usb接口在工业场景中的应用概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述USB(Universal Serial Bus)接口是一种常见的数字设备连接标准,它以其灵活性、可扩展性和易用性而在消费类电子产品中得到广泛应用。
然而,USB 接口不仅仅被限制在个人消费电子领域,它也在工业场景中发挥着重要作用。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。
1.3 目的本文的目的是全面解释USB接口在工业场景中的应用,并对其优势和挑战进行分析。
最终,我们希望为工业领域中对USB 接口感兴趣或有需求的人士提供一些有价值的参考和指导。
2. USB接口的基本概念2.1 USB接口简介USB(Universal Serial Bus,通用串行总线)是一种常见的外部设备连接标准。
2.2 USB接口工作原理USB接口采用主从结构,由主机和外部设备之间的通信组成。
英文翻译USB 的互连支持数据在USB 主机与USB 设备之间的流动。
这一章主要讲述为了简化主机上的 客户软件(Software client)与设备的功能部件(function)之间的通信而必须的主机接口(host interface)。
在本章中所涉及的具体实现部份并不是必要的,这些实现部份是作为例子来阐述在响应USB 设备请求时的主机系统的行为。
只要USB 设备并不感觉到主机行为的改变,USB 主机完全可以提供一个不同的软件系统实现方法。
10.1 USB 主机概况10.1.1 概论图10-1展示了USB 通信模型之间基本的信息流与互连关系:逻辑的信息流 实际的信息流图 10-1通信模型层次关系图由图10-1可见,主机与设备都被划分成不同的层次。
在主机与设备之间的所有通信最终都是通过USB 的电缆进行,然而,在上层的水平层之间存在逻辑的主机—设备信息流。
客户软件与功能部件之间的透明通信的要求,决定主机和设备下层部件的功客户 USB 系统 主机控制器 功能部件USB 设备 USB 总线接口能以及它们的界面(interface)这一章从主机的角度来描述上述的通信模型,图10-2描述了从主机角度看到的它与设备的连接。
·USB总线接口·USB系统(USB System)·USB客户(Client)其中,USB总线接口处理电气及协议层的互连(详见第7章及第8章)。
从互连的角度看,USB设备和USB主机都提供类似的USB总线接口,如串行接口引擎(Serial Interface Engine SIE)。
由于主机在USB系统中的特殊性,USB主机上的总线接口还必须具备主机控制器的功能(Host Controller),主机控制器具有一个内集成的集线器(根集线器)提供与USB电缆的连接。
片, 这种接 口方案成本较低 , 但有一个较为明显的缺点是 电路在设 计与调试过程中都 比较复杂 ; ( 2 ) 采用具备通信功能的US B 单机片 , 这类单机 片往往采用的是开发者所熟悉的指令集与结构, 因此有很 强的处理 能力 , 并且构成 的电路系统 也很简单, 调试很方便 , 但缺点 在于由于使用的是U S B 接 口, 因此其与传统的开发系统之 间往往不 兼容 。
2 U S B 数据 传 输 方式 2 . 1中断传输
3 U S B 通信 技 术 在测 控 领域 中 的应 用 探 析
3 . 1测控 系统 设计 本文 中以电火花加工数控设备为例 , 主要采用的是P C + 嵌入式 的结构 , 这便能为探讨 U S B 接 口在 同类工业领域 中的可控利用打下 基础 , 而本测控系统主要就是为 了试图解决US B 数据传输 中的抗强 电磁干扰 问题 。 电火花数控 系统主要的数据信息包括了三个层面的 信息 、 加工间隙 电压及程序 的运行 状态等 , 这些都主要利用RS 2 3 2 与P C 机之间的数据通讯 , 提高系统 的性能 。 将US B 技术运 用在测控 系统 中, 对原系统 的数据传输部分进行必要的改造 , 从而实现高速 的US B 控制模块接受相关的控制控制指令 , 反馈相关的数据信息 , 从而供相关的操作人员参考 。 3 . 2测 控 系统 方案 在 进 行 测 控 系统 方 案 设 计 时 , 需要 选 择 合 适 的M C U主控 制 器 、 抗干扰方案与US B 接 口芯片等。 当这些选择完毕之后 , 便能进行各 种方案 的设计 。
沣 技 术 I
应 用研 究
U S B通信技术在测控领域中的应用探讨
叶关 山 术研究所 陕西西安 7 1 0 0 6 5 )
USB是英文Universal Serial Bus的缩写,中文含义是“通用串行总线”。
在此背景下,1995年,由Compaq、Digital Equipment、IBM、Intel、Microsoft、NEC和Northern Telecom七家公司组成联盟,并建立USB-IF(USB 实施者论坛),决定将最初为将电话接入PC机而设计的USB作为一种计算机外设标准来推广。
规划包括了高级的决策,比如分配货物的存储位置(随机,分类,聚集相关产品的方法)(VandenBerg, 1999)或者设计仓库系统本体。
(Graves, Hausman,& Shieh, 1977; Bozer & White, 1984; Han,McGinnis, Shieh, & White, 1987; Lee, de Souza, &Ong, 1996).作为堆垛机,它沿着一个单维的路径在正交的轨道上运行,并进行提取(从主要的输入缓冲区,输出位置通道和选取存储的输出位置)和存储动作(进入的主要输出缓冲区,输入位置信道,选取/存储输入位置)。
版本 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.99 1.0FDR 1. 0 1. 1
发表日期 1994.11.11 1994.12.30 1995.4.13 1995.8.25 1995.11.13 1996.1.15 1996.9.23
说明 覆盖 0.6 版本 修改第 3-8、10、11 章,新增附录 修改所有章节 修改所有章节 修改第 1、2、5-11 章 修改 5-11 章 修改所有章节 修改第 5、7-9、11 章增加高速协议部 分
随后,经过两年的完善与修改,一个完整可行的 USB 1.1 规范于 1998 年 9 月完成。至 此,许多开发商已经可以依据 USB 1.1 规范内容来进行相关产品的的开发了。 令人欣喜的是,这 4 家公司同意任何人都可以免费使用 USB1.1 的白皮书版 本。这与其他组织开发的标准相比无疑是一个明智的创举,也正是因此,使得 USB 产品的开发在短暂的时间内获得了迅猛的发展。USB 规范的发展历程如下表所示。
接口的扫描仪、USB 接口的打印机等。因为这些设备的机械传动部分需要大功率的电源 才能驱动,而主板的 USB 端口无法提供这么大功率的电源。 USB 的优点与其他接口的对比: 1.真正的即插即用: (1)自动的检测与设置 (2)通用的接口 (3)系统资源的节省 (4)简易的电缆 (5)不需要单独电源 2.速度的提升:在对 USB1.1 版本的长期实践与改进基础上推出了 USB2.0,它在数 据传输速率上有了一个飞跃,已经达到了 480Mbit/s 的理论速率。 USB 诞生之初, 便棉队着许多已经趋于成熟的计算机接口的挑战。 这就要求它必须 具有明显的优势,并不断完善,才可能被用户所接受。USB 以及其他常用接口如下表 所示: 接口 USB 格式 设备最大数目 最大线缆长度 16(用 5 个集线 最大传输速度 1.5M-2M(1.0-1.1
USB基本概念介绍1、什么是USBUSB是Universal Serial Bus的缩写,翻译为中⽂就是通⽤串⾏总线。
2、USB相关的硬件2.1 USB主机控制器USB设备,从物理上的结构来看,包含了主机Host端和设备Device端。
其中,主机端有对应的USB的主机控制器Host Controller,⽽设备端,对应的是USB设备。
不同类型USB控制器之间简要概括可以如下表所⽰:USB主机控制器类型共同点区别对应的USB的协议和⽀持的速率创⽴者功能划分常⽤于OHCI都实现了对应的USB的规范中所要求的功能USB 1.1=LowSpeed和FullSpeedCompaq,Microsoft和NationalSemiconductor硬件功能 > 软件功能⇒硬件做的事情更多,所以实现对应的软件驱动的任务,就相对较简单扩展卡,嵌⼊式开发板的USB主控UHCI Intel软件功能 > 硬件功能⇒软件的任务重,可以使⽤较便宜的硬件的USB控制器PC端的主板上的USB主控EHCI USB 2.0=HighSpeedIntel定义了USB 2.0主控中所要实现何种功能,以及如何实现各种USB 2.0主控xHCI USB 3.0=SuperSpeedIntel定义了USB 3.0主控中所要实现何种功能,以及如何实现各种USB 3.0主控2.2 USB接⼝的引脚定义USB 1.x/2.x共有4个引脚,分别为VBUS、D-、D+、GNDVBUS:+5V电源引脚D-:data-,数据线,与D+构成差分信号D+:data+,数据线,与D-构成差分信号GND:Ground,地线在USB主机端的每个端⼝的D+和D-上,分别接了⼀个15K欧姆的下拉电阻到地。
步骤五为控制器连接上+5V, ±12V直流电源。
