


将MON1不变,把MON0旋转到2位置。数据输入《安装时间用 ,和SW1同时使用》
------E0A 称重数值异常检出〈SW-WGER〉
------E0B E1板异常检出〈SW-E1PBC〉
------E0C URS/DRS开关故障〈SW-UDHSE〉
------E0D DZ检查回路故障检出〈SW-DZCER〉
------E0E 5 ON故障《SW-5 ONER》
------E0F #LB ON故障《SW-LBONER》
显示结果:----E40 没有异常
----E41 紧急停止运行记录2次〈SW-EST2〉
----E42 整流器电流过低时检出〈SS-LVLTT〉
----E43 紧急停止回复〈SW-ESTR〉
----E44 LB线圈故障断电时检出
----E45 5线圈故障断电时检出
----E46பைடு நூலகம்BK1线圈故障
----E47 BK2线圈故障
显示结果:----E60 没有异常
----E61 整流器电压不足
----E62 集极驱动板异常《SS-GDFH》
----E63 逆变器保护回路动作《SS-LFO》
----E64 29安全回路动作时检出《SS-29LT》锁存记忆》
----E65 12V电源异常



B300588C S300074C W320593A F320579A Z301966A R212075 F089498C M216188C P219272C Q300739C A086710C P085205A
400P09-660 FRN-R-50
PV-12A10F PV-12A10F PV-8A10F R25060-2CR SB00-D SB2-D SB3-D SC-15 SC-20 SC-40 SC-60 SF120H200
SPJ-4M60 T600030-1SR T60060-3CR TCF50 TCF60 TCF70 TCF80 TCF90 TI1100 TPA-3 TPA-B-25 TPS-30 TR-0603FA1-5A TR-0603FA2A
63NHG000B FWH-016A6F
63NHG00B-690 FWH-100B
C10G10 C10G16 C10G20 C10M1 C10M16 C10M16I C10M2 C10M4I C14G2 C14G4 C14G40 C14G50



HP 2300/4200Dtn/2300n/2300Dn HP 1000/1005/1200/1200n/1220/3300/3330/3380 HP7115=EP-25 HP 1010/1015/1020/1012/3015/3020/3030/3050/3052/3055M1005/1018/1 022/M1005 佳能303通用 HP 1300/1300N HP 5L/6L/6LGold/6LPro/3100/3150 FX-3=HP3906,但HP3906不等于 FX-3 同HP3906通用 HP 1100/1100A/3200=佳能EP-22 HP 1160/1320/1320N=佳能308 5949X,5949XD不适用于1160机上 HP 1150/1150N HP 2400/2420/2430 HP 2000/2100/2100M/2100TN/2200 HP 5000/5100/5000LE/5100LE/5000SE=佳能GP160=方正500 HP P2015 HP LASERJET 5200
HP3005/M3027/M3035 佳能309 HP2015/2015D/2015N/2015DN HP5200/5200N/5200TN=佳能309 HPM1120/1120N/1522N/1522NF/1505/1505NF/M2727/1319 佳能313 HP M5025/5035 HP P4014/4015/4515(64A) 364X不适用LJ4014 HP LaserJet2035/2055 HP P1005/1006=佳能912 SCX4100/PE114E 三星1710=利盟215=施乐33115/3116=理光 1475=sf4216 SCX/4016/4116/4216F ML-1010/1020M/1210/1220M/1250/1430 三星555=利盟210=施乐 3110=理光1465=联想1600=sf550 ML-1610 ML1510/1710/1750/SCX4016/4116/4216/4216F/SF560/565P 三星 4100=利盟215=施乐33115/3116=理光1475 SCX4200A=施乐3119 芯片不一样 SCX4321 三星ML-1450/1440/1451N 三星ML-1610/2010 戴尔110=三星4521=施乐3117=sf4321=sf2010=施 乐3122 三星ML-1650/1651N/1652P1653S 方正A300=SF1651 三星ML-4500/4600/4300/5000 施乐580=联想 880=sf4500=sf5310=sf5100 三星 SF5100/5100P/530/550/531P/535E/515/ML808 施乐580=联想 880=sf4500=sf5310=sf4500 三星ML-5200A 方正A200/280=利盟E320=施乐 P8E=SF5000=TALLYM9308 三星SF5310 同上sf5100 三星SCX-5312F/5112/5115/5315F/SF-830/ML-912 三星SF555P/555D/550D3 三星1210=利盟210=施乐3110=理光1465=联 想1600 三星SF-5800/5800P/5805P/5905P 三星ML-2150/2151/2550/2552 三星ML2250/2251/2252/2551=SF4520=SF4720=施乐 3150/PE120/PE120I/DELL1600N 三星4520/4720/ML2250/2252 三星4521/4321 与三星1610/戴尔1100/施乐3117/3122通用 三星CLP500/500N 三星CLP300/300N/3160/2160



IRFR1205中⽂资料IRFR/U1205HEXFET ?Power MOSFETDescription5/11/98ParameterMax.UnitsI D @ T C = 25°C Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V 44 I D @ T C = 100°C Continuous Drain Current, V GS @ 10V31 A I DMPulsed Drain Current 160P D @T C = 25°C Power Dissipation 107W Linear Derating Factor 0.71W/°C V GS Gate-to-Source Voltage± 20V E AS Single Pulse Avalanche Energy 210mJ I AR Avalanche Current25A E AR Repetitive Avalanche Energy 11mJ dv/dt Peak Diode Recovery dv/dt 5.0V/ns T J Operating Junction and-55 to + 175T STGStorage Temperature RangeSoldering Temperature, for 10 seconds300 (1.6mm from case )°CAbsolute Maximum RatingsParameterTyp.Max.UnitsR θJC Junction-to-Case––– 1.4R θJA Junction-to-Ambient (PCB mount) **–––50°C/WR θJAJunction-to-Ambient–––110Thermal ResistanceD -P AK T O -252AA I-PA K TO -251AAl Ultra Low On-Resistance l Surface Mount (IRFR1205)l Straight Lead (IRFU1205)l Fast SwitchinglFully Avalanche RatedFifth Generation HEXFETs from International Rectifier utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve the lowest possible on-resistance per silicon area. This benefit, combined with the fast switching speed and ruggedized device design that HEXFET Power MOSFETs are well known for, provides the designer with an extremely efficient device for use in a wide variety of applications.The D-PAK is designed for surface mounting using vapor phase, infrared, or wave soldering techniques.The straight lead version (IRFU series) is for through-hole mounting applications. Power dissipation levels up to 1.5 watts are possible in typical surface mount applications.PD - 91318BIRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205IRFR/U1205。



Unit KΩ/ Ω/ µm Ω/ µm nm nm Ω/ Ω/ mΩ/ mΩ/ nm Unit fF/µm2 fF/µm2 fF/µm2 fF/µm2 fF/µm2
Comments n-well
oxide+nit. Comments
Minimum 1.28
Maximum 1.58
Unit V GHz V V V V Ω Ω Ω pF pF pF
Comments @100µA
NPN Bipolar Transistor Characteristics (Emitter size 31.5 x 4.5µm) Sym Min Typ Current Gain hFE 113 Early Voltage VA 34 Cut - Off Frequency fτ 1.97 Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage VCESAT 0.25 Collector to Emitter Breakdown Voltage BVCEO 5 Collector to Base Breakdown Voltage BVCBO 10 Emitter to Base Breakdown Voltage BVEBO 5 Emitter Resistance RE 4.25 Base Spreading Resistance RB 200 Collector Saturation Resistance RC 16 Base to Emitter Capacitance CBEO 0.50 Base to Collector Capacitance CBCO 0.21 Base to Substrate Capacitance CCS 0.41



ationwithsex,ageandsideofherniationinpatientswithlumbardischerniation[J].BMCMusculoskeletDisord,2023,24(1):652.[18] ZhuF,JiaD,ZhangY,etal.Moderatetoseveremultifidusfattyatrophyistheriskfactorforrecurrenceaftermicrodiscectomyoflumbardischerniation[J].Neurospine,2023,20(2):637-650.[19] HanG,ZouD,LiX,etal.Canfatinfiltrationinthemultifidusmusclebeapredictorofpostoperativesymptomsandcomplicationsinpatientsundergoinglumbarfusionfordegenerativelumbarspinalstenosis?Acase controlstudy[J].JOrthopSurgRes,2022,17(1):289.[20] LuHB,WangLS,LiMQ,etal.Theassociationbetweenchangesinmultifidusmusclemorphologyandbackpainscoresfollowingdiscectomysurgeryforlumbardischerniation:asystematicreviewandmeta analysis[J].EurSpineJ,2022,31(7):1784-1794.·经验交流·脊神经后内支阻滞在胸腰椎手术后的镇痛效果王海芹,王健,姜蕾,张小引(南京同仁医院麻醉科,江苏南京 210002) 摘要:目的 探讨脊神经后内支阻滞在胸腰椎手术后的镇痛效果。



20 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 10 10 10 45 45 45 40 40 35
35 35 35 35 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 35 30 30 30 75 75 150
30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 30 Max.Peak Forward Surge Current IFSM A 50 50 50 50 50 50
1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.2
反向重 最大平均正 复峰值 向电流 电压 VRRM V IO @ TA A ℃ 最大正向峰 值浪涌电流 IFSM A 正向电压降 VF @ IF V A 最大反向 典型结电 最大转速 电流 容 恢复时间 TA=25℃ 封装 IR Cj Trr μ A pF ns
/main.asp 1 安培(含铅整流器) SF11S 50 SF12S 100 SF13S 150 SF14S 200 SF15S 300 SF16S 400 SF17S 500 SF18S 600 SF11 SF12 SF13 SF14 SF15 SF16 SF17 SF18 50 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.7 1.7 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 30 30 30 30 15 15 15 15 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 35 35 35 35 35 35 50 50 A-405 A-405 A-405 A-405 A-405 A-405 A-405 A-405 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41 DO-41



效率(%) (典型值)
74 78 79 74 76 78 77 80 77 78 79 80 77 78 79 80 77 79 80
WRE_P-3W & WRF_P-3W 系列产品是专门针
WRE2405P-3W WRE2409P-3W WRE2412P-3W WRE2415P-3W WRF2405P-3W WRF2409P-3W WRF2412P-3W WRF2415P-3W WRF4805P-3W WRF4812P-3W WRF4815P-3W 48 36-72 80 24 18-36 40
电压 (VDC) 范围
电流 (mA) 最大
±300 ±125 ±100 600 333 250 200 125 ±300 ±167 ±125 ±100 600 333 250 200 600 250 200
±30 ±12 ±10 60 33 25 20 12 ±30 ±16 ±12 ±10 60 33 25 20 60 25 20
额定输出功率 封装形式 输出电压 输入电压 产品系列
项目 绝缘强度 绝缘电阻 工作条件 测试时间 1 分钟, 漏电流小于 1mA 绝缘电压 500VDC
Min. 3000 1000 Typ. Max.
项目 存储湿度 工作条件
Min. Typ. Max. 95 -40 -55 15 85 125 °C
对线路板上分布式电源系统中需要产生一组 与输入电源隔离的单电源的应用场合而设计 的。该产品适用于: 1) 输入电源的电压比较宽(电压变化范围 ≤2:1) ; 2) 输入输出之间要求高隔离(隔离电压≤ 3000VDC) 3) 输出电压稳定度和输出纹波噪声要求较 高。

