一、名词解释ulcersdrived infection肝分段分级’s triads二、问答及直肠系膜的概念2.胰头癌引起梗阻性黄疸的处理办法3.原位肝移植的手术方式与适应症4.胃癌的淋巴结清扫范围与手术根治程度分级5.肝门部胆管癌的 Bishmush- C分型6.乳腺癌的内分泌治疗的方法与药物sepsis MODS 的概念与相互关系8.营养不良的分类与支持的适应症9.直肠癌前切除术的主要并发症10.胰岛素瘤的定位诊断11.肝癌的综合治疗12.门脉高压上消化道出血的治疗2003 年浙江大学医学院外科学考博试题1、MODS的发病机理2、乳腺癌的治疗原则3、肝癌的治疗原则4、胆道出血的诊治5、慢性甲状腺炎的诊治6、CARS (代偿性抗炎症反应综合征,考题无中文译名)7、MEN (多发性内分泌肿瘤,考题无中文译名)2006 年浙江大学医学院普通外科学考博真题一、名词解释1.镁负荷实验2.暴发性急性胰腺炎3.脾热4.腹腔间隔室综合症5.甲状腺危象6.门静脉高压性胃病征8.(肿瘤)根治手术9.短肠综合症10.超急性排斥反应二、问答题1.甲状腺癌的病理特点2.胃癌的治疗原则3.肝门胆管癌的分型及处理原则4.如何正确的对手术病人进行术前肝功能评估,以利手术顺利进行5.传统腹股沟疝修补术和无张力疝修补术的特点和方法有何不用二、 2004 年浙江大学医学院外科学考博试题一.名词解释. 1镁负荷试验 .2 脾切术后爆发性感染.3易位 ..4Pringle手法..5Whipple .6 三联征 ..7 左侧门静脉高压征..二.简答题.1SAP的治疗; .2.乳癌治疗原则;的分类;的治疗。
年山东大学医学院外科学考博二.2001试题三. 一、名词微小胃癌tipps重症感染瓷胆囊二、休克时加重心肌损伤的因素有那些三、肿瘤的外科治疗有哪些方法四、一个良好的肿瘤标志物应该具有何特性,举例说明五、结肠癌的早期诊断六、梗阻性黄疸的检查方法有哪些七、肝内胆管结石的处理原则及治疗方法八、气胸的分类及治疗九、骨盆骨折的并发症有哪些十、后尿道损伤的临床表现及治疗四 . 1999 年山东大学医学院外科学考博试题五.1、休克的监测及诊断2、乳腺癌的淋巴结引流途径3、甲状腺大布切除术的术前检查4、肝内胆管结石的手术治疗原则及方法5、尿道损伤的并发症6、ct 发现胰腺头部占位后还应行哪些检查7、肝癌的定性诊断8、孕期阑尾炎的诊断治疗原则2005 年山东大学医学院普通外科学考博试题山东大学医学院2005年普通外科学(博士)一、名词解释( 2 分 / 个)1.胃肠间质通2.炎症反应综合症3.壶腹癌鞘二、问答题( 10 分 / 个)1.胃癌的手术发式2.肝移植的适应症和手术方式3.甲状腺结节的处理原则4.闭合性腹部损伤非手术治疗期间应观察哪些指标三、论述题( 20 分 / 个)1. 针对乳癌高发率世界著名的临床实验NSABP B-04经过长期观察得到哪些重要结论2.作为合格的外科医生,随着外科治疗的进展,除掌握手术治疗方法外,还有哪些综合治疗方法四、多选题( 5 分/ 个)共两个题干和选项都是英文1.手术病人最低的血小板数2.低血容量性休克每个题后写着: The answer is____,and why1995 年中山大学医学院外科考博试题六..水电解质平衡2.肝癌门静脉转移的临床病理生理3.胃近端癌 R2根治手术方法4.膀胱肿瘤病理分期5.纵隔肿瘤及分区6.肱骨髁上骨折的治疗原则7.全髋关节置换适应症、禁忌症及并发症8.硬膜外血肿临床表现治疗原则9.尿道损伤的治疗原则年中山大学医学院外科考博试七.1996题八.必答题1.腹股沟疝定义,里脱疝、瑞契疝定义及临床特点2.前列腺癌诊断3.肝门部胆管癌病理、临床表现、诊断4.骨结核好发部位、治疗原则选答题1.胆道出血病因及临床表现治疗(普外)2.骨折愈合临床标准 ( 骨外 )3.睾丸肿瘤标记 ( 泌尿外 )4.颞区硬膜外血肿表现 ( 脑外 )二尖瓣狭窄手术指征( 心外 )年中山大学医学院外科考博试九.1997题一.多器官衰竭诊断标准二.吻合口溃疡病因及诊断三. 肝癌治疗新进展四. 脊柱侧弯定义分类治疗五. 肾癌与肾盂肾癌鉴别诊断十 . 1998 年中山大学医学院外科考博试题十一 . 1.休克引起心功能障碍的原因有那些2.外伤性心包填塞的病因、急救处理原则。
2004年医学博士外语真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PartⅢCloze 6. PartⅣReading Comprehension 7. PartⅤWritingSection A听力原文:W: I can’t tell if my breast is still there. Have you taken it off?M: No, Mrs. Green. We just took out the lump. So you can see we’ve caught this thing very early and some X-ray therapy should stop spreading.Q: What is the woman suffering from?1.A.Breast cancer.B.Lung cancer.C.Pneumonia.D.Leukemia.正确答案:A解析:通过对话中的breast,lump(肿块)以及X—ray therapy可以推断女士患了乳腺癌。
听力原文:M: My left ankle is still hurting from the fall I had from my bike last week. I wonder if I should visit a doctor.W: To play it safe, you probably should.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?2.A.Visit his uncle’ s doctor.B.See a doctor.C.Ride more carefully.D.Take it easy.正确答案:B解析:男士觉得自己应当去visit a doctor,女士表示为了安全,确实应当去,也就是建议他去看医生。
四川大学2003至2004学年第二学期口腔颌面外科期末考试试题A四川大学期末考试试题(A卷)( 2003 ——2004 学年第二学期)课程号:课序号:课程名称:口腔颌面外科任课教师:成绩:适用专业年级:2000级七年制学生人数:20 印题份数:22 学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行《四川大学考试工作管理办法》和《四川大学考场规则》。
一、选择题:(1分/题)1、下列哪种治疗组最能体现唇腭裂的序列治疗原则()A 外科医生,儿科医生,耳鼻喉科医生,口腔颌面外科医生B 外科医生,正畸科医生,语音病理科医生,耳鼻喉科医生C 儿科医生,耳鼻喉科医生,正畸科医生,心理科医生D 语音病理科医生,心理科医生,外科医生,正畸科医生E 语音病理科医生,耳鼻喉科医生,正畸科医生,心理科医生2、free skin graft 分为()A 表层皮片、刃厚皮片、中厚皮片B 表层皮片、全厚皮片、中厚皮片C 刃厚皮片、厚中厚皮片、全厚皮片D 游离皮片移植、皮瓣移植、管状皮瓣移植E 游离皮片移植、皮瓣移植3、角化囊肿属于()A 牙源性囊肿B 胚胎性囊肿C 外渗性囊肿D 炎症性囊肿E 发育性囊肿4、第二鳃裂囊肿多位于()A 乳突附近B 颈前正中C 舌骨水平、胸锁乳突肌上1/3前缘附近D 颈根部E 腮腺内5、舌下腺囊肿手术根治方法的关键点是:()A 抽出囊液,注射2%碘酊B 摘除囊肿与舌下腺组织C 摘除舌下腺组织D 摘除囊肿组织E 摘除颌下腺6、涎腺肿瘤主要依据什么特异检查指导手术方式:()A 手术中冰冻切片B CTC MCID 细针吸取细胞学E B超7、以下关于舌癌的叙述哪项是错误的()A 以鳞癌多见B 多发生于舌缘,恶性程度高C 常发生早期颈部淋巴结转移D 舌根部癌可向茎突后及咽部的淋巴转移E 转形途径多为直接浸润和种植转移8、易复发,可恶变的颌骨囊肿是()A 根端囊肿B 始基囊肿C 含牙囊肿D 角化囊肿E 外渗性囊肿9、以下最不宜行组织活检术的恶性肿瘤是()A 舌癌B 肉瘤C 恶性黑色素瘤D 恶性淋巴瘤E 上颌窦癌10、下列药物何种属细胞毒素类抗癌药()A 平阳霉素B 环磷酰胺C 5-氟尿嘧啶D 长春新碱E 肾上腺皮质激素二、填空题(1分/空,共30分)1、左右两侧下颌突未能在中线相互融合,则可形成下唇正中裂,一侧上颌突未能与一侧的球状突相融合则可形成_________畸形。
1. Granulom;
3. Aspergillosis;
4. Residual body;
5. Mutagen;
7. Apoptosis;
8. Pneumonia alba;
9. Wilson's disease;
10. Pannus;
11. Amyloidosis
12. leukopenia;
13. mitosis.
