Applying Importance-Performance Analysis to the Management of Health Care Services
Labor Relations Safety & Health
Job Analysis
What to be learned ?
HR Planning
Compensation Management
Planning Security Maintenance Training & Acquirement & Development Deployment
Job Description
Job summary Duties and tasks KPI Organization Structure Chart Knowledge, skills, experience, personalities required
HR Functions
Methods of Data Collecting
What competencies do HRM professionals need?
HRM Professional Competencies
Which one is more important?
Ability of Change Management Ability of Culture Management HRM Business Knowledge
The purpose of the job Tasks Responsibilities and duties Relationships Procedures Performance standards Authorities & obligations Context Knowledge, skills, experience, personalities required
评论:0 条查看:86 次jackiefeng发表于 2008-12-23 10:131 Leadership (120 pts.)1 领导(120分)The Leadership Category examines HOW your organizations SENIOR LEADERS guide and sustain your organization. Also examined are your organizations GOVERNANCE and HOW your organization addresses its ethical, legal, and community responsibilities.领导类目检查组织的高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。
1.1Senior Leadership: How do your senior leaders lead?(70pts.) Process1.1 高层领导:高层领导者是如何领导的?(70分)过程Describe HOW SENIOR LEADERS guide and sustain your organization. Describe HOW SENIOR LEADERS communicate with your WORKFORCE and encourage HIGH PERFORMANCE.说明高层领导者如何引领组织并保持组织可持续发展。
Within your response, include answers to the following questions:在报告中,要答复以下问题:a. VISION and VALUESa. 愿景和价值观(1) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS set organizational VISION and VALUES? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS DEPLOY your organization VISION and VALUES through your LEADERSHIP SYSTEM, to the WORKFORCE, to KEY suppliers and PARTNERS, and to CUSTOMERS and other STAKEHOLDERS, as appropriate? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personal actions reflect a commitment to the organizations VALUES?(1)高层领导者如何确立组织的愿景和价值观?高层领导者如何通过组织的领导系统将组织的愿景和价值观展开到全体员工、关键供应商和合作伙伴、顾客和其它利益相关者(适用时回答)?他们的个人行为如何反映出其对组织价值观的承诺?(2) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS personally promote an organizational environment that fosters, requires, and results in legal and ETHICAL BEHAVIOR?(2)高层领导者如何身体力行地推动一种培育、要求和实现守法行为和道德行为的环境?(3) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a SUSTAINABLE organization? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create an environment for organizational PERFORMANCE improvement, the accomplishment of your MISSION and STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES,INNOVATION, competitive or role model PERFORMANCE leadership, and organizational agility? HOW do they create an environment for organizational and WORKFORCE LEARNING? HOW do they personally participate in succession planning and the development of future organizational leaders?(3)高层领导者如何创建一个具有可持续性的组织?高层领导者如何创建一种促进绩效改进、使命和战略目标实现、创新、具有竞争力或领军地位,以及保持敏捷性的环境?如何创建一种组织和员工学习的环境?他们如何亲自参与组织继任计划和培养未来的领导者?munication and Organizational PERFORMANCEb. 沟通和组织绩效(1) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS communicate with and engage the entire WORKFORCE? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS encourage frank, two-way communication throughout the organization? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS communicate KEY decisions? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS take an active role in reward and recognition programs to reinforce HIGH PERFORMANCE and a CUSTOMER and business focus?(1) 高层领导者如何与组织的全体员工沟通并激发他们?高层领导如何鼓励在整个组织进行坦诚的、双向的沟通?高层领导是如何就关键决策进行沟通?高层领导者如何在员工奖励和认可方面担当积极的角色以促进高绩效和强化以顾客和业务为中心?(2) HOW do SENIOR LEADERS create a focus on action to accomplish the organizations objectives, improve PERFORMANCE, and attain its VISION? What PERFORMANCE MEASURES do SENIOR LEADERS regularly review to inform them on needed actions? HOW do SENIOR LEADERS include a focus on creating and balancing VALUE for CUSTOMERS and other STAKEHOLDERS in their organizational PERFORMANCE expectations?(2) 高层领导者如何确立对行动的重视以完成组织的目标、改进绩效和达成愿景?高层领导定期评审哪些绩效指标以便采取必要的行动?高层领导者在组织的绩效期望中如何顾及均衡地为顾客及其他利益相关者创造价值?Notes:注解:N1. Organizational vision (1.1a[1]) should set the context for strategic objectives and action plans, which are described in Items 2.1 and 2.2.N1. 组织的愿景[1.1a(1)]应为在条目2.1和2.2中阐述的战略目标和行动计划设定前提。
人力资源管理专业英语Chapter 3 Job Analysis and Job Design - 副本 - 副本
3.1 Introduction of Job Analysis and Job Design
Compensation Job analysis information is also essential for estimating the value of and appropriate compensation for each job. Performance appraisal A performance appraisal compares each employee’s actual performance with his performance standards. Strategic planning More and more, managers are beginning to realize that job analysis is another important tool in an organization’s overall strategic planning efforts.