EC03 系列 3W 小体积 AC-DC 模块电源 说明书

EC03 系列 3W 小体积 AC-DC 模块电源 说明书



产品型号型号输入电压(VAC)输出电压(VDC)输出电流(mA)纹波+噪声效率(TYP)EC03-S0585~264Vac(120~370VDC)5600150mV(typ)75%EC03-S121225076% EC03-S151520078% EC03-S242412579% EC03-D05±530075% EC03-D12±1212576% EC03-D15±1510078% EC03-D24±246379% *如有其它规格型号需求,可直接联系我司。

输入特性输入电压范围85~264VAC(120~370VDC)输入电流(Vin=110V)0.125A(TYP)外接保险丝★1A/250V慢断输出特性输出电压稳压精度±2%源效应±0.5%(typ)负载调整率(10%~100%)±1%(typ)最小负载10%输出纹波+噪声(峰-峰值)100mV(typ)(20MHz Bandwidth)短路保护可长期短路,自恢复一般特性温度特性工作温度功率降额存储温度外壳温度-40℃~+70℃3.75%/℃,-40℃~+105℃+90℃max掉电时间40ms(typ)/at Vin:320Vdc 湿度85%RH(max)温漂0.02%/℃开关频率60kHz(typ)绝缘输入--输出3000VAC漏电流0.3mA RMS typ.230VAC/50Hz电磁兼容静电放电*射频辐射抗扰*电快速瞬变脉冲群*浪涌*IEC/EN61000-4-2level36kV/8kV IEC/EN61000-4-3IEC/EN61000-4-4level32kV IEC/EN61000-4-5level31kV/2kV传导/辐射*EN55022,level A 安全等级CLASSⅠ外壳等级UL94V-0安装PCB平均无故障时间(MTBF)>200,000h@25℃注:1.以上所列数据除特别说明外,都是在TA=25℃,湿度<75%的条件下测得;2.*表示需要外加EMC推荐电路。



DC to DC ConvertersInsulated Type, Ultra Compact Size, 1.5 to 25W Output, 5-year Warranty PeriodCC-E SeriesFEATURES•Compact size(almost half floor space of existing product).•No tantalum capacitor and no aluminum electrolytic capacitor are used.•All series are equipped with a built-in remote control function (except for SIP).•Output voltage tolerance ±3%(under 10W, at single output).•Light weight(no potting).•It is a product conforming to RoHS directive.•These are PWB halogen-free pc board.•Both mountings of DIP type and SMD type are available.•UL60950-1, C-UL CSA 60950-1 and EN60950-1 approved (partial approved).PART NUMBERS AND RATINGS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD / S: SIP). Note that the SIP type is limited to 3W.∗2The output voltage can be set to 15V , ±15V , by connecting the 12Vout, ±12V TRM (output variable) to –Vout.∗324V single output is possible by opening the ±12Vout COM terminal and connecting the load to +Vout, –Vout. Also, 30V single output is possible when connecting the TRM terminal with –Vout under the same conditions.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATIONSConformity to RoHS Directive Output power Input voltage Output voltage3.3V 5V 12V(15V ∗2)±12V(15V ∗2) or 24V , 30V ∗31.5W5V CC1R5-0503Sx ∗1-E CC1R5-0505Sx-E CC1R5-0512Sx-E CC1R5-0512Dx-E 12V CC1R5-1203Sx-E CC1R5-1205Sx-E CC1R5-1212Sx-E CC1R5-1212Dx-E 24V CC1R5-2403Sx-E CC1R5-2405Sx-E CC1R5-2412Sx-E CC1R5-2412Dx-E 48V CC1R5-4803Sx-E CC1R5-4805Sx-E CC1R5-4812Sx-E CC1R5-4812Dx-E 3W5V CC3-0503Sx-E CC3-0505Sx-E CC3-0512Sx-E CC3-0512Dx-E 12V CC3-1203Sx-E CC3-1205Sx-E CC3-1212Sx-E CC3-1212Dx-E 24V CC3-2403Sx-E CC3-2405Sx-E CC3-2412Sx-E CC3-2412Dx-E 48V CC3-4803Sx-E CC3-4805Sx-E CC3-4812Sx-E CC3-4812Dx-E 6W5V CC6-0503Sx-E CC6-0505Sx-E CC6-0512Sx-E CC6-0512Dx-E 12V CC6-1203Sx-E CC6-1205Sx-E CC6-1212Sx-E CC6-1212Dx-E 24V CC6-2403Sx-E CC6-2405Sx-E CC6-2412Sx-E CC6-2412Dx-E 48V CC6-4803Sx-E CC6-4805Sx-E CC6-4812Sx-E CC6-4812Dx-E 10W 5V CC10-0503Sx-E CC10-0505Sx-E CC10-0512Sx-E CC10-0512Dx-E 12V CC10-1203Sx-E CC10-1205Sx-E CC10-1212Sx-E CC10-1212Dx-E 24V CC10-2403Sx-E CC10-2405Sx-E CC10-2412Sx-E CC10-2412Dx-E 48V CC10-4803Sx-E CC10-4805Sx-E CC10-4812Sx-ECC10-4812Dx-E15W 24V CC15-2403Sx-E CC15-2405Sx-E 25W24VCC25-2403Sx-E CC25-2405Sx-E•Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific bromine-based flame retardants, PBB and PBDE, have not been used, except for exempted applications.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V (22.8 to 30V).OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)1R5-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12071 Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC1R5-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 30020408040/12077CC1R5-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 1254010020030/120804.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 1004010020030/12080CC1R5-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/120794.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 508060030030/12079CC1R5-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12073CC1R5-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 30020408040/12078CC1R5-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 1254010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 1004010020030/12082CC1R5-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/120819 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12081CC1R5-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12072CC1R5-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 30020408040/12077CC1R5-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 1254010020030/1208118 to 3615±3%0 to 1004010020030/12081CC1R5-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/1207918 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12079CC1R5-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12070CC1R5-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 30020408040/12076CC1R5-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 1254010020030/1208036 to 7615±3%∗70 to 1004010020030/12080CC1R5-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/1207936 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12079Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Vibration 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Amplitude980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight3.2gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC1R5-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC1R5-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC1R5-xxxxSx-ECC1R5-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutCC3 T ype(DIP , SMD Types)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)3-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC3-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 60020408040/12077CC3-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 2504010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120814.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12074CC3-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 2504010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120819 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 60020408040/12078CC3-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208218 to 3615±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208118 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208136 to 7615±3%∗70 to 2004010020030/12081CC3-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208036 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12080Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight4.5gCC3 T ype(SI P T ype)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗2When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗52-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗6TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.67V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗1(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗2(mV)max.T emperature (mV)3-0503SS-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC3-0505SS-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 60020408040/12077CC3-0512SS-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 2504010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗60 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-0512DS-E ∗5 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120814.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-1203SS-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-1205SS-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-1212SS-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 2504010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-1212DS-E ∗59 to 18±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120829 to 18±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12082CC3-2403SS-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-2405SS-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 60020408040/12078CC3-2412SS-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208218 to 3615±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-2412DS-E ∗518 to 36±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208118 to 36±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-4803SS-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-4805SS-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-4812SS-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208236 to 7615±3%∗60 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-4812DS-E ∗536 to 76±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208236 to 76±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12082Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified is applying partially.Weight7.0gCC3 T ype(DIP , SMD Types)SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC3-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATIONCC3-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC3-xxxxSx-ECC3-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutCC3 T ype(SI P T ype)SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC3-xxxxxS-E (SIP TYPE)CONNECTIONS CC3-xxxxSS-ECC3-xxxxDS-EThe output voltage can be set to 15V , ±15V , by connecting the output variable terminal TRM of the 12Vout, ±12V output model to –Vout.24V single output is possible by opening the ±12Vout COM terminal andconnecting the load to +Vout, –Vout. Also, 30V single output is possible when connecting the TRM terminal with –Vout under the same conditions.TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vout No.2NC No.3NC No.4–Vout No.5TRM No.6NC No.7–Vin No.8–Vin No.9+Vin No.10+VinTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vout No.2COM No.3COM No.4–Vout No.5TRM No.6NC No.7–Vin No.8–Vin No.9+Vin No.10+VinELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)6-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12076Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC6-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 100020408040/12079CC6-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 5004010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 4004010020030/12082CC6-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/120824.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 2008060030030/12082CC6-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12078CC6-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 120020408040/12082CC6-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 5004010020030/120859 to 1815±3%0 to 4004010020030/12085CC6-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/120859 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12085CC6-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12077CC6-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 120020408040/12081CC6-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 5004010020030/1208718 to 3615±3%0 to 4004010020030/12087CC6-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/1208618 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12086CC6-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12077CC6-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 120020408040/12081CC6-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 5004010020030/1208636 to 7615±3%∗70 to 4004010020030/12086CC6-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/1208636 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12086Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight5.8gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC6-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATIONCC6-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC6-xxxxSx-ECC6-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)10-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC10-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 200020408040/12084CC10-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 8004010020030/120844.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 6404010020030/12084CC10-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 4008060030030/120834.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 3208060030030/12083CC10-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 10004010020030/120889 to 1815±3%0 to 8004010020030/12088CC10-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/120869 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086CC10-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 10004010020030/1208718 to 3615±3%0 to 8004010020030/12087CC10-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/1208618 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086CC10-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 10004010020030/1208836 to 7615±3%∗70 to 8004010020030/12088CC10-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/1208636 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight10.0gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC10-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC10-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC10-xxxxSx-ECC10-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output currentOUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noisevoltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulation Input (mV)max.Load (mV)max.T emperature (mV)max.CC15-2403Sx ∗1-E 18 to 36 3.3/–3 to +5%0 to 4500401208040/12089Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC15-2405Sx-E18 to 36 5.0/–3 to +5%0 to 3000502008040/12089Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, Output voltage shut-down typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s (100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight12.5gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC15-xxxxSF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC15-xxxxSR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1NC No.10NC No.2NC No.11NC No.3RC No.12+Vout No.4NC No.13+Vout No.5NC No.14+Vout No.6+Vin No.15–Vout No.7+Vin No.16–Vout No.8–Vin No.17NCNo.9–VinELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output currentOUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noisevoltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulation Input (mV)max.Load (mV)max.T emperature (mV)max.CC25-2403Sx ∗1-E 18 to 36 3.3/–3 to +5%0 to 7500401208040/12090Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC25-2405Sx-E18 to 36 5.0/–3 to +5%0 to 5000502008040/12090Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, Output voltage shut-down typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration500m/s (51G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight20.0gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC25-xxxxSF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC25-xxxxSR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1NC No.10+Vin No.19–Vout No.2NC No.11+Vin No.20–Vout No.3NC No.12+Vin No.21–Vout No.4RC No.13NC No.22–Vout No.5NC No.14NC No.23–Vout No.6NC No.15+Vout No.24–Vout No.7–Vin No.16+Vout No.25NCNo.8–Vin No.17+Vout No.9–Vin No.18+VoutREMOTE CONTROL TERMINAL(RC)(DIP/SMD MODELS)1.5 to 10W TypesIt is recommended to use an open collector as the control method for the remote control terminal. If other methods are necessary, please contact TDK first.In addition, please use a transistor with V CE: Over Vin and Ic: Over 1mA.When the RC terminal is open, the output is OFF, and when the RC terminal and –Vin are shorted (0 to 0.4V) the output is ON.If not using this function (always ON), short-circuit the RC terminal and the –Vin terminal.15 and 25W TypesWhen the RC terminal is open, the output is ON, and when the RC terminal is HIGH (connected to +Vin) the output is OFF.If not using this function (always ON), short-circuit the RC terminal and the –Vin terminal.OUTPUT VARIABLE TERMINAL(TRM)(1.5 to 10W Types)The output voltage can be set to the value shown in the following table by connecting the TRM terminal with the –Vout terminal. Please open the TRM terminal when not using this function. Please take note that it is necessary to derate the output current to match the maximum power when the output voltage is set higher by this function.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Fig.1Fig.2SIP ModelFig.3Fig.4Part No.Open Connected with –Vout Fig. CCx∗–xx03Sx 3.3V 3.6V1 CCx–xx05Sx 5.0V 6.0V1 CCx–xx12Sx12V15V1 CCx–xx12Dx±12V±15V2Part No.Open Connected with –Vout Fig. CC3–xx03SS–E 3.3V 3.67V3 CC3–xx05SS–E5V6V3 CC3–xx12SS–E12V15V3 CC3–xx12DS–E±12V±15V4With the ±12V , 24V single output is possible by opening the COM terminal and TRM terminal. Also, 30V single output is possible when opening the COM terminal and connecting the TRM terminal with the –Vout terminal.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Fig.5Fig.6SIP ModelFig.7Fig.8OUTPUT VARIABILITY FUNCTION (ADDING EXTERNAL RESISTANCE)(1.5 to 10W Types)The output voltage can be adjusted within the range shown in the following table by connecting resistance (Ra, Rb) between the TRM terminal and the –Vout terminal, or between the TRM termi-nal and the +Vout terminal.Please take note that it is necessary to derate the output current to match the maximum power when the output voltage is setted higher.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Calculate the output voltage Vout(V) from the connected resistance Ra, Rb(k Ω)Set the output voltage higher by adding resistance Ra between the TRM terminal/–Vout terminal.∗1 Vout=3.3+9.59/(32+Ra)∗2 Vout=5.01+17.64/(17.8+Ra)∗3 Vout=12.01+50.53/(16.9+Ra)∗4 Vout=12.02+53.55/(18+Ra)Set the output voltage lower by adding resistance Rb between the TRM terminal/+Vout terminal.∗5∗6∗7∗8Calculate the connected resistance Ra and Rb(k Ω) from the set output voltage Vout(V).Set the output voltage higher by adding resistance Ra between the TRM terminal/–Vout terminal.∗1 Ra=9.59/(Vout–3.3)–32∗2 Ra=17.64/(Vout–5.01)–17.8∗3 Ra=50.53/(Vout–12.01)–16.9∗4 Ra=53.55/(Vout–12.02)–18Set the output voltage lower by adding resistance Rb between the TRM terminal/+Vout terminal.∗5 Rb=15.53/(3.3–Vout)–39.6∗6 Rb=52.55/(5.01–Vout)–31.8∗7 Rb=431.1/(12.01–Vout)–57∗8 Rb=968.5/(12.02–Vout)–103Fig.9Fig.10Fig.11Fig.12Part No.COM terminal TRM terminal Single output x ∗–xx12Dx–EOpen Open24V 5OpenConnected with –Vout30V6Part terminal TRM terminal Single output 3–xx12DS–EOpen Open24V 7OpenConnected with –Vout30V8Part No.Connecting –Vout with RaFig.Connecting +Vout with Rbx –xx03Sx–E 3.3 to 3.6V 9 3.15 to 3.3V 10CCx–xx05Sx–E 5 to 6V 9 4.75 to 5V 10CCx–xx12Sx–E 12 to 15V ∗3911.4 to 12V ∗710CCx–xx12Dx–E±12 to ±15V 11±11.4 to ±12V 12。



