



2012年很多高校的翻译硕士词汇翻译真题(共计34页706个词汇翻译) 1.AMIS:声讯交互规范(Audio Message InteractiveSpecification)或:农业管理信息系统(Agricultural Management Information)2.BHD:黑鹰坠落(Black Hawk Down)3.CBRC:中国银监会4.DPOB:出生时间和地点(date and place of birth)5.FEM:有限单元法(The Finite Element Method)6.MTN:多边贸易谈判7.MSP:成功的项目群管理(Managing Successful Programme) 或:医疗保健计划(Medical Services Plan)8.NNW:国民福利指标(Net National Welfare )9.PAO:典藏学术期刊全文数据库(Periodicals Archive Online)或:公共事务办公室(Public Affairs Office)10.SAC:中国证券业协会(THE SECURITIES ASSOCIATION OF CHINA)11.debenture:公司债券12.balance sheet:资产负债表13.tax agent:税务代理人14.international arbitration:国际仲裁18.gross weight :毛重或总重19.generalized system of preference:普惠制20.fixed cost:固定成本21.stock listings:股票上市22.random access:随机存取23.profit before tax:税前利润24.按揭:Mortgage25.薄利多销:SPQR small profits, quick returns26.补贴:subsidy27.动产抵押:Chattel Mortgage28.进口报关单:the import customs declaration29.房地产:Real Estate30.分包合同:subcontract31.股息:dividend32.国民待遇:national treatment33.市场调查:market research34.Academy award:奥斯卡金像奖35.animated movie :动画片36.avant-garde:先锋派,前卫派37.Byzantium:拜占庭38.Civilian :平民39.Cubism:立体派40.Catholicism:天主教义41.Expo:世博会42.Bermuda Triangle:百慕达神秘三角43.Consumerism:消费者保护主义,用户至上主义44.East End:伦敦东区45.Beatles:甲壳虫乐队46.Contributor:投稿者,贡献者47.Broadway:百老汇48.autograph:亲笔签名49.未来主义:Futuristic50.头版新闻:front page news51.蜜月:Honeymoon52.香格里拉:Shangri-La53.人力资源:Human resources54.碳酸饮料:Sodas55.学士学位:bachelor's degree56.特洛伊木马Trojan Horse57.垃圾文化:junk culture58.中古英语:Middle English59.荒诞派戏剧:Theatre of the Absurd60.迷惘的一代:Lost Generation61.手稿:manuscript62.寿桃:birthday peaches63.春卷:spring roll64.国库券:treasury bonds65.国家外汇储蓄:foreign exchange reserves66.综合国力:Comprehensive National Power67.温带大陆性气候:temperate continental climate68.短篇小说:Short Stories69.科幻片:science fiction movie70.污水处理:Sewage treatment71.海峡两岸关系:Cross-Strait relations72.新闻发布会:Press conference73.Hubble Space Telescope:哈勃空间望远镜74.activiated carbon:活性炭75.Blu-ray disc:蓝光碟76.HIV carrier:艾滋病毒携带者ernment procurement:政府采购78.deposit reserve ratio:存款准备金率79.insurance company:保险公司80.TPP:跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement )81.magnetic resonance imaging:磁共振成像82.carbon credit:碳信用额83.lending rate:贷款利率/放款利率84.total fertility rate:总生育率85.辛亥革命:the Revolution of 191186.蚁族:ant tribe87.限购令:purchase restriction88.京海高速铁路:Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway89.经济适用房:economically affordable housing首都师范大学90.Patriotic missile :爱国者导弹91.hegemonism:霸权主义92.the Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere大东亚共荣圈93.the Falungong cult:法轮功邪教组织94.legal code:法典95.Hypertext:超文本96.mortgage:抵押97.secured loan:担保贷款98.historical materialism:历史唯物主义99.Buddhist scriptures:佛经100.澳门特别行政区基本法:Basic Law of the Macao Special Administrative Region101.八国联军:the Eight-Power Allied Forces102.半封建社会:semi-colonial society103.春运:transport during the Spring Festival104.核反应堆事故:Nuclear Reactor Accident105.思想道德修养:ideological and moral cultivation106.大病统筹:comprehensive arrangement for serious disease 107.大办酒席:a lavish feast108.豆腐渣工程:jerry-built project109.暴力犯罪:violent crime110.文化产业:cultural industry111.产业结构失调:imbalance in industrial structure112.文化主旋律:cultural theme113.繁文缛节:red tape/trivial formalities114.继往开来:carry forward our cause and forge ahead into thefuture115.历史文物:historical relics116.extensive development :粗放式发展117.get the upper hand:占上风118.sleeping late:睡懒觉119.nanotechnology:纳米技术120.copyright theft:版权盗窃121.lose one's shirt:输得精光,一文不值122.pull one's leg:开某人的玩笑123.international trade dispute:国际贸易争端124.all-in-one ticket:一票通125.Group 20 :20国集团峰会126.win-win cooperation:双赢合作127.paternity test:亲子鉴定128.junk email:垃圾邮件129.opinion poll:民意测验130.粮食安全:food security131.产业结构调整:industrial restructuring132.学分制:the credit system133.金砖5国:BRIICs134.政治体制改革:the reform of political structure 135.节能减排:energy conservation and emission reduction 136.换届选举:general election137.自主研发:independent research and development 138.循环经济:recycling economy139.高素质人才:high-quality talents140.到期的房租:rent due141.洗钱:money laundering142.媒体炒作:media hype143.各界人士:people from all walks of life144.Applied translation studies:应用翻译研究145.Back translation:回译146.Bilateral interpreting:双边传译municative translation:交际翻译148.Stylistic translation:文体翻译149.Contextual consistency:语境一致150.Corpora:语料库151.Covert translation:隐性翻译152.Domesticating translation:归化翻译153.Dynamic:动态类型154.Foreignizing translation:异化翻译155.Free translation:意译156.Literal translation:直译157.Pragmatic translation:实用翻译158.Source text:源文本159.高架铁路:elevated railway160.市区铁路:urban railway161.铁路网:railway network162.铁路运输:railway traffic163.往返票:round-trip ticket164.站台票:platform ticket165.客车站:passenger station166.列车时刻表:timetable of trains,train schedule 167.环形路线:ring-form route168.换乘站:transfer station169.NATO :北大西洋公约组织(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)170.smog:烟雾171.intellectual property:知识产权172.first-aid treatment:急救治疗173.the voice of people is the voice of god:人民之声力大无比174.diplomatic ettiquet :外交礼仪175.IT(information technology):信息技术176.House of Representatives:众议院177.public relations department:公关部、外联部178.financial management:财务管理,金融管理179.job fair :招聘会180.summer resort:避暑胜地181.web browser:浏览器182.software developer:软件工程师183.public relationship management:公关管理184.开幕词:opening speech185.拜年:pay a New Year call186.同学会:Alumni Association187.旅游景点:scenic spots188.文化冲突:cultural conflict189.带薪假期:paid holiday190.项目经理:PM(Project Manager)191.企业文化:enterprise culture192.Abstract translation:摘要翻译193.Adequacy:充分性194. Appeal-focused texts:感染型文本195.Mult:多元196.Naturalness:自燃性197.Loan translation:借译198.Coherence:连贯性mission:佣金200.Consecutive interpreting:交替传译201.Domesticating translation:归化翻译202.Pre-editing:预编辑203.Explicitation:明晰化204.Poly-system theory:多元系统论205.Under-translation:欠额翻译(和超额翻译相对)206.可比语料库:comparable corpora207.自然语言:Nature Language208.语法分析:syntax analysis209.隐形:invisibility211.显型翻译:Phenotype translation212.术语库:terminology bank213.视译:sight interpreting214.配字幕:subtitle215.文本类型学:Text Typology216.可接受性:acceptability217.冗余:redundancy218.AFP:法新社219.FAO:联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization)220.SME:中小企业(small medium enterprise221.UNGA :联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)222.PBOC:中国人民银行(People's Bank of China)223.UPU:万国邮政联盟(Universal Postal Union)224.B2C:企业对消费者的电子商务模式(Business to Customer)225.national city bank of new York:花旗银行226.force majeure:不可抗力227.state-of-the-art:艺术级的,最先进的228.cathay pacific:国泰航空公司229.Mahatma Gandhi:圣雄甘地230.Bretton Woods System:布雷顿森林体系231.plurality rule :简单多数原则232.