Design theory of stored testing and measuring system and its realization in dynamic data measurement of missileBeijing Institute of TechnologyStored testing and measuring is a kind of dynamic test technology wherein micro data recording gauge is embedded in the object to be measured in the condition that there is no or allowable effect on it. The information is collected and memorized at the spot in real time. The recording device is recollected and computer is used to process the measured information. The key to realize dynamic stored testing and measuring lies in developing of stored testing and measuring system (STMS) that can work normally in the testing environment and have either no effect on the object to be measured or the effect is in the allowable range.The definition, character, application field and basic elements are studied systematically. The overall review of research and development situation in home and oversea is given. During Ph.D candidate studying period, the author has presided over the development of data-recording devices used on 60 channels dynamic data testing and measuring (TM) during atmosphere-reentering of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead, intelligent missile blockbox used on dynamic data-recording of certain heavy anti-tank missile flight, anti-warship missile slip track flight fuse data testing and measuring system, cannon shoot missile ball cartridge flight data-recording device, STMS of inner overloading curve of penetrative pill and ball chamber. Based on these experiences the author analyses thoroughly the inner rules of testing and measuring technology and summarize the design concept and design rules in a philosophical view. The design principles that can conduct theengineering practice of STM are established, which make the design of STMS optimized in a logical and rational way.The STMS researched in the paper mainly used in the special environment with the following attributes: (1) transient single process;(2)multi-parameter interrelation, strict time-relation and the need of precise measuring simultaneously; (3) analogue and digital information, high range transient signal and micro range slow-change signal exist simultaneously (the range difference greater than four orders and both the amplitude-testing and the process-recording is needed); (4) bad testing and measuring environment, for example, high temperature up to 3000℃, high press up to 1000Mpa, 100,000g strong impact vibration , high rotate speed and strong magnetic disturbance; (5)the measured system is high-technology product with expensive test (up to tens of millions RMB for one experiment); (6) small test space (no disturbance to the tested system is required and effect be smallest); (7) difficult to recovery; and so on.After systematically studying many of the STMS examples, the design theory and ten microscopical design principles of STMS are presented. They include realizability of working principle, recollectability of testing and measuring data, matching and/or harmonizing, compatibility, environment-adaptability, reusing and calibrationability, flexible design, modularization design, optimizing and trade-off of technology schemes. The conception of state design of STMS is firstly presented. The basic conceptions (for example, STMS state, state variable, state space, state net, state assemble and state chain) are defined, followed by studying of state assemble, establishing of state chain and/or state net design principles and methods. Further, their application scope and typical applications are illustrated. The time power factor theory andthe mathematics description of system state and its transformation are presented.Considering STMS as an information transmission system, the information transmission model of it is established. The testing and measuring information flow, equivalent information transmission model and noise model are analyzed. From the information transmission view, the similarity between STMS and Shannon communication system is compared to establish the theory basis for studying TM channel by application information theory.Quantify algorithmic defining