.3HORM (Hibernate Once Resume Many) (13)5.4USB\CD 引导启动 (13)5.5自定义的Shell和启动界面 (14)5.6消息框\对话框自动回复 (14)5.7DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) (15)5.8系统引导 (15)5.9Meida Center (15)5.10Direct Computer (16)六、相关参考资料 (17)WES7(Windows Embedded Standard 7)是微软在2010年5月13日发布的基于X86平台,Windows 7组件化的嵌入式操作系统,是一个基于 Windows 7 的非常可靠、高度安全且稳定的操作系统。
使用 Windows Embedded Standard 7,设备开发人员可以基于硬件、软件和应用程序集中精力开发与众不同的产品,而不是将精力放在平台开发上。
WES7除了具有Windows 7最新的功能外,还具有适用于嵌入式设备的嵌入式功能,例如EWF,FBWF,Dialog Filter,DISM,Register Filter等等。
本文将揭开WES7最新的技术特性和神秘面纱,让我们了解基于Windows 7的更加简单,更加强大的新一代微软嵌入式操作系统。
一、技术规范1.1操作系统开发工具Windows Embedded Standard 7 包含以下实用程序,可简化整个开发流程,使其更加顺畅:∙基于映像的向导 (IBW)一个基于向导的工具,允许快速制作映像原型,并提供在设备上安装自定义映像的最快捷方法。
Moxa MPC-2070 Windows Embedded Standard 7用户手册说明书
MPC-2070 Windows Embedded Standard 7User’s ManualEdition 1.0, July 2017/product© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.MPC-2070 Windows Embedded Standard 7User’s ManualThe software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance withthe terms of that agreement.Copyright Notice© 2017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.TrademarksThe MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.DisclaimerInformation in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa AmericasToll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: +1-714-528-6777 Fax: +1-714-528-6778Moxa China (Shanghai office) Toll-free: 800-820-5036Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505Moxa EuropeTel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99Moxa Asia-PacificTel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231Moxa IndiaTel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-1045Table of Contents1.Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1Software Components ......................................................................................................................... 1-2 2.System Initialization ......................................................................................................................... 2-1Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 2-2 Initializing User Settings .............................................................................................................. 2-2 3.Configuring the Serial Interface ........................................................................................................ 3-1Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3-2 Configuring Serial Interface Mode ......................................................................................................... 3-2 4.Enabling Embedded Filters ................................................................................................................ 4-1Enhanced Write Filter .......................................................................................................................... 4-2 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 4-2Enabling Enhanced Write Filter ...................................................................................................... 4-2 File-Based Write Filter ......................................................................................................................... 4-5 Overview .................................................................................................................................... 4-5Configuring File-Based Write Filters (FBWF) .................................................................................... 4-6 5.OSD ................................................................................................................................................... 5-1OSD .................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 6.Examples ........................................................................................................................................... 6-1Watchdog .......................................................................................................................................... 6-2 Enabling Watchdog Function ......................................................................................................... 6-2 Serial Interface................................................................................................................................... 6-2 DIO................................................................................................................................................... 6-4 7.System Recovery ............................................................................................................................... 7-1Recovery Environment ........................................................................................................................ 7-2 Recovery Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 7-2 Saving the System to the USB Drive ..................................................................................................... 7-91Introduction Thank you for buying Moxa’s MPC-2070 panel computer. The MPC-2070 comes with the Windows EmbeddedStandard 7 software platform, providing a simple and familiar development environment for various industrialapplications.Software ComponentsSoftware ComponentsThe software components of the Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7), which is pre-installed on the MPC-2070 computer, are listed in the following table:Windows Embedded Standard 7Core OS:• 64-bit support• Remote Client• Remote Procedure CallApplications and Services Development:• .Net Framework 3.5• Remote Desktop Protocol 7.1• COM OLE Application Support• COM+ Application Support• MSMQInternet Services:• Internet Explorer 8.0• IIS 7.0File Systems and Data Store:• Windows Data Access Components• Windows Backup and RestoreDiagnostics:• Common Diagnostic Tools• Problem Reports and SolutionsGraphics and Multimedia:• MPEG DTV-DVD Audio Decoder (MPEG-2, AAC)• MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codecs(MP3)• MPEG4 Decoders• Windows Media Video VC-1 (WMV) Codecs• DirectX and Windows Device Experience• Photo Viewer• Remote media streaming• Windows Media PlayerManagement:• Group Policy Management• Windows Management Instrument (WMI)• Windows UpdateNetworking:• Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)• Internet Authentication Service• Telnet Server• Bluetooth• Domain Services• Network Access Protection• Network and Sharing Center• Quality of Service• Remote Access Service (RAS)• Telephony API Client• Windows Firewall• Wireless NetworkingSecurity:• Credential Roaming Service• Credentials and Certificate Management• Windows Authorization Manager (AZMAN)• Windows Security Center• Active Directory Rights Management• Security Base• Encrypted File System (EFS)Embedded Features:• Enhanced Write Filter (EWF)• File-Based Write Filter (FBWF)• Message Box Default Reply• Registry Filter• WSDAPI for .NETEmbedded Self-Health Diagnostic Software:• SNMP-based remote scripting layer for monitoring, reporting, and control2System Initialization This chapter describes how to initialize the system settings on the MPC-2070 computer when you boot up thecomputer for the first time.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒OverviewInitializing User SettingsOverviewA setup wizard will guide you through the system initialization process when you boot up the MPC-2070computer for the first time.Initializing User Settings1.In the Set Up Window, enter a user name for this computer and click Next.2.Type a password and retype the password to confirm it.In addition, you can also specify a password hint that the system should display in case you forget yourpassword.If you do not want to set a password, leave it blank and click Next.3.Select a windows update method.4.Select your computer’s current location. Windows will automatically apply the correct network settingsbased on the network’s location.5.Start using the MPC-2070 embedded computer.3 Configuring the Serial InterfaceThis chapter describes how to configure the serial interface on the MPC-2070 computer.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Overview❒Configuring Serial Interface ModeMPC-2070 Series Configuring Serial InterfaceOverviewThe MPC-2070 supports the serial modes RS232, RS485-2-wire, and RS422/RS485-4-wire. These modes can be configured as COM1 and COM2.Configuring Serial Interface ModeFollow these steps to change the serial interface mode.1.From the Start menu, Click All apps >Moxa >mxSetSerialInterface.2.Select the port for which you want to set the mode.3.Select the mode that you want to set for the selected port.4.Click OK.4Enabling Embedded FiltersThis chapter describes how to enable and operate the embedded filters on the MPC-2070 computer.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Error! Reference source not found.❒Error! Reference source not found.Enhanced Write FilterOverviewEnhanced Write Filter (EWF) provides a means for protecting a volume from writes. This allows the operating system (OS) to boot from write-protected hard disks. Data written to a EWF-protected volume (the Hard disk in the following figure) is redirected to an overlay (EWF Volume in the following figure). Because the EWFprevents direct writes to the hard disk, it can protect the hard disk from sudden power cut. The data is cached in the overlay and made available as part of the volume. This gives the appearance that the volume is writeable.The overlay is an independent storage location, which exists in random access memory (RAM). If desired, the data stored in the overlay may be committed to the protected volume. Refer to the following figure for theoverview of the EWF structure.Enabling Enhanced Write FilterFollow these steps to enable the Enhanced Write Filter (EWF):1.Open the EWF by right-clicking on a lock icon in the system tray.2.In the Volume information table, select the volume and click Configure .3.Select Enable in the Pending command field.4.Reboot the system.5.After the system has rebooted, check to confirm that the EWF icon has changed to a locked state (asshown below)6.Right-click on the icon to open the EWF configuration window and click Configure.7.Select a volume and a Pending Command as per your requirement8.Click OK or Apply.File-Based Write FilterOverviewAccording to Microsoft:File-Based Write Filter (FBWF) allows the Windows Embedded platform to maintain the appearanceof read and write access on write-sensitive or read-only storage. FBWF makes read and write accesstransparent to applications.Writing to storage media may be undesirable or impossible in embedded devices. FBWF redirects allwrites targeted for protected volumes to a RAM cache called an overlay. Used in this context, anoverlay is similar to a transparency overlay on an overhead projector. Any change made to theoverlay affects the picture as seen in the aggregate, but if the overlay is removed, the underlyingpicture remains unchanged.FBWF provides the advanced feature than EWF to let user specify the directory to write the data to disk drive directly, in our default setting, the default directory is under c:\temp, which means you can read/write the data into disk without commit action.Configuring File-Based Write Filters (FBWF) To enable FBWF, do the following:1.Right-click on the lock icon in the system tray.2.Click Configure.3. In the Configuration tab, check the Filter state enabled and Cache pre-allocation enabled boxes.Select the volume C:, click Protect and then click Apply.4. Reboot the system5. After the system has rebooted, right-click on the lock icon in the system tray.6.Click Configure7.Open the Exclusion List tab and click on the browse button8.Select the file (for example, wscript.exe) that you want to exclude from the protection list.9.Click the + button to add the file path to the list.10.Confirm that the file path has been added to the exclusion list.11.Open the Cache Content tab12.Select the file that you want to save to the physical disk and click Commit.13.Reboot system for the settings to take effect.5OSD This chapter describes how to use OSD utility on the MPC-2070 computer. This utility will display a barindicating the brightness of the screen when you press the display buttons.The following topics are covered in this chapter:OSDMPC-2070 Series Enabling Embedded FiltersOSDThe MPC-2070 computer provides an OSD utility for displaying the brightness bar on the screen.The executable for the OSD utility is available at:<Software DVD>\driver\MPC-2070-W7E_V1.0_Driver_Perpheral folderTo install and use the OSD utility:1.Run the OSD utility executable file.2.After completing the installation process, reboot the MPC-2070 computer.3.Press the display buttons to changes the brightness.A bar indicating the brightness level is displayed on the screen.6Examples This chapter describes how to use the example programs provided in the <Software DVD>\Example\ folderto enable the watchdog function, monitor and control the UARL (serial) interface, and monitor and control the DIO states in the MPC-2070 computer.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒WatchdogEnabling Watchdog Function❒Serial Interface❒DIOWatchdogThe Watchdog script is available at: <Software DVD>\Example\Watchdog.Enabling Watchdog FunctionFollow the steps below to enable and test the watchdog function in your MPC-2070 computer:1.Create a folder C:\programs\example folder and copy the following files from the software DVD to thefolder:mxdwg.dll: <Software DVD>\example\3.Library\x64\mxdwg\mxGeneralIo.dll: <Software DVD>\example\3.Library\x64\MxGeneralIo\Watchdog.exe: <Software DVD>\example\x64\Release\Watchdog\2.Run Watchdog.exe.You must press the Enter key every 10 seconds to prevent the system from rebooting.3.To stop the watchdog function, press q to exit the program.Serial InterfaceThe serial interface script is available at: <Software DVD>\Example\UartMode.This script reports on the status and controls the UART mode.Create a folder C:\programs\example folder and copy the following files from the software DVD to thefolder:mxsp.dll: <Software DVD>\example\3.Library\x64\mxspmxGeneralIo.dll: \example\3.Library\x64\MxGeneralIo\UartMode.exe: <Software DVD>\example\x64\Release\UartMode1.Run UartMode.exe.2.To set the serial interface, type 2 and follow the on-screen instructions.3.To display the current serial interface settings, type 1.DIOThe DIO script is available at: <Software DVD>\Example\DIO.This script reports on the status and controls the DIO states, switching them between high and low states.Create a folder C:\programs\example folder and copy the following files from the product software DVD.mxgpio.dll: <Software DVD>\example\3.Library\x64\mxgpiomxGeneralIo.dll: <Software DVD>\example\3.Library\x64\MxGeneralIo\DIO.exe: <Software DVD>\example\x64\Release\DIO1.Run DIO.exe.2.To display the current status of the DIOs, type 2 and follow the on-screen instructions.3.To set a digital input value, Type 1 and follow the on-screen instructions. Enter the target port and value.4.After you have successfully set a digital output, type 2 to check the DIO status.5.Type 3 to execute the test program. Enter the number of test (example, 100). After the test program runs,a report is generated as shown in the following screen (100 times * 4 ports).7System Recovery The MPC-2070 ready-to-run embedded computers are a Windows Embedded Standard 7 software platform.This chapter describes the recovery process in the event of system instability.