2004MD医学博士入学考试英语试卷PartⅠListening Comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,you will hear a question about what issaid.The question will be read only once.After you hear the question,read the four possible answers marked A,B.,C and D.Choose the bestanswer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following example.You will hear:Woman:I feel faint.Man:No wonder.You haven't had a bite all day.Question:What’s the matter the woman?You will read:A.She is sick.B.She was bitten by an ant.C.She is hungry.D.She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let's begin with question Number1.1.A.Breast cancer.B.Lung cancer.C.Pneumonia.D.Leukemia.2.A.Visit his uncle's doctor.B.See a doctor.C.Ride more carefully.D.Take it easy.3.A.Six.B.Twenty-four.C.Twelve.D.Three.4.A.Mrs.White.B.Mr.White's father's family.C.Mrs.White's father's family.D.Mr.White.5.A.Monday,Wednesday,and Friday.B.Tuesday and Saturday.C.Tuesday and Thursday.D.Saturday and Sunday.6.A.It's too long.B.It's the dullest.C.It's ridiculous.D.It's too short.7.A.He thinks that there's more depression among users of the internet.B.He doubts there is a correlation between the Internet and depression.C.He is sure that being on the Internet can lead to depression.D.He thinks that depression can make people spend more time on theInternet.8.A.She is full.B.She has trouble digesting pears.C.She thinks there is not enough.D.She just wants a small one.9.A.Take it back to the store.B.Find the warranty.C.Read instructions.D.Call for help.10.A.She bought it at a well-known store.B.It was very expensive.C.She doesn’t consider it gorgeous.D.Someone gave it to her.11.A.She did poorly on physics.B.She got a B in physics.C.She didn’t want to.D.She was an average student.12.A.She has been busy working on her chemistry.B.She hasn’t got a partner yet.C.She prefers biology to chemistry.D.She is sick and tired of biology.13.A.He likes classical music.B.He dislikes classical music a lot.C.He hasn’t learned to appreciate classical music yet.D.He hasn’t listened to any classical music before.14.A.In the clinic.B.In the ward.C.In the drug store.D.In the department store.15.A.His passenger saved him in time.B.He was driving very slowly.C.He was driving a new car.D.He had fastened his seat belt.Section BDirections:In this section you will hear three passages.After each one,you will hear five questions.After each question,read the four Possible answers marker A,B,C,and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on your ANSWER SHEET. Passage One16.A.Nausea.B.Fever.C.A cold.D.Diarrhea.17.A.The stale food he ate.B.The fruit juice he drank.C.Too much food he ate.D.The cold he got.18.A.Porridge.B.Purified wate.C.Pizza.D.Apple juice.19.A.When his stool becomes loose and watery.B.When his diarrhea becomes inconveniently frequent and watery.C.When his lips and mouth are dry.D.When he loses a lot of body fluids.20.A.It is a mild case of diarrhea.B.It is an urgent case of diarrhea.C.It is improving.D.It is deteriorating.Passage Two21.A.Psychosocial effects of breast surgery.B.Life crises of cancer patients.C.Female self-image in society.D.A woman’s perception of her identity.22.A.It may affect a woman’s physical activity.B.It may affect a woman’s self-image as a female.C.It may affect a woman’s perception of idealism.D.It may affect a woman’s breast reconstruction.23.A.Because they can put the woman on medication to aid recovery.B.Because they can help the woman find a job if she is unemployed.C.Because they can help the woman find a new partner and remarry.D.Because they can help the woman get over the physical and psychological blow.24.A.Because they dread that they will have to see a psychiatrist.B.Because they think that anxiety and depression are natural responses.C.Because they can’t recover from the psychological blow of the disease.D.Because they fear that the medications they receive are not effective.25.A.Encouraging her to discuss sexual problems with her partner openly.B.Advising her to see a psychiatrist for further treatment.C.Advising her to reveal the diagnosis of breast cancer to others.D.Advising her to use prosthetic device or undergo breast reconstruction.Passage Three26.A.Learning autonomy.B.American education.C.Respect for professors.D.Guidelines for using the library in the U.S.A.27.A.To know all the answers.B.To know a library works.C.To be completely dependent on their professors.D.To take the initiative and be independent.28.A.Professors in the United States are very busy.B.Professors in the U.S.have some other duties besides teaching.C.Professors in the U.S.enjoy publishing articles and books.D.Professors in the U.S.do not have much time to spend with their students outsideclass.29.A.He should go to the library.B.He should turn to his professor for help during office hours.C.He should set office hours for his professor.D.He should always seek help from his professor in class.30.A.One who is interested in getting good grades in exams.B.One who can finish the assignment on time.C.One who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning.D.One who can spend much time with his professor.Part II Vocabulary(10%)Section ADirections:In this section all the sentences are incomplete,beneath each of which are four words or phrases,marked A,B,C and D.Choose the word or phrasethat can best completes the statement and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.31.All the characters in the play are_____.A.imaginableB.imaginaryC.imaginativeD.imagining32.The judge______all the charges against Smith.A.dismissedB.eliminatedC.refusedD.discarded33.The actress____the terms of her contract and was prosecuted by the producer.A.ignoredB.ratifiedC.draftedD.violated34.At this time of the year,university admission offices are_____with inquiries from anxious applicants.A.annoyedB.thrilledC.trampledD.reproached35.When the former President____her candidacy,she knew she had a good chance of being elected.A.enforcedB.endorsedC.followed upD.put forward36.The country’s highest medal was____upon him for heroism.A.earnedB.bestowedC.creditedD.granted37.The local government leaders are making every effort to____the problem of poverty.A.tackleB.taperC.suppressD.tangle38.At the party we found that the shy girl____her mother all the time.A.harmonizing withB.clinging toC.depending onD.adjusting to39.We managed to reach the top of the mountain,and half an hour later we began to ____.A.declineB.ascendC.descendD.plunge40.Losing the job was bad,but even worse was the feeling that I had____my dear wife and children.A.let aloneB.let downC.let offD.let upSection BDirections:In this section each of the following sentences has a word or phrase underlined.There are four other words or phrases beneath each sentence.Choose the one word or phrase which would best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part.Then mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET.41.The temperature of the atmosphere becomes colder as elevation increases.A.altitudeB.aptitudetitudeD.longitude42.She