Robust state preparation of a single trapped ion by adiabatic passage




APW & TPWAutomated Sample PreparationCompliant automated preparation of up to 300 samplesContent/Blend Uniformity, Potency, and Related Substances Assays Simplify extraction of difficult ER, CR, and tamper resistant formulations Robust, reproducible, and fit-for-purpose methodsFor Content Uniformity, Blend Uniformity, Potency, and Related Substances AssaySample preparation can be a very general term. When we talk about sample preparations at SOTAX, we’re referring to the volumetric preparations of API, solid/liquid oral dosage forms, creams, and pastes.Why automate? Automated Sample Preparation enhances laboratory productivity by minimizing resource allocation for repetitive tasks such as sample weighing, extraction, filtration, dilution, and transfer to analysis devices. This enables the repurposing of lab staff to mission critical tasks such as data analysis, reporting, and notebook documentation. Automated procedures can also reduce solvent usage and hazardous waste generation while improving analyst safety by minimizing exposure to hazardous reagents and samples.Do you want to streamline your laboratory workflow? Automation facilitates processing labor-intensive sam-ples for a broad spectrum of challenging formulations including tamper-resistant, osmotic pump, modified, ex-tended, and delayed release. With robust focused extrac-tion techniques the samples are consistently prepared across a variety of analysts and laboratories. Each step is gravimetrically confirmed and tracked in a secure data-base to ensure reproducible, high quality, traceable, compliant results.Recent initiatives to incorporate QbD and Continuous Process Improvement principles into the drug product lifecycle management process have increasingly raised laboratory productivity expectations. The demand for more sample throughput with the same or reduced head count is being imposed on laboratories across the industry. With 100’s of installations globally, processing hundreds of thousands of samples, SOTAX Automated Sample Preparation Systems have proven to be reliable and compliant solutions to enhance your laboratory’s effi-ciency and accelerate the workflow.Why Automate Sample Preparations?Automated… and in with the improved!Automate your sample preparationsso that they are performed the sameway every time. Each method stepis confirmed gravimetrically, repor-ted volumetrically, and docu m ent e delec t ronically.You will improve overall lab cycletimes and reduce solvent costs.Manual Out with the old …Volumetric glassware for tablet, capsule, and blend evaluations have long been the industry standard. Unfortunately, so have bottlenecks, OOS investigations, and excessive solvent costs. Traditional sample preparation relies on technique-dependent and labor-intensive laboratory steps often requiring error-prone data transcription.Coupled with the limited extraction efficiency of stirring, shaking, and sonication mechanisms, manual sam p le preparation is at the root of many time-consuming and costlylab investigations.APW and TPWEnhanced for Greater ProductivityThe APW and TPW Automated Sample Preparation Systems have recently been enhanced to provide even greater sample preparation productivity and reduced cycle time while streamlining your laboratory workflow. The TPW and APW provide productivity solutions to a broad variety of laboratories and applications. Typical products range from solid or liquid oral dosage forms for the pharma-ceutical industry to tooth paste and lipstick for the consumer products industry. Regardless of the industry or the degree of regulation, these platforms maximize efficiency and throughput for a vast array of applications. From API to suspen-sions to tablets to medicated feeds, the TPW and APW provide a range of support from simple sample preparation to barcoded sample ID and preparationwith on-line HPLC analysis and compliant data transfer to your validated CDS.> APW and TPWAutomated Sample Preparation WorkstationsExtractionThe TPW uses a high-shear homog-enizer probe to provide a consistent wet grinding process to quickly ex-tract samples. Alternately, the APW has a sonication probe coupled with a UV temperature sensor to deliver focused sample disintegration with-out overheating. With these tools, both TPW and APW can achieve effi-cient and reproducible extraction for even the most challenging of sample formulations. Cleaning of the extrac-tion path between samples is easily programmed into the method to eliminate sample carry-over, ensur-ing that each sample is handled iden-tically. The newly updated TPW and APW are enhanced to reduce cycle time by adding efficiency to the system cleaning process.Filtration & DilutionThe TPW uses a fluid metering pumpto filter extracted samples as theyare transferred from the extractionvessel to test tubes. Both the TPWand the APW also support a syringe-driven filtration process to filter so-lutions from one test tube to another.Post filtration, both systems can per-form up to 1:100,000 dilutions withina single method. Further dilutionsare also possible using the “MethodOverlap” feature. The volumes for allliquid handling operations are con-firmed gravimetrically for addedaccuracy and precision. For everysample, the system audit trail com-bined with the advanced error han-dling capabilities provides a detailedand comprehensive record of the en-tire preparation process.Analysis & StorageBoth units have HPLC injectors tosupport on-line HPLC analysis. AWaters Empower TM interface is alsoincluded to provide compliant datatransfer to Empower TM for stream-lined sample analysis with enhancedtraceability. All result-critical sam-ple preparation information is trans-ferred to Empower TM as the TPW/APWsample run-list progresses. In addi-tion to on-line HPLC analysis, sam-ples can also be collected in sealedHPLC vials to support various off-line analyses. Finally, both the TPWand APW have the capability to trans-fer sample to a UV spectrophotometerto act as an autosampler for on-lineUV analysis. The systems will thenuse an analog connection to triggerthe UV to read the sample in accor-dance with the external UV instru-ment control program.Fully Automated Steps> SAM Sample ManagerCollect samples with optionalcooling for off-line analysis orfurther processingBenefitsPerform High Quality Preparations Automated Sample Prep means robust and reproducible preparation that is equivalent or superior to your manual analytical procedures. Robust and reproducible means that automation guarantees uniform sample history.Sample weighing capabilities include 4- or 5-place weighing with automatic switching to 4-place mode for gravimetric confirmation of volumetric sample dilutions.“Uniform sample history in automatedsample preparation eliminates bias and error introduced by inconsistencies in manual preparation.”sample preparation method. This can result in Due to the physics of the focused homogenizerReduce and Simplify OOS InvestigationsDeficiencies in laboratory investigations are a major source of warning letters in the pharmaceutical industry, accounting for 12 % – 15 % of 483s annually. With TPW and APW, each method step is gravimetrically confirmed and recorded in the secure database to ensure high quality consistent results. The TPW and APW audit trail provides a compliant and comprehensive history of the entire sample preparation process. In the event of an unexpected result, this audit trail ensures a well-defined assignment of root cause to simplify the laboratory investigation process.“DOE and QbD for analytical methods are no longer just buzz words. TPW and APW are ‘designed for experiments’… today.”Automate Your Method Development Our user-friendly software interface provides rapid assimilation of the TPW and APW platforms in all envi-ronments from academic to industry AR&D to the QC lab. Advanced developer options accelerate the method development process to facilitate Analytical Quality by Design (AQbD). AQbD pairs good scientific principleswith quality risk management. Combined with the Empower™ interface, TPW and APW’s powerful dEsign™ variables fully automate AQbD to ensure robust, fit-for-purpose methods that deliver consistent results throughout the method lifecycle. These powerful soft-ware functions allow you to plan and execute method development DOE activities quickly and efficiently. The easy-to-use and intuitive software interface stream-lines the method transfer across sites.“No more auditing of pipettes and volumetric flasks and no need to store glassware around the lab for weeks.”SpecificationsAPW TPWMax. Sample Throughput per Run 300 samples (extraction mode 1 & 2)100 samples (extraction mode 1)200 samples (extraction mode 2)Sample Containers • 16 × 100 mm tubes• 20 × 150 mm tubes• 16 × 150 mm tubes• 16 × 100 mm tubesSample Confirmation5-place and 4-place weighing(min. weight of 100 mg or 200 mg, respectively)5-place and 4-place weighing(min. weight of 100 mg or 200 mg, respectively)Sample Tracking Linear barcode reader Linear barcode readerExtraction & Liquid HandlingExtraction Mode 1Sonicator (with UV Temperature sensor)Homogenizer (2k RPM – 20k RPM) Extraction Mode 2Vortexer VortexerExtraction Volume• 1 mL – 10 mL (16 x 100 mm test tube)• 20 mL – 100 mL (extraction vessel), or• 50 mL – 520 mL (extraction vessel), or• 1 mL – 10 mL (16 x 100 mm test tube) Filtration Syringe Fluid metering pump and syringe Syringe-driven LiquidDispensing0.05 mL – 10 mL0.05 mL – 10 mLMax. Dilution Ratio1:100,0001:52,000,000Max. Number ofSolvents Connected9 solvents 5 solventsAnalytical FinishOff-Line• Sample collection in test tube rackson APW platform• Sample collection into sealed vials in SAM • Sample collection in test tube racks on TPW platform• Sample collection into sealed vials in SAMHPLC On-Line• HPLC fixed loop injector• incl. Waters Empower TM interface • HPLC fixed loop injector• incl. Waters Empower TM interfaceUV-Vis On-Line Sample collection followed by automated transferinto UV-Vis Sample collection followed by automated transfer into UV-VisControls (Minimum Requirements)PC• Windows 7-64 bit • Dual Core ProcessorDatabase• MS SLQ Server 2000 or greater • Express, Workgroup or Standard EditionDimensionsAPW / TPW AutomatedSample Prep. Workstations• Height: 42” / 107 cm (incl. Light Tower) • Width: 45.5” / 116 cm (with balance LCD panel) • Depth: 36” / 91 cm SAM Sample Manager• Height: 27.5” / 69 cm • Width: 21.5” / 55 cm • Depth: 30” / 76 cmTechnical ServicesGlobal. Reliable. Customer-focused. The SOTAX Global Service Network is available worldwide, whenever and wherever you need us.• System installation and qualification• User training• First Line Responder training• Preventive maintenance• Technical support• Repairs• Updates, upgrades, and customization• Compliance services (cGMP compliant qualification: IQ, OQ, PQ, and customer-specific qualification)• Service contracts• RelocationsAssociated ServicesApplication ServicesAt SOTAX, we engineer solutions for development and quality control.We support you with expertise at each step of your process:Feasibility study Secure your instrument investment with data confirmation of “fit forpurpose” method capability on your productsMethod development Save time and resources by allowing SOTAX application scientists todevelop your methods in accordance with your method developmentrequirementsMethod transfer Use our trained hands to provide method training and facilitate thetransfer of your automated methods across sitesMethod validation Speed rollout by allowing us to facilitate and document validation ofyour method at your siteApplication support at installation Screen your applications for potential hurdles and prioritize methods to be automated to develop an efficient and effective plan for integrating automation into your laboratoryApplication training Come to our labs or invite SOTAX into yours to work with ourapplication experts to streamline the automation of your methods 11SOTAX > Automated Sample Preparation > APW & TPWEuropeSwitzerland (HQ Europe)Aesch/BaselP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +41 61 487 5454info @Czech Republic PragueP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +420 246 039 260info @France Saint-LouisP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +33 3 8970 0846info @Germany LörrachP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +49 7621 16 5635info @Great Britain LondonP Tech Support +44 20 8349 6946P Offi ce +44 20 8349 6947info @Italy MilanP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +39 02 8363 2641sotaxitalia @AmericasUSA (HQ Americas)Westborough, MAP Tech Support +1 508 544 4040P Offi ce +1 508 417 1112sotaxusa @Canada BramptonP Tech Support +1 800 931 4151P Offi ce +1 905 494 0114sotaxcanada @Asia-PacificIndia (HQ Asia-Pacifi c)MumbaiP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce +91 22 42 95 01 -91 / -92sotaxindia @China ShanghaiP Tech Support +41 61 487 5460P Offi ce + 8621-6135 6268, ext. 205sotaxchina @SOTAX WorldwideM B 30002E N _02_2015-11。



Never, ever give up!1 As a young boy, Britain's great Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, attended a public school called Harrow. He was not a good student, and had he not been from a famous family, he probably would have been removed from the school for deviating from the rules. Thankfully, he did finish at Harrow and his errors there did not preclude him from going on to the university. He eventually had a premier army career whereby he was later elected prime minister. He achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage in his refusal to surrender during the miserable dark days of World War II. His amazing determination helped motivate his entire nation and was an inspiration worldwide.英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔小时候就读于一所名为哈罗的公立学校。





我心目中农场作文英语Farms have always held a special place in my heart. Growing up in a bustling city, I often found myself longing for the tranquility and simplicity of rural life. As I've grown older, my appreciation for the vital role farms play in our society has only deepened. In my mind's eye, the perfect farm is a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, where the timeless rhythms of nature coexist with the latest advancements in sustainable agriculture.At the heart of my vision for an ideal farm is a deep respect for the land and a commitment to responsible stewardship. I envision a property where the soil is nurtured and cared for, where every acre is treated as a precious resource to be cultivated with reverence and skill. The farmers who tend to this land would be passionate stewards, guided by a profound understanding of the delicate balance of ecosystems and a steadfast determination to leave the earth in better condition than they found it.One of the key features of my dream farm would be its emphasis on biodiversity. Rather than vast monocultures of a single crop, I see atapestry of diverse plantings – a symphony of fruits, vegetables, grains, and flowers that work in harmony to support a thriving webof life. Hedgerows and wildflower meadows would dot the landscape, providing vital habitats for pollinators and other beneficial insects. Integrated pest management strategies would be employed, minimizing the need for harmful chemicals and fostering a natural balance within the farm's ecosystem.Sustainability would be a guiding principle in every aspect of the farm's operations. Solar panels and wind turbines would harness the power of renewable energy, reducing the farm's carbon footprint and contributing to a cleaner, greener future. Water conservation would be a top priority, with efficient irrigation systems, rain catchment, and wetland restoration projects ensuring that this precious resource is used responsibly. Waste would be minimized through composting, recycling, and the implementation of circular economy principles, transforming what was once considered trash into valuable inputs for the farm's nutrient cycle.At the same time, I envision my ideal farm as a hub of innovation and technological advancement. State-of-the-art precision farming techniques would be employed, using data-driven analytics and cutting-edge sensors to optimize crop yields, minimize resource use, and enhance overall efficiency. Robotic systems and autonomous vehicles would assist in the day-to-day tasks, freeing up the farmersto focus on the more nuanced and creative aspects of their work. Vertical farming and hydroponics would be integrated into the landscape, allowing for the production of high-quality, year-round crops in a compact, resource-efficient manner.But beyond its technological prowess, this farm would also be a place of community and connection. I envision a vibrant agritourism program, where visitors can immerse themselves in the rhythms of farm life, learn about sustainable agriculture, and forge a deeper appreciation for the origins of their food. Educational programs and workshops would be offered, empowering people of all ages to become more engaged with the natural world and the processes that sustain us.The farm's bounty would be shared not just with those who visit, but with the surrounding community as well. A robust network of farmer's markets, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs, and partnerships with local businesses would ensure that the farm's high-quality, nutrient-dense produce is accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. The farm would also serve as a hub for food justice initiatives, working to address issues of food insecurity and promote equitable access to healthy, sustainable food.At the heart of this farm would be the farmers themselves – a dedicated, passionate, and diverse team of individuals who havechosen to devote their lives to the stewardship of the land. They would be skilled not just in the practical aspects of farming, but also in the art of storytelling, using their intimate knowledge of the land to inspire and educate all who come into contact with it. They would be leaders in their community, advocating for policies and practices that support small-scale, sustainable agriculture, and serving as role models for the next generation of food producers.As I envision this farm, I am filled with a sense of hope and excitement for the future of our food system. In a world that is increasingly grappling with the challenges of climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality, farms like this one can serve as beacons of resilience, innovation, and community. By embracing a holistic, regenerative approach to agriculture, we can not only nourish our bodies, but also heal the land, support local economies, and foster a deeper connection between people and the natural world.It is a grand and ambitious vision, to be sure, but one that I believe is both necessary and achievable. With the right combination of passion, creativity, and collaborative effort, we can transform the way we produce, distribute, and consume food, creating a more sustainable, equitable, and vibrant future for all. And at the heart of this transformation, I see the ideal farm – a living, breathing testament to the power of human ingenuity, the resilience of nature,and the boundless potential of what we can achieve when we work in harmony with the land that sustains us.。



