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Elsevier Editorial System(tm) for Biochemical and Biophysical Research CommunicationsManuscript DraftManuscript Number: BBRC-12-4255Title: Diagnostic analysis of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia with breast infiltration as the first symptom: a report of 6 casesArticle Type: Regular ArticleKeywords: Breast; Myeloid sarcoma; Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia; Diagnosis and therapy Corresponding Author: Dr. Min Ren,Corresponding Author's Institution: of Breast Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical UniversityFirst Author: Min RenOrder of Authors: Min Ren; Benzhong Wang, MS; Jin Wang, MS; Jingjie Zhang, MS; Jing Pei, MS; Xiaojun Xu, MS; Yunwen Yan, MS; Jun Xu, MS; Ying Chen, MSCover LetterDear editors,We would like to contribute the manuscript with the following title and authors forpublication in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.Title:Diagnostic analysis of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia with breast infiltrationas the first symptom: a report of 6 casesAuthors: Min Ren*, Benzhong Wang, Jin Wang, Jingjie Zhang, Jing Pei, Xiaojun Xu,Yunwen Yan, Jun Xu, Ying ChenCases of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) that present with breast infiltrationas the first symptom are rare diseases and easy to misdiagnosis. We systematicallyreviewed literature and analyzed the diagnosis and treatment of six cases who wereadmitted for the treatment of a breast mass, but were eventually diagnosed as ANLL(M2a phenotype) with breast infiltration. In conclusion, to avoid this diseasemisdiagnosis and detours, appropriate examinations should be performed to allow forearly detection. Moreover, this should be combined with bone marrow cytology andpathology examinations to diagnose and treat this type of leukemia at the earlieststage possible.We declare that submitted manuscript does not contain previously published material,and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Each author has made animportant scientific contribution to the study and is thoroughly familiar with theprimary data. All authors listed have read the complete manuscript and have approvedsubmission of the paper. The manuscript is truthful original work without fabrication,fraud or plagiarism. All authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.We would be happy if the manuscript will be evaluated by your Editorial Boardmembers for publication in the Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications.Thank you for your kind cooperation with this matter in advance.With best regards,Sincerely yours,Min RenDepartment of Breast Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei 30022, China.Tel: +86-138********Fax: +86-5512922043Email: renmin1977@*Highlights (for review)Diagnostic analysis of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia with breast infiltration asthe first symptom: a report of 6 casesMin Ren*, Benzhong Wang, Jin Wang, Jingjie Zhang, Jing Pei, Xiaojun Xu, Yunwen Yan, JunXu, Ying ChenDepartment of Breast Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei30022, China.This disease is very rare and easily misdiagnosed.We conducted a systematic diagnosis and analysis rather than direct treatment.To take timely and effective treatment after diagnosis.No obvious recurrence was detected during the follow-up period.We propose a more comprehensive diagnostic and treatment strategies.*ManuscriptClick here to view linked ReferencesDiagnostic analysis of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia with breast infiltration asthe first symptom: a report of 6 casesMin Ren*, Benzhong Wang, Jin Wang, Jingjie Zhang, Jing Pei, Xiaojun Xu, Yunwen Yan, JunXu, Ying ChenDepartment of Breast Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University, Hefei30022, China.Email Address:Min Ren (renmin1977@); Benzhong Wang (wangbenzhong2459@);Jin Wang (wangjin@); Jingjie Zhang (jingjiezhang@); Jing Pei(meipei@); Xiaojun Xu (xuxj1977@); Yunwen Yan(sweety@); Jun Xu (xujun@); Ying Chen(yingchen@)*Corresponding AuthorMin RenDepartment of Breast Surgery,The First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University,Hefei 30022, China.Tel: +86-138********Fax:+86-5512923863Email: renmin1977@Abbreviationsacute non-lymphocytic leukemia: ANLLgranulocytic sarcoma: GSdaunorubicin + Ara-C : DAemission CT : ECTmyeloperoxidase : MPOnon-Hodgkin's lymphoma : NHLchronic myelogenous leukemia : CMLmyelodysplastic syndrome : MDSacute myelogenous leukemia : AMLAbstractCases of acute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) that present with breast infiltration as the first symptom are rare diseases and easy to misdiagnosis. We systematically reviewed literature and analyzed the diagnosis and treatment of six cases who were admitted for the treatment of a breast mass, but were eventually diagnosed as ANLL (M2a phenotype) with breast infiltration. Then they were transferred to the hematology department for standardized chemotherapy. Their peripheral blood cells gradually recovered to normal levels and symptoms disappeared. One patient, who also suffered from kidney disease, was also healed. No obvious recurrence was detected during the follow-up period, which lasted between 14 and 38 months. In conclusion, to avoid this disease misdiagnosis and detours, appropriate examinations should be performed to allow for early detection. Moreover, this should be combined with bone marrow cytology and pathology examinations to diagnose and treat this type of leukemia at the earliest stage possible.Keywords: Breast; Myeloid sarcoma; Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia; Diagnosis and therapyIntroductionAcute non-lymphocytic leukemia (ANLL) cells can infiltrate most organs of the body, including bone, joints, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, and skin[1]. However, infiltration of ANLL cells to the breast (breast granulocytic sarcoma) as an initial symptom for admission to the clinic is rarely reported [2-5]. The etiology and pathogenesis of this disease is still unclear. Due, in part, to its rarity, the misdiagnosis of this disease is as high as 75% [2]. The occurrence of infiltration can be detected from the characteristics of the peripheral blood and bone marrow. Although it was reported as an early manifestation of acute leukemia, it was misdiagnosed as breast fibrosarcoma. The purpose of this study was to retrospectively analyze the clinical records of six patients who were initially admitted for breast masses but who were eventually diagnosed with ANLL (M2a phenotype) with breast infiltration. The cases presented here are from the Breast Surgery Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University from October 2008 to September 2010.Patients and MethodsAll six patients were females whose ages ranged from 21 to 58 years. The duration of treatment ranged from 8 days to 2 years. Two patients presented with left internal mammary tumors, two patients displayed right mammary tumors, and two patients presented with bilateral mammary tumors. Three of the six patients suffered from multiple mammary tumors, and one patient also suffered from combined nephritic syndrome (membranous nephropathy). Ancillary examinations involved blood tests for white blood cells, and patients were categorized as either having a normal count of white blood cells or an abnormal count. Immature cells were also observed in the smears. Three cases with simple mammary tumors underwent removal of tumor tissue, which were diagnosed as breast granulocytic sarcomas. In a majority of patients, leukemia was confirmed by both immunohistochemical staining and bone marrow biopsy smear examination. For two of the patients, leukemia was confirmed by bone marrow biopsy smear examination alone since they suffered from an abnormal white blood cell count. One patient was diagnosed as breast granulocytic sarcoma by a histology examination with core needle aspiration. Due to an abnormal white blood cell count, leukemia in this same patient was confirmed by bone marrow biopsy smear only.The patients admitted to the hospital underwent normal physical examinations and tissue biopsy cytology. For each patient, the mass was resected and frozen for postoperative pathological, immunohistological, and bone marrow examinations. Following testing with antibodies, complements, T cell subtypes, and immunophenotyping, all patients were officially diagnosed with ANLL (M2a) with breast infiltration. Considering that the tumor may have been caused by leukemia extramedullary infiltration, surgical operation was not immediately considered. All patients were transferred to the internal hematology department for chemotherapy with daunorubicin + Ara-C (DA) regimens.ResultsAll six patients were officially diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy and immunophenotyping examination as having ANLL (M2a) with breast infiltration. Following consultation, all patients were transferred to the hematology department to receive standardized chemotherapy regimens for leukemia. After the therapy, blood cell counts gradually recovered. Furthermore, breast lumps and axillary lymph nodes disappeared. The single patient suffering from kidneydisease with combined nephrotic syndrome was also healed. During the follow-up period between 14 and 38 months, no obvious recurrences were detected.As a typical example of one of our six cases, a 43-year-old female was admitted to our department in February 2009 after discovering that she had a left internal mammary tumor that had been developing for 7 months. Three months prior, this patient suffered from fatigue and bilateral extremity edema. Thus, following a kidney