
Unit OneLiving in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the followingsentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)commerce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figured2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2.Study the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences.▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words.2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius.3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away.4)There is nobody here other than me.5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss.3.Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicizedword in Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9)to leave10)worrying2.The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs.▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers:1) relying2)intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10)whatever11)invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6)The baby is the very picture of health.7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Theme-Related Writing▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in whichyou helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in oursociety. The following hints mightserve as a guide:a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What’s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I went up an d saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hearhis pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, droppedit in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.“No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.▆Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars。

Unit OneLiving in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and ExpressionsIn the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit、 plete the following sentences with them、 Change the form where necessary、▆ Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)merce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figuredIn the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit、 Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise、 Change the form where necessary、▆ Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆ Increasing Your Word Power1. CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence、 Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence、The same word may be used in more than one sentence、 Consult a dictionary if necessary、▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) overStudy the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences、▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words、Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius、3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away、4)There is nobody here other than me、She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss、3. Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicized word in Column A、You may consult a dictionary if necessary、▆ Answers:1) d、2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to plete each of the following sentences、▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worrying2、The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb、 Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence、Task:plete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs、▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆plete the following passage with words chosen from Text A、 The initial letter of each is given、▆ Answers:1) relying2) intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10) whatever11) invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets、▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film、2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him、3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shoutingtriumph、4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures、5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble、6)The baby is the very picture of health、7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV、8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film、Theme-Related Writing▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and plete it after class、U73WJeh。

实用文档之"Unit One"Living in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Completethe following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)commerce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figured2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do youunderstand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context?Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the formwhere necessary.▆Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2.Study the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences.▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words.2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius.3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away.4)There is nobody here other than me.5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss.3.Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicizedword in Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9)to leave10)worrying2.The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs.▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1) relying2)intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10)whatever11)invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders inshouting triumph.4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6)The baby is the very picture of health.7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Theme-Related Writing▆Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in whichyou helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in oursociety. The following hints might serve as a guide:a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound wascoming from a black mass in a co rner. “What’s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I wentup and saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while,I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending tobe beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed tohit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, dropped it in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.“No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.▆Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars。

Optimism and Positive ThinkingEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)positive2)startled3)perspective4)harden5)shape6)address7)crises8)curse9)incredible10)conversely11)issue12)response13)prior14)rare15)accomplish2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)get the hang of2)have lived through3)makes a difference4)have no idea5)concerned with6)slipped over7)ran into8)in reverse9)mull over▆Increasing Y our Word Power1.Decide whether “do”, “make”or “take”is needed to complete each of thefollowing sentences. Changethe verb form where necessary.1)does2)make3)take4)do5)make6)Take7)done8)taken9)making10)took2.In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words orexpressions in brackets.Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. Youmay consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)concerned2)Concerning3)reject4)declined5)unconscious6)subconscious7)former8)preceding9)raise10)rise3.Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalentin Column B. You mayconsult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)d2)j3)k4)a5)b6)h7) c8)f9)l10)e11)g12)iGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTT ask 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as”can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since / because”, “in the way / manner tha t”,etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure.Studythe following sentences and explain the meaning of “as” in eachsentence.▆Answers for reference:1)in the way /manner that2)though / although3)when4)since5)used in a comparison6)though7)while8)in the way thatT ask 2: Complete the following sentences after the example by translating theChinese into English, using “as”as a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)as you describe / have described / described2)as concern every one ofus3)As is well known4)As we all can see5)as you show / as you have shownfor your teacher6)As is reported / announced in today’s papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆Answers:1)p erspective2)d espair3)necessity4)p erform5)C onversely6)prophecy7)w here8)a s9)a chieve10)recognize11)d ealt w ith12)a ttitude13)channels14)c oncernedTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. /The only people who canfully appreciate this are those who have lived through asimilar experience.2)Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ areformed and interact (with oneanother).3)Those who have got the hang of Rubik’s Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face toconsi sting of one colour inno time.4)The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in successfor the company.5)The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins.6)He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to /sitting in front ofthe TV set all day long.7)There’s a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. Ittakes courage to live.8)She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping handto others. Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You may draw on some useful ideasand expressions from a variety of sources, such as the two texts in this unit or theInternet.1) Having read the two passages in this unit, you may have come to a betterunderstanding of life and the timeswhen pessimistic and optimistic thoughtstake turns to affect your behaviour. Write a letter of encouragement (ofabout 150 words) to one of your high school friends who failed in the collegeentrance examination. Tell him or her about your new understanding of theneed to remain optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that weneed to look at the positive side ofanything that comes to us and that weneed to take an optimistic and positive attitude toward life. Write an essay (ofabout 150 words) to share your ideas with your classmates. The followinghints may be of some help:a. What is meant by “thinking positively”?b. What is the connection between success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude?▆Sample Letter for T ask 1:Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeling upset about your results in the college entrance examination. I’ve just read an article about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I’m now sending you a copy, hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, failing the college entrance examination can be very depressing, yet if you continue to dwell on the past, you will never be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for now and the future. Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic attitude towards the things we have to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picture them often. Please do have confidence in your potential. Just work hard and prepare for another chance.You will make it.Yours,Janet(152 words)▆Sample Essay for T ask 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mindto be filled with optimistic feelings, and alwayshoping for the best though still aware of thedifficulties that might be involved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts ofoptimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfillingprophecy. Though it might seem impossible tosome, positive thinking and success actually havea cause-and-result relationship. The reason isthat a person with positive thinking will alwaysbroadcast goodwill and confidence and that kindof radiating attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people’s attitude will shift towards moretrust and respect. This not only opens up mo reopportunities for the individual, but it also feedsback emotionally, and the cycle continues.Though the shaping of a positive or negativepersonality often happens subconsciously, it ispossible to control such processes consciously. Aperson can try visualizing favourable situations,whether it is remembering a contest won as achild or imagining getting that job offer so longsought after. Over timecircumstances will changeaccordingly. (169 words)。

Unit OneLiving in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the followingsentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)commerce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figured2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2.Study the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences.▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words.2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius.3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away.4)There is nobody here other than me.5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss.3.Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicized word in Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worrying2. The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs.▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers:1) relying2) intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10) whatever11) invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6)The baby is the very picture of health.7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Theme-Related Writing▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints mightserve as a guide:a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What’s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I went up and saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hearhis pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, droppedit in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.“No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.▆Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk to strangers, let alone go out of our way to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feelings of insecurity fill the environment we live in.All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel isolated and care only about ourselves. If things go on like this, ‘trust’, ‘teamwork’, and ‘harmony’ will eventually become terms unheard of.In my opinion, trusting others and being trustworthy are the two basic principles that we should follow if we want to improve human relationships. We may not be in a position to change others, but we can change the way others see us by winning their trust in us. Mutual understanding and love are the pillars that support a harmonious society.Unit TwoOptimism and Positive ThinkingEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions3.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:18)positive19)startled20)perspective21)harden22)shape23)address24)crises25)curse26)incredible27)conversely28)issue29)response30)prior31)rare32)accomplish4.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)get the hang of2)have lived through3)makes a difference4)have no idea5)concerned with6)slipped over7)ran into8)in reverse9)mull over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Decide whether “do”, “make”or “take”is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Changethe verb form where necessary.▆Answers:1)does2)make3)take4)do5)make6)Take7)done8)taken9)making10)took2.In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words or expressions in brackets.Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)concerned2)Concerning3)reject4)declined5)unconscious6)subconscious7)former8)preceding9)raise10)rise3.Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalent in Column B. You mayconsult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)d2)j3)k4)a5)b6)h7) c8)f9)l10)e11)g12)iGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as”can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since / because”, “in the way / manner tha t”, etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure. Study the following sentences and explain the meaning of “as”in each sentence.▆Answers for reference:1)in the way /manner that2)though / although3)when4)since5)used in a comparison6)though7)while8)in the way thatTask 2: Complete the following sentences after the example by translating the Chinese into English, using “as” as a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)as you describe / have described / described2)as concern every one of us3)As is well known4)As we all can see5)as you show / as you have shown for your teacher6)As is reported / announced in today’s papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆Answers:1)p erspective2)d espair3)necessity4)p erform5)C onversely6)prophecy7)w here8)a s9)a chieve10)recognize11)d ealt w ith12)a ttitude13)channels14)c oncernedTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. / The only people who canfully appreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience.2)Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ are formed and interact (with oneanother).3)Those who have got the hang of Rubik’s Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face to consisting of one colour inno time.4)The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.5)The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins.6)He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to / sitting in front ofthe TV set all day long.7)There’s a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live.8)She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others.Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You may draw on some useful ideas and expressions from a variety of sources, such as the two texts in this unit or the Internet.1) Having read the two passages in this unit, you may have come to a better understanding of life and thetimes when pessimistic and optimistic thoughts take turns to affect your behaviour. Write a letter of encouragement (of about 150 words) to one of your high school friends who failed in the college entrance examination. Tell him or her about your new understanding of the need to remain optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that we need to look at the positive side ofanything that comes to us and that we need to take an optimistic and positive attitude toward life. Write an essay (of about 150 words) to share your ideas with your classmates. The following hints may be of some help:a. What is meant by “thinking positively”?b. What is the connection between success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude?▆Sample Letter for Task 1:Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeling upset about your results in the college entrance examination. I’ve just read an article about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I’m now sending you a copy, hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, failing the college entrance examination can be very depressing, yet if you continue to dwell on the past, you will never be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for now and the future. Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic attitude towards the things we have to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picture them often. Please do have confidence in your potential. Just work hard and prepare for another chance.You will make it.Yours,Janet(152 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mind to be filled with optimistic feelings, and always hoping for the best though still aware of the difficulties that might be involved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts of optimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though it might seem impossible to some, positive thinking and success actually have a cause-and-result relationship. The reason is that a person with positive thinking will always broadcast goodwill and confidence and that kind of radiating attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people’s attitude will shift towards more trust and respect. This not only opens up more opportunities for the individual, but it also feeds back emotionally, and the cycle continues.Though the shaping of a positive or negative personality often happens subconsciously, it is possible to control such processes consciously. A person can try visualizing favourable situations, whether it is remembering a contest won as a child or imagining getting that job offer so long sought after. Over time circumstances will change accordingly. (169 words)Unit ThreeThe Road to SuccessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions5.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:a)favourableb)discouragedc)consentedd)neglecte)creptf)sufficientg)tracedh)somewhati)refreshj)worthyk)prospectsl)resolvedm)remarkedn)undergoo)rewarded6.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in theproper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:33)pack up34)many a35)stays the course36)put to the test37)flooding in38)came across39)come up with40)plunged ... into▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Listed in the box below are some unit nouns. Discuss their meanings and then complete the following tableby filling in the appropriate unit noun. The same unit noun may be used for more than once. Consult a dictionary if necessary.2.Words such as respectful, respectable and respective may cause confusion because they are similar eitherin meaning or in spelling. To communicate effectively, we need to pay special attention to such confusable words.▆Answers:1)neglected2)neglectful3)colourful4)coloured5)rough6)tough7)worth8)worthy9)favourable10)favourite11)respectful12)respectable13)respective14)considerate15)considerable3.Word BuildingMatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1) d. 2) i 3) l 4) a 5) k 6) o 7) p 8) b9)m 10) n 11) e 12) c 13) f 14) g 15) h 16) jGrammar in context1.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the subordinate clausesand connectives. Reflect on their grammatical function and then do the task that follows.Task: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing proper connectives from the box below.▆Answers for reference:1) what 2) whether 3) whose 4) whoever 5) what6) where 7) how 8) which 9) that 10) that2.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to“the preposition + relative pronoun” structure. Reflect on their uses and then do the following task.Task: Complete the following sentences using a preposition and a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)of which 2) for which 3) in which 4) in whom5) of which 6) to which 7) for which 8) at whichClozeComplete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each target word is given.▆Answers:1) for 2) aware 3) affair 4) prospects 5) storage 6) matter 7) plunged 8) break9) offered 10) dancing 11) cleared 12) welled 13) stick 14) sacrifices 15) published Translation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)Rumour has it that his new book is based on a true story about a family in a small Tennessee town.2)He teaches in a middle school, but he does some translation work on the side to bring in extra cash /money.3)It’s good to be confident(about yourself), but there’s a difference between(self-)confidence andconceit.4)Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Those who give up halfway will never realize theirdreams.5) A true hero possesses / has courage, a noble purpose and a willingness to make sacrifices.6)Anyone who picks up this novel and reads the first paragraph will be hard pressed to put it down.7)In a sense, life is like swimming; if you keep holding on to the sides of the pool, you (will) never learn.8)The future of a nation depends in a large measure upon the quality of education and training. Theme-Related Writing1) Write a narrative essay (of about 150 words) about your pursuit of a dream or someone’s experiences inmaking his / her dream come true.Sample essayLi Hui, my friend in high school, was born into a worker’s family. She began to dream of becoming a cartoon artist from her childhood. To her disappointment, her parents strongly opposed her career choice, because the cost of her education would be too high for the poor family, and they were worried about the job opportunities for a cartoon artist. However, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hard to perfect her skills and searched persistently for ways to realise her dream. Just before she finished high school, the chance came: a famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winners would be given a scholarship to study cartoon drawing at the school. Li Hui told herself not to let the chance slip through her fingers. She readily participated and won the second place. She is now studying there and I feel certain that her dream will come true. (156 words)2) People may have different opinions about the key factors for success. Write a short essay (of about 150words) and share your opinions with your classmates.Sample essay:In my opinion, before a person becomes successful, he or she should fully understand the basic elements of success: competence, determination and optimism.For a person to succeed, he or she has to face great competition and excel in his or her chosen career. The person needs to demonstrate and prove his or her competence in dealing with problems. Without competence, the person can neither stand out among the crowd nor attract the attention of those who hold the keys to the doors of opportunity and advancement.Yet ability alone cannot guarantee success. Often enough, things do not go the way we have planned and failure is unavoidable no matter how intelligent or capable we may be. In such cases one needs to remain firm and optimistic, always believing that hard work will eventually pay off. If the person gives up halfway, success will never knock at the door. (149 words)Unit FourBeing CreativeEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▇Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) objective2) current3) adopt4) exhibit5) capture6) integrated7) outstanding8) strategies9) convince10) striving/strive11) diagnosed12) side13) spaced14) thick15) painful16) eventually17) fascinating18) confidence19)label20) creations2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) at rest2) dropped out3) drying out4) drop in5) dawned on6) falls away7) drowned out8) on the sidelines9) falling out10) start over11) lose faith12) sign off▆ Increasing Your Word PowerFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition given in the box.▆ Answers:1) with2) to3) with4) on5) at6) with7) from8) beyond9) from10) on11) for12)toStudy the use of but in different contexts and then do the task that follows.▆ Answers for reference:1) What can we do but sit and wait for a passing car to bring us to a city nearby?2)He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.3)“Gone with the Wind” was/is a great movie, but it was/is a little long.4) I had/have no choice but to accept the challenge.5) The situation looked/looks desperate, but they didn’t/don’t want to give up.6)But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.7)Who else but John would have played a trick like that?8)She was the best singer in China at that time. I could not but admire her.9)The machines we bought were cheap, but they went quite well.10)Because he had/has a sore throat he was/is unable to swallow anything but liquids. Word BuildingMatch each of the English words in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) j2) k3) g4) h5) i6) b7) n8) l9) f10) c11) m12) d13) a14) eGrammar in ContextTask 1: Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the proper form of the verb given in brackets, paying special attention to the use of the active voice and the passive voice.▆ Answers:1) be done away with2) is / gets punished3) being erected4) Having been ignored5) believing6) to have sent7) be looked up8) speak / speaking9) being interviewed10) takenTask 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying special attention to the differences in the choice of the verb voice.▆ Answers for Reference:1)杰克,有你的电话。

