


























2012年报关员资格考试第七章课后练习题及答案2012年报关员考试复习第七章练习题第一节一、单项选择题:1、买卖合同中规定溢短装条款,是允许卖方( )质量上有一定幅度的差异标准答案:b2、对于货物溢短装部分的作价方法,合同中如果没有明确的规定,按惯例其做法是( )标准答案:a解析:对溢装或短装部分的价格通常有两种计价方法:一是仍按原合同价格计算;二是按装船时的市场价格计算。


3、出口羊毛计算重量,通常采用的计量方式法是( )。


用于经济价值高,吸湿性强的初级产品,如棉花、羊毛、生丝等4、对于大批量交易的散装货,因较难掌握商品的数量,通常在合同中规定( )。

A、溢短装条款B、增减价条款C、品质公差和品质机动幅度条款D、商品的净重标准答案:a5、在合同中未注明商品重量是按毛重还是净重计算时,根据惯例按( )计算。

A、毛重B、净重C、公量D、以毛做净标准答案:b6、在交货数量前加上“约”或“大约”,按《UCP500》的规定,这种约定可解释为交货数量不超过( )的增减幅度。

A、10%B、5%C、3%D、15%标准答案:a7、我国某服装加工厂从澳大利亚进口一批羊毛,毛重20.46公吨,净重20公吨,双方约定标准回潮率为11%,如果检测出该批羊毛的实际回潮率为25%,则该批羊毛的公量应为( )标准答案:a8、包销协议从实质上说是一份( )。

A、买卖合同B、代理合同C、寄售合同D、拍卖合同标准答案:a9、招标投标业务的特点之一是( )。

A、买主之间的竞争B、卖主之间的竞争C、买主与卖主之间的竞争D、是一种独特的拍卖标准答案:b二、多项选择题:10、在国际贸易中,常见的计重方法包括( )。

A、毛重B、净重C、公量D、理论重量和法定重量标准答案:a, b, c, d11、关于数量条款,对于卖方多交的货物,联合国《国际货物销售合同公约》的规定为( )。



银行篇The bank froze my credit card account after I reported it stolen. 在我报失信用卡后,银行冻结了我的信用卡户头。

Penny will pay off her student loans in 60 installments. 潘妮将分六十期偿还她的助学贷款。

I confirm that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the loan agreement. 我确认已阅读并了解这份贷款协议的条件与规定。

Some credit cards have a minimum finance charge. 有些信用卡有每月最低应缴金额的限制。

Rick has a twenty-year mortgage. 瑞克要缴二十年的房贷。

Our records show you have an outstanding balance of $6,000. 我们数据显示您有一笔六千元的款项未付。

When deciding whether or not to refinance,there are many factors to conside r. 在决定是否重新贷款时,有许多因素要考虑。

The fee for issuing a replacement card will be charged to your next statement.信用卡补发费用将并入您下个月的账单明细。

Oh no!My check to City Supermarket bounced!喔,糟了!我开给城市超市的支票跳票了!Pre-payment with cashier’s check or money order is accepted 预付款用本票或汇票都可以。

I don’t have cash. Can I write you a check 我没有现金,可以开支票给你吗?A clearing house is an office where banks exchange checks and drafts. 票据交换所是银行交换支票、汇票的地方。





1.报关单位有下列情形之一的,海关予以警告,责令其改正,并可以处人民币1 000元以上5 000元以下罚款:A.一年内所属报关员有两人次以上被记分考核达到30分的B.报关企业取得变更注册登记许可后或者进出口货物收发货人单位名称、企业性质、企业住所、法定代表人(负责人)等海关注册登记的内容发生变更,未按照规定向海关办理变更手续的C.未向海关备案,擅自变更或者启用“报关专用章”的D.报关员离职,未按规定向海关办理相关手续的【答案】B C D【解析】本题考点为报关单位在报关活动中因违反海关监管规定应承担的法律责任。

海关对报关单位注册登记管理规定,报关单位有下列情形之一的,海关予以警告,责令其改正,并可以处人民币1 000元以上5 000元以下罚款:(1)报关企业取得变更注册登记许可后或者进出口收发货人单位名称、企业性质、企业住所、法定代表人(负责人)等海关注册登记内容发生变更,未按照规定向海关办理变更手续的;(2)未向海关备案,擅自变更或者启用“报关专用章”的;(3)所属报关员离职,未按照规定向海关报告办理相应手续的。