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Recovery Environment❒Recovery Procedure❒Saving the System to the USB DriveRecovery EnvironmentThe environment includes a MPC-2070 panel computer and a bootable USB disk with the recovery programs and system image file.The hardware used includes a PC, a MPC-2070 computer, and a USB disk with the recovery programs.NOTEThe USB disk should be at least 5GB.Recovery ProcedureStep 1: Prepare your USB drive1. Execute tuxboot-windows-23.exe from the <Software DVD>\recovery , then select Pre Download ,and then click “…”.USB Disk(Recovery data included)MPC-2070 USB Ports2.Select the ISO file from <Software DVD>\recovery3.Select USB Drive type, select a Drive, and then click OK to continue.4.The boot files will be copied to your USB drive.5.When finished, click Exit to stop the program.6.Manually copy the os_image directory from the <Software DVD>\recovery folder to \home\partimag\on the USB drive.Step 2: Change the BIOS SettingsYou will need to change the BIOS settings to boot from the USB disk.1.Turn on the computer and press F2 when you hear the beep sound to enter the BIOS setup menu. Selectthe Boot tab and then select the Boot Type option. Change the value to “Daul Boot Type”.2.When you insert the USB device which has the recovery image, the Boot Order Priority will create Legacy– Boot Device Priority and EFI – Boot Device Priority options. Enter the Legacy – Boot Device Priority option and then press “+” to move the USB device to the first boot device position.Step 3: Restore the system from the USB driveConnect the USB disk to any of the MPC-2070’s USB ports and then reboot the computer. The system will boot from the USB disk and the Pre-installation Environment. After this the recovery utility will appear.1.Select clonezilla live restore disk.2.Wait for the USB drive boot process to finish.3.Wait for the process to finish.4.Select (0) Poweroff to power off the computer.5.Remove the USB drive after the computer has been powered off.Step 4: Change the BIOS Settings to Boot from the Original DiskNow you will need to change the boot priority so that it can boot from the original disk. As the system reboots, press F2 to enter the BIOS setup menu then select the Boot tab.1.Enter the Legacy – Boot Device Priority option and then press “+” to move the original disk to the firstboot device position. Make sure the hard disk has first boot priority.2.Press F10 and then press Enter to save settings and exit BIOS settings.Step 5: Reboot the ComputerYou need to wait about 10 to 15 minutes for the system to restart two times automatically, since the system configuration files will be initiated while booting up for the first time. Do not turn off the computer or shut down the computer while the system is restarting; otherwise, the IIS service will be terminated. When the operating system has successfully launched, you will need to restart your computer so that the new settings can be activated.Saving the System to the USB DriveYou may also save the current system to the USB drive for system recovery in case the system crashes. Before saving the system to the USB drive, we suggest you remove all files under \home\partimag\ on the USB drive. In addition, change the BIOS settings to make the USB drive the first boot priority.When the system has been launched, take the following steps.1.Select clonezilla live save disk.2.Enter y to continue.3.Wait for the process to finish.4.Select (0) Poweroff so that the computer will power off when the process has finished.。
微软推出Windows Embedded Standard 7 RTM版
电视 等 在 内 的服 务 提 供 商来 说 , 机顶 盒 和包含 了Wid w d e tr 其他 n o sMe i C ne的 a 消 费类 娱 乐 设备 为其 提供 了直 接 面 向消 费者 的、 更 多 的视 频 内容 、增 值 服务 和 应 用 的 机 会 , 以帮 助 服务 提 供 商 开创 新 的收 入 来源 。此 外 , 服务觉 自己还是 应该把 一
■ L, 方近库 于文现 融x研 和uP 程中( 何事。 作行验 面业术 某版在 软十r 》集e 伟大, .群供 者年指 的有l 互着 工的 件管员 第文编 平型究 联软 业理 开档 三集 。较 简群 作维 版长 P件 网护 和员 发管 o理 。开 s及 公数 互经 人发 译者 介的 以 t据 g历 司导 联职 员金 者技 r及 e : - 网 。 , S Q 从 等 有 i n
目的辉煌。没有对错 ,留给我们 的是极为丰富的经验,Ln s 发 明 轮 子 的 道 路 上 越 行 越 远 , 却 兴 致 勃 勃 。 不 能 不 令 人 扼 iu 站在了T n n a m肩膀上,而我们站在 了Ln s ae b u iu 的肩膀上 。可 腕。在这个大讨论里,正反双方最后几乎异 E同声地说 出了 l 能看完这篇对 比之后 ,大 多数 同学 的反应都会是 :该干吗干 “ 实现相关”的结论,貌似 这个争论已经可以画上句号 了。
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范畴导 致的学术 资源 不合理 配置,相信也是各位 大大争论 的 个东 西用到极致 ,结合新 的工具来站 的更高 ,而不是盲 目放
缘 由。这个争论让人想起十几年 前T n n a m老头和Ln s 弃 。所 以尽管 自 己经 常被冠 以 “ ae bu iu 手拿锤 子 ,满 世界都是 钉
使用Windows Embedded Standard 7代替windows 7
1. WES7 安装源文件可从微软官方网站下载180天(本文后面会讲到如何激活)评估版/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=118872. 中文语言包从微软网站下载语言包文件(注意只下载SP1\Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack即可)32位:/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=2621564位:/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26216建议在安装时使用微软官方的密钥(GJVTR-C4WQ6-BKRH3-DRFFH-J83DM),可以有180天的试用期,通过重置设置,可以使用长达N年。
3. 一个4G以上容量的U盘,用来制作可启动的WES7引导盘,如果使用虚拟机,可不必使用。
我掌握在windows 7 PE下从硬盘安装WES7,竟然无法定制组件,没找到解决办法。
将下载的文件解压缩得到一个2.9G左中的ISO文件,将这个文件用ultraISO刻录到U盘中(将ISO刻录到U盘中用来生成U盘引导功能)安装WES7的主要流程是:1. 安装系统时选择组件2. 安装完成之后,再安装中文包3. 调整区域选项如果本文的图片丢失或有疑惑,可向笔者发送电子邮件索取或讨论 zhangxugg#下面我们逐个介绍这几个重要步骤一、系统安装1. 启动安装使用刻录的U盘或光盘启动计算机,引导到如下界面选择 Build an Image, 表示我们将在本机上安装一个windows系统。
接下来让我们选择安装模板,WES7已经内容了一些安装模板,用于简化我们的工作,对一般的PC日常应用而言,建议选择Internet Explorer, windows media player,remote desktop。
Windows Embedded Standard 7安装教程
选Build an Image开始安装2选模板Thin Client区域选择,也可以以后改注意,在下面Modify Features打钩,手动添加部分组件包推荐组件包1:简体中文字体,避免乱码推荐组件包2:国际语言包支持,以后可以在控制面板添加语言包推荐组件包3:Windows Defender。
不装这个也可以,但是以后windows会提醒你打开windows defender。
推荐组件包4:windows search。
其他组件包可以自己选,选完之后点Resolve Dependencies,会自动选上依赖包好了,下面是大家关心的序列号(1)永久激活(必须在OOBE阶段):在第一次提示输入序列号的时候,使用XGY72-BRBBT-FF8MH-2GG8H-W7KCW(2)Dreamspark一年试用版,可以rearm 5次(即可用6年),登陆界面会显示Evaluation Copy,其他几乎一样:在第一次提示输入序列号的时候,使用TJHCC-9DKQT-RB9PJ-YCQPV-3KDJG其他安装,看个人需要驱动安装IE9安装Windows Update如果需要中文语言包,可以在64bit语言包页面,找Chinese(Simplified)/download/en/details.aspx?id=26216下载下来的,放到C盘根目录,在管理员权限的cmd窗口,运行下面命令并且重启:Dism /Online /Add-Package /PackagePath:C:\lp.cab8、WES7 控制面板推荐设置:(1)System -- System -- 虚拟内存,参考后面-- Power Options -- 关闭休眠,建议用命令行:以管理员身份运行cmd,然后运行powercfg -h off (2)Network -- IE Options: 主页/ 默认浏览器提醒-- Advanced sharing settings -- Turn on network discovery(3)Hardware -- Mouse: 鼠标加速度-- NVIDIA: 垂直同步(4)User Account -- Change Picture 更改用户头像(5)Appearance -- Personalization -- Aero主题-- Taskbar & SM -- Notification Area / Highlight New Programs(6)Regional -- Keyboard: 只留下CH美国键盘,其他删掉-- Administrative -- Copy Settings 让登陆界面和其他用户使用相同的设置WES7 对于SSD的优化:0) 如果你的主板是Intel芯片组,理论上可以骗过系统开启AHCI。
Windows Embedded Standard 7使用指南
武汉华马科技有限公司Windows Embedded Standard 7使用指南第一章概述1.1Windows Embedded Standard 7概述Windows Embedded Standard 7 以组件化形式提供Windows 7 操作系统的功能、熟悉度和稳定性,能开发人员创建运行成千上万种现有Windows 应用程序和驱动程序的高级商务设备和消费类设备。
使用适合现有客户基础结构的坚实平台,在Windows Embedded Standard 7 中释放Windows 7 技术的强大功能。
技术参数:处理器体系结构支持多处理器体系结构:- x86- x64工具改进的开发人员体验,可满足整个开发周期的要求:- 使用映像构建器向导(IBW) 的向导体验,可快速建立原型- 使用映像配置编辑器(ICE) 的高级配置最新的桌面技术创新- Internet Explorer 8- Windows Media Player 12- 远程桌面协议7- Silverlight 3- .net Framework 3.5 SP1适当级别的组件化适用于构建专用设备的粒度级别:- 150 多个基于Windows 7 的最新创新的直观功能包- 用于满足嵌入式特定要求的嵌入式功能,例如增强型写入筛选器、基于文件的写入筛选器、注册表筛选器、休眠一次恢复多次(HORM)、USB 启动、对话框筛选器和自定义外壳程序- 450 多个用于实现与不断增长的设备硬件和外设集的兼容性的驱动程序集应用程序兼容性用于Windows 7 的应用程序和驱动程序可以在Windows Embedded Standard 7 上运行,而无需困难、昂贵且耗时的端口设定工作企业连接性和可管理性- 支持Active Directory、域加入、组策略、网络访问保护和IPv6,以实现连接性- 通过Windows Server、System Center Configuration Manager、System Center Operations Manager 和Windows Server Update Services 实现可管理性丰富的沉浸式用户体验通过Windows Aero 和Windows 触控,提供丰富的交互式用户体验。
使⽤WindowsEmbeddedStandard7代替windows71. WES7 安装源⽂件可从微软官⽅⽹站下载180天(本⽂后⾯会讲到如何激活)评估版/doc/36126c9d76a20029bd642de7.html /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=118872. 中⽂语⾔包从微软⽹站下载语⾔包⽂件(注意只下载SP1\Chinese (Simplified) Language Pack即可)32位:/doc/36126c9d76a20029bd642de7.html /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=2621564位:/doc/36126c9d76a20029bd642de7.html /en-us/download/details.aspx?id=26216建议在安装时使⽤微软官⽅的密钥(GJVTR-C4WQ6-BKRH3-DRFFH-J83DM),可以有180天的试⽤期,通过重置设置,可以使⽤长达N年。
3. ⼀个4G以上容量的U盘,⽤来制作可启动的WES7引导盘,如果使⽤虚拟机,可不必使⽤。
我掌握在windows 7 PE下从硬盘安装WES7,竟然⽆法定制组件,没找到解决办法。
将下载的⽂件解压缩得到⼀个2.9G左中的ISO⽂件,将这个⽂件⽤ultraISO刻录到U盘中(将ISO刻录到U盘中⽤来⽣成U盘引导功能)安装WES7的主要流程是:1. 安装系统时选择组件2. 安装完成之后,再安装中⽂包3. 调整区域选项如果本⽂的图⽚丢失或有疑惑,可向笔者发送电⼦邮件索取或讨论zhangxugg#/doc/36126c9d76a20029bd642de7.html下⾯我们逐个介绍这⼏个重要步骤⼀、系统安装1. 启动安装使⽤刻录的U盘或光盘启动计算机,引导到如下界⾯选择 Build an Image, 表⽰我们将在本机上安装⼀个windows系统。
微软发布Windows Embedded Standard 7,为专用设备带来机遇
可根 据需要定制硬件 的特性最大程 度地 实现 模 式 ,可以上 网娱 乐。这款 及其为金 融行业定制 , 满足 了 概 念上来看 ,
其需要在 内外网切换 的要求 。 。
了节能环保 。圆
L … ∽m … … ∞
这一平 台采 用了最 新 的 Wid w n o s创新技 术 ,可 以提 用方 法 。
供丰富、逼 真的用户体验 ,包括有 Wi o o c n wsT u h功能的 d 多点触控 界面和场 景感知应 用等 ,还有智能 电源管理 AP I ( 用程序界面 ) 以开发 “ 色”的解决方 案。其 中的 应 ,可 绿 Wi o sMe i C ne 功能可 以支持 消费者 将包 括互 联 n w da e tr d 网和广播 电视 、社 交媒体 门户网站 ,以及包含 了像册 、音
包括 面向企业用户 的瘦 客户机 、数字标牌 和工业控制 ,以 行终端服务机 。 该产 品基于 Wi o s t d r 7 n w a adБайду номын сангаас技术开发 , d S n 及面 向消 费者 的机 顶盒 ( T 、互联 媒体 设备 ( S B) CMD)
以及 电视等。
20 0 9年底 已经在建行的几千家 网点摆放使用 。它主要是以 多点触控的方式 ,通过模 拟实景 向用户介绍手机银行 的使
基于 Wid ws n o 7的操作系统 ,与 Wid w n o s7操作系统具有 与者 ,北京思创银联 科技有限公 司多年来一直致 力于为 中 同样 强大的功能 、熟悉 的用户界面和可 靠的服务 ,并且具 国的银行业客 户提供各种智能化 的解决方案 。思 创银联公
有高度 的定制性和组件 化。它的应用对象 是那些专用设备 司总经理于晓军 向大家介绍 了他们 最近推 出的一款 手机银
Windows Embedded Standard 7 应用程序依赖分析说明书
Using Application Dependency Analysis to Enable Your Application on Windows Embedded Standard 7White PaperPublished April 2010Revised March 2012For the latest information, please see Table of ContentsUsing Application Dependency Analysis to Enable Your Application on Windows Embedded Standard 7 (1)Overview (3)Creating a Target Image (3)Reference Platform for Dependency Analysis (3)Understanding Application Dependencies (3)Types of Dependencies (4)Capturing the Dependencies (4)Using Package Mapper (5)Trimming the Answer File (6)Creating a Windows Embedded Standard 7 Image (6)Summary (7)Appendix A – Procmon (8)Introduction to Procmon (8)Specifying a Backing File (8)Process Tree Feature (8)Appendix B – Package Mapper (11)Introduction to Package Mapper (11)Prerequisites (11)Input Configuration File (12)Orphan Files (12)Files Mapped to Multiple Packages (12)Output Files (12)Additional Resources (13)OverviewThe design goal for an embedded system is typically very different from the design goal of a fully functional, general-purpose system. A general-purpose system with a full complement of features enables its users to enjoy the most free form, creative experience possible, and also to utilize the capabilities of its hardware platform to the fullest. An embedded system, by contrast, strives to lock down the functionality to enable only the function of the embedded application. Windows Embedded Standard 7 has achieved this goal, and it thus requires embedded systems developers to know the techniques and tools to determine the exact dependencies of the embedded application for inclusion in the operating system image. The purpose of this white paper is to educate the reader about those techniques and tools.Creating a Target ImageTo create a Target image, follow these three steps:1.Identify the dependencies of your Target applications with Process Monitor, a WindowsSysinternals tool.2.Feed the output of Step 1 to Package Mapper (a Windows Embedded Standard 7 application) tocreate a Windows Embedded Standard 7 Answer file.3.Create an embedded image with the Windows Embedded Standard 7 Answer file.Reference Platform for Dependency AnalysisIt is recommended to have one of the following operating systems for dependency analysis:∙Windows 7.∙Maxboot Image of Windows Embedded Standard 7 (Windows Embedded Standard 7 image with all of the packages included).It is always good to have a clean reference platform with an absolute minimum of applications and services running. This helps ensure that fewer events occur during dependency analysis. To keep the reference platform clean during dependency analysis, follow these suggestions:1.Do not install any extra applications.2.Do not enable Windows Update.3.Disable Prefetching.Understanding Application DependenciesEach application has a list of implicit dependencies that are mandatory for launching an application successfully.In addition to implicit dependencies, each application can have runtime dependencies that are loaded on demand. These are loaded only when a particular functionality within an application is exercised. Procmon (a Sysinternals application) is capable of capturing both of these dependencies together.Types of DependenciesFor each application, two types of dependencies must be identified:1.Installer dependencies, which are required for an application to be installed successfully (if theapplication has an installer).2. Application dependencies, which are needed for an application to run successfully.Capturing the Dependenciesunch Procmon (refer to Appendix A).2.Configure the settings (refer to Appendix A).3.Reset the events that are captured already (Edit->Clear Display).4.Enable Capture Events (File->Capture Events).5.To capture the Installer dependencies, launch the installer and install the Target application. Tocapture the Applications dependencies, launch the application and run through the list of test cases, exercising all of the functionalities that the application should satisfy (Procmon captures all of the events that happen during this activity).6.Disable Capture Events, as we are not interested in any further events.unch Process Tree in Procmon (Tools->Process Tree).8.Identify the Process IDs corresponding to the application (refer to Appendix A).9.There are two types of events that are important in this situation:a.Load Image activity, which gives the list of binaries loaded in the Target applicationaddress space.b.File Read activity, which provides the list of files read by the Target application.The steps that follow illustrate how these dependencies can be extracted by setting the rightfilters.Figure 1- Process Monitor Filter.unch Filter dialog (Filter->Filter…). Click the Reset button to reset any filters that are currentlyin effect. After clicking Reset, there will be still some entries in the Filter list. These excludesystem activity and Procmon’s own activity. It is permissible to have these events). Now addthe following filters:a.Add Include Filters for the Process IDs identified in Step 8.b.Add Include Filter for the Operation Load Image.c.Add Include Filter for the Result Success.unch Tools->Count Occurrences. Choose Path from the combo box adjacent to the label“Column” (see Figure 2 below) and click the Count Button. Click the Save button to save theoutput.Figure 2- Process Monitor Count Occurrences Dialog.unch Filter dialog (Filter->Filter…). Change the following filters:a.Remove the Include Filter for Operation Load Image (this Filter was added in Step 10).b.Add Include Filter for the Operation ReadFile.unch Tools->Count Occurrences. Choose Path from the combo box adjacent to the label“Column” and click on the button “Count”. Click on the “Save” button to