Coordination in the History of Economics在经济学历史上的协调-28页精选文档


Organisational Co-ordination

Organisational Co-ordination
• Organisations exists as solutions to information problems
• Describe how organisational co-ordination is achieved?
• Joint consideration of market and hierarchies.
• Horizontal • Vertical • Personal • Spatial
• ‘New’ forms of co-ordination
The division of labour Specialisation Co-ordination
Economic Approaches to Organisations
• ‘As we are all specialised ourselves and on the other hand, need the specialised goods and services of others, a vast network of exchange is necessary to allocate the available goods and services.’ (Douman and Schreuder, p10)



Unit Nine EconomyText:Globalization and ChinaStephan RothlinBackground InformationAbout the author:The author is a professor of business ethics. In one of his writings he illustrated ideas about business ethics developed in U.S. and in Europe. He also indicates China has its culture’s rich ethical heritage, and can both govern and guide its national economy to develop better, not only for China but also for the World.Language points1. Para.[3]: The United States will cease the annual review procedure in which congress considers ending ...“in which” in used in a relative clause that starts within a preposition (it means to talk about a situation that you have just mentioned). Similarly used in the passage: Para.10, Para.11.2. Para.[6]: Global companies seem perched ... ever widening open doors.The sentences means: Global companies seem to be laying China’s economic development ona dangerous position by making good use of ( or taking advantage of ) China’s ever wideningopen doors.3. Para.[9]: Mencius remained especially strong in his belief that human nature might become ... . Similarly used in the passage: Para.11“that” used after verbs to introduce an objective clause which gives more information, a reason, an explanation etc.4. Para.[11]: The policy of opening-up supported ... watching.The opening policy supported for over twenty years started a period which has never happened before for economic growth that has the whole world watching.5. Para.[13]: It is in the vital interest of business and administration for China to become familiarized with values.“It” is used as the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is later in the sentence.Word study1. negotiate discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business orpolitics① The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.② Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working work.③ The French have brought new proposals to the negotiating table ( official business ).negotiation n.[usually plural] official discussion between the representatives of opposing groups, who are trying to reach an agreement especially in business or politics.④ The treaty was a result of long and complex negotiation.⑤ Through negotiation we are able to reach a compromise.2. perch v. to be in a position on top of, or on the edge of something① The birds perched on the telephone wires.② He was perched on his throne.③ The house perched on a cliff above the town.④ Linda perched herself on a bar stool.n. [informal] a high place where a person sits or where a building is placed⑤ From our perch on the hill, we can see the whole city.3. decisive a. action, event that has a powerful effect on the final result of something① Waterloo was the decisive battle of the entire war.② She demonstrated a talent for quick, decisive action.③ The covenant at Sinai was the decisive step in the creation of Israel.④ China has played a decisive role in the recent peace progress.decisiveness n.the ability to make decisions quickly with confidence and determination⑤ David acted with speed and decisiveness.4. fundamental a. affecting the simplest and most important parts of something① She is not just in a bad mood, she must have a fundamental psychological problem.② His fundamental mistake was to rely too much on other people.③ Water is fundamental to survival.n. the most important idea, rules etc that something is based on④I couldn’t even grasp the fundamentals of mechanics.fundamentally ad. in everyway that is important or basic⑤ They are good friends even though their view on many things are fundamentally different.5. corrupt ing one’s power in a dishonest or illegal way in order to get an advantage foroneself① Corrupt judges have taken millions of dollars in bribes.② Sometimes we doubt a corrupt society. (a very bad morally).v. to encourage someone to start behaving in an immoral or dishonest way③ Pornographic publications corrupt the minds of young people.④ Young prisoners are being corrupted by the older, long term offenders.corruption n. dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, especially from someone with power⑤ The chief Executive is being investigated for alleged corruption.⑥The word Thursday is a corruption of Thor’s Day. (a changed form of something)参考译文全球经济一体化与中国斯蒂芬·罗世林[1] 中国,拥有世界上人口最多的国家,在2001年11月10日加入世界贸易组织,结束了长达15年的谈判,这为中国在世界民族之林获得了一个新的地位与席位,为几个世纪以来的梦想注入了新的活力。