2.下列关于进出口货物报关的表述,正确的是:A.进出口货物报关是指进出口货物收发货人或其代理人向海关办理货物进出境手续及相关海关事务的过程B.进出口货物报关只能在进出境地海关办理C.进出口货物报关可以由进出口收发货人自行办理,也可以委托报关企业代为办理D.进出口货物报关应由依法取得报关员从业资格,并在海关注册登记的报关员办理【答案】A C D【解析】本题是一道综合题,涵盖了报关的定义、报关的地点、报关的权限、报关从业资格等几个考点。



2012年报关员资格考试第四章课后练习题及答案2012年报关员考试复习第四章练习题第一节单选题:1、我国某出口加工企业从香港购进台湾产的薄形尼龙布一批,加工成女式服装后,经批准运往区外内销,该批服装向海关申报出区时,其原产地应申报为( )。

A、香港B、台湾C、中国D、国别不详标准答案:c2、用于所获得或生产产品中的原产于东盟成员方的成分不少于该货物FOB价的( ),并且最后的工序是在成员方境内完成,则认定原产国为东盟成员国。

A、40%B、30%C、50%D、60%标准答案:a3、特别优惠关税待遇进口货物规则的原产地证明书有效期为自签发之日起( )。

A、30天B、60天C、90天D、180天标准答案:d4、直属海关将在接到申请人的书面申请和全部必要文件资料后( )内,作出原产地的预确定决定。

A、60天B、90天C、150天D、180天标准答案:c5、关于暂定税率适用的原则,下列表述错误的是( )。

A. 适用最惠国税率的进口货物同时有暂定税率的,应当适用暂定税率B. 适用协定税率、特惠税率的进口货物有暂定税率的,应当从低适用税率C. 适用普通税率的进口货物,不适用暂定税率D.适用出口税率的出口货物有暂定税率的,不适用暂定税率标准答案:d解析:对于出口货物,在计算出口关税时,出口暂定税率优先于出口税率执行。

6、原产地规则关系到对进口货物实施不同的税率,下列表述中不符合非优惠原产地规则的实质性改变标准规定的是( )A、货物经加工后,在海关进出口税则中的税号(4位数一级的税则号列)已有了改变B、货物经重新筛选并重新包装C、货物经加工后,增值部分占新产品总值的比例已经达到30%D、货物经加工后,增值部分占新产品总值的比例已经达到30%以上标准答案:b7、根据《中华人民共和国关税条例》的规定,货物进口或出口时,一般情况下海关按照何时实施的税率计征关税( )。




Letter translationWith reference to our Sales Confirmation No.7904 dated August 8th, 2000, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of wri ting. This has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparatio ns for shipment according to the stipulations of the said Sales Confirmation.You must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed sh ould be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. If you refer to our Sales Confirmation, you will see the clause reading: “The Buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th August, 200 0, failing which the Seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice.”The goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. H owever, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your L/C, which must reach us not later than October 5th, 2000. If we again fa il to receive your L/C in time, we shall cancel our Sales Confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.Your co0operation in this respect will be appreciated.Answers:敬启者:关于我方2000年8月8日第7904号销售确认书,我们很遗憾地告知你方信用证在写信时还没到。






A 上一年度代理申报的进出口报关差错率达15%的B 拖欠应纳税款人民币5万元的C 1年内因违规被处罚款达人民币100万元的D 2年内有1次走私行为的2、按照海关法律规定,_____D____不列入报关范围。

A 进境运输工具B 出境货物C 进境物品D 出境旅客3、某报关公司已适用海关B类管理2年,其上一年度进出口报关单差错率为8%,则海关调整企业管理类别时,_____C____。

A 可调整为C类企业B 可调整为A类企业C 不做调整,仍为B类企业D 可调整为AA类企业4、海关规范性文件指由_________ 按照规定程序制定的对行政管理相对人权利、义务具有普遍约束力的文件。

A 全国人大常委会、国务院B 国务院、海关总署C 海关总署、直属海关D 直属海关、隶属海关5、国家对进口可用作原料的固体废物的国内收货人以及国外供货商实行注册登记制度,向中国出口可用作原料的固体废物的国外供货商。