3.2 The Steps in Job Analysis 工作分析的步骤
3.2 The Steps in Job Analysis
STEP 1 Identify the use to which the information will be put, since this will determine the data you collect and how you collect them.
Task: Coordinated and aggregated series of work elements used to produce an output (e.g, a unit of production or service to a client).
组织的三个特征:一个明确的目标;由人员组成;一种精细的结构1.3 广义上,管理就是管理者所从事的工作。
效率是以正确的方式做事;效果是做正确的事管理的四种只能:计划(定义目标、制定战略、制定计划);组织(对工作作出安排);领导(与其他人共事并且通过他们完成目标);控制(对工作绩效进行监控、比较或纠正)明茨伯格的管理角色(Mintzberg’s managerial roles)包括(1)人际关系角色(Interpersonal):挂名首脑figurehead领导者leader联络者liaison,这涉及与人打交道以及其他仪式性/象征性ceremonial/symbolic的活动(2)信息传递角色informational:监听者monitor传播者dissemination发言人spokesperson,指的是收集collecting、接受receiving和传播disseminating信息;(3)决策定制者decisional:企业家entrepreneur、混乱驾驭者disturbance handler、资源配置者resource allocator和谈判者negotiator,即制定决策管理者以三种方式来影响行为:通过对行为进行直接管理;通过对采取行动的人员进行管理;通过对推动人们采取行动的信息进行管理managing information that impels people to take action。
卡茨认为,管理技能包括katz’s managerial skills:技术技能technical(与具体工作相关的知识和技术)、人际技能human skill(与他人和谐共事的能力)和概念能力conceptual(思考和表达创意的能力)。
A Study on the Application of Situational TeachingApproach to English Teaching in Middle SchoolY ang Y anpingA thesis submitted in conformity with the requirementsFor the degree of Master of EducationIn English TeachingSupervised by Associate Professor Lii MinhongSchool of Foreign LanguageShaanxi Normal UniversityXi'anMay, 2011AcknowledgementsThis thesis would not have been completed without the assistance of the following people who have made contributions directly or indirectly.First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mrs. L! Minhong. It is her constant encouragement and deep insights that have helped me overcome the frustrations and difficulties I have met in the course of writing the thesis. Besides, she took great pain to review the entire draft and helped to polish the language. Otherwise, this thesis would never have come out.Secondly, I am also grateful to all the professors and instructors who taught me during the two years for their industrial instruction and assistance, from which I've benefited a lot in the past two years. They are Prof Zhang Sirui, Prof Xue Jinqiang, Prof, Hou Y uhai, Prof Liao Daosheng, Prof. Sun Liheng and Prof Du Naijian.I would also like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to my collogues who have ever helped me one way or another.I am also grateful to my parents, my brother, for their love, understanding and support.AbstractThe traditional spoon-feeding teach method lacks teaching situation where the classroom teaching atmosphere is depressing, teaching efficiency is low, and the students' ability is hampered. Situational teaching approach, by combining visual and auditory ways and giving students lively images and figures, stimulates students' thinking and learning interest. Providing situations at classes may arouse the students' desire for exploring, mobilize their initiative and full participation. Students will accept knowledge actively in efficient classroom learning in which language acquisition is carried out completely in full language environment. At English classes, teachers should try to create English atmosphere to stimulate students' desire of expressing ideas, which is advocated in the new syllabus of English curriculum for middle schools. But a phenomenon worth mentioning is that the traditional spoon-feeding teaching pedagogyis still quite popular in English teaching in middle schools. Traditional spoon-feeding teaching pedagogy is lack of language environment and hinders the development of the students' comprehensive abilities. The new curriculum requires teachers to adopt effective teaching methods to let students receive knowledge positively.The thesis mainly focuses on the research of applying situational teaching method to the English teaching for middle school students. There are three theories in this thesis, second language acquisition theory, constructivist learning theory and mood psychology theory. By way of doing questionnaires and class observation, this thesis analyzed the existing problems of the students in learning English in current English teaching in middle schools, finding such popular problems as students having no interest and confidence whereas teachers tending to use traditional teacher-centered class room