双语:"一带一路"规划国家发展改革委、外交部、商务部28日联合发布了推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动;全文如下:The following is the full text of an action plan on the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, with State Council authorization, on Saturday.国家发展改革委外交部商务部经国务院授权发布2015年3月推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动Vision and proposed actions outlined on jointly building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road前言Preface2000多年前,亚欧大陆上勤劳勇敢的人民,探索出多条连接亚欧非几大文明的贸易和人文交流通路,后人将其统称为“丝绸之路”;千百年来,“和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢”的丝绸之路精神薪火相传,推进了人类文明进步,是促进沿线各国繁荣发展的重要纽带,是东西方交流合作的象征,是世界各国共有的历史文化遗产;More than two millennia ago the diligent and courageous people of Eurasia explored and opened up several routes of trade and cultural exchanges that linked the major civilizations of Asia, Europe and Africa, collectively called the Silk Road by later generations. For thousands of years, the Silk Road Spirit - "peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit" - has been passed from generation to generation, promoted the progress of human civilization, and contributed greatly to the prosperity and development of the countries along the Silk Road. Symbolizing communication and cooperation between the East and the West, the Silk Road Spirit is a historic and cultural heritage shared by all countries around the world.进入21世纪,在以和平、发展、合作、共赢为主题的新时代,面对复苏乏力的全球经济形势,纷繁复杂的国际和地区局面,传承和弘扬丝绸之路精神更显重要和珍贵;In the 21st century, a new era marked by the theme of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, it is all the more important for us to carry on the Silk Road Spirit in face of the weak recovery of the global economy, and complex international and regional situations.2013年9月和10月,中国国家主席习近平在出访中亚和东南亚国家期间,先后提出共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”以下简称“一带一路”的重大倡议,得到国际社会高度关注;中国国务院总理李克强参加2013年中国-东盟博览会时强调,铺就面向东盟的海上丝绸之路,打造带动腹地发展的战略支点;加快“一带一路”建设,有利于促进沿线各国经济繁荣与区域经济合作,加强不同文明交流互鉴,促进世界和平发展,是一项造福世界各国人民的伟大事业;When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia and Southeast Asia in September and October of 2013, he raised the initiative of jointly building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road hereinafter referred to as the Belt and Road, which have attracted close attention from all over the world. At the China-ASEAN Expo in 2013, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang emphasized the need to build the Maritime Silk Road oriented toward ASEAN, and to create strategic propellers for hinterland development. Accelerating the building of the Belt and Road can help promote the economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road and regional economic cooperation, strengthen exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations, and promote world peace and development. It is a great undertaking that will benefit people around the world.“一带一路”建设是一项系统工程,要坚持共商、共建、共享原则,积极推进沿线国家发展战略的相互对接;为推进实施“一带一路”重大倡议,让古丝绸之路焕发新的生机活力,以新的形式使亚欧非各国联系更加紧密,互利合作迈向新的历史高度,中国政府特制定并发布推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动;The Belt and Road Initiative is a systematic project, which should be jointly built through consultation to meet the interests of all, and efforts should be made to integrate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road. The Chinese government has drafted and published the Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road to promote the implementation of the Initiative, instill vigor and vitality into the ancient Silk Road, connect Asian, European and African countries more closely and promote mutually beneficial cooperation to a new high and in new forms.一、时代背景I. Background当今世界正发生复杂深刻的变化,国际金融危机深层次影响继续显现,世界经济缓慢复苏、发展分化,国际投资贸易格局和多边投资贸易规则酝酿深刻调整,各国面临的发展问题依然严峻;共建“一带一路”顺应世界多极化、经济全球化、文化多样化、社会信息化的潮流,秉持开放的区域合作精神,致力于维护全球自由贸易体系和开放型世界经济;共建“一带一路”旨在促进经济要素有序自由流动、资源高效配置和市场深度融合,推动沿线各国实现经济政策协调,开展更大范围、更高水平、更深层次的区域合作,共同打造开放、包容、均衡、普惠的区域经济合作架构;共建“一带一路”符合国际社会的根本利益,彰显人类社会共同理想和美好追求,是国际合作以及全球治理新模式的积极探索,将为世界和平发展增添新的正能量; Complex and profound changes are taking place in the world. The underlying impact of the international financial crisis keeps emerging; the world economy is recovering slowly, and global development is uneven; the international trade and investment landscape and rules for multilateral trade and investment are undergoing major adjustments; and countries stillface big challenges to their development. The initiative to jointly build the Belt and Road, embracing the trend toward a multipolar world, economic globalization, cultural diversity and greater IT application, is designed to uphold the global free trade regime and the open world economy in the spirit of open regional cooperation. It is aimed at promoting orderly and free flow of economic factors, highly efficient allocation of resources and deep integration of markets; encouraging the countries along the Belt and Road to achieve economic policy coordination and carry out broader and more in-depth regional cooperation of higher standards; and jointly creating an open, inclusive and balanced regional economic cooperation architecture that benefits all. Jointly building the Belt and Road is in the interests of the world community. Reflecting the common ideals and pursuit of human societies, it is a positive endeavor to seek new models of international cooperation and global governance, and will inject new positive energy into world peace and development.共建“一带一路”致力于亚欧非大陆及附近海洋的互联互通,建立和加强沿线各国互联互通伙伴关系,构建全方位、多层次、复合型的互联互通网络,实现沿线各国多元、自主、平衡、可持续的发展;“一带一路”的互联互通项目将推动沿线各国发展战略的对接与耦合,发掘区域内市场的潜力,促进投资和消费,创造需求和就业,增进沿线各国人民的人文交流与文明互鉴,让各国人民相逢相知、互信互敬,共享和谐、安宁、富裕的生活;The Belt and Road Initiative aims to promote the connectivity of Asian, European and African continents and their adjacent seas, establish and strengthen partnerships among the countries along the Belt and Road, set up all-dimensional, multitiered and composite connectivity networks, and realize diversified, independent, balanced and sustainable development in these countries. The connectivity projects of the Initiative will help align and coordinate the development strategies of the countries along the Belt and Road, tap market potential in this region, promote investment and consumption, create demands and job opportunities, enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and mutual learning among the peoples of the relevant countries, and enable them to understand, trust and respect each other and live in harmony, peace and prosperity.当前,中国经济和世界经济高度关联;中国将一以贯之地坚持对外开放的基本国策,构建全方位开放新格局,深度融入世界经济体系;推进“一带一路”建设既是中国扩大和深化对外开放的需要,也是加强和亚欧非及世界各国互利合作的需要,中国愿意在力所能及的范围内承担更多责任义务,为人类和平发展作出更大的贡献;China's economy is closely connected with the world economy. China will stay committed to the basic policy of opening-up, build a new pattern of all-around opening-up, and integrate itself deeper into the world economic system. The Initiative will enable China to further expand and deepen its opening-up, and to strengthen its mutually beneficial cooperation with countries in Asia, Europe and Africa and the rest of the world. China is committed to shouldering more responsibilities and obligations within its capabilities, and making greater contributions to the peace and development of mankind.二、共建原则II. Principles恪守联合国宪章的宗旨和原则;遵守和平共处五项原则,即尊重各国主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、和平共处、平等互利;The Belt and Road Initiative is in line with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. It upholds the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: mutual respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, mutual noninterference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence.坚持开放合作;“一带一路”相关的国家基于但不限于古代丝绸之路的范围,各国和国际、地区组织均可参与,让共建成果惠及更广泛的区域;The Initiative is open for cooperation. It covers, but is not limited to, the area of the ancient Silk Road. It is open to all countries, and international and regional organizations for engagement, so that the results of the concerted efforts will benefit wider areas.坚持和谐包容;倡导文明宽容,尊重各国发展道路和模式的选择,加强不同文明之间的对话,求同存异、兼容并蓄、和平共处、共生共荣;The Initiative is harmonious and inclusive. It advocates tolerance among civilizations, respects the paths and modes of development chosen by different countries, and supports dialogues among different civilizations on the principles of seeking common ground while shelving differences and drawing on each other's strengths, so that all countries can coexist in peace for common prosperity.坚持市场运作;遵循市场规律和国际通行规则,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的决定性作用和各类企业的主体作用,同时发挥好政府的作用;The Initiative follows market operation. It will abide by market rules and international norms, give play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and the primary role of enterprises, and let the governments perform their due functions.坚持互利共赢;兼顾各方利益和关切,寻求利益契合点和合作最大公约数,体现各方智慧和创意,各施所长,各尽所能,把各方优势和潜力充分发挥出来;The Initiative seeks mutual benefit. It accommodates the interests and concerns of all parties involved, and seeks a conjunction of interests and the "biggest common denominator" for cooperation so as to give full play to the wisdom and creativity, strengths and potentials of all parties.三、框架思路III. Framework“一带一路”是促进共同发展、实现共同繁荣的合作共赢之路,是增进理解信任、加强全方位交流的和平友谊之路;中国政府倡议,秉持和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢的理念,全方位推进务实合作,打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体;The Belt and Road Initiative is a way for win-win cooperation that promotes commondevelopment and prosperity and a road toward peace and friendship by enhancing mutual understanding and trust, and strengthening all-around exchanges. The Chinese government advocates peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit. It promotes practical cooperation in all fields, and works to build a community of shared interests, destiny and responsibility featuring mutual political trust, economic integration and cultural inclusiveness.“一带一路”贯穿亚欧非大陆,一头是活跃的东亚经济圈,一头是发达的欧洲经济圈,中间广大腹地国家经济发展潜力巨大;丝绸之路经济带重点畅通中国经中亚、俄罗斯至欧洲波罗的海;中国经中亚、西亚至波斯湾、地中海;中国至东南亚、南亚、印度洋;21世纪海上丝绸之路重点方向是从中国沿海港口过南海到印度洋,延伸至欧洲;从中国沿海港口过南海到南太平洋;The Belt and Road run through the continents of Asia, Europe and Africa, connecting the vibrant East Asia economic circle at one end and developed European economic circle at the other, and encompassing countries with huge potential for economic development. The Silk Road Economic Belt focuses on bringing together China, Central Asia, Russia and Europe the Baltic; linking China with the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea through Central Asia and West Asia; and connecting China with Southeast Asia, South Asia and the Indian Ocean. The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road is designed to go from China's coast to Europe through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean in one route, and from China's coast through the South China Sea to the South Pacific in the other.根据“一带一路”走向,陆上依托国际大通道,以沿线中心城市为支撑,以重点经贸产业园区为合作平台,共同打造新亚欧大陆桥、中蒙俄、中国-中亚-西亚、中国-中南半岛等国际经济合作走廊;海上以重点港口为节点,共同建设通畅安全高效的运输大通道;中巴、孟中印缅两个经济走廊与推进“一带一路”建设关联紧密,要进一步推动合作,取得更大进展;On land, the Initiative will focus on jointly building a new Eurasian Land Bridge and developing China-Mongolia-Russia, China-Central Asia-West Asia and China-Indochina Peninsula economic corridors by taking advantage of international transport routes, relying on core cities along the Belt and Road and using key economic industrial parks as cooperation platforms. At sea, the Initiative will focus on jointly building smooth, secure and efficient transport routes connecting major sea ports along the Belt and Road. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor are closely related to the Belt and Road Initiative, and therefore require closer cooperation and greater progress.“一带一路”建设是沿线各国开放合作的宏大经济愿景,需各国携手努力,朝着互利互惠、共同安全的目标相向而行;努力实现区域基础设施更加完善,安全高效的陆海空通道网络基本形成,互联互通达到新水平;投资贸易便利化水平进一步提升,高标准自由贸易区网络基本形成,经济联系更加紧密,政治互信更加深入;人文交流更加广泛深入,不同文明互鉴共荣,各国人民相知相交、和平友好;The Initiative is an ambitious economic vision of the opening-up of and cooperation among the countries along the Belt and Road. Countries should work in concert and move toward the objectives of mutual benefit and common security. To be specific, they need toimprove the region's infrastructure, and put in place a secure and efficient network of land, sea and air passages, lifting their connectivity to a higher level; further enhance trade and investment facilitation, establish a network of free trade areas that meet high standards, maintain closer economic ties, and deepen political trust; enhance cultural exchanges; encourage different civilizations to learn from each other and flourish together; and promote mutual understanding, peace and friendship among people of all countries.