应当取得_____D____ 颁发的注册登记证书。

A 商务部B 环保部C 海关总署D 质检总局6、小麦进口实行_________,出口实行_____B____。

A 进口许可证管理,出口配额许可证管理B 关税配额管理,出口配额许可证管理C 自动进口许可证管理,出口许可证管理D 关税配额管理,出口配额招标管理7、有明确证据标明来自美国的某种电子产品数量激增,将对国内产业造成难以补救的损害,同时调查标明该产品贸易价格并不低于美国本土平均价格,按照世贸原则,我国政府可以采取的贸易救济措施是:BA 征收报复性关税B 保障措施C 反补贴措施D 反倾销措施8、出口加工区出区深加工结转应当在实际发货、收货之日起____B_____内办结该批货物的报关手续。



2012年报检员考试报检英语习题及答案汇总2012年报检员考试英语习题第一套及答案单选题1.This kind of fish is not ()for human consumprion.A.fitB.be fitC.wellD.fine答案:A2.Yon should provide us a set of origin in(),that is ,one original and two copies.A.duplicateB.quadruplicateC.triplicateD.double来源:考试大答案:C3.Since() were used in the cargo.a Phytosanitary Certificate should be providedA.wooden packagesB.cartonsC.plastic packagesD.jumbo bags答案:A4.The () were carefully inspected before we issue the Phytosanitary Certificate.A.animal productsB.plant productsC.machinesD.electronic toys答案:B5.The cargo must be shipped directly to China,that is.()is not alloweD.A.partial shipmentB.transshipmentC.through shipmentD.total shipment答案:B6.The quality of the goods we have received is not as good as the () you presentedA.sampleB.exampleC.for exampleD.gift答案:A7.The seller should lodge any claim for this consignment against the sellers()30 days ()arrival of the goods.A.within,inB.within,afterC.after inD.after,on答案:Bually,the consignor is the sane party as the ().A.buyerB.sellerC.notify partyD.beneficiary答案:B9.The documents you should provide are contract,L/C,invoice and B/L.L/C is the abbreviation for (),B/L is the abbreviation for ().A.Letter of Credit,Packing ListB.Leaking of Containers,Bill of LadingC.Letter of Credit,Bill of LadingD.Leaking of Containers,Packing List答案:C10.The plant products have been carefully inspected and are considered to be () from any quarantine pests.A.outB.awayC.freeD.far答案:C2012年报检员考试英语习题第二套及答案1、The weight- () is attributed to breakage of the gunny bags.A、shortB、shortageC、shortestD、long答案:B2、The quality infects had existed prior to ()A、shipmentB、shipC、carD、airplane答案:A3、“It is declared that this shipment does not contain any wood packing materials.”与这句话意思接近的是()。







2012年报检员考试《基础英语》模拟测试题单项选择题1.英译汉:“invalid;seal”,正确的翻译为( )。

a.有效的;销售B.有效的;封识C.无效的;销售D.无效的;封识2.英译汉“by air;carton”正确的翻译为( )。

a.空气;集装箱B.空运;纸箱C.空气;合同D.空运;集装箱3.英译汉“date of completion of discharge”正确的翻译为( )。

a.在规定的期限内卸货B.在规定的日期后卸货C.卸货日期D.卸毕日期4.英译汉“entry exit inspection and quarantine”最确切的翻译是( )。

a.进出口商品检验B.进出境动植物检疫C.进出口食品卫生检验D.出入境检验检疫5.英译汉“freight; weight”最确切的翻译是( )。


6.英译汉“wharf;invoice”最确切的翻译是( )。

a.仓库;合同B.仓库;发票C.码头;发票D.码头;合同7.英译汉“claim;packing”最确切的翻译是( )。

a.抱怨;包装B.索赔;包装C.品质;运输D.车厢;运输8.英译汉“b/l;l/c”最确切的翻译是( )。

a.桶装;信用证B.运单;信用证C.提单;信用证D.提单;许可证9.cfr means cost and( )。

a.insuranceB.inspectC.freightD.money答案:d b d d a c b c c15.汉译英:“鹿特丹;神户”,正确的翻译为_______。