先发制人战略:pre-emptive strategy233.民进党:Democratic Progressive Party234.“一站式”办公:"One-stop" office235.公益文化事业:The public cultural undertakings236.生态足迹:ecological footprint237.贴现率:discount rate238.海水淡化:sea water desalination239.安居工程:Comfortable Housing Project240.大病医疗费用社会统筹:medical cost social pool for major diseases241.古兰经:the Koran242.习惯法:common law243.皮影戏:shadow play244.鱼和熊掌不可兼得:You can't have your cake and eat it too 245.Human Genome Project:人类基因组计划246.Cloud Computing:云计算247.party animal:聚会狂248.crowdsourcing:众包249.catch-22:第22条军规,双重困境250.应用翻译:Applied Translation251.收视率:audience rating252.载人空间站:manned space station253.大学城:university town254.试婚:trial marriage255.ah hoc:临时256.NASA:美国国家航空航天局257.socrates:苏格拉底258.worst-case scenario:最糟糕的情况259.Midas:大富翁;麦得斯(能点物成金)260.Ponzi scheme:庞氏骗局261.lion's share:最佳份额262.prenupial agreement:婚前协议263.拳头产品:competitive product264.不良资产:NPL(non-performing loan)265.追尾:rear-end266.停电:power cuts267.经济适用房:economically affordable housing 268.The Wall Street Journal:华尔街日报269.IMF:国际货币基金组织270.MIT:麻省理工学院271.EU:欧盟272.市场调查:market survey273.医保卡:medicare card274.全球定位系统:GPS(global positioning sysem)275.世界银行:World Bank276.Austerity measures:财政紧缩政策277.The US Senate:美国参议院278.Washington Post:华盛顿邮报279.Arab Spring:阿拉伯之春280.Gary Locke:骆家辉281.Wall Street Journal:华尔街日报282.十二五规划:the Twelfth Five-year Plan283.十七届六中全会:The sixth plenary session of the 17th 284.全国人大:NPC(National People's Congress)285.软实力:soft power286.中美战略经济对话:U.S.–China Strategic and EconomicDialogue (S&ED)287.上海合作组织:Shanghai cooperation organization288.珠江三角州:The pearl river delta289.北京共识:Beijing Consensus300.工业“三废”:three industrial wastes301.保障性住房:Affordable housing302.C.I.F:到岸价(cost,insurance and freight)303.NNP:国民净产值(Net National Production)304.R.U:Rugby Union (英国)橄榄球联合会305.ZPG:人口零增长(Zero Population Growth306.IQ:智力商数(intelligence quotient);307.DOF:自由度(Degree of Freedom)308.house bill:总公司汇票;内部汇票309.custom house broker:报关行310.date of expirating:到期日311.单价:unit price312.船上交货:free on board313.承运人:freighter314.输出港:outport315.出口价格指数:Export Price Index316.bill of exchange:汇票317.CBD:交货前付款(Cash Before Delivery)或:业务中心地区(Central Business District)318.knockout product:拳头产品319.人文交流:cultural and educational exchanges320.廉租房:low-rent housing321.大型实景歌舞演出:musical extravaganza on the site 322.载人航天:manned space flight323.法人:legal person324.违法征地拆迁:illegal land acquisition325.P&G:美国宝洁公司326.NBA:全美篮球协会(National Basketball Association)327.Libiya Dinar:利比亚第纳尔328.Hologram:全息摄影329.Budweiser:百威啤酒330.Al Jazeera Network:半岛电视新闻网331.中央党校:Party School of the CPC Central Committee 332.九三学社:Jiusan Society333.中组部:Organization Department of the Central Committee of the CPC334.Honda:本田汽车公司335.国家体育运动委员会:State Physical Culture and SportsCommission336.卫生部:ministry of health337.最高人民法院:Supreme People's Court338.中国工商银行:ICBC(Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina)339.体委:National Athletic Committee340.翻译标准:translation criterion341.体裁:types or forms of literature342.回教:Muslim343.祠堂:ancestral temple344.端午节:Dragon Boat Festival345.第三产业:tertiary industry346.IDD:国际直拨长途电话(International Direct Dial)347.CPC:中国共产党(Communist Party of China)348.CAAC:中国民用航空总局(General Administration of Civil Aviation of China)349.NIC:网络信息中心(Network Information Center)350.ILO:国际劳工组织(International Labor Organization)351.GSM:销售总经理(General Sales Manager);全球移动通信系统(Global System for MobileCommunications)352.CTO:首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer);中央电报局(central telegraph office)353.Risk Profile:(企业的)风险预测354.Notary office:公证处;公证机关Receprocal Tariff:互惠关税355.Venture Capitalist:风险投资家356.Revolving Fund:循环基金,周转金357.备用资金:reserve fund358.本土化:localization359.蹦极:Bungee Jumping360.保证金:security deposit361.被动吸烟:passive smoking362.比基尼:Bikini363.闭路电视:Closed-circuit television364.边缘科学:boundary science365.携式电脑:Portable Computers366.便衣警察:plainclothes officer367.包装业:package industry368.兵马俑:Terra-Cotta Warriors369.保监会:China Insurance Regulatory Commission步行天桥:pedestrian overpass370.火车票实名制:real name train ticket system371.联合国计划开发署:UNDP372.Benchmark interest rate:基准利率373.NASA:美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)374.Bricks:金砖五国375. FIFA ISBN:国际足联ISBN376.sovereign credit rating:主权信用评级377.webcasting:网路广播378.no smoke without fire:无风不起浪379.look for a needle in a haystack:大海捞针380.不可再生资源:Non-renewable resources381.泡沫经济:bubble economy382.通货紧缩Deflation383.财政赤字:financial deficit384.参政议政:participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs 385.扶贫:poverty alleviation386.春蕾计划:Spring Buds Program387.按揭贷款:mortgage loan388.网民:netizen389.NMD:国家导弹防御系统(National Missile Defense)390.COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer391.DNS:域名服务器(Domain Name Server)392.BBS:电子布告栏(Bulletin Board System)393.OTC:技术合作处(Office of Technical Cooperation)394.IOC:国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)395.video on demand:视频点播396.telegraphic transfer:电汇397.marginal revenue:边际收益398.corporate image:企业形象399.customs declaration:报关单anization of American States:美国国家组织401.和谐共赢:harmonious and win-win402.主任科员:Principal Staff Member403.解决民生问题:improve people's well-being404.自主创新:self-dependent innovation405.基层民主:democracy at the grassroots level406.全方位外交:all-directional diplomacy407.生态文明:ecological civilization408.主要功能区:The main functional areas409.现场服务:Field Service410.依法行政:law-based administration411.孝道:filial piety412.穿越剧:time-travel TV series413.京沪高铁:Beijing-Shanghai express railway414.非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage415.以房养老:house-for-pension scheme417.自主知识产权:proprietary intellectual property rights 418.customs declaration:报关单419.settlement currency:结算货币420.smart power:灵巧化功率,智能电源421.中小企业:small- and medium-sized enterprises 422.洗钱:money laundering423.人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB424.次贷危机:sub-prime crisis425.水土流失:water loss and soil erosion426.贸易顺差:trade surplus427.企业社会责任:Corporate Social Responsibility428.主权信用评级:sovereign credit rating429.贩卖人口:traffic in persons430.美国驻华大使:American Ambassador to China431.温室效应:greenhouse effect432.投资回报率:ROI (=return on investment)433.供应链:supply chain434.劳动密集型产业:labour-intensive industry435.