新世纪大学英语综合教程2 课后习题答案Unit 1P201、1) tackle 2) alternative 3) initial 4) universal 5) crippled 6) genuine 7) construct 8) impressive 9) shallow 10) react 11) generate 12) entitled 13) contact 14) constant 15) rough 16) captured 17) move 18) put2、1) In any case 2) took hold 3) root out 4) count…against5) find it in myself to 6) aware of 7) do her wrong 8) like it or not1、1) cured2) heal3) treated4) cure5) treated6) heal7) treatP232、1) Action speaks louder than words2) The production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius3) I like to keep things rather than throw them away4) There is nobody here other than me5) She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss3.从左到右,从上到下分别为: irresponsible; unable; disagreeable; illogical; impolite; unaffected; indirect; immoral; unfortunate; unnecessary; disharmonious; informalP24 Grammar Review1、1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing/to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worryingP252、1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interestedCLOZE1) harmonious2) that3) ironically4) For5) recover6) go about7) realize/remember8) hardest9) unfair10) who11) forgiveness12) dealing with13) emotionalp26 翻译1. In life our stupidiest course of action is to cling too much to what we have and refuse to let go.2. I'm willing to work in the IT industry, but have no idea how to go about it.3. Many people are aware of the importance of living in harmony with nature.4. Problems like the generation gap cannot be swept under the carpet.5. I never did understand what was eating away at her.6. He has been at peace with the world all his life.7. He did not speak out/say what he thought. For one thing, she might not understand. For another, he was afraid that she might not forgive him.8. As the years rooled by, he became increasingly interested in /fascinatedUnit 2P481、1) b2) f3) d4) h5) j6) a7) i8) cP492. 2) relaxed; 3) lower; 4) indirect; 5) respective; 6) owe 7) hopeful; 8) ceaseThe hidden word is glorious.3、1) bound for2) without so much as3) may well4) fall/get into debt5) played the fool6) on earth7) put my name up for8) was bestowed onP521) emphasize2) stretched3) remedy4) confine5) remarkable6) owe7) lower8) response9) reveal10) characterized11) picture12) adopt13) proposed14) tremblingP532、1) singled out for2) kept back3) all but4) in search of5) on earth6) in particular7) first and foremost8) took inP541、1) responsible for2) bound for3) aware of4) appreciative of5) thirsty of6) worthy of7) capable of8) noted for9) independent of10) suitable forP552、1) similar2) alike/similar3) sleeping4) asleep5) cheerful6) glad7) afraid/frightened8) frightened9) living10) alive3、1) a delightful holiday2) a hopeful man / person in politics3) a forgetful person4) a masterful manager5) a handful of rice6) a spoonful of waterP567) an armful of newspapers8) a roomful of students9) a mouthful of wineGrammar Review1. 1) be done away with; 2) is/gets punished 3)being erected; 4) Having been ignored; 5) believing 6) to have sent; 7) be looked up 8) speak/speaking 9)being interviewed; 10)takenP572. 英译汉1)杰克,有你的电话。

1)fortune2) dull3)chased4)launched5) accompanied
6)intrinsic 7) ranks8)publicity9) sufficiently10) image
11)target12) transform 13) temporarily 14
1)grasped2) was snatched3) Clasping4)Catch5) seized
6)gripped 7) grabbed8) clutch
2.The following table shows some typical verb + noun collocations, as indicated by the symbol√. Examine the table carefully and then fill in each blank in the following sentences with a suitable verb from the table.
8) to apply for a known job opening
9) to make trouble
10) To be more exact
Complete the following passage with words chosen fromthis unit. The initial letter of each is given.
▆Increasing Your Word Power
1.Study the following usage notes about the verbs in the box..
Nowcomplete each ofthe following sentenceswiththemost appropriate word fromthe abovebox.

新世纪大学英语综合教程2 课后习题答案Unit 1P201、1) tackle 2) alternative 3) initial 4) universal 5) crippled 6) genuine 7) construct 8) impressive 9) shallow 10) react 11) generate 12) entitled 13) contact 14) constant 15) rough 16) captured 17) move 18) put2、1) In any case2) took hold3) root out4) count…against5) find it in myself to6) aware of7) do her wrong8) like it or not1、1) cured2) heal3) treated4) cure5) treated6) heal7) treatP232、1) Action speaks louder than words2) The production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius3) I like to keep things rather than throw them away4) There is nobody here other than me5) She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss3.从左到右,从上到下分别为: irresponsible; unable; disagreeable; illogical; impolite; unaffected; indirect; immoral; unfortunate; unnecessary; disharmonious; informalP24 Grammar Review1、1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing/to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worryingP252、1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interestedCLOZE1) harmonious2) that3) ironically4) For5) recover6) go about7) realize/remember8) hardest9) unfair10) who11) forgiveness12) dealing with13) emotionalp26 翻译1. In life our stupidiest course of action is to cling too much to what we have and refuse to let go.2. I'm willing to work in the IT industry, but have no idea how to go about it.3. Many people are aware of the importance of living in harmony with nature.4. Problems like the generation gap cannot be swept under the carpet.5. I never did understand what was eating away at her.6. He has been at peace with the world all his life.7. He did not speak out/say what he thought. For one thing, she might not understand. For another, he was afraid that she might not forgive him.8. As the years rooled by, he became increasingly interested in /fascinatedUnit 2P481、1) b2) f3) d4) h5) j6) a7) i8) cP492. 2) relaxed; 3) lower; 4) indirect; 5) respective; 6) owe 7) hopeful; 8) cease The hidden word is glorious.3、1) bound for2) without so much as3) may well4) fall/get into debt5) played the fool6) on earth7) put my name up for8) was bestowed onP521) emphasize2) stretched3) remedy4) confine5) remarkable6) owe7) lower8) response9) reveal10) characterized11) picture12) adopt13) proposed14) tremblingP532、1) singled out for2) kept back3) all but4) in search of5) on earth6) in particular7) first and foremost8) took inP541、1) responsible for2) bound for3) aware of4) appreciative of5) thirsty of6) worthy of7) capable of8) noted for9) independent of10) suitable forP552、1) similar2) alike/similar3) sleeping4) asleep5) cheerful6) glad7) afraid/frightened8) frightened9) living10) alive3、1) a delightful holiday2) a hopeful man / person in politics3) a forgetful person4) a masterful manager5) a handful of rice6) a spoonful of waterP567) an armful of newspapers8) a roomful of students9) a mouthful of wineGrammar Review1. 1) be done away with; 2) is/gets punished 3)being erected; 4) Having been ignored; 5) believing 6) to have sent; 7) be looked up 8) speak/speaking 9)being interviewed; 10)takenP572. 英译汉1)杰克,有你的电话。