低成本、低功耗 1GHz以下无线收发器(增强型CC1100)应用l 基于315/433/868/915 MHz ISM/SRD的极低功耗的无线应用。

l 无线报警和安全系统l 工业监视和控制产品描述CC1101是低成本的1GHz以下的无线收发器,为极低功耗的无线应用而设计。

电路主要设计为ISM(工业、科学和医疗)和SRD(短距离设备),频段在315、433、868和915,但是可以很容易的编程,使之工作在其他频率,在300-348MHz,387-464 MHz 和 779-928 MHz 频段。

CC1101是CC1100 RF收发器改良以及代码一致的版本。

CC1101的主要改进如下:l 改良的伪应答l 更好的关闭相位噪声,因而改善相邻信道功耗(ACP)的性能l 更高的输入饱和级别l 改善输出功率斜面l 扩大工作频段:CC1100: 400-464 MHz and 800-928MHzCC1101: 387-464 MHz and 779-928MHz10 4线串口配置和数据接口CC1101通过4线SPI兼容接口(SI,SO,SCLK和CSn)进行配置,CC1101作为从设备。



SPI接口上的所有传送都是以一个头字节(header byte)开始,包含一个读写位(R/W),一个突发(burst access)访问位(B)和6位地址位(A5~A0)。







图12:配置寄存器读写操作表19:SPI接口时序要求10.1 芯片状态字节当在SPI接口上发送头字节,数据字节或者命令选通(command strobe)时,CC1101在SO引脚上发送芯片状态字节。



应 用 ●小型家用设备,如 :咖啡机、电水壶、电饭锅、面包机、烤盘、熨斗、吹风筒 ●大型家用设备,如 :空调、电冰箱、洗衣机、暖风机、燃气锅炉 ●办公设备,如 :复印机、激光打印机、传真机、电源分接头 ●电池设备,如 :电池箱、充电器 ●各种供电设备,如 :变压器、适配器、逆变器、水泥电阻 ●车用设备,如 :车用空调、螺线管、发动机
部件型号 温 度
0 :标准引线
长度型 1 :长引线型 (℃)

动作温度 保持温度 温度
(℃) (℃) (℃)
SFH106R* 110
SFH109R* 113
SFH113R* 117



Digital Input/Output
General purpose IO
3 V VDD to internal digital regulator
Digital regulator output to external C
Digital Input
Serial data in
• 增强型无线电唤醒功能,用于自动低功耗接收轮询 • 独立 128 字节 RX 和 TX FIFO • 包括天线多样性功能 • 支持再传输 • 支持自动应答接收包 • TCXO 支持和控制,在功率模式也是如此 • 说前先听 (LBT) 系统的自动广播声道评估 (CCA) • 内置编码增益支持扩展范围和耐用性 • 数字 RSSI 测量 • 支持与 CC1190 无缝集成以实现范围扩展,使敏感
• 适合面向ETSI 1 类符合169 MHz 和 433 MHz 频带 的系统
• 高频谱效率 (12.5 kHz时 9.6 kbps 通道与窄带命令 兼容
• 电源 – 宽电源电压范围 (2 V – 3.6 V) – 低电流消耗: – RX: 3.7 mA 在 RX 嗅探模式 – RX: 17 mA 峰值电流在低功率模式 – RX: 22 mA 峰值电流在高性能模式 – TX:45 mA +14 dBm – 断电:< 0.3 µA – 步长为 0.4 dB、最高 16 dBm 的可编程输出功 率 – 自动输出功率递增 – 可配置数据速率:0 至 200 kbps – 支持的调制格式:2-FSK, 2- GFSK, 4-FSK, 4-GFSK, MSK, OOK – 高级数字信号处理以提升同步检测性能 – 符合 RoHS 的 5 x 5 mm QFN 32 封装



Safe Operating Area
100 50 75 125 80 105 Operating Temperature (°C) 0 25
Output Power (%)
-55°C to +125°C 95% RH Non-Conductive Plastic 20°C/W for metal case 13g 1043 x 10 hours 186 x 103 hours
3 Watt DIP24 & SMD Single & Dual Output
EN-60950-1 Certified UL-60950-1 Certified EN-60601-1 Certified
4:1 Input * add suffix /H4 for 4kVDC isolation or /H6 (REC3-S/DRWZ(H4/H6)) for 6kVDC isolation xx = 9-36Vin = 24 * add suffix "/A" or "/C" for Pinning, see next page xx = 18-72Vin = 48 “B” Pinning is NOT available for this series ! * add suffix "/M" for metal case * add suffix "/SMD" for SMD package e.g. REC3-2412SRW/H4/AM = 4kVDC isol. / Pinout "A" / metal case
Notes :
1. If the options "/M" for metal case and "/SMD" for SMD pinout are combined, the maximum allowed isolation voltage is 2kVDC because of the shorter distances between pins and the metal case, so only available SMD-option in metal-case is "/H2". DIP-24 through-hole case and SMD-plastic case are not affected and offer the full isolation barriers of 4kVDC for "/H4" option and 6kVDC for "/H6".



