

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第37练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第37练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:heavy young appearance blankboot confused muscular clothingdark delighted doubtful dresselderly fair ugly smoothsweater beard blouse elegant短语扫描:buildup树立;逐步建立;增强heavytraffic拥挤的交通ringoff挂断电话ringup打电话(给)beseriousabout对……很认真judgebyappearance以貌取人beofaverageheight中等个头below/above average低于/超过平均水平onaverage平均;一般地[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.Itwasthepresident’ssecondpublic________(appear) todate. 2.Hemadeeffortstomovethe________(heavily) furniture.3.This________(cloth) sellswelltotheteenagemarket.4.Foratimeitseemed________(doubt) thathewouldmoveatall. 5.Walkingthroughthedeepsnowinmyhigh________(boot),Ifinallyreachedthefarmhouse. 6.Sportscanbuild________ourbodies.7.I’mafraidI’llhavetoring________.Someoneiscallingme.8.________averagewereceivefiveletterseachday. 9.Itistimenowforustogetdowntobusinessandbeserious________this.10.Don’tbuild________goingabroadthissummerbecausewemaynothaveenoughmoney.阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2016·山东潍坊一中期初)Americansusemanyexpressionswiththeworddog.PeopleintheUnitedStateslovetheirdogsandtreatthe mwell.Theytaketheirdogsforwalks,letthemplayoutsideandgivethemgoodfoodandmedicalcare.However,dogswithoutownerstocareforthemleadadifferentkindoflife.Theexpression,toleadadog’slife,describesapersonwhohasanunhappylife.Somepeoplesayweliveinadog-eat-dogworld.Thatmeansmanypeoplearecompetingforthesamethings,likegoodjobs.Theysaythattobesuccessful,apersonhastoworklikeadog.Thismeanstheyhavetoworkvery,veryhard.Suchhardworkcanmakepeopledog-tired.And,thesituationwouldbeevenworseiftheybecamesickasadog.Still,peoplesayeverydoghasitsday.Thismeansthateverypersonenjoysasuccessfulperiodduringhisorherlife. Tobesuccessful,peopleoftenhavetolearnnewskills.Yet,somepeoplesaythatyoucanneverteachanolddognewtricks.Theybelievethatolderpeopledonotliketole arnnewthingsandwillnotchangethewaytheydothings. Somepeoplearecomparedtodogsinbadways.Peoplewhoareunkindoruncaringcanbedescribedasmean erthanajunkyarddog.Junkyarddogsliveinplaceswherepeoplethrowawaythingstheydonotwant.Butme andogsareoftenusedtoguardthisproperty.Theybarkorattackpeoplewhotrytoentertheproperty.Howeve r,sometimesapersonwhoappearstobemeanandthreateningisreallynotsobad.Wesayhisbarkisworsethanhisbite.Dogexpressionsalsoareusedtodescribetheweather.Thedogdaysofsummerarethehottestdaysoftheyear .Arainstormmaycooltheweather.Butwedonotwantittoraintoohard.Wedonotwantittoraincatsanddogs. 1.Whatdoesthepassagemainlydiscuss?A.Dogsinourdailylives.B.Expressionswithdogs.C.TheroledogsplayinAmerica.D.AttitudeoftheAmericancitizenstodogs.2.Whatdoes“dog-tired”describeinthepassage? A.Describeaverysuccessfulperson. B.Describethedogsthatareverytiredafteralongwalk. C.Describearainyandcloudyweather. D.Describetheheavydegreeofexhaustionofpeopleafterlongtimework. 3.Howarepeoplecomparedtodogsinbadways?A.Bymeandogsandjunkyarddogs.B.Bylazydogsandbaddogs.C.Bysickdogsandtireddogs.D.Noneofthemisright.B(2017·山西长治二中、沂州一中、临汾一中、康杰中学、晋城一中联考) DOGSDRIVECARAuckland,NewZealandAftertwomonthsoflearning,MontyandPorterwereabletodriveanautomobilearoundaracetrack.“Wewantedtoprovehowsmartresc uedogsare,”animalbehavioristMarkVettesays.Vettefirstusedvoicecommandsandtreatstoteachthe dogshowtoturnasteeringwheelandhowtochangegear(换挡).Thedogs’rideonlyacceleratedupto7.5milesanhour,andtrainerscouldstoptheautousingaremotecontrol.GOLDENZEBRAKailua-Kona,HawaiiZoethezebra’smarkingsarespecial.Theanimalhaswhiteandgoldenstripes.Zoe’sappearanceresulte dfromarareconditioncalledamelanosis(黑素缺失症).Herbodydoesn’tmakeenoughmelanin,thesubstanceinananimal’sskinandhaircellsthatproducescolor.“Only25othergoldenzebrasarekno wntoexistintheworld,”saysAnnGoody,whorunsthewildliferefugewhereZoelives.Inthewild,lifemaybedifficultforanimalswithamelanosisbecausepredators(捕猎者)caneasilyspotthem.ButZoeisprotectedatherrefuge.COCKATOOMAKESTOOLSVienna,Austria WhenFigarothecockatoospotsfoodlyingjustoutofreachfromhiscage,hebuildsatinywoodentooltosweepthetastyprizeinhisway. Thebirdfirstrevealedhistalentwhenastonehewasplayingwithrolledoutofhiscage.Thecockatoocouldn ’treachthestone.Soheflewawayandreturnedwithasmallbranch,slippingitthroughthefencetoslidethestonetowardhim.Wonderingifhewoulddoitagain,scientistsplacedanutexactlywherethestonehadbeen.Thistime,Figaropulledoutasmallpieceofwoodinhiscageanddraggedthenuttowardhim. 4.IfZoethezebraissetfreeinthewild,shewill________.A.meetnonaturalpredatorsB.notgetalongwithotherzebrasC.managetomakeenoughmelaninD.beeasilyfoundforherappearance5.What’sspecialaboutFigarothecockatoo?A.He’sparticularabouthisfood.B.He’sextremelyfondofstones.C.He’sgoodatdrawingsupportfromoutsideforces. D.Hecantellthedifferencebetweenstonesandnuts.6.Whatisthetextmainlyabout?A.Amazinganimals.B.Waystohelpanimals.C.Animals’uniquetalents.D.Tipsontraininganimals.Ⅱ.七选五HowtoCareforYourEars?Earsnotonlyletushear,buttheyalsoplayaroleinmaintainingourbalance,whichisvitaltoourabilitytofunctionindailylife.Yet,weignorethem.Wecan’tevenseeourears,exceptinamirror.Wetakeitforgrantedwhattheydoforusdayinanddayout—untilwenoticesomethingwro ng,suchaswhenanearachestrikesorwhenwestarthavingtoaskpeopletorepeatwhattheysay.__7__◆Cleanyourearwithawashcloth—coveredfingeronly. Neverputanythinginsideyourearcanal,includingcottonswabs(药签).__8__◆Leaveearwax(耳垢)alone.Waxisyourear’swayofeliminating(消除) anythingforeignthatgetsintotheearcanal.__9__Ifyoufindyouhavetoomuchearwax,useafewdropsofearwaxremover(去除剂) inthecanal.Afterafewminutes,washtheearwithwarmwater.◆Avoidnoisyplaces. Rockconcertsandconstructionsitesarejustafewplacesthatfrequentlyhavenoiselevelsthatcandamageh earing.Anyplacewhereyouhavetoshouttobeheardshouldbeavoided.◆__10__BecarefulnottoplayMP3tooloud,especiallyifusingearphones.◆Becarefulwithillnessandmedications.Respiratory(呼吸的) illnessesshouldbetreatedtoavoidtheirspreadtotheears.Certainmedicationscandamagehearing,sofollowthedirectionscarefullybeforetakingthem. Seeyourdoctorifyousufferfromsuddenhearinglossorhearnoisesinyourhead.__11__ A.Mostpeopledon’tneedtocleanwaxoutoftheirears.B.Insuchcase,gotoseeadoctorassoonaspossible. C.Thesecanbesymptomsofaseriousillnesswhichneedstobetreated. D.Thisarticlewillshowyouhowtocareforyourears.E.Turnthevolumedown.F.AvoidusingearphoneswhilelisteningtoMP3.G.Yourearcanalisverynarrow,andaswabcandamageit.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.appearance 2.heavy 3.clothing 4.doubtful 5.boots6.up7.off8.On9.about10.on/upon阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解语篇解读本文属于文化说明文,介绍了一些与dog有关的英语短语并解释了这些短语的1.B[主旨大意题。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第50练 含答

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第50练 含答

高考高频单词与短语识记排查Ⅰ.语境填词1.After several delays,he (final) set out at 8 o’clock.2.Animal scientists have been studying these monkeys for (数十年).3.But the benefits of these moves will not be (immediately).4.The (recently) flooding in the south was a disaster.5.This morning I (经过) the store on my way to the library.Ⅱ.单项填空6.—Could I use this dictionary?—.It’s a spare one.(2014·江西,21)A.Good idea B.Just go aheadC.You’re welcome D.You’d better not7.This meeting room is a non-smoking area.I would like to warn you that if you smoked here you would be fined.(2015·湖北,30)A.in advance B.in detailC.in total D.in general8.At no time the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish them.A.they actually brokeB.do they actually breakC.did they actually breakD.they had actually broken9.I do not intend to follow that,because we shall have an opportunity to do so on another .A.occasion B.situationC.condition D.environment10.To make it more convenient for people to visit Taiwan,several air services from the mainland have come into use.A.reliable B.permanentC.regular D.frequent阅读能力专练阅读理解A(2016·浙江丽水中学三模)Before 1840 architects and builders made buildings from stone,brick,or wood.The outside walls held up the weight of the building.A building that had more than a few stories became very heavy.A tall building,such as a castle,had very thick walls.As time went by,architecture began to change.By 1850 builders had begun to use a metal called iron for the fronts of some large buildings.Iron is lighter than stone and stronger than wood.People dig raw iron from the ground,but raw iron is not enough to use in buildings.Builders must use another type of iron called an alloy.An alloy is a metal that contains different metals and other compounds,or mixtures of chemicals.The metals and compounds are melted and mixed together to form the alloy.To make an iron alloy,workers use a blast furnace.This machine creates great heat.It has a tall chamber that islined with brick and open at the top.Workers put limestone,raw iron,and coke (a substance made from coal) into the top of the furnace.They force hot air into the bottom of the furnace.The hot air and a chemical reaction turn the materials into a liquid mass.Workers pour off waste liquid,called slag,and save the iron.Then they form the hot iron into large blocks called pigs,which can be formed into objects.This formed iron is called cast iron.Cast iron is strong,but it still contains unwanted materials.People wanted to remove these impurities.To do this,they needed to heat the iron to very high temperature.Blast furnaces could not make that much heat.In England in 1855,Sir Henry Bessemer found the solution.He forced air through liquid pig iron.The oxygen in the air mixed with the impurities in the iron in a process called oxidation.Oxidation creates heat.The heat turns impurities into slag,which is poured off so that only pure steel remains.Pure steel is much stronger than iron.The Bessemer process took place in an egg-shaped machine called a converter.With this process,workers began to make large amounts of steel quickly and cheaply.By the late 1800s,many people lived in big cities.The price of land increased,one way builders could lower costs was to build taller buildings,which used less land.In Chicago in 1889,George A.Fuller completed the Tacoma Buildings,which had steel beams to hold up its weight.Soon people built more tall buildings with 10 to 20 stories.These were the first skyscrapers.1.Alloys are important because they .A.have no impuritiesB.are the raw materials that people use to make ironC.may be more useful than the separate metals in the alloyD.contain different metals2.The Bessemer process was a success because it produced .A.iron from steelB.steel quickly and cheaplyC.less slag than a blast furnaceD.impurities in the iron3.Sir Henry Bessemer probably .A.avoided difficult problemsB.created slag into pure steelC.was not familiar with metals such as steelD.knew how to make cast iron4.From the article,you can conclude that architects throughout history .A.thought carefully about materials when they designed buildingsB.could not design creative buildings until steel was inventedC.disliked stone,brick,and woodD.liked to design tall buildings5.Which of the statements below expresses the main idea of the article?A.Discoveries about iron and steel have allowed people to build taller buildings.B.Sir Henry Bessemer developed a process to make steel.C.Architects use many kinds of materials in buildings.D.Changes about designing building.B(2016·天津市和平区四模)When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor named Dr.Gibbs.He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known.He never yelled at us for playing in his yard.I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than most of the adults in our community.When Dr.Gibbs wasn’t saving lives,he was planting trees.His house sat on ten acres,and his life’s goal was to make it a forest.The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant care and growth.He never watered his new trees,which flew in the face of conventional wisdom.Once I asked why.He said that watering plants spoiled them so that each successive tree generation would grow weaker and weaker.So you have to make things rough for them and weed out(淘汰) the weaker trees early on.He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots,and how trees that weren’t watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture.I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.So he never watered his trees.He planted an oak and,instead of watering it every morning,he beat it with a rolled-up newspaper.Smack!Slap! Pow! I asked him why he did that,and he said it was to get the tree’s attention.Dr.Gibbs passed away a couple of years after I left home.Every now and again,I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I’d watched him plant some twenty-five years ago.They’re extremely tall,big and robust since they have deep roots now.However,the trees in my garden trembled in a cold wind although I had watered them for several years.It seems that adversity(逆境) and suffering benefit these trees in ways comfort and ease never could.I stood there deep in thought.Every night before I go to bed,I check on my two sons.I stand over them and watch their little bodies,the rising and falling of life within.I often pray for them.Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy.But I think that it’s time to change my prayer(祷词) because now I know mychildren are going to encounter hardship.6.According to Dr.Gibbs’ theories,trees will become weaker if they .A.are lack of care B.are wateredC.are weeded out D.are beaten7.According to Para.3 and Para.4,we can infer that Dr.Gibbs’motto(座右铭) may be .A.“Seeing is believing”B.“Put everything in proper use”C.“Practice makes perfect”D.“No pain,no gain”8.The underlined word “robust” in Para.5 most probably means “”.A.strong B.strangeC.deep D.old9.Which of the following may be the author’s best prayer for his two sons now?A.I wish them strong wings,with which they can fly higher and touch the sky.B.I wish them nice fortune so that they can meet people like Dr.Gibbs in the future.C.I wish them deep roots into the earth since the rains fall and the winds blow often.D.I wish them great shades under the tree since the sunlight is always sharp and bitter. 10.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?A.A Nice DoctorB.The Deep RootsC.Adversity and SufferingD.My Childhood Memory答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰ.1.finally 2.decades 3.immediate 4.recent 5.passedⅡ.6.B[考查情景交际。