biopsy and pathological examination at Le Qing People’s Hospital, t his patient was diagnosed with nephrotic syndrome (membranous nephropathy). The patient received oral prednisone, Glucosidorum Tripterygll Totorum, and other drug treatments. Following a physical examination, the patient showed stable vital signs and a clear mind and spirit. There were no problems associated with the patient’s cardiopulmonary system, and her bilateral supraclavicular lymph nodes were not enlarged. Her abdomen was flat and no gastrointestinal or peristaltic waves were detected. No palpable masses were detected on her liver, spleen, or costal margin. No sensitivity was reported in the areas of the liver and kidney. The limbs and spine were normal, and she displayed a normal physical reflex. Following examination by a specialist, it was confirmed that the patient’s breasts were symmetric but that she had an approximately 5.5 cm × 6.0 cm sized solid lump near the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. Additionally, she had two 1.5 cm × 2.5 cm sized hard lumps near the upper inner quadrant of the left breast, which presented with poorly defined boundaries, poor activity, lack of tenderness, and no obvious skin adhesion. The right breast was normal. However, several hard enlarged lymph nodes were detected in the left axillary area. These displayed good activity and were 1.0 cm × 1.2 cm at their maximum size. No obvious enlarged lymph nodes were found in the right axillary and bilateral supraclavian and infraclavian areas.Ancillary examination involved routine blood cell counting. The patient displayed the following counts: white blood cells 5.15×109/L, neutrophils 9.14%, lymphocytes 75.04%, mononuclear cells 15.94%, red blood cells 3.44×1012/L, hemoglobin 103 g/L, and platelets 87×109/L. No abnormalities were found in,liver and kidney functions, electrolytes, blood sugar, blood coagulation, stool, urine, chest X-ray, or electrocardiogram. The patient also underwent a number of tests, which are described in the next section. Molybdenum target radiography of the breasts: 1) multiple occupancy was found in the left breast, and additional pathological examinations were suggested once malignancy could not be excluded; 2) multiple enlarged lymph nodes were found at the left axillary site; 3) bilateral breast hyperplasia was detected and follow-up was suggested. Color ultrasound: multiple occupancy was found in the left breast, and multiple enlarged lymph nodes were found at the left axillary site; additionally, the patient seemed to suffer from splenomegaly, but no abnormalities were found in the kidneys, ureter, or bladder. Fine needle aspiration of the left breast mass for cytology examination: there were many acute and chronic inflammatory cells and necrotic components. Core needle aspiration of the left breast mass for histopathological examination: we identified left internal mammary granulocytic sarcoma. Immunohistochemistry: LCA (+), MPO (+), bcl-6 (-), CK (-), CK7 (-), CD79 (-), HCHL7 (-), CD5 (-), CD10 (-), CyclinD1 (-), CD3 (-), CD20 (-), suggesting that this was actually a case of leukemia cells that had infiltrated into the breast. Bone marrow biopsy: provided evidence that this was acute non-lymphocytic leukemia, specifically M2a type and immunophenotyping. Whole-body bone scan by emission CT (ECT): an increased bone salt metabolism lesion was detected near the right upper maxillary bone; elevated bonemetabolism lesions were found in the parietal bone, both shoulders, the wrist, hands, and a small bone at the joints and both knees; periodic review suggested that these lesions may bebenign. T cell subtypes: CD3:15.3%,CD4:5.6%,CD8:9.5%,CD4/CD8:0.59,NK(CD16+56):3.4%。
Limited effect of recombinant human mannose-binding lectinon the infection of novel influenza A(H7N9)virus in vitroJinlei Guo a,1,Yang Cao b,1,Kun Qin a,Xiaopeng Zhao a,Donghong Wang a,Zi Li a,Li Xin a, Yuelong Shu a,Jianfang Zhou a,*a National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Key Laboratory for Medical Virology, National Health and Family Planning Commission,Beijing102206,PR Chinab Center of Growth,Metabolism and Aging,Key Laboratory of Bio-Resource and Eco-Environment,Ministry of Education,College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,No.29Wangjiang Road,Chengdu610064,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received23December2014 Available online26January2015Keywords:Mannose-binding lectinInfluenza A virusInnate immunityH7N9a b s t r a c tMannose-binding lectin(MBL),a pattern-recognition molecule in serum,recognizes specific hexose sugars rich in mannose and N-acetylglucosamine on bacterium,yeasts,viruses as well as apoptotic cells. It has been well-identified that MBL has antiviral effects via binding to seasonal influenza H1and H3 subtype viruses.Influenza A(H7N9)virus,a novel reassortant virus to human population,possesses the surface hemagglutinin(HA)and neuraminidase(NA)genes from duck and wild-bird influenza viruses and internal genes from poultry H9N2viruses.As of Dec7th,2014,a total of467human infections and 183fatal cases have been identified.Here,recombinant human(rh)MBL was tested for its binding and effects on hemagglutination inhibition(HI)and NA activity inhibition(NAI)of avian H7N9,H9N2and human H3N2viruses.We discovered that rhMBL exhibited a strong binding to H7N9virus as human H3N2did at high virus titers.However,it performed a significantly weaker HI activity effect on H7N9 comparing to those of H3N2and H9N2,even at a much higher concentration(3.67±0.33vs.0.026±0.001and0.083±0.02m g/mL,respectively).Similarly,minor NAI effect of rhMBL,even at up to 10m g/mL,was found on H7N9virus while it displayed significant effects on both H3N2and H9N2at a lowest concentration of0.0807±0.009and0.0625m g/mL,respectively.The HI and NAI effects of rhMBL were calcium-dependent and mediated by lectin domain.Ourfindings suggest that MBL,the host innate molecule,has differential interference effects with human and avian influenza virus and limited antiviral effect against H7N9virus.©2015The Authors.Published by Elsevier Inc.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-NDlicense(/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).1.IntroductionHost innate immunity plays a critical role in the early phase of infection.Thisfirst-line defense against pathogens is mediated by a variety of pattern-recognition molecules including collectins,toll-like receptors andficolins as well as inflammatory cytokines and type I interferon or macrophages and natural killer cells.Mannose-binding lectin(MBL)is one of collectins circulating in the serum and synthesized by liver.It consists of collagenous domains and carbohydrate recognition domains(CRD).The CRDs recognize sugars including D-mannose,N-acetylmannosamine,N-acetylglu-cosamine and L-fucose on the surface of many pathogens in a calcium-dependent manner[1].Previous studies showed that MBL can bind to a range of clinically relevant microorganisms such as Staphylococcus aureus,Candida Albicans[2],HIV,SARS-CoV,Ebola virus,HSV,influenza virus[3e6].The binding of MBL to microor-ganisms is presumed to induce MBL conformational changes that allow the molecule to initiate viral neutralization or kill virus via opsonization or complement activation[7].Influenza A virus,a segmented single-stranded negative-sense RNA virus,belongs to orthomyxoviridae and is subtyped according to the antigenic properties of their envelope glycoproteins,HA and NA.Currently,16HA subtypes and9NA subtypes circulate in birds. Among them,only seasonal H1N1and H3N2viruses circulate in human population[8].Occasionally,some subtypes of avian*Corresponding author.National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Preven-tion,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Key Laboratory for Medical Virology,National Health and Family Planning Commission,155Changbai Road, Beijing102206,PR China.Fax:þ8601063580764.E-mail address:jfz@(J.Zhou).1These authors contributed equally in thisstudy.Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications jou rn al homepage:/locate/ybbrc/10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.0700006-291X/©2015The Authors.Published by Elsevier Inc.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license(/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications458(2015)77e81influenza A virus can jump into human and cause diseases with a range of clinical symptoms and outcomes,such as conjunctivitis, mild upper respiratory tract disease,as well as severe pneumonia and death[9e12].Viral HA and NA assist virus binding,entry and releasing during infection cycle.Their potential N-linked glycosyl-ation sites(NGS)can be glycosylated,which might allow their binding to host MBL.It has been found that the glycan at residue 165in H3N2HA was of high-mannose and MBL neutralized viral infectivity via it.Many lines of evidences have shown that the MBL plays an important role infighting against seasonalflu[13e15]. However,little is known about the interactions between avian influenza virus and the innate molecules.Avian influenza H7N9 virus is novel to human population[16,17],which contains the surface HA and NA genes from duck and wild-bird influenza viruses and internal genes from poultry H9N2viruses.Unlike other H7 viruses that generally cause mild symptoms such as conjunctivitis or influenza-like illness(except one fatal case infected with H7N7 in Netherlands in2003),H7N9virus usually results in severe pneumonia or respiratory failure in human.Here,we examined the interactions of MBL with avian influenza virus H7N9,H9N2and human virus H3N2.Furthermore,we studied the molecule mech-anisms for them by structure modeling.2.Materials and methods2.1.VirusThe