was so stubborn that she wouldn’t change her opinions.A.unwillingB.talentedC.obstinateD.determined43.On Christmas Eve,she spent two hours decorating the room with flower chains.A.modifyingB.ornamentingC.disposingD.packing44.Nobody can stand for long agony of a severe toothache.A.sufferanceB.suppurationC.plagueD.torment45.When we recall a story of identical offspring of Adolf Hitler being raised in order to further his horrible work,we are outraged.A.enlightenedB.calmedC.provokedD.moved46.Only native-born citizens are eligible for the U.S.presidency.A.obligedB.intelligiblepetentD.qualified47.Tomorrow’s match has been called off because of the foul weather.A.preventedB.delayedC.cancelledD.forbidden48.Losing his job was a financial catastrophe for his family.A.calamityB.accidentC.frustrationD.depression49.Children were expected to be obedient and contribute to the well-being of the family.A.smartB.efficientC.painstakingD.submissive50.While many applaud the increasing individualism and freedom of children within thefamily,others lament the loss of family responsibility and discipline.A.mournB.delightC.prosecuteD.condemnPartⅢCloze(10%)Directions:in this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks.For each blank, there are four choices marked a,b,c,and d list on the right side.Choose thebest answer and mark the letter of your choice on the answer sheet.Robert Spring,a19th century forger,was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for15years by selling false signatures of famous Americans.Spring was born in England in1813and_51_in Philadelphia in1858to open a bookstore.At first he prospered by selling his small but_52_collection of early U.S.autographs. Discovering his ability at copying handwriting,he began_53_signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books.To lesson the chance of detection,he sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale and_54_.Forgers have a hard time selling their produces.A forger can’t approach a_55_ buyer must deal with people who don’t have much knowledge in the field.Forgers have many ways to make their work look real.For example,they buy old books to use the _56_paper of the title page,and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.In Spring’s time,_57_after the Civil War,Britain was still fond of the Southern state, so Spring_58_a respectable maiden lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson,the only daughter of General“Stonewall”Jackson.For several years Miss Fanny’s__59__ problems forced her to see a great number of letters and manuscripts belonging to herfamous father.Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand.All this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty,leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries from the__60__.51.A.arrived B.migrated C.traveled D.moved52.A.excellent B.genuine C.false D.rare53.A.originating B.innovating C.designing D.imitating54.A.subscription B.retention C.circulation D.accumulation55.A.respectful B.respectable C.respective D.respecting56.A.rough B.fragile C.aged D.preserved57.A.right B.simply C.only te58.A.invented B.discovered C.detected D.locatedwful B.financial C.administrative D.criminal60.A.fakes B.realities C.originals D.duplicatesPart IV Reading Comprehension(30%)Direction:In this part there are six passages,each of which is followed by five questions.For each question there are four possible answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Passage OneAlthough speech and writing are the special means of communicating of humans, the interchange also takes place in many other ways.A person may relay his or her feelings,thoughts,and reactions through body positioning,body contact,body odors, eye contact,responsive actions,habits,attitudes,interests,state of health,dress and grooming,choice of life-style,and use of talents---in fact,through everything the individual says or does.In turn,every person is constantly receiving multitudes of external and internal messages through his or her five senses and personal biorhythm system.An individual screens,selects,regulates,and controls specific aspects of this Information through a process of mental choices.Some of these choices are automatic;some are subconscious because of habit,block,or lack of development;and some are made bya conscious process.The degree to which a person is able to communicate depends upon the extent of his or her conscious awareness,priority of need,and control of this process.The person with a b behavior disorder is shut off from the communicative flow that normally exists among humans.His or her mind is confused,and he or she may feel unable to express personal thoughts,need,and emotions,and unable to make himself or herself understood.Sometimes the person may feel that he or she is communicating clearly but that others cannot or will not understand.Because the person is thus isolated in internal problems,he or she is interested only in these problems and cannot focus attention on the messages of others.The person often projects fears and fantasies onto others,so that no matter what the real content is of the messages that others relay,the messages received are threatening ones.The causes of such communicative shutoffs are blocks in the neural pathways of the person’s processing of information.Sometimes a block is physical,as in deafness,mental retardation,brain tumor,or hardening of the cerebral arteries.However,the most common causes of blocks are injuries to a person’s emotional system.Emotional blocks occur to some degree in all human beings.They usually occurin childhood before good communicative skills are learned,and they are connected to individual symbolism.Unless such a block is removed shortly after happening,it can have profound and complicating effects that will distort emotional and mental growth and arrest the development potential of the individual.Even though a child with blocks will appear to grow and to seem mature in some ways,he or she will show the evidence of emotional blocking in efforts to communicate.61.The concluding phrase of the first paragraph implies that human communication.A.is characterized by two features,form and meaningB.is mainly conducted through speech and writingC.is of two functions,stimulation and responseD.takes two forms,verbal and nonverbal62.In the second paragraph the author is mainly concerned with.municative abilityB.external and internal messagesrmation and mental processingD.conscious and subconscious awareness63.Shut off from the communicative flow,the person with a behavior disorder.A.is unable to focus attention on internal problemsB.is isolated in internal problemsC.relays threatening messagesD.all of the above64.Which of the following is universal according to the passage?.A.Neural blocks.B.Physical blocks.C.Cerebral blocks.D.Emotional blocks.65.The passage ends with.A.the contributing factors to emotional and mental disorderB.the importance of acquiring good communicative skillsC.the significance of eliminating early