防止核扩散条约:Treaty on the Non-Proliferation ofNuclear Weapons436.Capital chain :资金链437.Humanitarian intervention:人道主义干涉438.Credit facilities:信用便利439.Exclusive interview:独家采访440.Clean governance:洁治441.Poll:民意测验选举投票442.Double-dip recession:连续两次下降的经济衰退443.The State Council:国务院444.Debt limit:债务限额445.A Palestinian:巴勒斯坦的446.Social security:社会保障447.An earthquake of 9.0 magnitude in the Richter Scale:里氏震级448.A cease-fire agreement:停火协定449.Oil leak/spill:漏油anizing committee:组织委员会451.孝道:filial piety452.穿越剧:time-travel TV series453.非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage454.以房养老:house-for-pension scheme455.自主知识产权:proprietary intellectual property rights 456.customs declaration:报关单457.settlement currency:结算货币458.smart power:灵巧化功率,智能电源459.水土流失:water loss and soil erosion460.美国驻华大使:American Ambassador to China461.温室效应:greenhouse effect462.供应链:supply chain463.劳动密集型产业:labour-intensive industry464.防止核扩散条约Treaty on the Non-Proliferation ofNuclear Weapons465.Capital chain :资金链466.Humanitarian intervention:人道主义干涉467.Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):468.政府间气候变化专门委员会469.WWF:世界野生动物基金(World Wildlife Fund)470.MOFCOM:中华人民共和国商务部(The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China)471.Foxconn:富士康472.Chemical Oxygen Demand:化学氧需求量473.solar photovoltaics:太阳能光伏474.Standard &Poor's :标准普尔公司475.debt ceiling:债务限额476.carbon footprint 15. ISO:碳足迹15. ISO477.地沟油:hogwash oil/ Gutter oil478.剩男剩女:leftover women and men479.海选:mass-election480.海峡两岸经济合作框架协议:The Cross-strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement(ECF A)481.经济二次触底:a double-dip recession482.中国载人航天计划:China’s space program483.廉租房:low rent house484.紧缩性货币政策:tight-money policy485.智能城市:smart city486.《中庸》:The Doctrine of Mean487.非关税壁垒:none-tariff barrier488.民心工程:pro-people project/project in the public interest 489.平板电视:FTV ( flat television )490.云计算:cloud computing500.Anti-Federalists:反联邦党人501.affirmative action:肯定行动,平权行动502.lord chancellor:英国上议院的大法官503.Renaissance:文艺复兴504.clinical psycology:临床心理学mon-law marriage:习惯法婚姻(指未举行任何仪式而自称夫妇者)506.Black Death:黑死病fort station:公共厕所508.lynching:处以死刑,处死刑杀害509.gold rush:淘金热510."A"level:(英国普通中等教育文凭考试的)高级程度511.IQ:智力商数(intelligence quotient)512.MPA:公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)513.AIDS:艾滋病514.社会主义市场经济:socialist market economy515.航空航天医学:aerospace medicine516.负翁:debtor,spend-more-than-earn517.主页:homepage518.临时工:casual laborer519.集中:centralize520.隐私权:right of privacy521.储蓄银行:savings bank522.水利枢纽工程:Hydro Project523.“一国两制”基本国策:"One country, two systems" basic state policy524.文化产业:culture industry525.高峰会议:summit conference526.中国社会科学院:Chinese Academy of Social Sciences 527.外汇:Foreign Exchange528.ACN Automatic Celestial Navigation:自动天体导航529.BHC:银行控股公司(Bank Holding Company)530.ETDZ:经济技术开发区(Economic And Technical Development Zone)531.suicide bomber:人体炸弹532.water scarcity:水短缺533.pacific fleet:太平洋舰队534.月光族:太平洋舰队535.钉子户:Nail house,tartar536.体育彩票:Sports Lottery537.国家公务员:Civil Servant538.自助游:DIY tour539.印花税:stamp duty540.网络犯罪:Cyber Crimes541.假文凭:Fake Diplomas542.插花(艺术):flower arrangement543.知识产权保护:IPR(intellectual property protection) 544.草根文化:Folk Culture545.“抑郁”的一代:A generation of "depression"546.中国红十字会:Red Cross Society of China547.国家新闻出版总署:GAPP General Administration of Pressand Publication548.人民币升值:appreciation of the RMB549.打击盗版活动:fight against intellectual property piracy 550.网络上瘾:Internet addiction551.滥用职权:abuse of power552.产业升级:industrial upgrading553.Central Ballet Troupe:中央芭蕾舞团554.blue and white porcelain:青花瓷555.FIFA:国际足球联盟(Federation International FootballAssociation)556.currency manipulator:货币操纵国557buggee jumping:蹦极跳558.illegal pyramid selling:非法传销559.surrealism:超现实主义560.sample survey:抽样检查561.multi-polar world:多极化世界562.myth of China's peaceful rise:中国和平崛起的神话563.anti-dumping investigation:反倾销调查564.costume drama:古装剧565.core competiveness:核心竞争力567.intellectual property infringement:知识产权侵犯568.COSCO:中远集运,是船公司搞集装箱运输的可能会懂)569.美国电讯报:The telegraph570.君主立宪:constitutional monarchy571.商主综合楼:the main building572.Random House:随机库573.Unabridged dictionary:足本词典/非节略词典574.ECFA:《海峡两岸经济舍作框架协议》(简称ECFA)Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement575.BA:文学士(Bachelor of Arts)576.Housekeeping Department(旅游):客房部577.The lake poets(文学):湖畔诗人578.Redwood tree:红杉树579.Chic lit(文学):年轻女性小说580.Peking moment :京华烟云581.Chopsui:杂碎582.联合航空公司(缩写):United Airlines583.欧陆式早餐:Continentalbreakfast584.哈尔滨:Harbin585.小篆:Small Seal Script,a style of calligraphy586.穆斯林:Muslim569.《浮生六记》:Six Chapters of A Floating Life570.《狂人日记》:A madman's diary571.捐款国家:Donor nations572.景泰蓝:cloisonne enamel573.南北朝:Southern and Northern Dynasties(420-589)574.defense lawyer :辩护律师575.SC :最高法院(Supreme Court)/联合国安全理事会(Security Council)/通讯兵团(Signal Corps)576.惠民政策:Waste Management Policy577.扶贫计划:Poverty alleviation plan578.剪纸:Chinese paper cutting579.唐三彩:tri-coloured glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty 580.ATA :航空运输协会(Air Transport Association of America581.MT:磁带(Magnetic Tape)/平均时间(Mean Time)/军事训练(Military Training)/主计时器(Master Timer)582.budget deficit:预算赤字583.microblog:微博584.price ceilings:最高限价585.performance appraisal:业绩评价586.full refund:全额退款587.住房公积金:housing fund588.国际评级机构:international rating institution589.实体经济:real economy590.债权人:Creditor debtee600.UNEP :联合国环境规划署(United Nations Environment Programme)601.hedge fund:套保基金,避险基金602.stem cell:干细胞,骨髓干细胞603.cyber café:网络咖啡屋,网吧604.protagonist:主角、主演、主要人物、领导者 dollar appreciation :美元升值606.transliteration:音译,直译607.UN security council:联合国安理会608.NGD神经生长液(Nerve Growth Decoction):中子和伽玛探测器609.本地通用数据库:Native Generic Database610.来电显示:CID Caller Identification611.渣打银行SCB:(Standard Chartered Bank)612.全球500强企业:The global top 500 enterprises613.首期按揭:down-payment614.德班会议: Durban Conference615.交易数量:trading capacity616.贸易壁垒:trade barrier617.审美功能:aesthetic function618.人际功能:Interpersonal function619.下拉菜单:Pull-down Menu620.盘驱动器:Floppy Disk Drive621.气虚:Lacking in vital energy622.编码:Coding623.语用学:Pragmatics624.国际文献:The international literature625.PPI:生产者物价指数(producer price index)626.HIV:人类免疫缺陷病毒(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) 627.FBI:(美国)联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation)628.IAEA:国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy Agency)629.十一五规划:The Eleventh Five-year Plan630.社会治安:Public Security631.载人航天:Manned space-flight632.全球货币紧缩:Global monetary tightening633.奶嘴男:mama's boy (永远长不大的男人)634.来电欺诈:caller ID spoofing / call laundering ,是指更改或操纵来电显示信息的行为。