save the output.14.Building an OS image in Windows Embedded Standard 7 involves identifying a set of packages.Each package encapsulates an OS feature and contains all of the binaries that contribute to that feature. After identifying the set of binaries from the steps above, the binaries must be mapped to the packages with Package Mapper.Using Package MapperPackage Mapper is a Windows application located in the Value-Add Folder in the media. Refer to Appendix B for more details on Package Mapper.Package Mapper application maps binary files to packages. Package Mapper is also capable of processing the Procmon Output file.To use the Procmon Output file with Package Mapper, follow these two steps:1.Open the Procmon Output file (captured in the previous section) in Excel and delete the Countcolumn. Also delete the header line in the first column.2.Feed this file as input to Package Mapper (refer to the Package Mapper manual for the inputparameters).The output of Package Mapper is a Windows Embedded Standard 7 Answer file, which lists the packages that are necessary for the Target application to run successfully on an Embedded OS.Package Mapper accepts any number of Input files; it can also be used to pass in both of the Output files (Installer dependencies and Application dependencies). The output of Package Mapper is a Windows Embedded Standard Answer file that will support the entire Target application.Package Mapper also outputs a Mapping file. This file lists the packages in the Answer file and the binary files that are contained in those packages.Trimming the Answer File1.Open the Answer file in Image Configuration Editor and review the packages in Answer file.2.Open the Mapping file (one of the Output files of Package Mapper) to see why each package hasbeen brought in. If there are very few binary dependencies for any package, it is worthwhile to investigate to see if the package can be removed. If a package looks totally irrelevant,investigate to see if it can be removed.3.Make a careful judgment whether or not this package can be removed by understanding thefunctionality provided by the package in Windows Embedded Standard 7. If you decide toremove the package, you can do so safely within Image Configuration Editor.4.Resolve the required package dependencies within Image Configuration Editor and save the finalAnswer file.Creating a Windows Embedded Standard 7 Imageunch Windows Embedded Standard 7 Setup.2.Choose “Build an Image” in the first screen and continue through the Wizard.3.In the Wizard step “Choose How to create your Image,” click “Use a Template” then browse tothe path that contains your Answer file. Continue through the Wizard.4.In the Wizard step “Summary of Drivers and Features”check “Modify Drivers” and “ModifyFeatures.” Continue through the Wizard.5.In the Wizard step “Find and Select Device D rivers,” choose “Automatically Detect Devices.” Ifyou have a PMQ file, choose the second Option. Continue through the Wizard.6.In the Wizard step “Select the P ackages to Include in Your Image,” uncheck “Resolve OptionalDependencies.” Review the packages on this screen. Add/Remove packages as needed. Click“Resolve” to resolve the dependencies. Continue through the Wizard.SummaryYou have now successfully created a Windows Embedded Standard 7 image that should support all of the Target applications. Install the Target application and run through all of its test cases to ensure that it is running 100% successfully on the new Windows Embedded Standard 7 image.Appendix A – ProcmonIntroduction to ProcmonProcmon is a Sysinternals tool that monitors file system activity, network activity, registry activity and process and thread activity. You can download and learn more about Procmon here.Specifying a Backing FileBy default, Procmon saves the Capture data in the Paging file. In Windows Embedded Standard 7, the Page file is disabled by default. This means that Procmon would continue to consume the system RAM for events tracing and would gradually slow down the system. Using a Backing file improves performance. Backing files can be specified as follows:unch File->Backing Files.Figure 3- Process Monitor Backing File specification.2.Click on the Radio button “Use File Named” and specify a B acking file on a drive that hassufficient space.There is also an option to provide a Backing file while launching Procmon from the Command line. The syntax is as follows:Command:Procmon.exe /BackingFile “c:\backFile.pml”Process Tree FeatureEach application has a list of binary dependencies. In addition, there may be dependencies between applications. An application might, for example, create a Child Process and depend on it. An applicationcan also depend on some Windows Services. It is essential to identify these inter-process dependencies, and the Process Tree can be very helpful in doing so.By using Process Tree, for instance, you can easily identify the Child Process that your application is creating.Figure 4- Process Tree feature.The Process Tree has six features that are helpful for analysis:1.List of all processes running at the time an event is captured. The Process Tree helps in easilyidentifying an application's Parent Process and Child Process.2.Full Path of the Executable file for each process in the Tree.mand line parameter of each process.4.Start Time and End Time of all processes.5.Life Time graph (third column in the figure above).6.Process ID of each process.The following steps help to identify the list of dependencies of these processes:1.Any Child Process that is created by the Target application is a dependency.2.Any process that is running from the application installation directory/sub-directory is adependency.3.Any process that is created after the Target application is created is a good candidate for being adependency. Look for its Command-line parameters to see if this process might be adependency. The Life Time column has a graph to easily identify the list of processes that is created after the creation of the Target application.Appendix B – Package MapperIntroduction to Package MapperPackage Mapper is a Windows Embedded Standard 7 application that helps to map binaries to packages. The output of Package Mapper is a Windows Embedded Standard 7 Answer file. You can find the most recent version of Package Mapper and the manual on the Application Compatibility Web site here. Prerequisites∙.NET 3.5 Framework is a requirement for this application to work.∙ICE (Image Configuration Editor) should be installed.∙Register the COM DLL EmbeddedDSI.dll present in the ICE installation folder(regsvr32 EmbeddedDSI.dll).Figure 5- Package Mapper.Input Configuration FilePackage Mapper application takes a Configuration file as input. A sample Configuration file is listed below:This Configuration file has three types of entries:∙[InputFile] — Full path to the input CSV/TXT file. The CSV/TXT file has only one column, which isa list of binary names. The file names can be absolute/relative. If you have multiple CSV Files,you can specify one [InputFile] entry for each.∙[DSPath] – Full path to the Distribution Share. This can be 32-bit or a 64-bit Distribution Share.∙[ICEPath] – Full path to the ICE (Image Configuration Editor) installation path.Orphan FilesThe Orphan files section contains binaries that are not OS binaries. Only OS binaries are encapsulated inside packages. Orphan files might contain binaries installed from some out-of-box applications. Review the list to identify the out-of-box application that must be installed.Files Mapped to Multiple PackagesThere are some files that are found in more than one package. Review this list and resolve the packages to be included in the Answer file. It is optional to resolve the packages. You can still continue to save the Answer file without resolving some/all of the entries in this list.Output FilesPackage Mapper has two Output files:1.Windows Embedded Standard 7 Answer file. This file contains a list of packages thatencapsulates the binaries specified in the Input files.2.Mapping file. This file lists the packages in the Answer file and the Binary files that arecontained in each package.Additional ResourcesMicrosoft Windows Embedded Web site:/windowsembeddedThe information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication.This white paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THISDOCUMENT.Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation.Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.© 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows Server, Windows Vista, Excel, Groove, InfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Visual Studio Windows, Fluent, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.。
微科普WindowsEmbeddedStandard7(WES7)知多少?Windows7大家都很熟悉,那么WES7又是什么呢?WES7(Windows Embedded Standard 7)是微软在2010年5月13日发布的基于X86平台的组件化的Windows 7嵌入式操作系统。
在工控行业工控机系统除了常用的Windows7以外,还有一种定制系统Windows Embedded Standard 7(以下简称WES7)也比较常用,今天我们来简单聊一聊WES7。
WES7除了具有Windows 7最新的功能外,还具有•适用于嵌入式设备功能,例如EWF,FBWF,Dialog Filter,DISM,Register Filter等等;•兼容微软所有的服务器技术、数据库技术及开发技术;•使设备更加高效稳定,减少维护工作量。
除了以上基本功能以外,WES7相对Windows7标准系统具有更多优点:EWF/FBWF技术(写过滤器)•构建可靠的操作系统••保护目标磁盘避免误写入操作•降低存储介质损耗•在异常掉电的状态下保护磁盘和系统文件•快速启动HORM 技术与EWF/FBWF技术相结合,支持断电、关机、重启下的休眠启动。
Register Filter (注册表过滤器)防止注册表被恶意修改,安全保护系统稳定运行。
USB/CD 引导启动支持Windows从可移动磁盘启动。
Windows Embedded Standard 7简介与截图
Windows Embedded Standard 7简介与截图什么是WES 7WES全称是Windows Embedded Standard,WES 7即Windows Embedded Standard 7。
Windows Embedded Standard 7,简单说是一个组件化的,可订制的,无版权的Windows 7旗舰版,甚至比旗舰版功能组件还多,但是能够灵活订制组件,经过适当筛选,可以在保持Win7旗舰版功能之上做到最小的体积。
还有,但Win 7旗舰版是需要购买或激活的,或需要用注册机破解使用,不同的注册机对系统都有影响,有的不能激活成功,有的激活后一段时间又成为非激活状态,有的注册机被恶意植入木马病毒,但WES7不存在这样的问题,因为WES不需要激活,输入正式版的KEY(和普通桌面版的Key不通用)直接使用,与真正购买的Win7系统使用感觉完全一致!本镜像就是基于Windows Embedded Standard 7订制精简出来的,已经内置WES7正式版的KE Y(和普通桌面版的Key不通用),本WES 7版本与Win 7旗舰版组件及功能完全一样。
Windows Embedded Standard 7,是微软官方出品的Win7的定制版,二进制代码和桌面版完全相同,因此功能也基本一样,主要区别在于:1)、WES7微软正式支持定制的唯一Win7版本。
【操作系统】Wes7组件功能说明-嵌入式Win7-WindowsEmbeddedStandard7关于Firefox的技巧的文档:侧边栏视图、缩略图视图,by江3如此多娇//黄色是必备的,绿色是可选的,但有些还是会因为依赖性被迫的,比如一些网络协议//我查阅了所有WES7的官方文档,一项一项看的,也安装多次,下面的解释是从网上下载的,但是很多解释和说明是我自己写的//如果你觉得解释的不够详细,可以参阅Google搜索的结果,__.NET Framework 2.0 Client Profile__.NET Framework 2.0的客户端配置文件__.NET Framework 3.0__.NET框架3.0__.NET Framework 3.0 Client Profile__.NET框架3.0客户端配置文件__.NET Framework 3.5__.NET框架3.5__.NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile__.NET框架3.5客户端配置文件_Application Support_应用程序支持__COM OLE Application Support__COM OLE应用程序支持__COM +应用支持__COM+ Application Support需要COM OLE Application Support Core File System__MSMQ 消息队列需要IIS__MSMQ__Win32 Application Runtimes and Libraries__Win32应用程序运行和库需要com+ IE8 Windows Data Access Components_Boot Environments_启动环境__Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment(带"影子系统"功能的启动环境)__增强型写入过滤器引导环境__Windows Boot Environment(windows默认启动环境)__Windows引导环境_Browsers_浏览器__Internet Explorer 8__Internet Explorer 8___ Internet Explorer 8 Browser___Internet Explorer 8浏览器___Internet Explorer 8 Engine and Display___Internet Explorer 8的引擎和显示___Internet Explorer 8 Foundation(网页渲染,编辑,调试,脚本支持)___Internet Explorer 8的基础_Data Access and Storage_Data访问和存储__Windows data Access Components__Windows数据访问组件__Windows data Access Components SQL__Windows数据访问组件SQL_Data integrity_Data完整性__Shadow Copy Volume Interface__Shadow副本卷接口__Shadow Copy Volume Service__Shadow副本卷服务__Windows Backup And Restore__Windows备份和恢复__Windows Side By Side(废弃的功能,已被集成到内核中)__Windows并排_Devices and Printers_设备和打印机__Device Framework__设备框架(basic input and output devices)__Device User Experience 必备,设备管理器__设备用户体验(Devices and Printers)__Driver Frameworks__驱动框架(notify the user when new devices are installed or discovered)__Fax and Scan__传真和扫描__Printing Utilities and management(LPD 和WIA,一般用不到)__打印实用程序和管理__Sensor and Location Platform__传感器和定位平台__Standard Windows USB Stack__标准Windows USB协议栈_Diagnostics_Diagnostics__Common Diagnostic Tools(user需要依赖)__常用的诊断工具__性能监控__Performance Monitoring(troubleshooting wizards)__Problem Reports and Solutions(Windows Error Reporting 无用)__问题报告和解决方案__User(必备,任务管理器之类工具)__用户_Embedded Enabling Features_嵌入式启用特点__Edition Branding__可编辑商标___unbranded startup Screens___无商标的启动画面___Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens___Windows嵌入式标准启动画面__Bootable Windows USB Stack__可启动的Windows USB协议栈__Custom Logon Desktup Background Images__自定义登录桌面背景图片__Dialog Box Filter__对话框过滤器__Enhanced Write Filter With HORM__增强型写入滤波器HORM__File Based Writer Filter(FBWF)__基于文件的过滤器(FBWF)__Hide Boot Screens__隐藏启动画面__Message Box Default Reply__消息框的默认回复__RAM Disk Controller__RAM磁盘控制器__Registry Filter__注册表过滤器__SD Boot__SD启动__WSDAPI for .NET__WSDAPI的.NET_Fonts_字体__Bitmap Fonts__位图字体__Simplified Chinese Fonts__简体中文字体__True Type Fonts__True Type字体__西方字体__Western FontsWestern Supplemental Fonts_Graphics and Multimedia_图形和多媒体__Premium Codecs(不需要)__高级编解码器__Audio and Video Engines and Media Foundation__音频和视频引擎及媒体基础__DriectX and Windows Device Experience__DriectX和Windows设备体验__Graphics Platform(必备必备)__图形平台__Image Mastering API V2(CD刻录,用不到)__V2的图像控制API__Windows Media Player 12(42m,无依赖包)__Windows媒体播放器12_International_International__IME__IME___IME Base Components(输入法必备必备)___IME基本组件___IME japanese Support___IME日本的支持___IME Korean Support___IME韩国支持___IME Simplified Chinese Support___IME简体中文支持___IME Traditional Chinese Support___IME繁体中文支持__International Components and Language Services(需要)__国际组件及语言服务__Language Pack Setup(必备必备)__语言包安装_Internet Information Services-IIS_Internet信息服务中的IIS __IIS 7.0__IIS 7.0___IIS 7.0 提供网络服务用的___IIS 7.0__Windows Process Activation Service(服务器用的,有个组件依赖这个组件,只能安装)__Windows进程激活服务_Management_管理__System Management__系统管理___Group Policy Management___组策略管理___Microsoft managements Console(MMC)___Microsoft管理层控制台(MMC)___System Management Administrative Tools___系统管理系统管理工具___System Management Utilities___系统管理实用程序___Windows Management Instrumentation(WMI)___Windows管理规范(WMI)__Windows update__Windows更新___Windows Update Standalone Installer___Windows更新独立安装程序___Windows Update User Interface___Windows更新用户界面__Parental Control__家长控制__Power Management__电源管理__Windows Application Compatibility(鸡肋功能)__Windows应用程序兼容性__Windows PowerShell 2.0(9m)__Windows的PowerShell 2.0_MediaCenter(132m,没必要装入系统分区中)_媒体中心__Media Center__媒体中心_Networking_网络__Base__基础___Extensible Authentication Protocol(EAP)___可扩展身份验证协议(EAP)___Internet Authentication Service___Internet验证服务___Networking Base___网络基础___Networking Foundation___联网基础__TelnetServer__TelnetServer___Telnet Server___Telnet服务器__BITS__BITS__Bluetooth__蓝牙__Domain Services(网络与共享中心的依赖包)__域服务__IRDA and UNIMODEM(同上)__红外线和调制解调器__Network Access Protection__网络访问保护__Network and Sharing Center(一堆依赖包自然会被选中)__网络和共享中心__Network Diagnostics__网络诊断__Peer Networking(网络与共享中心的依赖包)__点对点网络__Quality of Service__服务质量__Remote Access Service(RAS)(网络与共享中心的依赖包)__远程访问服务(RAS)__Small Networking Services(ping等工具)__小网络服务__Telephony API Client(网络与共享中心的依赖包)__客户电话服务接口__Windows Firewall__Windows防火墙__Wireless Networking(2个依赖包)__无线网络_Remote Connections_远程连接__Remote Desktop Connection__远程桌面连接_Security_安全__Security Credentials(PC用不到)__安全证书___Credential Roaming Service___凭据漫游服务___Credentials and Certificate management___凭据和证书管理___Windows Authorization Manager(AZMAN)___Windows授权管理器(AZMAN)__System Security Management__系统安全管理___Windows Security Center(安全中心,没啥用)___Windows安全中心__Active Directory Rights Management(单机没用)__激活目录权限管理__AntiMalware(Windows Defender,没用)__反恶意软件__Application Security(UAC,鸡肋)__应用安全__Bitlocker Secure Startup(没啥用)__Bitlocker安全启动__Encrypted File System(EFS)(317K,依赖不多,但没啥用)__文件加密系统(EFS)__Security Base(底层安全基础支持,需要)__安全基地__Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Management(858K,功能不明)__可信平台模块(TPM)管理_SKU(限制组件功能的,不要安装)_SKU__WS7C__WS7C__WS7E__WS7E__WS7P__WS7P_System Services_系统服务__File System__文件系统___Advanced File System___高级文件系统___Core File System___核心文件系统___File and Folder Synchronization___文件和文件夹同步___File Compression Utility(858K,有点儿用)___文件压缩工具___Remote Client___远程客户端___Simplified message Block (SMB)(4.28m,NFS支持,没啥用)___简单的消息块(SMB)__Remote Procedure Call(必备)__远程过程调用__Windows Installer(必备)__Windows安装程序_User Interface_用户界面__Help__帮助___Embedded Core Help Content(100多K)___嵌入式核心帮助内容___Help and Support Engine(4m)___帮助和支持引擎___Remote Assistance(没用)___远程协助__Microsoft Speech API__Microsoft语音接口___Speech and Text___语音和文本___Speech Chinese Simplified(没用)___简体中文语音__Windows Shell__Windows外壳___Accessories(小工具)___附件___Application User Experience(程序的设置,必备)___应用程序用户体验___Shell Controls and UI Support Functions(必备)___外壳控制和用户界面支持功能___Shell Foundation(必备)___外壳基础___System Control Panel(必备)___系统控制面板___Windows Exporer Shell(图形界面,与自定义命令提示符二选一,故必选)___Windows资源管理器壳___Windows Exporer Shell Resources(必备)___Windows资源管理器外壳资源__Accessibility,无障碍,正常人用不到__辅助功能__命令提示符壳的自定义外壳支持__Command Prompt Shell With Custom Shell Support(与Windows Explorer Shell 二选一,故绝对不选)__DVD Maker__DVD Maker__Mobility Center and SideShow(4m,依赖关系不多)__移动中心和SideShow__Natural Language 6(318m,win搜索的依赖包)__自然语言6__Photo Viewer(需要依赖Printing Utilities and Management)__照片查看器__Search Indexing(win搜索的依赖包,官方建议禁止)__搜索索引__Tablet PC Support__平板电脑支持__Text Services Framework__文本服务框架__Windows Search(28m)__Windows搜索Language Packages语言包_en-US_en-US__English (US) Language Pack(必备)__English(US)语言包。