[跟踪训练]Ⅰ.语境填词1.Myfriendwas________(饿的),sowedrovetoashoppingmalltogetsomefood. 2.Theywillcomplain________(bitter) thatthisisprotectionism,butsowhat? 3.Eatingtoomuch________(fry) foodisbadforourhealth. 4.Maryfinallyordered________(咖啡) forherselfandHelen. 5.Meanwhile,________(hot) thetomatoesandoilinapan.Ⅱ.单项填空6.I’mreally________thisweather—whycan’titbesunnyforachange?A.fedupto B.fedonC.fedto D.fedupwith7.Peopleoftenmixhimup________hisbrother.A.with B.inC.to D.at8.—Wouldyoulikesomemorechicken?—No,thanks.Iam________adietandI’mtryingto________weight.A.on;lose B.on;putonC.in;have D.in;lose9.—Whynotgoouttohaveateaoverthebreak?—________.A.No.Ihaven’tgotanychangeB.No.I’mreallynotinthemoodC.No.I’mnotthirstyD.No.It’smytreatthistime10.Harryisfeelinguncomfortable.He________toomuchatthepartylastnight.A.coulddrink B.shoulddrinkC.wouldhavedrunk D.musthavedrunkⅠ.阅读理解(2016·镇江期中)OurhousewasdirectlyacrossthestreetfromtheclinicentranceofJohnsHopkinsHospitalinBaltimore .Weliveddownstairsandrentedtheupstairsroomstopatientsattheclinic.OnesummereveningasIwaspreparingsupper,therewasaknockatthedoor.Iopenedittoseeatrulyawfullookingman.Hewashardlytallerthanmyeight-yea r-oldson.Themostshockingthingwashisface-twistedfromswelling,redandraw.Yethisvoicewaspleasantashetoldmethathecameforatreatmentthismorningfromtheeasterns hore,andtherewasnobustillmorning.He’dbeenhuntingforaroomsincenoonbutwithnosuccess.“Iguessit’smyface...Iknowitlooksterrible,butmydoctorsayswithafewmoretreatments...”ForamomentIhesitated,buthisnextwordsconvincedme:“Icouldsleepinthisrockingchairontheporch.Mybusleavesearlyinthemorning.”Itoldhimwewouldfindhimabed,buttorestontheporch.WhenIhadfinishedthedishes,Italkedwithhim.Itdidn’ttakealongtimetoseethatthisoldmanhadanoversizedheartcrowdedintothattiny body.Hetoldmehefishedforalivingtosupporthisdaughter,herfivechildren,andhiswife,whowashopelesslycrippled(残疾的) fromabackinjury.Hedidn’ttellitbywayofcomplaint.Hewasgratefulthatnopainaccompaniedhisdiseas e,whichwasapparentlyaformofskincancer.HethankedGodforgivinghimthestrengthtokeepgoing.Atbedti me,weputacampbedinthechildren’sroomforhim.WhenIgotupinthemorning,thebedlinens(床单) wereneatlyfoldedandthelittlemanwasoutontheporch.Beforeheleftforhisbus,heaskedifhecouldcomebackandstaythenexttimehehadatreatment.Itoldhimhewaswelcometocomeagai n.Onhisnexttriphearrivedalittleafterseveninthemorning.Asagift,hebroughtabigfishandthelargestoysters(牡蛎) Ihadeverseen.Iknewhisbusleftat4:00a.m.andIwonderedwhattimehehadtogetupinordertodothisforus.Intheyearshecametostayovernigh twithus,therewasneveratimethathedidnotbringusfishoroystersorvegetablesfromhisgarden.WhenIreceivedtheselittlegifts,Ioftenthoughtofacommentournext-doorneighbormadeafterheleftthatfirstmorning.“Didyoukeepthat awfullookingmanlastnight?Iturnedhimaway!Y ou can lose roomers by putting up such people!”Maybe we did lose roomers once or twice.But oh!If_only_they_could_have_known_him,perhaps_their_illnesses_would_have_been_easier_to_bear.I know ourfamilywillalwaysbegratefultohaveknownhim;fromhimwelearnedwhatitwastoacceptthebadwithoutcomplaintandthegoodwithgratitudetoGod.RecentlyIwasvisitingafriend,whohasagreenhouse,assheshowedmeherflowers,wecametothemostbeautifuloneofall,agoldenchrysanthemum(菊花),burstingwithblooms.Buttomygreatsurprise,itwasgrowinginanold,rusty(生锈的) bucket.“Iranshortofpots,”sheexplained,“andknowinghowbeautifulthisonewouldbe,Ithoughtitwouldn’tmindstartingoutinthisoldbucket.It’sjustforalittlewhile,tillIcanputitoutinthegarden.”ShemusthavewonderedwhyIlaughedsodelightedly,butIwasimaginingjustsuchasceneinheaven.“Here’sanespeciallybeautifulone,”Godmighthaves aidwhenhecametothesoulofthesweetoldfisherman.“Hewon’tmindstartinginthissmallbody.”Allthishappenedlongago—andnow,inGod’sgarden,howtallthislovelysoulmuststand.1.WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaboutthemanmentionedinthestory?A.Heisatallbutterriblelookingman.B.Hefailedtofindaroombecausenoroomwasavailable.C.Helivedatoughlifeforhehadabigfamilytosupport.D.Hesufferedalotofpainfromskincancerbuthenevercomplained.2.Thereasonwhytheauthoragreedtoletthemanspendthenightinherhouseatlastisthat________.A.hisvoicewaspleasantB.hecamefromtheeasternshoreC.shedidn’twanttoloseroomersD.hepromisednottocausemuchinconvenience3.WhatdoestheauthorwanttoshowbysayingtheunderlinedpartinParagraph5?A.Theman’sskillofcuringdiseases.B.Theman’sgreatinfluenceonothers.C.Herdeterminationtoknowhim.D.Patients’regretfornotbeingwithhim.4.Theauthor’sfamilywillbegratefultohaveknownthemanbecausehe________.A.stayedonlyovernightwiththemB.oftenbroughtpreciousgiftstothemC.paidthemalotofmoneyforhisstayingD.taughtthemhowtoacceptthebadwithoutcomplaint5.Whichofthefollowingisthebesttitleofthestory?A.TheBeautifulFlowerintheOldBucketB.TheBrokenHeartinaTinyBodyC.TheWonderfulSceneinHeavenD.TheStrangeNeighborinMyLifeⅡ.佳作背诵(饮食)请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第40练 含答案 精品

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第40练 含答案 精品

高考高频单词与短语识记排查Ⅰ.语境填词1.Frankly I can’t imagine how any (manage) could afford to get rid of it.2.They wanted to (设计) a machine that was both attractive and practical.3.(工程师) noticed that the pipes were not expanding as expected.4.The figures represent a (generally) decline in employment.5.Henry Ford had once joked that Edison was the world’s greatest (invent) and the world’s worst businessman.Ⅱ.单项填空6.People wrote letters to get in touch.Nowadays email has the way people communicate.A.conveyed B.translatedC.transformed D.exchanged7.her works has been good,but this essay is dreadful.A.In all B.In generalC.In particular D.In total8.The university started some new language programs to the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt.(2015·江苏,27)A.apply to B.cater forC.appeal to D.hunt for9.Sales director is a position communication ability is just as important as sales skills. A.which B.thatC.when D.where10.Keys Ford-Lincoln was so crowded,so they had to hire extra policemen to traffic. A.reduce B.blockC.direct D.prevent知识运用与阅读能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空(2017·黑龙江哈尔滨六中月考)After a decade at the publishing company,I was fired.I had worked so hard for so long.I was always doing my job 1 ,clawing my way up the ladder.And 2 ?Doing these things had 3 me in the end,very little of lasting value.I wondered what would happen if I let it all go—didn’t look for a job,didn’t keep my 4 ambition.My husband thought it was a great idea.“Just 5 .” he said.As a serious windsurfer,he suggested I try the sport as a path to clarity.I had windsurfed before,but only in 6 water.I didn’t like high winds.I didn’t like going fast—that was 7 .But I wanted to abandon the past.My 8 was to do nothing but readand windsurf every day.I wanted to feel the fear and do it anyway.I wanted to learn how to ride the currents,and I couldn’t think of a better way than to9 myself to the invisible,ever-shifting wind.I decided to sail at Swell City,a favorite outpost on the Washington side of the Columbia.That July 10 to be one of the windiest months on record.I grew to find that what I was doing did 11 for my standing in the world.It won me no friends.Then again,I was 12 .One day,a friend and his 15-year-old son came,and after I explained my 13 ,he said thesimplest but most profound thing: “It’s all in the 14 .” This kid had windsurfed only three times,15 he knew the secret.“If you go out there knowing you’re going to 16 it,you will,”he continued.“But if you go out there afraid you’ll get hurt,you will.” I smiled at him.Wasn’t that 17 the same problem I’d encountered in life? I’d always been terrified I wouldn’t reach the goal or 18 the job.I knew I had to let that fear go.And slowly I did.The wind wanted nothing from me.It cared not at all about my ambition or accomplishments.It 19 me that the beauty of life is in the trying.And that’s where I am: still trying for the turnaround in life and in the 20 .1.A.breathlessly B.hopelesslyC.aimlessly D.carelessly2.A.what for B.how comeC.so what D.why not3.A.encouraged B.praisedC.impressed D.earned4.A.modest B.secretC.previous D.frustrated5.A.continue B.stopC.travel D.read6.A.violent B.deepC.calm D.icy7.A.scary B.toughC.boring D.amazing8.A.promise B.jobC.regret D.plan9.A.devote B.helpC.treat D.limit10.A.turned out B.set outC.picked out D.carried out11.A.anything B.everythingC.nothing D.something12.A.satisfied B.terrifiedC.touched D.embarrassed13.A.problem B.guiltC.dream D.fantasy14.A.health B.actionC.attitude D.behavior15.A.so B.yetC.or D.for16.A.shake B.makeC.name D.serve17.A.merely B.preciselyC.approximately D.rarely18.A.lose B.quitC.offer D.land19.A.warned B.remindedC.challenged D.puzzled20.A.marriage B.familyC.sky D.windⅡ.阅读理解(2016·天津市南开区一模)An increase in students applying to study economics at university is being attributed to(归因于) the global economic crisis(危机) awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January,according to UCAS,the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at A-level were also up.Professor John Beath,the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University,said his first-year lectures—which are open to students from all departments—were drawing crowds of 400,rather than the usual 250.“There are a large number of students who are not economics majors,who would like to learn something about it.One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasn’t traditionally done,” he said.University applications rose 7% last year,but there were rises above average in several subjects.Nursing saw a 15% jump,with people’s renewed interest in careers in the public sector(部门),which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters,and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on,although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.Zack Hocking,the head of Child Trust Funds,said,“It’s possible that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation that’s financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty.”21.Professor John Beath’s lectures are.A.given in a traditional wayB.connected with the present situationC.open to both students and their parentsD.warmly received by economics22.Careers in the public sector are more attractive because of their.A.greater stability B.higher payC.fewer applications D.better reputation23.In the opinion of most parents,.A.economics should be the focus of school teachingB.more students should be admitted to universitiesC.the teaching of financial matters should be strengthenedD.children should solve financial problems themselves24.According to Hocking,the global economic crisis might make the youngsters .A.wiser in money managementB.have access to better equipmentC.confident about their future careersD.get jobs in Child Trust Funds25.What’s the main idea of the text?A.Universities have received more applications.B.Economics is attracting an increasing number of students.C.College students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty.D.Parents are concerned with children’s subject selection.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰ.1.manager 2.design 3.Engineers 4.general5.inventorⅡ.6.C[句意为:过去人们通过写信相互联系,而如今电子邮件改变了人们的交流方式。