Unit 7 P230:Words in action:1. 1. v iewpoint viewpoint viewpoint 2. 2. 2. conventional conventional conventional 3. 3. 3. typical typical typical 4. 4. 4. merely merely merely 5. 5. 5. valid valid valid 6. 6. 6. productive productive productive 7. 7. 7. asses asses asses 8.alter 8.alter 8.alter 9. 9. employment employment 10. 10. 10. convey convey convey 11. 11. 11. competent competent competent 12. 12. 12. objective objective objective 13. 13. 13. professional professional professional 14. 14. 14. reserve reserve reserve 15. 15. 15. shift shift shift 16. 16. dismiss 17. personally 18. strengths 19. intense 20 norms 2. 1. in reserve 2. To his credit 4. in person 5. take up 6. follow the herd 7. asses/judge …on its (own) merits 8. takes an … turn P232:1. to on to about, of to on, with to, with on to to 2. deep total heavy high deep strong high heavy close total 3. trustworthy: 值得信赖的;值得信赖的; sightseeing: 参观,观光;参观,观光; viewpoint: 观点; self-fulfilling: 自我实现的;我实现的; good-looking: 漂亮的;漂亮的; light year: 光年;光年; feedback: 反馈,反应;air force: 空军;军; fault-finding: 吹毛求疵的;吹毛求疵的; guideline: 指导方针;指导方针; sidewalk: 人行道;人行道; fast food: 快餐快餐 P234: Grammar review1. 1. what 2. whether 3. whose 4. whoever 5. what 6. where 7. how 8. which 9.that 10. that 2. 1.The children said they had seen some of those animated cartoons . 2.John said that he knew he wouldn’t be able to do it.\ 3.Marry said that Joe couldn’t have done such a thing, for h e was such a conscientious young man. 4. Last Friday Mary asked John whether /if he was going to plant trees with them the nest day. 5. He asked John how long he had been waiting for them. 6. The old lady downstairs told us to be quiet after midnight. 7. The monitor remained us not to forget to take our notebooks with us. 8. John remarked what a lovely house it was. P236: Cloze1. being 2. who 3. essential 4. employee 5. role 6. goals 7. specific 8. common 9. on 10 line 11. mean 12. agree 13 offer Translations:1. We have worked together for a long time and have never let our differing opinions get in the way of our friendship. 2. This agreement will pave the way for a lasting peace between the two countries. 3. They usually don’t mention their requirements until you are beginning to let your defenses down. 4. You should have the courage for face your own mistakes. Don’t try to shift the blame onto others when things go wrong. 5. If If you you you are are are more more more often often often than than than not not not affected affected affected by by by fear fear fear and and and worry, worry, worry, you you you will will will find find find this this this book book book very very useful. 6. Now that I have accepted the position, I shall certainly do to the best of my ability all that is required of me. 7. If you don’t have a plan of what you will do every day, chances are high that you won’t do much. 8. Great minds think alike. Your ideas are completely in line with his. Unit 8p. 259-260 1. dfgca; bej; 2.1) pressure; 2) part; 3) changed; 4) keep; 5) position; 3. 1) thrown off balance; 2)draw on; 3) go for; 4) in kind; 5) by definition P262. Words in Action: 1. 1) matured; 2) stuff; 3) identify; 4) convert; 5) classic 6) shortcomings 7)breeds 8) stress 9) maintain; 10) impulse; 11) pose; 12) claims; 13)identify; 14) media; 15) tap; 16) reasonable 2. 1) graduate with honors; 2) fires herself up; 3) take …by the throat; 4) take action; 5) make an excuse; 6) in kind; 7) in the face of 8) trying for 9) nurse…through 3. 1 1) a. mature; b. ripe; c. mature/ripe; d. ripe; e. matured 2) a. select; b. was elected; c. were selected; d. choose 2.1) generator: 发电机;发生器; achiever: 事业成功的人; climber: 登山者; operator: 操作员;接线员;robber: 抢劫者,强盗;supporter: 支持者,拥护者;赡养者;支持者,拥护者;赡养者; defender:防卫者,拥护者防卫者,拥护者2)officer: 官员,军官;官员,军官; guitarist: 吉他弹奏者;physicist: 物理学家;politician: 政治家,政客;Brazilian: 巴西人;巴西人; socialist: 社会主义者;社会主义者; historian: 历史学者;历史学者; biologist: 地质学家;质学家; mathematician: 数学家数学家Grammar Review 1. 1) is 2) are 3) is 4)were 5) were/are 6) are 7)is 8)are 9) is 10) is 2. 1) its 2) its 3) his 4)our 5)his/her 6)themselves 7)he or she/one 8) them 9) its 10) themselves Cloze 1) discovered discovered 2) 2) 2) intense intense intense 3)contributors 3)contributors 3)contributors 4) 4) 4) disadvantaged disadvantaged disadvantaged 5) 5) 5) achievement achievement achievement 6) 6) 6) fascinating fascinating fascinating 7) 7) troubled 8) even 9)physical 10) who 11) with 12) lead 13)advantage 14) obstacle 15)refer Translation 1) It is true that no one is perfect, but we can always do better. 2) Mozart is often referred to as one of the greatest musicians of all time. 3) Adversity comes to every one, but the quality of your life may depend in a large measure on how you tap into resources available to handle that adversity. 4) When writing, you can draw on your personal experience for example to help explain your ideas. 5) Christmas is a little warmth in the depth of winter and a bright light in the dark. 6) Sometimes we do get less when we go for more. 7) It will only make your life worse if you refuse to forgive those who have done you wrong and be determined to repay them in kind. 8) Many farmers claim that the vicious weather this summer has driven them to despair. 。
(完整版)新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程第二册 unit1~unit4 习题答案

(完整版)新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)综合教程第二册习题答案Unit 1 > Key to Book ExerciseListen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main Ideas1 Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences according to the information contained in the listening passage.1 Before graduating from college, the speaker was asked to ________.A) make a piece of cake for the classB) write down people’s response to her smileC) observe how people smile at each otherD) act kindly to someone2 While waiting for her turn to get her breakfast at the local McDonalds, the speaker ________.A) was ready to serve the two poor homeless men who smelledB) saw a terrible dirty man standing in the lineC) found that a short gentleman was waiting for his mealD) noticed that a homeless man was smiling at her3 The two poor homeless men went to the local McDonalds to ________.A) warm themselves B) have their breakfastC) wait for someone D) search for a friendly smile4 At the sight of the two homeless men, the speaker ________.A) turned away from them to join her familyB) ordered for them two cups of hot coffeeC) bought them two breakfast mealsD) asked them what they wanted to eat5 After the spe aker turned in her “project,” the speaker’s professor and her classmates ________.A) had a heated discussion about smileB) exchanged their unusual experiencesC) were deeply touched by her smileD) were greatly moved by her storyTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording carefully and fill in each of the blanks according to what you have heard.1 The speaker is a mother of three and has recently completed her college degree . The last project the professor assigned her to do was to go out and smile at three people and then write down their reaction .2 Soon after she was assigned the project, she went with her family to the local McDonalds on a cold March morning . Just when they were standing in line, waiting to be served, she smelled a horrible “dirty body” smell . Two poor homeless men were also standing in line. They just wanted to sitin the restaurant and warm up , so they only asked for coffee . Obviously, it was all they could afford.3 Then she was suddenly filled with sympathy . All eyes in the restaurant were set on her, judging her every action . She smiled and bought the two homeless men two breakfast meals .4 She returned to college, with this story in hand. She turned in her“ project .” Her professor read it to the whole class. The whole class was touched . She graduated with one of the biggest lessons she would ever learn —UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE .Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) Why didn’t the author stop for the hitchhiker?He thought that someone else would stop for him. And he was afraid of a possible robbery.2) Did he feel guilty for not helping the young man?No. He didn’t. But he was bothered by hi s easy and quick decision of leaving the young man stranded alone in the desert.3) Why did the author decide to start his journey across America pennilessly? He wanted to test if a person could still rely solely on the kindness of strangers or the good will of his fellow Americans these days.4) What did he discover as he travelled?He found out that others shared his fear. Yet they still stubbornly helped strangers like him.5) What had happened to the trucker the author met on a rainy day?He was once robbed at knifepoint by a hitchhiker.6) What conclusion did the author draw from his experiences mentioned in Paras. 15–18?He found that people were generally compassionate. And those who had the least to give often gave the most.7) Why did Carol invite the author to talk to her class about his trip?She thought the children should be exposed to what else was out there — the good and the bad.8) What conclusion did the author make about his trip when he talked to the students?He concluded that his faith in America had been renewed and that people could still depend on the kindness of strangers.2 Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part: One; Paragraph(s): 1–7; Main Idea: Because of a past experience of neglecting a hitchhiker in need of help, the author decided to travel across America without any money to find out if one could still rely on the kindness of strangers these days.Part: Two; Paragraph(s): 8–28; Main Idea: During his trip, he found out that people were generally compassionate and willing to help although they might have fears.Part: Three; Paragraph(s):29-31; Main Idea: He talked to school children and concluded in a patriotic manner that in America people could still depend on the kindness of strangers.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicized parts.1) In the middle of the desert, I came upon a young man standing by the roadside. He had his thumb out and held a gas can in his other hand. (Para. 1)By doing so, the young man was telling the passing drivers that he wanted to hitchhike as his car had run out of gas.2) The week I turned 37, I realized I’d never taken a gamble in my life. (Para. 7)This week I would be 37 years old, yet I realized that I had always been very careful in my life and I had never taken a risk, for example, trusting on the kindness of others.3) It would be a cashless journey through the land of the almighty dollar. (Para. 7)The author is being a bit sarcastic here. He would take no money with him and travel across the US, where it is believed that money can do everything and anything. The phrase "almighty dollar" is a playful allusion to the familiar term "Almighty God"4) Yet I was treated with kindness in every state I traveled. I was amazed by the stubborn capacity of Americans to help a stranger, even when it seemed to run contrary to their own best interests. (Para. 11)I was amazed by the continual show of kindness of my fellow Americans, even though helping a stranger would mean taking a risk.5) I didn’t know whether to kiss them or scold them for stopping. (Para. 13) The author had mixed feelings: whether to kiss the two women for their kindness, or give them a lesson by cautioning them not to trust any stranger, for they could have run into a bad person instead of himself.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Choose the definition in Column B that best matches each italicized word in Column A.1) c2) d3)a4) j5)h6)b7) e8) i9) g10) f2 A synonym is a word that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another word. An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Write S before each pair of synonyms and A before each pair of antonyms. The first word in each pair is taken from Text B and the corresponding paragraph number has been indicated for you.Example: S virtually, almost (Para. 1)1) S govern, control (Para. 3)2) S signal, sign (Para. 4)3) S participate, join (Para. 5)4) A heave, lower (Para. 6)5) S collapse, fall (Para. 7)6) S establish, found (Para. 10)7) S locate, situate (Para. 10)8) A occasional, frequent (Para. 15)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) What is the author and his wife’s opinion about becoming a true friend to someone whose name they don’t know?The author and his wife used to think that it was virtually impossible to be a true friend to someone whose name they didn’t know. But now they realize they were wrong. Years of Sunday-morning bus trip through the city with the same “nameless” people have completely changed their thinking.2) Why does the author say that taking the Sunday-morning bus trip requires teamwork though they don’t know each other’s names?There is always the same group of regular passengers. The bus driver and the passengers acted routinely with due care and attention, as if they were cooperating in a team. The driver should perform his duties well and the passengers should obey the written and unwritten rules. There should be no smoking, no littering, and everyone should behave in a polite and decent manner. Under such circumstances, names are no longer important.3) What can we learn about the silent woman from Para. 5?The silent woman always sits up front and never responds to others’ greetings. Her worn clothing suggests that she is not rich. However, she is considerate enough to bring the bus driver a cup of coffee each time she takes the bus ride.4) Why does the factory security guard always slump down in his seat with his eyes closed?He has just come off a long night shift and he feels sleepy and tired.5) Why was the bus very late one Sunday morning?On that morning a regular passenger collapsed on the sidewalk as he was moving forward to board the bus. The other passengers tried to help him and waited with him for an ambulance to arrive.6) What do you know about the Mexican couple?The Mexican couple love each other very much. They always board the bus hand in hand and are still holding hands when they get off the bus. The woman was pregnant late last year and now they have a new baby. All the regular passengers feel happy for the young Mexican couple.7) Why do the passengers enjoy the company of a group of Haitians?The Haitians have a great sense of fun. The passengers are all delighted to have their company. They always chuckle and nod when the Haitians are all aboard.8) Why is the woman who sits up front always silent?She has a speech impediment. Talking is hard for her.9) What do you know about the silent woman’s family life?She is a single mother with a disabled son who is receiving special care away from home. She lives alone and feels lonely and misses her son very much. The Sunday-morning bus ride is the best thing she does all week, and an occasional visit to the fish restaurant is almost as good as the second best thing. She rides the Sunday-morning bus simply for the companionship of the driver whose name she doesn't know, but who appreciates the hot coffee she brings.10) How did the author and his wife feel about the dinner with the silent woman?They all had a wonderful time. For the silent woman, an occasional visit to the fish restaurant was a pleasant experience and this time it was even better with the companionship of the author and his wife. The author and his wife also enjoyed the dinner and they felt thatthe fish had never tasted better. When they left the restaurant, they were already friends with each other. And they shared their names.2 Read the following statements and then decide whether each of them is true or false based on the information contained in Text B. Write T for True and F for False in the space provided before each statement.1) T On Sundays the author and his wife take the bus to go to church regularly for years.2) F The bus driver is required to remember the stop of every regular passenger.(He is not required to do so. But he makes it his business to remember where every regular passenger should get off the bus.)3) F The silent woman always gets the driver a cup of coffee because she is well-off.(The worn clothing of the silent woman su ggests she doesn’t have much money to spare, but she always clutches an extra cup of coffee for the driver.)4) F The driver has to wake up the factory security guard every time and reminds him of getting off the bus.(The security guard closes his eyes until the precise moment that the bus approaches his stop. Then, he opens his eyes and gets off the bus.)5) T The rotund fellow is very grateful because other people have helped him.6) T The passengers enjoy their ride together and words or names are not necessary to them.7) F The author and his wife developed a good relationship with the silent woman after taking the same bus for some months.(For many months, the only sadness for the author and his wife is that they can’t establish the same rapport with the silent woman.)8) F They found their fish tasted better because they shared a good dinner with the silent woman.(They found their fish tasted better because they had finally learned the story of the silent woman and made friends with her.)Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.1) My neighbours are a friendly bunch of people.2) Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.3) The employees in this company work an eight-hour shift .4) The professor came to the classroom with a bundle of newspapers under his arm.5) A passenger asked the driver: “Could you drop me off near the post office? I’d like to post a letter.”6) The little girl’s capacity for learning languages astonished me.7) How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?8) I like the typically French style of living. It is so romantic.9) They have made their fortunes from industry and commerce .10) They threatened to shoot him and rob him of all his possessions.11) In many cultures, the lion is the symbol of courage.12) Your help was greatly appreciated . We are very grateful to you for it.13) It’s the first time the painting has been displayed to the public.14) During the exam, the naughty boy tried to slip a note to his classmate while the teacher wasn’t looking.15) As the saying goes, conquer the desires, or they will conquer you.16) Before the dinner party, Mother has ordered a roast from the butcher.17) I didn’t wait for you at home because I figured that you wouldn’t come.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.1) In this painting, a single red rose stands in rich contrast to the grassland.2) The factory workers are exposed to poisonous gases and many of them suffer from lung diseases.3) During the war, the soldier risked his life helping others to escape.4) Do trust me. You can rely on me to keep your secret.5) If you are attacked or robbed at knifepoint , how would you react then?6) She is such an extraordinary girl that she always stands out in a crowd.7) Obviously, this foolish idea runs contrary to common sense(常识).8) I was very tired and had to flag down a taxi in order to get home early.9) The mother picks/picked up her children from the kindergarten at 5:00 p.m. every day.10) The publishers took a gamble on an unknown author, and the books have sold well.11) The driver waved to us as he pulled away .12) The driver pulled over to the side of the road to see what was wrong with his truck.Increasing Your Word Power1 CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.1) No need to thank me — I was just glad to help out a friend.2) Yesterday a drunken man was run over and killed by a bus.3) When I look back on my college days, I can’t believe the crazy things we did as students.4) He looks down on his colleagues because he has a PhD degree but they don’t have.5) A policeman was standing by the side of the road, signaling to me to pull over .6) Peter didn’t have anywhere to stay so Sarah put him up for a few days.7) Don’t worry. Everything will turn out well.8) You promised you would do it. Why did you go back on your word?9) Their business was losing money so they had to close down .10) You can’t miss him. That haircut makes him stand out in a crowd.11) I gave up smoking when I got pregnant.12) The doctor checked her over yesterday. All the tests were OK and she seemed to be fine.13) She tends to hang back in a crowd because she is so shy.14) What problems should I watch out for when buying an old house? I don’t want to be cheated.15) They offered her the job but she didn’t like it and turned it down .16) It’s hard to comfort Sandra. She doesn’t seem able to get over her mother’s death.2 Study the different meanings of the word than in the following sentences.Task: Now put the following sentences into English, using than in your translation.1) 行动比言语更响亮。

