MACRO results on atmospheric neutrinos




材料与工艺范德堡多晶硅热导率的测试结构Ξ戚丽娜 许高斌 黄庆安(东南大学M E M S教育部重点实验室,南京,210096)2003209219收稿,2003211227收改稿摘要:在O.M.Pau l等研究的范德堡热导率测试结构的基础上,提出了一种改进结构,利用一组测试结构来测得多晶硅薄膜的热导率。


用有限元分析软件AN SYS进行了模拟分析,分析表明模拟值与实验值能较好地吻合,且辐射散热是基本可以忽略的,从而验证了模型建立的正确性,说明该方法能够实现对多晶硅薄膜的测量,且具有较高的测试精确度。

关键词:范德堡测试结构;热导率;多晶硅薄膜;热响应;十字型中图分类号:TN402;TN405 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100023819(2005)042569205Van D er Pauw Test Structure of the Thermal Conductiv ity ofPolysilicon Th i n F il m sQ I L ina XU Gaob in HU AN G Q ing’an(K ey L abora tory of M EM S of M in istry of E d uca tion,S ou theast U n iversity,N anj ing,210096,CH N)Abstract:A m icrom ach ined therm al V an D er Pauw test structu re is i m p roved.Tw o structu res to m easu re conductivity of po lysilicon th in fil m s are u sed.O ne cro ss2shap ed layers con sists of po lysilicon th in fil m s.T he o ther cro ss2shap ed layers has no po lysilicon th in fil m s. M ak ing u se of the difference betw een the structu res,conductivity of po lysilicon th in fil m can be m easu red.T herm al fin ite elem en t si m u lati on s show that the radiative heat lo ss from the structu re has a negligib le effect on the ex tracted k value.F in ite elem en t softw are AN SYS is u sed to verify the structu re design.Key words:Van D er Pauw test structure;conductiv ity;polysil icon f il m;ther ma l respon se;Greek crossEEACC:2575F;84601 引 言在M E M S和集成电路中,热学效应都是相当重要的,许多传感器也利用热传输来感知其他的物理量。

Ultra- and extremely high energy neutrino astronomy

Ultra- and extremely high energy neutrino astronomy
2 Detection Principles and Scientific Goals
Underwater/ice neutrino telescopes (UNTs) represent a 3-D arrays of photomultipliers deployed deep in the lake, ocean or in the polar ice at the depth of 1 to 4 kilometers to provide with a shield against the sun and moon light background and background of atmospheric muons. Detection principle is based on registration of the Cherenkov photons emitted by charged leptons (including those emitted by secondaries produced along their way in the water or ice and by their decay products) which are generated in CC neutrino interactions νl N −C→C l X (see Fig. 1). Also hadronic showers produced in NC neutrino interactions νl N −N→C νl X inside UNT sensitive volume can be
MeV-range neutrino astronomy have been existing for forty years with two neutrino sources identified so far,






关键词 动态血压监测;血压管理;指南;高血压2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure MonitoringWriting Group of the 2020 Chinese Hypertension League Guidelines on Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.Corresponding Author: WANG Jiguang, Email: jiguangwang@2020中国动态血压监测指南中国高血压联盟《动态血压监测指南》委员会指南与共识AbstractHypertension is an important risk factor for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) has become an indispensable technique for the detection of hypertension, risk assessment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, therapeutic monitoring, and guidance of the individualized treatment. Based on the “2015 expert consensus on the clinical use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring”, the current guideline updates recommendations on the major issues of ABPM, such as the device requirements and methodology, interpretation of the reported results, clinical indications, application on special populations, the utility in the community and future perspectives. It aims to guide the clinical application practice of ABPM in China.Key words ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; blood pressure management; guideline; hypertension(Chinese Circulation Journal, 2021, 36: 313.)高血压是心脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,与心脑血管疾病发病和死亡密切相关[1-3]。



基于金纳米粒子局域表面等离子体共振吸收检测卡托普利X许 丹(西南大学化学化工学院,重庆 400715) 摘 要:柠檬酸根稳定的金胶在一定盐浓度下由于盐的电荷屏蔽效应而发生聚集。

加入一定浓度的卡托普利后,由于卡托普利分子中含有巯基和羧基,其分子中的巯基可以通过Au -S 键连在金纳米粒子表面,同时,在pH9.91的条件下,其分子中的羧基去质子化形成-COO -,导致金胶表面负电荷增多,纳米粒子之间的静电排斥力增大,金胶的聚集得到了抑制。


该方法的线性范围为0.04~1.2L M ,检出限为20nM 。


关键词:金纳米粒子;卡托普利;表面等离子体共振吸收 中图分类号:T Q460.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006—7981(2012)03—0006—03 卡托普利(1-[(2S )-2-甲基-3-巯基-1-氧化丙基]-L -脯氨酸,Cap,结构如下图所示)是一种人工合成的血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂,目前广泛应用于治疗高血压及心力衰竭等疾病。




图1 实验原理图近年来,金纳米粒子由于其独特的表面等离子体共振吸收性质被广泛用于色度传感。

13nm 柠檬酸根包被的金胶呈现酒红色,一旦发生聚集则呈现紫色或蓝色[4]。


金胶在一定浓度的NaCl 溶液中发生聚集,在本研究中,我们发现当体系中同时存在卡托普利后,金胶的聚集能得到抑制,基于此现象,建立了一种金胶由聚集到分散的状态来高灵敏检测卡托普利的新方法。



5 000 mL 。


采集少量的水样通常选用2 500 mL 的规格。







2 现场空白注意事项采集地表水检测氨氮含量时,通常空白是用无氨水来完成的。



3 保护剂的选择采集水样时,对于所加保护剂的要求是:经济并且对测定无干扰和无不良影响。


这里对于保护的使用级别是有严格要求的,为了避免系统误差,要求保护剂的纯度尽可能高,即保护剂0 引言地表水指的是陆地表面动态水和静态水的总称,主要包括液态水和固态水,主要有河流、湖泊、沼泽、冰川等[1]。






近红外光谱法英文Near-Infrared SpectroscopyNear-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is a powerful analytical technique that has gained widespread recognition in various scientific and industrial fields. This non-invasive method utilizes the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically ranging from 700 to 2500 nanometers (nm), to obtain valuable information about the chemical and physical properties of materials. The versatility of NIRS has led to its application in a diverse array of industries, including agriculture, pharmaceuticals, food processing, and environmental monitoring.One of the primary advantages of NIRS is its ability to provide rapid and accurate analysis without the need for extensive sample preparation. Unlike traditional analytical methods, which often require complex sample extraction and processing, NIRS can analyze samples in their natural state, allowing for real-time monitoring and decision-making. This efficiency and non-destructive nature make NIRS an attractive choice for applications where speed and preservation of sample integrity are crucial.In the field of agriculture, NIRS has become an invaluable tool for the assessment of crop quality and the optimization of farming practices. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of plant materials, researchers can determine the content of various nutrients, such as protein, carbohydrates, and moisture, as well as the presence of contaminants or adulterants. This information can be used to guide precision farming techniques, optimize fertilizer application, and ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products.The pharmaceutical industry has also embraced the use of NIRS for a wide range of applications. In drug development, NIRS can be used to monitor the manufacturing process, ensuring the consistent quality and purity of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and finished products. Additionally, NIRS can be employed in the analysis of tablet coatings, the detection of counterfeit drugs, and the evaluation of drug stability during storage.The food processing industry has been another significant beneficiary of NIRS technology. By analyzing the near-infrared spectra of food samples, manufacturers can assess parameters such as fat, protein, and moisture content, as well as the presence of adulterants or contaminants. This information is crucial for ensuring product quality, optimizing production processes, and meeting regulatory standards. NIRS has been particularly useful in the analysis of dairy products, grains, and meat, where rapid and non-destructive testing is highly desirable.In the field of environmental monitoring, NIRS has found applications in the analysis of soil and water samples. By examining the near-infrared spectra of these materials, researchers can obtain information about the presence and concentration of various organic and inorganic compounds, including pollutants, nutrients, and heavy metals. This knowledge can be used to inform decision-making in areas such as soil management, water treatment, and environmental remediation.The success of NIRS in these diverse applications can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum is sensitive to a wide range of molecular vibrations, allowing for the detection and quantification of a variety of chemical compounds. Additionally, the ability of NIRS to analyze samples non-destructively and with minimal sample preparation has made it an attractive choice for in-situ and real-time monitoring applications.Furthermore, the development of advanced data analysis techniques, such as multivariate analysis and chemometrics, has significantly enhanced the capabilities of NIRS. These methods enable the extraction of meaningful information from the complex near-infrared spectra, allowing for the accurate prediction of sample propertiesand the identification of subtle chemical and physical changes.As technology continues to evolve, the future of NIRS looks increasingly promising. Advancements in sensor design, data processing algorithms, and portable instrumentation are expected to expand the reach of this analytical technique, making it more accessible and applicable across a wider range of industries and research fields.In conclusion, near-infrared spectroscopy is a versatile and powerful analytical tool that has transformed the way we approach various scientific and industrial challenges. Its ability to provide rapid, non-invasive, and accurate analysis has made it an indispensable technology in fields ranging from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to food processing and environmental monitoring. As the field of NIRS continues to evolve, it is poised to play an increasingly crucial role in driving innovation and advancing our understanding of the world around us.。