Windows Embedded Standard 2011 CTP2 Lab ManualWindows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab ManualTable of Contents1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ........................................................................ 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 5 Related Windows 7 Documentation ............................................................................................. 5 Minimum Device Hardware Requirements .................................................................................. 5 Release Notes................................................................................................................................ 6 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit ...................................................................... 6 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 2 2.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help .................................................. 6 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable ....................................................................................... 7 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility Disk ................................................................. 7 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration Editor ................................. 8 Create a Custom Windows PE Image ................................................................................ 8 Create a Utility Drive ..................................................................................................................... 7Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional) ..................................... 8Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images ............................................................................... 9 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder Wizard .......................... 9 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features .......................................... 9 Build an Image with Embedded Core Only ..................................................................... 11 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings ............................................................. 11 Add Update Packages to a Distribution Share (Optional) ............................................... 14 Add Third-Party Software (Optional) .............................................................................. 15 Run a Custom Script (Optional)....................................................................................... 16 Add Third-Party Drivers (Optional) ................................................................................. 17 Make Your Install Fully Unattended (Optional) .............................................................. 17 Create Image Builder Wizard Disk from Answer File (optional) ..................................... 24Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor ............. 113Deploy an Image ................................................................................................................................. 25 3.1 Prepare and Capture an Image for Deployment......................................................................... 25 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 Sysprep the Image........................................................................................................... 25 Capture the Image Into a Windows Image (.wim) File ................................................... 25Deploy an Image Using ImageX................................................................................................... 26© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 2Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4 4.1Prepare your Destination Device .................................................................................... 26 Apply an Image to Your Device’s Hard Drive .................................................................. 27 Shut Down the Destination Device ................................................................................. 27 Start Image Builder Wizard with your Image .................................................................. 28 Customize a Captured Image .......................................................................................... 29Deploy an Image Using Image Builder Wizard ............................................................................ 27Service an Image ................................................................................................................................. 31 Service an Image with Image Configuration Editor and DISM .................................................... 31 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.4 Create a Configuration Set using Image Configuration Editor ........................................ 31 Install using your Configuration Set ................................................................................ 32 Test your image............................................................................................................... 34 Mount your image .......................................................................................................... 34 Add sample packages ...................................................................................................... 34 Adding a Package Using DISM ......................................................................................... 35 Unmount and Commit Changes ...................................................................................... 35 Redeploy and Verify ........................................................................................................ 35 Add a Language Pack (optional) ...................................................................................... 35Service an Image with DISM ....................................................................................................... 34Install Updates with WUSA ......................................................................................................... 36 Service an Image with Package Scanner ..................................................................................... 36 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Package Enumeration ..................................................................................................... 37 Find Applicable Updates ................................................................................................. 37 Scavenging ...................................................................................................................... 375Additional Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Labs ......................................................................... 39 5.1 Suppress OOBE............................................................................................................................ 39 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.3.1 Create an Answer File ..................................................................................................... 39 Using your answer file with Image Builder Wizard ......................................................... 39 Hide boot screens ........................................................................................................... 40 Use Shell Launcher .......................................................................................................... 40 Remove Windows branding ............................................................................................ 41 Replace the startup screen background image .............................................................. 41 Add Message Blockers .................................................................................................... 42 Install from Image Builder Wizard directly to UFD : ....................................................... 44Page 3Using a Custom Shell and Custom Branding ............................................................................... 40Build a USB bootable Windows Embedded 2011 image ............................................................ 44© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual5.3.2 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2Install from Image Builder Wizard to Hard Drive, ImageX to UFD: ................................. 44 Creating Templates ......................................................................................................... 46 Using Custom Templates in IBW ..................................................................................... 46Create Custom Templates for IBW ............................................................................................. 46© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 4Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 20111.1 IntroductionWelcome to Windows Embedded Standard 2011. This lab manual is a guide to help you use and evaluate Windows Embedded Standard 2011. In addition to preparation steps, such as toolkit installation, this manual includes labs for key scenarios such as building an image, deploying an image and servicing an image. The labs are most easily followed in the order presented. You can also chose labs individually based on your interests and previous experience with Windows Embedded, but please note that several lab scenarios assume you have the output of an earlier lab scenario.1.2 Related Windows 7 DocumentationWindows Embedded Standard 2011 is based on Windows 7; therefore much of the Windows 7 documentation can be used as reference material. Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) online documentation /downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=f1bae135-4190-4d7c-b19319123141edaa&displaylang=en Windows 7 Technical Library on Microsoft TechNet /enus/library/dd349342.aspx Windows Developer Center for Windows 7 /enus/windows/dd433113.aspx 1.3 Minimum Device Hardware RequirementsYou must have the following minimum hardware to be able to build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device: 1 GHz x86 or amd64 processor 1 GB of flash or hard drive space (4 GB recommended) 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended for amd64 devices) 900 MHz CPU or equivalent At least one of the following bootable media types: Bootable DVD-ROM drive Bootable USB 2.0 port and a USB Flash Drive (UFD) with 4 GB free space, or access to a local networkBIOS supporting Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 Minimum hardware requirements, particularly RAM requirements, may be greater depending on the size and type of feature packages selected.© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 5Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.4 Release NotesAlthough every attempt has been made to provide workarounds and additional usage notes for scenarios that are affected by known issues in the pre-release versions of Windows Embedded Standard 2011, we strongly recommend that you refer to the release notes provided with this release before beginning any of the labs described in this manual.1.5 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ToolkitYou can install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit on your development computer from a DVD or from setup files downloaded from Microsoft Connect. 1. Run Setup.exe If you have the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit DVD, installation should begin when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. If it doesn’t start automatically , the Setup.exe file can be found at: <DVD Drive>:\WindowsEmbeddedStudio.msi. 2. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following: To install the tools and distribution share to the default location, select Complete. The default locations are: 32-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011 64-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011 3. To install the tools and distribution share to a different location, select Custom.Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation process.1.5.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit HelpThe Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help contains more detailed information on many of the topics and steps contained in this manual. To access the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help: 1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer From the Start menu, click Programs, click Windows Embedded Standard 2011, and then click Image Configuration Editor. 2. On the toolbar, click the Help icon to launch Help.© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 6Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.6 Create a Utility DriveIf your device is able to boot from a DVD, you can use the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD appropriate to your device’s architecture to install the OS image directly to your device. Otherwise you can create a bootable USB drive by using the DiskPart tool and then loading the USB Drive with Image Builder Wizard (IBW) or WindowsPreinstallation Environment (WinPE). Diskpart supports the partitioning and formatting of a USB Flash Device (UFD) as a bootable device. A USB drive with a minimum of 4 GB is recommended for a utility drive loaded with Image Builder Wizard.1.6.1 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable1. 