6 8 9 10
CE505A CF280A Q5949A Q7553A
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Q2613A Q2624A C3906A(FX3) C4092A(EP22) C7115A C4129X Q7516A Q7570A CE255A Q7551A
黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色 黑色
HP LaserJet 5200/5200L/5200LX/5200N/5200DTN/5200TN CANON LBP3500 LBP3900 LBP3950 CRG309 HPLaserJet5025/5035 CANON Tcmf7120/CRG-305 HP LaserJet P3015/P3015d/P3015dn/P3015x CANON324 H-P laserjet p3005/d/n/dn/x/M3027mfp/M3035/xs mfp
序号 硒鼓型号 颜色 适用机型 Samsung ML-1610/1615/1620/2010/2015/2510/ 2570/2570/2571N Dell 1100;SCX4521/4321/4650 /4655/4725D3 Xerox3117/3122/3124/3125/3200/PE220 东芝200S/T-2050 方正 AM2000/2020/2010/1000 戴尔1100 Samsung ML-1500/1510/1520/1710/1710p1740/ 1750/1755 /565P755PSCX4016/4100/4116/ 4216/SF560Xerox 3115/3116/3119/3120/3121/ 3130/PE16利盟 X215 理光1475 FAX SL315/350/FX16 Samsung ML-4600 /1010/1020M/1210/1220M/ 1250SF550/555P/555D/655P/ Lexmark E210/212 Xerox Phaser3110/3112/3210; 理光FT1460/ 1465 /AC104 联想 1600 Samsung SF-515/530/531P/535E/5100/5100P ML-808/Xerox Workcentre pro580 Piteny Bowes E510/515/520/530/536/540/ 565/570/580/590 Samsung SCX-4200 / 3119 东芝180S/T-1820 SCX-4016/4115/4116/4216F SF-560R/560RC/565PR/565PRC/565PRX Samsung SCX4725F/4725FN Xerox PE220/3200 Samsung SCX-4300 ML-1641/2241/1640/2240





1. Appearance : No significant abnormality 2. Inductance change : Within ±20%
Preheating 260°C Dipping
Preheat : 150°C, 60sec. Solder : Sn-Ag3.0-Cu0.5 Solder Temperature : 260±5°C Flux for lead free : rosin Dip Time : 10±0.5sec.
IDC (A) Max. 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.40 4.20 4.00 3.50 3.30 3.00 2.80 2.30 2.10 2.00 1.80 1.70 1.50 1.40 1.30 1.10 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.75 0.68 0.65 0.58 0.54 0.48 0.43 0.40
7. SOLDERIND AND MOUNTING : 7-1. Recommended PC Board Pattern
12.6 7.0
7-2. Soldering Mildly activated rosin fluxes are preferred. The minimum amount of solder can lead to damage from the stresses caused by the difference in coefficients of expansion between solder, chip and substrate. Our terminations are suitable for all wave and re-flow soldering systems. If hand soldering cannot be avoided, the preferred technique is the utilization of hot air soldering tools. 7-2.1 Solder Re-flow : Recommended temperature profiles for re-flow soldering in Figure 1. 7-2.2 Soldering Iron (Figure 2) : Products attachment with soldering iron is discouraged due to the inherent process control limitations. In the event that a soldering iron must be employed the following precautions are recommended. Note : a) Preheat circuit and products to 150°C. b) 280°C tip temperature (max) c) Never contact the ceramic with the iron tip d) 1.0mm tip diameter (max) e) Use a 20 watt soldering iron with tip diameter of 1.0mm f) Limit soldering time to 3 secs.