四、合作重点IV. Cooperation Priorities沿线各国资源禀赋各异,经济互补性较强,彼此合作潜力和空间很大;以政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通为主要内容,重点在以下方面加强合作;Countries along the Belt and Road have their own resource advantages and their economies are mutually complementary. Therefore, there is a great potential and space for cooperation. They should promote policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds as their five major goals, and strengthen cooperation in the following key areas:政策沟通;Policy coordination加强政策沟通是“一带一路”建设的重要保障;加强政府间合作,积极构建多层次政府间宏观政策沟通交流机制,深化利益融合,促进政治互信,达成合作新共识;沿线各国可以就经济发展战略和对策进行充分交流对接,共同制定推进区域合作的规划和措施,协商解决合作中的问题,共同为务实合作及大型项目实施提供政策支持;Enhancing policy coordination is an important guarantee for implementing the Initiative. We should promote intergovernmental cooperation, build a multilevel intergovernmental macro policy exchange and communication mechanism, expand shared interests, enhance mutual political trust, and reach new cooperation consensus. Countries along the Belt and Road may fully coordinate their economic development strategies and policies, work out plans and measures for regional cooperation, negotiate to solve cooperation-related issues, and jointly provide policy support for the implementation of practical cooperation and large-scale projects.设施联通;Facilities connectivity基础设施互联互通是“一带一路”建设的优先领域;在尊重相关国家主权和安全关切的基础上,沿线国家宜加强基础设施建设规划、技术标准体系的对接,共同推进国际骨干通道建设,逐步形成连接亚洲各次区域以及亚欧非之间的基础设施网络;强化基础设施绿色低碳化建设和运营管理,在建设中充分考虑气候变化影响;Facilities connectivity is a priority area for implementing the Initiative. On the basis of respecting each other's sovereignty and security concerns, countries along the Belt and Road should improve the connectivity of their infrastructure construction plans and technical standard systems, jointly push forward the construction of international trunk passageways, and form an infrastructure network connecting all subregions in Asia, and between Asia, Europe and Africastep by step. At the same time, efforts should be made to promote green and low-carbon infrastructure construction and operation management, taking into full account the impact of climate change on the construction.抓住交通基础设施的关键通道、关键节点和重点工程,优先打通缺失路段,畅通瓶颈路段,配套完善道路安全防护设施和交通管理设施设备,提升道路通达水平;推进建立统一的全程运输协调机制,促进国际通关、换装、多式联运有机衔接,逐步形成兼容规范的运输规则,实现国际运输便利化;推动口岸基础设施建设,畅通陆水联运通道,推进港口合作建设,增加海上航线和班次,加强海上物流信息化合作;拓展建立民航全面合作的平台和机制,加快提升航空基础设施水平;With regard to transport infrastructure construction, we should focus on the key passageways, junctions and projects, and give priority to linking up unconnected road sections, removing transport bottlenecks, advancing road safety facilities and traffic management facilities and equipment, and improving road network connectivity. We should build a unified coordination mechanism for whole-course transportation, increase connectivity of customs clearance, reloading and multimodal transport between countries, and gradually formulate compatible and standard transport rules, so as to realize international transport facilitation. We should push forward port infrastructure construction, build smooth land-water transportation channels, and advance port cooperation; increase sea routes and the number of voyages, and enhance information technology cooperation in maritime logistics. We should expand and build platforms and mechanisms for comprehensive civil aviation cooperation, and quicken our pace in improving aviation infrastructure.加强能源基础设施互联互通合作,共同维护输油、输气管道等运输通道安全,推进跨境电力与输电通道建设,积极开展区域电网升级改造合作;We should promote cooperation in the connectivity of energy infrastructure, work in concert to ensure the security of oil and gas pipelines and other transport routes, build cross-border power supply networks and power-transmission routes, and cooperate in regional power grid upgrading and transformation.共同推进跨境光缆等通信干线网络建设,提高国际通信互联互通水平,畅通信息丝绸之路;加快推进双边跨境光缆等建设,规划建设洲际海底光缆项目,完善空中卫星信息通道,扩大信息交流与合作;We should jointly advance the construction of cross-border optical cables and other communications trunk line networks, improve international communications connectivity, and create an Information Silk Road. We should build bilateral cross-border optical cable networks at a quicker pace, plan transcontinental submarine optical cable projects, and improve spatial satellite information passageways to expand information exchanges and cooperation.贸易畅通;Unimpeded trade投资贸易合作是“一带一路”建设的重点内容;宜着力研究解决投资贸易便利化问题,消除投资和贸易壁垒,构建区域内和各国良好的营商环境,积极同沿线国家和地区共同商建自由贸易区,激发释放合作潜力,做大做好合作“蛋糕”;Investment and trade cooperation is a major task in building the Belt and Road. We should strive to improve investment and trade facilitation, and remove investment and trade barriers for the creation of a sound business environment within the region and in all related countries. We will discuss with countries and regions along the Belt and Road on opening free trade areas so as to unleash the potential for expanded cooperation.沿线国家宜加强信息互换、监管互认、执法互助的海关合作,以及检验检疫、认证认可、标准计量、统计信息等方面的双多边合作,推动世界贸易组织贸易便利化协定生效和实施;改善边境口岸通关设施条件,加快边境口岸“单一窗口”建设,降低通关成本,提升通关能力;加强供应链安全与便利化合作,推进跨境监管程序协调,推动检验检疫证书国际互联网核查,开展“经认证的经营者”AEO互认;降低非关税壁垒,共同提高技术性贸易措施透明度,提高贸易自由化便利化水平;Countries along the Belt and Road should enhance customs cooperation such as information exchange, mutual recognition of regulations, and mutual assistance in law enforcement; improve bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the fields of inspection and quarantine, certification and accreditation, standard measurement, and statistical information; and work to ensure that the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement takes effect and is implemented. We should improve the customs clearance facilities of border ports, establish a "single-window" in border ports, reduce customs clearance costs, and improve customs clearance capability. We should increase cooperation in supply chain safety and convenience, improve the coordination of cross-border supervision procedures, promote online checking of inspection and quarantine certificates, and facilitate mutual recognition of Authorized Economic Operators. We should lower non-tariff barriers, jointly improve the transparency of technical trade measures, and enhance trade liberalization and facilitation.拓宽贸易领域,优化贸易结构,挖掘贸易新增长点,促进贸易平衡;创新贸易方式,发展跨境电子商务等新的商业业态;建立健全服务贸易促进体系,巩固和扩大传统贸易,大力发展现代服务贸易;把投资和贸易有机结合起来,以投资带动贸易发展;We should expand trading areas, improve trade structure, explore new growth areas of trade, and promote trade balance. We should make innovations in our forms of trade, and develop cross-border e-commerce and other modern business models. A service trade support system should be set up to consolidate and expand conventional trade, and efforts to develop modern service trade should be strengthened. We should integrate investment and trade, and promote trade through investment.加快投资便利化进程,消除投资壁垒;加强双边投资保护协定、避免双重征税协定磋商,保护投资者的合法权益;We should speed up investment facilitation, eliminate investment barriers, and push forward negotiations on bilateral investment protection agreements and double taxation avoidance agreements to protect the lawful rights and interests of investors.拓展相互投资领域,开展农林牧渔业、农机及农产品生产加工等领域深度合作,积极推进海水养殖、远洋渔业、水产品加工、海水淡化、海洋生物制药、海洋工程技术、环保产业和海上旅游等领域合作;加大煤炭、油气、金属矿产等传统能源资源勘探开发合作,积极推动水电、核电、风电、太阳能等清洁、可再生能源合作,推进能源资源就地就近加工转化合作,形成能源资源合作上下游一体化产业链;加强能源资源深加工技术、装备与工程服务合作;We should expand mutual investment areas, deepen cooperation in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries, agricultural machinery manufacturing and farm produce processing, and promote cooperation in marine-product farming, deep-sea fishing, aquatic product processing, seawater desalination, marine biopharmacy, ocean engineering technology, environmental protection industries, marine tourism and other fields. We should increase cooperation in the exploration and development of coal, oil, gas, metal minerals and other conventional energy sources; advance cooperation in hydropower, nuclear power, wind power, solar power and other clean, renewable energy sources; and promote cooperation in the processing and conversion of energy and resources at or near places where they are exploited, so as to create an integrated industrial chain of energy and resource cooperation. We should enhance cooperation in deep-processing technology, equipment and engineering services in the fields of energy and resources.推动新兴产业合作,按照优势互补、互利共赢的原则,促进沿线国家加强在新一代信息技术、生物、新能源、新材料等新兴产业领域的深入合作,推动建立创业投资合作机制;We should push forward cooperation in emerging industries. In accordance with the principles of mutual complementarity and mutual benefit, we should promote in-depth cooperation with other countries along the Belt and Road in new-generation information technology, biotechnology, new energy technology, new materials and other emerging industries, and establish entrepreneurial and investment cooperation mechanisms.优化产业链分工布局,推动上下游产业链和关联产业协同发展,鼓励建立研发、生产和营销体系,提升区域产业配套能力和综合竞争力;扩大服务业相互开放,推动区域服务业加快发展;探索投资合作新模式,鼓励合作建设境外经贸合作区、跨境经济合作区等各类产业园区,促进产业集群发展;在投资贸易中突出生态文明理念,加强生态环境、生物多样性和应对气候变化合作,共建绿色丝绸之路;We should improve the division of labor and distribution of industrial chains by encouraging the entire industrial chain and related industries to develop in concert; establish R&D, production and marketing systems; and improve industrial supporting capacity and the overall competitiveness of regional industries. We should increase the openness of our service industry to each other to accelerate the development of regional service industries. We should explore a new mode of investment cooperation, working together to build all forms of industrial parks such as overseas economic and trade cooperation zones and cross-border economic cooperation zones, and promote industrial cluster development. We should promote ecological progress in conducting investment and trade, increase cooperation in conserving eco-environment, protecting biodiversity, and tackling climate change, and join hands to make the Silk Road an environment-friendly one.中国欢迎各国企业来华投资;鼓励本国企业参与沿线国家基础设施建设和产业投资;促进企业按属地化原则经营管理,积极帮助当地发展经济、增加就业、改善民生,主动承担社会责任,严格保护生物多样性和生态环境;We welcome companies from all countries to invest in China, and encourage Chinese enterprises to participate in infrastructure construction in other countries along the Belt and Road, and make industrial investments there. We support localized operation and management of Chinese companies to boost the local economy, increase local employment, improve local livelihoods, and take social responsibilities in protecting local biodiversity and eco-environment.资金融通;Financial integration资金融通是“一带一路”建设的重要支撑;深化金融合作,推进亚洲货币稳定体系、投融资体系和信用体系建设;扩大沿线国家双边本币互换、结算的范围和规模;推动亚洲债券市场的开放和发展;共同推进亚洲基础设施投资银行、金砖国家开发银行筹建,有关各方就建立上海合作组织融资机构开展磋商;加快丝路基金组建运营;深化中国-东盟银行联合体、上合组织银行联合体务实合作,以银团贷款、银行授信等方式开展多边金融合作;支持沿线国家政府和信用等级较高的企业以及金融机构在中国境内发行人民币债券;符合条件的中国境内金融机构和企业可以在境外发行人民币债券和外币债券,鼓励在沿线国家使用所筹资金;Financial integration is an important underpinning for implementing the Belt and Road Initiative. We should deepen financial cooperation, and make more efforts in building a currency stability system, investment and financing system and credit information system in Asia. We should expand the scope and scale of bilateral currency swap and settlement with other countries along the Belt and Road, open and develop the bond market in Asia, make joint efforts to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and BRICS New Development Bank, conduct negotiation among related parties on establishing Shanghai Cooperation Organization SCO financing institution, and set up and put into operation the Silk Road Fund as early as possible. We should strengthen practical cooperation of China-ASEAN Interbank Association and SCO Interbank Association, and carry out multilateral financial cooperation in the form of syndicated loans and bank credit. We will support the efforts of governments of the countries along the Belt and Road and their companies and financial institutions with good credit-rating to issue Renminbi bonds in China. Qualified Chinese financial institutions and companies are encouraged to issue bonds in both Renminbi and foreign currencies outside China, and use the funds thus collected in countries along the Belt and Road.加强金融监管合作,推动签署双边监管合作谅解备忘录,逐步在区域内建立高效监管协调机制;完善风险应对和危机处置制度安排,构建区域性金融风险预警系统,形成应对跨境风险和危机处置的交流合作机制;加强征信管理部门、征信机构和评级机构之间的跨境交流与合作;充分发挥丝路基金以及各国主权基金作用,引导商业性股权投资基金和社会资金共同参与“一带一路”重点项目建设;We should strengthen financial regulation cooperation, encourage the signing of MOUs on cooperation in bilateral financial regulation, and establish an efficient regulation coordination mechanism in the region. We should improve the system of risk response and crisis management, build a regional financial risk early-warning system, and create an exchange and cooperation mechanism of addressing cross-border risks and crisis. We should increase cross-border exchange and cooperation between credit investigation regulators, credit investigation institutions and credit rating institutions. We should give full play to the role of the Silk Road Fund and that of。

