teaching. Based on the empirical research, the present author advocates that situational approach combining merits of many popular teaching methods is an effective way to improve the quality of teaching and students' language performance, which encourages the students to have actual communications, experience success and accomplishment, and finally improve the comprehensive language abilities. With such propositions, the present author tries to work out of both the principles and measures of designing effective situations in the classroom.Key words: Situational teaching, Middle school English teaching, Situations creation摘要传统的填鸭式教学法缺乏教学情境,课堂气氛沉闷,教学效率低下,阻碍了学生的能力发展,而新课程标准要求教师采用有效的教学方法,让学生主动地学习知识。
重要性-绩效分析(importance-performance analysis)
重要性-绩效分析(importance-performance analysis)又名:顾客窗户( customer window)概述重要性绩效分析是分析顾客对供方的产品或服务的重要性和绩效的感知,其有助于组织顾客讨论他们的需要与感受。
• 22.园内摊贩管理
• 23.交通工具存放
• 24.园内治安管理
• 25.服务中心的设立
• (总平均数)
重要性 平均数 3.888 4.015 4.075 4.216 3.444 3.955 4.000 3.895 3.925 3.917 3.886 3.741 3.909 4.068 3.657 4.000 3.917 3.826 3.894 3.780 3.909 3.689 3.879 3.970 3.512 3.864
C象限(优先顺序较低区):顾客不甚重视并对 业者表现的绩效也感到不满意的产品/服务属性;
D象限(加强改善重点区):顾客非常重视但对 业者表现的绩效感到不满意的产品/服务属性。
在行销策略上,业者对落在A象限的产品/服务属 性应继续保持,对落在B象限的产品/服务属性 可以做适当削减。落在C、D象限的产品/服务属 性因顾客不满意,所以需要改进。D象限为业者 亟需加强改善的重点项目,C象限之项目因顾客 不甚重视,故在改进的优先次序上次于D象限项 目。
2.3 量表之信度分析 绩效表现(满意度)量表总量表信度a (Cronbach’ Alpha)值为0.879,实质环 境、活动设施、社会环境、清洁维护、经 营管理分量表信度a分别为0.715、0.726、 0.711、0.760、0.738。
2.4 数据 (表1)
• 1.步行道沿途景观优美
(重要性)的总平均数3.864 ,然后点击
之方框,再点击属性下端中间 之
然后点 击图表 编辑器 之 图标 ,
The aim of the performance appraisal is to allow the manager the opportunity to provide feedback to the team member on how they are performing.评估能够帮忙员工明确自身的优缺点,使员工培育必要的技术,在企业中取得不断地进展。
This appraisal will assist the team member to identify his/her strengths and weaknesses, which will allow the team member, to develop the necessary skills in order to grow and advance within the business.评估有三个环节,即员工自身、直属领导及同事。
This appraisal has been designed to create a three between managers, the team member and their peers. This encourages open communication channels and builds trust within a team.说明INSTRUCTIONS绩效评估由三种类型的人员完成。
重要表现程度分析法(Importance Performance Analysis; IPA)
標準差 1.103 1.158 1.162 1.172 1.157 1.120 1.163 1.096 1.128 1.395
餐食的品質 餐食的價格與價值性
5.23 4.96
1.205 1.361
三、重要表現程度分析法 - (IPA)分析
X軸有關台灣餐飲經驗,10項餐飲消費之重要性 Y軸對於10項餐飲消費屬性表現程度的知覺。以重要 性與滿意度之平均分數為基礎,建構四個象限
(一) 象限I- 過度努力區 (The Possible Overkill quadrant) 有三項因素被確認在此象限中,包括「餐食的 價格與價值性」、「位置與便利性」以及「用餐環境的 氣氛」。是指觀光客滿意,但並不認為是那麼重要的因 素。
象限 I
象 限
集中關注區 象限 III
象限 IV
本研究參考並修改自Yuksel(2003),採用十項觀 光餐飲消費屬性,問卷內容包括三部分: 第一部分是蒐集觀光客對這些餐飲消費屬性 重要性的知覺,共10個問項。 第二部分探討觀光客對這些餐飲消費屬性的 滿意程度。 第一,二部分,採用李克特7點量表,從 「非常同意」到「非常不同意」(從7至1點)
(二) 象限II- 繼續保持區 (The Keep Up the Work quadrant) 「食物的品質」、「菜單的多樣性」和「服務 的迅速」被確認在此象限中。這三個因素被認為是觀光 客滿意且滿足其需求的。
管理会计英文考试题及答案Management Accounting Exam Questions and AnswersQuestion 1: Define Management Accounting and explain its role in an organization.Answer 1: Management Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information that helps managers in making informed decisions about a company's operations. It plays a crucial role in planning, directing, and controlling an organization's activities by providing relevant financial data for decision-making purposes.Question 2: What are the main differences between financial accounting and management accounting?Answer 2: Financial Accounting focuses on providing financial information to external users such as investors andregulatory bodies, while Management Accounting is primarilyfor internal use to assist managers in decision-making. Financial Accounting follows generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and is more standardized, whereas Management Accounting is more flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization.Question 3: Explain the concept of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis and its importance in decision-making.Answer 3: Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a tool used to understand the relationship between cost, volume (number of units produced or sold), and profit. It helps in determining the break-even point, which is the point at which total revenue equals total costs, and profit is zero. This analysis is important for decision-making as it aids in forecasting, budgeting, and understanding the impact of changes in sales volume or costs on profitability.Question 4: Describe the different types of costs in the context of management accounting.Answer 4: In management accounting, costs can be categorized into various types:- Fixed Costs: Costs that remain constant regardless of the level of production or sales, such as rent and salaries.