sf-12 生活质量量表 中文版

sf-12 生活质量量表 中文版

Brief communicationIs the standard SF-12Health Survey valid and equivalent for a Chinese population?Cindy m1,Eileen Y.Y.Tse1&Barbara Gandek21Family Medicine Unit,the University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong SAR(;2IQOLA Project,Health Assessment Lab,Boston,MA USAAccepted in revised form15June2004AbstractIntroduction:Chinese is the world’s largest ethnic group but few health-related quality of life(HRQoL) measures have been tested on them.The aim of this study was to determine if the standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for a Chinese population.Methods:The SF-36data of2410Chinese adults randomly selected from the general population of Hong Kong(HK)were analysed.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 items and scoring algorithm were derived from the HK Chinese population data by multiple regressions. The SF-36PCS and MCS scores were used as criteria to assess the content and criterion validity of the SF-12.The standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores were compared for equivalence. Results:The standard SF-12explained82%and89%of the variance of the SF-36PCS and MCS scores, respectively,and the effect size differences between the standard SF-36and SF-12scores were less than0.3. Six of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items were different from those of the standard SF-12,but the effect size differences between the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12scores were mostly less than0.3. Conclusions:The standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for the Chinese,which would enable more Chinese to be included in clinical trials that measure HRQoL.Key words:Health-related quality of life,SF-12,Chinese,Validity,EquivalenceIntroductionChinese make up nearly a quarter of the world’s population.They should be included in global and cross-cultural clinical trials but this is often not possible in studies that measure health-related quality of life(HRQoL)because of language and cultural barriers.Most HRQoL measures are in English and originate from the Western culture,so they need to be translated and validated before they can be applied to the Chinese.The Chinese (Hong Kong)translation of the MOS36-item Short Form Health Survey(SF-36)and its physical and mental health summary(PCS and MCS) Scales have been shown to be valid and equivalent for the Chinese[1–5],but the length of the SF-36 limits its acceptability in some clinical trials that need to measure a number of outcomes.The standard SF-12Health Survey(SF-12),an abbre-viated form of the SF-36that yields the PCS and MCS scores,is becoming a popular HRQoL measure in clinical trials because it can be com-pleted in a few minutes[6,7].The items and scoring algorithm of the standard SF-12were derived from data of a US general population survey in1990[6–8].The standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores are norm-based on the US general population whose mean is50and standard deviation(SD)is10[6,9].The12items include two from each of the physical functioning, role-physical,role-emotional and mental health scales and one item from each of the bodily pain, general health,vitality and social functioning scales of the SF-36.The items were selected by multiple regressions in order to explain the largest proportion of the total variance in the SF-36PCSQual Life Res(2005)14:539–547ÓSpringer2005and MCS scores.The response to each item is weighted separately by the PCS and MCS regres-sion coefficient and then summated to give the standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores,respectively.A small number and weighting of items may make a HRQoL measure more culture-sensitive [10,11].All previous studies on the validity and equivalence of the standard SF-12were carried out in Caucasian populations[8,12].There was very little data from any Chinese or Asian population whose cultures are quite different from those of the West.The rank orders by item mean of three(PF9, GH3and RE3)SF-36items were found to be different between the HK Chinese and US popu-lations[1].Although the differential item func-tioning(DIF)of a few items did not affect the validity of the SF-36Scales that summated all the items without weighting[1,13],they may have an effect on the validity and equivalence of the much shorter standard SF-12.The aim of this study was to determine if the standard SF-12was valid and equivalent for the Chinese population of Hong Kong,or whether a Chinese(HK)specific SF-12was needed.The standard SF-12is valid if it really measures the SF-36PCS and MCS scores,which are what it pur-ports to measure.The selected items should be representative and adequate in explaining the SF-36PCS and MCS scores(content validity),and the SF-12should give similar PCS and MCS scores as the SF-36(criterion validity).The standard SF-12 is equivalent if no more than three of the12items selected specifically from the Chinese(HK)popu-lation were different from those of the standard SF-12,as that found in other countries(item equivalence)[8];and if there is no important dif-ference between the results of the Chinese(HK) specific and standard scoring algorithms(mea-surement equivalence)[8,14,15].MethodsData of2410Chinese adults randomly selected from the general population of Hong Kong that were collected in the Chinese(Hong Kong)SF-36 norming survey in1998were used for analysis in this study.The detailed sampling and data collec-tion methods have been described in previous pa-pers[16,17].All subjects answered the Chinese (Hong Kong)translation of the SF-36and a structured questionnaire on sociodemographic data.Each subject was also asked to indicate whether he/she had ever been diagnosed by a doctor to have hypertension,diabetes mellitus, heart disease,stroke,chronic pulmonary disease, chronic joint disease,psychological illness or any other chronic disease.A subject was classified as not having any chronic disease if the responses to these chronic disease questions were all negative. Table1shows that the sociodemographic charac-teristics of the subjects were similar to those of the general adult population in Hong Kong[18].The sample was comparable to the US population sample[19]from which the standard SF-12was derived in mean age(42.9vs.43.6years)and sex distribution(47.8%vs.48%males).The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items were selected by multiple regressions of the Chinese (HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores derived from the HK Chinese adult population[3],based on the criteria of the International Quality of Life Assessment(IQOLA)Project for cross-cultural adaptation of the SF-12[8].The Chinese(HK) specific PCS and MCS regression constants and coefficients for each item response were obtained by regressing the Chinese(HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the Chinese(HK)specific item scores.The SAS programme was used for the multiple regressions analyses.The SPSS Pro-gramme for Windows10.0(SPSS Inc.Chicago,IL, USA)was used for all other data analyses.The standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores were calculated by the standard algorithm described in the SF-12Manual[6].The Chinese(HK)specific and standard mean SF-12PCS and MCS scores were determined for all subjects and by self-re-ported chronic disease groups.Content validity was assessed by the proportion of total variance of the SF-36PCS and MCS scores explained by the SF-12PCS and MCS,and P90%was the expected standard[6,8].It was further assessed by Pearson correlations between the SF-12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores and the expected standard was P0.9[6,8].Effect size dif-ference between corresponding SF-12and SF-36 PCS and MCS scores was used to determine if the SF-12gave similar or different results from those of the SF-36(Criterion validity).Effect size dif-ference between the SF-36and SF-12scores was540calculated by dividing their difference by the standard deviation(SD)of the SF-36summary score.Measurement equivalence between the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12wasfirst assessed by Pearson correlations(expected standard P0.9) and then the effect size differences between the standard and Chinese(HK)specific scores.The effect size difference was calculated by dividing the difference between the corresponding SF-12 scores by the SD of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12score.The standard and Chinese(HK)SF-12 scores were also compared by chronic disease groups in order to determine if they performed differently in different groups.A spectrum of chronic diseases(Heart,chronic pulmonary,psy-chological and chronic joint)that are known to affect HRQoL were used as tracer conditions[20]. There is no consensus on what the minimally important difference(MID)in HRQoL scores should be.Kazis et al.showed that the effect size changes in scores measured by the Arthritis Im-pact Measurement Scale were mostly between0.3 and0.5in the treatment group[21];and Wyrwich showed that the MID of the Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire scores corresponded to effect size changes of0.34–0.37[22].We therefore adopted Cohen’s moderate effect size of0.3–0.5as the MID in this study[23,24].ResultsThe Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scalesFirst forward stepwise regressions of the Chinese (HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the SF-36items selected two items each from the physical functioning(PF1,PF8)and mental health (MH3,MH4)scales,and one item each from the role-physical(RP3),bodily pain(BP1),social functioning(SF1)and role-emotional(RE3) scales.The second forward stepwise regressions, with the general health item(GH1)and the above items forced into the model,selected the remaining items(RP2,VT4and RE1)that explained the greatest variance of the HK Chinese specific SF-36 PCS and MCS scores.It is an IQOLA criterion that GH1should be included in all versions of SF-12because it is an item common to many HRQoL measures[8].Table2shows the Chinese(HK) specific