information of measured signal that make use of entropy and entropy power has been presented, including TM channel capacity principle, the maxim interinformation principle and information rate distortion principle. Channel capacity of continuous analogue signal TM and anti-disturbance capacity limitation. The relation equation between STM channel transmission information and signal energy as well as TM channel anti-disturbance capacity limitation equation is established. The optimization analogue signal TM channel is presented, based on analysis of channel frequency character and information entropy, the maxim SNR condition of TM channel and the condition wherein both the minim TM channel output waveform and the maxim SNR condition are obtained. In the design of TM channel information the conception of distortion and rate distortion is introduced, moreover, the calculation equation of TM channel information rate distortion function is established.STMS digital signal TM channels are composed of one or more duality signal channel. In the paper, the digital test channels are synthesized as a combinaiton of “Z” channel and the channel of symmetric disturbed information. The basic channel and channel capacity as well as caculaiton of channel overlap probability are researched. Moreover, the informationchannels capacity and the best channels layout of test instruction channels and test data channels are discussed.Sampling and quantizing are the most important technology in STMS, which is related to information obtaining quality and STM precision. In common sampling TM system, the sampling frequency setup is inclined to be high (especially while the measured object is not known clearly) in order to obtain enough data. Thus, there is much information redundancy. Real time information compression technology must be developed so that more information that is useful can be recorded in the limited memory (reversely, the STMS cost can be reduced since the needed memory capacity is compressed).According to the attribute of the measured signal, the TM requirement, working environment and so on, the basic problems of STM sampling design are researched. Four STM sampling strategy (uniformity sampling, automatic subsection uniformity sampling, programmable self-adaptive subsection uniformity sampling and self-adaptive sampling) are presented. The algorithm of zero order and one order predictable self-adaptive sampling is introduced in detail. The source of sampling error and the method to avoid it are analyzed and researched.Two kinds of sampling signal quantizers (uniformity and ununiformity) are presented. The information rate distortion function of the uniformity quantizer and the SNR algorithm are established. The signal capacity and multi-channel information TM principle is researched. The alternative principle of ADC multi-channel transducer is presented.Information can be stored in magnetic memory dielectric (MMD) or semiconductor CMOS memory. The latter is commonly used in STMS due to complex control, large volume and low anti over-loading ability of MMD.Information memory subsystem in STMS is studied and designed. Moreover, information memory effective principles are presented, including: (1) Designing memory controller in term of sampling sequence and recording mode. (2) For address generator composed of serial counter, the propulsion of address is done by the rising edge of WR signal. (3) Reducing memory sub system transmission time as possible as one can or making the CMOS memory operation during transmission invalid.Based on study of the information compression principle, two information compressive storing algorithms are presented. One is the algorithm of finite span error limitation used in real time dynamic data collecting. The computer simulation shows that the algorithm is very effective in real-time data compression and storage (data compressive ratio up to 13.6 and memory space save up to 92%). The other is data model compressive algorithm based on dynamic data modeling. Error tolerence technology and redundancy design of STMS