通用三星考试 口试1
资深考官三星考试经验分享 三星口语考试资料
资深考官三星考试经验分享(JENNIFER 吴老师原创)三星考试的难度明显比二星上了一个台阶,其中牵涉到许多初中的语法,现在的考生年龄渐小,一般三年级左右就会参加考试,那么如何复习,从容应对考试呢?看图说词部分这部分是一定要通过的环节,有家长说,只要让孩子看见卡片会念,背得滚瓜烂熟就可以了,而我们会说这样是不够的,还需要让孩子掌握单词的拼写,为什么呢?因为这书上的220个单词,不单会在这个环节考到,在其他环节里都会出现。
三星口语 专项练习 汇总
2011年七月三星口语专项练习汇总2011年7月6日三星口语专项练习1、朗读短文Read Aloud:考官会让考生随意抽取一篇短文朗读,考生只要在一分钟内把这段短文朗读完,而且错误率在2个以下2、看图说词Look at the picture and say the word:由考官放10张卡片,答出8张算通过3、听说相反Listen and say the opposite:考试时间约为1分钟;共有5道题,考生说对3题且完整重复句子就可以通过4、听听做做Do what you hear:共有7个指令,做对5个指令即算通过5、快听快答Listen and respond quickly:考试时间约为1.5分钟;共有8个问题,考生只要能答对6个问题就可以通过了6、看看说说Look and say:考试时间为1分钟;考生用5-6句话去描述一件实物,并且无重大语法错误即算通过,同时要说出一句以上的复合句7、看图说话Talk about the picture:考试时间为1.5分钟,要求考生用5-6句话来描述图片上的故事,其中至少一句是复合句,内容切题,表达流畅,无重大语法错为过8、情景对话Play the roles:考试时间为1.5分钟;2个考生参与考试,至少5-6个来回,内容贴切,表达流畅,打招呼和道别不算在对话范围内三星口语朗读短文专项练习2011年7月A 朗读儿歌Read Aloud教学建议:听录音逐句跟读,模仿语音、语调、失爆、连读等,并注意语言的节奏感。
2008年8月三星口语真题H.看看说说梳子,字典,叶子,毛巾,茄子, 手帕,叉子D.听说相反Set1There are many mosquitoes in the house.Jack has been very lucky for the past two years.Why don’t you stand in front of me?The street was empty of people yesterday.Can you tell me why the toy plane rises?Set2Tom never asks for other’s help.This horse looks weak, doesn’t it?She and her mother have the same hair style.I remember where I bought the shoes.The time of the meeting is convenient for me.B. 朗读In China you can find dogs, cats, horses and so on in almost every family. These are their pets. There is animal food in almost every store. People have these pets as their good friends, when you visit people’s house homes, they would be glad to show you.F.快听快答Set11. What do pandas love eating?2. Are most Kiwi fruits from Australia of New Zealand?3. How many kidneys does a person have?4. Does an ambulance have to stop for a red traffic light?5. What do we need to read with when we are short-sighted?6. Who do we often send carnations to?7. Why do people wear ski-jackets and boots in winter?8. Where do tourists go to see the Huangpu River in Shanghai?Set21. What vegetable is green outside, cauliflower or wax gourd?2. Name a country that is very near China.3. How many months are there between April and June?4. Does a truck have to stop for a red traffic light?5. What do we use to carry the things we buy in the supermarket?6. Who work in the university , directors of professors?7. I’m sorry I lost your story book.8. Where do people go to buy newspapers and magazines?Set31. How many people does it take to play chess?2. Name a place in Shanghai where we can see wild animals?3. How many months are there in 90 days?4. Are there any traffic lights on Nanjing Read?5. Help yourself to some fruit?6. What’s the total of 46+3?7. Is Japan in Asia or in Europe?8. Which can seat more people , Helicopter or plane?。