U n i t O N E Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith the words given. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1) spark2) compelled3) bare4) scrape5) destruction6) output7) retreat8) tipped9) miracle10) eternal11) pile12) transfer13) mass14) thereby15) have emerged16) trigger17) threaten18) consumed19) hollow2.In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1) show signs of2) cope with3) lives in fear of4) tough it out5) cut down6) from head to foot7) searched out8) nothing short of9) As yet10) settle in11) take heart▆Increasing Your Word Power1.You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on thedifferences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Change the form if necessary.▆ Answers:1) temptation2) attraction3) chance4) opportunity5) states6) country7) warned8) threatened / threatens9) refuse10) reject11) total12) gross2. A blend is a word produced by combining parts of other words, such as “comsat” from “communications”and “satellite”. Try to find out what words the following blends are formed from. You may consult adictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:3.Fill in the blanks in Column B with an adjective in Text A. The target adjective must be opposite in meaning tothe one in Column A and must form a correct collocation with the noun in Column C.▆ Answers:1) individual2) contradictory3) destructive4) rational5) primitive6) synthetic7) distant8) pessimistic9) irreplaceable10) enormousGrammar in Context1.Study the following sentences from Text B and point out the grammatical function of each of the presentparticiples used as an adverbial.▆ Answers:1) an adverbial of accompanying circumstances2) an adverbial of accompanying circumstances3) an adverbial of result4) an adverbial of result5) an adverbial of manner; accompanying circumstances6) an adverbial of result7) an adverbial of time2. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, using a presentparticiple as an adverbial.▆ Answers:1) killing thousands upon thousands of people2) raising the average yield by 15 percent3) trying to deduce its operating principle4) Seeing that everyone was bending over his / her book5) Not having heard from his parents for a long time6) leaving the project unfinished7) Turning to the right8) Not wanting to make the patient nervousCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers:(1) realm(2) elemental(3) obtain(4) stubbornly(5) transferred(6) transformed(7) subdued(8) expansion(9) irreplaceable(10) extinct(11) dynamic(12) verge(13) moderate(14) ecological(15) rationalTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1) The village is so close to the border that the villagers lived in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2) In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3) Seeing the project successfully completed, those who had invested so much time and energy in it felt very proud.4) Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.5) There are so many vehicles nowadays that the roads in this area are barely adequate to cope with the present traffic.6) The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7) Alice had been confined to bed for over 10 years after the traffic accident, and so her recovery seemed nothing short of a miracle.8) The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.9) Thomas said that his family had settled in Florida more than half a century ago.10) Ask for help. Don’t tough it out yourself. I learned this lesson early in my life.2. Translate the following passage into English.▆ Answers for reference:Human beings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in nature, but also transformers of it. With the development of society and its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly their dependence grows.Human beings are connected with nature by “blood” ties. No one can live outside nature. However, the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping human society from being further developed.Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human beings is the wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.Theme-Related Writing▆ Write an essay of no less than 150 words on the topic “My Understanding of Environmental Protection”. Your writing should cover the following points:1) the relationship between man and the environment2) the urgency of environmental protection3) ways to protect the environment▆Sample essayMy Understanding of Environmental ProtectionMan and the environment are closely related. Man relies on the environment for water, food and shelter. A harmonious relationship between man and the environment is essential for human survival on the earth.However, man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now. As society develops, m an’s transformation of natur e has severely polluted his living environment. Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns, causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms. The discharge of chemical pollutants endangers our health and the lives of other beings. And mass production has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources such as coal and oil. If we take no immediate and effective steps to protect our environment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct.We should do our best to protect our environment by planting more trees, taking care of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using renewable energy, and imposing heavy fines on environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as to preserve the environment for future generations.(167 words)Unit TwoMan and TechnologyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions3.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)productivity2)phenomenon3)isolation4)gradual5)opponent6)advent7)genetic8)universal9)extreme10)nasty11)boom12)formal13)survey14)Similarly15)modify16)rough4.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)at the same time2)are stuck with3)for certain4)make no difference5)on average6)when it comes to7)are better off8)built into9)come to mind10)close to11)in favor of▆Increasing Your Word Power1.You will read six pairs of words which are similar in meaning but are different in usage. Reflect on thedifferences in usage between the words in each group and fill in each blank with a proper one. Change the form if necessary.▆ Answers:1)exterior2)external3)delightful4)pleasant5)separate6)isolate7)company8)companion9)acquire10)learn11)ripe12)mature2.Fill in each blank with one of the words listed below in the appropriate form, paying special attention to themeaning and spelling.▆ Answers:1)accept2)oppression3)loss4)excerpts5)depression6)loose7)except8)expectations9)lose10)suppress3.Words that come from the same root may be said to belong to the same family. Getting acquainted witheach member of the family is a sure way to increase your word power. Now complete the following table with words of the same family. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1)technology2)eternity3)miracle4)relevance5)analysis6)luxurious7)leisurely / leisured8)subjective9)prosperous10)innovativeGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: Complete the following sentences with appropriate connectives listed in the following table.▆ Answers:1)Whatever2)Although / Though3)whereas4)However5)though / although6)Granted / Granting that7)as8)WhileTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English.▆ Answers for reference:1)Though it was raining hard, yet they went on playing football.2)You will have to attend the commencement whether you are free or busy.3)She leaves her bedroom windows open, however cold it is.4)We will make a trip even if / though the weather is bad.5)No matter who / Whoever you are, you must abide by the law.6)Difficult as the job was, they decided to accept it.7)No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I’m wrong.8)She seems to have a ready answer, whenever / no matter when I ask her a question. ClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers:1)emphasize2)opposite3)improved4)luxuries5)benefited6)obviously7)consciously8)fractures9)eternal10)groundbreaking11)entitled12)correlation13)depends14)exclusivelyTranslation1.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.2)The latest survey shows /showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported the government’splan to build a new library.3)The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation becauseseveral factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4)I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mind for the moment.5)He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.6)Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyer or not.7)The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.8)These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is that their job is more dangerous.9)Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her secondmajor.10)What is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes nodifference whether I go there or not.2.Translate the following passage into English.▆ Answers for reference:Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable in previous eras. With the development of science and technology, peopl e’s standard of living is getting higher and higher. People’s life expectancy has soared, too.However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between people’s income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, after all, be bought with money.Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they live on earth, the better off they feel they’ll be. What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.Theme-Related WritingWrite an essay of no less than 150 words about a technological invention. Your writing should cover the following points:1) a brief description of the invention2) the positive impact of the invention on people’s life3) the negative impact of the invention on people’s life4) your opinion▇Sample essay:The Impact of the Mobile Phone on People’s LivesAmong the many technological inventions, the mobile phone impresses me most.The mobile phone brings considerable convenience to our lives. It not only enables us to keep in touch with each other almost anytime and anywhere but also helps us solve problems or do business efficiently. In emergencies, a mobile phone can even be a life-saver. Besides, its multi-functions add ease and color to our lives. With a mobile phone, we can receive mail, read news, listen to music, play games, and take pictures.Yet, the mobile phone has its disadvantages, too. Most of us have experienced the nuisance of unwanted or wrong calls. We are inconvenienced by calls on occasions when we least expect one. Besides, the technology infrastructure to support mobile communication has consumed valuable natural resources and caused significant environmental problems. It is reported that electromagnetic radiation waves from the phone may result in health problems.Despite its negative side, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages. I believe that with advances in science and technology, improved and safer models of mobile phones will surely serve us still better.(184 words)Unit ThreeFame and SuccessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)fortune 2) dull 3) chased 4) launched 5) accompanied6)intrinsic 7) ranks 8) publicity 9) sufficiently 10) image11)target 12) transform 13) temporarily 14) cover 15) bored16) audiences 17) regard 18) acknowledged 19) predict2. In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)thrown out 2) and so on 3) for dear life 4) set their sights on 5) was tired of6)turn away 7) hang on 8) in his presence 9) live with 10) nothing but11)for good 12) set out 13) What if 14) tire of▆Increasing Your Word Power1. Study the following usage notes about the verbs in the box..Now complete each of the following sentences with the most appropriate word from the above box.