A.Rotterdam;KobeB.Lithuania;YokohamaC.Lithuania-;KobeD.Rotterdam;Yokohama16.英译汉:nature; nationality; galley, 正确的翻译为______.A、性质;国籍;厨房B、性别;国籍;记载C、性别;国际;记载D、性质;国际;方法相关推荐:2012报检员《业务基础》考点:邮寄物的检验检疫2012报检员《业务基础》考点:报检的基本规定17. 汉译英:信用证;报关单;汇票,正确的翻译为_____A、customs declaration form; credit; draftB、credit; draft; customs declaration formC、credit; customs declaration form; draftD、draft; customs declaration form; credit18.汉译英:发票;执照;订货单,的正确的翻译为_____A、purchase order; invoice; licenceB、invoice; purchase order; licenceC、invoice; licence; purchase orderD、licence; leather; purchase order19.英译汉:“Latest shipment date;port of destination”,正确的翻译为_____.。



报关员资格考试报关英语试卷及答案二作者:华师科教报关员培训来源:本站原创文章点击数:564521.The form of the receipt for any Customs duties collected for the delayed payment shall be prescribed by_________.A. The Customs General AdministrationB. The Customs Houses themselvesC. The Tariff CommissionD. The Ministry of Finance22.Customs duties shall not be reduced or exempted on goods imported from or exported outof_______.A. Special economic zonesB. Coastal citiesC. Chinese—foreign joint venturesD. Foreign wholly—owned enterprises23.when the dispute over duty payment arises between the duty payer and the Customsthe duty payer should first pay the duty and thenwithin______days of the issuance of the duty memoapply to the Customs in writing for a reconsideration of the case.A. 10 daysB. 20 daysC. 30 daysD. 50 days24.Under what circumstances shall the Customs lift the seal affixed to the account booksdocuments and relevant data without delayA. Falsifying relevant account booksdocuments where any possibility isdetected of transferringB. Upon clearance of a caseC. Upon completion of collecting necessary evidenceD. Both B and C25.One of the very important documents in the foreign trade business is B/L.B/L is the abbreviation for_______.A. Bill of LadingB. Commercial InvoiceC. Buying ContractD. Letter of Credit26.The goods which do not pass through the territory by land but call for a change of the means of transport at a place with a Customs establishment is defined as_____.A. Transit goodsB. Transshipment goodsC. Through goodsD. Import and export goods27.When the consignee fails to the import goods within the time limita fee_____delayed declaration shall be imposed by the Customs.A. toB. fromC. forD. with28.Amsterdam is one of the port cities of______.A. GermanyB. EnglandC. FranceD. Dutch29.China Customs.attaches.great importance_______the development ofinformation.technology.A. inB. forC.withD. toply the.Customscontrol.requirements.A. withB. fromC. byD for31.The Customs surveillance zone include following places except 。
















报关员考试试题精选(含答案)一、单项选择题1.保税仓库所存货物的储存期限为(A ),特殊情况经批准延长期限最长不超过()。


此项加工成品复出口业务,除按规定需办理的出口手续外,同时要办理的手续是( D).A.境内转关运输手续B.货物过境手续C.货物登记备案手续D.出口转关运输手续3.兰州某公司从天津新港进口一批货物,在天津新港海关办理进口转关手续,货物由转关运输货物承运人按照海关要求运至兰州并在兰州海关报关进口。

在转关通关制度中天津新港被称为(A )。

A.进境地B.启运地C.指运地D.转关地4.进出口货物征免税证明的有效期( B)。


(D )A.海关B.进口单位C.使用单位D、国家进出口商检机构6.向海关申报进出口无代价抵偿货物应当在原进出口合同规定的索赔期限内且不超过原货物进出口之日起(C )。


该企业在向海关申请办理该套设备的减免税手续时,下列做法正确的是(B )。

A.向北京海关分别申领两份征免税证明B.向北京海关分别申领三份征免税证明C.向天津海关申领一份征免税证明,向青岛海关申领一份征免税证明D.向天津海关申领一份征免税证明,向青岛海关申领一份征免税证明向北京海关领一份征免税证明9.享受特定减免税优惠进口的钢材,必须按照规定用途使用,未经海关批准不得擅自出售、转让、移作他用,按照现行规定,海关对其的监管年限为:(C)A、8年B、6年C、5年D、3年10.经海关批准设立的保税仓库可以存放的货物是(A )A、进口货物B、进口货物,出口货物C、出口货物D、加工贸易进出口货物11.保税物流中心(A型)和保税物流中心(B型)货物保税存储期限为(D )。