emotional blocksD.the warning of emotional blocks common in childhoodPassage TwoDepression is a state of low vitality and discontent with life in which the individual withdraws from normal life activities even to the point of considering death as an attractive alternative.Although everyone experiences“the blues”or periods of low spirits when nothing in life seems to go well,when everything seems to be an effort,and when efforts lead to frustration,these periods are usually brief and are likely to occur when the person is tired, hungry,lonely,or sick.Rest,good food,talking with friends,some fun,and/or an end to the sickness are usually enough to cure the blues.But when the low spirits persist,or when there are large swings in mood from elation to desolation,when nothing seems to catch the interest of the person,when relatives or friends cannot cheer the person and heor she continues to withdraw,then the person is depressed.Even such depressions are normal under certain circumstances.Anyone who is faced with a serious and painful illness or the loss of a limb,is exhausted by repeated narrow escapes from death(such as occurs in wartime),has been exposed to a dehumanizing environment(such as occurred with the Jews in Nazi Germany),has had an overwhelming series of stressful setbacks,or has experienced the death of several family members within a short time is expected to be depressed.However,there are many depressed people who seem to the casual observer to have no reason to be depressed.Depression under these circumstances stems from severe behavior disturbance in which the person sees himself or herself as worthless.Such an image is usually the result of the psychosocial conditioning of a childhood deprived of a parental role model of security,love,care,and attention essential for the development of trusting relationships.The depressed person needs to build a new image of himself or herself as a useful and needed person.Psychotherapy is often helpful in restoring natural inner confidence and capacity for meaningful and trusting relationships.The depressed person can find little beauty or fun in.life.His or her talk is filled with gloomy negatives.Doom and anxiety fill his or her mind.Depression is often cyclical,and when the anxiety does lift the person may demonstrate an opposite extreme of carefree irresponsibility.Although it often takes years of psychotherapy for the individual to work through the underlying suspicion and anger of his or her problems,acceptance by another will get through to even the most deeply depressed person if the other is sincere.An attitude of matter-of-fact hopefulness on the part of those around the depressed person can reassure him or her of eventual recovery.The disturbed thoughts of the depressed person cannot be forgotten until they are replaced by other thoughts.Yet,in depression,the person does not see that he or she has choices about what thoughts occupy his or her mind.The person needs to explore alternatives for thoughts and actions and learn to care for himself or herself enough to modify his or her own behavior.66.Unlike others,according to the passage,a depressed person_·A.is likely to recover in a short period of timeB.does not reveal any underlying causeC.is characteristic of self-hatredD.tends to stay with"the blues"67.From a serious and painful illness to the death of several family members,the author is trying to tell us that.A.depressions can potentially be detrimental to mental healthB.the severity of depressions varies with individualsC.depressions are overwhelmingly prevailingD.depressions are sometimes inescapable68.Those who present no reason to be depressed,according to the passage.A.need protect their self-imagesB.need a parental role model at homeC.can be helped psychologically to be useful and needed personsD.can be helped to restore their trusting relationships with their parents69.The author implies that what the depressed person needs most is.A.sincerityB.acceptanceC.reassuranceD.all of the above70.Under psychotherapy,the depressed person is encouraged.A.to free his or her mind of any thoughtB.to find substitutes for the disturbed thoughtsC.to reassure himself or herself of early recoveryD.to explore as many therapeutic approaches as possiblePassage ThreeSeana lived is the inpatient hospice unit for more than a.month,far longer than anyone would have predicted,sustained only on pain edications and Popsicles.Late March in Chicago is only technically spring.Most of the time it is still cold and overcast.However,this day was warm,60degrees and sunny.It was a Saturday and we planned to go outside after I finished rounds.I found Seana back on the unit sitting in her wheelchair,IV pole and pumps in tow,her winter coat partially covering her hospital gown.Her sister-in-law and Carla,her nurse’s aide,were ready to go.Everyone was in a great mood.We went down the elevator,into the brightly sunlit outdoor,and onto the driveway by the women’s hospital.Though the initial idea was to just sit in the sun a bit,we were drawn toward the sidewalk.There were the usual smokers outside the hospital,and the smell of cigarette smoke was the first thing I noticed.It seemed horrible to come out here, to have that smell be the first thing to greet Seana.Simultaneous with that thought, though,she said,“What a wonderful smell!”I asked her what smell was so wonderful and she said that it smelled like McDonald’s.I was thinking,she really does appreciate everything.We went on to the sidewalk and watched a father pitching a ball to his4-year-old son.The continuity between generations was moving,almost beyond words. As we got to the corner,an inspiration came:we could make it to Lake Michigan,only a few blocks away.Did she want to try?Did everyone want to try?Of course we did!Carla said that it felt like we were cutting school.So off we went,across Sheridan Road,the four of us quite a motley sight:Seana looking like death warmed over in her wheelchair,I wearing my gray hospital coat,the nurse’s aide in an outrageous green leather coat,her sister-in-law in an Ohio State sweatshirt.Car slowed down;we waved.We walked up the road to the beach,cutting through rutted lawns,the wheelchair bumping in the spring mud.Seana didn’t say much,but she seemed translucent in the sun,beaming,lit from within.I imagined it as her farewell tour of the world.I can only fathom the poignant wealth of feelings that were stimulated.For me,it evoked the sense of being a tourist, where everything seems special,a little strange,and very impermanent.I had experienced this same lakefront that way three years before.Then,I had just recovered from my own near death in the form of a myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest and was filled with joy and gratitude that I was still here.The world looked new.I had been Seana’s age.See taught me that awareness of death and appreciation of life go together:to imagine that you are seeing things for the last time has the same intensity as seeing them for the first.70.Upon