关键词:功能对等理论;科技文本翻译;英汉翻译A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence TheoryA Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance ofFunctional Equivalence TheoryAbstractWith the rapid development of the global economy, the speed of urbanization is gradually increasing, and problems such as air pollution and climate change have become two major challenges in environmental governance. As the largest developing country in the world, China has experienced an unprecedented economic increasing. The construction of the ecological environment has been a core of socialist modernization. Considering the background, the translator decides to translate Blue Green Solutions. This book mainly introduces innovative urban environmental governance solutions developed by the scientific research team of Imperial College to provide new ideas for urban governance. The program has already carried out pilot work in many countries and regions, but its application in China is still blank. The main purpose of this translation practice is to provide a more valuable reference for the relevant fields in China through the translation of this book and to provide reference and inspiration for the translation of ecological EST texts.The translator analyzes the source text and the parallel text combining with the stylistic and grammatical characteristics of the EST text, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, solves the problems encountered in the translation process and finally writes this translation practice report.This report includes task introduction, translation process, case study and conclusion. The case study is the core of this report. The translator uses Nida’s functional equivalence theory as a guide to explore the problems encountered in the translation process from the three levels of lexical level, syntactic level, and discourse level, and proposes corresponding solutions. At the lexical level, the translator uses addition and omission, as well as literal translation of terms and contextual translation of common words. At syntactic level, the translator uses conversion to make appropriate changes to the form of the translation based on differences in Chinese and English expression habits. In order to achieve coherence and equivalence at discourse level, the translator adopts the method of rearrangement and addition. Finally, the report will have a conclusion of the translation methods in the translation practice and the summary and limitations of the entire work.Key Words:Functional Equivalence; EST Translation; E-C Translation目录摘要 (I)Abstract (II)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Background of the Translation Project (1)1.2 Significance of the Translation Project (2)Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis (3)2.1 EST and EST Translation (3)2.1 Overview on Nida’s Translation Theory (3)2.2 Nida’s Functional equivalence (4)2.3 The Application of Functional Equivalence (6)Chapter 3 Translation Process (7)3.1 Pre-Translation Preparation (7)3.2 Analysis of the Source Text (8)3.2.1 Lexical features (8)3.2.2 Syntactic Features (9)Chapter 4 Case Study (11)4.1 Translation at Lexical Level (11)4.1.1 Literal Translation (11)4.1.2 Contextual Translation (13)4.1.3 Amplification and Omission (14)4.2 Translation at Syntactic Level (15)4.2.1 Nominalizations to Verbs (15)4.2.1 Passive V oice to Active V oice (16)4.3 Translation at Discourse Level (17)Chapter 5 Conclusion (21)5.1 Findings in the Translation Process (21)5.2 Summary and Limitations (22)References (23)Appendix I Term Bank and Abbreviation (25)Appendix II Source Text and Target Text (29)Acknowledgments (88)大连理工大学学位论文版权使用授权书 (89)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Translation ProjectUrbanization is characteristic of the modern world. At present, economic and social development is in an important strategic transition period, and urbanization has been given an important historical mission. However, the impact of urbanization on the ecological environment cannot be ignored. How to improve the quality and benefits of urbanization development in accordance with the concept of green development is a challenge faced by China and all countries in the world. As an applied discipline, the translation should make its due contribution to people’s further understanding of the world. It is the mission of our translation students to translate valuable foreign books or materials into Chinese and introduce them to Chinese people to expand international cooperation and promote the better development of our economy.My translation project is a technological report entitled Blue Green Solutions, edited by Čedo Maksimovic and some other contributors. This technological report was fun ded by Climate-KIC, which is a Knowledge and Innovation Community supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Čedo Maksimovic, the major contributor to this guidebook, is from Imperial College London. His research fields include applied fluid mechanics in urban water systems: storm drainage, urban flooding water supply and interactions of urban water systems and infrastructure with the environment. In addition to lecturing on the MSc and UG courses, Prof. Maksimovic serves as a project coordinator of EPSRC, EU and UNESCO projects in the UK, and other projects in Europe and in other continents dealing with the above topics. This translation project comes from the BGS translation cooperation project that my supervisor discussed with the author at Imperial College.Blue Green Solutions is a guidebook that presents an innovative framework to systematically unlock the multiple benefits of city natural infrastructure [1]. Chapter 1 gives an introduction of Nature Based Solutions (NBS) and Blue Green Solutions (BGS) to prove that the NBS is a mono-function way, which has become increasingly unsuitable for cities nowadays. The Blue Green Dream (BGD) project created a framework for synergizing urban water and plant systems to provide effective, multifunctional Blue Green Solutions (BGS) to support urban adaptation to climatic change. Chapter 2 describes the development process of BGS, the limitations of traditional NBS in urban transitions and the innovative urban transition of BGS. It is pointed out that the BGS is not based on a single discipline to provide solutions for urban transition but is based on the coordination and communication of multiple discipline teams. Chapter 3 describes the design process when planning urban transition with BGS, and reduces the cost to the minimum by coordinating the participation degree of each stakeholder to realizeA Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence Theorythe maximization of the benefits of urban transition. Chapter 4 describes how to quantify the economic and ecological benefits of the blue-green solution. Chapter 5 is a case study of six pilot units.1.2 Significance of the Translation ProjectThis translation project is significant in the following two senses:Academic significance. BGS elaborated on the relationship between urban design and climate change from the perspective of urbanization. Each contributor is an expert in environmental engineering, civil engineering, energy and economics, and explains the whole process of BGS from pre-design to construction to benefit evaluation. After an in-depth study of climate change, they created new solutions that were different from traditional NBSs. Secondly, the study of climate change involves many factors, including science, energy, politics and economy. Therefore, it is not a simple matter to make it clear. This guidebook makes a detailed case study of the communities, campuses and other places that adopt the BGS to realize construction or renovation, then proves the correctness and innovation of the theory with practice. So this guidebook provides a good platform for the target language readers and related researchers.Realistic significance. The special feature of the BGS is that its target group can be a professional group, as well as developers, factory managers, governments, investors and other stakeholders. This paper presents the theoretical knowledge that BGS takes and the benefits that BGS brings. Translating this guidebook into Chinese is valuable for relevant experts and stakeholders to use for reference in designing urban construction or renovation. In addition, translating this paper into Chinese will provide a window for the public to understand the close relationship between urban development and climate change. As the biggest developing country in the world, China will contribute significantly to global environmental protection and economic development by running her own affairs well. Therefore, translating this book into Chinese can provide more reference programs for China in the construction of ecological civilization.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis2.0 EST and EST TranslationIn the first chapter, the content of the source text is about the new research in the area of environmental engineering, which is typical English for Science and Technology (EST). Many related studies on the translation of EST texts have shown that the style of EST is characterized by standard language, objective statement, strong logic, a large amount of information and a high degree of specialization. Compared with literary translation, scientific translation requires a translation that is accurate and expressive in content, well-structured and well-defined [2,3]. Therefore, when translating EST texts, the translator must analyze the characteristics and language features of the source text.In the translation process, the translator believes that the ultimate purpose of EST translation is using simple, accurate language to express the same concepts and information as the original to promote scientific and technological knowledge. Therefore, in addition to considering the basic concepts of the translation such as “literal translation” and “parallel translation,” it should also pay attention to the equivalence in the function of the target text and the source text to make sure that the reader or audience may have the same response of the source language receptor [4]. Therefore, from the perspective of the requirements of EST translation and the reader’s response, EST translation coincides with Nida's functional equivalence theory.2.1 Overview on Nida’s Translation TheoryNida’s basic translation ideas can be summarized in the following three points. ①Translation is a communicative activity between languages. ②The goal of translation is to transfer the meanings. ③In order to transfer meanings, the form of the source texts can be adjusted [4]. Nida regards translation as a cross-language, cross-cultural communicative activity, which is in line with the purpose of the EST translation, that is, to convey the latest research in related disciplines, and to provide new research methods for the domestic academic circles. For the second point, Nida’s explanation is: To make the source text reader and target text readers communicate with each other, the meaning of the source texts must be clearly transferred. This is also the most basic requirement for translation of the source text. Since the habit of Chinese and English expressions are not the same, in order to achieve translation, the forms of language expressions must be changed. EST has its own textual characteristics, and we must correctly grasp these characteristics in translation, and reproduce the information of the source language with the closest and natural equivalents[5]. This is the core point of functional equivalence theory.A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence TheoryIn addition to functional equivalence theory, Nida believes that the translation process can be divided into following four stages, namely analysis, transfer, restructuring and test [5]. ①Analysis is mainly to determine the meaning of the original text. The meaning here refers to the meaning of words, phrases, grammar, syntax and discourse structure. That is, the translators must grasp both the meaning of the content and the characteristics of the form. ②Transfer is to transfer the information analyzed from the source language to the target language. ③Restructuring is to reorganize the words, syntax and discourse features to achieve maximum comprehension of the target receptor. ④Test. To expose the deficiency of translation based on testing the reader’s response. Transfer, restructuring and test is a process that needs to be repeated in the translation process in order to do the best translation. Therefore, in the translation process, the characteristics of the original text should be analyzed first. After having a complete grasp of the content and linguistic characteristics of the original text, it should be translated sentence by sentence.2.2 Nida’s Functional equivalenceThe core of Nida’s “f unctional equivalence” theory is to make the translated text arouse the same effect on target readers as close as possible as the source text on its readers [6]. Dynamic equivalence (or functional equivalence) is an approach to translation in which the original language is translated “thought for thought” rather than “word for word” as in form equivalence. For Nida, in translation, the meaning is first, and form is second, namely the priority of functional equivalence over formal equivalence. The “function” of a language refers to the verbal role that a language can play in its use. Different languages must be different in grammar or expression habits, but they can have the same or similar functions to each other. So that the key to translation is the target text can produce the corresponding effect of the source text in the cultural background of the source language in the cultural background of the target language. Nida emphasizes that the key to translation is “equivalence,” “in formation,” “meaning,” and “style” [7].As mentioned earlier, “translation is a communicative activity,” the purpose of translation is to seek the “equivalence” of the source language and target language. The information conveyed by translation is not only superficial textual information but also deep cultural and social information. Nida expounds dynamic equivalence from four aspects: lexical equivalence, syntactic equivalence, textual equivalence and stylistic equivalence [8].(1) Lexical equivalence: The meaning of a word is decided by its use in the language. Find the corresponding meaning in the target language.(2) Syntactic equivalence: Translators must not only know whether the target language has such a structure, but also understand how often this structure is used.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文(3) Discourse equivalence: In the discourse analysis, we can not only analyze the language itself but also how the language conveys the meaning and function in a specific context.(4) Stylistic equivalence: Translation works of different styles have their own unique language characteristics. Only when mastering both the source and target language characteristics and being proficient in using both languages, can translators create a translation work that truly reflects the source language style.Under the framework of functional equivalence theory, EST translation should follow the following principles [9]:(1) Faithfulness to the original author: in translation, we should pay special attention to the unity of the target text and the original text, and follow the principle of “faithfulness to the original author.” On the basis of this principle, the translator should give full play to the role of the original text, requiring the translator not only to understand the thinking mode of the source text but also to fully understand the communicative function of the source text to the source text.(2) Serving the target language receptors: take full account of the r eader’s understanding of the translation and use the most “natural” form of language translation. This “naturalness,” on the condition that the target language recipient’s understanding needs are satisfied, includes two meanings: the translation should be authentic, and the translation should be read in a natural way, so as to avoid translationese.(3) Fully considering the function of information: in the EST translation, the translator should fully consider the cultural background of the target language, and based on this background, fully consider the information function. If the target readers have strong professional knowledge of related fields, maximally retain the original style and words of science and technology in the text, English professional term will not affect their reading and understanding, the target language reader can completely rely on their professional skills to understand English paragraph means of science and technology. If the target language reader has the weak professional knowledge, the translator should strive to achieve the equivalence from words to sentences as far as possible so as not to affect the target language readers to further understand the meaning and improve their reading experiences.In translation practices, Nida believes that the most important equivalence is the semantic equivalence. For EST translation, the author believes that the translator must first grasp the style of EST, that is, the stylistic characteristics of EST must be clarified in the pre-translation preparation. Secondly, translators should adhere to the principle of lexical equivalence and semantic equivalence in translation, so that the content of the source texts has the same effect as the source texts.A Report on E-C Translation of Ecological EST under the Guidance of Functional Equivalence Theory2.3 The Application of Functional EquivalenceAs mentioned above, the core of functional equivalence is that the receptors’ response to the target text is the same as the original response to the source text. Given this, Nida defines translation as “reproducing the source messages in the target language from meanings to stylistic features with the closest natural equivalents[10]”. Guided by functional equivalence theory, the translator of this report tries to seek equivalence as far as possible from perspectives of lexicon, syntax and discourse.First of all, by applying the “functional equivalence theory,” the translator first takes the reader’s response to the text as the most important factor in translation practice from the perspective of the discourse. “Lexical equivalence” emphasizes the equivalence of meaning and part-of-speech in EST translation as well as the equivalence of communication functions by adding and deleting words; “syntactic equivalence” requires translators to get rid of constraints of forms and express the meaning of the source texts clearly and completely. The functional equivalence theory also takes into account the logical relationships between words and between sentences to flexibly change the part of speech. For scientific and technological styles, it is particularly necessary to pay attention to the structures such as passive voice, attributives, adverbials, etc. Based on the first two types of equivalence, translators are required to proceed from the whole passage, reasonably arrange sentence groups, and pay attention to the logical relationship between sentences. “Stylistic equivalence” is the top priority of all equivalence strategies. The writing style of a scientific article should not be similar to literary styles, such as a novel.Secondly, the four steps of translation emphasized in Nida’s theory also play a guiding role in translation practice. The analysis section allows the translator to determine the style and the linguistic features of the source texts before translating. The text analysis before translation facilitates the translator to achieve stylistic equivalence in translation, which is of great significance to the realization of functional equivalence in the EST translation. Transfer and restructuring require translators to flexibly apply various translation strategies in lexical and syntactic translation according to the four translation principles of equivalence and functional equivalence mentioned above, to achieve functional equivalence in translation. In the process of proofreading, the quality of the translated text should be determined according to the standards proposed by the functional equivalence theory, in addition to determining whether the translation achieves four equivalence.The functional equivalence theory points out a way for translators to EST translation, which has great guiding significance for translators’ translation practice.大连理工大学专业学位硕士论文Chapter 3 Translation Process3.1 Pre-Translation PreparationTranslation preparation is necessary for the translation project. For EST translation, according to the functional equivalence theory, the translation should achieve stylistic equivalence with the original text, which requires the translator to have a holistic grasp of the stylistic features of the original text. In this translation practice, the source text has many terms, and consistency of the terms is one of the important criteria to measure the quality of translation and is also one of the important tasks of proofreading. So, it is necessary to have preparation before translation. With careful preparation, the translation work will be effectively completed, and high-quality translation will be delivered in a timely manner. Therefore, after receiving this translation project, the author of this report first makes the following translation preparations.For the terminological consistency, the translator chooses to use computer-aided translation software (hereinafter referred to as CAT). The advantage of CAT is that the same content will not be translated twice, which saves the workload of terminological consistency. In this translation project, the translator uses SDL Trados Studio 2019. Its advantages are shown in the following aspects: translation memory (TM), matching, and termbase (MultiTerm). The memory function and matching function of Trados complement each other. The memory function refers to the automatic storage of the translation and the sorting, establishment and continuous updating of the memory base in the process of translation by Trados, and the matching function refers to the analysis of the source text and the target text with the help of Trados to accurately identify the corresponding sentences and paragraphs, and automatically pop up the matching sentence paragraph when similar sentence paragraphs appear in the following paragraphs. With the help of the memory and matching function of Trados, the source text can be better understood according to the existing translation, qualified translation can be produced, and the consistency of the same type of text can be maintained. MultiTerm can standardize all the professional terms. The translator only needs to establish one or more standard term lists containing the source language and the target language. By opening the corresponding term list in Trados, the system will automatically identify which terms have been defined in the text and give the standard translation, which effectively keeps the terminological consistency and accuracy [11].Because there are a large number of technical terms in “Blue Green Solutions,” the author of this report prepares some dictionaries. In addition to dictionaries, the author prepares relevant translation books, such as A Course in English-Chinese Translation, which is written by Zhang Peiji, Functional Translation Theory and ESP Translation Study written by Wang Miao. In addition, The translator has a preparation of parallel texts. In the EST translation, understandingis the premise. Only when the meaning is understood correctly can a concise and correct translation be produced. English of science and technology covers a wide range of disciplines, and it is difficult for translators to be familiar with or master all the professional terms in various fields. In the process of EST translation, the elaboration and determination of terms require time and effort, and mistranslations often occur due to a lack of professional knowledge and contextual knowledge. By introducing parallel text, the translator can get a general understanding of the common terms and expressions in this field, and turn the terms in the text into his own vocabulary reserve, so as to effectively and accurately solve the problem of term translation[12], so as to ensure accurate and appropriate semantic equivalence during the translation. In addition, Nida’s theory of stylistic equivalence requires that the target text should fulfill the same function of the source text, so as to satisfy the way of expression of the target text. By using parallel text, in addition to the accurate expression of vocabulary, it also contributes to the overall smoothness of the target text and the functional equivalence of the original text. In addition, parallel text can also effectively help translators expand their knowledge, improve their ability to identify various professional terms, and find subtle differences among different meanings with a rigorous attitude, so as to select appropriate translation strategies and convey the original meaning to readers accurately and smoothly. Therefore, the translator prepares relevant parallel texts.3.2 Analysis of the Source TextDifferent from the literary text, the EST text has its own characteristics and features. In order to describe the objective world accurately, the style of science and technology texts should be concise in the form, coherent in the semantic expression, and objective in the use of language.3.2.1 Lexical featuresThe lexical features of the source text include three main points:Terminology. The purpose of science and technology text is to deliver technical information or science facts. To achieve this point, the terminology is widely used in science and technology text to ensure the accuracy of the content. Blue Green Solutions is a technical report which gives a new method in urbanization and city reconstruction, in which numerous terminologies are used to demonstrate the theories proposed in the report. As the following table 1 shows, some terms are demonstrated. The rest of the terms and abbreviations refer to Appendix I.Tab. 3.1 Technical WordsST TTPhotovoltaics 光伏Topography 地形、地貌Adiabatic Cooling 隔热冷却Evapotranspiration 蒸散Semi-technical word. The semi-technical words in the science and technology texts are basically derived from common English vocabulary, which referenced in a professional, scientific and technological field. Most of this type of word polysemy, which has both non-technical and technical meanings [13].Example 1. This means that interventions such as tree pits and green roofs are better equipped to manage, for example, extreme rainfall events.Example 2. A key advantage is that being vegetation based, their construction and operation has a low carbon and materials footprint.In example 1., “green roofs” is not literally referred to as a roof with green color. It is a concept of “planting on rooftops, balconies, walls, the top of underground garages, overpasses, and other special spaces of buildings and structures that are not connected to the ground, nature, and soil [14].”In example 2., “footprints” refers to “The area of a biologically productive area that is needed to maintain the survival of a person, region, or country, or that can accommodate waste emitted by humans [15].”Abbreviation. Abbreviations are easy to write, identify and remember. In science and technology English, there are a large number of vocabulary abbreviations and abbreviations.Example 3. The Blue Green Dream (BGD) project built upon and expanded the SUDS and WSUD Historical development of Blue Green Solutions (BG-S) via SUDS and WSUD concept to produce a systematic, quantitative framework for utilizing the full range of ecosystem services that NBS provide, yielding Blue Green Solutions.3.2.2 Syntactic FeaturesThe syntactic features in the source text include the following two main points:Passive voice. According to statistics, one-third of the verbs in science and technology texts are used in passive forms. The science and technology texts focus on narrative and reasoning. The reader pays attention to the author’s point of view or the content of the invention, not the author himself. To emphasize and highlight the author’s point of view and inventions, more passive voices are used in EST texts than general English texts [16].Example 4. All interactions are therefore systematically mapped, modelled and quantified to enable the design team to make a decision using quantified performance indicators.。