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第53练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第53练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:ahead daily finally futurelast moment pass sometimesusually decade eventually forever frequently gradually immediately nowadays recently regular instant lately短语扫描:atatime一次;同时attimes有时atnotime绝不;从不bytheendof在……结束时;到……末为止dayinanddayout天天foratime/while暂时;一会儿from...on从……起inadvance提前;预先onoccasion有时;偶尔uptonow到目前为止[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.Afterseveraldelays,he________(final) setoutat8o’clock. 2.Animalscientistshavebeenstudyingthesemonkeysfor________(decade).3.Butthebenefitsofthesemoveswillnotbe________(immediately).4.The________(recently) floodinginthesouthwasadisaster. 5.ThismorningI________(pass) thestoreonmywaytothelibrary.6.Weplayfootballintheplayground________times.7.Iwillhavelearntfivehundredwords________theendofthismonth. 8.Theteamtraineddayinandday________foramonth.9.Ifyoupay________advance,youwillreceiveadiscount.10.Imeethim________occasionatthecluborinthetheatre.语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空(2017·贵州遵义航天高级中学模拟)Ihaveforgottenthenameoftheoldlady,whowasacustomeronmynewspaperroute.Yetit__1__inmymemorythatshetaughtmealessonin__2__t hatIshallneverforget.Onawinterafternoon,afriendandIwere__3__stonesontotheroofoftheoldlady’shousenearhergarden.The__4__wastoobser vehowthestoneschangedtomissiles(导弹) asthey__5__totheroof’sedgeand1.A.fails B.fades C.impresses D.remains2.A.forgivenessB.value C.honesty D.gratefulness3.A.collecting B.putting C.throwing D.placing4.A.subject B.theme C.topic D.object5.A.shot B.rolled C.got D.dropped fellintotheyardlikecomets(彗星) fallingfromthe__6__.Ifoundmyselfaperfectlysmoothrockandthrewit.Thestonewastoo__7__,however,soitslippedfrommyhandasIletitgoandheadedstraightforasmall__8__.Atthesoundofbrokenglass,weknewwewerein__9__.Weranfasterthananyofourstonesflewoffherroof.Iwastoo__10__aboutgettingcaughtthatfirstnighttobe__11__abouttheoldladywiththebrokenwindowi nwinter.__12__,afewdayslater,whenIwassurethatIhadn’tbeendiscovered,Istartedtofeel__13__forhertrouble.ShestillgreetedmewithasmileeachdaywhenIgaveherthenewspape r,butIwasnolongerabletoact__14__whenseeingher.IdecidedthatIwouldsavemypaperdeliverymoney,andinthreeweeksIhadthesevendollarsthatIthoughtwould__15__thecostofherwindowandsentittoheri nanenvelope.Thenextday,I__16__theoldladyherpaper.Shethankedmeforthepaperandgavemeabagofbiscuitsshehadmadehersel f.Ithankedherandatethebiscuits__17__Icontinuedmyroute.Afterseveralcookies,Ifeltanenvelopeandpulleditoutofthe__18__.WhenIopenedtheenvelope,Iwas__19__.Insidewerethesevendollarsandashortnotethat__20__,“I’mproudofyou.”6.A.earth B.ocean C.sky D.universe7.A.smooth B.square C.heavy D.beautiful8.A.ceiling B.door C.chimney D.window9.A.danger B.trouble C.surprise D.comfort10.A.scared B.excited C.disappointed D.confused11.A.frightenedB.depressed C.puzzled D.concerned12.A.However B.Therefore C.Besides D.Furthermore13.A.honored B.guilty C.pleased D.pressed14.A.proud B.active C.comfortable D.energetic15.A.include B.increase C.cover D.mend16.A.handed B.turned C.passed D.sent17.A.because B.where C.since D.as18.A.paper B.pocket C.bag D.wallet19.A.annoyed B.surprised C.amused D.delighted20.A.attached B.said C.told D.wroteⅡ.语法填空(2017·甘肃兰州一中月考) Itissuggestedthatextinctanimalscanpossiblycomebacktolifethroughcloningsometimes,but21.________(fortune),thisiseitherimpossible22.________unsuitable.Thereasonsareasfollows:23.________isrequiredisthatyouneedperfectDNAandenough24.________(diverse) inthegrouptoovercomeillnesses,whichmeanshavinganimalswiththeirgenes25.________(arrange)indifferentways.Theadvantageis26.________ifthereisanewillnesssomeoftheseanimalsmaydie,butotherswillsurvive.Asuitablehabitatwould27.________(need) fortheextinctanimalstoleadanaturallife,soitwouldbe28.________(fair) tocloneanyofthemiftheyweretoliveinazoo.29.________(base) onthereasonsabove,wearealongwayfrombeingabletocloneextinctanimals,sothechanceofdinosaurseverreturningtotheearthis30.________(mere) adream.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.finally 2.decades 3.immediate 4.recent 5.passed6.at7.by8.out9.in10.on语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空语篇解读本文作者主要向我们讲述了小时候的一件小事对他的深远影响。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第30练 含答案 精品

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第30练 含答案 精品

高考高频单词与短语识记排查Ⅰ.语境填词1.The UN would play a major role in (monitor) a ceasefire(停火).2.Newspapers seized on the results as proof that (globe) warming wasn’t really happening.3.Li ming (发邮件) me to say he couldn’t come.4.The (calculate) was difficult,but we finally worked it out.5.We are particularly grateful to him for his (time) help.Ⅱ.单项填空6.Some students are so with the computer game that it’s affecting their studies.A.addicted B.obsessedC.absorbed D.devoted7.Come and see me whenever .A.you are convenientB.you will be convenientC.it is convenient to youD.it will be convenient to you8.—My phone was and I didn’t realize it until this morning.—No wonder I couldn’t get through last night.A.out of date B.out of placeC.out of order D.out of reach9.The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent at the end of last March.A.has been launched B.having been launchedC.being launched D.to be launched10.The lovely boy likes to with his friends on the Internet.A.see B.sayC.share D.chat阅读能力与写作能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解(2016·天津市河北区二模)In 1997,a London researcher came up with a startling idea on how humans would live in the future.Professor Michael Batty,a widely known urban planner,summed it up in one phrase—“The Computable City”.By 2050,he says,there will be a convergence(集中) of computers and communication technologies,with highways and smart buildings connected via the Internet in new kinds of vast information infrastructures(基础设施).“Everything around us will be some form of computer,” he wrote.Take the old Spanish port city of Santander as an example.After an £11 million grant in 2011,over 12,000 sensors(传感器) have been set up,recording everything from air pollution levels to free parking spaces.Streetlights now automatically get dark when no one is around,while rubbish bins give notice to collectors when they’re full.These advances save local authorities about 25% on electricity bills and 20% on waste management.In a smart city,the information being produced is vast.Some experts estimate that by 2016 we will provide 4.1 terabytes(兆兆字节) of information per day per square kilometer of urban land area,which equals more than four average home computer hard drives.But the Santander centre’s purpose is not just to serve the local government.It also makes this sensor data freely available to Santander citizens themselves.Via their smart phones,citizens can access up-to-the-minute information on everything from local traffic jams,parking spaces to pollen counts(花粉量).Other smart city projects are even more diverse.In Norway,for example,more than 40,000 bus stops for local transport company Kolumbus are already making scheduled announcements via Twitter.Passengers can also scan a type of two-dimensional barcode(二维码) with their smart phones,which can be seen at each stop and leave messages about their experiences.While in Boston,a system called ShotSpotter is using acoustic sensors to find out the location of gunshots quickly,helping the police reduce crime.1.We can learn from the first paragraph that the computable city .A.is a highly informational cityB.is a city where computers are seldom usedC.refers to a city someone describes in a novelD.refers to a city where everything is automatically controlled2.The underlined word “grant” is closest in meaning to “”.A.imaginary project B.money aidC.special permit D.policy support3.According to the passage,in the smart city Santander .A.there is much less air pollutionB.home computers are not needed any moreC.rubbish bins can deal with waste by themselvesD.people can get the newest information on smart phones4.When you travel in a smart city,what can help record and keep your experiences?A.All the bus stops.B.The acoustic sensors.C.Your smart phones.D.The local government.5.What would be the best title for this passage?A.Smart Cities in ActionB.Automatic StreetlightsC.The Santander CentreD.Information InfrastructureⅡ.阅读表达(2016·天津市滨海新区六所重点学校联考)16-year-old Laresce Brown has become the strongest schoolgirl in the UK.She says her success is due to a joint condition,which used to engender great pain.Laresce has six British and World Champion power-lifting records under her belt.Yet until just two years ago,a condition called hypermobility left her in so much pain that she was unable to take part in sport.Rather than letting her illness limit her life,Laresce took inspiration from her father,and began weight-lifting.This put an end to her pain,and she became a champion in her field.Laresce loves to dance and she was a keen Morris dancer at the age of eleven.After that,she had to face daily pain in her knees,elbows and hands.She was forced to miss several days of school each month,due to pain and the lack of sleep that caused.However,she is now effectively cured,since taking up the sport of power-lifting 18 months ago.Laresce’s position as Britain’s strongest power-lifter for her age is down to her spirit and determination.To ensure her success,Laresce must train for eight hours a week.“I really enjoyed the feeling of power I got and the excitement of people encouraging me to do my best.Becoming a champion was a big surprise—I just started off for fun and I was not expecting anything.So to win six titles was amazing,” she said.Laresce’s father said,“Being the father of such a high-achieving teen,I couldn’t be more proud.She’s truly the apple of my eye and has worked so hard to be where she is today.She’s made us all so happy,and I feel we all enjoy a bright future together thanks to her.”6.What does the underlined word “engender” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(1 word) 7.What achievements has Laresce got?(No more than 8 words)8.What helped her defeat the illness?(No more than 8 words)9.Why did she think winning six titles was amazing?(No more than 15 words)10.What do you think of Laresce Brown?(No more than 25 words)Ⅲ.佳作背诵(家庭、朋友与周围的人)自微信开发了红包电子支付以来,电子红包开始在中国手机用户中流行开来。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第28练 含答案 精品