13 Do you have a pet? What is it?
14 Do you have any lessons at weekend/on Saturday/on Sunday?
15 Do you have to go to school tomorrow?
72 How often does your father go to drink?
73 How often does your mother go to a supermarket?
74 How tall are you? What's your height?/ How much do you weigh?/What's your weight?
37 How do you usually spend spring festival?
38 How do you usually spend your birthday?
39 How do you usually spend your free time?
40 How do you usually spend your weekend?
93 Snails run slower than kangaroos, don't they?
94 Spoon and chopsticks, which do you prefer to use when you eat?
95 Susan works in a hospital. She gives medicines to her patients. What’s her job?
三星口语考试资料:听听做做基本动作:pick up, take out, put…inside…, close, turn to page , place, erase, wipe out, write, count, draw, draw a line, connect, match, join加减乘除:add, plus 加,minus, take away, subtract 减,times, multiply,乘,divide 除,the total 总数。
少儿三星 口语考试资料
10级第二学期口语测试题目Topic One Sports1.Do you like sports? What is your favorite sport?2.What sports do most young people go in for?3.What sports are suitable for young people? Why do people need to play sports?4.What do you know about the Olympic Games?Topic Two Weather5.Do you like the climate of the city where you live? Why or why not?6.How do you get weather information? Is weather forecasting important in modern life? Whyor why not?Topic Three Food7.Where do you usually have meals? What do you think of the food there?8.What is your favorite drink? Explain why.Topic Four Music9.Do you like music? What type of music do you like best? Traditional Chinese music orWestern music? Classical or popular?10.What role does music play in your life? What’s the value of music?Topic Five Leadership11.What factors does a company usually take into consideration when they want to choose ateam leader?12.Do you think your can be a good leader? Explain your reasons.Topic Six Health13.What do you think we can do to keep fit?Topic Seven Fashion14.Why do many young people today go after famous name brands in everything they buy?15.What do you think of those people who judge others by the clothes they wear?Topic Eight Famous People16.Can you name some famous people you know about? Who impress you most? Why?17.Generally speaking, what do people who become famous have in common?Topic Nine Computer and Internet18.Do you think you can study without using a computer? What do you use the computer for?19.How have computer and Internet changed your life?Topic Ten Human Virtues20.Can you name some good qualities that human beings possess? Why?21.What kinds of virtues are recognized by our society?Topic Eleven Environment22.What have we done to save the environment? Give one or two examples?23.What should every one of us do to protect our environment?24.What should we do to prepare for future natural disasters?II. Questions for Discussion1.Some people prefer to live a life in contact with real things and real people, but others favor avirtual existence. Which life do you think is better?2.Which is more important, beauty or virtue? Why?3.Why lifelong learning is becoming increasing important?4.Some people quit their jobs and stay idle after winning a lottery. Do you think it is wise to doso?5.Do you think it is possible or impossible to give accurate weather forecasts?6.What contribute to increased mobility and freedom in modern society?7.What kind of virtue do you value most? Why?8.Do you think we humans are to blame for the worsening of our environment? Why or whynot?9. A fam ous conservationist once said, “Animal conservation is a war to save the human racefrom committing suicide.” Do you agree?10.What can we do to preserve biodiversity?11.What should be given priority in education knowledge and skills or creativity? Why? Howcan schools and colleges encourage creativity in students?12.Suppose a close member of your family has been laid off. What advice would you offer to himor her?13.Do you think we should work to live or live to work? Give reasons.ment on the statement: Advertising does more good than harm to consumers.ment on the following statement: In pursuing a dream, one must keep a balance betweenone’s strong wish for the dream to come true and the reality of one’s abilities and circumstances.16.Keeping pets has become a big industry throughout the world. Do you think people shouldspend so much time and money on pets? Why or why not?pare two places of interest you are familiar with either because you’ve been to or you’veread about them?18.Travelers are always discoverers. How true do you think this statement is?19.Do you think English is important for your future plans? In what aspects is it important?ment on the statement that “a part-time job is an important experience that every collegestudent should have.”。
通用少儿英语星级考试 三星
之后又为了完善少儿考试项目,使考生通过口语和笔试考试全面了解自己现有的英语水平,上海外国语大学上海市通用外语水平等级考试办公室推出了通用英语星级考试(笔试)Star Test of English(Written )。
二·星级口语考试每年举办三次, 分别在4月、8月、12月,星级笔试考试每年举办两次,分别在3月,9月(具体考试日期考办会提前通知确定,基本上都是在当月下旬举行。