- Variable Costs: Costs that change in proportion to thelevel of production or sales, such as raw materials anddirect labor.- Mixed Costs: Costs that have both fixed and variable components, such as utilities.- Direct Costs: Costs that can be directly traced to a specific product or service, such as the cost of materials used in production.- Indirect Costs: Costs that cannot be directly traced to a specific product or service and are allocated using various methods, such as factory overhead.Question 5: What is the purpose of budgeting in management accounting, and how does it benefit an organization?Answer 5: Budgeting in management accounting is the process of setting financial goals and allocating resources to achieve those goals. It benefits an organization by providing a roadmap for financial planning, helping to coordinate activities across different departments, facilitating control through comparison of actual results with budgeted figures, and aiding in performance evaluation.Question 6: Explain the concept of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and how it differs from traditional costing methods.Answer 6: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is a costing method that assigns costs to products based on the activities required to produce them, rather than just the direct labor or materials used. It recognizes that costs are driven by activities, and these activities consume resources. ABC differs from traditional costing methods, which often use a single plantwide overhead rate applied to direct labor or machine hours, by providing a more accurate allocation of overhead costs to products, leading to better decision-making and pricing strategies.Question 7: What is the relevance of variance analysis in management accounting?Answer 7: Variance analysis in management accounting is the process of comparing actual results to budgeted or standard costs to identify differences, or variances. It is relevant because it helps managers understand the reasons for deviations from expected performance, which can be due toprice variances, quantity variances, or efficiency variances. This analysis aids in controlling costs, improvingoperational efficiency, and making informed decisions.Question 8: Describe the role of performance measurement in management accounting.Answer 8: Performance measurement in management accounting involves evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's operations. It uses various metrics and ratios, such as return on investment (ROI), economic value added (EVA), and balanced scorecard, to assess performance against set targets. This role is crucial as it helps in identifying areas of strength and weakness, setting performance goals,and driving continuous improvement.Question 9: Explain the concept of transfer pricing and its implications for a company with multiple divisions.Answer 9: Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods or services transferred between divisions or subsidiaries within the same company. It is important because it affects the profitability and tax liabilities of each division. Transfer pricing should be set at a level that reflects market conditions to avoid distortions in performance measurementand to comply with tax regulations.Question 10: What are the key considerations in implementing an effective management accounting system?Answer 10: Implementing an effective management accountingsystem requires considering several factors:- Alignment with organizational goals and strategies. - Accurate and timely data collection and processing. - Flexibility to adapt to changing business。
基于以上结论,对天山天池景区出现的问题进行分析,并提出改善景区内部交通、降低门票价格、改善景区内部管理环境、加强旅游基础设施建设等建议$关键词:天山天池景区;I PA;满意度中图分类号:F590文献标志码:A文章编号:2095-7211(2020)03-0082-04随着网络信息技术的不断发展,越来越多的游客利用各种在线旅游平台分享自身的旅游经历,网络文本形式正在成为研究领域新的数据来源。
Performance management and appraisalpptx
• once in three months • six months • once in a year
Survey conducted in 1997 by Arthur Anderson
– 70 percent of the organisations conduct
• Who are the Appraisers?