金句欣赏1.中国改革已经进入攻坚期和深水区;China’s reform has entered the deep water zone where tough challenges must be met.2.我们将以装饰断腕的用起、凤凰涅槃的决心,敢于向积存多年的顽瘴痼疾开刀;We have the resolve to make painful self-adjustment and tackle problems that have built up over many years.3.敢于触及深层次利益关系和矛盾,把改革进行到底。

Particularly underlying issues and enternched interests and carry reform through to the end.4.抓住科技创新就抓住了发展的牛鼻子。

Scientific and technological innovation holds the key to development.5.青山绿水就是金山银山。

Green mountains and clear water are as good as mountains of gold and silver.6.民惟邦本,本固邦宁。

The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive.7.轻关易道,通商宽农。

The governance of a country should be based on simple customs procedures, improved intrastructures, convenience for business transaction and preferntial agricultural polices.8.这是建设开放型世界经济的应有之义。




同时,我也要向在座各位和所有关心和支持中美关系发展的美国各界人士,表示诚挚问候和良好祝愿!Ladies and gentlemen,Dear friends,I wish to begin by thanking the U.S.-China Business Council, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and other friendly organizations for hosting this welcoming luncheon. I am delighted to have this opportunity to meet friends, old and new, to renew friendship and plan for the future. I would like to extend cordial greetings and best wishes to you and to people from various sectors of the United States who have long cared for and supported the growth of China-U.S. relations.74年前的今天,罗斯福总统发表了题为《通往持续进步之路》的就职演说,号召刚刚从严重经济危机中走出来的美国人民团结一致,加倍努力,沿着持续进步的道路勇往直前。