2. Attach your USB drive to your development computer. From a Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Preinstallation (Windows PE) 3.0 environment, run the DiskPart tool by typing the following at a command prompt: diskpart Note: The version of the DiskPart tool provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows PE 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 supports the partitioning and formatting of a UFD as a bootable device. Previous versions of the DiskPart tool, including the version provided by Windows XP, do not fully support partitioning and formatting a UFD to be bootable and should not be used. 3. Use the DiskPart tool to determine the disk number and device size to be used for the next step by typing the following at the DiskPart prompt: list disk 4. Use the DiskPart tool to partition and format the drive and make it bootable. At the DiskPart prompt, type the following, replacing <disk_number> with the disk number of the USB drive: select clean create select active format assign exit disk <disk_number> part pri part 1 fs=ntfs quickYour USB drive is now bootable.1.6.2 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility DiskThe Image Builder Wizard disks provide the ability to quickly generate a new IBW disk in the event IBW has been serviced or new packages have been added to the distribution share. To generate an Image Builder Wizard Disk: © 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 7Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.2. 3. 4. 5. 6.On the Tools menu, select Media Creation, then select Create IBW Disk Enter the desired distribution share to be copied. Select your USB drive as the target folder. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK.1.7 Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional)In some instances, you may want to create a utility disk that includes the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). Windows PE is a lightweight version of Windows used mainly for deployment. You may prefer to use Windows PE instead of Image Builder Wizard if your USB drive is smaller than 2 GB, if you have space limitations on your device or if your device requires custom drivers that you will install on a custom version of Windows PE.1.7.1 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration EditorThe Windows PE Utility Disk feature of the Media Creation tool in Image Configuration Editor provides the ability to quickly generate a Windows PE disk for gathering information about your target device or for deploying an image using Image Builder Wizard. The generated disk includes TAP.exe, ImageX and Package Scanner. To generate a Windows PE utility disk: 1. 2. Create a bootable utility disk (section 1.6.1 above). Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. On the Toolsmenu, selectMedia Creation, then selectCreate PE Image. Enter a target folder on your development computer to which the binaries will be copied. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK. Copy the contents of the ISO sub-folder from the target folder on your development computer to the root directory of your bootable utility disk.1.7.2 Create a Custom Windows PE ImageSee the topic “Create a Custom Windows PE Image” in the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help for more information about creating a custom Windows PE Image and gathering other files to add to the bootable USB drive you created in section 1.6.1.© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 8Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual2 Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images2.1 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder WizardImage Builder Wizard (IBW) is a tool you can use to create, configure and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 on your device. The wizard runs directly on your device and guides you through a set of configuration choices. After you make your selections, the wizard creates and installs Windows Embedded Standard 2011 onto the device. You can further customize the installation or you can capture it to an image file and deploy it to other devices. In this lab, you will use IBW on your device to create different Windows Embedded Standard 2011 images. You can follow the steps provided in this lab to create the following variations: An image that can be used for a thin client device. A “minboot” image that contains only the base packages (referred to as Embedded Core).2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling FeaturesTo build a thin client image using IBW: 1. Start Image Builder Wizard on your device by either: Start the wizard from your Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD, your ISO image, or the USB drive prepared in section 1.6 Boot your device into Windows PE and run setup.exe from another location (USB drive, network share, etc.). Note: Image Builder Wizard will setup and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011. It’s important to make sure you are running the wizard on your device itself and not on your development computer. 2. On the first page, select Build an Image This option starts IBW and allows you to choose packages, drivers and languages to include in your image. You can optionally start from a template. 3. 4. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). The Choose the way you want to build your image page allows you to start from a template or from a blank configuration. In this exercise, select the Thin Client template and click Next. Select a language, time and currency format and keyboard or input method to install on the final image. These selections are for the primary language of your image. You can add additional languages later. Click Next to continue. The Summary of Drivers and Features page shows a summary of the drivers to be installed, detected devices and feature packages in your template. Check the Modify Drivers and Modify Features checkboxes and click Next.5.6.© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 9Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual7.On the Find and Select Drivers page, choose one of the following options and click Next to continue: The Automatically detect devices option detects the drivers on your device and attempts to find drivers for them. The Choose a PMQ option makes it possible for you to import a device list from a previously generated PMQ file. As with Windows Embedded XP, TAP.exe is used to generate this PMQ file. The Do not select additional drivers option includes only the drivers in Embedded Core. Your image will still be bootable but drivers for non-boot-critical devices may not be installed.8.The Confirm drivers to be installed page shows drivers that will be installed as well as the devices that were detected on your computer for which we do not have drivers. Click Browse if you want to add custom drivers. Click Next to continue. On the Please select Feature Packagesto include in your image page you can add additional features to your configuration. Because you started from the Thin Client template, several packages have been preselected for you. Choose any additional packages you wish to include.9.10. Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client and select the appropriate feature packages. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select: Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 11. Click the Resolve Dependencies button. If a pop-up window asks you to choose between multiple packages, make the following selections: a. If you are installing HORM, select Embedded Windows 7 Boot Environment, otherwise select the Windows 7 Boot Environment. Select Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens. Select Windows Explorer.© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 10Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual Select Standard Windows USB Stack.b. Resolve all other dependencies, then click Done. Click Next to continue. 12. The Summary of Drivers and Features page gives you a final overview of packages and drivers to be installed. If you are satisfied with your selections, click Next. 13. Select the disk or partition where you would like to install the image, then click Next to begin installation and set up of the customized Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device. 14. To enable Embedded Enabling Features after installation is complete, open a command prompt on your device and run the following commands: For FBWF and Registry Filter: fbwfmgr /enable fbwfmrg /addvolume c: For EWF, HORM and Registry Filter: ewfmgr c: -enable ewfmgr c: -activatehorm 15. Once HORM has been activated, it should be tested: a. Reboot so that EWF is enabled. b. Start Internet Explorer c. Enable hibernation by typing the following at a command prompt: powercfg –h on d. Reboot and device should resume from hibernation. e. Make changes and reboot your device again f. Verify your device state returns to that of step d above and that the changes made in step e were not retained.2.1.2 Build an Image with Embedded Core OnlyA Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image that contains just the Embedded Core package is described as a “minboot” image. To build an Embedded Core (eCore) image using Image Builder Wizard, follow the steps in section 2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features with the following changes: 1. 2. At step 4, choose the Minimum Configuration template Complete steps 10 and 15 only if you want to enable write filters.2.2 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor2.2.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer. From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor. © 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 11Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual2.On the File menu, select Distribution Share, then navigate to the desired distribution share. The default distribution share locations are: On a development computer running a 32-bit operating system: x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS64 On a development computer running a 64-bit operating system: 3. 4. x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS64On the File menu, click New Answer File. By default, the Embedded Edition package is added to this new answer file. This is the Embedded Core package. Add Driver Packages a. On the File menu, click Import then select Import PMQ to add device drivers using a PMQ file. In the Messages pane, in the Import PMQ tab, you can review the results of mapping the devices in a PMQ file to driver packages. Successfully mapped devices will be listed. To view the package in the answer file that the device was mapped to, double-click the device name. The warning icons denote devices that were not mapped to driver packages. If you need support for these devices, see section 2.2.3 Note: For more information on how to generate a PMQ file, refer to the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Help topic “How to Generate a .PMQFile Using Target Analyzer”. b. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/Driver, you can add additional driver packages. Double-click any driver package (leaf node in the tree) to add it to your answer file.5.Add Feature Packages a. In the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/FeaturePack node. b. Expand the Browsers/Internet Explorer 8 node, right-click on Internet Explorer 8 Browser and select Add to Answer File. c. Expand the Graphics and Multimedia node, right-click on Windows Media Player 12 and selectAdd to Answer File. d. Expand the Remote Connections node, right-click on Remote Desktop Connectionand select Add to Answer File.6.Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/FeaturesPack, right-click on the appropriate feature packages and select Add to Answer File. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select:© 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 12Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 7. To add language packs, in the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/LanguagePack/en-US node. Right-click the English (US) Language Pack package and select Add to Answer File. Add additional language packs the same way. To change Internet Explorer 8 settings: a. In theAnswer File pane, click on theInternet Explorer 8 Browser package. b. In the Settings pane, change Filter View to “4 Specialize”. c. In the Settings pane, click on the Value column to update the value for each of the following settings: d. Set Home_Page to /embedded e. SetIEWelcomeMsg to false f. Save your answer file. You have now changed the way Internet Explorer behaves by using Image Configuration Editor’s settings UI. You can change additional settings in your answer file the same way. 9. To resolve dependencies, from the Validate menu, select Add Required Packages. a. If there are any errors listed in the Validation tab of the Messages pane that state “Dependencies of the source package are not satisfied,” double-click the error message and use the Resolve Dependencies dialogue box to satisfy all required package dependencies. If you are asked to choose between two USB stacks, choose “Bootable Windows USB Stack” only if you are using the USB Boot Embedded Enabling Feature and enabling a USB bootable image (see section 5.3). Otherwise choose “Standard Windows USB Stack.” If you are asked to choose between two boot environment packages, choose “Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment” if you are installing HORM with EWF. Otherwise choose “Windows Boot Environment”.8.b. Warnings that state “Optional Dependencies exist for the source package” are acceptable and may be ignored. © 2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 13。
Windows Embedded Standard 7使用指南
Windows Embedded Standard 7使用指南Windows Embedded Standard 7使用指南1、引言- 介绍Windows Embedded Standard 7操作系统的基本信息和用途- 概述本文档的目的和范围2、系统要求- 列出安装和运行Windows Embedded Standard 7所需的最低系统要求- 提供支持的处理器和内存要求的详细信息- 提供硬盘空间要求和其他必需条件3、安装Windows Embedded Standard 73.1 准备安装媒体- 制备安装光盘或USB驱动器3.2 启动安装程序- 说明如何启动安装程序3.3 安装过程- 按照屏幕提示进行安装3.4 安装后配置- 提供有关完成安装后系统配置的说明4、系统设置4.1 初次登录- 解释首次登录时需要进行的设置步骤4.2 硬件设备驱动程序- 详细说明如何安装和配置硬件设备驱动程序 4.3 网络设置- 提供网络设置的步骤和详细信息4.4 系统更新- 解释如何进行系统更新和安装最新的补丁程序5、系统管理5.1 用户管理- 说明如何创建、修改和删除用户账户5.2 文件管理- 提供文件管理的基本操作指南5.3 权限管理- 解释如何设置文件和文件夹的权限5.4 远程管理- 详细说明如何通过远程管理工具管理系统6、应用程序安装6.1 Windows Embedded Standard 7应用程序市场- 介绍Windows Embedded Standard 7应用程序市场的使用方法6.2 应用程序安装方法- 提供应用程序安装的不同方法和步骤7、故障排除7.1 常见问题解答- 列出一些常见问题和解决方案7.2 系统日志- 解释如何查看系统日志并分析错误信息7.3 联系支持- 提供获得进一步技术支持的联系方式8、附件- 列出本文档所涉及的附件,并提供或相关文档的位置法律名词及注释:- 法律名词1:解释1- 法律名词2:解释2- 法律名词3:解释3。
Windows Embedded Standard 7 (WES7)定制手册