– Appraisers are immediate managers/leaders at the host and parent locations, team members and clients
– specifying performance criteria – identifying the appraisers – deciding on the frequency of appraisal.
• Performance Criteria
✓ The performance being measured against various job related factors as well as individual traits.
✓ In addition one's potential for performance is measured. ✓ The performance appraisal outcome is linked to a number
• organization’s short-term and long-term financial performance
影响工作绩效的因素英语作文1. Factors affecting employees' performanceEmployee performance is a complex of their work "performance" (i. e., the result of their work) and "efficiency" (i.e., the efficiency level of achieving this result), which is an objective existence.Factors affecting employees' performance include: skills, incentives, environment, opportunities, etc.(1) SkillsSkills refers to the employee's work skills and ability level.Generally speaking, the factors that affect employees' skills are: talent, intelligence, experience, education, training, etc.It can be seen that the employees' skills are not fixed.In order to improve their overall skills, organizations can conduct scientific selection at the recruitment stage, and by providing various types of training after they enter the organization or relying on various types of learning.(2) IncentiveIncentive, as a factor affecting employees 'workperformance, plays a role by changing employees' work enthusiasm.In order to make the incentive means can really play a role, the organization should choose the appropriate incentive means and methods according to the needs of the individual employees' structure, personality and other factors.(3) EnvironmentThe environmental factors that affect work performance can be divided into two categories: environmental factors inside and environmental factors outside the organization.The objective environment within the organization generally includes: the layout and physical conditions of labor sites; the quality of work design and the nature of work tasks; the supply of tools, equipment, raw materials; leadership style and supervision; organizational structure of the company and policies, wages and benefits; training opportunities; corporate culture and organizational atmosphere, etc.The objective environment factors outside the organization include: social politics, economic conditions, market competition intensity, etc.Both the internal and external environment of theorganization will affect the employees through it Work ability (skills) and work attitude (work enthusiasm, etc.), affect the work performance of employees.(4) OpportunitiesChance refers to a kind of contingency, commonly known as "luck".For any employee, what kind of work he is assigned to do is often in addition to the objective inevitability, but also with a certain contingency.In a specific case, if an employee gets the opportunity to complete a specific job task, he may achieve a job performance that cannot be achieved in the original position.For example, an operator who used to work on a production line has taught himself a lot of advanced technology in automation.On one occasion, he received an additional task to improve problems with the line.It was the opportunity that gave him a dance of showing off his talent In Taiwan, his improvement suggestions have saved a lot of money for the enterprise, thus creating a work performance that could not be created in the original position.We can assume that the opportunity has had a significant impact onhis job performance.Compared to the previous three influencing factors, opportunity is an accidental factor.But this contingency is relatively speaking.A good manager should be good at creating such opportunities for his employees.In this sense, the so-called opportunity can actually be grasped.Second, the countermeasures to improve the performance of employeesIn order to improve the performance of employees, the following factors can propose the following countermeasures:(1) Establish employment standardsThe employment standards of world-class enterprises have different characteristics and differences.For example, MOTOROLA's employment standards are "4E + 1E", namely vision (Envision), vitality (Energy), action (Execution), decisive (Edge), moral quality (Ethics).GE's employment standards are mainly values standards, professional skills standards and potential.In the United States, Microsoft has long employed only 5% of the top talent or the smart talent. The so-called thetop or the most intelligent talent is technically broad, thinking and decisive Hard-working people, the best people in different areas of work, etc.Summarize the successful employment standards and experience of world-class enterprises, the following employee quality is the fundamental of everything.First, integrity.Honesty is honesty, no deception, keep promise, practiceAbout, so as to gain the trust of others.As we know, the good image of an enterprise comes from the integrity of the enterprise, so, where does the integrity of the enterprise come from?Employees from the enterprise come from the individual integrity of each employee.Enterprises attach great importance to the integrity quality of employees.Second, confidence.Confidence is a psychological tendency to believe that you are able to achieve your set goals.The rapid development of an enterprise cannot be separated from a perfect management system, and more importantly, from high-quality employees full