现在“ 民工荒”越来越厉害,廉价劳动力的优势已经不大了。



(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案:国际金融危机:是指一国所发生的金融危机通过各种渠道传递到其他国家从而引起国际范围内金融危机爆发的一种经济现象。










19:历史文物主义 20:物质 二、应用文: 学校准备召开一次国际语言学会议,请草拟一份会议通知,发往 各大学术期刊和杂志,说明会议相关事宜,500 字左右 三、大作文: 以“勇气”为话题,不少于 800 字。
东华大学考研 翻硕 MTI2012 年真题——百科分享
一、名词解释(20 美情趣 5:意识形态 6:儒家思想 7:仁 8:道教 9:佛教 10:文艺复兴 11:新古典主义 12:浪漫主义 13:唐宋古文运动 14:骈文 15:韩愈 16:元曲 17:关汉卿 18:辩证唯物主义











消费者物价指数(C o n s u m e r P r i c e I n d e x),英文缩写为C P I,是反映与居民生活有关的商品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标,通常作为观察通货膨胀水平的重要指标。

一般说来当C P I>3%的增幅时我们称为I n f l a t i o n,就是通货膨胀;而当C P I>5%的增幅时,我们把它称为S e r i o u s I n f l a t i o n,就是严重的通货膨胀。




一篮子货币(B a s k e t o f c u r r e n c i e s)指作为设定汇率参考的一个外币组合,某一外币在组合中所占的比重通常以该外币在本国国际贸易中的重要性为基准。





翻译硕士备考:百科知识名词解释(一)翻译硕士(MTI=Master of Translation and Interpreting)是为适应社会主义市场经济对应用型高层次专门人才需求而设立的专业学位。














13. NATO
全称North Atlantic Treaty Organization,北大西洋公约组织。美国与西欧、北美主要发达国家建立的军事集团组织。简称北约O。第二次世界大战后,美国推行遏制苏联的战略,1949年4月4日与加拿大、英国、法国、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、丹麦、挪威、冰岛、葡萄牙、意大利共12国在华盛顿签订了《北大西洋公约》,宣布成立北大西洋公约组织,公约于1949年8月24日生效。至1992年共有16个成员国,增加了土耳其、希腊、德国、西班牙。总部在布鲁塞尔。欧洲盟军最高司令历来由美国将领担任。
NEET: Not in Education,Employment or Trainning,尼特族,啃老族
somebody's cup of tea:对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西。
give the floor to: 给某人发言权
9. Pervez Musharraf
佩尔韦兹?穆沙拉夫 (Pervez Musharraf) 1943年8月11日出生于印度首都新德里。幼年时随家人迁居到巴基斯坦最大的城市卡拉奇,并在那里读完了高中。1961年至1964年在巴基斯坦军事学院学习,后在某炮兵团任职。获得过“卓越”、“新月”等勋章。1991年1月被提升为少将,成为步兵师指挥官。1995年被提升为陆军中将后镇守与印度接壤的旁遮普省,任战略要地马格拉军区司令员。1998年10月出任巴基斯坦陆军参谋长,同时晋升上将军衔。1999年4月任参谋长联合委员会主席。 1999年10月,以穆沙拉夫为首的军方解散了当时的谢里夫政府,成立了国家安全委员会,穆沙拉夫任首席执行官。巴基斯坦最高法院2000年5月裁定这起“军事接管”是“必要的行动”,承认穆沙拉夫政府的合法性。2001年6月20日,穆沙拉夫宣誓就任巴基斯坦总统。2002年4月30日,巴基斯坦举行全民公决,支持穆沙拉夫在10月大选后继续担任总统。同年11月16日,穆沙拉夫再度就任巴基斯坦总统,任期5年。2007年11月,巴选举委员会向内阁通报了10月6日的总统选举结果,确认穆沙拉夫在选举中获胜 。



基础英语篇1.单选 20个20分基本是考词汇辨析的,有的是4个形似的,有的是意近的。








3.作文 400字,20分。


翻译基础篇1.术语翻译extensive development ; get the upper hand; sleeping late; nanotechnology; copyright theft; lose one's shirt; pull one's leg; international trade dispute; all-in-one ticket; Group 20; win-win cooperation; paternity test; junk email; opinion poll粮食安全;产业结构调整;学分制;金砖5国;政治体制改革;节能减排;换届选举;自主研发;循环经济;高素质人才;到期的房租;洗钱;媒体炒作;各界人士2.英译汉It seems to me there are two aspects to women. There is the demure and the dauntless. Men have loved to dwell, in fiction at least, on the demure maiden whose inevitable reply is: Oh, yes, if you please, kind sir! The demure maiden , the demure spounse, the demure mother—this is still the ideal. A few maidens, mistresses and mothers are demure. A few pretend to be. But the vast majority are not. And they don’t pretend to be. We don’t expect a girl skilfully driving her car to be demure, we expect her to be dauntless. What good would demure and maidenly Members of Parliament be, inevitably responding: Oh, yes, if you please, kind sir! — Though of course there are masculine members of that kidney.—And a demure telephone girl? Or even a demure stenographer? Demureness, to be sure, is outwardly becoming, it is an outward mark of femininity, like bobbed hair. But it goes with inward dauntlessness3.汉译英一篇关于教育重要性的,应该是领导人讲话。



2012年四川大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 3. 名词解释5. 应用文写作7. 现代汉语写作名词解释请简要解释以下段落中画线部分的知识点:1.宋词是继唐诗后的又一种文学体裁,兼有文学与音乐两方面的特点,是中国古代文学皇冠上光辉夺目的一颗宝石,历来与唐诗并称双绝,代表一代文学之盛。
















翻译硕士(MTI)真题 高频重复 名词解释

翻译硕士(MTI)真题 高频重复 名词解释

预案 元典 元曲
战国策 战国时代
政治协商制度 知识产权
执法为民 直斋书录解题
指称 中东暴力冲突 中国传统文化
中国内战 中华人民共和国国歌 中美三个联合公报
中亚 中央气象台
轴心国 轴心时代
朱熹 珠穆朗玛峰 主权国家
乔叟 切糕党 青花瓷
屈原 全国人民代表大会 全球变暖 全球金融安全网
人民代表大会 人文主义 日本共同通讯社
日本京都 日耳曼
三大悲剧诗人 三伏
三国志 三皇
三教 三吏 三面红旗
三言二拍 三一律
甲骨文 甲午战争
节能减排 结构主义
借代 金融危机
金文 近代文化
经济泡沫 经济全球化
经济软着陆 经济适用住房 经济衰退
阿富汗 阿拉伯文化 阿姆斯特丹
埃菲尔铁塔 爱丁堡
爱默生 安居工程
奥运村 奥运会
八大菜系 巴鲁赫· 斯宾诺莎



翻译硕士备考:百科知识名词解释(二)翻译硕士(MTI=Master of Translation and Interpreting)是为适应社会主义市场经济对应用型高层次专门人才需求而设立的专业学位。





阿拉伯国家联盟(League of Arab States)是为了加强阿拉伯国家联合与合作而建立的地区性国际组织。









各高校MTI翻译基础 名词解释题目汇总

各高校MTI翻译基础 名词解释题目汇总

名词解释:金砖国家,高附加值产业,大宗商品市场,非洲联盟,非洲一体化,肯尼亚,基础设施,后现代趋势,弗吉尼亚伍尔芙,奥斯卡奖,蜂窝数据流量,WI-FI\全球化海归失业率通胀底特律发达国家消费价格指数莫言诺贝尔文学奖网络文学植被民族\南京李白王安石长江六朝绿色和平转基因食品抗体\玉兔阿姆斯特朗阿波罗一号棱镜香港俄罗斯木兰诗孔雀东南飞诗经的风雅颂社会主义中国特色社会主义 \中国四大发明,欧债危机,金砖四国,莫言,生态难民,莎士比亚,君主立宪制,euro tunnel, the declaration of independence,DNA,伦敦奥运会,秦始皇陵兵马俑,论语,大中华文库,Encyclopedia Britannica,a nation on wheels\法家、六经、董仲舒、焚书坑儒、话本、三言二拍、唐传奇、清君侧、东林党、鹅湖之会\歼十五、辽宁舰、罗阳\2、歌德、英伦三岛、莎士比亚、林纾、田汉、曹禺、朱生豪\3、【十八大】两个一百年,两个翻一番\4、阴历、阳历、阴阳历\5.东盟峰会、东盟宪章、金边、欧债危机\中华五岳\道教元曲四大名著\江南三大名楼\选举人票\参众两院\美国梦\国际货币基金组织京都议定书巴厘路线图\科学发展观\三农问题\十二五规划语际转换,语内转换,符际转换,文化普世主义,文化转向,归化翻译,异化翻译,维特根斯坦“语言游戏”说,墨子“兼爱”说,王弼\零度写作\集体无意识\梵蒂冈\秒杀\吊丝\莫言\存在与虚无\爱弥儿传言\启蒙运动\美国内战\李约瑟难题\利玛窦\王国维\理想国藩镇割据契丹国\交趾(与河西并列,以前看过,应该是一个地名吧。