第一单元1.Condensed matter physics 凝聚态物理2.Atomic, molecular and optical physics 原子、分子、光学物理3.Particle and nuclear physics 粒子与原子核物理4.Astrophysics and physical cosmology 天体物理学和物理宇宙学5.Current research frontiers 当前研究前沿6.natural philosophy 哲学7.natural science 自然科学8.matter 物质9.motion 运动 and time 时空 能量12.force 力13.the universe 宇宙14.academic disciplines 学科15.astronomy 天文学16.chemistry 化学17.mathematics 数学18.biology 生物19.Scientific Revolution 科学革命20.interdisciplinary各学科间的21.biophysics 生物物理22.quantum chemistry 量子化学23.mechanism 机制24.avenues 渠道;大街25.advances 前进26.electromagnetism电磁学27.nuclear physics原子核物理28.domestic appliances家用电器29.nuclear weapons核武器30.thermodynamics热力学31.industrialization工业化32.mechanics力学33.calculus微积分34.the theory of classical mechanics经典力学35.the speed of light 光速36.remarkable卓越的37.chaos混沌38.quantum mechanics量子力学39.statistical mechanics 统计力学40.special relativity狭义相对论41.acoustics声学42.statics静力学 rest静止44.kinematics运动学45.causes原因46.dynamics动力学47.solid mechanics 固体力学48.fluid mechanics 流体力学49.continuum mechanics 连续介质力学50.hydrostatics流体静力学51.hydrodynamics流体动力学52.aerodynamics气体动力学53.pneumatics气体力学54.sound 声音55.ultrasonics超声学56.sound waves 声波57.frequency 频率58.bioacoustics生物声学59.electroacoustics电声学60.manipulation操作61.audible听得见的62.electronics电子63.visible light 可见光64.infrared红外线65.ultraviolet radiation 紫外线辐射66.reflection 反射67.refraction折射68.interference干涉69.diffraction衍射70.dispersion色散71.polarization偏振72.Heat 热度73.the internal energy内能74.Electricity 电力75.magnetism磁学76.electric current电流77.magnetic field磁场78.Electrostatics静电学79.electric charges电荷80.electrodynamics电动力学81.magnetostatics静磁学82.poles磁极83.matter and energy 物质和能量84.on the very large or very small scale 非常大或非常小的规模85.atomic and nuclear physics 原子与核物理学86.chemical elements化学元素87.The physics of elementary particles基本粒子88.high-energy physics 高能物理学89.particle accelerators 粒子加速器90.Quantum theory 量子论91.discrete离散92.subatomic原子内plementary互补94.The theory of relativity 相对论95.a frame of reference参考系96.the special theory of relativity 狭义相对论97.general theory of relativity 广义相对论98.gravitation万有引力99.universal law 普遍规律100.absolute time and space 绝对的时间和空间 时空ponents组成103.Max Planck 普朗克104.quantum mechanics 量子力学105.probabilistic概率性106.quantum field theory量子场107.dynamical动态的108.curved弯曲的109.massive巨大的110.candidate候选111.quantum gravity 量子重力112.macroscopic宏观113.properties属性114.solids 固体115.liquids 液体116.electromagnetic force电磁力117.atom 原子118.superconducting超导119.conduction electrons 传导电子120.ferromagnetic 铁磁体121.the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases of spins铁磁和反铁磁的阶段的旋转122.atomic lattices原子晶格123.solid-state physics 固体物理124.subfields分区;子域125.nanotechnology纳米技术126.engineering工程学127.quantum treatments 量子治疗128.Atomic physics 原子物理129.electron shells电子壳层130.trap捕获131.ions离子132.collision碰撞133.nucleus原子核134.hyperfine splitting超精细分裂135.fission and fusion 分裂与融合136.Molecular physics 分子物理137.optical fields 光场138.realm范围139.properties属性140.distinct区别141.Particle physics 粒子物理142.elementary constituents基本成分143.interactions 相互作用144.detectors探测器puter programs程序146.Standard Model 标准模型147.quarks and leptons轻子-夸克148.gauge bosons规范波色子149.gluons胶子150.photons光子151.nuclear power generation核发电152.nuclear weaponsh核武器153.nuclear medicine 核医学154.magnetic resonance imaging磁共振成像155.ion implantation离子注入156.materials engineering 材料工程157.radiocarbon dating放射性碳测定年代158.geology 地质学159.archaeology考古学.160.Astrophysics天体物理学161.astronomy天文学162.stellar structure恒星结构163.stellar evolution恒星演化 system太阳系165.cosmology宇宙学166.disciplines学科167.emitted射出168.celestial bodies天体169.Perturbations扰动170.interference干扰171.Physical cosmology 宇宙物理学172.Hubble diagram哈勃图173.steady state 定态,稳恒态174.Big Bang nucleo-synthesis核合成175.cosmic microwave background宇宙微波背景176.cosmological principle 宇宙论原理;宇宙论原则177.cosmic inflation宇宙膨胀178.dark energy 暗能量179.dark matter暗物质of high-temperature superconductivity 高温超导180.spintronics自旋电子学181.quantum computers 量子电脑182.the Standard Model 标准模型183.neutrinos中微子184.solar太阳185.the TeV万亿电子伏186.the super-symmetric particles 超对称粒子187.quantum gravity 量子重力188.superstring超弦189.theory and loop圈190.ultra-high energy cosmic rays高能宇宙射线,191.the baryon asymmetry重子不对称,192.the acceleration of the universe and the anomalous宇宙的加速和异常193.rotation旋转194.galaxies星系.195.turbulence动荡196.water droplets 水滴197.mechanisms of surface tension catastrophes表面紧张灾难198.heterogeneous多相的199.aerodynamics 气体力学第二单元所有的红色单词,重要的我标有星号1.classical mechanics 经典力学*2.physical laws 物理定律3.forces 力4.macroscopic 宏观的5.Projectiles 抛射体6.Spacecraft 太空飞船7.Planets 行星8.Stars 恒星9.Galaxies 星系,银河系10.gases, liquids, solids 气体,液体固体11.the speed of light 光速12.quantum mechanics 量子力学*13.the atomic nature of matter 物质的原子性质14.wave–particle duality 波粒二象性*15.special relativity 狭义相对论*16.General relativity 广义相对论*17.Newton's law of universal gravitation 牛顿万有引力*18.Newtonian mechanics 牛顿力学*grangian mechanics 拉格朗日力学*20.Hamiltonian mechanics 哈密顿力学*21.analytical mechanics 分析力学* point particles 质点*23.Negligible 微不足道的可忽略的24.position, mass 位置,质量25.Forces 力26.non-zero size 不计形状27.the electron 电子*28.quantum mechanics 量子力学*29.degrees of freedom 自由度*30.Spin 旋转posite 组合的 of mass 质心33.the principle of locality 局部性原理34.Position 位置35.reference point 参照点(参照物)* space 在空间37.Origin 原点*38.the vector 矢量39.Particle 质点*40.Function 函数41.Galilean relativity 伽利略相对性原理*42.Absolute 绝对43.time interval 时间间隔44.Euclidean geometry 欧几里得几何学45.Velocity 速度46.rate of change 变化率47.Derivative 倒数*48.Vector 矢量49.Speed 速度50.Acceleration 加速度*51.second derivative 二阶导*52.Magnitude 大小(量级)53.the direction 方向54.or both55.Deceleration 加速度56.Observer 观察者57.reference frames 参考系*58.inertial frames 惯性系* a state of uniform motion 运动状态一致61.Straight 直的62.physical laws 物理学定理63.non-inertial 非惯性系64.accelerating 加速65.fictitious forces 虚拟力(达朗贝尔力)*66.equations of motion 运动学方程*67.the distant stars 遥远的恒星68.Newton 牛顿69.force and momentum 力和动量70.Newton's second law of motion 牛顿第二定律*71.(canonical) momentum 动量* force 净力73.ordinary differential equation 常微分方程*74.the equation of motion 运动学方程*75.gravitational force 重力*76.Lorentz force 洛伦兹力*77.Electromagnetism 电磁学*78.Newton's third law 牛顿第三定律*79.opposite reaction force 反作用力80.along the line 沿直线81.displacement 位移* done 做功83.scalar product 标极*84.the line integral 线积分*85.path 路径86.conservative. 守恒*87.Gravity 重力88.Hooke's law 胡克定律*89.Friction 摩擦力*90.kinetic energy 动能*–energy theorem 功能关系(动能定理)*92.the change in kinetic energy 动能改变量93.gradient 梯度*94.potential energy 势能*95.Conservative 保守的,守恒的96.potential energy 势能 energy 总能量(机械能)*98.conservation of energy 能量守恒**99.linear momentum 线动量100.translational momentum 平移动量101.closed system 封闭系统*102.external forces 外力* linear momentum 总(线)动量线动量就是动量区别于角动量 of mass 质心*105.Euler's first law 欧拉第一定律106.elastic collision 弹性碰撞*107.inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞*108.slingshot maneuver 弹弓机动109.Rigidity 硬度(刚性)*110.Dissipation 损耗**111.inelastic collision 非弹性碰撞112.heat or sound 热或声 particles 新粒子114.angular momentum 角动量*115.moment of momentum 瞬时动量*116.rotational inertia 转动惯量*117.rotational velocity 转速*118.rigid body 刚体**119.moment of inertia 惯性力矩*120.angular velocity 角速度*121.linear momentum 线动量122.Crossed 叉乘*123.Position 位置124.angular momentum 角动量125.pseudo-vector 赝矢量*126.right-hand rule 右手规则 external torque 净外力转矩128.neutron stars 中子星129.angular momentum 角动量*130.Conservation 守恒131.Gyrocompass 陀螺罗盘 external torque 无外力炬133.Isotropy 各向同性*134.Torque 转矩135.central force motion 中心力移动136.white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes 白矮星,中子星,黑洞第三单元ThermodynamicsThermodynamics: 热力学;热力的Heat :热;热力;热度Work:功macroscopic variables:肉眼可见的;宏观的,粗观的,粗显的。