of confidence.Third, learningability.The core competitiveness of enterprises is innovation, and innovation is inseparable from learning.An enterprise with good learning ability is a creative enterprise . Because the creativity of an enterprise comes from the creativity of its employees, and the innovation power comes from the acquired learning and training.As a result, most world-class companies value their employees' learning ability more than IQ.Fourth, team spirit.The team spirit of employees refers to the consciousness of cooperation, coordination, valuing the interests of the enterprise, loving their jobs, and uniting colleagues, etc. It requires every employee to take the overall interests of the enterprise as the highest interest, and strive around the common goal.The success of a enterprise can not be accomplished by one person or a few people, he must be accomplished through the efforts of all the staff and the team spirit of the staff God can do it, so world-class companies pay special attention to the team spirit of their employees.(2) Actively train employeesThe training and education of employees are the drivingforce and the source of their continuous growth.In the era of knowledge economy, this kind of training and education is also an important condition for enterprises to attract and retain talents.Therefore, enterprises should be training throughout the entire career of employees, so that employees can constantly update the knowledge structure in the work, timely learn the most advanced knowledge and technology, maintain the synchronous development with the enterprise, so as to become the most stable and reliable talent resource for the enterprise.Enterprise training has a direct and indirect effects, short-term and long-term effects on enterprises, and its increasing role on the society, enterprises and individuals, and enterprises and individuals have more and more demand for training.Enterprises should also pay attention to the following points when conducting the training work:1. Training and education should be based on their personal quality, potential and ambition (development) Planning is as the starting point.Teaching students inaccordance with their aptitude and changing from person to person is the law of education, which is also the law that enterprises must follow in their training and education work.2. Training should be based on enterprise human resources, "self-reliance" to conduct enterprise training and education work, and make full use of social talent resources, adopt short and quick "doctrine", appropriately introduce and recruit talents; and in a planned way based on the plan, difficulty and cost.3. Combine the effective use of human resources, talent structure and the change trend of training and education enterprises.(3) Improve the incentive mechanismThe development of an enterprise cannot be separated from employees, employees are the wealth of the enterprise, in the enterprise management, managers only fully mobilize the creativity and enthusiasm of employees, make employees really integrate into the enterprise, can make employees play their maximum value.Therefore, enterprises must payattention to the incentive of employees, and establish a perfect incentive mechanism.World-class enterprises have established a systematic incentive mechanism, through a variety of effective incentive means and methods, established an open incentive system using the characteristics of enterprise characteristics, The Times and employee needs, so that their enterprises remain invincible in the fierce market competition.The effective incentives adopted by world-class enterprises have the following characteristics:(1) Combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive.The main forms of material incentives include positive incentives, such as work payments, bonuses, allowances, and benefits, and also negative incentives, such as fines.Spiritual incentive includes target incentive, work incentive, participation incentive, honor incentive, etc.(2) Establishment and implementation of multi-way and multi-level incentive mechanism.It includes: emotional motivation (that is, to strengthen their emotionalcommunication, respect for employees, so that employees always maintain good emotions to stimulate their work enthusiasm); establish a people-oriented management thought; a good working environment, etc.(3) Fully consider the individual differences of employees, and implement differentiated incentives.(4) The behavior of enterprise managers is an important factor affecting the success or failure of the incentive system.By establishing the incentive mechanism, correctly induce the employees' work motivation, make them in the implementation groupWeaving goals while realizing their own needs and increasing their satisfaction, so that their enthusiasm and creativity continue to maintain and carry forward.Therefore, it can also be said that the use of an incentive mechanism is, to a certain extent, an important factor in determining the rise and fall of enterprises.How to use the incentive mechanism has become a very important problem faced by various enterprises.