)禅宗\2. 基辛格\犹太\ 哈佛大学\ 国务卿\ 《三国演义》\ 《孙子兵法》\ “南方谈话”\ 围棋与国际象棋\3. 与“莫言热”有关。

\诺贝尔\ 高密 \\ 文曲星\荒诞剧\魔幻主义\ 波斯\ 百科全书\ 《…战争史》(编年体《资治通鉴》国际贸易储蓄率经济结构出口导向货币改革创业板市场退市机制借壳;垃圾股寻租行为玛雅人中央集权封建社会成文法典判例法主观能动性董仲舒斯宾格勒汤因比西方中心论\1.五帝 2焚书坑儒 3 科举制 4 北传佛教5中国四大道教名山 6 科举制 \7 包容性增长8 中国四大石9 德先生和赛先生10勃朗特三姐妹\11 光荣革命12 十字军东征13 基督教第一次分裂14 古希腊三大悲剧诗人 \15 IT行业16 BNA 17 嬉皮士 18 雅皮士19 杜甫的三吏三别 20 七大洲 \21 三曹22 《神曲》 \23 1932年诺贝尔文学奖获得者现实主义小说家高尔斯华绥《福尔赛世家》三部曲(《有产者》《骑虎》《出租》) 24. 希罗多德\魔幻现实主义,马尔克斯,阿尔贝·加缪,亨利·马蒂斯等等之类,没考莫言,但明年说不定会考。


















G7 美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、意大利、加拿大七国为研究经济形势、协调政策而召开的首脑会议。






MTI考试名词翻译及汉语名词解释NEET: Not in Education,Employment or Trainning,尼特族,啃老族Unfriend:在Facebooke等社交网站上与某人解除好友关系,删除好友somebody's cup of tea:对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西。

give the floor to: 给某人发言权the in-thing: 流行事物Arbor Day:美国植树节Infortainment: 信息娱乐IATA: 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport AssociationNASA: 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationIPR: 知识产权(Intellectual Property RightsUNICEF: 联合国儿童基金会United Nations International Children'sEmergency FundOPEC:石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countriesbonded warhouse: 保税仓库binary theory:二元论HDTV:高清晰度电视(high-definition TVCPU:中央处理机(Central Processing UnitCBS:哥伦比亚广播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System CAD:计算机辅助设计(Computer - Aided Design UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational, Scientific,and Cultural OrganizationGPS:全球定位系统(Global Position System;.red star over china: 《红星照耀中国》(西行漫记 sandstorm:沙尘暴syndrome:综合症market access:市场准入artificial intelligence:人造智能the millennium goals:千年发展目标NPC:全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress; UNDP:联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development ProgramIMP:IMP International Master Program 欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度IAEA:国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy AgencyTrade liberalization:贸易自由化national treatment:国民待遇FTI:联邦税款在内federal tax included MT: 平均时间(Mean TimeFBI: 联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation; CCTV: 闭路电视(Closed Circuit TelevisionFDI: 世界牙科联合会(Federation Dentaire Internationale Diet of Japan: 日本国国会The Tories:英国托利派,王党保守党The Treasury Department of the U.S:美国财政部The State Department in the Washington:美国国务院Balance of Payments. 国际收支平衡表;贸易支付差额infrastructure construction:基础设施建设GPRS:通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service一.汉译英前苏联:former Soviet Union老人节:Aged People’s Day中国十佳宜居城市:The top ten suitable cities to live in of China晚婚晚育,: later marriage and later childbearing论语:The Analects of Confucius红楼梦:A Dream of Red Mansion发热门诊:fever clinics合作医疗办公室:cooperative medical office公共卫生科:public health Section外交庇护: diplomatic asylum温室气体:Green House Gases转基因食品: transgenosis food创业板:GEM(Growth Enterprises Market board艾滋病毒: AIDS virus应用语言学: applied linguistics国际货币基金组织:International Monetary Fund爵士摇滚:Jazz-Rock入境签证:entry visa美国联邦储备银行: Federal Reserve Bank个体工商户: individual business鸦片战争: Opium War民革: Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang 民盟: Chinese Democratic League限价房: capped-price housing信达雅: Faitfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance祸从口入:get ill by the mouth知足常乐: a contented mind is a perpetual feast水火无情:Fire and water have no mercy一蹶不振: cannot recover after a setback摸着石头过河:fly by the seat of one's pants社会保障体系:social security system国计委:改革开放政策:the reform and opening-up policy统筹兼顾: making overall plans and take all factors into consideration趋利避害: draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages 科学发展观: The Scientific Outlook on Development全面建设小康社会:build well-off society in an all-around way中国特色社会主义: Chinese-style socialism两岸关系慈善性~:charitable港人治港: Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC主席团Presidium常务委员会Standing Committee办公厅General Office秘书处Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China中央军事委员会Central Military Commission最高人民法院Supreme People's Court最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate国务院State Council国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defence国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security国家安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission 中国人民银行People's Bank of China国家审计署State Auditing Administration国务院办事机构Offices under the State Council国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs港澳台办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs经济体制改革办公室Office for Economic Restructuring 国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室Information Office汉语写作及百科:一,百科知识问答:世界最长的河流是什么?尼罗河英国的国花是什么?玫瑰(月季魏格纳提出了什么假说?大陆漂移学说植物学奠基人林奈是哪国人?瑞典英国最高司法机关是什么?议会上院英国诗歌之父是谁?杰弗雷·乔叟Geoffrey Chauce世贸组织总部在哪?瑞士日内瓦联合国哪年成立的?1945年10月24日二,名词解释百科知识。



mti百科名词解释MTI(Machine Translation Initiative)是机器翻译(Machine Translation)领域的一个倡议和研究项目。






MTI的研究重点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 翻译模型的设计和优化:研究如何设计和优化机器翻译系统的模型,使其能够更准确、流畅地翻译文本。