SO(3) Gauge model for neutrino masses and oscillations

SO(3) Gauge model for neutrino masses and oscillations
∗ j µ 0 i j 2 j

This effective Lagrangian can be resulted from integrating out heavy particles. LSM ¯ i (x) = (¯ denotes the lagrangian of the standard model. L νi , e ¯i )L (i=1,2,3) are the SU(2)L i doublet leptons and eR i (i = 1, 2, 3) are the three right-handed charged leptons. Ai µ (x)t ′ (i = 1, 2, 3) are the SO (3)F gauge bosons with ti the SO (3)F generators and g3 is the corresponding gauge coupling constant. Here φ1 (x) and φ2 (x) are two Higgs doublets, ϕT = (ϕ1 (x), ϕ2 (x), ϕ3 (x)) and ϕ′T = (ϕ′1 (x), ϕ′2 (x), ϕ′3 (x)) are two SO (3)F Higgs triplets, χ(x), χ′ (x) and χ′′ (x) are three singlet scalars. The couplings c, ca , c′a (a = 0, 1) and c′′ 1 are dimensional constants. The structure of the above effective lagrangian can be obtained by imposing an additional U(1) symmetry [6]. After the symmetry SO(3)F ×SU(2)L ×U(1)Y is broken down to the U(1)em symmetry, mass matrices of the neutrinos and charged leptons get the following forms