SF-12items,in comparison with the standard SF-12items.The items that were differ-ent are shown in bold.The numbers in brackets correspond to the question numbers in the SF-36 Health Survey.Table3shows the regression coefficients of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items and those of theTable1.Sociodemographic characteristics of study sample compared with the Hong Kong general populationSampleN=2410Hong Kong general adult population a N=5,333,610Mean age(years)42.942.3Age group(years)18–4456.7%58.6%45–6423.7%27.4%65or above15.3%14.0%Refused to answer 4.2%0%Male47.8%48.3%Female52.2%51.7%Marital statusNow married58.0%59.4%Never married33.8%31.9%Widow/widower 5.8% 6.0%Divorced/separated 1.3% 2.7%Refused to answer 1.1%0%Educational levelNo schooling 6.9%8.4%Primary22.3%20.5%Secondary52.2%54.6%Tertiary17.8%16.4%Refused to answer0.9%0%Social class by occupationManagers andadministratorsN.A.10.7%bProfessional 3.1% 5.5%Associate professional14.7%15.0%Skilled worker35.4%33.5%cSemi-skilled worker24.6%15.0%dNon-skilled worker14.4%19.8%eRefused to answer7.7%0%a Data from the Hong Kong2001Population Census.b This occupation category is not applicable to the social classby occupation classification.c Craft workers,plant and machine operators and assemblers.d Service and shop sales workers.e Workers in elementary occupation,agriculture andfishery,and unclassified.541standard SF-12items,derived from the HK gen-eral Chinese population sample.The regression coefficient of the best response choice of each item is not shown because it is the indicator variable. The Chinese(HK)specific PCS and MCS regres-sion coefficients of each item response were used separately to weight each item response for the calculation of the PCS and MCS scores.The weight for the best response choice of each item is zero.Summation of the relevant Chinese(HK) specific regression constant and item response PCS and MCS regression coefficients would give the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores, respectively.Content and criterion validity of the SF-12PCS and MCSThe R2in Table3indicates the proportion of total variance in the SF-36PCS or MCS score that was explained by the corresponding SF-12summary score.The standard SF-12PCS and MCS ex-plained82%and89%of the total variances of the standard SF-36PCS and MCS,respectively.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS ex-plained88%and90%of the total variances of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-36PCS and MCS, respectively.Table4shows the correlations between the SF-12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores.The correla-tions between the corresponding SF-36and SF-12 summary scores all reached the expected standard of0.9.The mean and standard deviation(SD)of the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF12and SF-36PCS and MCS scores of the whole sample and by self-reported chronic disease groups are shown in Table5.The effect size differences(effect size1) between corresponding SF-36and SF-12scores were all less than0.3.Measurement equivalence between the chinese (HK)specific and standard SF-12As shown in Table4,the correlations between the corresponding standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12PCS and MCS scores were just short of0.9. The standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 scores are compared in Table5.The mean stan-dard SF-12PCS and MCS for the overall HK Chinese population were50.2and48.4,respec-tively,which were similar to the US general pop-ulation means of50.The Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12detected similar significant differences between each chronic disease group and the‘no chronic disease’group.The largest difference between the Chinese(HK)specific and standard SF-12scoring algorithms was the PCS score of people reporting heart diseases,with an effect size of0.36.DiscussionThe standard SF-12did not satisfy the criterion on item equivalence for the Chinese population inTable2.The Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items compared with the standard SF-12itemsSF-36scales Chinese(HK)specific SF-12items Standard SF-12itemsPhysical functioning(PF)PF1(3a)Vigorous activities PF2(3b)Moderate activitiesPF8(3h)Walking several blocks PF4(3d)Climbing severalflights Role-physical(RP)RP2(4b)Accomplished less RP2(4b)Accomplished lessRP3(4c)Limited in kind of work RP3(4c)Limited in kind of workBodily pain(BP)BP1(7)How much bodily painhave you had BP2(8)how much did pain interfered with workGeneral health(GH)GH1(1)Your health is...GH1(1)Your health is...Vitality(VT)VT4(9i)Did you feel tired VT2(9e)Did you have a lot of energySocial functioning(SF)SF1(6)Extent social activitieswas interfered SF2(10)How much time social activities was interferedRole-emotional(RE)RE1(5a)Cut down time on work RE2(5b)Accomplish lessRE3(5c)Didn’t do work as carefully RE3(5c)Didn’t do work as carefully Mental health(MH)MH3(9d)Felt calm&peaceful MH3(9d)Felt calm&peacefulMH4(9f)Felt downhearted&blue MH4(9f)Felt downhearted&blue 542543Table3.Forward stepwise regressions of SF-36PCS and MCS scores on the SF-12item responsesItem_Response scores PCS regression coefficients MCS regression coefficientsChinese(HK)specific Standard Chinese(HK)specific StandardPF1_1)8.042639– 2.795780–PF1_2)3.641426– 1.121187–PF2_1–)6.609693– 3.461042PF2_2–)2.782074– 1.314947PF4_1–)6.269240– 2.586866PF4_2–)2.427698–0.752688PF8_1)16.203705–7.818665–PF8_2)7.963922– 3.164988–RP2_1)4.343623)4.390177)0.705448 1.022170RP3_1)5.044296)5.0474760.256528 1.278842BP1_1)17.012005– 3.635025–BP1_2.2)12.695771– 2.349628–BP1_3.1)9.002881– 1.931547–BP1_4.2)6.377284– 1.507313–BP1_5.4)3.772960–0.652800–BP2_1–)12.257268– 2.208989BP2_2–)10.594807– 2.500285BP2_3–)7.912197– 1.500170BP2_4–)4.970550– 1.033358GH1_1)8.704344)8.042873)0.8411670.184282GH1_2)5.382641)4.663071)1.133139)0.389631GH1_3.4)3.230279)2.706827)0.660725)0.349572GH1_4.4)1.936141)1.671905)0.7950150.330309VT2_1–)1.704222–)7.001461VT2_2–)1.355533–)5.031671VT2_3–)0.262164–)4.012001VT2_4–)0.150904–)2.677302VT2_5–0.150005–)1.396547VT4_1)2.301203–)6.694192–VT4_2)1.673615–)6.555417–VT4_3)1.217702–)4.965228–VT4_4)0.849186–)2.403254–VT4_5)0.495087–)1.041427–SF1_1 2.955278–)14.617923–SF1_2 1.116653–)12.142296–SF1_3 1.433979–)7.841254–SF1_40.861761–)4.676580–SF2_1–0.286656–)8.236227SF2_2–)0.189464–)6.857423SF2_3–0.193895–)5.284785SF2_4–0.482796–)3.301877RE1_1 2.468990–)6.099051–RE2_1– 2.747609–)6.981024RE3_1 1.642657 2.143392)5.120612)5.946570MH3_10.486081 2.865890)8.496928)8.255860MH3_2 1.644377 3.500893)8.257450)6.883770MH3_30.696675 2.694178)6.255882)5.404594MH3_40.864621 2.333822)4.238056)3.439909MH3_50.774435 1.609226)2.544268)1.943186MH4_10.851938 4.534201)12.868018)15.794343MH4_2)0.119061 2.494064)9.187208)12.925241MH4_3 1.319095 2.212045)7.247869)9.157472Hong Kong.Six items of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12were different from those of the standard SF-12,suggesting some cultural differences in dif-ferential item functioning(DIF)of the SF-36be-tween the Chinese and US populations[13,25]. The number of items that were different between the standard and Chinese(HK)SF-12was larger than those found in nine European countries, probably because there are more differences be-tween the Chinese than European cultures and the US culture[8].No other country has selected PF1, BP1and RE1as the best SF-12items,which may reflect DIF that is unique to the Chinese culture. However,one must be cautious in generalising the results from this study to other Chinese popula-tions because the social system and people’s life style in Hong Kong are very different from those of Mainland China and other Chinese societies. Quality of life assessment is influenced not only by one’s ethnicity;it is also affected by social norms. Chinese populations living in different parts of the world may have developed different social expec-tations and standards of quality of life although they have the same cultural origin.Studies com-paring the population specific SF-12items between Chinese populations in Hong Kong,Mainland China,Taiwan,Singapore and Western countries could provide interesting information on whether DIF is ethnic or population specific.The standard SF-12PCS explained only82%of the total variance of the SF-36PCS score because three items(two from the physical functioning and one from the bodily pain scales)that contributed strongly to the standard SF-12PCS score were not the best items for the HK Chinese population. Despite this deficiency,there were very strong correlations(P0.9)between the standard SF-12 and SF-36PCS and MCS scores,and there were very small differences(effect size<0.3)between corresponding SF-36and standard SF-12scores in different groups of subjects.Thefindings supported the content and criterion validity of the standard SF-12for the Chinese population in Hong Kong. The mean standard SF-12PCS and MCS scores of the HK subjects were only0.2and1.6points different from the US population mean of50, suggesting that the standard SF-12was equivalent for this Chinese population.Pooling of the stan-dard SF-12data between the US and HK Chinese populations may be possible.Table3.