finishing rounds,the author.A.joined Seana for an outingB.went to the inpatient hospice unitC.managed to get a wheelchair for SeanaD.found the perfect weather for a stroll with Seana72.We can infer that the smell of smoke made the author feel that_______.A.it was a wrong idea to smoke outside of the hospitalB.the sidewalk was a wrong place for smokingC.it had been the right plan to go outD.Seana was at a wrong place73.Outside the hospital,Seana enjoyed everying including________.A.the fast food at McDonald’sB.the smell of smokeC.the generation gapD.all of the above74.The author would say that Seana being wheeled in the sun_______.A.was fascinated by the team’s motley sightB.imagined her farewell tour of the worldC.was emotionally aroused from withinD.was fond of appreciating nature75.During the outing,the author perceived Seana’s appreciation of life______.A.in her hope of recoveryB.in her awareness of deathC.in seeing things for the first timeD.in being a tourist at the lakefrontPassage FourTwo equally brilliant scientists apply for a prestigious research fellowship awarded by a top scientific organization.One is white,the other black.Does the color of their skin matter?Most scientists will already be screaming a resounding“no”.Those who progress in science do so because of their work,not their pigmentation.Science is meritocratic and objective.It must therefore be rigorously color-blind and shun both racial discrimination and affirmative action.Well,let’s think about this.If science really is so meritocratic,where are all the black Nobel prizewinners and fellows of the Royal Society?The black chairs of government scientific panels?The black Richard Dawkinses and Susan Greenfields?When Newsweek magazine recently surveyed Europe’s largest100copanies,it was shocked to unrearth only six board members of non-European racial origin.One shudders to thinks what a similar survey of upper echelons of European science would reveal.Even the usually stick-in-the-mud British government now acknowledges there is a st month it promised new funding for projects designed to combat institutional racism in science education in schools.As measures go it is little and late, but welcome nontheless.Despite starting school as the top achievers,balck British children have long underperformed in science.And there are positive changes afoot higher up the scientific career ladder too.At present,few scientific organizations,funding bodies or labs inEurope bother even to track the racial background of those they hire or fund.As a result the full scale of the under-representation problem is hidden.Not for much longer.Britain’s newly amended Race Relationa Act requires all government bodies,including funding councils,to track the effects of their activities on different ethnic groups and ensure that benefit equally. And next year a European union directive will push all EU employers this way too.But ethnic monitoring alone will not creat the back role models European Science so badly needs.Something else is needed.Funding agencies and influential organizations like the Royal Society must bite the bullet of affirmative action.That means ring-fencing fellowship and grants for applicants from particular racial background.And it mesns seeking out those who have beoken through the barriers of race and giving htem preference over their equally well-qualified white peers for positions of influence and places in the spotlight.Tokenism and fine sentiments will no longer do.With other professions having already leapt ahead in this area,the enduring whiteness of science is more than an embarrassment:it is a barrier to its vey credibility.If a large segment of Euope’s schoolchildren never see a scientist who looks like them,they will continue to think science is not for them.And it scientist don’t reflect the multiracial societies they live in, they’ll find it hard to win the public trust they crave.Does color matter?You bet it does.76.Science is not so meritocratic because.A.it is color-blindB.it is racially discriminativeC.it awards wrong research workersD.it is practiced by the white exclusively77.The embarrassing problem address in the passage.A.was proved by Newsweek magazine’s surveyB.shocked government scientific panelsC.was revealed by the Royal SocietyD.all of the above78.One of the positive changes afoot is.A.funding research instittution or labsB.setting up a scientific career ladderC.hiding the racial discriminationD.belitting racial backgrounds79.To bite the bullet of affirmative action is.A.to set up black role models in EuropeB.to keep up ethnic issues under surveillanceC.to restrict fellowship and grants to the balckD.to balance the distribution of fellowship and grants between the white the black80.The author argues that color matters because it is.A.the nature of scienceB.credibility in scienceC.an embarrassing tokenismD.mutual trust between generationsPassage FiveAbout14,000people will contract HIV today.And tomorrow and the day after that, and every day for the foreseeable future.That’s5million by the end of the year,most of whom will be dead within a decade.Figure like these bring home the devastating impact of AIDS and the Urgent need of for a cheap,effective vaccine.As a stroke,a vaccine could stop the tide of infection and stem the need for more,costly treatment.It could even help people who already have the virus healthy.Back in1990,drugs companies and researchers confidently predicted we’d Have a vaccine against HIV-1within10years.These were rash statement.The virus has turned out to be more cunning and stealthy than anyone expected.And our knowledge of how vaccine boister the immune system hasn’t been good enough.A dozen years on,we still have no clear-cut candidate for a vaccine.So you maight expected the announcement of two large-scale trials of AIDSVaccines to be applauded.Yet they have been criticized as a monumental waste of money.The trials will test almost identical vaccine,neither of which is expected to offer great protection against the virus.What’s more.both are fundedby the US government.One through the national Institute of Health and the other through the Department of Defense.The NIH and the DoD have a long history of rivalry in AIDS reseach.But in this case it seems sensible for the NIH to back down.Although the NIH is under pressure“to be seen to be doing something”,dublicating work of questioable value is itself questioable.Better to join forces with the military for this trail and spend money saved—whith amounts to about$60milliom—elsewhere.There are,after all,reasons for optimism.A new wave of vaccine from industry and academia has nearly completed safety tests.It makes sense to carry out limited trials of all this newcomers,to identify which ones offe the best protection,before committing tens of millions of dollars to larger trials.Such a strategy wounld need the agreement of drugs companies,government Agencies and medical charities–something that’s not as Utopian as it sounds.The NIH has already signed a deal to test a new AIDS vaccine made by the Pharmaceuticals giant Merck.And the international AIDS Vaccine Initiative,a not-for-profit funding organization based in New York,has pioneered new ways to divide up intellectual property rights for successful vaccines.What’s needed is cooperation and coordination,not competition.The important thing is to find the fastest route to an effective vaccine.Every day we forget that,another 14,000people pay the price.81.Today the tide of HIV infection.A.drowns14,000peopleB.calls for a cheap,effective vaccineC.rolls without any countervailing measureD.is curbed with an inexpensive,effective vaccine82.Neither of the vaccine tested in the two large-scale trails.A.is in the right trackB.turned out to be a manufacturer。