)口语考试报名及考务费一星至三星65元/四星85元笔试考试报名及考务费二星至三星65元/四星85元三·星级口语考试分为一星级、二星级、三星级、四星级四个等级:小学二年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考一星, 一星合格的口语水平相当于小学三、四年级的口语水平。
小学三、四年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考两星, 两星合格口语水平相当于小学毕业的口语水平小学五年级至初中一年级或英语水平相当的学生可以考三星, 三星合格口语水平相当于初中一、二年级的口语水平:利用计算机与无线局域网测评系统,主要测试考生的英语听说技能与实际应用、交际能力。
星级笔试考试分为二星笔试,三星笔试,四星笔试三个等级二星笔试相当于小学四、五年级程度三星笔试相当于学六年级、初一年级程度四星笔试相当于初三年级;高一年级程度五·有关三星口语考试三星口语考试共设有8个项目分别为: 1. 看图说词 2. 朗读儿歌 3. 情境对话 4.听说相反5. 听听做做6. 快听快答7. 看图说话8. 看看说说考试方式:考生凭准考证(下图所示)进入考场,进入到不同项目(以A-H 为编号的七个项目)的教室进行考试,每个教室有一名考官以及考试物品如CD 机,卡片,模型等,每完成一个项目,考官会在准考证中所对应的星星里敲图章,若是通过会直接敲该项目的编号如A ,若是不通过则会敲上“下次你能行”鼓励图章。
全国少儿英语等级考试-三星口试“看看说说”的句型总结一、食物类1.This is …(这是……)2.It’s …(颜色)3.It smells good/bad.(它闻起来不错/不好)4.My mother asks me to eat it a lot because it’s goodfor our health.(我妈妈让我多吃一点这个因为这个对身体好)5.I like it very much./I don’t like it .(我非常喜欢/我不喜欢)6.It’s very delicious.(它很美味)7.You can buy it in the supermarket.(你能够在超市买到它)二、生活用品类/文具类1.This is …(这是……)2.It’s …(颜色)3.You can ues it to…(你能够用它……)4.I have one like this in my home.(我在家里也有一个和这个一样的)5.I like it very much because it is very useful in our daily life.(我非常喜欢它因为它在我们的日常生活中非常有用)6.You can buy it in the supermarket.(你能够在超市里买到它)三、玩具类1.This is …(这是……)2.It’s …(颜色)3.It is very lovely.(它非常可爱)4.I have one like this in my home. (我在家里也有一个和这个一样的)5.I usually play with it .(我经常和他一起玩)6.I like it very much.(我非常喜欢它)7.If you want one,you can buy it in the toy shop.(如果你也想要一个,你能够在玩具店买到它)四、服装类1.This is …(这是……)2.It’s …(颜色)3.It is very beautiful.(它非常漂亮)4.I have one like this in my home. (我在家里也有一个和这个一样的)5.We wear it in… (我们在…季节穿它)6.If you want one,you can buy it in the clothes shop.(如果你也想要一件,你能够在服装店买到它)。
公3英语口试试题及答案一、自我介绍1. 请用英语简单介绍一下你自己。
答案:My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your Age] years old. I come from [Your Hometown], and I am currently studying at [Your University/School].二、日常对话2. 你通常如何度过周末?答案:I usually spend my weekends [doing activities, such as reading, going for a walk, or spending time with family and friends].3. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?答案:My favorite food is [Your Favorite Dish] because it is [reason for liking it, such as delicious, healthy, or brings back memories].三、观点表述4. 你认为学习英语重要吗?为什么?答案:Yes, I think learning English is very important because it is a global language and can help me communicate with people from different countries and access a wealth of information.5. 你如何看待环保问题?答案:I believe that environmental protection is crucial. We should [take actions, such as reducing waste, recycling,and conserving energy] to protect our planet for future generations.四、情景对话6. 假设你是一名导游,向游客介绍一个著名的景点。
考试时,有场景提示和要求,考生必须认真领会,对话时必须紧扣中心思想,不要偏题.4. 也是有套路的,根据提示学生分角色扮演,要有开头和结尾的礼貌用语因为是两人一组的,能够商议的,常考的类型能够分买东西,讨论学习,讨论度假.旅游,等句型补充:介绍和开场白Introduction and Opening Conversations:A:Mary, this is Joe’s brother David.B:I’m very glad to meet you.C:It’s a pleasure to meet you.B: What's your impression of Shanghai?C: Oh, Shanghai is so nice, and the people is very kind.求助 Asking for helpA: Would you mind if I borrowed your type-writer?B: For how long?A: Until the end of this week.B: Ok, I guess that would be all right.道歉ApologizingA:I’m really sorry that I’ve just broken your vase. B:It’s nothing to get upset about.A:I don’t know what to say.I’d like to replace it. B:No. It’s out of the question.。
This is one of the most challenging section of the test. According to my experience, most of the students are not able to perform well in this section since they have never been trained to organize the words, apply the sentence patterns to express their ideas and thought. They also don’t know what to say about the topic even in Chinese.示例:1.In KFC (A goes to the counter and order in KFC. B is the counter girl/counter boy.)B: Welcome to KFC. What can I help you?/May I help you?/What do you want?A: I want a hamburger and a cup of Coke./I'd like to have two chicken wings.B: What size does you want, small, medium or large size?A: I prefer small size./Small size will do.B: What else do you want?A: A package of French-fries, please.B: A hamburger, a small cup of Coke and a package of French-fries, right?A: Sure. How much are they?B: 20 Yuan.A:Here is the money.B: ok. Here is your change and your food.A: Thank you.B: You are welcome! Have a nice day!2. In the hospital (A is a patient who has a bad cold. B is a doctor)A: Good morning, doctor. B: Good morning. Sit down, please.A: Thank you. B: What's the matter with you?A: I feel sick and I have a headache. B: How long have you been like this?A: About two days. B: Please open your mouth and say"Ah"A: "Ah". B: You have a bad cold.A: Yah, I think so. I was caught in the rain the day before yesterday. Then what shall I do now?B: Take some medicine and have a good rest.A: But I have a lot of things to do. I have to work tomorrow.B: You definitely need a good rest. I will give you a medical certificat so that you can stay at home tomorrow.A: Ok, I see. I will take your advice. Thank