[American Journal of Science,Vol.304,December,2004,P.839–861] American Journal of ScienceDECEMBER2004THE EVOLUTION OF THE EARTH SURFACE SULFUR RESERVOIRD.E.CANFIELDDanish Center for Earth System Science(DCESS)and Institute of Biology,University of Southern Denmark,Campusvej55,5230Odense M,Denmark;e-mail:dec@biology.sdu.dkABSTRACT.The surface sulfur reservoir is in intimate contact with the mantle. Over long time scales,exchange with the mantle has influenced the surface reservoir size and possibly its isotopic composition.Processes delivering sulfur to the Earth surface from the mantle include volcanic outgassing,hydrothermal input,and ocean crust weathering.The sulfidefixed in ocean crust as a consequence of hydrothermal sulfate reduction,and subduction of sedimentary sulfides,represent return pathways of sulfur to the mantle.The importance of these different pathways in influencing the size of the surface sulfur reservoir depends on the particulars of ocean and atmo-sphere chemistry.During times of banded iron formation when the oceans contained dissolved iron,sulfide from submarine hydrothermal activity was precipitated on the seafloor and subsequently subducted back into the mantle and,therefore,had little impact on the surface sulfur reservoir size.With sulfidic ocean bottom water condi-tions,which may have occurred through long stretches of the Mesoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic,significant amounts of sulfide is subducted into the mantle.When the oceans are oxic,sulfide subduction is unimportant,and an additional source,ocean crust weathering,delivers sulfur to the Earth surface.Thus,under oxic conditions the surface environment accumulates sulfur,and probably has for most of the last700 million years.Mass balance modeling suggests that the surface sulfur reservoir may have peaked in size in the early Mesoproterozoic,declined to a minimum in the Neoproterozoic, and increased to its present size through the Phanerozoic.The exchange of sulfur between the mantle and the surface environment can also influence the isotopic composition of the surface reservoir.Modeling shows that the subduction of34S-depleted sulfur through the Mesoproterzoic could have significantly increased the average␦34S of the surface reservoir into the late Neoproterozoic.The preserved isotope record through the Neoproterozoic is well out of balance,with the average ␦34S for sulfate and sulfide both exceeding the modern crustal average.This imbal-ance could be explained,at least partly,if the crustal average was more34S-enriched than at present,as the modeling presented here suggests.introductionSulfur is an essential ingredient of life,and in oxidation states ranging fromϪ2to ϩ6,it fuels the metabolism of countless different prokaryotic organisms,some of which evolved early in the history of life on Earth(Canfield and Raiswell,1999). Microbial metabolism via sulfate reduction is of particular importance,contributing to around1⁄2of the carbon remineralization in coastal marine sediments(Jørgensen, 1982;Canfield,1993).Pyrite(FeS2)is an ultimate product of sulfate reduction,and its burial in sediments,and weathering on land,significantly influence the oxygen balance of the atmosphere(Garrels and Perry,1974;Berner and others,2000).The availability of sulfur to organisms and the magnitude of sulfur redox cycling will depend on the amount of sulfur available at the Earth surface and its oxidation state. This in turn should depend on the balance of sulfur exchange processes between the839840 D.E.Canfield—The evolution of the Earth surfaceEarth surface and the mantle.This balance,as will be explored in more detail below, depends on the details of ocean and atmosphere chemistry as they control the routes and the degree to which sulfur is exchanged between the mantle and the surface reservoir.Additionally,the isotopic composition of the whole surface reservoir can be affected if sulfur is exchanged with the mantle with an isotopic composition different from the average crustal reservoir.The reservoir exchange aspect of sulfur dynamics was explored by Hansen and Wallmann(2003)over the last145million years and is explored over much longer time scales here.The purpose of the present contribution is to explore the long term evolution of the sulfur cycle over geologic time.Also explored are the isotopic consequences of this cycling,with an emphasis on the Neoproterozoic sulfur cycle which appears to be isotopically out of balance.the sulfur cycleSulfur,in its principal forms as either pyrite(FeS2)or gypsum(CaSO4⅐2H2O) (with minor organic sulfur),is weathered from the continents as sulfate(SO42Ϫ),and delivered to the oceans(fig.1).Here,bacterial sulfate reduction reduces sulfate to sulfide,which can precipitate as pyrite in sediments,while seawater sulfate can also evaporatively precipitate as gypsum in isolated basins(Garrels and Perry,1974;Berner and Raiswell,1983).Over time these sulfur deposits become uplifted and exposed to weathering.The surface reservoirs are also connected to the mantle(Holser and others,1988;Alt and others,1989;Hansen and Wallmann,2003),and three principal types of mantle sulfur input can be recognized(fig.1).First,SO2,with subordinate H2S,outgasses from terrestrial volcanoes,mostly in convergent plate margins(Stoiber and others,1987;Holser and others,1988;Schlesinger,1997;Halmer and others, 2002),but also from hot spot volcanics.This sulfur source is primarily of mantle origin (Sakai and others,1982;de Hoog and others,2001).However,the isotopic composi-tion of basalts and associated gases from convergent margins can be quite enriched in ␦34S compared to the mantle(Kasasaku and others,1999;de Hoog and others,2001), implying a contribution also from sulfate in subducted marine sediment pore waters (de Hoog and others,2001).Some subducted sedimentary pyrite might also contrib-ute to the volcanic gas,but its contribution is minor compared to sulfate given the generally enriched␦34S values of the volcanic gas.Estimates of the magnitude of this flux vary widely from low values of around1ϫ1011mol yrϪ1to high values of14molϫ1011mol yrϪ1(Stoiber and others,1987;Holser and others,1988;Schlesinger,1997; Halmer and others,2002).Most estimates tend towards the lower end of this range, with values most likely between about1to3ϫ1011mol yrϪ1of primary mantle sulfur (table1).Sulfide also vents to seawater as a result of subaqueous volcanism associated with ocean spreading centers(Von Damm,1990;Elderfield and Schultz,1996).The sulfur is released from hydrothermalfluids circulating through the volcanic system,and no more than30percent of this sulfur originates from seawater sulfate during hydrother-mal circulation.The rest is from the mantle(Shanks and Seyfried,1987;Von Damm, 1990).Estimates of thisflux are obtained by combining ventfluid sulfide concentra-tion with estimates of the waterflux through the high temperature vents.Measured sulfide concentrations vary widely,and estimates of the magnitude of the sulfideflux range from0.9to9.6ϫ1011mol yrϪ1(Elderfield and Schultz,1996).Alternatively,estimates of sulfur exchange rates with the ocean crust are obtained from mass balance calculations on the isotopic compositions and concentrations of sulfur in sections of altered crust.Altered sections of crust show an upper region of sulfide removal.Some of the sulfur is lost during degassing of the basalts during crystallization and some by oxidative weathering of the volcanic rocks(Alt,1994;Bach and Edwards,2003).A lower zone of sulfide dissolution is also found within thesheeted dike complex and the upper gabbro zone (Alt and others,1989,1995;Alt,1994).In addition,there is a pronounced zone of secondary sulfide precipitation in the transition zone between the upper volcanic rocks and the sheeted dikes below.Some of this sulfur comes from sulfide released from the sheeted dikes,and some comes from the reduction of seawater sulfate deeper in the crust at high temperatures.In total,the dissolution and oxidation of ocean crust sulfides contributes about 0.8ϫ1011mol y Ϫ1of sulfur to the oceans.This estimate is based on mass balance calculations of the Troodos ophiolite (Alt,1994)and altered ocean crust off the Costa Rican coast (DSDP site 504B;Alt and others,1989).A similar estimate of 1.1Ϯ0.7ϫ1011mol y Ϫ1is provided by Bach and Edwards (2003).Of this total sulfur input,about equal amounts come from the upper pillow basalts and from the lower sheeted dikes and upper gabbros.Within the upper basalts,about 1⁄2of the sulfur is lost,probably,from degassing during crystallization,and about 1⁄2from oxidative weathering.The sulfur input flux calculated from crustal mass balance is at the lower end of the range determined from vent fluid chemistry.Thereduction Fig.1.A simplified version of the sulfur cycle is shown.The ocean (O)(also including the atmosphere)is the conduit through which sulfur transits.The sulfide reservoir (Sd)includes all sedimentary sulfides;both recently deposited and ancient,while the sulfate reservoir (St)includes seawater sulfate and sulfate evaporites.Both sulfate and sulfide are buried (b)from the ocean into the sulfide and sulfate reservoirs,which are subsequently uplifted onto land and exposed to chemical weathering (w),returning sulfur back to the oceans as sulfate.The boxes representing the ocean (O),sulfide (Sd),and sulfate (St)are the surficial reservoirs of sulfur.The surficial reservoirs are connected to the mantle (M)from which sulfur escapes by volcanic outgassing (vo),hydrothermal circulation through ocean spreading centers (hy),and the oxidative weathering of ocean crust (ocw)during off axis lower temperature hydrothermal circulation.Sulfur is returned to the mantle by the subduction of sedimentary sulfides formed during times of ocean anoxia (see text).Sulfides are also formed and fixed within the ocean crust during high temperature hydrothermal circulation where sulfate is inorganically reduced to sulfide.This transit path is shown from the sulfate box (St)into the mantle (M).841sulfur reservoirof seawater sulfate during hydrothermal circulation and its