are also researched.The double-circle-recording principal and method for improving reliability in measuring transient signals is illustrated. The essential technologies of STMS, including three-micro technology (microvolume, micropower, micronoise), anti high over-loading technology and interface technology etc. are discussed in detail.DF-5A missile is a kind of middle/long distance strategy nuclear missile. It is a necessary task in missile system research to test and measure missile ball cartridge flight dynamic data. In the past, dynamic data of missile system are obtained by the wireless remote test system and magnetic tape recording device. Since plasma intermit section is “black area” of wireless system, missile dynamic data can’t be recorded by wireless remote test. Memory resending wireless remote test can be used to obtain “black area” data, however, only limited dynamic data beforethe missile head contact the ground can be obtained since missile head approach the ground quickly after leaving the “black area”. The other method is micro magnetic tape device on board, but the device operation is complex and the reliability is low.Under the instruction of principle mentioned above, dynamic STMS for a new strategy missile full ballistic trajectory is developed. Without the complex operation of traditional magnetic tape recording devices before blasting-off, the STMS can both inspect 60 channels dynamic data from distance far to 300m and complete inspection and store of missile head system data without dismounting the missile. The device can precisely do the testing and measuring task while the missile head reenter atmosphere plasma intermit section. It’s reliability is higher than magnetic recording devices and it is simpler than wireless remote test system. As substitution of onboard magnetic devices, the STMS is one of the most important measure means of missile head.In the paper the design theory, basic element, working principle, essential technology and reliability experiment of the missile data-recording device are illustrated in detail.The onboard flight test of missile data-recording device was carried out in July, 1995. During atmosphere-reentering of missile head in the experiment the wireless system was invalid, the magnetic-recording devices was broken down, only the STMS devices obtained 60 channel dynamic data during DF-5A reentering atmosphere and the result is highly-praised by the customer.存储测试系统的设计理论存储测试是指在对被测对象无影响或影响在允许范围的条件下, 在被测体内置入微型数据采集与存储测试仪, 现场实时完成信息的快速采集与记忆, 事后回收记录仪, 由计算机处理和再现测试信息的一种动态测试技术。
USB OTG技术及其在存储测试中的应用
USB OTG技术及其在存储测试中的应用存储测试是在对被测对象无影响或影响在允许范围的条件下,在被测体或测试现场放置微型数据采集与存储测试仪,现场实时完成信息的迅速采集与记忆,事后回收并由计算机处理和再现测试信息的一种动态测试技术。
USB 口。
USB 口的通信。
2 USB OTG及海量存储设备协议作为USB 2.0的补充规范USB OTG(On The Go)以其双重强大功能使USB设备挣脱了对PC的彻低依靠,USB外设在无PC主机参加的状况下可以挺直互连以举行通信。
实验环境如图所示,左侧计算机安装USB协议分析仪软件,加上USB协议分析仪主机构成USB 协议分析系统。
在PC 端安装有应用程序控制实现哪些功能,是在设备底层还需要编写驱动程序,确保可实现USB 通信,在生产研发中,驱动程序部分和应用程序部分大多由软件工程师完成,所以USB协议分析仪是硬件工程师和软件工程师都需要的测试设备。
USB通信技术在自动测试系统中的应用1 引言自动测试系统ATS(Automatic Test System)集成测试所需的全部激励与测量设备,计算机高效完成各种模式的激励及响应信号的采集、存储与分析,对被测单元进行自动状态监测、性能测试和故障诊断。
总线是ATS 的重要组成部分,是计算机与测试硬件内部及外设传递信息的公共通路,其性能参数直接影响ATS 整体的功能实现和性能指标。
通用串行总线USB(Universal Serial Bus)主要用于PC 与外围USB 设备互联。
其物理连接是一种分层的菊花链结构,最多支持5 Hub 层及127 个外设。
抗干扰性强、传输速率高、占用资源有限、使用灵活、支持热插拔,因此USB 技术逐渐成为现代ATS 数据传输的发展趋势。
这里通过Cypress 公司的USB 单片机CY7C68013A 的PE 和GPIF 接口实现计算机与测试控制器件FPGA 和缓冲FIFO 的高速数据通信,完成ATS 测试指令信号和数据的下载,自检和反馈数据的上传功能,实现测试技术的智能化。
重点从USB 硬件和固件代码设计阐述在测试系统数据传输过程中USB 技术的应用。
2 USB 接口通信工作流程USB 具有灵活的1 二作流程,如图1 所示。
图1 中,USB 设备的工作流程从设备连接→上电→复位→分配地址→配置操作→执行固件代码,6 大工作状态,这些状态在USB 主机的控制下实现状态间的转换和总线的访问。
USB 设备随时根据总线活动情况判断是否进入或退出挂起状态,节省USB 系统的功耗。
从图1 分析可知,USB 通信包括USB 系统应用软件、设备及总线驱动程序和USB 固件3 层。
应用软件设计由2 部分组成:动态链接库和应用程序。
动态链接库负责与内核态的USB 功能驱动程序通信并接收应用程序对USB 设备I/O 的各种操作请求,应用程序调用Win32 APl 函数DeviceToCon-trol 向设备发出命令;USB 设备驱动程序通过总。