2. 数据资源的建设和利用:研究如何构建和利用大规模的双语和多语言语料库,用于机器翻译的训练和评估。


3. 评价指标和评估方法的研究:研究如何评估机器翻译系统的性能和质量。


4. 基于应用的研究:研究如何将机器翻译应用于不同领域和场景。







MTI翻译专有名词NAFTA 北美自由贸易区= North American Free Trade Agreement of Canada, Mexico and the .EFTA/AFTA 欧洲自由贸易区/东盟自由贸易区APEC 亚太经济合作组织=Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationASEAN 东南亚国家联盟=Association of South East Asian NationsNATO 北大西洋公约组织=North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationInternational Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织European Free Trade Association 欧洲自由贸易联盟International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构WWF 世界自然基金会=World Wildlife FundICC 国际商务委员会(美洲国际)= The Interstate Commerce Commission of 世界贸易组织/世界旅游组织= World Trade Organization/ World Tourism Organization= Warsaw Treaty Organization 华沙条约组织WHO 世界卫生组织= World Health OrganizationUNSECO 联合国教科文组织=United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UN = Unites Nations 联合国Security Council 安理会NASA 美国国家航天局=National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationA@ at 每against all risks 全险ac account 帐目AC account current 往来帐目acc acceptance;accepted 承兑;已承兑a good brand 任何名牌ao account of 记入...帐目. additional premium 附加保险. all risks 全险AS;accs account sales 售货清单av;AV average 平均数BBB bill book 出纳簿BD bank draft 银行汇票bd. bond 债券bds. boards 董事会BE bill of exchange 汇票bk. bank book 帐簿bkg. banking 银行业BL bill of lading 提货单bank post bill 银行汇票BR bank rate 银行贴现率BR;. bill receivable 应收票据;. balance sheet 资产负债表bt bought 购入CC currency,coupon 现金,息单canclg. cancelling 取消cat. catalogue 目录CB cash book 现金簿CD cash dividend 现金折扣. cum dividend 付股息报关单C andD collection and delivery 收款发货cert. certificate 证明CF carried forward 转下页cge. carriage 运费CH custom house 海关charges prepaid 预付费cl certificate insurance 保险证明书c&l cost and insurance 保险费在内价CIF cost,insurance and freight 到岸价格CO cash order 现金汇票change over to 转入COD cash on delivery 货到付款com. commercialcommission 商业;佣金cont. contract 合同cr. credit 货方ctge cartage 车费cur. current 本月;现付CWO cash with order 订货即付款cy. currency 货币DDC. deviation 贴现dd. delivered 交付de. deferred 延期deg. degree 等级dft. draft 汇票div dividend;division 红利;部门DN debit note 欠单;借项清单dols. dollars 美元. dock receipt 存款收条DW deposit warrant 码头仓单dely. delivery 交付Eea. each 每. ex dividend 股息除外eq. equivalent 等值exd. examined 已检查exs. expenses 费用Ffree of income tax 免所得税FOB free on board 离岸价格FO for order 准备出售;FP fully paid 付讫frt. freight 运费Ggross weight 毛重good till cancelled 未注销前有效H-Z1HHp horse power 马力 horse power nominal 标称马力IIB invoice book 发票簿ib ibidem(in the same place) 同前;出处同上IL import licence 进口许可证int. interest 利息inv. invoice 发票IOU I owe you 借据,欠条JJA joint account 共同帐户LLC letter of credit 信用证led. ledger 总帐簿LIP life insurance policy 人寿保险单LS locus sigil(place of seal) 盖印处MMA my account 本人帐户MC marginal credit 限界信贷MD memorandum of deposit 存款单min minimum,minute 最低额;分钟mks. marks 商标Mo money order 邮汇mos. months 月NNE;ne no effects 无存款ND no dated 未注明日期no funds 无款NM no mark 无商标;无标志NP notary public 公证人OA on account of 因为od on demand 见票即付PPA private account 私人帐户PC price current 时价表pc. prices;piece 价格;个 petty cash book 零用现金簿pkg. package 包裹PN promissory note 期票PO postal order 汇票POB post office box 邮政信箱ppd. prepaid 预付pref. preference or preferred 优先prox. proximo(of the next month) 下月(拉)please turn over 转下页Q. quod vide(which see) 请查阅. query 查核RRD refer to drawer(banking) 请与出票接洽re. with referece to 关于recd. received 收到. reinsurance 再保险receipt for a loan 借据;欠条RSVP reply please 候复sect. section 部分sgd signed 已签署shr. share 股份std. standard 标准,本价stk. stock 存货,股票TTMO telegraph 电汇票TT;TT telegraphic transfers 电汇汇票VV;VS versus(against) 对,相反vid vide(see) 参阅viz. videlicet(namely) 即vending list 售货清单Wwith regard to 关于1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价2 TT(telegraphic transfer)电汇3 DP(document against payment)付款交单4 DA (document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证6 G..(generalized system of preferences)普惠制7 CTNCTNS(cartoncartons)纸箱8 PCEPCS(piecepieces)只、个、支等9 DLDLS(dollardollars)美元10 DOZDZ(dozen)一打11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重14 .(net weight)净重15 CD (customs declaration)报关单16 EA(each)每个,各17 W (with)具有18 wo(without)没有19 FAC(facsimile)传真20 IMP(import)进口21 EXP(export)出口22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的25 MV(merchant vessel)商船26 (steamship)船运27 MT或MT(metric ton)公吨28 DOC (document)文件、单据29 INT(international)国际的30 PL (packing list)装箱单、明细表32 PCT (percent)百分比33 REF (reference)参考、查价34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37 RMB(renminbi)人民币38 SM (shipping marks)装船标记39 PR或PRC(price) 价格40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货41 SC(sales contract)销售确认书42 LC (letter of credit)信用证43 BL (bill of lading)提单44 FOB (free on board)离岸价45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价补充:CR=credit贷方,债主DR=debt借贷方卡,是你从银行或者财政公司借钱,银行或公司是“贷方”,所就叫credit.) Exp=Expense花费,费用OH=overhead常用开支TC=total cost总费用FC=fixed cost常设费用VC=variable cost变动费用P=profit竟利润S=sales销售总额Rev=revenue利润MC=marginal cost费用差额GM=gross margin毛利MR=marginal revenue利润差额AR=acount receivable 应收款(销售后,记账以后收取。



2011北京外国语大学1.APEC:亚太经合组织,Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation。


























2012年华南理工大学翻译硕士(MTI)汉语写作与百科知识真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)全部题型 3. 名词解释5. 应用文写作7. 现代汉语写作名词解释1.如何看待(1)“五四”那一代人对儒学的批评?如何看待(2)鲁迅和孔夫子的关系?“五四”那个时代,“五四”那一代人面对的问题和我们今天面对的问题不完全一样。