precipitation in altered ocean crust is a sulfur sink into the mantle and will be considered in more detail below.Sulfate is removed as anhydrite into ocean crust during high temperature hydro-thermal circulation of seawater at ocean spreading centers (Alt and others,1989).Most of the anhydrite is redissolved and returned to the ocean during lower temperature,off-axis circulation (Alt and others,1989;Alt,1994).As noted above,a small portion of the circulating sulfate is,however,reduced to sulfide,and some of this is fixed as solid phase sulfide minerals,forming a return path of sulfur back into the mantle (Alt and others,1989).From the analysis of the sulfur and Fe chemistry of ocean basalts of a variety of ages Bach and Edwards (2003)conclude that Fe and sulfide in the upper pillow lavas might be more extensively oxidized than envisaged by Alt and others (1989).However,whether this oxidation influences the sulfide reduced during high temperature hydrothermal sulfate reduction is unclear.From Alt (1994)the rates of sulfide retention as a result of high temperature sulfate reduction are estimated at about 0.9ϫ1011mol y Ϫ1for the Troodos ophiolite,and 0.4ϫ1011mol yr Ϫ1for the DSDP hole 504B,and these estimates will be used here.There is,in addition,the uptake of metal sulfides associated with microbial and thermochemical sulfate reduction in serpentinized ocean crust (Alt and Shanks,1998),as well as some anhydrite precipitation.The magnitude of this flux is poorly constrained and probably lies somewhere between 0.13to 1.9ϫ1011mol yr Ϫ1(Alt and Shanks,2003).Hence,it could be an important return route of sulfur back into the mantle.However,the modeling from Hansen and Wallmann (2003)suggests that the flux probably lies towards the lower end of the estimates,and in the modeling that follows sulfur removal associated with serpentinization will not be considered.The subduction of pyritized marine sediments constitutes another potential return pathway for sulfur into the mantle.Most deep-sea sediments entering subduc-tion zones are subducted into the mantle at an estimated Cenozoic average of 1.0km 3y Ϫ1(von Huene and Scholl,1991).Subduction erosion also removes crustal material into the mantle.During subduction erosion material from the upper overriding plate is eroded and entrained by the subducting slab (von Huene and Scholl,1991).The material removed by subduction erosion is a complex mix of accreted sediment (in accretionary prisms)and crystalline rock.Overall,subduction erosion removes about 1.5km 3y Ϫ1of material into the mantle (von Huene and Scholl,1991).Table 1Magnitude of present-day fluxes into and out of themantle.asee fig.1for key to letter designations.b not including ocean crust weathering which is listed separately.c potential rate when the oceans are sulfidic.1,Stoiber and others (1987);2,Holser and others (1988);3,Elderfield and Schultz (1996);4,Alt (1994);5,Alt and others (1989).842 D.E.Canfield—The evolution of the Earth surfaceAs deep-sea sediments generally contain little pyrite today,the subduction of deep-sea sediments presently removes little pyrite into the mantle.There are no estimates of the pyrite content of material removed into the mantle by subduction erosion.However,crystalline crustal rock is likely to be pyrite poor,and much of the accreted sediment removed by subduction erosion is likely derived from the deep sea,which is also presently pyrite poor.Thus,overall,subduction is probably not today an important removal pathway of pyrite into the mantle.However,this would change during times of sulfidic ocean bottom water conditions as probably occurred during a substantial portion of the middle Proterozoic (Canfield,1998;Shen and others,2002,2003;Arnold and others,2004;Poulton and others,2004),and also during isolated times in the Phanerozoic (Berry and Wilde,1978).The magnitude of this sink is calculated from the subduction rate of terrigenous sediments into the mantle,esti-mated at between 1ϫ1015to 2.5x1015g yr Ϫ1(Hay and others,1988;von Huene and Scholl,1991).This sediment is assumed to have a total Fe content of 4weight percent,and furthermore,about 25percent of this Fe is assumed to be reactive toward sulfide,as is true for modern deep-sea sediments (Raiswell and Canfield,1998).With these figures,a removal rate of total sulfide,as pyrite,into the mantle of between 3.6ϫ1011to 9ϫ1011moles yr Ϫ1is obtained (table 1).This range of estimates could be viewed as a maximum removal rate of pyrite assuming the whole ocean deep-ocean floor is exposed to sulfide.sulfur cycle over geologic timeIn what follows,the evolution of the sulfur cycle will be considered from two different perspectives.Considered first is the isotope record of sulfide and sulfate over geologic time.From this record we can explore the relative burial histories of sulfate and sulfide as they pertain to the evolution of the oxidation state of the sulfur reservoir through time.A model reconstructing the size of the surface sulfur reservoir provides the second perspective of the evolution of sulfur cycle.Here,the processes controlling the inputs and outputs to the surface reservoir depend on the oxidation state of the atmosphere and oceans.It is shown that the size of the surface reservoir has been dynamic through Earth history.These perspectives combine when considering the isotope record in more detail,where important episodes of apparent isotope imbal-ance are found.This imbalance can be evaluated,at least in part,from the growth history of the sulfur reservoir as deduced from the model results.The Isotope Record of Sulfur Cycle EvolutionThe history of sulfide and sulfate removal from the oceans can be determined from the isotope record of sedimentary sulfides and seawater sulfate (Holland,1973;Garrels and Lerman,1981)using the following mass balance expression:f py ϭ͑␦34S in Ϫ␦34S sul ͒/͑␦34S py Ϫ␦34S sul ͒,(1)where f py is the fraction of total sulfur removed from the oceans as pyrite (the remainder is as sulfate),␦34S in is the isotopic composition of sulfur weathered from the continents and delivered to the oceans,␦34S sul is the isotopic composition of seawater sulfate,and ␦34S py is the average isotopic composition of pyrite sulfur removed from the oceans.Over 3000analyses of the isotopic composition of sedimentary pyrites through time have been compiled (Canfield,1998,2001)and these are calculated into averages for individual geological formations and further averaged over specific time periods.Through the Phanerozoic,averages have been calculated over individual geological periods,and three time slices of 0.54to 0.6Ga,0.6to 0.7Ga,and 0.7to 1.0Ga were used for the Neoproterozoic.Through the remainder of the Precambrian,300million 843sulfur reservoir844 D.E.Canfield—The evolution of the Earth surfaceyear time slices have been used.The average isotopic compositions of individualgeologic formations,and for specific time periods,are shown infiingperiod averages,and the isotopic composition of seawater sulfate through time(whichis not well constrained through broad periods of the Precambrian;Strauss,1993;Canfield,1998,but as we shall see below,this uncertainty matters very little incalculating f py in the Precambrian)(fig.2A),f py is calculated for the last2.75Gaassuming a constant␦34S in of3permil(Holser and others,1988).It is likely that␦34S inhas varied through time,and this will be fully explored in a latter section.Before2.75Ga,small and uncertain differences between␦34S py,␦34S in,and␦34S sul,yield unreliable results,and these calculations have been abandoned.Uncertainty in the calculation off py reflects the standard deviations obtained from averaging together individualformation averages within specific time periods.From these compilations a few general,but important,observations can be made.First,from the Archean through the Mesoproterozoic the average isotopic composi-tion of sulfide straddles the present-day input␦34S of3permil plus or minus about3permil(fig.2A).During the Neoproterozoic,the average isotopic composition ofsulfide increases dramatically and approaches the isotopic composition of sulfate.Theaverage isotopic composition of sulfide drops sharply into the Phanerozoic,withdecidedly negative␦34S values by the Mesozoic.As expected,when the isotopic composition of sulfide is near the isotopiccomposition of sulfate input to the oceans(␦34S pyϷ␦34S in),pyrite burial is the dominant sulfur removal pathway.This follows directly from equation(1).Also from equation(1),when␦34S pyϷ␦34S in the isotopic composition of sulfate has little influence on the calculation of f py.Overall,through the late Archean,the Paleopro-terozoic,and the whole of the Mesoproterozoic,the isotope record is consistent with dominant pyrite removal from the oceans with little evidence for significant sulfate precipitation.Consistent with this,evidence for large sulfate deposits is generally absent in the Archean and in the early Proterozoic,and there are only a few Mesoproterozoic sulfate deposits of note(Grotzinger and Kasting,1993)with sizes ranging from109to1010m3.Although these deposits seem large,their size can only account for10to100years of sulfate input to the oceans at the present rate of2ϫ1012 mol yrϪ1(Berner and Berner,1996).They,therefore,represent only small amounts of sulfur removal.Some sulfate deposits have undoubtedly long since weathered away, but one can only speculate as to the magnitude of such deposits.By about0.8Ga sulfate deposition becomes more pronounced,and some signifi-cant massive sulfate deposits are found,like those from the Amadeus Basin,northern Australia(Grotzinger and Kasting,1993;Gorjan and others,2000)and the Little Dal Group from the Mackenzie Mountains Supergroup of Canada,as well as the0.75Ga Shaler Group on Victoria Island,Canada.Despite this,sulfate deposition is not indicated infigure2B.Indeed,during most of the Neoproterozoic,the calculation of f py reveals impossibly high pyrite burial proportions(fig.4A;see also Hayes and others, 1992;Gorjan and others,2000).The nature of these high f py values and the Neoprotero-zoic sulfur cycle in general will be considered in more detail in a later section.It appears from the isotope record that significant deposition of sulfate from the oceans is mainly a phenomenon of the Phanerozoic(last0.54Ga)and particularly the last0.3Ga(fig.2B).Increased deposition of sulfate would logically reflect increased levels of atmospheric oxygen in the late Precambrian(Berkner and Marshall,1965; Knoll,1992;Canfield and Teske,1996)and more effective oxidation of surficial pyrite to sulfate,increasing the levels of sulfate in the ocean.Probably also contributory is the switch from sulfidic to oxic bottom waters(see below)reducting in the size of the sulfide sink and the magnitude of pyrite burial.Summarizing these points:Fig.2.