you, doctor. B: You are welcome.3. At School (A and B are classmates. This Sunday is their English teacher-Miss Wang's birthday.A andB want to buy a birthday present for her.)A: Hello, Jennifer. B: Hello, Linda.A: This Sunday is Miss Wang's birthday. Yes, I have heard of it. / Really? Thank you for reminding me.A: I think we should send her a birthday present. B: You are right. / I agree with you.A: Do you know what Miss Wang likes? B: I have no idea. But maybe we can send her a bunch of flowers.A: oh, that's a good idea. B: I have no idea. But maybe we can send her a bunch of flowers.A: I think a bunch of carnations is better. / I think she prefers carnation.B: Why not include a birthday card? / It's better to include a birthday card.A: Yes, let's go to the flower shop to buy the carnations. B: Ok! Let's go.4. At school (A fell off the stairs and hurt his leg. B comes to help A.)A: Oh, my god! B: What's the matter? / What happened? / What's wrong with you?A: I fell off the stairs just now. B: Poor boy. How do you feel now? / Is it serious?A: I think my leg is hurt. Yah, look, your leg is bleeding blood.A: Oh, it's a great pain. / Oh, it's painful. B: Can you walk now?A: No, I don't think so. B: have a try. Let me help you stand up.A: OK, I am standing. B: Be carreful. I think I'd better send you to the school clinic.A: Thank you very much! B: You are welcome.5. At school (A has difficulty solving one maths question. B is helping him to work out.)B: Hi, Jennifer. What are you doing now?A: I am doing my homework.B: Why you look so sad? Are you in trouble?A: I've been working on this maths question for two hours. But I still can't work it out.B: Let me have a look. Maybe I can help you.A: Yah, you always get the first place in the maths tests. I think you can solve this problem.B: Which question?A: Question 3 on Page 20.B: What a coincidence! I have done this question before.A: Then do you know the way to do it?B: Sure. You should start from the equation first. Then you can calculate the rest.A: Oh, I see. I can't imagine how much time I still need to spend if whithout your help. Thank you so much.B: It's my pleasure. / You are welcome.6. Traveling in Shanghai(A is a tourist who is the first time to Shanghai. B is the tourist guide. B is companying A visiting the Bund.)B: Welcome to Shanghai! My name is Jennifer; nice to meet you. A: My name is Peter. Nice tomeet you, too.B: I'm your tourist guide. Is it the first time you've been to Shanghai? A: Yes, it is. But I've been to Beijing before.B: What do you think of Shanghai? A: It's a modern and fantastic city.B: Look, can you see that tall building? A: Let me see. Is it Jin Mao Tower?B: Yes. It's the tallest building in Shanghai. A: Then that tower must be the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.B: You are right. It now becomes the symbol of Shanghai. A: How about so many old buildings in the Bund?B: They were built around 100 years ago. They are all very stylish. A: That's great! It is really worth to visit Shanghai.B: Yes, Shanghai has been developed very well in the past 20 years. A: It will be an unforgettable trip.B: Do you want to take some photos? A: Certainly. Thank you.7. Ask the way(A is a foreign tourist and traveling in Shanghai. But A is lost his way, he asks a policeman the way to the hotel.B is the policeman. He is happy to tell the foreign tourist the way to his hotel)A: Excuse me, I'm a foreign tourist and now I lost my way. Can you tell me the way to the hotel? B: Of course, could you tell me which hotel you are staying?A: Garden Hotel. B: Oh, it's near Huai Hai Road.A: Where am I now? Is it very near the hotel? B: You are now at People's Square. It's quite far from here.A: Then how can I go there?B: You can take metro line 1 to South Shan Xi Road Station. It only takes five minutes to walk from the metro station to your botel.A: Where is the metro station? B: It's just opposite this road. Look, do you see the Metro Symbol?A: Yes, I see it. Thank you. B: You're welcome.8. Invitation(A invites B to Watch VCD at home on Sunday, but B is busy that day.)A: Hello, how are you these days? B: I'm fine, and you?A: I'm fine too. I bought some VCD just now. B: What are they?A: "The day after tomorrow", " Harry Potter III" and "National Treasure." B: I heard that they are really interesting.A: Have you seen those movies before? B: Not yet.A: Would you be free this Sunday? Please come to my home and watch VCD together.B: I'd like to, but I'm busy this Sunday. I will have lunch with my old friend who is from America. I'm sorry.A: That's all right, maybe you can come to my home next Sunday.B: That's a good idea. I think I will be free then.A: OK, I'll see you then. B: see you.