vaccine strain A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)(NIBRG-268)was ob-tained from National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK),namely H7N9Vac.The virus bears the HA and NA of A/Anhui/1/ 2013(H7N9)and internal genes of A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(PR8,H1N1); A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)was named as H3N2WT in the study; H9N2virus,a reassortant bearing the HA,NA from A/Hongkong/ 33982/2009(H9N2)and internal genes of PR8,was named as H9N2RG.The reassortant H7N1AH1HAþPR8NA was with HA of A/ Anhui/1/2013and seven genes of PR8,which is rescued as previously reported[18].H7N9Vac,H3N2WT and H7N1AH1HAþPR8NA were propagated in9e11-day-old embryonated chicken eggs,H9N2RG was grown in Madin-Darby canine kidney(MDCK)cells(ATCC,USA) with Modified Eagle's Medium(invitrogen,USA)containing2m g/mL N-tosyl-L-phenylalanine chloromethyl ketone(TPCK)e treated trypsin(Sigma,USA).Virus stocks were purified by adsorption to and elution from turkey red blood cells(TRBCs)and stored atÀ80 Cuntil use[19].Virus titer was determined by titration in MDCK cells and the tissue culture infectious dose affecting50%of the cultures (TCID50)is calculated by the Reed e Muench formula[20].2.2.Detection of MBL binding to influenza virusRecombinant human MBL(rhMBL)was purchased from Sino Biological Inc(Beijing,China).Ninety-six-well plates were coated with2Â105TCID50influenza virus at a volume of100m l/well for overnight at4 C,then were blocked for1h with1%Bovine Serum Albumin(BSA,Roche,Switzerland)at37 C.Different concentra-tions of rhMBL(0,1,3,5,7m g/mL)were added and incubated for 1h at37 C.The virus-dose dependent binding assay was con-ducted as that wells were precoated with2Â102,2Â103,2Â104 and2Â105TCID50influenza viruses per well.Then3m g/mL rhMBL was added and incubated for1h at37 C.The binding was detected by the biotinylated human MBL pAb(0.2m g/mL)(R&D, USA),followed by streptavidin-horseradish peroxidase(HRP) (1:200)(R&D,USA)and tetramethylbenzidine substrate solution (BD,USA),the reaction was stopped by2M H2SO4and the Optical Density(OD)at450nm was measured by ELISA reader(Perkin-Elmer,USA).The wells coated with10m g/mL mannan from Saccharomyces cerevisiae(Sigma,USA)or coating buffer(Kirke-gaard&Perry Laboratories,USA)were used as positive control and negative control respectively.The test was performed in duplicates and in three independent experiments,absorbance from negative control was subtracted and results were normalized to positive control,data was expressed as a relative absorbance value using mean±SEM(%).2.3.Hemagglutination inhibition(HI)assaysHI assay was performed in V-bottom96-well plates as previ-ously described[20].Briefly,25m L influenza virus(4HAU)was mixed with25m L rhMBL of different concentrations diluted in Hank's Balanced Salt Solution(HBSS)containing1.26mM Ca2þfor 1h at37 C,then50m L1%TRBC was added to the mixture and incubate at room temperature for30min.For HI reverse assay: rhMBL was diluted in HBSS containing10mM EDTA or10mg/mL mannan,then incubated with4HAU of influenza virus.The results were expressed as the minimum inhibitory concentration(MIC)of rhMBL that exhibited HI effect.2.4.Neuraminidase activity inhibition(NAI)assaysInfluenza virus NA activity was measured by ELISA in which peanut agglutinin conjugated with HRP was used to detect b-D-galactose-N-acetylglucosamine exposed after removal of sialic acid from fetuin[21].Appropriate amounts of virus in Dulbecco's1X PBS with CaCl2and MgCl2(Life Technologies,USA)were used to perform the NAI assays.Different concentrations of rhMBL were diluted in HBSS containing Ca2þand mixed with influenza virus in a total volume of100m L and preincubated at37 C for1h,and then transferred to wells precoated with fetuin(Sigma,USA)and incu-bated at37 C for4h,After washing,100m L of HRP-labeled peanut lectin(3m g/mL)was added and after1h at room temperature,the wells were washed and o-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride in citrate buffer was added,reaction was stopped by2M H2SO4,and the OD at492nm was measured.The wells only with virus were used as the positive control,the OD of wells with HBSS used as a negative control was subtracted.Results were expressed as relative NA activity(%)calculated as the OD of the tested wells with virus and rhMBL divided by the OD of the wells with only virus.Table1Distances from the potential N-linked glycosylation sites(NGS)to receptor binding domain or NA activity region(Å).NGS Protein Distances from the NGS to functional region(Å)H3N2WT H9N2RG H7N9Vac63HA27.3e e95HA e23.2e122HA26.9e e128HA e17.6e126HA24.3e e133HA16e e144HA18.9e e165HA24.1e e198HA e16.2e240HA e e37.3246HA22.2e e86NA29.429.430146NA20.821.228.9200NA18.118.418.4234NA29.429.5e329NA26.5e e402NA22.422.7ee:Denotes the absence of NGS in the corresponding virus.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications458(2015)77e81 782.5.Structure modelingThe HA and NA 3D structures were predicted by using the ho-mology modeling method of SWISS-MODEL [22].The modeling structures,corresponding templates and identities are shown in Supplementary Table S1.Potential NGS were identi fied with the NetNGlyc 1.0server ( arti ficial neural networks that examine the context of Asn-Xaa-Ser/Thr sequences.The predicted NGS include 86,146,200,234,329and 402of NA,79,105,138,141,142,149,160,181,206,249and 262of HA (H3N2numbering)(Table 1).The NGS at the modeling structures were highlighted in Fig.S1with Pymol (DeLano Scienti fic).The trimer structure of MBL was assembled using MBL crystal structure (PDB code:1HUP)with PISA [23]which generate the oligomeric forms of protein according to the symmetry information.To quantify the distance between RBD/NA activity region and each NGS,we employed the average Euclidean distance of the center (C alpha atom)of every RBD/NA activity region and the center (C alpha atom)of NGS.2.6.Statistical analysisDifferences between groups were tested using non-parametric Kruskal e Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA)for multiple com-parisons using IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0(IBM,USA)and p <0.05was considered statistically signi ficant.3.Results3.1.Binding of rhMBL with seasonal and avian in fluenza viruses The ELISA results showed that rhMBL bound both seasonal and avian in fluenza viruses in vitro .Incubation with increasingconcentrations of rhMBL resulted in elevated levels of MBL bound to immobilized in fluenza virus,reaching a plateau at 3m g/mL (Fig.1A).Then,3m g/mL rhMBL was used to determine the af finity to increasing amounts of virus,revealing the virus-dose depen-dent binding feature (Fig.1B).High binding of rhMBL to the hu-man H3N2virus might be due to a relatively more NGS in its HA and NA (Table S2),in addition to the glycans attached at the site of 165as previously reported [14].Beyond our expectation,H7N9virus exhibited stronger binding than H9N2virus,reaching a comparable level as human H3N2at higher titers of 2Â104and 2Â105,although fewer NGS was observed in avian H7N9than avian H9N2(Table S2).The differential binding of rhMBL to avian virus might result from the types of oligosaccharide attached and further investigations are needed.The finding demonstrated here implied a possible antiviral effect initiated by rhMBL at early stage of novel avian virus infection since naïve host lacked the pre-existed cross-reactive or speci fic anti-HA or anti-NA antibodies.3.2.Weak HI interference with H7N9virus by rhMBLInitially,we discovered that the lowest concentration for rhMBL (m g/mL,mean ±SEM)to abolish virus-mediated TRBC agglutination was 1.42±0.239,0.083±0.02,0.026±0.005for H7N9vac,H9N2RG and H3N2WT (Table 2),respectively.The HI effect could be reversed in the presence of 5mM EDTA or 5mg/mL mannan,which indicates that HI was calcium-dependent and mannan-inhibitable.We then used a H7N1reassortant obtained HA from H7N9and other seven segments from PR8to exclude a possible hemadsorption by N9reported elsewhere [24].The MIC against the H7N1was 3.67±0.33m g/mL (Table 2),which was remarkably higher than those against H3N2or H9N2virus,indicating a weaker HI effect of rhMBL onH7.Fig.1.Binding of rhMBL to puri fied in fluenza A virus.A.The dose-dependent binding of rhMBL to in fluenza virus.Wells were precoated with 2Â105TCID 50in fluenza virus H7N9Vac (C ),H9N2RG (-),H3N2WT (:),1%BSA (;).B.The bindings of rhMBL to in fluenza virus increase with viral titer.Wells were precoated with 2Â102,2Â103,2Â104,2Â105TCID 50in fluenza viruses H7N9Vac (C ),H9N2RG (-)and H3N2WT (:),3m g/mL rhMBL was used to detect the binding.Levels of rhMBL bound to immobilized in fluenza virus were detected by ELISA,as described in Materials and methods.The absorbance from negative control was subtracted and the results were normalized to positive control,the mannan.Data are expressed as mean ±SEM (%)from three independent experiments.Table 2HI titer of rhMBL against in fluenza A viruses.Concentrations inhibiting hemagglutination of IAV by rhMBL (m g/mL)H3N2WTH9N2RG H7N9Vac H7N1AH1HA þPR8NAMBL 0.026±0.0050.083±0.02 1.42±0.239 3.67±0.33þEDTA a >0.5ND ND ND þmannan b>0.5NDNDNDResults are expressed as mean ±SEM of three independent experiments.ND:not determined.H3N2WT:A/Brisbane/10/2007(H3N2)wild-type;H9N2RG:virus with the HA,NA from A/Hongkong/33982/2009(H9N2)and internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1);H7N9Vac:virus with the HA,NA from A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)and internal genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1);H7N1AH1HA þPR8NA :virus with HA from A/Anhui/1/2013(H7N9)and other seven genes from A/Puerto Rico/8/1934(H1N1).aThe HI test was performed in the presence of 5mM EDTA and rhMBL of different concentrations.The maxim concentration of MBL for testing is 0.5m g/mL.bThe HI test was performed in the presence of 5mg/mL mannan and rhMBL of different concentrations.The maxim concentration of MBL for testing is 0.5m g/mL.