2012卷北二外:1. Byronic heroByronic hero is a character-type found in Byron’s celebrated narrative poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, his verse drama Manfred, and other works. He is a boldly defiant but bitterly self-tormenting outcast, proudly contemptuous of social norms but suffering for some unnamed sin.2. West humorWest humor is the type of humor in the tall tales. West humor is not only of witty remark mocking at small things or of farcial elements making people laugh, but a kind of artistic style used to criticize the social injustic. West humor is best represented in Mark Twain’s short stories, such as Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County.南开大学:1.the five-act structure of Shakespeare’s playsMost of his plays are in the format of 5 acts. Act 1 is the exposition, in which the dramatis personae are presented, and time and place are established. We learn about the antecedents of the story. Act 2 is the complications in which the course of action becomes mre complicated, the “tying of knots”takes place. Act 3 is the climax of action in which the development of conflict reaches its high point. Act 4 reversals where the consequences of Act 3 play out, momentum slows, and tension is heighted by false hopes or fears. Act 5 is the catastrophe in which the conflict is resolved, whether through a catastrophe, the downfall of the hero, or through his victory and transfiguration. The format of five-act play is familiar from Shakespeare’s plays, and is grounded in the concepts of unity in Aristotle’s Poetics.2.denotation and connotationDenotation and connotation are two principal methods of describing the meanings of words. Denotation of a word is the thing in the real world the word is linked to, and it is the precise, literal definition of a word. Connotation of a word refers to the emotional meaning or associated meaning that a word may carry.3.gothic novelsGothic novel is a genre or mode of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance. Its origin is attributed to English author Horace Walpole, and his novel The Castle of Otranto. The gothic novels always include the following elements: the setting in a castle, an atmosphere of mystery and suspense, an ancient prophecy, omens, portents, supernatural or otherwise inexplicable events, high, even overwrought emotion, women in distress or threatened by a powerful, impulsive, tyrannical male, and the metonymy of gloom and horror. The gothic novels have influenced the novel, the short story, poetry and even film making up to the present day.4.Ralph Waldo Emerson and his worksEmerson was an American essayist, lecturer, and poet, who led the Transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. He is acclaimed as one of the major writers of the mid-19th century, one of the most stimulating American minds. His writing falls into two types: essays and poetry, and his fame comes mainly from his essays. Among his best are Nature, The American Scholar and Self-Reliance. Nature has been called “the manifesto of American transcendentalism”; The American Scholar has been regarded as “America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence”.厦门大学:1.allegoryAllegory is a story with second distinct meaning partially hidden behind its literal meaning. The principal technique of allegory is personification, whereby abstract qualities are given human shape. An allegory may be conceived as a metaphor that is extended into a structured system, as it involves a continuous parallel between two levels of meaning in a story.2.avant-garde-先锋派3.balladBallad is a folk song or orally transmitted poem telling in a direct and dramatic manner. Some ballad stories usually derived from a tragic incident in local history or legend. These stories are told simply, impersonally, and often with vivid dialogues. Appearing in many parts of Europe in the late Middle Age, ballads flourished particularly strongly in Scotland from the 15th century onward.4.Black mountain poetsThe Black mountain poets, sometimes called projectivist poets, were a group of mid-20th century American avant-garde or postmodern poets centered on Black Mountain College. Turning away from the poetic tradition espoused by T.S.Eliot, these poets emulated the free style of William Carlos Williams. Charles Olson’s essay Projective Verse became their manifesto. Olson emphasized the creative process, in which the poet’s energy is transferred through the poem to the reader. Inherent in this new poetry was the reliance upon decidedly American conversational language.5.Bloomsbury GroupIt is a loose coterie of writers linked by friendship to the homes of Vanessa Stephen and his sister Virginia in Bloomsbury from 1906 to the late 1930s. It had no doctrine or aim, despite a shared admiration for the moral philosophy of G.E.Moore, but the group had some importance as a centre of modernizing liberal opinion in the 1920s. 6.Eco-criticismIt is the study of literature and environment from an interdisciplinary point of view, where all sciences come together to analyze the environment, and brainstorm possible solutions for the correction of the contemporary environmental situation.Eco-criticism borrows methodologies and theorectically informs approaches liberally from other fields of literary, social and scientific study.A)Pecola Breedlove-from The Bluest EyeB)Frederic Henry-from A Farewell to Armsmeets the beautiful Catherine BarkleyC) Emma WoodhouseD) Pip-from Great ExpectationE) Yoaasrian-from Catch-22He is the protagonist of the novel. He is a captain in the Air Force and a lead bombardier in his squadron, but he hates the war. His powerful desire to live has led him to the conclusion that millions of people are trying to kill him. This insistence on self-preservation creates a conflict for him. Even though he is determined to save his own life at all costs, he nonetheless cares for the other members of his squadron and is traumatized by their deaths.F) Quentin Compson-from The Sound and the FuryHe is the oldest one in the Compsons. He feels an inordinate burden of responsibility to live up to the family’s past greatness and prestige. He is a very intelligent and sensitive young man, but is paralyzed by his obsession with Caddy and his preoccupation with a very traditional Southern code of conduct and morality. When he found his own family members have disregarded the Southern code, he was driven to despondency and eventually suicided.A)The first half of the 18th century is called the Age of Pope, why?1)It is under the influence of the Enlightenment, the guiding principle of which is ration, natural right and equality. So the Neo-classicism not only reflects principles and concerns of the literature of ancient Greece and Rome, but also emphasizes the simple form, restrained emotion and balanced, orderly rationality.2)Pope’s poems fully express the essential features of English Neo-classicism, such as the control of emotion, worship of reason and adherence to the styles and aesthetic principles of ancient Greek and Roman classical art. His philosophical essays, his keen satiric and moral sensibility and his mastering of the heroic couplet make him outshoot his age and win him the position of one of the greatest poets and satirists. Above all, Pope and his works best exemplify the Neo-classicism, so the first half of the 18th century is called the Age of Pope.B)Sinclair Lewis is the first American writer who got the Nobel Prize for Literature. Tell the reason.1)Lewis is well-known for his masterpiece Main Street, which is a bitter criticism ofthe dullness, hypocrisy, prejudice and oppression of life in a Milddle Western village.I believe he deserves the honor for the following reasons:①Lewis works hard to capture characteristic details. The pretensions of a small-town society, the thinness of the characters in his novel are portrayed in such a great detail that they produce photographic verisimilitude. 逼真②He is the master of satire. In this novel, Lewis displays his ability to reveal the ludicrousness 滑稽of a character or the absurdity of a situation, and touched them up in exaggeration, thus turning them into effective satire.③When Lewis is satirizing the smug provincial complacency, he not only emphasizes on the comic and ridiculous, but also wants to reform the America he pictured by skillfully arousing his readers’sympathies for the non-conformists in a conformist society.`北京航空航天大学:1.SymbolSymbol, in literary use, is a specially evocative kind of image, that is, a word or phrase referring to a concrete object, scene, or action which also has some further significance associated with it. The white whale in Melville’s Moby Dick is a symbol.2.TradegyTradegy is a serious play or by extension a novel that represents the disastrous downfall of a central character. Shakespeare’s King Lear and Macbeth are tragedies.3.AmbiguityAmbiguiy is the openness to different interpretations, or an instance in which some use of language may be understood in diverse ways. The simplest kind of ambiguity is achieved by the use of pun.4.ParadoxParadox is a statement or experience so surprisingly self-contradictory as to provoke us into seeking another sense or context in which it would be true. Shakespeare’s “the truest poetry is the most feigning” is a notable literary example of paradox.1.Hamlet seems to be delaying his revenge, why?Hamlet delayed in killing Claudius when he saw Claudius praying as he passed by the King’s chamber. If he killed Claudius when he was praying for his guilt, then he would help Claudius to enter the heaven. I think he delays because of his social and political ideal. Because Hamlet engages himself in a personal revenge and at the same time attempts to set the right “time” that is “out of joint”. He is an idealist and what he wants is not a secret revenge but an open punishment to the killer.2.How do you understand the Englightenment Spirit?The Englightenment is the movement of intellectual liberation that developed in Western Europe from the late 17th century to the late 18th century. It central idea is theneed for human reason to clear away ancient superstition, prejudice, dogma and injustic. I think the Enlightenment spirit encourages rational inquiry, humanitatian tolerance and the idea of universal human right. This spirit is found in the poems of Alexander Pope, such as Essays of Criticism and Essays on Man that upholds the principles of rationality, morality, balance, unity and order. It is also found in Henry Fielding’s The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, which gives a realistic presentation of life of the common people with flaws.国际关系学院1.tragic flaw of a characterTaking Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello as an example, the flaw of Othello, such as jealousy, credulity and difference, lead to the tragic killing of this play. Othello is the play’s protagonist, although he is not a native of Venice but rather a Moor, he is the highly respected general of Venice. His marrying with Desdemona is spite of the disapproval of her father is a beginning of the tragedy, but the fraility of Othello’s character is the main cause. First, Othello lacks self-confidence as he always considers himself as an outsider and not polished enough, we can see this from saying “I am black, and have not those soft parts of conservation that chamberers出入闺房者have, and maybe a little old.”This weakness is taken by Iago, who makes mischief and tells Othello that Cassio had affairs with Desdemona. Though Othello is warned against jealous “O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-ey’d monster, which doth mock the meat it feeds on”, he is quite credulous and overwhelmed by jealousy, and finally he killed his wife tragically. So we can see that Othello’s tragic suffering mainly stems from the frailties in his character.2.What the omniscient point of view is with reference to one novel Omniscience point of view refers to the narrator of the fiction who has a full knowledge of the story, the motives and unspoken thoughts of the characters. The omniscient narrator is also capable of describing events happening stimultaneously in different places. In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, although the narration typically stays with Elizabeth, it occassionally offers us information that Elizabeth isn’t aware of something, such as Charoltte’s pursuit of Mr. Collins. This third omniscient point of view leads a cold dimension to the novel, which helps the readers to find neutrally the wrong judgments and flaws of both the protagonists, thus the readers can better understand how the protagonists overcome their pride and prejudice and achieve their happy marriage.3, Describe the characteristics of “the Lost Generation”with references to writers and literary works.It was applied to th disillusioned intellectuals and aesthetes of the years following the First World War, who rebelled against former ideals and values, but replaced them only by despair and a cynical hedonism. The simple language and the tendency of spoken language are the characters of the lost generation. The simple style is pushed to the extreme in Hemingway works, such as his A Farewell to Arms and The OldMan and the Sea. The lost generation cut themselves from the old values and lost in disillusionment and existential voids. The hollowness and hedonism in Fitzgerald’s fiction The Great Gatsby best exemplify this characteristic. The lost generation writers all gained prominence in 20th century literature. Their innovations challenged assumptions about writing and expression.武汉大学20121.The American frontier and wildness plays a significant symbolic role in American literary imagination.Though the defintion of “the frontier” has developed over time to include not only the “vast and howling wilderness” of the Puritans, but also the far reaches of cyber space, the essential notion of unexplored territory-of fresh starts and wide open spaces-has always occupied a central place in the American cultural and literary imagination. James Cooper depicted the world of the American frontier in his Leatherstocking Tales, in which he creates Natty Bumppo as a western hero who lives in a mysterious wild country and has a legendary career. Natty Bumppo is a typical frontier man. He is honest, simple, innocent and generous. His chief strength is adaptability. He adapts to the difficulties of the frontier and bridges the divide between white and Indian cultures.Howevever, idealize, mythologize, the level of eoic, a froniter myth. prosaic and normal lives of men and women on the frontier are transformed into the idea that two worlds are in sharp collision. Two very different traditions are locked in conflict over the possession of the land, one primitive and the other civilized.Frontier a myth about the conquest to the wilderness, the tale of survival, persistence or even cruel destiny in the fighting with the wildness. Jack London’s famous short story To Build a Fire centers on the wilderness in a more realistic way. about an unnamed man’s disasterous trek across the Yukon Territory near Alaska. uses repetition and precise description to emphasize the brutal coldness and unforgiving landscape of the Northland, against which the inexperienced protagonist, accompanied only by a dog, struggles unsuccessfully to save himself from freezing to death after a series of mishaps.Cooper romanticist at the beginning of the 19th century, Jack London belongs to the realistic era toward the end of the same century. according to their respective philosophies of art and life, and show us completely different works.。