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第28练 含答案 精品

高考高频单词与短语识记排查[跟踪训练]Ⅰ.语境填词1.She is mixing the (mix) of flour and water.2.A cheap table can be (改变) by an interesting cover.3.He invented a lot of things in his life,and his (invent) changed the way people lived. 4.He was back in the office,(更新) the work schedule on the computer.5.He (预言) that an earthquake was coming.Ⅱ.单项填空6.Traditional exercises like sit-ups,press-ups and pull-ups are great for strengthening the body,you do them properly.(2016·江苏南京、盐城一模)A.since B.unlessC.providing D.considering7.You can’t use the machine today because some parts this week.A.are replaced B.are being replacedC.have replaced D.are replacing8.It’s important for the figures regularly.A.to be updated B.to have been updatedC.to update D.to have updated9.—He wants to be a great painter one day.—His dream will sooner or later.A.come true B.realizeC.come out D.publish10.I hope that full advantage is of our library.A.made B.claimedC.taken D.brought知识运用与阅读能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空(2017·广西桂林十八中月考)Washoe is a young chimpanzee.She is no 1 chimpanzee,though.Scientists are doing a research 2 her.They want to see how civilized she can 3 .Already she does many things a human being can do.For example,she has been learning how to exchange 4 with people.The scientists are teaching her 5 language.When she wants to be picked 6 ,Washoe points up with one finger.She rubs her teeth with her finger 7 she wants to brush her teeth.This is done after everymeal.Washoe has also been 8 to think out and find answers to problems.Once she was put in a 9 with food hanging from the ceiling.It was too high to 10 .After she considered the 11 ,she got a tall box to stand 12 .The food was still too high to be reached.Washoe found a 13 pole.Then she climbed onto the 14 ,grasped the pole,and 15 down the food with the pole.Washoe 16 like a human,too.The scientists keep her in a fully furnished house.After a hard 17 in the laboratory,she goes home. 18 she plays with her toys.She 19 enjoys watching television before going to bed.Scientists hope to 20 more about people by studying our closest relative—chimpanzee. 1.A.foolish B.ordinaryC.special D.simple2.A.for B.byC.to D.on3.A.experience B.changeC.develop D.become4.A.actions B.viewsC.messages D.feelings5.A.sign B.humanC.spoken D.foreign6.A.out B.atC.on D.up7.A.when B.untilC.since D.while8.A.raised B.trainedC.ordered D.led9.A.cave B.zooC.room D.museum10.A.pull B.seeC.eat D.reach11.A.problem B.positionC.food D.ceiling12.A.by B.onC.up D.with13.A.straight B.strongC.long D.big14.A.wall B.boxC.ceiling D.pole15.A.knocked B.pickedC.took D.shook16.A.lives B.actsC.thinks D.plays17.A.task B.lessonC.day D.time18.A.Here B.ThereC.So D.Then19.A.quite B.alreadyC.even D.still20.A.observe B.discoverC.gain D.learnⅡ.阅读理解(2016·天津市河东区一模)Researchers around the world have been trying their hand at making better use of the huge amount of wind energy available in nature to produce clean energy.Apart from this,studies are being carried out to harness(利用) usable wind energy produced by man-made technologies.One useful source identified by Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan about two years ago is a speeding train,which produces fierce wind that can be transformed into electricity.According to Pradhan’s proposal,with a few small improvements in existing trains running in Mumbai,the largest city in India,at least 10,000 megawatts(兆瓦) of electricity could be harvested each day.Building on this principle,designers Ale Leonetti Luparinia and Qian Jiang from YankoDesign have created a device(装置) called T-Box that harnesses wind energy from speeding trains.T-Box can be placed within the railway tracks.It is half-buried underground between the concrete sleepers(水泥枕木),which does not disturb the normal train operating at all.According to Yanko,around 150 T-Boxes can be fitted along a 1,000-meter railway track.A train running at a speed of 200 kph can produce winds blowing at 15 miles a second.Based on this calculation,150 T-Boxes can produce 2.6 KWH of electricity per day.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in last year’s Lite-On Awards and was exhibited last summer at the Xue Xue Institute in Taipei,Taiwan Province.Though the figures look impressive,it is important to remember that the design is still at a conceptual stage and hasn’t taken into account issues such as pieces of waste material produced by the device and the efforts and costs involved in the maintenance(维护) of the device.We can expect the technology to see the light of the day only after it clears these issues.If so,rail travel,one of the greenest forms of travel,will become greener and more energy-efficient. 21.What can we learn about T-Box?A.It will be fitted on the trains.B.It is based on Pradhan’s idea.C.It can turn electricity into light.D.It was invented by an Indian scientist.22.How much electricity can be produced per day by T-Boxes along a railway track of 100km? A.260 KWH. B.2.6 KWH.C.150 KWH. D.1.5 KWH.23.It can be concluded from the last two paragraphs that .A.T-Box has proved to be effective in harvesting windB.the maintenance of T-Box will be costlyC.there is much to do about T-BoxD.T-Box will come into use soon24.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.The Indian inventor Santosh Pradhan invented the speeding train.B.The T-Box’s design won a silver medal in Lite-On Awards last year.C.Rail travel has become one of the energy-efficient technologies in the world. D.India harvests 10,000 megawatts of electricity each day on average. 25.The passage is mainly written to .A.encourage more people to travel by trainB.explain the advantages of electricityC.tell readers how to save energy and moneyD.introduce a new invention to readers答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰ.1.mixture 2.transformed 3.inventions 4.updating 5.predictedⅡ.6.C[providing是连词,引导条件状语从句,意为“假如……,以……为条件”。

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第24练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第24练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:abundant ambassador condition consistcountrysidedifferdiscoverdisturbdividegeographylocatelandmarkmineralperiodprimitivereflectruinslaverywitnessworldwide短语扫描:besurroundedby/with...被……环绕着/包围着belocatedin坐落在……bemadeupof由……组成befamous/well-knownfor以……闻名haveapopulationof有……的人口,haveahistoryof有……的历史,inthecourseof在……期间,在……过程中,liein位于;在于,settledown定居,takeonanewlook呈现新面貌[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.Thiscity________________(locate) onthesouthernpartofthedesert. 2.Wedonottelleachotherwhat________________(disturb) us.3.Thereweremore________(slavery) thancitizensinancientAthens.4.Theideathatshe________(witness) thisshamefulincidentmeantnothingtohim.5.Franceis________(abundant) suppliedwithexcellentfamily-runhotels. 6.Myhouseissurrounded________manytrees.7.Inthewild,wolfpackstendtobemadeup________closefamilymembers.8.Heisfamous________hisskillinplayingbasketball.9.OnedayI’llwanttosettle________andhaveafamily. 10.TheGreatWallhastaken________anewlooksincethen.写作能力专练读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第29练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第29练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:simplify software convenience criterionsuppose system technical universalvirus technology advance telescopedocument planet creen solargravity print digital download短语扫描:informationproducts信息产品inthefieldofscience在科学领域instorage储存livingstandard生活水平negativeeffect负面影响shopontheInternet网购standout杰出sideeffects副作用watchover看守;监视contribute (sth.) tosth.向……贡献……[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.She________(simplify) theinstructionssothatthechildrencouldunderstandthem. 2.Theinsuranceindustryhasproduceditsownproposalsfor________(universe) healthcare. 3.Theforeignministersofthetwocountriessignedalotof________(document) today. 4.Withoutmoretrainingor________(advance) technicalskills,they’lllosetheirjobs. 5.The________(criterion) forentryarethatapplicantsmustdesignandmaketheirownwork.6.Thescientisthasmadegreatprogressinthefield________science. 7.Hisheightmakeshimstand________inthecrowd.8.Theguardswerehiredtowatch________thehousesastheywerebeingbuilt.9.Shopping________theInternetisbecomingmoreandmorepopular. 10.Whenwemovedwehadtoputourfurniture________storageforawhile.语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空AreMobilePhonesTakingOverOurLives? IrecentlyvisitedLondonandtravelledonthetubewhileIwasthere.Apartfromthepeople__1__,almosteverybodyelsewasontheirphones,andbecauseofthenatureofthetube,itisdifficultnottosee__2__whattheyarealldoing.Ofcourse,being__3__itisdifficulttogetanysignal,whichrulesouttextingorusingtheInternet,__4__thereisstillplentyyoucanuseyourphonesfor.Peoplewereplaying__5__,readingarticlesandlisteningtomusic,andI’msurethatassoonasthey__6__fromthetrainstationtheywouldstarttextingorcalling1.A.present B.asleep C.disabled D.opposite2.A.exactly B.carefully C.immediatelyD.sensitively3.A.crowded B.faraway C.outdoors D.underground4.A.and B.but C.so D.or5.A.cards B.records C.games D.jokes6.A.survived B.separated C.suffered D.emerged orcheckingtheiremails.Thereisaconstant__7__toeveryoneintheworld,__8__youhaveamobilephoneinyourhand.Recently,mysmartphonebrokeandhadtobe__9__tothewarehousefor__10__foraweekorso.InthemeantimeIhadt ouseareally__11__,basicphonejusttokeepintouchwithmyfamilyandfriends.AllIcoulddoonthisphonewastosend__12__,makecallsandplayonegame.AndIlovedit.IlovedbeingfreefromtheInternet,andIreallydidn’tmindnothavingconstant__13__aboutwhatmyfriendsweredoingorwhatthelatestcel ebritystorywas.Itwasquite__14__anditallowedmetospendmoretime__15__mysurroundings—Icoul d__16__mytimeinLondonmore,forexample,andIcouldwatchthepeoplearoundmeandreallyseewhatwasgoingon.__17__,IknewthatassoonasIgotmysmartphonebackIwouldbeoneofthosepeopleonceagain,__18__tofindingoutwhateveryoneisdoingand__19__mytimeplayinggamesorcheckingsocialnetwor ksites.PerhapsIshouldjustgobacktousingthebasicphoneand__20__Ievergotmysmartphoneback... 7.A.approach B.connection C.access D.communication8.A.asfarasB.aslongas C.assoonas D.aswellas9.A.givenawayB.leftbehind C.sentoff D.soldout10.A.change B.recycle C.repair D.use11.A.cheap B.familiar C.modern D.old12.A.emails B.messages C.photos D.signals13.A.actions B.worries C.updates D.complaints14.A.boring B.embarrassingC.inspiring D.refreshing15.A.gettingacross B.lookingafterC.takingin D.thinkingabout16.A.cost B.enjoy C.waste D.save17.A.HoweverB.Instead C.Otherwise D.Therefore18.A.opposed B.equal C.addicted D.blind19.A.burdening B.devoting C.sparing D.wasting20.A.insist B.forget C.deny D.admitⅡ.语法填空(2017·金华十校模拟)Doctorsandscientists21.________(learn)agreatdealaboutsleepinthelastthirtyyears.Sleepisabiologicalneed,butyourbrainneversleeps.22.________wereonyourmindduringthedayarestillthereatnight.Theyappe ar23.________dreams.Sometimesdreamsareterrifying,buttheyareusually24.________collectionofconfusedthoughts.Ifyoudreamaboutsomethingthatisworr yingyou,youmaywakeup25.________(exhaust) andwitharapidheartbeat.Somepeoplegetrelieffrombaddreamsbywritingthemdownandthenchangingt henegativestoriesintopositive26.________(one)onpaper.Thentheystudythepaperbeforetheygotosleepagain.Ofcourse,theywillnotmakethestoriestooexciting,ortheymayget27.________interestedthattheywon’tgotosleepevenwhentheyfeelsleepy. Dreamscanhavepositiveeffectsonyourlife.Duringadream,thebrainmayconcentrate28.________aproblemandlookfordifferentsolutions,thosewhodreamduringagoodnight’ssleeparemorelikelytoremember29.________(new) learnedskills.Inotherwords,youcanlearn30.________(good) ifyoudream.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.simplified 2.universal 3.documents 4.advanced5.criteria 6.of7.out8.over9.on 10.in语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。

(天津专版)2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第2练 学校生活类(二)

(天津专版)2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第2练 学校生活类(二)