(Continued)Item_Response scores PCS regression coefficients MCS regression coefficientsChinese(HK)specific Standard Chinese(HK)specific StandardMH4_40.987409 1.627192)4.368062)5.395771MH4_50.7170320.870407)2.320460)2.871620Constant60.17553455.55153462.74237861.557734R20.87660.82320.90170.8897Table4.Correlations between the SF-36and SF-12PCS and MCS scoresStd36PCS Std12MCS HK36MCS HK12PCSStd36MCS)0.1260.9380.9850.022Std12PCS0.897)0.073)0.0210.847HK36PCS0.9750.0500.0000.936HK12MCS)0.0490.8940.9500.040Notes:Std36PCS=SF-36PCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std36MCS=SF-36MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std12PCS=SF-12PCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.Std12MCS=SF-12 MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm.HK36PCS=SF-36PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK36MCS=SF-36MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK12PCS=SF-12PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.HK12MCS=SF-12MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm. 544As expected,the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 had better psychometric properties than the stan-dard SF-12,which could imply better sensitivity and responsiveness for the Chinese.However,the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12did not seem to dif-ferentiate between‘chronic disease’and‘no chronic disease’groups better than the standard SF-12.The differences in the SF-12scores ob-tained by the two scoring algorithms were all smaller than the minimally important differenceTable5.Chinese(HK)specific and standard PCS and MCS scores by groupsMean(SD)Std PCS HK PCS Std MCS HK MCSAll subjects(n=2410)SF-3651.4(7.7)50.0(10.0)48.0(9.4)50.0(10.0)SF-1250.2(7.0)50.0(9.4)48.4(8.8)50.0(9.5)Effect size10.1600.040Effect size20.020.17No chronic disease(n=1493)SF-3653.8(5.5)53.5(6.7)48.6(8.7)50.5(9.2)SF-1252.3(4.8)53.2(6.3)49.1(8.1)50.6(8.8)Effect size10. size20.140.17Any chronic disease(n=917)SF-3647.4(8.9)44.3(11.8)47.0(10.4)49.2(11.1)SF-1246.9(8.5)*44.7(11.0)*47.4(9.8)*49.1(10.5)*Effect size10. size20.200.16Heart disease(n=94)SF-3641.7(11.0)36.0(14.7)46.9(10.2)49.2(10.9)SF-1241.8(10.6)*37.0(13.4)*46.7(9.4)48.7(10.9)Effect size10. size20.360.18Psychological diseases(n=94)SF-3645.8(9.6)41.6(12.9)40.2(10.8)41.6(11.8)SF-1245.4(9.0)*42.0(11.7)*41.4(10.1)*42.7(11.4)*Effect size10. size20.290.11Pulmonary diseases(n=128)SF-3646.6(10.9)43.6(14.2)44.6(10.6)46.0(11.1)SF-1246.3(10.6)*43.9(13.4)*44.4(10.4)*46.3(10.6)*Effect size10. size20.180.18Joint diseases(n=473)SF-3645.7(9.3)41.8(12.3)47.1(10.3)49.3(11.1)SF-1245.4(9.1)*42.6(11.4)*47.4(9.6)*49.0(10.7)*Effect size10. size20.250.15Notes:Std PCS=PCS score calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm;HK PCS¼PCS calculated by the Chinese(HK) specific scoring algorithm;Std MCS¼MCS calculated by the standard(US)scoring algorithm;HK MCS=MCS calculated by the Chinese(HK)specific scoring algorithm.Effect Size1difference between SF-12and SF-36summary score/SD of SF-36summary score.Effect Size2difference between standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12summary score/SD of the Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 summary score.*Difference between‘no chronic disease’and the disease group is significant by the two-sample t-test,with p<0.05.545(MID).Small improvements in cultural specificity and psychometric properties may not necessarily translate to real advantages in practice,and they have to be balanced against a decrease in inter-national comparability.This point has also been highlighted by Skevington et al.[26,27],who found that country specific items did not signifi-cantly improve the performance of the standard WHO Quality of Life(WHOQoL)Assessment Form.A major limitation of this cross-sectional study was that it could not assess the responsiveness of the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12.The information on the sensitivity of the SF-12in discriminating between chronic disease groups was also limited by possible errors in subjects’self-reporting.Further studies are required to deter-mine the responsiveness and sensitivity of the standard SF-12and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12 as outcome measures in clinical trials.It should also be pointed out that subjects in this study answered the full SF-36Health Survey from which the data of the standard and Chinese(HK) specific SF-12were extracted.Further studies should be carried out to determine if people would answer the standard and Chinese(HK)specific SF-12differently if they are presented as two independent stand-alone surveys instead of embedded items of a longer questionnaire. ConclusionsThis was thefirst study to show that the standard SF-12Health Survey was valid and equivalent for a Chinese population.The standard SF-12items and scoring algorithm are recommended for the Chinese so that cross-cultural comparison and pooling of data are possible.The Chinese(HK) specific SF-12showed better psychometric prop-erties than the standard SF-12,thus,the Chinese (HK)specific SF-12may have a place in small local studies that require a more sensitive HRQoL measure instead of international comparability. We hope ourfindings will encourage more studies of the standard SF-12in Chinese popula-tions in other parts of China,Singapore and Western countries to provide more evidence in support of the use of this popular HRQoL mea-sure on the world’s largest ethnic group,so that Chinese can be included in more clinical trials. Further research on the population specific SF-12 items in different Chinese populations could pro-vide interesting information on whether differen-tial item functioning is ethnic or population specific.AcknowledgementsThe general population norming survey of the Chinese(Hong Kong)SF-36was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Hong Kong (EC842-96).It was funded by the Health Services Research Grant,the Government of Hong Kong SAR(HSRC#711026).I would like to thank Alex Chan,Willis Ho, Joanna Shing,Ka-Lai Chan,Wai-Hung Yu,June Chan,Chi-Kwan Wong,Wing-Yee Lai,Yick-Lok Chan and Hing-Wai Tsang,for their help in data collection and analysis.Parts of this paper have been submitted to the University of Hong Kong for the award of the Doctor of Medicine degree.Referencesm CLK,Gandek B,Ren XS,Chan MS.Tests of scalingassumptions and construct validity of the Chinese(HK) version of the SF-36Health Survey.J Clin Epidemiol1998;51:1139–1147.m CLK.Reliability and construct validity of 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电梯故障及功能对照表MON1 与MON0 故障及功能对照表MON1-1 或 5MON0-0 控制S/W NRS 原因表示E00 没有异常E01 温度异常E02 紧急停止运行记录 1 次( SW-THMFT )E03 CC-WDT3 次检出( SS-CCWC3 ) -4E04 SLC-WDT4 次检出( SW-SOCR ) -3E05 电流检出( SW-SOCR )E06 回生电阻负荷过大( SW-SOLR ) -2E07 41DG 锁闸锁线路异常( SW-E41 )E08 终端限位制异常( SW-TSCK )E09 PAD 异常检出( SW-PAD )平层感应器E0A 秤数值异常检出( SW-WGER )E0B 停止中PAD 异常检出( SW-PAE )E0C 充电异常,有充电回路才有效( SW-CHRGT )E0D 再平层时异常检出( SW-PRLE )MON0-01 控制S/W NRS 原因表示E10 没有异常E11 复位后重试不能( SW-RSRTC )E12 士力铊16 次异常检出( ST-SELD )E13 直接传输CPU 传送异常( ST-STER )E14 电容器异常检出( ST-CAPC )E15 手动按钮异常( ST-HDOK )E16 模式与测速数据偏差异常( SD-OVJP )E17 #LB 线圈运续 4 次异常断电检出( ST-DFLB )E18 #5 线圈连续 4 次异常断电检出( ST-DF5 )E19 迫力接点回路连续 4 次异常检出( ST-DFBK )E1A 整流器电压不足8 次检出( ST-DFLV )E1B #RL 异常时检出( SW-CFRL )E1C TSD 动作时异常检出( SW-TSLDE )E1D #ESP 动作时异常检出( SW-ESPE )MON0-02 控制S/W NRS 原因表示E20 没有异常E21 #89 回路异常检出( SW-E89 )E22 紧急停止运行记录 2 次( SW-EST2 )E23 系统异常( ST-SYER )E24 回复后再尝试检出( ST-RSRQH )E25 集极驱动板异常( SS-GDFH )E26 DC-CT 异常( SD-CTER )E27 油压迫力压力过低时检出( SW-OPFER )E28 油压迫力温度,油量异常检出( SW-OTLER )E29 温度异常( SW-THMME )E2A 与最终速度偏差异常( ST-UMCH )E2B 异常紧急停车后再起动不能( SW-ETSE )E2C 迫力异常动作 2 次( SW-RFBK2 )E2D 整流器充电异常( SW-VCHGT )E2E MELD 制板充电异常( SD-MCHG ) -2MON0-03 控制S/W E-STOP 原因表示E30 没有异常E31 MELD 负载过大( SD-SLIT ) -2E32 异常低速( SW-TGBL )E33 速度异常过高( SW-TGBT )E34 AST 异常动作( SW-AST )E35 逆转运行( SW-TGBR )E36 AST 异常动作( SW-ASTW )低速机使用E37 AST 异常动作( SW-ASTWV )低速机使用E38 整流器电压过大时检出( SS-COVH )E39 整流器电压过低时检出( SS-CLVT )E3A CC-WDT4 次检出( SS-CCWC4 ) -4E3B SLC-WDT5 次检出( SS-SLCWC5 ) -3E3C 逆变器电流过大时检出( SS-IOCFO )E3D SLC ——CPU 内之紧急停止动作检出( SS-DEST )-3 E3E 整流器充电异常( SW-VCER )MON0-04 控制S/W E-STOP 原因表示E40 没有异常E41 紧急停止运行记录 2 次( SW-EST2 )E42 整流器电压过低时检出( SS-LVLTI )E43 紧急停止回复( SW-ESTR )E44 #LB 线圈故障断电检出( SW-CFLB )E45 #5 线圈故障断电时检出( SW-CF5 )E46 迫力接点回路连续 4 次异常检出( ST-CFBK )E47 #89 线圈故障断电时检出( SW-CF89 )E48 #89 故障断电时检出( SY-89ST )MON0-05 控制S/W E-STOP 原因表示E50 没有异常E51 #29 安全回路检出( SN29 )E52 #29 安全回路动作时检出( SS-29LT )锁存记忆E53 欠相或电源过低时检出( SS-PWFH )E54 整流器电压不足时检出( SS-LVLT )E55 12V 电源异常( SS-12VFL )E56 模式与测速比较有偏差( SD-PTC )E57 手动模式时电流负荷过大( SD-HRT )E58 驱动发出之紧急停止指令( SD-32GQ )E59 紧急停止指令( SC-S29 )E5A 迫力基板异常( SS-BKE )E5B 模式与测速比较有偏差( SW-VPTC )E5C ETS 异常而引致不能再起动( SW-ETSES ) MON0-06 控制H/W 安全回路异常原因表示E60 没有异常E61 整流器电压不足时检出( SS-LVLT )E62 集极驱动基极异常E63 逆变器保护回路动作E64 #29 安全回路动作时检出( SS-29LT )锁存记忆E65 12V 电源异常( SS-12VFL )E66 逆变器测试异常检出E67 锁相环检出E68 整流器电流过大E69 逆变器电流过大过检出E6A 整流器电压过大时检SS-COVH )E6B 欠相或电源过低时检出(SS-PWFH )MON0-07 控制H/W 安全回路异常原因表示E70 没有异常E71 CC-WDT5 次异常检出(SS-CCWC5 ) -3E72 CC-WDT4 次异常检出(SS-CCWC4 ) -3E73 CC-WDT3 次异常检出(SS-CCWC3 ) -3E74 SLC-WD5 次异常检出(SS-SLCWC5 ) -4E75 SLC-WD4 次异常检出(SS-SLCWC4 ) -4E76 SLC-WD3 次异常检出(SS-SLCWC3 ) -4MON0-09 驱动S/W 异常原因表示E90 没有异常E92 电流负载过大(SD-OCR)E93 不能再次起动(SD-DNRS)E94 MELD 负荷过大检出(SD-SLII)-2E95 TSD 不正常动作检出( SD-TSDP )E96 行走中秤异常检出(SD-WGHTF2)E97 DC-CT 异常( SD-CTER )E98 TST 异常动作检出(SD-TSA)E99 摩打解码器之"Z" 相异常检出(SD-AZER) E9A 摩打解码器之"F" 相异常检出(SD-AEER)E9B PM 摩打时限电流过大(SD-TOCR) MON0-A 驱动S/W 异常原因表示EA0 没有异常EA1 模式与测速数据偏差异常( SD-PVJP ) EA2 模式与测速数据偏差异常( SD-OVJP ) EA3 驱动发出之紧急停止指令( SD-32GQ )EA4 回生电阻负荷过大( SD-SOLR )EA5 本机模式与测速比较有偏差(SD-PTC) EA6 手动模式时电流负荷过大( SD-HRT )EA7 逆变器电流过大时检出( SD-IOCF )EB3 再不能起动超过 EB4 再不能起动超过 EB5 门不能开启超过 EB6 FUSE 断路超过 10 分钟 (SW-DSTE10)10 分钟 (SW-57EBT)2 分钟 (SW-CONE)2 分钟 (SW-EFSOF)ED1 机厢正门拎手 ED2 机厢正门拎手 ED3 机厢正门拎手 ED4 机厢正门拎手 EA8 TSD-PAD 故障检出 (SD-PADE)EA9 MCP 检出整流器电流过大 (SD-COCF)-5EAA MCP 初期设定异常 (SD-INITF)-5EAB RAM 异常检出 (SD-RAMER)EAC 卷上机设定数据异常 (SD-DTER)EAD MCP 重新启动异常检出 (SD-RBOTNG)-5EAE MCP-WDT4 次异常检出 (SD-MCPWDE)-5MON0-B 管理 S/W 异常原因表示EB0 没有异常EB1 停机 10 分钟后不能再起动 (SW-32DT10)EB2 停机 16 分钟后不能再起动 (SW-32DT16)EB7 #60 异常检出 (SW-60CHK)EB8 门不能开启 (SW-NLH)EB9 主控制板异常检出 (SQ-MBCIJH)EBB 困人警报 (SZ-EMAH)EBC 警报不能使用 (SZ-EMEH)EBD 群控管理异常 (SZ-GCIJO)MON0-C H/W 安全回路异常原因表示EC0 没有异常EC1 SLC 传输异常 (SS-TRER)-3EC2 SLC 之紧急停止动作 (SS-DEST)-3EC3 SLC 内之速度过高 (SS-TGBH)-3EC4 SLC 之 AST 动作 (SS-AST)-3EC5 SLC 内之 KC 动作 (SS-DKC)-3EC6 SLC 之 RAM 异常检出 (SS-RAMER)-3MON0-D 驱动 S/W 异常原因表示ED0 没有异常BC-CPU1 异常检出 (SF-FBC1IJH)-4 BC-CPU2 异常检出 (SF-FBC2IJH)-4 BC-CPU3 异常检出 (SF-FBC3IJH)-4 BC-CPU4 异常检出 (SF-FBC4IJH)-4 ED5 正门 CAR-STATION 之 CPU 异常检出 (SF-FCSIJH) ED6 正门控制之 CPU 检出 (SF-FDCIJH)ED7 正门机厢显示灯之 CPU 异常检出 (SF-FICIJH) ED8 正门机厢之 OPTION-CPU 异常检出 (SF-FCZIJH) ED9 SC-CPU 严重故障 (SC-SCER8)-5EDA SC-CPU 严重故障 (SC-SHER8)-6 EDB SC-CPU 轻微故障 (SC-SCER)-5 EDC SC-CPU 轻微故障 (SC-SHER)-6 EDD HIS-CPU 故障 (SC-HSAIJ)-6EE1 机厢后门拎BC-CPU5 异常检出 (SF-RBC5IJH) EE2 机厢后门拎手EE3 机厢后门拎手EE4 机厢后门拎手 MON0-D 驱动 S/W 异常原因表示EE0 没有异常BC-CPU6 异常检出 (SF-RBC6IJH) BC-CPU7 异常检出 (SF-RBC7IJH)BC-CPU8 异常检出 (SF-RBC8IJH)EE5 后门 CAR-STATION 之 CPU 异常检出 (SF-RCSIJH) EE6 后门控制之 CPU 异常检出 (SF-RDCIJH)EE7 后门机厢显示灯之 CPU 异常检出 (SF-RICIJH) EE8 后门机厢之 OPTION-CPU 异常检出 (SF-RCZIJH)。