英文安永审计报告Audit ReportThe audit report is a comprehensive document that provides an independent assessment of an organization's financial statements, internal controls, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. As a leading professional services firm, Ernst & Young (EY) is renowned for its expertise in conducting rigorous audits and delivering insightful analysis to its clients. This report outlines the key findings and recommendations from the EY audit of the financial statements of a client organization for the fiscal year ended December 31 2022.Financial Statements ReviewThe audit team conducted a thorough examination of the client's financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and related notes to the financial statements. The team's review focused on ensuring the accuracy, completeness, and fair presentation of the financial information in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).Overall the audit team found that the financial statements presentfairly in all material respects the financial position of the organization as of December 31 2022 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with GAAP. The team identified no material misstatements or exceptions in the financial reporting.The balance sheet as of December 31 2022 reflects total assets of $125 million and total liabilities of $75 million resulting in total shareholders' equity of $50 million. The income statement for the year ended December 31 2022 shows total revenues of $200 million and net income of $20 million. The statement of cash flows demonstrates the organization generated $30 million in net cash from operating activities.Internal Controls AssessmentA key component of the audit involved evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of the organization's internal control environment. The audit team conducted walkthroughs of key business processes interviewed personnel and tested relevant controls to assess their adequacy in mitigating financial reporting risks.In the team's assessment the organization maintains an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting. No material weaknesses or significant deficiencies were identified that couldpotentially impact the reliability of the financial statements. The controls tested were found to be suitably designed and operating effectively to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements in accordance with GAAP.The organization has established a strong control environment with clear assignment of authority and responsibility. Key controls were noted in the areas of cash management accounts receivable and payable inventory management and payroll processing. The team commends the organization's proactive approach to maintaining a robust internal control framework.Compliance ReviewAs part of the audit the team also reviewed the organization's compliance with applicable laws regulations and contractual agreements. This included an assessment of the company's adherence to requirements related to tax filings employee benefit plans and industry-specific regulations.The audit team found the organization to be in substantial compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. No instances of non-compliance were identified that could have a material effect on the financial statements. The organization appears to have appropriate processes and controls in place to ensure ongoingcompliance.One area noted for potential improvement relates to the organization's policies and procedures for monitoring changes in laws and regulations. The audit team recommends enhancing the compliance function to proactively identify and assess the impact of new or amended requirements. This will help ensure the organization remains fully compliant on an ongoing basis.Overall Conclusion and RecommendationsBased on the procedures performed and evidence obtained the EY audit team concludes that the financial statements of the organization present fairly in all material respects the financial position results of operations and cash flows for the year ended December 31 2022 in conformity with GAAP. The organization maintains an effective system of internal controls over financial reporting and is in substantial compliance with applicable laws and regulations.To further strengthen the organization's financial reporting and compliance the audit team recommends the following:- Enhance the compliance function to proactively monitor changes in laws and regulations- Formalize the process for reviewing and updating accounting policies and procedures on a periodic basis- Implement additional controls around the review and approval of journal entries- Provide enhanced training to finance and accounting personnel on recent GAAP updatesThe EY team appreciates the cooperation and assistance provided by the client's finance and accounting staff throughout the audit process. We are available to discuss the findings and recommendations in more detail. Please let us know if you have any questions or require additional information.。

Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map

Multicamera People Tracking with a Probabilistic Occupancy Map

Multicamera People Tracking witha Probabilistic Occupancy MapFranc¸ois Fleuret,Je´roˆme Berclaz,Richard Lengagne,and Pascal Fua,Senior Member,IEEE Abstract—Given two to four synchronized video streams taken at eye level and from different angles,we show that we can effectively combine a generative model with dynamic programming to accurately follow up to six individuals across thousands of frames in spite of significant occlusions and lighting changes.In addition,we also derive metrically accurate trajectories for each of them.Our contribution is twofold.First,we demonstrate that our generative model can effectively handle occlusions in each time frame independently,even when the only data available comes from the output of a simple background subtraction algorithm and when the number of individuals is unknown a priori.Second,we show that multiperson tracking can be reliably achieved by processing individual trajectories separately over long sequences,provided that a reasonable heuristic is used to rank these individuals and that we avoid confusing them with one another.Index Terms—Multipeople tracking,multicamera,visual surveillance,probabilistic occupancy map,dynamic programming,Hidden Markov Model.Ç1I NTRODUCTIONI N this paper,we address the problem of keeping track of people who occlude each other using a small number of synchronized videos such as those depicted in Fig.1,which were taken at head level and from very different angles. This is important because this kind of setup is very common for applications such as video surveillance in public places.To this end,we have developed a mathematical framework that allows us to combine a robust approach to estimating the probabilities of occupancy of the ground plane at individual time steps with dynamic programming to track people over time.This results in a fully automated system that can track up to six people in a room for several minutes by using only four cameras,without producing any false positives or false negatives in spite of severe occlusions and lighting variations. As shown in Fig.2,our system also provides location estimates that are accurate to within a few tens of centimeters, and there is no measurable performance decrease if as many as20percent of the images are lost and only a small one if 30percent are.This involves two algorithmic steps:1.We estimate the probabilities of occupancy of theground plane,given the binary images obtained fromthe input images via background subtraction[7].Atthis stage,the algorithm only takes into accountimages acquired at the same time.Its basic ingredientis a generative model that represents humans assimple rectangles that it uses to create synthetic idealimages that we would observe if people were at givenlocations.Under this model of the images,given thetrue occupancy,we approximate the probabilities ofoccupancy at every location as the marginals of aproduct law minimizing the Kullback-Leibler diver-gence from the“true”conditional posterior distribu-tion.This allows us to evaluate the probabilities ofoccupancy at every location as the fixed point of alarge system of equations.2.We then combine these probabilities with a color and amotion model and use the Viterbi algorithm toaccurately follow individuals across thousands offrames[3].To avoid the combinatorial explosion thatwould result from explicitly dealing with the jointposterior distribution of the locations of individuals ineach frame over a fine discretization,we use a greedyapproach:we process trajectories individually oversequences that are long enough so that using areasonable heuristic to choose the order in which theyare processed is sufficient to avoid confusing peoplewith each other.In contrast to most state-of-the-art algorithms that recursively update estimates from frame to frame and may therefore fail catastrophically if difficult conditions persist over several consecutive frames,our algorithm can handle such situations since it computes the global optima of scores summed over many frames.This is what gives it the robustness that Fig.2demonstrates.In short,we combine a mathematically well-founded generative model that works in each frame individually with a simple approach to global optimization.This yields excellent performance by using basic color and motion models that could be further improved.Our contribution is therefore twofold.First,we demonstrate that a generative model can effectively handle occlusions at each time frame independently,even when the input data is of very poor quality,and is therefore easy to obtain.Second,we show that multiperson tracking can be reliably achieved by processing individual trajectories separately over long sequences.. F.Fleuret,J.Berclaz,and P.Fua are with the Ecole Polytechnique Fe´de´ralede Lausanne,Station14,CH-1015Lausanne,Switzerland.E-mail:{francois.fleuret,jerome.berclaz,pascal.fua} is with GE Security-VisioWave,Route de la Pierre22,1024Ecublens,Switzerland.E-mail:richard.lengagne@.Manuscript received14July2006;revised19Jan.2007;accepted28Mar.2007;published online15May2007.Recommended for acceptance by S.Sclaroff.For information on obtaining reprints of this article,please send e-mail to:tpami@,and reference IEEECS Log Number TPAMI-0521-0706.Digital Object Identifier no.10.1109/TPAMI.2007.1174.0162-8828/08/$25.00ß2008IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer SocietyIn the remainder of the paper,we first briefly review related works.We then formulate our problem as estimat-ing the most probable state of a hidden Markov process and propose a model of the visible signal based on an estimate of an occupancy map in every time frame.Finally,we present our results on several long sequences.2R ELATED W ORKState-of-the-art methods can be divided into monocular and multiview approaches that we briefly review in this section.2.1Monocular ApproachesMonocular approaches rely on the input of a single camera to perform tracking.These methods provide a simple and easy-to-deploy setup but must compensate for the lack of 3D information in a single camera view.2.1.1Blob-Based MethodsMany algorithms rely on binary blobs extracted from single video[10],[5],[11].They combine shape analysis and tracking to locate people and maintain appearance models in order to track them,even in the presence of occlusions.The Bayesian Multiple-BLob tracker(BraMBLe)system[12],for example,is a multiblob tracker that generates a blob-likelihood based on a known background model and appearance models of the tracked people.It then uses a particle filter to implement the tracking for an unknown number of people.Approaches that track in a single view prior to computing correspondences across views extend this approach to multi camera setups.However,we view them as falling into the same category because they do not simultaneously exploit the information from multiple views.In[15],the limits of the field of view of each camera are computed in every other camera from motion information.When a person becomes visible in one camera,the system automatically searches for him in other views where he should be visible.In[4],a background/foreground segmentation is performed on calibrated images,followed by human shape extraction from foreground objects and feature point selection extraction. Feature points are tracked in a single view,and the system switches to another view when the current camera no longer has a good view of the person.2.1.2Color-Based MethodsTracking performance can be significantly increased by taking color into account.As shown in[6],the mean-shift pursuit technique based on a dissimilarity measure of color distributions can accurately track deformable objects in real time and in a monocular context.In[16],the images are segmented pixelwise into different classes,thus modeling people by continuously updated Gaussian mixtures.A standard tracking process is then performed using a Bayesian framework,which helps keep track of people,even when there are occlusions.In such a case,models of persons in front keep being updated, whereas the system stops updating occluded ones,which may cause trouble if their appearances have changed noticeably when they re-emerge.More recently,multiple humans have been simulta-neously detected and tracked in crowded scenes[20]by using Monte-Carlo-based methods to estimate their number and positions.In[23],multiple people are also detected and tracked in front of complex backgrounds by using mixture particle filters guided by people models learned by boosting.In[9],multicue3D object tracking is addressed by combining particle-filter-based Bayesian tracking and detection using learned spatiotemporal shapes.This ap-proach leads to impressive results but requires shape, texture,and image depth information as input.Finally, Smith et al.[25]propose a particle-filtering scheme that relies on Markov chain Monte Carlo(MCMC)optimization to handle entrances and departures.It also introduces a finer modeling of interactions between individuals as a product of pairwise potentials.2.2Multiview ApproachesDespite the effectiveness of such methods,the use of multiple cameras soon becomes necessary when one wishes to accurately detect and track multiple people and compute their precise3D locations in a complex environment. Occlusion handling is facilitated by using two sets of stereo color cameras[14].However,in most approaches that only take a set of2D views as input,occlusion is mainly handled by imposing temporal consistency in terms of a motion model,be it Kalman filtering or more general Markov models.As a result,these approaches may not always be able to recover if the process starts diverging.2.2.1Blob-Based MethodsIn[19],Kalman filtering is applied on3D points obtained by fusing in a least squares sense the image-to-world projections of points belonging to binary blobs.Similarly,in[1],a Kalman filter is used to simultaneously track in2D and3D,and objectFig.1.Images from two indoor and two outdoor multicamera video sequences that we use for our experiments.At each time step,we draw a box around people that we detect and assign to them an ID number that follows them throughout thesequence.Fig.2.Cumulative distributions of the position estimate error on a3,800-frame sequence(see Section6.4.1for details).locations are estimated through trajectory prediction during occlusion.In[8],a best hypothesis and a multiple-hypotheses approaches are compared to find people tracks from 3D locations obtained from foreground binary blobs ex-tracted from multiple calibrated views.In[21],a recursive Bayesian estimation approach is used to deal with occlusions while tracking multiple people in multiview.The algorithm tracks objects located in the intersections of2D visual angles,which are extracted from silhouettes obtained from different fixed views.When occlusion ambiguities occur,multiple occlusion hypotheses are generated,given predicted object states and previous hypotheses,and tested using a branch-and-merge strategy. The proposed framework is implemented using a customized particle filter to represent the distribution of object states.Recently,Morariu and Camps[17]proposed a method based on dimensionality reduction to learn a correspondence between the appearance of pedestrians across several views. This approach is able to cope with the severe occlusion in one view by exploiting the appearance of the same pedestrian on another view and the consistence across views.2.2.2Color-Based MethodsMittal and Davis[18]propose a system that segments,detects, and tracks multiple people in a scene by using a wide-baseline setup of up to16synchronized cameras.Intensity informa-tion is directly used to perform single-view pixel classifica-tion and match similarly labeled regions across views to derive3D people locations.Occlusion analysis is performed in two ways:First,during pixel classification,the computa-tion of prior probabilities takes occlusion into account. Second,evidence is gathered across cameras to compute a presence likelihood map on the ground plane that accounts for the visibility of each ground plane point in each view. Ground plane locations are then tracked over time by using a Kalman filter.In[13],individuals are tracked both in image planes and top view.The2D and3D positions of each individual are computed so as to maximize a joint probability defined as the product of a color-based appearance model and2D and 3D motion models derived from a Kalman filter.2.2.3Occupancy Map MethodsRecent techniques explicitly use a discretized occupancy map into which the objects detected in the camera images are back-projected.In[2],the authors rely on a standard detection of stereo disparities,which increase counters associated to square areas on the ground.A mixture of Gaussians is fitted to the resulting score map to estimate the likely location of individuals.This estimate is combined with a Kallman filter to model the motion.In[26],the occupancy map is computed with a standard visual hull procedure.One originality of the approach is to keep for each resulting connex component an upper and lower bound on the number of objects that it can contain. Based on motion consistency,the bounds on the various components are estimated at a certain time frame based on the bounds of the components at the previous time frame that spatially intersect with it.Although our own method shares many features with these techniques,it differs in two important respects that we will highlight:First,we combine the usual color and motion models with a sophisticated approach based on a generative model to estimating the probabilities of occu-pancy,which explicitly handles complex occlusion interac-tions between detected individuals,as will be discussed in Section5.Second,we rely on dynamic programming to ensure greater stability in challenging situations by simul-taneously handling multiple frames.3P ROBLEM F ORMULATIONOur goal is to track an a priori unknown number of people from a few synchronized video streams taken at head level. In this section,we formulate this problem as one of finding the most probable state of a hidden Markov process,given the set of images acquired at each time step,which we will refer to as a temporal frame.We then briefly outline the computation of the relevant probabilities by using the notations summarized in Tables1and2,which we also use in the following two sections to discuss in more details the actual computation of those probabilities.3.1Computing the Optimal TrajectoriesWe process the video sequences by batches of T¼100frames, each of which includes C images,and we compute the most likely trajectory for each individual.To achieve consistency over successive batches,we only keep the result on the first 10frames and slide our temporal window.This is illustrated in Fig.3.We discretize the visible part of the ground plane into a finite number G of regularly spaced2D locations and we introduce a virtual hidden location H that will be used to model entrances and departures from and into the visible area.For a given batch,let L t¼ðL1t;...;L NÃtÞbe the hidden stochastic processes standing for the locations of individuals, whether visible or not.The number NÃstands for the maximum allowable number of individuals in our world.It is large enough so that conditioning on the number of visible ones does not change the probability of a new individual entering the scene.The L n t variables therefore take values in f1;...;G;Hg.Given I t¼ðI1t;...;I C tÞ,the images acquired at time t for 1t T,our task is to find the values of L1;...;L T that maximizePðL1;...;L T j I1;...;I TÞ:ð1ÞAs will be discussed in Section 4.1,we compute this maximum a posteriori in a greedy way,processing one individual at a time,including the hidden ones who can move into the visible scene or not.For each one,the algorithm performs the computation,under the constraint that no individual can be at a visible location occupied by an individual already processed.In theory,this approach could lead to undesirable local minima,for example,by connecting the trajectories of two separate people.However,this does not happen often because our batches are sufficiently long.To further reduce the chances of this,we process individual trajectories in an order that depends on a reliability score so that the most reliable ones are computed first,thereby reducing the potential for confusion when processing the remaining ones. This order also ensures that if an individual remains in the hidden location,then all the other people present in the hidden location will also stay there and,therefore,do not need to be processed.FLEURET ET AL.:MULTICAMERA PEOPLE TRACKING WITH A PROBABILISTIC OCCUPANCY MAP269Our experimental results show that our method does not suffer from the usual weaknesses of greedy algorithms such as a tendency to get caught in bad local minima.We thereforebelieve that it compares very favorably to stochastic optimization techniques in general and more specifically particle filtering,which usually requires careful tuning of metaparameters.3.2Stochastic ModelingWe will show in Section 4.2that since we process individual trajectories,the whole approach only requires us to define avalid motion model P ðL n t þ1j L nt ¼k Þand a sound appearance model P ðI t j L n t ¼k Þ.The motion model P ðL n t þ1j L nt ¼k Þ,which will be intro-duced in Section 4.3,is a distribution into a disc of limited radiusandcenter k ,whichcorresponds toalooseboundonthe maximum speed of a walking human.Entrance into the scene and departure from it are naturally modeled,thanks to the270IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE,VOL.30,NO.2,FEBRUARY 2008TABLE 2Notations (RandomQuantities)Fig.3.Video sequences are processed by batch of 100frames.Only the first 10percent of the optimization result is kept and the rest is discarded.The temporal window is then slid forward and the optimiza-tion is repeated on the new window.TABLE 1Notations (DeterministicQuantities)hiddenlocation H,forwhichweextendthemotionmodel.The probabilities to enter and to leave are similar to the transition probabilities between different ground plane locations.In Section4.4,we will show that the appearance model PðI t j L n t¼kÞcan be decomposed into two terms.The first, described in Section4.5,is a very generic color-histogram-based model for each individual.The second,described in Section5,approximates the marginal conditional probabil-ities of occupancy of the ground plane,given the results of a background subtractionalgorithm,in allviewsacquired atthe same time.This approximation is obtained by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between a product law and the true posterior.We show that this is equivalent to computing the marginal probabilities of occupancy so that under the product law,the images obtained by putting rectangles of human sizes at occupied locations are likely to be similar to the images actually produced by the background subtraction.This represents a departure from more classical ap-proaches to estimating probabilities of occupancy that rely on computing a visual hull[26].Such approaches tend to be pessimistic and do not exploit trade-offs between the presence of people at different locations.For instance,if due to noise in one camera,a person is not seen in a particular view,then he would be discarded,even if he were seen in all others.By contrast,in our probabilistic framework,sufficient evidence might be present to detect him.Similarly,the presence of someone at a specific location creates an occlusion that hides the presence behind,which is not accounted for by the hull techniques but is by our approach.Since these marginal probabilities are computed indepen-dently at each time step,they say nothing about identity or correspondence with past frames.The appearance similarity is entirely conveyed by the color histograms,which has experimentally proved sufficient for our purposes.4C OMPUTATION OF THE T RAJECTORIESIn Section4.1,we break the global optimization of several people’s trajectories into the estimation of optimal individual trajectories.In Section 4.2,we show how this can be performed using the classical Viterbi’s algorithm based on dynamic programming.This requires a motion model given in Section 4.3and an appearance model described in Section4.4,which combines a color model given in Section4.5 and a sophisticated estimation of the ground plane occu-pancy detailed in Section5.We partition the visible area into a regular grid of G locations,as shown in Figs.5c and6,and from the camera calibration,we define for each camera c a family of rectangular shapes A c1;...;A c G,which correspond to crude human silhouettes of height175cm and width50cm located at every position on the grid.4.1Multiple TrajectoriesRecall that we denote by L n¼ðL n1;...;L n TÞthe trajectory of individual n.Given a batch of T temporal frames I¼ðI1;...;I TÞ,we want to maximize the posterior conditional probability:PðL1¼l1;...;L Nül NÃj IÞ¼PðL1¼l1j IÞY NÃn¼2P L n¼l n j I;L1¼l1;...;L nÀ1¼l nÀ1ÀÁ:ð2ÞSimultaneous optimization of all the L i s would beintractable.Instead,we optimize one trajectory after theother,which amounts to looking for^l1¼arg maxlPðL1¼l j IÞ;ð3Þ^l2¼arg maxlPðL2¼l j I;L1¼^l1Þ;ð4Þ...^l Nüarg maxlPðL Nül j I;L1¼^l1;L2¼^l2;...Þ:ð5ÞNote that under our model,conditioning one trajectory,given other ones,simply means that it will go through noalready occupied location.In other words,PðL n¼l j I;L1¼^l1;...;L nÀ1¼^l nÀ1Þ¼PðL n¼l j I;8k<n;8t;L n t¼^l k tÞ;ð6Þwhich is PðL n¼l j IÞwith a reduced set of the admissiblegrid locations.Such a procedure is recursively correct:If all trajectoriesestimated up to step n are correct,then the conditioning onlyimproves the estimate of the optimal remaining trajectories.This would suffice if the image data were informative enoughso that locations could be unambiguously associated toindividuals.In practice,this is obviously rarely the case.Therefore,this greedy approach to optimization has un-desired side effects.For example,due to partly missinglocalization information for a given trajectory,the algorithmmight mistakenly start following another person’s trajectory.This is especially likely to happen if the tracked individualsare located close to each other.To avoid this kind of failure,we process the images bybatches of T¼100and first extend the trajectories that havebeen found with high confidence,as defined below,in theprevious batches.We then process the lower confidenceones.As a result,a trajectory that was problematic in thepast and is likely to be problematic in the current batch willbe optimized last and,thus,prevented from“stealing”somebody else’s location.Furthermore,this approachincreases the spatial constraints on such a trajectory whenwe finally get around to estimating it.We use as a confidence score the concordance of theestimated trajectories in the previous batches and thelocalization cue provided by the estimation of the probabil-istic occupancy map(POM)described in Section5.Moreprecisely,the score is the number of time frames where theestimated trajectory passes through a local maximum of theestimated probability of occupancy.When the POM does notdetect a person on a few frames,the score will naturallydecrease,indicating a deterioration of the localizationinformation.Since there is a high degree of overlappingbetween successive batches,the challenging segment of atrajectory,which is due to the failure of the backgroundsubtraction or change in illumination,for instance,is met inseveral batches before it actually happens during the10keptframes.Thus,the heuristic would have ranked the corre-sponding individual in the last ones to be processed whensuch problem occurs.FLEURET ET AL.:MULTICAMERA PEOPLE TRACKING WITH A PROBABILISTIC OCCUPANCY MAP2714.2Single TrajectoryLet us now consider only the trajectory L n ¼ðL n 1;...;L nT Þof individual n over T temporal frames.We are looking for thevalues ðl n 1;...;l nT Þin the subset of free locations of f 1;...;G;Hg .The initial location l n 1is either a known visible location if the individual is visible in the first frame of the batch or H if he is not.We therefore seek to maximizeP ðL n 1¼l n 1;...;L n T ¼l nt j I 1;...;I T Þ¼P ðI 1;L n 1¼l n 1;...;I T ;L n T ¼l nT ÞP ðI 1;...;I T Þ:ð7ÞSince the denominator is constant with respect to l n ,we simply maximize the numerator,that is,the probability of both the trajectories and the images.Let us introduce the maximum of the probability of both the observations and the trajectory ending up at location k at time t :Èt ðk Þ¼max l n 1;...;l nt À1P ðI 1;L n 1¼l n 1;...;I t ;L nt ¼k Þ:ð8ÞWe model jointly the processes L n t and I t with a hidden Markov model,that isP ðL n t þ1j L n t ;L n t À1;...Þ¼P ðL n t þ1j L nt Þð9ÞandP ðI t ;I t À1;...j L n t ;L nt À1;...Þ¼YtP ðI t j L n t Þ:ð10ÞUnder such a model,we have the classical recursive expressionÈt ðk Þ¼P ðI t j L n t ¼k Þ|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}Appearance modelmax P ðL n t ¼k j L nt À1¼ Þ|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}Motion modelÈt À1ð Þð11Þto perform a global search with dynamic programming,which yields the classic Viterbi algorithm.This is straight-forward,since the L n t s are in a finite set of cardinality G þ1.4.3Motion ModelWe chose a very simple and unconstrained motion model:P ðL n t ¼k j L nt À1¼ Þ¼1=Z Áe À k k À k if k k À k c 0otherwise ;&ð12Þwhere the constant tunes the average human walkingspeed,and c limits the maximum allowable speed.This probability is isotropic,decreases with the distance from location k ,and is zero for k k À k greater than a constantmaximum distance.We use a very loose maximum distance cof one square of the grid per frame,which corresponds to a speed of almost 12mph.We also define explicitly the probabilities of transitions to the parts of the scene that are connected to the hidden location H .This is a single door in the indoor sequences and all the contours of the visible area in the outdoor sequences in Fig.1.Thus,entrance and departure of individuals are taken care of naturally by the estimation of the maximum a posteriori trajectories.If there are enough evidence from the images that somebody enters or leaves the room,then this procedure will estimate that the optimal trajectory does so,and a person will be added to or removed from the visible area.4.4Appearance ModelFrom the input images I t ,we use background subtraction to produce binary masks B t such as those in Fig.4.We denote as T t the colors of the pixels inside the blobs and treat the rest of the images as background,which is ignored.Let X tk be a Boolean random variable standing for the presence of an individual at location k of the grid at time t .In Appendix B,we show thatP ðI t j L n t ¼k Þzfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{Appearance model/P ðL n t ¼k j X kt ¼1;T t Þ|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}Color modelP ðX kt ¼1j B t Þ|fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}Ground plane occupancy:ð13ÞThe ground plane occupancy term will be discussed in Section 5,and the color model term is computed as follows.4.5Color ModelWe assume that if someone is present at a certain location k ,then his presence influences the color of the pixels located at the intersection of the moving blobs and the rectangle A c k corresponding to the location k .We model that dependency as if the pixels were independent and identically distributed and followed a density in the red,green,and blue (RGB)space associated to the individual.This is far simpler than the color models used in either [18]or [13],which split the body area in several subparts with dedicated color distributions,but has proved sufficient in practice.If an individual n was present in the frames preceding the current batch,then we have an estimation for any camera c of his color distribution c n ,since we have previously collected the pixels in all frames at the locations272IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE,VOL.30,NO.2,FEBRUARY2008Fig.4.The color model relies on a stochastic modeling of the color of the pixels T c t ðk Þsampled in the intersection of the binary image B c t produced bythe background subtraction and the rectangle A ck corresponding to the location k .。