第2练学校生活类(二)高考高频单词与短语识记排查[跟踪训练]Ⅰ.语境填词1.It was ________(complete) different from what we expected. 2.When he ________(意识到) what had happened,he was sorry. 3.They are ________(report) on a sporting weekly.4.I shall be ________(参加) the meeting when you come back. 5.Schools should not ________(competition) with each other. Ⅱ.单项填空6.Character is,________,the decisive factor in the life of individuals and of nations alike.A.in the long termB.on the other handC.in the meanwhileD.as a result7.We regret ________ you that your application has been rejected.A.to inform B.informingC.to be informed D.having informed8.Paul could be a very attractive boy but he ________ to his behaviour.(2016·天津市和平区二模)A.paid no attentionB.were paying no attentionC.pays no attentionD.had paid no attention9.The island,________to the mainland by a bridge,is easy to go to. A.joining B.to joinC.joined D.having joined10.It is the farmers who provide us with food,yet they are ________ by some citizens. A.looked forward to B.looked down uponC.looked back upon D.looked up to阅读能力专练阅读理解A(2016·天津市红桥区重点中学八校联考)Most American students go to traditional public schools.There are about 88,000 public schools all over the US.Some students attend about 3,000 independent public schools called charter schools.Charter schools are self­governing.Private companies operate some charter schools.They are similar in some ways to traditional public schools.They receive tax money just as other public schools do.Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning.These governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public schools.Local state,or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach.Each school can choose its own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them.Class size is usually smaller than in traditional public schools.The Bush Administration strongly supports charter schools as a way to re­organize public schools that are failing to educate students.But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools.One teachers’ union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of students in traditional schools and charter schools.The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government’s delay in releasing the results of the study,which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress.Union education experts say the study shows that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than students in regular public schools.Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools.Other education experts say the study results should make charter school officials demand improved student progress.1.If a private company wants to operate a charter school,it must________. A.try new methods of teachingB.prove its management abilityC.get the government’s permissionD.obey the local and state laws2.Charter schools are independent because________.A.they make greater progressB.they enjoy more freedomC.their class size is smallerD.they oppose traditional ways3.What’s the government’s attitude toward charter schools?A.Doubtful. B.Optimistic.C.Subjective. D.Supportive.4.What can we learn from the text?A.People have different opinions about charter schools.B.Charter schools are better than traditional schools.C.Students in charter schools are well educated.D.More students choose to attend charter schools.5.It can be inferred from the text that ________.A.charter schools are all privately financedB.one­on­one atte ntion should be paid to studentsC.the number of charter schools will be limitedD.charter schools are part of the public education systemB(2016·天津市和平区一模)When I started university,people told me,“These will be the best days of your life.” Not only woul d these be the best days of my life,everyone said,but they would also be the most exciting.By the end of my first year I was seriously considering dropping out.I had not made as many friends,had as much fun,or enjoyed my course as much as I thought I was g oing to.But I didn’t tell anyone.I certainly didn’t put it on Facebook—its culture of competitive sharing made me feel even worse.Visiting my friends’ Facebook,I found that they were clearly enjoying themselves a lot.Jemma Lamble and I are friends on Facebook—what impression did she get from my Facebook page?“There is one feeling I got when I clicked on Libby’s Facebook page and that is jealousy.”Talking to fellow students has made me realize how little resemblance our Facebook lives have to our real ones.“University life wasn’t the_walk_in_the_parkI had expected,”says Jemma.“I certainly didn’t expect the feeling of loneliness that I experienced because I found it hard to connect with the people on my course.”Sophie Smith remembers her first day:“As I wa lked into my first class,I tried my hardest to smile at everyone and make friends.But I was shocked by how blank some people were.I said to one guy,‘Wow,LCF,I still can’t believe I’m here’.He replied,‘Well,LCF is lucky to have me.’ I don’t want to label ev eryone on the course because there are some lovely people too.”My time at university may not have been the dream that I signed up for,but it has made me who I am.LCF did not provide me with the social experience I dreamed of,but it has made me appreciate the good friends I have kept from my childhood and each new one I have made here.Studying in London was frightening at times,but I have become much more independent as a result.Now that I am starting my third and final year,I can look back and see that university has been an experience. 6.What can we infer from Paragraph 1?A.The author was hard to please.B.The author might not be very easy to get along with.C.The author had been fooled by those people.D.The author felt disappointed with her campus life.7.Which of the following is TRUE about Facebook according to the text?A.A Facebook page may be a complete lie.B.People really enjoy themselves on Facebook.C.Facebook lives are a mirror of the real ones.D.Facebook makes a person competitive.8.The unde rlined part in the third paragraph probably means “________”.A.a comfortable journey on foot on campusB.an easy or pleasurable experienceC.a matter of importanceD.something unexpected9.Sophie Smith must have considered the guy who replied to her ________. A.fortunate B.humorousC.impolite D.considerate 10.What does the author mainly say in the last paragraph? A.She feels regretful.B.LCF is not her dream college.C.Hardship has made her stronger.D.Friendship weighs more than social experience.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰpletely 2.realized 3.reporters 4.attending peteⅡ.6.A[句意为:从长远来看,人格是个人生活的决定因素,对国家也是如此。

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第7练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第7练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:exchange grateful greet harmonyinvitation oppose persuade relativesensitive neighbor bury distantgeneration communicate complain marryseparate conversation accompany embarrass短语扫描:keepintouch (with)(与……)保持联系makeup和解;组成;构成;编写;编造showrespectfor尊重beconcernedabout关心,挂念bepopularwith受……欢迎besatisfiedwith对……满意betoblame应受责备thinkofothers为别人着想beconfidentinsb.对某人有信心bedisappointedwithsb.对某人感到失望[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.Insteadof________(complain) aboutwhat’swrong,begratefulforwhat’sright. 2.Agoodcyclistcancovera________(distant) ofoverahundredmilesaday. 3.Shethoughtthathemightbeableto________________(persuade) tobuysomemorefood. 4.Hehadcomeinandtakenaseat________(oppose) tomebeforeIrealizedit. 5.Somethingthat________________(embarrass) makesyoufeelshyorashamed.6.Wehavespentallofourmoneyandneedanother$50tomake________thesumrequired. 7.Asisknowntoall,loudmusicismorepopular________youngpeoplethanwithold. 8.Beabitmoreconfident________yourselfandyouwillbesuccessful. 9.LeiFengwasalwaysthinking________others.10.I’mgettingonwellwitheverything.Pleasedon’tbeconcerned________me.阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2017·黑龙江哈师大附中月考)Compassionisadesirewithinustohelpothers.Witheffort,wecantranslatecompassionintoaction.Anexperiencelastweekendshowedmethisistrue.Iworkpart-tim einasupermarketacrossfromabuildingfortheelderly.Theseoldpeopleareourmaincustomers,andit’snothardtolosepatienceovertheirslowness.ButlastSunday,oneagedgentlemanappearedtoteachmeavaluablelesson.Thisuntidymanwalkeduptomyregister(收款机) withaboxofbiscuits.Hesaidhewasoutofcash,hadjustmovedintohisroom,andhadnothinginhiscupboards.Heaskedifwecouldlethimhavethefoodontrust.Hepromisedtorepayme thenextday.Icouldn’thelpstaringathim.Iwonderedwhatkindofpersonhehadbeentenortwentyyearsbefore,andwhathewouldbelikeifluckhadgonehisway.Ihadahurtinmyheartforthiskindofhumansoul,allaloneintheworld.ItoldhimthatIwassorry,butstorerulesdidn’tallowmetodoso.Ifeltstupidandunkindsayingthis,butIvaluedmyjob. Justthen,anotherman,standingbehindthefirst,spokeup.Ifanything,helookedmorepitiable.“Chargeittome,”wasallhesaid.passion,ontheotherhand,iscaringinaction.Ithankedthesecondmanbuttoldhimthatwasnotallowedeither.ThenIreachedintomypo cketandpaidforthebiscuitsmyself.Ireachedintomypocketbecausethesetwomenhadreachedintomyhea rtandtaughtmecompassion.1.Theagedgentlemanwhowantedtobuythebiscuits________.A.promisedtoobeythestorerulesB.forgottotakeanymoneywithhimC.hopedtohavethefoodfirstandpaylaterD.couldnotaffordanythingmoreexpensive 2.Whichofthefollowingbestdescribestheoldgentleman?A.Kindandlucky.B.Poorandlonely.C.Friendlyandhelpful.D.Hurtanddisappointed.3.Thewriteracteduponthestorerulesbecause________. A.hewantedtokeephispresentjobB.hefeltnopityfortheoldgentlemanC.heconsideredtheoldmandishonest D.heexpectedsomeoneelsetopayfortheoldman 4.Whatdoesthewriterlearnfromhisexperience? A.Wealthismoreimportantthananythingelse. B.Helpingothersiseasiersaidthandone. C.Experienceisbettergainedthroughpractice. D.Obeyingtherulesmeansmorethancompassion.B(2017·湖南衡阳八中月考)Iclearlyrememberthedaywhenmylittlebrotherwasborn:January1,1994.Oneofmyfavoritefamilyphotosshowsmelyingwithmymotherinthehospitalbed,happybutunawareofthesmall,sleepingbabyinthebackground. Istayedwithmygrandparentsfortheweekendofmybrother’sbirth,excitedaboutmynewbrotherbutnotyetawareofwhathavingalittlebrotherwouldmean.Ididn’ttrulyreal izewhatwasgoingonuntilwewereinthehospitalroomatDukeUniversity—coincidentally,thesameroominwhichIhadbeenborntwoyearsearlier. WhenIlookedatmybrotherforthefirsttime,Ifeltamixtureoffearandinterest.LittledidIknowthatsmall,pinkcreaturewouldgrowuptobeoneofmyfavoritepeopleintheworld.Inreality,thoughIamtwoyearsolderthanmybrother,I_am_more_often_than_not_the_real_baby_in_the_family.Iamverylackingwhenitcomestocommon sense.InstructionsconstantlyconfusemeandIfrequentlyfindmyselftotallypuzzledbythingslikeknowin ghowtostartthewashingmachineormanagethestoragesettingsonmyiPhone.That’swhereGibsoncomesin.ThepoorkidhashadtoguidemethroughmoretasksthanIwouldcaretoad mit,buthenevercomplains.ThoughIshouldprobablybetoldtofigureitoutmyself,healwayscomesthrough.I’menviousofhisabilitytoreadilyanswertheever-present,“Whatdoyouwanttodowithyourlife?”questionatfamilygatherings.“Beadoctor,”hesays—as olidanswer,completelyoppositetomyshakyone,“Well,I’manEnglishmajor,so...”Mybrothertrulyismybestfriend.Nooneunderstandsmebetter,andthereisn’tanyoneelseIwouldwanttobestuckwithinourfamily.ImaynothaveaclearideaofwhereI’mheaded,butheisstuckwithme. 5.Howdidtheauthorfeelwhenhesawhisbrotherforthefirsttime?A.Angryandsad.B.Excitedandmoved.C.Curiousandscared.D.Happyandinterested. 6.Whatdoestheunderlinedsentenceinthefourthparagraphmean? A.Mybrotheristherealbabyinthefamily.B.Infact,Iseemtobelessmaturethanmylittlebrother. C.MybrothergetsmorelovefromthefamilythanIdo. D.Iamgrowingmoreslowlythanmybrother. 7.Whatdoesthebrotheroftenhelptheauthordo?A.Helphimdealwithmanydailytasks.B.Helphimwithhisstudies.C.Givehimadviceonhowtochooseamajor.D.Comforthimwhenheisinabadmood.8.Whatisthebesttitleforthistext?A.MyStrangeFamilyGatheringsB.TheRealBabyintheFamilyC.StuckwithMe—MyNot-So-LittleLittleBrotherD.TheFeelingofHavingaBrotherⅡ.七选五Alloftheintelligenceandalloftheopportunityandallofthebooklearningaresimplyuselessifthereisnomot ivationtodoanythingwiththem.__9__1.WithoutSelf-motivation,GoalsAreNotSet Successfulpeoplesetgoalsandthengoafterthem.__10__Ifgoalsaresetatall,thenon-self-motivatedpersonsetsonlysmalltemporaryones.Suchgoalsmaybetogetajobthatwillpaythe billsortosaveenoughmoneytotakeavacationwithafriend.Theyaresmallandshort-term.2.__11__Eveniftheunmotivatedpersonisabletosetalong-termgoal,heorshethenfailstodevelopaplantoachievethatgoal.Thegoaljustbecomesadreamfor“someday”.Th eself-motivatedpersondevelopsaveryspecificplanofaction,constantlyreviewsthatplanofaction,makesmodifications(改变) whennecessary,andstaysonthatpath.3.WithoutSelf-motivation,ThereIsNoRisk-takingSuccessfulpeopledotakerisks.Infact,theyaredriventotakerisks,becausetheyknowtheywillstagnate(停滞) otherwise.__12__It’snottherighttime;othershavetriedthatandfailed;myfriendssayit’sastupididea;myfamilywon’tsupportme. 4.WithoutSelf-motivation,ThereIsNoOptimism Optimismisthebeliefthatthefutureholdspromise.Itprovidesenergyandenthusiasm.__13__Unmotivat edpeoplehavefearandinsecurityaboutthefuture.Theyarethereforewillingtostayintheircomfortzonesw heretheyaresafeanddon’thavetofearanuncertainfuture. A.Herearesomereasonswhyself-motivationistheonlypathtosuccess.B.Self-motivatedpeopleareoptimisticabouttheirfutures.C.WithoutSelf-motivation,ThereIsNoSelf-confidenceD.WithoutSelf-motivation,PlansAreNotMadeE.Thosegoalscomefromwithin,baseduponthatperson’spassions. F.Theunmotivatedpersonblamesothersandneverhastolookwithintoseewhatshouldbechanged.G.Unmotivatedpeoplefindexcusesnottotakerisks,andthoseexcusesbecomejustificationfortheirstagnation.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.complaining 2.distance 3.bepersuaded 4.opposite5.isembarrassing 6.up7.with8.in9.of10.about阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解语篇解读文章讲述了作者在超市收银时,遇到了一位贫穷又孤独的老人没现金付钱时发生的故事。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第33练 含答