(A)The isotopic composition of sedimentary sulfides is shown,averaged into formation averages,and period averages.Through the Phanerozoic,period averages represent the geologic periods.In the Neoproterozoic period averages represent the intervals 0.54to 0.6Ga,0.6to 0.7Ga,and 0.7to 1.0Ga.Through the remainder of the Precambrian period averages were compiled for every 0.3Ga.Also shown is the isotopic composition of seawater sulfate through time.Data are from Canfield (2001).(B)The fraction of total sulfur buried as pyrite is presented.This fraction is calculated from period averages utilizing equation (1).The error bars represent the standard deviation from period averages.Note that for the time interval 0.6to 0.7Ga the fraction pyrite burial (equal to 4.4)is off scale with only the bottom of the error bar showing.845sulfur reservoir846 D.E.Canfield—The evolution of the Earth surface1)There is little evidence for significant sulfate deposition in the Archean,Paleoproterozoic,and Mesoproterozoic,consistent with low levels of seawater sulfate at this time.2)The sulfur cycle in the Neoproterozoic is apparently out of balance isotopi-cally.A great deal of34S-depleted sulfide is missing from the record.3)Thefirst indication of significant sulfate precipitation is in the Phanerozoic inresponse to increasing atmospheric oxygen and subsequent increases in seawater sulfate concentrations,as well as a reduction in the extent of sulfidic ocean bottom water.Evolution of the Earth-surface Sulfur ReservoirThe inventory of sulfur at the Earth surface includes sulfate in the oceans,as well as sulfate and sulfide in contemporary sediments and in sedimentary rocks preserved on the continents and in epicontinental settings.This inventory is controlled by the balance of sulfurfluxes into and out of the mantle.As proposed here,thesefluxes have varied in intensity and direction in response to changes in ocean and atmospheric chemistry through time.In what follows,the history of ocean and atmosphere chemistry will be reviewed,and its influence on sulfurfluxes into and out of the mantle will be highlighted.The substantial deposition of banded iron formations(BIFs)in the Archean and early Proterozoic indicates prolonged periods of deep iron-containing ocean water (for example,Holland,1984)from which hydrothermally-derived sulfides would be immediately precipitated as iron sulfide minerals on the oceanfloor.Most of this sulfide would be delivered back with the subduction of deep-ocean sediments and would have contributed little to the growth of the Earth surface sulfur reservoir. Atmospheric oxygen was also low(for example,Holland,1994;Farquhar and others, 2000),and the deep ocean was anoxic,so no seafloor weathering of sulfide minerals was possible.Therefore,the only significant source of sulfur to the early Earth surface was the direct volcanic outgassing of SO2and H2S to the atmosphere and surface waters.Seawater sulfate concentrations were also low,below200␮M before about2.4 Ga,and probably around1mM into the early Proterozoic(Habicht and others,2002; Shen and others,2002).Thus,the high temperature reduction of seawater sulfate at ocean spreading centers was not important.Persistent BIF formation occurred before 2.4Ga and between about1.8Ga and2.0(Isley and Abbott,1999).There is no indication for significant BIF deposition between2.0and2.4Ga.The nature of deep-water chemistry during this time is therefore uncertain.Deep waters may have contained Fe,with the evidence thus far elusive,or they may have contained sulfide as suggested by Bjerrum and Canfield(2002).Alternatively,they may have been oxic.In what follows an Fe-containing bottom water is assumed,with the recognition that modeling should be revised as more information on early Proterozoic bottom water chemistry becomes available.A cartoon of the sulfur cycle prior to1.8Ga is shown infigure3A.Increasing ocean sulfate concentrations through the early Proterozoic toϾ1mM likely favored increasing rates of sulfide production by sulfate reduction,overwhelm-ing iron delivery rates to the oceans by1.8Ga and causing the transition from iron-rich to sulfide-rich deep ocean water(Canfield,1998).This condition may have lasted until late in the Neoproterozoic.Some accumulating observational data support this hypoth-esis.For example,extended periods(over hundreds of millions of years)of sulfidic bottom water are found in basinal settings within the Mesoproterozoic(Shen and others,2002,2003).Also,there is evidence for the transition from iron-rich to sulfide-rich bottom water in sediments just overlying the Gunflint Formation,represent-ing one of the last early Proterozoic episodes of BIF deposition(Poulton and others, 2004).Also,from Mo isotope studies of sediments from the McArthur Basin,Arnoldand others (2004)conclude that a substantial portion of the global ocean was sulfidic between 1.4and 1.7Ga.If the sulfidic middle Proterozoic ocean model is correct,the subduction of pyritized terrigenous deep-sea sediments was a significant sulfur removal pathway from the surface reservoir,and this pathway may have been important from 1.8Ga to about 0.7Ga.Furthermore,deep-water anoxic conditions would have inhibited seafloor weathering reactions,and relatively low ocean sulfate concentra-tions of probably around 2mM,as inferred by Shen and others (2002),would have limited the high temperature inorganic reduction of seawater sulfate atmid-ocean Fig.3.The sulfur cycle is shown during different periods of Earth history.The dashed lines represent pathways that are either substantially suppressed or are inoperative with the particular conditions of ocean and atmospheric chemistry of the time:(A)the sulfur cycle during periods of the Archean and early Proterozoic,when the oceans were iron rich.During this period the sulfide subducted was mostly derived from hydrothermal sulfide inputs.Atmospheric oxygen was also low,(B)the sulfur cycle during periods of the Proterozoic when the oceans were sulfide rich.Here,the sulfide subduction rate is controlled by the subduction rate of reactive Fe-containing continental clastics,(C)the sulfur cycle during the last 0.7Ga where the ocean was oxic.Sulfide subduction is suppressed without bottom water anoxia.See text and table 2for further details.Symbols are the same as those in figure 1.847sulfur reservoirspreading centers.An outline of the sulfur cycle from about 0.7to 1.8Ga,with sulfidic deep-water,is shown in figure 3B.Beginning around 0.7Ga,at least periodic oxygenation of the deep ocean was likely (Canfield and Teske,1996),and although several periods of deep-water anoxia existed in the Phanerozoic (for example,Berry and Wilde,1978),it is assumed that over the last 0.7Ga the deep ocean remained dominantly oxygen-rich,and sulfate-rich.As we shall see below,there was probably not a rapid increase in seawater sulfate concentrations at 0.7Ga.Nevertheless,we assume a step function for simplicity in modeling.In switching to oxic ocean bottom waters,the removal of sulfur by the subduction of deep-sea sediments becomes negligible,and the oxidation of ocean crust during hydrothermal circulation provides a new source of sulfur to seawater.The only sulfur sink into the mantle is the incorporation of seawater sulfate,reduced to sulfide,and fixed in the ocean crust during high temperature hydrothermal circula-tion (see above).As mentioned above,sulfate reduction during serpentinization is another potential sulfate sink,but its magnitude may well be small and it is not considered here.A cartoon of the sulfur cycle over the last 0.7Ga is shown in figure 3C.Modeling Surface Reservoir SizeIn the following model,the processes controlling the fluxes of sulfur to and from the mantle are regulated by ocean and atmosphere chemistry as described above and as summarized in table 2.Furthermore,rates of volcanic outgassing,hydrothermal input,ocean crust weathering,and the removal rate of sulfur from high temperature sulfate reduction are scaled with the history of heat flow from the Earth interior (Turcotte,1980),which influences rates of tectonic activity.The model explores the scaling of these fluxes both linearly as a function of heat flow and as a function of heat flow squared.Plate velocity scales with heat flow squared if the mantle is modeled as a convecting layer with strongly heat-dependent viscosity (Gurnis and Davies,1986).As some of the exchange processes may vary with plate velocity,a squared functionality is also explored.The history of heat flow is approximated relative to today (Q rel )with equation (2),where t is time before present in Ga.Q rel ϭ1.00ϩ0.1217t ϩ0.0942t 2.(2)Table 2A summary of ocean chemistry and the presence or absence of mantle sulfur inputs and outputs overtime.ain some models the magnitude has been reduced to simulate the subduction of a portion of the input back into the mantle.b all of the hydrothermal input is assumed to be subducted back into the mantle when this pathway is active.c only includes the sulfide from the pyritization of terrigenous sediment particles when the ocean is sulfide rich.d switched on at the Cambrian-Precambrian boundary (0.54Ga)in light of evidence for low late Neoproterozoic concentrations of sulfate (see text).e direct volcanic outgassing to the atmosphere and surface environment.Does not include hydrothermal flux at ocean spreading centers.848 D.E.Canfield—The evolution of the Earth surface。