美国总统选举流程英语The United States Presidential Election is a complex process that takes place quadrennially to select the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States. Here we delve into the intricacies of this election process, examining the key steps and milestones. **1. Primary Elections and Nominations**The presidential election cycle begins with primary elections, typically held in late spring and summer of the election year. These primaries are conducted by the individual states and are used to select the nominees for the two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Each party has its own unique primary system, with some states using a winner-take-all approach and others allocating votes proportionally based on the candidate's share of the vote.**2. General Election Campaign**Once the nominees are chosen, the general election campaign officially begins. This phase involves intense debate, policy proposals, and a barrage of advertisementsand public appearances by the candidates. Both candidates engage in a series of debates, which are broadcast nationwide and provide an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from the nominees about theirvision for the country.**3. Voting Day**On Election Day, citizens of the United States cast their votes for president. The Election Day is always a Tuesday and is typically held in November of the election year. Voting takes place at designated polling stations throughout the country, and citizens can register to vote as long as they are US citizens, at least 18 years old, and have resided in their voting district for a certain period of time.**4. Electoral College**A unique feature of the American presidential election is the Electoral College. After the votes are cast, the elected officials of each state, known as electors, cast their votes for president. Each state is allocated a number of electors equal to the total number of senators and representatives it has in Congress. The candidate whoreceives a majority of the votes in a state wins all the electors from that state.**5. Counting the Votes and Inauguration**Once all the votes are cast and the electors have voted, the votes are tallied. The candidate who receives amajority of the votes cast by the electors becomes the president-elect. If no candidate receives a majority, the House of Representatives votes to select the president,with each state casting a single vote. The newly elected president is then sworn in during a ceremony known as the Inauguration, typically held in January of the yearfollowing the election.The presidential election process in the United Statesis a robust democratic mechanism that ensures the peaceful transfer of power and the representation of the will of the American people. From the primaries to the inauguration, it is a testament to the resilience and durability of American democracy.**美国总统选举流程深度解析**美国总统选举是一个每四年举行一次的重要过程,旨在选举出美国的国家元首和武装部队的总司令。



保研英语资料The pursuit of higher education is a journey that many aspire to undertake, and for those seeking to further their academic endeavors, the process of applying for postgraduate studies can be both exciting and daunting. One crucial aspect of this process is the preparation of English-language materials, which can play a pivotal role in securing a coveted spot in a postgraduate program.Firstly, the personal statement or statement of purpose serves as a critical component of the postgraduate application. This document allows applicants to showcase their academic achievements, research interests, and future goals. Crafting a compelling personal statement requires meticulous planning and execution. Applicants should strive to present a clear and concise narrative that highlights their unique qualifications and passions, while also demonstrating their fit for the chosen program.When preparing the personal statement, it is essential to thoroughly research the institution and the specific program to which one is applying. This knowledge will enable the applicant to tailor thestatement to the program's requirements and emphasize how their academic and professional experiences align with the program's objectives. Additionally, applicants should pay close attention to the prompt or guidelines provided by the institution, ensuring that they address all the necessary elements within the specified word count.Another crucial aspect of the postgraduate application process is the academic CV or resume. This document serves as a comprehensive summary of the applicant's educational and professional background, including their academic achievements, research experience, publications, and any relevant extracurricular activities. Crafting an effective CV requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to present one's qualifications in a clear and organized manner.When compiling the CV, applicants should prioritize the inclusion of relevant information that directly supports their application. This may include details about their research projects, conference presentations, or any awards or honors they have received. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the CV is tailored to the specific program or institution, highlighting the applicant's qualifications and experiences that are most relevant to the field of study.Letters of recommendation can also play a significant role in the postgraduate application process. These letters, written byindividuals who can attest to the applicant's academic and personal strengths, can provide valuable insights into the applicant's potential for success in a postgraduate program. When selecting recommenders, applicants should choose individuals who can speak to their academic abilities, research potential, and personal qualities.When requesting letters of recommendation, applicants should provide their recommenders with clear guidelines and deadlines, as well as any necessary information about the program or institutionto which they are applying. This will ensure that the letters of recommendation are tailored to the specific requirements of the application and that they are submitted in a timely manner.In addition to the personal statement, CV, and letters of recommendation, some postgraduate programs may also require the submission of writing samples or research proposals. These documents provide an opportunity for applicants to showcase their academic writing skills, research capabilities, and intellectual curiosity.When preparing these materials, applicants should carefully review the program's guidelines and ensure that their work adheres to the specified formatting and content requirements. They should also strive to present their ideas in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner, demonstrating their ability to engage in scholarly discourse and contribute to the field of study.Furthermore, applicants should be mindful of the importance of proofreading and editing their application materials. Errors or inconsistencies in spelling, grammar, or formatting can detract from the overall quality of the application and potentially undermine the applicant's chances of success. It is recommended that applicants seek the assistance of trusted mentors, professors, or language experts to review their materials and provide constructive feedback.Beyond the tangible application materials, applicants should also consider the importance of maintaining a strong academic and professional record throughout their undergraduate or postgraduate studies. This includes consistently achieving high grades, engaging in research or internship opportunities, and actively participating in relevant academic or professional organizations.By cultivating a robust academic and professional profile, applicants can demonstrate their commitment to their field of study and their potential to contribute to the postgraduate program they are applying to. This, in turn, can strengthen their overall application and increase their chances of being selected for admission.In conclusion, the preparation of English-language materials for postgraduate applications is a crucial component of the admissions process. From crafting a compelling personal statement to compilinga comprehensive CV, applicants must approach this task with diligence, attention to detail, and a clear understanding of the program's requirements. By investing the necessary time and effort into these materials, applicants can maximize their chances of securing a coveted spot in their desired postgraduate program and embark on the next chapter of their academic journey.。