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(2015)77e 81793.3.NAI of H3N2and H9N2by rhMBL not H7N9virusAs shown in Fig.2A,NA activity of H3N2was inhibited by rhMBL in a dose-dependent manner,and the IC 50was 0.0807±0.009m g/mL.Similarly,the rhMBL,at a concentration of 0.0625m g/mL,could inhibit the NA activity of H9N2(Fig.2B).Nevertheless,the relative NA activity of H7N9remained above 50%in the presence of increasing concentration of rhMBL even at up to 10m g/mL.By contrast,the positive control,oseltamivir (Roche,Switzerland)at the concentration of 25m M (equivalent to 7.109m g/mL),could signi ficantly inhibit the NA activity of H7N9(Fig.2C).Furthermore,the inhibition of H3N2NA activity by rhMBL could also be abolished in the presence of 5mM EDTA or 5mg/mL mannan,suggesting that the NAI was calcium-dependent and mediated by lectin domain.3.4.Steric interference between MBL and NGS in HA and NA head RBD in HA,including the motifs of 190-helix,130-and 220-loop,is one of important functional domains [25].NA activity region is composed of 8functional residues (R118,D151,R152,R224,E276,R292,R371and Y406)and 11framework residues (E119,R156,W178,S179,D198,I222,E227,H274,E277,N294and E425)[18].To elucidate a possible interference between MBL and the NGS around the functional motifs:RBD in HA or the NA activity domain,we compared NGS distribution in them by structure modeling (Fig.S1).We also obtained the trimer form of MBL using the crystal structure (PDB code:1HUP)and measured the radius of MBL CRD which is at least 30Å.Although there are indications that trimers of MBL are not biologically active and at least a tetramer form is needed for activation of complement [26],30Åcan be regard as the minimum value.We subsequently calculated the average distances between the NGS located around RBD or NA activity region (Table 1)and speculated that their distance within the size of human MBL CRD,30Å,might affect the functions of HA or NA.As listed in Table S2and Fig.S1,only one conserved NGS on HA head was detected at position 240in the avian H7N9while different pattern was found in H3and H9(63,122,126,133,144,165,246for H3;95,128,198for H9).The distances of NGS located in H3and H9from its individual RBD all are within 30Åwhile it is of 37.3Åat 240NGS in H7N9.Furthermore,the NGS at residue 165,246[14,27]were indeed associated with the sensitivity of human H3N2virus to MBL and 144for 2009pdm H1N1[28].Notably,additional NGS at Site 133in HA emerged in some H7N9strain (4out of 269)and the effect of MBL on it needed further tests.Similarly,only three NGS at 86,146and 200on NA head were found in H7N9and additional sites including 239,329and 402in H3N2and 239and 402in H9N2.Even the distances of NGS in H7N9NA were less than 30Å,we could not detect any NAI effect of MBL on it.The findings might attribute to the absence of effective NGS adjacent to NA functional region,such as 239and 402in both H3N2and H9N2virus,or different glycan type attached.4.DiscussionIn fluenza A virus circulating in animal reservoirs is a continual cause for public health concern.In addition to the ever-present threat of seasonal in fluenza,we also face the threats from novel viruses such as H5N1and H7N9,2009pdm H1N1virus in recent years.Since the viruses can escape from the protection of anti-HA or anti-NA antibodies due to antigenic shift,the innate immunity in naïve host is crucial for battling against newly-emerging viruses.MBL,a pattern-recognition molecule in innate immunity,is known as a b inhibitor for seasonal in fluenza A virus.The average concentration of MBL in healthy human plasma (aged 18e 87years)is 1.72±1.51m g/mL [29],with about 30%of individuals present MBL levels below 0.5m g/mL [30].The antiviral activity of MBL against seasonal in fluenza A virus is via its interactions with viral HA or NA by blocking viral entry,fusion or releasing [15,31].MBL could neutralize the virus either in a complement dependent or inde-pendent manner [13,15],However,the effects of MBL may vary depending on speci fic strains.It also plays an important role in modulating in flammation and has been reported to contribute to deleterious in flammatory response to pdmH1N1and a H9N2avian isolate (A/Quail/Hong Kong/G1/97)[32].Here,we found differential binding of rhMBL to human in flu-enza H3N2and avian H7N9,H9N2viruses.Speci fically,rhMBL exhibited signi ficant HI activity against H3N2and H9N2virus at a relatively low concentration (0.026±0.005,0.083±0.02,respec-tively),while its HI activity on H7N9virus was around 3.67±0.33m g/mL,reaching the upper limit in plasma of healthy population.In contrast,for NAI on H7N9virus,the rhMBL showed little effect even at a high concentration as 10m g/mL.As MBL is supposed to display a steric interference with HA or NA when binding to the speci fic hexose sugars across or adjacent to RBD in HA or activity region in NA,the limited impact of MBL on H7N9might result from its property of few NGS adjacent to functional region on the HA and NA.Of note,a serial of pathotypings including higher virus load,excess chemokine/cytokine responseandFig.2.Inhibition of in fluenza virus Neuraminidase activity by rhMBL.A.Inhibition of H3N2NA activity by rhMBL.Virus was incubated with increasing concentrations of rhMBL (:),or with EDTA at final concentration of 5mM (◊),mannan at final concentration of 5mg/mL (B ).B.Inhibition of H7N9,H9N2NA activity by rhMBL.H7N9Vac (C )and H9N2RG (-)were incubated with increasing concentrations of rhMBL.NA activity was measured by ELISA,as described in Materials and methods.C.The effects of 10m g/mL rhMBL and 25m M oseltamivir on NA activity of H7N9Vac.Results were expressed as relative NA activity (%)calculated as the OD of the tested wells with virus and rhMBL divided by the OD of the wells only with virus.The dashed line represents 50%of the original NA activity.Data are expressed as mean ±SEM of three independent experiments.*p <0.05.J.Guo et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 458(2015)77e 8180functional impairments of B and T cells have been observed in H7N9infection cases,particularly in fatal cases[33,34].The aber-rant inflammatory response in H7N9-infected animals could be reversed partially by anti-C5a,indicating a hyperactivated com-plement mediated[35].Therefore,the strong MBL-H7N9virus interaction whereas limited effects on viral HA-receptor binding or NA-mediated releasing,might amplify immune dysfunctions in vivo and confer clinical severity of H7N9infection via activating com-plement pathway and further investigates are needed.Conflict of interestNone reported.AcknowledgmentsWe thank National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK)and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(USA)for providing the viruses used in our study.We greatly appreciate Yu Lan for instructions on influenza bioinformatics.This work was supported by National Mega-projects for Infectious Diseases (2014ZX10004002-001-004).Appendix A.Supplementary dataSupplementary data related to this article can be found at http:// /10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.070.Transparency documentThe transparency document associated with this article can be found in the online version at /10.1016/j.bbrc.2015.01.070.References[1]N.Kawasaki,T.Kawasaki,I.Yamashina,Isolation and characterization of amannan-binding protein from 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广东化工2012年第15期· 198· 第39卷总第239期《药事管理与法规》信息化教学案例设计王娟(徐州生物工程职业技术学院,江苏徐州 221006)[摘要]信息化教学就是在信息化环境中,教育者与学习者借助现代教育媒体、教育信息资源和教育技术方法进行的双边活动。
[关键词]信息化教学;药师管理与法规;案例设计[中图分类号]G4 [文献标识码]B [文章编号]1007-1865(2012)15-0198-02 "Pharmaceutical Administration and Regulation" InformatizationTeaching Case DesignWang Juan(Xuzhou Biological Engineering Career Technical College, Xuzhou 221006, China)Abstract: Information teaching is in the environment of information, the educators and learners by means of the modern education media, education information resources and education methods of bilateral activity. With a novelty, the times, rich features, suitable for the learning needs of students. And "Pharmaceutical Administration and regulation" curriculum teaching theoretical knowledge, boring, students are lack of interesting in learning. The author tried to put information into classroom teaching means, in order to change the present teaching situation of the course, and try to explore new teaching mode and new method.Keywords: informatization teaching;pharmacists regulations;case design信息化教学就是在信息化环境中,教育者与学习者借助现代教育媒体、教育信息资源和教育技术方法进行的双边活动。
A method for purifying the glycoprotein IIb-IIIa complex in plate membrane A double-catheter technique for avoiding caudaly misdirected catheters in the umbilical artery An improved method for …………
We washed out the lungs five times with solution I, instilled 8-10 ml of the fluorocarbon-albumin emulsion into the trache, and incubate the lungs in 154 mM NaCl at 37 C for 20 min.
(1)主语、动词、补足语之间不能表达核心内容 动词:
An increase in the heart rate occurred. The heart rate (was) increased. The new drug caused a decrease in heart rate The new drug decreased the heart rate With bilateral leg vessel congestion, the complication of forearm vessels increased significantly when the vessles of both leg were congested, the complication of forearm vessels increased significantly The results demonstrated the essential role of the D1 receptor in the locomotor stimulant effects of cocaine. The results demonstrated that the D1 receptor is essential for the locomotor stimulant effects of cocaine.