▆Answers:1)grasped 2) was snatched 3) Clasping 4) Catch 5) seized6)gripped 7) grabbed 8) clutch2. The following table shows some typical verb + noun collocations, as indicated by the symbol √. Examine the table carefully and then fill in each blank in the following sentences with a suitable verb from the table.▆Answers:1)reached / secured 2) achieved/ attained 3) attained / reached4)reach / secure 5) achieved / realized/ fulfilled 6) fulfill / meet / satisfy3. Fill in the blanks in Column B with an adjective in Text A. The target adjective must be opposite in meaning to the one in Column A and must form a correct collocation with the noun in Column C.▆Answers:1)dull 2) competitive 3) same 4) momentary 5) specific 6) sufficient 7) cruel 8) humble9) famous 10) reasonableGrammar in context1. Study the following sentences and point out the grammatical function of each of the infinitive phrases.▆Answers:1) (real) subject 2) object complement 3) object4) adverbial of purpose 5) adverbial of purpose 6) object to the verb “make”7) adverbial of result 8) subject, predicate 9) attributive modifying “ways”10) predicate2. Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.▆Answers:1) To become a famous writer2) to take traveler’s checks3) to employ a young engineer4) take the machine apart5) To understand the situation completely6) to rise higher in position7) to find that the train had left 10 minutes before8) to apply for a known job opening9) to make trouble10) To be more exactClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆Answers:1) chase 2) reputation 3) dedicate / devote 4) reward 5) sufficiently 6) measured7) assure 8) Momentary 9) celebrity 10) target 11) frank 12) liberty13) illusory 14) regardTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)He attempted to save the enterprise which was on the verge of collapse but failed.2)The president has announced that he will not seek re-election at the end of his first term.3)The young teacher is skilled at motivating his students to study hard.4)She loves giving parties and does so whenever she can find an excuse.5)I’m afraid that you’ll have to compete with at least fifty people for an administrative post in this company.6)One of the main reasons why they have messed up their lives is that they did not have a good schooleducation when young.7)Mary is already famous, but she is not happy at all because she’s been obsessed with thoughts of becomingeven more famous.8)With the development of science and technology, people now can have easy access to educational, medicaland many other kinds of information.9)The company’s investment ended in failure due to the wrong strategic decisions of the general manager and sothe board of directors decided to throw him out.10)I know you are tired but try to hang on a little bit longer. We will reach the peak in half an hour.2.Translate the following passage into English.▆ Answers for reference:Many people want to be famous because fame can bring them both honor and respect from the public. In most cases, fame can also help them gain wealth. But, after all, very few people can really become famous while most people, including most artists, are unlikely to become famous.It is true that some failure for some people at certain times in their lives does motivate them to strive even harder so as to achieve final success. For example, Thomas Edison, the famous American inventor, had tried hundreds of materials before he finally found the suitable fuse for the electric bulb. However, unfortunately, for most people failure is the end of their struggle.Therefore, in my opinion, success is one thing and fame is another. As long as you have tried your best, you’re already successful whether you are famous or not.Theme-Related WritingWrite a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic “Fame —Good or Evil?”. Your paper should cover the following points:1) the advantages of being famous2) the disadvantages of being famous3) your attitude towards fameSample essay:Fame — Good or Evil?Fame has always been pursued by many people for the advantages it brings about. Fame can assure one of a high social status, high regard, great admiration, etc. Fame can also bring one wealth as a celebrity has more chances to earn big money. Besides, the applause and flowers from fans may boost one’s self-confidence and increase one’s sense of fulfillment.However, fame can ruin one’s life, too. It deprives one of his privacy. As a public figure, he is often chased by fans and journalists, and his private life never escapes the media’s attention or public curiosity. Fame also places one under great pressure. He has to work in line with public expectations and thus becomes the slave of his own success.So fame is a double-edged sword. I don’t seek fame and I don’t envy those who are famous. I highly appreciate what the American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says about fame: “The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame.”Unit FOUREnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▇Working with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) mass2) gambled3) voluntary4) hunted5) classified6) abolished7) division8) senseless9) fashions10) coordination11) declarations12) committed13) necessity14) moderately15) slightest16) considerable17) evaluate18) derived2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Complete the sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) stands/stood a chance2) ruled out3) consist /consists of4) gone through5) in the strict sense6) At a guess7) earns a living8) coincide with9) gone in for10) got their teeth into▆ Increasing Your Word Power1 Word BuildingDid you notice the suffix -ary and -ory in words such as “voluntary” and “satisfactory” in Texts A and B? The suffix -ary or -ory can be added to a noun to form an adjective. Now add the suffixes of -ary or -ory to the nouns in the following table to form adjectives, then translate them into Chinese.▆ Answers:2) congratulatory3) Migratory4) documentary5) legendary6) introductory7) contradictory8) explanatory2 Study the following usage notes and then complete each of the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box.▆ Answers for reference:1) vocation2) posts3) trade4) job5) work6) profession7) career8) position3 Underline the mistakes in the following sentences, paying special attention to the use of prepositions. Write down your corrections in the space provided. If there is no mistake, write “No Mistake”.▇Answers:1) ( of )2) ( against ) This incident can by no means justify their discrimination for t he blackpeople.3) ( for ) My son has little aptitude of sport but he excels in music.4) ( with ) The deceased musician was buried in his home village in accordance to hiswishes.5) ( over ) The mayor (市长) presided on the ceremony to lay the foundation stone ofthe new museum.6) ( of ) Truth be told, I am envious about his fame and success though I alwayspretend otherwise.7) ( in ) The old man’s will was signed at the presence of two witnesses—his youngersister and one of his favourite students.8) ( No Mistake ) When Britain declared wa r on Germany, Jack’s grandpa joined the army andhis grandma was frightened for his safety all the time.9) ( of ) The marketing strategy that I designed proved successful and my boss wasvery appreciative for my efforts.10) (No Mistake ) The new theatre is very spacious, but unfortunately, it is difficult of accessfor wheel-chair users.11) ( for ) Edward Snowden was on a plane bound to Moscow when he got to knowthat his passport had been revoked (吊销) by the US government.12) ( of ) Professor Peterson is very contemptuous for the so-called “popular” writers,whom he describes as talentless and worthless.Grammar in Context1 Turn the following complex sentences into simple sentences.▇Answers for reference:1) I don’t remember having borrowed/borrowing anything from you.2) She’ll stay here for a couple of weeks before going on to New York.3) The prospect of Professor Smith’s coming to see us cheered us all.4) Jim, a man of strong character, naturally didn’t give in.5) Arriving at the school gate, he found his classmates had already assembled.2 Replace the that-clause in each of the sentences with a prepositional phrase.▇Answers for reference:1) He was afraid of falling behind the others.2) We were all amused at Henry’s running after the dog in his slippers.3) Have they informed you of the change in the plan?4) We’re grateful to you for having given us so much help.5) We assured them of our willingness to cooperate with them.ClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▇Answers:(1) enjoy(2) physical(3) compelled(4) necessity(5) support(6) mental(7) idealize(8) status(9) values(10) classified(11) essential(12) mind(13) attitude(14) fortunateTranslation1 Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or expressions given in brackets.▇ Answers for reference:1) As more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she wascompelled to resign her post as general manager (or: resign as general manager/ resign from the post of general manager) of the company.2) She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.3) I bought this shirt because the pricet was reduced from 300 yuan to 80 yuan.4) To bring her children up, the mother really went through all kinds of hardships.5) The police have ruled out murder in the case of the old lady’s death.6) The municipality (municipal government) promised to take effective steps as soon aspossible to solve the problems of air pollution.7) I did not go in for the Campus Tennis Championships held last month because of my injuredleg.8)If you can get the support of the majority of the girls, you stand a good chance of winning the election and becoming Chairman of the Students Union.9) Not all the books he wrote were as successful as this one so I recommend that you borrowit from the library and read it.10) At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games Liu Xiang won the championship of the men’s110-meter hurdle and broke the world record, which had been previously held by anAmerican athlete.2 Translate the following passage into English.▇Answers for reference:Some people think that they’ve fulfilled their tasks as long as they go on duty and come off duty on time. They never think about what is meant by “work” and why they should work at all. In fact, “work” involves such qualities as wisdom, enthusiasm, imagination and creativity.To do his work well, a worker must have a spirit of dedication, and be capable of bearing hardships and standing hard work. In addition, he should have initiative and creativity. Having initiative means the worker should be ready to grasp every opportunity to display his outstanding ability.In addition, a worker should make clear the nature and significance of the work he does, be responsible for whatever he is doing and plunge himself into the work with vigorous enthusiasm. If he can do so, he will find a job no longer a burden but an indispensable part of his life. Whatever he does, he can always find values and pleasure in the work and achieve extraordinary results in otherwise ordinary work.THEME-RELATED WRITINGWrite a composition of no less than 150 words on the topic “My Career Choice”. Your writing should cover the following points:1) the kind of job you prefer to do2) factors you consider when choosing the job3) conclusion▆Sample Essay:My Career ChoiceWhen it comes to the choice of career, different people consider the matter from different perspectives. Personally I prefer to be a teacher.I have three reasons for my decision. The first reason is that the profession of teaching is in agreement with my personality. Being an outgoing, patient and understanding person, I think I am able to communicate with my students and understand their feelings easily, which constitutes an important factor in ensuring success in teaching. The second reason is that I am interested in。