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第33练 含答

高考高频单词与短语识记排查Ⅰ.语境填词1.I think it’s the height of bad (行为) to be dressed badly.2.The police have searched the city for the (murder).3.The match is (延期) without day.4.He spoke proudly of his part in the game,without (提到) what his teammates had done.5.The spokesman (证实) that the area was now in rebel hands.Ⅱ.单项填空6.You are not to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.A.accustomed B.resignedC.entitled D.submitted7.Sam some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A.brought up B.looked upC.picked up D.set up8.The police are searching everywhere for Mr.James,who they think is to the crime. A.linked B.associatedC.mixed D.reacted9.The two companies have agreed on the main items written on the contract ,but they still have to negotiate the details.(2016·江苏苏北四市三模)A.in all B.in handC.in vain D.in general10.There is no doubt that if the students’interest in the subject is aroused,they will the challenge and commit more of their time and energies to their studies.A.face up to B.keep pace withC.put up with D.live up to阅读能力与写作能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解(2016·天津市武清区三模)I remember the last time I was in Gothenburg,I walked past a man who was holding a sign that said “All You Can Eat Pizza”.I was looking at the man,and I was looking at the sign.But I didn’t end up going to the All You Can Eat Pizza.Looking at this man with the sign in his hand,I started thinking about undercover marketing.Well,this man and this sign was more or less the opposite of undercover markteing.He was telling the world who he was working for.Once in a while,you don’t realize that you’ve been marketed to.People have named it stealthily(暗地里) marketing or undercover marketing.One of the most obvious examples is when stars get free clothes or free products that they are using to get other “ordinary” people to start buying them.The same goes for product placement(植入式广告) in movies.The reason why it’s undercover marketing is that it doesn’t say anywhere that we’re actually looking at any type of promotion.I remember Sylvester Stallone took a 500,000 payment from one tobacco company to mark its brand in three of his films.The reason why undercover marketing works is that people tend to trust it more than if theyknow that it’s an advertisement that a company has paid for.And,it’s a lot easier to create a buzz with a marketing campaign that people don’t know is a marketing campaign.One great example is when Ray-Ban started their marketing campaign on You Tube(视频网站) called Sunglass Catch.Right now,it has more than 5.2 million views,and I think that the number would have been much lower if people had known that it was a paid marketing campaign by Ray-Ban.The most obvious risk for an undercover marketing campaign is failing to keep the campaign hidden.If people feel,or understand that they are being manipulated(操作) into liking the product,they might become angry at the product and/or at the company.This way,especially with the speed of communication in social media,a failed undercover marketing campaign might hurt a company really bad.1.The author didn’t go to the All You Can Eat Pizza because .A.he wasn’t attracted by the signB.he was interested in the manC.he was very busy that dayD.he didn’t understand the sign at all2.Why did the tobacco company give Sylvester Stallone money?A.Because the company workers liked his films.B.Because he was a famous person.C.Because he advertised its brand in public.D.Because he marked its products in films.3.The underlinded part “create a buzz” in Paragraph 4 can be replaced by “”.A.get a good priceB.attract people’s attentionC.make a new productD.create more jobs4.Ray-Ban is mentioned in Paragraph 4 mainly to .A.criticize the use of undercover marketingB.explain how to use undercover marketingC.show the advantage of undercover marketingD.prove undercover marketing is used frequently5.What is the last paragraph mainly about?A.The risk of doing undercover marketing.B.Examples of undercover marketing.C.Why undercover marketing works.D.What undercover marketing means.Ⅱ.阅读表达(2016·天津市六校联考)Rock climbing requires not only physical strength,but also complete mental concentration.So it is not an easy sport.But this may not be true for 20-year-old Sasha diGuilian.This fearless girl who has been dominating the sport ever since she entered this field is just getting warmed up.The youngster who is also studying for a creative writing degree at Columbia University says that she began climbing even before she could walk.As a baby,she constantly escaped from her bed and led her friends to the nearest rocks or hills.Then at the age of seven she attended brother’s birthday party at a local rock climbing gym and found her gift for it.Soon after,she joined the local center in her hometown of Alexandria,Virginia and began climbing—first once a week,then twice and soon,almost every day.At the age of nine,she won her first climbing competition by participating in an event that she hadn’t even been aware of,until she went to the gym for her normal climbing routine.Her competitive nature and love for the sport immediately reached the peak and she began training seriously,but this time outside the gym—climbing real mountains.As a youngster,she dominated the Junior Continental Championships from 2004 to 2010.Then she went on to catch the Pan American Championship and the US National Championship as soon as she was old enough.And in 2011,at just 18 years old,she was crowned(加冕) Female Overall World Champion in Arco,Italy at her first attempt.Sasha diGuilian is also the youngest woman who has completed the 5.14d graded climb in which climbers must climb rocks that are vertical.The 5.14d graded climb is regarded as the most difficult climb and it is something that even the most experienced climbers are a little afraid to take on,because a small slip could result in a severe injury or even death.6.What does the underlined word “dominating” in Paragraph 1 mean?(1 word)7.Where and when did Sasha diGuilian find she had the talent for rock climbing?(No more than 12 words)8.What made Sasha diGuilian begin training seriously to climb real mountains?(No more than 10 words)9.Why is the 5.14d graded climb considered the most difficult climb?(No more than 7 words) 10.Please explain how you are inspired by Sasha diGuilian.(No more than 25 words)Ⅲ.佳作背诵(热点话题)近日教育部(the Ministry of Education)要求加强中小学劳动教育,这一举措引发了人们的热议。



第22练体育类高考高频单词与短语识记排查[跟踪训练]Ⅰ.语境填词1.This article discussed those (事件) that led to her death.2.This place had too many (联想) with my childhood.3.Our (目标) for the moment is to try and score points at each race. 4.Add up your (分) and see how many points you can get.5.His (profession) career started at Liverpool University.Ⅱ.单项填空6.“Talking about drugs helped prepare me for the peer pressures in high school,”says Michelle,17,who the first program.A.participated in B.worked outC.approved of D.made up7.To protect the environment,the local government has put up a lot of to warn the citizens not to litter the ground.A.sighs B.sightsC.signals D.signs8. the number of cars,he thought there were not many people at the club. A.He judged by B.Judged fromC.Judge by D.Judging from9.James so far behind in the race that he knew he had little chance of winning.(2016·江苏南京、盐城一模)A.fell B.fallsC.has fallen D.was falling10.If you drive from the airport,go on the motorway and follow the . A.ways B.pointsC.signals D.signs知识运用与阅读能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空(2016·天津市十二区县一模)I decided to ski to the North Pole.It was after I saw a(n) 1 in a newspaper looking for people to join a team that would 2 350 miles to the Magnetic North Pole.Back in 1996,a woman from the UK had never 3 this challenge.I wondered what it would be like to 4 in temperatures that cold,so I sent off for the application form.When the application form 5 ,it said “Are You Man Enough for the Ultimate Challenge?” and it was full of pictures of 6 explorers.I was angry and decidedthat women could do it too,so it made me even more 7 to get on the team.Over 500 individuals 8 for a place in the team,and the selection process included physical and psychological tests designed to 9 the best group.Our test was to complete the Sandhurst military assault course,where the UK’s best officers are trained,and it’s not for 10 .We had to climb a huge rope ladder,and I stopped at the top because I have a fear of 11 .I thought all hope was 12 .But two others helped me over,and later I found out that the organizers were not looking for amazing 13 ,but great team players,and this moment had shown them who would14 others in the team.I had also shown my real self,and in a place like the Arctic,you have to be yourself, 15 there is nowhere to hide.These 16 of asking for help and showing your real self are necessary for women to master.I realized that by being myself,I could 17 .I was chosen for the team,and as a result became the 18 British woman to ski to the Magnetic North Pole.I realized that I could achieve more than I ever 19 was possible—but more importantly,by sharing my story with others,I could 20 them to take a step into the unknown.1.A.notice B.reportC.announcement D.advertisement2.A.run B.skiC.drive D.fly3.A.enjoyed B.ignoredC.accomplished D.received4.A.survive B.sufferC.exist D.hide5.A.passed B.appearedC.arrived D.returned6.A.female B.maleC.proud D.brave7.A.determined B.confident。

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第38练 含答

2018年高考英语天津专版总复习微专题训练 第38练 含答

高考高频单词与短语识记排查Ⅰ.语境填词1.After completing and signing it,please return the form to us in the (信封) provided. 2.Before the race,he is fine.But afterwards he is (wear) out.3.She spoke for the first time about the harm of a (break) marriage.4.The money will be used to repair faulty (equip).5.The (家具) in the room is covered with dust.Ⅱ.单项填空6.The two countries are going to meet to some barriers to trade between them. A.make up B.use upC.turn down D.break down7.Who will be the company when the manager is out?A.in charge of B.in the charge ofC.take charge of D.take the charge of8.If you do fall out of the boat,your life jacket will help you tountil we can find you out. A.stay up B.come upC.make up D.stand up9.With a lot of difficult problems ,the newly- elected president is having a hard time. A.settle B.settlingC.to settle D.being settled10.The water supply has been cut off temporarily because the workers one of the main pipes. A.are repairing B.have repairedC.repaired D.had repaired阅读能力专练阅读理解A(2016·天津市南开区一模)In our old neighborhood,neighbors chatted over fences.Newcomers were welcomed with chocolate and bread.It had been easy to find friends there.Our new community was different.It seemed that family roots grew deep,deep as the Mississippi River that flowed past the tiny river town.We’d moved to decrease my husband’s distance to work.Only thirty miles.After living there for six months,I was ready to move back home.I was lonely without a friend.My three boys were lonely.My husband,Lonny,seemed okay,but he spent his days at work.Lonny noticed my sinking disposition.“Shawnelle,you look unapproachable,”he said.He and I were sitting in lawn chairs.Samuel,our three-year-old son,sat in his own little chair.“What do you mean?”“Body language.You placed our chairs fifteen yards away from everyone else.”“It doesn’t matter.I’m not going to have friends here.”Just then Samuel looked up.“Mom’s right,Dad.And we just want to go home.”That’s when I knew that I needed an adjustment.I didn’t want my boys to learn that theway to work through a tough time was to use a wounded and bitter attitude.Over the next few months I smiled when I didn’t feel like it.We signed up for reading programs at the library and often visited parks and the bike path along the river.One afternoon Samuel and I climbed up the stairs to the library activity room.A woman who I hadn’t seen before sat at a long table with a tiny boy.“Hi,” she said.“I’m Tammy.Do you need a seat?There’s one right here.”I sat down next to Tammy.Soon class was over,and we still had a lot to say.“Why don’t you come over later?” Tammy asked.“I live on a farm.There’s plenty of room for the kids to run.” We went.And since that day,we’ve been back a million times.When I look back,I’m grateful for that tough time.I learned to persevere.I’m glad I didn’t give up.And as for my boys,they learned a lesson too.“Keep moving forward” is what I tell them and “Your heart will follow.”1.Why did the writer move to a new neighborhood?A.To find a part-time job in the library.B.To make new friends with the local people.C.To enjoy the beauty of the Mississippi River.D.To make her husband go to work conveniently.2.Shawnelle decided to keep going when .A.Tammy encouraged her to join conversationsB.Samuel expressed his wish to go back homeC.Lonny pointed out the mistakes of her body languageD.Tammy invited her to go to her farm3.Shawnelle mentioned her friendship with Tammy to prove .A.women seemed to have endless words to sayB.Tammy was rich to have room for kidsC.her family had finally fitted in the new placeD.Tammy’s farm was suitable for kids to play on4.What lesson did Shawnelle teach her kids?A.Have a dream in difficult times.B.Never break up with old friends.C.Be careful in making friends.D.Keep up in a tough time.5.What does the underlined word “disposition” in the fourth paragraph probably mean?A.Mood. B.Sorrow.C.Depression. D.Liveliness.B(2016·天津市和平区二模)Not willing to pay 400 for a basic room or upwards of 1,200 for a suite(套房) at a luxury(豪华的) hotel?We hear you.In the past,this meant having to put up with cheap hotels.Essentially,you got what you paid for.But all that’s changed,as mid-level hotels have begun competing for a population that travels more than ever.Even in New York and San Francisco—two of the most expensive cities in the country—one can find comfortable,affordable options with much modern conveniences.We searched the country for the best hotels under 150.Hotel 340St.Paul,Minnesota,USAThis twelve-storey(层) English-renaissance(文艺复兴) building once served as a downtown clubhouse for St.Paul’s outstanding people;today,the repaired structure houses the hotel on the top three floors.Its 35 rooms stand out for hardwood floors,marble showers and nice views of the Mississippi River,and room comforts include iPod docks(基座),free local and national telephone calls and coffee makers.The University Club of St.Paul,a grand hall bar,and an all-new-60,000-square-foot fitness center (free for guests) also share space in the building.Marina InnSan Francisco,California,USALocated in the Marina district,where the streets are lined with luxury stores and great restaurants,the Marina Inn is the ideal place for business or pleasure.Few destinations offer the quality and variety of environment,scenery,entertainment,accommodation,and dining that waits for you here at the Marina Inn.It’s a ten-minute walk to Fisherman’s Wharf and there are abundant bus connections to take you anywhere in the city.Hotel HavanaSan Antonio,Texas,USAWhen one thinks of his historic Texas town,usually the southwest comes to mind.So does Mexico.Since 1914,the hotel has served passers-by.The 27 rooms come in all shapes and sizes,many of which include Turkish carpets and elegant Cuban art on the walls.Bathrooms are distinguished with Red Flower body care products.6.When you couldn’t afford a luxury hotel in the past,.A.you could pay 400 for a basic roomB.you had to stay in a low-grade hotelC.you could take a suite into accountD.you would have no comfortable place to live in 7.If you go to New York on business now,. A.you have no choice but to choose luxury hotels B.you can live comfortably with less money C.you have to seek for the cheapest hotel D.you may spend a lot of money for conveniences 8.When you select the Hotel 340,.A.you can have a view of the Mississippi River B.you can be free to visit thirty-five rooms there C.you can be offered an iPod for freeD.you can live in its fitness center for free 9.What could we know about the Marina Inn? A.It is located in San Antonio,Texas,USA. B.It is short of wonderful entertainment.C.It is convenient for people to do shopping. D.It belongs to Fisherman’s Wharf. 10.What is the feature of the Hotel Havana? A.The rooms in the hotel look the same. B.The hotel moved here from Mexico.C.The bathrooms are filled with flowers. D.The hotel has existed for about a century.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰ.1.envelope 2.worn 3.broken 4.equipment5.furnitureⅡ.6.D[考查动词短语辨析。