新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典专题索引亚当·斯密的“有效需求” "Effectual Demand", in Adam Smith自回归综合移动平均模型ARIMA Models不在地主Absentee绝对地租Absolute Rent绝对的和可交换的价值Absolute and Exchangeable value国际收支的开支吸收分析法Absorption Approach to the Balance of Payments 吸收能力Absorptive Capacity节欲Abstinence抽象劳动与具体劳动Abstract and Concrete Labour加速原理Acceleration Principle会计学与经济学Accounting and Economics私人和社会会计Accounting, Private and Social资本的积累Accumulation of Capital非循环性Acyclicity适应性预期Adaptice Expectation总额相符问题Adding-up Problem调整的成本Adjustment Cost调整过程与稳定性Adjustment Processes and Stability有管理的价格Administered Prices预付Advances逆选择Adverse Selection广告Advertising顾问Advisers人口老化Ageing Populations代理费Agency Costs生产要素Agents of Production总需求理论Aggregate Demand Theory总需求和总供给分析Aggregate Demand and Supply Analysis总供给函数Aggregate Supply Function加总问题Aggregation Problem经济关系的总和Aggregation of Economic Relations农业经济学Agricultural Economics农业增长和人口变化Agricultural Growth and Population Change农产品供给Agricultural Supply农业与经济发展Agriculture and Economic Development农业与土地Agriculture and Land异化Alienation阿莱悖论Allais Paradox阿尔蒙滞后Almon Lag利他主义Altruism美国经济协会American Economic Association摊销Amortization类比Analogy无政府主义Anarchism反托拉斯政策Antitrust Policy适用技术Appropriate Technology套利Arbitrage套利定价理论Arbitrage Pricing Theory仲裁Arbitration军备竞赛Arms Races阿罗定理Arrow's Theorem阿罗-德布勒一般均衡模型Arrow-Debren Model of General Equilibrium资产定价Asset Pricing资产与负债Assets and Liabilities指派问题Assignment Problems非对称信息Asymmetric Information原子状竞争Atomistic Competition拍卖者Auctioneer拍卖Auctions奥地利经济学派Austrian School of Economics自给自足Autarky自发支出Autonomous Expenditures自回归和移动平均时间序列过程Autoregressive and Moving-average Time-series Processes 平均成本定价Average Cost Pricing阿弗奇一约翰逊效应Averch-Johnson effect公理化理论Axiomatic Theories交割延期费Backwardation落后性Backwardness贸易差额理论史Balance of Trade, History of The Theory平衡预算乘数Balanced Budget Maltiptier平衡增长Balanced Growth中央银行利率Bank Rate银行学派,通货学派,自由银行学派Banking School, Currency School, Free Banking School 讨价还价(议价) Bargaining物物交换Barter物物交换和交易Barter and Exchange基本品和非基本品Basics and Non-Basics基点计价制Basing Point System杂牌凯恩斯主义Bastard Keynesianism贝叶斯推断Bayesian Inference以邻为整Beggar-the-neighbor行为经济学Behavioral Economics有偏和无偏的技术进步Biased and Unbiased technological Change出价Bidding双边垄断Bilateral Monopoly复本位制Bimetallism生物经济学Bioeconomics经济学在生物学中的应用Biological Applications of Economics伯明翰学派Birmingham School生死过程Birth-and-death Processes债券Bonds有限理性论Bounded Rationality资产阶级Bourgeoisie贿赂Bribery泡沫状态Bubbles预算政策Budgetary Policy缓冲存货Buffer Stocks内在稳定器Built-in Stabilizers金银本位主义的争论Bullionist Controversy束状图Bunch Maps公债负担Burden of The Debt官僚制度Bureaucracy经济周期Business Cycles不变替代弹性生产函数CES Production Function变分法Calculus of Variations官房经济学派Cameralism资本资产定价模型Capital Asset Pricing Model资本预算的编制Capital Budgeting资本外逃Capital Flight资本的收益与损失Capital Gains and Losses资本品Capital Goods资本的反常现象Capital Perversity资本理论Capital Theory资本的理论:争论Capital Theory: Debates资本理论:悖论Capital Theory: Paradoxes固定资本利用程度Capital Utilization作为一种生产要素的资本Capital as A Factor of Production作为一种社会关系的资本Capital as a Social Relation资本、信贷和货币市场Capital, Credit and Money Markets资本主义Capitalism资本主义的与非资本主义的生产Capitalistic and Acapitalistic Production 卡特尔Cartel交易学Catallactics突变论Catastrophe Theory赶超Catching-up因果推理Causal Inference经济模型中的因果关系Causality in Economic Models删截数据模型Censored Data Models中央银行业务Central Banking中心地区理论Central Place Theory中央计划Central Planning波动重心Centre of Gravitation确定性等价Certainty Equivalent如果其他条件不变Ceteris Paribus偏好的改变Changes in Tastes宪章运动:宪章的条款Chantism: the point of the Charter物品特性Characteristics宪章运动Chartism低息借款Cheap Money芝加哥学派Chicago School技术选择与利润率Choice of Technique and the Rate of Profit 牟利学(理财) Chrematistics基督教社会主义Christian Socialism循环流动Circular Flow流通资本Circulating Capital阶级Class古典经济学Classical Economics古典增长模型Classical Growth Models古典货币理论Classical Theory of Money历史计量学Cliometrics社团Clubs合作社Co-operatives科斯定理Coase Theorem柯布-道格拉斯函数Cobb-Douglas Function蛛网定理Cobweb Theorem共同决定和利润分享Codetermination and Profit-sharing同族学科Cognate Displines柯尔培尔主义Colbertism集体行动Collective Action集体农业Collective Agriculture劳资集体谈判Collective bargaining合谋Collusion殖民主义Colonialism殖民地Colonies联合Combination组合论Combinatorics命令经济Command Economy商品拜物教Commodity Fetishism商品货币Commodity Money商品储备货币Commodity Reserve Currency公共土地Common Land习惯法Common Law公共财产权Common Property Rights通讯Communications共产主义Communism社会(公共)无差异曲线Community Indifference Curves比较利益Comparative Advantage比较静态学Comparative Statics补偿需求Compensated Demand补偿Compensation补偿原理Compensation Principle竞争Competition竞争政策Competition Policy竞争与效率Competition and Efficiency竞争与选择Competition and Selection国际贸易竞争Competition in International Trade奥地利学派的竞争理论Competition: Austrian Conceptions古典竞争理论Competition: Classical Conceptions马克思学派的竞争理论Competition: Marxian Conceptions竞争性市场过程Competitive Market Processes一般均衡的计算Computation of General Equlibria集中比率Concentration Ratios冲突与解决Conflict and Settlement冲突与战争Conflict and War拥挤Congestion综合性大企业Conglomerates推测均衡Conjectural Equilibria炫耀性消费Conspicuous Consumption不变资本和可变资本Constant and Variable Capital制度经济学Constitutional Economics耐用消费品Consumer Durables消费者剩余Consumer Surplus消费者支出Consumers, Expenditure消费函数Consumption Function消费集Consumption Sets消费税Consumption Taxation消费与生产Consumption and Production可竞争市场Contestable Markets或有商品Contingent Commodities经济历史的连续性Continuity in Economic History连续和离散时间模型Continuous and Discrete Time Models连续-时间随机模型Continuous-time Stochastic Model连续时间随机过程Continuous-time Stochastic Processes矛盾Contradiction资本主义的矛盾Contradictions of Capitalism经济活动的控制与协调Control and Coordination of Economic Activity 趋向性假说Convergence Hypothesis凸规划Convex Programming凸性Convexity合作均衡Cooperative Equilibrium合作对策Cooperative Games核心Cores谷物法Corn Laws谷物模型Corn Model公司经济Corporate Economy公司Corporations社团主义Corporatism对应原理Correspondence Principle对应Correspondences成本函数Cost Functions成本最小化和效用最大化Cost Minimization and Utility Maximization 成本和供给曲线Cost and Supply Curves生产成本Cost of Production成本-效益分析Cost-benefit Analysis成本推动型通货膨胀Cost-push Inflation反向贸易Counter Trade反设事实Counterfactuals抗衡力量Countervailing Power蠕动钉住汇率Crawling Peg创造性破坏Creative Destruction信贷Credit信贷周期Credit Cycle信贷配给Credit Rationing犯罪与处罚Crime and Punishment危机Crises关键路径分析Critical Path Analysis挤出效应Crowding Out累积的因果关系Cumulative Causation累积过程Cumulative Processes通货Currencies通货委员会Currency Boards关税同盟Customs Unions周期Cycles社会主义经济的周期Cycles in Socialist Economies技能退化De-skilling高息借款Dear Money销路理论Debouches, Theorie des分权Decentralization决策理论Decision Theory衰落产业Declining Industries人口下降Declining Population国防经济学Defence Economics赤字财政Deficit Financing赤字支出Deficit Spending垄断程度Degree of Monopoly效用程度Degree of utility需求管理Demand Management需求价格Demand Price需求理论Demand Theory货币需求:经验研究Demand for Money: Empirical Studies货币需求:理论研究Demand for Money: Theoretical Studies需求拉动型通货膨胀Demand-pull Inflation人口转变Demographic Transition人口统计学Demography依附Dependency折耗Depletion折旧Depreciation萧条Depressions派生需求Derived Demand决定论Determinism发展Development发展经济学Development Economics发展计划Development Planning辩证唯物主义Dialectical Materialism辩证推理Dialectical Reasoning微分对策Differential Games获得的困难Difficulty of Attainment生产的难易程度Difficulty or Facility of Production技术扩散Diffusion of Technology经济量的维数Dimension of Economic Quantities直接税Direct Taxes直接非生产性寻利活动Directly Unproductive Profit-seeking (DUP) Activities 离散的选择模型Discrete Choice Models歧视性垄断Discriminating Monopoly歧视Discrimination非均衡分析Disequilibrium Analysis隐蔽性失业Disguised Unemployment反中介行动Disintermediation扭曲Distortions分配Distribution占典分配理论Distribution Theories: Classical凯恩斯主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Keynesian马克思主义的分配理论Distribution Theories: Marxian新古典分配理论Distribution Theories: Neoclassical分配伦理Distribution, Ethics of分配规律Distribution, Law of分配公平Distributive Justice多样化经营Diversification of activities分段的总体和随机模型Divided Populations and Stochastic Models股息政策Dividend Policy迪维西亚指数Divisia Index劳动分工Division of Labour经济学说Doctrines土地调查清册Domesday Book家务劳动Domestic Labour复式簿记Double-entry Bookkeeping二元经济Dual Economies二元性Duality虚拟变量Dummy Variables倾销Dumping双头垄断Duopoly动态规划和马尔可夫决策过程Dynamic Programming and Markov Decision Process 经济增长和发展的动力学Dynamics, Growth and Development东西方经济关系East-west Economic Relations伊斯特林假说Easterlin Hypothesis经济计量学Econometrics经济人类学Economic Anthropology社会主义经济的经济计算Economic Calculation in Socialist Economies经济自由Economic Freedom经济增长Economic Growth经济和谐Economic Harmony经济史Economic History经济一体化Economic Integration历史的经济学解释Economic Interpretation of History经济法则Economic Laws经济人Economic Man经济组织Economic Organization经济组织与交易成本Economic Organization and Transaction Costs经济科学与经济学Economic Science and Economics经济剩余与等边际原理Economic Surplus and the Equimarginal Principle经济理论与理性假说Economic Theory and The Hypothesis of Rationality国家的经济理论Economic Theory of the State经济战Economic War经济和社会人类学Economic and Social Anthropology经济和社会史Economic and Social History经济学图书馆与文献的使用Economics Libraries and Documentation规模经济与规模不经济Economies and Diseconomies ofScale经济计量学Economitrics有效需求Effective Demand实际保护Effective Protection有效配置Efficient Allocation有效率市场假说Efficient Market Hypothesis国际收支的弹性分析方法Elasticities Approach to the Balance of Payments弹性Elasticity替代弹性Elasticity of Substitution就业理论Employment, Theories of空匣Empty Boxes内生性与外生性Endogencity and Exoyeneity内生货币与外生货币Endogenous and Exogenous Money能源经济学Energy Economics强制执行Enforcement恩格尔曲线Engel Curve恩格尔定律Engel's Law英国历史学派English Historical School权利Entitlements企业家Entrepreneur熵Entropy进入与市场结构Entry and Market structure包络定理Envelope Theorem环境经济学Environmental Economics妒忌Envy国民历代大事记或民族精神编年史Ephemerides du Citoyen ou Chronique de I'esprit National 经济学中的认识论问题Epistemological Issues in Economics均等利润率Equal Rates of Profit平等Equality交易方程Equation of Exchange均衡:概念的发展Equilibrium: Development of The Concept均衡:一个预期性的概念Equilibrium: an Expectational Concept公平Equity遍历理论Ergodic Theory变量误差Errors in Variables估计Estimation欧拉定理Euler's Theorem欧洲美元市场Eurodollar Market事前与事后Ex Ante and Ex Post过度需求与供给Excess Demand and Supply交换Exchange外汇管制Exchange Control汇率Exchange Rate可能竭资源Exhaustible Resources一般均衡的存在性Existence of General Equilibrium退出和进言Exit and Voice预期Expectations预期效用假说Expected Utility Hypothesis预期效用及数学期望Expected Utility and Methematical Expectation消费支出税Expenditure Tax经济学中的实验方法(i) Experimental Methods in Economics(i)经济学中的实验方法(ii) Experimental Methods in Economics(ii)剥削Exploitation展延家庭Extended Family扩展型对策Extensive Form Games粗放与集约地租Extensive and Intensive Rent外债External Debt外在经济External Economies外在性Externalities费边经济学Fabian Economics因子分析Factor Analysis要素价格边界Factor Price Frontier公平分配Fair Division公平性Fairness下降的利润率Falling Rate of Profit家庭Family计划生育Family Planning饥荒Famine法西斯主义Fascism生育力Fecundity人口出生率Fertibity封建主义Feudalism法定不兑现纸币Fiat Money虚拟资本Fictitious Capital信用发行Fiduciary Issue最终效用程度Final Degree of Utility最终效用Final Utility金融Finance金融资本Finance Capital融资和储蓄Finance and Saving金融危机Financial Crisis金融中介Financial Intermediaries金融新闻业Financial Journalism金融市场Financial Markets微调Fine Tuning厂商理论Firm, Theory of The财政联邦主义Fiscal Federalism财政态势Fiscal Stance发展中国家的财政和货币政策Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Developing Countries 渔业Fisheries固定资本Fixed Capital固定汇率Fixed Exchange Rates不变生产要素Fixed Factors不动点定理Fixed Point Theorems固定价格模型Fixprice Models浮动汇率Flexible Exchange Rates强制储蓄Forced Saving预测Forecasting对外援助Foreign Aid国外投资Foreign Investment对外贸易Foreign Trade对外贸易乘数Foreign Trade Multiplier森林经济Forests欺骗Fraud自由银行制度Free Banking自由处置Free Disposal免费物品Free Goods免费午餐Free Lunch自由贸易和保护主义Free Trade and Protection充分就业Full Employment充分就业预算盈余Full Employment Budget Surplus完全及有限信息方法Full and Limited Information Methods泛函分析Functional Analysis功能财政Functional Finance根本性失衡Fundamental Disequilibrium可替代性Fungibility期贷市场、套头交易与投机Futures Markets, Hedging and Speculation 期货交易Futures Trading模糊集合Fuzzy Sets贸易收益Gains from Trade对策论(博奕论) Game Theory不完全信息对策Games With Incomplete Information赌博合同Gaming Contracts度规函数Gauge Functions资本搭配Gearing性别Gender一般均衡General Equilibrium一般系统理论General System Theory德国历史学派German Historical School吉布拉定律Gibrat's Law吉芬悖论Giffen's Paradox赠品Gifts吉尼比率Gini Ratio经济理论中的整体分析Global Analysis in Economic Theory金本位Gold Standard黄金时代Golden Age黄金律Golden Rule货物与商品Goods and Commodities政府预算约束Government Budget Restraint图论Graph Theory重力模型Gravity Models格莱辛定律Gresham's Law总替代品Gross Substitutes群(李群)论Group(Lie Group)Theory增长的核算Growth Accounting增长与周期Growth and Cycles经济增长与国际贸易Growth and International Trade哈恩问题Hahn Problem汉密尔顿体系Hamiltonians哈里斯-托达罗模型Harris-Todaro Model哈罗德-多马增长模型Harrod-Domar Growth Model霍金斯一西蒙条件Hawkins-Simon Condition卫生经济学Health Economics赫克歇尔-俄林贸易理论Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory套头交易Hedging享乐函数和享乐指数Hedonic Functions and Hedonic Indexes享乐主义Hedonism黑格尔主义Hegelianism赫芬达尔指数Herfindahl index异方差性Heteroskedasticity隐蔽活动,道德风险与合同理论Hidden Action, Moral Hazard and Contract Theory 等级制度Hierarchy讨价还价Higgling健全货币与货币基础High-powered Money and The Monetary Base历史成本会计Historical Cost accounting历史人口统计学Historical Demography经济思想及学说史History of Thought and Doctrine齐次函数和位似函数Homogeneous and Homothetic Functions国际游资Hot Money家庭预算Household Budgets家庭生产Household Production家务劳动Housework住房市场Housing Markets人力资本Human Capital人类资源Human Resources虚构的生产函数Humbug Production Function持猎和采集经济Hunting and Gathering Economies恶性通货膨胀Hyperinflation假设检验Hypothesis TestingIS-LM分析IS-LM Analysis理想指数Ideal Indexes理想产出Ideal Output理想类型Ideal Type识别Identification意识形态Ideology贫困化增长Immiserizing Grow尽早消费偏好Impatience不完全竞争Imperfect Competition不完全模型Imperfectionist Models帝国主义Imperialism默认契约Implicit Contracts进口替代和出口导向型增长Import Substitution and Export-Led Growth 派算Imputation剌激的协调性Incentive Compatibility刺激性合同Incentive Contracts收入Income收入-支出分析Income-Expenditure Analysis收入政策Incomes Policies不完全合同Incomplete Contracts不完全市场Incomplete Markets规模报酬递增Increasing Return to Scale指数Index Numbers指数化证券Indexed Securities指导性计划Indicative Planning指标Indicators无差异定律Indifference, Law of间接税Indirect Taxes间接效用函数Indirect Utility Function个人主义Individualism不可分性Indivisibilities归纳Induction产业组织Industrial Organization劳资关系Industrial Relations产业革命Industrial Revolution工业化Industrialization不等式Inequalities不平等Inequality国家之间的不平等Inequality between Nations人与人的不平等Inequality between Persons性别的不平等Inequality between The Sexes工资的不平等Inequality of Pay新生工业Infant Industry婴儿死亡率Infant Mortality通货膨胀Inflation通货膨胀会计Inflation Accounting通货膨胀与增长Inflation and Growth通货膨胀预期Inflationary Expections通货膨胀缺口Inflationary Gap非正规经济Informal Economy信息论Information Theory继承Inheritance继承税Inheritance Taxes创新Innovation投入-产出分析Input-output Analysis制度经济学Institutional Economics工具变量Instrumental Variables保险Insurance整数规划Integer Programming需求的可积性Integrability of Demand智力Intelligence相依偏好Interdependent Preferences利率Interest Rate利息和利润Interest and Profit多种利益Interests代际模型Intergenerational Models内部经济Internal Economies国内移民Internal Migration内部收益率Internal Rate of Return国际资本流动International Capital Flows国际金融International Finance国际收入比较International Income Comparisons 国际债务International Indebtedness国际清偿能力International Liquidity国际移民International Migration国际货币经济学International Monetary Economics 国际货币体制International Monetary Institutions 国际货币政策International Monetary Policy国际贸易International Trade。