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DC to DC ConvertersInsulated Type, Ultra Compact Size, 1.5 to 25W Output, 5-year Warranty PeriodCC-E SeriesFEATURES•Compact size(almost half floor space of existing product).•No tantalum capacitor and no aluminum electrolytic capacitor are used.•All series are equipped with a built-in remote control function (except for SIP).•Output voltage tolerance ±3%(under 10W, at single output).•Light weight(no potting).•It is a product conforming to RoHS directive.•These are PWB halogen-free pc board.•Both mountings of DIP type and SMD type are available.•UL60950-1, C-UL CSA 60950-1 and EN60950-1 approved (partial approved).PART NUMBERS AND RATINGS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD / S: SIP). Note that the SIP type is limited to 3W.∗2The output voltage can be set to 15V , ±15V , by connecting the 12Vout, ±12V TRM (output variable) to –Vout.∗324V single output is possible by opening the ±12Vout COM terminal and connecting the load to +Vout, –Vout. Also, 30V single output is possible when connecting the TRM terminal with –Vout under the same conditions.PRODUCT IDENTIFICATIONSConformity to RoHS Directive Output power Input voltage Output voltage3.3V 5V 12V(15V ∗2)±12V(15V ∗2) or 24V , 30V ∗31.5W5V CC1R5-0503Sx ∗1-E CC1R5-0505Sx-E CC1R5-0512Sx-E CC1R5-0512Dx-E 12V CC1R5-1203Sx-E CC1R5-1205Sx-E CC1R5-1212Sx-E CC1R5-1212Dx-E 24V CC1R5-2403Sx-E CC1R5-2405Sx-E CC1R5-2412Sx-E CC1R5-2412Dx-E 48V CC1R5-4803Sx-E CC1R5-4805Sx-E CC1R5-4812Sx-E CC1R5-4812Dx-E 3W5V CC3-0503Sx-E CC3-0505Sx-E CC3-0512Sx-E CC3-0512Dx-E 12V CC3-1203Sx-E CC3-1205Sx-E CC3-1212Sx-E CC3-1212Dx-E 24V CC3-2403Sx-E CC3-2405Sx-E CC3-2412Sx-E CC3-2412Dx-E 48V CC3-4803Sx-E CC3-4805Sx-E CC3-4812Sx-E CC3-4812Dx-E 6W5V CC6-0503Sx-E CC6-0505Sx-E CC6-0512Sx-E CC6-0512Dx-E 12V CC6-1203Sx-E CC6-1205Sx-E CC6-1212Sx-E CC6-1212Dx-E 24V CC6-2403Sx-E CC6-2405Sx-E CC6-2412Sx-E CC6-2412Dx-E 48V CC6-4803Sx-E CC6-4805Sx-E CC6-4812Sx-E CC6-4812Dx-E 10W 5V CC10-0503Sx-E CC10-0505Sx-E CC10-0512Sx-E CC10-0512Dx-E 12V CC10-1203Sx-E CC10-1205Sx-E CC10-1212Sx-E CC10-1212Dx-E 24V CC10-2403Sx-E CC10-2405Sx-E CC10-2412Sx-E CC10-2412Dx-E 48V CC10-4803Sx-E CC10-4805Sx-E CC10-4812Sx-ECC10-4812Dx-E15W 24V CC15-2403Sx-E CC15-2405Sx-E 25W24VCC25-2403Sx-E CC25-2405Sx-E•Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific bromine-based flame retardants, PBB and PBDE, have not been used, except for exempted applications.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V (22.8 to 30V).OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)1R5-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12071 Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC1R5-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 30020408040/12077CC1R5-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 1254010020030/120804.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 1004010020030/12080CC1R5-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/120794.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 508060030030/12079CC1R5-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12073CC1R5-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 30020408040/12078CC1R5-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 1254010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 1004010020030/12082CC1R5-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/120819 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12081CC1R5-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12072CC1R5-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 30020408040/12077CC1R5-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 1254010020030/1208118 to 3615±3%0 to 1004010020030/12081CC1R5-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/1207918 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12079CC1R5-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 40020408040/12070CC1R5-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 30020408040/12076CC1R5-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 1254010020030/1208036 to 7615±3%∗70 to 1004010020030/12080CC1R5-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 608060030030/1207936 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 508060030030/12079Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Vibration 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Amplitude980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight3.2gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC1R5-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC1R5-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC1R5-xxxxSx-ECC1R5-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutCC3 T ype(DIP , SMD Types)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)3-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC3-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 60020408040/12077CC3-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 2504010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120814.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12074CC3-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 2504010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120819 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 60020408040/12078CC3-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208218 to 3615±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208118 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208136 to 7615±3%∗70 to 2004010020030/12081CC3-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208036 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 1008060030030/12080Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight4.5gCC3 T ype(SI P T ype)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗2When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output current.∗52-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗6TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.67V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗1(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗2(mV)max.T emperature (mV)3-0503SS-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC3-0505SS-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 60020408040/12077CC3-0512SS-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 2504010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗60 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-0512DS-E ∗5 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120814.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-1203SS-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-1205SS-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-1212SS-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 2504010020030/120829 to 1815±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-1212DS-E ∗59 to 18±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/120829 to 18±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12082CC3-2403SS-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-2405SS-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 60020408040/12078CC3-2412SS-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208218 to 3615±3%0 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-2412DS-E ∗518 to 36±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208118 to 36±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12081CC3-4803SS-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 80020408040/12073CC3-4805SS-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 60020408040/12079CC3-4812SS-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 2504010020030/1208236 to 7615±3%∗60 to 2004010020030/12082CC3-4812DS-E ∗536 to 76±12±5%±0 to 1258060030030/1208236 to 76±15±5%∗6±0 to 1008060030030/12082Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified is applying partially.Weight7.0gCC3 T ype(DIP , SMD Types)SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC3-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATIONCC3-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC3-xxxxSx-ECC3-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutCC3 T ype(SI P T ype)SHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC3-xxxxxS-E (SIP TYPE)CONNECTIONS CC3-xxxxSS-ECC3-xxxxDS-EThe output voltage can be set to 15V , ±15V , by connecting the output variable terminal TRM of the 12Vout, ±12V output model to –Vout.24V single output is possible by opening the ±12Vout COM terminal andconnecting the load to +Vout, –Vout. Also, 30V single output is possible when connecting the TRM terminal with –Vout under the same conditions.TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vout No.2NC No.3NC No.4–Vout No.5TRM No.6NC No.7–Vin No.8–Vin No.9+Vin No.10+VinTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vout No.2COM No.3COM No.4–Vout No.5TRM No.6NC No.7–Vin No.8–Vin No.9+Vin No.10+VinELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)6-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12076Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC6-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 100020408040/12079CC6-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 5004010020030/120824.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 4004010020030/12082CC6-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/120824.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 2008060030030/12082CC6-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12078CC6-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 120020408040/12082CC6-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 5004010020030/120859 to 1815±3%0 to 4004010020030/12085CC6-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/120859 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12085CC6-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12077CC6-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 120020408040/12081CC6-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 5004010020030/1208718 to 3615±3%0 to 4004010020030/12087CC6-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/1208618 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12086CC6-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 120020408040/12077CC6-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 120020408040/12081CC6-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 5004010020030/1208636 to 7615±3%∗70 to 4004010020030/12086CC6-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 2508060030030/1208636 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 2008060030030/12086Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight5.8gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC6-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATIONCC6-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC6-xxxxSx-ECC6-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3When the condition is 2-output, it is the balance load (balance load means the condition when the load current of +output and –output is equal).∗4Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗5T ypical input voltage, maximum output current∗62-output products may be used as 24 to 30V single output with COM. terminal open.∗7TRM and –Vout are shorted.•T rim range: 3.3Vout is 3.15 to 3.6V , 5Vout is 4.75 to 6V , 12Vout is 11.4 to 15V , ±12Vout is ±11.4 to ±15V .OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noise voltage ∗4(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗5(%) Input-output insulationInput (mV)max.Load ∗3(mV)max.T emperature (mV)10-0503Sx ∗1-E 4.5 to 9 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC10-0505Sx-E 4.5 to 95±3%0 to 200020408040/12084CC10-0512Sx-E 4.5 to 912±3%0 to 8004010020030/120844.5 to 915±3%∗70 to 6404010020030/12084CC10-0512Dx-E ∗6 4.5 to 9±12±5%±0 to 4008060030030/120834.5 to 9±15±5%±0 to 3208060030030/12083CC10-1203Sx-E 9 to 18 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-1205Sx-E 9 to 185±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-1212Sx-E 9 to 1812±3%0 to 10004010020030/120889 to 1815±3%0 to 8004010020030/12088CC10-1212Dx-E ∗69 to 18±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/120869 to 18±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086CC10-2403Sx-E 18 to 36 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-2405Sx-E 18 to 365±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-2412Sx-E 18 to 3612±3%0 to 10004010020030/1208718 to 3615±3%0 to 8004010020030/12087CC10-2412Dx-E ∗618 to 36±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/1208618 to 36±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086CC10-4803Sx-E 36 to 76 3.3±3%0 to 250020408040/12084CC10-4805Sx-E 36 to 765±3%0 to 200020408040/12086CC10-4812Sx-E 36 to 7612±3%0 to 10004010020030/1208836 to 7615±3%∗70 to 8004010020030/12088CC10-4812Dx-E ∗636 to 76±12±5%±0 to 4508060030030/1208636 to 76±15±5%∗7±0 to 3608060030030/12086Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, auto recovery typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight10.0gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC10-xxxxxF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC10-xxxxxR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONS CC10-xxxxSx-ECC10-xxxxDx-EDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4NC No.5–Vout No.6TRM No.7+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1+Vin No.2RC No.3–Vin No.4–VoutNo.5Common out No.6TRM No.7+VoutELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output currentOUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noisevoltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulation Input (mV)max.Load (mV)max.T emperature (mV)max.CC15-2403Sx ∗1-E 18 to 36 3.3/–3 to +5%0 to 4500401208040/12089Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC15-2405Sx-E18 to 36 5.0/–3 to +5%0 to 3000502008040/12089Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, Output voltage shut-down typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s (100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight12.5gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC15-xxxxSF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC15-xxxxSR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1NC No.10NC No.2NC No.11NC No.3RC No.12+Vout No.4NC No.13+Vout No.5NC No.14+Vout No.6+Vin No.15–Vout No.7+Vin No.16–Vout No.8–Vin No.17NCNo.9–VinELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS∗1An "x" within the product name is to be replaced by the symbol representing the terminal structure (F: DIP / R: SMD). ∗2T otal output voltage is including input, load, and temperature regulation.∗3Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗4T ypical input voltage, maximum output currentOUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)COMMON SPECIFICATIONSPart No.Input voltage (V)Output voltage ∗2(V)Output current (mA)Voltage stabilityOutput ripple noisevoltage ∗3(mVp-p)typ./max.Efficiency ∗4(%) Input-output insulation Input (mV)max.Load (mV)max.T emperature (mV)max.CC25-2403Sx ∗1-E 18 to 36 3.3/–3 to +5%0 to 7500401208040/12090Withstand voltage AC.500V 1minResistance DC.500V 50M Ωmin.CC25-2405Sx-E18 to 36 5.0/–3 to +5%0 to 5000502008040/12090Overcurrent protectionOutput current limitation system, Output voltage shut-down typeOperating temperature range–40 to +85°C[Derating is necessary whenoperating environment temperature exceed 50°C]Storage temperature range–40 to +85°CHumidity range 95(%)RH max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C]Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min[3 directions of X, Y , Z, each 2h]Vibration500m/s (51G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Withstand voltage Eac Input to output, input to case, output to case: 500V , 1minInsulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950-1, C-UL(CSA22.2 No.60950-1), EN60950-1 certified Weight20.0gSHAPES AND DIMENSIONS CC25-xxxxSF-E (DIP TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CC25-xxxxSR-E (SMD TYPE)RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION [TOP VIEW]CONNECTIONDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5Dimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.5TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONNo.1NC No.10+Vin No.19–Vout No.2NC No.11+Vin No.20–Vout No.3NC No.12+Vin No.21–Vout No.4RC No.13NC No.22–Vout No.5NC No.14NC No.23–Vout No.6NC No.15+Vout No.24–Vout No.7–Vin No.16+Vout No.25NCNo.8–Vin No.17+Vout No.9–Vin No.18+VoutREMOTE CONTROL TERMINAL(RC)(DIP/SMD MODELS)1.5 to 10W TypesIt is recommended to use an open collector as the control method for the remote control terminal. If other methods are necessary, please contact TDK first.In addition, please use a transistor with V CE: Over Vin and Ic: Over 1mA.When the RC terminal is open, the output is OFF, and when the RC terminal and –Vin are shorted (0 to 0.4V) the output is ON.If not using this function (always ON), short-circuit the RC terminal and the –Vin terminal.15 and 25W TypesWhen the RC terminal is open, the output is ON, and when the RC terminal is HIGH (connected to +Vin) the output is OFF.If not using this function (always ON), short-circuit the RC terminal and the –Vin terminal.OUTPUT VARIABLE TERMINAL(TRM)(1.5 to 10W Types)The output voltage can be set to the value shown in the following table by connecting the TRM terminal with the –Vout terminal. Please open the TRM terminal when not using this function. Please take note that it is necessary to derate the output current to match the maximum power when the output voltage is set higher by this function.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Fig.1Fig.2SIP ModelFig.3Fig.4Part No.Open Connected with –Vout Fig. CCx∗–xx03Sx 3.3V 3.6V1 CCx–xx05Sx 5.0V 6.0V1 CCx–xx12Sx12V15V1 CCx–xx12Dx±12V±15V2Part No.Open Connected with –Vout Fig. CC3–xx03SS–E 3.3V 3.67V3 CC3–xx05SS–E5V6V3 CC3–xx12SS–E12V15V3 CC3–xx12DS–E±12V±15V4With the ±12V , 24V single output is possible by opening the COM terminal and TRM terminal. Also, 30V single output is possible when opening the COM terminal and connecting the TRM terminal with the –Vout terminal.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Fig.5Fig.6SIP ModelFig.7Fig.8OUTPUT VARIABILITY FUNCTION (ADDING EXTERNAL RESISTANCE)(1.5 to 10W Types)The output voltage can be adjusted within the range shown in the following table by connecting resistance (Ra, Rb) between the TRM terminal and the –Vout terminal, or between the TRM termi-nal and the +Vout terminal.Please take note that it is necessary to derate the output current to match the maximum power when the output voltage is setted higher.DIP/SMD Models∗ T o be replaced by 1R5(1.5W), 3(3W), 6(6W) and 10(10W).Calculate the output voltage Vout(V) from the connected resistance Ra, Rb(k Ω)Set the output voltage higher by adding resistance Ra between the TRM terminal/–Vout terminal.∗1 Vout=3.3+9.59/(32+Ra)∗2 Vout=5.01+17.64/(17.8+Ra)∗3 Vout=12.01+50.53/(16.9+Ra)∗4 Vout=12.02+53.55/(18+Ra)Set the output voltage lower by adding resistance Rb between the TRM terminal/+Vout terminal.∗5∗6∗7∗8Calculate the connected resistance Ra and Rb(k Ω) from the set output voltage Vout(V).Set the output voltage higher by adding resistance Ra between the TRM terminal/–Vout terminal.∗1 Ra=9.59/(Vout–3.3)–32∗2 Ra=17.64/(Vout–5.01)–17.8∗3 Ra=50.53/(Vout–12.01)–16.9∗4 Ra=53.55/(Vout–12.02)–18Set the output voltage lower by adding resistance Rb between the TRM terminal/+Vout terminal.∗5 Rb=15.53/(3.3–Vout)–39.6∗6 Rb=52.55/(5.01–Vout)–31.8∗7 Rb=431.1/(12.01–Vout)–57∗8 Rb=968.5/(12.02–Vout)–103Fig.9Fig.10Fig.11Fig.12Part No.COM terminal TRM terminal Single output x ∗–xx12Dx–EOpen Open24V 5OpenConnected with –Vout30V6Part terminal TRM terminal Single output 3–xx12DS–EOpen Open24V 7OpenConnected with –Vout30V8Part No.Connecting –Vout with RaFig.Connecting +Vout with Rbx –xx03Sx–E 3.3 to 3.6V 9 3.15 to 3.3V 10CCx–xx05Sx–E 5 to 6V 9 4.75 to 5V 10CCx–xx12Sx–E 12 to 15V ∗3911.4 to 12V ∗710CCx–xx12Dx–E±12 to ±15V 11±11.4 to ±12V 12。