关键词:时尚软装饰家居材料色彩第1章室内设计的发展趋势室内设计既是一种艺术表达方式,又给人们提供了一种生活方式,这种生活方式必须是健康的,自然的,统一的,怡人的,习惯的,促进人发展的,随着社会的发展,专业的进一步完善,室内设计会逐渐改善,也就会出现以下几种趋势:1.1 回归自然化随着环境保护意识的增长,人们向往自然,喝天然饮料,用自然材料,渴望住在天然绿色环境中。
1.2 高度民族化只强调高度现代化,人们虽然提高了生活质量,却又感到失去了传统、失去了过去。
1.3 高度现代化随着科学技术的发展,在室内设计中采用一切现代科技手段,使设计达到最佳声、光、色、形的匹配效果,实现高速度、高效率、高功能、创造出理想的值得人们赞叹的空间环境来。
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丁香园论坛网友提供:1. manuscript(word). legand .figure .是否分开几个文件来传送的??manuscript(word) .figure以及TABLE分开提交,但LEGEND放到REFERENCE后面。
2. 彩图和灰度图改为TIFF格式,300ppi (这个分辨率够不?)后图象的的长宽超过一个WORD 页面的话那是否需要改的小一点?彩图应该够,但是如果是线图,或者是组图中有线图,最好600PI,图像高度一般没有限制,宽度分为单栏和双栏,前者7.5CM后者加一倍。
3. 灰度图是否需改为RGB格式?不需要。
4. 段落的开头需要缩进么?需要,至少我有。
5. 我把图片改为300ppi.长宽大概10X10CM左右,大小在2-6M之间觉得如何?差不多。
6. 宽度分为单栏和双栏,前者7.5CM后者加一倍。
具体是什么意思呢? 我宽度是10CM.那么就是双栏的了? 是双栏的话会有什么不好的地方么??双栏15CM左右。
7. 您说段落的开头不需要缩进,是否就是顶格的意思? 并且段落和段落之间用回车分开.对,回车分开。
8. 我修改后字数小于4200个,但是字符却大于19000个,您说问题大么?这个不是最后排版,问题不大。
9. 全文使用5号字,某些地方按照BBRC范文使用倾斜字体,如何?应该是小四号,12PT。
10. 投稿时的图片分为两种:single column和double column。
所谓的“半页”大概就是single column图片。
igcse英语article范文The IGCSE English examination is a challenging yet rewarding experience for students seeking to demonstrate their proficiency in the English language. As an international qualification recognized globally, the IGCSE English exam assesses a range of essential skills, including reading comprehension, writing, and language use. Preparing for this examination requires a comprehensive understanding of the assessment criteria and a dedication to honing one's abilities in various aspects of the English language.One of the key components of the IGCSE English exam is the article writing task. This genre of writing is designed to test a student's ability to effectively communicate ideas, express opinions, and engage the reader. The article format allows students to showcase their creativity, organizational skills, and command of the English language.When approaching the article writing task, it is essential to understand the specific requirements and expectations outlined by the exam board. The IGCSE English syllabus typically specifies thelength, format, and content guidelines for the article. Students must be mindful of these parameters and ensure that their writing adheres to the prescribed structure.The opening paragraph of the article is crucial in capturing the reader's attention and setting the tone for the entire piece. It should introduce the central theme or focus of the article, providing a clear and concise overview of the main ideas to be explored. Effective use of hooks, such as thought-provoking questions or intriguing statements, can help draw the reader in and encourage them to continue reading.Following the introduction, the body paragraphs of the article should delve deeper into the chosen topic, presenting a logical and well-structured argument or discussion. Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence that guides the reader through the progression of ideas. The use of supporting evidence, examples, and relevant facts can strengthen the overall persuasiveness and credibility of the article.Effective article writing also requires a strong command of language and a keen eye for detail. Students should strive to use a diverse vocabulary, employ various sentence structures, and maintain a cohesive and coherent flow throughout the piece. Attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation is essential to ensure the articleis polished and professional in its presentation.One of the hallmarks of a well-written IGCSE English article is the ability to present a balanced and objective perspective on the chosen topic. While students are encouraged to express their own opinions and viewpoints, they should also acknowledge and address alternative perspectives or counterarguments. This demonstrates a nuanced understanding of the subject matter and a willingness to engage in critical thinking.In addition to the content and language proficiency, the IGCSE English article writing task also requires students to consider the intended audience and the appropriate tone and style for the piece. The article should be tailored to the specific needs and expectations of the reader, whether it be a general public audience or a more specialized readership.Effective article writing also involves the skillful use of organizational techniques, such as the incorporation of headings, subheadings, and transitional phrases. These elements help to guide the reader through the article, ensuring a clear and logical flow of ideas. Additionally, the use of relevant and engaging visuals, such as images or infographics, can enhance the overall presentation and appeal of the article.Throughout the writing process, students should engage in a cycle of drafting, revising, and editing to refine their work. This iterative approach allows for the identification and correction of any errors or weaknesses, as well as the opportunity to enhance the overall quality and coherence of the article.Ultimately, the IGCSE English article writing task is a valuable opportunity for students to showcase their language proficiency, critical thinking skills, and ability to communicate effectively in written form. By understanding the expectations of the exam and dedicating time to honing their writing abilities, students can approach this component of the IGCSE English examination with confidence and a strong foundation for success.。
第二种情况,就是假面西施了,文章可能耗时数月,终于接受,但是编辑要你提供wb 原图(BBRC的习惯),你找不到方式上传,于是在投稿系统上,加上wb原图重新投稿一次,然后编辑接受,然后就是大家在官网上惊叹的接受好快啊!
本科班毕业论文格式毕业论文是结束大学学习生活走向社会的一个中介和桥梁,而格式是为了凸显内容.让人更容易了解内容的要点,乃至领读内容,下面是店铺整理了本科班毕业论文格式,有兴趣的亲可以来阅读一下!本科班毕业论文格式:毕业论文范文论专业认证与本科教育教学(广西科技大学汽车与交通学院,广西柳州 545006)【摘要】专业认证是高校专业教育教学的质量保障。
介绍蚌埠学院的英语作文Title: Introducing Bengbu College: A Beacon of Higher Education in Anhui ProvinceNestled in the picturesque city of Bengbu, located in the eastern part of Anhui Province, China, Bengbu College stands as a vibrant and progressive institution of higher learning, dedicated to nurturing the minds and talents of its students. Since its establishment, the college has emerged as a beacon of academic excellence and innovation, offering a diverse range of programs that cater to the aspirations of both local and international students.Historical Roots and GrowthTracing its origins back to the early years of the 21st century, Bengbu College has grown exponentially, expanding its facilities, faculty, and curricula to meet theever-evolving demands of the modern world. Rooted in tradition yetforward-thinking, the college has successfully integrated cutting-edge technologies and pedagogical approaches into its teaching methodologies, fostering an environment conducive to critical thinking, creativity, and lifelong learning.Academic OfferingsBengbu College prides itself on its comprehensive academic portfolio, spanning across various disciplines including engineering, science, management, economics, arts, and humanities. The college boasts well-equipped laboratories, modern classrooms, and specialized study centers, providing students with hands-on experience and a solid foundation in their chosen fields. In particular, its programs in engineering and technology are highly regarded for their emphasis on practical applications and industry collaborations.Faculty and ResearchAt the heart of Bengbu College's academic excellence lies its distinguished faculty, comprising of scholars and researchers who are passionate about their respective fields. These accomplished professionals not only impart knowledge but also inspire their students to engage in research activities, fostering a culture of inquiry and discovery. The college actively encourages interdisciplinary research, fostering collaborations that lead to groundbreaking discoveries and solutions to real-world challenges.Campus Life and Student ActivitiesLife at Bengbu College extends beyond the classroom, with a vibrant campus life that caters to the holistic development of its students. A myriad of clubs, societies, and sports teams provide ample opportunities for students to pursue their interests, develop leadership skills, and forge lifelong friendships. Cultural events, academic seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts further enrich the academic and social experience of the student community.InternationalizationRecognizing the importance of global perspectives, Bengbu College is committed to internationalization, fostering international exchanges and collaborations. The college offers a range of international programs, including exchange opportunities, study abroad schemes, and joint degree programs with renowned universities worldwide. This not only exposes students to diverse cultures and educational systems but also prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly interconnected world.ConclusionIn conclusion, Bengbu College is a dynamic and progressive institution that embodies the essence of higher education in the 21st century. With its commitment to academic excellence, innovative teaching methodologies, and a thriving campus life, the college is poised to continue shaping the future of its students and contributing to the intellectual and cultural landscape of Anhui Province and beyond. Whether you're an aspiring engineer, a budding artist, or a curious mind seeking knowledge, Bengbu College offers a nurturing environment where dreams can take flight.。
丁香园论坛网友提供:1. manuscript(word). legand .figure .是否分开几个文件来传送的??manuscript(word) .figure以及TABLE分开提交,但LEGEND放到REFERENCE后面。