第36练政治与经济类(三)高考高频单词与短语识记排查在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.A ________(represent) is a person who has been chosen to make decisions on behalf of a group of people.2.Profit of major airlines has been ________(affect) by the rise in fuel price. 3.Getting food to ________(starve) people does nothing to stop the war. 4.You can examine those documents to see all the ________(supply) information. 5.The poor girl from an isolated village was deeply impressed by the________(quantity) of food in the big city.6.He is always ________ a loss what to say in front of strangers.7.He was only twenty two,and to be burdened ________ a family!8.This factory’s production has been cut ________.9.They decided to lay a tax ________ foreign wool.10.Generally speaking,demand ________ supply can be balanced.知识运用与写作能力专练Ⅰ.语法填空(2017·河南洛阳一中月考)In the middle of April,if you walk through Jinghong,1.________ capital of Xishuangbanna region in Yunnan Province,2.________(chance) are that you’ll get very,very wet.The Dai people will b e celebrating their Water­splashing Festival from April 15 to 17,marking the new year for the Dai ethnic minority.Lonely Planet,one of the world’s 3.________(large) travel brands,has described what happens:“People race around the streets of Jinghong and t he surrounding villages,soaking(浸透) every person 4.________ sight with buckets of water.”5.________(tradition),water would be collected and poured only on family members as a symbolic way 6.________________(ensure) good luck in the coming year.Dai people believe that the wetter you get,the luckier you will be.Although water 7.________(play) a vital role in the celebration,there is much more to the festival,especially during the first two days 8.________ water splashing is comparatively kept under control,according to Lonely Planet.People wear their best clothes,while older women in nearby villages 9.________________(dress) in special costumes.They gather with their families and visit Dai temple.There,they wash the statues of Buddha with water,a practice 10.________(know) as “Bathing the Buddha”.Ⅱ.短文改错(2017·贵州铜仁一中月考)There are too many cars in our town now.For a result,there are lots of traffic jams,and the air which we will breathe is terrible.Our town is very old but all the streets are quite narrow,so there is no room for bus lanes,which mean that buses always get stuck in the traffic jams,too.However,lots of accidents with cyclists often happen because of crowded street.But I think there is a simplesolution of these problems.The government should close city center to all traffic except buses and bikes,and build very larger car parks outside the town.Car drivers can take a bus into the city center and arrive at work or the shops relaxing and in a good mood.Ⅲ.佳作背诵(社会)校报英文版正在就学习“社会主义核心价值观”向同学们征文,要求同学们就其中的“诚信”一词谈谈自己的想法。

(天津专版)2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第3练 学校生活类(三)

(天津专版)2018年高考英语总复习 微专题训练 第3练 学校生活类(三)

第3练学校生活类(三)高考高频单词与短语识记排查[跟踪训练]Ⅰ.语境填词1.Her success (激励) me to try the same thing.2.A bit of exercise will help lift his (精力).3.It’s (放松) to listen to music after a day’s work.4.It’s vital we are as fresh as possible for those (火柴).5.You do not know how much it will help to have a (知识) of a foreignlanguage.Ⅱ.单项填空6.He asked who was able to a good solution to this problem.(2016·天津市五校联考)A.get along with B.catch up withC.come up with D.go on with7.Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantage of the ancient Chinese wisdom to the drawbacks of Westerners’ philosophy. A.make use of B.make up forC.make out D.make sense8.—I just can’t stop worrying about the school results of the midterm examination.— .There is nothing you can do now but study hard;keep calm and do your best.A.Relax B.Go aheadC.Go for it D.Good luck9.I finally managed to a copy of the report.A.obtain B.solveC.arrange D.accumulate10.Unfortunately,I didn’t have a tire when my car broke down. A.suitable B.spare C.common D.practical阅读能力与写作能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解(2016·天津市和平区三模)We’re not suggesting that you should reach a perman ent state called “happiness” and remain there.But there are many ways to keep away from anxiety,anger,frustration and sadness.Here are some ideas to get you started.Choose the ones that work for you.Practice mindfulness.Focus on the present.Instead of worrying about what youshould do tomorrow while you’re having dinner with your family,focus on the here and now—the food,your families,the conversation.Sing along.Studies find music activates parts of the brain that produce happiness.In one study older adults who listened to their choice of music during eye surgery had significantly lower heart rate and blood pressure than those who had silent surgery.Go to sleep.We have become a nation of sleep­deprived citizens.Taking a daily nap or getting into bed at 8 p.m.at night with a good book and turning the light out an hour later can do more for your mood than any number of bubble baths or massages.Make a list.There’s nothing like writing down your tasks to help you organize your thoughts and calm your anxiety.Checking off each item provides a great sense of fulfillment.Visit a quiet place.Libraries,museums,gardens,and places of worship(礼拜场所) provide islands of peace and calm in today’s world.Find a quiet place near your house and make it your secret getaway.Volunteer.Helping others enables you to put your own problems into perspective(客观判断力)and also provides social interaction.While happy people are more likely to help others,helping others increases your happiness.One study found that volunteer work enhanced a ll four aspects of well­being:happiness,life satisfaction,self­esteem and sense of control over life.1.According to the passage,which of the following ways can keep you away from bad moods?A.Staying with your family.B.Having a lot of money.C.Having enough sleep.D.Travelling.2.As stated in the passage, can reduce the risk of operation. A.taking a nap when having surgeryB.finding a quiet place to perform surgeryC.keeping quiet when having surgeryD.listening to music when having surgery3.Making a list of your tasks and checking them off can yourself. A.encourage B.satisfyC.improve D.change4.You’d better not go to if you want to keep quiet and calm. A.libraries B.churchesC.supermarkets D.gardens5.According to the passage,why can helping others increase your happiness? A.Because it’s a good way to relax.B.Because happy people are more likely to help others.C.Because it enables you to see your own problems clearly.D.Because it can enhance your health.Ⅱ.阅读表达(2016·天津市八校联考)“Where are you going to college?” “I’m going to my local community college.” My answer seemed to be the magic phrase that would wipe the smile right off many people’s faces.It’s clear that people have a lot of misconceptions(误解) about community colleges.Many people think community colleges are only for people who couldn’t get into a four­year school.But it is not true.In high school,I always got A’s.But when it came to applying to colleges,I had no idea what I wanted to major in and couldn’t justify s pending thousands of dollars at a 4­year school until I knew what I wanted to do.My parents were very supportive of my decision to attend the community college.Some people will ask,“Since the community college is cheaper,will you get a good education?” I found that nearly all of my professors taught the same courses at 4­year colleges.My professors were knowledgeable and experienced,and I found many of the courses challenging.Some people think if I attend the community college,I will miss out on the “college experience”.I must admit that this is something I worried about a greatdeal the summer before college.But I soon learned that the community college,just like any other college,is what you make of it.I strived to make the most of my time at the community college.I also made tons of friends by joining clubs and attending student government meetings.I took a lot of different courses.I had an amazing professor who suggested I take her journalism class.Never having written for my high school newspapers,I dared not take it,but since she was so enthusiastic,I eventually decided to have a try.That one course was all it took for me to realize that I wanted to become a journalist.I look forward to graduating this May to pursue a career in broadcast munity colleges may not be for everyone,but for me it is a life­changing experience that has helped me discover who I am and the person I hope to become.6.What was the author’s parents’ attitude towards his/her decision about attending the community college?(No more than 5 words)7.What does the underlined part “miss out on” in Paragraph 4 mean?(1 word)8.How did the author make friends at community college?(No more than 10 words)9.Why daren’t the author take the journalism class at first?(No more than 15 words)10.In your opinion,what kind of effect does attending the community college have on the author?(No more than 15 words)Ⅲ.佳作背诵(学校生活)(2016·天津市六校联考)假设你是正在读高三的李林,你的好友张华最近给你来信,想了解你的近况,请你用英语给他写一封回信,告诉他进入高三以来你学习以及生活情况的变化。



【关键字】英语第55练计量类高考高频单词与短语识记排查在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.It has touched me (deep) to see how these people live.2.This kind of animal died out (dozen) of years ago.3.Strangely enough,you will automatically wake up after this (long) of time.4.There are thirty-six people in the bus, (count) the driver.5.He used a knife to cut the apple into two (half).6.I can not account his failure.7.There are least forty students in the class room.8.The oil wells will all run dry in thirty years so at the present rate of use.9. number of students is getting larger and larger.10.The streets were lined people on both sides.阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解A(2017·贵州遵义航天高级中学模拟)To most people,noise pollution is a jet flying over their head.For one Spanish woman,it is a neighbor playing the piano.The woman has taken her neighbor to court.Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charge of psychological damage and noise pollution.In a country known for its noisiness,the case has raised eyebrows.Neighbors often complain about street noise in Spain,but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is unheard of.At the trial,Sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin,who lives below her.Martin,27,didn’t admit that she played at home that often,saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the weekends.On the first day of the trial,the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn’t even stand seeing them in a film.Bosom says years of hearing constant playing has caused her “psychological injury”.Medical reports show she has suffered from a variety of problems,including insomnia(失眠),anxiety,and panic attacks.She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝) higher than the limit.City authorities(权威) have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundproof(隔音) the room.The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.The court hasn’t made a final decision.A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.1.Bosom wants to send Martin to prison because .A.Martin’s playing the piano damaged her healthB.Bosom suffered from heart attackC.Martin refused to take regular classes in other townsD.Martin flew a jet over her head2.How did Laia Martin respond to the complaints?A.She stopped playing the piano.B.She soundproofed the room.C.She didn’t admit she played at home.D.She took her neighbor to court.3.Which of the following may probably be the best title for the passage?A.A 7-year Sentence Caused by the PianoB.A Pianist Charged with Noise PollutionC.Health Problems of a Spanish WomanD.Actions Against Noise by Local AuthorityB(2017·广西桂林十八中月考)About a quarter of the world drives on the left,and the countries that do are mostly old British colonies(殖民地) like Australia,and Ireland.But Thailand,Indonesia and Japan also do so.This strange quirk(奇事) puzzles the rest of the world;however,there is a perfectly good reason.Up to the late 1700’s,everybody travelled on the left side of the road because it’s the most sensible option for feudal(封建的),violent societies with mostly right-handed people.Soldiers with their swords under their right arm naturally passed on each other’s right,and if you passed a stranger on the road,you walked on the left to ensure that your protective sword arm was between yourself and him.Revolutionary France,however,overturned this practice as part of its sweeping social rethink.A change was carried out all over continental Europe by Napoleon.It changed under Napoleon because he was left-handed.His armies had to march on the right so he could keep his sword arm between him and any opponent.From then on,any part of colonized by the French travelled on the right.After the American Revolutionary War(1775—1783),the US became independent and decided to make traffic drive on the right in order to cast off all remaining links with its British colonial past.As America became the center of the car industry,if you wanted a good reliable vehicle,you bought American right-hand-drive cars.From then on,many countries changed out of necessity.Today,the EU would like Britain to fall into line with the rest of Europe,but this is no longer possible.It would cost billions of pounds to change everything round.The last European country to change driving on the right was Sweden in 1967.While everyone was getting used to the new system,they paid more attention and took more care,resulting in a reduction of the number of road accidents. 4.Why did people travel on the left before the late 18th century?A.They were required to do so.B.They were mostly left-handed.C.It was easier to cross the street.D.They could feel safer from attacks.5.What was Napoleon’s attitude to walking on the left?A.Support. B.Disapproval.C.Doubt. D.Sympathy.6.For Americans,driving on the right was a way to show .A.the connection with France was brokenB.the US was no longer ruled by the UKC.the American Revolution War had endedD.America was the center of the car industry7.What is the main cause of the UK failing to adopt the new system?A.Its high costs to change.B.Its increasing traffic accidents.C.Its influence on colonies.D.Its fast­developing car industry.Ⅱ.七选五(2017·贵州遵义航天高级中学模拟)We all wish we had just a bit more time.Just think what you could do with an extra hour or two each day:you could finally stick to an exercise routine,or spring­clean the house,or write your novel,or learn the guitar and so on.8 But I can help you find more hours in your day for the things that really matter.•Get Out of Bed EarlierIf you normally get up at 7:30 a.m.,try getting up at 7:00 a.m.That halfhourmight not sound like much,but it could be time that you use to exercise,to read that book you’ve been meaning to finish. 9•Do the Important Tasks FirstOnce you get to work,get the important ones done first (not the easy ones,or even the urgent ones).You can afford to spend at least an hour working on big,important tasks rather than on all those little urgent ones.10 The urgent tasks will still get done,and you won’t miss the important ones.•Reduce InterruptionsIf colleagues have a habit of hanging around your desk to chat,or if the phone is constantly ringing,you might find that it takes you half the day to finish a simple task like writing a letter.Constant interruptions don’t just eat up time,and they also break your concentration.When you’ve got a big task to focus on,let your calls go to voicemail. 11 Wearing headphones makes it less likely that people will try to strike up a conversation.• 12A few minutes chatting,browsing the web,and so on,can easily turn into hours of wasted time over the course of a day.When you’re working,work.If your concentration is slipping,take a proper break,go and get a glass of water,or stretch your legs a bit.And if you’re facing a difficult task,try breaking it into small steps or stages so that it’s easier to deal with.A.Stay Focused On Your WorkB.Take Break When NecessaryC.If you have an office door,close it.D.If you work like this,you’ll usually save time.E.Would you want me to make your day longer?F.I can’t magically make all your days 25 hours long.G.Or simply to get your day off to a calm and organized start.答案解析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.deeply 2.dozens 3.length 4.counting 5.halves 6.for 7.at 8.or 9.The 10.with阅读能力专练Ⅰ.阅读理解1.A [细节理解题。