Windows Embedded Standard 2011 CTP2 Lab ManualWindows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab ManualTable of Contents1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ...................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5 Related Windows 7 Documentation .......................................................................................... 5 Minimum Device Hardware Requirements ................................................................................ 5 Release Notes ........................................................................................................................... 5 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit .................................................................... 6 1.5.1 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 2 2.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help .................................................. 6 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable ..................................................................................... 7 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility Disk ................................................................ 7 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration Editor ................................. 8 Create a Custom Windows PE Image .............................................................................. 8 Create a Utility Drive ................................................................................................................. 7Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional) ..................................... 8Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images ............................................................................ 9 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder Wizard .......................... 9 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features .......................................... 9 Build an Image with Embedded Core Only .................................................................... 11 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings ............................................................ 11 Add Update Packages to a Distribution Share (Optional) .............................................. 14 Add Third-Party Software (Optional) ............................................................................ 15 Run a Custom Script (Optional) .................................................................................... 16 Add Third-Party Drivers (Optional) ............................................................................... 17 Make Your Install Fully Unattended (Optional) ............................................................. 17 Create Image Builder Wizard Disk from Answer File (optional) ..................................... 24Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor ............. 113Deploy an Image ............................................................................................................................ 25 3.1 Prepare and Capture an Image for Deployment ...................................................................... 25 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 Sysprep the Image........................................................................................................ 25 Capture the Image Into a Windows Image (.wim) File................................................... 25 Prepare your Destination Device .................................................................................. 26 Apply an Image to Your Device’s Hard Drive ................................................................. 27Page 2Deploy an Image Using ImageX ............................................................................................... 26©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 4 4.1Shut Down the Destination Device ............................................................................... 27 Start Image Builder Wizard with your Image ................................................................ 28 Customize a Captured Image ........................................................................................ 29Deploy an Image Using Image Builder Wizard.......................................................................... 27Service an Image ............................................................................................................................ 31 Service an Image with Image Configuration Editor and DISM................................................... 31 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.4 Create a Configuration Set using Image Configuration Editor........................................ 31 Install using your Configuration Set .............................................................................. 32 Test your image ........................................................................................................... 34 Mount your image ....................................................................................................... 34 Add sample packages ................................................................................................... 34 Adding a Package Using DISM ...................................................................................... 35 Unmount and Commit Changes .................................................................................... 35 Redeploy and Verify ..................................................................................................... 35 Add a Language Pack (optional).................................................................................... 35Service an Image with DISM .................................................................................................... 34Install Updates with WUSA...................................................................................................... 36 Service an Image with Package Scanner .................................................................................. 36 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 Package Enumeration................................................................................................... 37 Find Applicable Updates ............................................................................................... 37 Scavenging ................................................................................................................... 375Additional Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Labs ...................................................................... 39 5.1 Suppress OOBE ....................................................................................................................... 39 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.4 Create an Answer File .................................................................................................. 39 Using your answer file with Image Builder Wizard ........................................................ 39 Hide boot screens ........................................................................................................ 40 Use Shell Launcher ....................................................................................................... 40 Remove Windows branding ......................................................................................... 41 Replace the startup screen background image ............................................................. 41 Add Message Blockers.................................................................................................. 42 Install from Image Builder Wizard directly to UFD : ...................................................... 44 Install from Image Builder Wizard to Hard Drive, ImageX to UFD: ................................. 44Using a Custom Shell and Custom Branding............................................................................. 40Build a USB bootable Windows Embedded 2011 image ........................................................... 44Create Custom Templates for IBW .......................................................................................... 46©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 3Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual5.4.1 5.4.2Creating Templates ...................................................................................................... 46 Using Custom Templates in IBW ................................................................................... 46©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 4Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1 Preparing to Use Windows Embedded Standard 20111.1 IntroductionWelcome to Windows Embedded Standard 2011. This lab manual is a guide to help you use and evaluate Windows Embedded Standard 2011. In addition to preparation steps, such as toolkit installation, this manual includes labs for key scenarios such as building an image, deploying an image and servicing an image. The labs are most easily followed in the order presented. You can also chose labs individually based on your interests and previous experience with Windows Embedded, but please note that several lab scenarios assume you have the output of an earlier lab scenario.1.2 Related Windows 7 DocumentationWindows Embedded Standard 2011 is based on Windows 7; therefore much of the Windows 7 documentation can be used as reference material. • Windows 7 Automated Installation Kit (Windows AIK) online documentation /downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=f1bae135-4190-4d7c-b19319123141edaa&displaylang=en Windows 7 Technical Library on Microsoft TechNet /enus/library/dd349342.aspx Windows Developer Center for Windows 7 /enus/windows/dd433113.aspx• •1.3 Minimum Device Hardware RequirementsYou must have the following minimum hardware to be able to build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device: • • • • • 1 GHz x86 or amd64 processor 1 GB of flash or hard drive space (4 GB recommended) 512 MB of RAM (1 GB recommended for amd64 devices) 900 MHz CPU or equivalent At least one of the following bootable media types: • • • • Bootable DVD-ROM drive Bootable USB 2.0 port and a USB Flash Drive (UFD) with 4 GB free space, or access to a local networkBIOS supporting Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) 3.0 Minimum hardware requirements, particularly RAM requirements, may be greater depending on the size and type of feature packages selected.1.4 Release NotesAlthough every attempt has been made to provide workarounds and additional usage notes for scenarios that are affected by known issues in the pre-release versions of Windows Embedded Standard 2011, we strongly recommend that you refer to the release notes provided with this release before beginning any of the labs described in this manual. ©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Page 5Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.5 Install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 ToolkitYou can install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit on your development computer from a DVD or from setup files downloaded from Microsoft Connect. 1. Run Setup.exe • If you have the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit DVD, installation should begin when you insert the DVD into the DVD drive. If it doesn’t start automatically, the Setup.exe file can be found at: <DVD Drive>:\WindowsEmbeddedStudio.msi. 2. On the Setup Type page, do one of the following: • To install the tools and distribution share to the default location, select Complete. The default locations are: • • • 3. 32-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011 64-bit operating system: [System Drive]:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011To install the tools and distribution share to a different location, select Custom.Follow the instructions in the installation wizard to complete the installation process.1.5.1 Open Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit HelpThe Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help contains more detailed information on many of the topics and steps contained in this manual. To access the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help: 1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 2. From the Start menu, click Programs, click Windows Embedded Standard 2011, and then click Image Configuration Editor.On the toolbar, click the Help icon to launch Help.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 6Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual1.6 Create a Utility DriveIf your device is able to boot from a DVD, you can use the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD appropriate to your device’s architecture to install the OS image directly to your device. Otherwise you can create a bootable USB drive by using the DiskPart tool and then loading the USB Drive with Image Builder Wizard (IBW) or WindowsPreinstallation Environment (WinPE). Diskpart supports the partitioning and formatting of a USB Flash Device (UFD) as a bootable device. A USB drive with a minimum of 4 GB is recommended for a utility drive loaded with Image Builder Wizard.1.6.1 Make Your Utility Disk Bootable1. 2. Attach your USB drive to your development computer. From a Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows Preinstallation (Windows PE) 3.0 environment, run the DiskPart tool by typing the following at a command prompt: diskpart Note: The version of the DiskPart tool provided by Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows PE 2.0, 2.1 and 3.0 supports the partitioning and formatting of a UFD as a bootable device. Previous versions of the DiskPart tool, including the version provided by Windows XP, do not fully support partitioning and formatting a UFD to be bootable and should not be used. 3. Use the DiskPart tool to determine the disk number and device size to be used for the next step by typing the following at the DiskPart prompt: list disk 4. Use the DiskPart tool to partition and format the drive and make it bootable. At the DiskPart prompt, type the following, replacing <disk_number> with the disk number of the USB drive: select clean create select active format assign exit disk <disk_number> part pri part 1 fs=ntfs quickYour USB drive is now bootable.1.6.2 Add Image Builder Wizard to Your Utility DiskThe Image Builder Wizard disks provide the ability to quickly generate a new IBW disk in the event IBW has been serviced or new packages have been added to the distribution share. To generate an Image Builder Wizard Disk:©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 7Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.On the Tools menu, select Media Creation, then select Create IBW Disk Enter the desired distribution share to be copied. Select your USB drive as the target folder. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK.1.7 Create a Windows Preinstallation Environment Utility Drive (Optional)In some instances, you may want to create a utility disk that includes the Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE). Windows PE is a lightweight version of Windows used mainly for deployment. You may prefer to use Windows PE instead of Image Builder Wizard if your USB drive is smaller than 2 GB, if you have space limitations on your device or if your device requires custom drivers that you will install on a custom version of Windows PE.1.7.1 Create a Windows PE Utility Disk with Image Configuration EditorThe Windows PE Utility Disk feature of the Media Creation tool in Image Configuration Editor provides the ability to quickly generate a Windows PE disk for gathering information about your target device or for deploying an image using Image Builder Wizard. The generated disk includes TAP.exe, ImageX and Package Scanner. To generate a Windows PE utility disk: 1. 2. Create a bootable utility disk (section 1.6.1 above). Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer • 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.On the Toolsmenu, selectMedia Creation, then selectCreate PE Image. Enter a target folder on your development computer to which the binaries will be copied. Select the desired disk architecture. Click OK. Copy the contents of the ISO sub-folder from the target folder on your development computer to the root directory of your bootable utility disk.1.7.2 Create a Custom Windows PE ImageSee the topic “Create a Custom Windows PE Image” in the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Toolkit Help for more information about creating a custom Windows PE Image and gathering other files to add to the bootable USB drive you created in section 1.6.1.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 8Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual2 Build Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Images2.1 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image with Image Builder WizardImage Builder Wizard (IBW) is a tool you can use to create, configure and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011 on your device. The wizard runs directly on your device and guides you through a set of configuration choices. After you make your selections, the wizard creates and installs Windows Embedded Standard 2011 onto the device. You can further customize the installation or you can capture it to an image file and deploy it to other devices. In this lab, you will use IBW on your device to create different Windows Embedded Standard 2011 images. You can follow the steps provided in this lab to create the following variations: • • An image that can be used for a thin client device. A “minboot” image that contains only the base packages (referred to as Embedded Core).2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling FeaturesTo build a thin client image using IBW: 1. Start Image Builder Wizard on your device by either: • • Start the wizard from your Windows Embedded Standard 2011 DVD, your ISO image, or the USB drive prepared in section 1.6 Boot your device into Windows PE and run setup.exe from another location (USB drive, network share, etc.). Note: Image Builder Wizard will setup and install Windows Embedded Standard 2011. It’s important to make sure you are running the wizard on your device itself and not on your development computer. 2. On the first page, select Build an Image This option starts IBW and allows you to choose packages, drivers and languages to include in your image. You can optionally start from a template. 3. 4. Accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). The Choose the way you want to build your image page allows you to start from a template or from a blank configuration. In this exercise, select the Thin Client template and click Next. Select a language, time and currency format and keyboard or input method to install on the final image. These selections are for the primary language of your image. You can add additional languages later. Click Next to continue. The Summary of Drivers and Features page shows a summary of the drivers to be installed, detected devices and feature packages in your template. Check the Modify Drivers and Modify Features checkboxes and click Next.5.6.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 9Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 7. On the Find and Select Drivers page, choose one of the following options and click Next to continue: • • The Automatically detect devices option detects the drivers on your device and attempts to find drivers for them. The Choose a PMQ option makes it possible for you to import a device list from a previously generated PMQ file. As with Windows Embedded XP, TAP.exe is used to generate this PMQ file. The Do not select additional drivers option includes only the drivers in Embedded Core. Your image will still be bootable but drivers for non-boot-critical devices may not be installed.•8.The Confirm drivers to be installed page shows drivers that will be installed as well as the devices that were detected on your computer for which we do not have drivers. Click Browse if you want to add custom drivers. Click Next to continue. On the Please select Feature Packagesto include in your image page you can add additional features to your configuration. Because you started from the Thin Client template, several packages have been preselected for you. Choose any additional packages you wish to include.9.10. Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client and select the appropriate feature packages. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select: • • OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: • • • Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 11. Click the Resolve Dependencies button. If a pop-up window asks you to choose between multiple packages, make the following selections: a. If you are installing HORM, select Embedded Windows 7 Boot Environment, otherwise select the Windows 7 Boot Environment. • • • Select Windows Embedded Standard Startup Screens. Select Windows Explorer. Select Standard Windows USB Stack. Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 10Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual b. Resolve all other dependencies, then click Done. Click Next to continue.12. The Summary of Drivers and Features page gives you a final overview of packages and drivers to be installed. If you are satisfied with your selections, click Next. 13. Select the disk or partition where you would like to install the image, then click Next to begin installation and set up of the customized Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image on your device. 14. To enable Embedded Enabling Features after installation is complete, open a command prompt on your device and run the following commands: • For FBWF and Registry Filter: fbwfmgr /enable fbwfmrg /addvolume c: • For EWF, HORM and Registry Filter: ewfmgr c: -enable ewfmgr c: -activatehorm 15. Once HORM has been activated, it should be tested: a. b. c. d. e. f. Reboot so that EWF is enabled. Start Internet Explorer Enable hibernation by typing the following at a command prompt: powercfg –h on Reboot and device should resume from hibernation. Make changes and reboot your device again Verify your device state returns to that of step d above and that the changes made in step e were not retained.2.1.2 Build an Image with Embedded Core OnlyA Windows Embedded Standard 2011 image that contains just the Embedded Core package is described as a “minboot” image. To build an Embedded Core (eCore) image using Image Builder Wizard, follow the steps in section 2.1.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Embedded Enabling Features with the following changes: 1. 2. At step 4, choose the Minimum Configuration template Complete steps 10 and 15 only if you want to enable write filters.2.2 Build a Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Image Using Image Configuration Editor2.2.1 Build a Thin Client Image with Custom Settings1. Start Image Configuration Editor on your development computer. • From the Start menu, selectPrograms, selectWindows Embedded Standard 2011, then selectImage Configuration Editor.©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 11Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual 2. On the File menu, select Distribution Share, then navigate to the desired distribution share. The default distribution share locations are: • On a development computer running a 32-bit operating system: • • • x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS64On a development computer running a 64-bit operating system: • • x86 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS amd64 distribution share: C:\Program Files(x86)\Windows Embedded Standard 2011\DS643. 4.On the File menu, click New Answer File. By default, the Embedded Edition package is added to this new answer file. This is the Embedded Core package. Add Driver Packages a. On the File menu, click Import then select Import PMQ to add device drivers using a PMQ file. In the Messages pane, in the Import PMQ tab, you can review the results of mapping the devices in a PMQ file to driver packages. • • Successfully mapped devices will be listed. To view the package in the answer file that the device was mapped to, double-click the device name. The warning icons denote devices that were not mapped to driver packages. If you need support for these devices, see section 2.2.3 Note: For more information on how to generate a PMQ file, refer to the Windows Embedded Standard 2011 Help topic “How to Generate a .PMQFile Using Target Analyzer”. b. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/Driver, you can add additional driver packages. Double-click any driver package (leaf node in the tree) to add it to your answer file. In the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/FeaturePack node. Expand the Browsers/Internet Explorer 8 node, right-click on Internet Explorer 8 Browser and select Add to Answer File. Expand the Graphics and Multimedia node, right-click on Windows Media Player 12 and selectAdd to Answer File. Expand the Remote Connections node, right-click on Remote Desktop Connectionand select Add to Answer File.5.Add Feature Packages a. b. c. d.6.Determine which type of write filters you want to use for your thin client. In the Distribution Share pane, under Packages/FeaturesPack, right-click on the appropriate feature packages and select Add to Answer File. To use File Based Write Filter (FBWF) and Registry Filter, select:©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.Page 12Windows Embedded Standard 2011 – CTP2 Lab Manual • • OR To use Enhanced Write Filter (EWF), Hibernate Once Resume Many (HORM) and Registry Filter, select: • • • Embedded Enabling Features\Enhanced Write Filter with HORM Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter Boot Environments\Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment Note: Although EWF can be used without HORM, using HORM requires EWF. Adding EWF in IBW (without an answer file) will configure all existing volumes to be protected in RAM-REG mode; however EWF will be disabled for all of them. 7. To add language packs, in the Distribution Share pane, expand the Packages/LanguagePack/en-US node. Right-click the English (US) Language Pack package and select Add to Answer File. Add additional language packs the same way. To change Internet Explorer 8 settings: a. b. c. d. e. f. In theAnswer File pane, click on theInternet Explorer 8 Browser package. In the Settings pane, change Filter View to “4 Specialize”. In the Settings pane, click on the Value column to update the value for each of the following settings: Set Home_Page to /embedded SetIEWelcomeMsg to false Save your answer file. Embedded Enabling Features\File Based Write Filter (FBWF) Embedded Enabling Features\Registry Filter8.You have now changed the way Internet Explorer behaves by using Image Configuration Editor’s settings UI. You can change additional settings in your answer file the same way. 9. To resolve dependencies, from the Validate menu, select Add Required Packages. a. If there are any errors listed in the Validation tab of the Messages pane that state “Dependencies of the source package are not satisfied,” double-click the error message and use the Resolve Dependencies dialogue box to satisfy all required package dependencies. • If you are asked to choose between two USB stacks, choose “Bootable Windows USB Stack” only if you are using the USB Boot Embedded Enabling Feature and enabling a USB bootable image (see section 5.3). Otherwise choose “Standard Windows USB Stack.” If you are asked to choose between two boot environment packages, choose “Enhanced Write Filter Boot Environment” if you are installing HORM with EWF. Otherwise choose “Windows Boot Environment”.•b.Warnings that state “Optional Dependencies exist for the source package” are acceptable and may be ignored. Page 13©2009 Microsoft. All Rights Reserved.。
windows embedded standard 7
微软出的windows embedded standard 7 就没有这样那样的问题而且没有了一个组件就算有病毒他也没法运行
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驱动可以it天空的驱动助力安装 杀毒软件建议微软的mse 个人用这系统到现在没有出过什么问题装过的软件有pps、qq、单机版天龙八部(藏宝湾有下载)、苹果的itunes、vmware虚拟机、酷狗、迅雷、适合聊天游戏精简版用户
Windows Embedded 7 Standard 裁剪过程图解教程
Windows Embedded 7 Standard 裁剪过程图解教程第一步,从微软网站上下载windows embedded 7 standard 的压缩包,并按照其说明制作成iso 光盘第二步,将iso 光盘插入计算机光驱,设置成从光驱启动第三步,计算机启动后,会提示按任意键从光驱启动,启动后,会进入如下画面:第四步,选择"Build an Image". 出现license 声明,勾选"I accept the license terms"后,点击"Next"第五步,选择安装方式,然后点击"Next"第六步,Choose a language and other preferences.第七步,根据实际情况,勾选"Modify Drivers" 或"Modify Features" 复选框。
第八步,Select the packages to include in your image第九步,去掉复选框"Resolve optional dependencies"和"Include applicable updates"前面的√第十步,勾选如下项目:.NET FrameworkApplication SupportWindows Boot EnvironmentBrowsersData Access and StorageShardow Copy Volume InterfaceDevice FrameworkDevice User ExperienceDriver FrameworksPrinting Utilities and ManagementStandard Windows USB StackDiagnosticsWindows Embedded Standard Startup ScreensTrueType FontsWestern FontsMicrosoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder(MPEG-2,AAC)(license required) Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder(MPEG-2,H.264)(license required) MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codes (MP3)(license required)MPEG-2 Audio and Video Encoder(license required)MPEG-4 Decoders(license required)Audio and Video Engines and Media FoundationDriectX and Windows Device ExperienceGraphics PlatformImage Mastering API V2Internet Information Services-IISSystem ManagementWindows Update Standalone InstallerParental ControlPower ManagementWindows Application CompatibilityWindows PowerShell 2.0BaseDomain ServicesIRDA and UNIMODEMNetwork DiagnosticsTelephony API ClientCredentials and Certificate ManagementApplication SecuritySecurity BaseCore File SystemFile Compression UtilityRemote Procedure CallWindows InstallerEmbedded Core Help ContentHelp and Support EngineWindows ShellAccessibilityNatural Language 6Search IndexingWindows Searchen-US勾选完毕后,点击"Next", 得到如下图所示的画面,继续点击"Next"第十一步,选择要安装到那个硬盘及分区(此时可以根据需要,创建多个分区)第十二步,安装程序已经获取到足够的信息,将进行安装过程,接下来按照系统提示进行操作即可。
windows embedded standard和win7专业版区别?