2. 彩图和灰度图改为TIFF格式,300ppi (这个分辨率够不?)后图象的的长宽超过一个WORD 页面的话那是否需要改的小一点?彩图应该够,但是如果是线图,或者是组图中有线图,最好600PI,图像高度一般没有限制,宽度分为单栏和双栏,前者7.5CM后者加一倍。
3. 灰度图是否需改为RGB格式?不需要。
4. 段落的开头需要缩进么?需要,至少我有。
5. 我把图片改为300ppi.长宽大概10X10CM左右,大小在2-6M之间觉得如何?差不多。
6. 宽度分为单栏和双栏,前者7.5CM后者加一倍。
具体是什么意思呢? 我宽度是10CM.那么就是双栏的了? 是双栏的话会有什么不好的地方么??双栏15CM左右。
7. 您说段落的开头不需要缩进,是否就是顶格的意思? 并且段落和段落之间用回车分开.对,回车分开。
8. 我修改后字数小于4200个,但是字符却大于19000个,您说问题大么?这个不是最后排版,问题不大。
9. 全文使用5号字,某些地方按照BBRC范文使用倾斜字体,如何?应该是小四号,12PT。
10. 投稿时的图片分为两种:single column和double column。
所谓的“半页”大概就是single column图片。
二、评选标准1.优秀博士学位论文应符合以下条件:(1) 选题为本学科前沿,有很好的理论和学术水平;(2) 在理论或方法上有创新性,取得突破性成果,达到国际同类学科先进水平,具有很好的社会经济效益或应用前景;(3) 材料翔实,推理严密,文字表达准确。
2.优秀硕士学位论文应符合以下条件:(1) 选题接近本学科前沿,有较好的理论和学术水平;(2) 在理论或方法上有创造性,取得较丰富研究成果,达到国内同类学科先进水平,具有较好的社会经济效益或应用前景;(3) 论文条理清晰、层次分明、逻辑性强、文理通顺、图表规范。
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Release of endogenous danger signals from HIFU-treatedtumor cells and their stimulatory effects on APCsZhenlin Hu a ,Xiao Yi Yang b ,Yunbo Liu a ,Michael A.Morse b ,H.Kim Lyerly b ,Timothy M.Clay b ,Pei Zhong a,*aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science,Duke University,Durham,NC 27708,USAbProgram in Molecular Therapeutics,Departments of Surgery,Medicine,Pathology,and Immunology,and Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center,Duke University,Durham,NC 27708,USAReceived 11July 2005Available online 26July 2005AbstractThe effects of high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)on the release of endogenous danger signals from tumor cells and sub-sequent activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs)were evaluated in vitro.MC-38mouse tumor cells were treated using a 1.1MHz HIFU transducer under two different protocols (P À=6.7MPa,30%duty cycle,5s vs.P À=10.7MPa,3%duty cycle,30s)to produce either thermal necrosis or mechanical lysis of the tumor cells.Here,we report that HIFU treatment can cause the release of endogenous danger signals (ATP and hsp60)and exposure of dendritic cells (DCs)and macrophages to the superna-tants of HIFU-treated tumor cells leads to an increased expression of co-stimulatory molecules (CD80and CD86)with enhanced secretion of IL-12by the DCs and elevated secretion of TNF-a by the macrophages.The potency in APC activation produced by mechanical lysis is much stronger than thermal necrosis of the tumor cells.These findings suggest that optimization of treatment strategy may help to enhance HIFU-elicited anti-tumor immunity.Ó2005Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.Keywords:High-intensity focused ultrasound;Endogenous danger signals;Antigen-presenting cells;Anti-tumor immunityIn recent years,high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU)has emerged as a promising non-invasive treat-ment modality for a variety of cancers,including breast,prostate,kidney,liver,bone,uterus,and pancreatic can-cers [1].The fundamental principle of HIFU is to produce coagulative tissue necrosis in a well-defined region by converting focused acoustic energy into heat.The beam size of a typical HIFU transducer is of the or-der of 10·1mm (longitudinal ·transverse direction).Therefore,treatment of a tumor is usually accomplished by progressive scanning of the whole tumor volume line-by-line and layer-by-layer.Extensive animal studies have been carried out [2–4]and several clinical trials [5–7]are currently underway to establish the appropriatetreatment protocols for HIFU applications.In addition to its inherent advantage of non-invasiveness,HIFU treatment is also well-tolerated by patients and thus can be administered,repetitively.Despite these advantages,several drawbacks still exist in the current form of HIFU therapy for cancer.These include:(1)incomplete tissue necrosis especially in large tumors,presumably due to inhomogeneities in tissue properties and heat conduction [8],(2)inability to kill metastatic cancer cells outside the primary tumor site,and (3)long treatment duration (up to several hours).Although technical improvement in HIFU technology such as the use of phase-array systems for electronic scanning may eventually reduce the treatment time,the first two drawbacks have to be amended before HIFU can be tru-ly established as a primary treatment modality for cancers.0006-291X/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier Inc.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.bbrc.2005.07.071*Corresponding author.Fax:+19196608963.E-mail address:pzhong@ (P.Zhong)./locate/ybbrcBiochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 335(2005)124–131BBRCSeveral clinical studies have suggested that,in addi-tion to its thermal ablation capability,HIFU may also modulate the immune response of the patients.For example,following HIFU treatment,a marked increase in CD3+and CD4+subsets,and the CD4+/CD8+ra-tio in peripheral blood of cancer patients has been ob-served[6,9,10].In addition,Yang et al.[11]reported that HIFU treatment of subcutaneous murine C1300 neuroblastoma could cause a significant reduction in tu-mor growth upon subsequent tumor challenge. Although these preliminary data indicate that HIFU may enhance host anti-tumor immunity,this speculation has not been confirmed rigorously using well-established animal models and the underlying mechanisms are largely unknown.Despite this,the potential for HIFU-elicited anti-tumor immunity warrants serious consideration.This is because if HIFU can indeed elicit anti-tumor immunity and such an effect can be enhanced through optimization of HIFU treatment strategies,it may provide a highly desirable adjunct modality against tumor recurrence and metastasis,and thus could im-prove the overall quality and effectiveness of HIFU ther-apy for cancers.In the development of tumor-specific immune responses,antigen presenting cells(APCs),especially dendritic cells(DCs),play a pivotal role[12,13].In peripheral tissues,DCs capture antigens and migrate to draining lymph nodes,where they present captured antigens and sensitize antigen-specific T-cells to act. To initiate an effective immune response,DCs must be stimulated to undergo a process of maturation,upon which they lose their antigen-acquiring ability,but up-regulate the expression of co-stimulatory molecules such as CD80and CD86,and secrete cytokines including IL-12and IL-18.These changes in phenotype and function lead to the capability of DC to potently activate T-cells and to induce antigen-specific immune responses[13,14]. On the other hand,unstimulated APCs may also cap-ture antigens but present the captured antigens without costimulation to T-cells,thus causing anergy of T-cells and leading to immune tolerance[15–18].It is long known that many pathogen-derived signals (e.g.,lipopolysaccharides)are potent stimuli for APC activation,which leads to robust immune response against infections[19].However,it was unclear for some time whether tumor cells can also provide any stimulato-ry signals for APC,because tumor cells are obviously lacking such pathogen-derived mediators for APC acti-vation.On theoretical ground,Matzinger[20]proposed the‘‘danger model,’’which hypothesizes that APCs can also be activated by endogenous danger/alarm signals released from distressed or injured cells,thus adding a new category of APC activators.According to this the-ory,endogenous danger signals are either inducible or exist in a pre-packed form only to be released in situations in which cells are threatened.Although purely theoretical at that time,many endogenous danger sig-nals have since been empirically identified[21].Among them are ATP[22],UTP[23],heat-shock proteins(hsps) [24,25],and mammalian DNA[26].Previous studies have demonstrated that APCs can be activated by endogenous danger signals released from tumor cells that are damaged or killed,and the activated APCs could further elicit robust T-cell responses against the tumors[15,27–29].These studies also suggest that by inducing in situ damage of the tumor,more danger sig-nals together with tumor antigens can be released from tumor cells and a strong anti-tumor immunity may thus be elicited through efficient antigen presentation by the activated DCs.In this work,the feasibility of utilizing HIFU to pro-duce mechanical lysis of tumor cells with concomitant release of endogenous danger signals or immuno-stimu-latory factors(Hsp and ATP)and their stimulatory ef-fects on APCs,especially DCs and macrophages,were investigated.The results demonstrate that endogenous danger signals released from HIFU-treated tumor cells can activate APCs.More importantly,the endogenous danger signals released from mechanically damaged tu-mor cells were found to be much more potent for APC activation than that from thermally damaged tu-mor cells,indicating a potential strategy for enhancing anti-tumor immunity during HIFU therapy. Materials and methodsCell cultures.RAW264.7mouse macrophage cell line was obtained from American Type Culture Collection(Manassas,VA).The MC-38 mouse colon adenocarcinoma tumor cell line was kindly provided by Dr.Jeffrey Schlom of NCI(Bethesda,MD).Cell lines were maintained in complete DulbeccoÕs modified EagleÕs medium(DMEM),supple-mented with10%heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum(FBS)(Gibco, USA)at37°C and5%CO2.Tumor cells used in the experiments were in log-phase with24h doubling time.Before HIFU treatment,tumor cells were washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline(PBS)and the culture medium was replaced with fresh DMEM without FBS.Cell viability before treatment was greater than98%based on Trypan blue dye exclusion test.Immature DCs were cultured from the bone marrow of C57BL mice according to a protocol modified from that described by Inaba et al.