中央文献重要术语译文发布区域协同发展城乡发展一体化物质文明和精神文明协调发展军民融合发展战略经济建设和国防建设融合发展京津冀协同发展综合立体交通走廊居住证制度城镇建设用地增加规模同吸纳农业转移人口落户数量挂钩机制中国特色新型智库马克思主义理论研究和建设工程哲学社会科学创新工程网络内容建设工程农村人居环境整治行动历史文化名村名镇美丽宜居乡村coord in ated developme nt betwee nregi onsurba n-rural in tegrati onen sure that cultural-ethical and material developme nt progress togethermilitary-civilia n in tegrati on strategyin tegrated developme nt of the economy and n ati onal defe nsecoord in ated developme nt of the Beiji ng,Tianj in, and Hebei regi onmultimodal tran sport corridorreside nee card systemmecha nism linking the tran sfer payme nts a local government receives to thenu mber of former rural reside nts gra nted urba n reside ncy in its jurisdict ionmecha nism linking in creases in the amount of land designated for urban development in a locality to the number of former rural residents granted urban reside ncy therenew type of Chin ese think tanksMarxist Theory Research and Development Projectin itiative to promote inno vati on in philosophy and the social scie ncesinitiative to enrich online contentrural livi ng environment improveme nt in itiativetow ns and villages with rich historical and cultural heritagea countryside that is beautiful andpleasa nt to live in。



G20峰会相关英文金句欣赏1.中国改革已经进入攻坚期和深水区;China’s reform has entered the deep water zone where tough challenges must be met.2.我们将以装饰断腕的用起、凤凰涅槃的决心,敢于向积存多年的顽瘴痼疾开刀;We have the resolve to make painful self-adjustment and tackle problems that have built up over many years.3.敢于触及深层次利益关系和矛盾,把改革进行到底。

Particularly underlying issues and enternched interests and carry reform through to the end.4.抓住科技创新就抓住了发展的牛鼻子。

Scientific and technological innovation holds the key to development.5.青山绿水就是金山银山。

Green mountains and clear water are as good as mountains of gold and silver.6.民惟邦本,本固邦宁。

The people are the foundation of a country and only when the people lead a good life can the country thrive.7.轻关易道,通商宽农。

The governance of a country should be based on simple customs procedures, improved intrastructures, convenience for business transaction and preferntial agricultural polices.8.这是建设开放型世界经济的应有之义。



双语-迈向现代化强国的发展密码迈向现代化强国的发展密码——习近平经济思想的时代特质和实践价值Toward Modernity: The Value of Xi Jinping’s Economic Thought导论Introduction思想是历史的航标。

Thoughts are the beacons of history.以习近平同志为核心的党中央统筹把握中华民族伟大复兴战略全局和世界百年未有之大变局,对中国经济发展所处的时代方位和历史阶段进行科学判断,创造性提出一系列治国理政新理念新思想新战略,在实践中创立形成并不断丰富发展了习近平经济思想。


The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, has pursued a strategy of national rejuvenation amid global changes of a magnitude not seen in a century. It has accurately assessed the stage and position of China’s economic developme nt, creatively introduced a series of new ideas, new ways of thinking and new strategies for governance, and formed and developed Xi Jinping’s economic thought through practice.As a key part of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Xi Jinping’s economic thought represents the latest theoretical achievements of adapting Marxist political economy to the Chinese context and the needs of the times. It encapsulates the CPC’s ideas and thoughts developed from the Party’s unr emitting exploration of the path of socialist economic development, and provides a sound guide for China’s high-quality economic development and the building of a modern socialist country in all respects.在实践中发展真理,在实践中检验真理。




Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations is an important milestone for the friendly relationship between China and France.2.双方应加强高层交往,深化政治互信。

Both sides should strengthen high-level exchanges and deepen political mutual trust.3.中法两国要深化经贸合作,共同推动经济发展。

China and France should deepen economic and trade cooperation and jointly promote economic development.4.双方应加强人文交流,促进文化互鉴。

Both sides should enhance people-to-people exchanges and promote cultural exchanges.5.建交60周年是传统友谊的重要时刻,应当珍惜和巩固。

The 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations is an important moment for traditional friendship and should be cherished and consolidated.6.中法建交60年来取得了丰硕成果,双方应继续保持合作势头。

China and France have achieved fruitful results in the 60 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, andboth sides should continue to maintain the momentum of cooperation.7.双方应加强在国际事务中的沟通协调,共同维护世界和平稳定。



通信方式的改变英语作文英文回答:The evolution of communication has profoundly reshaped human interaction and societal structures. From the rudimentary cave paintings and smoke signals to the sophisticated digital platforms of today, the ways in which people communicate have undergone a continuous transformation. This article delves into the key developments in communication methods and their impact on individuals, communities, and civilizations.Ancient Communication:In prehistoric times, communication was primarily limited to non-verbal cues, such as body language and gestures. Cave paintings discovered in France and Spain suggest that early humans used pictorial representations to convey messages and record events. Oral traditions, including storytelling and songs, also played a crucialrole in preserving knowledge and cultural heritage.Written Communication:The invention of writing marked a significant milestone in communication history. Sumerian cuneiform, developed around 3500 BCE, is one of the earliest known writing systems. Writing facilitated the exchange of complex ideas, the recording of laws and regulations, and the transmission of knowledge across vast distances.Printing Revolution:The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the 15th century revolutionized communication. Mass production of printed books made knowledge more accessible to the masses, fostering literacy and the spread of ideas. Printed newspapers and pamphlets played a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and promoting social and political movements.Telegraphy and Telephone:The 19th century witnessed the emergence of telegraphy and the telephone. These technologies enabled near-instantaneous communication over long distances. The telegraph allowed for the rapid transmission of messages using electrical pulses, while the telephone allowed for real-time voice conversations.Radio and Television:The 20th century ushered in the era of radio and television. Radio broadcasts reached a wide audience, providing news, entertainment, and propaganda. Television became a dominant medium for mass communication, offering a combination of visual and auditory information.Digital Revolution:The digital revolution, fueled by the development of computers and the internet, has transformed communication in unprecedented ways. Email, instant messaging, and social media platforms enable real-time global communication. Theinternet provides access to a vast repository ofinformation and resources.Impact on Individuals:The evolution of communication methods has had a profound impact on individuals. Increased access to information has empowered people to make informed decisions, challenge authority, and participate in global discussions. Social media has connected people across geographical boundaries, fostering a sense of community and belonging.Impact on Societies:The changing nature of communication has alsoinfluenced societal structures. The printing press led to the spread of knowledge and the development of a more informed citizenry. Telegraphy and telephone facilitatedthe coordination of economic activities and improved transportation systems. Digital technologies have empowered individuals and enabled the emergence of new forms ofsocial organization and political participation.In conclusion, the history of communication is characterized by a continuous evolution of methods and technologies. From the simple gestures of prehistoric times to the sophisticated digital platforms of today, the waysin which people communicate have profoundly shaped human interaction, societies, and civilizations.中文回答:通信方式的改变。



经济危机英语作文The Global Economic Crisis: Challenges and OpportunitiesThe world has witnessed a series of economic crises throughout history, each with its unique set of challenges and implications. The most recent global economic crisis, often referred to as the Great Recession, began in 2007 and had a profound impact on economies around the world. This crisis was characterized by a collapse in the housing market, a credit crunch, and a sharp decline in consumer spending, leading to a severe recession in many countries.The roots of the crisis can be traced back to a combination of factors, including lax regulations, excessive risk-taking by financial institutions, and a general lack of oversight in the financial sector. The subprime mortgage crisis in the United States, where lenders extended credit to borrowers with poor credit histories, was a significant contributing factor. As the housing bubble burst and home prices plummeted, many borrowers found themselves unable to make their mortgage payments, leading to a wave of foreclosures and a collapse in the value of mortgage-backed securities.The ripple effects of the crisis were felt across the globe asinterconnected financial markets and trade networks transmitted the shockwaves. Countries with strong economic ties to the United States, such as China and other emerging economies, were particularly vulnerable to the downturn. The crisis also exposed the underlying weaknesses and imbalances in the global economic system, highlighting the need for comprehensive reforms and a more resilient financial architecture.One of the primary challenges faced during the economic crisis was the need to stabilize the financial system and prevent a complete collapse. Governments and central banks around the world implemented various interventions, including bailouts of financial institutions, monetary policy measures, and fiscal stimulus packages, in an attempt to restore confidence and liquidity in the markets. These actions were often controversial and met with public skepticism, as many felt that the burden of the crisis was disproportionately borne by taxpayers.Another significant challenge was the impact on employment and the rise in unemployment rates. As businesses struggled to cope with the economic downturn, many were forced to cut jobs, leading to widespread job losses and increased financial insecurity for households. The crisis also exacerbated existing social and economic inequalities, as the effects were often more severe for vulnerable populations, such as low-income individuals and marginalizedcommunities.Despite the immense challenges posed by the economic crisis, it also presented opportunities for positive change and reform. The crisis highlighted the need for stronger financial regulations, improved risk management practices, and greater transparency in the financial sector. Policymakers and regulators around the world have since worked to implement stricter regulations, such as the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the United States, to address the weaknesses that contributed to the crisis.Moreover, the crisis has prompted a renewed focus on the importance of diversifying economic activities and reducing over-reliance on certain sectors or industries. Many countries have recognized the need to invest in more sustainable and resilient economic models, such as renewable energy, green technologies, and the development of local supply chains. This shift towards a more balanced and diversified economy can help mitigate the impact of future economic shocks and promote long-term stability.The global economic crisis has also underscored the need for international cooperation and coordination in addressing economic challenges. Governments and multilateral organizations have worked to strengthen global financial governance, improve cross-border regulations, and develop early warning systems to detect andmitigate potential crises. The crisis has also highlighted the importance of social safety nets, healthcare systems, and education in building resilient and inclusive societies that can better withstand economic upheavals.In conclusion, the global economic crisis has been a profound and transformative event, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, and governments around the world. While the challenges posed by the crisis were immense, it has also presented opportunities for reform, innovation, and the development of more sustainable and resilient economic models. As the world continues to grapple with the aftermath of the crisis, it is crucial that policymakers, businesses, and citizens work together to address the underlying structural issues and build a more equitable and prosperous global economy.。



