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Unit3 Part C Story time教学设计


单元主题:My friends





1. 知识目标:能听懂、会说、会用故事中出现的语句。

2. 能力目标:能够正确理解故事内容,能够表演故事内容。

3. 情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,使其明白友谊的珍贵和团结合作的重要性。


1. 正确理解、认读句子:I can’t pull it up. We’re coming. Let’s work together. Hooray!

2. 能积极、主动且准确地读出、表演故事。


1. pull it up的连读和together的读音。

2. 能借助图片续编故事。


Step1: Warm-up(2mins)

1. Daily oral greetings:

Good morning! I’m your new teacher today. My name’s Yuky. Nice to meet you.

2. Sing and dance together: Friends.

Step 2: Lead-in(2mins)

1. Guess: Who is our new friend?

T: Just now, we talked about our friends. And today, let’s meet a new friend. But who is our ne w friend? Now look at the shadow and guess. Who is he?

Ss: Rabbit.

2. Explain the competition rules.

Try to get more turnips in the basket.


Step 3: Presentation(20mins)

1. Teach the sentences of Picture 1 and Picture


①Teach the word “pull”:

T: Look! This is our new friend. Let’s listen what he is saying.

Rabbit: Hi! My name’s Grey. Nice to meet you. Oh, I’m hungry. L et’s go and pull up

the turnips, OK?

T: Let’s share the story about Little Grey. He likes eating turnips very much. So he

plants many turnips in the garden.

Teach the word: turnip.

PPT shows a picture of a big turnip. Lead Ss to say “Wow,it’s so big!”

T: Let’s pull.→ pull


②Teach the sentence “Oh,it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.”

Enjoy the picture, let Ss guess the meaning.

T: Oh, it’s so big. Let’s pull it up, OK?

And teach “pull it up”. Show a picture to compare the two sentences: I can pull it up.

VS I can’t pull it up.

T: I’m Rabbit. I pull, pull and pull.

T acts like the rabbit to pull up the big turnip, guide Ss to practice the sentences with gestures: Oh, it’s too big. I can’t pull it up.

【设计意图】因为儿童具有边学边玩(Learning by doing)的天性,“故事教学”可以给孩子提供许多这种机会,让孩子在愉快地“做”中,不知不觉地学会新知识。老师用夸张的动作将“pull”,“I can’t pull it up.”等展现给学生,通过使用全身反应法,调动学生一起动,即一起“做”,让孩子们在欢声笑语中记住了新知。

2. Teach Picture 3 and Picture 4.

Before reading, finish the tasks and learn the sentence “We’re coming.”

T: Now it’s story time. Let’s watch the cartoon, but here are some tasks for you.

Task one: Listen and answer.

①Can the rabbit pull it up first?

②Can the rabbit pull it up at last?

After listening, Ss try to answer the two questions.

Task two: Choose and answer.

①Who is coming?

A. Mom and dad

B. Friends

Ss try to choose and answer by memories.

②Who are they?

T: Yes, Monkey, Dog, Cat and Zip came to help Grey. They said, “We’re coming.”

→We’re coming.

Practice the sentence group by group with gestures.

Task three: Teach and act: “One, two, three, pull!”

T: I’m Rabbit. You are my friends. Let’s pull it up! One, two, three, pull! Oh, we

can’t pull it up.


3. Teach Picture 5 and Picture 6.

1) Present the sentences “Let’s work together.” and “Hooray!”.

①T: Listen, who is coming now?

Ss: Zoom.

T: Yes. Zoom came to help the rabbit, too. He said, “I’m strong. Let’s work together.”

→Let’s work together.

Ask Ss to read like Zoom with feelings: “I’m strong. Let’s work together.”

②T: With Zoom’s help, they pull it up at last. They’re very happy, so they shout