(4) Establish an effective performance managementsystemPerformance management helps to improve the performance of enterprises.Enterprise performance is formed based on employees 'personal performance. Effective performance management system can improve employees' work performance.At present, in western developed countries, many enterprises have strengthened employee performance management, as an important way to enhance the competitiveness of companies.According to Hanwitt's survey of all listed companies in the United States, companies with performance management systems significantly outperformed those without performance management systems in terms of corporate performance.The establishment of an effective performance management system should pay attention to the following aspects:1. Select appropriate performance management tools and technologies according to the characteristics of the enterprise.Performance management tools and technologiesinclude: management by objectives, benchmarking, key performance indicators, balanced scorecard, etc.2. Use the SMART principles to formulate performance plans, and try to make employees participate in the process of setting performance goals, and constantly improve their performance through the formulation of performance plans from the level of organization, process level and work executive level.3. In the process of performance monitoring, manager monitoring should be combined with employees' personal self-monitoring.4. Design an effective performance evaluation system, and in the performance evaluation, the evaluators should try to avoid the misunderstanding of the evaluators.5. After the performance evaluation, timely and effective performance feedback should be carried out. Employee performance should be diagnosed and analyzed through the performance evaluation results, and an effective performance improvement plan should be formulated on the basis of fullcommunication with employees.By establishing an effective performance management system, making a performance plan for employees, and monitoring, evaluating and feedback their performance, employees can continuously improve their workAbility and work attitude, and then improve employee performance.(5) Provide fair and equal opportunities for employeesEquality of opportunity is of great significance to justice, and he provides a unified rule for the specific development of each employee.That means that team members should follow the principle of equality when solving the problem of how to have opportunities as a resource.Within the enterprise, equality of opportunity will affect employees' job satisfaction, their sense of belonging and resignation intention to the enterprise.Equality of opportunity aims to provide employees with as equal opportunities as possible to fully develop the potential of the members of the society themselves and then stimulatethe vitality of the society overall.The concept and principle of equal opportunity also provide employees with a broader choice and effective development space, provide higher development expectations, and also provide the basic rules of development, so as to stimulate the vitality of the team and improve the quality of the team progress.Equal opportunity needs just institutions.Just institutions can be accepted.The just system not only requires the justice of the system, but also requires the justice of formulating procedures. The just system should be implemented.The fair system includes not only the company's performance appraisal system, but also the employee recruitment system, training system, employee promotion system, salary system, etc.The fair performance appraisal system is the key to the selection of talents, the fair recruitment system is the key to attract talents, the fair training system is the key to explore and educate talents, and the fair employee promotion system and salary system are the key to retain talents.Only the company of this series of public Positive system, the company can constantlymaintain the state of high-quality talents, and constantly improve the performance of employees.In order to improve the standard of choose and employ persons and positive training and education to improve the staff skills of employees, to perfect the incentive system, good incentive method to motivate employees, to establish an effective performance management system to improve the working environment of employees, with a fair system to provide equal opportunities, employee's performance will be greatly improved.。
Sales Manager Training---Team Building Training---How to make performance appraisal – December 2002 January 2003 5
During the Performance Appraisal 在评估过程中
– December 2002 January 2003
During the Performance Appraisal 在评估过程中
Individual Behavior Appraisal 个人表现评估
Two parts included包括两部分 : The Carrefour 7 values in the Carrefour Policy 家乐福政策7种 价值观 Personal Profile 个人剖析
During the Performance Appraisal 在评估过程中
Specific Objective Appraisal (if you have)特定目标绩效评估
- Define the Objectives you set for the interviewee, it 确定你所要给出的特定 目标, 它 : may relate to a department, a division, a service, the store or even the environment. 可以与不同的部门、处、服务部门、店,甚至不同的外界环境相 关 May not last for one full year and can be replaced by other objectives when achieved. 不必是持续一年的目标,可以在完成后被其他目标所代替。 Must take into account the personal development of the individual必须考虑到 个人的发展 may be set up in order to solve a serious under performance from the year before. 例外情况,如上一年的绩效极差,可制定特定的绩效评估目标
-监督者,领导指导 - 工作的作业环境
-公司内人际关系 不足
-公司没能营造良好 或不适合此工作
音乐=作曲(乐谱) x 指挥/演奏
=(生产量/标准时间)x(标准时间/实际时间) 演戏=剧本 x 演出/演技
(制造方式的效率) (实施方面的效率)
劳动生产性 = 制造方式
高水平的劳动生产性= 制造方式的开发x高水平的效率管理
-系/班长的责任外的工时 -科长指示带来的整理,库存调查 -会议,面谈,教育训练
部长 以上
-科长责任外的工时 -消防训练,健康诊断等工厂仪式 -社长,部长的讲话 -停电,灾害等不可避免的理由 -剩余工时过度的计划
效率分析 - 11
2. PAC 概念
1.通过教育和训练教更多的技能,从事更多的工作 2.按各期间生产计划的不同,给别的部门支援 3.采用任期制度 4.奖励优秀者
效率分析 - 12
2. PAC 概念