MTI 汉译英—英译汉Chevrolet 美国雪佛兰牌汽车Nokia 诺基亚Greyhound 灰狗(美国一大巴士公司)The Lion King 狮子王Roman Holidays 罗马假日Out of Africa 走出非洲The woman warrior 女勇士Olay 玉兰油Starbuck 星巴克Al Jazeera Network半岛电视台Budweiser百威啤酒hologram全息图; 全息照相.Arab spring阿拉伯之春IATA国际航空运输协会International Air Transport AssociationASEM亚欧会议Asia-Europe MeetingIPR太平洋学会Institute of Pacific RelationsCEPA更紧密经贸关系的安排Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement AMEX--- American Stock Exchange 美国证卷交易所NGO 非政府组织Non-governmental organizationPhD 哲学博士学位;博士学位;Doctor of PhilosophyGRE 美国研究生入学考试Graduate Record ExaminationUFO 不明飞行物[unidentified flying object (UFO)]FOB (指货物)船上交货价, 离岸价格free on board.UK 尤用於通讯地址)(大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国(即英国)United Kingdom (of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) (VIP 要人; 重要人物very important personAIDS艾滋病, 爱滋病(後天免疫缺损综合症):Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 综合征CEO 首席执行官CPU 中央处理单元Central Processing UnitUNESCO 联合国科教文组织United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationCIF 到岸价CPI 消费价格指数Consumer Price IndexGNP 国民生产总值Gross National ProductSOHO 家庭办公室;在家办公UNCF,联合国儿童基金会(United Nations Children's Fund)联合黑人大学基金(United Negro College Fund)UNICEF旧称联合国儿童紧急援助基金会(United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund,1946~1953)。

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MTI考试名词翻译及汉语名词解释NEET: Not in Education,Employment or Trainning,尼特族,啃老族Unfriend:在Facebooke等社交网站上与某人解除好友关系,删除好友somebody's cup of tea:对某人胃口的东西,使某人感兴趣的东西。

give the floor to: 给某人发言权the in-thing: 流行事物Arbor Day:美国植树节Infortainment: 信息娱乐IATA: 国际航空运输协会(International Air Transport Association)NASA: 美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)IPR: 知识产权(Intellectual Property Rights)UNICEF: 联合国儿童基金会United Nations International Children'sEmergency Fund)OPEC:石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)bonded warhouse: 保税仓库binary theory:二元论HDTV:高清晰度电视(high-definition TV)CPU:中央处理机(Central Processing Unit)CBS:哥伦比亚广播公司(Columbia Broadcasting System)CAD:计算机辅助设计(Computer - Aided Design)UNESCO:联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)GPS:全球定位系统(Global Position System);.red star over china: 《红星照耀中国》(西行漫记)sandstorm:沙尘暴syndrome:综合症market access:市场准入artificial intelligence:人造智能the millennium goals:千年发展目标NPC:全国人民代表大会(the National People's Congress);UNDP:联合国开发计划署(United Nations Development Program)IMP:IMP International Master Program 欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度IAEA:国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy Agency)Trade liberalization:贸易自由化national treatment:国民待遇FTI:联邦税款在内federal tax included MT: 平均时间(Mean Time)FBI: 联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation);CCTV: 闭路电视(Closed Circuit Television)FDI: 世界牙科联合会(Federation Dentaire Internationale)Diet of Japan: 日本国国会The Tories:英国托利派,王党保守党The Treasury Department of the U.S:美国财政部The State Department in the Washington:美国国务院Balance of Payments. 国际收支平衡表;贸易支付差额infrastructure construction:基础设施建设GPRS:通用分组无线业务(General Packet Radio Service)一.汉译英前苏联:former Soviet Union老人节:Aged People’s Day中国十佳宜居城市:The top ten suitable cities to live in of China晚婚晚育,: later marriage and later childbearing论语:The Analects of Confucius红楼梦:A Dream of Red Mansion发热门诊:fever clinics合作医疗办公室:cooperative medical office公共卫生科:public health Section外交庇护: diplomatic asylum温室气体:Green House Gases转基因食品: transgenosis food创业板:GEM(Growth Enterprises Market )board艾滋病毒: AIDS virus应用语言学: applied linguistics国际货币基金组织:International Monetary Fund爵士摇滚:Jazz-Rock入境签证:entry visa美国联邦储备银行: Federal Reserve Bank个体工商户: individual business鸦片战争: Opium War民革: Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang民盟: Chinese Democratic League限价房: capped-price housing信达雅: Faitfulness, Expressiveness and Elegance祸从口入:get ill by the mouth知足常乐: a contented mind is a perpetual feast水火无情:Fire and water have no mercy一蹶不振: cannot recover after a setback摸着石头过河:fly by the seat of one's pants社会保障体系:social security system国计委:改革开放政策:the reform and opening-up policy统筹兼顾: making overall plans and take all factors into consideration趋利避害: draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages 科学发展观: The Scientific Outlook on Development全面建设小康社会:build well-off society in an all-around way中国特色社会主义: Chinese-style socialism两岸关系慈善性~:charitable港人治港: Hong Kong people govern Hong Kong全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC)主席团Presidium常务委员会Standing Committee办公厅General Office秘书处Secretariat代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee法律委员会Law Committee财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China中央军事委员会Central Military Commission最高人民法院Supreme People's Court最高人民检察院Supreme People's Procuratorate国务院State Council国务院部委Ministries and Commissions Directly under the State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defence国家发展和改革委员会National Development and Reform Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National De-fence国家民族事物委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security国家安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Industry水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Public Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission 中国人民银行People's Bank of China国家审计署State Auditing Administration国务院办事机构Offices under the State Council国务院办公厅General Office of the State Council侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs港澳台办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office台湾事物办公室Taiwan Affairs Office法制办公室Office of Legislative Affairs经济体制改革办公室Office for Economic Restructuring 国务院研究室Research Office of the State Council新闻办公室Information Office汉语写作及百科:一,百科知识问答:世界最长的河流是什么?尼罗河英国的国花是什么?玫瑰(月季)魏格纳提出了什么假说?大陆漂移学说植物学奠基人林奈是哪国人?瑞典英国最高司法机关是什么?议会上院英国诗歌之父是谁?杰弗雷·乔叟Geoffrey Chauce世贸组织总部在哪?瑞士日内瓦联合国哪年成立的?1945年10月24日二,名词解释百科知识。