Multichannel ellipsometer for real time spectroscopy of thin film deposition from 1.5 to 6.5 eVJ. A. Zapien, R. W. Collins, and R. MessierCitation: Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71, 3451 (2000); doi: 10.1063/1.1288260View online: /10.1063/1.1288260View Table of Contents: /resource/1/RSINAK/v71/i9Published by the American Institute of Physics.Related ArticlesMulti-channel far-infrared HL-2A interferometer-polarimeterRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E336 (2012)Collinearity alignment of probe beams in a laser-based Faraday effect diagnosticRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E320 (2012)Spatial heterodyne Stokes vector imaging of the motional Stark-Zeeman multipletRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10D510 (2012)Far-infrared polarimetry diagnostic for measurement of internal magnetic field dynamics and fluctuations in the C-MOD Tokamak (invited)Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E316 (2012)First results from the J-TEXT high-resolution three-wave polarimeter-interferometerRev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10E306 (2012)Additional information on Rev. Sci. Instrum.Journal Homepage: Journal Information: /about/about_the_journalTop downloads: /features/most_downloadedInformation for Authors: /authorsMultichannel ellipsometer for real time spectroscopy of thinfilm deposition from1.5to6.5eVJ.A.Zapien,R.W.Collins,a)and R.MessierDepartment of Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Materials Research Laboratory,The Pennsylvania State University,University Park,Pennsylvania16802͑Received9March2000;accepted for publication9June2000͒A rotating polarizer multichannel ellipsometer has been optimized for operation well into theultraviolet͑UV͒spectral range.With this instrument,132spectral points in the ellipsometricparameters͑␺,⌬͒over the photon energy range from1.5eV͑827nm͒to6.5eV͑191nm͒can becollected in a minimum acquisition time of24.5ms,corresponding to one optical cycle of therotating polarizer.Averages over two and80optical cycles͑obtained in49ms and1.96s,respectively͒give standard deviations in͑␺,⌬͒of less than͑0.04°,0.08°͒and͑0.007°,0.015°͒,respectively,for the energy range from3.5to6.0eV,as determined from successive measurementsof a stable thermally oxidized silicon wafer.Key modifications to previous instrument designsinclude:͑i͒a tandem in-line Xe/D2source configuration for usable spectral output from1.5to6.5eV;͑ii͒MgF2Rochon polarizers for high transmission in the UV without the need for opticalactivity corrections;͑iii͒a spectrograph with a grating blazed at250nm and two stages of internallymounted order-sortingfilters;and͑iv͒nonuniform grouping of the pixels of the photodiode arraydetector for a more uniform spectral resolution versus photon energy,with energy spreads per pixelgroup ranging from0.02eV at1.6eV to0.05eV at5.1eV.As an example of the application of thisinstrument,results of real time spectroscopic ellipsometry studies are reported for the deposition ofan amorphous silicon nitride thinfilm by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering onto a silicon wafersubstrate.©2000American Institute of Physics.͓S0034-6748͑00͒04909-1͔I.INTRODUCTIONReal time spectroscopic ellipsometry͑RTSE͒has beenapplied widely in thinfilm studies to characterize the evolu-tion offilm thicknesses,optical properties,and micro-structure.1In the instrument designfirst applied by Kimet al.,2the basic components of the rotating polarizer multi-channel ellipsometer include:͑i͒a Xe lamp as a broadbandsource,͑ii͒collimating optics,͑iii͒a continuously rotatingpolarizer,͑iv͒a reflecting sample,͑v͒afixed analyzer,͑vi͒focusing optics,͑vii͒a prism spectrograph,and͑viii͒a pho-todiode array͑PDA͒detection system.Such an instrumentis capable of collecting spectra in the ellipsometry angles ͑␺,⌬͒and the polarized reflectance R simultaneously with a minimum acquisition time of␲/␻ϳ15ms,where␻is the polarizer angular rotation frequency.3,4The spectra obtainedby current state-of-the-art multichannel ellipsometers typi-cally range from1.5to4.5eV with the upper limit depend-ing sensitively on the instrument design and sample reflec-tance.This spectral range of operation severely limits theanalysis capabilities in studies of wide band gap materials,examples being nitrides and oxides which are useful in avariety of applications extending from microelectronics tooptical and wear-resistant coatings.Although ellipsometerswith single channel detection have been applied for manyyears covering the spectral range from1.5to5.5eV,5andmore recently to an upper spectral limit of6.5eV,6,7they do so with the use of scanning double monochromators and long collection times.As a result,such instrument designs are unsuitable for adaptation to real time spectroscopy of thin film growth.With the increasing demands in wide band gap materials performance and reliability,there is a compelling need to extend the upper limit of RTSE deeper into the ultraviolet ͑UV͒above5.0eV.In this way one can take full advantage of the capabilities of the technique,as has been demonstrated for Si-based thinfilms studied over the1.5–4.5eV spectral range.8The primary spectral limitation in the UV for current multichannel ellipsometer designs results from a sharp re-duction in the irradiance output of the light source,a high-pressure Xe lamp,for photon energies above3.5eV.This effect is often compounded by a reduction in the spectral throughput of the ellipsometer.For example,the reflection efficiency of the spectrograph grating may fall rapidly in the UV unless the grating is chosen with a blaze approaching the lowest accessible wavelengths.In addition,the low light lev-els at the UV-detecting pixels of the PDA must compete with the stray light originating from the stronger visible light that enters the spectrograph in parallel.Stray light can have a number of sources ranging from defects in the optical com-ponents of the spectrograph to multiple reflections between the protective window of the PDA and the array surface.9 In this article,we describe in detail the design enhance-ments to the rotating-polarizer multichannel ellipsometer that result in a useful spectral range in͕(␺,⌬),R͖from1.5eV ͑827nm͒to6.5eV͑191nm͒,while maintaining high speed data acquisition necessary for RTSE.10In addition to thea͒Author to whom correspondence should be addressed;electronic mail:rwc6@REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS VOLUME71,NUMBER9SEPTEMBER200034510034-6748/2000/71(9)/3451/10/$17.00©2000American Institute of Physicsinstrument design details,we provide an illustrative example of the application of the instrument for thin film growth analysis.In this example,the deposition of an amorphous silicon nitride (a -SiN x )thin film on a crystalline Si (c -Si)wafer by reactive radio-frequency ͑rf ͒magnetron sputtering is characterized using a two-layer model that simulates the separate processes of interface formation and bulk film growth.II.INSTRUMENT DEVELOPMENTFigure 1shows a schematic of the components of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer designed to span the photon energy range from 1.5to 6.5eV.In this instrument design,the broadband source incorporates a see-through deu-terium (D 2)lamp 11with the conventional high-pressure Xe lamp mounted behind it.The combined emission from this tandem Xe–D 2source configuration can be tailored by ad-justing an iris between the two lamps and,thus,controlling the irradiance from the Xe lamp that is allowed to pass through the center of the discharge of the D 2lamp.An UV achromatic objective 12is used to collimate the combined source output.The achromatic objective was preferred over an off-axis parabolic mirror for the following two reasons.First,the mirror was found to provide less collimating power for a weak,extended source such as the D 2lamp,and sec-ond,the mirror also made it more difficult to eliminate un-desirable source polarization effects which lead to errors in the data for the rotating polarizer configuration.In the instrument design of Fig.1,the rotating polarizer and fixed analyzer are constructed from MgF 2Rochon elements.13The advantages of MgF 2over quartz elements used in earlier ellipsometer designs 14include lower reflection losses,the absence of optical activity effects,and most im-portantly,greater transmittance above 5.7eV.The rotating polarizer element is specified by the manufacturer as gener-ating a displacement of Ͻ1arc min ͑or Ͻ0.02°͒in the trans-mitted beam over the rotational period.13This narrow speci-fication minimizes the possibility of periodic beam misalignment as the polarizer rotates.In fact,irradiance mea-surements performed over half rotations of the polarizer agree to better than 0.05%,indicating that such spatial dis-placements are experimentally insignificant.A second UV achromatic objective is mounted after the fixed analyzer to focus the collimated beam onto the entrance slit of the spectrograph.The detection stage consists of a grating spectrograph 15and a silicon PDA detector with 1024pixels.16The spectrograph uses an aberration-corrected holo-graphic grating with 285grooves/mm blazed at 250nm.A nonuniform pixel-grouping mode ͑26pixels @16ϫ;40pix-els @8ϫ;and 66pixels @4ϫ͒has been used to improve the photon energy resolution at high energy which would other-wise degrade due to the linear dispersion of the diffraction grating versus wavelength.In this nonuniform grouping mode,a photon energy spread per pixel group has been ob-tained that closely matches the spectrograph resolution for the 0.1mm slit used here ͑see Table I ͒.Figure 2presents the unprocessed PDA output ͑in arbi-trary units ͒for the Xe lamp alone and for the tandem Xe–D 2source,both measured in the straight-through configuration.Also shown are the positions of two thin ͑0.07and 0.19mm ͒plastic color filters 17mounted directly on top of the silicon PDA that serve to reject higher order diffractions from the grating.The inset of Fig.2shows the transmittance of both filters as measured by the PDA.For the UV-extended multi-channel ellipsometer,two filters have been preferred over a previous single filter design 18for two reasons.First,with the extended UV range there is a need to reject the second order diffraction for wavelengths as short as 380nm ͑3.26eV ͒.Second,when relying on a single filter,it is necessary for its cutoff wavelength to be sharp and as close as possible to theTABLE I.͑a ͒Photon energy spread ⌬E per pixel group for the 1024pixel PDA of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,using uniform and nonuniform pixel grouping modes;͑b ͒the full width at half-maximum ͑FWHM ͒of spectral lines from a low pressure mercury lamp using a fully ungrouped mode with 0.05and 0.1mm spectrograph entrance slits.͑a ͒Energy spread per pixel group Uniform grouping Nonuniform grouping Energy ͑eV ͒Group size ⌬E ͑eV ͒Group size ⌬E ͑eV ͒1.6080.01160.022.2480.02160.042.3180.0280.023.5080.0580.053.5480.0540.035.0780.1040.056.3980.1640.08͑b ͒Spectrograph resolution FWHM of the emission lines ofa low pressure Hg lamp Energy ͑eV ͒0.05mm slit0.10mm slit2. of the rotating polarizer multichannel ellipsometer ca-pable of covering the 1.5–6.5eV spectral range.The maximum polarizer rotation frequency is 20.4Hz.3452Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Zapien,Collins,and Messierhighest photon energy where second order diffraction is present.As a result,a loss in the detected intensity in favor of a gain in rejection efficiency is unavoidable.Figure 2and its inset shows that with the two filters selected here,second order rejection has been achieved with minimum irradiance losses.With the use of the tandem Xe–D 2source and this two filter scheme,a remarkably flat spectral output over the energy range from 2.0to 5.5eV has been achieved ͑see Fig.2͒.In the present configuration,the PDA outputs drop from their peak values by a factor of 20at 4.1eV when the Xe lamp alone is used and at 6.6eV when the tandem Xe–D 2source is used.Above these photon energies,stray light cor-rections are essential to maintain accuracy.9The new instrument is well suited for real time charac-terization of wide band gap materials.For the first applica-tions of this new instrument,a magnetron sputtering system is mounted at the vertical goniometer axis of the ellipsometer as shown in Fig.1.Optical access is provided by two vitre-ous silica windows mounted on ultrahigh vacuum ͑UHV ͒compatible flanges.The substrate holder is attached to a pre-cision x –y –z -tilt manipulator that allows precise alignment of the sample using controls external to the vacuum system.The substrate holder can be heated to 400°C and biased using either pulsed direct current or rf.Materials of interest that can be deposited in the present configuration include boron nitride ͑BN ͒,silicon nitrides (SiN x ),silicon oxyni-trides (SiO y N x ),and tantalum oxide (Ta 2O 5),among others.For the application presented here,an a -SiN x thin film was deposited using rf plasma excitation.Further details of the specific deposition process studied here are given in Sec.IV.III.INSTRUMENT THEORY AND OPERATIONA comprehensive review of the calibration,error correc-tion,and data reduction for rotating polarizer multichannelellipsometers in general can be found in the literature.19Here,we emphasize detection system error correction,in-strument calibration,and data reduction as it relates to the performance of the instrument at high energy.In addition,we highlight various improvements in error correction estab-lished since the previous reports.9,19First,in Sec.III A the basic mode of data collection will be reviewed for an ideal ͑error-free ͒system.Characterization and correction of themain error sources for the UV-extended multichannel ellip-someter will be discussed in Sec.III B.Finally,Sec.III C outlines the determination of the polarizer and analyzer cali-bration angles and summarizes data reduction.A.Data collection principlesFor an error-free system with a polarizer mechanical ro-tation frequency of ␻,the irradiance at any pixel k of the detector exhibits the wave formI k Ј͑t ͒ϭI 0k Ј͑1ϩ␣k Јcos 2␻t ϩ␤k Јsin 2␻t ͒.͑1͒Here ␣kЈand ␤k Јare the normalized 2␻Fourier coefficients of the irradiance wave form,uncorrected for the absolute phase of polarizer rotation.Because the PDA is an integrating de-tector,these coefficients can be determined from the follow-ing equations:␣kЈϭͩ␲2ͪ͑S 1k ϪS 2k ϪS 3k ϩS 4k ͒/͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϩS 3k ϩS 4k ͒,͑2a ͒␤kЈϭͩ␲2ͪ͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϪS 3k ϪS 4k ͒/͑S 1k ϩS 2k ϩS 3k ϩS 4k ͒.͑2b ͒Here the ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖values represent the raw data;each value is an integration of the irradiance wave form over the time interval between two successive readouts ͑i.e.,the exposure time ͒.Readouts are triggered four times per optical cycle ͑one-half mechanical cycle ͒synchronously with the polarizer rotation using the output of an optical encoder.As a result,the exposure time is ␲/4␻.For an error-free ellip-someter aligned in the straight-through configuration with the sample removed,the light entering the fixed analyzer should be linearly polarized.Under these conditions,the re-sidual function should vanish for all pixels k .This function is defined byR k ϭ1Ϫ͑␣k Ј2ϩ␤k Ј2͒1/2.͑3͒Deviations in R k from zero can be traced to various errors including source polarization,ellipsometer misalignment,polarizer imperfections,and detection system errors such as nonlinearity and image persistence.The residual function will be studied in detail when image persistence errors are considered in Sec.III B.Ellipsometer calibration also employs the residual func-tion as discussed in Sec.III C.Calibration procedures deter-mine the absolute phase of the wave form of Eq.͑1͒in terms of the true angle of the polarizer transmission axis P Ј,mea-sured with respect to the plane of incidence.Specifically,such procedures identify the value of P Јat the onset of the S 1k integration.This value denoted ϪP Sk is a linear function of pixel group number k ͑for uniform grouping ͒with a slope equal to the polarizer rotation during the elapsed time be-tween the readout of two successive pixel groups.B.Systematic errorsThe principles described in Sec.III A assume instrument ideality.In practice,several systematic errors specifictoFIG.2.Unprocessed output of the photodiode array ͑in arbitrary units ͒plotted vs photon energy obtained in the straight-through configuration for a Xe lamp alone ͑light line ͒and for a tandem Xe–D 2source ͑bold line ͒.The inset shows the measured transmittance for filters 1͑line ͒and 2͑points ͒.3453Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Multichannel ellipsometerPDA detection systems have been identified and accounted for,including:͑i͒detector nonlinearity,͑ii͒detector image persistence,and͑iii͒spectrograph stray light.Previous stud-ies have shown that the nonlinearity effect varies signifi-cantly depending on the commercial supplier of the PDA. For the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,the detector nonlinearity has been characterized by measuring the inte-grated irradiance over increasingly long exposure times and by repeating this measurement using different spectrograph slit widths in order to vary the count rate at each detector pixel.With this procedure,count rates ranging from10to 1200counts/ms for integration times ranging from5to600 ms have been analyzed.͑The saturation level for this PDA system is214counts.͒Analyses of the observed counts ver-sus exposure time at the different pixels give linear regres-sion coefficients between0.99995and0.99999for the dif-ferent count rates used here.Such results are considered sufficient to rule out detector nonlinearity as a significant source of error for the purposes of ellipsometric measurements.9Stray light refers to the small fraction of light that reaches the detector after following a path different than the designed one.Sources of stray light include:͑i͒scattered background light within the spectrograph-detector enclosure;͑ii͒multiply reflected light between the detector element and its window;and͑iii͒leakage between detector pixel groups. To avoid stray light source͑ii͒,the detector window has been removed for the instrument developed here.Although a cor-rection procedure for source͑i͒has been developed,19it has yet to be implemented for the UV-extended ellipsometer. Because of the rapid falloff in the Xe lamp output,stray light corrections for photon energies aboveϳ4.1eV are required for previous multichannel ellipsometer designs.Owing to the remarkablyflat output of the tandem Xe–D2source,such corrections for the present design are not required in most applications even at energies as high as6.5eV.It is clear that for samples in which the reflected irradiance is strongly modulated,however,the͑␺,⌬͒data can be quite sensitive to stray light errors over the spectral ranges of low reflectance. As a result,stray light corrections are to be implemented in the future for highest accuracy.For the discussion to follow, it is important to remark that stray light may not contribute to errors in the residual function measured in the straight-through configuration because the linear polarization pro-duced is independent of photon energy,and hence,the stray and true light may be indistinguishable.As noted above,the experimental errors that contribute to a nonzero residual function include:͑i͒source polariza-tion,͑ii͒misalignment and imperfection of the optical com-ponents,and͑iii͒PDA image persistence.Figure3shows the residual function versus energy for the optimally aligned in-strument.The characteristic features observed here have been found to be reproducible throughout the system devel-opment and optimization,which included modification or re-placement of the Xe lamp,collimating optics,polarizer and analyzer elements,and spectrograph diffraction grating,as well as incorporation of the D2lamp.More definitive in-sights into the nature of the nonzero residual function were obtained by rotating the detector180°with respect to the diffraction grating.Upon rotation,the relationship between the pixel number and photon energy is reversed;however, the measured residual function deviations from zero were found to be precisely reversed as well.Thus,the measured errors are specific to the pixels of the detector.From more detailed studies to be described next,it was determined that a pixel-dependent image persistence factor was needed to cor-rect the errors in the residual function across the spectrum.The image persistence correction factor as a function of pixel number is estimated using two independent measure-ments.In thefirst,more direct approach,repetitive measure-ments versus time are performed as a fast shutter is being closed͑5ms open-to-close transfer time͒.For an image persistence-free detector,the integrated irradiance measured when the shutter is fully closed over the entire exposure time should be zero͑after background correction͒.In reality,how-ever,some counts are detected that persist from the previous nonzero detector readout͑when the shutter is at least par-tially open͒.The image persistence correction factor͑IPCF͒is then defined as the ratio of the persisting counts divided by the counts detected during the previous readout.This mea-surement must be done at the same high speed and grouping mode as the RTSE measurements.As a result,the determi-nation of the IPCF by this method has relatively poor signal to noise ratio.For this reason,a second method for determin-ing the IPCF is adopted.In this method,it is assumed that the entire error in the measured residual function is due to image persistence.The corresponding IPCF for each pixel group is then determined from a numerical inversion of the measured residual function at that group.The correct IPCF is given by the value that leads to a zero residual function.The good agreement between the IPCF measured by both tech-niques,as shown in Fig.4,supports the assumption that the contributions to the nonzero residual function from other sources of error are negligible.A measure of the residual function after implementation of an average IPCF obtained in multiple error analyses is shown in Fig.5͑a͒.The effect of the IPCF on measurements of a c-Si wafer substrate with a 20Ånative oxide is presented in Fig.5͑b͒.A considerable improvement in the⌬spectra at low energies can be ob-served.The effect of the IPCF in this region is more notice-able because the image persistence and the instrument sensi-tivity to systematic errors are both greaterhere.FIG.3.Residual function measured in the straight-through configuration for the well aligned UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer.The characteristic features shown here have been found to be reproducible throughout the ellipsometer optimization.3454Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September2000Zapien,Collins,and MessierC.Ellipsometer calibration and data reductionThe calibration procedures as they relate to the UV-extended operational range of the multichannel ellipsometer are described in this section.The general case has been treated extensively by Nguyen et al.19and includes incorpo-ration of the effects of source polarization as well as optical activity in both polarizer and analyzer elements.For the par-ticular case of the UV-extended multichannel ellipsometer,the use of MgF 2Rochon elements for the rotating polarizer and fixed analyzer eliminates the need for optical activity corrections.Further simplification of the description of Ref.19results because source polarization has been found to be negligible in the present instrument.Under these conditions,the theoretical irradiance at pixel group k of the detector is I k ͑t ͒ϭI 0k ͓1ϩ␣k cos 2͑␻t ϪP Sk ͒ϩ␤k sin 2͑␻t ϪP Sk ͔͒,͑4͒where the Fourier coefficients ␣k and ␤k are related to thecoefficients ␣k Јand ␤k Јof Eq.͑1͒through a 2P Sk rotationtransformation,i.e.,R (2P Sk )͕(␣Ј,␤Ј)͖→(␣,␤).The residual function calibration procedure relies on the fact that for a strongly absorbing isotropic sample measured at oblique incidence,the light beam reflected from thesample is linearly polarized only if the incident beam is lin-early polarized along the parallel (p)or perpendicular (s)directions with respect to the plane of incidence.14As the incident linear polarization is rotated away from these direc-tions,the reflected beam gradually acquires nonzero elliptic-ity.In the rotating polarizer configuration,a plot of the re-sidual function ͓see Eq.͑3͔͒versus the analyzer reading A yields minima in R (A )for A ϭA S ͑corresponding to the reading when the analyzer transmission axis lies in the p direction ͒and for A ϭA S ϩ␲/2͑corresponding to the reading when the analyzer transmission axis lies in the s direction ͒.The phase angle spectrum of the polarizer P Sk is obtained from the phase function which is defined by⌰͑A ͒ϭ͓tan Ϫ1͑␤Ј/␣Ј͔͒/2͑5a ͒ϭP Sk ϩ͕͓tan Ϫ1͑␤/␣͔͒/2͖͑5b ͒and evaluated at A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2to obtain the spectra in P Sk .In practice for higher accuracy,a second order poly-nomial fit to R (A )in the neighborhood of A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2is used ͑rather than the raw data ͒to determine the value of A ϭA S at which R (A )is a minimum.Similarly,a linear fit to ⌰(A )in the neighborhood of A ϭA S or A ϭA S ϩ␲/2is evaluated at A S to determine the spectrum in P Sk .For weakly absorbing materials,the residual function ap-proach fails and an alternative calibration method is pre-ferred.An effective alternative is based on the zone-difference phase function,defined by 20⌽͑A ͒ϵ⌰͑A ͒Ϫ⌰͑A ϩ␲/2͒.͑6͒The A -axis intercept of a linear fit to the experimental zone-difference phase function ⌽in the neighborhood of A ϭA S provides the value of A S .The P Sk spectrum can be obtained,as before,by evaluating the linear fit to the phase function Eqs.͑5͒at A S .The zone-difference phase function calibra-tion is most accurate for ͉⌬͉Ͻ30°or ͉⌬͉Ͼ150°,conditions found for weakly absorbing materials.An example of the zone-difference phase function method is presented in Fig.6for an optically polished glassy carbon sample.The results for A S and ␦P S are shown,where ␦P S represents the devia-tion of the experimental P Sk values from the best linearfitFIG.4.Image persistence correction factor ͑IPCF ͒measured independently from the ratio of the integrated irradiances between two successive readouts as a fast shutter is being closed ͑solid line ͒and from the residual function under the assumption that the departure from zero in the straight-through configuration is due solely to image persistence ͑points ͒.FIG.5.͑a ͒Residual function measurement after incorporation of the IPCF shown in Fig.4;͑b ͒measurement of a c -Si wafer with a 20Ånative oxide before ͑lines ͒and after ͑squares ͒incorporation of the IPCF in the data reduction.A uniform ͑8ϫ͒grouping mode wasused.FIG.6.Results of a zone-difference phase function calibration procedure for a bulk glassy carbon sample yielding the analyzer offset angle A S ͑i.e.,the analyzer scale reading when the transmission axis is aligned along the p direction ͒͑solid points ͒,and ͑ii ͒the deviation ␦P S in the polarizer phase angle from the best fitting linear function vs pixel number ͑open points ͒.3455Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Multichannel ellipsometerversus pixel number.Maximum deviations of 0.05°from the average values are obtained for both A S and ␦P S over the photon energy range from 2.0to 6.0eV.In summary,complete data analysis is performed as fol-lows.Once the ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖values have been cor-rected using the IPCF as described in Sec.III B,the experi-mental values of the 2␻Fourier coefficients ␣k Јand ␤k Јare obtained from Eqs.͑2͒.A rotation transformation by 2P Sk ,determined in the calibration,is used to calculate the phase corrected Fourier coefficients ␣k and ␤k in Eq.͑4͒.Finally,spectra in the ellipsometric angles ␺k and ⌬k are determined according totan ␺k ϭ͓͑1ϩ␣k ͒/͑1Ϫ␣k ͔͒1/2͉tan ͑A ϪA S ͉͒,͑7a ͒cos ⌬k ϭ␤k /͑1Ϫ␣k 2͒1/2,͑7b ͒where tan ␺k exp(i ⌬k )ϭr pk /r sk ,with r pk and r sk denotingthe spectra in the complex amplitude reflection coefficients in the p and s directions.The indeterminate sign of ⌬k in Eq.7͑b ͒is inherent in rotating polarizer systems;a positive sign is chosen here for a bare substrate (⌬k Ͼ0).IV.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONA.Multichannel ellipsometer performancePerformance characterization of the UV-extended multi-channel ellipsometer has been undertaken by assessing in-strument precision and accuracy.To obtain information on the instrument precision,100consecutive spectral measure-ments were collected separately for three different thermally oxidized Si wafers with stable oxide thicknesses of 121,991,and 1608Å.These thicknesses were chosen to provide com-posite spectra in the precision that avoid the regions ⌬ϳ0°or 180°and ␺ϳ0°or 90°,where the precision is the poorest for the rotating-polarizer configuration.Figure 7shows a com-posite of the standard deviations in ͑␺,⌬͒,plotted as a func-tion of the photon energy using results from the three samples.The data in Fig.7are obtained as averages of 1and40polarizer rotations per consecutive spectral measurement,requiring 49ms ͑open symbols ͒and 1.96s ͑filled symbols ͒,respectively.It has been found that for the 40-rotation aver-ages the precision in ͑␺,⌬͒from 2.2to 6.2eV is near or below ͑0.01°,0.02°͒,corresponding to a sensitivity better than ϳ0.01monolayer.The highest precision of ͑0.004°,0.007°͒is obtained at the PDA output maximum at 5.2eV ͑see Fig.2͒.Even when the averaging is set at one polarizer rotation,which allows monolayer resolution at deposition rates as high as 50Å/s,the precision in ͑␺,⌬͒from 2.5to 6eV is near or below ͑0.05°,0.1°͒,i.e.,a sensitivity better than ϳ0.05monolayer.The first indication of accuracy is given by the residual function R measured in the straight-through configuration and presented in Fig.5͑a ͒.As described in Sec.III B,these results for R have been obtained using a pixel dependent image persistence correction factor.The maxi-mum R values of 6ϫ10Ϫ4after the correction correspond to maximum systematic errors in cos ⌬of 3ϫ10Ϫ3.This can lead to maximum inaccuracies in ⌬ranging from 0.17°for ⌬ϭ90°to ϳ3.5°for ⌬ϭ0°or 180°,where the rotating po-larizer configuration shows the highest and lowest accura-cies,respectively.The most significant random and uncorrected systematic errors were incorporated into the RTSE data analysis proce-dure through the biased estimator,given by␹2ϭ͓1/͑n Ϫm Ϫ1͔͚͒k ϭ1n͑␳k ,exp Ϫ␳k ,cal ͒2/͑␦␳k ͒2,͑8͒where n ,m ,and ␳k ,exp ͑cal ͒represent the number of data points,the number of parameters in the optical model of the sample,and the experimental ͑calculated ͒spectra,respec-tively.The quantity ␦␳k represents the estimated errors in the measurement of ␳for pixel group k .The need of a biased estimator to weight more strongly the higher accuracy re-gions of the spectra in ex situ spectroscopic ellipsometry has been discussed in the literature.21Here we have propagated a number of errors through to ␳k for the rotating polarizer configuration,including:͑i ͒the uncertainty in determining the analyzer offset A S and polarizer phase P Sk angles;͑ii ͒the fluctuations in the measured ͕S jk ,j ϭ1,...,4͖arising from fluctuations in the polarizer rotation frequency;and ͑iii ͒the noise in the detector dark current which is assumed to limit the precision of the measured S jk values.As discussed pre-viously,the remaining systematic errors are deemed to be of lesser significance once the image persistence has been taken into account.The uncertainties in A S and P Sk ͓i.e.,␦A S and ␦P S used to compute ␦␳k in Eq.͑8͔͒can be estimated from the ellipsometer calibration to be ϳ0.07°͑see Fig.6͒.Error ͑ii ͒is assumed to be proportional to the measured irradiance,and a proportionality constant of 0.005has been determined from measurements of the variations in the polarizer motor frequency.To estimate the error contribution from dark cur-rent noise,20consecutive spectra with the shutter closed are collected.Ideally,when the first spectrum is used to establish a background correction,all subsequent corrected spectra should be zero.However,a few counts are still detected due to thermally generated electron–hole pairs in thedepletionFIG.7.Standard deviation in 100consecutive measurements of the ͑␺,⌬͒spectra obtained as a composite of measurements on three c -Si wafers with different stable oxide thicknesses ͑121,991,and 1608Å͒.Each measure-ment is taken as an average over one polarizer rotation requiring 49ms ͑open symbols ͒and 40polarizer rotations requiring 1.96s ͑filled symbols ͒.3456Rev.Sci.Instrum.,Vol.71,No.9,September 2000Zapien,Collins,and Messier。