Unit OneLiving in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the followingsentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)commerce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figured2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2.Study the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences.▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words.2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius.3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away.4)There is nobody here other than me.5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss.3.Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicizedword in Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9)to leave10)worrying2.The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs.▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1) relying2)intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10)whatever11)invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6)The baby is the very picture of health.7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Theme-Related Writing▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in whichyou helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in oursociety. The following hints mightserve as a guide:a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What’s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I went up and saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longing for help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-by or turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, droppedit in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.“No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.▆Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars。
新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程2_-5单元课后题答案 (2)

U n i t O n e Living in HarmonyEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions1.In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)bunch2)amazed3)shift4)bundle5)drop6)capacity7)participating8)style9)commerce10)rob11)symbol12)appreciated13)displayed14)slip15)conquer16)roast17)figured2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings?Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)in rich contrast to2)are exposed to3)risked his life4)rely on5)at knife-point6)stands out7)runs contrary to8)flag down9)picks/picked up10)took a gamble on11)pulled away12)pulled over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.CollocationsLook at the adverbs listed in the box below, and decide which adverb is needed to collocate with the verb in each sentence. Fill the correct adverb into the blank in the sentence. The same word may be used in more than one sentence. Consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) out2) over3) back4) down5) over6) up7) out8) back9) down10) out11) up12) over13) back14) out15) down16) over2.Study the different meanings of the word “than” in the following sentences.▆ Answers for Reference:1)Action speaks louder than words.2)Production here needs temperatures lower than 25 degrees Celsius.3)I like to keep things rather than throw them away.4)There is nobody here other than me.5)She’d rather leave her job than (be forced to) work for that boss.3.Word BuildingNow choose the Chinese meaning from Column B that matches each italicized word in Column A. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) d.2) k3) n4) j5) a6) g7) f8) b9) o10) m11) p12) e13) c14) h15) i16) lGrammar in Context1.The –ing form and the infinitive form of the verbTask: Choose either the infinitive form or the –ing form of the verb in the brackets to complete each of the following sentences.▆ Answers:1) preparing2) to thank3) repairing / to be repaired4) to get5) studying6) being treated7) missing8) to reduce9) to leave10) worrying2. The –ed form and the –ing form of the verbStudy the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the –ed form and –ing form of the verb. Reflect on its grammatical function in each sentence.Task:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English, paying attention to the use of the -ing form and the -ed form of verbs.▆ Answers:1) kept nodding, rather confused2) Fallen leaves3) surprised, hiding4) Deeply moved5) following6) Being, interested7) located8) readingCloze▆Complete the following passage with words chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each is given. ▆ Answers:1) relying2) intrigued3) penny4) for5) covered6) treated7) amazed8) contrary9) generally10) whatever11) invited12) attentive13) whereTranslation▆ Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for Reference:1)The rumor about his divorce is just a ploy to gain publicity for his new film.2)He took a gamble on starting a factory with all the money his parents had left him.3)After winning the important game they hoisted their captain to their shoulders in shouting triumph.4)In the rush to go for globalization, we should watch out for collision of cultures.5)In the circumstances it was not surprising that there was trouble.6)The baby is the very picture of health.7)People have realized the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV.8)We always had in mind for whom we were making the film.Theme-Related Writing▆ Choose one of the following writing tasks and complete it after class.1) Write an essay (of about 250 words) about a memorable experience in which you helped a stranger or were helped by him or her.2) Write an essay (of about 150 words) about human relationships in our society. The following hints might serveas a guide:a. The problems existing in the relationships between people in our society.b. The negative results such problems may bring about to our society.c. What can you do to help establish a harmonious society as a student?▆Sample Essay for Task 1:One weekend morning, while walking on a bustling street with a light heart, I was suddenly overtaken by a startling moan. Turning around, I discovered the sound was coming from a black mass in a corner. “What’s that?” My heart pounded heavily. I went up and saw a human being, alive but in a dreadful state. He was crouching on the ground with deformed hands and legs, mumbling something. He had obviously lost the normal ability to move and work. A dirty plate was placed in front the miserable-looking man, in which there were some coins and small notes.As my eyes were drifting away from him, his eyes caught mine suddenly. What eyes they were! Filled with misery and expectation, they were looking straight at me. He was unable to speak, but I seemed to hear his pleading voice and read his despairing mind. His look seemed to be telling me about his hard life and his longingfor help. For a while, I was at a loss what to do. Should I drop some coins in the plate like some other passers-byor turn away in indifference? I recalled news reports about men pretending to be beggars, who were actually healthy and able to work. Could this be another one of those scams? But the beggar was there, groaning and living. Then something seemed to hit me hard. I drew a five-yuan note from my pocket, dropped it in his dirty plate and walked away quickly in silence.“No good deed is too small.” Maybe we need to bear this saying in mind.▆Sample Essay for Task 2:We are living in a world of distrust. We live behind cold security bars; we do not talk to strangers, let alone go out of our way to help them; we live in fear of fake products. In short, fear and feelings of insecurity fill the environment we live in.All this greatly harms our society. Growing up in such an environment, we tend to feel isolated and care only about ourselves. If things go on like this, ‘trust’, ‘teamwork’, and ‘harmony’ will eventually become terms unheard of.In my opinion, trusting others and being trustworthy are the two basic principles that we should follow if we want to improve human relationships. We may not be in a position to change others, but we can change the way others see us by winning their trust in us. Mutual understanding and love are the pillars that support a harmonious society.Unit TwoOptimism and Positive ThinkingEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆Working with Words and Expressions3.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:18)positive19)startled20)perspective21)harden22)shape23)address24)crises25)curse26)incredible27)conversely28)issue29)response30)prior31)rare32)accomplish4.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand theirmeanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:1)get the hang of2)have lived through3)makes a difference4)have no idea5)concerned with6)slipped over7)ran into8)in reverse9)mull over▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Decide whether “do”, “make”or “take”is needed to complete each of the following sentences. Changethe verb form where necessary.▆Answers:1)does2)make3)take4)do5)make6)Take7)done8)taken9)making10)took2.In each of the following sentences you are given two confusable words or expressions in brackets.Choose the appropriate one to fill in the blank. You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)concerned2)Concerning3)reject4)declined5)unconscious6)subconscious7)former8)preceding9)raise10)rise3.Now match each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese equivalent in Column B. You mayconsult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1)d2)j3)k4)a5)b6)h7) c8)f9)l10)e11)g12)iGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTTask 1: When it is used as a conjunction, “as”can mean “when / while”, “though / although”, “since / because”, “in the way / manner tha t”, etc., and it can also be used in a comparative structure. Study the following sentences and explain the meaning of “as”in each sentence.▆Answers for reference:1)in the way /manner that2)though / although3)when4)since5)used in a comparison6)though7)while8)in the way thatTask 2: Complete the following sentences after the example by translating the Chinese into English, using “as”as a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)as you describe / have described / described2)as concern every one of us3)As is well known4)As we all can see5)as you show / as you have shown for your teacher6)As is reported / announced in today’s papersClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆Answers:1)p erspective2)d espair3)necessity4)p erform5)C onversely6)prophecy7)w here8)a s9)a chieve10)recognize11)d ealt w ith12)a ttitude13)channels14)c oncernedTranslationTranslate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆Answers for reference:1)Only those who have lived through a similar experience can fully appreciate this. / The only people who canfully appreciate this are those who have lived through a similar experience.2)Scientists have been hard pressed to figure out how these particles form/ are formed and interact (with oneanother).3)Those who have got the hang of Rubik’s Cube (Magic Cube) can return each face to consisting of one colour inno time.4)The individual success of the employees in a team environment results in success for the company.5)The war, although successful in military terms, left the economy almost in ruins.6)He decided to channel his energies into something useful, instead of being glued to / sitting in front of theTV set all day long.7)There’s a difference between strength and courage. It takes strength to survive. It takes courage to live.8)She was by nature a very affectionate person, always ready to give a helping hand to others.Theme-Related WritingDo either of the following two writing tasks. You may draw on some useful ideas and expressions from a variety of sources, such as the two texts in this unit or the Internet.1) Having read the two passages in this unit, you may have come to a better understanding of life and the timeswhen pessimistic and optimistic thoughts take turns to affect your behaviour. Write a letter of encouragement (of about 150 words) to one of your high school friends who failed in the college entrance examination. Tell him or her about your new understanding of the need to remain optimistic.2) The writers of the two texts in this unit convey to us the message that we need to look at the positive side ofanything that comes to us and that we need to take an optimistic and positive attitude toward life. Write an essay (of about 150 words) to share your ideas with your classmates. The following hints may be of some help:a. What is meant by “thinking positively”?b. What is the connection between success and optimism?c. How can we keep an optimistic and positive attitude?▆Sample Letter for Task 1:Dear Weihua,I know you are still feeling upset about your results in the college entranc e examination. I’ve just read an article about how pessimistic and optimistic thoughts can affect our behaviour and I’m now sending you a copy,hoping that it will help you step out of the shadows.Naturally, failing the college entrance examination can be very depressing, yet if you continue to dwell on the past, you will never be able to pick yourself up and focus on what is more important for now and the future. Life is full of trials and anyone may suffer setbacks. We must take an optimistic attitude towards the things we have to deal with. Optimism and positive thinking are powerful forces. Good things do come true if we picture them often. Please do have confidence in your potential. Just work hard and prepare for another chance.You will make it.Yours,Janet(152 words)▆Sample Essay for Task 2:Thinking positively means allowing your mind to be filled with optimistic feelings, and always hoping for the best though still aware of the difficulties that might be involved.The human mind is powerful; thoughts of optimism and pessimism can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Though it might seem impossible to some, positive thinking and success actually have a cause-and-result relationship. The reason is that a person with positive thinking will always broadcast goodwill and confidence and that kind of radiating attitude will take a hold on everybody.Gradually, people’s attitude will shift towards more trust and respect. This not only opens up more opportunities for the individual, but it also feeds back emotionally, and the cycle continues.Though the shaping of a positive or negative personality often happens subconsciously, it is possible to control such processes consciously. A person can try visualizing favourable situations, whether it is remembering a contest won as a child or imagining getting that job offer so long sought after. Over time circumstances will change accordingly. (169 words)Unit ThreeThe Road to SuccessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions5.In the box below are some of the words you have learnt in this unit. Complete the following sentences withthem. Change the form where necessary.▆Answers:a)favourableb)discouragedc)consentedd)neglecte)creptf)sufficientg)tracedh)somewhati)refreshj)worthyk)prospectsl)resolvedm)remarkedn)undergoo)rewarded6.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in theproper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. ▆Answers:33)pack up34)many a35)stays the course36)put to the test37)flooding in38)came across39)come up with40)plunged ... into▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Listed in the box below are some unit nouns. Discuss their meanings and then complete the following table byfilling in the appropriate unit noun. The same unit noun may be used for more than once. Consult a dictionary if necessary.2.Words such as respectful, respectable and respective may cause confusion because they are similar either inmeaning or in spelling. To communicate effectively, we need to pay special attention to such confusable words.▆Answers:1)neglected2)neglectful3)colourful4)coloured5)rough6)tough7)worth8)worthy9)favourable10)favourite11)respectful12)respectable13)respective14)considerate15)considerable3.Word BuildingMatch each of the English word in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆Answers:1) d. 2) i 3) l 4) a 5) k 6) o 7) p 8) b9)m 10) n 11) e 12) c 13) f 14) g 15) h 16) jGrammar in context1.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to the subordinate clauses andconnectives. Reflect on their grammatical function and then do the task that follows.Task: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences by choosing proper connectives from the box below.▆Answers for reference:1) what 2) whether 3) whose 4) whoever 5) what6) where 7) how 8) which 9) that 10) that2.Study the following sentences that appear in this unit, paying special attention to“the preposition + relative pronoun” structure. Reflect on their uses and then do the following task.Task: Complete the following sentences using a preposition and a relative pronoun.▆Answers for reference:1)of which 2) for which 3) in which 4) in whom5) of which 6) to which 7) for which 8) at whichClozeComplete the following passage with words and phrases chosen from Text A. The initial letter of each target word is given.▆Answers:1) for 2) aware 3) affair 4) prospects 5) storage 6) matter 7) plunged 8) break9) offered 10) dancing 11) cleared 12) welled 13) stick 14) sacrifices 15) published Translation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)Rumour has it that his new book is based on a true story about a family in a small Tennessee town.2)He teaches in a middle school, but he does some translation work on the side to bring in extra cash / money.3)It’s good to be confident (about yourself), but there’s a difference between (self-)confidence and conceit.4)Only those who stick it out can achieve success. Those who give up halfway will never realize their dreams.5) A true hero possesses / has courage, a noble purpose and a willingness to make sacrifices.6)Anyone who picks up this novel and reads the first paragraph will be hard pressed to put it down.7)In a sense, life is like swimming; if you keep holding on to the sides of the pool, you (will) never learn.8)The future of a nation depends in a large measure upon the quality of education and training. Theme-Related Writing1) Write a narrative essay (of about 150 words) abou t your pursuit of a dream or someone’s experiences inmaking his / her dream come true.Sample essayLi Hui, my friend in high school, was born into a worker’s family. She began to dream of becoming a cartoon artist from her childhood. To her disappointment, her parents strongly opposed her career choice, because the cost of her education would be too high for the poor family, and they were worried about the job opportunities for a cartoon artist. However, Li Hui would not change her mind. She worked hard to perfect her skills and searched persistently for ways to realise her dream. Just before she finished high school, the chance came: a famous art school was holding a cartoon drawing competition. The first three winners would be given a scholarship to study cartoon drawing at the school. Li Hui told herself not to let the chance slip through her fingers. She readily participated and won the second place. She is now studying there and I feel certain that her dream will come true. (156 words)2) People may have different opinions about the key factors for success. Write a short essay (of about 150 words)and share your opinions with your classmates.Sample essay:In my opinion, before a person becomes successful, he or she should fully understand the basic elements of success: competence, determination and optimism.For a person to succeed, he or she has to face great competition and excel in his or her chosen career. The person needs to demonstrate and prove his or her competence in dealing with problems. Without competence, the person can neither stand out among the crowd nor attract the attention of those who hold the keys to the doors of opportunity and advancement.Yet ability alone cannot guarantee success. Often enough, things do not go the way we have planned and failure is unavoidable no matter how intelligent or capable we may be. In such cases one needs to remain firm and optimistic, always believing that hard work will eventually pay off. If the person gives up halfway, success will never knock at the door. (149 words)Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▇Working with Words and Expressions1. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with the words given. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) objective2) current3) adopt4) exhibit5) capture6) integrated7) outstanding8) strategies9) convince10) striving/strive11) diagnosed12) side13) spaced14) thick15) painful16) eventually17) fascinating18) confidence19)label20) creations2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.■Answers:1) at rest2) dropped out3) drying out4) drop in5) dawned on6) falls away7) drowned out8) on the sidelines9) falling out10) start over11) lose faith12) sign off▆ Increasing Your Word PowerFill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper preposition given in the box.▆ Answers:1) with2) to3) with4) on5) at6) with7) from8) beyond9) from10) on11) for12)to1. Study the use of but in different contexts and then do the task that follows.▆ Answers for reference:1) What can we do but sit and wait for a passing car to bring us to a city nearby?2)He lied to the court not just once, but on several occasions.3)“Gone with the Wind” was/is a great movie, but it was/is a little long.4) I had/have no choice but to accept the challenge.5) The situation looked/looks desperate, but they didn’t/don’t wa nt to give up.6)But for these interruptions, the meeting would have finished earlier.7)Who else but John would have played a trick like that?8)She was the best singer in China at that time. I could not but admire her.9)The machines we bought were cheap, but they went quite well.10)B ecause he had/has a sore throat he was/is unable to swallow anything but liquids.2. Word BuildingMatch each of the English words in Column A with its Chinese meaning in Column B.You may consult a dictionary if necessary.▆ Answers:1) j2) k3) g4) h5) i6) b7) n8) l9) f10) c11) m12) d13) a14) eGrammar in ContextTask 1:Fill in each blank in the following sentences with the proper form of the verb given in brackets, paying special attention to the use of the active voice and the passive voice.▆ Answers:1) be done away with2) is / gets punished3) being erected4) Having been ignored5) believing6) to have sent7) be looked up8) speak / speaking9) being interviewed10) takenTask 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese, paying special attention to the differences in the choice of the verb voice.▆ Answers for Reference:1)杰克,有你的电话。