11. 牙根面出现牙骨质新生, 见于牙周炎地A. 始发期B. 早期病变C. 病损确立期D. 进展期E. 静止期正确答案:E dvzfvkwMI11.比奈-西蒙量表属于一种人格测验 C. 神经心理测验投射测验正确答案:A2.基牙形态正常, 固位力最大地固位体是A. 嵌体B. 全冠C. 根内固位体D. 部分冠E. 桩核冠正确答案:B b5E2RGbCAP3.下列对龈袋地描述错误地是A. 牙龈肿胀增生B.龈沟可达3mm或更深C•上皮附着在水平釉牙骨质界 D. 出现结缔组织附着水平降低 E. 龈袋可能溢脓正确答案:D p1EanqFDPw4.脓肿切开引流目地不包括 A. 排出脓液以达消炎解毒目地B. 减少局部疼痛肿胀C. 预防窒息发生D.预防并发边缘性骨髓炎 E. 切取组织送检正确答案:C DXDiTa9E3d5.乳牙患龋高峰年龄段为 A.2〜3岁B.3〜4岁C.5〜6岁D.7〜8岁E.9〜10岁正确答案:C RTCrpUDGiT6. 一种心理测量地工具称为 A. 心理评估B.心理鉴定C. 心理测验D. 心理观察E. 心理调查正确答案:C5PCzVD7HxA7. 隐蔽地自身抗原是 A. 肿瘤抗原B.ABO 血型抗原 C.Rh血型抗原D.HLA分子 E.睾丸内容物才正确答案:E jLBHrnAILg8.甲型肝炎病程中,传染性最强地阶段是 A.潜伏期 B.黄疸前期 C.黄疸期 D.恢复期E.慢性期正确答案:B xHAQX74J0X9. 腺源性感染最常见于 A. 咽旁间隙B. 翼下颌间隙C. 下颌下间隙D. 舌下间隙E. 颞下间隙正确答案:D LDAYtRyKfE10. 功能性活动保持器地适应证为 A. 第二乳磨牙早失、第一恒磨牙萌出不足 B. 第一乳磨牙早失C.乳磨牙缺失2 个以上或两侧乳磨牙缺失或伴有乳12. 直接盖髓术最重要地注意事项是 A. 无痛术B.动作轻巧C.去净腐质D.无菌操作E. 充分止血正确答案:D rqyn14ZNXI13•慢性唇炎地病因是 A.舔唇不良习惯 B.病灶感染C. 感冒 D. 消化不良 E. 寄生虫感染正确答案:A EmxvxOtOco14.记录全口义齿颌位关系时, 关于托地错误说法是A.托是由基托和堤组成B. 基托有暂基托和恒基托之分C.用基托蜡片做地基托称为暂基托 D.用自凝塑料做地基托称为恒基托 E. 暂基托最后为加热成型塑料所代替正确答案:D SixE2yXPq515.产生IL-2 地细胞是A. 巨噬细胞B. 肥大细胞C.T 淋巴细胞D.B 细胞E. 嗜酸性粒细胞正确答案:C6ewMyirQFL16.可导致戴上颌义齿后恶心、唾液增多地是 A. 义齿基托后缘欠密合 B. 颊侧系带处基托缓冲不够C. 磨光面形态不佳 D. 后牙排列偏颊侧E. 义齿基托后缘过短正确答案:A kavU42VRUs17.设计修复体龈缘地位置时不必考虑 A. 患牙地形态B. 修复体地固位 C. 患牙地牙周状况D.患者地口腔卫生状况 E. 咬合力地大小正确答案:E y6v3ALoS8918.恶性程度最高地甲状腺癌是B. 滤泡状腺癌C. 未分化癌甲状腺瘤恶性变正确答案:19. 可引起牙龈增生地药物是 A. 硝苯吡啶 B. 甲硝唑C. 螺旋霉素D. 二甲胺四环素 E. 青霉素正确答案:A0YujCfmUCw20.根据以往地口腔流行病学调查结果, 下面说法正确地是A. 根面龋最多B. 面龋最多C. 颊舌面龋最多D. 近中面龋最多 E. 远中面龋最多正确答案:B eUts8ZQVRd前牙缺失D. 两侧都存在第二乳磨牙或第一恒磨牙,近期内继承恒牙即将萌出E•因龋齿或乳牙早失使间隙变小或消失正确答案:C Zzz6ZB2Ltk 21.脑脊液耳漏多见于A.LeFort I型骨折B.LeFort n型骨折C.LeFort川型骨折D.颧骨骨折E. 颧弓骨折正确答案:C sQsAEJkW5T2000-2004年口腔医师考试真题A. 智力测验D.评定量表B.E.A. 乳头状腺癌D. 髓样癌E.C M2ub6vSTnP22.人类免疫缺陷病毒<HIV)在人体内作用地靶细胞A.CD4+T淋巴细胞B.CD8+T淋巴细胞C.B淋巴细胞D.NK 细胞E.CTL 细胞正确答案:C GMsIasNXkA23.在酵解过程中催化产生酶是A. 乳酸脱氢酶确答案:B TIrRGchYzg24.翼突支柱将咀嚼压力传导至颅底是通过A. 蝶骨翼突, 上颌牙槽突地后端 B. 上颌骨腭突, 腭骨垂直部 C. 颧牙槽嵴, 上颌牙槽突地后端D.腭骨垂直部,颧牙槽嵴E.蝶骨翼突,上颌骨腭突正确答案:A7EqZcWLZNX25.不属于Spee 曲线特点地是A. 为下颌牙列地纵拾曲线B. 形成一条向下凹地曲线 C. 连接下颌切牙嵴、尖牙牙尖及前磨牙、磨牙地颊尖 D. 在切邪恶段较平E. 自尖牙起向后逐渐降低,到第二磨牙远中颊尖处最低正确答案:E lzq7IGf02E26.以下情况会加大基牙地负担,除了A. 缺牙数目多、缺牙间隙长 B. 基托下黏膜松软、移动度大C. 卡环与基牙牙冠表面接触面大,卡环刚性大D. 牙槽嵴丰满E. 义齿欠稳定,咬合不平衡正确答案:D zvpgeqJ1hk27.耳屏前形成地皮肤盲管可能是由于 A. 第一鳃沟发育异常 B.第三鳃弓发育异常 C.第三鳃沟发育异常 D.第四鳃弓发育异常 E.面突发育异常正确答案:A NrpoJac3v128.年轻恒牙地X 线牙片显示未发育完成地根尖开口区有界限清晰透影,周围有完整骨硬板围绕临床无异常症状. 应提示为A. 慢性根尖周肉芽肿B. 慢性根尖周脓肿 C. 慢性根尖周囊肿 D. 慢性牙髓炎 E. 牙乳头正确答案:C1nowfTG4KI29.按一级动力学消除地药物特点为 A. 药物地半衰期与剂量有关 B. 为绝大多数药物地消除方式C.单位时间内实际消除地药量不变D. 单位时间内实际消除地药量递增 E.体内药物经2〜3个t i/2 后,可基本清除干净正确答案:B fjnFLDa5Zo30.不能消除可摘局部义齿翘动地是 A. 增加间接固位体B. 增大平衡距C. 增大游离距D.增加基托面积E. 骨突处基托组织面缓冲正确答案:A tfnNhnE6e5 31.做嵌体牙体预备时,错误地做法是A. 去尽病变腐质B .轴面最大周径线降至龈缘 C .提供良好地固位形和抗力形 D. 适当磨改异常地对颌牙E. 预防性扩展正确答案:D HbmVN777sL32.牙周基础治疗后,牙龈肥大增生仍未消退,适用地手术治疗方法为 A.翻瓣术B.牙龈切除术C.袋壁刮治术D. 植骨术E. 引导性牙周组织再生术正确答案:B V7l4jRB8Hs33.临床上去除龋坏组织地标准主要根据 A. 洞壁牙体组织地颜色深浅B. 洞壁牙体组织地硬度C. 洞底地位置D. 预计剩余牙体组织地多少E. 患者地敏感程度正确答案:B83lcPA59W934.可摘局部义齿人工后牙颊舌径宽度小于天然牙地目地是A. 提高咀嚼效率B. 获得平衡C. 防止咬颊D. 减小支持组织负荷E. 增强固位正确答案:D mZkklkzaaP35.可摘局部义齿人工后牙颊舌径宽度小于天然牙地目地是A. 提高咀嚼效率B. 获得平衡C. 防止咬颊D. 减小支持组织负荷E. 增强固位正确答案:D AVktR43bpw36.根尖脓肿与骨膜下脓肿鉴别点是A. 疼痛程度不同B. 脓肿部位不同C. 牙髓有无活力D. 松动度地有无E. 扪诊有无波动感正确答案:E ORjBnOwcEd37.我国发生地严重急性呼吸综合征<SARS) ,很快波及到许多省市,这种发病情况称为A. 暴发B. 流行C.季节性升高D. 周期性流行E. 长期变异正确答案:A2MiJTy0dTT38.颌面部无菌创口一般地处理原则是A. 每日更换敷料B. 创口湿敷C. 创口冲洗D. 创口严密缝合,早期暴露E. 大剂量应用抗生素正确答案:D gIiSpiue7A39.不会造成局部义齿摘戴困难地是A. 基托进入组织倒凹B.卡环臂过紧C.就位方向不对 D.卡臂尖进入倒凹过深E. 基托与黏膜组织不贴合正确答案:E uEh0U1Yfmh40.中等深度以上地窝洞用银汞合金充填时需要垫底地原因是充填材料A. 有牙髓刺激性B. 为温度良导体C.具有收缩性D.具有微渗漏E.其中地汞有一定毒性正确答案:B IAg9qLsgBX41.促进菌斑堆积地因素中不包括 A.银汞充填地悬突B. 银汞充填高点C. 全冠颈部不密贴D. 外形凸度过大地冠修复体E. 带矫正器正确答案:NADH和消耗无机磷酸地B.3- 磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶C. 醛缩酶D. 丙酮酸激酶E. 烯醇化酶正B WwghWvVhPE42.对于腮腺区肿物不宜进行地检查是A. 细针吸取细胞学检查B.CT或MRIC.涎腺造影D.切取活检术E.B 超正确答案:D asfpsfpi4k43.必须用X 线片检查诊断地疾病是A. 咬合面龋B. 急性牙髓炎C.慢性牙髓炎D.急性根尖周炎E.慢性根尖周炎正确答案:E ooeyYZTjj144.成人患牙三氧化二砷封药时间为 A.30〜40分钟B.24〜48小时C.3天D.半个月E.1个月正确答案:B BkeGuInkxI45.组成核酸分子地碱基主要有A.2 种B.3 种C.4 种D.5 种E.6 种正确答案:D46.对烤瓷合金地性能要求, 不正确地是A. 弹性模最低B.机械强度好C.铸造性能好D.收缩变形小E.湿润性好正确答案:A PgdO0sRlMo47.n型超敏反应性疾病是 A.过敏性休克B.溶血C.过敏性鼻炎D. 血清病E. 荨麻疹正确答案:B48.抗体地多样性决定于A. 淋巴细胞地凋亡B. 淋巴细胞地种类C. 淋巴细胞地数量D. 淋巴细胞地来源E. 淋巴细胞地基因正确答案:E3cdXwckm1549.组织学表现为恶性者所占比例很高地疾病是 A. 白斑B. 红斑C. 扁平苔藓D. 慢性盘状红斑狼疮E. 口腔黏膜下纤维化正确答案:B h8c52WOngM50.健康促进中起主导作用地是 A.公众B.牙防指导组C. 主要行政领导D. 口腔医务工作者E. 口腔医学院校教师正确答案:C v4bdyGious51.根管口是指A. 髓室和根管地交界处B. 根管末端地开口处C.髓腔地开口处D.髓室地开口处E.根管地开口处正确答案:A J0bm4qMpJ952.符合桩冠地适应证地是A. 根管壁侧穿B. 已作根管治疗,痿管口未闭C.作固定义齿基牙地残冠残根 D.前牙斜折达根中1/3者E.根管弯曲细小正确答案:C XVauA9grYP53.三条或三条以上地发育沟相交所形成地凹陷称为A. 窝B. 点隙C. 外展隙D. 楔状隙E. 邻间隙正确答案:B bR9C6TJscw54.乳牙根管充填材料常选用A. 氢氧化钙制剂B. 氧化锌丁香油糊剂+牙胶尖C. 氢氧化钙制剂+牙胶尖D. 氢氧化钙制剂+银尖E. 氧化锌丁香油糊剂+银尖正确答:A pN9LBDdtrd55.世界上第一个安乐死合法化地国家是A. 澳大利亚B.挪威C.比利时D.新西兰E.荷兰正确答案:E56.引起严重急性呼吸道综合征<SARS地病原体是A. 肺炎衣原体B. 军团菌C. 肺炎支原体D. 副粘病毒E. 新型冠状病毒正确答案:E57.能增强抗凝血酶n <AT E)对凝血因子灭活作用地药物是A.维生素B12B.香豆素类C.阿司匹林D.维生素KE. 肝素正确答案:E DJ8T7nHuGT58.大出血后出现休克症状,表明至少已丢失全身总血量地A.10 % B.15 % C.20 % D.25 % E.30 %正确答案:C QF81D7bvUA59.对心理实质正确全面地理解是A. 是人脑对客观现实地主观能动地反映B. 心理是客观现实地反映C. 心理是主观想象地反映D. 心理是客观现实地主观反映E. 心理是想什么就反映什么正确答案:A4B7a9QFw9h60.对牙周兼性厌氧菌及微需氧菌感染无效地是 A. 四环素B. 二甲胺四环素C. 螺旋霉素D. 洗必泰E. 甲硝唑正确答案:E ix6iFA8xoX61.拔除左右上7地最佳麻醉方法是 A.颊、腭侧局部浸润B. 颊侧近中局部浸润加上颌结节麻醉,腭侧行腭大孔麻醉C. 颊侧行上颌结节阻滞麻醉,腭侧行腭大孔麻醉D. 颊侧行上颌结节阻滞麻醉,腭侧行腭大孔麻醉E. 颊侧行眶下孔阻滞麻醉,腭侧行腭大孔麻醉正确答案:D wt6qbkCyDE62.牙根情况与固定义齿功能直接有关地是A. 支持力B.连接强度C.固位力D.美观性E.舒适度正确答案:A Kp5zH46zRk63.在可能导致胎儿发生唇腭裂畸形地药物中, 不包括A.强心药物B.抗肿瘤药物C.抗惊厥药物D.抗组胺药物E. 安眠药物正确答案:A Yl4HdOAA61A3 型题初戴全口义齿时, 发现下总义齿左右翘动, 加力时患者有痛感1. 可能引起翘动地原因中不包括A. 基托伸展过长B. 印模不准确C .进入倒凹区基托未缓冲 D. 基托变形E. 与硬区相应地基托组织面未做缓冲2. 在下述造成义齿翘动地原因中, 首先考虑地原因应是A. 基托伸展过长B.基托变形C.印模不准确D.模型不准确E. 与硬区相应地基托组织面未做缓冲3. 当检查出首选原因后, 正确地处理方法是A. 缓冲过长基托B. 重新制作义齿C. 垫底D. 缓冲压痛处硬区地基托组织面E. 调牙合4. 如果仍有翘动, 应做地处理是A. 重新制作义齿B. 加衬垫底C. 修复基托缘D. 调牙合E. 缓冲唇颊系带ch4PJx4BlI正确答案:1.C2.E3.D4.B实验流行病学研究是口腔流行病学常用地一种研究方法, 现拟进行一项实验研究, 在饮水中加入氟, 以观察氟防龋地效果5. 要开始本实验, 首先要确定样本量, 说法不正确地是A. 要以龋齿在一般人群中地发生率高低为依据B. 样本量大小与检验地显著性水平有关C. 单尾检验和双尾检验对样本量地大小要求无差别D.样本量过小,检验效能偏低,所得结论不可靠E.可以参照样本量计算公式进行计算 6.. 在实验地实施过程中,一定要遵循一些必要地原则,但不包括A.随机B.随意C.对照D.盲法E.依从性7.有关这项实验,最少得持续多长时间A. 两个星期B. 两个月C. 两年D. 五年E. 十年qd3YfhxCzo正确答案:5.C6.B7.C男,50 岁,1 周来右侧后牙咬物不适,冷水引起疼痛. 近2 日来,夜痛影响睡眠,并引起半侧头、面部痛,痛不能定位. 检查时见右侧上、下第一磨牙均有咬合面龋洞.8. 为确定牙位进行地一项检查是A. 探诊B. 叩诊C. 松动度检查D. 温度测验E.X 线片检查9. 患牙地诊断最可能是A. 深龋B. 可复性牙髓炎C. 急性牙髓炎D.慢性牙髓炎E.牙髓坏死10.如经检查后不能确定患牙地颌位,应作A.咬诊B.麻醉测试C.温度测验D.牙周袋探诊E.X线片检查E836L11DO5正确答案:8.D9.C10.B患儿10岁,上前牙牙龈时常流脓1月余.查丨1远中舌面深龋,探无反应,无穿髓孔,松I 度,叩痛<+),冷热测无反应, 唇侧牙龈近根尖处有一窦道口.11. 为确定诊断, 临床需做地检查是A. 电活力测试B. 穿刺C. 局部麻醉D.X线片E.涂片12.临床拟诊断为A.急性牙髓炎B.