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I’ m Are Chinese . you English ? you from ? open / close stand put on up your hand your book
up the
after like go on this Let’ s Good
school drawing swimming
20 吃面条和米饭,不要吃汉堡。 21 每天早晨吃好早餐
tweleve o'clock half past six twenty past one twenty to eleven have English / have an English lesson
1 十二点整 2 六点半 3 一点二十 4 十点四十 5 上英语课 6 在早上/下午/晚上 7 与某人谈话 8 去上学 9 在工作日 10 起床 11 看望我的朋友 12 课间休息 13 在操场 14 去操场 15 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 16 开始上课 17 放学 18 回家 19 做作业 20 上床睡觉 1 几点了? 2 我们周一都上什么课? 3 我们8点上语文课。 4 然后我们上数学。 5 你喜欢数学吗? 是的,喜欢。 / 不,不喜欢。 我们上美术和历史课,但我们不上 数学课。
1 去买…… 2 太多的巧克力 3 对你好/不好 4 许多,大量 5 行,好吧 6 什么种类的水果? 7 好主意! 8 橘子汁怎么样
9 我们没有橘子了,所以我们买一些吧。 We have not got any oranges , so let us get some . 10 不买可乐! 11 我们为你妈妈买一些咖啡吧。 12 我们有许多苹果。 13 我们没有肉了。 你们有鸡肉吗? 14 是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。 15 她有一些糖果。 Module 14 红薯 15 孩子们的健康饮食 16 有点累 17 吃合适的事物并要保持健康。 18 多喝美味的鸡汤 记住这句话很重要:吃得好,保持 健康,不发胖。 4 Unit 2
go shopping for…… too much chocolate be good / bad for you lots of aii right What kind of fruit ? Good idea ! How about some orange juice ?
1 在一个公交车站 2 在那家剧院 3 在同一家医院 4 一位旅店经理
6 她是一所学校的英语老师。 7 我叔叔是一个演员。
school 重点单词、短语
how many a lot of a map of the world an office building at the front of in front of on my right on the right of the science building near the school gate between the dining hall and the sports hall some science labs forty computer rooms a classroom building with twenty-four classrooms
Baidu Nhomakorabea
6 我明白了。 7 这是谁? 8 那是我爸爸。
9 在 Paul 前面的男孩和女孩是谁? Who are the boy and the girl in front of Paul ? 10 那是 Paul 的儿子和女儿。 11 我爸爸的父母在右边。 Unit 2
at bus startion at the theatre at the same hospital a hotel manager = a manager of a hotel My father works in a police station . My father's job is at the police station . She is an English teacher at a school . My uncle is an actor . These are Paul’ s son and daughter . My father’ s parents are on the right .
1 多少 2 许多 3 一张世界地图 4 一个办公楼 5 在…的前部(内部) 6 在…的前部(外部) 7 在我的右边 8 在科学楼的右边 9 在学校大门附近 10 在餐厅和体育馆之间 11 一些科学实验室 12 四十个电脑房 13 一个有24间教室的教学楼 Module 3 My school 重点句子
预 备 级 重 点 短 语 句 子 1 打开/合上 你的书。 2 起立 3 举起你的手 4 在黑板上 5 放学后 6 喜欢画画 7 去游泳 8 在星期三 9 今天下午 10 我们打篮球去吧。 11 好主意。 12 你最喜欢的运动是什么? 13 秋天的天气怎么样? 14 今天星期几? 15 这部电话什么颜色? 16 请你把它再说一遍好吗? 17 不客气。 18 用英语说这是什么? 19 请把它写在你的书上。 20 你会拼写“pencil”吗? 21 你怎样拼写“brown”? 22 你的电话号码是多少? 23 现在该走了。 Module 1 重 点 短 语 和 句 子
colour you say
again , please ?
You’ re What’ s Write Can How it
welcome . this in in your English ? book , please .
you do
spell " pencil " ? you spell " brown " ? telephone go now . number ?
14 你在英国的教室是什么样子的? 15 它真的很大。 16 你的教室里有什么? 17 你班有多少学生? 18 我班有三十名学生
What's your classroom in England like ? It's really big . What's in your classroom ? How many students are there in your class ? There are thirty students in my class . Is there a lot of furniture ? Yes , there is .
sweet potatoes healthy food and drink for children a bit tired Eat the right food and be healthy . Have lots of delicious chicken soup ! It is important to remember : eat well , stay healthy , and do not get fat ! Eat noodles or rice , not hamburgers . Hav a good breakfast every morning . Yes , we have . /No , we have not She has got some cendy . No cola ! Let us get some coffee for your mum . We have lots of apples We have not got any meate . Have you got any chicken ?
Wednesday afternoon play idea your the is favourite weather it is it sport ? like in autumn ? basketball
What’ s What’ s What What Can
today ? the telephone ?
What’ s It’ s
your to
1 我是中国人。 2 你是英国人吗? 3 你从哪来? 4 我从大连来。 5 你呢? 6 游泳怎么样? 7 我十二岁。 8 欢迎到七年四班。 9 北京是中国的首都。 10 见到你很高兴。 11 他不在我班。 12 一座很大的城市 13 英国的一座小城市
Where I’ m What What I’ m
—— 有许多家具吗?
—— 是的,有。
——在每个人的书桌上都有电脑吗? Are there computers on everyone's desk ?
21 在教室的墙上有一些画吗? 22 图书馆在操场的左边。 23 在学校中间是一个大操场。
No . There are't . Are there any pictures on the classroom walls ? The library is on the left of the playground . In the middle of the school is a big playground .
city . in England .
14 托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name .
Module Unit 1
1 紧挨着她的那个妇女 2 这是一张 Tony 的家庭照片。 3 这是你的家庭吗?是的,它是。 4 多么大的一个家庭啊!
in the morning / afternoon / evening talk with sb. / talk to sb. go to school on weekdays get up see my friends have a break in the playground go to the playground have breakfast / have lunch / have dinner start lessons finish school go home do one's homework go to bed What's the time ? What are our lessons on Monday ? What lessons do we have on Monday ? We have Chinese at eight o'clock . Then we have maths . Do you like maths ? yes , I do . /No , I don't . We have art and history , but we don't have maths .
Dalian . you ? swimming ? years Class old . Four of Grade China . Seven .
about about twelve to the
Welcome Beijing is
Good to see you. / Nice to see you. It’ s nice to meet you . He a a is very small not big city in my class .
the woman next to her This is a photo of Tony’ s family . —— Is this your family ? What a big family ! —— Are these your grandparents ? —— Yes , they are . I see . Who’ s this ? That’ s my dad . —— Yes , it is .