新世纪大学英语第二版综合教程课后习题答案完整版UNITListen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) Online learning is good in that ________.A) it is easy to conduct B) it is convenient and flexibleC) it provides more degrees D) it teaches more skills2) Before you start online learning, you should know the following EXCEPT ________.A) what skills you needB) where to find a course or programC) when the course starts and who will teach youD) what type of course delivery format will work best for you3) You are ready to start online learning once you feel confident about your ________.A) course delivery methods B) reading comprehensionC) writing techniques D) technical skills4) You can search for course providers on the Internet by ________.A) using search engines B) typing your questionsC) entering the right password D) making Internet phone calls5) The passage is mainly about ________.A) the benefits of online learningB) the importance of online learningC) the ways of conducting online learningD) the reasons why online learning is convenientTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.1) Online learning is a new way to earn your degree or master new skills .2) You must have the basic computer skills. At the very minimum , you should be able to send and receive email comfortably, search the Internet, and type reasonably fast and accurately .3) Perhaps the best way to find the right online course format is to consider your education needs and learning style .4) Type into the search engines the key words and you can easily get what you want. Before you know it, your fingers will be flying and your online learning adventure will have begun.Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) What disaster did the author encounter earlier in his career?He encountered a student who challenged the curriculum which required a pharmacy student to study literature.2) What are the differences between the certificate that reads Qualified Pill-Grinding Technician and the one that reads Bachelor of Science?The former means that the graduate has completed the training of professional skills in pharmacy while the latter, besides professional training, also involves education in the ideas mankind has generated within its history.3) How did the author communicate the significance of studying the literal arts in college to the pharmacy student?He explained to the student that the time of a person’s life could be divided into three parts: one is for sleep, the second is for work which involves professional skills, and the third part is for life after work in which education in liberal arts — philosophy, arts, music, literature, history, etc. — plays a vital part.4) What is the business of college education according to the author?The business of college education is not merely to train students, but to civilize them with the best human thoughts in history. In other words the author draws a clear distinction between training and education. The former provides one with skills for a job or career while the latter enables one to become a civilized person by coming into contact with the best minds in history.5) How can a person become civilized according to the text?A person has to enter the past and familiarize himself/herself with both the technical and spiritual resources created by mankind, so that he/she could become civilized and play his/her role in civilization.6) What does the author think of the mission undertaken by the faculties ofa university? How can they accomplish this mission?The faculties of liberal arts colleges as well as of specialized schools are entrusted with the mission to put students in close contact with the best human minds in history. They should turn themselves into some sort of storehouse of human experience and try their best to communicate that experience to their students, so that their students will become civilized humans instead of savages who only know how to operate machines or push buttons.2 Text A can be divided into three parts with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part. Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeaOne 1–7 In response to the challenge posed by a particular student who merely intends to pursue skills at college and takes no interest in literature, the author draws a distinction between professional training and college education. The former can only provide students with professional skills while the latter enables students to become civilized humans. Hence the importance of liberal arts education at college.Two 8–10 College education must enable students to come into contact with the best minds in history, so that they can become civilized and useful human beings instead of new species of savages who only know how to operate machines or push buttons. Three 11 College education must target at enabling students to become both specialists and civilized humans. All college teachers must make themselves some sort of storehouse of human experience and try their best to communicate that experience to their students.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.1) Will there be a book in the house? Will there be a paintinga reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering? (Para.5)Do you have a cultivated mind to know what books your family should read? And do you know what kind of paintings you should put up on the wall that would not offend a cultured eye?2) “I hope you make a lot of it,” I told him, “because you’re going to be badly stuck for something to do whenyou’re not signing checks.” (Para. 7)I hope you will make a lot of money, but I’m sure you’ll be at a loss what to do when you are not signing checks. In other words, you can have a lot of money, but you may not live a meaningful and fulfilling life.3) You are on the way to being new species of mechanized savage, the Pushbutton Neanderthal. (Para. 8)Not getting in touch with what the best human minds have thought, you are going to be uncivilized humans or a new type of savages who can only operate machines by pushing buttons.4) Our colleges inevitably graduate a number of such life forms, but it cannot be said that they went to college; rather, the college went through them —without making contact. (Para. 8)A number of our college graduates have indeed turned out to be “new species of mechanized savage”. This only means that they have not received a college education though they have spent some time there, for they have failed to make contact with the best human minds in history.5) If you are too much in a hurry, or too arrogantly proud of your own limitations, to accept as a gift to your humanity some pieces of the minds of Sophocles, of Aristotle, of Chaucer — and right down the scale and down the ages to Yeats, Einstein, E.B. White, and Ogden Nash —then you may beprotected by the laws governing manslaughter, and you may be a voting entity, but you are neither a developed human being nor a useful citizen of a democracy. (Para. 10)Even if you are too busy or feel complacent and, therefore, refuse to come into contact with the best human minds within history, you can still be protected by law and enjoy the right to democratic voting. But you can never be considered as aneducated, civilized person; nor can you be accepted by society as a useful citizen in a democratic nation.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given. Example:g lobal: of or concerning the whole world1) c ombine: join together; unite2) i mplement: carry out or put into practice3) i llusion: a false idea, esp. about oneself4) i ndispensable: too important or too useful to be without5) i ntelligence: (good) ability to learn, reason, and understand6) e mphasis: special force or attention given to sth. to show that it is particularly important7) r econcile: find agreement between (two ideas, situations, etc., that seem to be in opposition)8) n egotiate: talk with another person or group in order to try to come to an agreement or settle an argument2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the target word or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.Example: The whole region is crying out for rain —it has been dry for three months.(be in great need of; demand urgently: Para. 2)1) There was a big surprise in store for Paul when he got to his office: he got promoted!(about to happen: Para. 1)2) He wants to buy a DVD player, and has been saving moneyto this end for these two months.(to help achieve this aim or purpose: Para. 2)3) His grandma died last month. And in accordance with her will (遗嘱), she was buried in France.(in a way that fulfils or agrees with: Para. 2)4) The details of this programme are dealt with in depth elsewhere in this book.(done with great thoroughness: Para. 5)5) Before this road was built, the only access to the village was by boat. (means or right of using, reaching, or obtaining: Para.8)6) Don’t worry about your son’s shyness; it’s just a phase he’s going through.(a stage of development: Para. 10)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) On what should the role of education be based in the 21st century?The role of education in the 21st century should be based on the hope fora world that is a better place to live in.2) What are some of the problems in the 21st century that humankind should overcome in order to make the world a better place to live in?We have to overcome the tensions between the global and the local, between tradition and modernity, between long-term and short-term considerations, between the need for competition and the concern for equality of opportunity and between the spiritual and the material so as to make the world abetter place to live in.3) In what way can we learn to live together?We can learn to live together by understanding others and their history, traditions and spiritual values, implementing common projects and managing the inevitable conflicts in an intelligent and peaceful way.4) Is the idea of being a multi-subject specialist feasible? Why or why not? No. Because there are so many different types of knowledge; any attempt to know everything would be an illusion.5) What’s the fundamental function of general education?General education provides the passport to lifelong education. It enables people to learn other languages and become familiar with other subjects. It also arouses people’s interest in learning and thus lays the foundation for lifelong education.6) Besides learning to do a job in industrial economies, what other competence do people need to acquire?People also need to acquire the competence to cope with various situations and cooperate with others in teams.7) How can pupils and students acquire the competence to work in teams? T o develop team skills, students should be provided with opportunities to involve themselves in work experience while they are still in education.8) What is the aim of “learning to be”? How can the aim be achieved? The aim of “learning to be” is the complete fulfillment of man. All people should receive an education that would equip them to develop an independent, critical way of thinking and exercising judgment.9) As far as education is concerned, what society should we build in the 21st century?We should build a learning society based on the acquisition, renewal and use of knowledge.2 Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say in the following sentences.1) This is precisely the case where education policies are concerned. (Para. 2)The solution to any serious problem involves much consideration, cooperation and negotiation. It is exactly the same with educational policies, which can only be worked out through lots of discussions and negotiations.2) Since knowledge is of multiple nature, any attempt to know everything becomes more and more pointless. (Para. 5) There are so many different kinds of knowledge that it is increasingly meaningless and impossible to train students into specialists in all fields.3) The future of industrial economies hinges on their ability to turn advances in knowledge into innovations that will generate new businesses and new jobs. (Para. 6)The future of industrial economies depends critically on their ability to turn the development in knowledge into creative ideas, new methods or inventions. With creativity, new businesses and new jobs will be created.4) None of the talents which are hidden like buried treasure in every person must be left untapped. (Para. 7)The education one receives, which begins at birth and continues all through one’s life, should help develop and put into full play one’s potentials and talents.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary. Text A peculiar preside rear specialize sufficeText B associate combine emphasis illusion implement indispensable negotiate phase reconcile1) I often associate summer with holidays. How I wish I could be on vacation next summer!2) In college his major was biology, but now he specializes in the sale of computers.3) Prejudice combined with ignorance destroys the hopes of many AIDS sufferers.4) I think we should put as much emphasis on preventing diseases as we do on curing them.5) The budget of the company scarcely suffices to pay the employees, let alone buy any new equipment.6) The new heating system is in the trial phase of its operation; it’s due to be put into full operation next winter.7) Having presided over the company for 30 years, he has witnessed all its ups and downs.8) He has his own peculiar style of solving problems which you’ll soon get u sed to.9) Now that both Julie and her husband have lost their jobs, how will they rear their sons and daughters?10) The government says it will not negotiate with the terrorists; on the contrary it will fight back.11) This guidebook is indispensable for travelers in this remote area of the country; they can’t go without it.12) He finally realized that his idea of learning to read and write in English well in three months was just an illusion .13) The committee’s suggestions sound reasonable, yet wheth er they can be implemented remains a problem.14) Workers usually demand high wages while the boss always seeks high profits —it’s almost impossible to reconcile these two aims.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. Text A average out have no business (doing) in essence see to it that stay out of Text B bring about call for cry out for get … out of in accordance with in store lend itself to to this end try out1) This is just our family matter. You’d better stay out of it.2) We should try out all the tools before we can decide which best serves our purpose.3) What does the future hold in store for kids who quit school at an early age?4) Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation (改编) as plays; others do not.5) Instead of comforting her, what you said, in essence made her feel even worse.6) He did not act in accordance with the orders that were given him; that’s why he was fired.7) The authorities are crying out for a thorough investigation into the coal-mine that blasted (爆炸) yesterday.8) See to it that everyone in your class knows that the party has been put off until next week.9) This is the storehouse of our company and customers have no business entering it.10) He’s the kind of person who often wonders what he canget out of others instead of what he can give to others.11) He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end he offered literature classes at home on Sunday afternoons.12) Absent-mindedness is not at all allowed while you’re working. It’s the sort of work that calls for a high level of concentration.13) Science, especially computer science, has brought about changes in many aspects of our lives, such as the way we work, study and communicate. 14) The expenses for the summer camp averaged out to 194 dollars per day, much more expensive than we had planned.Increasing Your Word Power1 Study the following pairs of words which are similar in meaning. Reflect on the differences in usage between the words in each pair and fill in each blank with an appropriate one. Change the form where necessary.enroll, participate1) How many countries will be participating in the Olympic Games?2) Barbara wanted her daughter to enroll in the ballet class while she herself registered for the drawing class.certify, prove3) The task proved to be more difficult than we’d thought.4) She felt quite relieved after reading the report of her physical checkup, which certified that she was in good health.expose, reveal5) The doctor did not reveal to him the truth that he had lung cancer.6) Silver will darken if it is exposed to sunlight for a period oftime. assume, think7) We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty.8) Do you think I would do something so stupid at my age?preside, host9) Which country is going to host the next World Cup?10) Mr. Finch retired after presiding over the company for 30 years. shudder, shake11) He shook the carpet to get rid of the dust.12) She shuddered at the thought that she could have been killed.。