慢性牙髓炎C.急性根尖周炎D.慢性根尖周炎E.牙周脓肿13.临床治疗应选择A.干髓术B.活髓切断术C.根管术D.拔除E.塑化治疗S42ehLvE3M正确答案:11.D12.D13.C有五个不同职业人群地冠心病患病率资料, 若比较不同职业人群地冠心病患病率是否相同.14. 统计学检验地无效假设应是A.HO : P1 = P2 = P3 = P4 =P5B.H0: P1= P2= P3= P4> P5C.H0: n 1 = n 2 = n 3 =n 4 = n 5D.H0: n 1工n 2工n 3工n 4工n5E.H0 : n 1 = n 2工n 3= n 4= n 515.若图示对比不同职业人群地冠心病患病率地高低, 应绘制A. 普通线图B. 直条图C.直方图D.圆图E.散点图501nNvZFis正确答案:14.C15.B男,30 岁.右下6 金属全冠黏固1 周后脱落,咬合时常有瞬间性疼痛. 口腔检查见患者咬合紧, 牙冠短, 对颌牙面有银汞合金充填物, 脱落地全冠完整.16. 全冠脱落最可能地原因是A. 牙体预备聚合度过大B. 修复体不密合C. 力过大D. 黏固面积过小E. 修复体黏结面未清洁干净17.出现咬合时瞬间疼痛最可能地原因是A.牙髓炎B.根尖周炎C.金属微电流刺激D.牙周炎E.龈缘炎18.铸造金属全冠地修复体设计,可不考虑地因素是A.全冠地边缘位置B.全冠地面形态C. 黏固剂地种类D. 患者地年龄E. 患者地性别jW1viftGw9正确答案:16.D17.C18.E25 岁就诊患者, 口腔卫生情况不佳, 左下第一恒磨牙患者有牙髓一牙周联合病变, 疼痛剧烈, 但患牙无松动. 为了消除病痛, 恢复健康19. 首先采取地措施A. 早期充填B. 开髓引流, 阻止炎症扩展C. 消炎止痛D. 促进牙周软组织健康E. 使用氟化物20. 上述治疗措施属于A. 口腔健康教育B. 特殊防护措施C. 一级预防D .二级预防E. 三级预防21. 同时还应对其采取A. 左下第一恒磨牙脱敏 B. 左下第一恒磨牙充填C. 左下第一恒磨牙牙周治疗 D. 左下第一恒磨牙调E. 左下第一恒磨牙拔除22. 另外, 还应嘱咐病人做好口腔保健, 除了A. 学习口腔健康知识B. 养成良好卫生习惯C. 合理使用氟化物 D.定期口腔检查E.经常自我检查龋活性xS0DOYWHLP正确答案:19.B20.D21.C22.E男,35 岁. 右上第一磨牙牙髓治疗后劈裂, 拔牙过程中牙冠碎裂至龈下, 牙根与周围骨质粘连.23.. 此时拔除此根应先 A.牙挺取根B.牙钳拔除C.分根后拔除D. 翻瓣去骨拔除E. 涡轮钻拔除24. 拔牙过程中发现其腭侧根消失,牙槽窝空虚,此时应当A.立即停止操作,拍X线片B.立即扩大牙槽窝取根 C.立即行上颌窦开窗取根 D.翻瓣去骨取根E.延期拔除患牙25..如果确定腭根已入上颌窦,经去除牙槽间隔后扩大牙槽窝将其冲出,此时上颌窦底黏膜破裂口约7mm此时应A.立即行上颌窦痿修补术 B.牙槽窝填塞碘仿纱条C. 可不予处理D. 给予抗生素,延期行上颌窦瘘修补术E. 术后牙槽窝内放置碘仿海绵正确答案:23.C24.A25.A LOZMkIqI0w男,35 岁. 因5 天来右下后牙肿痛,今日全身不适来就诊. 查患者痛苦面容,右面颊部肿胀较明显. 右下第一前磨牙远中颈部龋深穿髓,无探痛,川度松动,叩痛<+++) ,龈红肿明显,移行沟变平.26. 还应为患者做地检查如下,除外A.测体温B.牙髓温度测验C.查白细胞计数D.X 线片检查E .扪诊颌下淋巴结27.该患牙最可能地诊断为A. 急性牙周脓肿B. 急性牙槽脓肿C.急性间隙感染D.急性化脓性牙髓炎E.急性颌骨骨髓炎28. 扪诊牙龈肿胀有波动感地方法是A. 棉球口内扪诊B. 单指口内扪诊C. 二指口内扪诊D. 二指口外扪诊E. 双手口外扪诊ZKZUQsUJed正确答案:26.A27.B28.B女,28 岁,近4 个月来全口牙龈逐渐肿大,刷牙时牙龈易出血,偶有牙龈自动出血史.29. 若患者妊娠6 个月,诊断为妊娠期龈炎,临床上最可能表现为A. 牙龈疼痛、恶臭 B.牙齿松动C.牙龈为纤维性增大 D.牙龈色鲜红、光亮 E.牙龈坏死30.若患者未妊娠,怀疑为白血病在口腔地表现,确诊地方法为A. 活检B. 脱落细胞涂片C.白细胞吞噬功能D.白细胞趋化功能 E. 查血象31.若诊断为白血病,在口腔还会表现为 A.牙龈苍白、松软脆弱 B.牙龈色鲜红、光亮,质软C.牙龈呈波动感D. 牙龈表面有伪膜E. 牙龈表面有疱疹正确答案:29.D30.E31.A dGY2mcoKtT口腔试卷 1 颧牙槽嵴为< )A 、颧骨伸向上頜第一磨牙地骨嵴B 、颧突伸向上頜第一磨牙地骨嵴C 、颧骨伸向上頜第二磨牙地骨嵴D 、颧突伸向上頜第二磨牙地骨嵴E、颧骨伸向上頜頁尖牙地骨嵴2 人类建过程是从< )A、恒切牙萌出对开始直到第三磨牙萌出才完成B、乳牙萌出对开始直到第三磨牙萌出才完成C、乳牙萌出对开始直到第二乳牙萌出才完成D恒牙萌出时开始直到18岁才完成E、乳牙萌出时开始直到18 岁才完成3女,30 岁,近3 个月来自觉两侧嚼肌、颞肌酸< ) A、根尖周炎B牙周炎C充填物造成地早接触点D 、磨牙症E 、精神紧张4咬合< )A、是下颌静止时,上下颌骨间地相对关系B 、是下颌静止时,上下颌牙地接触C、是下颌静止时,上下颌牙弓合面最广泛地接触D、是下颌运动时,上下颌骨间地相对关系地变化E 、是下颌运动时,上下颌牙地接触5 天疱疮属于< ) A、过敏性疾病B自身免疫病C、免疫缺陷病D 感染性疾病E 、传染性疾病6 表层皮片地厚度是< ) A、0.1mmB 0.2 〜0.25mmC 0.8 〜1.0mmD 0.35 〜0.8mmE 1.2〜1.5mm7关于妊娠期妇女拔牙哪项是正确地< )A、妊娠第1、2、3月期间B妊娠第4、5、6月期间C妊娠第7、& 9月期间D、拔牙对妊娠妇女无影响E、妊娠期间禁忌拔牙8哺乳纲动物牙形及附着于颌骨地方式为< )A、同形牙,有较完善地牙根,位于颌骨地牙槽窝B、同形牙,无牙根,借纤维膜附着于颌骨地边缘C、异形牙,牙根发达,深埋于颌骨地牙槽窝内D同形牙,有较完善地牙根,借纤维膜附着于颌E、异形牙,牙根小,埋于颌骨地一侧9 口腔頜面部恶性肿瘤以下哪种肿瘤最为常见?< ) A、腺源性上皮癌B、鳞状上皮细胞癌C、未分化癌D各类肉瘤E、恶性淋巴瘤10 釉柱晶体地宽约< ) A、100 〜140nmB、40 〜90nmC、5 〜15nmD、20 〜30nm E、160 〜 1 000nm 11牙槽龈组纤维< )A、纤维起于牙槽嵴顶,呈放射状向牙冠方向走行B、自牙颈部牙骨质,向牙冠方向散开,广泛地位C、自牙槽嵴向冠方牙龈固有层展开,止于游离龈D、起自根分叉处地牙根间骨隔顶,至根分叉区牙E、自牙颈部地牙骨质,越过牙槽嵴,止于牙槽突12我国成立全国牙病防治指导小组是在< )A、1984 年B、1986 年C、1988 年D、1990 年E、1992 年13 流行病学地作用不是用于< ) A、研究统计资料地分析B、研究疾病地流行因素C研究疾病预防措施地效果D、研究疾病和规划保健工作E、研究疾病地自然史14 口腔流行病学不是< ) A、流行病学地一个分支B、研究口腔疾病地人群分布规律C、口腔预防医学地基础 D 口腔分子生物学地基础E 、研究影响疾病分布地相关因素15 影响龋病流行地有关因素不包括< ) A、氟地摄入量B、糖地摄入量C、钙地摄入量D 糖地摄入频率E 、饮食习惯16乳牙常见地萌出顺序< )A A T B T SD^ E B、A TB T D TC T E C、A T B T C T E TD D、A T B T D TE T CE、A T C T B t D t E17 FC 活髓切断术时FC 小棉球应放置地时间为< ) A、1分钟B2分钟C、3分钟D5分钟E、8分钟18 活髓切断术成功地关键因素是< ) A、去尽腐质B、髓室顶揭除完全C止血彻底D 无菌操作E、放置盖髓剂19关于白斑地临床分型下列哪项说法是错误地A、分为均质型和非均质型B、非均质型又分为疣状型、颗粒型和溃疡型C、均质型表现为均质斑块或表面有皱褶D疣状型属于非均质型E、非均质型包括疣状型、颗粒型和萎缩型20 疱疹性龈口炎地病因是< ) A、细菌B、病毒C 真菌D衣原体E、立克次体21 坏疽性口炎地发病原因可能是< ) A、口腔卫生不良B维生素缺乏C局部创伤D 病毒感染E、细菌感染22初期龋地变化不包括< ) A、硬组织发生脱矿B微晶结构改变C、牙齿透明度下降D、牙釉质呈白垩色E、牙釉质出现洞23 21 岁女性患者,2 周前因60 可复性牙髓炎来院< ) A、X线片检查B电活力测验C去暂充物,重新盖髓D 、牙髓治疗E 、不处理, 继续观察24 12 岁男孩子,半年前上前牙外伤,冠折露髓< ) A、叩诊B查松动度C、温度测验D X线片示根周膜增宽E、牙周袋探诊25关于牙周病患者地全身病史,哪一项不准确?< ) A、牙周治疗必须在全身疾病控制下才能进行B、有助于牙周病病因地全面分析C、全身疾病改变对治疗地反应D提醒医生对特殊病人采取特殊治疗E、全身疾病改变牙周组织对局部刺激地反应26 牙周袋地最佳解释是< ) A、PD A3mmB PA5mmC PA3mm ,未见上皮附着向根方增殖D只与上皮附着向根方增殖有关E、与骨丧失有关,上皮附着可正常27 牙周探诊最重要地诊断意义是< )A、附着丧失比袋深更有意义B、袋越深, 表明牙周病越重C、牙周病地程度与龈缘地位置有关D、牙龈出血是牙龈炎症地表现E、袋内溢脓是牙周炎症加重地体征28 X 线地诊断作用, 最准确地描述< )A、是牙周疾病诊断地决定性手段B、是非常重要地诊断工具,但不能取代临床检查C、能独立给牙周疾病作出正确诊断D牙周病地诊断需要拍咬牙合翼片E、以上均对29 X线片地读片内容为< ) A、冠根比例B牙周膜地宽度C、不良充填体D、牙槽骨地破坏形式E 、以上均是30 牙周膜地厚度在不同地人和不同地牙是不同地A、0.01〜0.38mmB 0.15 〜0.38mmG 0.05 〜0.38mmD 0.10 〜0.38mmE、0.20 〜0.38mm31 关于正常腮腺造影侧位片表现,下列哪种说法< )A、主导管上方约半数人有一个副腺体B、儿童地涎腺分支导管显示不明显C、老年人涎腺导管地管径可以变宽D、除导管系统充盈外,应有少量腺泡充盈E、主导管在下颌骨体部斜向后下走行32 经上颌窦中部冠状面扫描时,可见<)A、中颅窝底部B、眶下裂C、腮腺D、视神经E、颞肌33普鲁卡因地特点中哪项是错误地?< ) A、麻醉持续时间较长B、毒性和毒作用小C、偶尔发生过敏反应D表面渗透性最强E、一次最大用量1g34 相同浓度和剂量地局麻药,毒性最小地是< ) A、利多卡因B 普鲁卡因C地卡因D、布比卡因E、丙胺卡因35表现麻醉时,最常选用地麻醉药是<)A、布比卡因B、普鲁卡因C、利多卡因D地卡因E、卡波卡因37关于碘伏,哪种说法是错误地?< ) A、是磺与表现活性剂地不定型结合物B、可配成水或乙醇溶液使用,乙醇溶液杀菌作用C、可杀灭各种细菌繁殖体D 、对细菌芽胞、真菌和病毒杀灭作用较差E、器械消毒应以1 —2mg/ml有效碘浓度浸泡1—238关于过氧乙酸,哪种说法是错误地?< ) A、气体和溶液均有较强地杀菌作用B、杀灭芽胞用1%5分钟奏效C杀灭繁殖体型微生物仅需0.01%~0.05%浓度D、适用于浸泡金属器械E、对乙肝病毒有杀灭作用39 关于手术区地消毒和铺巾,哪种说法是不正确< ) A、消毒应从中心开始,逐步向四周环绕涂布,B、与口腔相通地手术及多个手术可一并消毒C孔巾铺置法适用于门诊小手术D三角形铺巾法适用于口腔、鼻、唇及颊部手术E、四边形铺巾法适用于腮腺区、颌下区、面部及40 关于手术切口,哪项是错误地?<) A、切口尽量与术区内重要地解剖结构相平行B、切口尽量与皮纹方向相一致C、获得最小、最轻微地瘢痕,手术切口地形状D 、手术切口应留有余地,以保留延长切口地可能E、活检手术切口力求与再次手术切口相致41 以下何种情况不属于拔牙适应症< )A、恶性肿瘤放射治疗前口内地残根B、腭侧错位牙,食物嵌塞,形成深龋C滞留乳牙,无松动,恒牙先天缺D、下磨牙远中,颌面,颊面大面积龋坏达根下2mmE、上牙冠折1/3 合并根折42 牙拔除术手术区域地处理,哪项是错误地?< ) A、口腔为有菌环境但不能忽视无菌技术B、术前应。
1.名词解释( 5分x4 ):
bite force parafunction ICO RCP
c. 被牙骨质包裹的牙体部分
d. 被牙本质包裹的牙体部分
e. 牙体在口腔内不能见到的部分
7. 下列哪项不是牙齿的正常组成部分? E
a. 牙冠 b. 牙根 c. 牙颈 d. 颈缘 e. 牙周膜
8. 下列哪项不是牙齿的正常组成成分? D
a. 牙本质 b. 牙釉质 c. 牙骨质 d. 牙槽骨 e. 牙髓
9. 牙体各轴面最突部分称作 C
2002年协和医科大学解剖学考博试题一、名词;1、海式三角(英文)2、胆囊三角3、斜角肌三角4、背盖背区5、REXED板层6、心包斜窦7、鼻烟壶二、填空30分1、肾上腺的血供2、肩胛动脉网3、肛直肠环三、选择20分1、脾的位置2、选择性迷走神经切断术的神经四、问答1、小脑的分叶和联系2、内囊后脚损伤产生那些症状3、踝关节能做那些运动其支配肌肉神经是什么4、骑跨伤损伤造成渗尿会到达那些结构5、胰头癌会压迫那些部位产生什么症状复旦大学医学院2000年解剖学(博士)一、名词解释1、腺管2、胸导管3、海绵窦4、基底膜5、膀胱三角6、胆囊三角7、鼓室二、问答1、针刺中指后痛觉传导通路2、下皮层的功能定位3、肝脏的吡邻复旦大学医学院2001年解剖学(博士)一、名词解释1、膀胱三角2、室上脊3、奇静脉4、海绵窦二、问答1、脊柱的连接2、视觉通路3、心脏的结构复旦大学医学院2002年解剖学(博士)一、名词1、willis环2、肾窦3、巩膜静脉窦二、问答题1.膝关节的组成,运动特点支配肌肉神经2.右心室的结构3.肾脏的解剖毗邻被膜4.丘脑的解剖结构和纤维联系复旦大学医学院2003年解剖学(博士)一、名词解释1.滑膜关节2.肾窦3.腹直肌鞘4.弹性圆锥5.肝胆三角6.语言中枢7.室间隔8.海马-纵隔9.呼吸道二、问答1.手掌动脉的解剖位置2.男性尿道的解剖结构、解剖位置3.脊柱连接4.三叉丘系、脊丘系;内侧、外侧丘系复旦大学医学院2004年解剖学(博士)一、名词解释:(5分/题)1.ptreon;2.结膜穹窿;3.房间隔4.岛叶5.limibic system6.bala7.梨状窝8.venous angle9.髌韧带10.关节盘二、问答题:(10分/题)1.试述内耳的结构组成。
四川大学华西医院2007考博题局部解剖学:一、名词解释:颈动脉窦,肺根,面部危险三角区,膀胱直肠陷凹,胆囊三角,(还有一个想不起了)二、问答题:(9选7)1.临床作气管切开的位置,经过的层次,切开过深可损伤的器官,过低可造成什么后果2.盆腹部消化管道的动脉血供及来源3.上、下腔静脉系的吻合支4.腹部器官、结构的体表投影(至少10个)5.子宫的位置,及影响其位置的因素6.股三角的内容、排列及交通7. 腮腺肿大可压迫那些结构8.颈根部的结构9.左右纵隔之间的血管、神经名称及位置2004年湘雅博士入学考试试题局部解剖学名词解释(每题5分,共30分)硬膜外隙(腔);腹股沟管;Willis环(cerebral arterial circle)bronchopulmonary segment;thoracic duct;鞍上池论述题(1、2题必答,每题18分;3、4、5题任选两题,每题17分)1、颈内动脉的行程、分段及分支分布2、后纵隔的位置、结构及毗邻关系3、髂关节的结构、功能、血供及神经支配4、尿道球部损伤尿液外渗的解剖学基础5、论述肝段划分的理论依据及临床意义苏州大学2004年博士入学解剖试题第一题为必答题,然后从其他题目中选4道题目回答。
2004年博士生入学考试整形外科1.名词解释(2分×5)1)葡萄酒色斑(port-wine stains):属于毛细血管型血管瘤,仅次于草莓状血管瘤的常见类型,是由无数扩张的毛细血管所组成,较扁平,很少隆起,属于先天性毛细血管畸形。
2)De Contru3)Turns综合征4)Romberg病:临床表现,女性多于男性,一般于20岁前的青春后期开始发病,面部一侧,左侧较为多见,从皮肤开始出现萎缩,逐渐延及皮下脂肪,筋膜,肌肉,,软骨,颧,颞,上下颌骨组织,病变一般不超过正中线,与正常组织界限分明,额部正中或稍偏,有一分界凹陷痕,称之为,军刀痕,病变呈慢性进行性发展,可停止稳定于任何阶段,同时可出现,皮肤色素脱失,或增深,毛发脱失,白发,多汗或汗闭,患侧唾液分泌减少,个别病例有三叉神经痛,患侧面部感觉障碍,癫痫发作,5)中国皮瓣:以桡动静脉为血管蒂的前臂桡侧皮瓣及其逆行岛状皮瓣为“中国皮瓣”2.简答题1)皮瓣按组成成分分为哪几类?(5分)复合皮瓣:筋膜皮瓣,肌皮瓣,骨皮瓣,骨肌皮瓣,感觉皮瓣,2)下肢慢性溃疡的常见病因有哪些?(9分)静脉曲张性溃疡,缺血性溃疡,淋巴阻塞性溃疡,创伤性溃疡,感染性溃疡,营养不良性溃疡,恶性溃疡,3)增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩的临床鉴别点。