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第23练

2018年高考英语(浙江专用)总复习微专题训练 第23练

高考高频单词与短语识记排查单词识记:adventure ancient awkward cautioncivilized concern custom particularremind remove silent traditiontypical fascinate cooperation anniversaryrestrict religion casual expand短语扫描:addto增添asawhole总体来说beofgreatvalue很有价值comeintobeing形成;产生;出现endupwith以……告终inmemoryof为了纪念passdownfromgenerationtogeneration一代一代传下来datebackto/datefrom追溯到followacustom遵循习俗crowdinto涌入[跟踪训练]在空格处填入适当的词(1个单词)或所给词的正确形式1.Keepyourofficespacelookinggood,________(particular) yourdesk.2.________(typical),shecouldn’tfindherkeys.3.Wewerevery________(concern) tokeepthestaffinformedaboutwhatweweredoing. 4.Madagascaristhemost________(fascinate) placeIhaveeverbeento. 5.Assoonashegothome,he________(remove) themudfromhisshoes.6.Thepopulation________awholeisinfavourofthereform. 7.Manykindsofflavorsubstancescome________beinginmilkwhenheated,whichchangedtheflavorofmilk.8.Altogether,90percentofallcollegegraduatesendup________adecentjobinJapan,headded. 9.Thousandsofpeoplecrowded________thehalltoseethefamousactress. 10.Thecustomdates________thetimewhenmenworeswords.语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空(2017·广西桂林十八中月考)Washoeisayoungchimpanzee.Sheisno__1__chimpanzee,though.Scientistsaredoingaresearch__2__her.Theywanttoseehowcivilizedshecan__3__.Alreadyshe doesmanythingsahumanbeingcando.Forexample,shehasbeenlearninghowtoexchange__4__withpeople.Thescientistsareteachingher__5__language. Whenshewantstobepicked__6__,Washoepointsupwithonefinger.Sherubsherteethwithherfinger__7__shewantstobrushherteeth.Thisis doneaftereverymeal.1.A.foolish B.ordinary C.special D.simple2.A.for B.by C.to D.on3.A.experienceB.change C.develop D.become4.A.actions B.views C.messages D.feelings5.A.sign B.human C.spoken D.foreign6.A.out B.at C.on D.up7.A.when B.until C.since D.whileWashoehasalsobeen__8__tothinkoutandfindanswerstoproblems.Onceshewasputina__9__withfood hangingfromtheceiling.Itwastoohighto__10__.Aftersheconsideredthe__11__,shegotatallboxtostand__12__.Thefoodwasstilltoohightobereached.Washoefounda__13__pole.Then sheclimbedontothe__14__,graspedthepole,and__15__downthefoodwiththepole.Washoe__16__likeahuman,too.Thescientistskeepherinafullyfurnishedhouse.Afterahard__17__inthelaboratory,shegoeshome.__18__sheplayswithhertoys.She__19__enjoyswatchingtelevisionbeforegoingtobed. Scientistshopeto__20__moreaboutpeoplebystudyingourclosestrelative—chimpanzee.8.A.raised B.trained C.ordered D.led9.A.cave B.zoo C.room D.museum10.A.pull B.see C.eat D.reach11.A.problem B.position C.food D.ceiling12.A.by B.on C.up D.with13.A.straight B.strong C.long D.big14.A.wall B.box C.ceiling D.pole15.A.knocked B.picked C.took D.shook16.A.lives B.acts C.thinks D.plays17.A.task B.lesson C.day D.time18.A.Here B.There C.So D.Then19.A.quite B.already C.even D.still20.A.observe B.discoverC.gain D.learnⅡ.语法填空(2017·杭州四校联考)Daisy:DoyouhavesomewheretostayinLondon,Peter?Peter:No,Idon’t.Infact,Iwasabouttoaskyou21.________youcouldarrangesomeplaceformetostay. Daisy:Yes,that’snoproblemthoughIamnotinchargeofit.I’llasksomeonetoarrange22.________foryou.Whatk indofplaceareyouconsidering?Peter:Well,Idon’tcareifIshareit23.________otherpeople,butI’mnotgoodathousework.MaybeahomestaywouldbeOK,24.________Idon’tlikeyoungchildre n.Asyouknow,they’re25.______(noise) andit’sdifficulttostudy.Hopefully,Icanlivewithalady26.________hasretired.Daisy:OK,that’snoproblem.ButImustwarnyouthat27.________(live)withafamilyinLondonisveryexpensive.Peter:That’snotabigproblem,forIhavesomemoney28.________(save).Besides,Icanalwaysget29.________part-timejob.Iamworkinginasupermarketasacashiernow.SoIdon’tthink Iwillhavetroublewithmoney.Daisy:Soundsgood.I30.________(call) youifIgetsomeinformationaboutthat.Peter:OK,that’sgreat.Thankyouverymuch.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练1.particularly 2.Typically 3.concerned 4.fascinating5.removed 6.as7.into8.with 9.into10.from语言运用能力专练Ⅰ.完形填空语篇解读Washoe不是普通的黑猩猩,科学家们通过教给她手势语和训练她怎样思考和解决问题,想更多地了解我们人类。

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Ⅰ.语境填词1.The ________(manage) decided to choose a responsible person to perform the task.2.Gathering clouds ________(announce) the oncoming storm.3.Smith said he is ________(innocence),but many people think he is lying.4.Now it became ________(evidence) that he spoke two languages at once.5.He must be made to answer for these terrible ________(犯罪).Ⅱ.单项填空6.—Bob’s ________ the branches from the tree.Go and ________ for firewood.Bill!—Do you think I’m really ________ for this kind of work?A.cut away;cut them up;cut throughB.cut off;cut them down;cut throughC.cut away;cut them up;cut outD.cut off;cut them down;cut out7.—How are you going to ________ these problems?—I really don’t know what to ________.Will you help me out?A.deal with;do with B.deal with;doC.do with;do with D.do with;do8.The word “ungelivable” based on Chinese,which has become a big hit online very quickly,________ a message that Chinese can also serve as an addition to English vocabulary.A.delivers B.simplifiesC.declares D.clarifies9.If you have any doubts about your health,you’d better________ your doctor at once.A.convince B.consultC.avoid D.affect10.The company has got ________ from many users both at home and abroad for top­quality products and services.(2016·无锡一模)A.benefit B.apologyC.credit D.envyⅠ.阅读理解(2016·苏州一模)The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts,pure,unprejudiced,objectively selected facts.But in these days of complex news it must provide more;it must supply interpretation,the meaning of the facts.This is the most importantassignment facing American journalists—to make clear to the reader the problems of the day,to make international news understandable as community news,to recognize that there is no longer any such thing as “local” news,because any event in the international area has a local reaction in the financial market,political circles,in terms,indeed,of our very way of life.There is in journalism a widespread view that when you start an interpretation,you are entering dangerous waters,the rushing tides of opinion.This is nonsense.The opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall limit himself to the “facts”.This insistence raises two questions.What are the facts?And:Are the bare facts enough?As for the first question,consider how a so­called “factual” story comes about.The reporter collects,say,fifty facts;out of these fifty,his space being necessarily restricted,he selects the ten which he considers most important.This is Judgment Number One.Then he or his editor decides which of these ten facts shall hold the lead of the piece.This is Judgment Number Two.Then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one,where it has a large influence,or on page twenty­fou r,where it has little.Judgment Number Three.Thus in the presentation of a so­called “factual” or “objective” story,at least three judgments are involved.And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation,in which reporter and editor,calling upon their research resources,their general background,and their “news neutralism(中立)”,arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news.The two areas of judgment,presentation of the news and its interpretation,are both objective rather than subjective processes—as objective,that is,as any human being can be.If an editor is determined to give a prejudiced view of the news,he can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation.He can do it by the selection of those facts that support his particular viewpoint.Or he can do it by the place he gives a story—promoting it to page one or dragging it to page thirty.1.According to Paragraphs 1—2,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.The most important task of reporters is to provide facts for the readers.B.If a reporter makes clear the facts he writes,he will get into trouble.C.In order to make current events clear to the readers,reporters and editors must select facts objectively.D.For reporters,interpretation of facts is no less important than presentation of the facts.2.Which of the following can best express the author’s attitude toward objectiveness?A.He does not think there exists any objectiveness in news writing or reporting.B.To make clear the news is a way to be objective for the readers.C.Objectiveness is controlled by editors rather than writers.D.Properly choosing facts prepares a solid ground for objectiveness.3.Where a story is presented in a newspaper shows ________.A.the story’s factual matterB.the edi tor’s prejudiceC.the reporter’s backgroundD.the story’s impact on the readers4.The purpose of the last paragraph is to ________.A.show us the author’s judgmentB.show us where to place a storyC.show us the author’s viewpoint on objectivenessD.show us how to be neutralⅡ.任务型阅读Electronic communication is a form of communication that is used for the transfer of data,images,signals,etc.through wire,radio,or photoelectronic systems.Electronic communication is not only a novel tool,it also serves to be an interesting mode of communication.Electronic communication benefits people by giving them the privilege to share televised pictures,conversations,graphics and so on with people from other parts of the world.If you have an acquaintance that lives in a different geographicallocation,communication is no more a pain in the neck.Technological opportunities have assisted you in communicating with ease,saving you even the smallest trouble.Your conversations could be visual,as well as textual.A noble deed accomplished through electronic communication is to assist the people with auditory impairment(听觉障碍) in conveying their messages.With this mode of communication,the recipient receives the message within a few seconds after the message is sent.The recipient can read the message anytime,anywhere at his convenience.In addition,since electronic communication does not take place via hard copies,money spent on purchasing paper and charges incurred(产生) on printing and postal deliveries are regulated.However,while it is a good form of conveying messages,electronic communication also has many problems that make people worry a lot.For instance,your computer can be hacked (非法侵入),and affected by computer viruses.This can have a terrible effect on the computer system and the network.Besides,the volume of transmitted data is large with the transmission being fast.Therefore,it becomes difficult for employers to absorb,process,and understand the same,and provide proper feedback for their employees.Another disadvantage of electronic communication is an issue related to email privacy.An email is sent in the form of data packets via the computer network.These data packets have to pass through a number of routers and computers before it reaches its destination.Thus,there are chances of an individual tampering with (篡改) the email before it reaches its recipient.Besides,while the data packets are transferred from one computer system to another,they can get lost if the router is supplied with far more data packets than its carrying capacity.A majority of technological workings in the world have their pros and cons.In spite of its disadvantages,most of us depend on electronic communication for our work as it has become an integral part of our lives.答案精析高考高频单词与短语识记排查跟踪训练Ⅰ.1.manager 2.announced/announces 3.innocent4.evident 5.crimesⅡ.6.A [句意为:——Bob已把树枝从树上砍下来了,Bill,你去把它砍碎做木柴。