Keys-Unit 6VocabularyI. 1.important event2. refill their hearts and minds with their cultural traditions3. the American beliefs, values and loyalties4. true demonstration of what happened5. brief experience or idea6. live in the way ofII. 1. took pride in 2. was immersed in 3. resonating with 4. had…been exposed to 5. in his mind’s eye 6. a glimpse of7. convey…to 8. turned…toIII. 1. fluency 2. enrollment 3. accessible 4.obtainable5. personification6. enlightenment7. globalization8. promptly IV. C, B, A, C, C, D, D, CV. 1. education instruction, illumination 2. available, attainable, accessible3. tale, story4. harmless, auspicious5. begin, start, commence6. tackle, face, handle7. comfort, relaxation, ease 8. immigrateVI. 1. literature 2. joined 3. motionless 4. more than5. quickly6. hasGrammarI. 1. why 2. where 3. when 4. where5. where6. where7. why8. whenII. 1. Sam knows where we are meeting.2. /3. Four o’clock in the afternoon is the time he always reads. /Four in the afternoon is when he always reads.4. /5. I don’t know the exact time I should meet him.6. The reason he resigned is still unknown.7. I remember the morning he first came to school.8. I’ll never forget the day we first met.III. more formal→less formal: 2, 3, 1; 4, 6, 5.IV. 1. When Mrs. Brown arrived home, she found that her flat had been robbed and all her silver had been taken. Enquires were made by the police to find out possible clues. The burglar hasn’t been caught yet but he is expected to be arrested before long.2. After a hideout for terrorists had been discovered yesterday a raid was carried out by the police and five terrorists were arrested. The police said more terrorists are expected to be arrested in the next few days.V. 1. shall 2. should 3. shall 4 would5. would6. will7. shall8. willTranslationI. 1. 虽然我没见过有人抬头看它一眼,但打心眼里希望来自美国的旅游者能看到它并会心一笑,或者路过此地的法国人能想到悬挂它的日期和理由。

新世纪大学英语综合教程第二册课后作业及答案精编版MQS system office room 【MQS16H-TTMS2A-MQSS8Q8-MQSH16898】U n i t11. In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentenceswith them. Change the form where necessary. alternative constant cripple impressiveinitial move put react shallow tackle universal1)Though we have been successful in our work so far, we must be prepared to tackle difficult problems in the days to come.2)During the battle, the soldiers didn’t have many choices. The only alternative to being taken prisoner was to die fighting.3)There are already initial successes, but for the final victory we will have to wait for another year. 4)There is no universal agreement about the meaning of life; different people have different understandings. 5) Unfortunately, a continuing rise in the oil price has crippled the economy of this African country.8)We were attracted by the fascinating painting. Its clever use of colour and light was very impressive.9)A(n) shallow thinker may be able to say something clearly, but a deep thinker makes us see that there is something that cannot be said.10)What happens is not as important as how you reactto what happens.14)His wife was always complaining at home and he was tired of her constant complaints.17) I know you are both proud and find it difficult to forgive each other after such a bad argument, but someone has to make the first18) As William Shakespeare move put it in A Midsummer Night’s Dream,“love looks not with the eyes, butwith the mind.”2. In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you understand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary. count sth. against sb.do sb. wrongfind it in oneself to do sth. like it or notroot out sth. take hold warts and all2)I advised him to get rid of his bad habit as soon as possible; otherwise it would be too late if it took hold.3)The professor says that the best way to root out poverty is creating more jobs for the local people.4) Stephen is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.5)If someone I love needs help, I’ll find it in myself to give of my very best.7)He wrote a letter of apology, saying he had never meant to do her wrong and wouldn’t hurt her any more.8) Whether you like it or not and whether you admit it or not, the Internet has become an essential part of our life.6. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given in brackets.1)在生活中,我们最愚蠢的行为就是太执着于自己的东西,不愿意放弃。

2.Translate the following passage into English.
2) the disadvantages of being famous
3) your attitude towards fame
1)chase2)reputation3)dedicate / devote4)reward5)sufficiently6)measured
1)thrown out2)and so on3)for dear life4)settheirsightson5) was tired of
6)turn away7)hang on8)inhispresence9)live with10)nothingbut
11)forgood12) set out13) Whatif14)tireof
▆Increasing Your Word Power
1.Study the following usage notes about the verbs in the box..
Nowcomplete each ofthe following sentenceswiththemost appropriate word fromthe abovebox.
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K e y s
U n i t
I. event
2. refill their hearts and minds with their cultural traditions
6. The reason he resigned is still unknown.
7. I remember the morning he first came to school.
8. I 'll never forget the day we first met.
III. more formal f less formal: 2, 3, 1; 4, 6, 5.
IV. 1. When Mrs. Brown arrived home, she found that her flat had been robbed and all her silver had been taken. Enquires were made by the police to find
out possible clues. The burglar hasn 't been caught yet but he is expected to be arrested before long. 3. the American beliefs, values and
4. true demonstration of what happened
5. brief experience or idea
6. live in the way of
II. 1. took pride in 2. was immersed in
4. h ad … been exposed to
5. in his mind
7. convey … to III. 1. fluency obtainable
5. personification promptly
8. turned 2. enrollment 3. resonating …to 3. ' s eye 4.
6. enlightenment
7. globalization
8. IV. C, B, A, C, C, D, D, C
V. 1. education
instruction, accessible
3. tale, story
5. begin, start, commence 7. comfort, relaxation, ease VI. 1. literature 5. quickly Grammar I. 1.
why 5. where
illumination 2. 6. a glimpse available, attainable,
2. joined 6. has 2. where 6. where 4. harmless, auspicious
6. tackle, face, handle 8. immigrate 3. motionless 4. more than 3. when
7. why 4. where
8. when II. 1. Sam knows where we are meeting. 2. /
3. Four o ' clock in the afternoon is the time he always reads.
/Four in
the afternoon is when he always reads.
4. /
2.After a hideout for terrorists had been discovered yesterday a raid was carried out by the police and five terrorists were arrested. The police said more terrorists are expected to be arrested in the next few days.
V. 1. shall 2. should 3. shall 4 would
5. would
6. will
7. shall
8. will
I. 1. 虽然我没见过有人抬头看它一眼,但打心眼里希望来自美国的旅游者能看到它并会心一笑,或者路过此地的法国人能想到悬挂它的日期和理由。
2. 7 月4日是一个这样的日子:我的美国心为孩子们对自己的身份一片空白而感到焦灼万分,这促使我想填补所有空白。
II. 1. The hall resonated with the notes of the trumpet solo.
2. I saw, in my mind ' s eye, the pale face of the mother when she heard
the news of her son 's death.
3.The way he walks reminds me of the way his father used to walk.
4.I mixed the dates up and arrived on the wrong day.
5.Her heart swelled with pride when she learned that her daughter had been admitted by Oxford University.
6.Theoretically speaking, the whole population should have direct access
to information without waiting for hits being filtered by the government or the media.
7.Democrats have launched a campaign to win women voters over in this presidential election.
8.After he inherited his father ' s estate; he was immersed in all kinds
of sensuous pleasures.
Exercise for Integrated Skills
I. People who identify themselves as members of a social group / acquire common ways of viewing the world / through their interactions with other membersof the same group. / These views are reinforced through institutions / like the family, the school, the workplace, / and other sites of socialization / throughout their lives. / Common attitudes, beliefs, and values/ are reflected in the way / members of the group use language, / for example, what they choose to say or not to say / and how they say it. / Thus in addition to the notion of speech community / composed of people who use the same linguistic code, / we can speak of discourse communities / to refer to the common ways / in which members of a social group use language / to meet their social needs.
2. but
3. on
4. for 6. avoid 7. ones 8. II. 1. by
5. although celebrations。