USB3.0接口在数据存储系统中的应用张会新;石永亮;秦丽;崔建利【摘要】目前存储器需存储的数据量越来越大,高速数据传输系统的需求变得极为迫切;为实现海量数据的高速稳定传输,并同时具有便携性及兼容性等特征,介绍了一种以FPGA为控制核心,DDR2 SDRAM为高速大容量缓存,USB3.0接口作为记录器与计算机进行数据通信接口的高速数据传输系统,通过模块硬件电路及软件协议实现了数据的高可靠性稳定传输,解决了大容量存储器和计算机之间的数据传输速度瓶颈;经长期试验证明:该接口传输速度可稳定达到150M/s,且数据可靠无误,满足任务设计要求.【期刊名称】《计算机测量与控制》【年(卷),期】2015(023)003【总页数】4页(P1017-1019,1025)【关键词】USB3.0;DDR2;FPGA;高速数据传输【作者】张会新;石永亮;秦丽;崔建利【作者单位】中北大学电子测试技术国家重点实验室仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原030051;中北大学电子测试技术国家重点实验室仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原030051;中北大学电子测试技术国家重点实验室仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原030051;中北大学电子测试技术国家重点实验室仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,太原030051【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP30 引言如今的高速大容量数据记录器需要保存大量的数据信息,多则几十个G,甚至上百个G,这些数据最终是要通过特定的接口,如USB接口、PCI接口等传输到主机上,以便进行数据分析,PCI总线虽然最快速度可以达到264M/s,但由于其携带不便,不易推广,而传统的基于USB2.0的数据传输系统受限于480 Mbps的带宽,很难满足要求,而USB3.0的理论传输速度最快可达5 Gbps[1],且携带方便,并能向下兼容USB2.0,因此本文结合实际项目工程将USB3.0 接口作为存储器与PC机的通信接口,并以此为架构设计出了一个通用性强、性能优越的高速大容量数据传输电路的硬件平台。
第一篇应用指南AN 1465-9 LAN 在测试系统的使用:基本原理为您介绍局域网(LAN)的主要部件,LAN在测试系统中的使用,该系列的其它应用指南的主要议题包括网络和PC配置。
目录评估您的连通性选择2 GPIB2 LAN2 USB2 USB 在PC世界中3 USB 的故事3 USB 的连接3 USB 的速度4 Agilent对USB仪器连通性的支持4用Agilent IO Libraries Suite 设置USB仪器5通过USB连接仪器5与USB连接设备通信6术语表8相关文献9评估您的连通性选择无论您是要建立实验台上的ad hoc系统,还是设计生产线的永久性解决方案,今天在现代仪器与计算机的连接上有三种最好的选择,即GPIB、LAN和USB。
1.基于USB通信的PEMFC内阻在线测试系统设计 [J], 李小君;陈启宏
B在存储器芯片在线测试系统中的应用 [J], 刘晓楠;王震宇;尹美娟
3.计算机在线测试系统及其在岩石强度试验中的应用分析 [J], 黄勇
4.计算机在线测试系统及其在岩石强度试验中的应用分析 [J], 黄勇
5.在线测试系统在初中化学教学中的应用 [J], 孟静静;付丽蓉;李晓春
:;< 接口电路
:;< 控制芯片 该 >2: 装 置 的 :;< 控 制 芯 片 采 用 >R0’0O3 公 司 生产的 >D8:;<D’" 接口芯片。芯片完全符合 :;<=(= 协议规范, 集成了串行接口引擎 (;8+ ) 、 G8GX 存储器、 收发器、 电压调整器、 、 可编程时 ;&Q.?&66,-. C&&YZ06[、
@AD 转换 @%E
;>8 D;> 处理器 :;<
及工控机对 >2: 的操作与控制。 按照 :;< 协议 =(= 的规定, :;< 传输方式分为 ! 种: 控制传输、 批量传输、 同步传输和中断传输。在实 际开发中使用了控制传输和批量传输。控制传输主要 用来完成工控机对 >2: 装置的各种控制操作;批量 传输则主要用来完成 >2: 向工控机传送测量数据以 及对传输数据进行错误检测。
D;> 芯 片 B2;F"*G"H=" 与 @%E 单 片 机 @BJ (;>8 ) , 实现无缝接口 5,I1="H 之间采用同步串行接口 连接; ?@) 总线和以太网接口经光纤通信网将测量数 据实时送往调度中心; @B5,I1="H 采用通用串行总线 接口把这些实时测量数据传送给现场上位机 :;< K工 控机 L 进行处理。文献 MFN 构建了一种较为灵活的 >2: 底层通讯方案。本文则主要介绍了 :;< 通讯技术在 >2: 中的应用。 ! "#$ 装置中 $%& 通讯方式的应用 通 用 串 行 总 线 :;< 是 由 ?&5O1P 、 D0I0.1’、 8<2、 86.,’、 20-/&3&Q.、 )+? 以及 )&/.R,/6 B,’,-&5 等 七 家 公
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英文翻译USB 的互连支持数据在USB 主机与USB 设备之间的流动。
这一章主要讲述为了简化主机上的 客户软件(Software client)与设备的功能部件(function)之间的通信而必须的主机接口(host interface)。
在本章中所涉及的具体实现部份并不是必要的,这些实现部份是作为例子来阐述在响应USB 设备请求时的主机系统的行为。
只要USB 设备并不感觉到主机行为的改变,USB 主机完全可以提供一个不同的软件系统实现方法。
10.1 USB 主机概况10.1.1 概论图10-1展示了USB 通信模型之间基本的信息流与互连关系:逻辑的信息流 实际的信息流图 10-1通信模型层次关系图由图10-1可见,主机与设备都被划分成不同的层次。
在主机与设备之间的所有通信最终都是通过USB 的电缆进行,然而,在上层的水平层之间存在逻辑的主机—设备信息流。
客户软件与功能部件之间的透明通信的要求,决定主机和设备下层部件的功客户 USB 系统 主机控制器 功能部件 USB 设备 USB 总线接口能以及它们的界面(interface)这一章从主机的角度来描述上述的通信模型,图10-2描述了从主机角度看到的它与设备的连接。
·USB总线接口·USB系统(USB System)·USB客户(Client)其中,USB总线接口处理电气及协议层的互连(详见第7章及第8章)。
从互连的角度看,USB设备和USB主机都提供类似的USB总线接口,如串行接口引擎(Serial Interface Engine SIE)。
由于主机在USB系统中的特殊性,USB主机上的总线接口还必须具备主机控制器的功能(Host Controller),主机控制器具有一个内集成的集线器(根集线器)提供与USB电缆的连接。
USB系统(USB System)使用主机控制器来管理主机与USB设备的数据传输。
这包括附加的USB信息,比如协议头(Protocol Wrappers)。
客户(管理界面)通道组(到某一接口)IRPS 配置信息USB驱动器主机软件标准通道(到缺省端口地址)硬件定义USB 电缆通道,代表相应层之间连接的抽象图10-2 主机通信图USB 系统有三个主要组成部份:·主机控制器驱动(Host Controller Driver )·USB 驱动 (USB Driver)·主机软件 (host software)主机控制器驱动的存在,方便地将各种不同的主机控制器实现映射到USB 系统,客户可以不必知道设备到底接在哪个主机控制器上就能同设备进行通信。
USB 驱动提供了基本的面向客户的主机界面。
在HCD 与USB 之间的接口称为主机控制器驱动接口(Host Controller Driver Interface HCDI)。
这层接口不能被客户直接访问,所以也不是由USB 具体来完成的。
一个典型的HCDI 是由支撑各种不同主机控制器的操作系统来定义的。
USBD 提供I/O 请求包(I/O Request Packets)形式的数据传输,以某一特定通道来传输数据。
另外,USBD 为它的客户提供一个容易被支配及配置的抽象的设备。
作为这种抽象的一部份,USBD 拥有标准通道(参见第5章及第9章)对设 主机控制器驱动硬件定义 USB 总线接口 主机控制器 SIE备进行一些标准的控制。
10.1.3 数据流主机控制器在主机与USB设备之间传递数据。
10.1.4 收集状态及活动统计数据作为普通的为所有主机与设备之间的控制流与数据流服务的USB系统与主机控制器,一直处于随时接收状态变化及活动信息的状态,以使软件能及时接收并处理这些状态的变化。
10.1.5 电气接口因素主机为连在集线器上的USB设备提供能量。
10.2 主机控制器功能在所有的实现中,主机控制器都必须提供基本相同的功能。
1 状态处理(State Handling) 作为主机的一部份,主机控制器报告及管理它的状态。
3 帧产生(Frame Generation) 主机控制器以每1ms为单位产生SOF标志包。
4 数据处理主机控制器处理从主机输入输出数据的请求。
5 协议引擎主机控制器支持USB具体规定的协议6传输差错控制所有的主机控制器在发现和处理已定义的错误时展现相似的行为。
7 远程唤醒所有的主机控制器都应具有将总线置于挂起状态及在远程唤醒事件下重新启动的能力。
8 集线器集线器提供了标准的将多个USB设备连到主机控制器的功能。
9 主机系统接口主机控制器在主机系统控制器之间建立一个高速的数据通道。
10.2.1 状态处理主机控制器具有一系列USB系统管理的状态。
有关USB 状态与其它之间的相互关系的详细讨论请参照第7章。
10.2.2 串行化与反串行化通过物理上的传输是以字位流的形式出现的。