[30].Briefly,bone marrow cells were collected from femurs and tibias,resuspended at1·106cells/ml,and cultured in50cm2flasks (10ml/flask)in RPMI-1640supplemented with10%FBS,glutamine, b-mercaptoethanol,antibiotics,10ng/ml GM-CSF(PharMingen,San Diego,California),and10ng/ml IL-4(BioSource,Camarillo,Cali-fornia).After2days incubation at37°C,5%CO2,non-adherent cells were removed by two washes with pre-warmed(37°C)RPMI-1640 medium and the adherent cells were cultured in the above complete medium for an additional3days.Cells were harvested at day5and are immature DCs based upon phenotypic analysis(data not shown).HIFU treatment.A 1.1MHz HIFU transducer(H-102,Sonic Concepts,Seattle,WA)with a focal length of63mm was mounted horizontally inside a water tankfilled with degassed water.As shown in Fig.1,the HIFU transducer with its50X matching network was driven by sinusoidal tone-burst signals produced by a function gen-erator(33120A,Agilent,Palo Alto,CA)together with a55dB powerZ.Hu et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications335(2005)124–131125amplifier(A150,Electronic Navigation Industries,Rochester,NY). The operation and exposure parameters of the HIFU system were controlled by programs written in LabView(v.6.1,National Instru-ments,Austin,TX)via a GPIB board installed in a PC.1·106tumor cells suspended in10l l DMEM were loaded in a0.2ml PCR thin-walled tube,which was placed vertically with its conical bottom aligned within theÀ6dB beam focus of the HIFU transducer.Tem-perature elevation in cell suspension was monitored using a thin bare-ware thermocouple(IT-23,Physitemp,Clifton,NJ)during the experiment.Bioassays for endogenous danger signal release and cellular damage. After HIFU treatment,supernatants of the treated tumor cells were collected by centrifuging the cell suspension at500g for5min.ATP and hsp60concentration in the supernatants were determined with ATPLite Luminescence ATP Detection Assay System(Perkin-Elmer, MA,USA)and a commercial ELISA kit(Stressgen Bioreagents, Victoria BC,Canada),respectively.To assess cellular damage,LDH activities in the supernatants of HIFU-treated tumor cell were mea-sured by CytoTox96Non-Radioactive Cytotoxicity Assay(Promega, WI,USA).Stimulation of DCs and assay for their maturing status.Immature DCs cultured from mouse bone marrow cells were collected,washed three times with RPMI-1640,suspended at a density of1·106cells/ml in complete culture medium supplemented with10ng/ml GM-CSF and IL-4,and seeded in the wells of a24-well plate(1ml/well).The supernatants collected from HIFU-treated tumor cells were then added to the DC cultures.After incubation for2days at37°C with5%CO2, supernatants were harvested and assayed for secreted IL-12by a commercial ELISA kit(Biosource International,CA,USA).To ana-lyze the expression levels of co-stimulatory molecules,DCs were col-lected into cold PBS plus1%dialyzed bovine serum albumin,then washed and stained on ice for30min with a combination of the fol-lowing monoclonal antibodies:APC-Conjugated Anti-Mouse CD11c, FITC-Conjugated Anti-Mouse CD80,and PE-Conjugated Anti-Mouse CD86(BD Biosciences Pharmingen,USA).Subsequently,the cells were washed again and analyzed using a FACSCaliburflow cytometer(Becton–Dickinson).Stimulation of macrophages for TNF-a secretion.RAW264.7mouse macrophages were seeded at a density of1·106cells/ml in the wells of a24-well plate(1ml/well).The supernatants collected from tumor cells treated with HIFU were then added to the macrophage cultures.After incubation for6h at37°C with5%CO2,supernatants were harvested and assayed for TNF-a levels by ELISA kit(ALPCO Diagnostics, NH,USA).Statistical analysis.Data were expressed as means±SEM.Statis-tical significance was determined by the unpaired two-tailed StudentÕs t test.ResultsThermal and mechanical lysis of the tumor cells produced by a HIFU transducerCurrent HIFU therapy is focused almost exclusively on producing thermal ablation of the tumor tissues. However,both thermal and mechanical damage may be caused by HIFU through heat impulse and acoustic cavitation.Here,we compared the HIFU-induced dam-age of MC-38tumor cells using two different exposure strategies,with one emphasizing the thermal effect but the other emphasizing the mechanical effect produced by the same1.1MHz HIFU transducer under different output conditions.The acousticfield parameters of the HIFU transducer corresponding to these two sets of exposure conditions are given in Table1.Under thefirst Fig.1.A schematic diagram of the HIFU experimental system for in vitro cell studies.Table1The output parameters of thermal and mechanical HIFU treatmentsOutput parameters Thermal HIFU Mechanical HIFUModulation Burst mode Burst modeFrequency(MHz) 1.1 1.1PRF(Hz)2004P+(MPa)12.031.7PÀ(MPa) 6.710.7Duty cycle(%)303Treatment duration(s)53·10aPRF,pulse repetition frequency.a At an interval of10s.126Z.Hu et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications335(2005)124–131set of exposure conditions,the HIFU transducer was running at a low pressure level(P+=12.0MPa/ PÀ=6.7MPa)with a high duty cycle of30%,which led to a rapid temperature rise to80°C in the cell suspen-sion within a5s treatment duration.For convenience, this exposure configuration will be referred to hereafter as‘‘thermal HIFU.’’In contrast,the second exposure configuration,referred to as‘‘mechanical HIFU,’’was established by running the HIFU transducer at a high pressure level(P+=31.7MPa/PÀ=10.7MPa)with a low duty cycle of3%,which led to the production of strong cavitation activity,and thus mechanical stresses, while limiting the temperature rise in the cell suspension to below40°C with a30s treatment duration.Microscopy examinations revealed that both the thermal and mechanical HIFU treatments could cause a complete death of the tumor cells,as evidenced by Trypan blue dye incorporation(>99%).However,signif-icant coagulations of morphologically intact cells were observed following thermal HIFU treatment,while extensive cellular fragments and debris were produced by mechanical HIFU treatment(Fig.2).These results suggest that distinctly different damage patterns can be produced by treatment protocols that emphasize either the thermal or mechanical effects produced by a HIFU transducer.Cellular damage and release of endogenous danger signals from MC-38tumor cells treated by thermal and mechanical HIFUFig.3shows the time course for the release of LDH,a biomarker of cellular damage[31],and the release of endogenous danger signals ATP and hsp60from MC-38tumor cells treated by thermal and mechanical HIFU,respectively.In comparison,the mechanical HIFU elicited an immediate and strong release of LDH than the thermal HIFU,suggesting that signifi-cantly higher cellular damage was produced by the high pressure and cavitation activities associated with the mechanical HIFU.In addition,the release of hsp60by the mechanical HIFU was progressive and reached a maximum level almostfive times of that produced by the thermal HIFU.Furthermore,the release of ATP was initially high for both thermal and mechanical HIFU-treated groups.However,the ATP released from mechanical HIFU-treated tumor cells broke down quickly,whereas the ATP released from thermal HIFU-treated tumor cells remained stable in the super-natants,indicating the heat-resistance of ATP.Consid-ering that many proteins will denature at temperature above50°C,we further tested the heat-stability of LDH and hsp60by immersing supernatants of mechan-ical HIFU-treated tumor cells in a water bath of80°C for5s.The amounts of LDH and hsp60were found to decrease dramatically after such heat treatment(data not shown).Protein denaturation may also explain the difference in ATP release produced by thermal and mechanical HIFU.Since cells abound with endogenous ATP degrading enzymes(ATPases),these ATPases released from mechanical HIFU-treated tumor cells may rapidly degrade the ATPs that were released simul-taneously.In the case of thermal HIFU,since ATPases may be inactivated by heat,the released ATP can re-main stable in supernatants.Altogether,these results suggest that thermal and mechanical HIFU can induce distinctively different release profiles of the endogenous danger signals.Thermal HIFU may lead to an incom-plete release of heat-resistant danger signals such as ATP but can denature and inactivate heat-sensitive dan-ger signals such as hsp60as well as endogenous molecule degrading enzymes such as ATPases.On the other hand, mechanical HIFU with its negligible thermal effect together with the strong destructive effect on cell mem-branes may cause a much more complete release of a di-verse array of endogenous danger signals,although some of them may be degraded by simultaneously re-leased endogenous molecule degrading enzymes. Activation of APCs by danger signals released from mechanical and thermal HIFU-treated tumor cells To evaluate their propensity in the activation of APCs,supernatants collected from mechanicaland Fig.2.Microscopy of(A)normal,(B)mechanical HIFU-treated,and(C)thermal HIFU-treated MC-38tumor cells after Trypan blue dye staining. Complete destruction of the tumor cells was observed following mechanical HIFU,whereas coagulation of morphologically intact tumor cells was observed following thermal HIFU(400·magnification).Z.Hu et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications335(2005)124–131127thermal HIFU-treated MC-38tumor cells,respectively, were assayed for their stimulatory effects on