The Road to Success: Navigating the 2023 Jiangsu Province's 'Zhuanzhuanben' EnglishEssay ChallengeIn the realm of academic pursuits, the annual Jiangsu Province's 'Zhuanzhuanben' (Specialized Transfer Program) stands as a pivotal milestone for students aspiring to broaden their horizons in higher education. The 2023 edition, with its emphasis on the English essay, not only tests linguistic prowess but also serves as a crucible for critical thinking and creativity. This essay aims to provide a roadmap for those embarking on this journey, highlighting the essence of preparation, strategy, and perseverance.To begin with, the significance of understanding the task at hand cannot be overstated. The 2023 'Zhuanzhuanben' English essay will likely demand a blend of analytical depth and personal reflection, challenging candidates to express their thoughts in a clear, concise, and compelling manner. Therefore, it is crucial to familiarize oneself with past essay prompts, analyzing the themes, structures, and language patterns that have been favored. This practicewill not only hone your writing skills but also help you anticipate the type of questions that might arise.Secondly, a robust vocabulary and grammatical acumen form the backbone of any successful essay. Regular exposure to diverse reading materials, from classic literature to contemporary articles, can enrich your vocabulary and enhance your understanding of sentence construction. Moreover, mastering the art of transition words and phrases can significantly improve the coherence and flow of your arguments. It is also advisable to invest time in grammar exercises, rectifying common errors and refining your writing style.Thirdly, structure is the skeleton that gives an essay its shape and clarity. A well-structured essay typically comprises an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, provide background information, and clearly state the thesis. The body paragraphs should develop the thesis with supporting evidence, while the conclusion should summarize the main points and leave a lastingimpression. Remember, each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence and maintain a logical progression.In addition to these technical aspects, the 2023'Zhuanzhuanben' essay may also value originality and personal voice. Don't hesitate to infuse your writing with personal experiences, anecdotes, or perspectives. This not only adds depth to your arguments but also showcases your individuality. However, balance is key – ensure your personal narrative aligns with the prompt and contributes to the overall message.Lastly, ample practice is essential for honing your essay-writing skills. Set aside dedicated time to write essays under timed conditions, simulating the actual exam environment. After each attempt, review your work, identify areas for improvement, and seek feedback from teachers or peers. This iterative process will refine your writing and boost your confidence.In conclusion, the 2023 Jiangsu Province's'Zhuanzhuanben' English essay challenge is a formidable yet rewarding endeavor. By understanding the requirements, strengthening language skills, structuring effectively,injecting originality, and practicing relentlessly, you can navigate this journey with confidence. Remember, every word counts, every idea matters, and every effort brings you closer to the ultimate goal – success in the 2023'Zhuanzhuanben'.。