The basic flow and interrelationships of the USB communications model are shown in Figure 10-1Figure 10-1. Interlayer Communications ModelThe host and the device are divided into the distinct layers depicted in Figure 10-1. Vertical arrowsindicate the actual communication on the host. The corresponding interfaces on the device areimplementation-specific. All communications between the host and device ultimately occur on thephysical USB wire. However, there are logical host-device interfaces between each horizontal layer.These communications, between client software resident on the host and the function provided by thedevice, are typified by a contract based on the needs of the application currently using the device and thecapabilities provided by the device.This client-function interaction creates the requirements for all of the underlying layers and their interfaces.Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1208This chapter describes this model from the point of view of the host and its layers. Figure 10-2 describes,based on the overall view introduced in Chapter 5, the host’s view of its communication with the device.Figure 10-2. Host CommunicationsUniversal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1209There is only one host for each USB. The major layers of a host consist of the following:_ USB bus interface_ USB System_ Client.The USB bus interface handles interactions for the electrical and protocol layers (refer to Chapter 7 andChapter 8). From the interconnect point of view, a similar USB bus interface is provided by both the USBdevice and the host, as exemplified by the Serial Interface Engine (SIE). On the host, however, the USBbus interface has additional responsibilities due to the unique role of the host on the USB and isimplemented as the Host Controller. The Host Controller has an integrated root hub providing attachmentpoints to the USB wire.The USB System uses the Host Controller to manage data transfers between the host and USB devices.The interface between the USB System and the Host Controller is dependent on the hardware definition ofthe Host Controller. The USB System, in concert with the Host Controller, performs the translationbetween the client’s view of data transfers and the USB transactions appearing on the interconnect. Thisincludes the addition of any USB feature support such as protocol wrappers. The USB System is alsoresponsible for managing USB resources, such as bandwidth and bus power, so that client access to theUSB is possible.The USB System has three basic components:_ Host Controller Driver_ USB Driver_ Host Software.The Host Controller Driver (HCD) exists to more easily map the various Host Controller implementationsinto the USB System, such that a client can interact with its device without knowing to which HostController the device is connected. The USB Driver (USBD) provides the basic host interface (USBDI) forclients to USB devices. The interface between the HCD and the USBD is known as the Host ControllerDriver Interface (HCDI). This interface is never available directly to clients and thus is not defined by theUSB Specification. A particular HCDI is, however, defined by each operating systemthat supports variousHost Controller implementations.The USBD provides data transfer mechanisms in the form of I/O Request Packets (IRPs), which consist ofa request to transport data across a specific pipe. In addition to providing data transfer mechanisms, theUSBD is responsible for presenting to its clients an abstraction of a USB device that can be manipulated forconfiguration and state management. As part of this abstraction, the USBD owns the default pipe (seeChapter 5 and Chapter 9) through which all USB devices are accessed for the purposes of standard USBcontrol. This default pipe represents a logical communication between the USBD and the abstraction of aUSB device as shown in Figure 10-2.In some operating systems, additional non-USB System Software is available that provides configurationand loading mechanisms to device drivers. In such operating systems, the device driver shall use theprovided interfaces instead of directly accessing the USBDI mechanisms.The client layer describes all the software entities that are responsible for directly interacting with USBdevices. When each device is attached to the system, these clients might interact directly with theperipheral hardware. The shared characteristics of the USB place USB System Software between the clientand its device; that is, a client cannot directly access the device’s hardware. Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1210Overall, the host layers provide the following capabilities:_ Detecting the attachment and removal of USB devices_ Managing USB standard control flow between the host and USB devices_ Managing data flow between the host and USB devices_ Collecting status and activity statistics_ Controlling the electrical interface between the Host Controller and USB devices, including theprovision of a limited amount of power.The following sections describe these responsibilities and the requirements placed on the USBDI in greaterdetail. The actual interfaces used for a specific combination of host platform and operating system aredescribed in the appropriate operating system environment guide.All hubs (see Chapter 11) report internal status changes and their port change status via the status changepipe. This includes a notification of when a USB device is attached to or removed from one of their ports.A USBD client generically known as the hub driver receives these notifications as owner of the hub’sStatus Change pipe. For device attachments, the hub driver then initiates the device configuration process.In some systems, this hub driver is a part of the host software provided by the operating system formanaging devices.10.1.2 Control MechanismsControl information may be passed between the host and a USB device using in-band or out-of-bandsignaling. In-band signaling mixes control information with data in a pipe outside the awareness of thehost. Out-of-band signaling places control information in a separate pipe.There is a message pipe called the default pipe for each attached USB device. This logical associationbetween a host and a USB device is used for USB standard control flow such as device enumeration andconfiguration. The default pipe provides a standard interface to all USB devices. The default pipe mayalso be used for device-specific communications, as mediated by the USBD, which owns the default pipesof all of the USB devices.A particular USB device may allow the use of additional message pipes to transfer device-specific controlinformation. These pipes use the same communications protocol as the default pipe, but the informationtransferred is specific to the USB device and is not standardized by the USB Specification.The USBD supports the sharing of the default pipe, which it owns and uses, with its clients. It alsoprovides access to any other control pipes associated with the device.10.1.3 Data FlowThe Host Controller is responsible for transferring streams of data between the host and USB devices.These data transfers are treated as a continuous stream of bytes. The USB supports four basic types of datatransfers:_ Control transfers_ Isochronous transfers_ Interrupt transfers_ Bulk transfers.For additional information on transfer types, refer to Chapter 5.Each device presents one or more interfaces that a client may use to communicate with the device. Eachinterface is composed of zero or more pipes that individually transfer data between the client and aparticular endpoint on the device. The USBD establishes interfaces and pipes at the explicit request of theHost Software. The Host Controller provides service based on parameters provided by the Host Softwarewhen the configuration request is made.Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1211A pipe has several characteristics based on the delivery requirements of the data to be transferred.Examples of these characteristics include the following:_ the rate at which data needs to be transferred_ whether data is provided at a steady rate or sporadically_ how long data may be delayed before delivery_ whether the loss of data being transferred is catastrophic.A USB device endpoint describes the characteristics required for a specific pipe. Endpoints are describedas part o f a USB device’s characterization information. For additional details, refer to Chapter Collecting Status and Activity StatisticsAs a common communicant for all control and data transfers between the host and USB devices, the USBSystem and the Host Controller are well-positioned to track status and activity information. Suchinformation is provided upon request to the Host Software, allowing that software to manage status andactivity information. This specification does not identify any specific information that should be tracked orrequire any particular format for reporting activity and status information.10.1.5 Electrical Interface ConsiderationsThe host provides power to USB devices attached to the root hub. The amount of power provided by a portis specified in Chapter 7.10.2 Host Controller RequirementsIn all implementations, Host Controllers perform the same basic duties with regard to the USB and itsattached devices. These basic duties are described below.The Host Controller has requirements from both the host and the USB. The following is a brief overviewof the functionality provided. Each capability is discussed in detail in subsequent sections.State Handling As a component of the host, the Host Controller reports and manages its states.Serializer/Deserializer For data transmitted from the host, the Host Controller convertsprotocol and data information from its native format to a bit streamtransmitted on the USB. For data being received into the host, thereverse operation is performed.Frame Generation The Host Controller produces SOF tokens at a period of 1ms. Data Processing The Host Controller processes requests for data transmission to and from the host.Protocol Engine The Host Controller supports the protocol specified by the USB. Transmission ErrorHandlingAll Host Controllers exhibit the same behavior when detecting andreacting to the defined error categories.Remote Wakeup All host controlers must have the ability to place the bus into the Suspended state and to respond to bus wakeup events.Root Hub The root hub provides standard hub function to link the HostController to one or more USB ports.Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.1212Host System Interface Provides a high-speed data path between the Host Controller and hostsystem.The following sections present a more detailed discussion of the required capabilities of the HostController.10.2.1 State HandlingThe Host Controller has a series of states that the USB System manages. Additionally, the Host Controllerprovides the interface to the following two areas of USB-relevant state:_ State change propagation_ Root hub.The root hub presents to the hub driver the same standard states as other USB devices. The Host Controllersupports these states and their transitions for the hub. For detailed discussions of USB states, includingtheir interrelations and transitions, refer to Chapter 9.The overall state of the Host Controller is inextricably linked with that of the root hub and of the overallUSB. Any Host Controller state changes that are visible to attached devices must be reflected in thecorresponding device state change information such that the resulting Host Controller and device states areconsistent.USB devices request a wakeup through the use of resume signaling (refer to Chapter 7), devices to return totheir configured state. The Host Controller itself may cause a resume event through the same signalingmethod. The Host Controller must notify the rest of the host of a resume event through a mechanism ormechanisms specific to that system’s implementation.10.2.2 Serializer/DeserializerThe actual transmission of data across the physical USB takes places as a serial bit stream. A SerialInterface Engine (SIE), whether implemented as part of the host or a USB device, handles the serializationand deserialization of USB transmissions. On the host, this SIE is part of the Host Controller.。