练习:Set 1A: You play the role of a mother/father. Your child has spent too much time watching “The Super Girls”. You think it’s a waste of time.B: You love “The Super Girls” very much. You tell your father/mother the reason why you like “The Super Girls”Set 2A: You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You prefer summer to winter.B: You and your friend are talking about your favorite seasons. You like autumn best.Set 3A: You and your friend are talking about what you want to be in the future. You want to be a designer and tell him/her the reasons.B: Your friend is telling you what he/she wants to be in the future. You want to be a tourist guide and tell him/her the reasons.Set 4A: The winter holiday is coming. You and your good friend are making a plan for it.B: The winter holiday is coming. You and your good friend are making a plan for it.Set 5A: You are in a small bookstore. You want to buy a book as a birthday present for your friend.B: You are a shop assistant in a small bookstore. You help the girl/boy get the right book she/he needs.Set 6A: You play the role of a parent. Your son’s classmate calls, but he is not at home. You ask the caller to leave his/her telephone number.B: You call your classmate Xiao Lin, because you want to tell him that the history test will be held on Tuesday instead of Monday.Set 7A: You are in an booking office(售票处)and you want to buy two tickets for the film The world without Thieves.B: You are booking clerk(电影院售票员).You ask your customer how many tickets he/she needs and what time of the film he/she wants.Set 8A: You’re not felling well. You have a headache.B: Your classmate looks unwell. You ask him/her the reason, and then offer to take him/her to the school clinic(医务室).第二课朗读考试秘籍:1、先浏览短文,然后从容朗读;2、声音洪亮,语速中等,不必是否能读完全文;3、注意语音、语调及节奏感。
三星口语考项说明 三星口语考试资料
听听做做考项说明桌子上有很多东西,有一些是用不到的,走进教室先看看有什么东西,深呼吸听录音,7个指令完成5个即算通过复习要点录音开始及结束语:开始语:Are you ready? Now let’s begin.……结束语:OK. That’s the end of the activity.基本道具:教室本身有的东西:table; desk; chair; drawer; white board; paper学习用品:pencil-box; red(black/ blue) ballpoint pen; ruler; rubber/ eraser; picture book 其他物品:newspaper; page; card; ball熟悉数字:1—100的基数词与1—31的序数词first, second, third, fourth, fifthsixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tentheleventh, twelfth, nineteenth, twentiethtwenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, thirtieth, thirty-first算术符号:加:plus—one plus twoadd…to—add one to two减:minus—eight minus twominus…from—minus two from eight乘:times—two times threemultiply…by—multiply two by three除:divide…into—divide six into two总数:(the) total—the total is six熟悉基本方位词:表面:on—on the box; above—above the box前面:in front of—in front of the box后面:behind—behind the box左面:left/left hand side—put the pencil on the left hand side of the pencil-box右面:right/right hand side—put the pencil on the right hand side of the pencil-box两侧:on the two sides of—on the two sides of the box下面:under—under the box中间:between—between the boxes在上方:at the top of—at the top of the paper在下方:at the bottom of—at the bottom of the paper在中间:in the middle of—in the middle of the paper右上角:in the top right hand corner—in the top right hand corner of the paper左上角:in the top left hand corner—in the top left hand corner of the paper右下角:in the bottom right hand corner--in bottom right hand corner of the paper左下角:in the bottom left hand corner—in the bottom left hand corner of the paper熟悉基本动作:打开:open—open the pencil-box关上:close—close the pencil-box翻到:turn to—turn to page 18拿出:take out/take…out of—take a pencil out of the pencil-box 放:place—place the pencil on the pencil-box放下:put down—put down the pen on the desk放入:put…into—put the pencil into the pencil-box画:draw—draw a ball on the paper写:write—write number 2 on the paper数:count—count the cards给:give-give the pen to the teacher擦:erase—erase the sun on the paperwipe out—wipe out the sun on the paper连接:link—link the two apples with a lineconnect—connect the two apples with a linejoin—join the two apples with a line祈使句型:Open"Open the box on the floor.Open the box on the desk.Open the pencil box on the desk.Close"Close the pencil box.Close the box on the desk.Close the box under the desk.Pick up"Pick up a red ruler from the box.Pick up a black pen from the big box.Pick up a piece of paper from the desk.Take out…/ Take … out ofTake out the long pen out of the box.Take two pieces of paper out of the small box.Take a piece of white chalk out of the right box.Place"Place the red pencil on the box.Now place the Coke on the chair.Place the bottle on the top of the book.Place the two pens to the right of the box.Place the book to the left of the glass of water.Then place the book to the left side of the table.Place the piece of paper to the box under the floor.Count"Count the rulers in the box.Count all the pens in the big box.Count all the rubbers in the box under the desk.Put…/ Put… back"Put the book on the box.Then put it in the big box.Put the two pens back into the box.Put the rest paper back into the box.Please put all the pencils into the box.Now put the red ball back into the small box.Put the long pen to the left of the calculator.Now put the eraser to the right side of the Coke.Put the two pieces of paper in the big box on the floor.Put the rest