2020-2021学年上海市静安区高三(上)期末英语试卷(一模)1.(问答)A. 15 dollars.B. 20 dollars.C. 25 dollars.D. 45 dollars.2.(问答)A. To the gallery.B. To the dentist's.C. To her flat.D. To the garage.3.(问答)A. She was fired by the company.B. She broke the law.C. She is on leave right now.D. She is replacing the company's website.4.(问答)A. Patient and doctor.B. Resident and government official.C. Customer and insurance agent.D. Boss and secretary.5.(问答)A. He was sitting opposite Mr. Johnson.B. He is planning a farewell party for Mr. Johnson.C. All the tasks that Mr. Johnson did failed.D. He is glad Mr. Johnson left the company.6.(问答)A. She prefers dogs to cats.B. She had a close relationship with the man's daughter.C. She used to sorrow over her dog's death.D. She is always in low spirits.7.(问答)A. The woman should get the chips herself.B. The woman shouldn't eat chips.C. The woman used to have several heart attacks.D. The woman warned the man against heart attacks.8.(问答)A. They plan to have the meeting in another place.B. The availability of the meeting room will be discussed.C. They have already had the meeting.D. They will have the meeting sometime later.9.(问答)A. The car's demand greatly exceeds supply.B. The woman has listed the car's advantages.C. The woman received a car a month ago.D. The woman didn't like the car.10.(问答)A. She won't do the presentation.B. She needs to collect a lot of data for the presentation.C. She is still at an early stage of preparation for the presentation.D. The topic is most important for the presentation.11.(问答)(1)A. The type of food you freeze.B. The way you warm up the frozen food.C. Whether the freezer bags are sealed.D. What temperature you set your freezer to.(2)A. Because they can be easily stocked.B. Because they fit well in the fridge.C. Because they come in different sizes and shapes.D. Because they help to keep the dry food dry.(3)A. Prevent people from eating too much food.B. Stop people from removing food that hasn't gone bad.C. Make people become cautious about eating unhealthy food.D. Make people become ambitious in making use of leftover food.12.(问答)(1)A. Postpone retirement age.B. Involve more women in work.C. Hire more foreign workers.D. Attract workers with high salaries.(2)A. Relieve pressure on human nursing care.B. Take care of children and the elderly.C. Finally replace humans in workforce.D. Give humans more time for creative work.(3)A. Robots can't do certain work.B. Some people don't accept robots.C. The expenses for robots are still high.D. The functions of robots need improving.(4)A. Japan struggles to fight workforce shortage.B. Japanese attitudes towards robots change a lot.C. Robots have played a major role in Japan's industry.D. Robots can help in Japanese workforce shortage.13.(问答)(1)A.The cruise liner will provide all sorts of food and entertainment.B.Only half of the cabins will be filled up.C.The prices of unsold tickets will be reduced.D.Everyone will be able to afford the ticket.(2)A.Book tickets as soon as they are available.B.Closely watch the changes of ticket prices.pare deals from different sources.D.Keep in contact with a travel agent you can trust.(3)A.Because cruise tours are only suitable for people who have much free time.B.Because he can work part-time to earn money to pay for the tour.C.Because doing price research and comparing takes time.D.Because he can sail shortly after buying the cheap ticket.14.(填空)UK-based supermarket Waitrose has been accused by social media users for selling tree leaves at 6 pounds.Photos of various tree leaves packaged in plastic bags and arranged as flower bouquets(花束)went hot on social media lately,(1)___ (cause) complaints because of the product'sprice,six British pounds.Considering tree leaves can literally be picked up from the street this time of year,it's understandable that some people went after Waitrose,accusing thesupermarket of trying to make money by selling(2)___ that is actually free."A bag of actual leaves?I'll sell you a bin bag of leaves for 10 p," one customer wrote."This has got to be from the drunk Monday morning meeting category of ideas," someone else commented.Apparently,the bizarre bouquets appeared on Waitrose supermarket shelves as a way to welcome autumn,and (3)___ (feature) a sticker urging customers to "bring the outdoors inside"."Brighten up your home with freshly picked flowers(4)___ pleasant scents(香味)refresh the season," the official product description read. "We source the best blooms from expert growers,and handle them gently(5)___ they can look beautiful for longer."(6)___ the generally negative feedback on its autumn-themed product,the British supermarket proudly announced that the idea (7)___ (inspire) at the beginning of autumn by a demand from shoppers."(8)___ we intend to offer,we base our decision on the demands from customers.Our customers love using these leaves to mix in with their seasonal flowers to brighten their homes," a Waitrose spokesperson told The Sun.Interestingly,there were those who seemed to somewhat justify the price tag of this bag of leaves.They said that those were obviously "high quality leaves".Their claim(9)___ be true.But even a bottle of wine can be bought at the same price or less.It seems crazy to charge 6 pounds for a bag of leaves.This isn't the first time that English shops and supermarkets(10)___ (make)news headlines for selling free things at high prices.There used to be a shop in London,which sold painted logs for $14 apiece.15.(问答)through walled gardens, some homeowners and developers have come to a realization. Floor-to-ceiling glass may provide breathtaking views, but it cuts down on opportunities for art (2)___ .To solve the problem,a number of developers are thinking of designing apartment towers(3)___ with art exhibiting in mind. The development company RFR, for example, has(4)___ the idea of designing loft(顶楼) units in the style of a downtown gallery."I would love to be recognized as a developer who creates spaces that are really planned foran art collector," said Aby Rosen, a co-founder of RFR and an art collector himself. "I'm a big(5)___ of art which connects you with history and the desire for culture."On a recent tour of the loft units at 100 East 53rd Street in Midtown Manhattan,Mr. Rosen pointed to the uninterrupted concrete walls and floors,"it's the kind that you may see when you go to a Gagosian Gallery or Paul Kasmin Gallery," he said.The ceilings are embedded with slots that allow soft lighting to be installed for particular works. And to protect precious pieces, the exterior glass is specially treated to prevent the(6)___ to sunlight."These spaces enjoy many(7)___ high-rise benefits,while at the same time avoid(8)___ side effects of a downtown loft -the creaking floors and traffic noise," Mr. Rosen said.To hammer the point,one of the model units was(9)___ as a gallery rather than a home,with works from various collections. Mr. Rosen said that the units' focus on art,without exception,(10)___ to the lobby,too,where residents could be greeted by a site-specific work designed solely for the building by Rachel Feinstein,who depicted New York City icons,including the Empire State Building and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.16.(填空)The universe cannot be read until we have learnt the language and become familiar with the(1)___ in which it is written.According to many,it is written in mathematical language,and the letters are triangles,circles and other geometrical figures.In human history,there are (2)___ definitions of "language." Whichever definition is used,a language contains the same components.There must be a vocabulary of words orsymbols.Meanings must be(3)___ the words or symbols.A language employs grammar,which is a set of rules that (4)___ how words are organized.Mathematics meets all the standards.The vocabulary of math draws from many different alphabets and includes symbols(5)___ to math.A mathematical equation(等式)may be stated in words to form a sentence that has a noun and a verb Just like a sentence in a spoken language.Mathematics grammar and syntax(句法),like vocabulary,are(6)___ .No matter what country you're from or what language you speak,the stricture of the mathematical language is the same.Formulas(公式) are always read from left to right.Understanding how mathematical sentences work is(7)___ when you learn math.Students often find numbers and symbols frightening,so putting an equation into a familiar language makes the subject(8)___ .Basically,it's like translating a foreign language into a known one.A formula has the same meaning,regardless of any different language that(9)___ it.In this way,math helps people learn and communicate,even if other coimmunostain obstacles exist.Of course,not everyone agrees that mathematics is a language.Some definitions describe "language" as a spoken form of communication.Therefore,some people(10)___ mathematics as it is definitely a written form of expression.Sign language,(11)___ ,would be invalid based on this standard.In fact most linguists accept sign language as a true language.Also,there are a handful of dead languages that no one alive knows how to even (12)___ anymore.A strong (13)___ for mathematics as a language is that modern elementary-high school curricula use(14)___ from language education for teaching cationalpsychologist Paul Ricco-mini wrote that students learning mathematics required a robust vocabulary knowledge base;fluency and proficiency with numbers,symbols,words,and diagrams;and comprehension skills,which in a way proves the real(15)___ of the subject as a special language after all.(1)A.characters B.signals C.items D.portions (2)A.formal B.historical C.multiple D.civilian (3)A.invisible to B.switched to C.attached to D.dividedinto(4)A.imitate B.outline C.enclose D.diagnose (5)A.foreign B.inferior C.unique D.temporary (6)petitive C.sufficient D.fluent (7)A.additional B.traditional C.subjective D.necessary (8)A.approachable B.functional C.fundamental D.influential (9)A.accompanies B.subscribes C.tracks D.arouses (10)A.disqualify B.evaluate C.reform D.erase (11) short B.more specifically particular D.however (12)A.rescue B.pronounce C.substitute D.explore (13)A.evolution C.preview D.crisis (14)A.staff B.techniques C.statistics D.inventions (15)A.origin B.nature C.resolution D.reminder 17.(填空)The seven teenagers hurried towards the airport gate.Italy's national under-16 swimming championship was taking place in Genoa and the boys were going to compete there.14-year-old Marco Sulis looked around for his teammates.Their coach sat near them.While preparing for take-off,the flight attendant began her routine safety briefing.Most of the passengers idled away the time engaging in chatting and eating.Although air crashes are alien to Marco,he,who perceived how vital the process was,would later remember all her words.During the flight,as earlier instructed,he located the nearest emergency exit and made a mental note of the red handle behind a protective plastic shield.To open the door,one had to remove the plastic and pull the handle.Flanked by mountains to the north,the airport is often battered by strong winds.Flight 1553 was a short one.The sky that day was crystalline blue and visibility was perfect.At two minutes to touchdown,the plane rocked,which was later found to be out of mechanical faults.Soon,it touched down precariously on two wheels.The captain attempted to reduce the airplane's speed by braking hard but it was no use.Slipping sideways,the plane rushed out into the sea at high speed.Tons of water poured into the cabin.Passengers were shouting and rushing towards the emergency exit door.Marco watched people struggle with the door fruitlessly."Let me do it!" Marco yelled,leaping out of his seat.Marco smashed the clear plastic with the palm of his hand.He grabbed the handle and pulled,using all the strength in his body.The emergency exit door finally swungopen.However,the emergency door pinned Marco's leg down.Passengers passed Marco as they rushed out of the plane.Already soaking in water,Marco knew there was no time to waste.He pushed against the door as hard as he could and managed to free his leg.Marco exited from the plane finally and saw his coach and teammates bobbing in the waves.He began swimming towards the concrete pier(码头).The others followed.When they reached the pier,they were safe at last.Even though four people were killed in the accident,many more survived because of Marco.Marco just simply said, "All I did was to watch safety briefing."(1)Why did Marco remember the safety briefing? ___A.Because he used to meet with an air accident.B.Because he is excellent at remembering things.C.Because he was not used to eating and chatting on board.D.Because he realized the importance of flight safety measures.(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE? ___A.Marco was the passenger sitting nearest to the emergency exit.B.The weather condition was good for flying on the day of the accident.C.The plane went wrong above in sky because of the battering of wind.D.The pilot braked and finally managed to slow down the plane.(3)Why didn't Marco leave the plane as soon as the exit door was opened? ___A.Because he was trying to keep the exit door open for other passengers.B.Because he was looking for the coach and teammates in the plane.C.Because one part of his body was stuck tight.D.Because he was afraid of the sea water outside the plane.(4)Many people were finally saved mainly because ___ .A.the crash on the runway was not seriousB.Marco managed to open the exit doorC.they knew how to swim in the sea waterD.they received help from staff at concrete pier18.(填空)Nicaragua is a land of opportunity for travelers. There are vast and varied activities one can have in this country.Hike Up the Mombacho VolcanoThis two-hour hike isn't going to be an easy one,but it is a rewarding experience and will get your heart racing. You can look forward to beautiful views of several of the four craters, spotting wildlife, and enjoying the cooler temperature. In case of any encounter with some fierce creatures, it is recommended that you hire a tour guide at the welcome center who knows how to react at an emergency.Horseback Riding in the Cloud ForestsHorseback riding in the lush Nicaraguan countryside isn't something to miss. To prevent any danger a suspicious horse might bring, you have to book a packaged tour through a legal agency and then accompanied by a groom,you can enjoy a morning or afternoon exploring the backroads right outside the city of Granada. The best part of this experience is a visit to the Apoyo Lagoon,a nature reserve that originated about 23,000 years ago. With a beautiful lake,it is a welcomed respite after riding in the hot sun for hours. Be sure to pack a bathing suit.Sunbathe in the Corn IslandsNot all activities have to be adrenaline-inducing. Take a break and enjoy the sunshine on the Corn Islands. The islands are about 43 miles off the coast of Nicaragua and consist of Big Corn Island and Little Corn Island. Sunny, with warm weather year round, these islands make for the perfect vacation. Visitors can enjoy lazy beach days by the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea.Volcano Board at Cerro NegroFor those who dare to try Volcano boarding there's no better place than Cerro Negro. Cerro Negro is still an active volcano that last erupted in 1999 and is monitored closely by the Nicaraguan Seismic Network to prepare for the immediate evacuation in case of eruptions. When the volcano is behaving itself; it is the perfect playground for adventurers.Whichever tour company you book,you will need to be prepared to carry your board. The summit,from which you will board down,is about 2,388 feet,a height ideal for the activity. After a quick compulsory tutorial of what to do,you will put on your "flight suit",gird your loins,and descend down the volcano. The entire experience is about three to fiveminutes,depending on whether you stop or roll off your board.(1)The underlined word evacuation is closest in meaning to___ .A. demonstrationB. withdrawalC. punishmentD. entertainment(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?___A. A tour guide is suggested for Mombacho hiking to strengthen wildness experience.B. The experience at the Apoyo Lagoon reserve is as tiring as the horseback riding.C. Cerro Negro is perfect for volcano board because it is still active.D. Visitors must receive training before actually boarding from Cerro Negro peak.(3)A person who likes taking charge of everything on his own in travel will most likely goto___ .A. the Mombacho VolcanoB. the Cloud ForestsC. the Corn IslandsD. Cerro Negro19.(填空)If you've ever taken a class in drawing,painting or pottery and in spite of your best effort,couldn't make the final result look anything like the model shown,you may have thought, "I don't have a creative bone in my body."According to some scientists,who for the past 20 years have put the elusive subject of creativity through the rigors of research,you are underrating yourself.Da Vinci you may never be,but when it comes to creativity,we are all somewhat blessed.It's learning to foster this unique tool of extraordinary productivity,and then applying it in everything you do,that counts to tell you from figures like Da Vinci."Even if we don't have the good fortune to discover a new chemical element or write a great story,the love of the creative process for its own sake is available to all," says Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in Creativity:Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention.Most people believe the realm of creativity has been awarded to those perceived to have special talent.We look upon these "creative geniuses," as we often call them,with awe and a bit of envy.Their abilities,most people assume,are bestowed by good genes,or,as if in Greek mythology,from some kind of divine inspiration.There is no argument that the world is never short of highly talented and creative people.They are masters of their trades and stand heads-and-shoulders above commoners,making new pathways for others to follow,and providing greater context and understanding of our world.It could be said that without creativity humanity would not evolve so rapidly.But like a publicly recognized creative baseball player who hones his skill through years of continuous training, foregoing other pursuits for the sole passion,people who show the slightest reluctance for arduous labor are bound to witness their boasted ability disappear.After closely studying 91 creative and influential people,includingnovelists,playwrights,composers,musicians and scientists,Csikszentmihalyi concludes that no one would ignore the sweat they shed and their almost insane willingness to follow their creative endeavor to the very end,wherever that may be.These are the very things we all canmaster,so long as we'd like to.(1)It's widely believed that creativity comes from___ .A.good training people receive from artistic classesB.the tool we learn from masters like Da VinciC.the inborn genes or relevant giftsD.certain Greek historical textbooks(2)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?___mon people rather than creative ones lead in various professions.B.People's admiration of geniuses makes humanity develop quickly.C.The field of baseball requires more gifts than hard work.D.The essence of creativity lies in devotion and effort.(3)The underlined word "foregoing" is closest in meaning to___ upbiningC.referring toD.extending(4)What is the passage mainly about?___A.How ordinary people and scientists view things differently.B.People's misunderstanding of creativity and its true nature.C.The reasons for the development of various trades and humanity.D.Ordinary people's unwillingness to follow the examples of creative ones.20.(填空)Every dog owner knows that saying Good dog!A happy,high-pitched voice will bring about a flurry of joyful tail wagging in their pet.That makes scientists curious.What exactly happens in your dog's brain when it hears praise?And is it similar to the way our own brain processes such acoustic information?When a person gets a compliment,the more primitive subcortical(皮下的)auditory regions first react to the intonation(声调),the emotional force of spoken words.Next,the brain taps the more recently evolved auditory cortex(皮质)to figure out the meaning of thewords,which is learned.(1)___ Of course,dogs use their right brain hemisphere to do so,whereas we use our left hemisphere.Still,a mystery remains.Do their brains go through the same steps to process approval?It's an important question.Dogs are speechless species(2)___ For instance,some dogs are able to recognize thousands of names of individual objects.They can even link each name to aspecific object.When the scientists studied scans of the brains of pet dogs,they found that theirs,likeours,processed the sounds of spoken words in a multi-step manner.They analyze first the emotional component with the older region of the brain,the subcorticalregions.Subsequently,they deal with the words' meaning with the newer part,the cortex.Previous studies have shown that many animals,from songbirds to dolphins,use the subcortex to process emotional hints.(3)___ Zebras,for instance,can eavesdrop on the emotion,or fright to be precise,in other herbivore(食草动物)animals′ calls.In this way they learn if predators are nearby.It's likely that human language evolved from such hints.We employ the same neurological systems to develop speech.(4)___ Dogs have the very likeliness to make special use of the ancient connection to process human emotions.It helps explain why dogs are so successful at partnering with us and at times manipulating us with those soulful eyes.A.It is widely recognized that the dog has a complex structure of brain,similar,in a way,to that of human's.B.But they respond correctly to our words.C.Animals are found to have adopted various mechanisms to defend against enemies.D.They are capable of obtaining mood implications even though they can't talk.E.It has been discovered that dogs' brains,like those of humans,compute the intonation and meaning separately.F.Domesticated animals have evolved alongside humans for the past thousands of years.21.(问答)Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Surveys indicate that a third of Britons regularly eat on their own. OpenTable, an online restaurant booking app, found that solo dining in New York increased by 80% during the past 5 years. And in Japan, the world capital of solo dining, a trend for "low interaction dining" has taken off. Restaurants are opening which facilitate the ultimate solo dining experience:passing bowls of noodles through black curtains into individual booths.Is this a worrying trend? We think so. Research is revealing the negative impacts of eating alone, which has been found to be linked to a variety of mental and physical health conditions, from depression and diabetes to high blood pressure.So it's cheering that hundreds of food sharing initiatives have sprung up around the world. There's London's Casserole Club, for example, whose volunteers share portions of home-cooked food with people in their area who aren't always able to cook for themselves, in which case they put an end to food waste. Or there is South Africa's Food Jams, social gatherings in which participants are paired up, preferably with strangers, and given a portion of the meal to prepare. Many participants interviewed mentioned that their loneliness was greatly relieved. Such initiatives offer lessons of all kinds to those thinking about how our food systems need to change. They also somewhat compensate for the undesirable outcomes sole eating brings.So why do people stop eating together? There are a variety of reasons. Authors such as Michael Pollan argue that it is due to the fact that people attach less value to home-based labor,including cooking. The widening of the workforce, which brought many women out of the kitchen and into the workplace during the 20th century, also contributed. Meanwhile, the growth in insecure and inconsistent working patterns among a growing proportion of the population also discourages meals eaten communally.22.(问答)这类复杂的问题不是一朝一夕就能解决的。