报关员考试试题精选(含答案)一、单项选择题1.提前报关的进口转关货物应在电子数据申报之日起(C )内向进境地海关办理转关手续。

A.14天B.7天C.5天D.15天2.我国ATA单证册的签发机构是:(B)A.海关总署B.中国国际商会C.国务院D.外经贸部3.请指出下列哪一项货物或物品不适用暂准进出口通关制度(A )。

A、展览会期间出售的小卖品B、在展览会中展示或示范用的进口货物、物品C、承装一般进口货物进境的外国集装箱D、进行新闻报道使用的设备、仪器4.享受特定减免税优惠进口的钢材,必须按照规定用途使用,未经海关批准不得擅自出售、转让、移作他用,按照现行规定,海关对其的监管年限为:(C)A、8年B、6年C、5年D、3年5.已缴纳出口税的退关货物,可以在缴纳税款之日起(D ),提出书面申请,向海关申请退税。

A、3年内B、6个月C、2年内D、1年内6.保税区须经(B )批准建立A.海关总署B.国务院C.省级人民政府D.直属海关7.保税物流中心(A型)和保税物流中心(B型)货物保税存储期限为(D )。

A. 均为2年B. 均为1年C. 保税物流中心(A型)为2年,保税物流中心(B型)为1年D. 保税物流中心(A型)为1年,保税物流中心(B型)为2年8.保税仓库由( B)批准设立。

A、海关总署B、直属海关C、隶属海关D、国务院9.公用保税仓库面积最低为(B )平方米。

A、1000B、2000C、3000D、500010.自境内区外运入出口加工区的货物,正确的报关程序应当是(A )。

A、区外企业填制出口报关单→区内企业填制进境备案清单→海关向区外企业签发报关单退税,收汇证明联,向区内企业签发进境备案清单付汇证明联B、区外企业填制进口报关单→区内企业填制进境备案清单→海关向区外企业签发报关单付汇证明联,向区内企业签发出境备案清单收汇证明联C、区外企业填制出口报关单→区内企业填制进境备案清单→海关向区外企业签发报关单退税、收汇证明联,向区内企业签发出境备案清单收汇证明联D、区外企业填制出境备案清单→区内企业填制进口备案清单→海关向区外企业签发出境备案清单退税、收汇证明联,向区内企业签发报关单付汇证明联11.下列关于出口加工区,下列说法错误的是( D)。





1. The name of the currencies of U.S.A. Singapore , Germany and Japan are called ( )respectivelyA, U.S. Dollar ,Japanese Yen , Singapore Yen and Deutsche MarkB, U.S. Dollar ,Singapore Dollar ,Deutsche Mark and Japanese YenC, U.S. Dollar Japanese Yen ,Deutsche and Singapore Dollar D, U.S. dollar ,Japanese Dollar ,Singapore Dollar and Deutsche Mark2. When the import declaration is conducted , the person in charge of the matter should submit , together with Import Declaration Form ,the following commercial and shipping documents ,they are( )A. invoice and BL onlyB. invoice , BL packing list onlyC. invoice ,BL ,Packing list ,the duty exempting certificate Issued by customsD. none of the above3. Country of origin means ( )A. the country that buys the goodsB. the country that sells the goodsC. the country where the goods are producedD. the country where the goods are shopped4.Declaration documents ,import and export documents ,contracts and Other data directly related to import and export shall be retained for ( ) effective form the date of release of import and export goods.A. customs officeB. harbor officerC. the consignee of the Import goods and the consignor of the export goodsD. the owner or the ship5. transactions shall be retained for ( ) shall be present be present and responsible for moving the goods , opening and restoring the packingA. customs officerB. harbor officerC. the consignee of the Import goods and the consignor of the export goodsD. the owner or the ship6. The legal basis according to which customs duties are duly collected are the customs law, regulation of customs duties On ( ) and Import and Export Tariff Schedule of the peoples Republic of ChinaA. imports and exportB. business turnoversC. foreign exchange remittanceD. technology二、填空题,请根据下面短文中空格处已有字母的提示以及文意,在空格处填上其他字母并构成一个英语单词。