pieces of paper into the box on the floor/under the desk.Turn to page"Turn to page 15.Turn to the last page of the book.Draw"Draw a square on the paper.Draw a small circle above the tree.Then draw two lines under the apple.Now draw a star in the middle of the whiteboard.Draw an oblong in the top right hand side of the paper.Draw 2 oblongs on the blackboard with a piece of red chalk.Draw 3 circles in the middle of the paper with a red ball-point pen.Draw a big square and a small square on the paper with the blue pen.Draw a square at the bottom of the board and draw a triangle above it.Write/write down"Write No. 50 in the big triangle.Write your name on the left of the paper.Write down No. 15 between the two circles.Write down the number on a piece of paper.Please write 15 in the big circle and 50 in the small circle.Write the word jelly in the top left hand side of the square on the paper.Turn to the last page of the book and write the number in the middle of the paper.Write 15 and 50, then plus the 2 numbers, and write down the answer in the middle of the paper.ColorColor the 2 stars with the blue chalk.Then color the first circle with the red pencil.Color the circle in the middle with the yellow pen.Color the square on the right of the paper with the long black pen.Color the middle circle /Color the circle in the middle with the red pen.Join"Join the 2 circles on the paper.Join the squares on the board with the red marker.Join the shape you see on the paper with the long black pen.Connect"Connect the 2 oblongs with a red pencil.Connect the shapes on the whiteboard with the marker.Connect the squares on the board with a piece of white chalk.Wipe away"Wipe away the 2 stars on the board with the orange eraser.Wipe away the shape on the paper with the big eraser/rubber.EraseErase everything on the paper.Erase the picture on the whiteboard.Erase the shape on the paper with the rubber.Erase the 2 circles you drew on the board.Erase all the shapes on the board with the blue eraser.Give"Now give the cards to the teacherGive the piece of paper to the teacher.Give the rest pieces of paper to the teacher.看看说说考项说明考生根据实物对其进行描述,并说出其用途,至少5句话。
三星快听快答辅导资料 1.快听快答:这个环节是三星中最难的一个环节,因为现在的考生年龄偏小,他 们的语法知识有可能通过其它补习都已经学过了, 但是他们的知识面还是比较狭 窄的,很多初中生知道的一些天文地理知识、日常知识,乃至时事政治都部是很 清楚,并且他们的词汇量也比较少,这就导致很多考生这个环节不能。
从以往的 考试中,我们发现很多考生在回答一般疑问句时,习惯之说“Yes,”或“No.”这是 不可以的,一定要半完整的回答,也就是”Yes,I do.” No, I don’t.”那么,在家中, 家长可以扩大一些考生的知识面以弥补自己的不足之处。
考试时, 考生听到问题, 应该在 3-5 秒钟的时间内回答, 共有 8 个问题, 考生只要能答对 6 个问题就可以 通过了。
问候语,个人信息,日常对话,基本常识When, where, how long, who, want, how often, which, how, what kind of , why, how much, Do you, Can you, have you got, Does your Dad, Can your mother, Are you, Are you, Is your father. 1.What do you say when your friend introduces you his friend? Answer: "Nice to meet you." 2. What would you say if you want to help others? Answer: "May/Can I help you?" 3. What would you say if you pick up a phone? Answer: "Hello, this is … speaking." 4. What would you say when you ask somebody's name? Answer: "May I have your name?" 个人信息及日常对话 1. How many subjects do you have at school? What are they? 2. What's your address/telephone number? 3. What's your favorite color/subject/sport/…? 4. When do you start school/finish school every day? 5. How long have you lived in Shanghai? 6. Do you have a pet? What is it? 7. Do you have any lessons at weekend/on Saturday/on Sunday? 8. What would you like to be when you grow up? 9. What do you call your brother's son or daughter? 10. What do you call your mother's sister/brother? 11. What do you usually do at weekends? 12. What do you do when you are sad/happy? 13. What did you do during the National Holiday? 14. What do you want to do during the Spring Festival? 15. Spoon and chopsticks, which do you prefer to use when you eat?116. How tall are you? What's your height?/ How much do you weigh?/What's your weight? 17. Where does your father buy apples? 18. Where do you always go to have lunch? 19. How much money do you spend every day?/every month? 20. Would you like to be a fireman? 21. How can I get to the nearest post office? 22. Which do you prefer, the city life or the country life? 23. Do you mind if I smoke here/open the window? 24. Are you free on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock? 25. What drinks shall we have for dinner? 26. What kind of cake do you like to have at the birthday party? 27. What do you usually do with your mother/father/cousin/uncle/aunt/grandfather/grandmother? 28. Have you got an uncle? 29. Who play basketball the best in your class? 30. Where can I buy some frozen food? 31. Who's your favorite football/basketball player/singer/actor/actress? 32. What do you need to make a pizza? 33. Which supermarket do you usually go for shopping? 34. When is Dragon Boat Festival/Chinese New Year/Spring Festival/Mid autumn Festival/New Year Day/National Day/Children's Day/Teacher's Day /International Labor Day/Christmas 35. Why should we do exercises everyday? 