nuplex Plastic2007
9 4 -0
聚 丙 烯 管 材 应 用 发 展 卜 加 加 加 加 P 道 在 地 源热 泵 系统 中 的应 用 E管 高熔 体 强 度 聚 丙 烯 的 生 产 及应 用进 展
卜 卜
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合 作 与 发展 高峰 论 坛 全 国人 大常委 、 中国轻工业 联合 会会 长 陈士能
中印塑料行业合作与发展 高峰论坛上的讲话
会聚广州 好评 如潮 一 感 知 、0 7中 国 国际 橡 塑 展 20
点 评 塑机 新 品 把 脉 市 场 走 向— — 现 场 、 机 行 业 举 塑 办 新 技 术新 产 品新 成 果 发 布 和 点评 会 加 加 加 ∞ 加 容纳 世界 勃 发生机—— 印象 ・ 2 第 1届 中 国 国 际 塑 料 橡 胶 工 业 展 览 会 为安 全 ,实 施 阻燃 制 品标 识 管理 强 制 性 国 家 标 准 G 22 6 《 共 场 所 阻 燃 制 品及 组 件 B08 公
中国 塑料 产 业 的 发 展 方 向
Dev o m e t f elp n o Chia Pls is n S a tc Ma hiey n u ty c n r Id sr
中国 塑料 机 械 制 造 业 高 端 品牌 带 动 塑 料 产 业 持续 健 康 发 展 塑料 产 业 历 年 上 榜 中 国 名牌 产 品 情 况 K展 , 们 来 了 ! — 中 国参 加 杜 塞 尔 多 夫 国 际橡 塑 展 我 — 企 业采 访 纪 实 探 寻 确 保 防火 安全 与充 分 发 挥 材 性 ” 的最 佳 方 案
型 薄 膜 ( ,- 0 / 包装 容 器 阻 隔 性 测 试 的 最 新 进 展 (,- 6 12 8 ) / 12 8 ) / 无 规 共 聚 聚 丙 烯 ( - ) 铝 稳 态 复 合 管 ( - 8 / 结 晶 / P R塑 P 1 8 )/ 2 性 塑 料 注 塑 成 型 ( ,- 9/ 结 晶 性 塑 料 注 塑 成 型 ( ,- 0 12 8 )/ 12 9 ) / 欧 文斯 科 宁 推 出 Mi o xM 短 切 原 丝 ( ,-9 )/ 新 型 塑 / c MaT r 12 1/ 料 电 热 板 的 研 制 ( ,- 6 / 塑料 袋 智 能 包 装 技 术 /可 生物 降 12 9 ) / 解 的 镀 金 属 薄 膜 /塑 料 瓶 无 菌 灌 装 包 装 ( ,- 9/ 塑 料 型 材 12 9 ) /
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Resins for
Plastic Coatings Creating the Solution Together
Coatings for plastics equal some of today’s toughest standards. Standards which not only apply to properties such as durability, adhesion and ambient Resins for
Plastic coatings
Nuplex Resins is a leading global player in the resins market for plastic coatings for automotive and industrial use. That is why we are dedicated to providing you with a comprehensive range of high quality products, extensive technical support and R&D development based on both conventional and innovative resin technology.
Nuplex Resins’ solutions for the plastic coatings industry are reliable and global solutions. We are able to provide our customers with the same techniques anywhere in the world and offer them the many advantages of our global logistic solutions concerning production, distribution and storage.
Our global presence is of great advantage when it comes to the implications of the new REACH legislation, which is effective in the European Union from June 2007. Under the new legislation raw materials in the entire chain will be subjected to registration procedures. REACH will have implications on the availability of raw materials and intermediates as well as on the number of commercial sources which lawfully can supply the required raw materials and intermediates in large parts of Europe. However, Nuplex Resins with its global presence and global purchasing experience, will be among the few
companies which are able to maximize the probability that our products will be available and will remain available to our customers. Our team of experts constantly monitors the latest developments concerning REACH as well as all other HSE developments in most regions in the world. We remain committed to a reliable supply of our products.
Nuplex Industries Ltd., incorporated in
New Zealand, is listed on both the New Zealand (NZX) and Australian (ASX) Stock Exchanges and specializes in resins, other innovative
technical materials and construction products. Nuplex Resins is an international manufacturer and distributor of high performance resins for coatings, based on a wide range of
innovative technologies, including waterborne, solventborne, powder and high solids. Nuplex Resins is also a major supplier of resins and materials for the composites and paper industry.
Nuplex Resins has been acknowledged as both a technology leader and quality supplier of polymers to the paint and coatings
industry for over 50 years. The company has operations in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Europe and North & South America.
* Other delivery form(s) available
** Values are indicative averages. For actual specifications and measuring methods see datasheets.
n.a. not applicable
excellent adhesion good adhesion bad adhesion not suitable