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1.The Customs surveillance zone include following places except 。

A. Any seaport,railway and high way station,airport,border pass or internati onal postal matter exchange where there is a Customs establishmentB. any place where Customs control is conductedC. any place without a Customs establishment but which has been approved b y the state council as a point of entry and exitD. any place along the border of the country2.Regulations on the levy of import duties on incoming passenger,s luggage a nd articles shall be formulated by 。

A. the Customs General AdministrationB. the Tariff CommissionC. the State CouncilD. the Economic Planning Commission3.Impostion of a discriminating duty belongs to the tariff rates falling into the c ategory of 。

A. general ratesB. preferential ratesC. ad valorem duty ratesD. special duty rates4.The goods which pass through the territory by land is defined as 。

A. transit goodsB. transshipment goodsC. through goodsD. import and export goods5.The Customs has the right to withhold the goods and articles connected the smuggling cases 。

A. forB. fromC. withD. within6.If the Customs duties are short-levied on import or export goods, the Custom s is entitled to collect the money payable from the person obligated to pay the dut y within of the previous duty payment or the release of the item。

A. 1 yearB. 2 yearsC. 3 yearsD. 4 years7. The duty—paying value shall be_______.A. the value of imports or exports declared by the consignors or consignors or consignees.B. the true transaction value of imports & exportsC. the value higher than the transaction value of identical or similar goodsD. the value lower than the transaction value of identical or similar goods8. If the decision by the Customs on the dispute over duty payment is not acc eptable to the duty payer, the duty payer has the right to sue _____the People’s Court within 15 days of receipt of the decision.A. inB. toC. onD. at9. The external auditing shall be conducted by the Customs over the following enterprises and other organizations.A. Enterprises and other organizations engaged in foreign trade onlyB. Enterprises and other organizations engaged in domestic trade onlyC. Enterprises engaged in the business of inward process onlyD. Both A and C10. Which of the following is not one of the responsibilities of the Tariff Commi ssion?A. To formulate the guideline for drawing up the regulationsB. To set temporary tariff ratesC. To levy Customs tariffs on imports & exportsD. To examine the draft of the amendment to tariff参考答案:1.D 2 A 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.C1. The customs may “withhold”the goods connected with the smuggling cases. The word “withhold”has the similar meaning of the following words except_____。

A. keep backB. detainC. refuse to giveD. refund2.The Customs will not ______the restricted goods unless an import or export l icense is obtainedA. clearB. releaseC. sellD. buy3.The operation of the storage,processing and assembling of the bonded goo ds and consignment sales should be approved by and registered _______the Custo ms.A. ForB. byC. fromD. With4.The goods which are carried into and out of the territory by the same vessel or aircraft are defined as_______.A. transit goodsB. transshipment goodsC. through goodsD. import and export goods5.the goods which have entered the territory,approved by the Customs as ite ms for which no formalities are performed in the way of duty payment,and will b e reshipped out of the territory after being stored,processed or assembled in the territory are defined as _______.A. bonded goodsB. Through goodsC. Transshipment goodsD. Transit goods6.In duty calculation,in case the CIF price of imports is in terms of foreign c urrency,it shall be converted into_______.A. another foreign currency quotedB. RMB at buying price quotedC. RMB at selling price quotedD. RMB at the middle price between the buying and selling prices quoted7.In case Customs duties are short—levied or not levied on import or export,the Customs may,within _____after the date of payment of Customs duties or the date of release of the goods,recover the amount of Customs duties short—levie d or not levied.A. Six monthsB. One yearC. two yearsD. four years8.Any dispute arising from duty payment between the auditee and the Customs should be dealt with in accordance with the provision laid down in the______.A. Regulations on Customs External Auditing of the People’s Republic of Chin aB. Customs law of the People’s Republic of ChinaC. Regulations on Import and Export Tariff of the People’s Republic of ChinaD. Both B and C9.Colombo is one of the port cities of______.A. Sri LankaB. IndiaC. MalaysiaD. Iran10.The seller should guarantee that the commodities comply _____the quality,specification and performance as stipulated in the contract.A. forB. inC. toD. With参考答案:1 .D 2 .B 3 .D 4. C 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. D 9 .A 10 .D。