APCs.As shown in Table2and Fig.4,both mechanical and ther-mal HIFU treatments were found to stimulate the mat-uration of APCs,as manifested by up-regulation of the expression of co-stimulatory molecules(CD80and CD86)and enhanced IL-12secretion from DCs,and sig-nificantly elevated TNF-a secretion from RAW264.7 macrophages.More importantly,the stimulatory effect induced by mechanical HIFU treatment was much stronger than that induced by thermal HIFU treatment. Altogether,thesefindings suggest that the mechanical stresses generated by alternative HIFU treatment strategies are much more effective in releasing immuno-logically active endogenous danger signals from tumor cells and in the activation of APCs than the thermal stresses produced by the current HIFU cancer therapy. DiscussionUsing tumor cell line MC-38,we have demonstrated in vitro that HIFU treatment can cause both thermal and mechanical necrosis,leading to the release of endog-enous danger signals(ATP and hsp60)from the dam-aged tumor cells.We have further demonstratedthatthe released danger signals can stimulate the maturation of APCs,such as DCs and macrophages.Most impor-tantly,the immuno-stimulatory effect of mechanically lysed tumor cells was found to be much stronger than that of thermally ablated tumor cells,which are the pre-dominant outcome of current HIFU therapy.These findings support the notion that HIFU may elicit anti-tumor immunity and point to the possibility of develop-ing alternative HIFU treatment strategies (in contrast topurely thermal ablation)for inducing stronger immune responses against cancer.It is now well established that the maturation or acti-vation of APCs,especially DCs,plays a critical role in the initiation of the adaptive (or antigen-specific)im-mune response against cancer [12,13,15].Based on the ‘‘danger model’’proposed by Matzinger [20,32],the activation of APCs can be induced by endogenous dan-ger signals released from necrotic cells,such as those ex-posed to pathogens,toxins,or mechanical damage,but not by healthy cells or those dying apoptotically [15].In healthy tissues,APCs are kept in a ‘‘resting state’’and therefore no adaptive immune response is initiated.When distressed or injured,tissues will send out danger signals to alarm APCs to trigger immunity [32].From this viewpoint,the lack of host immunity against tumors can be explained by the fact that most tumors have evolved to grow without releasing endogenous danger signals,and hence avoiding APC activation and the ini-tiation of adaptive anti-tumor immunity.Further,it has been shown that immature DCs can constitutively cap-ture exosomes from living cells or apoptotic bodies and present the captured antigens to T-cells.Without co-stimulation,however,T-cells presented with antigen will either enter a state of anergy or be deleted [12,33].To break such a barrier of immune tolerance for tumors,a conceptually attractive approach is the induction of necrotic damage to tumor cells,which leads to the release of endogenous danger signals together with plen-tiful tumor antigens that can activate APCs to induce effective T-cell immunity.Following this conceptual lead,various treatment strategies for enhancing anti-tumor immunity have been explored.For example,tumor cells thatareFig.4.Enhanced secretion of TNF-a by RAW264.7mouse macrophages after exposure to supernatants of MC-38tumor cells treated by HIFU.The measurements were performed with triplicate samples.Data are shown as means (±SEM).a p <0.05compared with non-treatment control,bp <0.001compared with non-treatment control and thermal HIFU by Student Õs t test.The results are representative of three independent experiments.Table 2Up-regulated expression of CD80and CD86,and enhanced secretion of IL-12by DCs after being exposed to supernatants of MC-38tumor cells treated with mechanical or thermal HIFU Exposure groupMean fluorescence intensity IL-12secretion (pg/ml)CD80CD86Medium127±6.1302±30.216.1±3.8Non-treatment control 128±12.4308±26.540.3±5.0Mechanical HIFU 154±2.8*402±8.5*111.2±8.9**Thermal HIFU145±5.0*372±7.8*57.9±2.5*Immature DCs were co-cultured with 0.5ml supernatant of MC-38cells that were either treated with mechanical or thermal HIFU.After 48h,DCs were collected and the expression levels of co-stimulatory molecules in the medium or supernatants of MC-38cell cultures were assayed by flow cytometry.DCs were identified as the large (FSC hi/SSC hi)CD11c positive population and the surface expression levels of CD80and CD86were measured on cells in this population.IL-12secretion was assayed by collecting DC supernatants and measured for IL-12by a commercial ELISA kit (Biosource International,CA,USA).The measurements were performed with triplicate samples.Data are shown as means ±SEM.*p <0.05compared with non-treatment control.**p <0.001compared with non-treatment control and thermal HIFU by Student Õs t test.The results are representative of three independent experiments.Z.Hu et al./Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 335(2005)124–131129mechanically lysed by repeated freezing and thawing have been used to provide strong stimuli for APC acti-vation[15,28,34].This approach,although convenient for in vitro studies,has limitations for in vivo applica-tions.Others have examined the response of APCs to tumor cells that are treated by chemotherapeutic agents and/or radiation,which mainly cause tumor cells to undergo apoptosis.The results are controversial.Some studies suggest that such treatments fail to provide a stimulatory signal for APCs or may even block the mat-uration of DCs[15,28,34].Yet,other studies suggest that chemotherapeutic agents and radiation could cause tumor cells to undergo secondary necrosis in addition to apoptosis,and therefore stimulatory signals may be released to activate APCs[29].Nevertheless,the most significant drawback of chemotherapy and radiation is their cytotoxic effects on hemopoietic cells of the bone marrow and lymphocytes of the immune system,leading to immuno-suppression.This side effect may severely limit their potential to augment anti-tumor immunity. In contrast,unlike radiation and chemotherapy,HIFU can be applied repetitively without the apprehension of accumulating systemic toxicity.This unique feature, combined with the localized destruction of tumor cells with concomitant release of endogenous danger signals, makes HIFU an ideal strategy for potentially eliciting a strong anti-tumor immunity.Previous animal and clinical studies have provided pre-liminary evidence suggesting that HIFU treatment may elicit a systemic anti-tumor immune response[6,9–11]. However,two fundamental issues that are critical for enhancing the therapeutic effect of HIFU-elicited anti-tu-mor immunity were not addressed.First,the underlying immunological mechanism for HIFU-induced anti-tu-mor immunity was not investigated.Without this knowl-edge,it is difficult to improve the potency of anti-tumor immunity elicited by HIFU.Second,the anti-tumor im-mune response induced in the previous HIFU studies,if any,was not strong enough to provide a complete protec-tion against tumor recurrence or metastasis.In fact,local tumor recurrence and metastasis are often the cause of failure for HIFU therapy[7],indicating the need to aug-ment the host anti-tumor immunity.Based on the results of our in vitro experiments and MatzingerÕs‘‘danger model’’theory,we postulate that the release of endogenous danger signals from HIFU-damaged tumor cells and the consequent activation of APCs may constitute an important mechanism for HIFU-elicited anti-tumor immunity.The observation of lower potency in the stimulatory effect of DC maturation by thermal HIFU(coagulative necrosis)as compared to mechanical HIFU(disruptive necrosis)is also important. Thesefindings suggest that current HIFU therapy,which produces predominantly coagulative necrosis by thermal stresses,may have two serious shortcomings in eliciting a strong anti-tumor immunity.First,coagulative necrosis may lead to an incomplete release of the endogenous dan-ger signals(see Fig.2C).Second,even when some of the endogenous danger signals were released,their potency could be severely damaged by the thermal stresses,as demonstrated by the inactivation of heat-sensitive hsp60 following thermal HIFU treatment(see Fig.3).In com-parison,when HIFU was used to produce predominantly mechanical lysis of the tumor cells without the thermal stress,the release of the endogenous danger signals was more plentiful,presumably due to complete disruption of the cell membranes(see Fig.2B),and their overall potency in stimulating the maturation of APCs was signif-icantly higher(see Table2and Fig.4).In recent years,HIFU has been used successfully in clinic for the treatment of a variety of cancers.In its cur-rent form,however,HIFU therapy is not effective against metastatic or even residual tumor cells at the primary tumor site.This is partially due to the fact that current HIFU therapy is used almost exclusively to produce thermal ablation of the tumor while largely ignoring the biological effects that can be produced by the mechanical stresses imposed by focused ultrasound in tissue.By exploring the response of tumor tissues to the mechanical stresses induced by focused ultrasound, and by synergistic combination of HIFU-elicited anti-tumor immunity and thermal ablation through optimization of treatment strategies,the overall quality and effectiveness of cancer therapy by HIFU may be significantly improved in the future. 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