英语服务类职业模块unit-1 - 副本

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Spell out the missing words. The first letter of
the words is already given.
1.Betty is a friendly
r_ec_ e_ _p _t i_ _on_ i_ s_ t
A: Can I help you, Madam? B: I feel a little ______. Can I have
some ______? A: Yes, sir. Here you are. B: Thanks. 英语(服务类)(职业模块)
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Do you know their workplace? Match.
restaurant hospital
A nurse An office Chefs
works in a clerk
work in a salesgir
Words and Expressions
W o r d s a n d E x p r e s s i o n s 1
Read after me!
Pre-reading Activity UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Have a discussion with your partner and tick the right workplace manners.
3. We’re closed.
4. It’s over there.
5. We’re out of that.
6. I’m new here.
7. Hold on.
英8.语Y(o服u务’r类e)w(r职o业n模g块. )
Short-answer Questions
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
A store Waiters
receptioni attendants cashier and
st works work on a works in waitresses
in a h_o_t_e_l _p_la_ne
a s_h_o__p_. work in a
英语(服务类)(职业模块) _re_s_t_a_u_ra_n_t_
h_o_s_p_i_ta_l. works in r_e_s_ta_u_r_a_n_t_. works in
a _s_h_o_p.
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
May I Have a Cup of Coffee, Please?
Short-answer Questions
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
What should you say in the following
4.The item the customer wants to buy is sold out.
C_a_n__I _g_e_t _yo_u_r__n_am__e_a_n_d__n_u_m_b_e_r_a_n_d_ call you when it comes in?
5.You are just closing the shop and a
customer comes in.
Is__th_e_r_e_s_o_m__e_th_in_g__I_c_a_n_q_u_i_c_kl_y_h_e_l_p_y_o_u__ with now?
Part I. Spell
in a small hotel.
2.Ann is 3.Tom is 4.Susan a happy making a always
c_h_ef_ c_om_ _pl_a_i s_er_v_e_s and she _n_t_ at customers
always the front with a smiles. desk. smile.
What should you say in the following situations?
1.The customer is not satisfied with your service.
_I _a_p_o_lo_g_iz_e__/I_’m__s_o_rr_y_. ____________
2.You don’t know anything about the product the customer wants to buy.
3.The customer has made a mistake and complains about your service.
I_th_i_n_k_t_h_e_re__h_a_s_b_e_e_n_a__m_i_s_u_n_d_e_rs_t_an_d_i_n_g_. 英语(服务类)(职业模块)
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Avoid Negative Customer Service Phrases
Some sayings retailers should avoid:
1. I don’t know.
2. I can’t do it any better.
(A flight attendant is serving a passenger.) Flight attendant: May I help you, sir? Passenger: I’d like something to drink. Flight attendant: Certainly. We have tea, coffee, fruit juice, Cola and water. Passenger: I’d like to have a cup of coffee. Flight attendant: Yes, sir. I’ll bring it for you. Passenger: By the way, can I have a pillow and a blanket? Flight attendant: Of course. Passenger: Thanks.
Role Play
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Practice the dialogue by using the pictures below
and see if you can say more.
sick, medicine thirsty, tea
□ wear beautiful clothes □ greet customers with a smile □ be friendly to customers □ follow customers everywhere □ make phone calls at any time □ be patient a英n语d(服k务e类)e(p职业s模m块)iling
Unit 1 Workplace Manners
Unit 1
UNIT 1 Workplace Manners
Do you know their workplace? Match.
Biblioteka Baidu
restaurant shop
hospital plane
office hotel
A hotel Flight