36. How much sugar do we need everyday? 37. What is your pencil-case/book/pencil/schoolbag made of ? 38. What kind of book do you like best? 39. How often do you go to see concert? 40. Do you think it's necessary to see a dentist every half a year? 41. What do you do if you got a headache/stomachache/toothache? 42. How long will you spend to read a novel? 43. How often do you go out for a trip? 44. Do you like a watch cartoons? Why or why not? 45. Shall we have some drinks after dinner? Shall we buy some birthday gift for Linda? 46. How beautiful your blouse is!/ How nice your bag is! t基本常识 1. Where do we often/usually save money? 2. Do you often/always see black roses? 3. Do you often see a dolphin dance in the land? 4. Do you always see a dog with five legs?25. How many legs does a spider have?/ How many legs does an insect have? 6. How many days are there in February? 7. What season is it now?/ Which season comes after spring/summer/autumn/winter? 8. What country is near the United States of America? 9. Is Australia near China? 10. Can man live without air/water/salt/sugar/sun? 11. In which season do we see many yellow leaves on the ground? 12. In which season is swimming the most popular? 13. In which season does the wind often blow? 14. What color is the kiwi fruit/leeches/watermelon/mango inside? 15. Where do we put the kettle to boil water?( Answer: On the stove.) 16. Where do we put the wok to do some cooking?(Answer: On the stove.) 17. Susan works in a hospital. She gives medicines to her patients. That's her job? 18. How much is 15 multiply by 6? 19. What do you get if you add 32 to 20? 20. Jane has got 20 yuan. Linda has got 30 yuan. How much money have they got together? 21. Name two English songs. 22. Name two Asian/Europe country names. 23. Name two famous/well-known musicians/singers/movie stars/painters/directors. 24. Name two famous scenic spots in Shanghai/Beijing. 25. Name two Chinese sportsmen. 1. When did you start your school? 2. When do you usually go to your school in the morning? 3. What kind of sport do you like best? 4. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? 5. What would you say if you didn't finish your homework? 6. How long have you been studying English? 7. How often do you go to the theater? 8. Where did you go yesterday? 9. What are you going to do tomorrow morning? 10. What were you doing this time yesterday? 11. What is the day before yesterday? 12. What is the day after tomorrow? 13. What would you do if you have a lot of time? 14. What is your favorite subject? 15. What kind of food do you like best? 16. Which book have you read recently? 17. What do you want to do in this summer holiday? 18. Which do you prefer, studying or watching TV?319. What kind of housework do you like to do? 20. What would you do if it's raining out side? 21. How much pocket money do you have once a month? 22. How do you usually spend spring festival? 23. How much do you get if you times 2 to 3? 24. How often do you go swimming in summer? 25. You sing a song better than your classmate, don't you? 26. Which country is bigger, Canada or China? 27. Which city is going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008? 28. Which city did hold the Olympic Games in 2004? 29. Which do you prefer, have a class or go to a travel? 30. Who is your best friend?1. How long have you been playing the piano? 2. How long does it usually take you a finish your homework? 3. How long does it take your father to go to work? 4. How long does it take your mother to go to supermarket? 5. How long have you been learning harmonica? 6. How do westerners usually spend Christmas eve? 7. How do you usually spend your birthday? 8. How do you usually spend your free time? 9. How do you usually spend your weekend? 10. What's your hobby? 11. What's your favorite food? 12. What's your favorite animal? 13. What's your favorite fruit? 14. What's your favorite juice? 15. When were you born? 16. When is teacher's day? 17. When is children's day? 18. When is national day? 19. When is spring festival? 20. When is your birthday? 21. When is your father's birthday? 22. When is mother's day? 23. Are you interested in outdoor sports? 24. Are you a good student at English? 25. Are you a good kid in your parents' eye? 26. Do you like your father? 27. Do you enjoy reading long novels? 28. Do you have to go to school tomorrow? 29. Do you usually go to school by bus? 30. Do you like your music class?431. Do you always go to school by bike? 32. Does your father usually get up very early in the morning? 33. Does your mother go to work by bus? 34. Does your mother do all housework at home? 35. Who does the housework in your home? 36. Who is your best friend? 37. Who is waiting for you now? 38. Who is doing the washing now? 39. Who is the best student in your school? 40. What were you doing this time yesterday? 41. What do you think of your desk mate? 42. What do you think of the film "Harry Potter"? 43. What would you do if you had a lot of money? 