国际贸易实务 (双语)--品质条款

国际贸易实务 (双语)--品质条款

际上为了便于对商品的统计征税时有共同的分类 标准,海关合作理事会主持制定了《协调商品名 称及编码制度》(The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System,简称H.S.编码制 度)。该制度于1988年1月1日起正式实施,我国 于1992年1月1日起采用该制度、目前各国的海关 统计,普惠制待遇等都按H.S.进行。所以,我国 在采用商品名称时,应与H.S.规定的品名相适应。 如果卖方交付的货物不符合合同规定的品名或说 明,则买方有权拒收货物,并要求提出损害赔偿。
从法律的角度看,在合同中规定标的物的具体名称,关系到买卖双方交接 货物方面的权利和义务,是买卖合同的主要交易条件
(2)From a business point of view, the name or description of the rules are both the substance of the transaction, which is the foundation and precondition.
Significance of Stipulating the Name of Commodity 列明品名的意义 (1)From the perspective of law, stipulate in the contract that the subject matter of the specific name, relationship to both the transfer of goods with respect to the rights and obligations of a contract for the sale, is the main trading conditions.

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There are many more proteins in a proteome than genes in a genome, especially for eukaryotes. various ways a gene is spliced in constructing mRNA various ways a protein can be post-translationally altered
-The milestone of proteomic research.
-Human Proteomics Organization (HUPO)
HUPO (The Human Proteome Organization)
Proteomics is in essence the study of the function, regulation and expression of proteins in relation to the normal function of the cell and in the initiation or progression of a disease state. Proteomics is of particular importance as it is the level of protein activity that most disease are manifested. Consequently proteomics seeks to correlate directly the involvement of specific proteins and/or protein complexes in given disease state
The study of gene expression can also be attempted at the level of mRNA (microarray...)

ipo申报基准日 英语

ipo申报基准日 英语

ipo申报基准日英语The IPO declaration base date, also known as the IPO reference date, is a significant milestone in the process of an Initial Public Offering (IPO). It is the date on which a company determines its financial and operational position and prepares all the necessary documentation to apply for an IPO. In this article, we will delve into the concept of the IPO declaration base date, its importance, and the key elements that companies need to consider during this phase.The IPO declaration base date is crucial because it serves as a benchmark for evaluating a company's financial health and performance. It is the starting point for preparing financial statements, conducting audits, and valuing the company. This date is typically set a few months before the actual IPO filing date, allowing sufficient time for rigorous due diligence procedures.During the IPO declaration base date, companies need to ensure that their financial statements are accurate, transparent, and in compliance with accounting standards. This involves close collaboration between the company's finance and accounting teams, auditors, and legal advisors. Companies should also engage in a comprehensive review of their financial records, assessing their liquidity, profitability, and solvency.Another critical aspect to consider during the IPO declaration base date is the preparation of the prospectus. The prospectus is a detailed document that provides potential investors with a comprehensive overview of the company's business model, financials, risks, and growth prospects. It serves as a key marketingtool to attract investors and must comply with the regulatory requirements set by the relevant stock exchange.To prepare the prospectus, companies need to conduct thorough market research and identify their target audience. They should analyze the competitive landscape, industry trends, and benchmark their performance against industry peers. It is essential to emphasize the company's unique selling points, competitive advantages, and growth strategies to differentiate themselves from other market players.Furthermore, the IPO declaration base date requires companies to assess their corporate governance practices. Strong corporate governance is vital to ensure transparency, accountability, and protect the interests of shareholders. Companies should review their board composition, establish independent oversight committees, and maintain accurate record-keeping and disclosure practices.In addition to the financial and legal aspects, companies need to focus on their operational readiness for the IPO. They should evaluate their internal processes, systems, and scalability to cope with the increased demands after going public. This includes strengthening their management team, implementing robust internal controls, and upgrading their IT infrastructure.The IPO declaration base date sets the timeline for all subsequent activities leading up to the actual IPO filing. It serves as a pivotal point, where companies must exhibit their strengths, market potential, and preparedness for life as a publicly traded firm. Thethoroughness of their preparations, diligence in adhering to regulatory requirements, and transparency in financial reporting all influence the success of an IPO.In conclusion, the IPO declaration base date plays a crucial role in the IPO process and requires companies to go through a comprehensive evaluation of their financials, business operations, and compliance practices. It sets the stage for the preparation of the prospectus and serves as a reference for valuation purposes. It is essential for companies to prioritize transparency, accuracy, and completeness of information during this phase to build investor confidence and maximize the success of their IPO.。



评价女子学校和单性学校英语作文My Thoughts on Girls' Schools and Single-Sex EducationHi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. My big sister Sarah goes to an all-girls school and I've always been really curious about what that's like. Some of my friends go to regular co-ed schools while others are in single-sex schools just for boys or just for girls. I think there are pros and cons to each type of school!One of the biggest advantages of a girls' school is that you don't have to worry about impressing the boys or dealing with boy craziness. My sister says it's nice to just be able to focus on learning and growing as a person without all theboyfriend/girlfriend drama that happens at co-ed schools. The girls can just be themselves without feeling judged or like they have to act a certain way. I can see how that would be a pretty chill environment.Another plus of a single-sex school is that the teachers and lessons can be designed especially for how girls learn best. From what I've read, girls and boys can have some differences in learning styles, attention spans, and what motivates them in class. At a girls' school, everything is tailored to fit girls' needs withouthaving to compromise for the sake of the boys too. Maybe that helps girls learn more effectively.My friend Jasmine goes to an all-girls school and she says there's no harassment or inappropriate comments from boys. She feels safe being herself and can just concentrate on her studies. That sounds awesome because kids can already be so mean sometimes at co-ed schools, making rude comments about how someone looks or dresses. With just girls around, you don't have to deal with that kind of bullying based on your appearance or because of your gender.On the other hand, there are some downsides too. The whole point of education is to prepare us for the real world after school. Well, the real world has both males and females! My mom says a co-ed school creates a more realistic social environment where you learn how to communicate and interact with people of another gender. If you go to a single-sex school, you might not develop those important life skills as well.My friend Marcus goes to an all-boys school and he says they spend a lot more time goofing off and joking around because there are no girls to impress. While that sounds fun, it probably means they don't learn as much as they could academically. At co-ed schools, kids of both genders might try abit harder and stay more focused so they don't look silly in front of members of the other sex.Another argument against separating by gender is that it promotes outdated sexist stereotypes and gender roles. Like, people might assume girls at an all-girls school are being trained to be moms and housewives rather than pursuing ambitious careers. Or that boys need a totally different teaching style that is more rough and tumble. In this modern day and age, maybe we should just treat everyone equally regardless of gender and not make too many assumptions.From talking to my friends, it seems like a lot comes down to personality type and learning style. Some kids, even girls, just seem to thrive better in a co-ed environment. They find the presence of the other gender motivating and it helps them develop robust social skills. Others feel way more comfortable and able to be themselves at a single-sex school without the pressures or distractions. There's no one-size-fits-all!Personally, I'm really undecided on which type of school I'd prefer. I can see the benefits of a girls' school in terms of feeling comfortable being myself, not dealing with boy craziness, and having an environment tailored for how I learn best. But I'd also miss out on some important real-world preparation by neverinteracting with boys during those fundamental years. Maybe a co-ed school would help me become a well-rounded person who is comfortable with all types of people and social situations.I guess there are good arguments on both sides! At the end of the day, it comes down to personal preference and what環境allows you to truly thrive as an individual. I'm just keeping an open mind for now and I'll have to see what I end up preferring once I experience different school settings myself. Either way, I'm sure I'll get a great education and have an awesome time!。



关于钵钵鸡的英语作文Bōbō chicken, a Sichuan cuisine delicacy, is a unique and flavorful dish that has captivated the taste buds of food enthusiasts around the world. Originating from the Sichuan province of China, this dish is renowned for its bold, spicy, and numbing flavors, which are a hallmark of the region's culinary traditions. The dish's name, "Bōbō," is derived from the sound the chicken makes as it is cooked in the sizzling oil, creating a distinctive and tantalizing aroma that beckons diners to indulge.The key to the perfect Bōbō chicken lies in the intricate preparation process, which involves a series of meticulous steps that ensure the perfect balance of flavors and textures. The first step in creating this masterpiece is the selection of the chicken itself. Traditionally, free-range chickens are preferred, as they possess a more robust and flavorful meat that can stand up to the bold seasonings used in the dish.Once the chicken is procured, the next step is the marinade. The chicken is meticulously coated in a blend of Sichuan peppercorns,chili peppers, garlic, ginger, and a variety of other aromatic spices, each contributing its unique flavor profile to the overall dish. This marinade not only infuses the chicken with a deep, complex flavor but also tenderizes the meat, ensuring a juicy and succulent texture.After the chicken has had ample time to absorb the flavors of the marinade, it is then carefully portioned and prepared for the next stage of the cooking process. The chicken is typically deep-fried in hot oil, which creates a crispy, golden-brown exterior that seals in the juices and adds a delightful crunch to each bite.However, the true magic of Bōbō chicken lies in the final cooking step, which is the "dry-frying" process. The partially cooked chicken is tossed into a wok or skillet filled with sizzling hot oil, where it is rapidly stir-fried, allowing the spices and seasonings to thoroughly coat and infuse the meat. This intense cooking method not only enhances the flavors but also creates a unique texture that is simultaneously crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside.The result of this intricate preparation is a dish that is a symphony of flavors and textures. The Sichuan peppercorns provide a numbing sensation that tingles the tongue, while the chili peppers deliver a fiery heat that lingers on the palate. The garlic and ginger lend their aromatic complexity, while the soy sauce and other seasonings contribute a savory depth that ties the entire dish together.One of the most captivating aspects of Bōbō chicken is the way it is traditionally served. The dish is often presented on a sizzling hot platter, with the chicken pieces arranged in a visually striking manner. The sound of the chicken sizzling and crackling as it is placed on the table is a sensory experience in itself, whetting the appetite and creating a sense of anticipation among the diners.As the diners begin to savor the dish, they are treated to a symphony of flavors and textures that dance across the palate. The crispy, golden-brown exterior of the chicken gives way to the juicy, tender meat within, while the spices and seasonings create a flavor profile that is both complex and deeply satisfying.But Bōbō chicken is more than just a culinary delight it is a cul tural heritage that reflects the rich traditions and ingenuity of the Sichuan people. The dish is deeply rooted in the region's history, with its origins tracing back to the Qing dynasty, when it was first developed by local chefs who were tasked with creating a dish that would appeal to the imperial court.Over the centuries, Bōbō chicken has evolved and adapted, with each generation of Sichuan cooks adding their own unique twist to the recipe. Today, the dish is a beloved staple not only in Sichuan but also throughout China and beyond, as food enthusiasts from aroundthe world have discovered the captivating flavors and textures of this iconic dish.In conclusion, Bōbō chicken is a culinary masterpiece that combines the bold, spicy, and numbing flavors of Sichuan cuisine with a unique and captivating preparation process. From the careful selection of the chicken to the intricate marinating and cooking techniques, every step of the process is essential in creating a dish that is truly unforgettable. Whether you are a seasoned Sichuan cuisine enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of Chinese gastronomy, Bōbō chicken is a dish that is sure to leave a lasting impression on your palate and your heart.。



生产准备的英语Preparation for ProductionIn the ever-evolving world of manufacturing and industry, the process of production is a critical component that requires meticulous planning and preparation. Effective preparation for production is the cornerstone of a successful and efficient operation, ensuring that the final product meets the desired quality standards and is delivered on time. This essay will delve into the various aspects of production preparation, highlighting the importance of each step and the strategies employed to ensure a seamless production process.One of the fundamental elements of production preparation is the thorough understanding of the product specifications and requirements. This involves a detailed analysis of the product design, the materials needed, the manufacturing processes involved, and the target market. By having a comprehensive understanding of the product, manufacturers can identify potential challenges and develop appropriate solutions to address them. This knowledge also enables them to allocate resources effectively, optimize production workflows, and ensure that the final product meets the expectationsof the customers.Another crucial aspect of production preparation is the careful selection and procurement of raw materials. The availability, quality, and cost of raw materials can have a significant impact on the overall production process. Manufacturers must carefully research and evaluate potential suppliers, ensuring that they can provide the necessary materials in a timely and cost-effective manner. This may involve negotiating contracts, establishing long-term partnerships, and implementing inventory management systems to maintain a steady supply of raw materials.Closely related to the procurement of raw materials is the optimization of the supply chain. Effective supply chain management is essential for ensuring the smooth flow of materials, components, and finished products throughout the production process. This includes the coordination of logistics, transportation, and distribution, as well as the implementation of strategies to minimize lead times, reduce waste, and improve overall efficiency. By streamlining the supply chain, manufacturers can enhance their responsiveness to customer demands and adapt to changing market conditions.Another crucial aspect of production preparation is the development and implementation of robust production planning and scheduling systems. This involves the creation of detailed production schedulesthat take into account factors such as production capacity, labor availability, equipment utilization, and delivery deadlines. Effective production planning ensures that the manufacturing process is organized and structured, minimizing downtime, reducing bottlenecks, and maximizing productivity. Additionally, production planning allows for the identification of potential risks and the development of contingency plans to mitigate them.The preparation for production also encompasses the optimizationof the manufacturing facilities and equipment. This includes the layout of the production floor, the selection and maintenance of machinery, and the implementation of lean manufacturing principles. By carefully designing the production environment and ensuring the proper functioning of equipment, manufacturers can enhance productivity, reduce waste, and improve product quality. Additionally, the implementation of preventive maintenance programs can help extend the lifespan of equipment and minimize the risk of unexpected breakdowns.Another essential element of production preparation is the training and development of the workforce. Skilled and knowledgeable employees are the backbone of any successful manufacturing operation. Manufacturers must invest in comprehensive training programs that equip their workers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and problem-solving abilities to perform their taskseffectively. This may include technical training, safety protocols, quality control measures, and continuous improvement methodologies. By empowering their workforce, manufacturers can foster a culture of excellence and innovation, leading to improved product quality and increased customer satisfaction.Finally, the preparation for production must also address the aspect of quality control and assurance. Establishing robust quality management systems, including the implementation of quality control procedures, inspection protocols, and statistical process control, is crucial for ensuring the consistent production of high-quality products. This not only helps to identify and address any defects or non-conformities but also enables manufacturers to continuously improve their processes and meet the ever-evolving demands of the market.In conclusion, the preparation for production is a multifaceted and complex process that requires the coordination of various elements. From understanding product specifications and sourcing raw materials to optimizing production planning and developing a skilled workforce, each step in the preparation process plays a vital role in ensuring the success of the manufacturing operation. By adopting a comprehensive and strategic approach to production preparation, manufacturers can enhance their competitiveness, improve theiroperational efficiency, and deliver products that consistently meet or exceed the expectations of their customers.。