Windows Embedded Standard (WES) 和Windows 7 专业版是两个不同的Windows 操作系统版本,它们具有以下区别:
1. **用途和目标受众**:Windows Embedded Standard 是为嵌入式系统设计的操作系统,用于在特定设备或嵌入式系统中提供核心的Windows 功能。
它通常用于嵌入式设备和特定行业的解决方案,例如自动化设备、ATM 机、点of Sale (销售点)终端等。
而Windows 7 专业版是面向企业和专业用户的桌面操作系统,适用于个人计算机、笔记本电脑和工作站等等。
2. **功能和组件**:Windows Embedded Standard 注重定制和最小化的操作系统配置,它允许开发人员根据设备的特定需求选择要包含的功能和组件,以实现更小、更轻量级的系统。
相比之下,Windows 7 专业版是一个全功能的桌面操作系统,提供了更广泛的功能和支持,包括图形用户界面、多用户支持、安全性、网络连接和各种应用程序等。
3. **支持周期和更新**:Windows Embedded Standard 的支持周期通常更长,同时也提供经过定制的更新和补丁程序,以满足特定设备的需求。
相比之下,Windows 7 已经于2020年1月14日结束了主流支持,并将于2023年1月14日结
需要注意的是,Windows Embedded Standard 和Windows 7 专业版虽然在某些方面有相似之处,但它们的设计目标、用途和适用范围存在显著差异。
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Windows Embedded Standard 7 Technical OverviewIntroductionWindows Embedded Standard 7 is the next generation platform in the product family that includes Windows XP Embedded and Windows Embedded Standard 2009. Windows Embedded Standard 7 delivers the power, familiarity and reliability of the Windows 7 operating system in a highly customizable and componentized form, enabling OEMs in retail, hospitality and other markets to focus on their core competencies and create product differentiation. By default you get compatibility with Win32 and .NET applications and integration with Microsoft Enterprise Server and tools. Windows Embedded Standard 7 can be deployed to off-the-shelf hardware and drivers, and the platform supports x86 and x64.New Windows 7 Features in Windows Embedded Standard 7Many new and interesting features in Windows 7 transfer to Windows Embedded Standard 7 and can be used in embedded scenarios for specialized devices. These include the following: ∙Improved performance through shorter boot times and SuperFetch, which improves the response times of active applications.∙Better security- through BitLocker and BitLocker to Go, which provide data protection on media (including removable media such as a USB key), AppLocker which is a tool that letsyou define policies that allow only certain applications to run (which is especiallyapplicable on specialized devices), and also access controls to the device through thebiometrics framework. There are several other features in the kernel that enhance security, such as Windows Service Hardening which allows for services to access only thoseresources that they have been granted permission to access. This makes it more difficult for services to be hijacked to gain access to system resources.∙Reduced power consumption through the TimerCoalescingAPI and the idle process.∙Rich user experiences. Features such as Windows Aero, Windows Touch and Windows Presentation Foundation enable developers to create rich user experiences, and withWindows Sensor and Location platform these applications can be aware of the content ofthe device itself.Development ModelWe built the Windows Embedded Standard 7 toolkit to target the embedded device development model, from concept through software and platform decisions, embedded-specific requirements, drivers and peripherals, to user experience and servicing of the device. The aim is to make prototyping and redesign that happens throughout this life cycle easier. We also wanted to minimize the ramp-up time that you need to learn our tools. Therefore, we reused as much of the existing set of Windows tools, such as the Automated Installation Kit (AIK), as possible. Many IT professionals and system administrators are already familiar with these tools. For those scenarios that required embedded-specific functionality, we improved the Windows tools and provided additional ones.The three main tools that are used for creating and maintaining OS images are Image Builder Wizard (IBW), Image Configuration Editor (ICE) and Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM).1.IBW runs on the device interactively and is suitable for fast prototyping, or for situationswhere minimal customization is required. It presents a set of wizard pages that developers go through to select features and drivers. Then dependency resolution happensautomatically and the OS image is built on the device.2.ICE is suitable for more advanced embedded development scenarios that require morecustomization and control of settings. This tool runs on the development computer andprovides more powerful functionality and better integration with source control of images.3.DISM enables developers to install features to an image either while it is running or offline. The experience of building an image by using IBW is a new interactive experience that was not offered in previous generations of Windows Embedded Standard. There are three main steps that are involved:∙Build bootable media containing Windows Preinstallation Environment (PE), Image Builder Wizard and a collection of componentized features and driver packages.∙Restart the device, install and customize OS image. After booting to Windows PE, IBW automatically starts and presents a wizard page that lets you select drivers, features andlanguages. IBW will automatically detect drivers that are needed on the hardware and will map those drivers to available driver packages, conduct dependency checking and build the image on the device. After logon custom software can be installed or settings can bechanged.∙Generalize and deploy. After you create a master image that has all the settings and software that you want, you can run Sysprep to generalize the image. Then capture theimage to a WIM file by using a tool named ImageX. This WIM file can be deployed tomultiple computers.Using ICE to build an image offers some similar experiences as previous generations of the platform, but also offers some new ones. ICE is installed on the development computer, and it is used in scenarios where images must be reproducible and are also more customized. The steps for building an image using ICE are as follows:∙ICE generates a file that is named Unattend.xml that contains information about the features, drivers, languages, and updates that you want to include in an image. You can also use scripts to include custom software and applications, as well as preconfigure registry key settings.∙Create bootable media in ICE, either a CD or a USB key that contains Windows PE, IBW, the distribution share where the OS and software files are stored and the unattend.xml file.Restart the target device.∙At this point IBW will take over to build the image, but in this case IBW will consume the information in the Unattend.xml file and will install the OS without user interaction (so you will not be presented with any wizard pages).∙Generalize and deploy –After a master image has been created that has all the settings and software that you want, you can run Sysprep to generalize the image. Then capture theimage to a WIM file by using a tool named ImageX. This WIM file can be deployed tomultiple computers.Image Building BlocksNew to Windows Embedded Standard 7 is the concept of Embedded Core. This is a bootable entity that contains the most common pieces of functionality that are required for any image to be bootable (such as the kernel or networking stack). It is automatically included as the base building block of all images.In addition to Embedded Core you make selections for the other functional building blocks:∙Feature packages∙Driver packages∙Language Packs∙Embedded enabling feature packages∙Third-party software∙OS updatesAll building blocks are contained within a distribution share (DS), which is similar to the component database and repository folders that previous generations of the platform have. All resources for all building blocks are present in this share. The distribution share folder can be shared so that multiple developers can use the same source to create images.As soon as you make your selections the Image Build Engine processes the information and assembles the embedded OS image on the device.Let us look at more in-depth information for some of these building blocks-Embedded Core (eCore)–A collection of functionality that is needed for booting. It includes the kernel, boot-critical drivers (except for SCSI adapter drivers which have a large footprint and can be added later), WinLogon, NetLogon, File systems (NTFS, UDF and so on), command shell, servicing stack, basic networking and RPC. Embedded Core is language neutral, so it can be booted without the footprint of the back-up language (English). It is ideal as a minimal platform for application and driver testing - if an application or driver can run on eCore, then it is virtually assured that critical dependencies for the application are satisfied, and it will run on a larger image.Feature Sets and Packages–This is a new concept in Windows Embedded Standard 7. A feature set is a collection of components for a functional area, such as Explorer Shell. A feature set is composed of one or more packages that are selectable by a user. These packages also have dependency relationships with other packages, both in the feature set itself and packages in other feature sets.Packages are signed by Microsoft, which means the contents cannot be changed. If the contents of a package, such as files and registry keys, are changed then the package cannot be installed because the system will be unable to verify the signature and will assume the package is corrupted. Settings for any package can be changed if the package exposes configurable settings through the ICE user interface. Signing packages enables Microsoft to service the features. After installation, if a resource is removed from a package, it will be brought back onto the device as soon as the feature is serviced.There are about 150 feature sets in Windows Embedded Standard 7. Another new feature of the product is that feature sets can be installed on the image after it has been built on the device. This makes maintaining, updating and customizing an image in the field much easier because you do not have to re-deploy the image in order to make changes.Driver Packages –Windows Embedded Standard 7 has all drivers that are included with Windows 7, grouped by their INF files into driver packages. In some cases, such as with printer drivers, where the size of the package is too big we have broken out packages by manufacturers. We have about 500 driver packages in the platform. Driver packages are also language neutral.Language Packages-Our goal is to eventually support about 40 languages and Language Interface Packs (LIPS), some at release to manufacturing (RTM) and some shortly after RTM. MUI resources have been packaged into language packs and images can be localized by adding one or more languages.The first set of languages that will be shipped at RTM are as follows:∙Chinese – Traditional∙Chinese- Simplified∙English∙French∙German∙Italian∙Japanese∙Korean∙Russian∙SpanishLanguage packs can be installed post-build, after the device is deployed in the field.Embedded Enabling Features –Embedded Enabling Features enable several scenarios that are important for specialized devices that may not be important for PCs. For most specialized devices, for example, it is desirable that they are locked down, in a known state and take only authorized changes. Windows EmbeddedStandard 7 offers three write filters, which were also present in previous generations of the platform. Enhanced Write Filter (EWF) protects the system at the partition level by preventing writes to disk and redirecting them to an overlay cache in RAM or another partition. These writes can be discarded at reboot, restoring the system to a known state. File Based Write Filter (FBWF) protects at the file level, and redirects writes to a RAM overlay cache, but it allows for exceptions. This means that explicitly defined folders and files will persist writes to disk but all other writes will be redirected to RAM and can be discarded at reboot. Both EWF and FBWF support an API to let a developer to control flushing cached contents to disk. Registry Filter works with both of the other filters to enable the persistence of certain registry keys even when the write filters are turned on.Windows Embedded Standard 7 includes USB Boot, which was also available in earlier versions, but also offers two new boot features-VHD Boot (shipped in RTM) and SD Boot (will be introduced after RTM).One area that we have made quite a number of enhancements is with creating custom experiences. Generally, it is not desirable that specialized devices display dialog boxes or system messages that require user input, so we have created a more extensive infrastructure for blocking these through the Dialog Filter and Message Box Auto Reply features. We are also enabling OEMs to better develop unbranded startup screens and have custom logon desktop background. We have also allowed a custom shell to be included without requiring Explore Shell which provides a more seamless custom experience with smaller footprint.Image DeploymentIt is possible to customize an image after it has been built on the device, such adding additional software applications, language packs or drivers, and then generalize a master image using Sysprep so it can be deployed to multiple machines. Sysprep removes system-specific data from the image. ImageX or DISM can then be used to capture the image to a .wim file for deployment. Diskpart can be used to create volumes on the device, BCDBoot to create the boot manager, and BCDEdit used to manage multiple operating systems.There are several deployment options available with Windows Embedded Standard 7: ∙Windows Deployment Services (WDS)- this is used for remote installation. Once the image has been created the image can be placed on the WDS Server and devices can connect to the server and download the image file.∙CD/DVD/USB flash – device can be booted to WinPE from the media and the .wim file installed using ImageX.∙System Center Configuration Manager- this can be used to deploy the .wim file to devices in an enterprise and also to manage updates to the device on the network.Managing and Servicing the ImageIn Windows Embedded Standard 7 we have enabled a number of servicing scenarios. OEMs can still have full control of the servicing of the device- they can download updates to their distributionshare, rebuild the image and redeploy it or directly apply the update to the image using DISM to an image offline or while it is running. However, they may want to allow their end user to do automatic updating of the image- in this case they can include Windows Update in their image that can be configured to allow applicable embedded updates to be downloaded to the device. Note that Windows desktop updates are not applicable to embedded images- only embedded update packages can be applied.Servicing through WSUS and System Center Configuration Manager is still enabled by Windows Embedded Standard 7. There is better integration with Active Directory, Group Policy and Microsoft management tools like System Center Operations Manager and System Center Configuration Manager, and we are looking at integrating with more third-party servicing and management tools.ConclusionWindows Embedded Standard 7 is a high-performance and highly reliable platform that enables OEMs to innovate and deliver next generation devices with rich user experiences and seamless connection to the world of Windows.Windows Embedded Standard 7 will come in two SKUs: WS7E and WS7P. For additional information, visit the Windows Embedded Standard web site:/windowsembedded/en-us/products/westandard/component-library.mspx。