44. What would you say if you broke somebody's glass? 45. What would you say if someone failed the test? (I'm sorry to hear that!) 46. What kinds of books do you like best? 47. How often do you go swimming in summer? 48. How often do you go to see your grandparents? 49. How often do you have English test at school? 50. How often does your mother go to a supermarket? 51. How often does your father go to drink? 52. How much do you get if you add 12 to 3? 53. How much do you get if you add 10 to 20? 54. How much do you get if you minus 30 from 20? 55. How much do you get if you times 2 to 3? 56. How much do you get if you times 5 to 6? 57. How much do you get if you divide 10 from 100? 58. How much do you get if you divide 5 from 20? 59. Which do you prefer, to be wealthy of healthy? 60. Which do you prefer, to be a lawyer of an accountant? 61. Which do you prefer, to learn piano or cello? 62. Which do you prefer, leeches or pineapple? 63. Which do you prefer, to go to Yu garden or the bund? 64. Which country is bigger, Canada or America? 65. Which city is bigger, Beijing or Shanghai? 66. Which river is linger, Huangpu River of yellow river? 67. Which is the tallest building in Shanghai? 68. Which city is going to hold the Olympic Games in 2008? 69. Why do you take part in this oral test? 70. Why are you here today? 71. Why are you learning English? 72. Would you mind if I open the window? (No, not at all, please go ahead.) 73. Would you mind if I turn off the radio? 74. Would you mind if I close the door?575. Would you mind if I use the washing machine? 76. Your English is very good! 77. You look great today! 78. What a beautiful hat! (Yes, I think so.) 79. Trains run faster than buses, don't they? 80. Snails run slower than kangaroos, don't they? 81. You like eggplants, don't you? 82. It's a fine day, isn't it? 83. You can swim, can't you? 84. Today isn't the coldest day in winter, is it? 85. You have an English book, don't you? 86. Name five Shanghai scenic spots! 87. Tell me the name of the person who invented the telephone! 88. The Yangtze River isn't the longest river in the world, is it? 2.听说相反:这个环节是 8 个环节比较难的一个环节,考生被基本词汇是有可能 变化的,也就是说,基本词汇的形容词是原级,但放入句子中出现的有可能是比 较级或是最高级:基本词汇中的动词应变能力的要求就比较高了,那么针对这个 情况,家长可以协助考生整理一下形容词、副词的比较级和最高级,动词的过去 式和过去分词。
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通用三星考试---口试(一)三星口试的难度比二星上一个台阶,其中牵涉到许多初中的语法,以下具体三星考试现场分析:三星设有8个项目,分别为:情景对话,朗读儿歌/故事, 看图说词, 听说相反, 听听做做, 快听快答, 看图说话, 看看说说.通过6个项目的考生可以获得三星合格证书。
若图片右下角有提示,例如看到v. 那么考生就说出一个动词。
约1分钟合格标准: 5句中对3句即通过,用“not”不得分听听做做考场里设有场景,考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列动作。
约1分钟合格标准:内容切题,表达流畅,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本准确即通过看看说说 1.考生抽签拿展示台上一个实物,进行描绘,并说出其用途。
约1分钟合格标准:表达较流畅,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本正确即通过TIPS:1. 情景对话:把握自己扮演的角色,要投入到扮演的角色中去。
2. 朗读儿歌/故事:朗读要流畅,遇到不会的生词不要害怕,也不要停顿,按语音规则读就行了。
3. 看图说词:注意画面中有文字要求单词的词性,不要混淆。
4. 听说相反:切记一定不可以加“not”来表达相反的意思。
5. 听听做做:认真听录音,一步一步完成指令,但不要有多余的动作,而且动作要尽量做的迅速。
6. 快听快答:要善于灵活回答问题,而且不要拖时间,不会的问题就让它过去,也不要请老师重复。
比如:Are you interested in outdoor sports? 回答应该是:Yes, I am (very interested in outdoor sports).7. 看图说话:认真看图片,讲一个完整的故事(一般围绕时间,地点,人物,起因,结果),做到语句基本通顺,对语法要求不会特别高,但要保持故事前后时态的一致性。
8. 看看说说:一般都涉及到日常生活息息相关的物品,比如电话,电脑,字典等,最主要要说到这个东西的用途。
9. 考试虽然没有太大压力,但要注意一些技巧:给考官留下良好的第一印象。
要有礼貌,一个鞠躬,一句“how do you do”就可以给自己加上一些印象分。
如1946,要念成”19“和”46“,读成”one nine four six"是不正确的。
(一).听听做做部分这个环节里面,孩子要掌握以下几点:1)方位词和介词:左上(top left-hand corner),左下(bottom left-hand corner),右上(top right-handcorner),右下(bottom right-hand corner),在上方(at the top of),在下方(at the bottomof),between,inon,above,below,在中间(in the middle of)等。
页turn to page画draw,写write,数count,连接(join,link,connect),涂色color,擦掉wipeout,擦erase,剪cut,折fold,拍bounce,踢kick,跳jump,走walk等3)基本图形和标点符号圆circle,长方形Oblong,正方形square,椭圆形oval,三角形triangle,五角星star,线(line),水果类(特别是三星看图说词里面的水果)苹果apple,橙子orange,草莓strawberry,荔枝lychee,樱桃cherry等,标点符号:逗号(comma),句号(fullstop),问号(question mark),感叹号(exclamation mark)4)加减乘除运算,这部分比较难,书上只有单词,现将英语表达的方法归纳一下A+B:A plus B/add A to BA-B:A minus B/take (away)B from AA*B: A times B/ multiply A by BA/B:devideAbyB/AisdevidedbyB5)基本道具:日历calendar,剪刀scissors,抽屉drawer等如果特别小的孩子,不会做乘法和除法运算,建议考试的时候把数学公式列出来,到时候可以和老师说,是不会做数学,而不是英语程度不够好考生进入考场之后,要观察一下桌上的道具或者地上的图形等,分清大小盒子,图画书,教科书等。
(三)快听快答部分三星比二星难的地方就在于增加了许多常识性的题目,现将常识题大致归纳一下:1)地理常识很多孩子没有上过地理课,没有基本的地理概念,所以家长应该这样引导孩子a)国家面积依次排序为Russia俄罗斯,Canada加拿大,China中国,USA(the united states of America)美国,知道这个排序之后,碰到所有比较大小的问题,孩子都应该会回答,譬如,Which country is bigger,Canada or USA?孩子都会回答Canada.同样的,如果是其他国家和这四个国家比,肯定是其他国家比较小,如:Which country is smaller,New Zealand or the United States?孩子就会回答NewZealand.b)各大洲和一些重要国家Asia亚洲China,Japan,Korea,Singapore,India等Europe欧洲France,Great Britain,Germany,Spain,Italy等Africa非洲Egypt,SouthAfrica等North America北美洲USA,Canada,Mexico等South America南美洲Brazil,Argentina等Oceania大洋洲Australia,NewZealand等家长也要告诉孩子,中国在亚洲,所有在亚洲的国家就会离中国比较近,其他洲就会比较远,如果能给孩子看个地球仪,孩子就会有比较深刻的认识。
去年的考试中曾经有过一道全真题:Name three countries in Europe(说出三个欧洲的国家),很遗憾,孩子因为没有这样的地理常识,所以当天这道题目几乎没有孩子回答正确。