促进两国关系发展英语作文Strengthening the Bilateral Relationship: A Path to Mutual ProsperityIn today's rapidly evolving global landscape, the importance of strong bilateral relationships cannot be overstated. As nations navigate the complexities of the modern world, the ability to forge meaningful connections and foster mutual understanding has become a crucial component of sustainable development and progress. This is particularly true in the case of the relationship between two nations, where the potential for collaboration, exchange, and shared prosperity is immense.One such relationship that holds immense promise is the one between the two countries in question. These nations, while distinct in their histories, cultures, and economic landscapes, share a unique opportunity to capitalize on their complementary strengths and forge a partnership that can serve as a model for the world. By focusing on the key areas of economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and diplomatic coordination, these countries can unlock a wealth of possibilities that will not only benefit their respective populations but also contribute to the broader global community.Economic Cooperation: The Foundation for Mutual ProsperityAt the heart of any successful bilateral relationship lies a strong economic foundation. The two nations in question possess a wealth of resources, expertise, and market potential that, when harnessed effectively, can create a symbiotic relationship that drives growth and development for both parties. From trade and investment to technology transfer and infrastructure development, the avenues for economic cooperation are vast and diverse.One area of particular promise is the expansion of trade ties between the two countries. By reducing barriers, streamlining processes, and fostering a conducive environment for the exchange of goods and services, these nations can tap into each other's markets and unlock new opportunities for businesses and consumers alike. This, in turn, can lead to the creation of jobs, the stimulation of local economies, and the enhancement of overall economic well-being.Moreover, the potential for collaboration in the realm of technology and innovation is equally compelling. By sharing knowledge, expertise, and resources, the two countries can work together to develop cutting-edge solutions that address pressing challenges and drive sustainable progress. This could include joint research and development initiatives, the exchange of best practices, and the co-creation of innovative products and services.Infrastructure development is another key area where the two nations can leverage their strengths and work in tandem. By coordinating efforts to build modern, efficient, and interconnected transportation, energy, and communication networks, these countries can not only enhance their own domestic capabilities but also facilitate the seamless movement of goods, services, and people across borders. This, in turn, can lead to increased trade, investment, and overall economic integration.Cultural Exchange: Fostering Mutual Understanding and AppreciationWhile economic cooperation serves as the foundation for a robust bilateral relationship, the true depth and richness of such a partnership can be found in the realm of cultural exchange. By facilitating the sharing of ideas, traditions, and experiences, the two nations can deepen their understanding of one another, break down stereotypes, and cultivate a sense of mutual appreciation.One avenue for cultural exchange can be through the promotion of educational and academic collaborations. By facilitating student and faculty exchanges, joint research initiatives, and the sharing of curricula and best practices, the two countries can foster a deeper understanding of each other's educational systems and create opportunities for cross-cultural learning and growth.Similarly, the exchange of artistic and cultural expressions can serve as a powerful bridge between the two nations. By showcasing their respective music, art, literature, and performing arts, these countries can not only celebrate their unique cultural identities but also inspire a greater appreciation for the diversity that exists within the global community. This can be achieved through the organization of cultural festivals, the facilitation of artist exchanges, and the promotion of cultural diplomacy initiatives.Furthermore, the cultivation of people-to-people connections can play a crucial role in strengthening the bilateral relationship. By encouraging the exchange of ideas, the sharing of experiences, and the fostering of personal connections, the two nations can build a foundation of trust and understanding that transcends political and economic boundaries. This can be achieved through the facilitation of tourism, the promotion of language learning, and the creation of cultural exchange programs.Diplomatic Coordination: Aligning Priorities and Navigating Global ChallengesUnderpinning the economic and cultural aspects of a bilateral relationship is the critical role of diplomatic coordination. By aligning their priorities, coordinating their positions on global issues, and working together to navigate the complexities of the international landscape, the two nations can strengthen their collective voice andinfluence on the world stage.One key area of diplomatic coordination is the alignment of foreign policy objectives. By identifying shared interests and common goals, the two countries can develop a unified approach to addressing regional and global challenges, from issues of security and stabilityto matters of sustainable development and environmental protection. This can involve the coordination of diplomatic efforts, the alignment of positions in multilateral forums, and the joint pursuit of initiatives that advance the shared interests of both nations.Another important aspect of diplomatic coordination is the strengthening of communication and information-sharing channels. By establishing robust mechanisms for regular dialogue, the exchange of intelligence, and the coordination of policy responses, the two countries can enhance their ability to anticipate and respond to emerging global trends and crises. This can include the establishment of high-level dialogues, the creation of dedicated communication channels, and the fostering of a culture of transparency and trust.Moreover, the two nations can leverage their diplomatic ties to advocate for and support each other's interests on the global stage. By leveraging their collective influence and voice, they can amplify their respective priorities, champion shared causes, and worktogether to shape the international agenda in a manner that benefits both countries and the broader global community.ConclusionThe relationship between the two nations in question holds immense potential for growth and development. By focusing on the key areas of economic cooperation, cultural exchange, and diplomatic coordination, these countries can unlock a wealth of possibilities that will not only strengthen their bilateral ties but also contribute to the broader global good.As the world continues to evolve and the challenges of the 21st century become increasingly complex, the ability of nations to forge meaningful partnerships and work together towards common goals will be of paramount importance. The two countries in question have the opportunity to set an example, to demonstrate the power of mutual understanding, and to pave the way for a future of shared prosperity and global progress.。



病毒没有国界,疫情不分种族,没有哪个国家可以英语文章There is no national boundary for viruses, no race for epidemics, and no country can protect itself. In the long history, the scars caused by smallpox, malaria, cholera, Ebola, hemorrhagic fever and other infectious diseases to human civilization are still vivid. In the era of economic globalization, no matter where infectious diseases occur, they are a threat to the whole human society. As someone pointed out, "there is only one flight between civilization and virus". At present, the COVID-19 epidemic is spreading rapidly all over the world, and it has affected more than 200 countries and regions. In this world battle against the epidemic, it is urgent for all countries to form a United front that fights side by side, advances and retreats together. Strengthening cooperation in policy coordination, action coordination, material assistance, etc. is in line with the common interests of all countries and regions, and safeguards the commonwell-being of all mankind.We can't forget that 79 countries and 10 international organizations provided assistance to the Chinese people during the most difficult time of China's anti-epidemic campaign. Atpresent, many countries are in crisis, and China is very concerned about it. It has repeatedly expressed its support and help to countries in need. From sharing prevention and control programs to exchanging experience in diagnosis and treatment, from sending medical experts to providing material assistance, China supports the global anti-epidemic struggle with the most pragmatic attitude, in order to strengthen international cooperation.This is a grateful reward for "giving me a peach, and reporting it to Qiong Yao", and it is also a big country that is responsible for the future and destiny of mankind.。




下面是店铺给大家整理的经贸英语怎么翻译,供大家参阅!经贸英语怎么翻译economy and trade经贸的英语例句除了与墨西哥的经贸合作,我们正在共同努力以确保尽快的识别并制止威胁,甚至在威胁到达北美之前。

With Mexico, in addition to trade cooperation, we are working together to identify and interdictthreats at the earliest opportunity, even before they reach North America.论坛期间,中美省州长们将举行对口会见,双方还将签署涉及经贸、教育、科技等领域的多个合作协议。

During the forum, governors from both countries will hold meetings and sign several cooperationdocuments in trade, education, science and technology and other fields.你和你的同事为贵国的外贸体制的改革提出了“宏观经贸”这个重要的新概念。

You and your colleagues proposed the significant new concept of “macroeconomics and trade”for reform in your foreign trade system.中方重视同巴西的经贸合作,一贯主张通过对话与合作,寻求互利共赢解决分歧的办法。

China values its economic cooperation and trade with Brazil and pursues a mutually beneficialresolution of disputes through dialogue and cooperation.胡锦涛在官方中央电视台上表示,中国应扩大与朝鲜的经贸合作。












二、汉译英The Doctrine of the Mean is the core of Confucianism. The so-called "mean" by Confucius doesn't mean "compromise" but a "moderate" and "just-right" way when understanding and handling objective things. Confucius advocated that this thought should not only be treated as a way to understand and deal with things but also be integrated into one's daily conduct to make it a virtue through self-cultivation and training. The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core of Confucianism but also an important component of traditional Chinese culture. From the time it came into being to the present, it has played an invaluable role in the construction of national spirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.第二单元二、英译汉人们普遍认为,威廉•莎士比亚是最伟大的英语作家和世界杰出的戏剧家。

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Coordinating with one another, to a focal point
Japanese drive on the left
Two usages: Concatenate and Mutual
Ratio based on whichever is most
aware of their mutually coordinated action Depicted as a coordination game
A coordination game with two coordination equilibria
Concatenate Coordination
The Beginning in Economics: Concatenate Coordination in the Firm
Simon Newcomb’s Princeton Review paper “The Organization of Labor” (1880)
Others: John Bates Clark, Thorstein Veblen, Frank H. Knight, …
Suppose there is an owner of a golf course and an owner of a golf school.
From the Schelling point of view, each has his individual interests, and each mutually coordinates his own plans and actions with those of the other.
Concatenation – chain, pattern, arrangement
Concatenate coordination may refer to a concatenation that is coordinated topdown, or a concatenation lacking top-down direction.
1.2Biblioteka 10.8 Concatenate
ambiguous 0.4
0 1886-1935 1936-1960 2001-02
Time period
Mutual Coordination
The mutually intermeshing of behavior Usually manifest, the actors can be made
There are myriad instances of mutual coordination within the firm
The referent concatenation subsumes many instances of mutual coordination
Golfing facilities
In the Beginning:
Herbert Spencer, First Principles He compared society to an organism. He wrote of complexity as higher levels of
coordination of functions within the organism. Concatenate coordination.
Transitive - verb takes a direct object
A businessperson coordinates factors of production to make profits
Intransitive - no direct object
Better coordination means more pleasing to the mind imagined to behold the concatenation.
The Interrelation of the two
The big picture view from the boardroom is the aspirational concatenation - the plan
Concatenate Coordination and Mutual Coordination
By Dan Klein and Aaron Orsborn Feb 2009 Link to paper
Let’s check the dictionary
Two definitions of the verb to coordinate
Focused on entrepreneur/owner/manager as the coordinator within the firm
Coordination within the firm was a quality of the concatenation. It invoked a judgment imputed to a mind imagined to behold the referent concatenation.
However, there is also a sense in which the two form a cooperative unit that coordinates the set of golf facilities in the concatenate sense.
But such “isomorphism” between the two coordination occurs only when the mutual coordinators are also the “chiefs” of the referent concatenation.