The Baikal Neutrino Telescope Physics Results and Future Plans贝加尔湖中微子望远镜物理结果与未来计划

The Baikal Neutrino Telescope Physics Results and Future Plans贝加尔湖中微子望远镜物理结果与未来计划
- Neutrinos from GRB
- Prompt muons and neutrinos - Exotic HE muons
Search for exotic particles
- Magnetic monopoles
Atmospheric Neutrinos
372 Neutrinos in 1038 Days (1998-2003)
* Diffuse astroph.flux BBareckmg*srsohGuoRnwdBe:rcsofrrroemlated flux
h.e. downward muons
- HE atmospheric muons Final re*jecPtrionmopftbackground by „ener*gyExcuott“ic(Nhit)
NT-200 is used to watch the
volume below for cascades.
Diffuse Neutrino Flux
NT200 (1038 days)
(Ф ~ E-2, 10 TeV < E < 104 T2eV)
➢ Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia.
➢ St.Petersburg State Marine University, Russia.
➢ Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia.
BAIKAL in CernCourier 7/8-2005
Neutrino telescope NT200 (1998)






大气科学的分支大气科学是一个涉及多个领域和方向的综合性科学,根据不同的研究对象、方法和目的,可以分为以下几个分支:中文英文动力气象学Dynamic meteorology大气物理学Atmospheric physics大气化学Atmospheric chemistry大气辐射Atmospheric radiation大气电学Atmospheric electricity大气环境Atmospheric environment气候学Climatology天气预报Weather forecasting卫星气象学Satellite meteorology大气结构和组成大气是地球表面包围的一层混合气体,主要由氮、氧、水汽和其他微量成分组成。


大气运动可以分为宏观尺度、中观尺度和微观尺度三类:中文英文宏观尺度运动Macro-scale motion中观尺度运动Meso-scale motion微观尺度运动Micro-scale motion中文英文宏观尺度运动又可以分为行星尺度、大陆尺度和天气尺度三种:中文英文行星尺度运动Planetary-scale motion大陆尺度运动Continental-scale motion天气尺度运动Synoptic-scale motion中观尺度运动包括风暴、飓风、锋面、山谷风等现象:中文英文风暴Storm飓风Hurricane锋面Front山谷风Mountain-valley breeze微观尺度运动主要指湍流现象:中文英文湍流Turbulence大气压力和温度大气压力是指大气柱对地面的垂直压力,与海拔高度、温度、水汽含量等因素有关。


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54% 38% 9% 35% 26588 42% Titin(234) 约300万个 1/12500 bp
最长的染色体 最短的染色体 基因最多的染色体 基因最少的染色体 基因密度最大的染色体 基因密度最小的染色体 重复序列含量最高的染色体
It is essentially immoral not to get it (the human genome sequence) done as fast as possible.
James Watson
人类基因组计划的完成,使得我们今天有可能来探 讨基因组的概,但我们仍然无法来谈论细节。
编码外显子序列的比例 基因的平均长度
2(240 Mbp) Y(19 Mbp) 1(2453) Y(104) 19(23/Mb) 13,Y(5/Mb) 19(57%)
1.1~1.4% 27 Kb
女 平均 男
4. Francis S. Collins, Eric D. Green, Alan E. Guttmacher, Mark S. Guyer :A Vision for the Future of Genomics Research. A blueprint for the genomic era. Nature Apr 24 2003: 835.
而 Celera 的测序样本来自5个人:分别属于西班牙裔、 亚洲裔、非洲裔、美洲裔和高加索裔(2男3女),是从21个志 愿者样本中挑选的。



Training and Practice for English for Academic PurposesPart I1.Discuss the following questions.What are basic principles the researchers must try to follow when they write their research papers? And would you please list some deadly sins a researcher must avoid when they want to publish a research paper? What are the main contents of a research paper?2. Translate the following Chinese introduction into English.提高起重机生产力和安全性的设备研究近些年来,就用研究人员对起重机(crane)的研究兴趣与日俱增。

起重机种类繁多,从樱桃采摘机(cherry pickers)到巨型塔式起重机(huge tower cranes) ,是建筑工地不可或缺的重要设备之一。

由于建筑用起重机工作环境多变(constantly changing working environment), 操作者(operator)责任重大(heavy reliance)。



In recent years, researchers have become more interested in crane research.The variety of cranes, from cherry pickers to giant tower cranes, is one of the most important equipment on construction sites.As a result of the changing working environment of the construction crane, operator is responsible for heavy reliance.Over the past few decades, the technology of overweight machines has been changing rapidly, but the operators have been slow to cooperate with other workers in collaboration.The pace of development of cranes is so rapid that we seem to be asking whether in some respects, the outstrip has exceeded the ability of people to safely use it.This paper aims to explore how to improve crane productivity and raise related security measures through the introduction of new equipment, so as to provide new ideas for the application and case of new cranes.3. You are writing a research paper entitled “The Effects of Radiation from the Sun on Life o n Earth”. In your introduction you need to review, in general terms, how the sun supports life on the earth. Prepare an Introduction section for your paper based on the information below.⏹Distance from the earth: 92,976,000 miles⏹The Sun’s energy comes from nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium.⏹Intense radiation, including lethal ultraviolet radiation, arrives at the earth’s outer atmosphere.⏹Ozone in the stratosphere protects life on earth from excessive ultraviolet radiation.⏹The seasons of the earth’s climate results from (1) the 23.30tilt of the earth’s axis of rotation from the normal to the plane of the earth’s orbit around the Sun, (2) the large coverage area of water on the earth (about 75% of the earth’s surface), an d (3) the rotation of the earth with associated generation of jet-stream patterns.⏹Radiation passing through the earth’s atmosphere loses most short-wave radiation, butsome arriving at the surface is converted into infrared radiation which is then trapped by water vapor and other tri-atomic molecules in the troposphere and stratosphere, causing global warming.Life on earth is maintained from photosynthesis and conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen by plants.4.Translate the following parts of sentences in Introduction into proper English.(1)过去对……的研究工作说明……The previous work on … has indicated that…(2)A在1932年做了关于……的早期研究。






并且通过第一性原理计算得到了该分子的红外光谱,计算结果与美国国家标准局(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)数据库提供的实验结果基本吻合。







1 理论计算本工作在密度泛函B3LYP/6-311G++(d,p)理论水平上进行精确的优化计算,频率分析均无虚频,说明分子构型为稳定结构。


2 计算结果和讨论2.1 分子的稳定构型通过第一性原理的计算,我们得到了氟利昂F-113分子的稳定构型,如图1所示。





Non-selective scatter
Non-selective scatter is more of a problem, and occurs when the diameter of the particles causing scatter are much larger than the wavelengths being sensed. Water droplets, that commonly have diameters of between 5 and 100mm, can cause such scatter, and can affect all visible and near - to - mid-IR wavelengths equally. Consequently, this scattering is “non-selective” with respect to wavelength. In the visible wavelengths, equal quantities of blue green and red light are scattered.
大气物质与太阳辐射相互作用,是太阳辐射衰 减的重要原因。


大气的垂直分层:对流层、 平流层、中气层、热层和 大气外层。 对流层 :航空遥感活动 区。遥感侧重研究电磁波 在该层内的传输特性。 平流层:较为微弱。 中气层:温度随高度增加 而递减。 热层:增温层。电离层。 卫星的运行空间。 大气外层:1000公里以外 的星际空间。
1. 2.
光源的辐射强度:纬度与海拔高度 3. 季节:太阳高度不同 4. 探测时间:时间不同,反射率不同。



*基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(61271061);国家自然科学基金项目(61132003)**通信作者收稿日期:2018-10-11涡旋电磁波在湍流大气传输中的闪烁问题研究*Research on the Scintillation Index of V ortex Waves T ransmission inAtmospheric T urbulence涡旋电波的大气传输特性对于轨道角动量通信系统有重要意义。