中山医科大学博士入学考试试题解剖1995年1. 心脏的血供。
2. 胃的静脉和淋巴回流。
3. 眼的神经支配。
4. 颈部的淋巴回流。
中山医科大学博士入学考试试题解剖1996年1. 眼的神经支配。
2. 内囊的位置和后肢损伤后的表现。
3. 肾脏的位置和毗邻。
4. 腋窝淋巴结分布及回流。
5. 腹膜附属结构、大小网膜的功能。
解放军医学院(301医院科学 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。 一、名词解释 1. 阻生齿
第1页 共1页
2. 破裂性骨折 3. 面肌痉挛 4. trigeminal neuralgia 5.牙尖交错合 6. 颌骨骨髓炎 7. 颞下颌关节强直 8. vascular malformation 二、简答题 1. 牙龈癌临表和手术治疗原则。 2. 颞下颌关节外科处理的疾病。 3. 正颌外科的治疗流程。 4. 智牙冠周炎扩散的间隙。 5. 唇腭裂的分类。 三、论述题 1. 总结可能引起张口受限的原因。
2004医学博士英语真题及答案2004patr II vocabulary(10%)31.All the characters in the play are_____A.imaginable adj.可想象的, 可能的B.imaginary adj.假想的, 想象的, 虚构的C.imaginative adj. 富于想象力的D.imagining32.The judge _____ all the charges against SmithA.dismissed dismiss a charge驳回指控B.eliminated除去, 排除, 削减(人员)’不予考虑eliminate the false and retain the true去伪存真C.refusedvt.拒绝, 谢绝n.废物, 垃圾D.discardedinto the discard成为无用之物; 被遗忘throw sth. into the discard放弃某事33.The actress _____ the terms of her contract and was prosecuted起诉 by the producer制片人.A.ignored(因证据不足而)驳回诉讼B.ratified ratify an amendment to a constitution批准宪法修正案C.drafted vt.起草D.violated违犯,;扰乱;violate a law犯法violate sleep妨碍睡眠violate sb.'s privacy侵扰某人的安静; 闯入私室34.At this time of the year,university admission offices are_____with inquires from anxious applicants.A.annoyedB.thrilledv.发抖C.trampledn.踩踏, 蹂躏v.践踏, 踩坏, 轻视D.reproached v.责备35.When the former President_____her candidacy候选资格,she had a good chance of being elected.A.enforced强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强B.endorsed v.在(票据)背面签名, 签注(文件), 认可, 签署C.follow up v.穷追, 把...探究到底, 用继续行动来加强效果D.put forward v.放出, 拿出, 提出, 推举出36.The country’s highest medal was _____upon him for heroism.A.earnedB.bestowed给与, 授, 赠, 赐(on, upon)I do not deserve all the praises bestowed upon me.我不配得到这些赞扬。
2004年口腔助理执业医师真题试卷(第一单元)精选(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. A1型题1.比奈-西蒙量表属于一种A.智力测验B.人格测验C.神经心理测验D.评定量表E.投射测验正确答案:A2.基牙形态正常,固位力最大的固位体是A.嵌体B.全冠C.根内固位体D.部分冠E.桩核冠正确答案:B解析:固位力最大的固位体是全冠。
名词解释(2分×5 1葡萄酒色斑2De Contru3Turns综合征4Romberg病5中国皮瓣2。
TRAM皮瓣中英文全称6.Poland’s syndrome7.皮瓣移植8.tube flap9。
选择题A1 型题1、影响龋病发生的因素有A、细菌B易感牙面C食物D—定的时间E、以上因素均有标准答案:E 2、龋病是牙体硬组织发生的A、急性进行性破坏B急性间歇性破坏C慢性进行性破坏D慢性间歇性破坏E、以上各种破坏均存在标准答案:C 3、初期龋的变化不包括A、硬组织发生脱矿B微晶结构改变C牙齿透明度下降D牙釉质呈白垩色E、牙釉质出现龋洞标准答案:E 4、下列哪项不是急性龋的特点A、多见于儿童及青年人B病变组织颜色浅C病变进展快D质地软而湿E、去腐时必须用钻取出标准答案:E5、下列龋病类型哪种是按损害程度分类的A、急性龋B慢性龋C中龋D静止龋E、窝沟龋标准答案:C 6、牙釉质龋时下列哪项描述是正确的A、牙体硬组织色、形、质均发生变化B牙体硬组织色、形发生变化C牙体硬组织形、质发生变化D牙体硬组织色、质发生变化E、牙体硬组织色、形、质均不发生变化标准答案:A7、邻面的早期龋损,可以用下列哪种方法帮助检查A、探诊B牙线C温度测试D叩诊E、视诊标准答案:B8、恒牙龋病的最好发部位是A、磨牙合面窝沟B后牙邻面C后牙颈部D后牙颊面E、前牙邻面标准答案:A9、恒牙龋病的最好发牙位为A、下颌第一、二磨牙B上颌第一、二磨牙C前磨牙D上前牙E、以上牙位依次好发标准答案:A10、水源加氟是一种有效的防龋手段,我国的水质标准氟浓度为A 0.05ppm以上〜O.lppm以内B O.lppm以上〜0.5ppm以内C 0.5ppm以上〜1ppm以内D 1ppm以上〜5ppm以内E、5ppm以上〜10ppm以内标准答案:C11 、根据G. V. Black 的窝洞分类方法,下列哪句话是正确的A、I 类洞都是单面洞B、II 类洞都是复面洞C、I 类洞时后牙窝沟点隙龋坏所制备的洞形D、I II 类洞是前牙邻面未损伤切角的龋坏所制备的洞形E、V 类洞是后牙唇(颊)舌(腭)面近龈1/3 处破坏所制备的洞形标准答案:D 12、深龋备洞时,下列哪项措施是错误的A、洞底平,侧壁平直,两者相垂直B去尽腐质C保护牙髓D洞缘线圆钝E、尽量保留健康牙体组织标准答案:A13、后牙II 类洞制备时,鸠尾峡宽度为A、颊舌牙尖间距的1/4B颊舌牙尖间距的>1/4 〜<1/3C颊舌牙尖间距的>1/3 〜<1/2D颊舌牙尖间距的>1/2 〜<2/3E、颊舌牙尖间距的>2/3 〜<3/4标准答案:B14、下列哪种材料对牙髓刺激性小且可促进牙本质形成A、磷酸锌水门汀B聚羧酸水门汀C玻璃离子水门汀D、Ca(OH)2糊剂E、银汞合金标准答案:D 15、复合树脂充填时,洞缘斜面做在A、洞缘釉质处B洞壁牙本质处C洞缘的釉牙本质界处D洞缘的牙骨质处E、以上各处均可以标准答案:A 16、前牙切角缺损时,在以下哪一种缺损边缘范围内增加酸蚀面积A、牙体缺损区外1〜3mm深0.5mm的正常釉质处B牙体缺损区外1〜3mm深1mm的正常釉质处C牙体缺损区外3〜5mm深0.5mm的正常釉质处D牙体缺损区外3〜5mm深1mm的正常釉质处E、牙体缺损区外5mm以上深0.5mm的正常釉质处标准答案:C 17、理想充填材料的要求,哪一项是不正确的A、对人体无毒,长期在口腔中无害B对牙髓无刺激性C化学性能稳定D机械强度越大越好E、具有半透明性的白色材料标准答案:D 18、银汞合金充填时,备洞要求除外A、需做成盒形洞B有一定固位形状C洞缘线圆钝D点线角锐利E、去除无基悬釉标准答案:D 19、复合树脂充填时,下列哪项洞型要求是错误的A、洞缘线及点线角圆钝B前牙可保留无基釉C任何条件下均可不做固位形D洞缘线圆缓E、洞缘角制备小斜面标准答案:C 20、银汞合金中白合金粉由以下几种金属组成A银、锡、铜、铅B银、锡、铜、锌C银、锡、铜、锰D银、铜、锌、铁E银、锡、锌、铝标准答案:B21、哪项不是复面洞做成阶梯的作用A、分散合力B保护牙髓C少切割牙体组织D抗力形E、便利形标准答案:E 22、备洞过程中,引起的牙髓反应在临床上不可能表现为A、钻针切割牙体组织时疼痛B切割牙体组织时只有酸痛感C治疗结束后,仍有激发痛D治疗结束后,出现自发痛E、治疗结束后,出现咬合痛标准答案:E22、窝洞制备是洞缘曲线要求圆钝,其目的是A、防止牙齿折裂B防止充填体折裂C防止充填体脱落D防止继发龋发生E、防止充填材料的刺激标准答案:A23、窝洞制备时,抗力形中的要求,哪一项是错误的A、洞的深度达到釉牙本质界下0.5mmB盒形洞形:底平,壁直C复面洞阶梯的龈壁为向颈方的斜面D去除薄壁弱尖E、洞缘曲线圆钝标准答案:C24、下列备洞原则中哪项是错误的A、尽可能去净腐质B尽可能保留健康的牙体组织C所有的窝沟点隙均需做预防性扩展D后牙邻面侧壁应扩展到接触区以外的自洁区E、外形线应建立在正常的牙体组织上标准答案:C25、牙本质粘接剂的粘接方式主要是A、机械性粘接B化学性粘接C机械与化学性粘接D固位洞形E、以上都不是标准答案:C26、釉质发育不全与浅龋区别为A、釉质表面缺损B色素沉着斑C探诊时损害部位硬而光滑D患者无症状E、釉质表面有白垩斑标准答案:C 27、下列哪个时期生活在高氟区,可造成氟牙症发生A0〜7岁B8〜15岁C16 〜22 岁D23〜30 岁E31 岁以后标准答案:A28、牙震荡主要表现为A、牙周膜损伤,牙齿硬组织及牙龈无损伤B牙周膜及牙龈组织损伤,牙体硬组织无损伤C牙龈组织及牙体硬组织损伤,牙周膜无损伤D牙龈组织,牙周膜,牙体硬组织损伤E、牙周膜,牙体硬组织,牙槽骨损伤标准答案:A 29、四化素牙外脱色效果不佳的原因为A、牙齿着色的方式B牙齿着色的部位C牙齿着色的面积D牙齿着色的程度E、四环素族药物的种类标准答案:B 30、激光脱敏治疗的原理为A、牙本质小管热凝熔融B牙本质小管封闭C作用于牙本质细胞浆突D作用于牙本质小管牙髓的末梢E、以上作用均存在标准答案:A 31、牙隐裂好发于以下牙齿,除了A、下颌磨牙B上颌磨牙C上下前牙D上颌双尖牙E、下颌双尖牙标准答案:C 32、畸形中央尖最常见于A、下颌第一双尖牙B下颌第二双尖牙C上颌第一双尖牙D上颌第二双尖牙E、下颌第一磨牙标准答案:B33、牙冠外伤近髓时即刻处理为A、不治疗B调合C护髓D牙髓治疗E、定期观察标准答案:C34、菌斑形成过程中,最早吸附到获得性膜上的细菌是A、血链球菌B乳杆菌C韦永菌D梭状杆菌E、变形链球菌标准答案:A35、具有抗龋作用的微量元素是A、镁B铂C氟D硒E、铅标准答案:C36、继发性龋形成的原因如下,除外A、充填物边缘破裂B窝洞周围牙体组织破裂C治疗中未将病变组织去净D修复材料与牙体组织不密合E、使用树脂类材料充填时未进行酸蚀标准答案:E37、根据损害部位可将龋病分为A、合面龋和平滑面龋根面龋线形釉质龋B浅龋中龋深龋C急性龋慢性龋继发性龋D干性龋湿性龋E、釉质龋牙骨质龋牙本质龋标准答案:A38、龋病常用的诊断方法除外A、视诊B菌斑染色C探诊D温度试验E、X 线检查标准答案:B39、龋病的药物治疗中常用药物不包括A、75%氟化钠甘油糊剂B、8%氟化亚锡溶液C含氟凝胶D碘酚E、硝酸银标准答案:D40、G. V. Black 分类考虑的窝洞充填材料是A、复合树脂B复合体C银汞合金D玻璃离子水门汀E、磷酸锌水门汀标准答案:C41、近中邻合面洞在临床上可记录为A、DOB、BOC、MOD、POE、DL标准答案:C42、后牙远中邻面洞是G. V. Black 分类的A、第I类洞B第II类洞C第III类洞D第IV类洞E、第V类洞标准答案:B43、去净龋坏组织的临床指标是A、窝洞的形状B窝洞的深度C洞壁和洞底的组织硬度D洞壁和洞底的颜色E、患牙的敏感度标准答案:C44、充填体悬突的危害除外A、牙龈萎缩B牙周炎C牙槽骨吸收D龈乳头炎E、牙髓炎标准答案:E45、复合树脂比银汞合金的优点是A、边缘微渗漏小B可塑性强C温度传导性低D美观E、以上都是标准答案:E46、为防止四环素牙的发生,哪些人不宜使用四环素类药物A、妊娠期和哺乳期妇女B、3 岁以下小儿C妊娠期、哺乳期妇女和8岁以下儿童D、8 岁以上儿童E、所有人标准答案:C47、引起牙髓病的病因的主要因素为A、细菌感染B物理因素C化学因素D免疫因素E、特种因素标准答案:A47、牙髓组织对外界刺激的反应是A、冷B热C痛D酸胀E、麻标准答案:C48、引起牙髓感染的主要途径为A、暴露的牙本质小管B牙髓暴露C牙周袋途径D血源感染E、以上都是标准答案:E49、判断牙髓活力最可靠的方法为A、温度试验B电活力试验C选择性麻醉D、X 线片检查E、实验性备洞标准答案:E50、温度刺激出现疼痛,但刺激去除后疼痛即可消失,可能为A、牙髓正常B牙髓坏死C可复性牙髓炎D牙髓钙化E、慢性牙髓炎标准答案:C51、可复性牙髓炎的诊断要点为A、主诉对温度刺激一过性敏感B无自发痛史C对牙髓电活力测试反应阈值低D有引起牙髓病的牙体病损或牙周组织损坏E、以上都是标准答案:E52、急性牙髓炎的疼痛特点为,除外A、自发性阵发性疼痛B夜间痛加重C温度刺激疼痛加剧D疼痛不能定位E、咬合痛标准答案:E53、急性化脓性牙髓炎(牙髓炎晚期)最突出的症状A、紧咬牙可缓解B咬合痛明显,不能对颌C不能平卧,直立可缓解D热刺激痛加重,冷水可缓解E、阵发性痛加剧,无法缓解标准答案:D54、慢性牙髓炎的疼痛特点为,除外A、不明显的阵发性隐痛B每日可出现定时地钝痛C有时可有剧烈的自发性疼痛D有长期的冷热刺激痛病史E、患者「一般多能定为患牙标准答案:C55、若诊断为逆行性牙髓炎,检查最重要的是A、牙龈出血B龈下牙石C牙周溢脓D深牙周袋E、深的龋洞标准答案:D56、牙髓坏死伴腐败性感染,临床上又称为A、牙髓坏疽B牙髓变性C牙髓脓肿D牙髓梗死E、牙髓坏死标准答案:A57、对牙髓组织刺激最小的材料为A、氧化锌丁香油粘固剂B磷酸锌粘固剂C聚羧酸粘固剂D氢氧化钙E、玻璃离子标准答案:D58、温度刺激出现迟缓且不严重的疼痛,表明可能是A、牙髓正常B牙髓坏死C可复性牙髓炎D急性牙髓炎E、慢性牙髓炎标准答案:E59、急性牙髓炎最有效的应急处理是A、局部麻醉B开髓引流C服用止疼药D消炎止疼药E、针灸镇痛60、对慢性溃疡性牙髓炎的临床症状及检查不正确的是A、自发性疼痛B食物嵌入患牙洞内出现剧烈的疼痛C冷刺激患牙产生剧痛D热刺激患牙出现剧痛E、患牙见大量软垢牙石堆积标准答案:A61、急性化脓性牙髓炎的特点应除外A、自发性剧痛B冷加剧疼痛C热加剧痛D放散性痛E、夜间发作标准答案:B62、牙髓组织是一种特殊的结缔组织,下述哪一点并非其特点A、血液循环丰富,而且有较好的侧支循环B周围被坚硬的牙本质包围C 一旦发生炎症,髓腔内压力增高D具有可以形成硬组织的造牙本质细胞E、修复性牙本质的形成可以是对各类刺激的一种反应标准答案:A63、引起牙髓疾病的物理因素,可发生在以下情况。
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考试科目:口腔颌面外科 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试题纸上或其他地方一律不给分。
第1romandibular disorders 2、 computed tomography 3、 miniplate and microplate 4、 dental implant 5、 malignant granuloma 二、论述题: 1、 试述下颌骨种植的应用解剖。 2、 试述急性化脓性下颌骨骨髓炎的诊断和治疗。 3、 试述严重口腔颌面部损伤伤员的急救原则。 4、 试述口腔癌的手术治疗原则。 5、 原发性三叉神经痛有哪些治疗方法。