德州扒鸡的英语作文Texas Fried Chicken is a beloved dish that has become a staple of American cuisine. Originating in the southern state of Texas, this savory and crispy chicken has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world. The recipe, which has been passed down through generations, is a testament to the ingenuity and culinary prowess of the Lone Star State.At the heart of Texas Fried Chicken lies a simple yet ingenious combination of spices and techniques. The key to its success lies in the perfect balance of flavors and the meticulous preparation process. The chicken is first marinated in a blend of herbs and seasonings, including garlic, paprika, and black pepper, to infuse it with a robust and aromatic flavor. It is then coated in a crispy batter, which is meticulously crafted to achieve the perfect crunch with every bite.The frying process is where the true magic happens. The chicken is submerged in hot oil, sizzling and bubbling as the batter crisps to a golden brown. The result is a juicy, tender interior encased in adelightfully crunchy exterior that tantalizes the taste buds. The aroma that wafts through the air as the chicken fries is enough to make any passerby's mouth water in anticipation.But Texas Fried Chicken is more than just a culinary delight it is a cultural phenomenon. In the heart of Texas, fried chicken is not just a dish it is a way of life. Families gather around the table, sharing stories and memories as they indulge in the savory goodness. It is a unifying force that brings people together, transcending boundaries and creating a sense of community.The popularity of Texas Fried Chicken has spread far beyond the borders of the Lone Star State. It has become a beloved dish in restaurants and homes across the country, with each region putting its own unique spin on the classic recipe. From the smoky and spicy variations of the Southwest to the creamy and tangy interpretations of the Northeast, the versatility of Texas Fried Chicken is truly astounding.One of the most remarkable aspects of Texas Fried Chicken is its ability to evolve and adapt to changing times and tastes. As the world becomes more health-conscious, chefs and home cooks have found innovative ways to reinvent the dish while still preserving its essential character. Baked versions, air-fried iterations, and even plant-based alternatives have emerged, catering to a diverse rangeof dietary preferences and culinary trends.Despite these adaptations, the core essence of Texas Fried Chicken remains unchanged. It is a dish that celebrates the rich culinary heritage of the Lone Star State, honoring the traditions and techniques that have been honed over generations. Each bite is a testament to the ingenuity and resilience of the Texan spirit, a reflection of the state's unwavering pride and unapologetic love for good food.As the world continues to evolve, the enduring popularity of Texas Fried Chicken serves as a reminder of the timeless allure of comfort food. It is a dish that transcends cultural boundaries, bringing people together through the universal language of delicious, satisfying flavors. Whether it's enjoyed at a family gathering, a backyard barbecue, or a bustling restaurant, Texas Fried Chicken remains a beloved and integral part of the American culinary landscape.In conclusion, Texas Fried Chicken is more than just a dish it is a cultural icon that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world. Its enduring popularity is a testament to the ingenuity and culinary prowess of the Lone Star State, and its ability to adapt and evolve while still preserving its essential character is a true testament to the resilience of the Texan spirit. As we continue to savor and celebrate this beloved dish, we can't help but be remindedof the power of food to bring people together, create lasting memories, and inspire a deep sense of pride and belonging.。



切菜的英文作文Slicing and Dicing: The Art of Culinary PreparationCulinary arts have long been a source of fascination and delight for people around the world. From the intricate flavors of a gourmet meal to the simple pleasures of a home-cooked dish, the preparation of food is a fundamental aspect of human culture. At the heart of this culinary journey lies the humble act of cutting and slicing ingredients – a skill that, when mastered, can transform the most basic ingredients into culinary masterpieces.The art of slicing and dicing is not merely a practical necessity in the kitchen; it is a dance of precision, patience, and creativity. Each ingredient, from the delicate leaves of fresh herbs to the robust textures of root vegetables, requires a unique approach to ensure optimal flavor and presentation. The way in which we wield our knives and manipulate the ingredients can make all the difference in the final outcome of a dish.One of the most critical aspects of slicing and dicing is the proper selection and maintenance of a sharp knife. A dull blade not only makes the task more arduous but can also lead to uneven cuts andpotentially dangerous slips. A well-sharpened knife, on the other hand, glides effortlessly through the ingredients, allowing for clean, precise slices that enhance the overall aesthetic and texture of the dish.Beyond the technical aspects of knife handling, the art of slicing and dicing also requires a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the unique properties of each ingredient. Different vegetables, for instance, may require different cutting techniques to achieve the desired texture and appearance. Soft herbs, such as basil or parsley, may need a gentle, chiffonade-style cut to preserve their delicate flavors, while hardy root vegetables may require a more robust, diced approach.The importance of proper slicing and dicing extends beyond the individual ingredients and into the realm of dish composition. The way in which ingredients are cut can significantly impact the overall balance and visual appeal of a dish. Uniform, evenly-sized pieces not only create a more cohesive and aesthetically pleasing presentation but also ensure consistent cooking and flavor distribution throughout the dish.Moreover, the art of slicing and dicing can be a powerful tool in the hands of a skilled chef. By manipulating the size, shape, and texture of ingredients, chefs can create unique visual and texturalexperiences for their diners. A simple dish of roasted vegetables, for instance, can be elevated by carefully slicing the ingredients into thin, delicate ribbons or artfully dicing them into intricate patterns.The mastery of slicing and dicing is not limited to the professional kitchen; it is a skill that can be cultivated and refined by home cooks as well. Whether preparing a simple salad or a complex multi-course meal, the ability to wield a knife with precision and confidence can make all the difference in the overall quality and enjoyment of the dish.In conclusion, the art of slicing and dicing is a fundamental aspect of culinary preparation that deserves the attention and respect of all who love to cook. From the selection of the right knife to the careful manipulation of each ingredient, the process of cutting and slicing is a dance of technique, creativity, and passion – one that can transform the most humble of ingredients into culinary masterpieces. As we continue to explore the depths of the culinary arts, let us never forget the importance of this fundamental skill and the joy it can bring to both the cook and the diner.。

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a r X i v :q u a n t -p h /0508159v 1 22 A u g 2005Robust state preparation of a single trapped ion by adiabatic passageChr.Wunderlich,Th.HannemannNational University of Ireland,Maynooth,Co.Kildare,Ireland∗T.K¨o rber,H.H¨a ffner,Ch.Roos,W.H¨a nsel,R.BlattInstitut f¨u r Experimentalphysik,Universit¨a t Innsbruck,Technikerstrasse 25,A-6020Innsbruck,AustriaF.Schmidt-KalerInstitut f¨u r Quanteninformationsverarbeitung,Universit¨a t Ulm,Einstein 11,D-89069Ulm,Germany(Dated:February 1,2008)We report adiabatic passage experiments with a single trapped 40Ca +ion.By applying a fre-quency chirped laser pulse with a Gaussian amplitude envelope we reach a transfer efficiency of 0.990(10)on an optical transition from the electronic ground state S 1/2to the metastable state D 5/2.This transfer method is shown to be insensitive to the accurate setting of laser parameters,and therefore is suitable as a robust tool for ion based quantum computing.PACS numbers:03.67.Lx,32.80.QkIt is the interplay between different technologies that is stimulating novel developments aiming at the ambi-tious goal of a future large-scale quantum computer [1].As recent research has shown,considerable promise lies in the application of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)technology to ion-trap based quantum computing [2,3].While ion based quantum computing has strong assets concerning the preparation of multi-particle entangled states [4,5]and the highly efficient readout of qubit states using projective measurements [6,7,8],liquid state NMR quantum computing relies on well developed radio frequency (rf)techniques which have enabled the most complex [9,10,11]sequences of quantum logic gate op-erations to date with about 102to 103rf-pulses [12].The basic construction principle of an elementary quantum computer with trapped ions relies on linear cold ion crystals serving as quantum register.Two of each of the ions’electronic states serve to store elementary bits of quantum information (qubits)which are coherently ma-nipulated by the application of laser [13]or microwave pulses [14]with well defined timing,frequency and phase.With a number of operations applied,on single ions indi-vidually or on groups of ions a quantum algorithm may be implemented.Composite gate operations [2],initially developed in the context of NMR experiments,have already enabled complex tasks in ion traps like the demonstration of quantum teleportation [6,7],which comprises about 30laser pulses of different frequency,phase and amplitude.In order to further increase the complexity of algorithms and to improve the robustness of single and multiqubit quantum logic gates,all parameters characterizing the2)and truncated at times t =0and t =T ,see Fig.1(a)and (b).The maximum of the light field am-plitude is reached at the frequency νatom .The resulting atomic 2-level dynamics is easily modeled using optical Bloch equations.A qualitative and intuitive picture can be derived if we consider a Bloch sphere representation of our system.Here the state vectorψ=c 0|0 +c 1|1(1)2is written as a vector R with components R x=c0c∗1+ c∗0c1,R y=i(c0c∗1−c∗0c1),R z=|c0|2−|c1|2.Like-wise,an interactionΩis written as vectorΩ=(Re(H01), Im(H01),δ),where H01is the interaction Hamiltonian(in a frame rotating with angular frequencyωatom)where ¯hωatom denotes the energy separation between levels|0 and|1 andδthe detuning of the drivingfield from the atomic resonance.The long lifetime of both atomic levels and the fastdynamics allows us to neglect spontaneous decay and dephasing[15].Under these conditions the equation of motion for the Bloch vector dynamics can then be formulated[16]simply as˙R(t)=Ω(t)×R(t), in obvious analogy with magnetic resonance phenomena. First demonstrations of RAP in ensembles have been in magnetic resonance phenomena[17],and in a variety of optical applications,see[18,19,20]and also references therein.If we start offwith a weak electro-magneticfield tuned below resonance and with the atom in|0 ,Ωwill be al-most aligned with the Bloch vector at the south pole of the sphere.Because both vectors point nearly in the same direction,the resulting Bloch nutations are of small am-plitude.By increasing the frequency of the drivingfield towards resonance,thus reducingδ,and simultaneously increasing the interaction strength,Ωmoves toward the equator of the Bloch sphere.If this is done slowly enough the Bloch vector R adiabatically followsΩ.At the equa-tor we start to lower the interaction strength again and continue to increase the driving frequency,untilΩand the Bloch vector point toward the north pole:adiabatic transfer has taken place.The corresponding trajectory of the Bloch vector during RAP is numerically evaluated and shown in Fig.1c).As long the adiabaticity condi-tion is fulfilled,with a temporal change|˙Ω|/|Ω|≪|Ω|, the transfer is robust and can be achieved over a broad range of parameters.The limits of adiabaticity are il-lustrated by a second Bloch nutation,with the passage through resonance scanned too rapidly(i.e.,∆ν/T is too large),see Fig.1(d).Residual nutations about the state |1 are clearly visible and thefinal population of state |1 at the end of the laser pulse depends strongly on the exact duration and intensity of the pulse.For the experiments,a single40Ca+ion is stored in the effective harmonic potential of a linear Paul trap. For a detailed description of the experimental setup we refer the reader to[21].Under typical operating condi-tions we observe axial and radial motional frequencies (ωax,ωrad)=2π(1.2,5.0)MHz,respectively.The ion is Doppler-cooled on the S1/2to P1/2transition near 397nm to a mean phonon number of(¯n radial,¯n axial)= (5,15).The electronic level S1/2,m j=−1/2is identified with|0 and D5/2,m j=−1/2with|1 ,respectively.For the coherent manipulation on this transition,we modu-late the output of a Ti:Sapphire laser with an acousto-optical modulator(AOM)in double-pass configuration. The radio frequencies and phases that are applied to the FIG.1:Sketch of the temporal variation of the rf-waveform to form the laser pulse used for the experiments.The amplitude envelope of the lightfield is proportional to the Rabi frequency and hs a Gaussian shape.The envelope is plotted in units of the maximal Rabi frequency obtained during the laser pulse (a).The linear frequency chirp(b)is plotted units of∆ν,the frequency range over which the detuningδis swept during an individual laser pulse.For the experimental studies,we vary the pulses by variation of the peak laser intensity,thus chang-ing the Rabi frequency,and by variation of∆ν,the chosen frequency range of the detuning.c)Pictorial illustration of the RAP method using the Bloch sphere representation of the atomic two-level system.With∆ν=400kHz the evolution Bloch vector evolution is fully adiabatic and results in perfect transfer.d)Same as c),however with∆ν=1400kHz.Here, the population transfer fails to be adiabatic.The parameters used for the simulations shown in c)and d)are identical to those in the experimental situation offig.2.AOM transfer directly to the lightfield[28].The complex rf-waveform is provided by a novel versa-tile frequency generator(VFG)that is based on afield-programmable gate array.Important specifications are: a frequency range from0to150MHz,an amplitude res-olution of16bit,the option to lock to an external clock(in our case a Rb-atomic clock),a switching time of5ns, phase continuous or phase coherent switching between ar-bitrarily many frequencies,multiple frequencies output,and an interface that is programmable via a USB bus us-ing a personal computer.Without the typical restrictionsdue to a limited memory,in this device the amplitude, phase and frequency of arbitrarily many shaped rf-pulses are freely programmable.To match the required AOM frequency near230MHz, we mixed the output of the VFG near80MHz with the150MHz signal from an rf-synthesizer[29].Unwanted frequency components(e.g.near70MHz)from the mixerare rejected by the AOM[30]due to its limited band-width.In the experiment,for a demonstration of RAP trans-fer,we apply a temporal sequence to a single ion:a) The ion is prepared initially in|0 ,b)a RAP transferpulse|0 →|1 is applied and c)the excited state popu-lation P|1 is detected by an electron shelving technique [24].This is accomplished by driving the S1/2−P1/2and D3/2−P1/2dipole transitions with laser light near397 and866nm and monitoring the bluefluorescence emittedby the ion with a photomultiplier.The internal state of the ion is discriminated with an efficiency close to100%.3FIG.2:Adiabatic transfer|0 →|1 .The excited state pop-ulation P|1 is plotted for different rates of change of the laserdetuningδduring the pulse,that is for different values of∆ν/T with Tfixed at150µs.The transfer works efficientlyin the wide range between∆ν=200kHz and∆ν=500kHz,with average efficiency of99.0(1.0)%.The solid line repre-sents the result of an atomic two-level calculation forΩRabi=512kHz.Inset:The Rabi frequency is directly determined byobserving resonant Rabi oscillations.From a sinefit to thisdata we obtainΩRabi with a fractional error of0.5%.Thus,all parameters for the simulation are independentlyfixed,andthe solid line is notfitted to the data but results entirely fromthe model.Relevant parameters for RAP such as the Rabi fre-quency and the detuning rate are varied in step(b).Keeping the time T=150µs constant,the range of de-tuning∆νis varied.The results are plotted in Fig.2:The main experimental result is the wide plateau of effi-cient population transfer from state|0 to state|1 .For∆νranging from200kHz to500kHz99.0(1.0)%of thepopulation is transferred from the initial state to the tar-get state.Even for the larger range of detunings from100kHz to600kHz,almost perfect transfer of98.7(1.1)%is achieved.The two-state simulation predicts a transferefficiency close to100%for the plateau in Fig.2.Imper-fect state preparation and read-out are expected to limitRAP.It is this robustness,that should make RAP well suitedfor pulsed Raman ground state cooling:For ground statecooling,a pulse of laser radiation near the red vibrationalsideband atνlaser=νE|1 −νE|0 −νtrap is applied to asingle ion or a linear crystal of ions an experimen-tal situation like[25]for9Be+or for ground state cool-ing of a crystal of43Ca+ions using two Raman beamsnear395nm.Here,the cooling rate suffers from the factthat the sideband Rabi frequency depends on the vibra-tional quantum number asΩn→n−1∝√4[3]S.Gulde and M.Riebe,ncaster,C.Becher,J.Eschner,H.H¨affner,F.Schmidt-Kaler,I.L.Chuang, R.Blatt,Nature421,48(2003).[4]C. 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