以LG 波束为例,对涡旋电波在大气湍流中传输时的闪烁指数进行了研究。


研究结果表明:闪烁指数会随着大气湍流强度、传输距离以及束腰宽度的增大而增大;涡旋电磁波的拓扑荷数增加,闪烁指数会随之增加,同时拓扑荷数对闪烁指数的影响较为明显;在1000 m 以内,传输高度增加,闪烁指数迅速下降;超过1000 m ,传输高度对闪烁指数的影响可以忽略不计。

拉盖尔-高斯波;毫米波;大气湍流相位屏The atmospheric transmission characteristics of vortex waves are of great signifi cance for orbital angular momentum communication systems. In this paper, we take the LG beam as an example to investigate the scintillation index of vortex waves transmitted in atmospheric turbulence. We discuss the effects of turbulence intensity, transmission distance, topological charge of vortex waves and beam waist radius. The results show that the scintillation index increases with the intensity of atmospheric turbulence, transmission distance and waist width. The scintillation index increases as the topological charge of the vortex electromagnetic wave increases. At the same time, the infl uence of topological charge on the scintillation index is more obvious. Below 1000 m, the transmission height increases and the scintillation index decreases rapidly. Above 1000 m, the transmission height has a negligible effect on the scintillation index.Laguerre-Gaussian wave; millimeter wave; phase screen of the atmospheric turbulence(上海大学通信与信息工程学院,上海 200444)(School of Communication and Information Engineering, Shanghai 200444, China)【摘 要】【关键词】李玲玲,赵恒凯**LI Lingling, ZHAO Hengkaidoi:10.3969/j.issn.1006-1010.2019.06.011 中图分类号:TN929.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1010(2019)06-0060-06引用格式:李玲玲,赵恒凯. 涡旋电磁波在湍流大气传输中的闪烁问题研究[J]. 移动通信, 2019,43(6): 60-65.OSID :1 引言轨道角动量(OAM ,Orbital Angular Momentum )扫描二维码与作者交流[Abstract][Key words]能够有效提高无线通信数据传输容量和频谱效率,是无线通信领域的研究热点。



实验室最新研究进展基础研究方面,2004年,北京凝聚态物理国家实验室在PRL和Science发表论文23篇,其中第一单位论文9篇(包括Science 1篇),典型成果有:量子力学效应引起的金属薄膜超导转变温度的振荡现象通过精确控制金属薄膜的原子层数,在半导体硅基板上制备出了目前世界上质量最好的铅薄膜。






他们从第一性原理方法出发, 首次证明存在一种稳定的二维冰相。

这个新发现的有序的二维冰是由四角形和八角形的氢键网格交替组成的, 与一种特殊形式铺成的地板图案极其相似。

现在他们把这种完全不同与体相的新的冰结构命名为镶嵌冰(Tessellation Ice)。







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arXiv:hep-ex/0504029v2 19 Apr 2005
MACRO results on atmospheric neutrinos
G. Giacomellia and A. Margiottaa for the MACRO Collaboration∗
aDipartimento di Fisica and INFN, viale C. Berti-Pichat, 6/2, I-40127 Bologna, Italy Paper presented at the NOW 2004 Workshop, Conca Specchiulla, Otranto, Italy, September 2004.
MACRO detected upgoing νµ’s via charged current interactions, νµ → µ; upgoing muons were identified with the streamer tube system (for tracking) and the scintillator system (for time-offlight). The events measured and expected for the 3 measured topologies, deviate from Monte Carlo
2. Atmospheric neutrinos. Monte Carlos
The measured upthroughgoing muon data of Fig. 1a were compared with different MC simulations. In the past we used the ν flux computed by the Bartol96 group [8]. The systematic uncertainty in the predicted flux was estimated at ±17 %; this is mainly a scale error that does not change the shape of the angular distribution. A similar MC (Honda95)[9] was used by the SuperK Collaboration (SK) [10]. Recently new improved MC predictions for neutrino fluxes were made available by the Honda (HKKM01) [11] and FLUKA [12] groups. They include three dimensional calculations of hadron production and decay and of neutrino interactions, improved hadronic model and new fits of the primary cosmic ray flux. The two MC yield predictions for the non oscillated and oscillated νµ fluxes equal to within few % [7]. The shapes of the angular distributions for oscillated and non oscillated
∗see Ref. [1] for a list of MACRO Authors and Institutions
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
(MC) expectations without oscillations; these deviations and the L/Eν distribution point to the same νµ → ντ oscillation scenario [2]-[7]. Here we also present the results of a preliminary search for possible Lorentz invariance violation contributions to atmospheric neutrino oscillations.
Bartol96, new FLUKA and new Honda fluxes are the same to within few %. The absolute values of our data are higher than those predicted by the new FLUKA and Honda MC, Fig. 1. A similar situation is found in the new SK data [13]. The L3C and BESS cosmic ray results presented at this workshop [14] lead to ν fluxes in better agreement with Bartol96 and Honda95 predictions. The evidence for neutrino oscillations is mainly due to the shape of the angular distribution and this is the same in all MCs. Also the ratios of the medium to high energy measurements and of the two low energy data samples are MC independent. Our data suggest that the FLUKA normalization should be raised by 25% at Eν ∼ 50 GeV and by 12% at Eν ∼ 3 GeV .
1. Introduction
MACRO was a large area multipurpose underground detector [1] designed to search for rare events and rare phenomena in the penetrating cosmic radiation [2]. It was located in Hall B of the Gran Sasso Lab at an average rock overburden of 3700 m.w.e.; it started data taking with part of the apparatus in 1989; it was completed in 1995 and run in its final configuration until the end of 2000. The detector had dimensions of 76.6×12×9.3 m3 and provided a total acceptance to an isotropic flux of particles of ∼ 10, 000 m2 sr; vertically it was divided into a lower part, which contained 10 horizontal layers of streamer tubes, 7 of rock absorbers and 2 layers of liquid scintillators, and an upper part which contained the electronics and was covered by 1 layer of scintillators and 4 layers of streamer tubes. The sides were covered with 1 vertical layer of scintillators and 6 of limited streamer tubes.
We discuss the final results of the MACRO experiment on atmospheric neutrino oscillations. The data concern event topologies with average neutrino energies of ∼ 3 and ∼ 50 GeV. Multiple Coulomb Scattering of the high energy muons was used to estimate the neutrino energy event by event. The angular distributions, the L/Eν distribution, the particle ratios and the absolute fluxes all favor νµ → ντ oscillations with maximal mixing and ∆m2 ≃ 0.0023 eV2. Emphasis is given to measured ratios which are not affected by Monte Carlo (MC) absolute normalization; a discussion is made on MC uncertainties. A preliminary search for possible Lorentz invariance violation contributions to atmospheric neutrino oscillations is presented and discussed.
3. MACRO results on atmospheric ν’s
The upthroughgoing muons come from νµ interactions in the rock below the detector; muons with Eµ > 1 GeV cross the whole detector. The corresponding νµ’s have a median energy of 50 GeV. Many systematic effects and backgrounds were studied [3,7]. The data, Fig. 1a, agree in shape and absolute value with the oscillated Bartol96 MC, for ∆m2 = 0.0023 eV2. νµ → ντ versus νµ → νs. The ratio R1 = Vertical/Horizontal = N (−1 < cosθ < −0.7)/N (−0.4 < cosθ < 0) was used to test the νµ → νs oscillation hypothesis versus νµ → ντ [2] [5] [7]. The νµ → νs oscillations (with any mixing) are excluded at 99.8% c.l. with respect to νµ → ντ oscillations with maximal mixing [7]. Oscillation probability as a function of the ratio L/Eν. Eν was estimated by measuring the muon energy, Eµ, by means of muon Multiple Coulomb Scattering (MCS) in the rock absorbers in the lower MACRO. The space resolution achieved was ≃ 3 mm. The distribution of the ratio R = (Data/M Cnoosc) obtained by this analysis is plotted in Fig. 2 versus (L/Eν) [6].